
NEWS ¦ ' • ¦¦;. rilli WATERF011D SHIPPING. ¦ DKCEMUER , 1865 ,4't HB N ATI ONAX . ., • „ :... M0NEY.1 Erening at 49 King street .?*> " i STEAM COMMUNICATION " Published every Friday - BUILDING AND LAND INVESTMENT COMPAN Y OF (LIMITED) LOANS ON CAl__ O_t I THE i AUCTION ROOM; [Opposite the Provincial llanle.l STEAM from LIVERPOOL or QUEENSTOWN "Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford whiel tit Liabilit)of ike Bharthotfors DEPOSIT. , Incorporated wtdtr " 2»« Companies' Ad, 1982," i.v SIX PER CENll. INIBiyj8T;•... , . . NO. lOI'/QUAT.i-.now fitted up for th» reception - Canyin; Goods to LIMERICK , TIFPEBABY, CXORHELI ' of thtir Bhares. , . ' ¦ RICE THREE I'I.SCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE; 13S. TO NEW YORK, I ... ,,.. is limitti to the amount •. of Fnrnlture,' .&c.V, foT;_ile. - P CAREICK-OK-SUIK, K ILZEKKT, and CAIIBH, at Through STAMPED, -Id.; Y T.ARLY, 17S. 4d. r Persons'not wishing to have Propertrdisposed ol on Rates. '; ' 000 000. . r*HE DIRECTORS of the Waterftrdajid TWICE A.WERK. . . ; CAPITAL, £1, , for tbe purpose of ' i theirown Premiseswill find it theirinterest to makeuse _ •! ri~IlE New nnd Powerful Screw Stca- FIRST ISSUE £800,000, X Railway, rmlaeiDg the' IN- "THE WATKUFORD NEWS" vr- ge&jd^rpiIK Liverpool , New York, * STALMENTS of the G0VERNM_NT ,L<)AN and of this Establishment, as tbe Room ia both spaciousand V . JL and Philadelphia Steam Ship ' , , and no Call trill erwed XI per Share) HOOK-BINDING , RULING, i»in J V^u '"" I T~ Clyde-built Iron Screw TOUB (now Building), '• TUSKAR (Futnro Calls will bo at intervals of not less than Three Meatlis, Months Bfjuiships, carrying the Uuited States ," SrapnBK ABDF.nsoir, able upon cither One or Three ' NoticeN , to be AUCTION OF HORSES ASH Mail*, Commander, or other First-class Vessels, aro intended MO always increased to 6 per Cent, whenever and' during , lo Sad DIRECTORS : Travelling Machines "titijm QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NE YORK , Furmmg-' ImplementsSleek as under (unless prevented by nny unforeseen . ' ¦ ¦ , , MANUFACT ORY tf allowing 4 per Cent, on ' CCOUNT-BOOK. ' ¦ the time the Irish Banks are ' ¦ ¦ ¦ A ' ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ '' - ¦ ¦ 1 ' ' • • , ' •' ' " -if circumstance), with or without Pilots and with liberty Esq. (Firm of Ja_o« M'CulIagh. Son, and Co), ¦ ' ¦ . . -- • •&• .. as follow t . ' , CHAIRMAN—ANDREW M'COLt¦ iACIH. Deposit Receipts. . . - .. - _. . &,;& ; 4!) & 50 KINO STREET. ,_ »vi CWt Q& to Tow Vessels ¦ , Lower, Dublin, and St. Brondon'a, Coolock, co. Dublin ; JJANCHKSTKR ... 8atnrd»#' 23~E*-?>cc. and to render Assistance to Vessels in Si Abbey-street, They will also accept Money on' like Bonds, at 6 MR. TH0MA8 WALSH'O next Auction of Horses ,C(Tr.j|'ig& LTIMORE Thuriday,, 28th ' „ ' Distress :— ttCE-CIIAIRUAN—ANDRKW HERBERT BAGOT, Esq; (Firm of Ba*ot», Hutton, and Co), and for tbe TravellingVehicles , &o , &», wiQ take ' FROM G L A S ¦ Dublin and 21Loinstertoad , Ratbmines, CO. Dublin ; per Cent., for Three, or Five Years, plac* %-&>il^L rpHFProprietoroT tff* X_N(fe«0|-^' StfoflfftiSOtb. „ 0 0 W (Clyde-street Ferry) to ,- .. 28 William-street, , bearing interest at 6 per O«nC for 00 Cork and Watcrford—Snlteo, Friduy, 1st Dec., 12 noon E»q, J.P., Alderman-Lord Mayor Elect of the City .of Dublin, ... Debenture Stock , i ON MONDAY, 1ST JANUARY, I86G, nd JAMES WILLIAM MACKEY, Dublin ; and 5 per Cent. In perpetuity afterwards. Concerts and ' tt d - —by Rail to Orcenock, 6 p.m. , 40 Westmoreland-street,' Dublin, and Clonsilla Home, Clonsilb>,...co. Three Tears, At MR LAUREBCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY ™ K&]JJ§L-_ <&c> liis Printing d_ v '' ^trnp ^ ' the Waterford and Limerlak ' ' Mnntfactarjr 8»w l--S-fct^ Thursday, Waterford and Cork—Tuskar, Tuesday, 5th Dec., 12 ucon HENRY ROBERT PERRY, _iq. (of tlo Firm of Pirn, Parry, and Co), . The Line is worked by I Establishment, Beres/ord street, Waterford, 8 ¦ifptffe fii'3 Account-Book lc CMjjHBt^HMKa^MailStcamWerery „ co, Dublin ; ending the 25th March, '' EP Io an ^ —by Rail to (jreenock, 6 p.m. V 0 Burgh Quay, Dublin, and Idrone Terrace, Blaclrrock, .... Company, and for the year 1 ' .. • ORD«a ._ILB : c ua y 'n " l'roTino**i jw^^^^^^^^^Bi-Rpcordiii f to thOccommodation. ¦' • " 163 8s. 64 tie , fev5SiCW§j3!/n! 1a 'J j^], ' 'a and Batnrdty'a Steamers Cork and Waterford—Kinsalc, Friday, 8th Dec., 12 noon WILLIAM WIG HT, Esq. (Firmof William Wight and Co), 1865, tho Traffic Keccipts were £21, , TraTolling Vehiclej, Harness Game Dogs &c., at W& jvStSsJtS'MiW ' },y e introduction dl new ^•^^^^^^HKUonduy —b and Newenham pinto Upper Lcesoa-stree!,.. Dablia. 390 4d; Od., , , y Rail to Grccnock, 5 p.m. -V. 23 Euatace-fltreot, , Working and other expenses being £10, rweWe o'Clock precisely. • -y Patent M ACIIINEBT, Vtamred Watcrford and Cork—Tuskar, Tuesday, 12th Dec 12 noon for Interest on \^^^ U(' M^^^^^^^^^^ HacIddca a full trap ply of cooked Pro- , BAHKBES-THEJ_ANK OF IRELAND, DUBLIN, AND ALL IT3 BRANCHES. leaving a Balance of £10,763 4i. Od., Hunters Biding ] %7TC. P«JI_M | constant sBgaltesWj —by Rail to Grocnock fi p.m , and Family H uf»s, at One o'clock. <>1 , WILIiIAM DALY, Esq.—Office* : 27 Dame-street, Dablln. Loans, after the payment of which there is a consider- Colts | | \73ST th"CTtt_«t hud most npjirinwa Cork and Watcrford—Saltcc, Friday, ,h Dec 12 noon SBC-BTisi-r. , Draught and Farm Horses Immediatelyafter. 7 : and tho United States, booked 15' , able surplas, and the opening of the New Line from I StjfedrJtBw TypwVa' nda —by Rail to Greeuock, 6 p.m. SOLICITOHS-JAMES'^'DILLON MELD0N and SON, U Upper Ormond Quay, Dnblin. OdT Persons intending property for thiB Sale will be I ^f obas terms. Kilkenny to Maryborough, now constructing (a distance required I l'agioyVsjobine for. Accon^ Watcrford and Cork—Kinsalc, Tuesday, 10th Dec, 12 neon _VBIOBI HENRY CARSON, Esq., C.E, F.R.I.A, and HENRY BRETr, Esq, C.E, to have it entered at Mr. DOBBTH'S, or at Mri plpn Btlfattto JOHN BfcICEE, ASCBJTBCTB i»p SD —BDWARD¦ of 19 Miles from Kilkenny to Abbeyleix being com- prepared to cxMutoj species of ;..j —by Rail to Greenock, 6 p.m. ,>• Offices—25 Haroourt-strect, DubliD. WAISB'B Office, 100 Custom-house Quay, on or bofcre Doofe-is Sft* tsyictoria¦ .strcct; in Quemstoicn, - t\v. ______pleted), and open for Traffic will materially increase ¦¦ >—1 '& Co. ; nnd in Liverpool to Cork and Waterford—Tuskar, Thursday, 21st Dec., 12 noon '¦ Nuie o'Clock themoroing of Bale. Fee for entry, 2s. 6d. LETTER-PRESS^PRINTINC, , —by 1\M \ to Grccnock - the Receipts. ; or to , 6 p.m. OMPANY ci*iWisbed for tho nnrposo of efficiently cairyinir oat, nndor tbo provisions of the Com- Purchasers to.pay Auctioneer's Fees of FWe per Cent AND ORNAMENTAL, Kit«r-str«t Watcrford and Tnis C has been Applications to be addressed to the undersigned at the PLAIN ffiAS HARVEY, Watcrford. Cork—Salteo, Tuesday, 20th Dec, 12 noon panies' Act of 1882, tho importSVobjects of BUILDING and LAND INVESTMENT SOCIETIES :-these objects ,.¦; THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. that will not, he feels confident, fail to —by Rail to Greonock, 6 p.m. Articles of Asiociation) to afford primarily to the Shareholders a secure snd profi- Company's Offices , 9 Bank Place/ Mall, Wateiford. in a manner Cork and being (as eipresied more follv in ik> Auctions attended in any pact of Country or Town. WATERrttiffigStfrtalLFOUD HAVEN Watcrford—Kinsale, Friduy, 23th Dec., 12 noon table means of Investing Cap'itiliimAotprocuring Funds to enable them to Build or Purchase Dwelling Mouses, to By Order, 100 Cnstom-honso Quay, give satisfaction, • ^_. —by Rail to Orcenock, 6 p.m. Secretary. Waterford, 1865. tf - ' Acquire Land, or to Obtain otmrMal, Leaseholdor Tersonal Property. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, CHEAPLY, EXPEniTIOUSLY^KD^IflOANWiY. RO .YAMglMg^ STEAMERS FROM CORK TO The powers taken by tbo QaMMtjo it*Article* of Association, include tho dealing in Lands Tenements, and Hero- Waterford, May 12, 1866. (jalO-tf.) AUCTIONEER& VALUATOR All tho FORMS used in WORKHOUSES and DISPEN, Glasgow (direct) Kinsnlo, Saturday, 2nd Dec. 1 p.m ditamonts, of any' tenure or KnoflBSSecurities of any kind In relation thereto, by Buyiug, Selliog Building, ImproTiog, W atcrford & Glas , or otboririso ; and including tbe acquisition by Purchase, Lease, nt Trices in T*« JV*«« Priufcd List, whidynajj, Djti& WfcVit I C A TI 0 N Bow...SaUce, Tuesday, 6th „ 4 p.m or Letting Buch Lands, Tenements, and Heredilamenti WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY HINTON, in returning thanks to the general gi.nlES. fU W Glasgow (direct) Tuskar " JOHN " "" • ' , Saturday, Oth „ 0 a.ni, Stchtan, or otberwuo, of tho tune. public, for the great confidence hitherto reposed be hnil on arrlication . : ' VC f immff iJrulctfZ xcepUd,) W atcrford A Glasgow,..Kinsalc ' of either pnblie or prifate, and either by the Company or by others, and tho Improving, Ro- , Tuesday,12th 11 a.ra, ' -^fffift Erection Bnildings, MONEY ON DEPOSIT. in him as an Auctioneer, and the large Patronage ha PAJIPHLKTS, CATALOGUES; nnd all otto BOOKv BElWW THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Saturdjy, 16tU „ < 8 p.m Jaliiat, Rebnilding, or Altering any Buildings, upon any Lands, aud the Draining of any Lands, and the Laying-out or ¦ Waterford or other purposes and tbo coustruction of Roadi Gardens Squares, or rpHE WATERFORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY has experienced from his friends, begs to state that no WOKIC, in .1 manner «iu,il to any bouse. Specimens may* .- •*^'__UTB WALES AKD ENGLAND & Glasgrott'...Saltee, Tuesday, 10th 3 p.nj, •jiofHrnating any portion thereof, for Building, , , , Glasgow (direct) Kinsale, Saturday, p,ro, or otherwise Improving or Altering aay Lands or Buildings , as the Directors may deem expedient. X COMPANY are open to receWe, to a limited exertion shall bo wanting en his part for the time to te sren at the Office. V • Via ^Vaterford and^I'Cprd Haven, in connection will 23rd „ J Unriinental Grounds, eorae to Waterford & Giasgow...Tus!iar, Tuesday, 26th 7 p.m, Tho Letting, or Leasing, for any term or turms of years, or otherwise, aud.tba Selling, Exchanging, Mortgaging, oi extent, Mosey on temporary Deposit, for whioh the giie entire satisfaction. Valuations underta- BKXTAI.S, I.KASKS, and all kitfi of LAW FORMS. ' Express Trains im^-eyfitrsnt Western, South Wales ken at an hour' ' Glasgow (direct) Saltee, Saturdny, 30th „ 2 p.m, otberwiso disposing of any ssch Lands, Tenements, and Hereditament*, for tho whole or any part of tbe Estate or In- Allowing Rates of Interest will, until further notice, s notice, and Auctions, in any part ot POSTING and HAND-RILLS, in Black or Colored InV». ¦Waterfqrd nnd litraerick, Watcrford ond Kilkenny, Watcrford tho County, shall bo conducted with care ¦ &GlasgoW...Kinsale,Tucsday, 2nd Jan., 3 p.m terest therein. be allowed on sums of £20 and upwards, fix !— , fidelity, and s and Address Curds ; Deliver; and Receipt Books i> and other Trains itrtoB South of Ireland. Also, tho Receipt of Moneys on Deposit or Current Account, at Interest, or otherwUo. 4 per Cent, per Annum, subject to repayment unwearied attention. , Husincs Past nnd Well-appointed Steam- FROM WATERFORD TO Circulars and Invoices ; Books and Forms for Railway *l - rpHESE Glasgow (direct) Saltce Wcd'day, Tho advancemeut of Moneys to Members, Corporations, Communities, or others, npon the security of Lands, on the expiration of a Fortnight's A Spacious Mart, for the 8ale of Property of every JL eri carrying Her Majest 's Mails Sail , 6th Dec, 3 p.m or upon any Personal after tbe first Month, to Cnstoin-IIixisc Forms; and Stcamsliip Companies; jSrLJ^^s. , y , Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Thursday, Messuages, Tenements, or Hereditaments, of any Tenore or kind, or of any Personal Property, description, is^iow attached the Red House. (Sudavs cjccpted), 7tb „ 1 p.m enabling the Borrowers thereof , to Ereet, or Purchase, or notice, given at any timo. Letter, Note, and Account Freight ami Shipping Notes ; -Daily Glasgow (direct) Kinsale, Wcd'day,13lh .Security situate iu tho United Kingdom, for tho pnrposo of Months, subject ICP J. H. attends Enniscorthy every Fair and Mar- FBOX WATKRPOBD—From tho Adclplii „ 3 p.m or Business Premises or to purchasa tlio Fee-simple or «Dy less Or 6 pen Cent, if left for TweWo Ilciiilinzs ; Insurance & Mercantilelorms ^siSSS- a** Cork and Glasgow Tuskar Enlarge or Repair any Dwelling-house, Buildings, , TEPHEN HITE the arrival of the Limerick Train , Thursday, 11th „ 1 p.m to rovision thereafter on like notice. ket day ; and Mr. S W , Arthurslown, re- Brokers' Weekly Circulars; Koran nnd Notices for Spirit Wharf immediately after Glasgow (direct) Saltce Wcd'day, Estato or Interest in any Freehold or Leasehold Property situato in Ireland. 'clock in the Afternoon reaching Milford Haven , 20th „ 3 p.m for nuiplui iucotno and capital and enables the The Principal or Interest will be paid as desired by ceives Orders there. All letters to beaddresud to Red Pawnbrokers' Tickets; Listascs ; A at Three o , Cork and Glasgow Kinsale, Thursday,21st )u The Coropauy offers, therefore, A secure and profitable investment , (wind and weather permitting) in time to enable Passengers „ sajings acquirement of Freobold or Leasehold Properties, especially the Depositors. House, Wexford. Cask and Dottle Labels, in an); licport* of Mfcbngs, Scr- Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Wcd'day, 27th „ 3 p.m Shareholders and others to apply their to tbe ' to proceed by the 0 6 a.in. Express Train to London, reach, Further Information can be obtained from the under- " I feel very great pleasure in bearing testimony to the color required; rnonS*, Ac j . _ Cork and Glasgow Saltec, Thursday, '_>8lh „ 1 p.m houses in which they reside. superior and highly crcditablo manner in which Mr. Jomt Bill-HeadinRS »n» ing Paddington at 6 0 p.m Third Class Passengers will For these objects the Company makesadvances oat of its Funds, for the Purchnso of Properties for occupation or In- signed, and al60 from the following Agents:—A. 8TE- Business Announcements ; ?55 n Giasgow (direct) Kinsalc, Wcd'day, 3rd J.in., 3 p.m Hin ton, Auctioneer, conducted my Salo at Ballyncsler Lodge, Auctioneers' Catalogues and bcls a» prices to small ; Iw forwarded by tho Through 7 6 a-ro. train to London.— vestment ; snch advances being secured by Mortgages, or otherwise. PHEKS , Duncannon, County Wexford ; THOMAS 8. HAR - arriving at Milford Haven on Sunday mornings FARES:— licable to the redemption of tho Mortgago or other Secu- RODB and I am convinced that liis tact, ability, paompt settle- Particulars of Sale ; And, in short, every desenp. Passengers Glasgow to Tho Rents of property so purchased thenceforth become app VEY , Little George's-street, Watorford ; JOHN G , per tho 9 lo a*m. Tr.iiu. Watcrford or Cork..,Cabin, 17s. 6d. ; Deck, 10s. AMUEL ments, and faithful attention to clients, will command the Chcck.l! Month, provided AND LOWER, NEWRATI1. MOST Rr-v. mldinqton K.iiliray Station , and at the First- such a Public or Charitable nature, Emly. maj bo bad at l' Excellent Livery Stables nro convcuiect to tho To persons who havo already been enrolled as Members of Building Societies, and who desiro lo continuo as , On Accounts of ANNEMOUNT, Cashel ami Class Stations of the Croat Western iinil .South Wales, Water- obtain Land for the erection of Dwclliog-houses suitablo to their at rates to bo agreed upon, will bo allowod Paper, and in largo clear Type Hotel (m31-tf.) this Company offers especialadvantages , as they can Interest, All persons trespassing on any of these landB after Printed on good ford and Limerick, and Waterfurd and Kilkenny Railways ; requirements which cannot legally be purchased by such Building Societies. any amount. Ri:i:OMMr.NI)ATIUK. ;!0 Caiiuon. , on Balances of this Notice are liable to legal prosecution. also, at the Offices nf Messrs. JACKSON & Co., , HIBERNIAN HOTEL, Tbo Bonds, Debentures, Deposit Receipts, and other Securities of tbo Company, wilt form a convenieut investment Accounts also opened in Dublin for parties residing this Edition of tho Right Kev. Dr. and Milford Haven Railway Station ; or of 2SS~ Previous leave witlidraron. " I approve of street . London, BLACKPOOL STREET, DUNGARVAN for large or small suni3 of moner, at fair rates of interest, and being based on the wholo of the property of tho Company in tho country. Remittances received in Halves of UTLCR 'S Catechism, and recommend it to the Mr. M. DOWXEY , Quay and Aildphi Wharf, Watcrford. time, afford an undoabte I security to tho investors. Ballymonntain, Sept. 20th, 1865. fn J AMES R and their uncallcd-up Capital, tlicy will , at tho same Notes, Post Oifico Orders, _c, Ac. ' (s22-tf) Faithful of these Diocese^ RlTl'KX Tickets, available for 30 days, at a Fare and a Previously to tho division of Estates purchased by tho Company, Printed Forms with Lists of Prices, and tho quan- o|BRiENT Rcii hal f for the Double Journey, are issued at Watcrford, Lime- A. O'NEILL beg lcavo lo acquaint their tho Offices of tho Company. GAME NOTICE. n T& tities ol each allotment, will be prepared and Exhibited at THOMAS LAWLER, IBM. rick, Tipperary, Kilkenny, &c. • friends and the Public thut the above Establish- Tho operations of the Company will bo divided into the following Departments :— rpHE following LANDS in the BARONY of IDA " Watcrford June 'J, " ment ia replete with evtry accommodation ; the looms $35 "16 , MICUAEL STREET, Orders from any part of the Diocese, sent in The Sea Voyage is only Seventy Miles. I.-THE SHARE DEPARTSIENT. 1 and COUNTY of KILKENNY, aro strictly Pro. \Cj=> are large, lofty, an-Jairy, well furnished, aud arc other- (L ATE Jon» FL__AV_ir ,) served : BALLYNAMONA to C. R EDMOND , Printer and Publisher Cattle and Live Stock of all kinds scut by these Vessels The Capital of the Company consists of 100,000 Shares of £10 Each. First Issue, 50,000 Shares. , BALLYKEOGHAN ind directed Ac., wise fitted up with every regard to comfort and conve- E8TABLISH__ENT. KILLASPY. Also tho LANDS of Waterf ord .Vein Office , 4!) King-street, promptly al- are at Shipper's Risk. Ciiiodsmid Cattle, Parcels, Fisli, A Deposit of Ten Shillings must bo paid on Allotment ; farther Calls will bo mado at intervals of not less than UNDEBTAKING MOUNT SION in lied on moderate terms. will lie conveyed hy these Steamers at Low Rates, which can nience. Tho house, is >n a good central situation; every- Three Months, and will not, at nny time, exceed One Pound per share. FUNERALS snpplicd with every requisite, in the BARONY of KILCDLLIHEEN and COUNTY of tended to. The Trade supp or to thing can be had on tbc most Moderate Terms. All be hid Retail from every Catholic Bookseller in he learned on application at any of tho Railway Stations, II.—ADVANCE OR LOAN DEPARTMENT. Town or Country. i^S " Orders addressed WATERFORD. SAMUEL T. GRUBB. May Messrs. J ACKSON &CO., Railway Station , Milford Haven, and Diocese Commercial, Coffee , and Sitting Rooms. All Advances raado by the Company, as above, to bo secured by Mortgages on the Premises so Built, or the Proper- TO THOMAS LAWLER , Killaspy House, August, 1865. [atl4-tf ] the MICHAEL DOWNEY, or on other Properties of sufficient lonafidevalue , or other approved security ; and may bo repaid by BiJ" Cars had on the shortest notice. Good Livery ties so Purchased, MICHAEL STREET, WATERTOBD, —New Work by the Au- fixed and easy instalments. 15, IMPORTANT TO ALL. Adclplii Wharf , and Custom-houso Quay, Watcrford Stables. (dl5-lyj EQKB COTTAGE, TEAMOBB, GAME NOTICE People's Guida to Health," &c III.-DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. or Si. L thor of •' The nil Promptly attended to. [w S'iiric »r],o hashnd 20 Years' practical experience MiLFOllD HAVEN Tho Company will reccivo money, on Deposit, bearing interest as per Company's Tables (at their Offices) or othcr- undermentioned Townlands in the BARONY nr.: I Jiysici l WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. THE in the t reatmen t and Cure of Nervous and wiso ns may be agreed apon. of IDA and COUNTY of KILKENNY IXTF.SDEDORDER of SAILING—DEC. 18ft>. calendar month's notice RAIL WA Y TIME TABLES f orDE CEMBER , , arc Debility. I-ossof Appetite, Pains in the Back , Indiges- for Moneys thus Deposited, may be withdrawn on a , or such other notice as may be arranged at preserved:— &c has ju. AM< tM _ fK> 4 pM< DEAI__RS perfect mies, dcli'clivc Xaviga t iou, or accidents from any other c.iuse, liard and Smoking Rooms. The Rooms arc large, lofty, Tbc London and County Land and Baildiug Company ,(Dcc., TO CATTLE , &c, &c secure from observation, on recei pt of two post- nor for any loss which might have liocii covered by Insurance, 18 80U20J5J 830 — 830 — WS. , NEW- W.C. Dr. S MITH may be consulted personally any Parcels or Packages, unless specially entered and ad va- 68 3 28 9 15 — 9 15 — GATE MARKET, LONDON, continues to London, convenience. „ London and Suburban Building and Land Company. (June, 1805) 12J C-rrick 8 40 11 _ • or by letter at his residence, in all private and conli- lorem Freight pa:J. Goods not removed to be Stored at the Temperance Permanent Building Society (London).., Clonmel 9 15 IS 27 « 0 10 0 - 10 0 obtain tho Highest Prices for all descriptions of Meat. This Hotel is situated on the banks of the far-famed „ (Dec., 186M) li (Rcservo Fund, £27,615). 1 45 6 15 U 0 8 50 U 15 - cases. Letters with details of case promptly risk and expense of the Consignees. Freehold and Leasehold1 Building Society (London).. Jnnction..._.r! 10 35 ICP" Pigs, Sheep, and Cattle consigned to him. dcntial lien Milford Haven, and commands a most extensive view of „ (July, 1805) OJ .MrW ... 3 0 6 IS 1 80 9 45 1 80 - Addrtsj, Dr. S MITH , 8, Burton Crescent, All floods will l>e tnnsidi'ml as subject to a general , „ Kvcrton l'erpetual Buildiug Society (Liverpool) (Feb., ljmerlelc._ Slaughtered with care. answered. and held not only fnr Freight of the same, hut for all Arrears her Majesty 's Dockyard , and of the romantic and pictu 1805) 7 (n3-3mi Square. London, W.C. (flO-tf.) Trains from Limerick. Tavistock of Freight , Storage, or other chnrges duo by the Imjiortcr, resquc Scenery of the neighbourhood. In conclusion, tho Directors have to remark that Suilding and Land Companies and Societies aro becoming an im- Down portant clement of our social system j and time and experience has proved thorn to TRAIXR OK WKKK 4>ATB. BUXDATS. BENSON'S WATCHES. SIKIJICAI. All) (BY LETTER OR PERSONALLY) 1IY Owner, or Consignees to the Company. Visitors, Tourist*, Commercial Gentlemen, and Fa- bo, irrespective of other considerations, powerful instruments in improving the condition of, aud giving a better r CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVER, and ELECTRO HAMMOND (of the Loci; Hospital, Mcmbci WATERFOKI) AND RRISTOL. milies will find tins Establishment, fur situation and moral tone to our people, and they feel assured LIMERICK i 2» 3 4» 5 1* I 3 DU. that when tbe advantages of this Company become known, it will receivo from 12_3'l_2 12-3 1 _2 134312*312-3 PLATE.—J. W. Benson, Lndgate Hill London of the College of Physicians and .Surgeon?), M Gipsy direct. comfort, combined with moderate charges, surpassed by all classes that confidence and snnnort TO , which tucy claim for it on theso grounds. Cl« " ClUt ClaiI< ClMI Cl8M- Cla " ClMI E.C. (Established 1749) Watch and embitter and shorten the dura- From Watrrford to Rrislol : From Rristol to Watcrford : no other in the Principality. Night Porter meets the WATERFORD.WATFUFORD rJfi f „_ , „ _ , „_ Clock Maker by all those diseases which AJ|> ^^ A H# Warrant of Appointment to H.R.H. hints whereby manl« ¦1'iicj'lir, Ivc. .1, ... !l MornTri'lnj, Dec 1 ... 4J Afln'n Roats. Hot; Culd, and Shower Uaths. Iho Prince of tion of human life. He offers 1 ™I 6 45 11 0 4 0 10 45 9 55 10 45 — machinery for the production of Clocks and Timepieces married life rendered happy, and the ' I' Morn E. WILLIAMS, Manager. Branches j the Offices of tho Solicitors to tho Company, JAKES DILLON M ELHOX and SON Kcured ; the Tuomlay, " 'Jfi, ... i Aftu n rldoy, „ 24, ... 8J , 14 Upper Ormond Quay ; at Juoctlon Dtp t 46 il2 10 5 25 U 13 IU 05 12 15 — of evory description. removed. Thoic who desire to marry I-'ri'laj, „ 2fl, ... 3 Afln'n tho Offices of the Surveyors of tho Company, EDWARD HENBT CAUSON, Esq., C.E., and HBNET BIIKTT, Esq., C.E., 0 IU • 1 20 6 »0 2 15 — 3 15 — cause of discord DUBLIN. Clonrael WATCHES to health, beauty, grace and elegance. Also Briton, or Zastie. No. 25 Harcourt-strcct , Dublin ; and tho several STOCK nnd SHARE BKOKKfiS in Dublin, Belfast Cork Limerick, C«rricl 0 45 J tt 7 «0 3 85 — 1 S3 — restored ' I 2 10 8 10 3 43 — 3 <5 — adapted for every class, climate and , cure, nnd isolation of nervous, physi- From Walcrford to llristol, From Rrislol to Watcrford, THE EUROPEAN HOTEL, BOLTON STEEET Wntcrford, Londonderry, Galway, Drogheda, Nowry, Uundalk , &c., &c., Ac. M8-10. Vr*ltrtord...Anl 10 35 coontry. Whole- on " The arrest onibroke Dock. sale and Retail. Chronometers sexual debility, spcrmatorrha-a, painful dreams, calling nt 1' Mail Trains marked with an atterisk. t Ooodi. , Duplex, Levers, Hori- cal, and I-Viilay Dec 1 , ... 1 AHn'ii , Tu'-»J«v Dec S ._ 7J Morn EUROPEAN is tho largest, the best situate " The author will advise THE Finn:—FlrstClais Single Tlcket,14i3d ; Seconddo. , loi 8d; tontal , Repeating, Centre Seconds, Koyless, and Chro- and diseases of indiscretion. t-'riilay, „ *, ..11 Morn jTueulijr, „ Ji ... I Allii'n and most comfortable Hotel ia the City. All Roluin—Pint Clasl,21l 3d ; Second do,, 16«. by calling on him. :'¦ 4 A lio'n jTucHilav 1!1 ... 7 Morn JAMES WALPOLE Third do, JtSd; nographs, at £2 10s , to 200 Guineas. invalids lioir to cure themselves Fmlay, ,, < , ... , ,, modern improvements have been recently introduced, ~ Those unable t» attend personally arc advised to en- Kriilm , „ 2J , ...III Morn 'Tuesday, „ 20 ... I;! Noon "IlEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Watcrford and hai CLOCKS ; l-'riilay. „ M, ... i Afltl 'ni and the entire house papered , painted, and decorated. its Vicinity, tnat he WATERFORD AND KILKENNY RA1LWAY7 close two stamp* Tor " The Sclf-cirativc ManuaV' whicb X3 just received a Choice Selection of Drawing, Dining, and Bod-room, Bracket, Carriage, $*,' ," On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin nf the Steam- Twenty suites of A partments for Families. Drawing Up Trains from Waterford. will enable suifcn-is to effect a speedy and private cure ~ Church, Turret, Stable, or Office, at £1 Is. to 1,000 prs will \m C> |«'i» to receive l'asscugers arriving from London Rooms frum 'Js.Gd. to As. Hitting Koonis on the ground WtlK PAVa. aOKDATThAlSB. and abortive so-called remedies. BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS ' T»AIKS OX Gnincos. without dangerous l>y tin- Night Mail Train. floor free of charge. 3 4 12 3 ar.d addressed, " Dr. I lain Suitable for the Season. Also, a Large Variety of It 2* OPINIONS or TIIE PRESS: All letters to be prepaid, Cabin Fare, lii-j. ih\.; Servants and Children , 10s. Oil . l-' OISTS, FOWL and K NTKF.E, in 12-3 1-2 1 -3 12_3 12-3 12_3 1 2 -3 Bedford-square , Lon idp Soui", isti , J , BTATIOKS. " The movements are of tbe finest quality which the art mowl. No. II , Charlotte-street , Return do., iios. ; ut- with lilx-rty to return from Dublin Coffee-room and Restaurant , from Two to Seven o'clock OINNI - H , DESSERT , BREAKFAST , TEA , & TOILET SERVICES. Clan Claia. Class Clan. Claaa. Claas. Claia ot Sundays 10 till 12 l.U. A.M. F.M. r.H. r.X. P.H . P.M' horology is at present capable of producing." don." At home 9 till 2 , nnd 0 till 8, Cork , or Wciford, ais. Od., Steward's fee included; Deck Servants, 2s. Od., 2s., and Is. Od. TOORTIIER WITH —Illustrated "s. ill. Fcni:il>siiitriid the Ladies' Cabin. daily. Ucd , including London News, November 8, 1863. rp E \V FRENCH K E M E 1) Y J. MOLONY , P HOI -IUBTOR. A BEAVIIFVL ASSORTMENT OF CUT AND TRESSED TABLE GLASS. hm hm hm p m hra II E N I) I) 1) (nril-tf.) hm hm " Some of them are of greatbeauty; and if the English i«an Infallible cure for N ERVOUS, MENTAL, W A T E H F II A X LI V K R I' 0 O L. Waterford ...Dtp 7 30 IS 80 4 45 - 4 0 - - 1 Camilla Vesta and Zeuhyr. An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on hands, which will bo disposed wstch trade only follow np with the same spirit and success and PHYSICAL DEBILITY ; is tho discovery of an , , CITY MANSION HOTEL, KIT of at Moderate Prices Kilkenny.-.,*!-..! 9 15 2 20 0 15 - 5 30 - - tbis first attempt to compete with foreignersin decorative WATEKFOKH : ¦ FUOM i.i\Ei;rooj. : 6 25— — — — been used on the ncut DUHLtN Kilkenny Dep 930 — eminent French Physician ,tpml has Friiloy Dec 1 , ... !l Morn FriJi;, I'cc I , ... « Morn 30, LOWER. HRIUGE STREET, , 049 834sn — — — — watches, there seems to be no reason why we should not get r FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IN STOCK 3allir»ggett 15 *-^?, _ _ " Continent for the lasi five years with unvarying suc- Tu'-stl-jv, .», ...12 Noun ( 'fiii;bJay, ,. S, ...12 Noon one of the WEST SITUATE, 7 - - the trade entirely into our own hands. —Times, June 23 tl ADMITTEDLY HATCHINGS GOT TO ORDER. __ ' Abteyloix...^rM0 the form of a Krlilty, „ S ... 2 Afl u'ii Kriilay, „ 8, ~. 2 Afln'n COMFOitTAJILE T WARE HIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. C.rlow(ISE)Op - 3 23 7 S5 - 7 0 - - 1862. ' cess ; being chemically prepared in CHEAPEST, ami MOST I0 I0 - 930 - - lozenge, maj te tikcn without the least fear ofditection, Tuenlay, ,, 12. ... 2 Alln 'n Tumiiay, ,, 12, ... li Morn HOTELS in the CITY. BST CHINA HALL, 00, QUA Y, Diiblin(OS_WM - S35 BENSON'S 4-GUINEA LONDON-MADE pa- Friday, „ IS, ... !) Morn Kriilay, „ IS, ... f Mom FAMILY nnd COMMERCIAL WATERFORD. and speedily restores the most 1 tent Lever Watch, Capped and Jewelled, strong Silver tone and manly vijmr to Tues.liy, ., 1'", ...12 N I»M Monday, „ I ;, ... !l Mom Bed, Is; Breakfast, Is.; Dinner (Ordinary), Is. Od . Down Trains from Kilkenny. impaired comtilulion. Sent through the Post to any Tuesday, „ V; ... '1 Aftn'ii Thursday, ,, 21, ...12 Noon Rooms, 6Ct apart for Ladles and Cases, made in four sizes, from 1 j to 2 inches in dig. Dining and Silling TtA|[(B oj( w, tK BAT*. I IWBX TTMA1IH. aJdrcss, prepaid, on receipt of Us. or stamps. Kach Fmliy ., 2!', ... !' Morn Fri.by, ,, 1BI , .. 7 Mom Families, Free of Charge. Accommodation for Scrcnty- ~ motor. This Watch is suitable for everybody, and is ( ' 15s Servants and Children, 10*.; Deck, 7s "Tt 2» ^3 l 4 1 2 13 packet contains all tbc medical advice r«i|iiircd in these .abin Fnrc, .; five Persons. EAST INDIA PALE ALE, 12-3 12-: without doubt tho best, cheapest, and most accurate Oil. ; ('lii)ilreu. 4s. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. 8TATIONS. 12-3 1-2 1 _2 12-3 12*3 cases. Sole Aficnt in thin country, Mmisii ur A. II UVAJ., tiSyA Night Porter always in attendance. [jaO-ly] " Cla««lcia«» Clail.Claif. Clan. Clan. CUn Watch manufactured in this country. Good* received at Clarence Dock. F.M. TM. Patent Medicine Agent, Ho. 13, New Market-street , PATRICK S. CAREY, Proprietor. A.M. A.M. r.K. r.». A.M. BENSON'S £2 10s. HORIZONTAL WATCH, WATKUFORD AND LONDON. _c Birinincham. TRADE MARK-WATERFORD ~~~~ hm hm Jewelled, , strong Silver Cases, 1J to 2 inches in Minna, Aurora, Beta, Aura, or othor eligible Vessels. ARMS hm hm hm hm hm HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR.-A Medical KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, 8 35 12 M -80-- diameter, a sound and nsoful Watch. rliOM W'ATKIlPORU : , FllOM LONDON: Dublin(GSW)flp - ¦ Man (if «() years' experience in the treatment of MOKCK STREET , lrEXFORD. — 10 40 2 23 — 10 30 — Thursday, Dec 7 ... 4 Afln'n nwdnenduy Dec fi , ... f Morn mrhiwrlSB).... BENSON'S 5.GUINEA LADY'S GOLD NERVOUS DEBILlTV SjiCHiiatorrhas aiMi other f Morn rpiIIS is a Central and Comfortable House, in which . . af- Ihur-d.iv , „ 14 ... 4 Art n'n IWjVilneulny „ J.I, ... lt S0NS bcg, r03I'c Siamfi. Secre- .im-U in eivid at 137 1.cadeiiball-strei;t , K.C , 13s. Od. do IS. 8d; LD WATCH, , Jewelled Sonlhwark. I' OP THE tary, Institu c o Anatomy, Iiirminsham. (jylo-t < " :~Fir.t Claw Single Tloket, «. i8ecojj in four holes, and all tho late improvements, with a _ WATEl!FOl:U AND l'LV.MOUTH Double, Medium, and Single Stouts in primo condition for Draught or Bottling. FI RM w K IU WKV ' COUNTY AND CITY OF WATEHF0ED. ni do 2» 7d ; Heture-Flrit CIB»I. 9«; 2d do. 8.M pore white enamelled dial and elegantly-engraved or Starch Manufacture) 3 to 11. It. 11. the Princess of JM I HWI , Aura, Hanger, Aurora, or other eligible Vessels. ilo, 4. 4<1 : Thi . .OM I'LVMOUTH I arc hereby Warned not to give your support St. Stephen's Brewery, New-at., Waterford. Stores. Newgate-st., & 93 ttaay. engine-turned caso. Wales. FBOX WAIKU POUD: PI' YOU AND TRAMORE RAILWAY. Thuri.lay, I)cc T, ... 4 Aftn'o Thursday, Dec 7 ... 8 Afl a'n to nny Person until you call on the Man who has WATERFORD 20,000 OTHER WATCHES in stock, for prices STARCH Tlmrwlay „ 11, ... 4 Afurn I hur«day , „ 11 , ... » Afln'n kept his pledge. Almost every one can tell you of the Week Day Trains. ft LENFIELD PATENT , Tlmrsilajr « Afln'n of whichsee the pamphlet. USED IN THE ROYAI. LAUNDRY. ,. 51, ... 4 AftnVTIiiirsda/, „ 21. ... , and the wrongs you suQcr, by IIAZLETON , O'DONNELL ~ XX Thursday, ,, S« , ... 4 Afln'n' I liuisdar 'J-1, ... Alln'n lnjuiticc you rcccivu & , CO 1 » 5 EG to announce that tlicy havo PURCHASED a LARGE LOT of COLORED CONFEDERATE BLAN- " a m a_m_ p_ _ all parts of England, Scotland, Wales, or Ireland. If TARCH XCM - IVELY Usi:n in tin; H OTAL LMSDHV , promised ly you with Cheap "~ hm bra bmhm bmbm S is K ' Southampton , Portsmouth , ami placis adjacent. Four years a^o I supp ¦*-* KETS suited for Charitable and other purposes, ALL WOOL, 2} Yards Long 2 Yards Wide h ia bra hm to India or the Colonies 5s. each extra. AJKSTT 'S I,AI:XDNI >"! siy^ that although she this I have , by , prico 6s. 0 10 45 12 0 «3 I5 4 0 530 9 0 — — and Hr.u M , WATERFORI ) and scrviccablu ours , and from that time to , W'fil '8 .go 9 30 - - A PROFUSELY-ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET and other Powder Starches AND RELFAST. Also, a Lot suited for Bcd-room Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Uorso Rnga, 4c, _c, wliich are woll worth public role lU'll lt l 0 313 4 30 has tried Wheatcn , Rice , , .Vinii'i, Aura, Ihta, Aurora, or other eligible Vessels. spared neither labour nor expense to keep iny word ; of Watches,' Clocks, and Chains, descriptive of every the Ins found noncof them e.|ir.luy, ., 'Jl. ... 2 Alin'ii ' lueiday, „ so, ... C Alln'n Pledge. WINCEYS. I GREY AND WHITE H TWEEDS, AKD »M illustrations, postfree for 6 stamps. ' |au:3 trj ' Cent cheaper than any other PRINTS, I .5 12 » 1 » 4 » 0 -. - - - tuted. Salurdav , ., 3U ... 4 Aftn nl which will be found UO per DRESSES, CALICOES, H COTTON HANDKER-" ^ J. W. Benson, maker of the Great Clockfor the Ex. W'OTHKRSPOON k Co. , Glasgow and London Cabin F.nv, ... 13s. Deck, ... 7s. M. Children , ... Is 811 AWLS, SKIRTINGS, | CLOTHS, j CHIEFS Ac fe. House. I , • ~~ marked thai • are mall Iniat. hibi-on, 1862, and of the Chronograph Dial, by which WATERFOR I) AND NKW ' Jiltistic-iUle.Hoots , Pegged .. ill. Or/, to IOJ . f!RK r.r inn AUTHOR "MANHOOD." , Stitchid ,. Gd. , 18th DECE-BEB, and following »i«»s—Flnt OU Fi:rjM \\'ATi.ltFol:i »—Dail y, Sundays cxccpti.il, at 3.1" P. M . lio. Du. 10* at prices much under thoir real value, aad they solicit an earl te«.d0i-i8-gleTi(-.Ud.; Betan>Tlck.t,9d. Friie Medallist, Class 88, and Honourable Mention, /IH ( out ltino. 1' uckct Riition, J'o*t Free, 12 Stamps days, y inspection: of tho eamo. , F UOM N KW Ross—Daily, Sundays cicepted, at «.:)O A .M Jj u. Do. Clump Soles ... 11*. firf. fjU4.6m) Scale! Jimfs, 2 ACC0UHT BOOK MANUFACTORY riirsiCAL ASU P EII SO.VAI. , with instruc- llcrths fiiirid and every information given by ihcAgcutH, Women 's lClatUc sule' Boots .. is. Od. to (is. 0./. TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS f OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ^^ ti'in? l':>r remuving the special disqualification* and hn- llristol—The (iciicral Steam l'ackct Ollice. Lieerj uiol— ' s Lacing Hoots ... .. 4*. Od. to Os. Od. SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I *».» »»_» A CCOTOT BOOKS, of-oyshe , made of bertptper, Company, ') Ilrunswirk-»trcct, Women oK_J_5 to"!!. Z ril ttilimcnts which destroy the happiness of wrd'led life. Waf-rlord Strain Ship 2- , call the attention of my Female Support- »<-l») »-m 4 ind Holed to soyMttera, with or willwnt printed Iluilding«. Lowlan— AXTilo >>. fi . Ronixsos I wish to HAZLETON Doblm (iari/ -ii8U«l' *»i ",? 'J^* " -O- Ej Dr. J. L. CfnTis , 15 , AIbcmarlc-street , 1'iecadily, Washington , - Elastic-Bide Pegged Boots, which , O'DONNELL & CO , can now be P.OEB BI M.CHUH. ftwn 1 to liriti-h ami l-'orcixn Steam Wharf , Lower ers .0 n Large Lot of D I*m 1 - " ? o ES 7 sSSS headtngi Uadon, W . This Work contains plain directions by 20 Mark Lane; , which must 1*" ?. 1 u_n aJS or in duplle«te «tTHS and West Kent Wharf, Suutbnark ; 1'ar- I purchased muih below Ihe usual Price *^Sr«nd do) Z Ziaol-i a lO,OOO,con8ecn_TelT,»ltern»t«ly1 1 »lich forfeited privileges cm be restored , anil cssen- East Sinillifield, Gutta o_m ¦ . at 137 Leadi-nball Strocl , K.t .'. Pl ymouth— bo fold out to make room. A large Stock of TO THE COAL TRADE. ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE, nSL' Z Z 4 o_m e Jf^ws Esl.blUhmeit, KlnMtreet, W»t«rfotd. tiilfunct iiiiis strengthened and preserved. ci-U rcci'ived tM, _ HKSRvJ. WABlKli . tlieWharr. Milbay. llelfast—R. H K .N . Percha Soled Hoots always on handt. 06, cuarou-KOuaE QUAY. Manon ~ - ~iSl5 « n_2 ©• ReedpU numbered od perforated, if wqniied t,inc a l\' eu> awl Ilerif cd Edition of and SUBSCRIBER has been Appointed AGENT ° ¦ < tf.) Alto by the Author, HF.CSON A SONS , Donegal Quay ; |>2!)-ll] \\. IIURKOWK Wholesale and Retail Root THE -3°' u 30 _S » S r_ »t fmall .ddltional expense . ( : A MEDICAL ESSAY on ihe next the in Ireland, by the DERI COAL COMPANY DAWSON is nor SUPPLIED with a LARGE "^ffi * Z Z : i-_-\ MANHOOD: And at tho f -V.iii|.anv.V Oilier. tl.B MALL. WATEUFORD Shoe Shop, I!arron8tro.nd.8trcct, Watcrford , TV> ffcd do) 2 23 pja I 20 p.m Causes and Cure of Premature Di dine in Mun ; (ireit Chapel. Cardiff, for the SALE of their COALS, comprising E• ASSORTMENT of ROOM and HALL Kilkenny, Tho_artowB7N«wBo.. . CofBnEactory & irndBrtekingSitablish ]_eht the Trc;it_oiit of Nervous Debility, Siicrmalnrrlnea, , HOUSE GAS, AND SMITH'S COALS, 4 1 M'CLEAN AND M'lNTOSH , PAPERS, in Groat 701:1017, which ho offers for SALE W«forf,*«.«"**£ - 3 «?S SS No. 1, 'Al-EXANDEB^TR-KT, WATERFOBD.' Ironotence, and those peculiar infirmities which result and GASFITrKRS, .'!, L1TTLK WATERFORD IMPERIAL BAKER?, and will , at all times, 1)0 prepared to Bupply any orders at LOW PRICES. \ I y PLL'MIIERS Uo 0»«« K"w»»'llf--1 0« •" * 8 'B ?-m X>ICHABD _n_G_R_liD beg» to inform, _is from youthful abuses, adult excesses, tropical c!im:ites , (iKOROE'S-STKEEET WATEnrom, I JCK leave CONFECTIONARY ASH REFRESHMENT ROOMS, he may bo fuvorcd with, on the moot reasonable terms. Qgg- HOUSE PAINTINO DECOEATIKO and PA PEE DuD [ * 7li' 8 IB p.m , cK>nm.l, Oork,.I_m.rW.*o, -. Up* _|£ namerons ^nmit , and the PnbHo ganerally,. and other causes, with Instruct ion 3 fnr the Cure of Lo inform the Xoliility and Gentry of tbo Countifs of RICHARD MAHER, Ship Broker, HANOINO executed with. Neatness and at Moderate arnve and are deUrcnd '- , 21, liAllRONSTllANn STREET. , The maUi "j nj " Mlntj that he u now prepared to execute «U Order, in the Infection, without Mercury, and its prevention by the Waterford and Kilkenny tliat they have OPENED a and General Commission Agent, Charges. (ml3-tf) , ' ' ' M»Ui)*> « O aJB > «w UspgRIAIWO BU81KI88.. , - y. . ,. , ; Author's Prescription (his Infallible Lotion.)—))y Dr. fiUA.SCH K.STAllf,/.S/IAJENTa(No. J , JfOSEJN.V. s8-tf > No. 16 Quay, Watorford. DobllD 0a»« K»«- > ~ J- URTIS HARTKiA.V, late COLLINS A COMPANY, »^» THE L. C , 15, Albetnarle-stroet, I/jmlou, \V. STREET, KILKENNY. CHOCOLAT-MENIER. m R EVIEWS OP THE WORK . " Wo feel no M • lie),'8 to call tho attention of Families to r.i a (KASDIICTOBID OMLT ir fBlSGB) " PATENT-ATP —" Manhood. W'J1 ' All Orders ininciuiill y attended to. ffS-ll INTEENATIONAL EXHIBITION , 1862 ™£Sr ' ~ • ', - « <»^? D BY AfB A,I;t(.8j ucuUtioB in >*)in|t that there ia no mcinlicr of society by LA1KJK DREAD and CONFECTIONARY - also his ANNUAL CONSUMPTION EXCEEDS 4,O00,000lb». M g- BELP^UBATlVEjHBMmBa^Briniww;: whom the book will not be found useful—whether such W1KES DRANDIES, OLD WHISKEY, _c, best »___*_ »_3** i»SS V^ AN3 THE WHEELER AND WILSON , HAVE now on Salo Messrs. GEORG E SATEE & Co.'s _*i-t5*UU) - aMp- Dmnonim*. from gpermatonbiwirnerwufiJphjralo-VJt-dt«»:;¦» - JKrion hold the relation of a Parent, J'recci.tor, or Clergy - Braads, at modernte pricea ; C-UI .NNKSS'S XX PORTER; mHE Healthiest, Best, and moit Delicious Aliment S2S.\j o2*rua«Uk.*» . - "»n.-S«» BRANDY, of the same quality as obtained thf ^^vXri - ~ 1il2 t er«UT. ^ebmt7;.««mlDal^w_^_Sfj !i»^rfaitt , Evening Paper. SEWING MACHINE B ASS and Co's K. 1. I'ALE ALE, on Draft and in I JL for Breakfast knovm sine* 1825 ; defies all honest £ BJ,i££1r _^^ r CRT cot l*rred a great PBIZE M KUAL at tho International Exhibition, 1869 tw i .".? " '"" > In by publishing now admitted to be Iho BEST MACHINE for Hot:lo; II EWI.KV dud D RAPER 'S Mineral Waters. competition ; unadulterated, highly nutritious and pure. tint little —A, ,„ y,},^, | 4 dewribcd the source of tho« IS and which I offer on Reasonable Terms. _. t"r>daM '» all ordinary purpose* ; it has got the highest Halle, Pic-nic Parties 8up|ilied. Uride and Christen- Sold in }-lb. Packets. : Also especially manufactured ~U o_m ,? declill« joutb, or morn Ireqiuntlv DAVID LECKIB, ditm-l) . »dwm , MaWT'i'r^tW-l.^Se-tgraUjby.. iHJJap^liii^^fe «^Tf number nf Prize Medals. Machines can be had from ing Cakes attended to. Luncheon and Collce at tho for eating as ordinary inectmtati, or at dessert. - SZ^gsk P ° T UW> . H«c l. _7lbVl«56. irit Merchant &c Direct Importers of Cd? P fW t-S x lt C0""''". "'"1 forwarded ¦ ¦ c AutUor ; »-» l>y Wli_u_. Liverpool , or Dublin. Instructions Gratis. - [jy 28J N.11.—Sandwich and Class of Ale, -Id. FRENCH BsANor, Garden, London. fleUil by ' ;• • : CW-ly) .,-. ,Lt "M , io, Cpel-strrcr , ' ->,„-__- .. - - - (HlKKRVe!—27. 11ARRONSTR.AND.STREET. B3T Stores—EXCUAKOS.SI-EKT, (jaO-tf) WOOnWARD - MASOMJ flHfiCKHLWATKl-fOB XV --n^ i ii i i i i Bmi aiim 1 ¦¦ ¦ '/ ^- ; ;: ' ¦if ' F aRD;iM • : THE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, ,p : :W1A B'R ~ ™r, .. . : ',; \V*iOMS^-(^ntdit WANTED : **T"'7Ti *y/-J . '!™i-a» - !«ir- r ~ ¦ ¦¦ ^OitMt*a (otiUoatr," ' tfli" -t'CauaW¦' INFORMATION *¦ •| ' ' ~ i II — iss ,i 11 I .) ij n, ' ' * JU ^ - J -*- - i . J ' 4W»1<- -^* • - -¦ " . JA INSTITUTE. ii _ _ _ i i " .J i . . i i - i i - _ _ i _ — 'tf ^J . ITU Diiai */ d i* , '* * •qgatfeolio University Sohool. TO BE HEtP, 'At|/ THE tT O W N^H L:Ii i MBClIXNlcmiSCIENTlFlC - * ^ AUDHN-ST., KILKENNY, Vahf fora, Friday, December&, I8M.| . ^XhtM^^xat^^^ on WEDNESDAY, JAMES FBNNELLY, OF M ON trEDN&sbAY, 27W DflG. lSJrW. |(| that »n engage- ' toiJ^yviR WCiitMat 1 will commence TWVSS COMMITTEE announce : HIIiAK?TEEM DEALER OR PEDLAR. . : . bei? to L ^-l -f t ': I - ^*^^mi(JlnaV« ANUARY GENTLEMEN'*! SHIRTS •JO Wat haibeen witti DAVID C. BKLL, . W.atb.r.rt.r-ld.lL j^ OM^n^4^7\: ' the 10th of J . ENKM.LT left ' ' ' effected r. Written P«pors, for the TCTHEBEAS, the above JAHBS F tbat .day will be RAFFLED th« following Esq. Professor of Elocution Dublin; to DELIVER Tbe Oom Trad* roles stead/, and no cW« tVno^ tbe vDUBCfit-STOCK The EXAMINATION, by SBWEMBtB, 1864, ON ¦ • ¦ , , ¦ BXCHANOE^TliltiinArl ENGLISH PHIZES, will take place on T V Kilkenny in the Month of ! Artiolea :— i rsla«vif«oy»rtlol«ttiopastweek. : ' . Vj. . ,;- : ' P(L SPECIAL ATEBFOH for Sea Recitation s, 'iOsSj^'Aeel,? Eleven o'Clock. (It) with the intention of going to W D A wy elegant and fashionably-mounted. Convtma- A Series of Readings and p TUESDAY, the 9th, at his rela- ; in : P. BROWNE. S per CentConsoui,,,,., Bff -p !— ^ A LARGE STOCIC of BEADY. Bathing, and hu not since been : hoard of by turn Chair; tioketo, 1ft eaoh.j, . - . . . ;, -; ... . '.. fnm the Wri'ings of Modern Poets and Humourists, CentStock 6CH known ns on the ereniogsof g^'lwf F 8«| •1 Iriih Frlexe "Woollen Factory, tives :—The said JAMES FENNKUT, better ' A very handsome Sight-day Drataing-rotmClock ; the LARGE ROOM, TOWN HALL, PBIOBS CURKBNT . N«tlon«l BankM. M „ 80 — • ; 701 middle siso, ¦ THURSDAY and FRIDAY 28th and 20thD BCEHBIB, CABBICK.ON.SUIH. MADE WHITE LINEN, " Jimr FENHBLLT," was 84 years of age, tiokets, It. eaob. ._ ... ,..... ). ..;... ., > « , Bookol-lt«Und_^,.MM ^ »100.. ,930. _— clothes such as ' ftirnlibed 1865, to commence each Eiening at Eight o'clock pre- m thin and grey i wore very old and bad , A very valuable Lady s DressingCast, IRI8B. NKW. OLD. he carried two or three with real silver mountings tiokets,' Is. each. j - cisely. . -m NICHOLAS KENNY, Proprietor, pledges himsell HOLLAND, and Strong CALICO usually worn by a beggar-man; ; r ia one of which ho generally had thread, pins, An Hour-glass Stool, id antique scroll work, uphold , TEEMS or ADMUSIOM TO BACH LICTUBB :—Unre- that nomaterial is used in making hia FRIEZE, old bags, s. >. it. i. a. y t j mmxtoto m stored in amber and green ; rickets, Is. each. served Front Scats, Is.; Back do., 6d. . Members Free. (VllBAT^iwItrrelorJSnlbs. d i Wi Jte^ TWEED, -DOUBLE DYE FLANNEL, 8ERGE SHIRTS to tolect from. tobacco, &o., for sale. - : ¦ ' - 28 « tn » Oino 0 to 00 O ive any Information respecting tho A Christmas Samper, containing a' turkey, ham, hnlf- Beserred Seats—Members, 6d. each, or Is. for a Family; .:i.i*^ Vrtrtbr - - - BLANKETS, 4c, 4c, bat POKE WOOL. Whosoever can g •' -. --. B»sl . ,. . . ¦ 8T OrJ . 58 0H O 00 0 ' tiokets, non-members, Is. Gd. each. v ' " - ¦¦ - ' " BE JUST, ARD FEAR HOT." expressed in ectlain quarters ar abovo, which may lead to tho discovery whether the dozen of Winejfnd a Bottle ot Cognac Brandy; ' — - SMpphwdoy '- 2« 8 1 St . 000 0 00 • Some doubts boing ' - articles from the low saidJ AMES FENNKI.LT be now living or dead, aud will ls..each. . !. . . . . j . .. , .:. - . . TERMS or MEMBERSHIP or THE INSTITUTE —Sub- ¦ to tho GENUINESS of those , FANCY. COLOURED FLAN- • ...— oSadinn - - 14 « » !!»¦ « • no . 0 and also as to whethor communicate the sdme to ARTHUR J. BOID, of tho A Case of Stuffed Birdsand Two handsome Statues, scribers of £10 in one sum to be Members for Life, and •' - ' ¦ prices at which th6y ore offered, Is , - to enjoy.all the privileges afforded b 'AUS>';«fJfl)tlag • • - - W » II 000 O' OO 0 FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22 1865 here thereb Paredo, Kilkenny, Solicitor, will receive a Reward for under glass shades j tickets, . each . y the Institute. - . - . , , they coald bo brought to tho FINISH , y NEL SHIRTS, Wove and Printed, la. each. Subscribers of £1 per annum, or more, to hate OATS, PS*barrel oMMlba. bo English-made Goodn such Information. [d22-8t] A Half-dozen Champagne } tickets, the use — Blaek ' ?. ' •'' - • M 3 ' 13 4 00 • 00 0 insinuating that they may comprising Ear-Ringa, Brooches, of the News Room and Library, with Free Admission ' White - - !« 0 II 100 0 on 0 I feel called npon to stato, that I SEU Valuable Jewellery, . — , sold as Irish, in a great Variety of tho NEWEST NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Studs, which will be for the highest throw, nnd for themselves and Families to Lectures. Subscribers — . Gray ; . . • 00 0 00 OM 0 00 0 LATEST NEWS no GOODS BUT UT OWN HAKE, all made and finished of 10s. to have the use of the Library, and PLOUR, per 8»Bk,'«JH801bs I , other trinkets for the lowe« ; tickets, Is. each. tho privilege BuperSne*;. - - 38 0 38 000 0 0) :0 —rr^—- in my FACTORY, at MILLVALE I» ins ESTATE OF CATHERINE WALL (DBCBASED). Embro\dertiCozies • tickets Is. of introducing etch a Female member of his immediate — Dtx-Hovss is carefully attended STYLES ana Colorings. Two very elegantly — Inferiors, . . • 2*j 0 93 O'oO 0 00 0 ; AM EKICA. Tho WorV in the NOTICE, that pursuant to the Statute 22nd each. . j family to Lectures. Artirans paying 6s. and Appren- OATMEAL, per Snok - -31 0 am 1 00 0 ' ' Fenian done in Fianaol, at well as LADIES' TAKE ' 0 0 0 U M.BW. .YoH,.Dcc.^>^M President hai to and all colours and 23rd Viet., chapter 35, entitled " An Aot to The fonr highest throws; of nearly all the above tices 4s. perannum, to have the use of the Library, and BBAN,per r*»rrel,.if 841ba. . 50 a a AOKMA BUBT BLUE, iswed an »ddre88, refuiiiiff^o lecounige the action DRE88ES, in SCARLET, M , , Amend the Law of Property and to reliot* named Pritca will be deemed ties, which ties will be to be admitted to Back Seats at Lectures. THE ORDER DEPARTMENT further - of thojentf*. assembled ' New York. GREEK, BLACK, YEILOW, AC, 4o. all Creditors or Persona having any Debt or decided on the following day at Twelve o'Ciook. E. POWEK, Secretory. FOREIGN. Fr«e:' .^ He states 1804. (n27-tf Trustees,'' thnt JBtPenian Congress will be held Millvalo Mills, Carrick-on-Suir, Claim against or npon the Estate of Catherine Wall, A beautiful Musical Case, under oval glass abode, in January Is under the Superintendence of aa ptesp. domestic f aQlon will be overcome. otherwise Dunne, lsto of the South SIsil, Lismore, in playing two airs, with moving model of a ship, and a AUCTION OF SALT. WHEAT, (fcrfbarrel, of SBOIIis. s,'!. "¦ - ne^i It richly set in pearl (value «•. •« is soTdtissft be Senate' represented the views the County of Waterford, widow, deceased, who died on village chateau and landscape, — ' fmerfes™, 8pring and Winter - - no'-.q to -f' O . ^ .T of the SPECIAL NOTICE experienced Salesman, competent to September. 1865 are hereby required *fis), the gift of Messrs. Locke and Co. ; tickets, 6d. mO BESOLD by AUCTION, on SATURDAY Next, Peniti^fllMie, swho opposed the lavished expendi- the 16th day of , £fi ¦ X the 23rd Instant, at the MARKET HOUSE, z¦• h •• ' to furnish, on or before tKo 15th day of January next, each. ; 5br, . . . : :;:: sj ims tare of tlj* Government quarters in Union-square. on board the " MART," about 120 T0N8 of FINE take Mcasnre.ond Gaiirantee Fitting. particulars in writing 'of suoh Debts or Claims, to A magnificent DolVs H*« '^yK SILVESTER YOUNO , , , Robertson and Ledlie ; Lots to suit Purchasers. Sale at Twelve o'Clock. mD.A > isTDj-tnd retbmmends tbe leaders to be handed over been County of Waterford (the Executor to whom Probate of handsome tickets, 6d. each. GREAT BOON to tho Public has . A Pillow; TH OMAS WALSH Auctioneer. •Araor•ttgieanj, s^tf•. - - : mKm to Ibe police. ; the Will of said Catherine Wall was duly granted), or A xery handsome Six Years' Old Pony, with bridle , >- -<^«S9MrflSbfiro ' A achieved in the ROBERTSON, IEDLIE, & Co V'atcrford, December 19, 1805. [It] ^ -J'Mouey abdndaot; Gold, 144}^. EicbaogB on London to his Solicitor, PSIRSE KBLLT, of Number 37 North and saddle; the PoDy is perfectly quiot to Tide, and — = —• &z^'!™mB$&mMB^j'on Paris, 3165c Stocks dolL Cotton heavy : mid- Great Oeorge's-street/Dublin, and 2 Littlo Oeorge's- fully trained to harness; tickets, 6d. each. SALE =— - Damifed . . .&:%BmSMU JBn«ODUnd.48cto 49f. iS'imrS.'Iraavv : wl.Mt anil. ~,~ RED UCTION OF THE TEA DUTY ! in default thereof the said of China ; tiokets, Cd. SHERIFF'S FLOUR , American,per barrel, or lfKUnt, . ;i MH2HS0 Provisions sUafMJRhiSVery firm ; QUAY WATERFORD. Btreet, Waterford; or, , A handsome Breakfast Set French , per sack ¦•* JgdMBto sugar quiet • 53. , after January — , of 28nibs. - MfflHHl?» admes ' steady. PetreWiuAMaSeticrade 41; refined quote my \ / SrLVESTBB Yotjwo will, said 15th day of each. ! COUNTY OP ini CITY OP WATKRFORQ TO WIT. INDIAN MEAL, American, per brl. of IMIbt.Ms ^^^KjfJ , , 87. enabling mo to next distribute the. Assets of the said Catherine Wall, A handsome Doll ; tickets', 6d. eaoh. ( Home ManaTuctore ;luinois, 188. gwi , HUGH GBEBN, Plaintiff, CIIAR- ") "OURSUANT to ~ , > ) LrH^BT^ei - to the Statute, having regard to the Claims or ' per sack, of 2801b«. $ P*SHWM! * pursuant A GRAND LOTTERY, NEARLY ALL PRIZES ! LES NMTPORT, Defendant ; Rev. JL Her Majesty's *'-o - . ttaico. BEST TEA, for general pur- > 3s 4d flta or his said Solicitor shall RYE MEAL , " » W--im5 fi .'According to the New York Daily News Demands only of which fhe Amongst which are a very nicely-worked and mounted FKAWCIS NEWPORT Tlaintiff, I Write from tbo Sn. i , General pose use, at .u ... / , in Logan refused to accept / \ then have bad notice. Pole Screen, a handsomo Evening Set of China ; an Same defendant ; RICHARD ^perior Courts Ire- ha* the Mexican mission DAVIS & SMITH, Dated this 16th day of December, 1865. unjeis the United States Government Electro plate Teapot, and a 'great variety of useful and BOLTON, Plaintiff, Samodefon. land, in these several will gin VERY SUPERIOR TEA ... 2s. 8d/ „ > GUTTA PERCHA BOOT AND SHOE, PEIRSE KELLY Solicitor for said Sylvester Young, j Imports and Exports for rte Week ending Tmtriidy, ' , ornamental articles ; tickets; (3d. each, dant. I suite, take NOTICE material aid to Mexico. The President had .refuttA AND North Great George's-strect, Dublin , and 2, Little the 2\st inst. , ¦ 87, 43* By kind permission of Capt.W ARREK GMIBB, ¦ ¦ that I will proceed ' ' to give such asjurance,.RIr. Seward adding that the ' GOOD USEFUL 2s. Q& „ AND (5H0E WAREHOUSE, George's street, Waterford. J IMPORTS. EXPORTS. . LEATHER BOOT the niuoh-admired BAND ot the . WATERFORD AR- to SELL b PUBLIC AUCTION, at the honr of Wheat 3J<5 Quarters. Wb«a»- • •, Mexican policy of tb» -Govornment would for the 1o all whom it may Concern. (d22-2t) y 12 ' Qarttls 30 KING-BTBEET , WATERFOE D , TILLERY will attend. o'Clock, noon, on 8ATURDAY, the 23rd DBCEMBEII Indian Corn S015 ilo. Oata' - - - letpi do. presmt remairt unchanged. Juarez hod issued a W. MASON , (WEAK THE P0ST-0P7ICE). The Bazaar will commence at Twelve and dose at on the Premises na described, Defendant's INTE- Dari ...— do. Barley- - , " 1—> - do. dec^e declaring that, the Frencfaftintaiiori having PATRICK MURPHY, of MALL LANE, in this 1805, , Bailey .- - do. Indian Corn - *ri— do. and S. have added to thoir Newly-purchasod Four o'Clock ; it will re-open at Six and close at Nine REST in tho PREMISES, known aa the 23 Sacks. flour . - - \73i Sacks. rerraercd ^Presidential election impossibje, his con- ROCBB, City, cautions all parties against givinp his Wife, vilournn . S TBA MsscnAHT A »D Finsi-CiAss FAMILY G D• Stock of Gotta Pcrcha Goods, LEATHER o'Clock. Admission, Gd.; Children, half-price. * J Barrels. Oatmeal - . J— flo. Irttutional; Presidency is extended till" ANASTAT1A MURPHY (otherwise SHEEHAN, of PUBLIC BUTTER MARKET HOUSE, WATERFORD. " an election BOOTS and SHOES, for all classes, in great variety Heal - • - So Sacks. IaAlan meal - do. can take place, '¦* . . ; 40, MERCHANTS ' QUAY, of Stylo and Finish, and «f the best Material and Morrisson'a-road), CREDIT, as ho will not be account- WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY Also his INTEREST in tho HOUSE known M 14 < [dl6.2t«] Dec. 14 180S. all Seijod Workmanship, at exceedingly Low Prices. able for samo. , WILLIAM STREET, in said City, by mo Corrected this Day for the Waterford News, AND under Writs of fieri faei as, before recited in tho aboro ^- >C H R| 9«T SI A S . Tho Quality and Finish of our First-Class Goods LIGHT BROUGHAM for Sale, suited for Ona or CHRISTMAS DAY DEC. 25,1865. PE0VISI0N8. . . , Particulars of each lot at Sale. BACOII Pios, per owt . {Oi-Odto Sis Od cannot ho surpassed. Excellent value, in Children's Two Horses. Apply to ONLY TRAINS TO RUN on CHRISTMAS cause. ~ — «T No. 6; MALL , .KB TUE CONGBEVE ROGERS, High Sheriff. Orrir. ,do .- _ -~i~ltt .Od — 4Bs Od ' —*rr Goods. WALSH, Waterford. DAY will ":o tho 11 A .M. and 10.45 P.M. DOWN, Fir.T do „ .- _ ' jaa Od —' 13s Od Although old Father CbrjitmiM,which so unmistak fiJ16L (dl- t) THOMAS THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. . WATERFOUD. Wo recommend onr Goods for thoir Sterling Worth, ind the 11.20 A.M. and 8.30 P.M. UP TRAINS. H KADR do .~ ... ~ *Ot , Oi— 44s Od nbly points to the fast-closing Datod this 18th day of Dec, 18C6. (It TALLOW do ... <0 Od — fairly inpplied. In all descri season of joy.if not for the worldly comforts it bring*, suited for the * STITCn CHRISTMAS DAY, DEC. 25, 1865 p- , per «lb .. Ad I Houam.p 41b 6jd to Ii BEGS to announco that sho is now completely tions transactions on a limited icali, but no chango took place WniTK .pr family. D K A" was awarded tho Highest Prize Medal at the the abovo Day the 11.45 a.m. DOWN, and 12,60 ¦WHISKEY. certainly for the glorious recollection of man'i re* ACKET King-street. (If Stocked with all tho NEWEST STYLES in licity, S and ON In prices. Floating cargoes ot {rain met a slow tile, at about Apply o tfv. P:r?.R M , Dublin Exhibition, 18C5, for its Simp peed, p.m. UP TRAINS ONLY WILL RUN. DUDLIH, per gal ... 17K Od I Or.D, Cork, c»l,.- 18s ed I CAPS I FURS and lata rate. The show of barter (rood ; the trade for all Jrlndi demption. It is, too, a season , wbich developes tha MILLINERY, , , Freedom from Noise. Every Machine guaranteed, and By Order, HENRY JACOB, Superintendent. ruled quiet, at prices erjtui to Monday. The Inquiry for malt OORK , puncheon .. ISs 6d I SOLD FI8H TO BE , BONNETS, I STAYS, HOSIERY. changed after a month's use for any other on the list, Limerick Terminus, 1st Dec., 18C5. Ld8-3t] limited, at stationary quotations. Oats in moderato sopptv and highest amount of charity the human heart is capa- DWELLING HOUSE and DEMESNE of HATS, I RIBBONS | Instruction gratis to Purchasers. /air requrBt, at full prices. Beans sold slowly, at late decline in N*rKDt!«D,pr cwt 20s to 23« I SALXOH per Ib ... as CM TUE freo of charge. very little Hr.BBlNOB, pr brl 20s to 29s I Sor.t , ... 9d to Old ble of—for who, at this season of love and mirth, NEW BATH HOUSE, containing 19 Acres, Miss W. invites particular attention to her NEW Manufacturing Machines AND LIMERICK ttc currencies. The quantity on offer large. In peat K All description of Heavy WATERFORD RAILWAY doin; at the recent redaction in prices. Floar commanded FOWL AND EGGS. and festivity, would mar one moment' (at present in the occupation of PA- g29.3m). AREROOM or s happiness Statute Measure IMPROVED CRINOLINE SKIRTS. to be had at the CASKET AND VrnoLSTEm W .', quite ai moeh money as on Monday, with a> fair demnnd. Lin- FOWL , per doi 15» 0d to 18s d I Eons, 10s 6d per 120 oue seed meted oft" freely. Rapeseed firm in price. The amount of b treasurin^up a wrong TRICK MOORB, Esq. It is situated within ten minute*' fil MBRCIUNTS' QVAT. (d22-0m). CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENTS. Gtcss 3s. to Ss, eacfi. I y single feeling of tho Garden is stocked with choice US"9 4 , QUAY, oa business in rap*aeed, however, was far flora extensive. The walk of tho City; RETURN TICKETS, 1st and 2nd Class trade ft agricultural seeds was dull. Cakes chinged hands ¦ SOAP AND OANDLES, resentment, and with thanksgiving for all the bene~ THE , WHiTCOUNTY KILKENNY. Railway, Southern and West- FODDER AND GREEN CROPS. volent hand to tbe brother in need to tide dim over a KELLY uegs to invite attention WANTED, ern, and Watcrford and Kilkenny Railways. LONDON CATTLE MARKET—YISISEDAT. H AT per ton (new) 60s to 85s I Tnaxirs, ... 14} „ Iss MILLS, within two miles of the MRS. Beasts 1.610 ; cows, —; sheep and lambs 6,220 ; calves, 200; STRAW , oheaLgn 3(s — 38. I OIRBOTS . ... 3D STRANG'S to her NEW GOODS, suited to the HANDY MAN in a GARDEN, who has a Wife. , . „ 35s period of the year in v/bich necessities are felt Terminus to the Watcrford, KilVenny and Limerick iven and Wcok ly pigs, IBS. Prices: Beef, 3s ii to Ss Od ; mutton, 3t 8d to «» 6d ; Do. (oaten) 30s — 33s I MAKOOLDS, ._ 17 ,, 19s present and Winter Season, comprising : A A comfortable Lodgo will be g , Waterford and Kilkenny and veal, 3s Od to ss Od; pork , 3s Od to Ss 2d. The supply of with a ten-fold bitterness and suffering ? Christ- Railways, by land and wnter, containing Seven PaiiX of to John LYNAOH , at Kilkenny Water Wheels and a constant sopplf of Wages to bo agreed on. Apply Junction Railways. * beef, In excess of ilemnml : very little bmineis dolne; prices Stonei , with two , DRESS MATERIAL in the newest Styles, [dS.lf.J lower. Mutton tait itognant; little Jnqujr/ far calves. Pig mas is a season of opposite associations, having * Masons of tha Year. the Watcrford Ferry. the WATERTonD AND KILKENNY AILWAY Birth*, Mt%vtix%t*, & Deatfijs. Water at all MANTLES and JACKETS, ON R tho trade heavy. its bitter as well as its bappy memories—for at no These Premises nre in excellent Working Order, and bate ASTR1CAN and other MANTLE CLOTHS, WATERFORD COACH FACTORY some privilege will bo accorded from Throagh LONDON PRODUCE MARKET—YEmwur. all the requisite Machinery for Manufacturing Flour of first- FRENCH CLOTH and WOOL SHAWLS, Booking Stations to Stations on tha Waterford and Sugar—Several parcel] selling at ralher higher rates; in- BIRTHS. period of the year is the heart so prone to review rate quality, and are situated in the centre of a Wheat-grow- Southern creased demand for refined at a slight advance, coflee—Bail- At St. Datid'a, county Tippersry, tbe wife of'Japt. Holmes, of MILLINERY and STRAW BONNETS, "O LAWLOR begs leave to return his smceto Limerick and Great and Western Railways a daughter. the past and attempt to probe the future. Not ing District, where a constant supply cun be always obUincd. (By order), HENRY JACOB nets quiet; plantation Ceylon easier. Tei—Dentod small ; VELVET, STRAW, and SILK HATS, to tho Nobility and Gentry of Water- , Superintendent. prices sustained with difficulty. Rice—Full ^prices asked ; December IS, at tbe College, Ennis, tbo wife of tbo ROT . F. E. The tiJo from the Hirer Suir flows up to the Mill Yard, XL» thanks Barnes many years ago—perhaps only a year—many of s ze can be loaded or unloaded FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ond Counties, for the kind Patron- Limerick Terminus, 13th December, 18C5. market quiet. , ol a son. where Lighten o<^Wl>rgcst ' ford and its surrounding Nov. 3, at Madras, the wifeofG.de la Poer Bcresford, Capt: us enjoyed the happy associations ot those whom .Mill door. LACES, for the last seven years. He now LONDON TALLOW MARKET—YESTSIIDAT within a few jardilRtio age bestowed on him WATERFORD AND KILKENNY AND . Madras Staff Corps, of a too. There are an excellent Duelling Homo and commodious FLANNELS in all Widths and in Ml the now to inform his friends and tbc KILKENNY TA IIOW—Market dull; new P.Y.C, 48s M to 49> Od on the spot. Deo. 14 , at Knockalara, co. Waterford, the wife of Edward our life loved and cherished best, nnd to-day we takes this opportunity JUNCTION RAILWAYS. Esq. Oat-ORiccs immediately convenient to the Mills ; a wnlled- Colours and Patterns, public that in futuro tho Business of tho above-named LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET-YESTKRDAT. Foley, , of n rianghtor. ponder on the fact that tlio hand of death, perhaps stocked, aud three Acres of Land, witb a Flnt Report—The market opened steady. Sales, probably, Dec. IS, the "|fe of Artbnr Kavanagb, Esq, Borris HOOBO, of a , in Garden well LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, nnd CHILD. Establishment will bo carried on under tho namo of daughter. or the wide, wide sea has 's Lodge at the entrance gate. There arc also on the Cheap Excursions on St. flbout 0,000 bales. Second Report^—The market closes steady. , , separated the idol from Porter BENS' HOSIERY, LAWLOR and FLYNN . Stephen's Day. SaUs—In.OOO bales on speculation and rxport 3,SOo. Dec. 10 , at Mountfin , near TJrtiugford, tbe wifo of Mr. Mirtio premises four large Lime Kilns, with an abundant supply of the above day, Joyce, ot a daughter. us, it may be for ever. If death has been the Do., do, do., GLOVES, Novomber 23rd, 18C5. [n24.tf] ON RETURN TICKETS, at the Lime Stone at the two extensive Quarries adjoining. following Reduced Fares, will be issued LIVERPOOL CATTLE MARKET-Dzc. 18. Dec. 12, se Watorford, tho wifo of Major J. H. Wade, S3rd possessioncan be given. BOOTS and SHOES, as under, The supply of cattle was about the same ts on Monday, of Rf£t., of a daughter. messenger, our hopes and prayers aret that the soul Immediate availablo for tho day of issue only : larger. The demand slow of each at barely lower particulars apply to TnoxAS S. HARVBT, Little A Splendid Stock of MUFFS and BOAS in Ferrybank Timber and Coal Stores ibeep much enjoys the happy Kingdom of Him whose For all 1st 2nd 3rd prices, except for fine cattle and sheep which were cold at rsthor MARRIAGES. birth we , Waterford, and PATRICK WALSH, residing real SABLE, GREBE, ERMIN, CHIN- GeorgeWrcct Undersigned have at present on SALE a Clan. Class. CIus higher prices. Beef, cd to 7Jd per 1b; mutton, 6|<1 to old per r?c. 19, at CaUrnorry Church , Limerick, James F. Mackillop, celebrate ; if living and away, our thoughts' are of the - in the Lodge, will show the Premises. CIIELLA , and in Imitation FURS, at all THE Ib. Supply—Cattle, 3,0R.'> and 4,830 at market. Monday nexi Esq., Glasgow. to Caroline, onlydangbter of IIoratlo N.Seymour, tember 8 1865. (sS-tf.) Superior Quantity of RED and YELLOW PINE, Abberleixor Rnllvragget to Watcrford ... 6 0 3 9 2 3 the market will be held on Tuesday, tho Esq., Rathbano Cottage , near Limerick. future reeding; vhich may never come Watcrford, Sep , prices. (s29-tf.) Abbeyleix to Kilkenny ,, ... 2 6 2 O 1 3 heinp Christmas Day, , and of the OAK, ASH , PIPE, and HOGSHEAD STAVES ; also, SGth Instant. Dec. 1». In St. Mary's Chnrch, Clonmel, Henry Robert Perry, ' UNTY OF WATERFORD of various lengths and Ballrragget to Abbeyleix or Kilkenny ... 2 O 10 0 0 Esq., of Liverpool, son ot tbe Ber. Heorr Pdttia and i*fy prospects which we may never realise. Looking CO SPRUCE and PINE DEALS, ' DUBLIN MARKETS-YESTEBDAT. Catherine Perry , NEW-ROSS UNION Kilkenny, Bennett s-Bridge or and of rullamclan Rectory, co.Tipperarr, to Harriet on tbe sunny side breadths. (oG-tf) The supply of cattle smaller than last week; prime cattle Jane, yonngest daughter of William James Shlell , we find " hands clasp hand*,'M/ to Waterford ...... 367916 sheep same u last Thursday, but secondary of both kindi , Esq., M.D, ADJOURNED ROAD SESSIONS. DOWLEY BROTHERS. Bullybale to Watcrford ...... 3 O 2 0 1 O of Cloomcl. with an electric touch not known, perchance, BOARD of GUARDIANS difficult to move off—even some remained unsold. Supply ol Deo. IS at Batbminn, Joh n y HEREBY GIVEN that the ADJOUKN j-.A rpHEJL of Watcrford Kllmacow or to veal small, at id per Ib advance. House lambs appsared for , , eldest son of John Daly, Esq., -\TOTICE IS , - ^ the above Union are desir- , late Comptrollerof ber Majesty's Customs, Dnndalk, to Fnncsa for years before, and the eyes shed a tear of * O A|K^9£L of FOR SALE, Kilkenny ...... 362016 salo. Prices -Beef , 46s to 5Os to 80s., top A3s per cwt; mutton , JN BD ROAD SESSIONS, for the purposo of receiving ous to £>jd per Ib : Trill 6d to GMrgfna , second daughter of B. BoIten, £aqM Uto of ler Ma- ~ uKX|^y%SL receiving Tenders for the ^' mHE BRIG t. DTEB, „ „ to Abbeyleix 6 0 8 9 2 3 ewe, Sd to Old : wedder, 7d to 8id , jesty's 13th Regiment. joy which none bol Che elated and wqrm.hgirt" 51 and entering into CONTRACTS for the >^v " ARROW," Cap ¦> Inmbs , house, 42s rach. At Smithnelrl Pie Market there ** TENDERS £SSlBHfiM9s upply of A SI'RING COVERED Bftllyhnle to Kilkenny 3 0 2 0 lOd; At BonmsboD Chnrch, Sarah Elizabeth, eldest danfhter of Mr: the several Public Works, &c, approved •j£jK»\ JL recently arrived from St. John's, , „ „ 10 was a lair supply, and prices range from CORK MARKETS—YESTERDAY/. son this day fortnight, Eleanor, tho beloted wife of Wra. Mnlcaby, fections a! this season; UFPERTIIIIID, at CABRICKIIKO , Satnrday, 23rd De- GIFFORD CARU, Clerk of Union. carri go of dry , ^ 2CTU DECEMBER, 18f?6. 117s ; thirds, lORs ; fourths Esq., Ballinoraan but whilst we revel in the „ D YER , on board j B UTTI-R .—Pi rsts, 130s : seconds, , , Carrick-on-Suir, deeply anil deservedly mourn- cember, 1805. 1805. (It). For particulars, apply to Cant. !04s ; fifths, 94s : sixths, 67s. Mild cured—Firsts, 13Ss ; ed by his aiT.ict«dfamily and ber nnmerons friends. deli hts of those gifts ! Hoard-room, 13th December, JAMES KENT. TJ ETUBN TICKETS/ at SINGLE FARES, to all g , let us not forget that there „ ULEJiAHP.mY, at BALLYMACARB ERIT, Tuesday, 26th or to \ ¦cconuV, 121s ; thirds,.114s. 1,350 firkins In market. Dec lOtb, at Mortlestown, co. Limerick, in Ihe 33rd year of BgT If not Sold, tho Arrow rth Inst., at the King's Terrace, Maurice, ajed PIANOFORTE for what is which that Train is timod to stop. Third Class Pas- White wheat. 27s to 28s 6J per barrel ; rrd wheat, 23. to 27s 21 yeais, eldest aon of tha late Copt. who may endeavor to diffuse sushine can befscen at my Office, wbero also Forms of Tender Candidates for the office will bo required to be in to obtain a REAL GOOD 'John Power of this city, through the instruments of inferior class, that aro sengers can return by tbo Train leaving Limeriek at per do. Brisk bu;ing; oats UsOd to 12s 3d per barrel. deeply and dcserTedly regretted. can bo had. attendance on that day. usaally paid for On 14th Dec, at Johnswell, co. Kilkenny, the Rev. Micbael haunts of misery , and rememberiug how transient finished on tho exterior to catch the eye, want- 4.0 p.m, only, TIPPERAUY BUTTER MARKET. llusincas to commence each day at 12 o'Clock, except Security will be required for the nmount of £50. merely DOWN TRAINS—1st, 2nd and 3rd Class, by tho Monday—300 Brkins In market: at from 76s to 70a per firkin Manning, lately a statent of the Irish College, Romo. are the joys and the gift* of thi* world, store np necessary qualities of ^good workmanship , December 16, at Sandycore, Slngstown, Oharlotte, yoangefit at Dun^arvan, where it will commenco at 11 o'Clock. All the work to be perfoimcJ at the Workhouse. ing all the Trains leaving Limerick at C.45 a.m. and 9.26 a.m, Tuerday—300 firkins from 70s to 70s per firl'ln. Wednesday— material in tho interior mechanism. 250 firkins at prices from 76s to 70s per firkin. danghter of the late John Wattera, Esq., of Kilkenny. something calculated to earn a reward in the king- I'. NETTEUVILLE BARKON, (By order), CIFFORD CAIi R, and sound 1st and 2nd Class by the Trains loaving Limcriok at December 14 , at the Priory, Kells, Marianne Bradley, oged 27 taken in Exchange. ALEXANDKE'S , dom to come b Secretary to Grand Jury. Board-Room, New-Ross Union, Clerk of Union. Old Instruments 11.0 a.m. aud 12.45 p.m. let and 2nd Class Fasion- years. y endeavouring to secure for the poor 's Office, Waterford, 13th December, 1865. (d22-2tj Harmoniums in variety. FAIRS AND MARKETS. December 13, at Templemore, In tbe 83rd year of his age, : County Secretary gcrs can return by tho 2.65 p.m. or 8.30 p.m. Up- Henry Whit*, Esq, late of Plnm Orchard ' as well as the rich, what we wish may be tbe portion December 8th, 1805. [dl5-lt] , and every article connected with FETitABD.—Tbo bntUr market has doted for the season . , St. Thomas , Upper Ify New Muaic trains to Stations at which these Trains stop. Third Tho fair on Tuesday was well attended ; bat the dernanS for Canada, second son of the late Newport Wbito.of Lisowen. Esq., of all—A H APPY CHRISTMAS ! • ' WATERFORD UNION: the Music Trade, always in stock. (au26-tf). Class Passengers can return by tho 2.65 p m, Up-traic few transactions took place. and the lastsur»lt nr of the " Oaabal Ttomen CaTalry." of 1798. stock was very dull, and. December I2tt>, Mr. John Carew , of the Commons of Casbel. REMEDY OF THE AGE "VTOTICE THAT RATE BOOKS ARE OPEN FOR only. B Order EBSJITOKD M OHDAT.—At the Christmas fair, this day, THK GREAT y , F , December 16, at Serrynant Abbey , Haurlce, son of Daniel THE FENIAN IN INSPECTION OF RATEPAYERS.—Notice is THE SCOTTISHPaOVINCIAL ASSUBANCE HENRY JACOB, Superintendent. fat cnttlo and sheep were in small supply. No pigs. The O'Connell, D.L.,aged one year and eleten months. TRIALS HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. hereby Given, that a Rate, as hcreinnnder mentioned, CO MPANY. Limerick Terminus, 13th December, 18G6. prices of springers ranjred from £11 to £18 ; of fat beasts, HE EFFECT OP THE OINTMENT ON THE SYSTEM .— is ABOUT TO BE MADE on the Property situated in £12 to £16 ; sheep, 46s to 66s ; boRgets, 38s to 44s. A The Government proceed with the prosecution* To the very core and centre of all diseases which Life Propotals Lodged before 2\tt Janu- fair amount of business was transacted. , VJ; T tho following Electoral Division of the above Union, ggy All General VICTUALLING ESTABLISHMENT, and as each case is a men repetition of "i(> affect tho human body, this remarkable preparation rateable under tho provisions of tho Acts for the Belief ary Next , will not only rank fo rTwo Full Years' 17, GEORGE'S STREET. N BWBKIDQB FAIR , SATURDAY.—800 pigs in the fair ; iba stories disappears under tho friction of the demand good, at Sli to 61s (3d a cwt. ARRIVED of seditious language and ' penetrates. It of the Destitute Poor in Ireland, viz. ^Electoral Divi- Bonus at the Investigation Datis, Bristol, do, g c ; ; and then by most effectually BeeJ Heads, at each ; Pork Steak *(Loin Bankers—The Union Bank ot Ireland. a prime heifer which bo purchased from Mr. parts with warm water, at per Ib. ; [da:2. t] JOHN STAFFORD, PHOI'BIETOR . on Wednesday, , Prkalese, Nantes , Boss, wheat ; Solteo, Sulina , Waterford, Convention produced against all prisoner* yet !r ;. rubbing in this Ointment. Persons suffering from or Back), at per 1b, LIFE DEPARTMENT. COICIOUR II, Tmtern, for £30. Oa yesterday we saw in Mr. maize. ¦& should lose not a moment in Guardians will , on same day, entertain Ten- The special advantages to be derived: from As- John Stafford's new shop in George's-street, tastefully. fitted 21st-Coarler (s), Avlward, Milford, Waterford, g c ; Tuskar, tried, and by this means the work of .; JBJ«.;Wi"| these direful complaints THE 8i5" Drain Pipe fie Hollow Brick Machine. (s), Anderson, Olasgow, do, g e. progress. It should be understood that dsrs for Supplying One Ton Best Oatmeal, and suring in this Office are :— Very Moderate Rates of Pre- up uy Mr. John Murphy, builder, 900 Iba of excellent bed has been rendered easy in coining to their eoo-'i'dj arresting their for tho Christmas dinner at the poor SAILED. ' sufficient merely to smear the Ointment on the 30 Barrels »f Galatz Indian Coni -~The above Arti- mium ; Large Bonuses ; Liberal Conditions. an Excellent SECOND-HAND which he had prepared ' ' ' it is not BE SOLD, bouse. The shambles were also well supplied with primo Hth—Bltdt Friar, Cardiff. Lee. balast ; Pearl ot Days, do. elusion of guilty, which has .in efeiy etw .piafctf'^' , but it must be well rubbed in for some cles to be de/ivered, free of expense, At the Workhouse, Intending Assurers are hereby informed that the TO LAVIOK 4 Anthony, pltwood I Malakoff (s), Milford, Aylward, g o; Ocean affected parts MACHINE, in good repair, made by C mfst. them in Cork as well as Dublin time two or three times a day, that it may at such times and in such quantities as may be ordered Directors have never yet disputed vavment of a policy, Skimmer, Cardiff, Gr«y, ballott ; Topaa, Wexrord, Murphy, grain been the finding.. ;S ; considerable Co., London. Alw, a PUGGING MILL, for prepar- TUB POULTRY MAKKET.—Turkeys sold from 3s 6d to ISta—Oaaiillk Is),. Llvarpool, Cofey, : the system whence it will remote any by the Board. Tenders, with Samples, where practi- a fact which cannot fail to be appreciated by a discrimi- gc; lubelut. Cardiff, The only question of interest then in fte imatler'sjl be taken into , ing the Clay , will be sold a Bargain. Apply to 10* each ; Reese, unusually dear this yeat , sold at 4s to 6s; Mills, ballast ; Ann. fs),. London. Bolfe, gc; Charles Bidder, . >| i| received by mo up to II o'Clock, on abovo COPIES or : hidden sore or wound as effectually as though it were cable, will be nating public. (d22- t). Mr. CONDON, Mall , Watorford. fowls, la 0J ench ; egg*, 10s par 120. About 200 tons ol Qastwstown, 8attoa ; Tuskar (s),Gork, Anderson, g o : Courier the term of imprisonment meted out. \Wltb the ts> hour no Tender will be received. AND BALANCE SHEET, Aylward,gc; Briton (a) " ^\: palpable to the eye. Bread and water poultices, after day, after which ANNUAL REPORT poultry were shipped to England , from this city, daring the (s), Milford, , Bristol, Davli , • c will do great service. along with Prospectuses, and Forms of Proposal, are Uth-T. 'O. Sonthaopton. oata ; Hephiibah , Dublin, wheat ; ception of that awarded to; O'DoHOVaH Rc«^«lI,^:|J the rnbbiug in ol the Ointment, TKNDERS will also be. received, on same day, for first three days of this week. Mr. Kenny, High-street, and Ts«s Packet r distributed at H EAD OFFICE and Aldebirani Toy , Cardiff, Williams, oats ; City i This is the only proper treatment for females in cases of Supplying 100 SHAWLS, ttnd 30 QUILTS, in course of being EXTENSIVE shipped 8,583 turkeys, 800 geete, and 3,376 fowls, toe plock- of Paris (il.MII/ord, Poara, g c. have passed muster witb Ihe press; bui H beingftf-i/ hout tbo United Kingdom. which alone, cost £20. Then wen e«nccr in the /stomach, or for those who suffer from & according to Samples to be seen on application to the AOENCIES throug ing and preparation of , 17ih-Al»», llonelly, SlunoUj old iron ; West Docks, Bonma- O OK Estato in connection with Life Assur- street whose returns wo have not hon FlynD, ballast. matter of notoriety that Mr. Justice; 'K » ty-.d*/* p general bearing down. Mister, or the Guardians will be prepared to consider Loans on Life Military Tailoring Establii&ment, also ether poulterers in the . ' received—namely, Messrs. John Power, SI. Stone, J. Galls- I8tb-BrU (s), Belfast, Psarce. gc; M»|,koff (s). Milforf, fortunately, tainted with the reputation iMravDERctKS or YOOTH—SORES AHD ULCERS.— Tenders on the same day, for Supplying the above ance. , c *f.iii ^^£ If , '¦ FIRE DEPARTMENT. her, W. Hcnncberry, P. M'Cartby, Mrs. Ward, Ac Mr. Ayiwara a * ' ' Blotches, as also swellings, can withjcerUinty be radi- articles from Goods known as Confederate Clothing." B3T74 QUA Y, WATERFORD , 74ja ISth-Courlor (t), Milford, Aylward , g c. most unpopular Judge on the Iriih.benco,,5i'1Wil*f ¦% Ijy Duty Is. Gd. per cent. No charge for policy Kenny got a telegraph on Wednesday evening, stating that cally cured if the Ointment be used freely, and the By order-J. C. HENNESSY, Clerk of Union. ' or Stamp, there was a glut of fowl in London. be a matter of gratulaUon that after tba Pills taken night and morning as recommended in tbc Dec. 15, 18GS. [dlS-2teacb] • HUNT1HO APPOIHTMENTS. , |^mi ^^ | Risks undertaken at the usual rates. Claims prompt- FAiTBiiao BAB*i«is. encounter which took p printed instructions . When Heated in any other w»y -Tnesday, Dec 3i , Halfway Hoas* ' lace between Mmiirtf ircMMfjEjT, Infant Schoolmistress Wanted. ly settled. Losses arising from Explosious of Ga» are T am now SHOWING TWEEDS SHIP NEWS Thursday, S8, Belle Lake ; Tuesday, Jan. % Fairy Boshonsn .; Toursl ours ' these complaints only dry up in one place to break out —On TbuiBday, the 14th imt, tbs Margaret, day, 4, Paraswood. •J prisoner, the sentence were riot marked fy i tMJm&Sf |j Guardians will , at their Meeting to bo held on paid by 1MB Company. Transfers from other Offices CoLiisios. At 1I| o'clock. another ; whereas this Uintment will remove the THE while on her fishing ground, off Latpbay Island, THI UKIOM HAKMKRS will rawt on Tuesday, in WEDNESDAY, tho 3rd jANi/ARr next, ELECT effected without increased expeme. of Dublin, DecemberS tlth, ter wbich. no matter bow unjmt tbe-'lsjsil |^^ the system, and leave the patient a vigorous PUKCHASED from PATTERNS ohewn and getting ready for fishing, wis run right into by the Knocknasksgh ! Friday,49th , Geosh. At Uii-dockT % humour from to discharge tho duties of INFANT THOMAS MANLY. T ICT being. It will require time, aided by the a Qualified Person Secretary far Ireland— Tuokar steamer, striking her amidship, wben the Margsret . " ^"•«W HunT.-Toesdoy, Dec. SSth. KclU; Wedneo- gives it the color of severity or vindktbfijMPr »Dd healthy at tho Union , r CroiulRon ' J to insure a lasting cure. SCHOOLMISTRESS of the W0RKU0U8E, at a Salary N.B.—This Company is represented at the INTERNATIONAL almost immediately sunk, one of her crew being drowned, """"^ * ' ^>»r. «»'b. Pmhford. At fMk c« of the Pills, its branches throughout n o'd«i. " Why on eartb," ask. the I^ion' ^f i % OHB HROATS COCOHS. of £15 a Year, with First Class Rations and an Apart- Bank in Dublio, and at all and tbc rest escaping with difficulty on board tbe steamer. T Cl DirTURRiA. B RONCHITIS , S T , * t Hot"">"-~To~d»^ Dec-S* Po^ncka i Thnrs- lications and Testimonials will be received Ireland. AOENTS : Tbo Margnrat was valued at £700, and the casebu'gone Ud.«J, 49sM ILIUDMIi?iiV 1sttt, - ; ' stance, " has this unfortunate, and Ult ti&wBM;I COLDS—Any of the above class of diseases may be ment. App EXHIBITION. AND 'Clock a.m., on the above-named Waterford—JOUN WALL, Esq., Solicitor. into tho Admiralty Court. The' Tuikar proceeded on h« F(? ' well rubbing " the Ointment three times a day by mo up tc Eleven o , *£?"i2!5 "i5." HoI"™»-"-To«» ^ penal servitude for life, while hi*l uiifllii ..Hipp Factory. P. J. SULLIVAN, W OOOSTOCS AIXIIBS the patient, The unguent will soot. penetrate: the pore. Seagull, of this harbour, carried »w»y her : U will meet at Soekview, Sotarday, Dec. as LUBT and Q'LEIRY—traifed^flfnbMfl GUARDIANS will, on same day, Entertain tUonmtl—J AMES S. N BWEII., Esq. The pilot cutter tord ; Oooliiamnek Tneaday. Wth , Flddowo BrW and Kire immediate relief. To allay the fever and lessen THE PRACTICAL TAILOR standing rigging on Tuesday afternoon, in a breeu of wind, . g., Tbutaday, for a term of twenty.yeantv/If tbt ndMat should be taken ni ht Tenders for Supplying ihe Workhouse with the Fethard (Co. Tipperary)—William Lane, Esq., Ma- )f *>' ¦** » vaxtnUtonli Inflammation, eight or ten Pills g and is now laid np. Tbe duty is now performed by tbe ?dock ' ****? *' STEPHENS himself were to bsjsgntaaA\iiM will produce perspimtion, following articles :-30 SACKS of BEST WHOLE. nager The Union Bank. tbe Harbour Commissioners are and morning. The Ointment Esq., Royal Hotel. LADIES' RIDING HABITS nnd hired cutler Alice. When arid tried for treoson-felonjr/suifltrrfijji^aii for removing fevers, sore throats, MEAL , made from Irish Wheat, at per Sack. The Fermoy—William Sheriffs. satisfied to spend their money in frivolous works, and leave ^ which is so estential WnUrford)-M. C. Harman, Esq. MOON'S CHANGES. Mi| of the chest which arise froix alore to be delivered, free of expense, at theWorkhousc, Lismore (Co. this important duty of pilotagA to one boat all the year LMtQairter a* well; nay, if tbat yet^mews^psIllt *p »nd those oppressions Sons, Mcrouanls. WALKING JACKKTS to order ... 8atarfcy, December 9th, 11.48 p.m ani other causes. at auch times and in such quantities as may be ordered Youghal—McsarB. J. W. Tim U ronnd, tbe result must be as it has been, that sbc will be New. Moon- : ilond»r, 'I)e«mbtr IBtb tbe O'M AHONT hlmwlf, '»*r»tt<»^tarts«i A»tbma. Bronchitis, Esq. ' ... , 4J» a.m » Pillt should be used »n the by the Board. Tenileis, with Samples where practi- Neto Ross—Thomas Ucvine, . only. [m241y disabled wben she is wanted in bad weather. First Quarkr . .. Monday, : 'Deoewber85tb, 0. 8 p.m Atlantic and fe arrestordlJn'Iwliid; , ijffl«| Both the Ointment and E»q. catet :— cable, will be received by me up to 11 o'Ciock on the Dungarvan—Q. Fitimaurico, A few days ago, the name-board of a vessel's bow, tbe for hi* oStncti 'in -im 'nmiesfpa ^ following New Briton, was picked up at HookTower. From the state ltRo-foot flslulaa Sore-throat above day, after which hour no tender will be received. (AGENTS WANTED). (iny20-tf MONETARY/AND, qOMMEftrJIAt. receive .nv «vw stDJe^J^nthatpM fliA Len Ch bklndi.east LOCAL RAILWAY TRAFFIC of its bolts, the board Appeared to have been torn away with J ntS lIreits CHHW»ln» Oont . A Simple of Two Stones of Wholemeal to be left with UUBLW , TuoESDiT EvBaifd.—Bsnk 8toek declined 3, hi. humbl/follo..r, Mr:- O'DoidvW ^ffl l Chapped handt Gtan .• . .. . tion b that It »na Contrasted and HheuroatUm Ulcers will be paid for immediately after the Board's meeting. LANE, LONDON. and and and: * m.ittiilMH hMtissis Sort Nipplea Yaw. (17 mltet (31 miles (J8« milei C<( miles Tlie barque Albion, from Taganrog for this port, was shade below their beet. Railways doll; Americans a sbade r!eaabar Blep Clerk's Office, Dec 21, 1808. (diS-U). MILLIONS STERLING. open) open) . open) opeo) spoken, Dec 11 in lat. 40 N. and long 11 W. kim..lf w. ^lf ^tobhtipSmm .Establishment. or rrofeseor HOLI OWAT , CAPITAL—FIVE , easier; Canadians ¦ firm ; Bonks- steady;! Certificates vary , .htV pirtdtd Iwd attke rftKSIDBMTi : Tbe Temperance, Jamestown, Margaret, arrived at Cardiff in 1859 '>r&*.- ,*irf mf igm nd (ne»r Temple Bar), London ; tJso. at The A CORK STEAMEU-GttEAI. LOSS £ i. d. i. d. £ a. .d. £ a. d. good it on advsorer MfJuaranncrnmi^i'MisxsnTsBtoni;,g OBH wfow> «?8t™ 49 WRECK OF Enq.; Sir M OSES MONTBFIORB , Bart. * Dec 16, from this port, . . hi C >&mmBM& K.ng .tmt, Waterford. and by allies. 01' LIFE. 8AMOELGcRrtKT, riiimier i , rail. . ConsoU.«n«r ifflclol fi'as^i, 8ri ta {. ;. Haik«ti'flrtii . th» l.w ^im * and every information may bo 614 10 4 IM IS 10 83 in 11 SO 4 6 Tbe Letitia and Apollo both arrived at Bristol, Dee. 16, There was £88 ' him:theB,-|Ve ^fflS Wfflm »nd Dealersin Medicines.throughoui QrjiiNSTowjt, FRIDAY MoR»iio.—Tbe Cork Stesmihip lUtc of Assurance Parcels, Ac, - ,001 irj gold taienfrom 'the Bank toidiy. No nobblel>ra«iiti ' ¦ Goods & Oattle, 781 II 1 m 0 O M 3 10 108 < I from this port. . ¦Itsntioa'in tbe' Bgnk rjt*. ¦ ' Tb»Kent in Chtoati. »tth« rollowing prices:-l5. I}d, Company's alrip X6i«, ia a total wreck. Shapartedin two, bid of The Emma arrived st Shorebam ¦ from ?J^^i»edVotU, HARRIS , Dec. 10. from this port. Mslborjnw wrUi «2J6,000 in mld.-; • < . .-.;•. •¦: •?. .. i^mti^AitouLtinithmZZaTtmM Tglii Mi., and 33*. e«oh Pot. There and when t'j> tag boat Lord Clyde ariivtd ou the oceiie eacti MR. RICHARD , Total...-.; 12M 10 11 4«» ll 10 IM 3 »[ l88 » 3 The Active ' of this , which went ashore it . ' 9, Od ed., lU., ' ~ , port GettyLeacu, : PA&ISV- TsoBaruY KTunio.-«aa0'» j(.~Tba ¦\&r*fol»tioi±?*n * M' 4* larger,i.e.. hatf w«t aboot one half mile diataaoe from the other. Toe 15, Queen-street, Waterford. ftmupondlDg : ' as before reported Boors* of uf mSJundiwing puking the Milford Haven, , has been condemned¦ and bu betq grm. .Bloiest (Jdtod a WAS, ot 18s tbegaidanoeofDrtieBtainerer/ Lord O fi *saved 21 pMsengera, bat it is nporUd that u ¦ :¦ I WNklatt jeax, 118} It 3 463 I 4 1*3 10 ll 185 1 1 sold for the good of all concerned. • . pigbtr Hun rt tbe . MARINE A8SUOANCB. i ¦ ' ¦ M^R—DfreeUoMfor fra l*of pwianjtra mani. \ " : iW '¦ ¦ —~ •:¦ ¦• ¦;¦ ' i^nv more m«t I wttrr/ ; I '\' - ¦- -. ' . : . CtMOM «r Stetmcr , utd Siillag V»n«l .to as/ r ^ . ^ WEb. Tutus MVI there will be » etnenl election . Ris« Cnror:—tViml hid half crowns trJ t*n •hlll.'n. < BatVm Jnrln t7mh mm iTiI ¦ .¦.¦raliimi t- r>^X- fjll. ft.


to say l—'Er " . ' n under a cloud, we regret BA3AAR FOR THE POOR —THE SISTERS OF RELIEF OF THE POOR. H» (Mr. Blake) would support the prop^plioiipul WATEBJfOBDBOABD q faV lZDUMhrW**** *** the learned 013 poAcu Mn Cork in a manner CHARITY. By direction of the Mayor, on the solicitation ol forward by Aid. Cot, for he wa. quite. Kiw i there junscl for the prisoner!, Mr. BUTT, Q.C., demon- "c road lasl week of a London lodger who tasted several citizens, a meeting of the Relief Committee was a proper reason why the/shouldg ive tie money to himself, the Stranrauin, AM. Klein JosephC! tra»*$ 1£B. J'jK?*:! [rated was not all re-assuring either his Ingenuity to defeat tho attacks of his landlady on of last winter was held on Monday last, in the to the different charitable bodies as propfsed^hear, ATWackeT.C.Bsd a^ of the public who K. Roberts. W.' HaHr£«Ta«bsj, risoners, nor the large portion his Mayor's Office, for tlie purpose of taking into con- bear). They were perfectly sure itlwould . be T.Ci P. Manning, T.C.I P. o; Bi6ooiDeM,'J.P. - . ' lists. Mr. BUTT (ca-cady, and eiprcsBed himaolf M not caring 80 i : ? ' ad been set aside from the jury sideration the desirability of expending, nt the meted out very carefully by them, and «ven csrry '¦'• •"•l : coAi ii |iDB»i. < ' - ' ' ¦"• • '¦ ' of 310 names was raucl about tho expense, as tho fa# ^Uving under .,- •! . r. ,f ^. . . *£, rst objected that a jury panel present season, the balance (abnnt £115) remaining them over ilic ensuing months of-January and :Teriden were receWW for coal from Mr. Bienara next that its con- the disagreeable U«o his eX- nprecedented in extent, and impression that he wa«,i&; in hands of the sum of about £400 collected last February, which may be very severe', as ; was Vomnff l 'john-itrMV" ropjdyiMO tont of coti to the entire panel prcstion litution was sectarian. On , " done." The mind of the ijeMfplent man winter for the relief of the poor of the city. The the case in 1857, when the ground «ai covered theiwoAhotiie at IRI.' 3d:']ief ton.'- .Ttew were »uo 000 of whom are ¦ here are 0,000 names, 2, is often disturbed by a similar impresalon,' whdh re- Right Worshipful the MAYOR presided, and there with frost and snow; and, if a case of «mergency two otbe'r 'eenderi'whleli 'were somewhat higher. Intholics, or three to one, whilst on those re- gardless of the more question of expense, ho fears hi* were also present:— occurred after that, bo thought their (Call on tbe Mr. Redmond aiked did Mr.' Power (who was the urncd there are only 40 Catholiej, which gives a Tho Very Tier Dr Flfnn PP, Aid P Coi, Rev D Power , public would be a very goof one for another sub- ' ' Rifts only encourage imposturo, and are, a premium to , former contractor) give satisfaction f atio of nearly eight Protestants to one Catholic—a CC. RcvG Comtnins, CO, M. Slaney, James Doterty. TC, •cription (hear, hear). By not sustaining the poor The matter said he had tpen perfect satisfaction idlontss and dissipation. There in nothing W-irHeh J A Blake, , , T W Jacob, g ircumstnnce, disagreeable to he commented on, MP Rev P Kent, PP, A P Mnlier people now, they mey get into a state of great des- (hear, hear).'' i ' '!¦ tho ' TO, Aid PKKoid, H F Slnttcry, TO, Copt W Jobnsoo, . ut no matter how harmless in its operation , intention of tha philanthropist is more srmi^tbui titution, and they might be compelled by and bye to Mr. Redmond said that tha' fire which wai then v JP. TC. Connreve Rogon, high sheriff, J Hudson, C Red- with v*rr/Mr. Thoi. Roberlton. M|nTMcCfcric?, Mr». till highly calculated to weaken faith in the even- to onconraRo the professional ooeat, aaj| thHpaora- twind, J S Richardson W*"*- , give them more relief than they would otherwise burning before'them was a good specimen of Mr. ¦ r S°J? TC, , TC. ¦ ¦ ¦ they might nukeIt a move forl) the wane. . : Tobin, (John's-hill) ; the^Missei Locke ftc • anded character of justice. The selection of the liwd Mr. E. S. Kenney read the minutes want (hear, hear): As regarded the other side of Power' ' ¦ • ffieIf- hcggir, and yot thero i» nothing In whid^ii ^ , secretary, s coal (bear). • ^HiS!l!?' i n it »t™». »1'»'i» »«^ ' Kl Vf mfli, in 'obaree^f their JifferVntmonitor. iry panel is the business of the high sheriff exclu- o( last meeting, April I , when it was resolved the tbe water, it was surprising to him (Mr. B.), to bear Aid. Ryan then moved, and Mr.'Redraond se- hardt- ^ to rear young children 5in?'? the ?hoot*. - more difEcult to discriminate, than In the difltribfiBoo BOd monittesses,' tookitheir plaeeVon an derated Ively, and when it is remembered that that gcnllc- balance should remain on deposit in bank^untll- Mr. Slnttery say that one-tenth of the inhabitants r.onded the acceptance of Mr. Power's tender. Mr. Jacob—Tbat wri only tha ctse tome time ago. ¦' ^ 1 of relief. The most doi orons tale» »r wso aro mtmtBd w v platform in front of the ' audierieeV"and at' all aj- ian's political reputation 13 of a character which necessity would arise for itt expenditure. ~v-r within the municipal boundary aro at the other side ' KEVER IN CITI Mr. Redmond-It it «o Hill. . b Paned. Tim . peand in holiday attire, they ptcaented anr'andttanarUMa auscd his absence from the court-house during the y tho liar, tho most abject appearance of wast '• The Chairnfhn said that tho meeting were aware of the water. He was perfectly sure that that was Mr. Roney, R.O., reported an increase of fever Aid. Keilr—It improves children greatly to be in tbe .pp-rancvjThe lections of last summer, when that building rang presentod b not the case the country, and tbat is the reason people in town tend¦ them wnoas - f ^J£Z£^£SE2to& y the wretched victi m of i»Vajo^|flll^te»d that there was a residue of tho money on hands to , and Mr. Slattery must havo meant in the city for the past week , [there being now twelve to Traraor*in the summer. • ] •• hraiiehes of ttoVetadiet!br ..lte Varaos Pattenon, ¦ith cries of " whore 's PUXLEY t— where's Pux- tho atranger haB no means of nrrhing grthe truth in thV amount of £115 which was collected that time Parliamentary boundary (Mr. Slattery ; I mean • ¦ i ¦ ¦ Head Injector, wbo ia admirabjrl qualified for thta ioVmon , additional patients in the fovcr hospital. Mr. J acob—Well tbere is good air in this bonse. on account " EY ?"— confidence is nil the more.weakcued. , But The object of the pre- within the municipal boundary). Mr. Blake con- Mr. Redmond said be differed from Mr. J*cob in Mjring of tbe intelligible way hJ proposed bU -qnStion. either cam). Shall he reward tho liar for hi« volubi- twahre months for the poor. of THE CHRIBTMAI DINNER. and teMnn, manner ' ic high sheriff met the charge by Aeclnring lost he sent meeting was to considi/^he propriety ex- tinued that b'errybank was only ono village, and Mr. Redmond suggested that the usual tea break- tbat tberewat goodair ia the botue. It wu extremely « whiX bVdictodinswer.. lity and mtanncss ? Shall ho afford tho drunkard the ' - 0 Iw examined tlia children, aa •ft the entire business to Mr. BARRY, ttii" »ub- pending the money at the pf-gnt season for the aid taking into account the number of inhabitants liv- fast and meat' dinner be procured for the inmate, difficult to rear young children in it. The poor creatares rfM »i 7i^1? "?." J? *" * i opportunity «f another viait to tho low public home 1 were alwayt confined within those dark and diogy waits. i" Mr* °"?n Wt » ¦»«*«* h« that tbe hcrili; a Catholic, subject, hdwever , to the aj>Broj»I it of th» poor, and he would Ejjpr any suggestions on ing within the municipal boundary they do not form on Christmas Day. The motion bad already passed ebfoftS ^Whb 1 1 8L mow creditabl Under v.111 y occu* Sir. Jacob knows very well that even in towns Infanta are thih V£? i ,J? ff ? " * »"»«1*« y if ( Mr. A DAMS, a Protestant , and a jury of twty&lql thes^xircumatances immediatel (be matter from the assembly one-tenth of the population. The people of Ferry- in the Belfast, Youghal, Dungarvan, Kilkenny, Kit- u Alderman 1 'eft «o tbeir teachersibowever, their anawenng ^ brought oat to the country to get an airing^nd wasI.7. ?try, good^3 , 'rotestants , decided, on the evidence of tlufiSrofey to. the^bou^tful man, that thero it no safa tay to Aid. P. Cox said that there-hnd been no bazaar bank, too, were apparently much better off than raacthomai, Thomastown and other unions. Xcily ohterrri, they were tent to Tiaaore in tbe rammer to and though several questions pnt to them re. collectors taken in court, "that, the tbftJtiid' thoso at this side of tbe water (hear). Another thing Mr. hear). In the poor house tbey pl ln 'I™ ft'"10 and impartially make the Jury parts! -«e- Buttery had spoken of was tbo amount of the subscription were kept confined witbin tbe atone walla, and no infant or at a fair avCTue. The conductor of qually bite? jhjb ' likel to bo beneficial, bUby tho Vincent de Paul, which, on. that account, were ex- Mr. Redmond, that this suggestion be carried out; Mr> a WubingtoBi contribntad the duties of his office." And lisfy, the m toancr. y of Ferrybank. Now, he (Mr. B.), would liko to know the young child it ever brought out to get a breath of fnah air, Suth'i T ' T' verr ording to visiting ceedingly low—so much sijilljnt they were obliged money subscribed at any time those at tbe other side P when it was agreed to unanimously, the chairman ' of them pine away P B™ ^ •Mmi«»« "'.'«1!CU ever> so enamoured wilh Mr. PojtlEr's iAbanijyyJKit^nraperly'organised reli gious by and the consequence it tbat numbers wed*credit on tb,.IV r »°' ?• Irown appear lo refuse tbo applications ofVnany poor people for He would bo very anxious to meet Mr. Slattery's views, but itating that it was usual here as in all other unions. of other onion., Cork, efficient and pain.takin* gentleman to.have the ¦Ocietiet^^^Hti&jJRof Charity, who ontot upon tho and die (bear, hear). Tho experience eD onstitution of the jury panel, that they hwra, »p- 10 s0 that relief, who werd very much in the want nf it. lie thought ho (Mr. 3.), phonld make out a stronger case. TOYS FOR TUB WORKHOUSE CHILDREN. efficacy. Ho (Mr. R) bad ">raoU7»° PWficient in ramie. Tbe tlie cmB Belfast, and Dublin, proves Us Smttccet^tlonT f ^Mr.i Washingtonw ', larently, resolved to try all the prisoner* before yi^ nnder obligation fhe times had been very bid lately, and though at Mr. Slattory said the amonnt paid in subscriptions, ho wat seve- letters from all those places which pronouncedtbe system at exertions in thi. retpecl it ^ pMMsHlf Jfe ' ' Mr. Redmond said that it was the custom in hu uries selected therefrom, city prisoners having of so admirably arrange d that the present moment , yet quite ceitaio, would mako them entitled to n tenth of tbe small a complete success; and if it had been ao tnccottfol in those W<> Contro1 he OT " ^ifinnRHBjj ^V° , tho weather was very fine ral unions for the guardians to make up a £te•V'bi?MlId '> VVm dir*eclin P*their* • mq l efforts ^>« before them and convicted: From and money. for large union, what could prevent it from being so in Water- wbil^ !!r . « CF» , dieted, iceti arraigned i>fa JBpjJKStoelvo anything more adequately a week or two previously it was wet and cold, Mr. Redmond said ho ngreed with tho observations of Aid, subscription at Christwat time, to purchase toys * <<' Uw Wafm «<» proIorS^d applSta ofal down by the judge*, and .thi af They ht ford (bear) P Promt.DM n? *ItrT waa' a raatter he law laid *A$f l^BBKj $i&j bi&t charity. rarely dis- the poor people suffered frorj want of employment Cox and Mr. Blake, tbat this was the bost time to distribute the poor workhouse children. He (Mr. R.) thoug Mr. Jacob said be was only stating tbat tbe children ol of amusement and astonishment ividence produced, it would be imperative.we think , and had to part with their to support them- apprehended the same g0 ¦li "?aSh > "» motiona i» tboir .ing- peBs«mjBJpjPtt«yhgTo\ isited tha dwellings of tho '/'thing the money they bad on hands, although it was it woul d be a humane proceeding to do the bonse wen not a disgrace to it. Sn»^ni '?v or any jury, no matter holy tho will of Alico Quinn, a lady who died in 1803 ii ness, and was obliged to go to the hospital. She bad do the business ; now, as we managed to get them, altogether in tbe honse. Tbeir orphan children were done As I stated in my former communication, Charles «laims are at relief to the board of think at that time existed. every jnsti") to, and I am inclined to think tbat they reflect Underwood O'Connol l was first pnt forward the matter right now when Catholic the house now kuo.va as " King's Court," Tramore,£666 was lo apply for out-door guar- Mr. Slaney said there had been a report framej of the I hope we will mind them well (hear, hear) ; , bat in dians. Some would say that they had a right to lay The total sum collected by Mr. Fitzgerald was every en Jit oa tbe guardian, (bear, bear); conseqneve of matters required by MB counsel tlm devised to the poor of Tramore, the interest of which has been pr 'Jure mode on the funds of tbe Society, becanao they had Mr p. Iraond naid he was aware that tho Poor Lan Itike. trial waa deferred, and John M'Afferty, of American piiil every Christmas, by Samuel King, Esq., J.P., Mount by some of the money whilst the husband was earn- nothing to give the p.;ir. No later than Saturday latt he £2,697 13s. lOd. There mas left uncollected £95 Insprc ir Capt, Hamilton, was anxious for tbo welfare ol Itis generally ktionn that an understanding, with- ' , colebnty, an alien, waa placod at tho bar to ' ing, but this wus very difficult when they have a had two women vanning af'or him when be was going tO' 17s. ltd., but out of that sum £69 14s. was ordered the children and did all bo possibly could for tbera, botb in answer Council, that n l'leasant, testator s relative, to several well-conducted poor wards tbe train lnth , for his rebellions conduct, in the United States out a resolution, existed in ourTo*n family (hear, hear). The woman in question had to , joking for relief. The husbands ol to be struck off altogether for vacant houses, &c, this and in other unions. He (Mr. R.) did not object to the , toward* of Trainoro; and a further sum of a third of a thousand tbo women were in hi .pita), bat lie (Mr. Slfineyj had (j re- the government of this country. ht to be selected to fill the come before a crowd of paupers. She had to expose leaving a balance of £25 3a. I Id. to be carried for- food given to tbo children ; but it was the injury tber en- He got a mixed jnr7 Protestant member oug pounds was left fuse their applications. These women trot out-door relief half foreigners and Jsalf aepizens ' by tho same will for the relief of poor herself and her children to seek this relief. He ward into the new rate. Jar 1 by being confin. 1 in idleness in ths workhouse, , and after a day's office of Mayor every third year, as tlie represen - debtor* from the ncirbonse, but that wr 1 not sufficient (hear, hear). tinglo thing, Ibat^ie com- bearing of his case, nnd a comfortable ni ht confined in tho city sac!, which was paij nnnunlly felt very much at it, for there waa dan- Sinrj The totil sum collected by Mr, Carri wa; where they could not learn to do a g ia the constitute about a third (Mr. Jacob) the commencement of the poor law in Waterford they . gan lained of. Ho maintained tbat by rearing them outside, Court Uouse, with temporary accommodation tatives of that persuasion up to the p:ii<;insj ot tbc bill in 1850, doing away with im- the whole family would become pauperised never had tuch a go' I relieving officer as Mr. Roncy, tbe pre- 918 19s. 7d. Uncollected, £15 I Os. 3d. ; Btruck p tho ger that £2, there was a chance of tbeir becoming useful members of learned judges announced the. foll.owing morning of the entire body, although only about one-tenth prisonment for debt under £\n, and the class for whom tho so (hear, hear), and that was the reason that sent man tbat filled the office." Mr. Roncy attends to them , that by doing off for vacant premises &c, £4 lls., leaving a ba- locioty, which could scarcely occur inside, fboy drag on a as there could be no overt act proved against him year, 1865 , relief was intended being tlms nbolislia] tho money has all ns well BS be cm, nnd there w.-s no family that they spoke since of the population. The present , the rHurts of the Vincent dc Paul Society had been lance to be carried forward to the new rate of <£1C wretched eiistcnco in here, always a burthen on tbe rntc- his arrival in thia country, they .wero of op since lay, to him about but they found tbat this efficien t relieving tbemselres admit tbat they don't knoiv inion the to the Prolestant9, and at an early accumulating in the Three per Cents., reaching at attended with so innch benefit,because they gave the officer paid them every attention (hear hear): Tho poor 19s. 3d. payers. Tbo boy. case could not bo sustained, and ordered his was assigned , now to do anything when tbey seek work outside. Farmers acquittal the present time £;ple generally got a couple of shillings out-door relief, but Mr. Jacob asked when would the new rate be accordingly. But his keepers are more period f) nsl year, a gentleman of that persuasion md all who employ them know this to be a fact (hear). chary of such ttiiuimuioncrs of Cbiirilnblo Bi juests to l» released from (hear). The socicty-liad one great advantag e over tbat was not enough for them ; and on account of tho pres- struck? a prize, and ho is detained to see if there is would be elected the trust, that hol and devisi 1 n scheme for the It was then suggested tbat some orphan children be seat another canvassed, and it was understood y ii cquicsrcJ , the poor law hoard of visiting the different families to sure on tbo funds at pn sent tbey could not do anything to- The Clerk said it was in course of preparation. way ho could bo punished. He waa bord distribution of the entire money, under the tnanngitincnt of for, that tbo beard might sea them before tboy sond any of in Sanduskr opposition. At a later period , however , wliuiii they g ive relief. He (Mr. Jacob) would say wards ameliorating the c indition of thoao poor people (hear). Mr said that Mr. Fitzgerald had in- came before them. Ohio, and had served in the Confederate without four trustees—namely, the Ucv. N. Cantwcll , I'.l'., Kcv. Mr. R-'linood said that though Mr. Richardson made . Redmond them out. Thrro nice little children here army the should be glad to see the funds of the Tbey crime not from the main bnildinga, bnt from the lodge uniformand arms of which position lOine private reason induced him to withdraw from KJward Halton , ivctor, James Hudd, Esn, ., anil M. Slaney, ngaiii (hut he those objections, be did think there wcro few gentlemen in formed him he would have collected the full rate , as captain, he had Esq., all of Tramoic—llie appropriation baug as follows, in V me i nt dc Paul Society strengthened more and just as easy as the one that was struck last time. at tuo Fever Hospital, where a few of them art roaring, and with him, as was quito natural, when he waa ' position, and three Protestants started for the Waterford wbo thought less about a few pounds (bear, benr). arrestod the each Christmas week :— enquiry as to how it worked wbero tho air is much purer then that in tbe big home. on board the tender to tho mail steamer at more, hating indde , and Ho (Mr. It.) wrs glad indeed to hear the liberal and cnlight- Tbe wealthy people could have paid that rate, and 's wife) bad selected tba Queenstown vacancy his withdrawal created. Two of those The Fanning Charity, Wateiforil £1 10 7 end remarks cf his friend Mr. Jp"ib rs regarded the good When Mn. Deo (the shoemaker In May last, under tho amnesty proclamation he had become thoroug hly convinced that it had , at the same time the poor people would be indulged, biggest of the tbreo aa the one she would take homo with , he took went to the poll , and, after a divi- Protestant por schools, Tratnoro 6 I) 0 lone by tho Vincent do Panl Society (hear, hear) tho oath of allegiance to tho Federal Government gentlemen con fnjrcd n great deal of benefit on the poor of while it would be more satisfactory to the ratepayers her, tbe pauper nurse burst into tears, at the idea of parting and numbers, they Koman Catholic tlo., Tratnor > 6 0 0 Mr. Slattery reitcratrrl tho right of tho proplo of Ferrybank notwithstanding the snobbish letter of tho lion , where they were equal in Weekly and Sunday 6chool 3 0 0 Waterford (applause). He would second the pro- generally (hear, hear). with tho child tbe bad reared. Tbo littia boy who was United over their year of , Lady-lano ... to a portion of the money, and' spoko of the subscriptions States consul at Qucenatown, produced on his mutually agreed to hand J7 i>oor persons, without relig ious distinction, re- position of Aid. Cox (hear, hear). Mr. Clampctt—I pay heavy rates, and I woul d selected, comprehending that a separatiou was to take place, trial ik ahvays readily given by tbe pople at that tide to the Christian ' le and became very much affected. u known in very high quarters that President office to the present mayor, without his ask- sident at Tramore, lot a coiururtable meal On Mr. Richardson said he did not think there was Brother. tbe Siaters of Charity, and (3 every baznnr bold find it a great deal moro inconvenient to pay the followed bia nurse s examp , JonnaoVa , This little temporary excitement will occur even atnongat government would not allow him to ing >> , ond without the concurrence of the Christmas D»y , (is proviled ly will) Os each, any occasion to spend the money at that lime. Look- by tbe Scoicty of St. Vincent de: Paul. If they would allow full rates. be sent to an children parting their patents and nurses for a boarding English convict prison without knowing C^nof/c member *. This being admittedly tho aud to tho U8lh, 7s 4d 20 9 i ing at Ibe state of the weather, he should think there bint £5 he would be satisfied. Mr, Jacob said the double rate may not be re- that ho was gentlemen themselves Mr. Kenney, s: oratory, said tho West Wardcontained all school. legally guilty and prqperly convicted. ..ase, surely the Protestant was not. Would they think of collecting a new sub- quired again, Mr. Clarapelt said he protested against a wholesale trans- Total of the consolidated bequest ; ... SI 19 11 subscriptions mado by Kerrybank. It appeared from tbe list Captain O'Connell, bearing American distinction are alone to blame for handing over an office which just then ? He would say decidedl y not. TUB ORPHAN AND DEJEHTED CHILDREN AGAIN. portation of children. He could not, as a guardian, stand scri ption tbat a aura of about £5 w. i subscribed by Perrybank. also, was again put forward, when, lo! the whole the Catholics had freely accorded to then). To They should be cautious in not giving the money The Clerk said he had received applications from there and eeo tbe poor child sent ont to tho mercy of tbe jury THE PROVISION MERCHANTS' COMPANY. Mr. A. P. Mnlier said as a member of tbe St, Vincent do were challenged as unfairly constituted, and your avoid unseemly contests, and to produce an arrange- of grout emergency. The he bad hesitah 1 in sayinir anything till then han nnd deserted children out old people wbo applied for him. except in a time money Paul Society , parties to rear the orp Mr. Redmond said it wat a mistaken kindness on the readers can judge for thamsolves when out of the ment satisfactory to those who differ from us in A company under thin title , with a highly re*|P i'ct.ib!e at he would rather hear the opinion of other gentlemen. Mr. 310 being given ot a time ol distress, it ought to of the house ; but he was sure sufficient notice had part of Mr. Clampett. Tbe parish priest of Uallyduff nnd returned to try the prisoners, 40 were Catholics ana reli ion and politics, we were the first to adrocale directory, has been formed in London for the purpose ol Richardson had said tbere wri no especial call for tbo ex- g be disbursed vety carefully, and it was his opinion not been given or there would bo a great deal more tbo respectable ratepayers had recommended tbe shoemaker's 3/0 Protestants, thongh there aro thrco Catholic jurors the triennial system for Protestant members; but transacting and carrying on the business of wholesale pro- penditure of tbe money. U'nll tbere wan not in ono sense ; that the time might come, when the money would but at tbe same tirao tbey were obliged to rcfuso the appli- sent in. wife aa a fit and proper person to take cbargo of the child, to every Protestant on the panel. we could not be a party to any inroad on this just , with a capital of £100 000 in 5 000 shares and besides tbat tbe relieving officer wonld often vi.it tbe vision merchants , , , he more requisite. They would not enter into a cation, of many deserving families at the last meeting of tho The application of a woman named Ann Dee, of , Messrs Dillon and Lynch, of this city, were then and upright principle, for if they look for more than of £20 each. The Reporter, « London monetary journal, of subscription list just at present, because there society (hear. bear). It was for that reason that Ihey made Ballyduff, was first considered. This woman had child and aee everything right. . He thought the Rev. Mr. laced on their trial, and after the evidence now M'Oratb ought to be a better judge than Mr. Clampett, p of tho they are entitled to, they may find themselves in a the 10th inst., says :— was no reason for tt; therefore, they ought to keep a suggestion, tbat the money on< hands ba destributei for tha no children of her own ; her husband was a shoe- informer Warner (a man whom the prisoners stato About four or five months ago a uso of tbe por. If n portion were g iven to the St. Vincent and felt quite M anxiously for tlie welfare of tho children, false position. "The directors have provisionally purchased the premises, the money until a time would come when it would maker, and she wanted to adopt one of the children Mr.O'Sioa—I propoK tbat we postpone the consideration never had any connection with them;, and hig friend f te Paul Society, thoy would distribute it with their usual majority of the Catholic members of the council plant , erTtxtf,! an,C , I a mouth, and tbe profits justif of tlie agrcci to, propoc 1 by Aid. Cox, and seconded by T. W. cost ol pauper, St. 2id.; coat in iufirmary, 2s. 4d. ; cost in They woro each years' ponal servitude tnd liberality which are not to be met with elsewhere. their remuueration until tho payment of a divi- Mr. Redmond—Do you know the parties.Mr. Fitz- fever hospital, (' . 41.; do. dining hall, la. Ill; cost of ]»)<>tpnning they had lo refuse many deserving applicants. As Jacob, T.C. :— but stated before receiving sentence they wanted to Since the passing of (he Reform Act, Cork has had dend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annnm. The capital i> for the saying " that a necessity might arise," he " RetolveA—That tbe balanco now on hands of the Poor gerald t pioiirions and necessaries received, £113 17a. 6d. j do. con- conceal nothing. Dillon admitted he was a Centre (/) i'l per share is pay- amnod Id. ; number on out-door relief 487 : colt six Protestant Mayors—viz., Messrs. F. Beamish, IltD.COO m 6, 0 shares of £20 each ; Cox) hoped It would not, and even if it did, Relief Fund, be appropriated c" follows—one-fifth of the Mr. Fitzgerald—I do well. The husband is a shoe- , £109 4*. , , and that his belief in tho ultimate independence able on application, anil £1 on allotment, and it is not at (Aid. of R. Dowden , Sir J. Gordon, and Sir John Arnott for and snow, visited them, the balance to the Protestant poor ; £5 to Mr. Slattery, for tbo maker in Ballyduff ; they are very decent, honest Ireland was aa fixed as his religions belief, and L present contemplated that more than £6 per share further and that hail , rain, : ynch three years ; Limerick hos had six ; Kilkenny but Waterford were inclined , as they alway s por of Ferrybank, and the remainder n the proportion of people, and I believe they will take every care of FERMOY UNION-WBDIUSDAT: said ho would not enter into any explanation of hia will be call :i up." people of two-thirds to tbe St. Vincent de Paul society, and one-third one, Mr. A. Collis; Wexford has had three, the were , to come forward and relieve the poor (ap- the child (hear, hear). K ICHABD CABBOIL, Esq., J.P., chairman. political opinions, which he knew were shared by tho Wodd the newl y elected Liberal to the Sister, of Charity." 'Clerk Also present—Michael Burke, Charles Fnrloog, James vast majority of bis countrymen, and standing third being Mr. y, S.'iE OT me FUBMIURB ISD EFTCCTS O? VI H. C^im- Some discussion then arose about tbe sum vot:d to tbe The here read letters of recommendation as ha Protestant mayor for the coming year ; Clomnel priest of Ball duft, the Rev. J. Kent, James Morrogb, J. O'Brien, M.D., John O'Sullivnn, then was, in prison, would be the sorest proof of bis EWPOKT J.P., T.C.—The sale nf tbe effects of this Mr. Slattery said it might meet Mr. Richardson's Dean of Wateiford for tbe Protrstant poor, Mr. Jacob say- from the parish y UES N , Thomas Rice, Richard Rice, Thomas Ryall. sincerity and honesty. has had but one Protestant mayor, Mr.Smith; whilst say that ibe society of St. Vincent de lug tbnt no report bad be in made us to bow tha lrst monay McGratb, and two other most respectable ratepayers, STATE 01 THE HOCK. gentleman, advertised for a, fortnight p?st, attracted a very objections to Donovanand Thomas Dnggap, Watetford has had, in the 22 years, since 1 843, one- of distributing the inoney tbat wat given was appropriated. He (Mr. Jacob) wsi per- in favour of Mr. and Mrs. Dee, and their ability to last week, 291; admitted siuce Jeremiah from Ballin- numerous ittcndacce on Monday last, at bis late rcsidenc* Paul were not thinking Remaining , 15; discharged, indicted. The-princi third of her Mayors chosen from the Protestant husband it, and distribute it fectly sure tbat tbe money was laid ont fairly, but then they take charge of a child, if the guardians would grant 13; died, 0; remaining, 293. collig, were neit pal charge William-street and the pn««eding9 which publicly took just then. They Would were ignorant on the matter, and tbar did not know whether was attempting, on the 16th members—viz., Sir B. Morris , "43 and '4C; Kichard in , hear). Before they would them one. FWASCE.—Tbe balance in tbe bank to the credit of tbe against them November, place tlicrc have afforded a great deal of gosaip in town for as it was required, (hear, any further sum WHS r;quired by the Dean for relieving bit 3d. in a publio house, at Ballinoollig, to swear ia Cooke, '50 ; Michael Dobbyn, '52 ; Henry Denny, the money away to the St. Vincent Mr. Redmond thought .that this was a good open nnion was £2135 15s. the week. It appears the sale was to take pla 'e under an decide giving all poor. Ko Protestant minister being present or any one that CHBISTMA8 BRBAEFAST AHD DlKltKB. two soldiers of the 4th Dragoons, to whom they told '54 ; Dr. John Mackesy, '59 ; and Capt. Johnson , '62. Mr.'Hugb c-rald iro them such information lie would suggest that for one of the poor children to leave the house, for , assignment by Mr. Newport to Sir. M.Wliitestone, de Paul Society, or the Sisters of Charity, he would g , It wan unanimously agreed to provide the pauper, wilh a the soldiers alleged, that there were five Fenian warders Now , taking a lance across the country from (jreene And the Rev. Mr. Newport, and when Mr. Thomas when the inoney was handi d over they would nsk what was there wat a great chance that he would be adopted g , wish to remind them of the claims of the poor peo- breakfast of white bread and tea; and with an abundant in Kicbmond prison wbo would liberate James Stephens South to Norlb, what do we behold there ? We Walsh, the auctioneer, wr; about commencing, Mr. Pcnrose, side of the water. It was not done with tbe former sum which was allocated? Many altogether by this couple, and as Dee himself was a dinner of soap, meat, and vegetables, on Christina, day. leased. They were fonnd guilty, lacid bailiffs on the pie from the opposite alight ou tbe when they p when Donovan, find that in the Belfast was tbe holMlieriff, who bad previously p gentlemen were of opinion that this might be a shoemaker of being brought up to the knowledge of niLf-TBlELT ABSTRACTS. teutenced lo five years' penal servitude, and corporation there under authority of a writ at the suit of other par- because they lived at the other side of the water, distribution of the money , was Dugmn. not a sing preroism, gentleman entrusted with ths Tbs abstracts of tbe nnion account,for tbe half-year end- wbo bad been national tchoolmuter, to ten yean. Dnggan le Catholic, or Liberal Protestant DO had not a just right lo some of the inoney , at it implied a doubt as to whether tbe that business, and thereby be enabled to earn his * . tics, forbid the Mle, and announced tint furniture should that they amongst tbe poor, ing tho 28th September last, at audited by Mr. M'Dermst, sentence, denied the troth of tbe evidence Mayor since the Reform Act, and of course not Mr. White stone acting on bis authority, named visited the poor peo- money wat laid out for tho purposes for which it was granted, bread in after life. He [Mr. R.) expected tbat tbe before of to* leave the housa. , Neither of the socletiei wero laid belore tbe board and signed by the chairman. and added—I do not ttate those things in order before it. And there is at r :ainst the danger of interfering, At length it was decide! tbat the meeting wished to know law would be altered so that they mi ht keep the soldiers, present but one Tory cautioned tha sheriff* ple at Fcrry bauk , and on that account when a sub- g to change tbe sentence I am about to receWe. 1 knowivo or Catholic in that body of. 40 members, though the and told Mr. Walih to proceed, adding that ho would gua- for them, he (Mr. S.) declined bow tbe Dean stood a* regardci a sufficiency of funJa for children out until the age of 13 or 14 years, at which minds are made ap oa that. I against ennsrquencs. Air. Walsh pro- scri ption was raising relieving the different Protestant per»ua»iors. Tbe meeting LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. lordtbipV itate this mewty Catholics of Belfast number over otic.third of the rantee all purchasers as did many others of his neigh- period they woul d be of some assistance to thote who to show what kind cf tools tbe British government employ ceeded, and with liis accuitnmcd ability, sold the furniture contributing to it , then separated, At tbe street committee, on Totaday,Mr. Freemanpro- whole population. The l'ro'.esiams of Waterford other side, lie was waited on after- had first adopted them (hear, hear). He hoped to procure thote convictions. 1 have only to say—and I ai-. vapidly, at very remunerative pricea, many articles nbovo bours at the posed, and Mr. Redmond seconded, tbat a lamp bo erected intelligent mam for bis opinion—that number scarcely a tenth of the entire population , that evening, Mr. Whitratonr gentleman connected with the society, INSOLVENTS that Captain Hamilton, would give tbe project all peal to any the t»W their value. After the Bale, , wards by ik ' l which the jury hit was made out for these trials and yet what would be said to us To BK BROUGHT VT AT WExroaD, 30rn DECBMBBB.— the aid in bis power (hear hear). He believed it outside tho Magdalea Asylum, Hennessy s-road. Colone ner in , ' if we elected but armed in each baud with decanters he bad purchased, pro and he then subscribed on the understanding that , that in this country political trial, ' (o our Corporation (lie il t n; when tlie sub.anj Mi bni- Thomas Dnryer, Fisherstown, co. Wciford ; formerly a far- of Roberts proposed, and Mr. P. A. Power seconded, that a clearly shows by iaiy aft on* Catholic f The following ceedrd to nvirch towards the relief £oulil he extended to Ferry bank, where was the opinion the ratepayers generally that if mockery. I say my low ,.. , bis move •;. ' , and ns the matter ii tho mer, now of no business. » mere letter from Mr. John Rea, himself a Liberal Presby- lilTs put a stop to many poor people resided as badly off as they the children were reared out of the house, lamp ba erected at Upper Nevtown, corner of Water-slrtet. Judgo Fitigcrald—W« cant't allow this. lou were asked ofa l.-wsuit , wc\. ¦ .t saybovr the hindrance w«s very To BE IlttODOHT UP AT WxlERIOBl), lilt J AH UABY.— terian , shows a deplorable state of things in the foundation Notwithstanding, he had very until the ages of 13 or 14 years, very few of In reply to Mr Redmond, Mr. Hudson said be wai patting hnd you anything to .ay why aenteoca tbould not be passed eflvctiil but it H tiTt-'in that the decanter* remained them were in Walciford. Kdward Wurdrll, tbo Quar, Waterford , lobaccoiiist; previ- great Protestant Town of Belfast—a stale of things , them would return to the house again [A guard- do wn tbe pump in Pcter'tltne. Mr. Manning, Col. Roberta on you, and you are not to indulge in any declamation. that rich!. Next mornitic, hnstilitin being expected tu l>c great difliculty Hftrro'.'irds in obtaining any relief at ously of Albert Cottnga, Limerick, commercial traveller ; tor- which we hope, we will never see imitated <¦>. deny the truth of that Dr. T. L illackcsy, and other member*, mado complaints The- Prisoner—I have nothing moreto say. , in the rcsumiil, there «-.i» u goodly array of police and physicians, all for tlii'in; unit though strnw and blankets were mcrly of No. 32 Murino Crescent, Cloutarf , Dublin, ian—No one could [hear, or in any enli htened community :_ but nolhiiijt more commercial traveller. about tba want of illnrainatiug power in tbo gas, Mr. P: A. Charle. Underwood O'Connell wa> ntxt placed on his trial, South , g spiritual n* well »s triiiponil . on Ibe ground , distributed in t'ne city to the poor people, they were hear]. Let them listen to one ot the facts which sentenced to 10 yean' " ilcc- BB BOUOHT UP AT COBK T J AKUART .—Edward Power said tbe matter should be ducusud before tbe next and waa thit evening penal atrvituoe. " Lil.-ral Urp/ntrationSociety, He!fa»t , lfitli [)«., \^r ho«tili! tban tho prwlucti™ of JI nuinlicr of " whereas nt Fcrry bunk. The- Sisters nf To H , 17 'C showed the effect of workhoute rearing. On his nf their never distributed Youg lial, co. Cork, merchant txilor and abop- council. It waa ordered tbat the matter bo referred first to Before untence waa pasted on him be complaiwd of the "])tis S IB— We have never lia.l either a Catbolic or int'iern pas«ol liMwccn various lawyers on tho part llountaine, R' way up to the board that day he met two he and on Wednesday, Cb.iriiy ilid not visit over there at all, nud consider- keepor.—Coiuclins Lynch, DotninicV-strci't, Cork ; preriou.l/t [Mr. s] the company in Cork. Mr. Manning drew attention to. the hand manner in wbidj wm treated by Sob-Iospector 1'rutestaiit Liberal M.jor in liclfast. The.e never wa, a different clients. The sale procecdcl , constabulary, and when seoiesce and staiiftty were sold ; yesterday, ing ibnt from the old railway station to the Abbey, ef Church.utrctt , in said city, dealer iu cattle, l'oter Rober workhouse boys, who were both reared in the atate of some crosaing. on the quay and e!uwher«, and Mr. Graves and the waa passed Catholic in the roirinration ficepl Mr. ISernard Hujtlies, the paiutiii|;>, engravings, crossing, stated tbat he hoped there would be an exchange to 1BJ8 cuiKcrvatory fiitiircn, Ac., wore knocW doirn, le living there formed n tenth of the popu- Roddy, late of Moukstown, cu; Cork. houte, goiug down lo gaol, botb handcuffed and in Redmond taid two thould be at once laid down in on him he »bo held nffxe froio IPS' , anil was ndiniiud onlj bock s, iihiuU, the peop wbicb be bad spoken about on wveral occasions. of pruonen before long. 0 Connall bad. been iu the Amerr- ' ' »uce" nltogt'iher the tnle is expected to realize £1,G J; but owing Wutcrfurd they were entitled to a tenth of charge of a policeman. Thote boys were charged tbe Manor, ¦ in confluence nf my -s in chancery in Juue, lbao. lation of , SISTERS O ? CHABITT BAEAAB.— Programme of music to Advertisements were again ordered to be can. army, and when arrestedco hia return here, lie bid a il.clinrd to 's Uolajn," the bidders b.tvc been unable to get with robbing the house. Some time ago, one of the —Pawed. Af.'er IBia Mr. Hushes offer himself for re-elec- to tbe " law the money. If it were given, it would be distributed bo performed by the atring baud of the Wuterforil Artillery issued for the cleansing of tbe graving bank, which Mr. large packageol leltorsoshim belietcdto belongto gupbons.. h could in no good with no many pi'rclicses, us the ownership of the property, and Is tion, Mining he agiinst tli'ir fairl by the clergyman of the parish, mid there .taff nt tho b:iznar, Town Hull, 27lh Dx. : Part 1st.—1, same boys was found at the back of the park with Manning taid wat very much required, aa ho wai informed He aaid to the policeoun. who. arrested him, tb.t lot! for , . Tories then being apprehensive of the valoe in money consequentl y, bus not been decided, and pro- y him. The ouMqumci that it wus only the most deserving march, Gentle Annie, Savago; 2, qnadrilli', Ireland, C. Albert ; skeleton keya in his pocke t, evidently for a bad pur- by captains of vessels. Tbe tenders to bo conaidend next his country made him leave it. and thit he returned to die ofnotWng able to say the Catholics had some represents- ¦abl y will not be until Rctiotn sufficient to make it a eauli was nu doubt , ¦ ' i .-- .. • • Joh would receive the relief (hear, hear). 3, polka, Huntsman, Lnmotte; * , selection, Jl Barbiere, pose. Now, he mentioned thote things to show the Toetdar. for it, tien eK^J a person colled n Hamell, who CA II« bitnsvli celebre have been heard. Tlie market-bouse in this city, objects tlibt C. Flcur di Styrie Lamotte ; 8 valte who hu a btotber a counsellor . and held from tlml body by lease, B^sini : mazurka, , , , misfortune of rearing children in tbe bouse [bear, Mr. O'Biordon, , was then.'' » Catholic, (ml who is detest; i by the entire Catholic popu- ownrd by ibe corporation, Aid. Reid supported tlie observations made by b'nucy Kate, A.. G. Crow, and in a firm voice pleaded not guilty. ¦ lifo of Mr . Newport wbeicin be car- Lniso Miller, Laurent; 7, galop, lace to rear children was unquestion- THANKS placedoa bis trial, lation, which i» third of the whole determinahlc with tbe , Mr. Richardson. He thought that they ought to be , quadrille, Colleen llawn, J Cnjsidy; 9 maturka, hear]. The p proceeding at half-put five o'clock. * business as weipbinaster, f ee., is advertised for l'art 2nd.—8 nails where they could learn bow Casey, P.P., Stradbilly, acknowledges with Tbia was " I hate been twirs a meinWr, lmt am a I'resbyterinn, ried on bis in disbursing the relief except there La Bondine 0. Tr la; 10, rnlse, Kate Kearney, Coote; 11, ably outside tbe workbotue , Rev. Tbomis to-morrow , under a sheriff's writ. The sale each days very cautious , tbat would .fit them for after life (hear.hear), tbe receipt of tbe following donations in aid of the although I am so thoroughly wilh the C«tlnlics in political auction necessity for it. The subscription, of eavatina, Sweet Spirit, Wnllaco ; 12, quadrille, Brido of to do something beat tbanka n>Mt»rs as to be generally auppovd of thtir tect. AH wai conducted in » inoiit jatibfactory mannjr by Mr. Tliomal was a pressing Tbera was one of tbose now in tbt boose namedEdward D.» Catholic Cburcb of Bonmabon:—ThaRav. RogerPower , CATHOLIC CHURCH. had a portion now on hands, was collect- Lammermore, Tinucy;13, polka, Marguerite, Laurent ; l£, tbe i I mpmbw of the prewnt corporation have been rUnricd Waltb, of this city. which they J. Cassidy. Part 3rd.—16, vaho, Wabib—apparently a ttrong young fellow—who was 24 yra P.P., Kill nnd Newtown, £6; Rev. Richard ! Powtr, Ber- f want. During the time of Mr. galop, ILirum Scarum, been reared in tbe boose. £8; John Etmonde Esq., £2, Lord Anally; through hit agent, \yilliam Lans Joynt, ly tlitTwits.—Vwy truly yourf , "Jons U tk Tns G UN-BOAT IlLArER.—This ttoam vessel, the arrival ed at a time of great Gertrude Seibold ; 17 selection of age; he bad moodtay, London, , M.P., Mabel, Gndlrev ; 10 polka, , , , and tbe tamo Walsh will stay 81 yean moro '. Society acknowledges the. fol- Esq., his given £60 towards the building lund of tbo new noted, still lies in our rircr where Wake 's mayoralty in 1S07, the montlii of January, Borgia Donizfttti; 18,quadrille, Italian Campaign , Clerk—Aye, The Catholic Young Men . of which we have already , Lucrciia , from tbe rural gnardiaut). snbtcriptiont :—N. O'Nttlt Power E«q., church it fUtbkeala, and March 'wcrc very severe on the poor, mazurka, La Came Aux Oober«, Bontqnct ; in it (bear, hear, lowing annual , ¦ ST. STEPHEN'S DAY A IIOLIDAYTT^ she is expected to remain during the winter. We have u.»id February . C, Albert ; ltt, it an idiot. Meun. Ryan snd Phelan, Broed-ttroet 10s. THJ IRISH HunsdHT.—All tbe Archbishops and then collected gave great relief. 20 valte Emblem, of Love II. Hardy ; 21, galop, Burlesque, Matter—That man 8nowbill, £2; , notice the. and were much gratified with all we saw on to whom the money , , , Clerk—He it no sucb thing, master : he ia a lmr follow Rev. P. Kent, P.P., St. Patrick'., thankfully acknow- Bisbopt of Irelaud, with Ceo exeeptioot^Uended a eoaferenco It affords \n much p l easure to unacJaoas Twr a vinit , J Cawidy. week, Lord Bishop of The months of February and March last year were , r ¦' ledges tbe recei of £3 for tbe poor of Waterford, from a in Dublin tbia Vxi tfiterfordhi* iven to the appeal dr the board. Our first irapresiion was, when we got our legs over 'THHIS NBW DOO TIAXX.—On tnd after tbatbe first day of Jann- _ . , ,...... pt ' '• * respon-.e wKich has been g severest months, and as it was foretold by ^?, ^ BdiBond I don t bel.eve he « an idiot j ho it a met- Proteatant gentleman, which tbe rev. gentleman bit bonded since returned, to Ibis city. . , the vessel on deck lar lurpasset alio the tbethe act in reference to tbetbo dog tax will come into operation, «'• r OST IV employee) in ou» city for the three days' holiday thU the gangway, that the size ol winter would be aryiry. »<¦• umon Unl tr M te hlt bo«n"», to Mareb from . Tb* • J was her clean and orderly very hard, ngbt to be d_ .tctargmg union businew. At all trentt he told Mceivsd £1 on tbe Rev. P. Kent, P.P., St. Patrick's, from holy prelate at Olaifow, On tbia day.week , at tbs age of fl» which they went through with said months, on thethe clerk of petty sesession,uiont iuin their wtercralveral districts.district*. TbitThia , educatedit tbe^Mlege »f faithfully UoriDg the whole year may return to their jackets at small.&rra drill, wenlher would beg in during the ll»t lie was bora in tho bouts | tbat be was Si years of Mn. N. A. Power, Delletnt, for (he poor, and lOt from tbe yean. He waa . VaIIeWi«.i». precision ; and neit «e were treated to » license, together withwitb lhatbe llogegi.tration fee, will cost 22i.«. 6d., »• Unain ordaioed priest 19th MardvlOaand couecntecT ionus and enjoy tho /eiv tealivc at be did not know how to do anjtbing j tb*t he was Rev. P. Nolan, toward, the QbrUtmajdinner for 8t. Mcrtin's , 1 , . fellows as tiny went through tlie evolutions and bold good for twelve month., anaand every penpenouwu who «8? i buhop SOtb OaMber,18S3. ;Beitfed>coadjutor to Bbbop view of the jolly that account it would be desirable to adopt Mr. only one year out of tbe boot,, .nd that » I tbow rwed m orphans. ' i ' lies. It ii a season in which all licarta nhould be of battering down in imaginilioD, which could soon he road« keep, .anyny 5ogdog aftorafter th.tbe 39th29th of MarchMarcb next without being Scott tot total yeart. ' Tb» dt«»i*lpMate kept ak ere,'on Kidierdton's suggestion, and husband the money, «•" h<«'" *"• ""* " ***• 8 **' «>e •'« >*»> 3 Tie Treasurer of the 8t. Vincent de Paol Society bags to lad to observe that cordiality be- first B range ol hooies at Kerrybunk , and then a dulyduly licensed, shall.hall be aubject to a penalty not exceeding «2.£2. *f ? * ths eonaUntpopulation ajmba gis Qanaow horn IrtUod, to gladsome,and >»caro g ••reality, emergency. re. '<«• of Ml acknowledgethe following awns:—Tbe Kev.T. McDonald, '>¦ ¦<¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ portion of the city, with 40 conical shot from the Armstrong th.it they might be prepared for any Person,Persons refusing, after diedue notice, ftoto comply withwitb the re- ^W|!^ 'be age wboMiatereit be hettowedconstant cere. ,''"• ' ¦' *»eeo employers and employed so calculated to pro- meeting im- .hall be liablt to a Inrtber fine of one J"r« V «"» K»I?W ""&^ot lff^^«ViIi!yew*,ff^1 be w.ULJiIhavt 211 Mrs. N. A. Power, BeUevne, per Ke». P. Kent, VS., ; gun, which, in action, would be able to tend three of those Mr. Blake said he was coming to tho nuiremtnts of thi. act 1 Anooyrooqt, per Mr. Janes Doberty, 1 Dosft&KVMtt-'Hr. Hnuy .KnooU, C.B, hn^ratnrned. t »mong«t an enemy, iam.e .ball be dul obtained, and «l*W' " *»» £1; Capt, Uallord, £l; ¦ftote th»t happy end, and for this reason we trust to sec ugly mciKiigers every minut« as she ba« pressed with tbe tame views as Mr. Richardson and SbiUi? par day until . l ; or . tper. cb^ Id.J"tb. pnt^rtiktr ^ . « ?h.would^ ,! ¦ • ¦ to P^niarva*,after an. tbaton of six. wesks ia Cahir, aa»/ against Russia iu tbe llaltic. ol five .billing, for rofn.ing to fum.ith a juttio. "bet, an infant, , «• ¦the ckiiajj on St. Stephen's Day not partial bat dose before now in the war at«. lie..» felt.t.» there..ice was... no..w very....j pressing...... alto- to *»lfin.- retretomeonrneo to imatbia boose.noose, Nownow in tbeUM housenoose beoe v ; Timw7,I«Uti tie EricoorietMlor the K«v. Ur. lieu *?/ boapl only ono guu but the ia Aidmu Reidmiu, r D _r .. mniiI«.Il.iilarv...I..U u/iih.„;,!, thii,.> niauaarv„».,.,. informationinfnrm.tinn ""«Btttt "veh*i» forpermaneatty The'iffacrr ban nt prenent ou , ' and tbatthat te %to till bed«, ««I U bur-d in lkmn.neMh»(be«, FoutsH IHMMATTOKS.—Doting the week the follow- P.K«nloW seiiniedent ^%dgn M«ttio/¦ Senetil. liord, about three weight, necessityneceaahy for tthene didi.tribmionttribution of Ibethe moneymoney,. B S £ •»> "»''», filled for four. The oue on ton* f ^ *7%L ?ZX00 * ll ing carfoes bave arrived—tit. Ckyrta, from Norway, witb the Twaiipt. roof ol the Botsu Cattohe chnrchof¦ Ikit*. idity into tlureth*re wawast a fair amount of employment in tho city. ^ ^,£„„ „ d or dogt' !n tneir . b r •»* «"«?' »lJ *{?•>• . .„ - ! '¦'¦' y- :: ' '¦ ¦ ¦'ir '-.- 'y - - <•> u« cbtnged with astonishing rap each of the ,ltM /„ keepinl r^ " / tbeB nnBel| „. . mnBua 467 csaks 61 cod oil to,Messrs , Stiaagmau-Brot.i the port«iU i»WHi . : - - '^:-n;>. a '••^ ' >< • bps starboard, foro and ait —and tbe ht thftt was not the time for entering into Thete re principal proviiiont of ibe ict, but it ilto _ ¦"• a "•"f ™* liver ' FEXMJHIV m WiTEsyonD.—A romonr been prc - four poiitiqiu—port and , He thoug , the ne* Tramora, "l«bo »»« XS k ft. RJ^U^ BJJ from Brian, with 106 toss ol bark, to Mr. P. D. CBURUS BIOTHIH' 8CHOOI*;W B>BMi!r/>Tbe h Hieir Jnll with such an MM aud it of mioor elaiuc in reference to tbs liabi- ?!^™ *WJTJ™Jjfil JWf. tare W^Jinif : vilaot for toxe time past , that " F«niani«m''isin Waterford iol lj fellows went tbioug a new subtcription, nnd he was of opinion lhat contains a number U doe.I^JZ?* Catholiciof BeU^nnmbtrittf.iAnpO, once to indicate that they wen proficient litiea of persons onwbcw memiies dogs may tx> found aft«r u^e scribed£900 for the erectiono( QhiWimBrother/School ' * •nd it >pp us tbit thn-e :- some foundation for it, and that good grace as at would be a wiser proceeding not to distribute the HX lw tb^c«S^w^eh« lit¦ FOBIIOI AiUTAl*—AUrge number of vetstlihive ¦ , iu their duty and bnppy in tbeir posiliou. Tin vetael is * i&^^ Mw^Xr!^" arrived in this poet tilt week, Uden with com and otber m ttai towa.' ;7;v ;:; K,:/-V- . //.v: (,, ; the Urb$I*!ic<* uua titw really bopst of a " Head Centre" which cm be lowered at a momenl 't fund, they had then on bud until a more pW..ing ^^^ S ^^^^^^Bf« SSS ^ d^otion cfciMn. , > : fitted with thioe raasU, gency would arise. But, sneaking to two gentle- 1 ^ mfyjr-wU of .be-in- neceaaariet, principally tbe fonoer. Astoojttket foreign wbo conduct! the jiuane pronccd'ugi of i still more inmne notice, and il found nectnary any portion of the bulwarks exi ^3*, ^^ iWWiTSfi S fromOdessa witfc MMTqts.' action. Th« engine which men of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, he bad -,„ wh«e within the »»'»' . . - . „ arrivals were tbe Bossana C, , »nd now notorious body in tiis c\ij. At the petty sessions cm be nuihipped to clear for , ^.j i , »„, di.tricta of the connty, , «ns»^lj.l, f .. .. -hiM™ ,i«.fcbh ^ couafaed to Mr. T. C. 8psMtr | Ike Mary Woty te.tUsji*2^1fciifw»«k.Atd.«< OosricM ^rimrrM ¦«ort will work either high or low laint, have been very general at to the Mr. HsVrOb, ^ W^^««g«« ¦aa* «- hit v—t. fW^^ , o« tbi« itj, 11). CoauMtttgector, W Locie, comma. if Jrept ia admirable order, clanged his mind on the question. On account of pit few ytars, comp *^ from GjlaU,X*38 Qrs. roth*to Mesm. White, Brotfatn 9..r*« c^fro. ^lUjf af +vO&J:-;, .ajuttd wine information to Vn Worship iUe Mayor and Dr. prtwurt, and tbe engine room it a model of regularity. The their being no bazaar this ye.r tbe fund, of Ibe wholesale deiUoctiii of .beep and lamb. b7 » claw c< ^J- ^^J1 *™£& ^eiXSSL Aiff,^ lid Co.« UwrVsUnH, from Taguroff. 1,070 qr». tB wheat * the thrM «»tle«n«n left the beach md wen t captaio't cabin »od berth are conmodiont and well-found in Trants Packet, fen with' •into• ,, th?*e i!nd? . o( widK«sK>UaiMMil Ce. »'( Z"Jff- v' * *' ^ inanlPdesaitaent' jinca ba cam* amongtt ui, and with hit gallt'dt bfaHackata, U boorlf intnjaiinj in popular ettioa- ! b»» MMt on tbat head, i&rzatette , - tion4n,akiB* na ftil, i« -• «»»* want of sufficient resource, wat the consequence.'zrz iM bourt5a2S5raBH&S!*Sand 60tninnta. &t^^8Z3&£&r3&Sl^L^JS ^ - ^ ^ ' T ^5E ^ t oaitbborbool ptwspta d5- not that tl* neacabls cbanctcr of oor ¦ tu They bad not fund, to capry out their ch.ritsble Duma EooKs>-The nroipectoi of *be wnipinr for tb» 7ll^IlSt»eBS ^Sn« kaW"kw '-Mr. CkinMM' frora atvioVat kut half . doxan auch amopg.t Of , wto «f kasurs ty their aocirty. bot eonlet ^ • M » WmrfoWpcUd *WI U wooldlpol only infoat a p ¦ ¦ ¦ * ejpiBditore, - , ¦ • ! , ' ¦ ¦ &s^**mm&& a hmefcbrtbtir j ._* ¦ tm^m h.^,.,: ,;;. - ^,,- ^: ,,T.^^,.,r.» Wr::;8r.^wv: < .'-^ ^mmmS, Ss&^^^AS^' ^^STtasSiiAWt'it tSmmm ^mMmmm *smi £225«SH THE :WATSBmf 3f § WM ! ! POEMS FOR CHRISTMAS. regions, finding the empty ihell, had crept into it, the shot swerved slightly'irom^h*lln¥l,|¥j(|P?j and now mocked me 'with i. horrible semblance of (ended to take, as it' came" nearer' than Uf» preTidto; THE MISTLETOE BOUGH. him who was.no more. "NettlefoltJ, what means ones bad done, and carried-¦ with ¦¦ it a portion ^ff my ** hahv ..- •,:.:;- = : . V" ;.'¦: .' - - ?: * *>$$ ** At the hall in years gone by, this fool's trick t" I said al. length. " Release me . ' At the hanpjrborne of childhood, beim carried far enoug " «' Three," said tha'American. " Bad 1" - ^Of ; at once. The joke has h. ' Drippingin the Christmassnow , He neither smiled nor spok.j, only answered me by Shots four, five, six, and seren rapidly fbllow«a; Mounted in the dirk areh high, y which time my head was hemmed in, as it ware,',, wildwood that steady unwavering gam from his cruel black b ' Waved a presence from the , citcle of bullets. ;When the last . shot b|td,bseo Waved the sainted miitletoe 1 eyes. In spite of myself, my heart sank deeper by a ' within me, and I could not help betraying my fired, Neitlefold crossed the room, drew ju»knife,, Ere the merry game bngan, ' ' ' ' "' anxiety when I next spoks. " Come, release me j and tomahawk , carefully :out of the wood, indite* 'Ui^^ml^Ssw^sWA|^-^7i|uWiipMr>bV{>i'rA'Bn '".r.^ r^ifa^uDi(i(if)^Hi.BOtISl. ono ;; . '- ,Vi - {' >W Ere were lit the lamps for dancing, Circle the first ';,he safd,] ' ght there's a good fellow," I said. "The joke is an placed them in-bis belt. - , ". , , .^l»iifn}or^>^ner. Just to see if all were tight ? me ominou'sly . or, by heaven, you shall ply for it when I am free his words, but nodded his bead at ,pti« diit»oppti«4 to th> «a(^'y^*4e}cpinparative]jr and then went back to his former place Twas a misty Christmas time, ogain." Still no answer, no light of recognition from three times, , SSple^grisMMoftb » pwtvra'jfo- l'os over which' they1 and began to re: j ! 18 Pr t&< l 8 Pre^ . ^ ^ 3~1Fe,^.V.C.;l D1ntal'UaW appeal in words, I determined to try the effect of load his revolver. y " proscribed arjiple on mott^TSJliog farms ; sfl'd if we Tfatbine mW&^ti ^*°$& t ¦ST'T - W And the air mi bard with rime ; operation when both he and I were startledrD'y my own strength ; but after a long and desperate , ar'aj to doji little more jastice'.to' our out-lying bftttt, And the sky looked one grey shadow, hearing a low weird voice outside, the door ;caYling! 1 ' ' And the river ink-stuned glass. struggle to break away from my bonds, I sank back of theweril^MVI^aiwsti ;tt ,me^choly,and afteirgiyjBgthem a rougr^jheiter^we;mn ^; t rtmiji' him softly by name—a ghostly, passionless voice, ^ r breathless and exhausted, only more firmly bound ¦ regrettha ^w«'hi4?rVddenrMfar ' to'»littlep drbose. inferior qualities of Vb«u3M»ehrriay^ " bo:pniqtj|S»; Bat the hall bad nought to do without inflection or modulation of tone, . ;,,'¦ : " than I ha.d been before. ' The Hevi Joel'Jones:from Brighfon.Y espied us, how- from the small farmers ' .or!the itorintry, or tqfciftft With that darkness, for a glory " Soan-ge-taba," •aid .-tb.e'.v'olce-f! Soan-ge-tah's, ?ver 1 ;for tfuppor. Tbe Kj r T M TIV Tuilll tnninn li "mint corre«pondinS:week.Ja3t^}fiM7jj decrease ou past year 'W From the lamps—from bright youth there— Turning my head, after a time, in the opposite .^aid aikeeVq» to Join bis table whichcontainsa laarWamijunt'of^DourisbmeDtfc]WjEJyWnW J , •/ cease what thou art about, and come hither." . ,..,.': ,', tabjef stood ln- th;e rere of his tash'VtenVana was ' KffisT^r^BllItowOTk. camo beJ-ore tne bosrd J*J 'K^S^^Wpqtariitbisdajr. H;feM. J: M Such a halo round it threw, direction, I saw with surprise, for I had not noticed " small bulk.'' Theresa. tine, 1 we^ dare :> B;,"MM That yon read the Christmas story I could see the ..madman's face, pale under the ooverisd'withoedar;boog h8 for a/ oanojjy.;: The follow- u ,tha^ Udant ;was(lSVne l it before, that the ladder rhich gave access through - ¦ ; would grumbleat they^edbej but it would bV'^fjj HB^lier»Sippe«ryd P ^tS ^m ^W -^W In tweet faces young and fair. paint with which it was smeared, 'and a iuddeni fear ing WM the blessingasked by the Eer.lJ;J. -; u - ; 1 ¦>»%t¦he care.pf the ^S! ^J^^^-' the trap-door to the loft was no longer there, so . . to remember that tbe - jTbl|>of one 'animal fill M |^^p.Pi»alpV4e4tm.a . . V^e ^^^^ m ^^Z, ^^:M% ^, tremble in his eyes. 'Motionless and rigid." as 'a iu?. *©t dese wd oder - oombuatiblea ba world widout do | and called f hisdisoharge contrary Od.;gecgUartrage easV-gfim'; ' Tastefully was hnng that bough that all means of communication between the two for a large quantity of ,' e.^f-We not mean^n t-melicfll offltiJT, pr. do. in6rmary,2«. 10k ::,?? i statue, he stood listening for the voice to come again; end.and to the edification of the hacthen be de glory.and "" ' ¦ toiiisVwisJi :i'anfin/tlie time of .medical treatment do-JsMS»»pi!sl, ,8i.\7H?froV dinin* hall. la. ofc'.. i -. i? Juit to catch a tender gleaning, rooms were removed ; bul: whether the ladder had : - • • tell our readers to go on jjjfefheir-cattle on esjp? «m ; " Soan-ge-taha, V repeated the yoice, " brave son honor,¦ ..Eben so : Amen.'/ . | . • • , for his familjthad.'Ss. a week, as'out-door relief, which ?'ip^i>^«'>k;.j0V^e .credit of union, £1097 13i 8d; . V':i'i Where the lamp-ray from afar been taken away by NettUfoJd or by the landlord, I The meal clams oheese and fresh ss if they were preparinWWeJ^imals theiraf- Wen^Uinade;tbis aa>,£70&. 8d ¦ '"' " Quivered with a nervona glow, of the red-skins, wh dost thou . linger ?, ' The great ' consisted of bacon, , was', given them' with the understanding that^tbe .; received during week ¦ • ¦¦ > \ had no means of judging. While thus looking, I y eggs) with excellent ilot , bread. , We wero intro. cher, because* we believe (bit to take lean beasts and . £a$0 3s.i8*'^p»id daring week,£2772s; Id. ¦ ¦ '' As if light itself were dreaming, spirit , that visited thee in thy .'sleep, ives! tbee a Vary p the. (Leah should come ifitofWe saw ht made me give a start of surprise, - g duced to the ' rovitalist, Rev. Horsbam Biggs, of fatten them solely on cake ill s mott expensive mode hefld^of family y) The ¦eusrdjans at •:their. meeting to .day ordered that Quiveredlike a distant star. , and the sig sacred hatchet. With' it thou shall slay many white great "" Board i' fy >: the ¦ tho white face of Mattiion peering down on us , , Byberry, Pennsylvania, who told us that ho expected to of manufacturing meat;; W; we do maintain that a house hospital; for medical treatment. Wp workhoBs* himatea get, on Christmas day, the usual allow- ' . . el) men. Come forth and seek it where it has been call for your discharge tie/fore-yourjOTger ance of• best?. bread!, - butter, and tea, for breakfast Ever I loved Christmas if , through the trap-door. He, at all events, was safe , preach, a sermon of the most awakening character at moderate use of cake, orcnf/ concentrated artificial did you . ^ , and bete Bat that Christmas I remember— laid ready, to thy hand. Thou shall find it in a was i.properljr •healed ? ^Applietttowd jlst he bread and beetfor dinner. • Adjoorned. for the present, and in iiome measure free. My l < seven o'olooi. ¦' food, will be found most advantageous Jn keeping up Cold without, yet bright within- sweet-smelling box . of . cedar . wood, in , the straw- Mr. Jones thought he conld'work; bui hff firlflv.nu^ot mach start of surprise did not escape the vigilant eyes of " Dat sermon of Brudder Biggs," said , the constitution of the animals, and fortifying them 1 .. ' Proved to be the great farewell tbatcbed shed close to the'Ihouse. - Soan-ge-taha, liab sabed already. Ef he remem- better now ; however, i0 wasMm«wng^uT'eiur/the . V . • THE FENIAN PRISONERS. Of onr childhood's glad December: the American ; his glancii following mine, saw the . . " ocean ob sinners to some extent, at least; against the attacks of dis- ¦ 1 come—come—come." - And / with a - low- wailing bers it as I used to hear It it'll jus* make all de dry .ChairraaffiEpfcf^ijnM'do , Since our last notice,/tw%more convictions Graver times were to begin : face in a moment ; the next, his revolver was out, . , , ease. Those who have abundance of keep for live care of Dr. Anthony- . sound, the voice seemed to die gradually away in the bones put on derc boots." There waa a good deal ol be better him, uwtfr; tod .sentences have taken pUSj, making five vic- and a bullet went crashing into the framework of stock, and mean to employ it, as usual, in fattening you consider it would tj?laii For ho kissed me, as I stood distance. It sounded so weird and unearthly in the obookhog In the tents after supper, while a number ol medical , treatment in the house thra cMsyiK ER-Pr. : tims of the insane FeniarTmovefaent whoso lives, it the light wreath deftly ; tho door, missing the landlord's head by a hair- cattle and sheep for the biicher, need not, we think, ' Underneath , gray stillness of early morning, that for roy own scouts lit up the clrclo of scats with great pine-knots. Hunt said tlut B^d;do'as. u*i^Ri ^|reof may, bs said, have beta '{jlrfeitebyfor dead to all Bat bis name I'll not discover breath only. The American, with a guttural heralded be in too great a hurry t,^accomplish their object. w*H . part, perfectly unable to account for it as I was, I Tbe sermon commenced at 7 p.m., and was not Dr. Anthony, but^f he 'were' fh! th&bow 'AfrWeuldV intents are they forever to tnVjlrorld. John Hal- • Thought steals o'er me as a flood: gn t" of disappointment, put back bis revolver . hymn was The markets at present ',^e satisfactory, cer- . " U could not help feeling strangely thrilled and moved; by the sound sf a tin-horn. The following quicker; '"Mrs-Fitzgerald t:'l{.'eyMJnjwf,.'iij t*an, the printer of the Irish People, was put upon Only to myself, all softly, into his belt, and resumed his pipe without another «ung tainly, but tl)e cattle trr'jvL of Great Britain has heal ^ boy-lover. ' stricken by acclamation:— ' ' and ' Bis trial after Moore, the pikemaker. Haltigan, Will I name my brave as for the American, he looked like a man De trnmpet is a blowio', been so much deranged biff,'the existence of plague hospital can act.li:this manner, co^JMsit^anrn for word. drops of sweat be y, ' ' with the whjOtn much sympathy was felt, lie having a, .\' And my father did not know A horrible conviction hid been gradually forcing by. some mortal terror, with big . Jog aloDj, joj tioog; that in all human probaVBn^ there will a dearth appl for ont-door/ relief, . viejr^fbetn^ wife afraid to stir and equally medical offltejs2«rtnosrjAd . reran , young- children, is a tall, rtmiUbla f ' How tho mistletoe gave sanction itself on my mind, and now I could struggle against standing on his brow, , . And de seed do sinner's sowing' of fat stock next spring, .'flbd high prices for every- under the care of atibther afraid to disobey the ghostly summons. To de tares on deff is growin', * to be allowed. •i»atteKMme looking man, about 37 years of age, son (fiMRaatt » X To a hasty deed like this. it no longer—Mr. Jabez Y. Nettlefold/of New York, .¦' ¦ thing of really good quality. It will be essential, extraordinary course . " And he spoke in wratb, I trow ; Again was the summons repeated, in faint far- Jog aloDg, jog along. the subject,'-r , Artfl|jift&, firmer who resided in the county KilkennyaJTAtan - 'X waa undoubtedly mad. There could be no question however, that tha stock sent to market when the further discussion oh . ife, lifa ' Scorned the little bough's soft auction, away accents : "Soan-gc-taba, come—come—come." Oh I come away Christian, moved a resolution, which Was ' early period of hi^ ha. was bound to the printing -i|. on the point, for on that supposition, and (hat alone, Come away Christian. pull comet'shall be first-clsss ; half-fat stock will not ij wce^^^Dy'Mfe And was aogry at the kiss. The American dared disobey no longer. He laid Byrne, " that the applicant get 5s. aKuMjEor .one butibeas in the office of the Siliemu Jouf Mal- VfhiU $$¦ could his extraordinary conduct bo Accounted for. Do angel of the jubilee suit the trade, or, at least, will not realise prices '" ¦ aJ^oy. hVvras remarkable for' J; Twas the first—the only one- his empty revolver gently on the floor, tightened the ' up upon tbe tree month," wbicb.psssed. • _' , F- ^) •'!/ - whltiKl|ietermed " ad- v?: The shot fired at Maltiaon, who, as far as I knew, Is runnin , { which will even comparatively correspond with a " vaneed political " ; Lovers' kisses I've had never, irdle round his w aist, felt that his knife and toma- And soon salvation you stall see. HED1CAL UELIEF—IMPORTANT VU^MV opinions, arid-rfritfi? expatriated : had offended him neither in word nor deed, en- g superior description. Of late it had been the but- : E'en across ay brotr to pas, hawk were ready to his hand in case of need1 ; and Jog along, jog olODg. fine loftking yonufc %rifo , ,.a patriots, and all movements of BK . insurrectionary li htened me as to the extent of my own danger, chers who buy a second-class article who have beep Thomas Murphy, a;, Since that Christmas long, long gone, g then unbolting the heavy oak door, with a last The text was declared to be a selection from tho ; ' came before the board. Mr. character, his sympathies are said tONhave been At that old home near the river, needed a glance at the fiend-like ex- making large profits from the extraordinary retail sailor, of this port, which only icious glance at forty-fifth chapter of Genesis, the twenty-fourth verse : lordshi thaffhe applicant .was always connected. At the expiration*-of his op. v Where the pore snow kissedthe grass preuion in his eyes to receive confirmation most scared and trembling, but half-susp prices which they have charged, especially in Byrne informed his. p h suspecting some treachery on my '• And Josep h taid unto them, sic that y e f all not out have him: sent to the prenticeship he continued to work aa journeyman, lete. As I lay there, bound and helpless, I me, as thoug land; but with a scarce supply of fat stock in applying for admission to . comp noiselessly out ef the way. Having balanced himself upon hia heel, Eng Dublin. .Chairman : The board printer in the Journal office for many years, andh < ¦ THE NATIVITY ine all that was likoly or unlikely part , he opened the door and slipped hymn-book with his Index finger Mr. we should not feel surprised if that class of opthalmic hospital, had time to imag and fingered the , spring, to <3o with that institution. ultimately becamo the foreman- in the.o'ffice. Oc-^'^ When Jordan irash'd his waters still, h to summon up what- into the gray dawn. ggs said ; - : driven out of the market alto- of guardians, have nothing to happen to me ; time ec.oug Bi butchers would be .td send the ap- cupying that position, he remained in Kilkenny till ' And silence slept on Sion Hill ; ever of fortitude or patience I possessed to meet Scarcely had tho peacock's feather which decorated '• De littleness ob dis Index is its great objection. gether, owing to their customers being obliged to Mr. Anthony said ; they had ppjer< When Bethlehem's shepherds through the night h the institution under'vtccent'ait. He within the past three years, and then became con- with calmness the fate, which loomed so closely the head of Soan-ge-taha disappeared throug It don't splainUy itself. ; Oderwise, de meanin* ain't BO limit their purchases, or even * to give up the use of plicant to the Watched o'er their flocks by starry light. the hump- licant was a fortnight in house nected with the IrishPeop lej ietrspaper, as the re- before me. My young life, with all its ambitions, door, when, light and agile as an acrobat, clear dat two or three oiler constructions mayn't set butchers' meat until a more resonable range of understood that app pendant rope brudderin, it is month ago, and teft'witti'the view gistered printer, iip to the time t>f arrest. Whilst ia Hark 1 from the midnight hills around, fears, hopes, and jealoushs, about to come to a sud- backed landlord swung himself by a themselves up again Ecripter. Dut my prices returned. Altogether, the live stock trade of hospital about a throug of the loft to the ground. falBo prophets shall arise, which is hidden to go to Dublin to place himself Kilkenny, he was in very comfortable circumstances, - A voice of more than mortal sound, den and ignoble conclusion in a lonely country inn, h the trap-door written that the kingdom is at present in an unexampled state ; of endeavouring, In distant hallelujah stole and from de wise and prudent. Derefore, I propose briefly that distinguished oculist, Dr. being in possession of a small farm near the city, , far away from all who knew or loved tne t With a single bound he reached the open door, and it is very likely that all who cau get safely under the care of Wild murm'ring o'er the raptured soul. in another instant it was shut and bolted against the to tell what do tex don't mean, whioh will lead us by Wyld. Dr. Hunt said it was not a cale suited for which was profitably managed by his wife. His . How long I had lain thus, whether hours or through existing dangers will yet reap a good return '¦¦ ': madman. Not a word did he utter till, with won- de eye of faith to do corrcck interpetration. that institution ; it was a chronic disease. The eldest son is at present an apprenticein the Kilkenny ¦ ,, . Thenswift to every startledeye , minutes only, nursing these bitter thoughts, I can- " • : wait till ye for their risk. '¦'¦?¦ ! New streams of glory light the sky ; derful he had seen to the fastenings of " fustly • See dat ye fall pot out. If ye ht it would be well, before incurring Journal office. The trial oj^Baltigan concluded on' * ' was roused by a movement on the rapidity, fall troo, To Sow SKERRY BLUHS .— I have sown three or Chairman thoug Heav'n bants her azare gates to poor not tell, when I hear suffin drop, de divine injunkshun will Hunt should write to Dr, Saturday, with a verdict' of guilty, and the prisoner .- A' He put down his pi pe, leaped every door and wmdoi? in the house; then be gave wid dere four acres for two years of Skerry blues ; they are the expense, that Dr. Her spirits to the midnight bonr. part of the American. Do not see froo a glass darkly, lise de wicked , with the view of as- stating that he had nothing to say, he was sentenced ;'¦¦ !¦ a large log of wood, threw vent to a smothered " Hurrah 1" and drawing a pore can see de all remarkabl small in size, sown late or earl Wyld a statement of his case ' off the table, and seizing opera revolvers. Frank hcaben dc y y, Mr. Anthony said the to seven years' peiial servitude. The prisoner hav- , 'ii On wheels of light, on wings of flamo it on the fast-decaying embers ; then taking his knife from his pocket, proceeded to cut tho cords scriptera wid de naked eye. Don't go to goin blind like and in good land. 1 plant small, whole sets ; how certaining his opinion. The glorious hosts of Sion came; well able to earn his bread, and s ing kissed his son, who was standing within a few bowie-knife out of his bel :, he deliberately proceeded with which I was bound.—In the Box. de owl, which only sees by night for dc purpose, of can I get them bigger t Other people make the young man was from the ¦ %¦ High heav'n with songs of triumph rung not be much to enable him to feet of him^was tljffn removed dock. '' ' '£ to sharpen it on the hearthstone. When the edge robbin hen-coops. Do dcubil always comes like a ticf Bamc complaint; plenty of them would go through few shillings would ' While thus they struck their harps and sung : ht. Mr. Fitzgerald observed thai The triaf of _ (J)Donovan Rossa commenced oa'£ -/ was to bis mind, he want back to his seat on tho ST. PATRICK'S HALL PETTY SESSIONS in de night. Ef yo wouldn't fall out by de way dewciso an inch and hal f riddlo : is it in the sort f The recover his. sig ^ 'd scripter will passed by the board some Saturday ejening, and the prisoner hiving set aajder^V- " Oh Sion 1 lift thy nptnr eye, table and fixing me a|;ain with his relentless eye, Before M. D. Hassard, J.P., Q. J. Goold, U.K., S. T. apostles trod, see straight bofore you, orde Bmallness of the Skerry blue potatoes is not attribut- there was n resolution - The long-expected hour is nigh ; , Grubb J.P., and II. W. Morris, J.I'. avail dan a stolen guido board." Toicca in licant suffering from any dis- his coun8el|Vuiidertook hit own defenc8j>wnich pro- - ' addressed me as follows : ' Dog of a pale-face,listen I , be of no mo' able to the sort, but to your own mode of treatment. time ago, that no app The joys of nature riso again, James Lewis, of the Upper l'cllow-road, summoned James tbe congregation : " Dat's sound doctrine !" " lie's a hospital outside this union tracted his case up to Wednesday»)t}His-cros»-ex- .-l' Once I was a white man like thec, but a Great Spirit As like produces like, instead of planting small, ease could be 3«nt to any The Prince of Salem comes to reign. Costclloe, for abusivo and threatening language on the 11th close preaoher I" " Dat's evangelical I" " Moreover, treatment, unless the board pre- amination of the informer, Nagle,' was jrery seare^, . came to mo as I lay a:ileep—whence he came, or DocJmber. Tho complainant stated that defendant hud whol e sets, plant good sized potatoes, cut into sets ; for special medical \ " See Mercy from her golden urn in dc second placo : ' Sco dat ye fall not out!' Dis received a report in favor of such a case ing, touching on matter which counsel never treo:_ , , I cannot tell, for on these points come to bis dwelling ou the Upper Yellow-road, and called you will then be sure to have good sized potatoes. viously Pours a rich stream to them that mourn ; what was his name phaso of dc tcx leads me, my bruddcrs, to remtrk upon the house, or signed by upon, and was principally intended lo-shWWagUi ,;, , my mind is confused—and he laid on my brow a on him to come out until ho would tnko his life, at tho same Any farmer continuing to plant small potatoes, from the medical officer of ' Behold, she binds, with tender cafe, lima kicking at his door. He wanted to have defendant de different description of fall;: Dc debbil has many at least three medical officers of the union, having ingratitude to the men who had dfine many acts of y finger that seemed to scorch and wither up my ¦windfall de wimmina' waterfall, crop after crop, is sure to have a degenerate crop. The bleedingbosom of despair. bound to tho peace. Costclloe did not appear, nnd tboir ob dem : dc pitfall, do , held a consultation on the case of such applicant^ kindness for him, particularly Luby. At that part, ' V brain ; and lie said to me : • Arise and go back to de backslide and so fortb. Nobo'ly falls widout a cause, LICE.—What is the safest remedy for lice among " He comes to cbecr the trembling heart, worships decided that he be bound to tho peace, finding two and at had nn such report before them. even such a man as Nagla could not help wincing. the wigwams of thy people, for thou art not a pole- each or go to gaol for and, in nine cases out ob ten, intempcranco is nhat'a de a lot of steers loose in a yard ? ditto tied up 1 ¦ present they ^ ' Bids Satan and his host depart ! sureties of £2 10s. , and himself in £5, The Clerk informed tha board such a resolution was O'Donovan's defence of himself was, in a legal point ; j ' face. Many moons ago thy fathers dwelt on the a month. matter. Rub them with train or any sort of oil or grease, ' Again the day-star gilds the gloom, * Mr. Quinlan, seconded by Mr. R. of view, most injurions, and his .severe remarks "/' Again the bow'rs of Eden bloom ! prairies, and fished in the great lakes, and hunted CADTIOH TO PEHSOKB TEAVBLLIHO WITHOUT TICKBTS " Oh! brudden, see dat ye fall not out by dc way. either loose or tied up. Oil is destructive to any proposed by ' AIIWAT CASO Byrne passed unanimously. Mr. Fitzgerald : towards Judge Keogh caused his lordship to exhibit ' the buffalo, and were braves among the red men, OH A K .—A was heard at the suit of tho Wa- Better to go home upon yer shields, wid yer heel to de sort of vermin. , and " Oh Sion! lift thy raptur'd eye. torford and Limerick ltailway, against a man named James , dan to fall in We have no report from the medical officer of the bits of temper occasionally, as they were calculated to do with and their blood runs in ';hy veins. Got theo hence, toe, and de gospcl-banncr in its scabbard M ALTIHO BARLEY.—Of malting barley, which is iny one less than a saint. Tbe jury, after an hour's absence, The long-rxpectcd hour is nigh ; Laffan, fcr travelling without n ticket from Limerick to de niaroh. (Exclamations : "Amon !" " Hallcloojo- house in favor of sending the applican t to Dublin ; The joys of nature riso again, and take with thee the scul ps of as many whito men the the earliest ripening sort? and by how many days, returned the usual verdict of guilty, and when asked what Watcrford, and refusing to pay his faro when asked by rum !" " Glory !" Great feeling in the congregation; on the contrary, he says his case is not suited for. the The l'rincs of Salem comes to reign." CAMPBELL as shall be given into thy hands ; so sholt thou be ticket taker. Mr. Ambrose, solicitor, appeared for the rail- as compared with Chevalier? The Annat barley he bad to say, cries of " He's orthodox!" '' Dcro ain't no doubt about opthalmic hospital. Mr. Anthony observed that The Prisonor replied—With the fact that the government honoured among the people, and thy name shall be way company, and examined the ticket receiver to prove the y,,my is reported to ripen 10 or 12 days before the Cheva- CHKISTAfAS offence, and it was then ascertainedthat this was the second him !" " Ho's a chillo of dc lam I") Lastl hear- Dr. Graves, Dr. Anthony, and Dr. Flynn attended seized the papers I had for my defence, aud perhaps examined Soan-ge-taha, the Stron;j-hcartcd.' And when the add litt de tex lier in some districts, in others not; but common or them, with the fact thai tbe government packed Christmas fraud of a like uaturo by Lallan. After some discussion ers, fall not out do way. Hero I would on Saturday last, in compliance with tbe direction tbe jury to , bonuy Christmas, with tby pleasant, good old Spirit had done speaking, he put his hand into my don' weight,' It ain't dat BorS early English barley generally ripens from 14 to 16 try me—with tho fact that that jury yesterday said tney face , between their worships and Mr. Ambrose relative to the law t say, ' fall not out of yer of the previous board, to hold a consultation in re- bosom, and plucked out: my heart of flesh, and pul on the qncstion, the former decided on fining defendant ob ' weight.' De gospol excopts no sinner on de point weeks after sowing, and is generally about a week would consider my exercising ray legal right sulficierl — Again tbon art amongst us to take tliy usual place, ference to tbe case of the applican t , and they had convict— " . By the blazing crackling fire into its place a smooth flint stone, worn and (who did uot appear), tho full penalty of Wi. and costs, or ob color, or sox, or size ; it cured dc man wid do drapsy, or 10 days ripe before the Chevalier, when sown in " f , that hnrneth on tho hearth, made a report, which was read as follows :— Mr. Justice Keogli—We cannot allow tin's. . v -Vn , 'Midst the merry voices polished by the action of the waves ; nnd he said : in default , two months' imprisonment. and built up de gloomy skeleton. De tron sipnifov'in the same soil, aspect, and at the same time. , and tho cheerful, happy laugh, " SIB—Will you be pleased to inform tho board of guar- Tho Prisoner—With the fact that Judgo h'- '-"'' • Mistletoe and holly shall thy ruddy temples gtace ' Pity and fear shall bo alike unknown to thee. Go ; There was nothing cleo of any interest took place, and tho is, ' don't lose yer road,' ' go ahead, hit or v,.' s, J ERUSALEM A RTICHOKES AS FOOD FOR. P IGS.— , court adjourned dians that wo would feel happy in giving our opinions in tbo was appointed to try me, 1 consider it would tn. :. ' ~u; • Christmas, bonny Christmas, with tby pleasant, good old and the first white man on whom thine eyes shall over again.' Keep a leggiu* it. Watch de cai t-t. UL . The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus luherotum, but comider tone it would bo un- ' and Deuter- case of Thomas Hurphy, to mikceny observations on tbo present occa9iou, face. rest after waking, his scalp shale thou assuredly Many good men has been in 'cm—Mosea tuberous rooted sunflower) is one of the hardiest fair and unprofessional towards Dr. Hunt, besides ignoring Tbe Auornoy.General having mentioned that tho prisoner FIJIE AT CLONMEL WOBKIIOUSE .—On Sunday It ia dc way dej if we were Christmas, feeling Christmas, though with pleasure wo thco take to decorate tho poles of tliy wigwam , when thou onomy, ami Isaiah and Pentecost. plants we have, no amount of fros t being able to bis position as mejical officer of tho workhouse, pleaded guilty to a similar charge at Cork assiZM in 1859, • about seven o'clock a large shed at tho bruddern, loop to du of an inmate of tho greet, readiest the homes of thy people on the wide prairies evening, , long have trod. I say to you, my destroy it, and it grows in any sort of soil, poor or to hold a consultation upon tbe case when indicted as beloogiug to tbe Phrenii Society, Jadgo extreme end of the workhouse farm and which was heathen roir and dc politicians hab derc workhouse, an institution of which be is tbo legitimate Keoglii sentenced him to penal serfitudo for life ! and. tho " Oar hearts arc sad, when lookiog round, pcrccivo the. vacant of the west.' Stranger, thine waa the first face , track ! De rich, deep or shallow, and under the shade of trees, seat flax seed, and peculiar ideas ; but mind old Joseph ; ho was a Oubcr- medical attendant , without, bis being made a party to our commission theu adjourned to the oth January. , after waking. When morn- used as a receptacle for flax straw, stagnant wet being only injurious to it; but the Wo sigh to think of those, who did with laugh anil smile, that my eyes rested on various other matters connected with the farm, took nor, and woro dc coat ob many colors. Would ye know deliberations. We sli.ill have no hesitation iu conjunction The prisoner's wife was permitted to see him at a fare* breaks in the cast, then shall I act out on the better the land the better the crop ; and when with him to, enter upon a cousultntion of tin caso alluded to well interviow, just after tbo learned jud Join us in happy tongs that dU our hearts beguile. ing fire from some cause not yet understood, and was dis chosen way I It is jus yer in de straw, behind de ge had concluded his and thy scalp shall go with once planted it takes such possession of tbe land as on any other day that tbo board may fii upon, and state onr oharge, and be was then taken to Muuutjoy Couvkt Prison, Though we sing and play with glee, some sorrow can wo long journey before me, with all its contents. The mas- altar Come aud kneel in it, while, wo sing do good ole , trace, completely burned, ¦ to be very difficult to eradicate ; hence, in these opinions as to whether we think tbe case is likely to bo and at onco placed under the prison discipline. me. Wagh!" hymn" . 'on opthalraic hospital.—Signed, Christmas, feeling Christmas, on thy good old wrinkled back the little sigh, half n sigh ter, in Ilia official report, estimates the property then sung with great countries it is seldom planted, except in waste bene&tted by treatment in I could not keep destroyed thus:—Flax and seed, £03 22s. ; wheatcn Tho following words were Ricbard Qnrct, U.D., Bingvilla ; Hinry Anthony, M.D., STBPitBss la-. PABIS.—The roport that StspLoo- 2i»u face. that burst irreprcssibly from my enthusiasm : ; corners, and cannot with propriety be brought into Dungarvan ; Michael Flynn, M .D., Scsldnane. arrived in Paris is stated this afternoon and half a sob, reed (half a ton), £1; hay (5 cwt.), 15s, ; water to tx f ollycoo Brmvd. Christmas, bonny Christmas, cut that cloud from off thy heart as he finished speaking. There could be no " Coino yo sinners, poor and seedy,' any sort of field culture in the general routine of " December 4tb, 1885." It U further atated that his extradition fiis been demanded barrels, 10s ; roller, 10s. ; timber under flax, £2 ; sore and ilcff ; brow, doubt now as to the fate in store for me. Oh, bitter, Weak and wicked, cropping ; it should be planted in rows 1\ to 3 feet Mr. Fitzgeral d remarked that in the information by tho British Government on tbe ground of prison-breaking, shed, .-CIO ; wooden stretchers £2 8s. To cover Sec do debbil, sore and greedy, to which dernaud the French Government repUed b " Forget the post as well you can, yon cannot heed it now, bitter for life's bright dream to end so suddenly in apart, and the sets about half those distances apart . required by Mr. Quintan's resolution, he was of y refer- Let as raise the brimming bowl nnd giio a hearty cheer the loss of these, as stated above, they were insured Waits to git yer latest breff ; ring the British Minuter to the crime for which Stepbeos , , So young, too ; and ah, so unfitted The soil should be pulverised and cleaned between opinion the applicant could not be sent to the institu- In honour of Old Christmas that comes but once a year ; utter darkness ! evidence be forth- Moses ou do mountain cratercr. was originally committed, coutcuding that the minor offeoco and my soul seemed to be for £100, bul least any further the rows a couple of times in the early part of the tion. Mr. Anthony entered at considerable length Hot now for tbino Old Christmas, but let it be a glee, to die I I shut my eyes, it is intended to make application at next Pints yo to do bresscd land ; of prison-breaking is merged in the high political crime im- ' ht to coming, Crcaterer season, after which it requires no care, as the stems into the caso of the applicant, and in conclusion puted and refusing, cousi-queutly, For tis the last this year that we shall hear from thee. sinking down through endless depths of nig presentment as a malicious in- Jine yer great , to surrender tbe refugee; me—no friendl road sessions for a While yo bab de chance in band ! will gro w to C, 7, and 8 feet long, and keep the pointed out to the board that they were empowered —Dublin Evening Poit. where no voice could ever comfort y It was shown that the shed used to be resorted LINES FOK A G1FT-BOOK the shadowless realms of death. jury. Golly ! ground clean. The crop may be lifted and stored to have him sent to the oplhalmic institution, and DISCOVERT OS PIKES IS CAREICK.—On Monday 35'. " hand succour me—to boys on the farm for varioU3 pur- cbanco in hand! police, y On Christmas Day the shepherds knelt that? Tho low, quavering by tho men and Whilo ye hab do . like potatoes, or left in tho ground and raised es re- that they were not bound by the resolution referred pikes were found by tbe in the garden of n man named ' Rut, hark! -what was often removed on this invita- Maber, iu Carrick-on-Suir. Clearing away tho eartb - : Before the Royal Infant's bed ; weak and uncertain at first poses, and the master stated that he Only a fow seekers for peace came up quired. The tubers are relished by cattle, sheep, to. He would read the concluding paragraph of the , 25 sound of a human voice, , Jones cried out : " Ifdere'a real Irish pikss of various designs wero brought to the light ' • And wise men came and worshipp'd there, as it went on ; neither very boys from it. UtioD, when tho Rev. Joel and swine, and arc something less nutritious than commissioners letter of the 15th June, 1863, to prove ¦¦ By ono bright star unconsciousled. but gathering strength not mo straw in de altar, precious souls will be lost. of day. Some of them aro quite new, fresh from the black- I NFANTICIDE . — Louisa Harsley, laundry-maid al and greatly more so than swedes, wei ht that no resolution passed by a previous meeting of smith's bauds, others appeared quite old and ru«ty. They brought their precious gifts, and laic sweet nor very skilful, but full of earnestness, and Brung up de fodder, olders \" potatoes, g The \ Them one by ono before tho child ; solemnity and depth of feeling thnt the house of Francis Lowe, Esq., Kilshane, Tip- for weig ht. The potato contains more starch, and tbe guardians, which purporti to determine the entire garden was dug up. liead-Ooustablo Banes,CoojUble« touched with a The following bymn9 were sung during the crying ' Myrrh and frankincense, gold and pearls heart. It was the poor pcrnry , has been committed to Clonmel gaol on a the Jerusalem artichoke more sugar. The weight mode in which applicants generally shall be relieved, McUonogh and Shaw were, under Sub-Inspector UcLoogh- ' . appealed directly to the and shouting of tbe penitents, most of whom arc con* nan, present at the discovery. The bouse to which the gar- In rich profusion careless piled. deformed landlord of the lonely country inn, singing charge of infanticide of her female child, of which vartci every year : * of crop produced under favourable circumstances is has nny binding effect on the guardians. Paragragh And ever since that day have men den U attached waa occupied by Denis Maber, a cooper, and , old-world Psalm, learned probably at the she was secretly delivered in her room in that house from 12 to 15 tons per Irish acre, and, we have no referred to: his family, cousUtiug ot two sons William Commemorating Jesus' birth, a quaint, " De Lord ho said to Simeon : , , another boy of little church among the Fells. Coming at such a on the night of the Gth. Dr. Morrissy, who made ' Come down from yonder sassefrnc, doubt, would make a valuable substitute for the " The commissioners have to observe in conclusion, that it 13 or 11 years of age, and his daughter. Denis and WiUian Made gifts to those they love, as if is the province of the guardians to assemble, at the meeting To keep His memory green on earth 1 time, it brought tears into my eyes, and lifted me a post mortem examination, states that the child was Or in the coming kingdom swede. Maber were at once arrested, aud brought before Mr. Haana, as it was marked across the nose and e, wid do wicked dc back track ; to which application for relief be made, to decide on tbe mode lt.ll., and .Mr. T. li. Wilson, J.I'., whju tlio pri-ouer* wore, out of the depths of that terrible despair, and gave born alive, Tak CLEANSING M ARBLE .—If stained with nil or of relieving the applicant, sad no resolution passed by a pre- A NIGHT WITH A MADMAN. fate more cainl in the face. mouth. The child had been put under her bed tick Wid Christian drop front off do back mix unslaked lime in very fine remanded for further examination. me strength to look my y Dc burden of sedition, grease, fruit, &c, vious meeting of tho guardians which purports to determine A TALE FOR CHRISTMAS. little cuckoo-clock after it was born, until Sunday night, the ilth, , pretty thick , and in- the mode in which applicants generally, or in which appli- Seven o'clock striking by the Or from yer beaben gel do sack powder, with strong soap-lye EPILEPSY I had decided to lake up my quarters for the and what has when the accused told Anne Smyth, a fellow servant. a painter's cants of nny particular class, should bo relieved, baa any in the corner. Where have I been, And trahbel to perdition !' stantly lay it on over the whole slab with TO THE EDITOR OP THS SUG0 INDEPENDEN T. night on the old carved chest, and at once proceeded then 1 Alas ! Louisa Harsley is in Kilshane only six weeks. be washed off. If the binding effect on the guardians assembled at any future happened to me 1 It was not a dream, Halleloojerum I brush. In 24 hours it may SIR —AS a matter of meroy towards my ' • intentions into practice. Before LIMERICK UNION.—The guardians of this union, Trabbel to perdition. meeting." fellow-crea- to put my settling nn, for I am st'll bound hand and foot to the chest ; stains are not entirely removed, repeat it. Scour it lord, upon thisgrouud I move turcs, I think it right to publish the feet that a child myself for the ni ht, I took a last Dn the application of the Rev. Dr. Wilson,, Presby- Mr. Anthony—My of • ; g glance through but my limbs, where the cords have cut into them, " Away obor yonder well with a thick lather of soft soap, boiled in soft licant, Thomas Murphy, on inmate of mine, who has been, for some years suffering from the "< * the window. The wind was hushed terian minister, have appointed him chaplain to the that the app ¦ by this time, have lost all feeling by this time, and arc like the Along dc side of KJcn , water , which, with good rubbing, will give a fine be sent to the opthalmic institution. Mr. distressing disease of epilepsy, has been, under Provi- :£ and the snow had ceased to fall : a clear Presbyterian inmatcB , at n, salary of £5 per annum. this house, cold night, limbs of a dead man. I have been unconscious of Whar Jerusalem do wonJcr polish. If stained with iron, mix equal quantities seconded the proposition, which was put denec, completely cared of same by the skilful treat-: :i'i promise for the morrow. Comforting 1 he commissioners recommended a salary of £20, And de wi:kcil Anaconder Byrne " : full of myself my position for the last few minutes, unconscious of * of vitriol and lemon juice in a bottlo ; shake well ; fronjLtbe chair and carried by a vote of six to two. ment of P. O'fiorke, Esq., medical officer of the Eonis- , f, with this reflection, I pushed the carved chest closer , blessed dream of but on a division that sum was rejected by a vote of On do tho tree ob Lifo is fl-cdi"'!' wet the spots with it; and rub well with soft linen. corthy workhouse. I would have published the faot i everything except some vague The applicant was then admitted , with the view of , i- ¦ to the fire, and having laid down my black bag to never see more. Still grim 14 to 5. There are 553 Presbyterians in the dioceso Afetiiusalcm, ly stained the spots will disappear. The long since, but was waiting to fully test the matter, { home, the home I shall Much older dan Jerusalem, If not deep hiving him leavo for Dublin on Saturday. : serve for a pillow, and wrapped a couple of travelling hideous as some Indian idol , with ;>f Limerick, and at present two in tho workhouse, black varnish may be removed by the application not fit to be re- which I am now perfectly satisfied of, as my child is "! and immovable, Ou do trco ob life is feeuiu'. Out-door relief was continued to parties now over twelve months without ' rugs around me, I blew out the flaring tallow-candle , his yellow-painted face, Ncttlcfotd sits as before. 3nc of whom, it was stated, is nn idiot. of a tolerably strong solution of potash. moved to liouso hospital. No correspondence from the poor the slightest return of j.' < ' tho disease, and his mind, which was ¦ - gave a last look to the fire, and in live minutes more Another half hour, and daylight will bo here, and PAIU 8 O MNIBUS S YSTEM .— By-the-bye Iho omni. " When I can read my titlo dear. CANARY LOSINO ITS F EAT H ERS.— " A Subscriber" law commissioners this week. seriously imfy- h perfect. It is Hid xtorins ob sorrow rainin'. MASTBB'S K RFOHT.—Tbo master reports that Nancy paired, ia now , tliank God, completely restored I'',- . bad sunk into a heary dreamless sleep. then bus system of Paris is well nig —What can be done for a canary bird which in June v * " Deu I will Bilcly trabbel wbcro Mahony, a patient who recovered from a very severe fit of would strongly advise all who are similarly afflicted tn ' When I awoke, it was still night : the fire had This thought was still lingering in my brain , entiret y held at the command of one company, pulled out all the feathers on its back, and in about f nursing nuisance—sending one My mansion lies in Canaan ; rheumatic fever, was ordered a flannel vest and crou-scri by apply to Mr. O'Korke, which they may do with every^.. died down to a bed of glowing embers, which dif- when the American laid down M B pi pe, stepped or which obviates the IX'groat white throuo is in do rock, a month afterwards all the feathers on its breast and the medical officer. She left the hooso having got those arti- confidence. I consider I wonld not be doingright li ht around bus before and another behind one of the opposition have never grown wai^'i- fused a dim ruddy g , sufficient to reader to the floor, and going to one corner of the room, Where grows do beabenly react, under its wings fell out, and they cles, as the doctor would not think it safo to discharge her I sot to let the public know this fact.—1 remain, sir, • V in London. The government And I shall graze amid do flock , ' without them. Approved of. the room/and its furniturein clearly visible, while brought from thence some short pieces of cord, firm—so common since, so that the bird has now no feathers except your obedicut servant,! AXDREW M'GOWA.V, •• t5-^V leaving ^6e corners partial shadow. I awoke evidentl been cut and laid ready for the takes care that the lack of competitiou docs not give Aud beard tbo pipes of Moses." on the head, neck, wings, nnd tail. It does not ap- CIIRISTMAS DIXRSR.—The Master solicited tbe board's Kaspbery Hill, Cuiffoney, county Sligo, 'i:.'l i' . 1 which had y order for tbo usual bread and tea breakfast, and meat dinner, suddenly,, with a sense of horror upon me such aa purpose for which he now required them. With riso to the abuses of monopoly. The fixed fare in The scone in tho altar, whoa all tha converts wcro pear exactly sick, but has been seen pecking and December G, 18G5. ;, £,*:»; htmare had ever parts of the city U threc-lmlf-pence The cause of the for tho inmates on Christmas day. Should the numbers no nig inspired me with ; and in my these he tied my ankles together, nnd fastened down and from all asscrablcd.wos extremely interesting aud characteristic. shaking itself in the evening. remain nearly as they are at present, tho entiro cost may be first waking moment could not call to mind the my jrms close to my sides ; then cutting the outside and three-pence inside. If you want to gc The penitents moaned lugubriously ; tho officiating loss of feathers is that the bird has got infested with net down as follows .— lib. tea, 12s. ; 201b. sugar, 6s. 8d. John Bright says America is the greatest and \i- .' no matter place in which I was ; but a second glance routid longer cords which had bound me to the chest , he from one neighbourhood to another, clergy travelled in and out, crying:—" Hob faith, insects. Try applying a little sweet oil with a 2301b. beef, ij, 15a. lOd. Total, £5 Us. 6d. Ordered ac- most powerful country in the world. : i)', .': brought all the circumstances of the day to my re- lifted me up lightly, as though 1 were a child, and whether the omnibus leads by direct route, you have Bister !" " Jis' uros wid do Lord, and he'll oblige yc!" camel's hair brush, or fumigating with a little to- cordiugly. , The Fenian society has taken ono oi the finest ''¦-:¦: collection. I attempted to move, to get up, but ht against the door of o large cupboard but to demand a correspondence ticket , and for the " Hope on, hope berry much !'' bacco blown from the bulb of a tobacco pipe STATS OP Tns SOUSE. mansions in New York. -f« ;:- ' set me uptig , Number in house '.'39;' adinitted 32 ; born, 0 ; discharged, j found that I could not do so ; I was perfectly help- from the floor almost to the ceiling, original threc-half-pcncc you are transferred from As each penitent felt tho moment of release arrived, through a long tube. Either remedy must he ap- The total value of the live stock : ' which reached and there was much somersault- 27; died, 0 ; able bodied miles, 25; do. females, 45 ; in in- of Ireland.. . less ; and casting my eyes along the length of my a recess on one side of the fireplace. conveyance to conveyance by the conductors until a great shout weut up, gently and frequently. The cage should also pjnpor amounts, at present, to £32,772 nnd filled up iu the straw. Tho advent of a new-born soul was plied firmary, -16 ; in fever hospital , i ; average cost of a , ,009. :\\ body, I saw with the most intense astonishment, longer cord across my chest nnd you roach your jonrney 's end. If your manner ing 2s. 4J(i. ; cost in infirmary, 3v 04, ; cost in fever hospital , 4s. I XDKCBNT ASSAULT OK A CHILD Then passing a y announced by tho legs protruding in the air , be cleansed. .—At the police coort.vM , the ticket you get is of a commonl do., on__ Wednesday,j, befo.„„.„.-e* the„,„ uit»yur IUM .;¦' that I was fastened down by a thick cord, wrapped under my arms, he fastened one end ofit to a large betrays you a stranger To P REVENT M ILK AND BUTTER TASTING OP Mi j received by treasurer, i'370 lls. 7d. ; paid by £117 Mayor, Drui Jj Mackesr.uacicesy, and Cspttapi .!.,;_ , you arc paid peculiar attention and many of the weaker vessels, in the plcntitudc of 4s. 2d ; bolnnco in favour of guardians, £528 If . lid. Newport, Head Constable Barry informed their worships : -i i. round me ogain and again, to the carved chest on hook in tho wall , and the other to one of the iron peculiar colour, and TURNIPS . Dissolve 1 oz. saltpetre in a pint of ¦' ( thankfulness, threw away their superfluous garments, — that ho bad arrested a boy, about 10 years of age, named" fc' which I had made my bed for the night. Who had bars that guarded the window. Fixed thus, it was in consequence. There are CGI busses altogether and put a tablespoonful of it to the quart of r '-fi and wont into a courBO of spiritual gymnastics. Ser- water, PF.TTY SESSIONS—SATURDAY . Young, from Alexander-street, charged with violation of » f ;•:< done this ? and for what purposer Though my impossible for me to stir; indeed, bad my ankles which transport annually over ninety-three millions straining it into the pan. This prevents child six years of ngo. After ' mons are; expected during tho week by Reverends milk when the usual business bad btttt' .^.¦ arms and legs were strapped tightly down, my chesl I could not have walked an inch, so af passengers. a great degree, bul not entirely. The Magistrates on tho bench-Sir Jons NDOE.N'T II OMDLB, transacted the court was cleared ' ,' ; H been free, U.irjonas Islip, Philip Lowe, Washington Dertcy.and P. the flavour to A. Fitzgerald, and Samuel E. , and the circumstancesof this f was left sufficiently free to enable me to turn my numb and dead were they through having been so T HE CASIIEL ELECTION .—In the Court of Common Arthur Jonos. away the rin d, and cut off the Bart., chairman. Henry atrocious chiirgo investigated. Tho prisoner was remanded ' .9 ;-i best plan is to pare M'Guire, Esqrs. ! ( ' head readily from side to side, and thus see long time. "Trul " I Pleas, Dublin, tho case of Ryan v. Johnston was The following hymn of the day seemed to us the most the ccntro OJ adjourned sessions ou Monday, wbou the cag* was toon ii. ij every- lightly bound for so n y, top and bottom of the turnip, giving only A SSAULT.— Constable James Flannigan , of this fully investi ; ' thing in the room, except what might be immediatel last moment on earth is at hand." heard before the Lord Chief Justice and a. city jury. eccentric :— be iven to stores. gated, and the accused sent for triaL The parti«; f;- y thought, " my bit to milch cows. The offal may g station, charged John Power with assaulting him culars aro unRt for publication: '; ; so hideous, that in those first waking moments, it and drawing out his bowie-knife, he felt its blade geant Armstrong said he was instructed, the tariff And takes dcra up from ebcrywherc ; at the above prices. Rice or : tho best and cheapest vised him to go home and not to be wrangling; defen- At the petty session on Friday, three coiners were brought :f . .'. might net unnaturally have been taken aa the self- with his finger for a moment, then quickly raising for votes was £30 a head, but it would be proved He asks ob none to pay ke fare, poorest of all grain in fatting and ¦ _' " Hut ftow up, Satan, sasscngcrs—« rice meal is the dant said he would not ,and that it would take four or np ou tha cbargo of passing several half-crowns. They wen r created illusion of a brain diseased. But not for his arm he fluug the knife with deadly aim, thut one man got £-15, and that another stated he matter. remanded for a week. . . - ; . .,:..-: - , ---—flesh-producing I D fire of the police to put him in jail ; he then raised his long could I repress the conviction had made a fortune by the election. Promises of Blow ! blow!! Major Hopkins ) <¦ that the grim, straight at me at it seemed. Involuntaril y, I shut If yo wonM come out right side, PROFAOATING LAURELS DY CUTTINGS .—Laurels hand to strike him, and he suffered a great deal with and a company of tbe 63td R*kiji«BI. dark, silent figure before me WBS as much a blade whizzed situations were also made by Mr. O'Beirne, and and the arrived at Carrick-on-Suir, to bo stationed them*;.** ;.? ' «!' reality, my eyes, and the same instant the Mow ! blow!! arc abundantly propagated by cuttings, the man trying to send hfra home, and a great deal /' aa much a being of flesb and blood as my te}(; mid buried iisolf in the soft wood tally-rooms were taken at £C0 and £70 each, and And wid do gospel pooplo rido up." them down, winter They¦ havo taken up their quarters -to'AWj Sr.i ;'¦', I and past my left ear, present time is not a bad one to put more with a lot of women who were about him. birrvks it gradually, as I looked more earnestly, the: clear-cut few inches from my neck. I breathed never used. Mr. John Quirkc, printer, and keeper A'ow York World. been better to have done so AAiitienal accommodatioa for about.-tMHIM/j ^J of the door a though it would have The court fined Power ^2 lOa., or in default of pay- mon is . heiug provded in Carrick ,\ :¦> S aquiline features of Nettlefold seemed my eyes. Tlic American ut- of a posting establishment, deposed that he had a be laid on Castle ci '{ IMS to evolve spain , and opened two months ago. Large branches may ment, one month's imprisonment in the county jail. SoMRTjuifb TO UBJLBCT UPOIT.—HOW msnv susa Jm themselves familiarl y out of the hideousl vote since it was given to the unfortunate Catholics LUNACY IN I RELAND .—On the 1st January, 1804, and 55(8? y grotesque tered a solemn guttural " Wnghl" of satisfaction, their back in trenches a foot or 18 inches deep, The coastablo interceded with the court in his be- appointmentsbavo been experienced by ladies, wnsntW^VH- which they were overlaid. in 1839 ; voted for O'Beirne last ; O'lieirne and there wore in public asylums, •1G72 ; in poorhouses, and covered mask with Yes, it wai and drew his tomahawk from his belt. I would the young shoots from it spread out, half, stating if he were to get a month's imprisonment chanced to got bad starch. Let such ol onr lady reaistVWp.J fe American friend but setting Johnston were in his house together before tho elec- between actual lunatics, epileptics, and imbeciles, they will have suffered in this way, procure lbs GLBSIIELD ' certainly my , and no one else ; bul not close my eyes this time, my up to within 8 or 0 inches of the point , his poor wife and family should go to the poorhouse. 8***K/?d '^ tion but got no money from them; hia 'daughter, 2,455 ; in jails, criminal and dangerous, 389 ; in It is exclusively u«d in the itoyal Laundry, and proi^WSf* : in what a costume 1 As far as I could judge, he bad teeth firmly together, kept my glance bent on him , , root freely. The court, in a very humane and kind manner - \\ himself of every its beating while 1 Mary Watkins, never got any money in his presenco private licensed houses, 056 j and at Dundrum, oi , by Her .Majesty's Lauudress, to be the finest Starch sW P-,-;-^i| divested article of civilised costume though my heart seemed to stop reconsidered their decision, and reduced the fine tc used. It was awarded the-Prixe Medsl toritf toM worn by him, except a red the next instant the tomahawk came from Johnston : he was up stairs at the time (lie criminal asylum, 127; besides 73 totmeily in tbe K^jf^ usually woollen shirt; gazed ; and MTINO —The following is a specimen 6s. or a reek's imprisonment, and cautioned the defendant Let tile ladies only give it a trial, and they will find (laughter) ; Mary Watkins never gave him any House of Industry, but now maintained by Govern- FENIAN \Y . ^f StiM P over this he now wore a gaudy and voluminous red rushing through the air, and crashed into the cup- of tho Fenians, from their late organ , never to attempt to obstruct tot constabulary in tbe discharge deserves tho great fame it baa universally acqairsi jAK&g j£ travelling rug, inches to the ri ht of my throat, money which she got from Johnston ; never told ment, making an aggregate of 8,272 human beings of the writing manufacturers have much pleasure in stating that tbqWT^ and blue in which he had cut two board door, a few g the Jruh People:—" The Cullens, Moriarty s, Ma of their duty. Defendant premised be never would, and if §& arms American gave utterance to the same Father Ryan he got, or was to get , £75 for his vote; labouring under some distinct form of mental ever he carao before them to transport him (laughter). been appointed Starch Purveyors to H.R.H. the PviaM .ftf &: holes for his , and which was fastened across hii Again the and Hallys, were mitred stipendiaries or altai J* an iron skewer of satisfaction as before. I had scarcely said to Father Ryan, he did not like to refuse a good affection. At the ; corresponding date in January, hers, A DEIS WAIBKCODESE.— W«Uer Cullinane summoned Wales. When you ask for QL8»mu> SXAIXH, Wyft B chest with , which he had picked up singular sign The people . would hound them as the paid you ::^ at my second escape, before I offer for himself and his children ; that he did not 18C5, the relative proportions were as follows:—In police. EJmond Kirwan, farmer, to show canse why he should not get it, as interior kinds are often substituted. - - *t ?£t3 & somewhtfpin the house ; and held round the waist time to wonder majesty the queen, and treat them OLLOWAT ' Oiirrjitiir A»D Pitxs.—CoWtOH^plsk^Jg like to rob his children by so doing, that Mr. Johns- public asylums, 4,729 ; in workhouses, 2,563 J in servants of her pay him the snm of £10, lets £1 paid in advance, for con- H 'S by a gsj tckrf, iu which were stuck a revolver, a saw him draw his revolver from his belt, and take a Neither sacerdotal vestment nor statim structinc; and superintending a watercourse from Couma- diphtheria, and Bronchitis.—These correctiver eqW'agl 1 1 half-aim at me. " All over with me ton' wanted to force him to lake £75 for his vote, jails, 452;.in private licensed houses, 553 ; at Dun- accordingly. tomaiawi,' and a murderous-looking bowie-knife. jorf of rapid can shield from just punishment and infamy those raglin river, for the purpoM.of irrigating bis hind. Mr. intalliable for the con of these pectoral compuuntJjijIJft I muttered to myself; but even as the but that was a time when Mr. Lanigan and Father drum and maintained by Government, 188 ; con- ind Mr. Hunt for the defence. when neglected often end in settled asthma ot UW^fffj His feet were covered with a pair of Indian moc- this time 1" who willingly betray mankind. When the . time Ban-on ivas for complaiuaut. , casins, which I remembered to have seen him wear words escaped me, I felt the wind of the bullet Kyan came, to take his place, and to ask him for his stituting on the whole a surplus difference of 213 in Ibe campUinant deposed to. the above statement, but it ap- consumption.. The' Ointment, wiU'-tabbed -AJl-w»M«B».m^B» black tangled hair he had stuck a couple of peacock's third time. make tho best of it (laug yan —The * longsvaud taewaMSir ' THE N AVY.—The Channel fleet is ordered to win- with complainant to pay hiniths snm ot £10 ; that tbe com- body constantly.nanci .throngp Jbe , ftutheri, taken from over the chimney-piece of the " One," said the madman, gravely, as his arm offered him £65 (roars of laughter) to vole for Mr. R. Catholic, population of Iroland is 4J millions ; 'to prodaee disease , ter in Ireland. Tbe officers of the fleet will not be plainant told him the work wsnld only stand him ib £3 or £1£4, ious particles. tending *y* y^SEa little bed-room. But the roost singular feature of went up again to the line of fire, and then the second Lanigan. - Patrick Maunsell, Main-street, Cash el; that of England and Wales is abont 1J millions orDr at most £5, and said ao the presence of bis wife. tborongbly,and p«rtasiienUy'n«iitralu^reodompWeH allowed the usual leave, which under ordinary cir- '4 The N bis transformation remains to be told. Haying bullet stirred my hair, and buried itself in the door Patrick Cunningham, David Hogan, Morris Carey, The mirage daily/attendance of Catholic children , court, after a patient bennlg of the . cast on both sides, or ejected from tlusyiUm. ao)lo»«yittati»WWlg« cumstances, when the ships have been laid up in the , »no Py found < quantity of yellow paint in tome old corner above my head. "Two," said the American, and Patrick Kennedy were produced as witnesses, in the Irish Government National Schools last jeat granted « decree for £4 withoutcosts. . perfectly.Mcogplishthis p uriacatoa.i MW'rWsHjS 000 different Channel ports, has never befnre been re- . ... ¦- v—:—: . ¦ . ' cleansed thsinjgmoaiofthesewprid>TWManfWiiWKWS)g» of the bouse, he bad daubed a circle round, each eye, sententiously, as he strapped his gaudy rug more and all denied having received, in any way,he money was about 257, .; or 1 in tbe 17} of the Catholic . , " ' r the slis»jg ^Armstrong said could The average daily attendance of Catho- fused.— Army and Navy Gazette. ¦ ¦ .FORTUNATE ESCAPE.-}A .man named Keily, from 'hi remotest'jwrU'^f toiaaa| lk >'«^.Mra»g sod marked an elaborate pattern with it on bis faca closely around him. 1 now began to comprehend lor their votes. Sergeant population. . 1 ^ further with his ease, and wasi non-suited. lic children in the' English Government Denomina- • There are more than 30,000 miles of railway in the locality , of -Knoekiymoie, on bis way home •ad. neck, which gave him, in that half light, a lhat, in accordance with Indian usage, this was in- proceed no i ^^^t^^M' ^iM^u^JtMU ^^^i Verdict for defendant , with Gd. costs. Mr. Carey, tional Catholic schools last year was about '40,000, the United States. from Dumjarvan on thi 13th, .inst.,; unfortunately ! ™ ^:*m ^ >* *W^- ^fF ^ horribly weird and grotesque appearance. Finally tended as a sort of torture, preliminary to the grand 1* who was affi cted with pulmonary disease, has died or one in 37$ of the Catholic population^ "If the The United States are about sixty times as large fell over tho quay, ball tide at the time. \Mr. P. ¦' VtmtiA 'a^-PeMtia ^SW be was sitting cross-legged on the table, gravely catastrophe. Suppose he were to miss his aim 11 ¦ - wiTikibror-^ Ba to Cashcl. attendance of Catholic children were' in ' .the' same ss England. • . .:• ,. ' Hackett. Cspt. P. Curhn, .'Abbeyside, and ethers' ! Kf vnx^Tfii »%/WWWSSWi§TOBgH smoking a long-stemmed pipe of red day; < whispered to myself. Why, even , in that case, tho sixce his return ' THE CONSTABULARY.— It is said: there . are now proportion in Catholic schools, , aided by the stale in . The decrease in crops in Ireland this year amounts who.wore at . . the bif th, bearing the ;ip!aib'TO|«: l ^aiiM '^il^^BmA ^MaUUam^j ^^M •But what struck » colder cbill to my heart than end of the tragedy would but come a few minutess '¦ ¦ ' 3 000 vacancies in tbe force. The - entire force in England, as it is in tbe national schools In Ireland, to 28,218 acres.' ' • - • ¦ - ¦ • •• .• •• ' .. •: the wattr/ ran; at] one*j»?bis' assistance, and tbr«»l|ta ia.m ^m ^M.W^iM^M ^ S^^B anything elie was toVs ibe hard, erne), raurdfroui sooner } anyhow, he would doubtless tire in a very , tjba lifalbuoy, by which.affu, and.the daring conduct ' 85B B ^^ and would 1863 was 12,000 ; in 1804 it had diminished to 11 ,- it would be nearly.86,000 instead of abc-nt 40,000; - From 1851 to 1865, the number of emigrants »b.o< JKM- '' • fv W?'?Si .X.^jtSffiSiSSS^^^^H look id uiese^ black glitteriug eyes bent iso steadily, ihort time of. play ing with his victim, ' ¦ •¦¦<1- - ; : Mhtom,i who idBti£td4»ftBr, bini,!be mu »scses1l ^ 000; the numwous resignations, &c, lead to bnt it seems probable that the great rrtasriof R: Catho- left Irelind amounted tol,591,487;:: i < . • . 7 MJniiMptlXigp»e U seemed to me as iboogh Inflict the final coup, and so bring the business to an and , ^ ' ^^*3[Mulai7w Mf ^SSm ^^Sm ^t toi > ' ' £||.ij>ojr «» 0°0' j,, , j V , lio children in Enbland'nnd Wales either, attend : ' There ara 4,382,93G booses, of every clan, iit Ire-' umeir^ie«ht»« ^l^^ Uu to ini' ' bullet nnmbtr tfa rt • brought roy.tbqiighV the. b>!tef>|t . Wi >. ,fW»i?i '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . .tb^..fVuii6^ptl [ x iii'But ¦'• ' • «• ' '¦ '¦' •¦H • > •-:!;.:- •• •.<. •; y) :: .' . : ' i . s. 'J ^SrMiMrM^WW^fmS^*™ ProUii«i^i^5r;iwno«t all- ^4^',--' u' iJUmi.VK ' - V- . ' :•' C . ^g ^^^j