1. Classical Texts

1. Classical Texts

REFERENCES I. Classical texts N.R.TheAbbfeviationsofLiddcll&Scott&JoncsforGrcekandofThesaunuLinguael'atimefotRoma¡ authorsareuscdwhentheyare"tea,enough.Inadrtitiontothoscmcntionedbetow,someFinnishEanslations (e.S.E,Rein.sHcrodotusandM.Kaimio,sAcschylus)havcoccasionallybeenuscdforquickreference. uanslaúon by A'F Animals, [tcxtl with an English N. An.: Aelian on rhe charactcristics of Aclianus: t958-59 (for I' and 3. repr. l9?l-72 used)' r r-oci cræsical Library, London scholficld, -:. 1974' B¡blioÚreca Teubneriana' Læipzig Varia R' Diirs' V. H.: Hlçr"¡t;;tliÑ;*in præ. classical rexls' oxonii 1972' ,ip,crsun ragoediasøoi, o."yr oxford Aeschylus: nyt¡,rpn^ iã alE82' Lyrici Graeci.Yol' 3' Lipsiae Alcman:Fragmenß^esc in Th. ø,"gU, f)e^¿ 1962' nri*t of Éo."*ous: fragmenls edi¡cd in Bolton cdilá i¡ FGrM 39' t¡anslatcd in Robinson 1953' Aristobulus: fragmøa Lulofs' oxford ctassical Texu' gr*rorio* an¡mat¡un,lcrc,.H.J. Drossaan Aristoreles: cen. ¡n.: lristotiti, i" A.L. pcck. Loeb classical Librarv, o! Animats,wirh an English Transl. by ^:;:;:;,tnraüonLondon 1942 (rcv' rcPr' l9ó3)' Afistorcles:H.An.:lrxtotle,,HistoriaAnimatium,wiÛranEnglishTfansl.byA.L.Pcck,l-2.Loeb London 1965-70' Ctassical Library, by A'L' Peckl lvlovemen! ot part. trrn, o! Animals,wiÛr an English Trursl Aristorcles: An.: ¡r¡rrri, Locb classical Library' an Engi*tr rranit. uy E.S. Forster' Ãnimals. progression ol Animals,wirtr 193? (rev' rePr' 196l)' l¡ndon Reese 1914' 32ff' u'" coil"cø 1908' l3ff' and Aristotcles, passug., ,.r"'ing';îi¡a ln.folchert v' Hinüber' sce Hini¡ber 1985' Aøbas¡s: ed. and rirsf' C' Winh and lsi:an: 1985, and chansainc 1927' transl' and o. v. u¡ni¡Jrl r." Hinüber Arnan: Indicazø. ano ranst. G. wirrh Burton Gutick, I - ?' l'oeb crassical witrr an Engrish transration bv charrcs ^**.."Jï'ry;T;*::r;iï;,. Library. l¡ndon 192?-41 (rcpr' 1961)' 125' translated in Robinson 1953' C,rJras: fragmenis edited in FGrH l3?' translated in Robinson 1953' Cleiu¡chus: fragments edited m FGrH Ctesias:I¿dic¿:ed.i"ne"'efSf¿'2ff'andFGrfl6E8'ransl'inMcCrindletSE2andBowmanl93Sa'König l9?2' König l9?2' ransl' in Bowman 1938a and Crcsias: P¿rsi¿ø, .d. it F i A8 & Lipsiae ø.îtrcooorus Vogcl. Bibliotheca Teubneriana' currius c¡rlj¿s ntw trctori" AlexaniriMagni, 1904. 7 16' Daimachus: I ttdica: ftagnens ed' in FGrH 2' Dcmocritus: fragmenß ed' in Diels & Ikanz Diels&Kranz:HermannDiels:Di¿FragmenlederVorso*roliker'Griechischwddetttsch'toAuft'hrs8''von WaltherKrurz' I -3' Berlin 19ffi1' Diodorus:Diodorusolsicily,withanEnglishtransladonbyC'H.oror1trr11,.r-12.LoebClassicalLibrary. (repr' 196?)' Vols' 3 12 not uscd' 1933 (repr' 1946)' Vol' 2'L' lg35 - Vol. l, London besprochen von ¿"s nraørttt¿rui,neu gesammett' ordnel und Eratosthenes: Die geographischen Fragmente 1964)' Hugo Bøgø' l8E0 (repr' Ams¡erdam 21908-13 1902 (l) & (2-3) I 3. Oxford cl¡ssical Texu, oxonii Euripides: Fabulæ,r.". ð,r*n* tnunay, - and 1949 [3])' (repr' 19?4 tl-21 Texs' Oxonii 1968 Marshall' 1 - 2' Orford Classical Gellius: N.,4.:.{ . C'tt¡i iocl' ¡t'¡¡;oì'iu'P'K' Grattius:Cyncgelica:GraßiCyrcgeliconquae,*,oun,,cumprolegomenis,notiscriticis,commentario exegcticocdiditp.l.e'*¡-2'zutphåniae1918(reprr'Hildesheim-NewYork1976). 237 Refe¡cnces Hdt = Herodotus, q.v. pericgesis: Hocatacus: ed, lacoby, FGrH l. Hecara¿i M,esii Fragmenta.., a o¡ra di G. Nenci. Firenze 1954. Fragmcnß on India also in Reese 1914,3. Hcracleitus: fragrnørr ed. in Diels & Kranz l. Herodotusr llerodoti Historia¿, ræ" c. Hude, I - 2' Oxford classic¿l rexts, r€print oronii lg0g (for vol. I the lg73 of tl,e third d, lg27 was uæd). Herdot ß, Historioe, ed, H.B. RoserL vol L Biblio¡heca Teubneriana, Leipzig 19g7. Indian account also in Reese lgl4,3fi,'Dirr, Hesiod: Hesiodi rheogonia, opcra et srurr^, ed. Friedrich sormscn, Me¡kelbach Fragmenra serecta eÅ. R, er M.L. lVesl Orford Clæsical Texs, Oxorii Hippocraæs: 1970. Co¡aordantia corpw tt¡ppærltiu^, *_O, porær, -in rn*r, & W. Froþ avec Ia collaboration du p, l - 5. Arpùn-ornega, Reihe A LXxv, Hirdesheim - Zü¡ich - New york lgg6. Hippocrates: Airs,Waters, places: Hippok orrr, üAü die Ilmwelt,hrsg. und mcdicorum itb. von Hans Dillcr. Corpus *'*'*oirll'Jo Oraecorum I, l, 2. Berlin 1970. a'Iilpà,a,¿, Faducrion nouvele #,'.:-fi#"':rî{utes avec re rexre grec en regard ... Hornq: Mad: Hom¿ri opera,ræ.David B' Munro er Thom¿s 31920 w. Allen, I - 2. oxford classical rexts, lrepr. 1969_7r). oxonii Homer: odysscy: Homeri opera, rc*. David B. Munro et Thomas 2lglZ_19 w. Alren, 3 _ 4. oxford crassical rexn Oxonii (rcpr. 1967_ó6). , Horatiusr opera onnia'ø¡ar s. wys' Eoiúoræs Hetveticae, serics Josephus:,441..' t¡rina 2. Fraue¡rfeldae ¡lg6g, Atxiquitures rudaicae inworlsrirt engrirl, transratíon;y;j,j. A. lVikgren - Thackeray, R. Marcus, and L.H. Feldman, I _ 9. Loeb Classical Library, Justinus: London 1926_ó5. M' Iuniani tustini Eyitona n¡'toria^i-iiit-ip¡roru^ pompeirrogi,¡rcsr Franciscum Ruehr edidit Ouo Seel. Bibl. Teubneriaru, Lipsiae lg3Í. lntr,t &page: poetarun tzs!ø1t1riw,;;;,;F¡r page. rlobet erDenys Oxford 1955. Megasùenes: fragnænr od. in schwantck ws,niãt ll5 and ransr. Mela: Pomwnius in Mccrindle lE7z. Mera De chorographia, eû carorus Ftk Bibrio¡hoca Teubnøiaru, Lipeiac Mimnermus: Fragmenls in Bruno lgg0. c-ent¡i¡ ¿ c;il;.r", poetae eregici.- Bibliorheca rlrri^on¡o e! rragmenla r. Teubncriana, Lipiae 1979. NaI*: Tragicorum Graecoyyt Fragmenta,rec. Augusrus Nauck, rcpr. with a sup,prement by Bruno Hildcsheim 1964 (orig. t888). sne'. Ne¿rchus: fragmenu edited in FG rH I ti, r¡arulatø in Robinson 19j3. Onesicritus: fragments ediæd n FGrH t34,o.*1.,ø in ù¡rn*n f SSf. Patrocles: fragmørr edited m FGrH 712. Periphts Periphu ' naris Erylhraei: I'c Péripte de la Mer Êryrhréc suivi d,u¡u átude sur ta rradirion laig,¿ WrFrßk, Cörebo¡gs e, la högskolæ ârsslaif¡ 3 3, l92Ì:t,Göreborg transl. in 192?. McCrindle 1g79, Schoft l9l2 and Huntingford Philostratus: ph,osrratus, 19g0. v' Ap.: The Life of Aporoniy^! Ttam.wirh an Engrish rransr. by F.c. Conybeare, I _ 2. L¡eb Ctassical úbrar¡ Ilndon t9t2 (repr. 1960). Pindarus: Phdar' siesesgesllnge md Fragnente,'onæ¡tisch und Deursch hng. und {lb. von oska¡ Tr¡sculum-Bilcher, München wcrner. - - tc. iSOZl. Pliny N' H': Natural Hisøry n rcn vorumes with an Engrish t¡ansration Ctassical by H. Rackham, l _ 9. Loeb _ Libra¡y, Iondon t93B_1952 (rqr. lú7{S} Pline I'ancien' Histoire tøturellc. t¡rre'xfuwi. rexþ éEbli, rsdu¡r er commenré Denis. Coll€cr¡on par E. de saint- ... Guillaume Budé. p¡¡is t972. --- book VI also in Aftùé & Filliozar 19g0, Pluh¡chus: Plutarch's Åiv¿s, with y,Enetisrr Trarul, by Bernadoüe perriri, 7. Demosth¿nes Alexand¿r and Ca¿sa¡.l¡eb and cicero. Classical Library, LonOon l9l9 (repr. lgjE). son of Lagus: fragnrenrs odired n FGrH lol*,t' r¡g, E;iarø in Robinson 1953. P'olemy' craudius: craudii pøtenü Geographia.Edä;. Nobbe, l 3. Lipsiae ed' and - rg43-45. transl': La Géographie ¿e iøl¿n¿c. tli* wrt,r-l). Texrc éabri par Louis Renou. paris 238 \ Rcferences 1925. t¡ansl' also McCrindle 1885' Sappho:fragrnena ed. in tobcl & Page' Dindorlìus' 1 2' Oxonii 1855' irnot¡o Cr*ro in llonwri Odyssean' Ed' G' - fragments cd. in Reesc l9l4,2f ' and FGrll 7Ú' Scylax: rù/' übera¡beitct von und deutsch hng' und f¡b' von willigct' sophocles: Tragödien und Fragmenle.Griechisch Karl Bayer. Tusculum-Bücherei, München 1966' fragmens comPletelY in Nauck ffaSmentscomptetetyinSrcfanRldt:TragicorumGraecorumFragmenla.Yo|.4.Sophocles. Göttingcn 1977. stephanus: SlepløaiByzanliiEthnicorumquæsupersunl,exrccersioneAugustiMeinckii.Berol¡ni1849. Mcirckc' I 3' Teubner' Lipsiae 186ó' Smbo: ,Srr¿ôo¡ir Crosrophi"i,'iogno"it Augustus - by Horace Leona¡d Jones, I - I' l'oeb classical l'he Geography oI strabo,iiur an nngtisÌr Transl. Library, I¡ndon 1917-32 (repr' used)' Theophrastus: H,pt,:Theophrasß,nnqu¡,yin'oPlanls,lTextlwirhanEnglishranslationbySirAnhurHon' 1916-26 (rcfr' 1968-??)' | -z.Loeb Classical Library' tondon English uanslation and commentary by E'R' caley Theophr$r$s on slon¿s,lnt¡oducuon, Greck text, and J'F.C. Richards. Columbus, Ohio 1956' oxford Classical Texts, oxonii 1942 (repr. witlt Thucydidcs: Thucydidis Hisroriae, rec. H.S. Jones' l. cmendcdandaugmcntedappantuscriticusfromoriginallg00cdi¡ion;repr.l9?0)' tcxre établi et raduit par Edouard Delcbecque' Xenophon: c?negericus: xénopno), L'art de la chasse, Collecúon Guillaumc Budé, Puis 1970' XenophonlCyropaedia:Xercphonlßoperaomnia,rcc.E.C.Markham,TomuslV.I¡utitulioCyri(Cyru. ' (rcpr' 1956)' pae¿iaj. Oxford Clæsical Texts, Oxonii l9l0 in Reese t9l4' 30ff' Xenophon, passages rcfcning to India are collect€d 2. Indian texts whcn feasible' N-8. Thc abbrcviaúons givcn in Mylius 1970 are uscd Etat pustaka¡h ve' sa' Ra' ne' AB = Aitareyabrãhm¿o¿m, srmatsãya4ãceryavifacitabhâçyasameBm. Ánand¡Sramasarhslq6grant¡ãvalib 32' Vol' I' KãStnãthaSãstrt ÃgaS. ity"taib'sa¡trSod¡iram, I -2' new ed. l9?9' vol.231977 ' RigvdaBfahma$s:TheAitareyaandKausrbkiB¡ãhmanasoftheRigvda,transl.fromtlreoriginall97l)' Hos 25, Cambridge, Mæs. 1920 (retr. Dclhi sanstcir by Anhur Beniedalc keirh, t:t9P with a úlrlll commentÂry and footloles' Bombay-(NS.P) AK = The Ana¡akoça G. l¿w of the Hittdus by Ãpastunba, ed. ..' by ÃpDh = Ãpasamba.ohantlasuta: Aphorisms on thc Sacrd BüNø, BombaY 18ó8' 2, oxford 1879. Biihler: Tl¡e S¿cred llws of rhe Aryas, Part I. SBE trarsl. G. of Dr' by the Pul(tits of Adyar Library under the supervision Ãrçcya-Ilpanìsad: lJn-Publishcd Llpanßhads,ed. AdYar 1933' C. Kunhan Raja. ril'D' 3e¿' (repr' of Vda Sanhita,hrsg. von R' Roth und Whimey' AS = Athuvavúa-Sanhirã: Atl'rva 21924) Bonn. Athawa-Vúa-Satht¡i,á,EanslåtedintoEnglishwithaCriúcalandExegeticalCommenmrybyl/.D. WhimeytandeditedbyC'R'Lanmanl'HOS?-8'Cambridge'Mass'lg05plndianrepr'Delhi l97l)' BaudhDh=DasBaudhãyana-Dhumasuta.Hrsgvon.Hutusch.Zweite,verbesserteAuflage.Abhandlungen 1922' fllr die Kr¡nde des Morgenlandes X Yl:2' fz'ipzig Nyas' Part II' SBE t4' Oxford l8E2' trar¡sl. G' Bi¡hler: Il¡e Saã¡ed Laws of tln BhãgP=Srtnadbh'gavalâptã4am(millamÍ¿tan).Grupres+dition,Goraklrpurtled.samvat203?.

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