Shrek the Musical • January 25-30, 2011 • TPAC’S Andrew Jackson Hall
OnStage The official playbill and performing arts magazine of the TENNESSEE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER HCA/TriStar Broadway at TPAC • TPAC Family Field Trip • TPAC Presents • TPAC’s Signature Series Shrek the Musical • January 25-30, 2011 • TPAC’s Andrew Jackson Hall POWERING YOUR family time u plugged It’s often said that there are no small parts. At First Tennessee, we believe that there are no small dreams either. That’s why we offer a wide-range of financial services designed to help your family enjoy more of the things that matter most. So whether you’re looking for a convenient checking account or help with a home loan, our friendly staff is always available to play a supporting role. Banking products and services provided by First Tennessee Bank National Association. Member FDIC. ©2009 First Tennessee Bank National Association. SUPERIORITY MEANS NOTHING UNLESS IT’S WIELDED WITH PRECISION. The New 2011 Lexus IS 350. Wield Precision. LEXUS.COM Cool Springs Rivergate LEXUS OF NASHVILLE LEXUS OF NASHVILLE, NORTH 1636 Westgate Circle 1514 N. Gallatin Road (615) 221-5000 (615) 868-4400 Options shown. Published performance data for base automatic transmission models versus the IS 350. Ratings achieved using premi um fuel. Lexus reminds you to wear seatbelts, secure children in rear seat, obey all traffic laws and drive responsibly. ©2010 Lexus. &/,(17 /H[XV'HDOHU$VVRFLDWLRQ ),567,16(57,21'$7( +($'/,1( 6ZHUYH (&' &*UDYHV $'81,7 %OHHG& &5($7,9(',5(&725 &&UDZIRUG -2%180%(5 /'$,63 &5($7,9(',5(&725 -6WLQVPXHKOHQ 38%/,&$7,21 6L[3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV0DJD]LQH $57',5(&725 &'HQKDP ,0$*(180%(5 6 ,60/ &23<:5,7(5 32·5RXUNH /,9(6,=( µ[µ 75$)),& $%HDXPRQW 1(:&$5 678',2$57,67 /6KLR]DNL 5(*,21 6287+(515(*,21 35,17352'8&(5 '9ROLYD 9(56,21 3$*( $&&2817(;( 0:KHHORFN 0$5.(7 1$6+9,//( '$7( &OLHQW7HDP2QH-RE9HU$' /LYH &\DQ0DJHQWD<HOORZ%ODFN 7ULP %OHHG Sure, it’s just a tire.
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