Wilderness and Aesthetic Values of Antarctica

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Wilderness and Aesthetic Values of Antarctica Wilderness and Aesthetic Values of Antarctica Abstract Antarctica is the least inhabited region in the world and has therefore had the least influence from human activities and, unlike the majority of the Earth’s continents and oceans, can still be considered as mostly wilderness. As every visitor to Antarctica knows, its landscapes are exceptionally beautiful. It was the recognition of the importance of these characteristics that resulted in their protection being included in the Madrid Protocol. Both wilderness and aesthetic values can be impaired by human activities in a variety of ways with the severity varying from negligible to severe, according to the type Protocol on Environmental Protec tion to the Antarctic Trea ty - of activity and its duration, spatial extent and intensity. A map of infrastructure and major travel routes the "M adrid Protocol" in Antarctica will be the first step in visually representing where wilderness and aesthetic values Article 3[1] may be impacted. It is hoped that this will stimulate further discussion on how to describe, acknowledge, The protection of the Antarctic environment and dependent an d associated ecosystems and the intrinsic value of Antarctica, understand and further protect the wilderness and aesthetic values of Antarctica. including its wilderness and aesthetic values and its value as an area for the conduct of scientific research, in particular research essential to understanding the global environment, shall be fundamental considerations in the planning and condu ct of all activities in the Antarctic Treaty area. An tarc tic ice ca p OrcadasjSigny j[_[_ Dakshin Gangotri Neumjayer j [_Mjaitri [_ Mou nt Elliott, Fr amn es M oun tains Lem aire Chan nel SANAE IVj (3) [_[_ j Troll (4)Tor Novolazarevskaya [_j [_ [_ j A[_suka Ajboa Wasa j Princess Elisabeth [_[_ Jinnah SyowaS17 [_ j[_ Molodezhnaya j [_ [_ Petrel Kohnen j[_Molodezhnaya Airfield MarsjhFrei [_ [_ [_j[_j j[_j Marambio Dallma[_jnJub[_ja[_jny[_j Mizuho [_jCámjjajra [_j jj [_[_j j j Halley Primaveraj j Matienzo j [_j [_jj j[_ lij å Ye[_ljchjjoBjrjown j j[_j[_j j li Melchij[_olirjVidejla li Weddell Sea j [_Palmer j Mawson Vernadskliy j Belgrano II (1) Dome Fuji j[_ j j jj[_ [_ j jj li jjRjothera li Carvajal [_jj An j s [_jj jSan Matratrícn j untain [_ j tic j j les Mo j Rothera Skiway j Pen Char Fossil iBnsluff Prince Soyuz [_ ula li Sobrjal [_ li [_ j Druzhnaya 4 [_ Sky BRluonne Ice Shelf Zhongshan [_li li j [_ Davis Law – Racovita Pr[_jjogress 2 Kunlun Arturo Parodi [_ [_#V j ANI Patriot Hillsj li Amundsen-Scott j Ellsworth Mountains j [_li li Legend Mirny [_ [_ Research sta tio ns and facilities j j j j Refuge /fie ld hut li T Vostok #V ra AN I Patrio t Hills Base C amp li li j j n [_ li sa Au tomatic Weathe r Station li n Edgeworth-David li ta li rc j[_ å Depot j ti li c li M Environmental doma ins of A ntarctica ou n ta Coastal ice free (D,G) Siple Dome in [_ j li s Mountainous ice free (A,B,C,R,S,T,U) li Concordia (2) Casey Antarctic Peninsula ice fields (E) [_li j Wilkins Runwa[_y j Ross Ice Shelf [_ Coastal-continental margin (L,M) j Ice shelves and floating glaciers (F,H,I,J,K,P) li li li li Russkaya Central Antarctic ice sheet (N,O,Q) [_ j Scott BalislieMjcjMurdo Mid Point Projectio n: Polar ste reog raph ic j[_jlij jjj lij jlij[_li jOdell Glacie[_r j Ma[_rble Point Heliport Data sources : D85 skiway Scientific Comm itte e on Antarctic R ese arch (SCAR ) Antarctic Digital Dat abase Ross Sea Council of Mana gers of National Antarct ic Progra ms (COM NAP) li [_ Enigma Lake li RADAR SAT Ant arctic Mapping Project li Gondwana Landcare Con sulting (NZ) [_ li Mario Zucche[_lliBrowning Pass Sitry km [_ j 0 250 500 750 1,000 li j li About this map j D10 skiwayPrud'homme li lij[_liDumont d'Urville This map show s the ma jor items of infrastructure as catalogue d by COMN AP, the SC AR Antarctic D igital Da tabase an d others. jli li It does not cap ture the full ran ge of infrastructure present in Antarctica such as aba ndoned sta tio ns, all field huts, m arked route s, Lenindgradskayalili scientific eq uip ment, e tc. Nor does it show the area from w hich infrastructure is visible or a udible . [_ Environmental Domains of Antarctica The e nvironmen tal domains of Antarctica (EDA) dataset p rovides a bio-geographical classification Aesthetic values of the Antarctic enviro nment. It was comp iled by La ndcare Research in New Zea lan d and is being “There is, I fe el sure, no reg ion in the wo rld more grand in its sce nery tha n the Antarctic, an d no place m ore t ranscenden t in its be auty. hosted on t he Antarctic Tre aty Secreta riat and Australian Anta rctic D ivision websites after its It is a vast w onderland laid out o n a vast sca le, in w hich littleness has no p lace; but its ve ry vastness, no less t han its beauty, accept ance at ATCM XXXI (R esolu tion 3, 200 8). It assists the requirem ent und er Annex V o f the whlile it q uickens the traveller’s daily w onlider and deepen s h is reveren ce, forces him to feel that it is a world he can n ever conq uer, Protocol on En vironment al Protection to the Antarctic Treaty of building a systematic a world in which the fo rces of na ture are t oo tremendo us to overcom e, and must re signed ly be bowed before in the h ope tha t they will environmen tal-geo grap hical framew ork for the iden tification of a reas to be includ ed in Antarctic suffe r him to co me and pass again unscathed .” R udmose Brow n. 1906 . The Voyage of the “Scotia”. Sp ecially Protected Areas, wh ich includes “a reas of outstanding ae sth etic a nd wilderness values”. The p rote ction o f aesthetic valu es of Antarctica can be inte rpreted a s p rotection o f natural la ndsca pes, especia lly those to which we respond as Wilderness values beautiful or awesom e. "The Antarctic continent is the last landm ass to be ent ered and utilized by Man. Research in lan dscap e aesthetics has found that hu mans re sp ond mo re po sitive ly to certain landscapes than others: mount ain s, lakes and The con tine nt is so vast an d inhospitable that, even with m odern tra nsp ort a nd othe r coa sta l scenes ten d to be more highly p referre d. Visua l evidence o f human activity, for examp le, b uildings, struct ures an d other tech nologies, Man h as made o nly a f ew tracks an d establishe d only a few sm all artefa cts te nds to detract from hum an aesthe tic response to land scape s a nd this has been sh own to be the ca se in Antarctica a lso. sett lem ents on its surfa ce. The Antarctic is the ep ito me of w ilderness, yet it has While it is not practicab le t o id entify every landscape tha t may have a est hetic value, it is possib le t o id entify those types of landscapes con tributed much to h uman w elfare thro ugh the scientific d iscoveries mad e there. that hum ans pre fer. Area s a roun d la ke s, f or exam ple , as well as havin g scientific va lue tend a lso ha ve hig h aesthetic valu e. Continued use of the Ant arctic, especially if increased, could erode or destroy so me of Wilderness and ae sth etic values may be im paired by h uman a ctivities; th e severity varying from neg ligible to severe acco rding to the type the natu ral qualities of this unspoilt wilde rness unless special care is ta ken to avoid or of activity and th e dist ance the impa ct may carry, both visibly an d audibly. reduce t he effects of n ew activities." Be nninghoff, W.S. a nd Bonn er, W.N. (1985). Man 's impact on t he Antarctic environm ent. The M adrid Protocol provide s f or th e pro tectio n of wilderness and aesthe tic values both thro ugh the environme ntal im pact proce ss Response by th e Scien tific Com mittee on Anta rctic R esearch ... to R ecommen dation XII-3 (Art icle 3.1 a nd Article 3 .2.b.vi; An nex I, Article 3 .2.i) and the Antarct ic Specially Protected Are a Syste m (Ann ex V, Article 3.1 and Article 3.2 .g). of the Tw elfth Antarctic Tre aty Consultative Mee tin g. The Antarctic Treaty area is the least inhab ited reg ion in the wo rld and has had th e le ast in flue nce A ma p of infrast ructure and major travel rou tes in Anta rctica will be t he first step in visu ally re present ing where w ilderness and ae sth etic values from human act ivitie s.
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