Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown. Architecture As Signs and Systems
Architecture as Signs and Systems For a Mannerist TIme Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown THE BELKNAP PRESS OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS· CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS· LONDON, ENGLAND· 2004 Art & Arch e'J' ,) re Library RV: Washington u:'li \/(H'si ty Campus Box 1·,):51 One Brookin18 Dr. st. Lg\li,s, !.:0 &:n:W-4S99 DSB: RV, DSB: Copyright e 2004 by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown All rights reserved Printed in Italy Book Design by Peter Holm, Sterling Hill Productions Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Venturi, Robert. Architecture as and systems: for a mannerist time I Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown. p. em. - (The William E. Massey, Sr. lectures in the history of American civilization) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-674-01571-1 (alk. paper) 1. Symbolism in architecture. 2. Communication in architectural design. I. Scott Brown, Denise, 1931- II. Title. ill. Series. NA2500.V45 2004 nO'.I-dc22 200404{)313 ttext," for show his l them in lied "that le most of 'espitemy to be an me of our 19 studies, mth these Architecture as Sign rather than Space ecause if I New Mannerism rather than Old Expressionism 1geswon't ROBERT VENTURI ,the com :tronger ::ople who . work and lity to the _~.'n.•. ~~~,'~'"'.".'."_~ ____'_''''"'«'''.'''''',_",_.""",~",-,-" ".,-=--_""~ __ , ..... """'_.~~"',.._'''''_..._,,__ *' ...,',.,..,..... __ ,u~.,_~ ... mghai, China. 2003 -4 -and for Shanghai, the mul A New Mannerism, for Architecture as Sign . today, and tomorrow! This of LED media, juxtaposing nbolic, and graphic images at So here is complexity and contradiction as mannerism, or mannerism as ing.
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