Historical News British Columbia Historical Federation Journal of the P0 Box 5254, STATIoN B., VICT01UA BC V8R 6N4 British Historical Federation Columbia A CHARITABLE SOCIETY UNDER THE INCOME TAX ACT Published Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. ExECuTIvE EDIToR: Fred Braches HoNoisssY PATRON: HIS HONOUR, THE HoNOlLE GARDE B. GARD0M, Q.C. P0 Box 130 HoNO1sY PRESIDENT: LEONARD MCCAI’SN Whonnock BC, V2W 1V9 C/O MARITIME MUSEUM Phone (604) 462-8942 1905 OGDEN AVE., VANCOUVER BC V6J 1A3 [email protected] OFFICERs Book REvIEw EDIToR: PRESIDENT: RON WELw00D Anne Yandle R.R. # I,S-22 C-i, NELSON BC VIL 5P4 3450 West 20th Avenue PHONE (250) 825-4743 [email protected] Vancouver BC, V6S 1E4 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: WAYNE DESR0CHERS Phone (604) 733-6484 #2 - 6712 BARER Ro, DELTA BC V4E 2V3 [email protected] PHONE (604) 599-4206 FAX.(604)507-4202 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: MELVA DwYER SUBSCRIPTIONSEcREmISY: 2976 MCBRIDEAVE., SURREY BC V4A 3G6 Joel Vinge PHONE! FAX(604) 535-3041 561 Woodland Drive SECRETARY:ARN0LD RANNERIS Cranbrook BC V1C 6V2 1898 QuAMICTIAN STREEVIcToR,A BC V8S 2B9 Phone (250) 489-2490 PHONE (250) 598-3035 WL545@FREENET..TC.CA [email protected] REC0pr)ING SEcRETARY: ELIz.EETH (BETTY) BROWN TRANSIT Ro.D,ViCToRIA PUBLISHINGC0MMIrrEE: 473 BC V8S 4Z Tony Farr PHONE (250) 598-1171 125 Castle Cross Road, TRRAsUIsER: RON GREENE Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2G1 P0 Box 1351,VICTORIA BC V8W 2W7 Phone (250) 537-1123 PHONE (250) 598-1835 FAX (250) 598-5539 [email protected] MEMBER AT LARGE: Ro J.V PALLANT LAYOUTAND PRODUCTION:Fred Braches 1541 MERLYNN CRESCENT, N0RTHVANC0UvER BC V7J 2X9 PHONE (604) 986-8969 [email protected] Subscriptions MErmER AT LARGE: ROBERT J. CATHR0 R.R. #1, Box U-39, B0wEN ISCAND BC VoN iGo Individual sis.oo per year PHONE (604) 947-0038 [email protected] Institutional Subscription sao.oo per year PARr PRESIDENT:AuCE GCArvILLE For addressesoutside Canada add s6.oo per year Box 746, GRAND FORKS BC V0H iHo Please send correspondence regarding PH0NE(25o) 442-3865 [email protected] subscriptions to the subscription secretary in Cranbrook. CoMMITTEE OFFICERS For back issues of the journal write to the ARCHIVIST: MARGARET STONEBERG editor in Whonnock. Box 687, PRINCETON BC VoX iWo PHONE (250) 295-3362 THIS PUBLICATION IS INDEXED IN THE CBCA, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY:TERRY SIMPSON PUBLISHED BY MICR0MEDIA. 193 BIRD SANCnJABY, N.NAIMo BC V9R 6G8 ISSN 1195-8294 PHONE (zso)754-5697 TERRYR0Y@.ARK.COM PRoDUCTION MAIL REGISTRATION NUMBER HIsToRICAL TRAILS cu MARKERS:JoHN SPITTLE 1245716 1241 MOUNT CROWN R0AB, N0RTUVANCOUvER BC V7R tR9

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Visitour website: http://www.selkirk.bc.ca!bchf/maifl 1.htm BRITIsH CoLuMBIA Volume 33, No. 2 pring 2000 $5.00 HISTORICAL NEWS ISSN 1195-8294 Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation

EMEMER that I wondered last summer if postage stamps were 2 ’s Latitudes, 1808: R ever issued relating to BC history? Where was the Chief’s village? Georgie Sutherland of Sidney kindly by Nick Doe compiled for us a list of about thirty stamps, relating to this province, 6 Victoria Interlude: a troubled time in the lives of covering art, artists and a few other Nessie and Norman Lee people, artifacts, buildings, locations, by Donald F Harris rivers, ships. Some “heritage” but little British Columbia history. New stamps are issued frequently and 15 Big Little Cherry thirty-odd BC stamps issued in half a by Ron Weiwood century is not a great number. In that timespan not more than haifa dozen 19 A Waihachin Index stamps honouring events and by Keith R. Wood persons from British Columbia’s history were issued—five in the 24 The Blunt End of the Discovery 1970s.Three of the six historical by John E. Roberts stamps commemorate the centenaries of BC’s entry into confederation, the city ofVancouver, and the founding 28 Book Reviews of the province.The three others commemorate Alexander Mackenzie, Archives & Archivists 34 David Thompson, and Captain Cook. by Gary A. Mitchell, CRM Given this track record it is not surprising that efforts to convince 35 Tokens:J.N. Killas & Co. of Premier, BC Ottawa to commemorate your by Ron Greene favourite person or event in the history of BC with a stamp have not 36 Reports: Nanaimo’s Malaspina Murals been successful. Canada Post is clearly by Phyllis Reeve not interested in our past. Lest weforget—On Remembrance 38 News and Notes Day we commemorate those who fell in the terrible wars of our time, Great War 1914— 40 Federation News — Port Alberni Conference starting with the 1918.The result of Keith Wood’s exemplary research on those who left Walhachin to serve in the Great War is a reminder that most of the soldiers we commemorate today have become “unknown soldiers.” Perhaps Any country worthy of a future should be interested in its past. we could do something about that in W. Kaye Lamb, 1937 the communities where we live. the editor




Canada 1960.





of what Fraser Lamb, himself McMillan

called the Company, community of Stoner. a This good is result.


edited journal by

W. and



map to see

what be can corresponding latitude is 53°38.5’








I have


taken another


at Fraser’s

ror the

of sextant By 7’30”+. my reckoning,


full in The Letters and Jour

metic. 4

tude O.L.L. 115°09’45” by artificial horizon; ment er ofnotes are printed in




of using

white paint as cos a nal and the observation surviving frag is which recorded as meridian alti



Both and


several Simon

Fraser’s tombs,

and jour

the custom breakfast at 11 I o’clock. Stuart then made his first

scribes a

large plank


640-ft. long, carvings several considerable rapids”, they stopped for





Island. Fraser de Fort George Canyon, where, after “running down





1808, somewhere travelled from Fort George down through the


certainty the

site of



village where After their usual early at start dawn, the party


is evidence that


us enable to identify The first observation was made on 28 May. 8

are tantalizingly



detail. One such omis these journal. observations. The results as are follows.

dition, 3




some recorded of the events in Fraser’s tude of the Chief’s village, I analyzed all six of


recently tions

published ofJohn


Stuart of the Fraser expe of confidence the in determination of the lati






Bartroli has noted in tive. In to order have the highest possible degree

have neglected


Fraser River

before December

1824. precisely located from

Fraser’s descriptive







expedition visited the lower


fortunately, at

locations that be can fairly

to out




map’s title



so far as is

known, total rio of six meridian altitude measurements,







for Stuart’s

name appears in the Looking through



found I a







sure must have had access


for in any very precise calculation of latitude. Fraser’s voyage.







in 1814. as the index error, and this has to be accounted interest in Simon



of the Northwest Territory always come BC, with a for small residual generating known error, my



can be gleaned from ROGERS David sextant. ofVancouver, Sextants are precision instruments, and

in Fraser’s

Spain, surviving notes

and and journal, BARB.aA and what the surviving data about the calibration of Stuart’s



is work Floresta,

few a of

scattered details contained tude, we to have see what can be learned from

want I



too TOMAs



been lost. 2 All that

we have of Before we can reduce Stuart’s altitude to lati


navigational and other notes, almost all of these seven miles farther north. 7



Stuart (Stewart), also kept 49°06.5’ and N, Haney, which at 49°12.8’ is N



Although at least one of the two example, 1808.1 to distinguish between say Matsqui at



the ten days from 30 to May far from being useless. They are sufficient,


very kind



courses followed

and the distances travelled, a to is fix

locations unequivocally;

however, they are researchers. He’s also

original notes, which contained


of of the

latitude area in this are not usually sufficient overlooked by earlier

after the


was over. All that is left of generally the in an east—west direction, determinations from numerical data

hisjournal composed from field notes some time or out two historical Because miles. details the Fraser lower flows River

Fraser’s epic journey mathematics a is narrative to summary tease of early-l9th century were commonly to good one

Nick enjoys

using Unfortunately, the only record we of have Determinations of latitudes the late-l8th in and


the of



1792. previous commentators on Fraser’s expedition.




of visits the Spanish and British royal navies in lage, fact a appears to that ignored been have by



had the visited area since the

to for cient

us calculate latitude the the of vil



time that

people of mainly

European extraction the horizon at information This noon. 6

is suffi




back. and So as far is known, this was

the first I-will-call-a sextant, 5 the height the above of sun

tradition, old tide

Prince George) the mouth to of Fraser the River

village; Stuart that is,

measured, had with what— his

the Alexander Thom


companions from George Fort (later ian altitude O.L.L. 127°13’ staying while at

the archaeo-astronomy in I

pany based in Montreal, travelled journal with to the effect Stuart Mr. that merid a had interests include

trader and employee of the North Gabriola Com West Island. first The His of thing interest was a Fraser’s note in

Nick Doe lives n the on summer 1808, of Simon Fraser, fur “the Chief’s village”.

by Nick Doe

Where was the Chief’s village?

Simon Fraser’s Latitudes, i8o8: We cannot be sure exactly where they were, but 2 So far as I know, there is no evidence that the second clerk, Jules , also kept a they were certainly below the Fort George Can— journal, although it would not be surprising if it were discovered that he had. In any event, all trace of it has been lost. yon, and they had adequate time, given the strong °Tomás Bartroli, Genesis ofT ancouver City—Explorations ofits site 1791, 1792 & 1808. (Vancouver: current, to cover the 30 miles of rapids-free river Marco Polo Books, 1997). from Stoner to the West Road River, which they Lamb, pp102—104. Although recorded use of white paint is rare in British Columbia, reached at 4 o’clock that afternoon.” Aboriginal people in other parts of the world use it in ceremonial dances to ward off evil The second observation was made on 9 June spirits, in imitation of a skeleton. Conventionally sextants are capable of measuring angles up to 1200, though their scales when the expedition had, by their own admis are frequently extended to 125°. Fraser himself calls the instrument Stuart used a sextant, sion rather recklessly,just run through the rapids (Lamb p 62), yet, onJuly 1, Stuart measured an angle greater than 127°. I really do not know at French Bar Canyon (Le Rapide Couvert).The how he did this, but the most likely explanation is that his instrument had a back-horizon observation is recorded as “mer[idian] alt[itudej mirror rotated 90°, which would have changed the scale from 0—120° to 60—180°. That Stuart had such an instrument is possible, as David Thompson, who also worked O.L.L. 112°58’30” by art[ificiall hor[izojn.” for the North West Company, had a sextant made by Peter Dollond of London, and Dollond is Somewhere down the line there has been a sim known to have experimented with rotated back-horizon mirrors. See PhilosophicalTrans ple typographical error, because Stuart undoubt actions of the Royal Society, Vol. LXII,pp 95—122, 1772.The other possibility is that Stuart edly meant 122°58’30”.The corresponding lati had a quintant with a range of 0—144°, but I have found no evidence that these were used tude is 51°1O.7’ N, which is at Big Bar Creek, in the first decade of the 19th century. 6 The letter printed as “0” is a symbol for the sun, usually handwritten with a dot in the miles Canyon, and about two below French Bar middle. L.L. stands for “lower limb”, not as Lamb says, “lower left”. Navigational tables only about a mile south of exactly where Fraser always print the position of the sun as measured at the centre of its disk; however, unfortu says they were. 12 We can be especially confident nately, the sun does not come marked with a black dot at its centre, so the navigator must of this location, a fine sandy beach (grave) on the measure the height of either the upper or lower limb (edge) and subtract or add the semi- diameter of the sun’s disk respectively. Note that Stuart’s measurement east side of the river, because a surviving frag is actually that of twice the height of the sun.This is because he was using an artificial horizon and measuring ment of Fraser’s field notes gives the compass the angle between the sun as seen in the sky and its reflection in the artificial horizon. courses taken through the French Bar Canyon.13 Locations are taken from Canada 1:50 000 topographical maps 92 G/1 “Mission”, and 92 The third observation was made on 16 June. G/2 “New Westminster.” ° Actually recorded by Fraser as May At noon, Stuart had a “Mer[idian] Alt[itude]. 22, but this is identified by Lamb as most probably being a mistake. The astrononucal data discussed in this paper shows that Lamb was right. O.L.L. 124°59’ Art[ificial] .“ The cor Horiz{onl Initially I did not know whether the “+“ sign indicated that the error was positive, or the responding latitude is 50°34.4’ N, ten miles correction to be applied was positive. Clearing several of the observations both ways quickly downstream of which Fraser had left on showed that Stuart intended the “error” to be added. ° foot the previous day.’4 This position is exactly The calculation is as follows.Add index correction 1 l5°17’15”; divide by 2 to get 57°38’38”; correct for refraction 57°38’OO”; correct for LL 57°53’48”; zenith distance 32°06’12”; add Fraser’s narrative. according to sun’s declination 53°38’28”. Canada 1:50 000 topographical map 93 G/10 “Red Rock.” The next observation, the fourth, is the only At this early point in the journey, the group were still using the four birch bark canoes one ofthe six to present a problem. Fraser records (canots du nord).These were paddled at an average rate offive to six miles an hour on still and that on 24 June, Stuart had a meridian altitude of calm water, faster of course downstream. 12 126°57’. This corresponds to a latitude of The calculation is as follows.Add index correction 123°06’OO”; divide by 2 to get 61°33’OO”; correct for refraction 61°32’27”; correct for LL 61°48’13”; zenith distance 28°11’47”; add 49°38.2’ N, which, by my reckoning, is as much sun’s declination 51°10’41”. Canada 1:50 000 topographical map 920/1 “Big Bar Creek.” as twenty-five (statute) miles south ofwhere they Lamb, p 157.The compass course at the lower end, S 30 E (169° true) 1 [mile], ends at really were (approximately 50° N).’5 Maybe this latitude 51011.6 N. Fraser’s subsequent estimate ofdistance travelled to Big Bar Creek is, as was wishful thinking on Stuart’s part, for Fraser is often the case with him, a little on the high side (Lamb, pp 33—34). 14 The calculation is as follows.Add index correction 124°06’30”; divide by 2 to get 62°33’15”; most was, as Lamb notes, now approaching the correct for refraction 62°32’44”; correct for LL 62°48’30”; zenith distance 27°11’30”; add difficult and dangerous part of the Fraser Can sun’s declination 50°34’25”. Canada 1:50 000 topographical map 92 1/2 “Lillooet.” yon at Hell’s Gate. Stuart’s position, if correct, 15The calculation is as follows.Add index correction 127°04’30”; divide by 2 to get 63°32’15”; would have put them comfortably past the worst, correct for refraction 63°31’45”; correct for EL 63°47’30”; zenith distance 26°12’30”; add sun’s declination 49°38’09”. Canada 1:50 000 topographical H/13 three miles below Spuzzum. I have looked very maps 92 “Scuzzy Moun tain”, and 92 H/14 “Boston Bar.” diligently to see what mistake might have been ‘6Nineteenth-century sextants, and modern ones too, commonly have three components to made, assuming that Stuart actually set the sex their readsngs.The number of degrees, plus a coarse-scale reading of 0’, 20’, or 40’, plus a tant correctly, and the best I could come up with, fine-scale vernier reading in the range 0—20’. Using a swsvelled back-horizon mirror, 530 other than there being a typographical error, is 126°57’ would have been read originally as 180° — 126°57’ + 00’ + 03’. If Stuart had forgotten to add the coarse-scale reading, the correct reading might have been 53° + 4Q’ +

add 40’ to his = — that Stuart inadvertently forgot to 03’ 53°43’, and the correct angle would then have been 180° 53043 126°17’. reading.’6 An observation of 126° 17’ would have 17 Briefly, the evidence for the location is that they were below the rapids at Kanaka Bar put them at 49°58.2’ N close to the Nahatlatch (June 24); and they were “a considerable distance” ofrapids-free river and, on the way back, River which is about where they were at noon several hours walking distance above the Scuzzy Rapids below Boston Bar (June 25 and July 11).The rapids—free section must have included, that day.’7 This is however, I hasten to add, con if not comprised, the 10-mile stretch of river between Ainslie Creek and Scuzzy Rapids. jecture.

BC HISTORICAL NEWS — SPRING 2000 3 18 The original is held by The fifth observation too initially caused me hours”. He reached the overnight camp of”170 the Toronto Public Library. some problems, until I discovered that Lamb has souls”, a place where the river was very wide 19 The calculation is as fol— probably made what for him lows.Add index correction is a very rare error (two miles he says) with islands, possibly near the 127°09’30”; divide by 2 to in transcribing the journal manuscript.’8 On 30 present-day Hope Airfield,22 only one hour later. get 63°34’45”; correct for June, Stuart observed a meridian altitude O.L.L. To have reached Ruby Creek that evening, the refraction 63°34’15”; correct 127°02’ (Lamb has 127°23’) which translates to a speed of the canoes would have had to have been for LL 63°50’OO”; zenith dis latitude of49°20.4’ N. ‘9The location corresponds more than double their average speed between tance 26°100; add sun’s declination 49°20’24”. exactly to the Ohamil Indian Reserve fRi Yale and Hope. I think it more likely that it took Canada 1:50 000 topo (Shxw’whámel) on the southeast bank ofthe river. the party another hour or so the next morning graphical maps 92 H/5 A substantial village at this site is shown in the to reach the vicinity of Ruby Creek and the “Harrison Lake”, and 92 H/ 1859 sketch “Upper Part of the — present-day Ohamil Reserve.23 6”Hope.” From Langley to Yale” Lieutenant 20 Bartroli’s book, Plate 21. by Mayne The sixth and final observation was made at For a discussion of the tech R.N., Captain Richards, and Judge Begbie. It is the Chief’s village on 1 July when Stuart had a nique see Doe, NA. “Some also interesting to note that one of the very few meridian altitude O.L.L. 127°13’. The corre Anomalies in a Spanish Indian villages marked onThompson’s 1814 map sponding latitude is 49°10.9’ N.24 Island Chart ofVancouver is also on the southeast bank of this stretch of the The Indian Reserves and archaeological sites 1791”, Lighthouse,Journal of the Canadian Hydrographic river, although, as near as one can tell, several miles in this area are shown in Table 1. Distances are Association, 56, Fall 1997. See further downstream. miles north (+) or south (—) oflatitude 49° 10.9’ N. also remarks on p 292 of Here again we can be fairly sure of the actual The spelling of Native names may not always Stewart, WM., “David location. Fraser notes that the site was a camp of reflect official spellings. Thompson’s Surveys in the “400 souls,” nine miles above a point where the Mr. Stuart was in my view a very skilled and North-West”, Canadian His torical Review, XVII, 3, Sept. river expands into a lake.Thompson’s map clearly competent observer, as evidenced by the four of 1936. indicates the “lake,” presumably formed by ex the five previous observations that were “right 21 Canada 1:50 000 topo tensive flooding, along with an unidentifiable river on the money”. I think therefore that there is no graphical map 92 H/4 mentioned by Fraser. By using a computer to reason for not accepting this last latitude deter “Chilliwack”. My arbitrary “check-point” was 930530. scale Thompson’s map independently in the lati mination at face value, and to anticipate that any 22 According to this theory tude and longitude directions until it fits a mod error might be ± 1.5 miles, and certainly not more the “islands” would include ern map,20 it is possible to show that this was prob than ±2.5 miles. This would firmly rule out in Croft, Greenwood, and ably a mile or so downstream of Sea Bird Island my mind the possibility that the Chief’s village Islands. Perhaps the Bristol near Agassiz, where indeed the river finally was at Matsqui, or anywhere else further upstream island where Fraser was en tertained that afternoon was emerges from the confines of the Coast and Cas than say Silverdale. near, or part of the present- cade Mountains into the central .21 Although this is the end of this paper, it is by day Aywawwis Indian Re This is not the only evidence that Stuart’s lati no means the end of the story. Further clues as to serve (lwówes). determination might be right. Some have the location of the Chief’s village are contained 23 tude The time that Fraser left suggested that it was at Ruby Creek the party in the tidal observations of Fraser and, in 1824, the overnight camp was blank in the initial writing overnighted 29-30 June 1808, but I disagree. Francois-Noël Annance; and in the timetable of of the manuscript, although Fraser left Hope at 4 o’clock having been enter events, particularly on 2 July 1808. someone has later inserted tained by the Native people for “a couple of 7 o’clock. This time is not printed in Lamb’s edition. I suspect that the inserted aney Hamond STAVE RIVER Fraser .. ., . , time is wrong. had to .., negotiate the purchase of canoes and hints at a delay IsVe 1R2 in his text. My guess is that he left between 9 and 10 o’clock that morning. 24 fol— The calculation is as LEY eek

correction ., ,...‘,..... ‘-. .- -‘. ‘,. lows.Add index . *-. .. ,,. “LRDALE 127°20’30”; divide by 2 to get 6340’15”; correct for MISSION 63°39’45’; correct / refi-action : for LL 63°55’30’; zenith dis tance 26°04’30’; add sun’s declination 49 1056.’ uiIR2

4 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VoL.33 No.2 Previous page Figure 1 and below Table 1 The horizontal lines in the figure indicate StuartS latitude measurement at the Chiefs village, and the likely error margin of ±1.5 miles. Error is due to instrument inaccuracy and uncertainties generated by atmospheric refraction. No siçnjficance should be attached to the position of sites within the ± 1. 5 mile error band; similarly, sites outside this band, although unlikelll are not absolutely excluded by Stuartc measurement. All sites are listed, but probably only three orfour in the list are good candidates. Native usage of sites was drastically changed by devastating smallpox epidemics in 1782—1783 and possibly again in 1801—1802, which left many sites with no survivors. Other changes are associated with thefoundation of Fort Langley in 1827 and its relocation in 1839; and the post-1864 reduction and elimination of many Indian Reserves.

PITT RIVER—WEST xwtI’tas (?) Old fishing—site on the west bank of the Pitt where it joins the Fraser below Mary (too far west to be shown on map) Hill, now destroyed. Early HBC records (1827—1 830) refer to a Kwantlen village on the Pitt (Quoitle), but its exact location is uncertain. This archaeological—site is an unlikely candidate because it is seasonally flooded and it is over three miles north of Stuart’s latitude. PITT RIVEIT—EAsT kll’ekwas (?) Two small sites, both too far north, one at the mouth of the Pitt, and one (not shown) pipkwâtsan (?) between the Pitt and Katzie IR1. I know nothing about their archaeology; history, nature, or precise location. BARNsTON ISLAND 1R3 QelesIhp (?) Fishing—site on south side of Barnston Island. It is unlikely Fraser would have taken the Parsons Channel to get to it. KATzIE IR1 q’éyst’I North side of river, level with the eastern tip of Barnston Island. Although this village-site is old, its present importance is probably due to the influx of people in the latter half of the 19th century from Port Hammond a mile or so to the east, and from traditional Katzie territory along the Pitt River. A good candidate nevertheless. KATzIE 1R2 kwthèxth’exem Mouth ofYorkson Creek on south side of river. Now a Katzie village, but described in early HBC records as an important Nanaimo summer camp.The HBC descriptions of the village do not match Fraser’s. A good candidate nonetheless. PORT HAMMOND ts’I:xwt Site now occupied by the Interfor Cedar Mill. Old village-site, once extensive, with burial grounds. People moved from here to Katzie IR1. Once accessible from the Pitt via Katzie Slough and so possibly the Kwantlen village in HBC records. Perhaps the best candidate of all. HANEY shxwleqwén’e (?) Old village-site which has now been destroyed. Probably depopulated by smallpox. The site is also more than two miles too far north. A possible candidate though. DERBY Snálomelh (?) Site of the first Fort Langley founded in 1827. No mention of a village in early HBC records. Probably unoccupied in Fraser’s time. An unlikely site. KANAKA CREEK tsilhxwby’en (?) Shown in the early HBC maps as Berry Creek. No mention of anyone living there when the HBC people arrived. Probably unoccupied in Fraser’s time. An unlikely site. McMILLAN ISLAND 1R6 squâlets On McMillan Island across from the HBC fort. Either founded, or greatly (and, prior to 1932, Brae Island) increased in size, as a result of the construction of the second Fort Langley in the spring of 1839.The McMillan expedition was here in 1824 and makes no mention of any village. An unlikely site. LANGLEY 1R5 (?) On the north shore. Not mentioned in early HBC records. Probably only of any size after the foundation of the second Fort Langley. Early HBC records refer to a Kwantlen village “a few miles” upstream of the old fort at Derby, but where this village was exactly is not known. WHONN0CK IR1 xwèwenaqw On the north shore and formerly much larger than it is today. Not mentioned in early HBC records. Probably still too unoccupied in Fraser’s time to be a good candidate. status since NATHAN CREEK smö:qwe’ Across the river from Whonnock IR1 .Very small and without JR the 1860s. Nothing else known.A very unlikely site. LANGLEY 1R2—4 SAwhyeqs (?) Sites on the Stave River. These seem unlikely because Fraser does not mention a river, and he would have had to divert into it to reach the sites. McMillan’s expedition visited a lodge in a bay at the confluence of the Stave and Fraser Rivers in 1824, but it had only 22 inhabitants. MATsQUI MAIN 1R2 máthekwi About five miles too far south of Stuart’s latitude and therefore a very unlikely site.






local sources.

Lees in

the area,

most of



the fam—

Only Hugh seemed motivated


profes a



census returns,




Whitchurch. 2


were many

Her sons had to make their own 2794/46; way in life. Shropshire news




Welsh county

of Flintshire, some Lee good Family Papers, and generous SRR on so little.” 3

don, Henry

Lee, 1887) a

(SRR). land


living at Oak

Bank, wrote of their mother as “The old so darling,


of Philip



At seventeen




Wiffiam things.



her daughters,

in letter a to Hugh,








show; Agnes

was a woman

who made the best of Lee







Chaplain to the

financial improvement. (SRR); However, Matthew as her letters Henry



a & first


was Leamington,18 44 ) Principal

of Frederic Nash of Stafford brought her no lasting

Philip Henry,


gentlefolk. (London


was uncle


St. of Andrew’s

decline from Oak Bank. Her


marriage to







what the



have termed

present condition suggests,

but nevertheless a











Service. Her




far more acceptable then its than lical scholars. See Dictionary

1849, daughter

of a


army officer who his son moved Matthew, toWhitchurch, noted bib into a house which would

She Philip had



(d.1696) born

Agnes and Lillian

Tulloch in her children who had not already left home


from two ancestors:


period of


lives. 1




Agnes and those of

several of the

Lees, was





and in



unfor forty—five, leaving a

large family




2 The


Henry borne







and Nessie Lee to build a large practice. He in 2794/42/3. died 1888, aged



this of

article is to show tre, how

Mrs. Shrewsbury Nash tial (SRR) clients. However,Wiffiam not did have time



Research cious,

comments Cen

on what she observed.The


pared to recommend the agency to

poten new







contain shrewd,

but never mali



since his cousin pre was

‘Letters from






stamina and lively mind, has been discovered, but there cannot been have

the since


her of second husband. She was a very near Whitchurch. No for reason the break


solicitor with whom she had lived own agency, and moved to the village of Ash,



weekly to her bachelor son, Hugh, In 1881, her husband decided to set his up

During her twenty-two months in Canada she prosperous agency.


Chilcotin, husband of her daughter Nessie. husband a was partner an with older a in cousin

Norman the Lee, already famous “Old Lee” of charge the of day-to-day farm operations.Agnes’s


never missed a meal, had been by paid for agricultural practice, but he not would be in


which Mrs. Nash, sitting at the Captain’s ta to have a thorough knowledge of land law and


British The Columbia. first-class passage, dur one or more large rural estates. He would have

had emigrated to western Canada, three of them solicitor, was responsible the for management of

to visit four of children first her marriage

who there. A land agent, who was as trained a often

the Canadian Pacific of ireland. Empress She was The 1871 census showed

four servants living L

in Shropshire, arrived at on St.John board Lodge),was set a in small estate of forty-four acres.

the market English town Whitchurch, of The house, Oak Bank (now called Whitewell

January in 1913, ATE Mrs.Agnes Nash, from into whichAgnes ily people married, substance. of





book that out to cries be written.”We are the to grateful BC Heritage Trust who referred Dr. to BC Harris Historical



the letters in the BC Archives and he more is than to willing contribute what he knows about “to the Lees who anyone


and Nessie, her legendary son-in-law, Norman from the Lee . In 1993 deposited Dr. Harris his copies edited of



Mrs. Nash,written a to son in England a during to between visit BC 1912 and 1914. She stayed of most that time her with

to gration

Canada in 1998. a his During research his for thesis PhD Donald Harris found in Shrewsbury, England large a of packet



before returning to England. After retiring in 1988 he was persuaded work to a for PhD, promoting a on emi thesis on


province. In He 1947 emigrated to Canada and proudly up took citizenship. He lived in Ontario he where history taught for


His RAE. good

fortune gave a him posting in advanced for flying training, long distances then over our partly still un-sur


studies of Donald F. Harris—he had a first-class in History degree from Cambridge—were interrupted by and the service war in

a troubled time the in lives Nessie of and Norman Lee

Victoria Interlude: sional career. From their Left: Oak Bank, now father’s work they would called Whitewell Lodge, all be familiar with vari somefour milesfrom ous types offarming, and J’T/hitchurch. J’Vhen the Lees lived there, none of they had been brought the extensive addition in up to enjoy outdoor pur lighter brick (here en suits; but they had no di hanced) had been made. rect experience of farm Theirs was the part to the work and insufficient left, in the rather Italianate till ‘ capital to make much of i 1,u1. style, including the ground- a start as tenant farmers floor living room with the in England, where, climbing plant around the moreover, it was a time window. The Lees had of agricultural depres obviously lived in comfort and some style. sion, particularly for ar abic farming. The colo Photo by Donald F.Harris, 1991 nies would offer them opportunityThey chose Canada probably because Nicola, where, among other duties, he was 4They would know of their they had relatives or friends already out there who deputy-registrar of theYale County Court. cousins, Norman and recommended its attractions and might help them Nessie (she had been christened Agnes) was Penrose Lee, in British Co lumbia. They would also established.4 the last of the family to emigrate. In December get know of the career of William Henry Tulloch Lee was the first of 1902, atWhitchurch, she married Norman Lee. Frederick Godsal, son ofthe Agnes’s sons to emigrate. He followed a Norman was the second son of the late Canon owner oflscoyd Park (a cli Whitchurch friend to Boissevain, Manitoba, in Matthew Henry Lee, who had been Vicar of ent of the Lee land-agency partnership). He 1892. He had little success growing wheat, and, Hanmer, Flintshire, not seven miles from went to Canada in 1882 with children to support, put Whitchurch. Norman’s career included an at with a wife and four L2,000, and soon became a himself through veterinary training in Toronto tempt to drive two hundred cattle from successful rancher in the and Chicago. He returned to Manitoba, and de Hanceville to the Kiondike during the gold rush. Fort McLeod district ofAl veloped a successful practice in the area. It had made him something of a legend in Brit berta. He wrote long letters to his father which he asked was the next to go,c.1896, ish Columbia and has been amply recorded by Tom, the youngest, to be circulated among following his brother to Boissevain. He soon local historians.5 How Norman and Nessie came friends and relatives. Iscoyd moved further west, to the District ofAssiniboine, to be married is not clear. Their families would Park MSS, Ciwyd County and served briefly in the Royal North West have been in close touch: their fathers were first Record Office, Hawarden. 3E.g., G.R.Elliott (Ed.), The Mounted Police. Perhaps because he had Journal of Norman Lee, 1898 heard of opportunities from his cousin, (Vancouver, 1959), and Norman Lee, he hit up the Trail, J.WGrant, “Norman Lee, and went to work in a store at 150 Mile Chilcotin Pioneer”, in House. When his mother arrived in 1913, G.McEwan, Sodbusters (pub lication details not known). he was preparing to open a store at Alexis Creek, in partnership with Alec McCulioch. At that time, aged thirty—five, he was still unmarried. After service in the Royal Navy; the eld est son,Alfred Wood Lee, emigrated to the Chilcotin in 1900, his wife and daughter Left: 9 Bronlow Street, following the next year. He may have J’Vhitchurch, where Mrs. worked on his cousin Norman’s ranch at Lee (later Mrs. Nash) went when she wasfirst Hanceville; he may have had a small prop widowed. The complex was his own. However, not long before erty of newly built when she their a second daughter was born in 1907, moved there, and the area log cabin burned down, and Alfred began by no means run down, working for the provincial government. but it was a come-down When his mother visited him he was at from Oak Bank.

7 BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 Right: Lee Ranch, Hanceville, 1929.


.5 , K

66 LCourtesy BC Archives. -1-4041 cousins. Norman was ten years older than Nessie: flower into a sturdy pioneer wife.”6 she was only ten when he emigrated in 1882. It It is unlikely that Nessie was ever a “hot—house is known that Norman made a visit home in 1891, flower.” A newspaper account of her wedding

but there is no record of another. They cannot stated that”.. . her good work in the Church Sun have known much ofeach other before their mar day School and her amiability and kindness to riage, but, through testing times, it proved to be a all, has gained the respect of all classes of the corn strong partnership.They sailed for Canada shortly munity” It is not surprising, therefore, that the after the wedding, arriving at Halifax in January sacred edifice was crowded by the numerous rela 1903. They stayed for a while with William and tives of the two families and the townspeople his family at Boissevain; from there Norman went generally. on ahead to make arrangements for a team and Mrs. Nash had brought a grand-daughter, sleigh to take them from Ashcroft—a CPR stop— Kittie, out with her. When they arrived at to Hanceville. Nessie later recorded her memo Hanceville, Norman and Nessie had recently ries of that seven-day Journey, and her first im completed arrangements for the sale of the Bea pressions of her new home. ver Ranch and the store, but they were not sure “There was a house of logs in the midst of a what to do next. One idea was that Kittie should wilderness, with a trading postjust across the road. exercise her right to pre—empt land, on which This was my home in the New World. Having Norman would build a house and raise the 200 come straight from an English drawing room, I cattle which he still owned. “The man who has was soon very homesick, especially when Nor bought this place bought 300 head @ LII each man talked pidgin-English to the Chmese cook but didn’t want any more.. . .This is an odd life and various dialects with the Indians. But I never but has its attractions, and I can quite see Nor let him know I was unhappy in the home he had man could never be happy in any other country, provided for me. Riding was one of my greatest though this place is too much for him now” He joys, and I often rode out to the old Indian cem was 51. etery nearby There I’d sit on the rail fence and Norman wasted no time taking up land across cry my heart out. Had there been cars or planes the river in Kittie’s name, he having already at that time I probably wouldn’t be writing this! claimed all the land to which he was entitled. He But now I wouldn’t change my life for anything “staked it and put a notice in her name on a tree. in the world. Gradually I settled into my new life I think this means Kittie will have to be in From the foreword by and learned how to deal with its many problems. this country for two years.” Norman and Nessie Eileen Laurie to G.R.Elliot Norman Lee was a wonderful husband, whose were now planning to build a house there in Drive, (Ed.), Kiondike Cattle knowledge of the country and never-failing sense which they would spend the summer, living in 1/ic Journal of Norman Lee me from a hot-house Victoria during the winter, “if they do not alter (Vancouver, 1960). of humour soon changed

8 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 their rrnnds again” (7 March). However, a week Later in May, Mrs. Nash and Agnes, Alfred’s Centre: Nessie Lee, Mrs. later Mrs. Nash reported that the land claimed in daughter, stayed with Penrose at his Chilancoe Nash daughte wife of Kittie’s name had already been taken by some River Ranch: “He is all alone, has not even a Norman Lee. Herforceful personality shines through one else, so Norman and Nessie had to change China man [sic] and was so longing for me to go in this detail of a family 4 April: Norman was having and stay with him but was afraid I would not like their plans again. photo shown on page 13. liver attacks, and was irritable. “He is now sorry being without a servant of any kind, however as he has sold this place, but will not decide any I tell him if he will get the breakfast ready Agnes where to go. Nessie has a bad time with him and I can cook anything else and I should like to sometimes.” see his house, he leads a lonely 11 April: “1 drove yesterday life.” On the day she arrived she a pair of horses in a buggy to a “made a curry and open tart ranche [sic] to buy some beef. for dinner.” The next day, she Agnes [Alfred’s oldest daugh wrote, “Penrose is away all to ter] went with me.We got 74 day branding horses.Agnes and lbs which we hope will last till I have had a huge wash, then I we leave here in about three cooked a brace of willow weeks’ time. The snow has grouse and made a pudding for gone but there is not a blade dinner. This house has just a of green grass to be seen, all kitchen and a sitting and din dry, scorched up stuff and the ing room combined, with two roads all dry mud so the dust is bedrooms leading out of it, and awful. Still, the country is beau is very comfortable. It is a lovely tiful with the fir trees and place, the riverjust in front and

river.” Norman’s brother Courtesy BC Archives - B-9455 such lovely pine woods all Penrose (“Young Lee”), who around, absolutely isolated.” 29 had two ranches in the Chilcotin, had come for May: “I have been busy doing up lots of things, a short visit. “He is nice looking and clever, but curtains &c for this house.” doesn’t take much pride in his clothes, in fact he After leaving Penrose, Mrs. Nash stayed awhile is a very rough diamond, but I like him much.” with Tom, in his newly-built house at Alexis Mrs. Nash had previously observed that “This Creek. Then she went to Nicola for a long stay Short family tree is a place where people are continually coming with Alfred and Amy, taking Agnes back to her and going and beds always have to be ready.” On parents.The journey cost $40,”but Norman pays MATHEw HENRY LEE + 18 April she wrote,”The house is full tonight to everything. He is very kind to me.” At Nicola LOUISA WARDEN overflowing. Agnes had to go up to the Hances she must have been a tremendous help to the Norman Lee at the Post Office to sleep. Mr. Temple, the man family. 27June:”I have been here a fortnight but Helen Warden Lee Eduard Penrose and who is such a bounder have not been out of the house. I have been busy who bought this place Grace Lee is here with a Mr. Marryat who is to help in the helpingAmy with the children’s summer clothes, Robert Warden Lee Store. Mr. Marryat knows the Rector of Malpas teaching Agnes, doing a little in the garden, and Capt. Henry Lee [the parish in which Oak Bank was then situ there has been no time to go out.” She worried + he is a gentleman but Temple has no pre that her son was working too hard: as well as WILLIAM HENRY LEE ated], Agnes Tulloch tensions to being one.” having a governrnentjob he was busy improving Agnes “Nessie” Lee Nash saw no reason to change her opin the house and working on a tract of land he Mrs. Alfred Wood Lee “Amy has no servant so her work never ion of Temple, who was from England. On 19 owned. Isabel (Eccles) Lee May she reported that he had still not paid the seems done, and I can see Aif worries continually Hugh Booth Lee first instalment on his purchase. “I don’t like Mr. how he can make ends meet. I am spending $15 Lillian (Ormisten) Lee HenryT. Lee Temple, cannot trust him.” Norman and Nessie a month on the house while I am here. Ijust buy William Thomas Campbell Lee had to postpone their plans for a long holiday in things I see they want when I’m in Nicola so California, and Mrs. Nash worried about their that Aif may not think I am giving him a board, Mathew Lee and William health. “Nessie has gone to nothing, thin as Belle he is so glad to have me here.” 15 August: “Amy Henry Lee were first cous [Kittie’s mother], worried and worn out, but is going away for a week, she is just worn out and ins. Children are not listed in correct order. with Marryat stocktaking at the store.” I can see to things whilst she has a holiday away working After William Henry Lee (There were three besides Norman, despite toothache and influenza, was from the children.” died, Agnes (Tulloch) Lee helping Temple rebrand the cattle. Agnes). married Frederic Nash

9 BC H[STORICAL NEWS - SPRING zooo Mrs. Nash wrote of Toni 13 October: Mrs. Nash was inVictoria, staying the people who have a car to sell inVictoria must and Alec McCulloch both with Norman and Nessie, who, after a holiday in have heard about it as one or two come daily having to have expensive California, false teeth. “They couldn’t had rented a house at 871 Collinson begging him to try their cars, so they are getting attend properly to business Street. It was not large enough, and they were to plenty of free trips.” they were having such move to a bigger house at the end of the month. 12 November: “Last Saturday Miss Connell toothache.” In another let First impressions ofVictoria pleased her: “This is and I [they had been at school together] went by ter she told of Nessie and a lovely city. Nessie and I went to the Cathedral [Street] car to Foul Bay, went Norman “both in the hands down to the shore of the dentist, So is Penrose. for Service Sunday morning. The Bishop and walked to Oak Bay where we got tea and We are a great source of in preached and the place was packed.” after that walked home, about five miles altogether come to the dentist at 21 October: Aif, as his mother always called and we are both 65!” present.” him, had been moved to a new post at Port 19 November: “We are asked to tea at the Alberni which offered better prospects. Kittie Dean’s next week and on Friday we are going to went there to help Amy, who had had a carriage have tea at Mrs.Wm. Barton’s, her husband is one accident. “She had an offer of marriage from a of the minor canons. A Mr. Wilishaw is coming man up at Alexis Creek ten days ago, he is a gem to lunch on Friday to overhaul a motor car Nor— tleman but a fool and I hope she refused him, but man rather thinks of buying, and as he knows you never know what unexpected thing she will nothing about them and it is a 2 hand one, he is do.” Kittie did refuse the offer. having this young fellow who was in motor works “I’ve been feeling very sorry for myself the to look at it. He now breeds fox-terriers for sale, last week. I’ve had a great deal of toothache all he is an Eton man, we seem to meet so many out summer, and I had three teeth taken out without here. Now I must go and dress for dinner.” gas or anything else last Tuesday and it quite un 2 December: “Everything here is fearfully dear. nerved me.” She then had six more extracted with Nessie and Norman are giving me a new coat gas, and this left her with very sore gums and an and skirt for Christmas, but have asked Belle upset stomach. She was in bed for two days, and [Kittie’s mother, in Englandi to get them. Here could take only slops. The work was going to the very plainest would cost LlO and shoes are cost Norman $100,”But he says whatever it costs 30 shillings a pair to be any good at all. We are I am to have my mouth made absolutely com going to a bazaar this afternoon in aid of the fortable.” Victoria Club for Gentlewomen who are badly “Norman is most kind to me.Yesterday he took off.” Norman continued to be very kind to her, me by train to Oak Bay two miles from here, “but [he] is a queer-tempered man and some such a lovely little shore and view We had tea at times says pretty rude things to people.” Tom, the hotel then took another train to Esquimalt writing to Hugh from Alexis Creek about this where the Navy are.Tonight he is taking us all to time, thought that Norman and Nessie would the theatre to see ‘The Girl fromVancouver’, we be happier if they bought another store such as hear it is good. On Saturday Norman was at a they had at Hanceville: “They do not seem to be smoking concert given by the naval officers, so able to accustom themselves to doing nothing.” Launcelot [Gurney, Confederation Life Associa 9 December: “Norman must be living at the tion district manager for , who rate of /1 ,000 a year. Everything in Victoria is had been a close friend of the family in very dear. Fancy, the one servant has L60 a year Whitchurch] took us to a Picture Show There and I do the cooking.” was a splendid organ played beautifully by a man 16 December: “Norman and Nessie went to in the orchestra which was better than the have tea at Sir Richard McBride’s, the Premier.

pictures... . Sunday was Thanksgiving Day and Then Norman had to go to see the [Lieutenant] Monday a holiday all over Canada. All who can Governor, and most of the rich swells of the afford dine off turkey. We dined at Launcelot’s. I neighbourhood have called on us, he having only had the gravy and bread sauce.” known their parents.” Norman bought a five- The letter written on 4 November was from seater Cadillac, but did not drive it himself yet. 640 Rupert Street. “We are settled very com He borrowed a car for a twelve-mile drive out of fortably here and people are beginning to call.” the city, on rough roads, to look at property for Norman was wondering if he should buy a car possible purchase. Corning home the front tyres or a horse and buggy”Norman went to see about burst.”Nessie and I had to get into a passing oys a motor car 10 days ago and I should think all ter laurie [sic] and drove over a mile to the Street

10 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 cars, the roads being so muddy and our having in after for games, bridge in the dining room and fur coats we could not walk:’ round games in the drawing.” Nessie and Norman had no children of their 13 January: “Norman is going into the motor own, but on a visit to England had adopted a car business. He went to Vancouver last Friday son, Dan. Mrs. Nash had mixed feelings about with a man who buys and sells motor cars and him: “A tall, good looking lad but has not much with whom Norman is going in. They bought brain, he learns quickly enough, but forgets it all eleven new motor cars from a firm that is being in a week which is rather a pity as both Nessie sold up and expect to sell them for about three and Norman are both so clever. I sometimes can’t times what they get to care much for him.”A few weeks later she gave for them.” Mrs. was worried about his health:”Poor Dan is grow Nash wrote of hav ing so fast, he looks so white. The doctor says he ing seen a “splendid” ought to run wild for six months, however Nor “Gondohers” at the man won’t hear of that but says he can stay at New Theatre, which home for a half term. He is very jolly and full of had opened on the fun but soon gets tired. He is oniy 11 and is taller 15t of January, “the than any of the boys of 13 in the school” — a largest I have ever boarding school inVictoria to which he had been been in.” sent from Hanceville. 16 December: “Norman 21 January: Mrs. decided quite suddenly to go toVancouver as Dan Nash had gone with is to be circumcised tomorrow and as it is to be Norman and Nessie done in the house he just cleared out. His tem to the Premier’s re per lately has been terrible so I am glad he has ception at the Em gone for a few days. Dan has been far from well press. She found him for a long time and Dr.Walker and another Dr. “a very charming decided this must be done.” 23 December: “An man, entirely self- upsetting week with a nurse in the house. Dan made.” She had also still has not had his clothes on.”They had planned gone with a friend to spend Christmas with Aif’s family at Port to see Anna Pavlova: Alberm. “The Dr. says that if he goes in a closed “$4 for a ticket and motor to the station he can go with us tomor the house was row. Unfortunately it is a 734 hour journey.” packed. I have never 1 January 1914: They were back in Victoria. seen anything like Mrs. Nash had taken flowers to a funeral home. this, she and all her Courtesy BC Archives B4362. “Poor George Gellings, he wanted to marry party; about 20 men Lillian [her daughter] but she wouldn’t have him and girls, were quite wonderful, Then on Mon Above: Norman Lee, very and he married a Miss Harris of Douglas [Isle of day night we went to the opera.The New Thea much looking the confident,

Man] and came out to , but died at 36 of tre is packed every night.. . .Norman cannot de prosperous gentleman. Bright’s disease in a private hospital here. I got a cide whether to take another house in a better Photo perhaps taken at the great shock, the coffin had a glass lid and there locality or to take a trip to Honolulu. He hates time when Mrs. Nash, his mother-in, 1au4 visited lay the poor lad dressed in his dress suit with this house, there are so many doors in every British Columbia. white shirt, collar and black tie, it was too horri room.” ble. I can’t think how English people can con 28 January: “I’ve just got my teeth, they are form to such a horrid custom Norman is go not very comfortable yet, but I must grin and ing to call on the Governor and Bishop this af bear them till they are. Norman has paid L20 for ternoon. It is the custom here for any man who them, they are all right till I begin to eat and is anyone to call on these people on NewYear’s then they hurt. ... This house is taken only until Day. Nessie is off to the Empress for tea.” 1 March and it is not very convenient. All the 6 January: “Nessie and Dan are gone to a rooms lead into each other and Norman wants a Christmas tree, and Norman and I have a quiet room where he can sit and write and read with little dinner alone, as we generally have company out people continually disturbing him.”The three or go out it is quite a change. There were ten to of them had gone to look for a suitable house, dinner on NewYear’s Eve and about eight came and the car got stuck in the mud. Guests were

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 11 8The house was demolished coming to dinner that evening: “We had the two den. I thought they would never cease.” c.1969, and an apartment Vicars ofAlberni staying here, and were expect Early April, undated: “Everyone seems to like block built on the site. ing Archdeacon Pugh, Father Reis and MissJones to walk out here in time for tea on

to dine with us to meet them, and we were 18 Sunday... . Norman is sleeping in a chair in his miles from home and no chance of getting there den (sleeping off too much whisky).” in time for dinner. Norman managed to tel 23 April: “It is just 26 years today since dear ephone Launcelot [Gurney], asking him to go in Father [her first husband] died. It seems to me a

and act as host. They got a team to pull the car lifetime.. . .We’ve had a week of bother. Norman out, but it was 8.30 before we reached home.” went with some men to Duncan on business for 23 March: They were to move into a house at a few nights, and directly he went we heard that 2086 Granite Street on the first of April.8 “We the man who Norman had financed to buy mo have had possession since the 1 7th and I have gone tor cars was going into liquidation.” Mrs. Nash up daily from 10 a.m. to 5 P.M. superintending described the events of a fraught day, but they the garden and receiving and having put in their were more vividly described by Nessie in a letter places the furniture which Norman and Nessie to Hugh: keep buying and sending up from sales.Yesterday “We have been having a terrible time lately. a party went up to the new house.We had a great Norman like an idiot handed $5000 to a man to picnic tea (15 ofus) in the dining room. Launcelot put into a motor car deal, the cars were to be and I walked home (2 14 miles), the rest went on sold at the end of a fortnight, huge profits to be

the street car... . It is a sweet house. The drawing made, etc. Instead of their seffing, the men whose room is 36’ by 17’, with a large bay window at charge they were in hired them out, sent incom one end looking into the verandah and a win petent drivers and the cars got smashed up, so dow seat all around it.At the other end the win whilst Norman was away this week I heard the dow goes right across the room and on each side company was going into liquidation and Nor of the fireplace high up are little windows. Then man was to be involved so I flew to a lawyer and very large doors draw open into a very nice din he told me to go down to the garage and take ing room, at the other end of which is a door three cars out and call it a go against our account. leading into the kitchen. Norman’s den is by it So away I went with Major Pottinger and three self the other side of the hail. Upstairs are five chauffeurs. We found parts of each motor had bedrooms, bathroom, linen cupboard &c. Then been taken off so that they couldn’t work, and there is a large basement with big furnace to heat none of the heads of the firm to be found, but at all the house, and down there are the wash house, least we got each car removed to another garage. men’s lavatory, coal and wood places &c and a The lawyer complimented me on my actually big door into the back garden. There is a small securing the cars, he never thought I would, and verandah also outside the kitchen door where Norman was quite pleased when he got home the maid can sit, and lovely housemaid’s pantries, that we were free of the beastly garage people, but out here no one hardly ever has more than though it may take a long time to sell the cars. one servant or one China Man in the house. It is Still, it is better having them than nothing. One quite wonderful to me the amount of work just we traded for a house, getting $2,000 for the car one does, but the wages are huge, our young and leaving a balance of $4,000 to be paid on the Scotch maid, Elsie, 21, gets L5 a month (25 dol house, the seller guaranteeing six months rent.” lars) Isn’t it awful?” Mrs. Nash had forgotten her A letter from Mrs. Nash told of Nessie and Nor complaints of the high prices in Victoria. man going”all over the country lately looking at 31 March: “I haven’t been in town for three ‘lots’ of land which people want to trade for weeks, I have been so busy up here. We bought Norman’s motor cars. No one wants to give the chickens with the house and there are 13 money, all want to trade lots or houses for them.” laying hens to look after. I had a man in the gar Nessie told Hugh,”We gave $10,500 for [our] den seven days before the others came up to live house. We could easily sell it again should we and have got it beautifully neat, we want some wish to do so. House property here is very high ramblers. Major Pottinger says it is not too late and this is two lots, one being entirely garden, for them.” On the Sunday eighteen people had which if we were very hard up we could sell come to tea. “I spent the day in bed, I was so separately for building purposes.” tired, and I could see them coming up the gar Mrs. Nash writes on 28 April: “There is a ru

12 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 Left: Norman, Nessie and Dan Lee, perhaps taken some time in the 1920s.

Courtesy BC Archives 8-9455 mour that Temple may not be able to pay the Sheffields had their motor launch and two row Kittie had failed to find second instalment on the Ranche, due boats waiting for us. A large party of us all went suitable work as a mother’s next week, and that they may have it back on up to the gorge to see the Indian canoe races.We help. When her grand their hands which would be rather terrible as we had tea and dinner in the boats, then as it began mother left she was virtu ally a domestic servant at the hear he has lost most of the custom at the store to rain we all came back here for games instead small private school which any cattle on the ranche. Of course and has hardly of going to see the fireworks in the Dan attended. She was paid I cannot fix a date to leave this may be all gossip. Park.. . . Norman is learning to drive his car, he $30 a month. “Mrs.Ward until Norman gets his money from Temple.” would not try before. I am so glad, it will give [the schoolmaster’s wife] 10 May: “The Miss Duponts leave shortly for him something to do.We had our first new pota and Kittie are going to do England.They are great people for bridge parties everything between them. toes out of the garden yesterday, such beauties.” Fortunately there are only and we have been to several at their house. [Mrs. Mrs. Nash’s visit was coming to an end. Early two boarders, but there is Nash greatly enjoyed bridge, but it had to be in June Nessie and Norman took her for a final the big schoolroom to clean contract bridge; she did not like auction.] They visit to Alf and his family at Port Alberni. They daily. She says Kittie can come up here (it is only are old-timers here and have asked so many of went by car: “Norman motored part way and a three minutes walk) every here the best people to call upon us. People come Mr. Hall who is with us took over the worst evening, and every Sunday by dozens to tea on Sunday and we make it a roads.” On the way they stayed at Qualicum Inn, for the afternoon and kind of picnic as Elsie always has Sunday out af the notepaper ofwhich boasted “Excellent Bath evening, so it will not be a ter she has washed up the dinner things.”As Mrs. ing Beach, Golf Links, Fishing, Shooting.” hard post.” (Letters, 23 & 28 April 1914) Kittie’s career in Nash said in another letter, Nessie, despite all her 20 June: Mrs. Nash was to leave Victoria the British Columbia at this worries at this time, “is not happy unless she is next day. She would spend a few days with friends time illustrates the difficul entertaining.” in Vancouver, visit the two step—sons of her sec ties faced by young English 27 May:”I’ve been out to Esquimalt to look at ond marriage near Calgary; and then stay with women of her class, un trained for any work, yet try the Rainbow (the Canadian Navy which has only her eldest son,William, and his family at Minto, 24th ing to find suitable employ one ship) this afternoon.. . . The May is a great near Brandcn, Manitoba. Kittie stayed inVicto— ment. I do not know if or day here. It was kept on Monday.We had our car na. for how long, Kittie stayed at 9 A.M. and drove for three hours all about the 24 June, Nessie to Hugh: “We are missing in Canada. She married: a Town, Park, &c looking at the procession which mother. Everyone here loved her and thought newspaper report of Hugh’s funeral mentions a niece, was a mile long. I never saw anything equal I hear her so bright and handsome with such an excel Kittie Borneman, but does to the flowers on the cars, carts, &c. It was a won lent figure.” not state where she was liv derful show After a hasty lunch we went down 26 July, Nessie to Hugh: “Everyone loved her, ing. to the Empress landing stage where the two Miss

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 ‘° For details of William’s they had seldom seen such an aristocratic old lady cisco, where for some time she worked for the career in Manitoba I am in these parts and with such wonderful Pinkerton detective agency, came to keep house grateful for material sup energy.. .We got about $60,000 for the ranche, for him, remaining at Redstone until shortly be plied by the Manitoba Pro 93td vincial Archives, and for the the balance is to be paid in two years more each fore her death in 1954 in her year. generous help ofMrs. Dolly May, it bears interest @ 7%.We also have a good In 1919, Nessie and Norman regained posses Anderson, his youngest deal of side property; but it is difficult to sell any sion of the Beaver Ranch. Temple—whom Mrs. child. The Alberni District thing down here or in Vancouver, times are so Nash had so disliked—had been unable to make Historical Society kindly gave me information about bad and land held at too high a valuation. [Nor a go of it, and could not keep up the payments. Alfred and his family. The man had bought some CPR land on the main With young Dan they set to work. There was British Columbia Provincial land shortly before going to live inVictoria.] We much to do.Temple had sold the cattle to pay off Archives gave me informa have a meadow in Chilcotin still which has seven debts, and there was not even a milk cow on the tion about Tom, and were miles of fence round it. There is a trout stream property; the fences were down, and the house very and generously helpful with details of Norman, running through it where one can catch from 20 and buildings in poor shape for want of mainte Nessie and Penrose. I am to 30 trout an hour and excellent shooting too, nance; the store had been closed, and the fur— also indebted to Norman grouse, teal, mallard, geese, snipe, deer, etc. I want trading business badly neglected. Reconstruction Paddock ofVictoria, a friend to hold on to it if we can as we might be able to was a long and hard task, especially as they had and former Air Force col back with little money after the financial league, Pat Kelly, also ofVic sell it to some wealthy potentate, but Norman gone toria, whom I met in thinks he could do more with the money now disasters of the previous six years—and by 1919

Shrewsbury while he was than later on. ... Living is fierce here. Try as we Norman was fifty-seven. But together they gradu searching for his old-coun will we can’t get our grocer’s bill under $50 a ally restored ranch, store, and trade. Dan—for all ancestors, and Mrs.Anne try month and our water comes to over $4 a month. his grandmother’s worries about him as a boy— Lee, Dan’s daughter-in-law, of Hanceville.They have all We have second payments to meet on property proved to have a shrewd head for business, first shared my interest, and been next month so we have to go easy.” This was in in fur trading and then in cattle: indeed, it was very generous with their reply to her brother’s suggestion that she make a one of his venturesome cattle drives that earned help. visit to England soon. enough to pay off his father’s debts, with enough left over to establish the herd of purebred Mrs. Nash’s return to England was delayed by herefords for which the ranch became famous. the outbreak ofwar. In mid-November 1914 she In 1927, Nessie opened a women’s wear store in sailed on the Canadian Pacific Missanabie. She had Williams Lake, keeping a small apartment at the a safe voyage, and after nearly two years away she back of the store for her frequent visits to keep was back with her son Hugh at Whitchurch, an eye on the business, which had a reputation where she lived for the rest of her life. There is for clothes of good quality no record that she made another visit to Canada. Norman died in March 1939, aged 76; Nessie She died in March 1932. in December 1958, aged 86. Like her mother, Tom ran his store at Alexis Creek until his death she was almost blind in her last years, but until in 1946. His partner, McCulloch, had gone over her final, brief illness she was still the strong per seas with the Canadian Army, after which Tom sonality that she had been throughout her long seems to have been in sole possession. He mar life. Many Natives were among the mourners at ried an Irish girl, and their son, Tommy, carried her funeral at Hanceville, for she had earned their on the business until the store was demolished to respect and affection, and become fluent in their make way for a wider road. language. Dan carried on the business, expand Alf remained at Port Alberni until his death ing the ranch and building up the quality herds. in 1942.After retirement from his post of County He and his sons also built, at what came to be Court Registrar he engaged in real estate devel— called Lee’s Corner, a restaurant and motel, just opment.At Port Alberni he used his second name steps from his father’s original trading post, to to avoid confusion with another Lee, the road serve not only the local ranchers, but also the superintendent, and was known as Wood Lee. growing number of tourists, hunters and fisher

Penrose stayed on his Redstone ranch until men — for the beautiful Chilcotin was being his death in 1960, living in the sod-roofed house opened up in a way that Norman and Penrose erected in 1895. He loved the Chilcotin country, could never have imagined when they first ar

which in his memoirs he called “the land of my rived.10‘‘ heart.” He never married, but his sister, Helen Warden Lee, after some twenty years in San Fran-

14 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 Big Little Cherry

•‘ By Ron Weiwood

Then, in your opinion, an orchard is not exactly a Garden of Eden? Not in England at any rate. Is it so anywhere—in any part of the world? t Yes.’ in Canada.At least, so lam told. Imean in British Columbia, (Bealby 1911,viii,)

‘r, .*r \ Courtesy Ministry of Agriculture & Food, Victoria, BC

T THE turn of the century, fruit ranching wooden box) required considerable skill to avoid Ron Weiwood is in British Columbia was considered an shaking and bruising during transit. However, current president of the British Columbia Aideal colonial alternative for many dis such careful attention to detail paid handsomely enchanted Englishmen who sought independ and in 1909, Mr. Johnstone reported that his av Historical Federation, library director at ence as well as prosperity Advertisements extol erage gross return was $1,050 per acre (Bealby Selkirk College, and ling the virtues of this gentleman’s occupation 1911, 205). a researcher and writer abounded in the contemporary literature, and, In describing a cherry orchard, J.T. Bealby, a on Kootenay related consequently, many came west to seek their for Nelson fruit rancher and promoter, exuded that topics. tune. Often these pioneers purchased land from One of the most wonderful sights in a British Co unscrupulous land brokers who extolled the vir lumbia orchard, and more especially a Kootenay tues of fruit ranching in both the and orchard, is the cherry—trees when laden with their the Kootenay. snow-white blossoms. Every branch, from its di vergence from a large limb main In 1906 Earl Grey, governor-general of Canada, or the trunk, right away to the outermost twig, is thickly feathered purchased fifty—four acres of fruit land on the east with clusters of blossom. and tufts of bloom cling side of Kootenay Lake after a personal inspection even to the main trunk and large limbs.This is true region.This convinced of the many that, indeed, ofevery variety ofcherry alike, sour as well as sweet. there was a great future in Kootenay fruit grow The crops are, as a rule, enormously heavy— so ing. Testimonials such as one from James much so that the trees, and this applies to apples, Johnstone, a pioneer Nelson fruit—grower, also pears, and plums, as well as to cherries—have to be promoted the Kootenay region as a possible Gar well supported with props to prevent them from den of Eden: breaking down under the loads they carry, and even I consider the conditions here [Kootenay Lake Dis then it is no unusual thing for one or more branches tricti the most perfect for fruit—culture.. . .The qual to split off before the fruit can be gathered (Bealby ity and size here are far superior, and the yield per 1911, 114). acre is at least double that of anything I have ever Such was the euphoric hype relating to fruit seen or succeeded in producing during my ten years’ ranching in the at the turn ofthe cen residence in the States. . .1 have not found irriga tury However, underlying this supposed idyllic tion necessary, and this adds much to the superior vocation was the realm’ of the hard back-break quality our fruit. The fruit-grower will find of all ing work required to clear treed and rock strewn here an ideal home. The climate is perfect; the soil land before planting, constructing buildings, and is very rich and productive, and the market the best. doing the many other mundane activities required He will be surrounded by beautiful scenery; and the shooting and fishing are the best to be found to eke out a living while waiting for the fruit anywhere” (Bealby 1911, 13-14). trees to mature. In fact, it took a great deal of Among the fruit crops, cherries from the intestinal fortitude, physical stamina and patience Kootenay region became famous.Although there to become a successful fruit rancher. was considerable labour involved in picking and After patiently waiting for the trees to mature, Above: Little Cherry packing the crop, this soft, sweet fruit commanded euphoria changed to disillusionment as compe disease. The large fruit on a ready market and a good price. Picking was tition increased and the markets became more the right are healthy. The cherry’s and packing saturated. It was not unusual at the end of the slow because of the size, others show severe disease season for a rancher, after tallying the additional cherries into cartons (eight into a small, shallow symptoms.

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 15 Malcolm Heddie pre costs of freight and packing expenses, to end up empted 40 acres (16 hec in debt (Dawson 1997, 62-65). In addition to And lfe is like a cherry tree, Willow Point on tares) at these hardships was the abandonment of many branches all around; 12 April 1901 (Lang 1996, With 146). developed lands when the call to arms and patri And up upon the topmost twig otic duty beckoned during the First Great War. Thefinestfruit is found. Fruit ranching encompassed orchards contain Sometimes the pickings’ dfficult, ing apples, pears, plums, etc., but during these Sometimes itc bloody tough — halcyon years the Kootenay region became fa But a good cherry picker mous for its cherries. In fact, cherry production Can do his stuff (The Cherry Picker,) surpassed apples in many orchards. Bing and Lain- always bert varieties were considered the best commer cial producers because of their big, firm-skinned, and dark-coloured fruit that commanded good because they were small, but also because they prices. lacked taste, sweetness, and appearance (angular In October 1905, the Kaslo Fruit Growers’ pointed with three flat sides). The fruit had a Association was formed and sponsored the first brick—red hue with a dull lustre. Most disheart Kootenay Lake Fruit Fair in the fall of 1906. Kaslo ening to the fruit rancher was that disease—in cherries were renowned across Canada. The in fected trees only became obvious about two dustry prospered and Kaslo’s First Canadian weeks before harvest. Nowhere was the impact Cherry Fair was held at the end of July 1912. By on cherry production more dramatic than in the this time cherry cultivation was the most lucra central Kootenay valley. tive fruit crop in the Kaslo region. In August 1924, Until this time Little Cherry had not been a Cherry Carnival was held at the Kaslo Drill recorded in any contemporary literature.This was Hall where five hundred cases were displayed and, “the first report in the world of the new disease according to the reports, some of the cherries of sweet cherry called Little Cherry” (Mealing were so large they resembled small plums (“aver 1989),and the first official description of the dis age three and a quarter inches in circumference”) ease appeared in the British Columbia Depart (McCuaig 1993). In 1929 the Pacific Fruit and ment of Agriculture’s Annual Report for 1936. Produce Company of , Oregon, received For over a decade the Department’s horticultur a four-carton box of Lambert cherries and re ists and plant pathologists reported their frustra ported: tion in trying to determine the cause and find a the finest looking piece of merchandise we have cure.

ever seen in our lives.. . . the best we can say is that WR. Foster, assistant plant pathologist for the

you have the world beat. .. .Since we are used to British Columbia Department ofAgriculture, was common, ordinary cherries it is hard for us to get assigned to study the disease. Although a virus an idea of the values of this kind of merchandise was suspected, the symptoms appeared entirely (Kootenaian 1929). in the fruit of healthy bearing trees. Naturally, Kaslo fruit was The pride and popularity of this growers were reluctant to have their healthy or the boulevards touted by the city fathers who had chards used for testing purposes, so with the co (McCuaig planted with cherry trees in 1932 operation of the Consolidated Mining and Smelt 1993). ing Company an experimental cherry orchard disease sud Unfortunately a mysterious cherry was established at Columbia Gardens near Trail this thriving denly and inexplicably destroyed around 1940. This experimental orchard was were sweet cherry industry.When the symptoms immature and could not be used immediately; so orchard1 on first noticed in 1933 at Mr. Heddle’s infected trees were sprayed with concoctions such the West Arm of a bench above Willow Point on as the juice of cherry leaves and fruit, yeast ex kilometres (six Kootenay Lake approximately ten tract (vitamin B), boric acid, magnesium or zinc. completely miles) east of Nelson, this aberration Fertilizer tests and soil analysis were also con plant patholo baffled provincial and Dominion ducted. Buds from severely affected trees were the name, gists. Its most striking feature provided taken and put into fruiting Lambert trees at the Little Cherry disease. Dominion Experimental Station on Vancouver Cherry disease Cherries affected by the Little Island in Saanichton where the resultant fruit market not only were unsuitable for the fresh fruit seemed identical to those of the disease, Little

16 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 NO.2 Left: The Lakewood or Blaylock Estate, constructed in 1935, is located approximatelyfive kilometres (three miles) east of Nelson.

Courtesy Ron Weiwood

Cherry.This suggested a virus and, if so, the plant At this time the sweet-cherry growing industry here pathologists were determined to learn whether in the Kootenays, does not look very bright, and 2 In 1927,William Fraser planted a cherry orchard the abundant native wild cherries were also sus unless something can be done to prevent the spread on his land just north of ceptible to the disease. of the ‘little cherry’ trouble one of the most profit able fruit-crops of this district will be eliminated Kootenay Bay. Fifty-five By 1942, Little Cherry symptoms appeared in trees were planted on 1.5 (BC Sessional Papers 1945,V55). every fruit section of the Kootenay District ex acres (0.6 hectares) of The disease had spread throughout the entire cept Kaslo. Finding a cure for this rapidly spread cleared land. This isolated Kootenay valley (including Kaslo), the Upper orchard was leased to the ing infestation was critical. Communications and Arrow Lakes region and parts of the State of Department ofAgriculture travel between the Saanichton experimental sta Washington by 1946. for seven years (Fraser tion and the Kootenays was awkward enough 1982, 19-20). While the source ofLittle Cherry disease out without the added difficulty of Canada at war. break near Nelson in 1933 was not then known, Therefore, the research station at Summerland subsequent research by plant pathologists proved was made responsible for tackling the problem. that Japanese ornamental flowering cherries In 1943, it was decided to abandon the young (principally, Prunus serrulata) were carrying the orchard at Columbia Gardens and lease an iso Little Cherry Disease in symptoniless or masked lated, healthy, mature orchard on approximately form. Apparently, three specimens of P serrulata five acres in the Kootenay Bay area.2 By now it Lindl were growing not far from the Heddle or was almost certain that infected insects were the chard. transmission agents. Insects could be carried by Less than five kilometres (three miles) west, at the wind, automobiles or other means and this Roberts Bay on Kootenay Lake, was the prop would explain the rapid expansion of the infested erty of Selwyn Gwillym Blaylock,Vice—President area. and General Manager of Consolidated Mining Meanwhile a large number of Little Cherry and Smelting Company (later Cominco). The and wild cherry buds were grafted to trees in the property; purchased in 1927, contained a modest leased Kootenay Bay orchard. This was done to residence and a small orchard, but it was Blaylock’s ascertain whether or not the disease was truly a intention to have this summer retreat replaced transnussible virus and also whether or not wild with a stately manor. Since one of his passions cherries were carriers. By 1944, the plant patholo was gardening, he developed an exotic garden gists concluded that, indeed, Little Cherry was oasis around his newly constructed mansion caused by a virus; and the next year the Depart known as Lakewood. The land sloping up from ment ofAgriculture reported:

BC HISTORiCAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 As Blaylock was president the lake included terraced lawns and rock gar In 1920, 65% of British Columbia’s sweet and general manager of dens. The grounds purportedly featured one of cherry trees were planted in the Kootenay-Ar Cominco at the time, it every species of tree native to Canada as well as row Lakes district, but by 1950 this figure had makes one wonder why Cominco was so willing to countless other ornamental trees and fragrant dropped to 11% and by 1955 it had been dra provide Columbia Gardens flowering shrubs. matically reduced to a mere 2% (MacPhee 1985, for an experimental cherry It is rumoured that Blaylock encouraged his 217). Geographic isolation, transportation diffi orchard in 1940. frequent weekend guests, including foreign dig culties, marketing and war were contributing fac-. ‘A parasitic wasp (Allotropa utilis Mues.) was released nitaries, to bring gifts of trees and shrubs from tors to the decline ofthis once thriving Kootenay in the Kootenays between their native lands to add to his garden collection fruit crop; but the biggest blow came from the 1938 and 1943. “The es and give it an international appearance. Although Little Cherry. The famous and bountiful cherry tablishment of A. utilis it would be simple to conclude that the Japanese crops of the Kootenays were no more.c’’ population coincided with ornamental flowering cherry tree was introduced a dramatic decline in the region in this rate at which little cherry to the Kootenay Lake manner, it is BIBuoGlPHY disease spread through or more likely that Blaylock was directly responsi chards of the Kootenay ble. Bealby,J.T. Fruit Ranching in British Columbia. Lon don: Adam and Charles Black, 1911. Valley” (Eastwell 1997, The ornamental Japanese Flowering Cherry trees 147).This proved that the Blaylock Estate in Nelson, B.C. Garden Tour. Nelson: were on the “Lakewood”estate.They were imported rate at which Little Cherry 1997. clandestinely in the 1930’s by the owner, Blaylock, disease spread was directly Columbia. Sessional Papers. Department ofAg— who was aware of the Ministry ofAgriculture ban British correlated with the popu riculture. Reports. Victoria: King’s Printer, 1936, but went ahead anyway (Mealing 1989). lation densities of the ap 1948. ple mealy bug. Mr. Foster stated that Cominco’s Blaylock while Dawson, Reginald. Hope and Forty Acres. , developing the Lakewood estate in the late 1920’s BC: Plateau Press, 1997. inquired officially about importation of Japanese Eastwell, K.C. “Little Cherry Disease.” In Filamentous Ornamental Cherries. He was told that the trees Viruses ofWoody Plants. Ed. PL. Monette. were diseased & might not be imported. He de Trivandeum, India: Research Signpost, 1997. 143- cided to smuggle some in anyway & did so; they 151. were established & the disease likewise (Mealing Foster,WR. andT.B. Lott.” ‘Little Cherry,’ aVirus 1994). Disease.” ScientficAgriculture 27.1 (January 1947): Although the ornamental flowering cherry was 1-6. identified to be the viral source, the manner in Fraser,William. Four Score and More. Kootenay Bay, which Little Cherry spread was unknown. An BC:W. Fraser, 1982. insect vector was suspected because of the rapid Kootenaian: “Big Cherries” (2 Aug. 1906); “The First ity with which the disease infected an orchard Fruits” (6 Sept. 1906);”Says Kaslo Cherries Have and spread from one orchard to another. The the World Beat” (29 Aug. 1929). culprit was eventually identified as the apple mealy Lang, Joan B. A. “History of the Fruit Industry in the West Kootenay District of British Columbia, bug (Phenacoccus aceris Sig.). In 1936 when the 1905—1950.” Unpublished MA. thesis. University first description of Little Cherry was published, ofVictoria, 1996. the Department ofAgriculture’s Horticulturalist MacPhee, ED., Conunissioner. British Columbia. Report for the same year also stated this “very Royal Commission on the Tree-fruit Industry of British troublesome insect pest” was widely distributed Columbia. Report.Victoria: Queen’s Printer, 1958. in the Kootenays, particularly in the Willow Point McCuaig, George. Kaslo: thefirst 100 years. Kaslo, area. Unfortunately, at that time it was felt that BC: Semco Press, 1993. the mealy bug caused damage “chiefly to the ap Mealing, Dr. F Mark. Memos to the author, dated 14 ple crop” (BC Sessional Papers 1936, P35). March 1989 and 27 April 1994, outlining a con inVictoria, Cadboro Bay, between WR. To control this infestation two tactics were versation Foster, assistant plant pathologist and Mealing of eventually employed. Sprays and biocontrol4 were Selkirk College in the summer of 1975; including used to reduce the mealy bug population. In ad a single—page, unsigned, document “Little Cherry” destroyed. dition, infected trees were removed and from Foster. The removal of infected cherry trees was devas Scott, David. “West Kootenay Fruit Ranchers.” In tating to the fruit ranchers, but such action was BC Outdoors 37.9 (Oct_Nov. 1981): 34-36. necessary. By 1958, removal became mandatory West, Gilbert A. Kootenay Kuts Including “The Little under the British Columbia Plant Protection Act Cherry Picker” and OtherJingles: a small collection of through the Little Cherry Control Regulation. rhymes and reasonings of a rambling rancher. 2nd edi tion. Nelson, BC: Nelson Daily News, 1953.

BC HISTORICAL NEWS -Vot. 33 No. a A Waihachin Index by Keith R.Wood

Thirty-five miles west of Kamloops lie the rem ion also known as the Western Cavalry. Despite Keith Wood has lived in nants of the tiny orchard community of this nickname it fought as infantry for the dura Kamloops since 1975. Waihachin. Conceived by an ambitious land com tion. Over halfof the Walhachin contingent went He has an unabating interest in the military pany and born into boom times, it suffered a short to the Lord Strathcona’s Horse, including Cap heritage of the south- on the Canadian agricultural frontier. The tain Paget. Even at this stage of the war it was span central interior of BC realized for cavalry would be limited. many reasons given for Waihachin’s demise are, the need and particular in the for the most part, well documented.They include So, the Strathcona’s was converted to infantry after fate of the individual poor soil, a hostile climate, inadequate acreage a 30-day course and went into the line as a com man. for return, an inconsistent water supply and, as posite Battalion with the Royal Canadian Dra A photograph of an accelerator, the effects ofWorld War I. goons in May 1915. By February 1916 the regi Walhachin’s Honour Walhachin’s claim to have sent, without con ment was once again cavalry; however, as part of Roll propelled Keith scription, more men into the war in proportion the Canadian Cavalry Brigade, it was still subject Wood into research of to population than any community in Canada to stints in the trenches and even carried supplies those from Walachin who went to serve in received wide coverage by a wartime press and to the front lines, dug trenches and strung barbed the Great War. would be difficult to challenge. However, other wire as a Pioneer Battalion. towns have placed the same claim. An account In the fall of 1915,communities across Canada ing of the men who served overseas during the were encouraged by Ottawa to compile lists of Great War has barely been touched. The legend those who had enrolled from their town and send that most fruit growers died or never returned them to the Militia Office. These honour rolls has long ago been refuted; however, it has never were framed as a permanent record and given a been adequately measured. special place in local churches or town halls. When war was declared in August 1914, Walhachin’s honour roll was unveiled on 1 July Walhachin possessed a well-established cavalry 1916. It was created by Alfred John Pugh and militia unit. Since 1911, C Squadron, 31st British funded by Ralph Chetwynd, and it hung over Columbia Horse, under Captain Rowland Paget, the fireplace in the Walhachin Hotel until the had trained every Wednesday, attended theVernon early 1920s.The honour roll was then moved to Militia Camp each summer, and sent men to the town hail, but sadly went missing sometime Winnipeg in the winter for senior N.C.O. courses. in the 1970s.TheWalhachin honour roll showed Every man was an accomplished equestrian from the names of 44 men who enlisted from years of polo, fox hunts, and racing. Drawn from Walhachin up to iJuly 1916, including the names SouRces a population base of less than two hundred, the of the 22 men of the British Columbia Horse (C ARcHnEs unit numbered thirty in 1912 and fourteen at Squadron) who left in August 1914. The others National Archives of Canada. Canadian Ex beginning of hostilities. named left after August 1914 to join their regi the peditionary Force serv Britain during the course of the war or Throughout that August, Capt. Paget recruited ments in ice papers for all men for the British Columbia Horse in enlisted in local Canadian battalions.Also included Waihachin enlistments. Walhachin,Ashcroft, and Savona. Meanwhile, on are two men who, in 1915,joined Britain’s Mu Nominal rolls for: The parade, during inspections, and on the rifle range, nitions Supply Force. 5th Canadun Infantry Battalion and The Lord in restless Throughout 1914 a Walhachin column had the young men trained and waited Strathcona’s Horse. anticipation for the call. In these early days of appeared weekly in the Ashcroft Journal. Perhaps British Columbia Archives: war their greatest fear was to miss the “Great the regular correspondent had left in the August TheYale DistrictVoters’ Adventure.” rush because for four to five weeks, between the Lists, 1911, 1913, and 1916. Finally, on 21 August, orders arrived and C middle of August until the middle of Septem was published. This INTERVIEWS Squadron entrained from the Waihachin station ber, no Walhachin column Darrough, Ada (re Parkin for Kamloops, where it joined the main body, creates a lack of information at a time when a lot family). and hence to the mobilization camp atValcartier, of things were happening in Waihachin. The Flowerdew, John and fain Quebec. Walhachin column resumed in the AshcroftJour ily (re Eric and Gordon). into drafts, the main nal on 19 September 1914. It is clear that also Here the 3l was broken Maynard, Kay (re Halliday 5th body going to the Canadian Infantry Battal some families left in this time frame. With more family).

19 BC HISTORiCAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 Names as shown on than a little acrimony the correspondent relates Squadron, those with the notation “Auth: War the 1916 Walhachin the closure oftheWalhachin school for inadequate Office Letter” after their commission date were Roll of Honour: enrolment in spite of their community’s contri rewarded for family connections. Others who Askew, E.J.P bution of almostforty young men to the war effort. transferred to Imperial forces at their own re Blair, R. There were 22 men in the British Columbia quest were, in fact, rejoining prewar regiments. Calder, G. Horse contingent, who left in August 1914. Only The rest were either Canadian Militia officers at Callender, J. one other man shown on the honour roll (H. the onset ofhostilities, or were in time promoted Clarke, J.C. Parker—Jervis) has been traced as enlisting before through the ranks. For direct enlistments into the Clarke, M.H. 19 September 1914. Still, the “almost forty young British Army, there is still limited access to serv De Jongh, K.G. men” mentioned in the newspaper suggest that ice papers. C.A. Fellowes, in addition to the 23 men there were another 16 Walhachin lost at least 7 men during the con Flowerdew, E. or 17 men who left prior to the middle of Sep flict—not a large sum at first glance, but severe Flowerdew, G.M. the publication date of the article. enough for a population of under 200. However, Fortescue,W.A. tember 1914, Green, A. The honour roll shows 11 names whose depar other small rural communities suffered a similar Green, M.L. ture date is unknown. If every one of those 11 fate in a terrible war. Walhachin’s closest neigh Halliday, R. left before the middle of September date, the to bour, Savona, sent 33 men to the front and lost 8; Holberton,T.E. tal would still be around 34 and short of the al Lavington, a community similar to Walhacbin, Jgfferies, W.H. most 40 mentioned by the correspondent. Ei had 13 of 33 men killed; and the experience of Kiñch, A.T. ther some of the early enlistments were lost in multiple losses from one family was shared by all. Knatchbu W.R the rush or the correspondent’s count was incor Veterans of this conflict knew from personal ex Langley.W. rect. perience the equalizing effects ofwar, for it hon Loyd, E.B.K. The labour force of the Anglesey Estate and oured no boundaries nor class.The concept that MacMahon, E.E. orchards could perhaps account for the one community might have contributed more Martin, J. other than another is purely a civilian extension of civic Melhuish, J.L. missing enlistments. Most men mentioned on the Munro, A. honour roll who gave their calling as labourer pride. ‘‘ Paget,L. were employed by the Anglesey Estates, owned BIBLIoGru’PHY Paget, R.E. by the Marquis, located downriver from Ashcroft Journal 1910—1921 .Walhachin excerpts. Parker-Jervis, H. Waihachin. In 1914 there were 110 workmen in Dendy, David and Kathleen M. Kyle. A Fruitful Cen Parkin, B. Walhachin, most ofwhom were non-permanent tury, The British Columbia Fruit Growers Association, Parkin,H. residents and therefore not considered in the 1889-1989. B.C.F.G.A., 1990. Pearce, RC. overall calculations here or in other communi Flick, C.M.G., C.B.E., Lt.Col., C.L.A Short History of Penketh, H.J. ties. However, amongst the many separate or the 31st British Columbia Horse. Victoria, BC: J. Parker Pole, R. Reliable Press, 1922. chards using hired labour, surely there were some Buckle,The Prior, A.R Grodzinski, Capt.J.R. The Battle of Moreuil 14’bod. np. 1993. who qualified as permanently employed. Roberts, R. —Honours andAwardsArmy, Navy andAiforce 19)4— After July 1916, when the honour roll was Salaman, E.S. 20. Reprint.J.B. Hayward & Son, 1979. enlistments increased Shaw,W.T. presented, the number of Hesilrige,Arthur G.M. ,Ed. Debrettc Peerage, Baronetage, Soames. C.T. substantially. For almost two more years conscrip Knightage and Companionage. London: Dean & Tennant, W.G. tion culled the population at an unknown rate. Sons,1928. Turing. J.L. Information on eight men, not listed on the hon Jarvis, S.D and D.B., The Cross of Sacrjfice. vol. 1 Officers Wallington, J. our roll, was compiled from data found in Died in British, Indian and East African Regts. and Corps. Wilkinson, E.R. Waihachin’s column published in the AshcroftJour 1914—19. Roberts Medals, nd. Willan, A.R. nal, the l9l6Voters’ list, and from interviews with Ormsby, Margaret, Coldstream Nulli Secundus, Friesen, Pike, James 1990. descendants. Those 8 brings the total from the Goggin,V.R Riis, Nelson. “The Waihachin Myth: a Study in Set 44 men listed on the honour roll to 52. The list tlementAbandonment.” MA Thesis, Department of ing of these 52 men on the following pages is Names to be added: Geography, University ofBritish Columbia, 1970. Waihachin not meant to be a definitive count for Weir,Joan. Walhachin, Catastrophe or Camelot. Hancock Bertram, E. enlistments.The information has been compiled House Publishers, 1984. Burnett, J. primarily to shed light on the military records of Wigney, Edward H.The C.E.F Roll ofHonour Eugene Chetwynd, W.R.T. Walhachin’s soldiers and to clarify this aspect of Ursual, 1996. Fitzgerald, Dermot their community’s history. M/ri’ley’i British Columbia Directory, 1919. Vancouver: Halliday, Duncan Of the 52 enlisted men, at least 25 became Wrigley’s Directories Ltd, 1919. Johnson, L.L. commissioned officers, a total far above the aver Zuehike, Mark, Scoundrels, Dreamers and Second Sons. Kitson, J.F.B. class origin. From C Whitecap Books, 1994. Loyd, A.K. age, reflecting the residents’

20 BC HISTORICAL NEWS .-Vor. 33 No.2 WALHAcHIN INDEX 1914-1918 * those who lost their live in the war.


BLAIR, ROBERT: Arrived in Walhachin: Unknown. On 1911 voters list. Born: Londonderry, Ireland. Age 32. Single. Calling: Teamster. Service with 5th Battalion as a sergeant. Warrant Officer First Class. Awards: Distinguished Conduct Medal; mentioned three times in dispatches;Belgian Croix de Guerre. Discharged: 1919 withWaihachin as intended residence.

* CALDER, GEORGE:Arrived inWalhachin: Unknown. On 1913 vot ers list. Born:Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Age 31. Single. Calling: Car penter. Service with 5tl Btn. as a sergeant. Died of wounds incurred at Pozieres Ridge on the Somme on 12 September 1916. Note: Bur ied at Contay British Cemetery, France.

CLARKE,JOHN C0ULSON:Arrived inWalhachin: March 1911. Born: Lichfield, Staffordshire, England. Age 34. Single. Calling: Farmer. Service with L.S.H. as lieutenant, wounded 1917. Discharged as a Major with Walhachin as intended residence.

CLARIKE, MILES HAP.w000: Arrived in Walhachin: April 1914. Born: Ceylon. Age 23. Single. Calling: Farmer. Service with L.S.H. as a private. Commissioned into British Army 27 February 1915. (Auth: W 0. letter)

FLOwERDEw, Ei ic: SYM0NDs: Arrived inWalliachin:April 1914. Born:

Norfolk, England.Age 18. Single. Calling: Farmer. Service with L.S.H. courtesy John Edward, son. as a private. Commissioned lieutenant in Royal Field Artillery in Above: Guy H. T Edwards left, and Gordon M. Flowerdew in front of the 1918, wounded. Discharged in 1919 settled in Langley with his new Walhachin Post Office. Gordon Flowerdew died in France in 1918. bride. Calling: Poultry farmer. At the same time began many years of Edwards who arrived in Waihachin September 1910, was afarme, public service including as one of the founders ofthe Farmer’s storekeepe and orchardist. He was deemed unfitfor military service. In Institute and the local Legion branch; a founder of Langley Memo 1918 he was secretary to the Marquis ofAngleseys Estate and after the rial Hospital and served as a director: served on Langley Municipal war he owned stores in Savona and Notch Hill. Council 1944—1964 and was instrumental in obtaining the initial budget appropriation for Municipal Parks and Recreation. The Eric Flowerdew “Volunteer oftheYear” trophy is still awarded at the Lan HOLBERTON, THOMAS EDMUND: Arrived in Walhachin: 1912. Born: gley Museum. Brother to Gordon. Middlesex, England. Age 31. Single. Calling: Civil engineer. Service with L.S.H. as a private. Commissioned New Army at Can * FL0wERDEw, GORDON MURIEL: Arrived in Walhachin: 1910. terbury 4 May 1915. Served with Royal Horse Artillery in Born: Norfolk, England.Age 29. Single. Calling: Storekeeper. Service Mesopotamia. Decorations: Military Cross and Bar for second award. with L.S.H. as a L/Cpl. Commissioned 1916 with L.S.H.Award:The Note: An older brother was killed as an officer in the British Army Victoria Cross. On 30 March 1918 he led a mounted charge of 75 1918. men against 300 of the enemy and took a vital position in Moreuil Wood. Lt. Flowerdew died of wounds the next day. Note: Buried at JEFFRIES,WILLIAM HENRY: Arrived inWalhachin:January 1911. Born: Rocincourt Military Cemetery, France. Hampshire, England. Age 30. Single. Calling: Fitter and mechanic. Service with Canadian Army Service Corps—Motor Transport as a * GREEN,ARTHuR ADELBERT LINGARD:Arrived inWalhachin: Spring private sergeant. Decorations: Meritorious Service Medal as a chauf 1911. Born: Fort Que Appelle, Saskatchewan.Age 24. Calling:Team feur. Discharged 1921; intended residenceVictoria. ster. Service with L.S.H as a L/sergeant. Wounded by sheilfire 22 June 1915 and died ofwounds 16 July. Note: Buried Letreport Mili KINcH, ALBERT I: Arrived in Walhachin: Unknown. On 1913 Voters tary Cemetery, France and cormnemorated on the Kamloops Me list. Born: London, England. Age 29. Single. Calling: Teamster. Ser morial. vice with 5t1t Btn. as a private sergeant. Wounded twice. Discharged with Waihachin as intended residence. Note: His calling was in fact GREEN, MIcHALE LING.aD:Arrived inWaihachin: Unknown. On 1913 the very popular bartender at the Waihachin Hotel.This sudden vo voters list. Born: Devonshire, England. Age 29. Single. Calling: Sea cational change might have arisen from a desire to escape service as a man. Service with L.S.H. as a private sergeant. Wounded 1 April base waflah for the duration. 1918. Discharged to U.K. Possibly a cousin to A. Green.




Untraced. MUNRO,A:

Choques Military Cemetery. France.

Untraced. MARTIN,J.:

A younger brother was killed at Gallipoli August. Note: in Buried:


the Lord Strathcona’s first officer casualty of the war. LANGLEY,WALTER: Untraced.

with L.S.H. as lieutenant. Killed in Action 25 May 1915, Battle of

the Royal

Field as Artillery

major. a

Born: London, England. Age 32.Widower. Calling: Farmer. Service


Left sometime


October andjoined 1915


WILLIAM Arrived GALBRAm-1: Walhachin: in July 1911. *

ried. Calling: Secretary/accountant for British the De Columbia



unfit March 1918,

to residence be Walhachin. KNATcHBULL,WYNDI-IAM PERSEE:Arrived Mar 1911. inWalhachin:

l917.Discharged to Canada for convalescence December 1917 and

Note: Brother to


L.S.H. a as farrier-sergeant. Wounded 1915 and wounds multiple in

and Sutherland Argyll


Scotland. in 1919. Returned:

Derby, England.Age 25. Single. Calling: Shoeing-smith. Service with


Calling: Left Labourer.

1915 December tojoinThe

SHAw, WILFRED THOMAS: Arrived Walhachin: in Unknown. Born:

ROBERT: HALL1DAY, Arrived in Walhachin: Scot Unknown. Born:

as medically unfit 20 September U.K. in 1915 and to returned Canada.


Service with Royal Canadian Horse a as Artillery gunner. Discharged


London Cemetery

and Extension,



Born: London, England.Age 18. Single. Calling: Fruit farmer.

2”Btn. Lancashire

12 Fusiliers October 1916,Battle


the Somme.

SAL.kMAN, ERIc JOHN Arrived SEYMOUR: in Walhachin: 1914. April

Calling: Married. Fruit grower. Killed inAction a as with lieutenant


as private. a Discharged in England.

AUBREY:Arrived F0RTE5cUE,WILLIAM inWalhachin:August 1911. *

Age 23. Single. Calling: Teamster. Service 5 with Btn. Regimental

killed as in

an action

officer with the

British Army 1917.

PARKIN, in Arrived BENNET: Walhachin: Unknown. Born: England.

Note:Third 1919. son of First BaronAilwyn older (1921) .An brother

and replaced with Mrs. R.E. Paget. 3” vice Btn. with Regiment Norfolk lieutenant. as a Returned:

kin as “The Lady Paget.” Berkeley This has been neatly out crossed Age 18. Calling: Single. Grower. Fruit 1915. November Left Ser


in Ashcroft. his On papers service Paget listed his next of Arrived FELL0wES, 1914. in CitoL HON. July Waffiachin: ARTHUR:

She was a daughter to the manager of Bank the British of North


Maud Cran, whose had family Canada in resided 1840s. since the

to ist.

his regiment join Left


October Britain otherwise 1914;

ment. One of a few from Walhachin who a took bride, Canadian

G. K.

DEJONGH, Calling: 1914.

Orchard inWalhachin:April :Arrived

Marquis. in Captain C charge of Squadron.Adjutant Regi to BCH


Walhachin disabled with

an artificial


Note: left to Cousin

Wounded Discharged twice. 1919, Kamloops. residence intended

Corps own at request major. as

wounded Severely



ber In 19l5 and 29”’ France with Machine 2” Btn. Gun Company.

with Service as L.S.H. lieutenant.


Royal to



(Rocky 172” Btn. Mountain 5 as Rangers) private a from Novem

Lichfield, Staffordshire, England.Age



Rancher. Calling:

Scotland. Glasgow, Calling: 29. Age Single. with Farmer. Service

PAGET, Arrived ROWLAND inWaihachin: Fall EDWARD: Born: 1910.

CALLENDER,J0HN in SLIMMIN:Arrived Waihachin: Unknown. Born:

oughly reliable



to Walhachin turned Captain. as in a 1919

1914 his request. at




on discharge: thor A ried. military Orchardist. Calling: Re British but untraced. service

a as Commissioned private

Guards into Horse Royal

6 November

R: inWalhachin:July Arrived ASIcEw, Mar 1911. JOCELYN EDwARD

23. Calling: Age Scotland. Single. grower. Fruit with Service L.S.H.

OTHER ENLISTMENTS 19 (Count: 14-1916 20) Louis GE0RGE:Arrived PAGET, inWaihachin: Fife, Unknown. Born:




assist to his partner civilian Ivan. Frank Columbia Dragoons Major. overage. 1914,




pay 1917 without a late in serious due to labour Columbia (). Rifles Mounted British off strength Struck



Waihachin. residence two Note: Received months try. on Shown Note: British a as 1925 the captain List Militia in


Gun Machine Squadron lieutenant. L/Cpl. a as Discharged this in involved heavily fighting Gallipoli at infan as was regiment

Surrey, Age England. Single.

Fruit Calling: 31. with Service


1915 Letter).ByAugust Office (Auth:War 1915. Yeomanry 2April

LE0N:Arrived inWalhachin: IVIELHUISH,JOHN Born: November 1910.

Derbyshire Commissioned as vice into a L.S.H. L/CpI. with lt

Single. 25. Ser Farmer. Warwickshire, Born: Calling: England.Age


1910. inWalhachin: REGINALD:Arrived ARTHUR Summer WILLAN,

(Auth: Letter.) Note:The War Office Bat Pioneer a were Essex



private. Commissioned Essex into

1915 March Regiment 10

B.C.D.A. of Wilkinson the director London 12 th

22. Single. Kent, with Service as 5 Clerk. Calling: England.Age Btn. Henry Charles Youngest son late Greece. tary of Cemetery, the

Waihachin: MAcMAH0N, 1911. in Arrived Born: ERNEST EDWARD: Mili Sarigol Buried: October Note: 7 1917. trenches enemy strafing

received while Died 1917. Cross Military Award: of June wounds

1917. on Residence to discharge: Arthur. Brother Note: Kelowna.

Squadron Salonika. and with in as

Macedonia in 1916 pilot a

47 th Btn. Royal dispatches Irish Rifles Mentioned 20July in 1915.Award:

Corps Royal 1915. October (Auth: Letter) Flying Office ment War

Service chardist. Commissioned with 2 as into sergeant a L.S.H.

Regi Commissioned as into sergeant. a L.S.H. vice Middlesex with

1910. Born: Or Calling: Hertfordshire, Single. Age England. 21.


Calling: 20.


rancher. Fruit Hertfordshire,

Age England.

September Walhachin: L0YD, EDwoD in Arrived BAsH. KIRKPvIAN:

Born: inWalhachin: 1911. March Arrived RU5sEL: WILKINSON, ERIC * PARICER.-JERvIs, HUMPHREY: Arrived inWalhachin:July 191 4.Age 25. 28 Inf. Battalion. Discharged December 1918 as medically unfit; Single. Calling: Orchardist. Left August 1914 and joined The Rifle residence Vancouver. Note: Assisted in surveying of flumes and or Brigade as a lieutenant then to the Royal Air Force. Award: Men chards. tioned in dispatches. BURNETT,JAMES: Arrived inWalhachin: Unknown. On l9l6Voters PARKIN, HARRY: Arrived in Walhachin: Unknown. Born: England. List. Born: Kincardinshire, Scotland.Age 40.Widower. Calling: But Age 19. Calling: Labourer. Left November 1915 andjoined 172”1Bm. ler. Joined 172 Btn. March 1916 in Savona. Served 1st Res. Btn. (Rocky Mountain Rangers) as a private.To 72”Btn. (Seaforth High- H.Q. in England. Discharged with intended residence Glasgow. landers of Canada). Wounded 26 June 1917. Struck off strength and returned January 1918. Note: Brother to Bennett. CHETwYND, WILLIAM RALPH TALB0T: Arrived in Walhachin: 1910. Born: Lichfleld, Staffordshire. Age 27. Married. Calling: I4anager. * PEARcE, PEIcY CHARLES: Arrived in Walhachin: April 1914. Born: Joined Royal Field Artillery in 1917 as a lieutenant. Award: Military Cornwall, England. Age 21. Single. Calling: Orchardist. Left March Cross for saving a wounded soldier under fire. Note:A cousin to the 1916.Joined 172” Btn. (Rocky Mountain Rangers) as a private.To Marquis ofAnglesey. Postwar manager ofAnglesey Estates replacing 47th Btn. Missing and presumed killed 13 April 1917 Battle ofVimy Charles E. Barnes who was elected president of the British Colum Has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ridge. Note: bia FruitgrowersAssociation in 1918. Entered politics as Social Credit Memorial and the Kamloops Cenotaph. Vimy MLA for Cariboo in 1952. Held appointments as Minister ofTrade

PENiEm, HARRY JAMES: Arrived in Walhachin: May 1912. Born: and Industry; Minister of Fisheries, Railroads and Agriculture.Town Staffordshire, England. Age 23. Single. Calling: Rancher. Left August of Chetwynd is named after him. 1915. Joined 54t5 (Kootenay) Btn. as a private corporal. Wounded FITzGERALD, DERMOT: Arrived in Walhachin: May 1912. Born: En 1916 Battle of the Somme. Returned for convalescence as quarter gland. Age 24. Single. Calling: Gentleman (from 1913 voters list). master sergeant with intended residence Vancouver. Award: Military Service with British Army Remount Service 1915—1918 as a cap medal. Note: Two older brothers killed in action as officers with the tain. Returned in 1919. British Army.

PoLE, REGINALD ALEXANDER CHARLEs: Arrived in Waihachin: Octo HALLIDAY, DuNcAN:Arrived inWaihachin: 1912. Born: Morven, Scot ber 1910. Born: England. Age 27. Single. Calling: Accountant. Left land. Age 29. Married. Calling: Labourer. Left Janunary 1918 and November 1915 to seek a commission in the Army Service Corps. joined 72°’1Battalion Seaforth Highlanders of Canada. Returned: Note: Walhachin’s first postmaster. 1919. Note: Brother to Robert.

PIU0R,ARmUR PATRIcK: Arrived inWaihachin: May 1911. Service JOHNSON, LANCELOT LLEwELLYN: Arrived in Walhachin: Unknown. with British Army Service Corps. as a lieutenant.Wounded 1915. On 1916 voters List. Born: England.Age 33. Married. Caffing: Civil Engineer. Left June 1916. Commissioned into Canadian Engineers RoBERTs, K: Untraced. severely wounded atVimy. Discharged to employment with Invalided S0AMEs, CT.: Untraced. Soldiers Conmiission. Award: Military Cross.

TU1UNG,J0HN LESLIE: Arrived inWalhachin:July 191 4.Age 19. Single. KITs0N,J0HN FRANCIS BULLER:Arrived inWalhachin: March 1911. Calling: Orchardist. LeftJanuary 1916 to join 3 Btn. Seaforth High- Married. Calling: Rancher. LeftJune 1916 to join Royal NavalVol landers in England as a lieutenant. Award: Military Cross. Returned unteer Reserve as a lieutenant. Service in motor torpedo boats. to Walhachin in 1919. Note: A younger brother to his twin, heir to Awards: Distinguished Service Cross: While protecting a convoy in the family title. Educated at Wellington College—brother at Eton the English Channel he attacked and rammed a U-boat thus driv and R.M.C. Attributed longevity to many hours in the hot sun ing it away.Also awarded the Order of the British Empire (Civil) in tilling Waihachin soil. Succeeded twin in 1970 as 11th Baronet of 1945. Returned: 1919. Note: Married to Dorothy, sister of Eric Aberdeenshire. Wilkinson. An older brother killed as an officer with the British Army 1917. WALLINGT0N J.: Arrived in Walhachin: Nov. 1911. Further history untraced. L0YD, ARTHUR KESTEVAN: Arrived inWalhachin: Sept. 1910. Born: Hertfordshire, England. Age 27. Married. Calling: Rancher. CIVILIAN ENLISTMENTS. (COUNT: 2) Left June 1918 and joined #5 Coy. Royal Canadian Gatson Artil lery as gunner. Service in Canada only. Discharged December 1918 G0GGIN VP:Arrived inWalhachin: Unknown. LeftJuly 1915 to join with intended residenceWalhachin. Note: By 1919 he was in Kelowna the British Munitions Supply Force following his faith as a Quaker. employed as a tree pruner, purchased an orchard and expanded his PII,JAMEs:Arrived inWalhachin: Unknown. LeftJuly 1915 tojoin holdings. By 1935 president of the British Columbia Fruit Growers the British Munitions Supply Force. Association until 1940; president and general manager of British Columbia Tree Fruits Ltd. Led the industry through its most pros HONOUR ROLL ADDENDA (CouNT: 8) perous times. Upon retirement became involved in the formative years of the Kelowna Museum. Award: Member of the British BERTRAM, EDWARD ETHELBERT NELSON: Arrived in Walhachin: 1909. Empire(Civil) 1946 For excellence in agriculture. Born: London, England.Age 36. Married. Calling: Mining engineer. LeftJune 1916 andjoined 21 1tIt Battalion inVancouver as a private to










involvement was in the own cherry trees had which cut down.This been came


So far no



tors, and in short order the museum was rated

piece a tained


one James of

Gov. Douglas’s tory as suggested byJ E.


displays which astounded

the first visi the on and ship, other amongst treasures ob had Shipbuilder’s Reposi

seum the houses modern history and the Abo Discovery built and had the up quite a data library author of of The

The “first phase” on the of 3rd floor Centre: mu the busy Was John building a Brent plank-on-frame model of the

make everyone jump. all “history in theme. time” At I that was time

the occasional alarm and security’s attention will thereby maintaining a continuity the with over

are still those who want to test the system and lowing visitors to walk the through display,

ever, even today, nearly thirty later, years there tion of the stern would be most appropriate, al

long for visitors to remember the limits. How tics perspective. It was finally that agreed a sec


alarm system would sound and it didn’t take these were as discarded unworkable from a logis

remained and young if hands strayed, an elabo a nately stern section at a 45-degree but angle,

Mind you, the admonition No of Touching still the as display a longitudinal and section alter


visitoi could literally enter right into the scene. were considered. were Models made up to show

with innovative and lighting sound systems, and some of the part Discovery, and various schemes

the In new quarters, everything became alive Jean Andre’s earliest a included plans replica of

“Don’t Touch.”

displays. varied

his admonition in of the of building part the

of the attendant with who a played material

the constant



many by others trot C,nr,r. T,oo in



ii t)qOttA-iA 0 ’r OrSthS.Ottet






a.s’iM,)y)a If.



b. LEO.

PARS K. unreadable labels rott and Act

Their brance.

are names


poorly lit,

with almost

in tified, silent remem




insects in

glass frames,

see will iden peope these

Knowledge of a Competent •





art, and the

at you the and buildings

Architeac, Naval thofe Companion




hardly epitomes of the BC. in

“old the town,” up


ttordtrl tAo 0 Whttt Ph.



Vancouver which




tht on tppw,,d Iritheetn you (rota wander whet in the diffittat street itt, down /ied laid


establishment Ma,et,,r

met digelled a cad complied of ing of exhibits


carpenter When foreman



been by rewarded the

Buildings, bor its with

headed Ed Mullett, by

CAECUL*t!OTQTnZC 0 pac,yyoy coast

have recently


the Parliament the

builders, actual


into the of

)euching Dn,rglt, fSrothrg the to the thc Irene



of the


Ship, mplnia 5 a attd Every brildittg in the teqotmd lnSt,dIten And rye, 7 of ment east the wing

which to direction gave




exploited fully PARTS PRACTIcAL nd THEORY Wlth



the in base

Department, Display

ging interest ART,

Captain the



ber the old museum

head James,

of M. the

Ted Roberts’




remem will into by reality made Alec ARCHITECTURE. MARJNE people.

Many of

our society’s

were Discovery ideas Jean’s some remarkable




Street Victoria. in

the in museum the Vancouver George with

Repofitory; Shipbuilder’s

of the on pleted days Belleville he spent at our of coast Captain

many happy memories structure was com to the 1792 on arrival and



back tion the after new in time, the present from



of this

years four of prepara back visitor took the that

Columbia Museum.

in seum following 1972


theme Time” of

the Royal



the of opening British the by new Columbia was Mu the the done Andre, Jean of designer

display in

what is now

soutern changed all Columbia, British with this Columbia British work The Museum. hands-on

tion of the Discovery

members. those Fortunately, at of for Royal enjoy us

the is to in living

now what visit every and design construc

prolonged especially groans, younger from men some its can we all legacy whose remarkable I Roberts assisted the in

a visit elicited museum family honour had have would with work and priviledge the I to 1972 John E.(Ted)

Between wasn’t 1969 the ago that suggestion that long modern the 1972 until fiom and 1969 and section, history t

by John




Blunt End the of Discovery

______to me by courtesy ofJim Nesbitt who contacted my drawings and tables ofoffsets just didn’t make Top left: AlecJames Ed the department in government looking after such sense. On this occasion, Ed grabbed me before I Mullet, and Tony Koning requests, and I was most pleasantly surprised one had a chance to take off my raincoat and dragged working on the display in day to receive a large box from the Public Works me around the hoarding of the display and 1970. Top right: Detail of an Department containing a piece of the trunk, shouted “Look Ted. Look! It looks like a ship!” Admiralty builders plan, about 2 feet long and about 10 inches in diam That was quite a moment. Ref 4607, used in the from that the Admiralty held eter. I had expected a little piece of wood We were fortunate in design of the “blunt end.” which I might make some significant part of the detailed drawings of the Discovery which enabled hull, but instead received enough material to make us to construct a reasonable reproduction of the all of the frames and keel of my model. stern section which forms our display. There are My work on the model of the Discovery was relatively few drawings of 6th—rate naval ships and noted in the Vancouver papers and I received a fewer drawings of the smaller 3rd class of mer call from Dan Gallacher, history curator at the chant ships, from 300 to 450 tons, of which the museum, asking if I would assist them in the pro Discovery is a fair representation.1 Admiralty builder’s plan, showing ves duction of their Discovery display. Ijumped at the draught 4607 is a the Draughts held at the chance. I agreed to prepare the necessary draw sel as built by Randell and Brent and as modified Maritime Museum, ings giving the hull form and interior arrange at the time of her purchase by the Navy. The Greenwich: Ref. 4378— ment of the aft section of the stern of the ship, changes required are drawn directly over the Sheer and Body Plan as converted to Bomb Vessel; which in short order became known simply as original lines in red ink, which unfortunately re Ref 4379—Cross section of “the blunt end.”The museum’s carpenters crew produces as black when copied. On this draught. hull as Bomb Vessel; Ref. had little knowledge ofshipbuilding, at any scale, the new placement of the channels and deadeyes 4380—Deck Plans as Bomb and we had our moments in getting them to fol is shown, plus the addition of the double capstan Vessel; Ref. 4380a—Deck low tables of offiets, etc. when in all their lives on the quarter and upper decks. After purchase Plans as built; Ref. 4 607— Sheer plan as built; Ref. remasted they had worked from detailed drawings with by the Navy, the ship was and sparred 4607a—Deck Plan as built. exact measurements. One delightful episode was according to Navy standards2 and the mizzen-mast A plan of the Iron Ballast, when I made a visit to the display under con was relocated to a position slightly further aft. irsstalled prior to launch struction and was met by one very excited Ed The wheel was moved abaft the mast to accom ing is in PRO (Public Record Office) Adm 106/ Mullett who, on previous occasions, was all of modate the new quadrant fitted to the tiller. 3 122. despairing of what he had been asked to create; Draught 4378 shows the changes made to the 2 PRO Adm 106/2801.




subsided they would say”... how did you do that, the the form of stern its and windows the and

and forth and suddenly stop. As their giddiness the horn, or counter were timbers, raised give to

get this thing rocking” and get sway them to back up fore and aft and athwartship. On this beam,

of the school by children

suggesting that we

and 8 17 feet long inches with the proper round “...

feel the hpmove. ship In I fact, to used delight some 1-inch plywood, thick to 17 inches about square

and some visitors have that suggested they could upon This them, latter was item fabricated from


that one senses that one is not on a flat floor stern post and a placing proper wing transom


curvature of the upper deck maintained is by started a erecting stump of an inner and outer


pass could through. was as done with the more forward section. We


the floor across by the a ship so foot that out the stern with ordinary carpenter’s framing


the fire marshal was satisfied with our lower might save much time, rather than to lay trying


little cabin where Captain Vancouver slept, cided that adopting some shipbuilding technique


column is now by hidden the framing of the was display a real chaflenge and de it was

ing to have visitors pass through the exhibitThe do not start until some distance This part aft. of

in the area the of “Great if Cabin” were go we sided and that the finer lines the counters under

the less-than foot 7 head room of ‘tween decks sides the the in of area display the are quite slab-

that accommodation would to have made be The for body of plan draught the ship’s shows that

space of the “Captain’s Bedplace.”We also knew of the bulkhead.

reinforced—concrete column rising through the resentation the of mast was made in face the aft

into account that there would a be 22-inch-square have interefered the with flow of rep traffic, so a

from which the hull structure would rise, taking aft feet the of bulkhead as you enter, which would

ginning at hull section 14 on the draught, aft, vessel, the mizzen—mast was located four about

Our first task was lay to the out waterline be ward of the Captain’s Bedplace. On the actual

window arrangement depicted. cabin was actually the on side, starboard and for

the stern galleries has resulted which in the five- age” on the ship’s draught. The lieutenant’s little

that there would be glass in no the after ends of actually in that part stern of as the noted “Steer

conjectural. The of nature her service suggested marked “Lieutenant’s port on Cabin”, the is side,

the of form the stern windows and replica is our decks was only 6’2”. the area in The display

ing a copy. None of draughts the show of details In where the area the crew the space’tween slept

results in a great confusion lines when of view of the to deck underside the deck of above. the

drawn directly over an draught original which of was the from ship 6’5”to top 6’lO”,frorn the



Ground. these Again, changes are ters.The height actual decks between part this in view to starboard aft.

hagen where she took her on station the infa head and get room a feeling of the Above quar cramped right: Great Cabin,

bomb vessel for the at service port of Copen— Battle side can the of actual see the display. of low level cabin deck the and

Above left.’ Discovery at Quarter the galley, she was time a converted into As Mister!” you look the Great into you Cabin foundation for the quarter galleries, port and star his life. It matched completely the picture given Early Maritime Artists of board. It took a great deal ofingenuity and mus by the anonymous author of the Shipbuilderc Re the Pacific Northwest Coast, 1741-1841”,John Frazier cle-power to get these heavy members into place. pository in his dedication.When reference is made Henry Douglas & McIntyre, Looking into the Great Cabin one can see to the list of subscribers of the work, the name of Vancouver, 1984, Plate 7. into the stern galleries which hold the lavatory John Brent is conspicuously absent. Other mem Ref. PRO CO. 5/187. accommodations for the captain on the port side bers of his family and associates are there, but the A Demand for a Supply of and the lieutenant’s to starboard. On the name ofJohn Brent is missing. The answer I felt, Carpenter’s Stores... etc. BC Historical News, centreline, towards the stern of the cabin, sits a was simply thatJohn Brent was the author. I pro Spring 1995, Vol.28, No. 2, small octagonal drum table which is the cover posed this solution in the Mariner’c Mirro Vol. 84, “The Camelford Contro to the extension of the rudder which passes No. 2, May 1998, and to date no one has chal versy.” 6 through the main deck. Mortices are cut into lenged my supposition.6 also The MarinerS Mir ros vol. 76, no.2, 1990, the extension to receive an emergency tiller. In The work itself is a masterpiece. Its 472 pages p 189 and vol. 76, no.3, furnishing the Captain’s Bedplace, it was decided give a complete guide to laying out a ship’s draught 1990, p282. to make a replica of Lord Nelson’s folding cot in from tables of proportions, scantlings and offsets, A full discussion on this the Victory, though the records show that Van etc. The proportions themselves are calculated to subject is found in The couver brought on board a “Bed Furniture,” four decimal places and there are few corrections MarinerS Mirros vol. 58, no. 1, 1972, 102; vol.59, no. which could have been folding or otherwise. in the table of errata. The author, in his dedica p 3, 1973, p 354; vol.76, no. One problem never solved before the display tion, chose a very apt quotation from Alexander 2, l99O,p 185; and vol. 76, was opened was that of the colour of the hull, Pope’s An Essay on Criticsm: no. 3, 1990, p 282. for I had not had an opportunity to see Lieut. Whoever thinks a faultless Piece to see,Thinks what Mudge’s watercolour sketch of the “Discovery ne’er was, nor is, nor e’er shall be. on the Rocks” until some months after we had I applied these sentiments to my efforts in cre finished.3 The sketch clearly shows that it was ating the Discoveryc blunt end. There are a few Venetian Red and from the quantity of this paint errors that have not been corrected, but I feel the carried in the ship, I am certain that this should overall effect achieves our purpose. I do wish, have been the colour of the hull.4 However, this however, that the powers that be had seen fit to would have made the display very dark and it correct the remarks concerning “H.M.S. Discov was decided to just leave things the way they ery” on the display, since the term “H.M.S.” did were and trust that no one would pick it up. not appear in general use until after Vancouver’s Anyone engaged in historical research lives for time.7 the day that he will uncover a diamond that solves The Royal British Columbia Museum houses some puzzle or other, not that this will bring one of the finest displays of our culture and de world-wide fame or fortune.This has happened velopment and I am honoured to have had the to me on two occasions, one on the vindication opportunity to contribute a small part in its mak of Captain GeorgeVancouver as noted in earlier ing. Like most things of this magnitude, it didn’t editions ofthe BC Historical News,5 and the other just happen, and much work was done behind concerning the authorship of one of the most the scenes by then Director Bristol Foster and important works on 18th-century shipbuilding. Jean Andre, among others, who contacted corpo Below: Body plan on In this I refer to The Shpbuilderc Repository of rations throughout the province for their finan Draught 4378 1788 of which I hold one of the few original cial support for the various dis— copies in Canada and whose author had not been plays. Our Discovery Display was acknowledged until a chance encounter on the funded by the Royal Bank of Internet. Canada, and other banking insti One evening while surfing the Net, I came tutions and businesses supported across theWeb site of one Lars Bruzelius in Swe other display areas throughout the den ([email protected]) which is a yen— Museum. Today, one of the driv table gold mine of data relating to 18th-century ing forces is the Friends of the naval matters. Included was a report on the obitu Royal British Columbia Mu ary, in the Gentlemenc Magazine forJanuary 1813, seum, a volunteer group ofJohn Brent.At the time the Discovery was built reponsible for fund raising and at the yard ofRandell and Brent at Rotherhithe support of the many Museum in 1789,John Brent was very active and respected programs.They are worthy ofour in the trade and the obituary told the story of support. ‘“




eral of


intensive lobbying and fund-

snowslides in the


in Late


spring, may






beaches other and


features.’ ‘After sev

snowfalls in the

and to autumn






n for and any

upset it

sacrificing out its

native land, plants,




a in

to region subject

early The



for this


pristine its in


perpetuity, in with


enticing mineral


lies still at

very was incorrectly






which in we

could preserve Jedediah



West in



Much by


Cubs the







taxes. So

they explored



the was

most remote

of the




Vancouverc SocIety



farm status, they would the face infeasibility


a In


in BC

Historical News


to ing

operate a

productive farm. Without




West Kootenay’s





they the


impossibility of their continu


slopes the

the of Lardeau-Duncan


and Mary

entered Al

their seventies,

mid the

1890s, prospectors had moved on to

more a

than personal




(Sandon), the AFFLEcK Valley

Salmon (Ymir).


predecessors onjedediah,

making the book

Red B.C’s

Southern Mountain

(), Mountains.

the Slocan

has enjoyed

researching and





Toad Mountain

(Nelson), Rivet; Rail, and Road Through



their solitude,

and she



camps sprang


in the Carving the

Western Path by



surprisingly A

large of cast



lead, zinc. nthe In





lenges, which

most for

people would have



veins of hard-rock






not does

hide the chal




prospectors, this







the joys her of

Street Names of Vancouver (“hard-rock”)

mining, thus triggering an



a required to


success Walker make



band, Palmer, Al lived

farmed and on their


gave promise


heavy-duty the





Mary REVIEwED and second her BY DENIS hus MARSHALL


the Canadian

Pacific Railway to



a to

idyllic less arrangement. at But last, British Columbia’s Interior





the to




on island, the to had give The








The advent in

1880s the of



dream, the

up bringing

young her

Tie Hackers Timber to Harvesters:

courses that


area the in



loss a of the marriage. The first Ver

Ken Drushka

rugged of mountains

and mighty the water-


ubn,and husband, cost the of paradise in

1860s 1870s,

and prospectors

combed the





visiting Jedediah in ELLI0Tr 1949, not was by shared

elusive but

lucrative mineral





this to land,” through which Mary the felt Front first on Pages.

history of tantalizing




an’s— not every man’s.The “feeling of strong Century British Columbia

southeastern British a have Columbia long


woman’s one

paradise, every wom

of Images

History: Twentieth and Kootenay West East The districts


As subtitle the island indicates, living con

William Rayner


REVIEwED RICHARD BY LANE and and Texada Lasqueti Islands BC North, Desolation Creston 1G4) VOB

and Geographic Change. as a stop mandatory boaters en route for rmKen from (Available to Alexander, l2’’ 509 AVe.

pp. Island lishedJedediah $25.95 Provincial 1998. Marine Columbia: 182 Park Illus. Maps. on Essays paperback. Colonialism

British in seller Columbia lists J,WE. and Alexander. estab— Ken Creston: Alexander, The Resettlement of British

u her put dreams book high has nthe on best Lardeau-Duncan Memories. Cole Harris

land in its The state. paradisiacal of power

REvIEwED BY MEIVAJ. DwYER the ensuring friture of preservation the is



paradise; own island the second, of dream people dream still where some about parks.

Historic Ashcroft: the For Strong and of first, owning dream the living on her Reviewer Phyllis Gabriola Reeve Island, lives on

has had Mary two Painier

dreams come Pat true: Foster dream come true. ‘

be these yet days might another considered




market while below “substantially value,”



$4.2 for a purchased

million, sum which,

pp. $26.95 Illus. 1998. 224 Publishing,

J.WE. Alexander

profit organizations.Jedediah Island Park was

Mary Palmer. Harbour Madeira Park:

with rare corporate partnership

non and

REVIEWED BY PHYLLIS REEVE. One Island Paradise. Woman’s

government an to provincial

agreed all-too-

Island Paradise. Days: Jedediah

the caring a by number raising people, of

Jedediah Days: One 14/oman’i

Mary Palmer

Anne Yandle, Book Review Editor BC 3450 Historical West News, 1E4 Avenue,Vancouver 20th BC V6S

Books for review and book be reviews to: should sent

Book Reviews entrance to the area could be made by fol in the newspapers of the time. The author Historic Ashcroft: lowing a trail up one oftwo floodplains: that has obviously done considerable research on For the Strong Eye Only. of the Duncan River, which debouches into her subject.Although she does not use direct Pat Foster. Kamloops: Plateau Publishing, the north head of Kootenay Lake, or that of quotations from her sources, it would have 1999. Illus. paperback. the Incomapleux River, which empties into $13.95 added to the value of the book if some spe REVIEWED BY MELvA DwYER. the northeast arm ofUpperArrow Lake. Both J. cific references, other than general acknowl floodplains bred the most bloodthirsty type The subtitle of this book, For the strong eye edgements, had been given. Historical illus of mosquito imaginable. Today one will be only, is a quotation from The Fraser by Bruce trations are included within the text. These hard pressed to hunt the mosquito in the Hutchison. When passing through the area, are identified and the sources noted.The ta DuncanValley, as the Duncan Dam has dras Hutchison was less than enthusiastic about ble of contents lists the essays included but tically curbed the spring run-off. the dry, sage-brush-covered hills that are the there is no index.Although this is not a large In 1906,J.WE. (Ernie) Alexander’s father, geographical setting of the work, only seventy-two pages, an index of James, emigrated from Ireland with his young towns ofBritish Columbia.The author points the personal names in the text would have wife and baby daughter to work in the coal out that there are many people who find in been most useful. mines at Fernie. They were burned out in spiration and enjoyment from this same scen The author, Pat Foster, has added to the the great fire of 1908, but hung on there until ery so readily dismissed by Hutchison. increasing number of local histories that are 1912, when they decided to seek a better life Little has been written about Ashcroft’s being published. She has written about an on a 54-acre homestead near the junction of history to date. This makes the collection of historic settlement whose early importance the Lardeau and Duncan rivers. Less than two ten essays that Foster has written on various has not been acknowledged previously ex decades had passed since the Kootenay Lake aspects ofthe early history ofAshcroft inter cept in general histories. For this she is to be stern-wheeler City of Ainsworth had been esting and important. She covers the period congratulated.”’.’ spewing prospectors on the shore at the from the Gold Rush of 1857 to the fire that Melva Dwyer is 2” vice president of the British mouth of the Duncan River to make their almost destroyed the town in 1916. Columbia Historical Federation. way over the boggy trails into the Lardeau The essay entitled “Freighting Along the country, and the surroundings remained rela Cariboo Road” is possibly the most impor The Resettlement of British Columbia: tively isolated. Alexander senior was faced tant of those included. From the time of the Essays on Colonialism and Geographic with the challenge ofclearing land for farm Gold Rush to the early 1920’s, it was the ing and logging virgin timber in order to freighting and transfer of goods through Change. establish an earnings base. It required pluck Ashcroft that was responsible for the early Cole Harris. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997. to wrest a living in the beautiful Lardeau settlement that developed. It was during the 314 pp. Illus., maps. $24.95 paperback. REVIEWED BY RIcHARD LANE. country. life of the British Columbia Express Com Ernie Alexander was born in 1914 and pany that the major settlement occurred in In an important essay published in the has spent his life in the Lardeau. In his old the town and surrounding area. twenty-fifthAnniversary Issue of BC Studies age he has succeeded in writing a book which The author has selected topics that cover Robin Fisher mounts a sustained attack on reaches back to the days of the prospectors the economic and social history of the town. those academics and others who have an “ex and works forward to provide a vivid pic It is interesting to note that she has consid cessive devotion to theory” in writing Brit ture ofwhat life has been like in the Lardeau ered the Chinese population of sufficient ish Columbia history: Fisher constructs an over successive decades of the 20th century. importance to warrant a story.Too frequently opposition between “home-grown big ideas” A compelling tale-spinner, facile graphic artist these early settlers have been ignored in writ and “foreign theory,” suggesting that a mora and sharp-eyed photographer,Alexander of ing our history.The Chinese were extremely torium on the use of the “...big D and F fers the reader any number of enthralling important not only in Ashcroft but also in words—Derrida and Foucault” will lead his hours as he depicts hosts of characters who the other small communities of the Cariboo torians towards a more analytical, reflective lived in the area and provides lively descrip and those that developed along the CPR. and above all indigenous writing ofBC his tions of what it was like to wrest a living in They had come for gold or to work on the tory. Fisher warns;”Unless we are careful, the the pre-World War II days, before the build railway construction. Many stayed to become current theoretical fads of discourse, ing of the Duncan Dam and the arrival of the first merchants, market gardeners, and deconstruction, and post-modernism, which the paved all-weather highway caused a ma other service providers. are all taking academics in the direction that jor upheaval in the Lardeau lifestyle. Other essays include an account of some little is knowable, will end up being the last One will look in vain for footnotes and ofthe early pioneers as well as sports, churches refuge ofa know-nothing generation...” (BC orthodox chapter organization in Ernie Al and entertainment. Recognition is also given Studies 100, 1993/1994, p 65). Apart from exander’s work, but they will scarcely be to the Ashcroft Journal where the history of being an inadequate and inaccurate account missed as one gets immersed in his spellbind the area has been recorded for over 100 years. of the serious philosophical grounding of ing prose.The book offers a chuckle a minute Foster has included a number of poems by what has become known overall as and provides a host of accurate historical in R.D. and Lew Cummings, former editors and “poststructuralist theory,” Fisher’s polemic

formation as well. Read it! ‘-‘ publishers oftheJournal. These poems, which also fails to account for the ways in which Reviewer Ted Affleck, a J4incouver resident, is an had appeared in various issues of the paper, the structure of post-contact BC has always authority on Kootenay history. follow the essays.They are typical of the hu involved a shuttling between home and some niour and comment written and published other place. We can see this in the interac—

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 29 tions between the Pacific North West and part of the book, kept the issue of power in (which first appeared in the book Vancouver Europe in the art of Emily Carr or Jack the foreground. However, as Natives fade and Its Reçion, 1992), and chapter four,”The Shadbolt; denying the importance of from the discussion in the latter part of the Encountered” (first published Cezanne’s work upon Shadbolt’s formation book, the analysis of power also becomes in BC Studies, 1992) examine the colonizing as an artist, for example, would be severely somewhat diffuse and diminished” (BC Stud process in a region which modern-day, city- limiting. The latter would mean that an im ies, 117, 1998). hopping visitors to Vancouver often ignore: portant piece in the Jigsaw puzzle that ex Polemic arguments and fine points of that of the Fraser River. Even experienced plains Shadbolt as a British Columbian artist analysis put aside, what can the reader ex historians of British Columbia will find would be missing. Similarly, the use ofFrench pect to find in this collection? Harris writes something new in these two chapters, and European theorist Michel Foucault, say, in from a geographer’s perspective, drawing to they are to be recommended to young schol the analysis of power relations between Eu gether articles published elsewhere (with ars who wish to get a good grasp on regional ropean immigrants and the indigenous peo expansions and revision) and some new ma history. Chapter five, “A population Geog ples of BC doesn’t detract from “.. the study terial. His opening chapter examines “Voices raphy of British Columbia in 1881” (first of British Columbia as a particular place” of Smallpox around the Strait of Georgia” published in the Canadian Geographei 1994) (Fisher)—on the -contrary, it enhances our (first published in Ethnohistory, 1994), which is based upon research for volume 2 of the understanding of the complexities of the re expands our knowledge of such contact-re Historical Atlas of Canada by Robert Galois. settlement of a province. This process of en lated diseases. Harris shows the complexities This chapter examines the British Colum hancement can be seen most clearly in Cole of Coastal disease patterns compared, for bia census of 1881 as a reflection of the way Harris’s recent collection of essays, The Re example, with that of the Plains. In other in which “society and space were recalibrating settlement of British Columbia. words, the geographical intersection of early each other” in British Columbia during this In bringing together nine major essays in White society and changing Native patterns period. Chapter six,”The Struggle with Dis one collection, Cole Harris offers the reader of settlement in BC, tied in with problems tance” examines the impact of European a unique opportunity to read about the colo in the historical records of early—contact so technologies of transportation and commu nization process in British Columbia from a cieties, led to a situation that still lacks inter nication upon the region they considered a number of different perspectives. As Harris pretive consensus. Following a wealth ofde “new land.” Harris argues that: “The con himself notes in his introduction: “The es tail, Harris reflects on the ways in which quest ofdistance, partial as it was, was at once says in this book are about the uneven inter European notions of history construct dis a central motor of colonization, enabling an section of colonialism and modernity with ease narratives that, of necessity, conform to immigrant society to impose its ways; and of Coyote and his world. Essentially, they deal notions of enlightenment, progress and civi modernization, facilitating the spatial econo with some of the strategies and tactics by lization; as Harris notes, “. . .the idea of dis mies disciplinary tactics, and many ofthe as which Coyote and his kind were decentred ease-induced depopulation turns the story sumptions of advanced industrial societies.” and marginalized in their own land.” The ofthe contact process away from the rhetorics Written specifically for this collection, this stress should fall upon the phase “uneven in of progress and salvation and towards the chapter offers a fascinating glimpse into a tersection,” both in terms of the unbalanced numbing recognition of catastrophe.” narrative of ever—decreasing distances that power relations between settlers and those Harris shows the way in which disease and parallel increases in technological, economic cultures already in place, and more literally colonization functioned hand in hand; one and political power. Chapter seven, “Indus in terms of the interpretative perspectives was not merely the effect of the other, but try and the Good Life around Idaho Peak” brought to bear on this intersection. And I part ofa more complex interrelationship.This (first published in the Canadian Historical mean the latter in a positive way.While Robin means that our models ofcolonial power and Review, 1985) contains, as Harris notes in his Fisher wants a homogeneous “big idea” to influence need to be”backdated”so to speak, introduction, an “egregious error”that “there describe the history of British Columbia, I which Harris does in chapter two, “Strate was no evidence of Native settlement near would argue that with such a heterogeneous gies of Power in the Cordilleran Fur Trade,” Idaho Peak.” Harris should be applauded for society (and process of societal formation) examining the Hudson’s Bay Company as a keeping his original essay intact, and the shifting perspectives of the essays parallel “proto—colonial presence in the Cordillera.” foregrounding his own processes of educa in many respects the myriad ways in which (34) This chapter is, simply speaking, a mar tion about Native history, precisely because societies develop.There is a general, discern vellously productive and clear synthesis of it reveals the work that still remains to be ible trend in Harris’s book to move away from Foucault’ s notions of discipline, surveillance done in unearthing histories that have been the initial, more overtly analytical essays, to a and power relations with that of the early buried and evidence that disappears given slightly “impressionistic” approach; this trend trade years in post—contact BC. Harris de colonial interpretive models. Chapter eight, can be read in a positive or negative light, tails the disciplinary processes that functioned “Farming and Rural Life,” written with offering differing perspectives. Or, it can be “internally” in HBC forts and “externally” David Demeritt, examines farming as an seen as failing to adequately account for the in the relationships betweenWhites and Na immigrant activity. There are sections on postcolonial issues raised and examined so tives. Making effective use of visual material, semi-subsistent family farming, orcharding, successfully in the first part ofthe collection. this chapter provides both a comprehensive ranching, dairying and market gardening.The Tina Loo argues the latter in her BC Studies introduction to the fur trade and an analysis chapter ends with the demise offarming and review of this book: ofpower systems that, Harris argues, contin the 1941 census.The final chapter, “Making “Focussing on the relationship between ue in today’s courts. (66-7) Chapter three, an Immigrant Society” examines the social Natives and Whites, as Harris did in the first “The Making of the ” structures of a “new” society by also work-

30 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 NO.2 ing through different theoretical positions ing comments as “I had forgotten that” or Rayner calls them. Recall that decade: the which enable academic models to be con “Was it that long ago?”The thirties—”a caul Sky Train, the Coquihalla Highway, and the structed. Harris briefly sketches the work of dron of despair”—will remind readers of or CPR’s tunnel in Rogers Pass, the longest rail Wakefield, Turner and Hartz before going introduce them to Tolmie, Patullo and Tom way tunnel in North America. Few memo on to more detailed discussions of the Brit Uphill; to breadlines and prices; to “protests, ries, one hopes, must bejogged to recallTerry ish Columbian immigrant experience. marches, rallies and violence;” to the burn Fox and Steve Fonyo and Rick Hansen.And Harris has produced a collection of essays ing of the Denman arena which some might Clifford Olson. Ravner could, perhaps, have of academic significance and general interest not even remember having been there at all; called the entire decade “The Age ofInquiry.” to the reader who is fascinated by the varied the King’s abdication speech; the coming of Unfortunately this book so adept at kick experiences that make up the histories of sliced bread; the murder of Francis starting memory machines, fades out in 1997, British Columbia. This book is highly Rattenbury and the death ofTexas Guinan. though the province did not. recommended. ‘‘ Remember Gerry McGeer’s reading of As pleasant a read as this volume might Reviewer Richard Lane is a professor of English the Riot Act? And Peter Verigin? And the be, it does have flaws. One is in its format: its at the University ofVVestminster in London, UK crowds welcoming King George VI and 8” by 9W’ pages with their 2i4” currently Queen Elizabeth? What exactly was the Kidd fashionable sidebars all carrying a banner Report? And who were the Mac-Paps? Images of History: Twentieth Century Who proclaiming”The Decade in Headlines,” cre were the first CCF MLAs? ate a book irregular in size and therefore British Columbia through the Front dif Then British Columbia at war again. Most ficult to fit into a regular—size bookcase. More Pages. people of”a certain age” and older vividly important, though, is that too often the \Villiam Rayner.Victoria: Orca, 1997. 180 remember those days, but a younger genera “headlines” have nothing really to do with Illus. pp. $18 paperback. tion might benefit from knowing about the material in the main text, but instead leave REvIEwED BY GoRDoN R. ELLIOTT. blackouts and the evacuation ofthe Japanese the reader wondering how to fit them in. In This book by an ex-newspaperrnan is not from the coast; about Smoky Smith; US addition, the sidebar “headlines” too often one ofthe great books of the WesternWorld, troops at Dawson Creek; camps forsuspected include comments that could not possibly but it does give a picture (or image?) of life aliens; the St. Roch coining through the be part of any real newspaper headline. in Canada’s most westerly province from 1900 Northwest Passage; about zoot-suiters and Nevertheless, this volume can bring fun to 1997, decade by decade.Though the life is zombies; about the explosion of the SS and joy to people of all ages: to oldsters, a that furnished by provincial newspapers and Greenhill Park. Finally peace. “remember when” kind of game; to young their headlines, any reader of this volume— The fifties—the pivotal decade ofthe cen sters, an opportunity to learn something of young or old—will gain something. Perhaps tury, according to Rayner—brought the their own past; to the somewhere-in the gain will only be a dose of memory- Socreds. Remeniber those new politicians in betweens, the confirmation that history does jogged nostalgia, but that at least could be their formal “uniforms” on the steps of the repeat itself, over and over, again and again, both rejuvenating and educational. Legislature? Few over-fifties will forget them, at least political history. Even through the The century opened in political chaos and, nor forget Landy and Bannister, nor Walter less successful sidebars, all readers can enjoy with a different cast of characters, is closing Mulligan. Nor Robert Sonamers.What about the illustrations and cartoons while picking in the same way. But though politics are al Doug Hepburn? Marilyn Bell? And Leo up some details in passing. Newcomers to ways important, other historical events are Mantha? Or Ripple Rock? Where were you British Columbia reading that easy prose of also ofinterest. Readers over ninety years old when the Second Narrows Bridge collapsed? the central column will gain a sense of the might even recall Billy Miner’s escapades and Rayner characterizes the sixties as “rough, interests of the province over the years and to the stories nught even add footnotes of tough, and loud”, and the seventies as a might just wonder how this province with their own. They must be almost that old to “WhiffofSocialism”. Perhaps he’s right. But its fires and floods and earthquakes, with its remember the opening of the Enipress Ho remember the Trail Smoke Eaters winning protests and politics, has lasted so long. And tel inVictoria, but might have been told about the World Cup? What was that Columbia might just wonder how and where it goes it so often that they actually believe that they RiverTreaty all about anyway? But who for from here. had been there. But remember that avalanche gets Nancy Greene, Harry Jerome, or Karen Read the book twice. After finishing the at Reveistoke? Or the first train arriving in Magnussen? Or the hippies? Bennett Senior second read of this readable text you too will Prince Rupert from Winnipeg? Or men go out and Bennett Junior in, though soon to wonder why the author stopped when he ing off to war? Others of such solid years be replaced by Barrett who didn’t last long did, you too will wonder why Rayner didn’t might remember the coming of prohibition either? The Defection: Gardom, McGeer, and go on with the last few months of the dec and women being able to vote.The Roaring Williams cross the floor ofthe legislature.And ade, go on to the end of the century, to the Twenties to them might jump-kick memo Gracie’s Finger! However, the Sea Bus finally end of the millennium. You too will wish ries of flappers and mah-jongg and the sailed, though an aircraft crashed at that he had gone on to finish atY2K rather Alexandra Ballroom, or other fun thought Cranbrook, and the Bennett Dam was com than stop at the relatively less exciting then never to be forgotten. pleted. Y1.97K. ‘ Grandparents of present-day boomers all Some decades still seem too close for us Reviewer Gordon R. Elliott, a member of the remember the coming of the “great” depres to absorb; we often forget some ofthe essen Vancouver 1-listorical Society, is a retired English sion and this memory-boosting volume al tials necessary for understanding. For instance, professor of Simon Fraser University most forces readers to make such age-reveal- the eighties—”The Mark of Zalm”, as

BC HISTORICAL NEWS -. SPRING 2000 31 the spot,—Interior lumber manufacturing man for the times when he began his 16- to Timber Harvesters: Tie Hackers remained a humble enterprise until the rail year tenure in 1956. Williston, says the au The History of Logging in British Co way boom. Brainy solutions such as McLean thor, brought a common-sense approach to lumbia’s Interior. Lumber’s pole skidway, with its “slide asses” forest policy, preferring flexible regulation to Ken Drushka. Madeira Park: Harbour Pub and pole cars, or that company’s ingemous legislation. Williston is also singled out for lishing, 1998.240 pp. Illus. Map. $44.95 hard fin booms used to direct logs around river his role in bringing about an accommoda cover. obstructions enabled operators “to make her tion with mill owners, leading to the Pulp REvIEwED BY DENIs MARsHALL. pay.” Another device utilized extensively by wood HarvestingAgreement and the launch They said it couldn’t be done: an all-encom Interior timber harvesters was the flume, ing of the Interior pulp industry, utilizing passing history ofBC’s Interior forest indus whose very immensity required millions of sawniill residues. try was impossible to bundle into one vol feet of lumber before a single log or stick of Having addressed the need to become glo ume. Well, thanks to Ken Drushka and his lumber could be sent on its way. bally sophisticated through consolidation and Tie Hackers to Timber Harvesters, a neglected Out of the faceless army of bush workers inventiveness, the author reminds us we have segment of the province’s industrial activity there occasionally emerged local legends such gone from being North America’s lowest- has at last found a voice. as Olof (Tie) Hanson and Sivert Anderson, cost producer of wood products to one of Assembling material for this book was a whose rise to prominence in the North is the highest. daunting task. Even though the inland for adequately covered in Tie Hackers to Timber Release of Tie Hackers to Timber Harvesters ests take up 82 percent of BC’s land mass Harvesters. Noticeably absent from the pan coincided with a downturn in the BC lum and now account for more than 70 percent theon is K.W. (Roif) Bruhn, the Swedish ber and pulp sectors and Drushka ends on of our wood products, they were formerly immigrant who became a major player in an uncertain note, which is perhaps typical populated by small—scale operators—here the Southern Interior’s tie and pole sectors of the boom-and-bust nature of the indus today and gone tomorrow. Against this ever- and a respected BC cabinet minister. In an try. Also unanswered is the question of shifting backdrop, determining who owned industry increasingly dominated by multi whether the land can continue to meet consumer demands. what 75 years ago cannot be accomplished nationals, there yet remain a few homegrown exponentially increasing are under with any certainty today. giants—the Ainsworths, Raboch-Steele, the What’s more, foreign competitors markets with wood The result is a handsome product, bol innovative Bill Kordyban of Carrier Lum selling BC in traditional forests, at the same time meet stered by a stunning collection of photo ber, the Ketchums ofWest Fraser Timber, and from exotic standards as tough as graphs and eye-catching typography, with Thorlaksons ofTolko Industries. ing environmental ours. ‘‘ strong leanings toward a coffee-table format. There are other concerns running through Reviewer Denis Marshall, a resident of Salmon Drushka has chosen to tell his story by in the book that indicate the author may be editor of the Okanagan Historical Soci cluding interviews with the loggers and guilty of some sloppy research, such as the Arm, is Report. millmen in their own colourful words; how frizzy handling of the Genelle interests and ety River ever, I found these sidebars increasingly irri one of their successors, Columbia A.D. tating stumbling blocks in trying to make Lumber Company, lastly owned by Street Names of Vancouver. Com my way though the main text and felt they McRae’s Canadian Western Lumber Elizabeth Walker.Vancouver:Vancouver His accuracy deserved to be in one section, perhaps at the pany. Suspicions regarding overall torical Society, 1999. 147pp. $24.95 paper to the”1914” end of each chapter. were also raised by the reference back. A theme of destruction runs through the Hells Gate slide. REVIEWED BY CAROL GORDON. and The early lumbermen had a pretty easy book in the now-familiar refrain of”cut It has been said thatVancouver is a city cursed time of it, as far as accessible timber went. get out.” One marvels at the rapacity of the with beautiful scenery.To the extent that pre Throughout, Drushka writes ofmagnificent hand loggers, visibly demonstrated on page occupation with our scenic heritage under timber stands succumbing to the relentless 70, which displays the glutted mill pond at mines attention to our cultural landscape, this onslaught of axe and saw—most mills logged the Bull River townsite at the end of the may well be true. Elizabeth Walker has gone out their available supply of raw material in 1915 river drive. a long way to redress the balance with her 15 to 20 years.At any given time in the 1950s By mid-2Oth century, after playing sec exhaustively researched book on the origins as many as 2,000 independent shows were ond fiddle to the Coast and its high-quality ofVancouver Street names. operating in the Interior moving from one output, Interior lumber manufacturers had At first glance it might seem an easy task timber sale to the next, including 500 in the come into their own. Until the era of con to account for the names given to familiar Prince George region alone. The bush mills solidation, the upcountry timber industry was thoroughfares. Start with the surnames of cut rough lumber and hauled it to central largely the story of “little guys” running lit robust lumbermen and mill owners, pay planing operations, epitomized by Prince tle mills producing in the order of four to homage to various CPR worthies, add ref George’s Planer Row. Producing lumber by eight thousand board feet a day. Drushka hits erences to famous battles and heroes and this method was a terrible waste of timber; a his stride when recounting the ingenuity that lighten with an assortment ofbirds and trees. study found that only 25 percent of every was the trademark of loggers and mill own But that is a very small part of the story. tree logged ended up in lumber. Obviously, ers coping with isolation and lack of capital. Vancouver did not grow with precision something had to he done. Reminding us that the only component a from the mountains to the river. It asseni Drushka credits former Socred Minister budding sawmiller needed to import was a bled itselfin pockets on the Fraser, on Burrard Williston with being the right saw blade—the rest could be fashioned on ofForests Ray

32 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -Voi.. 33 No 2 Inlet, and in Point Grey. In these municipali litical climate. By the 1920s this technologi Carving the Western Path by Rivefl Rail, ties streets were given the names oflocal resi cal revolution was racing along, but politi and Road Through B. C.’s Southern Moun dents or labelled by developers. At amalga cians had yet to shed the practice of being mation in 1929 numbered streets and avenues tains. more receptive to parochial pressures to spend superseded some of these distinctive names. R.G. Harvey. Surrey: Heritage House, 1998. scarce money on roads within constituen To account for present and former street 240 pp. Index, illus., maps, bibliography. cies. Pressure did exist to build, at the tax names led Elizabeth Walker to arduous re $18.95 paperback. payer’s expense, all-weather trunk highways search through voters’ lists, land surveys, civic REVIEWED BY EDWARD L. AFFLEcK. which would enable heavy-duty motor trans bylaws and all the riches of the Vancouver Carving the Western Path by Rivei Rail, and port to compete in long and short hauls with Public Library and Vancouver Archives. The Road Through B. C’s Southern Mountains a se railways burdened with many costs, includ result is a user—friendly, alphabetically ar quel to the author’s earlier Carving the West ing those ofmaintaining their own roadbeds ranged reference book which gives a suc ern Path by Rive, Rail, and Road Through Cen and paying taxes on their rights-of-way. Poli cinct account of our 773 street names and tral and Northern B.C., deals with the devel ticians were not too keen to lose the paro their former titles. opment ofhighways, railways and steamboat chial vote by cocking a snoot at railways.The There are, of course, many surprises. routes through the mass ofmountains which author furthermore toys with the quixotic Churchill Street is not a tribute to the World characterize the topography of Southern notion that the horse-drawn freight wagon War II leader but to the former Reeve of British Columbia. Essentially, the story be somehow possessed capacity equal to that of Point Grey, S.G. Churchill. Dunkirk was so gins with the Fraser River gold rush of the the railroad train in the heavy-duty long- named well before the battle of 1940. Hogan’s 1850s, embraces the decade leading up to hauling business. I am not quite sure that he Alley was the unofficial name of a byway World War I, when BC politicians and elec makes such a statement unequivocally, but I between Park and Umon streets which rep torate alike worshipped the golden idol of draw your attention to quotations set out at resented the squalor and crime of a rapidly railway construction, and carries on to the the end of this paragraph. Before I read this growing city. There are also many observa post- World War I period, when technologi book, I was under the impression that from tions about the social development ofVan cal advances in highway construction and early times, ocean-going sailing vessels pro couver which can be derived from browsing motor vehicle transport revolutionized the vided the most effective means of transport in this book.Anglo-Saxon names predomi transportation picture. ing heavy loads. Countries such as Britain, nate. Only three streets have names with even I finished this book frustrated by the with an ample coastline, benefited by being faintly Asian origins. Blood Alley reflects the thought that here, but for the lack of a suffi able to carry on a great trade with coastal volatile nature of Gastown’s early days. One ciently scholarly and challenging editor, lies vessels. The age of steam not only revolu ofthe niost interesting facets ofWalker’s book a truly great work on the history of trans tionized ocean transport, but ushered in the is the collection of sidebars throughout the portation in British Columbia. The author era of barges and shallow—draft steamers volume detailing such observations. has had years ofexperience in highway con worked on canals, lakes and rivers to provide Without maps to supplement the text it struction and maintenance, and undoubtedly the hauling capacity lacked by horse-drawn would be very difficult to trace the develop has a consuming interest in the subject of vehicles. By the mid-nineteenth century the ment of our street network. Fortunately, well transportation. Much ofthe writing is vivid, railway had become the great deus ex machina prepared colour maps by Bruce Macdonald and even with its flaws, the book provides in the North American transportation pic are included. Black and white photographs $18.95 worth ofentertainment.The value of ture. In the colonial days, the capital required of streets and pioneers enhance our under good editing, however, can scarcely be over for railway development in BC was conspicu standing ofVancouver’s early days and of the emphasized. A good editor not only cleans ously lacking, but the white man’s invasion pressures that rapid growth put on Street up spelling and syntax, but challenges state craft, the sternwheeler, a vessel capable ofcar Naming Conmiittees. It is regrettable that ments made by the author and searches out rying immense loads in shallow water, was the same care which went into researching dimensions where detecting blind spots on on hand to support the Fraser River Gold and writing this book did not extend to the the part of the author. Where a book con Rush. Capital outlay for wagon roads was editing. Spelling errors and awkward phrases tains a mixture of fact, conjecture and opin not negligible nor was the upkeep on horses have been overlooked. ion, as is certainly the case with this work, a and rolling stock a niere trifle, but where Elizabeth Walker’s valuable book belongs good editor ensures that the reader is not led sternwheelers could not work, wagon roads, in all reference libraries and BC history col— to confuse fact with conjecture or opinion. faut de mieux, were built. Now, I ask, what lections. Street Names oJThncouveris eminently The most glaring “blind spot” I detected did the editor make of the following state lrowsable and its greatest contribution may was the author’s failure to give sufficient ments in the “introduction” section of be the spur to further reading in Vancouver emphasis to the tremendous technological Harvey’s book: history. ‘‘ upheaval in highway construction methods —“Roads, rail and rivercraft vied for routes Reviewer Carol Gordon, a member of the Van and the development ofheavy-duty internal and government support in different parts of couver Historical Society, is a volunteer with the combustion transport vehicles. These were the province, influencing settlement and the hincouver Bibliography project. already underway when British Columbia success or failure oflocal commerce” (p 7). went “railroad crazy” in the decade leading —“[In the lower valley of the Fraser River up to WorldWar I, but gained great mnomen from NewWestniinster toYalel wagon trains turn in the post-war years. Given time, tech were outpaced by the sternwheelers, but they nological development affects even the po could carry more volume with better

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 33 economy” (p 9). —“The road authority had its problems with the railway monopolies and settlement pat Archives & Archivists terns established by the sternwheelers, yet roads were eventually built in all areas of the ARCHIVES? What is its purpose in community and national herit province” (p13). Numerous statements on the order ofthe today’s world? That was a question age and history realize the value above only serve to dimimsh the authority I encountered at a recent college of our archival holdings. It is too of this book, The work, as indicated, con advisory board meeting.The ques easy for many to dismiss the value tains some brilliant patches, some of a work tion was a surprise to me. The ta of archives by simply looking at manlike nature, and some downright howl ble talk had been about the need the newest history book, the ers. I nonetheless recommend the hook as for businesses and governments to most recent museum display and highly entertaining and informative reading recognize both the tangible assets the latest gallery acquisition.Take The if not as a definitive historical resource. (information) and intangible assets a hard and long look at these author is at his best in his account of the (the memory and experience of the items. Historians use archival horrors visited upon the Canadian Pacific staff) of their organizations. sources to illustrate and illumi Railway by Major A.B. Rogers, who chose earlier societies. Museum the impractical Kicking Horse Pass route What are the underlying beliefs nate through the Rocky Mountains in preference that would allow “enlightened” curators use archival sources to to the Horse Pass route. The railway and the people to disregard the value of ar validate not only the artifacts public have paid amply over the decades for chival information? As I thought themselves but the presentation Rogers’s error. Harvey has also done excel about this issue, I recalled a com of the artifacts. Gallery curators lent work in his account of the “might-have- ment made at the Revelstoke con use archives to document the been” 7,6-mile tunnel under Railroad Pass ference of the British Columbia provenance, travels and owner in the Cascade Mountains between Portia in Museums Association on the de ship issues of each work of art. lower Coquihalla Valley and the upper the clining value of archives versus mu AU of them use archival infor reaches oftheTulameen River valley.J.I. Hill seums. mation to bring context and put this project out to tender but never fol There is no doubt that our so “life” into their specific heritage lowed up on it, thus leaving railroaders to fend for decades with the impractical route ciety has become more visual than fields. up to the Coquihalla Pass. Read these and literate, and that business and social For six millennia, societies other engrossing accounts. Gaze at the route interactions are concentrating in have created and protected ar maps so generously provided.Weep over the creasingly on rapid, almost instan chives and archival information. engineering gaffes and cheer for the engi taneous, communication.Advertis Archives have become the fount neering triumphs! Wallow in the speculation ing, cell phunes, and the dreaded of historical information. With ofwhat might have come to pass on the trans voice mail are all signs of the chang out a community archives—in reason prevailed!”” portation scene had ing times. But what of archives? cluding municipal archives— Reviewer led Affleck has written extensively on Does it really matter if the casual there can be no historical re transportation in British Columbia. viewer of television realizes that the search, no museum displays and commercial showing images of no gallery showings. Without a Babe Ruth smashing a home run community archives, we cannot were obtained through an archives? maintain our sense of”commu versions of the nity” in an ever-changing envi Aiso NoTED Or the colourized early cinema classics are based on ronment. As we embark upon a Normalizing the Ideal: Psychology, Schooling, rediscovered films found in an ar new millennium, it is my hope and the Family in Postwar Canada. chives vault? Or the clips, voices and that we, within the heritage field, Gleason.Toronto: Umversity ofTo Mona photographs used in the numerous fully recognize and appreciate all ronto Press, 1999. 196 $19.95 paper pp. millennium specials were carefully the enormous contributions back. selected from archival sources? No, made by community archives ad Back to School—Into the Future; Report of it does not. ministrators, staff and volunteers the Independent Commission on Public What really matters is that those in the preservation and accessi Vancouver and Employee Involvement in ofus who support and celebrate our bility of our heritage. Robinson, School Affairs. Dr. Norman GARYA. MITCHELL Commissioner.Vancouver,B.C., 1999.43 pp. Soft cover. (Availablefrom Dr. Norman Gary A. Mitchell, CRM, Provincial Archivist and Director, British Columbia Archives Information, Robinson, P0 Box 81, 8415 Granville St., Science and Technology Agency .Telephcne:(250) 387-2992 E-mail:[email protected] T/cincouve BC V6P 4Z9)

34 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 ______

Tokens: J.N. Killas & Co. of Premier, BC by Ron Greene

PP.EMIER, BC was located in very mountain soda fountain and pool tables. Killas did not ous country close to the border between personally run the Premier store, but always COUPON BOOK British Columbia and Alaska near the south hired a manager to do so. The operation ran ern end of the Alaska Panhandle (see map). until the mine and town were shut down in 8213 V 1’ ,o, While Premier was located only some sev— 1948. When the mine resumed operations J. N, cIu.AS & CO. enteen miles (twenty-seven kiometres) from some 18 months later Killas reopened the fltMltfl. ..t. Stewart at the head of Portland Canal, one Premier store and kept it in operation until had to leave the country to travel between May 1954 when the mine and townsite were the two as the road crossed into Alaska, closed for good. through Hyder. The Premier There were four children Mine was originally staked in born to Mr. Killas and his wife. 1910 but more than one The oldest, Nick, ran the ‘—ir= ‘ I company had been unable to Rupert Tobacco Store. He was put it into production.’ From very keen about flying and one 1919 the Premier Gold Min day in 1947 was asked if he [i1L125 ing Co. started production on wanted to go along to assist on this property and established a medical mercy flight. Unfor 625 the townsite which became tunately the plane was lost ...____._—: Courtesy Ron Greene known as Premier. The post without survivors. The other Above: coupon booklets and 25-cent tokens. office was opened on 1 Janu two boys, Kostas and Harry3 The coupons are printed on different coloured ary 1921. The first mention became dentists in Vancou paperfor each value. of the population at Premier ver—is it more than a coinci was in the 1932 BC Direc dence that two sons of a con Centre: Premier Mine in winter tory which gave the figure of fectioner became dentists? The 375. one daughter, Alice, married a Below: sketch map showing the Premier Mine The operators of the mine doctor and also located inVan courtesy Ron near Stewart. Note the BC—Alaska border to be had established a company couver. Mr. Killas retired af crossed to reach the mine. store which sold the basic necessities, but the ter the SecondWorld War and moved toVan mine manager was a Mormon who would couver where he passed away in 1966, aged not sell such forbidden items as tobacco, tea 81. His partner in Prince Rupert, Nick or coffee. However, he realized that his men Christopher, also moved toVancouver by the would want these items and so he approached end of 1945. Mr. Killas whom he knew from Prince In addition to a 25-cent token, Killas used Rupert. Dimitrios Nicholas Killas was a na small booklets worth $5.00 which contained tive of the Greek island of Limnos. At the coupons worth 5, 10 or 25 cents. Most min age of twelve, c. 1896, Killas left his home ers came into camp dead broke. They were land and came to Canada via the United allowed to sign for one of these booklets, States. In North America he adopted the which could be used in the confectionery, name James, which is the English equivalent and the cost of the booklet would be de ofthe name Dimitrios, hence the initialsJ.N. ducted from their first pay. Other mid-pay By 1914 he was in Prince Rupert running a advances were allowed but were limited to confectionery at 535— 3°’AvenueWest, with discourage gambling and other abuse. The a partner,J.A. Smith. Subsequently he was booklets seem to have replaced the tokens as in partnership with Nick Christopher in the Harry Killas, who worked for his father in Royal Confectionery and then the Dc Luxe Premier in the early 1950s during the reo Confectionery. From 1926 they were oper pened period remembered the books oftick ating the Commodore Cafe and an ice cream ets, but not the 25-cent token.’°” manufactory as well. It was about this time that he was approached to open a confec Reece H. Hague, “Where B.C. Ends and Alaska Begins,” in Canadian GeographicalJournal, Vol I, tionery at Premier.2 In the little store at Pre No. 5 (September 1930) pp 402-415 mier Killas sold confectioneries, tobacco, 2 He was first listed at Premier in the 1926 BC Directory, but may have been there some time up to date in such remote spots. canned soups, magazines, watches, radios, and earlier as the directories were not always Interview with Dr. HarryJ. Killas, December 1986 other small items.The store also contained a 4BC Vital Statistics, Death Registration 1966-09-015221 35 BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 Reports

Nanaimo’s Malaspina Murals by Phyflis Reeve

With sketchbook balanced on silk-sleeved arm, the gallant Captain Alejandro Malaspina fixes his expressive eyes on the sandstone cliffs of Gabriola Island, and records them for the Queen of Spain. His authoritative stance, from aristocratic nose to elegant muscular leg, dares us to question the authenticity of the scene before us.We know the painter of the scene, E.J. Hughes, as a senior and major Brit ish Columbia painter But we know also that Malaspina never set foot on Gabriola, and, had he done so, he would not himselfhave wielded sketchbook Courtesy Phyllis Reeve and pencil. He would have delegated that Hotel, suited the grand art deco facade and “Captain Malaspina sketching the sandstone task to his official artist, Jose Cardero, and elegant furnishings.Alas, hotel and its will ‘Galleries’ on Gabriola Island.” Cardero is generally credited with the famous the much of the next decade They painted bold, bright, and big—the drawing of the eroded rock formation we ing clientele spent the Depression, and the murals were up to 8 feet in height and 20 Gabriolans insist on referring to as the slogging through In 1938, refur feet in length, and they painted history as it “Malaspina Galleries.” elegance frayed prematurely. became possible, and Nanaimo never was but should have been: Regency Various bureaucratic bodies have tried to bishment came up with a grand plan for decorating its courtiers posing with Gilbert and Sullivan rename the cliff “Galiano Galleries” for grand hotel and restoring splendour to the crews; late Depression exuberance in a late Dionisio Aicala Galiano, the officer who may dining room and banquet hail. art deco setting. actually have discovered it, or, perhaps in rec Malaspina Hotel hired three young But twentieth century history allowed ognition of tourists’ tendency to confuse The Orville Fisher, Paul Goranson, and Nanaimo little leisure to enjoy the Malaspina “Gabriola” and “Galiano” Islands, they have artists, EdwardJ. Hughes.All then in their twenties, murals. Events moved at destructive speed. told us the name is “Gabriola Galleries.” the called themselves the “Western Ca Within three years Hughes, Goranson and But we will have none of it: “Malaspina trio nadian Brotherhood,” and together executed Fisher were official artists with the Canadian Galleries” the cliff remains, and is identified a number of impressive mural projects, in army. After the war, the hotel responded to as such in the 1999 Visitors Guide to Gabriola cluding the First United Church,Vancouver; changes in clientele, marketing tactics, and Island and in Bell and Aitken’s Gabriola Is the British Columbia pavilion at the World’s taste—changes not necessarily for the better. land Place Names. Fair, San Francisco; and the King Edward By the time Hughes revisited the hotel in When Malaspina returned to Spain after Hotel, New Westminster. The Malaspina 1948, the murals had been covered, and the his momentous expedition, which included Hotel commission asked them to depict other art deco features were rapidly disap exploring the in maritime explorations aroundVancouver Is pearing from view. 1791 and 1792, he fell into disfavour, and his land. Naturally, they would emphasize the Malcolm Lowry spent a few hours in a journals and documentation were suppressed achievements ofAlejandro Malaspina. Each Nanaimo waterfront pub in 1946, while from public record.Would he find it any con artist created one mural for Malaspina and waiting for the Gabriola ferry, and in a 1996 solation to know of his fame in an area to one for another explorer. Fisher painted interview, the archivist at that time, Diane which he sent his sub-expedition, but not his ship ‘Dis Foster, suggested the pub might have been the ships under his own command? Through “Captain James Cook repairing covery’ at Nootka Sound, 1778,” and “Cap in the Malaspina Hotel. Alas for history as it out the Regional District of Nanaimo, in Malaspina surveying the Vancouver Is should have been, Sheryl Salloum in Malcolm cluding Gabriola, we have given his name to tain land Coasdine.”Goranson painted “Lieut. Lowry: I4incouver Days identifies Lowry’s ho natural wonders, streets and points, our uni Dionisio Galiano, Master ofthe ‘Sutil’, land tel as the Hotel Plaza. It does seem likely versity—college, and the Malaspina Hotel— Departure Bay (summer, 1792),” and that Lowry’s lengthy description of the the latter now suffering a lingering death by ing at trading with Chief “Ocean Spray” Hotel, in his novel October financially challenged demolition. “Captain Malaspina Hughes portrayed “Captain Ferry to Gabriola, would have included the When the splendid new hotel opened in Maquinna.” George Vancouver meeting Governor murals, had he seen them. So we must reluc 1927 as a community investment project, a Quadra at San Miguel, Nootka tantly accept Salloum’s judgment. Nanaimo newspaper ran a competition to Bodega y Sound,Vancouver Island (August, 1792),” and The new decor failed to save the choose a name.The winning name, Malaspina

36 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 Malaspina Hotel from its downhill course. proud but bemused possessor of five large would not solve the other major problem: Even in 1966 a booklet published by the murals painted on sections of concrete, lath where to put the murals. In the short term, Nanaimo and District Museum Society still and plaster and brick walls. while the planning continues, the need is for referred to “our newest and beautiful The initial enthusiastic response brought safe, preferably free, storage space. In the long Malaspina,”but since then the Hotel has been funding contributions from individuals, busi term, the Archives Society is looking for a subject to sales, rumours of sales, bankrupt nesses, community and service groups, his large public venue. Foster hoped that cies, and plans for demolition. torical societies and governmental agencies. Nanaimo’s new Harbourfront complex The story of the murals resumes in 1996 But the process of salvaging and stabilizing would fit the murals into its design, but the when the Landmark Tower Corporation set the murals for future conservation proved a planners opted for new artworks. The cam in action the application and plans for demo costly proposition, four times the $20,000 pus of Malaspina University College seenis lition and redevelopment. Worried by the raised in 1996, and leaving a debt to be re an even more appropriate site, especially as paucity of available records on the hotel, ar paid and storage costs to be defrayed before the College is interested in capitalizing on chivist Diane Foster persuaded the develop proceeding with a feasibility study and con its name and stressing the early history of ers to give her two weeks to examine and servation strategy, the area.’’ document the building. With a team con Current Archives Manager Christine sisting of a photographer. a historian, staff Meutzner estimates the cost ofrestoring each Readers with questions, suggestions, or an interest in from the Nanaimo Museum, and an archi— mural at approximately $60,000, but in con donating space orfunds should contact Archives Man tect, she descended into the derelict former versation she talked about various questions ager Christine Meutzner at the Nanaitno Community banquet room. She described their discover on the matter of”restoration.”Accepting the Archives, 100 Cameron Road, Nanairno BC V9R ies in a paper delivered to the British Co murals as part of the region’s history, worth 2X1;phone 250-753-4462;fax 250-518-0125; lumbia Studies Conference in May 1997: salvaging, and of continuing public interest, E-mail nca@nanaimo. ark, corn During the course of inspecting the building we may still ask to what point they require and determining its interior structural layers, restoration. They represent an early stage in BmLoGn.pHy: wood panelling had been pulled from timber the careers of three artists who went on to studs. In the process, the plaster rendering fixed Bell, Aula and Neil Aitken. Gabriola Island greater achievements. In 1953 Hughes to a brick wall on which the panelling was Place Names. Gabriola BC: Reflections painted another view ofGabriola Island, now secured, came away in large pieces.The result Books, 1996. was the defacing of a particularly beautifully part oftheVancouver Art Gallery’s Longstaffe Cutter, Donald C. Malaspina and Galiano; crafted section of a mural depicting two Span collection.The murals are more like the walls Spanish Voyages to the Northwest Coast 1791 ish sailors looking up in awe within, what we of Pompeii than the ceiling of the Sistine and 1792. Vancouver: Douglas and now call, the Gabriola Galleries. The mural Chapel. McIntyre, 1991. door had been painted around the original In their damaged state, with documenta Discover Gabriola, British Columbia, Canada; way which was still in place and extended for tion, the Malaspina murals could testify to a 1999 Visitors Guide. Gabriola: Preston another seventeen feet along a concrete based community’s aspirations and disappoint Graphics Here panelling had been removed wall. the ments, to changes in economics and attitudes, with care and what was revealed were larger- Foster, Diane. “Malaspina Rediscovered; the and passages in artistic careers. Salvaged rem than-life vibrant figures of naval officers, ma Archival Connection;” a paper delivered nants of once—proud public decoration could rines and sailors. to the British Columbia Studies Confer convey historical meaning not obvious in an The lean budget of the Nanaimo Com ence, Nanaimo, British Columbia, May 3, expensive reconstruction. munity Archives could not even begin to 1997 ,“AABCNewsletter8:3 summer 1998. A compromise might restore of the cope with an opportunity ofthis magnitude. one “Fund-raising campaign launched to save murals and present before-and—after The developers agreed to give the mural to a sce Malaspina Hotel Murals”, Harbour City nario—before and after the the Archives. Gino Sedola, Chairman of the damage, or be Star, 9 February, 1999. fore after the restoration. At the Nanaimo Harbour Commission, and a and time of Johnson, Patricia M. et al. Nanaimo; Scenes the rediscovery, Victoria longstanding history buff offered seed money murals’ artist and from the Past. Nanaimo: Nanaimo And Dis critic Robert Amos wondered about the to get a campaign rolling to pay for the res trict Museum Society, 1966. possibility ofhiring some artist cue and restoration. Foster’s team ascertained clever young Lapi, Christy.”Rornancing the Murals.” Har to paint fresh versions of the murals, but he that six murals had been painted and began bour City Star, 23 January, 1997. admits, such replicas would have less “value” the search for the other five.With the aid of Lapi, Christy.”Time Ravaged Treasures,” The than the originals.Amos suggests murals photographs taken during social events, they the Times, Nanaimo, 25 July 1996. are analogous to the petroglyphs found near roamed the former banquet and dining Lowry, Malcolm. October Ferry to Gabriola. Nanaimo and on Gabriola: “We don’t mind rooms until they found four more. The sixth NewYork: World, 1970. looking at them in situ in their crumbling was given up as lost, probably as a result of Salloum, Sheryl. Malcolm Lowry: Vancouver state, additionally are displayed alterations to the building in 1948. and they in Days. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Pub facsimile in museums nearby.” Archivists As she proceeded with the salvage of the lishing Company, 1987. would be horrified first mural, Foster realized the enormity of at the thought of “re VâncouverArt andArtists 1931- 1983.Vancou- storing” relics of the challenge she was presenting to the ar these aboriginal culture, so ver:Vancouver Art Gallery, 1983. why must we insist on presenting non-Na chives board. Perhaps fortunately, there was Conversations tive relics only in pseudo-pristine state? by telephone and E-mail with little time for second thoughts.The Nanaimo Such rethinking ofthe restoration options Robert Amos, Diane Foster, and Christine Community Archives Society found itselfthe Meutzner

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 37 News and Notes

FROM THE BlcHEs B0wEN ISLAND Foit.sT Fns SLocAN CITY HISTORICAL GROUP Historiana, the newsletter of the Bowen Is The Slocan City Historical Group wants to JOHN GoRDON TERPENNING 1922—2000 land Historians, asks if anyone has photo ensure that all people who lived in the Slocan On 4 January a beloved member of the graphs of the Copper Mountain Fire in July City area have their place in its history. They Victoria Historical Society passed away. Af 1944. It took local firefighters plus fifty sol would like to get in touch with anybody who ter serving in WW II, “Jack” Terpenning diers, working night and day, more than a is living, or who has lived in the area be worked for the Fish and Wildlife Branch on week to contain the 200-acre inferno.There tween Enterprise Creek and Lemon Creek, a variety of projects. He moved from are burned stumps all over the island and the or whose parents or grandparents lived in Vancouver to Victoria as a ministerial assis Historians wonder which ones are the result this area. The Slocan City Historical Group tant. He took a degree in political science in of forest fires or if some are the result of de is building an archives offamily information: 1982, while still working, and then earned a liberate burning after the area was logged. If personal stories of living or growing up in master of arts degree in history in 1988 fol you can help contact: Bowen Island Histori Slocan.The information is gathered in writ lowing his retirement. ans, Box 97, Bowen Island BC,VON 1GO. ing and as taped interviews. They are also individuals, fami RAYMoND WILLIAM MILLARD 1927-2000 Phone (604) 947-2655. trying to find pictures of lies, and scenes pertaining to the Slocan. To Ray Millard, manager and co-founder ofthe CHEMAINus CouNcIL TLE date the Slocan City Historical Group has Chemainus Valley Museum, passed away at A table which was used for the original coun collected over 100 taped interviews with old- home on 21 January. He was a passionate cil deliberations and the Chemainus timers, over 1,500 pictures, and most of the historian, always ready to assist students and magistrate’s court was recently refuibished books written about the Slocan. Their col researchers. Ray and his wife Doreen were by members of the Chemainus Valley His lection also includes an extensive library of cheerful delegates at several BCHF confer torical Society This 125-year-old table was microfilmed newspapers, over 75 mining ences. They worked diligently for the unveiled by the Current mayor and council claim maps, information on all recorded min Chemainus Museum and their community at the Chemainus Museum in November ing claims, land surveys, timber sales, and church. 1999. At that time a book launch was held much more. Contact Slocan City Historical for Bruce Hodding’s North :A His NANAIM0 HISTORICAL SoclErs’ Group, C-16 Bowie Drive, R.R.1, tory in Photographs. This book was comnus Lynn Bowen received the City ofNanaimo’s Armstrong BC.VOE 1BO. Phone: (250) 546- sioned by the District of North Cowichan Excellence in Culture Award for her newest 3112. E-mail: [email protected]. their 125th Anniversary. Con history book, Robert Dunsmui written for to celebrate gratulations to Chemainus! The Chemainus NoRTHsHo HISTORICAL SOCIETY cluldren. Historical Society meets at 11:30 A.M. on the The Corporation of the City of NorthVan Helen Brown of Malaspina University Col last Monday of each month. ChemainusVal couver awarded a Heritage Achievement lege has recently completed her PhD and will ley Historical Society, P0 Box 172, Award of Honour to Roy Pallant “for his be talking to the Nanaimo Historical Soci Chemainus, BC. Phone (250) 246-2445. outstanding achievement ofhistoric research, ety on her thesis topic “The importance of public awareness initiatives, and heritage ad Nanaimo’s school records.” VIcToRIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY vocacy.” Roy is president of the Northshore Dr. Richard Mackie has joined the staff of Those attending the Christmas Dinner on 2 Historical Society and an officer on the board Malaspina University College for at least one December were treated to a good meal and of the British Columbia Historical Federa semester. great after-dinner speaker. John Adams’s a tion.The achievements ofboth Roy and his topic was: “How James and Amelia Douglas PARKsvILLE AND THEN SOME wife Teresa Pallant are well-known. Con came to FortVictoria.”Adams has found ar On 5 December 1999, the District 69 His gratulations not only to Roy but also to Teresa chives which reveal the feelings of various torical Society held a book launch, patting for the distinction. If you use E-mail send Douglas family members as they were trans themselves on the back for achieving their the Pallants a message at [email protected]. ferred from one post to another. This un Year 2000 goal a bit early. Marjorie Leffler, usual and fascinating look at history will be VANCOUVER HIsTOR1C SOCIETY who was briefly a vice-president of the Brit included in a forthcoming book by John Member Cyril E. Leonoff has been desig ish Columbia Historical Federation, polished Adams on the life ofJames Douglas. nated a Fellow of the Engineering Institute up a collection of her articles, which have ofCanada (EIC).A maximum ofonly twenty appeared in local newspapers in recent years. ARRow LAss ARcHIvEs Fellows may be recognized each year among The result was a 162-page book, selling at The extensive archives of the Arrow Lakes 35,000 members ofsocieties associated with $18, which was first displayed at the society’s Historical Society have found a downtown the EIC. wine and cheese party in December. Parksville home in at 923 7th Avenue NW In Elizabeth Walkers’s book Street Names of and Then Some sold almost 400 copies before winter the archives are open on Tuesdays and Vancouver, reviewed in this issue by Carol Christmas and is likely to have a second print Thursdays and in summer from Monday to Gordon, is selling very well and you may have ing. Saturday from 10 AM. to 3 P.M.Arrow Lakes problems finding it in local bookstores. A Historical Society, Box 819, Nakusp, BC second printing is underway. VOG 1RO. Phone (250) 265-0110.

38 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 NO.2 OTHER NEWS ongoing, and project co-ordinator Noel SUMAS PRAIRIE FArvIIuEs Retch has presented slide shows to clubs and In December, after years of preparation by GOLD RUSH PACK TiIL schools. Recently a Web-site was opened their few but active members, the Sumas The 40-kilometer 1861 trail from Keithley which can be reached through http:// Prairie &Area Historical Society launched a to Barkerville/Richfield has been rediscov www.fortsteele.bc.ca. 400-page hardcover book on the history of ered by Lana and Gary Fox of Quesnel, and the settling MARYsvILLE SCHOOL of the area and family histories cleared with the help ofForest Renewal BC, In 1993 the Kimberley Retired Teachers As between 1880 and 1900.The interest in One West Fraser Mills, and the BC Forest Ser sociation saved an early district schoolhouse Foot on the Border was above expectation. The vice. Further details are available from Robin book is edited by one-time BCHF by having it moved to the grounds of the board Grady of the Friends of Barkerville Trail member Daphne modern Marysville Elementary School. Since Sleigh. Her book, Discover Committee, Airport Site, P0. Box 28, ing Deroche, gained her the Federation’s then they have been restoring it heritage 1984 Quesnel BCV2J 5E6, or phone (250) 992- as a building.The committee has assembled desks, Lieutenant—Governor’s Award. 2008.The summer issue of the BC Historical refinished woodwork, and collected school News will feature an article on the history of CAsCE TIuILS text books dating from the school’s opening this trail by Mary Elliott, who participated Cascade Wilderness trail explorer Harley in 1899 to its closing in 1949. So far 200 in the inaugural hike in September. Hatfield died on 14 February. As a Penticton books have been catalogued and placed neatly resident, he devoted many years to the dis EAST K00TENAY HISTORICAL DONATION on the new shelves near the teacher’s desk. covery, marking, and preservation of pack Fort Steele Heritage Town parlayed a dona WAsA HISTORICAL trails in the Cascade Wilderness adjoining tion from the East Kootenay Historical As Manning Park. The Wasa and District Historical Association In 1980 Harley Hatfield re sociation into ten times the money presented ceived an honourable mention has been formed to prepare and publish a by the Her in 1998.With the impetus of the donation, itage Canada book on Wasa, Ta Ta Creek, Skookurnchuk, Foundation for his work. plus that from the Canadian Council ofAr Lazy Lake, Torrent, Wolf Creek, Top of the chives, a massive collection ofmining docu QuEsL FORKS World Ranch, Premier Lake,Woods Corner ments dating from 1872 to 1975 has been During the BCHF Conference in 1996 del and environs. There are over thirty volun carefully sorted and filed to fill 17 meters of egates on a bus trip to Likely and Quesnel teers working to collect family histories or shelf space in the archives. These extremely Forks were greeted by their hosts from Likely to research activities throughout the district. important papers are already being viewed with consternation because a mudslide had Wasa has long been a holiday haven so one by researchers from across the continent. partially blocked the river across from of the chapters will be about summertime Quesnel Forks. In the four years since the RACISM WEBsITE residents and visitors. If anyone has a picture slide the spring runoff has eaten away most A fascinating display, exploring historic preju or an anecdote ofWasa memories please send of the point in front of the Tong house, one dice and intolerance in the Kootenays, was it to the Wasa and District Historical Asso of the few surviving buildings. The Tong shown in the Fort Steele Museum during ciation secretary, Naomi Miller, Box 105, house recently had to be carefully moved the summer of 1999. Research has been Wasa BC VOB 2K0. further away from the riverbank.

eminently seaworthy vessel, the Tees provided LETTER TO THE EDITOR the summer run together during the late thir first- and second-class accommodation for ties. After the steamers Princess Marguerite (1) BC Historical News Volume 33 No. 1 passengers as well as ample cargo space and and Princess Kathleen were requisitioned for I read with interest the article by Walter was retained on the tn-monthly West Coast War Service in 1941, the Princess Norah Guppy entitled “The Road to Tofino.” Mr. run after the CPN. was acquired by the CPR worked the Alaska run year-round.The Prin Guppy’s comments on West Coast water in 1901. The larger, faster Princess Maquinna cess Maquinna was retired in 1952, but she transportation, however, give me some con entered service in 1913, but for a number of was replaced by the Princess ofAlberni, a ves cern, particularly where he states that “in years was worked on the tni-monthly West sel not well suited to the West Coast run, but 1912 the Com Coast run in the summer months only, be maintained on this run until 1958.The CPR pany took over the coastal steamship serv ing diverted to the Vancouver-Skagway run may not have a corporate history as pure as ice The Canadian Pacific Navigation in the winter months. The still larger, faster the driven snow, but in the case of the West Company, predecessor ofthe BC Coast Serv Princess Norah, added to the service in 1929, Coast service, the Company maintained it ices ofthe Canadian Pacific Railway, in 1888 worked with the Princess Maquinna on The for some years as a losing proposition in the inaugurated a service out ofVictoria up the West Coast in June, July and August, thus face of ever increasing inroads from highway West Coast of Vancouver Island with the enabling the CPR to provide a sailing every and airborne competition. modest wooden-hulled single-screw all-pur five days instead of every ten, but was em The facts about the West Coast service of pose steamer Maude. Initially the service was ployed during the slacker months ofthe win the CPR.’s BC Coast Service have been well monthly, but by 1896, when the CPN. placed ter on the Vancouver—Skagway run. My researched by Messrs. Norman Hacking and the stout steel-hulled steamer Tees on the West scrapbook of timetables indicates that while W. Kaye Lamb and published in 1974 in their Coast, the service was providing three trips the augmented summer service up the West book entitled The Princess Story. per month, generally leavingVictoria on the Coast was dispensed with for some of the EDWARD L. AFFLxCK 1st, the 11th and the 21st of each month.An leaner depression years, both vessels worked

BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 2000 39 BRITIsH CoLuiu31A HISTORICAL Federation News FEr1rIoN 1999—2000 SCHOLARSHIP Applications Reflection and Renewal of the Heritage Vision should be submitted before 15 May 2000 Year 2000 Conference The British Columbia Historical 4—6 May Port Alberni, BC Federation annually awards a $500 Hosted by the Alberni District scholarship to a student completing third Historical Society or fourth year at a British Columbia college or university. Enquiries: Meg Scoffield, To apply for the scholarship, candidates phone (250) 724-4855; fax (250) 720-0027 must submit: Email [email protected] 1. A letter of application. Detail of McLean Mill: Drawing by Karen Polrler 2. An essay of 1500-3000 words on a topic relating to the history ofBritish Columbia. The essay must be suitable for publication 4 May,Thursday: Registration opens at 2:00 P.M.. Book Fair*, Echo Centre- in British Columbia Historical News. Museum Complex. 7:00 — 9:00 P.M. Reception, 3. A professor’s letter ofrecommendation. Museum. Exhibit: The Century in Celebration. 5 May, Friday: MoRNING: 9:00—11:00 A.M. Discussion on the conference theme by SEND SUBMISSIONS TO: a distinguished panel. Cedar Room, Echo Community Centre. Scholarship Comnuttee, Spotlight speakers. Book Fair. British Columbia Historical Federation

AFTERNooN Tours: Choose one — P0 Box 5254, Station B. Option A: Noon to 5:00 P.M. Forestry Tour Bus departs from Victoria BC V8R 1N4 parking lot at Echo Centre for a forestry tour which will take The winning essay will, and other selected delegates to active logging operations, tree planting, dryland sort and submissions be published in British more. Limited to 45 active participants. Box lunch.Wear good rny. Columbia Historical News. walking shoes. Option B: Noon to 4:00 P.M. Industrial Tour Bus departs for Sproat ANUSCRIPTS FOR PUBLICATION Lake with stop at picnic area for box lunch. Tour of Martin Mars should be sent to the Editor, Water Bomber Base. Back to town to visit a local mill. M BC Historical News, P0 Box 130, Option C: 2:00—3:00 P.M. Workshops forWriters. Whonnock BC V2W 1V9. EvENING presentation by Margaret Horsfield, author of Cougar Annie’s Garden. Submission by E-mail of text and il 6 May, Saturday MoRNING: 9:00 A.M. to noon Annual General Meeting of the British lustrations is welcome. Otherwise Columbia Historical Federation. Ballroom of the Best Western please send a hard copy and if possible Barclay Hotel. a disk copy of the manuscript by ordi AFTERNooN Tours: Choose one nary mail. Illustrations should be ac Option A: Travel to McLean Mill National Historic Site, scheduled companied by captions, source infor Lunch on site.You will see the sawmill in operation to openist July. mation, registration numbers where and meet the locals. applicable, and permission for publica Option B: Walking or driving tour of Port Alberni’s interesting tion. Photographs are preferred over homes and gardens. Self-guided or with ADHS volunteer drivers. laser copies.They will be returned un 2:00—4:00 p.m. Afternoon tea - Rollin Art Centre’s garden terrace. Submissions should EvENING: 6:30 P.M. Gala Awards Banquet, Hotel Ballroom. cut and unmarked. Entertainment by local artists. not be more than 3,500 words

FEEs: Full conference: $120 (registration deadline 13 April) AuTHoRs publishing for the first time Day rate $60 (space permitting) in the BC Historical News will receive a Banquet only $30 one-year complimentary subscription to the journal. If they wish, this com Your registration form is included with this issue. Please complete and mail with your cheque to may be as Alberni District Historical Societll Box 284, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 7M7. plimentary subscription signed to another person of their companion event, running from 2:00 p.m.Thursday *The Local History Week Book Fair is a choice as a one-year gift subscription. through Friday evening. It will feature publishers’ displays, author presentations and signings, door There is a yearly award for the Best prizes and much more. Co-sponsor: the Alberni Valley Museum. Support from the British Columbia 2000 Millennium Arts and Heritage Fund and the City of Port Alberrii is gratefully Article published in the BC Historical acknowledged. News.

40 BC HISTORICAL NEWS -VOL.33 No.2 British Columbia Historical Federation ORGANIzED 31 OCTOBER, 1922



BC HISTORICAL NEWS welcomes manuscripts dealing with the history of British Co lumbia and British Columbians. BC HISTORICAL Please send stories or essays on FEDERATION any aspect of the rich past of our WRITING COMPETITION province to: The British Columbia Historical Federation invites submissions of books for The Editor, BC Historical News the seventeenth annual Competition for Writers of BC History. Fred Braches, P0 Box 130 Any book presenting any facet of BC history, published in 2000, is eligible. Whonnock BC V2W 1V9 This may be a community history, biography, record of a project or an Phone: (604) 462-8942 organization, or personal recollections giving a glimpse of the past. Names, E—mail:[email protected] dates and places,with relevant maps or pictures, turn a story into “history.” Note that reprints or revisions of books are not eligible. Send books for review and book The judges are looking for quality presentations, especially if fresh material is reviews directly to the Book included, with appropriate illustrations, careflil proofreading, an adequate table of contents and bibliography,from first-time writers as well as Review Editor, Anne Yandle index, established authors. 3450 West 20th Avenue The Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing will be awarded to Vancouver BCV6S 1E4 an individual writer whose book contributes significantly to the recorded Phone: (604) 733-6484 history of British Columbia. Other awards will be made as recommended E-mail: by the judges to valuable books prepared by groups or individuals. [email protected] All entries receive considerable publicity.Winners will receive a Certificate of Merit, a monetary award and an invitation to the BCHF annual confer NEWS ITEMS for publication in ence to be held in Richmond in May 2001. BC HistoricalNews should be SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: All books must have been published addressed to the editor in in 2000 and should be submitted as soon as possible after publication. Two Whonnock. copies of each book should be submitted. Books entered become property of the BC Historical Federation. Please state name, address and telephone number of sender, the seffingprice of all editions of the book, and, if the PLsE SEND CORRESPONDENCE ABOUT reader has to shop by mail, the addressfrom which it may be purchased, SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE SUBSCRIPTION applicable shipping and handling costs. SEcRETARY, JOEL VINcE including 6i WooDLrn DRIVE SEND TO: BC Historical Federation Writing Competition CBRooK BC ViC 6V2 c/o Shirley Cuthbertson PHONE: (250) 489-2490 #306-225 Belleville Street Victoria BC V8V 4T9 E-IvIAIL: [email protected] DEADLINE: 31 December 2000