SPORTS, PAGE 8 VIEWPOINTS, PAGE 9 ETCETERA, PAGE 12 Coach Wing accepts Editorial: Suggestions Review of position in Texas for Riverside Commons ‘Legally Blonde’ University of Wisconsin-River Falls Thursday, April 18, 2019 University of Wisconsin river falls tudent oice S V Chronic wasting disease spreads in Wisconsin Kacey Joslin (DNR) protocol regarding Chronic Wast-
[email protected] ing Disease rules and procedures. “Domes- ticated deer herds or deer ranches and their Chronic wasting disease, more common- management is a big issue,” Reese said. ly known as CWD, is an epidemic that has “The disease spreads via direct contact with been spreading through Wisconsin since at infected deer, and if the infected deer get out least 2002, according to CWD expert, Bry- of the ranch and can spread the disease to an Richards. The disease is most prevalent wild herds.” among the deer population, mostly on com- The Minnesota DNR recommends not mercial deer farms and hunting ranches. The feeding wild deer for this same reason. If a disease has reportedly affected more than deer is infected, their saliva spreads through 5,200 deer as of March, 2019, as reported by shared food and water sources. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Johnny Strzyz is a hunter from Forest CWD Statewide Surveillance. County, Wisconsin, where CWD has been A great number of Pierce and St. Croix’s positively detected. “About a year ago or neighboring counties have been labelled less, there was a ban on all baiting in my “watch counties,” as they are within ten county.