Enforcer Close Air Support Aircraft” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R
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The original documents are located in Box 11, folder “Defense - Enforcer Close Air Support Aircraft” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. - Digitized from Box 11 of The John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JOHN L MCCLELLAN, AnK., Cf~I\IRM.t.'-11 VJAr.. !"H G. MM:;NIJ~';.CJN• WASH. MILTC'If.l R Y~UN<;, N. I"I'.K. J() 1'11 C, ~Tt"riNI$ 0 MISS. ROMAN L. fHl\I~KI\, NF.PR• .ll"t.r.. "t., rA!'.1C.'H-=:, R.I. NORRIS C0TION0 h.H. 1\l 1\N l!ll'LI?. NI:V.. CL rrnr~o P. C'A~f". N.l. f~O<Ji:::f r C. BVHC", W. VA, HIRI\M L, FONG, ttl\ WAll GJ\LE W. MCGI:E, WYO. £OW/\RO W, CROOK£', MASS. floU,.;.E MIINSF'•Ct...O. Mt\NT. Ml\llK 0, UI\TFIEl..C\1 OREG. W&LLIAM PRO'< MIRE. WIS. TED ST~ENS, 1\LASKA JOSEPH M . PAO....TO'r'l\ 1 N . M£X. CtfARLES MCC. MATHIAS, JR., MD. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS O,\NII!L K. IN(\VY('. HJ\WAII RICUARO S. SCHWEIKF..A0 PA. ERNEST F. HOU.INGS, S.C. HENRY BELLMON, OKLA. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 lURCH DAYH. INO. THOMAS f'. ~AGLETON, MO. LAWTON CHIUI, PLA. JAMES 11. CALLOWAY July l9, 1974 CHJ£11' COUNSEL AND ITAP'P DIRECTOft The Honorable James R. Schlesinger Secretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington, D. C. 20301 Dear Mr. Secretary: You have recently asked for the cooperation of Congress in holding down excess dercnse costs. As I"Lembe;·s of thE: ~en<:~t e intensely interested not only in economy but also military efo'cct:ver.~ss, we strongly recommend that you personally initiace action to te~t fly the Enforcer close air support aircraft. &t is our belief that the Enforcer prom;ses such an attractive combination of economy and effectiveness that it shoul~ not be cast aside by Service biases. We are well aware of the current vicw,:ioin .. ;n tne:.. A;r Force that they see no role for the Enforcer con~icer;ng pro~ccted aircraft inventories. With l imitcd force lcve:s dn0 currcnc commitments to favored programs, that reacLion is not unexpecteG. It could be dangerously ~arochia~, howcvC:..r, if it perp~~ud c~~ an attitude of inflexibil itv to promising ocvclop;:.cn"Ls . The Enforcer has impressive credcilti.:. ;s. ~ccretary Cici.-.• ·• ~ 5 and Dr. Currie agree that the Enforcer meets :ts clairneo 1>crforrrl<1iiCe levels and that cost estimates are ncar tb.:: mark. G;ven .:nat a;-.c; the evaluation conducted by the Naval Alr Systems Comrr.c..nci, how. co::.n we afford not to take the final stl'P and r:;gLt test t.lis aircrc.-fl:'t If it can be produced for uncier $1 miJ;;on per un1t, •. it can operate effecti~ely in a tank dominated batticficlc, ,r i t can fly from unimproved fieios with su~stc.ntial range .:~nd oronancc, then the Defense Department would i>e ser iously remiss if this weapon system were not given a f air ar.ci ;;71jJilrt ;aJ fl ight tes·c. You have authority to trc.nsf~~ cercain Oepartmcnt of ~efense Appropriations under Section 735 o; the F'f i9-;L; i)efense Appropriat:ons 8; i I, subject to prior approva I and the: re:~n" o9ra~o~r.1i r.y ?rocess. W<> urge you to consider using this uucnor;ty or o.:l1er means to val ioa&:~: ~ontractor claims and ~inpoint potent;ai a??l;cat:ons. The Honorable James R. Schlesinger July 19, 1974 Page 2 Mr. Secretary,. your careful consideration of this matter and a report back on your decision will be appreciated. Both leaders of the Armed Services Committee, Senator Stennis and Congressman Hebert, have stated they would support a funding request. ',1• ' 1' t ' ' . "• :1 ' . .. "' : - .. ...· ... ·. -·.or'· ... t <.;' .. - .- Maurx, Hon. John M• .. -...... ~.. .~· . '\ . ·: . .... F: "Enforcer'' folder -· .. --.. -=-~ . •.. .. ·. : :~ . ... ·.:" ....,... .... .. .. .• ~ ·. ., . .. · ·,; .. -.:: .. -~.~;. ~-~:.:: :~ lt • • ... 4 • • < '!.:" '. ..,., ·. •I· .· -. -:. Ho:1C'l"'.C'Jlc Jc.::n H. l:>ury ·. AcEist~~t S~ccct~l"'Y of D~fens~ (L~.;:i~l~~t·.-c Aff::!ii:s) D.cr:i r~; ;;.::-, ~ c·Z De f i!~~ a .... 1 \ •~~1 "~ .,;. .1 i~n·~, .. ..,. ~ ...... ," D. C. 20~01.., -~ ~tis {s to ccnflr~ }~. Anthony R. E~ttisti's verbal r:c~CC'it to the $~.:-vices to initilltC the requtr~::~nts stt:dy ccllncated !.a the attnchcd m::cor~"dV!"l. I trust that you will coordln3ta ·this request uith the thrc~ Scrvlc~s end the Office.... of t~.~ Dir~:;ctci, D~fc.-.~c r.(:~·~~l"{:h "'n-:i Plr:~!>c note the Cc;:::~ittcc's a.·.-,qu-~:;t fc.r the t:tt:dy rc!:ults _ty i:ovc::Jt}r!r 15, 1974. S incc~·c ly, . ~ . .· Frank H. Slr..t!.n::>hck Chief Counsel II .. • - i ~.,- ·•' .. ·.. ~' .. : . \. ·, \ / . "f· .\. \ - . \ ' ·. , . • I . : ....... .. -... .. ~ . ~· ..,- .....::. :? ::. ..': ~ ;·... .., ~ - .... ' . •• ..'! ·.,. _..... .. ... .. ~ •• c .. •• . .~ ............ ·.• . ,._ .. ·. .. '!'. - '. :. '. ·. .I : .· ... .' ; .·:" y ·. ·. I •. l l:"t• ." F1.·nnk H •.. Slntinsl~ek; Chief .Col~!ie.l ... ·, ."· I • · ~ oil .. • .... ' . •·.!r. :;.i~..:.l~·;,y' .. , ,., ~:'.• r· ....... t ....._ I··......o~ ... , ?~·or_~o;!",f."n•• ___ "' .....• l s:-.:.r-~-u .\. '•'t!!'__ ~____ ,, .......... .. ·. St.:bjcct: tnforc~r atrcraft ' . .I --------------------.. --·-------- .. ; .~f!,,..- ...:;.J- . • J. ' I Cn C~\:-:;b~r 8t 19;'4 the ~c:-:.:::n:ch vrd D~-..-~lol:.; · •.:;.:1t St.'~·cc.::.·. .r..ttr::~ I .:.:.-;,~!i"v·c:·.i n t ~ ri"f:!;-:g en tt\c E:lrc·&.'"C~i..·· uircr:ift fL·~·- ~ ! - ~~. ~A'.:id B. Li.n:j~.:1y, l / its c!!~~t, · n::-;; 4i:d <~:·velo;~~. The r.;.'lj~r co:Jsi<!~r~tton!J t~1~t r.~-:a::-.~tt:d ·frc~ the ~rtaflng vorc: . ~ { ..... - . II (1) •i_'hc Enforcer .d.l."crnft is· not a · competitor to the A-10 hut I is coil:d.c1crcd :..y 1·~r. Lind"'ny to ba a valuable :wpplc~!:!1ent to tho A-10. ,.. .. in a hi~;..-1o~ 1d.x c;wf.ron ·.cat • ' -:--.... (2) S-:;v•"T:ll t::r!i'!.d.e,;dC'.3 !.n tho ~=1forct~r :l{r.::l.·.r•.ft thdt ;..·<'!t'~ del{nc~tc1 durln3 tl1e ?~~c C~1n cv:1lu~t!0~ ~~ve cittet' h~cn co~t"cctcd nr h3vc rcc~tv~1 ~~c1u~t~ co~si~cr~t!o~ for cor~~ction. (.3) ·~~t:!i.."~ i_n 1 \'~ry :.:c.'!::c :1 to k~ l icv~ • t1:!~c- ..{ UI·o 1 pr-~vto;1s ...... D~~p;,,; t..:.:"!t of D:;.fe:':,c r.tl.,d!.c.:l 1 that tL.~ pcrfvn:,:'\n.::a rnt·::or:~ters cf the E•1f,; .. cc-L~ ~\.-c..::xaft :. ..-c !a ::ccc.·o.:.;~cc -...ith 1-:r. Litv.!r.;:;y'!l cle-1:.:::; :..~d ... i Cc.. Ctrrr..-.:'lt ldth this ln:f.cftn~. Gel"lcral David C. Jones; Chief of St ff, P.S. l.ix Ftn·~c. iu!:o~·!,i~d Er. l~i:~-:1c;;:.y by letter that Gcn~ral Sb. ·.:: ;~t ';~t·1d ~ ., ~-t'.:::•lc :.a (;'\.·aluntS.on 1:• : ~'111 to rcvlc>~ the Air 'F.::'t:cc 1:!::lcf.l·r;.·r.:;1t' ~()(' C:I :Ch :!n rd.rC.\":1(t:. f.!ncc thnt ticc. t~lC Air rct·ca !;a:; info~: ~1 Ch.:d"!.'&·::.l i"d.c~ n:1d F:-:! t:lsat pl'O~l~css \;as t>•d.ng 1··-"lde in this c·.-.•lw-.l !.on. ·:.J!.G ,·:..:~ ccnifn:L::l by l·rr. Td\::1rd Sirs, a l'qn:c- C:1 C··:tou:::r 3, ti:c_ St:'.,~c.-· . .• i.ttc<.1 s:·,"t. ;_ --,~n::r "111·>' t.:> d!.r-c.'..!~:> the .... U,~\':> o[ t!·.c e:v~ 'it· = !r.l ."H:d t"u ~·c...-tde ' :~!,:t. if ~-., ,y, :.c:ti.oa •.: ... t!ld b3 t<:~.cn. !::::..:.:r.1l 1•.,: 'r.rs lvl!.t~ .::; tc.-1 th ·:~ ir ,:.:;!';1\·c t•J !.<:\'c the n(r:tr.c r.~e::ts f:Jr r-a ~irc.~·•1f:t :-t ·!J c:; the [,\fot'<'.cr ·:;tt·!i<·d on .a tt·i-scrvlcc ' . t:-t:;i.s. Ch:- i r. ·:n I'&.'!.cc co;~cun..-crl. r.r~d (l §.rc;:-tcd : . .! to ,~c: q•t.:,~t c~ch . -J I r •i / ' • . ......,.__.- ... ...... ,. ' "- ..... ' ....• r.. -:. 5 r. .? · '. ;, <_ :'_:. :·: :: .. ::~:. :· :;.~ f':t~t~·\:~~;:. !:~_-=_:_... ~.:- ..!:;_ ..:,_·~ ;_' ~-~ :·~{~~>~;; -~: .:~~--~-..~:~·-.::~~:. -~ :_~~.::....~.t.;_:_._.~--.--.~·::·~.-- . -. ..~ ... :.·.:~ :;~_.· ··.···; -- ' ... ::;;~. ~:·.-~~-:::>- .......... '\<_... :..· ,·_··_;___ ·.· .~:~-:~ •·:·~-~·;_:.\J.~~-~!':,~_/:... ~}~: ... :~ . -~·-·::~~-~~ .• .-··.:-·--__:_·-.-~·_-:- ..~.:_~--~ ... -.~ .. ..... ;..... =·· ·: .. ! < • "-7_. • . - '"··:; 2.- -- . - .;'.::'.~~.:_{·:·_~:·.~;{_· .~;~-~-.-'.·~- ~ ·.·.~·-.·~~.· .·· ~. ... .. .... .·.;··.r·... ,;l.·,.. :··· .. ... ._.. · .. _r;~_.. ... _•..._, ... · ·,.:• _. , _ ~ .- : · ........( . .: :.. ,···._, .. _-_ ':::___ :,- -..:-~ ..... __. :~. ~ .,. " ..- . ...• .. ~· . ... - . ·.~·· . .: . : .. : .·. _._.. =:_ .. :~ . ·•• . .. ··.• * .... ...... - -:.,. • , ': 'r" ••• ~ : •• •~ •. :·:..~~-: • •· ': .:. ·-•• :·~.:.:· •::•.· ....;,..·.·.,·- ·~- . ......... .. ...- . .. ....· ... ~• .. ·.··.:.•c ...__ .;...... ·. • • • • .. : •... - •• ... .. :"'" • • :4 • •••• • :: ... ......_ ~ • • ·-4 _....~ ·.·· ·• ...-. ... ·. - .. : . --~. :_·-: .;·;,.. - •• ..! .,.· "': .. .· .":.•.~ .. ·~"':"......... __ ·~· ·. ,, .. ·_.·.· --"'" 4 • ~ '.;, • .. 4 1".: .. •. ............ •."' :""":, .... : ~._··4:"'.. c_ .. • .•• • ·:· . ··-.·... ·• • • .: . • ···:... ' -.·• ••,.. ..: .. • ·~:~-.-::~.-~·._..tho Cervices to ~~ccs:J their requirements for n .nlrcr ft Hith ~·· :~ .. ~ .. ~;~- · :?:?}~·~· ·· .. {ICr_fo_r:c~nc;o envelope olL1il~r to that of the Rntorccr •. Further~ tho· ;.:··... · · ..'· ·.td.--[1crvicc!l ~ust: re:~icu .:md re:1fHru or refute the !:Ollch\s{ons of . .' . : . ·' . tho clo:;c Ah· Support ctudlcs of 1971 thnt· \Jere conducted 'Ly tho :. : ' . _ · · ·--.. • • D. ,,..,_ .......... .,..t·•. • ..:;·nt of D·:!fGn$C.