A3 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $2 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM SUNDAY + PLUS >> New 1D What was Tigers career MACOS? take on paths Morris Williams Trinity opening Vet, 97, looks back 4A SPORTS/1B See 1C Woman, 21, dies ‘How it Really Happened’ in I-10 crash DEKLE ON BUNDY/3A Megan Bronson of Documentary follows path of local prosecutor who sent serial killer to electric chair. Lake City is victim. From staff reports A 21-year-old Lake City woman died in a single-car wreck on Interstate 10 early Saturday morning, accord- ing to FHP. Megan Cheyenne Bronson, 21, was driving west about a mile from U.S. Highway 441 in Columbia County around 1:30 a.m. On the when her 1994 Accura veered off the road for “rea- sons currently under inves- march tigation,” the report states. The car rotated clockwise before the left driver-side door collided with a tree. for life She was wearing a seat belt, FHP said, and alcohol results are pending. Giving foster parents, Photos by CARL MCKINNEY/Lake City Reporter and kids, A crowd marches forward from Lake DeSoto on Saturday morning for a 5k event to support the Pregnancy a break Care Center, which had multiple events planned for the same time in its Live Oak and Jasper service areas. The Nest, a new nonprofit, lends a helping hand. By COREY ARWOOD
[email protected] Whether it’s a night out, a cooked meal or a load of laundry cleaned, volun- teers with a new nonprofit look to give parents going through the adoptive and foster process a much needed break.