Table E-8. Fish Species Found on Wake Atoll

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Table E-8. Fish Species Found on Wake Atoll Table E-8. Fish Species Found on Wake Atoll RHINCODONTIDAE (Whale Shark) CLUPEIDAE (Herrings) Rhincodon typus Spratelloides sp. CARCHARHINIDAE (Requiem Sharks) EXOCOETIDAE (Flyingfishes) Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Cypselurus poecilopterus Carcharhinus melanopterus Exocoetus volitans Eulamia commersoni Cypselurus rondelitii Triaenodon obesus HEMIRAMPHIDAE (Halfbeaks) MYLIOBATIDAE (Eagle Rays) Hyporhamphus acutus acutus Aetobatus narinari Oxyporhampus micropterus MOBULIDAE (Manta Rays) HOLOCENTRIDAE (Soldierfishes and Squirrelfishes) Albula glossodonta Myripristis adusta MORINGUIDAE (Spaghetti Eels) Myripristis amaena Moringua abbreviata Myripristis berndti CHLOPSIDAE (False Morays) Myripristis kuntee Kaupichthys sp. Myripristis murdjan MURAENIDAE (Moray Eels) Myripristis violacea Anarchias sp. Holocentrus opercularis Anarchias cantonensis Holocentrus sammara Anarchias seychellensis Sargocentron melanospilos Echidna leucotaenia Holocentrus microstomus Gymnomuraena zebra Holocentrus laeteoguttatus Gymnothorax buroensis Neoniphon opercularis Gymnothorax enigmaticus Sargocentrum spiniferum Gymnothorax fiavimarginatus Holocentrus spinifer Lycondontis flavomarginata Sargocentron tiere Gymnothorax javanicus SYGNATHIDAE (Pipefishes and Seahorses) Gymnothorax meleagris Corythoichthys conspicillatus Gymnothorax pictus Doryrhampus excisus Gymnothorax ruppelliae AULOSTOMIDAE (Trumpetfishes) Gymnothorax undulatus Aulostomus chinensis Lycodontis undulata FISTULARIIDAE (Cornetfishes) Uropterygius macrocephalus Fistularia commersonii Uropterygius xanthopterus SCORPAENIDAE (Scorpionfishes) OPHICHTHIDAE (Snake Eels) Pterois antennata Myrichthys colubrinus Scorpaenodes guamensis Myrichthys maculosus Sebastapistes ballieui Scolecenchelys gymnota Sebastapistes coniorta CONGRIDAE (Conger and Garden Eels) Sebastapistes fowleri Conger cinereus Sebastapistes mauritiana Heteroconger hassi Sebastapistes tinkhami CHANIDAE (Milkfish) CARACANTHIDAE (Orbiculate Velvetfishes) Chanos chanos Caracanthus maculatus MYCTOPHIDAE (Lanternfishes) Caracanthus unipinna Myctophum spinosum Family SERRANIDAE (Groupers and Sea Basses) Dasyscopelus spinosus Aporops bilinearis BYTHITIDAE (Livebearing Brotulas) Cephalopholis argus Dinematichthys ilucoeteoides Cephalopholis spiloparaea MUGILIDAE (Mullets) Cephalopholis urodeta Crenimugil crenilabis Epinephelus fasciatus Liza vaigiensis Epinephelus hexagonatus Neomyxus leuciscus Epinephelus lanceolatus Table E-8. Fish Species Found on Wake Atoll Family SERRANIDAE (Groupers and Sea Basses) LUTJANIDAE (Snappers) Epinephelus merra Aphareus furea Epinephelus polyphekadion Aprion vireseens Epinephelus microdon Lutjanus fulvus Epinephelus tauvina Lutjanus monostigma Pseudanthias pascalus Macolor niger Epinephelus spilotoceps LETHRINIDAE (Emperors) Epinephelus tauvina Lethrinus obsoletus Liopropoma tonstrinum Lethrinus rubriopereulatus Plectranthias longimanus Monotaxis grandoculis Pleetranthias nanus Lethrinus kallopterus Plectranthias winniensis Lethrinus ramak Pseudanthias pascalus MULLIDAE (Goatfishes) Pseudanthias ventralis Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Pseudogramma polyacantha Mulloidichthys vanicolensis Variola louti Parupeneus barberinus CIRRHITIDAE (Hawkfishes) Parupeneus cyclostomus Amblycirrhitus bimacula Parupeneus insularis Cirrhitus maculatus Parupeneus multifasciatus Neocirrhites armatus Parupeneus pleurostigma Paracirrhites arcatus Upeneus arge Paracirrhites forsteri Mulloides vanicolensis Paracirrhites hemistictus Parupeneus bifasciatus PSEUDOCHROMIDAE (Dottybacks) PEMPHERIDAE (Sweepers) Pseudochromis sp. Pempheris oualensis Pseudoplesiops sp. CHAETODONTIDAE (Butterflyfishes) PRIACANTHIDAE (Bigeyes, Glasseyes) Chaetodon auriga Heteropriacanthus cruentatus Chaetodon ephippium APOGONIDAE (Cardinalfishes) Chaetodon lineolatus Apogon eoeeineus Chaetodon lunula Apogon cyanosoma Chaetodon ornatissimus Apogon doryssa Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Apogon exostigma Chaetodon quadrimaculatus Apogon fuscus Chaetodon reticulatus Apogon kallopterus Chaetodon semeion Apogon savayensis Chaetodon ulietensis Apogon susanae Chaetodon unimaculatus Apogon taeniophorus Forcipiger flavissimus Cheilodipterus macrodon Forcipiger longirostris Cheilodipterus quinquelineata Hemitaurichthys thompsoni Powleria isostigma Heniochus acuminatus MALACANTHIDAE (Sand Tilefishes) Chaetodon oxycephalus Malaeanthus brevirostris POMACANTHIDAE (Angelfishes) ECHENEIDAE (Remoras) Centropyge flavissima Remora remora Centropyge loricula Remora osteoehi Centropyge multicolor CORYPHAENIDAE (Dolphinfishes) KYPHOSIDAE (Rudderfishes, Sea Chubs) Coryphaena hippurus Kyphosus bigibbus CARANGIDAE (Jacks) Kyphosus cinerascens Seomberoides lysan KUHLIIDAE (Flagtails) Seriola rivoliana Kuhlia sandvicensis Traehinotus baillonii OPLEGNATHIDAE (Knifejaws) Oplegnathus punctatus Table E-8. Fish Species Found on Wake Atoll CARANGIDAE (Jacks) LABRIDAE (Wrasses) Carangoides ferdau Oxycheilinus unifasciatus Carangoides orthogrammus Pseudodcheilinus hexataenia Caranx ignobilis Pseudocheilinus ocellatus Caranx lugubris Pseudocheilinus octotaenia Caranx melampygus Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia Caranx sexfaseiatus Pseudocoris aurantiofasciata Deeapturus maearellus Pseudojuloides atavai Elagatis bipinnulatas Pseudojuloides cerasinus Gnathanodon speeiosus Stethojulis bandanensis Decapterus macarellus Cheilinus unifasciatus Carangoides orthogrammus Halichoeres hartzfeldii Caranx lugubris Halichoeres chrysus Caranx melampygus Halichoeres melanurus Caranx sexfaciatus Halichoeres melapterus POMACENTRIDAE (Damselfishes) Thalassoma ambylycephalum Abudefduf septemfasciatus Thalassoma lutescens Abudefduf sordidus Thalassoma quinquevittatum Abudefduf vaigiensis Thalassoma hardwicke Abudefduf saxatilis Thalassoma lutescens Chromis acares Thalassoma purpureum Chromis agilis Thalassoma quinquevittatum Chromis vanderbilti Thalassoma trilobatum Chromis viridis Xyrichtys sp. Chrysiptera biocellata SCARIDAE (Parrotfishes) Chrysiptera brownriggii Bolbometopon muricatum Chrysiptera glauca Callyodon borborus Dascyllus aruanus Cetoscarus bicolor Plectroglyphidodon dickii Chlorurus frontalis Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis Chlorurus microrhinos Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus Chlorurus sordidus Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus Hipposcarus longiceps Plectroglyphidodon phoenixensis Scarus forsteni Stegastes albifasciatus Scarus altipinnis Stegastes fasciolatus Scarus ghobban Stegastes nigricans Scarus globiceps LABRIDAE (Wrasses) Scarus oviceps Ammolabrus diems Scarus psittacus Anampses caeruleopunctatus Scarus rubroviolaceus Bodianus anthioides PINGUIPEDIDAE (Sandperches) Cheilinus chlorourus Parapercis schauinslandii Cheilinus fasciatus CREEDIDAE (Sand Burrowers) Cheilinus trilobatus Limnichthys nitidus Cheilinus undulatus TRIPTERYGIDAE (Triplefins) Coris aygula Enneapterygius nigricauda Epibulis insidiator Helcogramma chica Gomphosus varius BLENNIIDAE (Blennies) Halichoeres biocellatus Blenniella gibbifrons Halichoeres margaritaceus Blenniella paula Halichoeres ornatissimus Cirripectes polyzona Halichoeres trimaculatus Cirripectes quagga Hemigymnus fasciatus Cirripectes varioloms Iniistius sp. Entomacrodus marmoratus Labroides bicolor Entomacrodus striatus Labroides dimidiatus Istiblennius edentulus Labroides pectoralis Plagiotremus tapienosoma Labroides rubrolabiatus Rhabdoblennius ellipes Novaculichthys taeniouris CALLIONYMIDAE (Dragonets) Oxycheilinus diagrammus Synchiropus laddi Oxycheilinus orientalis Callionymidae Table E-8. Fish Species Found on Wake Atoll GOBIIDAE (Gobies) SPHYRAENIDAE (Barracudas) Amblygobius phalaena Sphyraena barracuda Asterropteryx semipunctatus SCOMBRIDAE (Tunas and Mackerels) Bathygobius fuscus Acanthocybium solanderi Cabillus tongarevae Euthynnus affinis Coryphopterus duospilus Katsuwonus pelamis Coryphopterus neophytus Thunnus alalunga Coryphopterus sp. Thunnus albacares Ctenogobiops aurocingulus Thunnus obesus Ctenogobiops feroculus ISTIOPHORIDAE (Billfishes) Ctenogobiops pomastietus Istiophorus platypterus Eviota alfelei Makaira indica Eviota epiphanes Makaira mazara Eviota saipanensis Tetrapturus angustirostris Favonigobius sp. Tetrapturus audax Gnatholepis cauerensis NOMEIDAE (Driftfishes) Gobiodon rivulatus Cubiceps pauciradiatus Paragobiodon lacunicolus BOTHIDAE (Lefteye Flounders) Priolepis kappa Bothus mancus Priolepis semidoliatus Bothus pantherinus Trimma sp. BALISTIDAE (Triggerfishes) MICRODESMIDAE (Dartfishes and Wormfishes) Balistoides viridescens Ptereleotris evides Melichthys niger Ptereleotris microlepis Melichthys vidua SIGANIDAE (Rabbitfishes) Rhinecanthus aculeatus Siganus argenteus Rhinecanthus rectangulus ZANCLIDAE (Moorish Idol) Sufflamen bursa Zanclus cornutus Xanthichthys mento ACANTHURIDAE (Surgeonfishes) MONACANTHIDAE (Filefishes) Acanthurus achilles Aluterus scriptus Acanthurus blochii Cantherhines dumerilii Acanthurus guttatus OSTRACIIDAE(Trunkfishes, Boxfishes) Acanthurus leucopareius Ostracion cubicus Acanthurus nigricans Ostracion meleagris Acanthurus nigricauda TETRAODONTIDAE (Puffers) Acanthurus nigrofuscus Arothron hispidus Acanthurus nigroris Arothron meleagris Acanthurus nubilus Arothron stellatus Acanthurus olivaceus Canthigaster amboinensis Acanthurus thompsoni Canthigaster janthinoptera Acanthurus triostegus Canthigaster solandri Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus DIODONTIDAE (Porcupinefishes) Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis Diodon hystrix Ctenochaetus striatus ALBULIDAE (Bonefish) Naso brevirostris Albula vulpes Naso hexacanthus Naso lituratus Naso unicornis Naso vlamingii Zebrasoma flavescens Zebrasoma veliferum Source: USFWS and NMFS 1999.
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