I. Classical texts

N.R.TheAbbfeviationsofLiddcll&Scott&JoncsforGrcekandofThesaunuLinguael'atimefotRoma¡ authorsareuscdwhentheyare"tea,enough.Inadrtitiontothoscmcntionedbetow,someFinnishEanslations (e.S.E,Rein.sHcrodotusandM.Kaimio,sAcschylus)havcoccasionallybeenuscdforquickreference. uanslaúon by A'F Animals, [tcxtl with an English N. An.: Aelian on rhe charactcristics of Aclianus: t958-59 (for I' and 3. repr. l9?l-72 used)' r r-oci cræsical Library, London scholficld, -:. 1974' B¡blioÚreca Teubneriana' Læipzig Varia R' Diirs' V. H.: Hlçr"¡t;;tliÑ;*in præ. classical rexls' oxonii 1972' ,ip,crsun ragoediasøoi, o."yr oxford : nyt¡,rpn^ iã alE82' Lyrici Graeci.Yol' 3' Lipsiae Alcman:Fragmenß^esc in Th. ø,"gU, f)e^¿ 1962' nri*t of Éo."*ous: fragmenls edi¡cd in Bolton cdilá i¡ FGrM 39' t¡anslatcd in Robinson 1953' Aristobulus: fragmøa Lulofs' oxford ctassical Texu' gr*rorio* an¡mat¡un,lcrc,.H.J. Drossaan Aristoreles: cen. ¡n.: lristotiti, i" A.L. pcck. Loeb classical Librarv, o! Animats,wirh an English Transl. by ^:;:;:;,tnraüonLondon 1942 (rcv' rcPr' l9ó3)' Afistorcles:H.An.:lrxtotle,,HistoriaAnimatium,wiÛranEnglishTfansl.byA.L.Pcck,l-2.Loeb London 1965-70' Ctassical Library, by A'L' Peckl lvlovemen! ot part. trrn, o! Animals,wiÛr an English Trursl Aristorcles: An.: ¡r¡rrri, Locb classical Library' an Engi*tr rranit. uy E.S. Forster' Ãnimals. progression ol Animals,wirtr 193? (rev' rePr' 196l)' l¡ndon Reese 1914' 32ff' u'" coil"cø 1908' l3ff' and Aristotcles, passug., ,.r"'ing';îi¡a ln.folchert v' Hinüber' sce Hini¡ber 1985' Aøbas¡s: ed. and rirsf' C' Winh and lsi:an: 1985, and chansainc 1927' transl' and o. v. u¡ni¡Jrl r." Hinüber Arnan: Indicazø. ano ranst. G. wirrh Burton Gutick, I - ?' l'oeb crassical witrr an Engrish transration bv charrcs ^**.."Jï'ry;T;*::r;iï;,. Library. l¡ndon 192?-41 (rcpr' 1961)' 125' translated in Robinson 1953' C,rJras: fragmenis edited in FGrH l3?' translated in Robinson 1953' Cleiu¡chus: fragments edited m FGrH Ctesias:I¿dic¿:ed.i"ne"'efSf¿'2ff'andFGrfl6E8'ransl'inMcCrindletSE2andBowmanl93Sa'König l9?2' König l9?2' ransl' in Bowman 1938a and Crcsias: P¿rsi¿ø, .d. it F i A8 & Lipsiae ø.îtrcooorus Vogcl. Bibliotheca Teubneriana' currius c¡rlj¿s ntw trctori" AlexaniriMagni, 1904. 7 16' Daimachus: I ttdica: ftagnens ed' in FGrH 2' Dcmocritus: fragmenß ed' in Diels & Ikanz Diels&Kranz:HermannDiels:Di¿FragmenlederVorso*roliker'Griechischwddetttsch'toAuft'hrs8''von WaltherKrurz' I -3' Berlin 19ffi1' Diodorus:Diodorusolsicily,withanEnglishtransladonbyC'H.oror1trr11,.r-12.LoebClassicalLibrary. (repr' 196?)' Vols' 3 12 not uscd' 1933 (repr' 1946)' Vol' 2'L' lg35 - Vol. l, London besprochen von ¿"s nraørttt¿rui,neu gesammett' ordnel und Eratosthenes: Die geographischen Fragmente 1964)' Hugo Bøgø' l8E0 (repr' Ams¡erdam 21908-13 1902 (l) & (2-3) I 3. Oxford cl¡ssical Texu, oxonii : Fabulæ,r.". ð,r*n* tnunay, - and 1949 [3])' (repr' 19?4 tl-21 Texs' Oxonii 1968 Marshall' 1 - 2' Orford Classical Gellius: N.,4.:.{ . C'tt¡i iocl' ¡t'¡¡;oì'iu'P'K' Grattius:Cyncgelica:GraßiCyrcgeliconquae,*,oun,,cumprolegomenis,notiscriticis,commentario exegcticocdiditp.l.e'*¡-2'zutphåniae1918(reprr'Hildesheim-NewYork1976).

237 Refe¡cnces

Hdt = Herodotus, q.v. pericgesis: Hocatacus: ed, lacoby, FGrH l. Hecara¿i M,esii Fragmenta.., a o¡ra di G. Nenci. Firenze 1954. Fragmcnß on India also in Reese 1914,3. Hcracleitus: fragrnørr ed. in Diels & Kranz l. Herodotusr llerodoti Historia¿, ræ" c. Hude, I - 2' Oxford classic¿l rexts, r€print oronii lg0g (for vol. I the lg73 of tl,e third d, lg27 was uæd). Herdot ß, Historioe, ed, H.B. RoserL vol L Biblio¡heca Teubneriana, Leipzig 19g7. Indian account also in Reese lgl4,3fi,'Dirr, Hesiod: Hesiodi rheogonia, opcra et srurr^, ed. Friedrich sormscn, Me¡kelbach Fragmenra serecta eÅ. R, er M.L. lVesl Orford Clæsical Texs, Oxorii Hippocraæs: 1970. Co¡aordantia corpw tt¡ppærltiu^, *_O, porær, -in rn*r, & W. Froþ avec Ia collaboration du p, l - 5. Arpùn-ornega, Reihe A LXxv, Hirdesheim - Zü¡ich - New york lgg6. Hippocrates: Airs,Waters, places: Hippok orrr, üAü die Ilmwelt,hrsg. und mcdicorum itb. von Hans Dillcr. Corpus *'*'*oirll'Jo Oraecorum I, l, 2. Berlin 1970. a'Iilpà,a,¿, Faducrion nouvele #,'.:-fi#"':rî{utes avec re rexre grec en regard ... Hornq: Mad: Hom¿ri opera,ræ.David B' Munro er Thom¿s 31920 w. Allen, I - 2. oxford classical rexts, lrepr. 1969_7r). oxonii : odysscy: Homeri opera, rc*. David B. Munro et Thomas 2lglZ_19 w. Alren, 3 _ 4. oxford crassical rexn Oxonii (rcpr. 1967_ó6). , Horatiusr opera onnia'ø¡ar s. wys' Eoiúoræs Hetveticae, serics Josephus:,441..' t¡rina 2. Fraue¡rfeldae ¡lg6g, Atxiquitures rudaicae inworlsrirt engrirl, transratíon;y;j,j. A. lVikgren - Thackeray, R. Marcus, and L.H. Feldman, I _ 9. Loeb Classical Library, Justinus: London 1926_ó5. M' Iuniani tustini Eyitona n¡'toria^i-iiit-ip¡roru^ pompeirrogi,¡rcsr Franciscum Ruehr edidit Ouo Seel. Bibl. Teubneriaru, Lipsiae lg3Í. lntr,t &page: poetarun tzs!ø1t1riw,;;;,;F¡r page. rlobet erDenys Oxford 1955. Megasùenes: fragnænr od. in schwantck ws,niãt ll5 and ransr. Mela: Pomwnius in Mccrindle lE7z. Mera De chorographia, eû carorus Ftk Bibrio¡hoca Teubnøiaru, Lipeiac Mimnermus: Fragmenls in Bruno lgg0. c-ent¡i¡ ¿ c;il;.r", poetae eregici.- Bibliorheca rlrri^on¡o e! rragmenla r. Teubncriana, Lipiae 1979. NaI*: Tragicorum Graecoyyt Fragmenta,rec. Augusrus Nauck, rcpr. with a sup,prement by Bruno Hildcsheim 1964 (orig. t888). sne'. Ne¿rchus: fragmenu edited in FG rH I ti, r¡arulatø in Robinson 19j3. Onesicritus: fragments ediæd n FGrH t34,o.*1.,ø in ù¡rn*n f SSf. Patrocles: fragmørr edited m FGrH 712. Periphts Periphu ' naris Erylhraei: I'c Péripte de la Mer Êryrhréc suivi d,u¡u átude sur ta rradirion laig,¿ WrFrßk, Cörebo¡gs e, la högskolæ ârsslaif¡ 3 3, l92Ì:t,Göreborg transl. in 192?. McCrindle 1g79, Schoft l9l2 and Huntingford Philostratus: ph,osrratus, 19g0. v' Ap.: The Life of Aporoniy^! Ttam.wirh an Engrish rransr. by F.c. Conybeare, I _ 2. L¡eb Ctassical úbrar¡ Ilndon t9t2 (repr. 1960). Pindarus: Phdar' siesesgesllnge md Fragnente,'onæ¡tisch und Deursch hng. und {lb. von oska¡ Tr¡sculum-Bilcher, München wcrner. - - tc. iSOZl. Pliny N' H': Natural Hisøry n rcn vorumes with an Engrish t¡ansration Ctassical by H. Rackham, l _ 9. Loeb _ Libra¡y, Iondon t93B_1952 (rqr. lú7{S} Pline I'ancien' Histoire tøturellc. t¡rre'xfuwi. rexþ éEbli, rsdu¡r er commenré Denis. Coll€cr¡on par E. de saint- ... Guillaume Budé. p¡¡is t972. --- book VI also in Aftùé & Filliozar 19g0, Pluh¡chus: Plutarch's Åiv¿s, with y,Enetisrr Trarul, by Bernadoüe perriri, 7. Demosth¿nes Alexand¿r and Ca¿sa¡.l¡eb and cicero. Classical Library, LonOon l9l9 (repr. lgjE). son of Lagus: fragnrenrs odired n FGrH lol*,t' r¡g, E;iarø in Robinson 1953. P'olemy' craudius: craudii pøtenü Geographia.Edä;. Nobbe, l 3. Lipsiae ed' and - rg43-45. transl': La Géographie ¿e iøl¿n¿c. tli* wrt,r-l). Texrc éabri par Louis Renou. paris

238 \


1925. t¡ansl' also McCrindle 1885' :fragrnena ed. in tobcl & Page' Dindorlìus' 1 2' Oxonii 1855' irnot¡o Cr*ro in llonwri Odyssean' Ed' G' - fragments cd. in Reesc l9l4,2f ' and FGrll 7Ú' Scylax: rù/' übera¡beitct von und deutsch hng' und f¡b' von willigct' sophocles: Tragödien und Fragmenle.Griechisch Karl Bayer. Tusculum-Bücherei, München 1966' fragmens comPletelY in Nauck ffaSmentscomptetetyinSrcfanRldt:TragicorumGraecorumFragmenla.Yo|.4.Sophocles. Göttingcn 1977. stephanus: SlepløaiByzanliiEthnicorumquæsupersunl,exrccersioneAugustiMeinckii.Berol¡ni1849. Mcirckc' I 3' Teubner' Lipsiae 186ó' Smbo: ,Srr¿ôo¡ir Crosrophi"i,'iogno"it Augustus - by Horace Leona¡d Jones, I - I' l'oeb classical l'he Geography oI strabo,iiur an nngtisÌr Transl. Library, I¡ndon 1917-32 (repr' used)' Theophrastus: H,pt,:Theophrasß,nnqu¡,yin'oPlanls,lTextlwirhanEnglishranslationbySirAnhurHon' 1916-26 (rcfr' 1968-??)' | -z.Loeb Classical Library' tondon English uanslation and commentary by E'R' caley Theophr$r$s on slon¿s,lnt¡oducuon, Greck text, and J'F.C. Richards. Columbus, Ohio 1956' oxford Classical Texts, oxonii 1942 (repr. witlt Thucydidcs: Thucydidis Hisroriae, rec. H.S. Jones' l. cmendcdandaugmcntedappantuscriticusfromoriginallg00cdi¡ion;repr.l9?0)' tcxre établi et raduit par Edouard Delcbecque' Xenophon: c?negericus: xénopno), L'art de la chasse, Collecúon Guillaumc Budé, Puis 1970' XenophonlCyropaedia:Xercphonlßoperaomnia,rcc.E.C.Markham,TomuslV.I¡utitulioCyri(Cyru. ' (rcpr' 1956)' pae¿iaj. Oxford Clæsical Texts, Oxonii l9l0 in Reese t9l4' 30ff' Xenophon, passages rcfcning to India are collect€d

2. Indian texts

whcn feasible' N-8. Thc abbrcviaúons givcn in Mylius 1970 are uscd Etat pustaka¡h ve' sa' Ra' ne' AB = Aitareyabrãhm¿o¿m, srmatsãya4ãceryavifacitabhâçyasameBm. Ánand¡Sramasarhslq6grant¡ãvalib 32' Vol' I' KãStnãthaSãstrt ÃgaS. ity"taib'sa¡trSod¡iram, I -2' new ed. l9?9' vol.231977 ' RigvdaBfahma$s:TheAitareyaandKausrbkiB¡ãhmanasoftheRigvda,transl.fromtlreoriginall97l)' Hos 25, Cambridge, Mæs. 1920 (retr. Dclhi sanstcir by Anhur Beniedalc keirh, t:t9P with a úlrlll commentÂry and footloles' Bombay-(NS.P) AK = The Ana¡akoça G. l¿w of the Hittdus by Ãpastunba, ed. ..' by ÃpDh = Ãpasamba.ohantlasuta: Aphorisms on thc Sacrd BüNø, BombaY 18ó8' 2, oxford 1879. Biihler: Tl¡e S¿cred llws of rhe Aryas, Part I. SBE trarsl. G. of Dr' by the Pul(tits of Adyar Library under the supervision Ãrçcya-Ilpanìsad: lJn-Publishcd Llpanßhads,ed. AdYar 1933' C. Kunhan Raja. ril'D' 3e¿' (repr' of Vda Sanhita,hrsg. von R' Roth und Whimey' AS = Athuvavúa-Sanhirã: Atl'rva 21924) Bonn. Athawa-Vúa-Satht¡i,á,EanslåtedintoEnglishwithaCriúcalandExegeticalCommenmrybyl/.D. WhimeytandeditedbyC'R'Lanmanl'HOS?-8'Cambridge'Mass'lg05plndianrepr'Delhi l97l)' BaudhDh=DasBaudhãyana-Dhumasuta.Hrsgvon.Hutusch.Zweite,verbesserteAuflage.Abhandlungen 1922' fllr die Kr¡nde des Morgenlandes X Yl:2' fz'ipzig Nyas' Part II' SBE t4' Oxford l8E2' trar¡sl. G' Bi¡hler: Il¡e Saã¡ed Laws of tln BhãgP=Srtnadbh'gavalâptã4am(millamÍ¿tan).Grupres+dition,Goraklrpurtled.samvat203?. Commens English Transtation' Exhausdve Notes and Litcrary Bs = vuãlnmihin3 irt^t' it n;a,with by M' Ramalcrishna Bhât, I - 2' Delhi l98l-82 239 Rcfercnces

transl. Kem 1872. canka^saúhità maharçi4¡ Bhagavatagnivesena praofu mahåmuninã carakepa plalisañskrtã, Ãyurvcdãcãrya- SrljayadcvavidyalañkãreDa pra4rtaya Tanrarthadrpikakhyaya hindfvyãkhyaya ¡ppa¡ya ca samanviø, I - 2. Di[i 11975 (Repr. l9?9). ChâgU = Chãgaleya-UpniSú,quoted from secondary sourccs, ChU = Chândogya-llryþ( quotcd from secondary sources. Dhanv Rajan¡ghaolusahilo ,,pura¡hdare,,iryupa_ = Dhanvantartyanighaeluþ, Eråt pustaka¡h Ve, S¡. Ra. Rã. nãmakai VitÈalãmajajair Vaidyanarayaqasarmabhiþ saúfodhium. Ãnandãsramasa¡hsþtagranrira- valib 33. T¡rycyam ankanãvfuib l9E6 (repr. of2ß25). GautDlt aauþma'Dhamasúta: = The Inslilulcs of Gautama,ed, wi¡h an index of words by A.F. Stcnzler. Sanskrit Texr Sociery, London 1g76, transl. parr G. Bühlcr: ?'/¡e Sacred Iaws of tlrc Ãryas, L SBE 2, Oxford 1g79. Hariv The Harivañßa, = the khila or suwlernent ta the MalrabhÃrara. Text æ constirupd in iß cr¡ücal Ed¡üon Poona 1976. HoS Hiraoyakeli-Gfhyasúf:a, quotcd = from sccondary sources and H. Oldcnberg's translation (SBE 2, Oxford 1892). J The tãtaka = together with ils commentary being Tales of the antetior births of Gotama Buddha, for the fint rime edited in the original Pãli by v. FausbØlt, I - 6. l¿ndon 1g77-96. Nol.1l Indet to thc Iãtaka and its Conmentaryby Dines Andersen. l¡ndon 1g97. The lalaka or stories ol the Buddha's Former Births, ransl, from rhe Pãli by various hands under rhe editorship E.B. of Cowell, I - 6. Cambridge 1895-1907 and Index-Vol. l9l3 (ail repr. London 1969). laimini-ASvamdtu: aüa jaiminitgalvamedhaþ prãnbhyatc.Bombay 1g63. JB taimintya'Búhmw = o1 the Sãnavúa, Complcte text critically ed. for rhe fi¡st time by Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chand¡a. Sarævari_Vihara Series 31. Nagpur 1954, Das laiminrya-Brãhmaga in Auswahl. Tcxt, Ubrsetzung, Indices. Von W. Caland. VKNAW, Nieuwe reeks, deel XIX:4. Amstcrdam 1919. KA Kaulitfya-Anhasãsta: = ed. & ransl, R.p. Kangle, The Kaulirlya Aflhasãsrra,l 2, Bombay 2 - tg69-7 Z (reqr. Dethi I 986). Kas Kãlikl. A commenlary = on P'{/tini's Gnmmar by vamana and Aryendra sharma and Khanderao Dcshpande and D.G. Padhye. I - 2. Sanskrir Acadcmy Series t7 &20(A 14 & l?). Hyderabad 1969-?0. Ks = Kíúhakasathhitt" sampãdakå srfpãda Dãmodara sãhvareþ¡a. paradr 419g3, KScmendra, Aucityav¡cãncarca: MahãkavikScmendn$u Aucityavicãñ,carce Mnuarnakhyaswhsk¡la-hindt- vyîtkhyãbhyãn upetã. VydJút\J?lkårau Srfnarãya$amisrab. Gokuldãsa Sa!fislqtå Granùamãlã ¿14. Vãr¿0asr 1982. Kullük¿, see Manu. KumS Kumerasarhbhav¿ = of K¡lidllsa, canros I_VIII, ed. wirh ùe Commenta¡y of Mallinetha, a Li¡eral English Ttanslarion, Notcs and Introduction by M.R. Käte. Delhi ?l9El (r iCZll. ransl. HeiÍet¿; y H. The O r¡gin ol the oung God. Berkelcy _ Los Angeles 19g5. Mbh The Mahabhã¡ara for thc = fir$ time cr¡ticålly edited by V¡shnu S. Sukûankar, S.K. Belvalkar ... and othcr scholars. l-19. poona 1933_1959. The MahÃbhana. ftansrarcd by LA.B. van Buiteîen. r-3 [Book' t-5]. chicago rg73:?g Manu = Mtnava-Dharmarãsta: ed. I.L. shastri: Manusm¡ri, with the sanslolit C-rr*t ry M*urrthr- Muktãval¡ of Kulläka B/¡¡ff¿. Delhi t9E3. ed' c' Jha: Mdhãtìlhi accuding ro Mutu-sryri.Bibriortreca Indica 2ió, carcurrå 1932. ransl. G. Bíiúúer:Tlu Lats of Maru. SBE 25, Oxford 18g6 (Repr. Delhi 1975). MãrkP = MÚrkan&ya-hnlpil Str¡ivenkateshwar press edition, Bombay 1910. F.E, Pargirer: The Mtu*aþya-purãea,Transtatod wirh Notes. Bibliorheca Indic¿, Calcuu¿ 1904. Megh Mcghadûra. =Kelida'o's with some notcs of saradaranjan Ray, ed. by Kumudranjan Ray. 6ed, rev. and enlargod, Calcuru 196g (ll92g) Medh¡ti¡hi, s¿¿ Manu Ms MaÍþãya$suhhiu,sampãdakâ = srp{da Dãmodara sanvaleka¡a. pãra{r nd. (rsd.¡.

240 References

MüIasalvdstivdarinaya, rarulation in Przyhski 19 14' ofNfrs. Sanslcit text wiù critical notqs od. by K. de Vreese. Nlrp = NÍlamatapurã}a: Nilamata ot Teachings Leiden 1936. Rudolph Roth- oötlinScn I 852 sammt den Nighalllrv¿s hfs8. und eflåuteft Yø Nirltklâ = J,ll¡k¿ 3 NiruJrf¿ P =pegini:TheAç|ãdhyãylorp@ni,ed.&t¡ansl'intoEnglishbyt,aæSrilaChandr¡Vasu,l-2, (repr., miginal editiør Allahabad l89l) Delhi l9?? 3ed' patafijali: of Pataftiati. Ed. by F Kielhorn. revised "' by K'v' Pal = The vyãkufa4a-Mahebht$ye Abhyankar. 1-3. Poona 1962-12' R =Ranlya4arrrired' 1 -?. Baroda 1960-1975' Indta.vol. l. Inrr. and rransl. by Roben Goldmaru The Rãmãyaüa of vãtmfti. Àn Fflic of Ancient N' t' l9E4-86' Vol. 2. Ilr. and Transl. by Sheldon I' Pollock' hinceton'

Ragh =Ragltuvathßa:TheRaghuvathlaofKãlidåsawithThccommenrary(theSaf,jlvinÐofMallinãtha'ed'(NSP¡ to¡gtt' parai-o r^uxman Særr panitftar. Bombay by KãsfnÄh pandururg Wru¿. by R. Anroiræ, calcuta n,d. [c. 19721' Kãlidasa: Ttrc Dynasty of R gir, o-rt. ftom ¡he sansrrit Rajan =ReianìghaFþ'gæ Dhanv. Rajat=Râjatamllinr:Kalha4a,sRajata,¡fÌilìnrorChronicleoftheKingsofKaslmi¡,ed.byM.A.Sæin' BombaY 1892. KalhaDa:Rãjaterañsinf,transl,witlranintroduction,commeilaryandappendiccsbyM.A.stein'l- 1900 (repr' Delhi 196l)' 2. Ìfestminstcr Translatcd Ancient India of Rdiã Ruúadeva of Kumaon' Rud¡adcva: Syainika Sestam. inå M ot U*ønS in intoEnglistrbyHarapasadstusn'edi¡edwi¡hacriúcalinroducúonbyMotnn(}rand.Delhil9S2. Pada fe¡tr, reprinted from thc Hymns of the Rig-vúa in the samhita and R V = Lgvcda-sarhh¡t¡: ine ediuonprincepsuyF.MaxMüller,l-2,KashiSanslaitseries16?'Vara¡usi¡1965. DerRig.Veda,ausdemsanskitinsD€utscheüberscurundmiteinemtaufendenKommentarve¡sehert vonKa¡lFriedrichGeldner.Hos33-36.Cambridge,Mus.1951_1957. \\¡ebcf' in the Madhyandina-stlúa' d' by Albrecht s B = satapalha-Btãh¡nata: The satapatha'Bralmapa Berlin l¡ndør 1855' The White Yajurvcda ed' by A' Weber' Put 2' - Oxfo¡d 1882-1900' ransl. J. Eggcling. I - 5' SBE 12'36'41'43 &'M' from secondary sourçcs' S SS = SaÔkhgyana'snutsstr:a,quoted Dillf Ghe'ekar, vi3e9 manuvya Latãcandfa vaidya' s¡Lçn)ta-sarhhirr, bhitmikã tetnar< 3ro¡esrar Govind 519?5 (text wiù Hindi commenury)' und sunpalas v¡*çeywvedaHtisch edirt, l¡bersetzt surapala: Das wissen von der Lebercspanv der Bdume. komnrentiertvonRahulPcrerDas'Alr.urrdNeuind¡schestudien34'stutBan1988' VãsDh=Vãsislha.Dharmasl)tr¿ed.i¡SmÍtïnã¡ltsamuccayaþ,Ãnand¡sramasafhskÍa8ranth¡valib48.21929' 187-231' - PanII' sBE 14' oxford 1882' Eansl. C. Btihler: Tl¡e Sacred Laws of lhe Aryas') viDh=Viçpu.Sm¡li(Vai$4ava.Dha¡mas'stra)d,byJ.Jolly'BiblioÚrecaIndica,WorkNo.9l.(Calcutu 1962' l88l) repr. in Chowkhamba Sanslait Serics 95' Varanasi o!Vishtu'Transl' by Julius Jolly' SBE 7' Oxford lE80' Tru ltßlilules of Mahl' and ìhe Kegva-i'Ekhã with the commenlary ys = The Yãjasaneyi-sanhità in rhe Madhyandina- ed' by Albre¡ht Weber' Berlin & l¡ndon 1852' dåara, 1849 herausgegeben von A.F. Stcnzler' Repr. of YDh - Yâjnavalkya,s Gesetzbuch,sansk¡it und Dcutsch edition, Osnabrück l9?0'

works) 3. Abbreviations of Periodicals (including scries and some reføerrcc a¡e used philologþueand those common in Indological li¡erature N.B. The abbrev iarions ol L,Année

AAIIU = Acta A¡tli4ua llngar ica AAWM =AbhandlungenderAkademiederWissenschafteninMaip,Geistes-u,ldsozialwisse¡scøtliclw

241 Refe¡ences

Klasse ABORI Annals o! = tlu Btnndarkar Orienfal Research Insfifute ACUSD Acta C lass = ica IJ niversitatis Sci¿nliantm Debrece AHAM nienris = Atules de I I isloria attigtu y nrcdicval AI = Acblrotba AION = A¡tmli,l¡stituto Orientale di Napoli NPh = Am¿rican Journal of philotogy AJSL = A¡nerican Journrrt of Semitic Languagcs ANRW = Ar{stieg und Niedergang der römisch¿nVeil AO = ActaOrientatia AoF = A I to¡ ie nlal isclu F ors chunge n ArtAs = Artibus Ãria¿ AsRes = Asiatick Researches ASNP = Anøli della Scuola Normale Superiore pisa, di Classe di l¿ttere e Filosofa AUSB = Atnales UniversitatLr Budapestinensß, Sectio Clusica AW = AttcientWortd BAEO B-oletin = de h Asociacion Erpaiøla & Oricntalistas BDCRI Buletin = oî the Deccan College Research Institute BEFEO = Bull¿tin dc fÉcole Françahe dc I,E trême_Orie nr BSL Bulle tin = dc la Sæiété dc Linguistþrc dc paris BSO¿s = Bllletin of the Scløol of Oriental and Alrican Studies CJ = Classical Jatrnal cPh = Classical philotogy c8 = Claxical euarterty CR = Clusical Review CRAI = Comptes rendus de l,Académie d¿s ltscriptiots et Belles-Lettes E&w = East andWest EOL = Ex Ori¿nte Lut FGTIT rrisroriker,hrss. von F. *:r#:i;i;i;icchischer Jacoby. r_rr D, Bcrrin re23_30;trr A _ ru c, :y: =Fimisch-ugrisctuForsctutnsen 9Cn = Göttingische Gelehrrc Anzeigen Grund¡iss Crundriss der = lndo_.Crische;piilologie und Alrertumslcunde HO! = Harvard Orienhl Scries IA = IndianAntþuary IC = IndianCuttwe IrA = IranicaAuiqua ,!rO =t,tdionllbtoricateuvterþ IIJ = I¡tdolranianJour¡al IT = IndologitaTuuinenjia l^ = Jourrcl Asiuþtu t!O^: Journa! = of thc Anwrican Oricnral Sæiety J:SB Journal = of th¿ Asiatic Sæiety o¡ Bengl JCA = Jowrøtof CentralAsia = Journal Econonic #!O {tlte and Sæial ttbtory d ttu Orienr JHS = Journal ol Helt¿nic Studies J!!_ Journal t¡tdian JIES = 6 \Ibtory = lourru! sf ltl¿¿r Eærcrn Sttúi¿s = Journa! ol ttrc t9:!^{1I Numisnutic Sæiety of India = Jounat of thc OrieruA lrctitute, Ba¡Aa J RAS poyal = Journal sf ¡lt¿ Asiatic Sæiety KP pauty.l__j,München = Derkleine íNa_l5(DTvpockered. KSINA Kntkic 1979used). = suùiðcnija Instituta Narúov Azü

242 Refercncgs

("Kuhrs 7¿itsclvift' ) KZ - 7¿itschrilt îi¡¡ vergleichende Spracldorschung archóologiquc française cn Afghanisøn MDAFA = Mémoirss de ta Délégation Mto = Miaeilunl,en dcs In"ttituls Íür Orienrlorsclung MO = Le Mo¡d¿ Ori¿ntale Ncl = LaNouvelle Clio OTP = O ric¡ttalia lowttcttsia Peridica r ei luttg oLZ = O r ie ntal ist is ch¿ Lile atun pauly Ruotrroyrloptidie der Klassischen ArertumswLssenschdtcn RE = A. & G. Wissowa c t ai. fvJ,l, RM = Rhcinisch¿s Mrceum RO = R ocz nik O r ie nlal ß tY a nY Rso = Rivista desli Sudi Orientali sÁÁ = South Asian ArchaeologY SBE = Sacred Books of ¡he East Series Akademie der Wissenschalten (B¿¡lin)' Philoloeisch' SBEAW = Sitzungsberichte der Pieussischen historícche Klasse so = Studia Ori¿ntalia SilI = Sludicnzur Indologic und lranistik Akademie der wissercctulten inwien' Philosophisch' .swA =";;;;r;;,rr;;tr2r, o,t,i"¡'nischen hislorische Klasse VDI = Vestni* drewuj istorii vKNAw=Verhandelin8en

4. Dictionaries quesúon instcad nÀme of abbreviation' and lhc word in N.B. The works lisæd here are refenctt to by aurhof's of year and Page number'

Grecqrc' Puis 196&- P¡ ene. Dictio^ruire étynolosiqu¿ d¿ la langue ' C-IIANîRAINE, acd' Dclh¡ 1984 Ancient and Mediaevat l¡úia' (Ûrc so

MoNtER WllLll¡ls, Mon ie'. A Sansbit-English Dictiona ed¡rior\ - sreårry enrarged.and ¡rnpro"J, rr"ø" ;;;7;"i.i#i'fl$.o* onuroticattv arrøsed. New H ¡r. ::;:#,",{rîi,:f:i;;:ï¡';;;;}^l;T;iä "n""o*o -á scuLLÁRD second &,i,ion ó'ru' & Ron¡' Rudolf' s¿¡utr¡'r wörrerbuch "" ;iriiilicx' ncbst auen Nachlrrisen t- 6. s.percnburg pre = B.¡n''LD*cK, O,N. ,,¿¿rtrir- wörterhuh in -t"ìTrllrlt¿S"gìvi'iam kün*er Fassungl _ 7, sr.perersburg ¿ stror. wirii.'. rgTg_rggg, î*'*,,rext societv,s raì-insTish Dictiotøry.Lonaon SÖREN'EN' sörer¡' A¿ ¡¡de¡ lo.the namæ in the Ìvlahabhãnta Bomtuy with short expranatiotts and catcuta editjo: arlr;,¿.;;;;;r;;r;;. and a concordance ro lhe re(x (repr. Derhi re63). r-v,'¿,liis--',-8el*o î"'iiJíii r¡ Edsar ::ii::JålYULE. {*;"*";äi"Ï'lÏÍ'*, Hcnry & BURNELL, Arrhur C. Hobson_Jobson A G,t?o:ry lColtoquial Anglo-lndian Words a¡d and Discuni* i:#:,ffi{:,:#îi,#:K":Wlli'i{,;;;*,^icat ñ"1ä¡,¡"" cd by wi,,iam

5. Monographs and arlicles

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