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_ NEWS ¦ ' • ¦¦;. rilli WATERF011D SHIPPING. ¦ DKCEMUER , 1865 ,4't HB N ATI ONAX . ., • „ :... M0NEY.1 Erening at 49 King street .?*> " i STEAM COMMUNICATION " Published every Friday - BUILDING AND LAND INVESTMENT COMPAN Y OF IRELAND (LIMITED) LOANS ON CAl__ O_t I THE i AUCTION ROOM; [Opposite the Provincial llanle.l STEAM from LIVERPOOL or QUEENSTOWN "Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford whiel tit Liabilit)of ike Bharthotfors DEPOSIT. , Incorporated wtdtr " 2»« Companies' Ad, 1982," i.v SIX PER CENll. INIBiyj8T;•... , . NO. lOI'/QUAT.i-.now fitted up for th» reception - Canyin; Goods to LIMERICK , TIFPEBABY, CXORHELI ' of thtir Bhares. , . ' ¦ RICE THREE I'I.SCE ; YEARLY (IN ADVANCE; 13S. TO NEW YORK, I ... ,,.. is limitti to the amount •. of Fnrnlture,' .&c.V, foT;_ile. - P CAREICK-OK-SUIK, K ILZEKKT, and CAIIBH, at Through STAMPED, -Id.; Y T.ARLY, 17S. 4d. r Persons'not wishing to have Propertrdisposed ol on Rates. '; ' 000 000. r*HE DIRECTORS of the Waterftrdajid Kilkenny TWICE A.WERK. ; CAPITAL, £1, , for tbe purpose of ' i theirown Premiseswill find it theirinterest to makeuse _ •! ri~IlE New nnd Powerful Screw Stca- FIRST ISSUE £800,000, X Railway, rmlaeiDg the' IN- "THE WATKUFORD NEWS" vr- ge&jd^rpiIK Liverpool , New York, * STALMENTS of the G0VERNM_NT ,L<)AN and of this Establishment, as tbe Room ia both spaciousand V . JL and Philadelphia Steam Ship <a»«J^^s. J- mers "K1NSALE." Jons CRAW- ,,. , -, IN 60,000 SHARES OF -10 EACH. : lofty, and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. : ' x£JSft/|jk~"7 Commander OHN BONDS falling due, are prepared'toaccept-LOANS PRINTING, PUBLISHING < Company intend despatching VfciL.Bv^'ORr'.
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