IRINA BRAKE Phylogenetic systematics of the Milichiidae (Diptera, Schizopbora) Entomologica scandinavica Supplement No. 57 now: Insect Systematics & Evolution J1:ntomologica scandinavica Supplements also supplement to: Insect Systematics & Evolution An international journal of systematic entomology owned by the Scandinavian Society of Entomology and sponsored by the national councils for natural science research in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Editor-ill-chief: Dr. N. M\'lller Andersen, Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Managing editor: Dr. Lennart Cederholm, Museum of Zoology, University of Lund, Sweden. Editorial advisers: Dr. Gary A. P. Gibson, Centre for Land and BioI. Resources Research, Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Jyrki Muona, Oulanka BioI. Station, University of Oulu, Finland. Dr. E. Schmidt Nielsen, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Canberra, Australia. Dr. Norman 1. Platnick, American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S.A. (:oUllcii of the Scandinavian Society of Entomology Dr. Ilcnrik Enghoff, Entomologisk Forening, Copenhagen, Denmark. Prof. Marlin Meinander, (Chairman), Entomologiska Foreningen, Helsinki, Finland. Prof. I,auritz Somme, Norsk Entomologisk Forening, Oslo, Norway. Dr. Per Douwes, Entomologiska Sallskapet, Lund, Sweden. (;eneral aims J<:n[(lll1ologica scandinavica Supplement is issued by the Scandinavian Society of Entomology for original papers on systematics and taxonomic entomology. They appear at itTegular intervals, normally 2-3 vols. per year. Standing orders are accepted. Normally, the authors are required to meet the costs a/publication. Editorial office: Vastervang 28, S-247 34 S. Sandby, Sweden. Phone +46/(0)46-579 69. +46/(0)46-57969. E-mail:
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