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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

12-10-1959 Bulloch Herald

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1959). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3372.

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.. loch tor "·' .. · .. • •·• County supporting me Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, December 3, 1959 m' ·II.II H.O ... Denmark Home in the Demonstration November 18 primary to 1------succeed myself as Tax Commls- TO mE VOTERS OF IIcly my .congratulatlons to Mr. sloner of Bulloch County. I BULLOCH COUNTY: Neville tor his victory and to Club at the home of Mrs. R. P. Miller deeply appreclat thl. endose- wish him every success I would like to this during ...... 1'1 16Pageo ment and I the take his term of ...... THE pledge you very office. The campaign i BULLOCH means to express my sincere MRS. H. H. ZETTEROWER best administration of the of- which he was clean nnd '1 ea... HERALD' By waged to each of who flce of Tax Commissioner of appreciation you above-board and one ot which I Issue ri-;ii�-'l News for 26 as This November of saw me ..... " .. ","." Week Mr. Mrs. to last ... " ..."" day and fit vote for In ....""."""... " ... I guests .. which I am possible. he can certainly be L" """" ,,�" .. DEDICATED TO THE PROGRESS OF S. It proud '''� STATESBORO AND BULLOCH WINFIELD LEE week's primary. was Indeed I COUNTY I The would like to ....."" .. """"""".. ,,,.,,,,...... "1111...... regular monthly meeting give my �pecl- 11- ""00.....".... Jiss��ss'Janle and DeLores Tax gratifying to learn that some VOLUME of the Denmark homo demon- Commissioner al thanks to those at you who XlX-ESTABLISHED MARCH 26, 1937-P. O. BOX 210 Williams were hostesses to the 2,000 of you felt that I was STATESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER stration club was held at the Bulloch County spent time and effort on my be­ 10, 1959 G. A.'s of Harville Church Tues­ for the job which I NUMBER 4 home of Mrs. R. P. Miller with qualified half and assure you that I am day night. sought and I shall be forever Mrs. J. A. Denmark as co- THANKS aware of your efforts and will Mrs. Geo. Fuller has returned grateful for your support. hostess. I wish to express never forget your kIndness. from a visit with relatives In my appreci­ ation to the voters of I would also like to offer pub- ROBERT D. USSERY I"e newly elected officers Orl ndo, Florida. Bulloch who turned aside from were Installed by the agent, Mr. and Mrs. Terrel Harville County their duties on November Mrs. Gertrude Davis. and family will visit relatives In 18th, I went to the and voted Christmas decoration Ideas Florida for the polls for Thanksgiving me. I were exchanged. Holidays. am deeply Indebted to and to the who work­ It was voted to have the Mrs. W. L. Zetterower Sr. of you many ed so in behalt Christmas party at the next Statesboro visited Mr. and Mrs. I tirelessly my HOW MUCH the regular time at the Denmark W. W. Jones during the week. during campaign. I To all of the at Bul­ school house. Gifts will be ex- Choir Practice was held at people loch I the changed. Harville Church Friday night County, pledge very of Mrs. .Wllbur Fordham, the under the leadership of Mr. highest type administration In the IS YOUR pre 5 Ide n t presided at the Slaten Lanier. justice operation of your ABOVE Is and City Court. It shall be my pur­ meeting. Rev. Inman Gerald conducted flCTURED Logan's Williams' architectural conception of the new Arts and In­ D a i n t were now pose to shoulder the lTV' y refreshments under construction on the squarely prayer meeting services Thurs- dustry Building, Georgia Teachers College campus. This new split served the hostesses. level structure will be responsibility of service to our by day night at the Church. located between the warehouse and the water tower. Under construction by Members of Harville Church the community in the manner de­ SET WORTH? Bullock Friends will be Bryan Construction out of SI. the new Bank to interested to Company Simons, bullding will replace a temporary County ask want to thank each who wooden In manded of any good public one, learn that Mrs. Otis Ansley and structure erected 1948. The Art Department will occupy a wing of the building. Legan servant. donated food. clothing, money, Mrs. Dorothy DeLoach huve Wlilioms are architects from Atlanta, .. would like a 101 0I1DCIIII)' to IIIIb _ IoIb Ianp etc. for the FRANCIS W. ALLEN Hapeville, Baxley been able to return to their lire eDJerUinmeaI they pi Inrm tboIr TV ..... But ..... Meansville from and Orphan's Homo, homes tho Bulloch TO THE PEOPLE OF Court w County City of Statesboro. campaign. I will strive to about .... your TV tube doodt Haw awcIa stock which per­ IN plcIure sa- dividend is taken up by the Oge- Hospital. COUNTY: APPRECIATION O.l{./ordouble In recent weeks it was a form the duties of this office will It be wollb ....., echec River Association each Mrs. Tom Rucker has return- TO THE PEOPLE OF J deeply appreciate the confl- great pleasure to see many of to the best of I at this time. my ability. U 111_ 10 bock a year cd to her home and Is able to dence I BULLOCH COUNTY your only puins pIdure wiIbouI you hove placed in me by you again, whom have known sholl always have your interest Mrs. P. B. Brannen spent the hove her friends visit her. At this time I want to lor the 01 thai ...... ClD .... electing me as Solicitor of so pleasantly through the years, at heart. I "Thank again reprd' quallty pi JOII at your Again say, week-end her home here and IBULLOCH express my to you ... a CUI... ------'---...... :.-----­ and to become better acquainted You." appreciation ..., by buyins 18, 06'-bnad pic:Iure IDIra. But had as guests Mr. and Mrs. for giving me my three terms as First with you who arc now making Sincerely, ..Uciawldo .- ...... drat the a.... hrigh_ of Owen Danmark of Tampa, Mr. Leefilcld Clerk Superior Court. I am most Baptist News Bulloch County your home. J. RUFUS ANDERSON cui-rail Iuboo 10 10 101 TV and Mrs. Charlie Denmark of for and law, you mJPl your � 1------As Solicitor of ------­ grateful your support -your City lion bock u much U Ii", Hapeville, Dent Simmons of the manifestation of your con­ yom. choir to . Court of Statesboro, it shall be CARD OF THANKS Charlotte, N. C., MI'S. M..I. fidence in me through the U WIlli dreI ... sing La Ies my purpose to cooperate fully years. you up-to

• • assistant to Mrs. James C. Waters, 69, died late Saturday afternoon, when use November GMC 21, in the Bulloch you feeds president County Hospital after a ill­ containing long ness. Mrs. Waters was u life long resident of the Nevils COl1\4 munity. She was a member of DeLoach's Primitive Bta pis t Church. She is survived by rive sons, J. C. Waters, Savannah, Vernon Waters, Swinton Wa tel'S, Thomas Waters and Waldo Wa­ ters, nil of Statesboro; II daugh­ "I own a ters. Miss Melrose Waters, Miss Calvary Baptist part Syblc Waters, Mrs. Warren Wil­ of the Iiams, Mrs. Mark Tanner and power company Mrs. J. C. Motes, 311 of States­ Mrs. boro, Ronella McColler, . Mrs. that serves me" Haydon McCorkle. Mrs. mUSIC Brooks \Villiams nnd Mrs. Henry programs Waters, Mrs. E. J. Rountree, all Dual- action antibiotic of Savannah, and Mrs. \V. L. The Brewton-Parker Junior Gross of Jacksonville, N. C.; College ChoIr will sing at the MEET JOHN J, BROWN, peach grower and three sisters, Mrs. Chancey Calvary Baptist Church on Sun­ Futch, Mrs. Manie day morning, December 13, at cattleman of Meriwether County, who is a Statesboro, Haygood, Savannah and Mrs. the I I o'clock worship hour, ae­ customer of the Power and to the Rev. Georgia Company Arlie Futch, Riceboro; one cordIng Austol You­ one of its bosses, too j brother, Ed Martin. Statesboro. helps you market more meat mans, pastor at the chureh. The Funcra I services were held sermon topic ot !hit will be 11'[1'. Brown is one of the 134,770 men and Mondny afternoon at Ihe De­ pastor "Caretaker." Loach Primitive Baptist Church. On Sunday evening, December women whose purchases of stocks in our • conducted by Elder Harris 20, the Calvary Bapt"t Junior company and its parent firm, The Southern Cribbs and Elder J. M. Tidewell. Choir!> under the direction of •• • Mr. Company, have made them shareholders-e­ BUl1AI was in the church cerne­ In less time! George DwInell, will pre­ tery. sent a Christmas cantata at the and owners-of the Power 7:30 Georgia Company, Barnes Funeral Home was in evening worship hour. Mrs, Dwinell will be charge of the arrangements. the accompanIst. Actually, there are thousands more who Rev. Youmans, pastor of the are church invites the to indirect investors in our company. For SALLIE ZETTEROWER That's 'With $1 worth of PRO-STREP in - public right! your COSTS LESS PRO,STREP can save you both of the servIces. example, when banks and life insurance firms 4-H CLUB MEETS IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY accept your money, they must invest it prestarter and starter rations you may realize as from 3 to 5 dollars ton of feed over TIle Sallie Zetterower Ele­ per single, FIRST METHODIST WSCS wisely. Much of it goes into electric power mentary School 4-H Club held TO MEET FOR CHRIsntAS as its third or the 1959· much $10. For PRO-STREP the antibiotics. It PROGRAM 14 company bonds and stocks. meeting provides growth­ broad-spectrum just makes good DECEMBER 1960 school year on November The W. S. C. S. of the FIrst

- electric. 20. Linda Woodard, president. action of two anti. sense - Methodist Church will hold • Thus, companies like the Georgia promoting, health-protecting and dollars, too to your birds on presided over the meeting, put Christmas program and socIal at Power Company •• , serving just about every­ which were Patricia the church in the approved. not one, Fellowship led the and biotics, just PRO-STHEP both PRO-STREP from the start. Ask Hall body ••• are owned by just about everybody. Gay devotional ccntains your feed supplier. Monday, December 14, at Janna Clements program chair­ 4 p.m, The nursery will be open It's the American way of doing business, man, presented a play called penicillin and streptomycin, to help you market Merck Chemical Division, Merck & Co" Inc" for pre-school children. "Recipe for Notes." Those with and it works well for aerved everybody by were Linda parts Helen Waters, more meat.i. in less time. - companies Jika thia one. Woodard, and Allee Paul. Atlanta, Georgia,

co. INC. ... D .... CMUClil. I!TIII AIUI 0' MlftCII. CO .. IHC" '0111 AM ANTlerOTIC 'UO IU"LUIIHT. ,,'s LIquid - J9V Boule Shop, at Home withl.your Home-Town Merchants' and Sa"e! DOOWooD OARDEN CLUB one of the top len sopranos that are MEETS IVITH The Bulloch Herald age protesting hi. re­ Mrs. Franklin is honored' In the "Ceremony at Carol." tirement. He has attended MRS. I. A. BRANNEN LUfFY Inter­ presented by R. Sterling Beck­ national Conventions in Paris The Dogwood GArden Club Women'. New. and With, director at the Chorale, and In Brussells. He and his ItsPerformances are scheduled fe. will met Wednesday aftornoon or at dedication wlte attend an lntemutlomt last week at the home of Mrs. University many appearances. Mr. and Mrs. Conference to be held in Paris I. A. Brannen on Savannah Averitt went to Atlanta Tues­ In April. Avenue with Mrs. J. A. Addison day to be present when the and Mrs. J. W. Ray who were Women's Chorale Is presented at 1;;;;;;;;;;:;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;_ co-hostesses ot the Christmas the Atlanta Art A•• �. auditorium party. Tuesday evenlng a, 7:30. The members exchanged girt•. Fruit cake nnd cortee were octcty 'served. Each of the members brought Christmas arangements which were voted on by tho members. The winning arrangements were those done by Mrs. I. A. Bran­ nen and Mrs. Cecil Waters. All arrangements were very attractive. Avoid the Last Minute Members attending were Mrs. Rush-Be Sure Your Grover Brannen, Mrs. Raleigh MISS MAXINE BRUNSON Brannen, Mrs, Belton Christmas Cards and Piggly Braswell, ENGAGEMENT OF Mrs. Wallis Mrs. Cobb Sr., C. Gilts Arrive on Time. E. Cone, Mrs, Dew Groover, MARILYN MAXINE BIWNSON Mrs. Edna Hoefel, Mrs. W. C. IS ANNOUNCED : In Huggins, Mrs. J. M. Jackson, STATESBORO Dec, 10 11 Mrs. Viola Perry, MI�. Roy Pow­ 12-Quantity rights reserved ell, Mrs. B. H. Ramsey, Mrs. Bobby Smith, Mrs. B. W. Twitty, Mrs. Acquilla Warnock and Mrs. Cecil Waters.


4 to 8 Lb. Lb. Average 29C Swift's Small Meaty Seminole. .P;k'Steak Lb. 35c Ribs Ground Fresh Sp�e Sliced Bacon Ground Beef 2,lb·,79c Lb. 19C

Lb. Lean, Neck II II Meaty, Brookfiel�, All Pork, Bag Tray 35�, Bones 2 Lbs. 29c 2lb·,39c GORDY'S Sausage BLUE PLATE


Silverleaf FREE FOOD' 25 FRIDAY FREE �k����'���I�) PURE LARD 4 Lb. DRAWING-7 p.m. IA'SlrTSI. Ctn. " Kraft's French 16 Oz. 47- 39c Triple 'SSS' Dressing 2 Lbs. '25c Cypress Garden 'Frozen' Emerald, Baby Lb. Pkg. "'- Fancy Red 4 Lb. Walnuts 39c COFFEE �IWinesap Apples Cello 3ge ORANGE Fancy Diamond, Large Lb. Pkg. Slicing Tomatoes Lb. Walnuts 49c Lb. Fancy Kiln Dry Bag Sweet Potatoes 2 Lbs. Sunshine 25c JUICE 49c Large Crisp Hard Head Fancy Hi-Ho Lb. Box 35c Stalk 10c LeHuce Head 6 Oz. Brazil Celery 19c Cans Ballard or Lb. Pillsbury 6 Nuts Pkg. 49c 51. BI-SCUITS 3 Cans 23c Standard Silverwing

TOMATOES 303 Call 9c or BREAD give the folks a COLOR telephone l3lf2 Oz. Loaf Gold Medal FLOUR call or come our by business office ... will be YGU surprised at the low cost of beautiful color Piggly Wiggly's Fresh FLOUR 5 Lb. Bag 56c 10 Lb. Bag telephones .. , $1.05 25 Lb. Christmas Trees 25·in. High Heel 3 Rolls, Xmas Gift Business Office on South Main-Downtown The Statesboro scent of the North Bag Telephone Co. Phone POplar 4-5454 1 O� Woods still in 'em Dolls $3.88 Wrap Box 98c 51.39 Mn, J, T, Mnrtln and Mrr;, ten, FARM FENCING CLINIC Jim .11 01 Claxton and James Deloach, TO BE HELD IN and all of the other that said II Beasley petition 211, pages 66·67, Bulloch objecllon Is made, an order Mrs, Austin Anderson of Savr n­ WARNOCK COMMUNITY Georr,la appeerin� �[:;:i coun'lno no The Bulloch Herald nah several and Bulloch et���e�nnda!e'�:�e e:u:� tl���f I�: 1."�;';.I��lc!�1e 1l:�': a;e��g,��'o:en�IWb:�o��d�e:�� :C1�'I��tt.�r!�IS grandchildren A (arm hereol to the same extent as If all s���nc�s��:t dies at home special fencing clinic to, and that of said law. have first Tuesday In Thl. 5th of lid ren, County the same were Jnnuary, 1960,1 day December, great-grundch will herein. Statesboro, December be held In the Warnock quoted been fully complied with, In· within the legal hours of sale, 1959, Georgia, Thursday, 10, 19119 1- _ Community on Thursday, Dec, .. 4. The time (or which said eluding the presentation of a before the courthouse door In R, p, Funeral services wore held MIKELL, Ordinary I corporation Is to have certlttcare (rom the I 10 at 7:30 p.m, The clinic will Its exlst- Secretary Statesboro, Bull 0 c h County, Bulloch County, Georgia November from DeLoach Primitive ence Is of State us Section NOTICE OF OFFICIAL The sale will continue o� 24 Baptist be conducted by Mr, J, P, Foldes Adverus thlrty-flve years. required by Georgia, nt publlo outcry 1.0 tho Johnston & Ussery from 22·1803 of the Code of GAlElTE day to between the 11m. Church on Thursday, Novem­ and Mr. James Legal 5, TIlO amount of with Georgia highest bidder, for cash, tho Attorneys lor Pelltioner day by Atkinson, lng capital James of which land in said GEORGIA: Bulloch hours, until all of said Beasley, 80, States­ bel' at 3:00 with Elder teachers of PETITION FOR CHARTER the corporation will begin conveyed security 12·31·4tc # 158 County: property 26, p.m, agriculture, The and preserved, the vested In us Is sold, died November at eggs, butter, bus I ness sha I leTb h ree H un- Anlntoltsath"'erl;ebYOrdered adjudged deed described as follows: By uuthorlty boro, 24, his will be held Harris Cribbs, Elder Roy Sims meeting In the and decreed that all the prayera All that certnln I by the Georgia Code, we do here. This the 8th day of home ufter B long illness, GEORGIA. BULLOCH COUNTY dred Thousand Dollars ($300" lot or parcel CITATION December. Warnock Community. of said petition are and of and by designate the Bulloch Times 1959, and Elder J, M, Tidwell 0(' Building TO THE SUPERIOR COURT ��es�lI�n��3'7at�r,O::��f:ulru��i 000,00), either In cosh or other granted land, lying being In the BULLOCH and said and as- Gf,ORGIA, ,COUNTY a /1/ C. M, COWART He was 8 deacon in the De- the public Is Invited to at. OF SAID COUNTY: products and fresh assets or a the applicants their 1209th G, M, District of Bulloch newspaper published In BUlial was the vegetables, combination of Mrs, Ester R. Hendrix, Guard- ricalJng. i", tend, fruits, soft soclates, successors and assigns and In the Statesboro,.weekly Georgia, Bulloch As Admlnlslrator of the Loach Church candies, drinks, County, Georgia, City Ion of the of Willette Prlmltl..., Baptist church J, F, drink are and property as the otllelal Estate of Sam P. Fields cemetery, T, Morris , E. icc hereby of East on ICounty gazette ' Morris, mixes, cream, Juices, Statesboro, ' ' Th fronting ...... "' .."' .. "''''''''''.. " ...''''' IW:' I I k f Id Hendrix, made .....''' .. having nppllca- for several years. R F M T J M J coffee and tea, all made a body Incorrc>ratedpollt c under the William James Street 100 feet for sold county beginning, Jon. 1jl""" 1jI paper pro- r capht�1 �t"';l1 '�eds� tion for leave to encumber said NOTICE TO DEBTORS Honorary Pallbearers we r e a�d 'Po 'he,�r�lS.ft:; tobacco, unry I, 1960, Survivors his Err�'orris, �gr�:� ��o�':nd shar�� ar� wife, Mrs. called an remed (3,00�; ���Iea�� P. W, Mobley Russ Akins, R, L­ applicants, bring this ap- �ucts,rugs SCh;r1 sUPPI/es,es, bakery, of a ��';;,"pa�,�d TduJ':I:o��: ��dl��n���dsO�'I�ht�����I�I�� Dan Ella Burton i ! par value of $100,00 per of ���c'l,'�s ������y't�lIsh';!O':;;'��� Beasley; five lor the of a flour and corn shav- period thrlty-Ilve years with to I a t A, 0, Akin., Sam Neville, Horner Hol­ H. W. Smith plication granting products, share, desire the according p ty before me at the Courthouse in �'lioc�I�;U';,�Y' 0G'!:,,:?g� GEORG��B�:��.?.��y sons, Willie E, Beasley, Savan­ j i the privilege of renewal at the Eason recorded In Plat Book I, H�rold Howell' Sherriff All Credltora of the estale of land, Lem Williams, Morgan ArPlicants �ri' Statesboro, at 10 a,I11" nah, Fronk Beasley, Daisy, J, i ! �i�'::'I:�d f��o:'v r�i���e c���r(�� Bulloch Count' Geor la James L, MathewI, deceueel, Anderaon, C. B, McCall.ster, Joe ; 20 South Main SI. ! �i:;:''l.e �o �;��a���dt� c���� Georfla, Harry Bensley, Register, Cecil (ollowlng racts: �;�'Inot ons, t read, gloves, sox. r:l�tl3,� �!w�a�f ro�s, �.�d ��Il:uhnd��u�t�h�f� i ���fr��tsu;;I,::,i�';;'vef��: sand Dollars tbn,;�r;l�cO:ndd Tillman Aulhur Brannen, Bur­ : ($400,000,00) that said ::'h�h:ai'Jha��l'Ic�ti��'�h�'IJ�gi l. desire for corporation Is as follows: North . (Jack) B e a sic y and WII· i � They themselves, patent medicines, hardware and hereby by Lot. N�, 12 be granted, ��fl���)���I�� • ��;.g� ���If��t�oa�:n�'l:rih�': .. yyCI'6�orggla bon Deloach, Ben Holland, and WHEREFORE, applicants pray granted and vested with all the of said 1231 8tc demands to tile ee- lard all of their associates successors, seed and feed. suhdlvlslon 200 feet; This the 7th of underalped Bensley, Statesboro: Wedding to be Incorporated under the and 1 day Decem. to law and Claude Roundtree, Dr, Booney, i ! to be under the �Iassware,I' a 0 m s, waxes and rights prlvlleges mentioned East by William James Street cording IU penou incorporated mops, name and with bel', 1959, PUBLIC SALE Dr, Curtis Leon Ander­ Announcements name style aforesaid" in said 100 ' Indebted to laid estate are ... Ilve Haimes, of cleansers: and to manufacture, potltlon, feet; South by Lot No, R, P, daughters, Mrs, W, A, I all of the rights and privileges Granted MIKELL, Ordinary GEORGIA BULLOCH COUNTY to make son and Gordon Freeman. T. J, MORRIS COMPAN'Y preserve, trout and store foods, at Chamber, this the of said subdivision 150 feet; and qulred immediate pay. Vida Mrs. Kermit herein set out and such addl- Bulloch County, ment Donnldson, lin, Card Informals 8 of 1959, a Georgia By vllt,;e of an order of the to the Thls i,i The olllce and meats, fish, eggs, butter, cheese day December, West by dltoh, Being the same151 Cohen Anderson undersigned, Carter, Mrs. L. P. Active were Ed­ •• principal place tlonal powers and as of 5th of Statesboro, pallbearers il,i privileges' J, L, RENFROE land to here- Ordinary sold State and day October: 1959. conveyed grantors for Petitioner Strickland, Daisy, Mrs, A, 0, ward, Otis, and Waters, Attorney County there will be sold 01 Jo Mathews BUtch; Ray I Invitations 1 ��a�u��n�at� 1�igurl�':'C".:��� :�� ��irlet�u�:r���z;�c���� ���n�e t�ect'l:':a'lon���rofr s: # 159 Mary Kennedy, Savannah; Mrs, Ellis Donald Martin, Harvey Ander­ i � ty, Georgia, with the ticles manufactured, grown, pre- ��1��hsuro��{y C'bua�' ��o��' J.�s� privilege business for which ppllcants are GEORGIA BULLOCH Strickland, Claxton; three sis- son and Ralph Hendrix, of branch served or treated, at wholesale CbUNTY to Mar�aretM:����tLo�e��s�.�I��Lee, dated October 11��II�nouJ�Z'a�n t��6�rs�ru:�� �':.�e�'d���h�n;:V�':.�� Napkins establishing offices asking Incorporation as may be CITATION Courthouse Mathews or to and deal Flied In' office, this the 8 day and recorded In Book door In St'atesboro, Ramsey, Exec(l ! j and places of business in such retail; buy, sell allowed like under 13, 1947, 112'31'4to ""�"""U����"u*.*••••"""""""«"" corporations of 1959, GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY Georgia, between the hours tora of the Will of Jam. other as be deter- In merchandise of all sorts, us- December, 169. page 257, Bulloch records; legal places may the laws of Georgia as they now HAlTlE Whereas, F, C, Rozier, Execu- of to the and best L, M 8 the w s, handled in connection with POWELL and one from Strickland to I sale, highest deceased, mined. ually or may herealter exist, Mary tor of the last will of R a Clerk Dan bidder for cash the Statesboro, Georgia-B. H. The are wholesale Superior Court. Ashberry Lee, dnted November following 2, applicants residents grocery business, JOHNSON & USSERY to the Sr Bulloch Ga. 23, Lee, represents Court, I� described land In said County, Ramsey, .• Attorney- Cbi::a��r�:aIN_O:�vel' of and their post office address County, 1954, and recorded In Book ! By Geo, M, Johnston 12·31·4tc 163 J&U his petitlon, duly flied nnd en. to-wit: I # Is 195, records, NOTICE TO DEBTORS StatesborJ, Georgia, �W����f aa��r�ra���r�I��ve�� on record, that he has All that c..tnln truct or ient or in the conduct ORDER And, ereas, t e deed to fully parcel 3, The purpose and object of necessary OF COURT png��88, BUII�h administered Don R. Lee's AND CREDITORS I of estate: of land, 1)'lng and being In the said is such business and operatIons In Re: Petition to NOTICE OF SALE UNDER secure contains a clause GE0 one I corpol'ation Incorporate d�bt This I. therefore to cite all 1716th G. M, District RGlA, BuI loch County :il!ea!tore POWER IN SECURITY DEED, making Irrevocable by tho jtered (formerly It, All pecunla:7- persons concerned, kindred nnd 1320th) of Bulloch County, credltora of the estate of ��� Th� ��O:��a\O ���usr�ar;�0tl,� 4553 business to be transacted is and ���n;;::�:���t�;iat�1 �Jtr� i�ht;er� et�:r t.��l' ��; s�� �r���7:��!;a���awo,' r.��j o���,:n BOW,EN d t b dive GEt?,��:�us.�����rth�O��� �h�lt��n, tOwh�owsa�dus�x�:t�� ��d�� .I��� (I��)t��:;s� m��� the desired B II h S C rt corporate powers of sale and conveyance contain· ceas�d" should not be from or are notified to render n Sa,d sale WIll be made for the discharged less, and bounded North by hereby s';'.��g�nl�:�� are: ��CUri�y �h��;,ro���e�o':,�ecflon uorE;• ,. 1', J, ed in that certain security deed his and receive lands of J, their demands to the with for�gP�f�ogrpe�i�lon.of of administration, B, Fields and C. B, undemlgn. a, To sell and deal In byslness purposes, Morris, E, F, R. F. Lee and purpose, enforCing payment Letters of bUY, Morris, given by Ashberry of the Dismission on the Aaron Eatale; East by lands of ed according to law, and all Furniture or at To to Indebt'edness secured by directly Indirectly, whole· b, have all of the MOr Lee Firat Federal powers Margaret said first Monday In January 1960, C. B: Aaron Estate; South by persons Indebted to said estate Company sale or and deed, the wholo of groceries, staple enjoy all of the privileges ��rJs t� :nder Savings and Lonn Association sec�rlty R, p, lands of are to make retail, �,,��I�o/por'ra�:;g IS how MIKELL, Orlndary Mrs, E, A, Smith and required Immediate and canned enumerated in Sections 22·1827 the name of T. J, Morris of Statesboro dated whlc� due, Including fancy, foods, fresh, February 12.31.4tc # 160 RPM West by lands of Griff p, Smith, payment to the underalgned. and fresh and 22·1870 of the Code of read and considered, 18 1956 In Book prinCIpal and Interest computed preserved, meats, fish, Company It, , and'l'ecorded ac. This November 2 ' to the date of sale, amounting ,more particularly desclibed 1�59- .. "''', ...."''''''''''''''''',, .. ,, .. CITATION to a of some G, Exeeu. ilI""'" ,,'''''''''''o(lJ $674,35, besides attorney fees cording plat by Raymond Hodges, ;to J, E, tor of - , as prOVIded bv Code Section GEORGIA BULLOCH COUNTY Rushing, Surveyor, dated will of Benj. Morgan D 20·506, the of Wherea', Raleigh E, Nesmith, April, 1913, and recorded In Hodges HOMEMAKERS NEWS D and. expenses Book - this A Executor of the lost will of 154, page 392, Bulloch B, H, Ramsey, Sr" � ® proceeding, deed will be Attorney, JONNIE'S . BEAUTY SHO.') B Nesmith , Records, Ga, I executed to the purchaseI' ot,Napolean represents County Statesboro, �D the Court In his � sold petition, Now in New Location sale conveying title In fee t? duly Open 1,Ied and , .. simple as authorized In said entered on record, that ------IIIII!I!lJlI--. One Mile off he has fully administered DEMONSTRATIONS I U.S. Highway 80 ,Classified Advertisements 25 words or less, 75c per inser­ security deed, , Nape- This 7th of December leon B. Nesmith estate, This Is On Arcola·Pembroke Road at the day ' SALESMEN WANTED! "THE MI8HTY tion: over 25 words, 3c per word. Bold face or ad 1959 therefore to elte all pelMns So would J. MIDGET" display concerned, kindred .nd credl· ••• Akins Sr, Illd home FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS GIFTS ! you E, place nmWAIII'AD 25 or 25 5c word to show If words, less, $1.00 per insertion; words, per AND LOAN ASSOCIAAION tors, couse, any they SlnCJer SewinCJ Machine Co. has Joe Smith, owner of her shop in Statesboro J OF STATESBORO can, why said Executor should opening not be from his ad· like to smart will be By J.mes B. Averitt, discharged 2 be with Mrs. Fred Lee on Tues. and letters for Salesmen. ., • SPECIALS ! (owner) Executive Vice-President ministration, �ccelve day ffnd Sallie Clark, owner of the House of 12·31·4tc # 157, J&U Mon· e Real Estate FOR QUICK SALE Use Classified Ads t��oflrst . d�ydlf:I�!��,;�� e Permanent Beauty in Statesboro will be with Mrs. Lee on R, p, Employment with numbers LIst Your TO ANY CREDITORS AND MIKELL, Ordinary For Sale e Services 12·31-4tc #161 RPM Wednesdays. Property With ALL PARTIES AT INTEREST: e Excellent Employee Regarding the Estate of Lula NOTICE TO THE PUBI.IC Benefits. JOE P. JOHNSTON JONNIE'S BEAUTY FOR SALE: 100 arces, new 11IlI1III__==1IIIII__1IIII Lockwood, deceased, formerly This Is public notice that the Must Own SHOP Real Estate Broker I' (Applicant Car) of the County of Bulloch, State J, A, STEPHENS MILLING will be opend on and Sat. modern 6 room home, deep Contflct Tuesdays, Wednesdays MR, FARMER: Let Dixie Fertl· of Georgia, notice Is hereby COMPANY of nice Phone PO 4·3900 Reglstef, Georgia, of each well. 8 large pecan trees, IIzer Co, that Victoria an urdays week. topdress your pas· given Cown,'d, will not be responsible for any at CHARLES WATERS or fishing lake, well timbered, In Night Phone PO 4·3645 tures and small grains with low· heir law of the sold deceased, debts or charge accounts made ANNETTE LANIER has llIed with me to 1340th District, Bulloch county, cos t 0 , A N solutions Let us appllc�tlon by anyone except Mrs, J, A, 111111 declare no admlnlstr.tion neces· of about 35 miles west 01 Savannah custom app'I'y your nIt'rogen with Stephens Register, Geor�la, ------sary, TIlE J, A, STEPHENS SINGER SEWING • AlTOMATIC COFm MAKEI States· Southern New low· MACHINE CENTER and 14 miles south of Nitrogen's Said application will be heard MILLING Use C!assified Ads • COMPANY Makes 2·9 cups of ddicious cost 0, A, N, Call Ray Hodges at 26 E. Main St. colIee, bora. with three·lourths mile. Furnlshed my office Monday, January By Mrs, J, A, Stephens Reheat e Temple 9.3348 or Henl'Y Hendrix 4, at 10:00 A, M" sening. Easy to clean. Misscellaneous on Highway 1960, and, If 12·31·4tp #162 frontage Georgia 9.3426, 11 _ 119, See Cohen Anderson, Temple Dixie liquid Aparments ..:_ :,_ For Sale _ Ga. Phone POplar Fertilizer Co, In NeVills, Ga, ______1 Statesboro, 4·3151. 10·8 tfc ,For Rent 12.10.59 tfc .�....-;;;,;;----- FOR SALE: Collie puppies, Can 1 _ WHY NOT MAKE THIS � ==_==_:uII====::r:I,------be seen at Garvin's home Versalile use it at ALL TYPES OF _ right the table. Oti� FOR RENT _ on Lakeview l{oad. SUBURBAN HOME Furnished apart. Automatic .. Puppies Temperature Selec(Oc Available Now. Retired f I I I available December 15. Ideal 3 bedroom, 2 full ceramic ment, WATCH --� - or keeps temperorure connant, Fries Christmas presents, 12·10·tfc tile b.ths. You will love the Lady working t,ady preferred. AND W-control - $23.70 - HOLIDAY SEASON TRULY ENJOYABLE· MRS, J, p, 343 Bakes Stews Simmers. FOY, South Main , ----- CLOCK . Street, Phone 4·2664, ------I FOR SALE: Live "Shiners" , ft�=::��� k�th::�tr:�d hd,::,� ��� 12·10·ltp the bait for In REPAIRS Ask him just right fishing. alt conditioning. Located AUTOMATIC CIllL ANO his result. As soon as • WAFFlE IAKEI }�,-�!,:. Small and medium size. Avail- Woodlawn Terrace. '--'= you hear you cnn immcdinle­ Servcsth;ee - il, • Unfurnished -e- woys grill open. grill == able at T, K, Rushing's home, _ Iy tell him his original number. CHAS. E. CONE REALITY � 12 south on M. C, GRIFFITH dosed, and waHle baker. New re. � Register, Ga., miles How'! Just lake his resull and CO. Apartments versible U, S, 301, turn left at Harold INC., Portal, Ga. grids-no slOring problem, subtract 4, Then divide by 2, Simmons Center � Bowen's stol'e, Wholesale and Shopping For Rent oJO $19.95 \Vorks "every time! Dial 4-2217 _ Retail. 12·IO·Hp,

AUTOMATIC TOASTEI ' COUNTRY HOME & FARM FOR RENT: Five room unfur· • SALE-One Use Classified Ads Ever henr the about the FOR Westinghouse acres cultl· as you like it-light, medium story 208 acres. 140 nished apartment, LQcated on $19 • 95 automatic refriger- rich Texan oil millionaire who defrosting vatcd and in orchard 102 W. Jones Ave. En­ or dark. roast pecan Private e Female Extra-hiBh lift. ator and one 57 L·P Gas Help Male, gal. • said to his son, "Dan, my boy, sman pond. Attractive dwell. trance, Phone PO 4·2776, tank, Phone 4·3847 or see after I'm giving you a choice of two Ing with an conveniences, 12·IO·tfc, 6:00 P. M, at 201 Road, for Christmas. You can Gentilly on S. 80 between OPPORTlJNITY KNOCKS ------gifls located U. , a Avon women to have barrell full of dimes, or PTA HOLDS DECEMBER Statesboro and Brooklet. calling service STUMIRON new FOR SALE: Almost maple _ in BullOCh .I'OITAILE R balTell of similar size full of SALLIE lElTEROWER FOR RENT TWo bP.droom County, Experl· dinette set. Table extends to CHAS. E. CONE REALITY ence not We train Automatic ADd works on hall·dollors," Which would apartment available Nov· necessary. AC or DC >'<" you MEETING by ". seat six persons. Also 4 chairs CO. Wl'lte for Interview. No take? I INC., ember I In Dodd Apartment you. For dry·ironing, 100, Weighs lo/.i $10.50 to match. Please call POplar Simmons Shopping Center Building, If Interested contuct obligation, W I' I t e to Mrs, Ibs, (ANSWER: II you wnnted The Sallie Zetterower p, T, A, 4·2979, 1l·12·tlc Dial 4·2217 A. S, DODD JR at PO 4·2471. Muldah Rountree, Box 22, -- the most take met December 1. at � money, you'd Tuesday, 10.29.tfc, Wadley, Georgia. 12·10,,2tc. the bnrrel full of dimes. Being 7:30 p.m. with a short business FOR SALE: 44 foot house trail· HOUSE FOR COLORED Kenan much smaller And thinner, session. Mr. Shields pre­ SERVE er with 34 foot II between Savannah New awning, Located Modern Downstairs was a TOWN AND COUNTRY dimes yield less space bet· sided. The program spec­ foot GE Refrigerator, Automatic Ave. and East Main Street. OFFICE SPACE $17.75 Lightweight, yet it's powerful ween coins, They fill • barrel tacular presentation of HA GE Washing Machine, 3 Double DRIVE·IN 2 $695.90. ,I) enough to do more There'd be Christmas Carol" by Charles Beds' and one % Bed, Only Available tough completely. November 10'1 M mixing jobs. REALITY by OPEN 24 HOURS WAS old, Small equity and CHAS. E. CONE AVili/ablf! i" pi"., 1f!lIow be approxlm.tely six times .s Dickens. The dramatization years If Interested contact lIud take up monthly payments. Call CO. dn U. S. 301, North turqlloiSf!, piNS whitf!. mnny dimes us­ effected by the pupils with the INC., �{j)-.I'OR:E:'----- POplar 4·2912 during day and Center Located next to Simmons Shopping A. S. DODD JR. or about 20% more money. assistance 01 the Sallie Zettel" ;I�' POplar 4·2734 at night. 4-2717 ower band and chorus. Dial DODD MOTEL ELECTRIC 1I·19·tfc / Phone PO 4-2471. GENERAL. back from the ;If" FOR SALE Coming mys­ THANKS terious land of numbers. wc can l� Use Classified Ads IDEAL FARM .All-purpose Mixer w·2 Bowls ...... $ 25.50 all be mathematicians ond magi· TO TIlE PEOPLE OF 117 acres with 64 acres cians! tricks on BULLOCH COUNTY: trK�' e Houses for Sale Try your your under cultivation. Two 'Tank Vacuum f"iends and See how I pond with aHachments ...... 49 • family, wish to express to you my The U sites. G ood tennant house. CASY it is to have Fun With sincere appreciation for the sup- All-Meat' FOR SALE-3 bedroom Brick o n I $7,250. Call POplar Figures port given me in the recent Veeneer Home with 2 baths, y HOW MUCH Vacuum .... with • UpriCJht aHachments 1 09 85 .. FRANKS 6 campaign for the office of Judge large den 2 fireplaces, wall to 4-3674 after p.m. of the City Court of Statesboro, bed· 951 QUALITY PROTEIN wall carp�t In living room, Double Bed Electric Blanket • This alforded me' for 24 95 campaign room and CHRISTMAS rooms, dining h�lI, SHOPPING , your the to see and talk Health Education Speclahst, opportunity Built in oven, surface URlts, with many of you and I Miss Lucile deeply dishwasher. Perfectlon h eat IS Higgenbotham, Ag· appreciate the many kindnesses ricultural pump for year round tempera' MOBILE HOMES Extension Service, and courtesies shown me. ? ture control-A Georgia Power our foods such as lean YOURS says meat, I am most for the grutelul Co: Gold Madalllon Home. Just New 1960 Models Just during Arrived, Terms milk fish, poultry, eggs, and votes, support and Interest Easy outside limit overlooking And Acres of New And city Acres milk products provide high qual· shown by so many of you In Phone PO- SET WORTH? lake, E. W. Barnes Used To Choose From. which one to may candidacy for this office. ... ity protein helps 4·3333 or see at build and Big 53 ft. X 10 Wide, 3 BOWEN FURNITURE CO. repair body tissues, Store. wester�'l��}�. II ....ttl lib .... III IIIIb _ Iolb Respectfully yours, ;�� One and One Half 011Il0II0)' fonrp resist infection, and recover Robert S. Lanier cello r1 Bedroom, packed new brick ...... � IheirTV ..... But .... GRAND _ FOR SALE:-Almost Per Month. 1hoJ ••••••lIIl••••• from .' Baths. 88.69 ,OP'ENING SALE __lIIl__»lPJ illness. , 12·17·59·2tc MEATS veneer home 3 bedrooms, aboaI dead? How""" LUNCHEON With 46 Ft. X 10 Wide, 2 Bed· ,...,TV pIdure One bath and half·ba!h, cerumlc wm _...... , • 59.58 Per Month. tile Pine paneled kItchen and rooms • to • Den Also living room paneled, We trade for anything that ,..., ...., ...... pIIizrI'" pIcIun wiIIIoJql Call' 4·2272 after 6 0'· lor'" of .. POplar can be brought to our lot. ....,.r tpaIltJ ,...... ,. and our 9·3·tfc clock, _,.., ...,.. .. FOR SALE - Two-bedroom '�NI '11:11"111 MIiaDwItIt _ ....,._ .. I house with double garuge (World Famhous Urslde Down _ taboI to 10 low. ,. _,_ TV INIIIp with garage apartment, large daD screened·ln patio, breezeway be· Sign) ...... ,_... 1520 Gordon Highway Interaec. tween house and garuge, large • ,. - op4tHIaIa ,.,..._-pIoIana ... - 48th ANN,IVERSARY SALE location, tlon or U. S. I " 25 Augusta, lot, pecan' tres, good ....-- ... - .. _-_.- ...... ,....---- -. ._--_._ other .. 4-9421 _ PA - .. near many Phone - School. .. High Georgia...... - .. can be ..... features which -.--.-_._ deslruble 1 .s,t-Iallihlr _ ... -_ ...... PO 4·2174 for I'.. _ .. NAME __ ., seen _._. calling ...... __ by __ __ .. ...,.."_ ...... _ _ _._ Cost: Reasonable, _ appointment. NEARLY NEW _ -- AIII_ ...... ,_ ,_ 1l·19·tfc ' ADDRESS House designed for gracious .....TV --

.. - _ ...•...... living. Centrally heated and ...... _W_ CiTY A. S. DODD, JR. air conditioned with th" ,Ialest RALD makes Real Estate heat pump. Near school. ��., .iISfII SlLUDEDI.",,,,, For THE HE ed on large lot with beautiful A Subscription See Us for Loans GIFT """ "Packen of fine Homes for Rent shrubery. 0 CHRISTMAS for Sale Shown only: a penect '. Homes by appointment NATH'S TV SALES & SERVICE Quality Meat Products Apartment Contact List With Us For S, Main St. Ext., Statesboro, Ga.' Sold at Food Stores Quick Sale Joe P. Johnston (Owner N. H. LeadinCJ Main St, Foss) -WE GIVE: STAMP&- 23 Nnrth at 'GREEN : � Box 18�Phone 4-3764 Phone 4-2471 POplar PO 4·3900 or 4·3645 �.u.JIL��••;�.��.u...u..II a1.*& R�.Q Z.Mnsn ; .lJ.4'J.i. .u���.u�QM���RW�� Senior Woman's Club hears The Bulloch' Herald Representative Prince Pre ton The Bulloch Herald .. Rated Professors season Profs Seventh Statesboro, open with Georgia, Thursday, December 10, 19119 In Tri",State Area Profs Presented;

-- .. Follcwing Is a listing. of rour- ._ I whi a 82 to 73' year colleges In Georg,", South PIny Previewed hang p Carolina, and Flortda and their Dunkel Pro essors By TOM COFFEY GeorgI· rarlng as of December GTC f Savannah I, 1959: AsselnII1 Morning News Sports Editor Dudllg y Chester Curry and Eddie 1. Tech 67.5 Owens formed a two- Green Georgi. defeat 'Blues 7 to 6 to win the 2. Citadel defeat PC Conch J, B, Pronged scoring punch that knocked the 60.8 Scearce lntro­ Unievrsity of 3. Minml 597 duced tho 1959·60 Bas- Georgia for an 82·73 loss . Varsity here as 4. lemson 57:6 Wednesday night ketball Team 10 the student Georgia Teachers Ti M'ite footbaII cI 5. 57.1 86 to 56 here College kept intact a four- rec- h' Georg!n , year Iny 6, body In on ord of its lamplons Ip 55.3 assembly Monday, winning basketball season opener. November 30. By TOMMY MARTIN 7, GTC 53.8 Georgia Teachers College de. 8, Furman 52.<1 feated Presbyterian 2.6� �'::��J t��"�!fe��or�v�� College, Those Introduced were co. �ael�:im�h��d�T��:s !� Statu Ihelr Impressive victory over the 10 gr�:io�: ed points and as narrow as two. TI�n���r F��t�ca�!si�lan�se:�:� �;c:����s�I��:, ��,�e �o, F��;:��n :�:� �6;��, Bulldogs, Coach J, B, Scearce's this with two B����e�d:�� t�:r:��I��r��;ai��t�I��i �1�l��all��ln��,lt":.'dVe�t;:t�:' t: Several times in the second year olose games out tho Golds 7.6 with three II. the so. son, Newberry 46.4 ry. Wheelwright, Kentucky. Tho minutes IHt In the game. This 12, Oglethorpe 45,8 GTC led tho enure em. four seniors on the team r::f�n�tel:v:ns'::,����[at";eb����: ��!�s��: a��I��tS I r".:;ln��est�� game, are: ices of star Whitey go drew as near as two pelnts, :��:l�J::�������,5����et"'��� 1�:�n��a��I��t���..'!�f��:��':.,��� :�: ��Ii;;:rd :�:� Verstraete, whforward0 sat On the on Blues 7.0 In Jim r�����tou� a!�:���Ut�e Se�If,:r� �e��teXib��;stl';,'dla���"�n�W;�'I�: We In tap-In baskets the Mites a IS. Specialize by Simpson Tiny Tillman scoupped up Presbyterian 44.4 ate Blue Hose, bench because of 3 and h ny Bureau, Moline, illinois. conflicting Casey. The score was 51·49, Champions ip, The game was a blocked punt and carted It six 16, Jacksonville 43, I There are three Original Designs eligibility rule between the then the Chester Curry led 12 Profs In Juniors on the Profs Increased the yards for the score. 'The point 17, Mercer 40.3 teams of different the column team: Robert Hobbs, Dexter; and Buy From Your conferences, margin On the most was blocked and the Golds led 18, scoring with 18 dazzling ��!e��:�"t���t��:�nt����g �!\: Erskine 34.5 two transfer The GTC "B" team of in the third Zack pelnts. Connie Lewis had 12 and students from Local Manufacturer triumphed play the game. Denny Burau quarter, Smith 6.0.' 19, Valdosta State' 23,2 over in Ihe Verstraete and Brewton-Parker, Tracy Rivers, Armstrong College made a backhanded from carried tho ball over ror the Before the the Blues 20. Piedmont Whitey Tracy 1\ Statesboro pass game 22.4 and J, E. Industry onener of the 68· mid-court touchdown from about River. reached double Omega, Rowe, Fitzer. douleheader, to Owens, who was 3 yards had been picked as a slight fav· figures 48, The GEORGE.ANNE Is the with 10 each. . SInce 1922 about 20 feet from the basket, out. Greg Sikes then added the orite over the but the Golds, a_l_d_. _ Curry, a 6·2 senior g u a I'd and Owens sank the two-pointer fans thought that the Golds only college newspaper In the Presbyterian took only 16 added II lor the from Kentucky, had a 22·peint The Profs held to at least the ex�:� �:...:��ghi:du� \��a��dfd�� were" going 10 hold them, With United Stntaes who SUbscribes shots during the first half. wlnless Blue Hose, Thayer total for his night's work and four-point margin the rest of the yards rushing while the Blues about three minutes left to ploy, to the Dunkel Ratings, Else. trailed 47·26 at Intermlss�ndon got 16 in the first half, when the way. racked up 65 yards. The Greens Michael Parrish climaxed on Ihls are of the a 50. where page the final GTC hit on 36 of 93 field Monument Profs a had Ihree first a goal zoomed to 41·33 lead. The Profs take on downs to the yard drive Irom the one. footbat] for the secondSUbstitu�'1f �Iaye�or tel'S,mpo� Presbyter- scoring ratings year for 39 per cent and Cwens, a 6·5 senior center from Ian here Blues five, foot line. Bob Lane Dick a College Saturday. then added Dunkel, resident of Billy Ladd led Presbyterinn 54 BLUES Presbylerlan made 18 of for Company Indiana went on a 20'peint In the the GTC DEFEAT GOLDS the winning pelnt and the Blue. Daytona Beach, FIa" has been with 14 10 of preliminary pelnts, them from 33 per cent. The Profs also had 4r, West Main Street binge and picked off' 17 reo "B" team trailed lor five min- Three o'clock Saturday after. held the Golds the rest In the athletic the Iree during predicting throw line. Bob Stratton the upper hand In bounds, continued noon lound the Golds 01 the to ness smce 1929 roboundlng, Phone PO .-3117 Irom pale I ::.:.::::..._:.:.:::::.....::.:.::__:_.==--...:....--'---'=------compet- game win 7.6. bUSI., had 13 and Jimmy Rakestraw laltemPIS62.39. Two other Profs scored in then went ahead to stay on ute�. ••_._••W.*.WWW_. Ileid • . __••W....W•• double figures, Carlton Gill, the PaUon _WWWII••__.W.W•••W_ t at rna I n 6-5 sophomore forward ah :OOlhbYe t e scoreRon�� . Portal basketball team wms f��� Richmond Hili, got 18, all Pat�on, with 14 pelnts, was High •• g�fl�l�p����r�ndf;r";�:� �;::� ���bl�f ��::re.GT�ar���se�� from to showed the with 23 and Collms 39 26 Nov. 24 Millen. tallied 14, all but two on way High fl e Id goa I s. JImmy Hendrix, former Bryan Basketeers of Portal High with 22 polnts, Randall Baze- Forward Phil County High star, contributed Simpson School chalked a 39.26 13, 10 in up vic. more with 15 and John Stubbs, center John the second half. paced a�dt e tory over winless Collins 14. all Johnso.n Dave Thomas, with 17, was Tues- However, yielded honors Georgia scorers WIth 17 November but In eac� the only in double day night, 24, to Portal's Ronnie Anderson, player figures the for preliminary game the Collins counted 27, re Armstrong, which dropped ",ho an� SI:;,pson '��lIth�onBU�d�gs their undefeated re- Beth 25 WI, its third In a row girls kept Griffin's points paced score game after oudn er� mts, 's el��rS cord inlact with a 64.34 the the season victory, Bryan girls to a 46.18 win, Pat ormer en winning opener. ictine . Casey, POf Baved°n,na, Ronnie Anderson's' 16 points It was their fourth three . against standout, and Frank Augusta's GEGRGlA FG F PF TP paced the Portal Victory. N er-I defcats, MM'orns was who 3"Y, high Clark, starred for Rich- .••••. son You Keiser 5 5-6 0 15 Collins 9 to the for Portal with seven. Will Find the Brand You Know mond were the sco;ed I�ad Academy. among Casey ...•.•. 3 3·4 4 9 vlsitors. Portal s record IS now starlers and STATESBORO'S contrib- .. Bulldogs' Simpson ,' 3 5·5 0 17 3·2. W uted nine , PGRTAL DEFEATS � points apiece. Casey J, Johnson ". 8 1·2 3 17 The Collins led glrls by EFFINGHAM !! DONALDSON· RAMSEY LEADING MEN'S & six rebounds and wer� COUNTY got Clark did Darrah ."... 2 2·2 0 6 Bertie Collins, the amazing shot. iii! Ronnie And e I' son a fine of to peured STUDENT'S job trying guard Clark .•..••. 3 3·4 4 9 maker, with a STORE 37·output, Mary 31 at Fri. in the first but -the through peints Portal Curry half, Miller .•. ,... 0 0.0 I 0 Morris 20 to lead Portal, . 4 more s,cored day night to lead 1If•••W taller, expericened Profs Marsh 0 0·0 0 0 girls have won only once December. Handsome •••••••W.. 10 a 72·67 over I who�e Portal still was to hit 16 In victory able peints. Barnard .• ,.. 0 0·0 0 0 ftve if games, Effingham County. The Profs went ahead to A. Johnson 0 0·0 I 0 if stay The losers had three players feel of with 11:37 remaining in the first Total 27 19·24 14 73 � BRYAN COUNTY in double figures, with Porter half and before then had only GTC FG TRIUMPHS. 64·52 Seckinger and Mac Nease lead. trailed three ti;"es at ! 16·15. notched its fifth the Gill ..•...... 9 Bryan County ing way WIth 18 each and 14·13 and 13.11.' o� Pi�: II two losses Lewis 6 2·2 I 14 victory against by Lavaun Durrence following with FALL Portal 64.52 at Pem- 16 ,1. Le�¥�",ruM\,,!?as�et..r,jg�t:il.\l�� o.wons�\'I·" ."" ."" 9 .-2,.,4·" ,3",.,21)., downing and Profs .... ,. "I,e open 109 tipoff the " l:l'&emb·et In Burau ...••• I 0·0 2 2 'b'rok(!<"tfuesday""i11g1\t '{otit;lI#lI#""••lIIlII1"'lII1"''''lII1l111.'''''''''''''''). Likes Casual Comfort­ recording a total of 27 pomts. l CAGE TWIN BILL able ••• Kay PresIon was high ror!� Wear A Jack· Statesboro High rolled over Statesboro with 16 peints. � et , •• Early In Leather, Wool, American OLD SPica Reidsville High in a basketball In the boys' contest, Junior it Spray Cologne 2.50 twin bill in Reidsville Friday Pye scored 20 pelnts for States· it Nylon and Suede ••• In night, December 4. The girls honors while Ken scored Wayne Colors and Wide ... for her won, 38·12 and the boys took a 14 for Swainsboro, Range of Sizes. limited playing time. Carlton Prof d Gill of Richmond Hill had 12 I� ____WW__ sump points an� 15 rebounds. if Men's and Men's Shirts Young for Comfortable Wear .•. you ,,�ea , � Sport Many Anywhere John Keenan, a 6·5 senior

� .• , , • hardtop finish, we will Ersk·Ine 89 to 65 center fTom Phlladelohi., Styles Many Patterns. All Sizes the ';'las -IKW.W�""'"W1 be h�rp to give a sole sparkler for ErskIne, , The red·head shot Complete Selection� ESTIMATE ON ANY Streets Georg," jump and Undefeat�d �rove for 21 points and 12 re...... IIIIIl ... Ersktne Teacher�Its thir SHAEFFER JOB. �ad.e C�lIege hounds. Frank Blanton • vlcllm Monday RIght, December was next Walkways for the Fleet FREI-, behind five with 10 points. � 7, in I players We Will Gift Your and 89.65,. GTC' dominated both boards Wrap Purchases FREE � DESERT FLOWER 01" SET 2,75 EXCAVATING Areas double fIgures, Parking with 63 rebounds to 31. The Toilet Waler and With " PARKER Hand and Body Lotion GRADING-FILLING only reserve g u a r d t&\lIer Profs made many of their gift·boxed in and David Patton mor'e than gold, green while, playing baskets on nnd second I PEN and PENCILS I Driveways tip-ins 23 minutes, the Profs were Dial 4·3215 'hots. GTC hit on 38 of 81 field � POplar never behind in the basketball also in sets p.:o::ll attemnts for 47 pet' cent tn and Donaldson-Ramsey game coasted after ten Erskine's 33 per cent on 27 wide minutes. price range Connie Lewis, 6-5 82. 1iIi lII1 _ sophomore from ot, Chances Are-WE KNOW HIS SIZE-75 Years J G. Construction Co. Millen,' scored Pembroke State of Nort)o Experience J. AHaway 19 pelnts and led both teams in Carolina will play GTC herr rebound. with 17. on South Main St. Park Ave. Ext. Statesboro, Ga. Saturday night In the locals' Statesboro, Ga. Verstraete Whitey and Ches· last action until January 7 when __ I11 IIlIi:JIII 1Ii. tel' Curry each added L 13, despite 'they visit the University of Ga I .. •__,...__l1li..._l1li..__l1li.....l1li.... Vote on Cotton

set Curtis Co. often 40-in. G-E Fa,rlll 4-H Club The Bulloch Herald quotas Youngblood Range for $149.95 THE 811d Feat.lres puts Curtis Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, December 10, 1959 for December 15 Youngblood, continuing his fantastic bargain in an welcome effort to reduce stock so that signs the big expansion program BULLOCH Tuesday, December 15, has Make sure tree • can be carried is your Christmas is SHETLAND been set as the date tor cotton out, again reducing prices so that the peo­ on PONIES farmers to vote on higl,ways marketlng ple in this area can home and HERALD • quoting for the 1960 cotton crop, purchase furnishings appli­ WELCH fire safe for Christmas season Rondsigns to greet paSSing PONIES John F. Bradley, Administratlve ances at unbelievable low, low motorists and to extend a rrl- Officer of the Stabi­ prices. Agrlcuiture By Roy Powell, County Agent ,--- endly welcome from the four, • lization and Conservation State JAMES W, HAGIN BACK ����;::EE� Hones must be sold in order to and teen 4-H Clubs in Bulloch Walking Office, announced Everything empty buildings IN CALIFORNIA AFTER The Christmas season for most from time of today. delivery until they Sti County were erected the 4-H of us Ison Ne\V8 by ... SEVEN-MONTH TOUR has been n season of arc set out. warehouses don't .•• that much Council members on colton delay needed home Saturday - Upland quotas must buy ALAMEDA, Calif. (FHTNC) happy memories, but this might Come See must have a . nfternoon, November on the be - Seedlings 21, Now the good . proclaimed by Secretary ••. James W. not be so. are -Try that ••. fires Buy suite that bedroom suite. Hagin, aviation Many tragic root If seven main of whenever appliance living'room system. the roots become highways leading Agrlculturo the machinist's male third caused ench Lill'Ian Morris 0 class, Chrjstm�s sens�n dried out, suffer f SERI) wins second into Bulloch exceeds The CUr­ ••. .•• .•. they may County. supply nprmal, that bed chair tables •.• in that, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ as a result of negligence In fact, ' rent anything damage which might not be ls estimated suPply ot 23,154,- lard of Christmas t r e e 4-H Hagin Route 2, States­ decorating. overcome. members, Bill Smith, LJr­ ... 000 bales for 1959-60 need for the home of all sizes ... In 01 UP running you rugs and Curtis boro, Ga., serving with Attack These fires arc avoidable. S '1 C'onservanon ry Thompson, Kelly Jones, Ron­ If are . contest $125.00 exceeds "normal seedlings stored in a by 4,434,000 Squadron 212, returned to An is to essay ald Denl, Lugcnla Smith, Billie .. will ... Important precaution cool bales. Youngblood Go. arange for place and kept moist upon easy payments Alameda, Callf., December 4, use cords By MRS: W, H_ MORRIS Alderman and Linda Woodard lights a!'d bearing delivery, will abroad the attack aircraft the they usually stay were assist ed Ext In the Underwriter's Laboratories in by cnslon quotas -� condition proclaiming -- good for as ------'------carrier USS long J. _- - a C, - Lexington after Label. This label means that the Sr. Agents Mrs. Beatrice Dnvls and Secretarv also nnnounced that us two weeks. If Be�sley seven-month tour of with seedlings must cla�s s��I�:�� 1����ISw���r d�� �;t ���e�rs. Jones Peebles. Choice (B) allotments for 1960 - duty product been wait for the U. h�s manufact�red longer periods before the Essay Contest on Better OAKS S. Seventh Fleet in the Mr. QUARTER under and I. nre rtgid safety regulations. Mrs, H. had provided quotas in effect for olanting ,they should be heeled- nnd Water Conservotlon Beasley 4-H Clubs tors and Leaders Western Pacific, sets have S�iI . (18 lhe - will be 40 Light that frayed In. guests lost Tuesday. Mrs. CARTS, ETC. crop percent District. She attends SEBH wish to express their SADDLES, cords faulty, sockets, S. E. Sims and Mrs. Elton Sims apprecia­ larger than the "regular" Choice ill-litting Bundles of school. tion to the or seedlings may con­ following business (A) farm allotments. loose connections should not and children of Brooklet TIleY -We will hold 'til Christmas Free- Full tain as many as 2,000 Mrs. Johnny Roberts of Ports- concerns for these Size 'ie also making signs used in decorating the tree, seedlings. attended the cane Range For best survival, these should be Virginia, spent last week g;lnding possible: The December 15 vole is an and care should be taken not to �o�th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 10 miles South of 21 as SODn her planted as possible after vtstung mother, Mrs. D. L. J. C. Sylvanla-Rt. important one, Bradley empha­ overlord the electrical circuit. Beasley Sr. A, B. McDougald, Bulloch are received. Morris and other relatives here. __ sized, because its outcome wilt they After they Phone UL 7-3665 Other Mrs". Farm New! The don't for safety sake in are B E Bidcas an M'rs. County Bureau, Gold Kist (Newington Exc.) heeled-in, cover well with a Mrs. Ray Mobley of ey determine . Sylvania P whelher Christmas are: On . C. S. eanut G Bu II och C marketing Extra decorating moist soli vrs Prootor attended the home rowers, ounty and then drench with ited the..J L Morris fam II quotas become effective for outside y Sea Large decorations, don't hang water. demonstration me e tin In Bank, Island Bank, Pro- one day last week. g """""" _ _ 1960, the kind of allotment pro­ sockets so will collect Statesboro last ducers and Bulloch True- . they On Mrs, Jean Bachelor Friday. Co-op in effect for and planting, day keep the of Ports- gram the levei 0'",.. water; don't use candles on Mr. and Hrs. I. H. Beasley had tor Company. •• roots covered in their container ve, and Savannnh of price support avallabie for tree on while from �outh, at dinner � lights gone with Visited guests lost Sunday Mr. next Oven home. a soupy mud or water. D. L. Morris and year's crop. M,:,. and Mrs. Oscar Mitchell of ,unoII rr j Never allow other relatives and O'jJ'E the roots to be friends here. . IT �'() Storage To k e e Christmas Garnett If p your Mrs. S C nd Mr d M tho quotas are favored by at - for exposed to the sun or wind Johnny Roberts returned merry, let's follow these safety Dan ali Fox t least two-thirds of the growers even for a few minutes, for the to S a van n a h with her for Be�sl�y"'';hey ��tend:!i suggestions. church services at Red Hili rapping voting in tho mar­ small root die a visit last afternoon referendum, endings quickly Thuradny •• Primitive Baptist Chllrch I YOUR\)(tELF. keting quotas with penalities on Drawers·· Push when exposed. night to visit hor utility power HEAT FOR POULTRY grand- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and to "excess" c reno eontmue In .. cotton will be in Beaisey � effect Heat For further Information on a��d �:h ���::::::--=; Is considered by many daughters, Lynda and for the 1960 upland cotton crop tree Mr. Mrs. W. H. Morris Faye, poultry experts to be the most planting seedlings stop by ?nd were Sun t� a and day night-supper growers will have choice be­ factor influenc- at your office. MISS lillian Morris, were Important single county agent's guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. tween the "A" and "8" allot­ spend-the-day guests ot Mr. and Bull'oCh the health of a broiler BuHon Ing during • • • Beasley. ments and Control' Mrs. price support will be James H, Morris and - county the . winter months. Feed can- Gary _ available at not less than TOBACCO DISCOUNT in Savannah last colne in 75% sumptlon and growth rate may Sunday. Announcement was made this III Ind Isk UI lbout boW of "A" and G-E Range MOdel J-400S PROGRAM parity (for cotton) . decreased by too little heat Mr. and Mrs. William H. week by Jack Whelchel, public 01f1' otIRISTMAS CLUB 60 � cln belp JOII percent of parity (for "B" In the broiler house. The USDA has announced and Hites health engineer of health dis­ Suspecti- lI-!orris son, Billy Joe of held for wherl mike 'he smlll cotton). If more than one-third trict you (bur blllty to disease is a I s a in- that the discount variety pro- Brooklet, visited Mrs. D. L. number seven, that the ,...... ,) or the ppymenll thl' add '0 I growers voting in the creased. gram on flue-cured tobacco will Morris and Mrs. Johnny Roberts control measures designed to up bl, CbriJr_ referendum � Mrs.. R• vans check oppose the quotas, For flocks of or continue in effect 1960. last J E confined the recent outbreak (or you, •• • Ibe 10,000 birds during Sunday night. of lhere will be no 1-----.....:=- _ more marketing you should use a central Also, according to USDA, the Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kennedy rabies in the fox population to or in No'Money quotas effect for the pennlitles heating system; however, for national marketing quota of of Savannah spent last Sunday on Nov. ember 26 southeastern section of Bul­ the 1 �60 unlnnd cotton crop, The It's here-a new 2-3 flocks loch Newest in Design plow under 10,000 birds hover next year's crop of this type visiting her mother, Mrs. 0, L. county, arc ccntlnutng and the "A" tractor. Mrs. J. Racer died only "regular"-Cholce all-purpose with type heating units are satlsfac- tobacco has a small Increase Morris, and her sister, Mrs. Evans, 66, have "met with rair success." - allot mente John Woodcock early November 13 MILLION PEOPLE will be in effect. greater flexibility than ever, tory. In the acreage for farms that Roberts, who is Tuesday, 24, In Down··36 for G-E visiting a To nnd sunnort will Television new Savannah after a control the price dron to Sharp styling, bright Sufficient heat should be have not grown tobacco during he,Jo�nnye. 'hospital long completely This Illness. of a Is She rabies 50 cent of new had lived In possibility per parity for cotton colors of meadow green applied to make the birds com- the past 5 years, and to adjust Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Sanders the outbreak, USE in died Cllto section of Bulloch "we must continue our all-out CHRISTMAS CLUB with allot­ and fortable until are grown compliance clover white, new Start­ they marketed. inequities. For most farms, how- of Chatham City spent the' County Tuesday all her life effort In the area ments. Birds are 1960 toward t,'IIP­ ing Safety Switch, new twin­ comfortable when ever, allotments will be weekend visitin� her parent, Months are and also some to Survlvurs her ping SIDEBOARD COORDINATE dial distributed over the the same as in 1959, Mr·1 husband f begin trap­ inatruments-all are evenly and Mrs. H. N. out that the Shurltng. In Bradley pointed � area. should not be bunch- I Statesboro; a ping other seetions 01 the at the of 91 yours in the new Oliver 550_ They Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McDon- daughter, Mr�. 40-percenl increase permitted to ed h Don �anno county," Whelchel said. age But that's together aid of Hug Su t ,Mr. who just a start, Denmark, isited Mr. and growers choose to grow The reeo'mmen'ded v, I S. C.·, three son-s, Your tempera- Mrs. J . . s stmateesr: Mr. John S. Chance! ydu get the most L Midon an f II Albne'rt, He stated _ Woodcock, 91, modem SHS basket that trw success of their tn60 crop upland under t' tures for ball _am J. R. died brooding arc: first and also Mrs. D, L. Morns last Jr., 'Phoenix, Ariz., - early Tuesday utility-tractor features in the fox the Choice (B) program under morning, 95 and Donald trapping program to COn- December at the week, degrees F; second E., Savannah; three n 8, his home in Your new 550 Sunday marketing quota program­ industry, 90 y,'boro, Mrs. F. W. trol rabies week, third sisters, The degrees F; week, team afternoon... Dixon, Mrs. depends upon dally Brooklet after a long Illness. He feels ita own defeats and Mrs. Willie Gene is the some percentage increase way, goes from 85 Mr; Jesse Donaldson degrees F: fourlh week, 80 ' and Mrs. Inspection the citizens in the was a . by lire-long resident of Bul­ ______poaition to draft control Morris and Mr and Mrs C E provided under the 1959 pro­ degrees fifth 75 W·'llie 0onaldson, all of States- loch and a member p_a_y F." week, degrees R and Frank:re Ray af 'Eld'ora county who place traps on their County of. g_��_$_22_9_.95 Your gram. Bv Inw, the price support automatically. choice F; and Sixth 70 Metter 90.33 .a� bora; and ten the Brooklet �1 week, degrees VISited Mr. and H. grandchildren. under Primitive Baptist A of or diesel Mrs. W. ProPcrty. Choice (B) would be per­ gasoline engine, F. Funeral services were r'hIJrch. Buy Junior Pye put 24 points Morris last held Bullouh Sunday evening. cent of narity lower than under Powerjuster wheels, power under the hover at Clito B 2 Temperatures the nets in the first BELIEVE IT OR NOT-We Thursday apt 1st Mr. Whelchel said that the County Choice (A). He is survived by his wife, steertng, through Independently should be taken at edge of Church conducted by the Rev. health all Mrs. Durrell Donnldson of Sa­ the quarter and had a 30-point total have a pear tree that its department urges tbe Controlled PTO, the hover three to five C. J. inches Everette and the Rev. Bill people interested in some vannah and Mrs. Dean Don­ You for the night as he led States- second crop of pears on It this doing get .six forward above-the litter. House tempem- Bradeau, pastor. Burial was In of bora to a 90-33' vic- year. about the of trapping foxes to contact the aldson of Miami, Florida; two ture basketball Along Bank speeds, double-disc brakes, should not less than 50 la�t the church cemetery. local health , J. A. be. over Metter July and August, we department for SHS sons, Woodcook and B. a rubber F. tory Tuesday night, p,cked 'Y' Clubs 2· seat-all at 50 Smith-Tillman was Piece sprihg degrees Mamtammg and Instruction on the -Member Mortuary traps Federal Insurance F. Woodcock, both of Savannah; thl� November 24. Deposit Corporatlon­ nO' extra cost. See the new deRree temperature d uri n in , g J charge. trnpplng procedures. ten grandchildren, five asannddnPoewarsonOfDf eOcf. 05uthr ptehaerretr.eree' �••��l!lI._•••lIII•••»».lIIIlIII.M••••• •• great­ 550 soon, Feel its extra __ �dw�th�mQre�re � grandchildren, ono sister, Mrs. •••••••••••••• eagerness, its quick, smooth auxiliary he.ating units. visitorsThmC��w�h����_�rs_�ro�����with 11 •••_••_-.--•••• •••• W. H. Neville 01 S. points. Strange� this year-on the same tree. I -� -�i sponsor big Columbia, to The maximum number of- response every touch. effort was the C. and one L. Wood­ Iy Pye's only h'tve not known of two crops brother, B. chicks ncr hover should "'e 800 GRAND cock of d�uble-figure performanc� by a of fruit on a near tree before. Charlotte, N. C. Also for hover' and 600 for Dec. 21 several neives nnd Kroehler STATESBORO a.96-inch Statesboro player, but 13 of the The fruit is miniture in size. party nephews. D 84-lnch hover. Blue Devils wcr'e able to score. Mrs. B. E. Beaslev a few Funeral services were held spent Statesboro TRUCK & TRACTOR last week in Savannah High School "Y" afternoon at 3:00 days yesterday PLANTING TREE Statesboro's also had an Clubs are SEEDLINGS girls where she visited sponsoring a Holiday o'clock from the Brooklet Prim­ relatives. If to a 65-33 Ball to COMPANY, you're planting forest tree easy time, romping Mr. and Mrs. Reecie be held in the High itive Baptist Church with Elder Voyles this Or victory. scored 26 School M 0 n E_ Vine St_--Statesboro seedlings winter, early Lynn Storey "nd dau�hter. of Colum­ Lunchroom, day W. A. Crumpton as­ Peggy officiating, spring, remember tb keep root to lead the Devilettes. Betty Sue evening, December 21, from 8 sisted by Rev. Kent L. Gillen­ LIVING bia, S. C., visited her parents, to II ______system moist. And that means Hale scored 22 to pace Metler. P. M. All students, faculty, water. Burial was in the Brook­ and alumni, nrc invited nnd may let Cemetery. ------bring any guest of their choice. Active pallbearers was Tyrol Referendum on Minick, .I. L. Minick, John Mc­ Tickets, 50c per couple and Here are Eddie Rufus fhe LOWEST-PRICED 35c stag, may be pU'rchased from Cormick, Lanier, PICKUPS Akins and M. S. Brannen, of Jr. Tri-Hi-Y members or be ROOM may SUITE {)canut quotas obtained at. the door. Dress is Honorary pallbearers wore formal or semi-formal. Wayne Parish, Rlohard Wil­ liams, T. J. Hagin, Jim Alder­ set for Dec. 15 the will LAWTON Highlighting evening man, J. H. Wyatt, W. Lee Mc­ DOWNS be the A national presentation of "Mr. and Elveen, Perry Nesmith, John Put A marketing quota Miss Christmas referendum of peanut Spirit," seleeted Belcher, W. C. Cromley, Alvin growers the student -the first in three will by body prior to the Belcher, Owen Prosser, T. R. years- dance. A be held December 15, Bulloch court will be composed Bryan, R. C. Hall, S. R. Ken­ of the 8 4 Agricultural Stabilization and runners-up, boys and nedy, W, W. Mann, Grady • 'Second' 4 In addition to nn $159.95 Conservation Committee Chair­ girls. enter­ Flake, and L. A. Harn. valuable door man V. J. Rowe, announced to­ Blitchton taining program, Service Barnes Funeral Home Station prizes will be day. The ballotting will deter­ given away. charge of arongements, mine whether or not marketing Located Just East of Old Station Committees and chainnen are: TYSet will Portable be in effect for the quotas At Intersection of Routes 280 and 80 Refreshments, Kav Preston: De- next three crops of peanuts. corations, in the house Joyce Clark; Publicity, If at least two-thirds of the Kay Minkovitz: Entertainment, Senior Hi.Y voles are favorable, quotas will Burke: Marsha BLITCHTON GEORGIA Hugh Tickets, be in .ffect for the 1960- 1961 and Appliances Mary Emmye for and 1962 of this crops peanuts, pen­ announces �;��s��n. new alties will apply to "excess" pea­ J 2 S'IEP TABLES with Certified Economy nuts, and price supports will ", be available to growers who He,. I. can count on ... backed FRIDAY 1960 economy you economy with their allot­ DECEMBER II Xmas comply acreage confercnce date the Band Roosters ... by Certified tests oCleading independent automotive ments J 1 COFFEE TABLE 'Terms at the full level of sup­ Easy engineers. t announced. continued from page 1 On Decemter i @ port Tuesday, I, FORD Certifled New tests 'Coastal Make "Mom" on gas savings! Verify the gas savings If more than one-third 01 the Unest Shell 1959, a fair number of States­ Portable Georgia's equipped Service Station tary schools, as well as the r:$l�Oc"DoWN1 of Ford's modern Six-the engine that averaged 25% voters and boro High School Senior Hi- Y Hap-. Applianc't oppose, quotas pen­ " 2 LAMPS more in Showdown U.S.A.I Statesboro BlUe Devil Band. with a t_l!'j> � mpg Economy allies will not be in effect for members met in the high school py TRUCKS --e-- Certlfted durabllityl Tests oC key truck parts showed, the 1960 and the Mr. Dale Jensen, the director auditorium for the monUtly peanut crop, for example, 28.6% greater Crame rigidity, level of to of these groups, slates, meeting. G-E Automatic price support eligi­ "qne " 2 THROW PILLOWS Certified lawest See the actual ble will to 50 of OUI; main features will be a According to Burke, prices' price comparisons, growers drop per­ Free Hugh cent for all the test results_ Come In and see the of In such a ladies Tuba solo p I aye d by Hugh President of the club, the annual plus economy parity. case, gifts-some especially the Certified Book_ another rfeerendum would be Butke, an outstanding bandsman Christian Life Conference has Economy CLOTHES held in 1960 for the for many years, and last year been moved up from the MOI'ch following three was selected to attend the All- date to January, 1960. Those Model 17T3304 crops. A for the' home can A will be state Band in Atlanta." s grower eligible to wi h i n g further information gift WASHER FREE SHRIMP vote in the December 15 refer­ see as Soon as "If you are unable to get shou,ld Hugh Table Model Prices Start At endum, Mr, Rowe said, if he at 6 and on the hour until 11 downtown on poSSible. Starting p.m o'clock Saturday and is entitled to share in 1959-crop wish to contribute to the band's Hugh also reported on the make the whole Powerful Chassis family hap. peanuts for harvest as of the planted mail con- growth, simply your atten�ance .Program nuts On a farm having mare trlbution to in care of Ken- which was me, Plann�ng C8r8�an than one acre of peanuts III Sylvania November plant­ an's Print Shop, or on Saturday, 12, ed. Free Frozen Swifts he�d1909. home fum· $128.00 call 4-3013 or and py. Buy your some- . $178.00 4-3150, Peanut Also marketing quotas have one will come to house discussed the pur­ your �V8S, I been in effect each year since and decal chase of membersh,p pms by the bring your and tick- 1949. In the last previous refer­ local members. It was also BUTTERBALL Mr. Witte said. and TURKE� et." m�de ishings appliances = FURNITURE AND endum, quotas for the 1957, known that members wantmg HOME FURNISHINGS FOR HAPPY-LIVING I ''The Blue Devil Band 1958 and 1959 crops were fav­ We want our friends of this those pro- to buy one of these pins see section, especially in ...... wtI...... " .. 1II1It ored by 93.5 percent of the vldes pleasure for many, in their club =. � Gary Witte, Secrelary. IWIIW. __1d.I.., _edld fltlll � Bulloch to see our beautiful new station and other in foot- .. pric-.,iftdtdilllf dwtu._lli.. growers voting. County performances parades, It was further that a stated ....,,..IPfIItioll .. toIMII IIId� ball and as well stores that to continue games concerts, tentative date has been set for l.dII,.. hopes serving them. as our school t"""''''' ' r' to r.o. teaching children a Christmas dance to be spon­ ... IU', ,,,' , .. _ ,-" O-�/txQ 44fM.I an of music. _ appreciation good sored the Hi-Y and whereyoalmowtheYwiUI I).tlaltJI.lllc:hlpa jointly I by be fW� Now is the time to show SERVICED. your Tri Hi-Y. The proposed date is for this fine work. � CurtiS, COME-Bring your appreciation Monday, December 21, 1959. Youngblood friends-Enjoy yomelL � Statesboro � BROOKLET your band on Band This event Portal MOTOR COMPANY §upport promises to be one COM PAN Y Booster's Saturd·" the 12th . � and a Day, of Christmas fun, In the "honest eating shrimp, just having real old of added. .... � Brooklet, Georgia December," be to goodness" sense of the word. ,.,..lU>_».---)I!j(-- �,.l!J",...,:.Q.l!JO:u,,_l!lI._,.)I!j(,.»_l!JI8l!l1l!l1)1!j(·l!JI lIII_¥"",...,:t\ -See "FORD STARTIME" in fashioned living color Tuesdays on NBC-TV-- good time with your friends. Editorials' .BUT BOYS, IT'S GETTING HEAVY ...

There'll be times to be remembered

The coming days between now put by them about the Christ and Christmas will be filled with Child. times to remember, things to re­ And all the while you'll be given call, incidents to smile over in the wonderful opportunity of gIv­ children the recollection. Ing your greatest gift In TAKE TIME OUT Saturday that homeowners our town of all-Faith in God. 590 rose bushes. And And the ones which will linger night, December 12, and go sec bought When If you're interested the Iavorltes will be those which COII­ you give Faith, 'you give the GTC Professors play Pem­ longest 65 Charlotte them the world and all. And the broke Stnte College of Pem­ Included Arm­ cern children. 48 39 your broke, N. C., In a good, fast strongs, Doctors, Eclipses, wonderful' part is that Faith is 38 and 37 Garden There'll be the first Christmas basketball game. We make this Miraudys yours to give, no matter who you Ion fa rtwo reasons, Party. NEW MEMBERS or the States. with all its and glit­ suggest tree, bright In! be a basketball boro chamber of Corn­ are, what you do for a living, how First, good Albert ciub Junior and Mrs. Braswell, tering tinsel twinkling lights. game. The Profs arc on the Go! merce are Charles Branyon, much you have in the bank. And president, expresses the apprecl­ There'll be the which is And then, and this Is just as John Ed Brannen and W. A. curiosity for the Faith them atton of the club members for some, you give good a reason a. the first, It Is (Bill) Tremendous by the pictures of San­ the complete cooperatlon all Youngb�o�d .• selection'" of generated will remain brilliant "Youth Night" when the Profs nationally talk of what he'll throughout gave to the sale. Profits arc ta Claus and the will play host to kids from WE SHALL HAVE music duro the year, and if nurtured properly, being invested In beautifying the. famous name be the of schools In this Ing the Christmas season. At brand dresses our bring. There'll problem flfty-elght high school grounds .of the Sallie for it will remain a light for all for section of this three of the States­ the to be hung. There'll Georgia. And, here's Zetterower and Mattie Lively writing stockings the future. the all the bora churches have announced clincher, proceeds, elementary schools, Grand and 48th be the in the faith in the for Christmas music. Opening Sale faltering Christmas is for children. Don't beyond expense of the game, plans The Anniven.ary Santa Claus by the older ones will go to the youth of States­ First Baptist Church will pre­ proudly presents let is involved with the com­ get boro and u n TO FOOTBALL Bowl sent its choir In the and the problem of restoring it. Bulloch Co t y MEMO Hallelujah the line mercializm with which we adults through the Statesboro Recrea­ fans: Chorus from Handel's oratorio, complete of famom perfumes . This Week's tion Department. GTC Coach Here is a schedule of the "The Messiah" on Sunday even­ There'll be the Story of Christ­ surround it. Keep it warm, and and toilet waters and Athletic Director J. B. football bowl games: Saturday, ine, December 13. at 7:30 0'· by mas to be told or read to the little wonderful for them. It's theirs to Scearce, Jr. and Rec Superin­ December 12, the Blue Grass clock. It will be directed by ones. And the racking of brains dream about, to wonder about, tendent Max Lockwood worked Bowl at Louisville, Ky. Satur­ Bernard Morris. The Pittman out the details' for the December the Blue PArk Chancel Choir will present 14.98 to to answer the myriad questions to experience. Meditation game. day, 19, Formerly 49.98 And this will be the last time Bonnet Bowl at Houston, Texas; "The Story or Christmas" In local fans will to see the Bowl at Phila­ that same The choir Lawrence E. Jr. get the Liberty game song night. LANVIN Houston, Profs piny this year. Their next delphia, Pa.; the Holiday Bowl will be- under Ihe direction of Anniversary which touches us all CHARLES WESLEY'S both these hymns we find the home game will be on January game at St. Petersburg, Florida Mrs. Fred A. Wailace. The The Lanvin fragrances are the great classics of all time Priced At Aging-a problem CHRISTMAS MESSAGE keen intellect and warm heart 9 when they will play Stetson Thursday, December 31, the Sun Calvary Baptist Church Junior I ••• beloved under the direction by women all over 25% on The of a man is of Charles at work. here. Bowl at EI Texas. Choir, of Mr. fascinating the world. off Recently a group of Bulloch Tuesday night, Nov. 10, was greatness Wesley University Paso, Friday, For will a You have Minkovitz often obscured by the briliant him, the coming of Jesus January I, the Bowl, George Dwinell, present may your favorite in the toilet Famous Fashion offers one of citizens the first step toward that con­ ,Cotton fragrance Ready-tO-Wear County gathered together success of another. Such a man was to free His He Dallas The program of Christmas music on people. IF THE SPADE 'N TROWEL Texas; Sugar Bowl, water, perfume, talc, al well 81 the the finest collections of to talk about tile of ference. Three of the went wonderful-to-have­ nationally famous name brand problem Ag­ group was Charles W e s ley, poet, phrased It like this: "BORN TO Garden Club has Its States­ at New Orleans, La.; the Rose Sundav evening, December 20, ELMA CANNON, Mar. way along Lanvinelle pune lines of coats, and dresses in aware to and In the SET THY PEOPLE F R E E. boro can become Bowl at Pasadena, Calif.; the at 7:30 o'clock. We will an­ perfumer. suits, Southeast such 2nd Floor Dr..... ing. The group is keenly Savannah Friday, November preacher, singer another City Georgia, , Sporu­ FROM AND FEARS nounce others as are re­ as: , Evangelical Revival of the OUR SINS of Roses. A on the Club's Bowl at Miami, Fla.; they and Toilet I Jonathan wear and Children'. that a exists in our land ,20 to a to report Orange Perfume. Waterlfram '3.00 Logan, Candy Jr., Bobby Brooks, Jerell Jr. Dept. problem meeting help plan RELEASE LET US FIND to us. eighteenth century. US. annual rose bush sale reveals the Tangerine Bowl at Orlando, ported Carol Helen -the of old. in the Whiting, Crystal Jr., R&K problem growing Georgia's participating While he was perhaps a more OUR REST IN THEE." What �ogars, Originals, ' a Franklin, Manfords, White House Conference in 1961. appealing preacher than his pointed truth for fear-obsessed Holiday Originals, American' Golfer, Grand Opening Special Awareness that a problem brother John, his enduring fame twentieth century whose mind Sensibly, Pat Bea Life are Young Perkins, Young, Kay Whitney, Toni spans growing longer. is more on satellites than sancti­ exists is the beginning of its so­ tests upon the nearly seven Hunt, Korell, Classic Pam WOMEN'S BAN-LON sizes of and and more on Khrushchev Lady, Pickett, Peg Palmer and lution. Housing, pensions, thousand hymns which he wrote. ty, than Roseweb. our Grand and 48th "I a on Christ. . CARDIGAN other resources needed by the el­ He said: began hymn my During Opening Anniversary . He reason �:f� conversion." indicated another Sale. All these fall Back in an are not dresses, coats and suits will be offered' SWEATERS September, 1958, derly keeping up. for His Ihus: "LIGHT seems Sensuous Mr. contribution to coming it Delight at Wesley's 1f 25% of,f, Act of was It is to these AND TO A LL HE Congress signed by study problems the Christmas season is found LIFE authoriz­ that we are now our BRINGS." He remembered the President Eisenhower, directing In the familiar "Hark, the Herald Perfume, St48 words of the Master: "I am the and the less fami­ max lockwood SPECIAL ing a White House Conference efforts. The objectives deserve Angels Sing," 10 GROUP OF ASSORTED liar but light of the world," and also, $5.00 $110.00 Compare at $7.95 meaningful, 'Come, " on to be held in the of all. The of Aging Washing­ support problem Thou Jesus." I am the life." FORMALS and . Long Expected to COCKTAILS Still wrote: "BORN Cologne, Tremendous ton 011 January 9-13 in 1961. the Aging is one which will touch When Charles Wesley ponder­ aaoin. he selections TO RAISE THE SONS OF a it of The of the here us all. ed the desires and hopes of Ihe CHRISTMAS is just around about once year and kept mine who share very quietly $2.75, $5.00, $MO of colors. Sizes 34 to 40. meeting group EARTH. BORN·TO GIVE THEM % OFF some of sentiment. This with some Jewish nation for a Messiah, he the comer and there are mainly out others of the bless­ Extra sizes SECOND BIRTH." C h a r I e s 6,48. SLlP­ discovered the prospect of the things we should be thinking week I parted with it and now ings which have been theirs. Special group long and ballerina length Wesley and his brother John One the to there is a human who is call me the office, or OVERS TO, MATCH coming or Jesus, running like a about. of. best ways being They by dresses of net, and had witnessed a near revolu­ chiffon, velvet. it in golden thread throughout the start the Christmas season is to a little warmer and a little more meet me on the street and say, Formerly 3.48. Sectond Eden, put looking forward 24.98 to 49.98. Floor. Old Teslament. So he to tion in their native England. start it of others. comfortable because I finally take this money or this and Second Floor. Let's trade at home to began by thinking gift old . . . For them human nature had a becoming 'fifty years write: COM E THOU LON G I don't mean thinking in terms made the decision which I give it to a boy or girl which This is the time of the "We're All the bent to sinning. So they saw in what Aunt should have made Santa year getting Younger EXPECTED JESUS." To him, of to give Margaret long ago. might miss this year, Group Specially Priced for Our Jesus on the coming of the Christ, help or Uncle but in Some so much and Anniversary when editors of newspapers in a Time." He his readers on no­ did not burst the stage Bill, thinking say, buy puts for a THERE ARE so many places SLlP·OYERS & of human life "out of the blue." struggling, stumbling, terms of sharing what we have bring me the bili or charge it FAMOUS BRAND DRESSES town like ours go all out to help tice that when the for God. you could look for this used Enterprise Prophet. priest, and peasant had humanity groping with those less fortunate than to my account and send me a CARDIGANS clothing. There is one thought the hometown merchants sell the gets to be fifty that'll "be some­ long looked for His coming. Furthermore, as Wesley pon­ we. copy of the statement. It is with you should certainly remember. to citizens of their communities on to about" and he hints As he meditated on the wiles dered the purpose of His com­ It's kinda standard procedure real joy in iny heart that I can St88 $8.88 thing' brag If the clothes are of no value, % OFF and woes of the Hebrew nation, ing, 'he remembered the signifi­ with me to look through my be a part of this kind of giving Formerly sold from 5.98 to 12.98. Famous tile idea that it's good business to that there'll be a doozy of a cele­ too old or worn, then burn them their agonizing existence under ance of the Resurrection. and things at this time of the year for in this way I know the giver brand or use them for rags. Don't give dresses, fabrics and col­ Values to 14.95, shop at home. bration. Pharaoh's Whip-lash; their flucu­ wrote: "BORN THAT MAN NO to see what article of clothing, is giving from the heart with a Many styles, orlons, anyone something which will be ors. Second Ban - atlng loyalty to God; and their MORE MAY DIE." bike a ray of shoes and even personal articles true spirit of Christmas in his Floor, Lons and Fur The advantages are so obvious of no value to them, This is Advance and We congratulate the Claxton cruel captivity at the hands of brilliant sunlight piercing the such as razors. extra toilet ar­ soul. Spring blends. Second and will leave an Floor; that one would think it would not overcast a dismal comes which times have mockery on its pagan people, he penned these of day, ticles many arriv­ Enterprise forty-eighth " emptiness in your heart. I heard a story this week Holiday styles be to concern words: ISRAEL'S STRENGTH the truth that in Jesus life can been given to me by friends and necessary express even if a little it's about one little There are birthday, late, AND CONSOLATION." The be in God forever. which have never used, can be Look in the cabinets and boy. ing daily_ Priced from over the But 'tis not so. problem. former lived and where you keep your many children in his family and editor and owner, R. E. L. coming strengthen His people in He concludes his reasons for passed along enjoyed by places $5.98 to About this time Christ­ the ones with the every year he does have some $45.00 every trial and console them in sor­ Christ's saving: He people who have a need for shirts, frayed (Mr. 'Bob) Majors is one of Geor­ comlnn by Christmas. clothes and row. them. collars which you never wear, Mostly mas season citizens get in their WAS "W"lJ>N TO REIGN IN to one in Re­ food from friends. In four years gia's outstanding newspapermen he made a give them need. cars Next, present-day US FROEVER." Not only to free and take oPf, on crowded and EVERY YEAR I receive great member the socks with the tiny there hasn't been a single toy one who helped us in our appllcatton by calling Bethle­ release us. rest us: nl'lt 0"'" us, as a result in that house and I think about to our hem's Bnbe the "HOPE OF ALL personal enjoyment hole which you will never have highways, metropolitan and us to I!ivp. us light and life, and struggling youth gave of having shared these things well someone will take how many there are at my house THE EARTH," and when that new assurance iM­ repaired, FREE lured the and of neighbors, by glamour birth, with others. It will a and about how strength with his encouragement. failed to give you the time to darn them if you carelessly they of express futlv his rnoralltv. but to reign in our big city And in good feeling if you will over­ would like to share them with are accepted and cared for and shopping. retired, Mr. Bob's influ­ thought, he added. "DEAR lives forever. Though come that desire to old used. cases end their back DESIRE OF EVERY keep a person in need. 5149.95 TELEVISION sn many trip NATION." Is there any then th«t ence is still in the wonder, out of sentiment which strong Georgia In this of Methodism's things How about those suits of home in to Singe'r these hvrnns hold a message for There are some special people (To be given away 6:30 disappointruent, only And he has a suc­ may well be used by people in that suit which is p.m, Saturady) press, worthy mind, the prospect of Christ's us todsv. and that WI" con ioin underwear, learn need. should remember at Christ­ KATHERINE also that had they shopped at now too small for an you BAILEY, Mgr. cessor in Fred Eden. \ Coming was onlv n prelude to in praising the "NEW BORN expanding So many people seem to he those that there mas. That dedicated teacher, 2nd Floor lingerie Dept. 7 OTHER home with their neighbor shop the purpose in His coming. In KTNG?" waist line, hang VALUABLE PRIZES concerned as to whether or not who We're forward to that year after year? How about your pastor, the Iittie fellow keeper they could have found looking the who receive these people that piece of furniture stored in delivers your paper in the early Golden articles them. In most what they wanted for less money. Anniversary. appreciate the unused room or in the attic? morning cold, a sick friend. Re­ instances but the real Seamproofs, they do, ever lise it member. not with gifts Just a casual visit to Will you again? always the stores is in the and in Lorraine, jov giving Could someone be happier if but with some speclnl expres-. in Statesboro and Bulloch nothing else. sian of love County To Beat the Band you shared it with them? and appreciation Shrewberry, "Profs" killers For I have held on to wlll reveal that they are well -giant years which will best express your Katzland one real DURING the Christmas season of those heovy army own personal feeling in your stocked with the same items car­ YOUTHFORM First it was Tech and overcoats. I wore the there are some friends own Rogers Georgia , thing always personal way, ried in the big stores in By DALE JENSEN larger now it's the University of Geor­ Shadow Lingorie cities. Brand names are panels the same. Both the works gia. giants given front and back The tile same. The quality prices by the Professors of Georgia This is the week. Our big spent. Forst of all, the students lower. The service more Band Boosters Day will be this in the group are a great Thru the I's personal. Teachers College. learning of Saturday. Last year, our Boost­ deal about one of the greatest Your 100% friends, YOUI' in a little over of arts, Nylon neighbors, On December 1, of last year the er's Day brought .. that of making mu­ our band sic. your relatives, your acquaintan­ GTC basketball team defeated $600 to treasurery, Along with this, they are ces here in Bulloch de­ This has been spent on new in­ learnlna of the personal disci­ County Tech in Atlanta 72 to 64. Georgia struments and uniforms that we pline required to master a musi­ SLIPS trade hero. You pend upon your Then on Dccerabc 'r: (l.p l""l)fs de­ have been using this year. We cal instrument, and the whole­ in ere at a of $1,000 some of in may, turn, depend upon them feated the University or Ccorg.u aiming goal feeling cooperating, for their ,'.Iq year, n grand for the a large group effort, to achieve V�"9(�K�a trade with you and hore 82 to 7:J. THE HI G H work to t.ic band, We Will need this worthwhile things. Secondly, STATESBORO than play in the band. great calling card for new­ SCHOOL Band does our town a yours. fcc! :""""Iunt several times over if we the students who are not ac­ comers. GTC f�n8 0<":1:': :c:y juat.i­ THE FOOTBALL service, Let's do them a players de­ We are all J u.e to be for next a of the band are great we have our band as one $2.99 dependent upon each in going ready tually part So, ficd rcfc;-::'�:l=: ::c ::l'Oi.S aa service this week-end be­ velop their bodies, 'Tis true. Did ,tr. :, car's band. There are at pre­ led, through the band's perform­ and of' our great medias of advertise­ other. And when take ever march in a . you your I:Hlc:.-:.lI An� t!l": .tlc L s. come a Band Booster. you band and . at 5.95 "giant sent twenty-eight seventh grad­ ances, to a greater appreciation ment. They go here and yon, Compare out of Bulloch to blow at the same time? Well, money County We commend the. Profs and ers in the elementary bands. of music. And at last, but not But first, did I go too fast? marching along advertising our muscles everywhere are devel­ Snip bottoms, hand appliques and embroid­ do your you are not After we graduate five seniors least, the band is perhaps our Who are the band members? town and our town's school. trading help­ their coachca upon their basket­ oped at the same time. Of eries, shadow we will have a net gain of 23, most effective advertiser for young who are Statesboro School. panels front and back. lace bot­ They're people one isn't as High ing your community. ball successes. And we course, likely to get suggest How are we going to provide Statesboro High School and our interested in music and who toms. A perfect for Christmas. 2nd Floor. Think his leg broken or his back in­ WE HAVE A di­ gift twice, do for new members? The band is seen with others make good band FREE your shopping that out to see them when these city, by hun­ join up to PRIZES go you jured but the band members do rector. He's and dreds of thousands of in music for me. clean, earnest at home. Right now, every uniform people you and They're they play Pembroke State College develop their' muscles and lungs. capable. His excellent manner that we own is used. So­ the big parades in Savannah and not all the young people who being The band members can here continue with the children Is so evident Gossard Saturday night. is instrument. This means Augusta in which we appear, are interested in music. There every their music too, to · throughout life, the teachers who observe REG. - that next We will and many more in the football are others who would play in­ �.98 3,98 GIRDLES & BRAS simply year him at his work. and struments that are too Let's don't let GOWNS have 23 youngsters marching parade performances here costly Of course, that's ail well and Drawings· Happy birthday him become and To match Don't soup it up and get in a down the street with no uni­ in town and at the away games. for parents to buy, Most of the to but discouraged good develop youngsters leave FLANNEL instruments used are Statesboro. Let's keep Our neighbor, The Claxton En­ dither as drive hither and forms, And it means that next now paid what does the band' do for us SLIPS you CONCERT him here. to band will CH!VSTMAS for by the parents. However, the here at home? we DUSTERS $3.95 $8.95 terprise, had a bithday recently­ thither; instead, to this reminder year's be top-heavy: Well, like to SATURDAYS that in bass Our Annual Christmas Con­ band would be bette,' if we had be don't lacking, is, instru­ entertained, we? We THE BAND members, as a it's - For that Christ­ ROBES forty-eighth. pay heed normal speed meets ments such as cert will be in the a few other pieces, too costly a for entertain­ With personal tubas, baritones, given high pay big pr'ce whole, are boys and girls of gowns J mas We like tile tile Fred need! and the lower reeds. This is for parents to buy, ment. Can you imagine a foot­ gift, A bra way editor, your every school auditorium on next Mon­ high standards. Let's don't let or pajamas matching like the bail without the band? It them Sets something hearing at 7:30. This will 'WHAT GOOD docs the band game down. 6:30 and girdle, Colors in Pei«Jnoir day night be blue, Statesmen quartet without their would be pretty blank, wouldn't p.m. the first public performance of do the youngsters who nre in For goodness' sake, be thought. black and and bass or a it? beige white singer, building large ful of the 2.98 and 3.98 The Bulloch Herald the students who pust started it? Comparisons are odious? parents who come to All structure without a foundation. Would much do we sizes, Second Floor. band six what foot­ spend on see about a contribution tor Panties to Match Established March 26, 1937 - Published taking weeks ago. Anvhow, good does you Dusters with 55.98 to 529.98 Every Thursday advertisement? a Instrumentally speaking, we will be followed ball do the it From personal the band. It isn't for their child They by the players? Oh, SPECIAL GROUP woufd need two tubas and two advanced members teaches team work. So does the standpoint? Do you buy new they ask have in all LEODEL COLEMAN of the grade help. They bought or Slips Brand in the clothes to gowns pajamas Editor G. C. Coleman baritones, brasses, In the schools. Then the Blue Devil band. Each member learns he occassionally adver­ their child's instrument and BRAS and GIRDLES Shop for Christmas now we tise ownself? If woodwinds, need a bass clar­ Band will furnish the can't toot louder than he's your you're part music. But there are those 9 East Vine Street Advertising program. sup­ high to match in assort­ Names while our stocks are most inet, a tenor a bas­ of a business, just how much do Director saxophone, The music will be varied, with posed to: Each learns when he -priced instruments that need Statesboro, Georgia soon and an oboe. In in advertisements? Famous the drums, some as his instruments. There's you spend There are other ex­ complete. Rogers, march music well as plays buying. ed % OFF we need one styles and col­ parade snare drum, concert numbers. One number no stricter way to learn team penses that are essential. Band Lorraine and Entered at the Post GOOD BUSINESSMEN con­ Seamproof, Statesboro, Georgia Office, Second Class Postage PaJd at Statesboro, two tenor drums, two members parade will feature High Burke in a coming up from Gram­ 51.95 to under Act of March 1887. sider the developing of the town "Statesboro's ors. Sizes 32 to 44. Formerly fro m 2.95 to 52.95 Shewbury, many Georgia, Congress, 3, pairs of cymbals, and 8 concert solo mar School need uniforms. Lar«Jest and Most styles for Tuba and Band. Hugh he has served as a member and snare drum, these 8.95. and luscious fabrics and 1959 Altogether, is n senior this year, and has Modern Gossard, Hollywcod THURSDAY,DECEMBER, 10, officer, The admission for this :h��:�tihe��im�:� ��g���� BECOME A BAND BOOSTER Department Store" Second Floor. instruments cost around I SECON 0 $4,000. been an leader in and FLOOR colors. outstanding concert will be fifty cents for merce. They are civic minded on V-Ette, L1wella Gird­ That's right, $4,000! And the Saturday. You'll boost the -We S&H GREEN SUBSCRIPTION RATES the band for many years. In adults and cents for and know that «Jive STAMPS- les and uniforms will be about twenty-five any thing lm­ morale of many boys and girls bras. 2nd Floor, Plus $1,800. addition to his excellent contri­ Georgia Sales Tax students, with tickets available proves the town as a whole and their band director. Above - That is a 1 Year $3.00, 2 Years $5.50 Out ot State: 1 Year 2 Years great deal of money. bution to the many clubs and at the door or Band their $3.50, $6.50 during will help business. They ail you'll boost your town and But we feel that it is school and church which I wisely groups Booster's Day, know that good schools are a yourself. National Denmark New8 The Bulloch Herald Brooklet New8 Mashburn. Miss VOMel Beasley, Guard Miss Audrey Strickland. Miss To The Bulloch Herald is Ann all of Teachers speed Up Rockwell's diversification Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, December 10, 1959 Lunsforp, offers for Denmark Club holds its ����g�d ����rt Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, December 10, 19159 Sewing Gene Trapnell, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Dan Williams talks at Kiwanis Mv:,�nn�n��. Christmas mail plan FERMON JONES JR. AND , CUfton, Mrs. W. K. Jones, Mrs. Dight Olliff and children. Mr. . James E. based basic JAMES F. ALDRICH James E. McCIIIi. Mrs. John District, Dnvls; trlet, J. E. Deal; I7IOth Dlltrtct, upon objectives and Mrs. Ed Howell will remain FINISH 0 lese W. WSCS meets at the home MARINE BOOT CAMP d tl tl District, Fred Hodges; 1209th District, Rupert Cllrton; 11147tb regular �f for a longer visit. Club on Youth Problems of lIngs Parris Island. S. C. �r�mII�hn ':.��e�: Dlstrlct, V. L. Mitchell; 1523rd Garnett Reddick and 1803rd . . ��·nc���-.:'s. . water 17-year-olds DIVERSIFICATION industries meters, Nesmith and (FHTNC) This week Postmaster By MRS. H. H. ZETTEROWER Mrs. Ethel grand­ Today lin Mrs. Wumell Rep- vot­ -Marines Pvt. Ferman M. Jones Lee, Denmark, District. 157Mh Dis- O. E. Nesmith. valves, parking meters, and Your II of Savannah visited DeLoach S0l110 Ivy Wynn; DiStrict, son. he Is 17. or old­ daughter By MRS. JOHN A. ROBERTSON Mrs. John Ford and Mrs. pard makes sug­ 48th/ W. F. Rockweli Jr. Jr., son of Mr. and MI's, Mays By machines fo rlocul and state cr 800n Lanier dur­ Ferman Ing may be faced with mnk­ EDITOR'S NOTE-ThIB Is Den­ Wm. H, eZtterowef and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Minick. gestions to speed UI' your ...... President tools M. Jones of Route 5. and At Jerry . the . . Pvt., of the governments power Ing his decision mili­ mark News for the Mr. and Ing the week-end. meeting Kiwanis ored Wednesday afternoon. Dec. Christmas mnillng. I-Ie says: regarding reported Mrs. lilnton Jones James F. son R. Rockwell Manufacturing Co. and measurement and control Aldrich. of Mr. and Club last L. Akins, who teaches tary service, He can take his December 3 Issue. and The children and Grandchil­ Thursday night the 2, with a Dessert Party at the "If you'lI send 011 yeur Christ­ .- family or Atlanta spent last Mrs. F. Aldrich of Route Math in the Fernandina Beach, dey ices for geneml Industry. chanco on dren mel at home of Mrs. Raleigh guest speaker was tho Rev. Dnn home of Mrs. J. H. mas mall Diversification has become a waiting to be draft­ week-end us of Mr. and the lovely Wyatt, cards by First Class r devices guests 4. all of Statesboro. Ga. com­ Fla. School ,and Charles Such diverse of the with High with a mcasuring ed. This. however, It J. A. Denmark to cele­ Williams, pastor First Mrs. Wyatt and Mrs. Joe nnd Include name and add- very fashionable word may make Mrs. W. W. Jones. Sunday recruit train also of Fernandina your 83 taximeters, Instrumcnt clocks, pleted Inn Decem­ Methodist Church in Smith, Beach, sometimes con nota- difficult fer him to plan ahead brate her birthday when a bas­ Statesboro. Ingram hostesses. The honoree ress on the envelopes, you'll misleading The Denmark Sewing Club Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones ber I at the Marine Re­ who of Mr. and machines, and parking his Corps gave a most dis­ was most 8 To that a Is voting for education or hi. civilian ket dinner was served. Inspiring attractive In blue help friends to keep their moil­ lion. say company held It, regular Wed- and Mrs. Martin and cruit Depot. Harris Island. S. C. �f��t meters arc related In the produc- career. meeting Cloyce cussion on "The Youth Problems and wool sheath ;,';��� 1��!� diversified has come to mean, e grey printed ing lists up-to-date, Further, you nesday afternoon at the home children. Tew and Jane know-how and facilitles- tlon know-how spent Relatives and friends of mnny of Today." dress. In the bridal a Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge Roebuck for that it is on that turing required. PAUL D. WATERS NOW games are assured that nny cnrds that many, to on On the other of Mrs. Ulus Williams with Mrs. with re- of the new were It would be possible go "relrted" hand. he can­ Thanksgiving Holidays Marines were on the of was won the and little son, Jimmy, account atone a Invest- Our dtverslrlcauon Is IN GERMANY WITH During business session pair earrings by cannot be dcllvered will be re­ good if he nets Daniel Akins as co-hostess. The latives In Atlanta. to at and on. now-make practical hand witness the graduaUon and a for holiday guests of relatives were life In another Every­ Sylvester Parrish, president of bride. Travel Kit high turned to you for corrected ment. If that true, deeper wuy. club was WOn Mrs. 55th ARTILLERY I plan, which will permit him to qullt by Mr. and MIs. Cecil Davis had ceremonies. the score was Pam be And there Is that Indefinable we make nnd market Is Greenlund club, appointed the commit­ awarded Miss Cumming. addresses. CaD would simple. thng CccII Davis. A door was THULE. (AH.TNC) complete his education and ern­ prize guests for Than k I v I The 12-week tee Mrs. W. D. Lee visited her help you which hns been called to basic needs, rather sg ng Day, Paul D. trnlnlng sched­ to light the Christmas tree Brantley The hostesses present- "lf you wish to enclose your type T 0 -Army Specialist FIVe ",iven. hasChristmas . of dlverslti- 'iark upon 0 civilian career Supper Mr. and Mrs. Anderson ule included on the town ed to the bride her mother. MI�. R. R. Walker, in Actually, course. verslflcnlion regardless of pro- thnn to luxuries. and therefore Algie whose wife. Josephine, drill, bayonet train­ square, that has pieces of Christmas card or letter In your dl-/related with D minimum or Party was planned to be held on Mr. and Inst week-end. live on cation can be bad as well as or un ex­ Interruption Mrs. L. H, Hagin and Wnte�s, ph y sic a I been used for severnl This selected silver. Hlnesvllle, ducts, markets, management related to the growth of Itves III Ellenton, S. C., re­ ing, conditioning. years, gift package, merely add the Here Is how: the night of December 19th. at Mr .nnd Mrs. Earnhart N?w and Mr. and Mrs. NeSmith good. It can destroy the equity skill required-as long liS it in on ex­ Aubrey parades ceremonies, and committee, conststtng of Joe In­ Present at the were Mrs. Perry appropriate letter to paadlng population seven at party postage o'clock the Denmark and of su and Linton NeSmith the of shareholders liS well as en- II for family Savannah. other jccts. gram, John Poss Bill spent It­ looks like bnrgn!n. pundlng economy. This plan Your son military McCormick, Simmons. Mrs. Sam Frank- the postage for the package may enter the School Building. Mrs. Trapnell �sen�lo\yar:lv����e?r��n���d 5��� week-end in hnncc It. The value in out M r. ond M rs. I. M. Wtllt-ms of weeks were on Floyd Akins and lin and Miss Janice. Clarke of Savannah, guests self and the term. has dlversiftcatlon, turn, grew Statesboro Not Ion a I Artillery at Thule Air Base. ,Three spent Raymond Poss, Indicate presence, Our own diversification Army and Mrs. Carpenter will be re- of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bam- of company s our basic to and Mr .and MI'S, the rifle where .. the re­ has completed the work and the Bonnie • of a letter Or Christmas card any of Objectives: Guard and 8 of Waters, a mess steward in range Statesboro; Miss Clarke d�versiflcation been called "related diverslftca- undergo period rroshment committee. E a c h Sl�tcsboro ard. can be only our share­ Franklin Zetterower last cruits fired the M-I ririe and to the of the of Misses Pam inside the Judged as protect the money of active for six spent the artillery's Battery D. enter­ people community, Oliver; Brantley, package." p�ogrnl1l lion," and thut Is probably duty training member Is to a or 0 Mr. MIs, John C. a of how It Is bring pie as Cromley knowledge holders and the jobs of our em­ This Sunday �uests of Mr. and ed the in 1951. Marine Infantry weapons. The president also Parke Miles. Becky Bonlineau, �nd The Postmaster expressed his . months. will include bnsic Army \�Ith good II lnbel ns any. We make bowl of salad. Husbands wlil be appointed and children, Charlotte. Rebecca diversified, and why. while "'oth and Mrs. Ernest Williams. The 32 - - old soldier's This recruit Rev. Kent L, Rev. Pat Sapp, Angie Jordon, Nancy thanks for t he fine public co­ three kinds of products: p'oyces giving ev�ry training some technical honor auests. the social year training prepares' Gillenwater, and and Mrs. C. S. measur-I During Ellis Mariben Mikell and Pnt Johnny, to "If eppcrtunity for solid, lasting at a active train­ Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Zetterowcr mother, Mrs, Bertha M. Waters, young Leathernecks for further W. E. Chapple. J. L. Minick and operation dnte and said, This is not be- devices, centro: devices, and training army the hostesses served daln- were always easy Ing hour, of Cromley week-end guests center. If spent with rela- lives at 102 Inman St., States- at Ed Wynn, the committee to ar­ MurPhy. Teacher� College; you'll just follow these simple ELECTED FOR 1960 are: (seated, left to C. J. Mnthews, nrc as tools, These products (0 ing he Is In high school tv Thanksgiving specialized infantry training rigbt) cause there .proiably power refreshments, consisting of Miss Ann Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Harper ,growth, when he he tives In Savannah. boro, Ga. N. C. range for Christmas baskets to Cromley, Kermit ?f rules. President, Statesboro: .1. P. Gleaton, 1st. vice Tifton; kinds diversification ,JS total of models enlists, moy arrange chicken salad with ritz Camp Lejeune. presldent, many of 25,000 types, crackers I Hoke In Atlanta, to his active be distributed to the shut-ins of Clifton, Mrs. S. Brannen, "Be sure your Christmas (Standing. left, to right) E. R. Britt, Metter: there ore kinds of companies: and sizes) are rein ted in m ny toke duty training ... nd caramel cake and coffee. Mr, and Mrs, Calvin Bragg E. E. Burke of Mount Secreary-Treasurer, Mrs. Clarke and the Mrs. are at a the Plans were com­ Rupert card nnd lists and Madison New 2nd. Vice Thomnston. to mar- nrc rein ted the any time within year or and sons of Savannah visited community. gift mailing President, According diversification by different ways Some by Mr. R. L. Roberts is a Vernon spent last week-end with patient pleted for Ladies to be honoree, Miss Clarke. , C. J. Statesboro the 64 serve: to:ls 'lie enlistment; thus, If he is Mr. and MI�. C. A. Night up-to-date. Mathews, Telephone Company, telephone kets the snme .. markets power Zetterower and Mrs. Roebuck. for product, they at the Bulloch County Hospital. /lff/ffH) TO G[ORGIA' COUNTI[S held Mr. George a he defer train­ December 10, when the "Wrap your Chrlstmns gifts companies in Georgia now serve 1,030,000 different for the nnd driver tminlng devices for senior, may last week. MISS DOT KNIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Newman telephones. s&H Green are Santa's besl by products We hope for him a speedy re- will be Dr. Jim Emory Stamps belpon lubricated ing until he is graduated. If guest speaker IS securely. market " schools" vulvcs, HONORED DECEMBER same by products plug covery. Mr, nnd Mrs, Walter Royal and children have moved from 01 he Is not in Park of Teachers College. A "Address your cards and gifts thc dut.e Christmas time. then , of the the unrelated except that they uti- petroleum melers, gns met.ers" high school. It'd as Sunday dinner Decem- the Jeff Minick house to the referendum. Mr. and Mrs. .lake guests. Gilmer town election was held Decem­ Wednesday afternoon. and the oil and "0 may expect to enter training Moxley legibly correctiy. on rules to IIze the same type of manufac- regUlators for gos M-. "nd M-s. C. C. DeLoach ber 2, Mrs. Jerry Minick and D. E. Lanier, Sr. home. Referendum governing eligibility Visit nearest S&H Green within 120 of his enlist· 'nd family spent the week-end ber 2 and the following town of­ "Use complete addresses -In- and the location of your Stamp redemp­ days ·',d Mr. ani Mrs. Ernest WiI- Mrs. Freeman were host- Mr' and Mrs. F. C. Rozier vute, poll­ with relntlves In ficals were Guy street rural ment. Wadley. elected; Mayor, cluding number, cos ha ve been in tion cenler and see the wonderful selection and esses at bridal at the Mln- were hosts last at Ing pin posted truly Iiams, dourhters. County H, M, party Friday night route or office box number. Mr. nnd Mrs . .lack neL,pch Ro':ertson; councilmen, post I ace s in lhe APPLE GROWING ick Miss Dot their home with a "Bird cotton conspicuous p of can with filled col­ Now, when he leaves for ac­ .Ierrv Ginn. Mrs. ;;"rl Ginn T. E. Joe home, honoring sure nome t.he quality giflS you get your 'nd little son cf Gorden City Davis, Ingram, .I. L. Be thnt the or quotas a Mr. county: tlYe he wiii still and sons and Tommv Williams Knight, bride-elect of Decem- Supper." Their guests were duty trai"ln�. were recent p,ucst<: of M', nnel CENTER Minick. F. C. Rozier and H. G. street Is complete with avenue, lector's books. Toys for your tOls. Fine tools, of ber 18, The home was most at- and Mrs, Everett Williams, Dr, I Miles F. Deal, County Office be n Guardsman, In fact, he Savannah visited ·Mrs. J, H, Parrish. or drive. Avoid ab- The Tax Books Of may 'V1rs. C, C, J')nl.c-ch (ln�t while parkway, wallets and other to Dad. Ginn tracti-ve with arrangements of and Mrs. John Deal, Dr, Albert to Manager, points out thot "ellgl­ ·gifts delight HostCil with of his own Guard .... the week-end. state be iO some. ', ,... they viQitF!1 rel.,tive" in during "I'evbtion of street nnd Dec.• 15 SEBH BASKETBALL cut rlowers. Deal and Dr. Helen Deal. all of hie" voters in the December 15 accessories, and lots of other unit members, At training camp, Ch'rlie r:one Deloach of U. S. names. Use zone numbers jewelry, watches, Ch1rleston. S. C_ and were ac- referendum are all will be SCHEDULE The honoree wore a black. Statesbol'O, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Committees of farmers who persons who, '�e given a regular Army comoanied bv Mr. and Mrs. '")"'V" fi"cnt tWl wnel(<; with Mr, wherever possible, and I:e sure beautiful and useful presents for the whole RUtLOCH COUNTY brucaded taffeta sheath, with a Miss Julie Rozier and will be for conduct­ as landlords, tennants or share­ family. basic course. followed by a ""1 Mrs. Hor"c� Mitcht"lI. hav­ Coach George Roebuck and Bohler. to include Own �one num­ responsible C. C. DeLoach. youI' in tho And more that also find of student teacher full. gathered flounce. Mrs. Min- Frank Rozier. ing the cotton quota croppers, engaged pro­ many you'll pictured period individual trainlng­ ,i)""" finished his '-('sic trai"ing, coach. Billy Up­ ber in your return address. marketing Mrs, WHlinr.1G h�s re- ick to the bride a of the referendum the duction of upland colton in Kelly - often in skills which will be use­ ",ill church. of Southeast Bulloch presented The Night Circle throughout and described in the wonderful s&H Green be stnlione:! at Memphis, And most important of all W59. Stamp turned from a visit with rein- silver covered dish, W. S. of Methodist on 15 were Any questions about ful to him in his civilian career. High School, have announced vegetable S. C. the now! county December eligi­ Tenn. mail your cards and gifts Ideabook. You can at lives at Key West. Fla. and Mrs. Freeman to Church met with announced the Bul­ bility should be checked In ad­ get your copy free l!orea NOW OPEN During the six months period the schedule for the remaining presented Monday night today by Mrs. R. P. Mille- -nd .Jani" hef a in her selected china. vance with the Office. of will basketball games of the 1959- plate Mrs. J. W. Robertson. Jr. The loch County office manager. All County Ihat extra values in s&H Green active training, your son Miller and Clifton Mill'- give Stamps. 'pent In addition to the bride-elect, lesson was conducted members nre fnrm� The have leave to come home. 1960 season: G'l.mes at home: study by committee community polling places BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT the Mr. "n1 liolidays visiting Dec. Dec. the guest list included Miss Mrs. Joe and ers to vote in the refer­ wiil be the usual voting pluces was established in 1832 on 439 miles of 15, Portal; 16, Effing­ Ingram, following eligible Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell an­ Mrs. Fred Hammond at Gilmer County sq�are FOl' of State and Upon completion of this ac­ Conye"" ham Jan. Janelle Knight of Savannah, the business in charge endum, and the referendum committee­ Payment County W. F. ROCKWELL JR. Cherokee land. It bears the name of R. County High School; 8, meeting, nounce the birth of a also visited in County Gporge Gilmer, tive duty training. he will re­ daughter, Georgia. They Statesboro Jan. Mnrvin Mrs. Joe Edwards, Jr. of Clax- of Mrs. Waldo the host­ men serving in the Decembr 15 one of a built High; 13, Moore. Arrangements have also been November 12th. at Knoxville, Tenn. , Georgia'S past governors, Ellijay, friendly villoge Miss Strick Jr, - turn home to his Key West, Jan Emanuel Coun­ ton, Audrey lands, ess' served refreshments. poll are as follows: PITTSBURGH. Pa. Willard complete n is the seRt. Its nome Pittman; 22, dainty completed for poll­ Florida and other of around grn88-covcred square, county establishing Reserve service at­ and has been given the places Interest. Jan. Blackshear, Miss Betty Harden Mr. and Mrs. Good­ H. F. Rockwell Jr., president· of Ready by comes from a Cherokee ]udian ty; Jan. 27. Glennville; 29, Chappel ing places in all 01 Bulloch 44lh District, H. Godbee; TAXES FOR 1959 name of Laura Anne. Mrs, Bell Village t'EIatseyi" (menning of Miss Com­ tending Mf .and Mrs. Mark Wilson Bradwell Feb. 9 Met­ Stilson, Carolyn, Joyner man and Joe Goodman of Savan­ 12 - 45th Neal 46th Rockwell Manufacturing weekly _Monday night place of green things) whkh previously occupied that site. A Institute; County's colton growing District, Bowen; drills with the Statesboro Geor· will remembered as Miss Thetis and Kay of Jackson­ ter. Games to te of Statesboro. Mrs. James E. nah visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson communities, Ernest 47th pany, has been elected pre'Ildent daughle� prosperous fruit�raising center, Gilmer played away; __." Notices showing District, Beasley; County ships many· ... ilIIII-===:::;::IIIIlI!!':!::!:III National Guard at Williams, daughter of Mr. and vilie, Florida the week-end McCall, Mrs. F. C. Rozier, M last of the Pittsburgh Better Busi­ gia Arl1lY spent varieties of apples to mid-western markets nnnually. Other Dec. 4, Bradwell; Dec. 8, Em-ln­ Mallard week-end. the National Guard and Mrs. Kelly Willjams. with Mr .and Mrs. Emeral John Ford Mays, Mrs. George Mr. Mrs. Lee The hooks' wi 1I I'emain ness Bureau. Armory. Gilmer enterprises include lumber, chenille bed. uel County; Dec. Ii. Glennville; and Talmadge open County Mrs. John F, participating in two weeks of Lanier and Mrs, L. E, Nesmith and Jan. 15. Richmond Hill; Jan. 19, Roebuck, Spence, and sons, Barry and Ronnie, of The appointment was an­ .preads, rugs carpets; hosiery, poultry precessing plant, summer each He at Nevils. Marvin Mrs. Franklin Lee, Mrs. William we r e week-end Board training year. and a wide range of vegetahles. MetteI'; Feb, I, Pittman; Brunswick, until nounced by the Bureau's Mr. and Mrs. E. W. DeLoach Mrs. W. K. Mrs. Decemhel' 20, afte.· which can still attend school or his Mrs, Emeral Lanier and her In Gilmer and the Feb. 5, Statesboro; Feb. 12 Cromley, Jones, guests of his parents, Mr. and of Directors. Mr. County, throughout Georgia, United while and and Mrs. Jimmy Wil­ Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Franklin Lee, Mrs. John C. job training with the guests, States Brewers Foundation works constantly to assure the anle Bryan County. Mrs. Leon Lee. In accepting tho ofrice, Mr. liamson and son of Statesboro Mrs. James Lanier, Guard. The total of his six and Kay, spent Thanksgiving of beer and ale under pleasant, orderly conditions. Believing Cromley, Lieut. D. L. Starkey and Mrs, Taxes hecome due and Rockwell pointed to the need wel'c last Sunday guests of Mr. LOWE-LEE Mrs. Kermit Mrs. W. O. past you months active duty training Day with Mrs. Leslie Nesmith at that strict law enforcement serves the best interest of the Clifton, Starkey of Fort Benning, visited for an ethical renaissance to and Mrs. Kelly Williams. Miss Lowe and Jr" Mrs, Ed and subsequent Ready Reserve Nevils, people of the Foundation stresses close Dorothy Denmark, Wynn, her granmother, Mrs. George IGG Georgia, cooperation PRIJIJUCDIJI brick and SIIIPS match Wendell Lee were married E. Mrs. will hc liable £01' Pittsburgh's training is 3 and one-half Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor Mrs. D. Ii. Lonier had as with the Armed Forces, law enforcement and offi­ Mrs. C. Bohler, Bobby last week-end. ·intel·est, asked years. governing Grooms, stone renaissance and and Beth and were November and Mrs. John Dun- Upon completion of his Ready Phillip recent guests Thanksgiving Day Mr. cials in its continuing "self-regulation" program. Saturday afternoon, Tompson, Dinner guests last Sunday of that area business at S. C. The Pittsburg Reserve service, he can request guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ii. H. Emernl Lanier, Mr.' Edward 28, Ridgeland. ning of Augusta. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Bohler were firms re-dedicate themselves to was The were fruit transfer to the Standby Re­ Z e t t e rower. Other guests liowell and Mrs. Maxie Cone ceremony performed by guests served Mr, and Mrs, C. O. Bohler and of "Truth In Ad­ a the principles serves Mrs, of Mr. Judge Cook. The bride wore clke, coffee, nuts and mints. and will not be subjpct l1tanksgiving Day were, Birmingham. Alabama. Unlled Slale. Browe,. Mr and Mrs Roy Parker of COME IN AND PAY NOW vertising." L. Zetterower Sr" Mr. and Georgia's navy suit with mlvy and white to further call unless an emer­ VI, and Mrs. E. C. lioweli, Savan­ Foundation Statesboro, and Miss Mary to the Mrs, Wm, of accessories. Mr. and Mt�. James Referring widely pub­ gency is declared by Cromley and children nah, Mr .. and Mrs. Bob Forbes, Beverage Ceoral. UI.I.lon liele,; McGinty of Augusta, a Congress. P"..cht,.,.& N_ �:r:RT�I��Z:�: licized of TV quiz of Mr. and Mrs. Frank­ Mr. and s.lI.tU4.110 .. •• Lisle of Savannah accompanied exposes Brooklet, Jacksonville. Florida. Moderation AtltJItIlI. Grw,ia / MISS DOT KNIGHT student at Teachers College The to CAlli shows und of com· ideal time for your son lin Mr, and Mrs. the bride and groom Ridge- SlIJPPED Al advertising Zetterower, Mrs. Lamar Smith. Mr. and Mrs. The members 0f teeth M hod'1St SAfll1S afternoon mercia Mr, Rockwell stated to join the National Guard is land. The a graduate of Tuesday Decembef Is, bride, Youth Fellowship will present a I as soon as 1------·------, 1959 Bul- 8, Mrs. F. C. Rozier.'entertained thnt it wus becoming apparent possible after his the class of Southeast entilted at her home with a dessert that if does not and be­ loch High School, is the daugh- �hnstm�s pr�gram." WINFIELD LEE udvcrtising l7th\bil'thday, certainly The TI ue ChrIStmas. own some­ fore he! reaches 18 and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ii. L. Lowe party, honoring Miss Dorothy S,unday c1enn up its house, one-half, mght. 13, at 7 0 ciock, While this of Brooklet. The also a Knight, bride-elect. Throughout Decembe� body else will. particular bit of in­ groom. at the Church. Mrs. the house were beautiful Christ- Tax Bulloch Business Bureau, formation to of Southeast Bulloch Methodl�t Commissioner, Count)' "The Better applies men be­ graduate W. 0, Lee IS pro­ 1958 mas The honoree dl�ec�m� t�e as the of de­ tween 17 and 18 and' a High, of the class, is the arrangements. voluntary agency half, HERE IN gram. The public IS inVited to GEORGIA wore a and blue will devote a rna- is also son of Mr .and Mrs. Frank Lee becoming green IJF cent there PER business, for '1-1 opportunity attend, llJlllfEI plaid silk dress with a picture men between 18 and a half and of Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Lee wili make collar. 26 years of age to take active 1.!lIJ!I!I!!II--"-IJ!II!IIJ!II!IJII!III!I!II Savannah where Mrs. Rozier to the , duty with the National their home in .presented training her Guard. he is employed at Steel Pro- bnde Silver In selected �\.\ W C. AKINS & SON ducts and Mrs Lee will con- pattern. ��\�\\' Up until the last few weeks. tinue' her studie� at Draughon's Refreshments, caramel cake " the Statesboro National Guard Business College, and coffee, were served by had Misses Julie ,Linda Cllf- very few vacancies for any Rozier. JESSIE LOU CLARKE AIDI/ODCS! Sue and IROAD-SPECIIII new men. ton, Spence HARDWARE CO. However, due to a Judy IS HONORED DECEMBER 2 Stevens. Invited included recently granted increase in guests Miss Jessie Lou bride- Miss Ann Miss Char'" strength authorization, new men Clarke, Morrison, elect of December was hon· lotte Miss Sue Your Complete Hardware Stofe can now be enlisted until the 20, Taylor, Betty new figure is I'eached. Now is on East Main St. the time for young men to apply for enlistment before the quota is renched, All applicants must ONE NEW DIMENSION CAR SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HOLD YOUR PURSHASE pass a prescribed qualification test. Parents are encouraged to come out to the or call PRESENTS PROOF- For the Armory, Handyman 4-2780, for any additional in­ formation desired. PROVEN ECONOMY, r'�C;VEN VALUE

. 80 jor portion of its 1960 acti­ � vitis in getting all local adver­ tisers to with LOVE STUDEBAKER comply the Pitts­ 75 before PRO-STREP after PRO-STREP burgh Advertising Code." Mr. (25 ...... per 100 01 roodJ Rockwell stated. THA�J1BY More than owners have driven The Lark over 750 million 70 "American industry has done � 150,000 its work well in the economic miles. Happy owners report fewer service jobs, lower service charges, z market-it now needs to sell lower insurance and costs, more on Portable Electric operating mileage regular gas. > 65 itself in the social market by , - Used in more than fleets. Here's the record; The Lark saves to fi ' its interest in 1,000 up ::> .... Tools, Ha'nd Tools demonstrating a its customers and its employees, 33.3% on gas bills (that's 10¢ a galIon I) and cuts maintenance bills up to 0 For the Our 60 business supported Better 23% ("every 4th service job free"). > Proven high in trade-in value f Business Bureau is to strong evi­ show Lark Outdoo�sman dence that -trade reports resale prices above average in its price grqup, Z legitimate. Pittsburgh II business is concerned with the SEE SIX STUNNING STYLES AT YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER'S. U 55 � II well-being of our citizens." COI\(PARE LA_RK PRICES ••• INCLUDING THE LOWEST·PRICED If u.s. I\lADE CON\'ERTmLES, lIARDTOPS AND -t-DOOR V-8 WAGONS. Mr. Rockwell is past president 50 CARS and director-at-Iarge of the State Chamber of BICYCLES Commerce, and a member of its 45 Executive Committee, as well as a director of the Pittsburgh TRICYCLES Chamber of Commerce. 40

Fishing Equip­ SCOOTERS 35 31 32 34 38 39 40 46 47 ment-for all ;\3 35 36 31 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 WAGONS WEEKS IN PRODUCTION types fishing During the recent materials shortage you may not have been able to the Pontiac wanted when The PROOF the on Gifts for the Home that will make, get exactly you you of PRODUCT is THE F�RM wanted it. But now beautiful new 1960 Pontiacs are Don'l lal 81relle8, such as sudden and COSTS LESS -What's more, PRO-STREP costs $3-$5 a tOIi Ii\_II¥,"""'_-IIi',",","-Jl< enhanced with and Bill Bland and AI Deloach and Mrs. Preston and luncheon Near -PHONE roof being supported by two theme of the Ball friday attern(jOn, l'tayer Forelg� of Either iii, chantilly lace George Saturday, Novembcr Highway 4·3234- were in addition to tax gala Holiday ')lilt program Is under the dl- prqof ownershIp. of StatesbOl'O property rows of interior arches. Ex- to be held JOHN MCDONALD JR December It, from the November 30-December 4. and following a sc.lloped sabrln. Sherry and Priscilla 28. 8S Mrs. Bird Daniel Monday evening. De- First ractlon Mrs regIstration papers or the bIll IMrs. enter­ • of Bernard Morria payments. John McDonald Jr to the lottie Moon embroidered of West Polm terior walls are of Tennessee cember 21, from 8 until II. All of Atlanta, Baptist Church of St.tesboro. by giving of sale must be shown, the neckline, with mini- Mrs Preston wore hOI 8each, Floridn; tt,ined them in her home at 119 and Mrs . Cone's ••slo- for IdaUghters. director of sales of the .1 Christmas The Gllb�rt atul'e and C. S. of Mr Park Mr Martin that quartzite with window frames. Statsboro School conducted by Rev Robert License In Atianta has pearls sequins. The wedding an American IMl's. Taylor Athens; Avenue. approxi- High students, Ascident .. offering." tunt. Bureau. daughter'S and S,ckness of the BUI'181 was In the East for the week was them�We and Mrs. T. S. Chu s,:wannah I the com- arches, and and alumni .re invited. De�artment Smith. he said. long sleeves at the of Beautiful T_h_a_c_k_st_o_n_S_te_e_I_C_o_,_I_N_hs_d_e_,_D_r,_)_--lI£'Ui.A=c=ro=sl&!sl&!fllllr0!l!l:III.\IiII�III!I0!q��=tllllhO=U;;;Slillie 20 per cent of doorw.ys, copings faculty, .0 ruled, tnprred beauty chiffon with beaded trim flowers from her mately .?od, Whelchel will be the Gulf Life Insurance Side for All Mankind ChCl'y1 wrists. a ond Mrs to other trrm of Indiana limestone. Company, Cemetery. Prny That Mr. Lee From large butterfly n side with Beach; Congressman gal'den dl.'Corated the home. pany's total revenue goes pay The high school lunchroom reoder of the entitled "The means, sold, featuring drape, was the play bow at the PRul Brown and and state The interior is of limestone, the guest speaker at that unless will trust waistline, the billow- hat and Her daughter, Pink debutante camellias ex· taxes, including federal White Christmas" Walter motorists mntching shoes. continued or.. Pallbearers were his nephews, by .... ar.<.l page 4 December II of the skirt was with of and Mr n I, ---- income !lla:;tcr O£�{ paneimJ; nnd meeung STAR 1'0 these valuable to the ing designed COrs,1ge wns a white orchid. Mrs. Rosalyn .Elbert?n; pressed charming welcome to taxes, mUnicipal paltnc:'- Dr. John Bowen, Kenneth Brew- EASTERN Bcn Hare Martha Lamb will do papers \V. has beanos of Statesboro Life Undenv,iters As- siml>1icity the fronl Nevil, mother of 10mpklns of Wash- in the entrance hall MAKE ship taxes, and others. eXRosed ceiling IIAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY the malls send them to his office. the and Jr .Joe �rretn in. groom, �eorge Hcre is the YOUR ton, Lem Nevil .• Hines, scripture.. t? �u?Sts speclman which sociation at Mrs D C. HOLIDAYS ______California redwood. The altar Bryant's Will have to to the Court way to voluminOUS beau- WOI'C 0 mgton, redos TUESDAY EVENING Ihey go giving f;ea Jlreen ohantilly lace • hVIng room. won carvings of the shields of Blund, The Y clubs 'are collecting the Tr i-Color Ribbon Kitchen Mr. McDonald was lester .Jones, Grady ty of Inco in the for is of white Vdtmont marble. pre- House vnd stond in line. ch1ntilly back, over olive satin. Her salin hnt luncheon overlaid s e c the twelve apostles and sixteen an G De- Th BI R CI t f th food to be to each home Mrs. Julia Custcr, Mrs. Norma _The p i 111 n n for Mrs. Marshall Blond d uyton brought to a and �able, of CbriDt's the ext.�lldlllg shoes wcre olive green. Her wlIh n cut Imen cloth, was Every de:all of stone and symbol passion; of lI�ostir St�U: :;110 mee� room, and packed In boxes for sc.nllo�>Cd cI�apcl I Mrs. Taylor of the Portal = ������ Ol'de� Lucille tram. Green, �york Heme Oe- to be ss:�ttedesbboyorwoeff�dceeIiOfRoGc�l�t &�:he Also will be the no- rull . of wus u while orchid. an wood and h'G been o::;an ,creen c. vings of four in on December the families. This Is 0 required Her. circular. veil. corsage MISS Annie Wilcle Walker, Mrs. cente�ed oblong silver monslration Club. Pageant gl,:s plan- Pass of Barnes Funeral Home w.s Tuesday evening, needy silk w�th Raymond of automo- pure Imported English Illu- bOWl III ned and with consid- biblical musical instruments Inrized signature the Allevh Burson Mr Mrs which delicate shades of SI executed of arrangements. 22, at 7.30 o'clock in the Mason- progrum in which each per'Son and NG oro e e1lOrge RECEPTION WITH of the States Li;s sion IV"S attached to a FOl"LOWS AT C,OKE!REG I.:.S. PAT. OFF, and preSident Br�oklet bile owner, and eration not for its indivi- (flute, lyre, school cun os all pink while harp, trumpet) IC In Stutesboro. The In . jC\v�led Charlie Sikes.' Mrs. Harold carnations an,t only Underwriters AssocaatlOn. Temple playa part, She a white I at and the cover for the One of the hitches to stocks were First clual f1l1d usc but also baptismal will follow the the students are to biggest tlOr�. car�led 8'b.le, PRESro� HOME. Snears, Mrs Rlchnrd artistically flr- beauty Powerful Southeast Bullocn Christmas party requested o and of white Immedlatel the Shockley, font. High the easy Issuing of license Alr.t. IcaliRhan, ranged. Miniature art craftecl for its rightful" place in the business session. bring a for the White he� .bouquet Mrs Chester Mrs. gift followlIlg. . to limit orchids and hiles of the Hanberry, was pressed the Friday In 1960 will be the ex- valley. ceremony Mr. Ml's woeh I s tructll re The rcsuIt IS an The plates and. l?rlllcc A. Mr. and Mrs. doll bridesmaids, based in rooln on the second floor Christmas.. . H. Ie; Henberry, P�PCI' night, December II. before nip- forms issued at 11 IllInt of tradi- of the tower Statesboro pensive application ATTENnANT'\ WEAR �I'eston ent�l·tnlllcd Hopkins, and MI's. \V. C. cups, marked the places. A outstandmg example entrance has been GlennVille, 70-68. The win AQUA ceptlOn at thClr home on gets ping the state. Mr. Lee has been bride doll Presbyterian tion.1 eccleSiastical archltec- furnished for us as a of by AND CO.I-re-IHenry marked Anne's place place was 10th The TURQUOISE Boulevard. Cunningham SEB's straight ' told to handle distribution Mrs. Bonllle Anne Miles ture. and med,tation very The lege. presented her bnde'f The Rev. Wood, pastOl' private prayer Glennville won the attendants wore identical Morns met the at tho girls opener, because of the cost guests Mr. und MIS Nevil left later mnids And honor of A and will be known as The air service to tt.IOn D carefully models of taffeta aLtendant� the First Presbyteri,n Church, prominent feature of the Up- 58-15. J !!O aqua princess door Mrs. Hermlln Bland dl- I in the uflernoon of the cardbo.rd-.nd for a wedding bollles of perfume. announced that adult is ils stam- per Room aycee pera og producing today the building magnificant Bragg with 21 points and CUf- much For -carbon paper for'ms, at Ihis party Ann WOre a and chOir and Youth cd Windows. These were Wulter H Aldred Jr, a mem- ton youth glnss with 19 paced the winning cost than tweed higher 1959's IIgtit- suit, gold and black ac­ Fellowshrp will present a Christ- created by the Henry Hunt ber of the church, wns the archl- Macon.i Atlanta and Tuttle with 24 boys Wayne paper forms mas consl· su weight cessories. at Studios � dered ccessfitJI the church Sun- to de- and Construct- was p:lgennt according plan tect, Benning llnd Richard Purcell with 18 Johnson Statesboro's direct air serv- Th�\t means, sold, Mrs. Damel was nssisted 111 day evening, December 20, at veloped by the pastol. Nave Ion Company was the general tops for the losers. Ice to Macon and Atlanta is ,tlnt the application forms may serving by her Misf. the 7.30 worship hour. and chancel windows contractor. Chairman of rna- in ••• daughter, pl'esent "Operation Dog" conducted as or FIRST now 111 two not be widely distributed SOLD full with Daniel an Dotty The pageant wiil be directed outline of the Bible from Jar committees wCle: Lannle F operation this (all was a success each Mid- EUGENE T. STEWART nt; coc;y to find as they have Plncos wel'e laid Miss Jenn Broske Jack Gensis to Revelation. Those m flights day by the Statesbor� for Miss � by and Simmons, Plans and Construc- to the POint that 99.1 per cent been in the he " past although Preston, Mrs. Clark DeLoach hiS IS the urrallgement which esc stud'·ent IS dogs have had rabies Miss w:S��I�S�'�� °t� Kay Preston, Miss Willette won ��s��� ���_ F���n��r�: for Mrs. Dan Lingo Ihe �������'�����i?rW�;1 :�e�,t�:�t��n�lb�i�al�ub���i�i�� gf;d/M�tc��N,ns��ts ��M:O�:�-:!�:�;AS ��ot�e �1!�m:�:'I��e� el'�� ��s MISS Anne rator C. A Sorrier and B. B lovely stud,es in color and de- S. Brunson was ��:::::::���%�� s�:t FIRST L:l.mb, Ribbon IShings. Hoke the Bulloch BUILT! \V.oodcock. Sweepstake Mrs. During August, Lingo FORT hie. MISS Sorrier of the the win- chairman of the Off,cial Board Quentm A. Freeman, president BLISS, TEXAS-Army Charlotte Bhtch. Mrs of West Side H. D. ch.rge sign except sacristy Health Dept. Club. of Mid-South who has named 'M'ISS Privates Eugene T. Stewart, 19, C?unty wofklng The forms will be somewh.t Glen Oefeleun, Miss Mollie lightening. Mrs W H Smith dow which is of the Wesleys- July 1956 through June 1959, Airways with the city of Statesboro, out- more difficult to in bec.use , and Johnny P lucas 18 of fill Walker and Mrs. Gil"crt p"".lnr I .Ir. and Mrs. J H Stl'ickland de- John, Charles, and Susannah. and George S. Johnston has lined make the Portal, Ga., co�pleted 'the final t� city the heavy cardboard mnkes the signed the costumes and Mrs Another is the served as Chairman since July of �o�e�e�;�/·t�il�,:O c�,�,�e���I'�r safe flam�Ians feature I'Ichly of six months active mil i- carbon paper Impressions less A. B. Mrs. Don thIS Commerce here exprssd his ap. G phose .rables, McDougald, carved oak built year. 'REA' · The was undertaken furn,shings by December 5 und.. project And every poge of the and Stothard preciation for the reception giv- eorgla tary training legible Thompson Mrs the Southern Desk Company. Of Special booklets g,vmg a the Statesboro Junior Cham- en hiS Freeman the Reserve Forces Act program by three-page application must be Deal the decorallons II1terest the detailed of the bUlld- organrzatlOn. Miss Betty Biggers, a of speCial are pulpit descnption 20-year- Bliss ber Commerce. Jaycees made or the License Bureau stated that Statesboro and Bul- at Fort " Texas legible The title of the IS old from South- pagent carvings of the for the and its have beauty Georgia . a house to house canvass to symbols ing furl11shlngs loch to will not acccDt them, he sold. "let There Be County congra- ern was final phase, they Light." f 0 u I' evangelISts been and will be avail- are. b,: College, Statesboro. D�rlng this. count The census included (M.tthew, printed tulated on fme 10- dogs. They shoul� be he The the • typewritten, public is invited to attend. Mark, Luke and re- able at the services. th� 8rrp?rt named Mrss Georgia Rural Elec- and found on the John); the dpening cated received. tral�mg I� d�tles puppies strays added. here. M,d-South triclflcation of a Nlke-AJax gUided missile ______AI",,:ays Monday night. streets within the city IImJls. But t.x new termmal crewman. the commissioner ha� �ompleted a. Miss Biggers, of Mr A sur- daughter complcte report of the two for car bUlldmg and Will soon start son of M,·. and Mrs. promised rewards and M,�. Barry of w.s Stewart, a Keysville, vey together with follow-up owners work on another new M. Route is who �o through the dlf­ hanger. crowned at the annual Eugene Stewart, I, made showed m�eting by city officials, ficullies in 1960:-111e new Annual ,------a 1959 of Port. I tags basketball of the Georgia Electric Mem- graduate High that 668 had been counted dogs are white with numbers GSC-Jaycee TEN COMMANDMENTS AT School. And bership Corp. and 99.1 cent have been thiS is the arrulLg..:,m.:.H per and quite handsome. FAMILY DRIVE-IN ON She will the Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. vhich \Yon represent Georgia treated. Of the number _ for Donna Sue This IS the fecelving The In 1961 urr"ulgl!l.lent which 27-31 Theridor E. lucas. Route I, was pre-billing .1artin of DECEMBER organizltion at national treatment. 90 per cent have the Nevils 4-H Club W:Jn for Smith means that those do not Lugellia of the tournament is December 28-30 Mr Hal Macon announced to- in St. Louis this Portal High Who he First Place Blue February. been registered with the city acrs Ribbons for M.ttie Lively 4-H Club the buy new before the next Iried d3.Y that the movie "The Ten The new queen representcP �����t�� I���� office. arrangement III native Blue Rib IOn comes out will have their for The fourth annual , tag That's the rule when Buick resumes Georgia winner vs Rrchmond Academy- Tournament managers are J. I. Commandments" made by CccII Planters Electric Membership Dr C. r. of the !:feallh material. 4-H Brown, made out ma· by Member. Southern College-Junior Cham­ Portal Clements Jr and Joe Axelson. B. applications by winner; 8.45 p.m., Brad- DeMille, will be presented Corp of Millen in the finals of A tWO-day supply Is the most Dept.. stated the outst:lndlng re- ber of Commerce chine In Atlanta .nd will mere- high school well-Appling willner vs Referees will be selected from .t the Drive In Theatre the annual state contest. whether milk of County Family popular sllits this survey and follow have to In 1961. so basketball tournament will be Iy sign order willner. the Statesboro Orflcials' Associ- on December 27 Decem· Miss is a senior at the is home-delivered or have ac- production now! Statesboro-Effingham through Biggers store-pur- up could only been _ place your 1 at the played GSC gymnasium Dec. President of the St.tes- ber There will one is a NESSMITH Wednesday, 30,7:30 pm., ation. 31. be only Statesboro college. She chased, reports John Conner, complished by the full coopera- on and Wed­ �-� � ',$ Monday, third 8:45 Chamber Com- at '"'_ Tuesday, pl.ce game; p.m, boro JUnior of each social science at GSC and of the ,.. showmg night beginning m.Jor d.lry marketing speciulist, Ag- tion and efforts Jaycees, HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE .�"...xv,t..., -_''''--''w: December 28-30. nesd.y, championship �ame. . Soon _ the first new Buicks since the shutdown West Vine Street, Statesboro THE McGUIRE SISTERS .:W:..:.�(B:.:u:.:d:.:d"-y):....::B::.:..:rn:::e::s:..._;7_:::3:.:0;_:0:.,;'c:.:lo:;c:.:k;:_. .I.w...:.:iI;_1.:_re:;c:.:e.:_iv_;e;_h;;,e:,;;_:in:...,:J.:.u";;,l"tu;;,r_:;a:..1_;E:.x"t;;,en;;;s_:;io:,;n.:....:S.::e:..rv"i;;,ce". _.;,:c::,:it:::lz:.:e::,:ns:.:,;_a;;;n:,:d:...:,cl"ty�o;;,f"flc:;I:::.:,:ls.:..._ will PAUSE FOR ICE·COLD COCA-COLA ,This tournament is rbpidly i:.:.m:;:e::,;rc:::e:..::is:....::E;_ Calvary Baptist. mlo one of begin rolling towards our showrooms_ Come in and --Manufacturers of-- building the most interesting in the st.te, bec.use MEMBERS OF WOMAN'S Metal from and see us • Awnings Reynold's Aluminum it that cl.sses choir now-we are taking orders right now for BE- REALLY REFRESHED! Take a tip from the famous annually pmves CLUB URGED TO ENTER presents • Aluminum Screen Doors and Windows are not necessary in high school singing McGuire Sisters DECORATIONS CONTEST wrap up your _ special handling at the What this means to entertaining plans beautifully, , with plenty basketb.lI. Last year Co. c h factory_ of . ice-cold Coca-Cola. When friends Roebuck's C I ass B Let us George Mrs. Percy Bland, chairman of Christmas music you is that in a your doors and windows you'll get delivery just few short Weather-strip call the Southeast Bulloch team whip- the home of during Holidays, dep3ftment the of the a Chdst­ reduced costs "Night Star," and heating and to ped Triple-A Richmond Ac.demy Statesbom Woman's to­ weeks have a Turbine Drive Buick built fo: keep wintery is more Club, m.s cantata, will be presented to your Wind out and nothing hospitable to in the, 66. to 49. warm air in_ day urges all members of the by the .dult choir of Calvary serve than __ in Get Coca·Cola , Tournament p a I r i n s and Woman's Club to with specifications body type, color, interior trim and our estimate (in Asbestos and Roof­ g cooperate Baptist Church on Sunday even­ Siding times as is more starting are tollows: the BuBoch County Council Ing, December 20 at the 7:30 See us jobs_ nothing refreshing ing bracket: Dec. In equipment, today! than the cold Upper Mond.y, Feder.ted Garden Clubs its o'clock evening worship hour. You are invited crisp taste Bulloch to see samples of many colors 28,830 pm. Southeast Christmas decorations contest. The choir Is under the direc­ of of Coke! Keep of vs Swainsboro; 7:15 p.m., Mrs. Bland that clubl tion Mr. Aluminum Roofing made by plenty suggests of George pwlnell, with Reynolds. mond vs Portal. Lower members call Mrs. laird Coke on hand from now Academy Ivey Mrs. Dwnlell as accompanist. --For fUlther bracket: 6 or information, contact-­ p.m., Bradwell Insti- Mrs. Edwin Cook to register The solists are until 1960 Rich-I Terry Trippe. your parties tute of Hinesville vs in The c. & F. Inc. Ben Robert Appling entry . tenor; Mrs. Bill Kelly, soprano; Nessmith or .nd 9'45 Buick,. will "sing" with Coke! R[QULM County, pm., States- de.dline for registering is at 3 Bunch. alto; and Miltry boro vs Effingham o'clock December 21. 512 South Main St. Josh T, • County. Monday, IT IS that the in the will visit Statesboro and Bulloch on Christmas Eve Taylor, baritone. Nessmith • RUMORED GenUeman shown sleigh night. Statesboro. Ga, Tuesd.y, Dec. 29, 7:30 p.m., win .t 6 p.m. that C,ounty The Is .ttend Bottled undtr of The Judging begin public Invited to -Phone PO 4·2765- .uthorily Coco-Coli Compony IIJ Statesboro Coca·Cola S. E. Bulloch Swainsboro December 24, sometime before on Christmas Day, .December 25. -;- > this Bottling Company day. Thursday.• daylight :Friday, service. Itheir .',