1 ST TUDY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2018 Minutes of the meeting of St Tudy Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 28th February 2018 from 7pm Present: Cllr L. Creighton-Clarke (chair), Cllr Z. Newland-Hodges, Cllr. T. Sandry, Cllr. M. Straugheir, Cllr J. Lane, Cllr. R. Clench, Cllr. G. Murrell, Cllr. S. Rushworth (County Councillor for & St Tudy wards), Simon Mitchell (clerk). Stephen Knightly, Keith Turner, Julie Clarke, Peter Colmer. Parish Council Meeting 1. Public session: Julie Clarke asked if the parish council notice board could be moved to the shop. Also whether the council could provide another dog litter bin at the end of Hengar Lane. The chair said that these issues would be discussed. Peter Colmer requested the subject matter of the Chair’s submission to the Planning Committee for March 5th hearing on Oak Park. Councillor Rushworth traced the history of Oak Park going to committee and said he would talk about need and the validity of the clustering approach at the meeting of 5 March for which it was something of a test case. He reported that the St Tudy boundary review would put St Tudy in with and and that there was to be a review of parishes in 12 to 18 months time which might merge some parishes. Cllr. Stephen Knightly was present to explain the changes to the Phoenix Glen design, along with the owner. The plot had been moved, a slate roof was included and it’s toned-down modernism was more in keeping with the street scene in St Tudy. 2. Apologies: No apologies 3. Members declaration of interest: Cllr. Straugheir declared an interest in PCC matters and the Village Hall. Cllr. Sandry declared an interest in Phoenix Glen as he was a long-standing friend of the owner. 4. The Minutes of the meeting held on 31st January 2017. The chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting as correct. Councillor Clench pointed out that the minutes had a numbering fault and the clerk was asked to correct this. 5. Matters arising from the Minutes of the above meeting: ·Data Protection Regulations & Parish Data Audit update. The clerk explained that he was working through paperwork and filing it into a cabinet to about 25 categories so far. He had asked the History Group for help categorising the backlog of files handed over from Cllr. Selby. 6. Planning matters: PA17/12158 Land South West Of Oak Park, St Tudy, . PL30 3PG. Proposed residential development of 21 dwellings – This was due to go to committee on 05.03.18. The chair would make a short statement about the divisive effect of the development on the population of St Tudy. PA17/10811. 1, Maypall Cottage. This was still under discussion PA18/01588. Notification of proposed works to Holm Oak. DO – Samuel Dunn. The parish Council had written two letters to Samuel Dunn concerning the application and the decision via delegated authority. The parish council thought the tree had large amenity value and a report commissioned by Cllr Straugheir said it was ‘in the prime of its life’. The council thought that removing the central crown and trimming the sides would unbalance the look of the tree. Councillor Rushworth took a copy of one of the letters and said he would contact Mr Dunn regarding this. PA18/00820. Music Room 10 x 5 m, Redvale Rd. DO – Samuel Dunn [by 09.03.18]. The councillors dis- cussed this design and although there was some concern about its proximity to the stream they supported it unanimously. PA18/00776. Farmyard manure shed, land north of – not permitted under PD and a request to sub- mit to planning was given. PA18/00129. New Dwelling, east of Phoenix Glen. DO – Julie Mitchell [by 07.03.18]. The parish Council thought that the new design was more in keeping with the adjacent buildings and that it would protect Lindum and Phoenix Glen Correspondence: The clerk reported that Ian Thompson had sent a letter asking for contributions to fixing a granite sign on the B3266 to a higher granite plinth. The parish Council agreed to a donation of £100 for this. 2 ST TUDY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES - February 2018

8. Financial Matters: a. Bank: current account as of 12.02.18 £7514.90 deposit account as of 12.02.18 £2989.45 total £10504.39 b. Payments: Clerk monthly salary for February paid by S.O. 01.03.18 £498.51 Hire of Methodist Hall for public meeting (receipt requested) £12 South West Water £28.84 Hire of Village Hall x 10 £140 total £679.35 c. RE: Transfer of ownership of land for cemetery – solicitors estimate. Ralph & Co had provided an esti- mate for £1067.22 including a ‘search’. The chair had sought another estimate from Sproull Solicitors LLP which suggested that if the transfer was problem-free it would be £250 plus VAT, not including search. She had also requested an estimate from Macmillans Solicitors and the clerk was instructed to wait for their re- sponse and the council would confirm their choice by email before the next meeting. 9. To receive Councillor’s reports: (reports omitted when ‘nothing to report’) 8.1) CC. LMP. Footpaths – Cllr. Tyrell Sandry reported the footpaths as very muddy. 8.2 Toilets – Cllr Ruth Clench reported that she would order more paper towels. 8.3) Roads/Bus Shelter/ Notice Board – Cllr M Straugheir reported that there was oil on the road by the bus shelter again. He would also enquire with the shop and village hall as to whether there was room for a new noticeboard. 8.6) Parish Magazine – Cllr L Creighton-Clarke reported that although she had missed the deadline the previous month that she would place an article for the April editon. 8.7) Risk Assessment/ Parish Organisations/ Insurance – Cllr G Murrell asked if it was OK to share the parish council’s map of wells with the History Group which the council affirmed. He agreed with the clerk that there were still safety issues regarding some of the wells. 8.8) Parish Website – clerk: The clerk reported that new councillor application packs were now available on the news page of the website. 10. Parish Matters: 10.1) Telephone box adoption. Although the box was growing mildew the council decided it would be more practical to revamp it when the weather was suitable. 10.2) Tender for new parish footpaths contractor. The clerk was still collating information on this. 10.3) Advertisements for new councillors. The clerk had made and put up 3 small flyers asking for more people to join the parish council. The chair took an additional 3 flyers for local windows. 10.4) Transfer of war memorial from PCC. Cllr Straugheir provided 3 PCC signed copies of the con- tract of transfer and the chair and clerk signed them and returned them to him. 11. Date of next meeting: Wednesday March 28th 2018 at 7pm. 12. To close the meeting: The meeting was closed by the chair at 8.40 pm

Meeting dates 2018: annual events donations

28.03 annual accounts 25.04 agm 30.05 apm / audit Playing Fields donation 01 – 25.06 - clerk away 27.06 25.07 29.08 - no meeting 26.09 Church donation 31.10 monument cleaning 28.11 26.12 no meeting