_ NEWS ¦ ' • ¦¦;. rilli WATERF011D SHIPPING. ¦ DKCEMUER , 1865 ,4't HB N ATI ONAX . ., • „ :... M0NEY.1 Erening at 49 King street .?*> " i STEAM COMMUNICATION " Published every Friday - BUILDING AND LAND INVESTMENT COMPAN Y OF IRELAND (LIMITED) LOANS ON CAl__ O_t I THE i AUCTION ROOM; [Opposite the Provincial llanle.l STEAM from LIVERPOOL or QUEENSTOWN "Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford whiel tit Liabilit)of ike Bharthotfors DEPOSIT. , Incorporated wtdtr " 2»« Companies' Ad, 1982," i.v SIX PER CENll. INIBiyj8T;•... , . NO. lOI'/QUAT.i-.now fitted up for th» reception - Canyin; Goods to LIMERICK , TIFPEBABY, CXORHELI ' of thtir Bhares. , . ' ¦ RICE THREE I'I.SCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE; 13S. TO NEW YORK, I ... ,,.. is limitti to the amount •. of Fnrnlture,' .&c.V, foT;_ile. - P CAREICK-OK-SUIK, K ILZEKKT, and CAIIBH, at Through STAMPED, -Id.; Y T.ARLY, 17S. 4d. r Persons'not wishing to have Propertrdisposed ol on Rates. '; ' 000 000. r*HE DIRECTORS of the Waterftrdajid Kilkenny TWICE A.WERK. ; CAPITAL, £1, , for tbe purpose of ' i theirown Premiseswill find it theirinterest to makeuse _ •! ri~IlE New nnd Powerful Screw Stca- FIRST ISSUE £800,000, X Railway, rmlaeiDg the' IN- "THE WATKUFORD NEWS" vr- ge&jd^rpiIK Liverpool , New York, * STALMENTS of the G0VERNM_NT ,L<)AN and of this Establishment, as tbe Room ia both spaciousand V . JL and Philadelphia Steam Ship <a»«J^^s. J- mers "K1NSALE." Jons CRAW- ,,. , -, IN 60,000 SHARES OF -10 EACH. : lofty, and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. : ' x£JSft/|jk~"7 Commander OHN BONDS falling due, are prepared'toaccept-LOANS PRINTING, PUBLISHING < Company intend despatching VfciL.Bv^'ORr'. , " SALTEE," J ALLOTMENT" 10s. PER SHARE. MACHINE ¦Jj»^aijlvs/tlWtPi their ve^BeSsSSo'SriW.iSo, Commnndjr " SANDA " 600 DEPOSIT ON , on MORTGAGE BONDS, at 5 per Cent., pay- / THOMAS WALSH, Proprietor. I 'f ilf *¦ > ' , , and no Call trill erwed XI per Share) HOOK-BINDING , RULING, i»in J V^u '"" I T~ Clyde-built Iron Screw TOUB (now Building), '• TUSKAR (Futnro Calls will bo at intervals of not less than Three Meatlis, Months Bfjuiships, carrying the Uuited States ," SrapnBK ABDF.nsoir, able upon cither One or Three ' NoticeN , to be AUCTION OF HORSES ASH Mail*, Commander, or other First-class Vessels, aro intended MO always increased to 6 per Cent, whenever and' during , lo Sad DIRECTORS : Travelling Machines "titijm QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NE YORK , Furmmg-' ImplementsSleek as under (unless prevented by nny unforeseen . ' ¦ ¦ , , MANUFACT ORY tf allowing 4 per Cent, on ' CCOUNT-BOOK. ' ¦ the time the Irish Banks are ' ¦ ¦ ¦ A ' ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ '' - ¦ ¦ 1 ' ' • • , ' •' ' " -if circumstance), with or without Pilots and with liberty Esq. (Firm of Ja_o« M'CulIagh. Son, and Co), ¦ ' ¦ . -- • •&• .. as follow t . ' , CHAIRMAN—ANDREW M'COLt¦ iACIH. Deposit Receipts. - .. - _. &,;& ; 4!) & 50 KINO STREET. ,_ »vi CWt Q& to Tow Vessels ¦ , Lower, Dublin, and St. Brondon'a, Coolock, co. Dublin ; JJANCHKSTKR ... 8atnrd»#' 23~E*-?>cc. and to render Assistance to Vessels in Si Abbey-street, They will also accept Money on' like Bonds, at 6 MR. TH0MA8 WALSH'O next Auction of Horses ,C(Tr.j|'ig& LTIMORE Thuriday,, 28th ' „ ' Distress :— ttCE-CIIAIRUAN—ANDRKW HERBERT BAGOT, Esq; (Firm of Ba*ot», Hutton, and Co), and for tbe TravellingVehicles , &o , &», wiQ take ' FROM G L A S ¦ Dublin and 21Loinstertoad , Ratbmines, CO. Dublin ; per Cent., for Three, or Five Years, plac* %-&>il^L rpHFProprietoroT tff* X_N(fe«0|-^' StfoflfftiSOtb. „ 0 0 W (Clyde-street Ferry) to ,- .. 28 William-street, , bearing interest at 6 per O«nC for 00 Cork and Watcrford—Snlteo, Friduy, 1st Dec., 12 noon E»q, J.P., Alderman-Lord Mayor Elect of the City .of Dublin, ... Debenture Stock , i ON MONDAY, 1ST JANUARY, I86G, nd JAMES WILLIAM MACKEY, Dublin ; and 5 per Cent. In perpetuity afterwards. Concerts and ' tt d - —by Rail to Orcenock, 6 p.m. , 40 Westmoreland-street,' Dublin, and Clonsilla Home, Clonsilb>,...co. Three Tears, At MR LAUREBCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY ™ K&]JJ§L-_ <&c> liis Printing d_ v '' ^trnp ^ ' the Waterford and Limerlak ' ' Mnntfactarjr 8»w l--S-fct^ Thursday, Waterford and Cork—Tuskar, Tuesday, 5th Dec., 12 ucon HENRY ROBERT PERRY, _iq. (of tlo Firm of Pirn, Parry, and Co), . The Line is worked by I Establishment, Beres/ord street, Waterford, 8 ¦ifptffe fii'3 Account-Book lc CMjjHBt^HMKa^MailStcamWerery „ co, Dublin ; ending the 25th March, '' EP Io an ^ —by Rail to (jreenock, 6 p.m. V 0 Burgh Quay, Dublin, and Idrone Terrace, Blaclrrock, .... Company, and for the year 1 ' .. • ORD«a ._ILB : c ua y 'n " l'roTino**i jw^^^^^^^^^Bi-Rpcordiii f to thOccommodation. ¦' • " 163 8s. 64 tie , fev5SiCW§j3!/n! 1a 'J j^], ' 'a and Batnrdty'a Steamers Cork and Waterford—Kinsalc, Friday, 8th Dec., 12 noon WILLIAM WIG HT, Esq. (Firmof William Wight and Co), 1865, tho Traffic Keccipts were £21, , TraTolling Vehiclej, Harness Game Dogs &c., at W& jvStSsJtS'MiW ' },y e introduction dl new ^•^^^^^^HKUonduy —b and Newenham pinto Upper Lcesoa-stree!,.. Dablia. 390 4d; Od., , , y Rail to Grccnock, 5 p.m. -V. 23 Euatace-fltreot, , Working and other expenses being £10, rweWe o'Clock precisely. • -y Patent M ACIIINEBT, Vtamred Watcrford and Cork—Tuskar, Tuesday, 12th Dec 12 noon for Interest on \^^^ U( ' M^^^^^^^^^^ HacIddca a full trap ply of cooked Pro- , BAHKBES-THEJ_ANK OF IRELAND, DUBLIN, AND ALL IT3 BRANCHES. leaving a Balance of £10,763 4i. Od., Hunters Biding ] %7TC. P«JI_M | constant sBgaltesWj —by Rail to Grocnock fi p.m , and Family H uf»s, at One o'clock. <>1 , WILIiIAM DALY, Esq.—Office* : 27 Dame-street, Dablln. Loans, after the payment of which there is a consider- Colts | | \73ST th"CTtt_«t hud most npjirinwa Cork and Watcrford—Saltcc, Friday, ,h Dec 12 noon SBC-BTisi-r. , Draught and Farm Horses Immediatelyafter. 7 : and tho United States, booked 15' , able surplas, and the opening of the New Line from I StjfedrJtBw TypwVa' nda —by Rail to Greeuock, 6 p.m. SOLICITOHS-JAMES'^'DILLON MELD0N and SON, U Upper Ormond Quay, Dnblin. OdT Persons intending property for thiB Sale will be I ^f obas terms. Kilkenny to Maryborough, now constructing (a distance required I l'agioyVsjobine for. Accon^ Watcrford and Cork—Kinsalc, Tuesday, 10th Dec, 12 neon _VBIOBI HENRY CARSON, Esq., C.E, F.R.I.A, and HENRY BRETr, Esq, C.E, to have it entered at Mr. DOBBTH'S, or at Mri plpn Btlfattto JOHN BfcICEE, ASCBJTBCTB i»p SD —BDWARD¦ of 19 Miles from Kilkenny to Abbeyleix being com- prepared to cxMutoj species of ;..j —by Rail to Greenock, 6 p.m. ,>• Offices—25 Haroourt-strect, DubliD. WAISB'B Office, 100 Custom-house Quay, on or bofcre Doofe-is Sft* tsyictoria¦ .strcct; in Quemstoicn, - t\v. ______ pleted), and open for Traffic will materially increase ¦¦ >—1 '& Co. ; nnd in Liverpool to Cork and Waterford—Tuskar, Thursday, 21st Dec., 12 noon '¦ Nuie o'Clock themoroing of Bale. Fee for entry, 2s. 6d. LETTER-PRESS^PRINTINC, , —by 1\M \ to Grccnock - the Receipts. ; or to , 6 p.m. OMPANY ci*iWisbed for tho nnrposo of efficiently cairyinir oat, nndor tbo provisions of the Com- Purchasers to.pay Auctioneer's Fees of FWe per Cent AND ORNAMENTAL, Kit«r-str«t Watcrford and Tnis C has been Applications to be addressed to the undersigned at the PLAIN ffiAS HARVEY, Watcrford. Cork—Salteo, Tuesday, 20th Dec, 12 noon panies' Act of 1882, tho importSVobjects of BUILDING and LAND INVESTMENT SOCIETIES :-these objects ,.¦; THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. that will not, he feels confident, fail to —by Rail to Greonock, 6 p.m. Articles of Asiociation) to afford primarily to the Shareholders a secure snd profi- Company's Offices , 9 Bank Place/ Mall, Wateiford. in a manner Cork and being (as eipresied more follv in ik> Auctions attended in any pact of Country or Town. WATERrttiffigStfrtalLFOUD HAVEN Watcrford—Kinsale, Friduy, 23th Dec., 12 noon table means of Investing Cap'itiliimAotprocuring Funds to enable them to Build or Purchase Dwelling Mouses, to By Order, 100 Cnstom-honso Quay, give satisfaction, • ^_. —by Rail to Orcenock, 6 p.m. Secretary. Waterford, 1865. tf - ' Acquire Land, or to Obtain otmrMal, Leaseholdor Tersonal Property. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, CHEAPLY, EXPEniTIOUSLY^KD^IflOANWiY. RO .YAMglMg^ STEAMERS FROM CORK TO The powers taken by tbo QaMMtjo it*Article* of Association, include tho dealing in Lands Tenements, and Hero- Waterford, May 12, 1866. (jalO-tf.) AUCTIONEER& VALUATOR All tho FORMS used in WORKHOUSES and DISPEN, Glasgow (direct) Kinsnlo, Saturday, 2nd Dec. 1 p.m ditamonts, of any' tenure or KnoflBSSecurities of any kind In relation thereto, by Buyiug, Selliog Building, ImproTiog, W atcrford & Glas , or otboririso ; and including tbe acquisition by Purchase, Lease, nt Trices in T*« JV*«« Priufcd List, whidynajj, Djti& WfcVit I C A TI 0 N Bow...SaUce, Tuesday, 6th „ 4 p.m or Letting Buch Lands, Tenements, and Heredilamenti WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY HINTON, in returning thanks to the general gi.nlES. fU W Glasgow (direct) Tuskar " JOHN " "" • ' , Saturday, Oth „ 0 a.ni, Stchtan, or otberwuo, of tho tune. public, for the great confidence hitherto reposed be hnil on arrlication . : ' VC f immff iJrulctfZ xcepUd,) W atcrford A Glasgow,..Kinsalc ' of either pnblie or prifate, and either by the Company or by others, and tho Improving, Ro- , Tuesday,12th 11 a.ra, ' -^fffift Erection Bnildings, MONEY ON DEPOSIT. in him as an Auctioneer, and the large Patronage ha PAJIPHLKTS, CATALOGUES; nnd all otto BOOKv BElWW THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Saturdjy, 16tU „ < 8 p.m Jaliiat, Rebnilding, or Altering any Buildings, upon any Lands, aud the Draining of any Lands, and the Laying-out or ¦ Waterford or other purposes and tbo coustruction of Roadi Gardens Squares, or rpHE WATERFORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY has experienced from his friends, begs to state that no WOKIC, in .1 manner «iu,il to any bouse.
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