Longmont Astronomical Society March 2019 Newsletter

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Longmont Astronomical Society March 2019 Newsletter Longmont Astronomical Society March 2019 Newsletter Vol. 33 No. 3 - ISSN 2641-8886 (web) - ISSN 2641-8908 (print) - March 2019 LAS Meeting - March 21 at 7pm - IHop Astrophotography Excursion to San Pedro de Atacama Celestial Explorations Pipe Bowl Dark Nebula area in Milky Way taken from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile in October 2018 by Stephen Garretson using Canon 70-200mm Zoom at 115mm Canon 6D on iOptron SkyGuider Pro We describe the trip to Chile by Stephen, MJ, Tally and David in October of 2018. We present the travel, activities at the Atacama Lodge, our tours of local attractions including ALMA, and show off astro-photographs we were able to record from 63° south of Boulder. Notes from the President: Bill Tschumy Our February monthly meeting was a bit chaotic. IHOP bumped us from our normal room because of anoth- er meeting there on the same night. I appreciate everyone’s making the best of a bad situation. Of course, this had to happen on the night of a popular speaker, John Bally. We are actively looking for alternate loca- tions for the meetings since IHOP is becoming less and less workable for us. I hope that many of you can make the March 16th public star party at Rabbit Mountain. We need to show Boulder County Parks and Open Space that we can be counted on to put on a good show for them. The other big thing on the Board’s plate is figuring out our move to a new web site platform. We’ve looked at a few options but, as usual, nothing seems perfect for us. A few of you have seen suggestions of services that other clubs use. Feel free to keep them coming. I hope to have a decision (or at least a proposal) by our next meeting. Page 2 Copyright (c) Longmont Astronomical Society, March 2019. All rights reserved. Contents Front “Horsehead and Flame” Nebula by Eddie Hunnell 2 LAS Meeting - March 21 “Astrophotography Excursion to San Pedro de Atacam Celestial Explorations” by David Elmore, Stephen Garretson, Tally O’Donnell, and M. J. Post 2 Notes From the President: Bill Tschumy 3 Contents 3 About LAS 4 Solar System Highlights 5 Lunar Highlights 6-7 Comets 8 Navigating the mid March Night Sky 9 If you could Observe only One Object this Month 9 From Our Newsletter Archives 10 LAS Meeting Notes for February 21 by Joe Hudson 11 Amateur Astronomy Tech - Travel Routers 12 Image Contributors and Details 13-27 Member Images 28-30 Astronomy Headlines 31 Items Available for Purchase at the LAS Store Back “Between Heart and Soul in HOO” by Stephen Garretson About LAS The Longmont Astronomial Society Newsletter ISSN 2641-8886 (web) - ISSN 2641-8908 (print) is published monthly by the Longmont Astronomical Society, P. O. Box 806, Longmont, Colorado. Newsletter Editor is Vern Raben . Website https://www.longmontastro.org The Longmont Astronomical Society is a 501 c(3), non-profit corporation which was established in 1987. Our main goal is to promote local amateur astronomy. This is accomplished through regular monthly meet- ings, star parties and public observing sessions. Regular meetings are held every month (except December) on the third Thursday. The current location is at the IHop Restaurant, 2040 Ken Pratt Boulevard in Longmont. Meetings are open to the public and begin at 7:00 PM. A group of us have dinner at the IHop before the meeting around 6 pm. A broad spectrum of topics are covered at the meetings and include such things as deep sky observing, planetary imaging, narrow band imaging, equipment discussions and demonstrations just to name a few. These subjects are presented by both club members as well as special guests who are professional astrono- mers or experts in a particular field. The Longmont Astronomical Society is affiliated with the Astronomical League (https://www.astroleague.org). The Astronomical League is an um- brella organization of amateur astronomy societies in the United States. Copyright (c) Longmont Astronomical Society, March 2019. All rights reserved. Page 3 Solar System Highlights Lunar Highlights March 16th at 8:00 pm (10 days after new) Moon Plato New moon: Mar 6 at 9:04 am Promitorium Laplace First quarter: Mar 14 at 4:27 am Sinus Iridum (bay of rainbows) Full moon: Mar 20 at 7:43 pm Third quarter: Mar 27 10:10 pm Promitorium Herculides Use a small telescope to spot a woman’s profile with Image credit: Brian Kimball flowing hair. In the 1670s Mercury at the following times this month Giovanni Cassini named this Mercury is visible for only a few assuming a longitude of 303° (see feature the “moon maiden” days early in March. http://jupos.privat.t-online.de/rGrs. htm). That is based on my linear Venus interpolation from plot; I have not Begins the month in Capricornus imaged Jupiter this year to confirm. Copernicus is 58 miles at magnitude -4.1 in brightness across and has walls that and has a 16 arc sec wide disk. It Date Time Altitude rise 12,400 feet above the dims to -4 in brightness by April March 2 5:43 am 27° crater floor. and its disk to 13 arc sec. March 7 4:52 am 25° Mars March 12 5:00 am 22° Mars is in the constellation Aries March 14 6:38 am 29° until the 23rd when it moves to Tau- rus. It decreases in brightness from March 29 5:46 am 27° +1.2 around the first of the month March 24 4:54 am 25° to +1.4 by month end. Its apparent disk shrinks form 5.3 arc to 4.6 arc March 26 5:33 am 29° sec across. March 29 4:02 am 22° Jupiter Gassendi is one of the Saturn Moon’s most interesting and Saturn is in constellation Sagittar- beautiful objects. It has a ius all month. It is magnitude +0.6 fractured floor, crisscrossed in brightness and its disk is 16 arc by rilles. It also has a nice set sec across. of central mountain peaks. David Elmore Uranus Jupiter is constellation Ophiuchus Uranus is visible early in the eve- all month. It increases in bright- ning in constellation Aries. It is ness from magnitude -2.1 on the magnitude +5.9 in brightness and 1st to -2.3 on the 31st. It increas- its disk is 3.4 arc sec across. es in size from 36 to 40 arc sec Neptune across. The Great Red Spot should cross the center of Jupiter’s disk Neptune is not visible this month. Page 4 Copyright (c) Longmont Astronomical Society, March 2019. All rights reserved. Lunar Highlights March 16th at 8:00 pm (10 days after new) Plato Promitorium Laplace Mare Seranitatis Mare Mare Imbrium Crisium Mare Tranquilitatis Mare Fe- cunditatis Gassendi is one of the Mare Nubium Moon’s most interesting and beautiful objects. It has a fractured floor, crisscrossed by rilles. It also has a nice set of central mountain peaks. NASA Scientific Visualization Studio Comets Created with SkyTools3 Path of comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) during March Created with SkyTools3 Comet 2018 Y1 (Iwamoto). The comet reached magnitude 5.5 in mid February and is fading now. On March 1 it is in the constellation Auriga and is 9.3 magnitude in brightness. It moves into constellation Perseus on the 13th . Its expected to fade to magnitude 11.7 near end of this month. C/2018Y1 (Iwamoto) by Gary Garzone on Feb 12 Page 6 Copyright (c) Longmont Astronomical Society, March 2019. All rights reserved. Path of com- et 46P during March Comet 46P Wirtanen is magnitude 9.1 in brightness and is in the constellation Ursa Major on March 1. It moves into Leo Minor on March 13. By the 31st it dims to magnitude 11.2. C/2018 L2 (AtlasT) duringT March Comet 2018 L2 ATLAS in Lacerta on March 1 and is 10th magnitude in brightness. It moves into Andromeda on the 14th. It is expected to dim to magnitude 10.7 by end of the month. Its coma is about 5 arc min across. Copyright (c) Longmont Astronomical Society, March 2019. All rights reserved. Page 7 Page 8 Copyright (c) Longmont Astronomical Society, March 2019. All rights reserved. From Our Newsletter Archives March 2009 March 1999 March 1989 The speaker at the March 19, 2009 Article by Jane Houston about March 15, 1989 meeting at Long- meeting will be Dr. Bob Stencil LAS member Bob Michaels who mont HS was called to order at from University of Denver Depart- was a retired 747 UAL captain 7:30 pm by president Jim Getson. ment of Physics and Astronomy. who is known on line as “Two Jennifer Getson read minutes He will talk about the International Dob Bob”. He split his time be- from a FRASC meeting in Denver Year of Astrononomy activities and tween Boulder and Honolulu. In last January. the peculiar variable star Epsilon his Boulder Garage he has two 20 Auriga. inch diameter mirrors mounted Steve Albers talked about the as binoculars. The mirrors were Sunday occultation which 20 of us Shuttle and ISS are both visible made by LAS member Jerry attended. during deorbit March 25 to 29. Wilkerson. He also has a 20 inch Obsession which was retro-fitted Greg Dickenson gave a very tech- Comet Lulin is in Gemini and is by Randy Cunningham who was nical talk on celestial coordinates, magnitude 7. also a LAS member. Both Jane right ascension, declination, and Star party at Sandstone Ranch Houston and John Dobson spent other associated information.
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