Embassy of in the of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

No. 6/ 7th Year

15th - 31st March 2014


1. President Basescu: Crimea referendum, illegal; Romania does not recognise its outcome 2. President Basescu: Romania must not fear aggression from either Russia or Ukraine 3. President Basescu calls for EPP support for Rep.'s Association Agreement signing to be rushed in June 4. President Traian Basescu has short talk with Barack Obama in The Hague 5. President Traian Basescu: Strategic partnership with US is irreplaceable 6. President Basescu: What I talked with Obama and Biden about regional security I also told Lavrov 7. PM Ponta and Samaras on Transnistria: Europe's position very clear on peaceful solutions 8. PM Ponta and Rama on Putin's parallel between Kosovo and Crimea: Fundamental differences exist 9. Vice Premier Dragnea announces start of negotiations on Romania - Hong Kong double taxation agreement 10. Minister Corlatean and German counterpart: Russia's annexing Crimea flagrantly violates international law 11. Minister Corlatean: Romania did not change its position against Kosovo. There are evolutions we have to take into consideration 12. Romania gov't thinks Serbia, Kosovo as EU members represents best solution 13. Romania not insurmountably dependent on Russian energy 14. Romania is sounding alarm regarding security risks for R. Moldova 15. Gen. Patrick de Rousiers shares Romania's concerns over security situation in the region 16. hosts meeting of NATO allied and partner SOF Commanders 17. Mircea Dusa: Romanian military's activity, worldwide appreciated 18. Romania and 11 other countries mark in joint statement elimination of HEU from within their borders


1. Consolidated budget revenues up more than 10 percent in January 2. Tanasescu, EIB: Investments, productivity and unemployment crises hinder financing of non-euro economies 3. Oxford Analytica: Improving fundamentals may attract investors 4. European Commissioner Dacian Ciolos supports Cluj Innovation Days and all value- added ideas 5. New Romania-Bulgaria project: Government approves development of Turnu Magurele-Nicopole hydropower plant 6. Vasilescu: It is not true that we pay EU more than we receive; we have positive balance 7. China's Industrial and Commercial Bank planning to finance Chinese investments in Romania


Arundel House, 4 Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

8. IMF Executive Board Completes First and Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional Access for Romania 9. IMF confirms Romania's macroeconomic performances 10. Budget on February: deficit of 3.1 billion lei, namely 0.46% of the GDP


1. Study on temporary work in Romania: over 52,000 temporary employees in 2013 2. Greece-Romania Business Partenariat in Tourism 3. Annual average job vacancies 30,600 in 2013


1. Collaboration protocol of the Foundation Princess Margareta of Romania with the association Les petits freres des pauvres 2. Dragomirna Monastery frescoes restoration project among winners of 2014 EU prize for cultural heritage 3. More than 30 companies participate in the Timisoara Tourism Fair 'The Holiday' 4. Brancoveanu@MNAR, a special program at the Art Collections Museum honoring 'Brancoveanu Year' 5. Over 3 ml euros for Putna Monastery restoration


1. President Basescu: Crimea referendum, illegal; Romania does not recognise its outcome

Romania's President Traian Basescu says the Crimea referendum is illegal, pointing to the fact that Romania does not recognise the outcome of the plebiscite, the Presidential Administration reports in a press release.

'Romania believes the ongoing referendum in Crimea is illegal and will not recognise its outcome, given that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine has ruled unconstitutional the organisation of a referendum on the Crimean Peninsula breaking away from Ukraine. Ukraine's acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has signed a decree repealing Crimea's declaration of independence,' Basescu says in the release issued on last week..

He adds that 'a plebiscite held under the threat of military occupation violates the rules of a democratic process that can be recognised and legitimated by the world community,' and that 'the predictable and legally ungrounded outcome' of the referendum is tantamount to Crimea's annexation.

'We are urging the Russian Federation to act in its relationship with Ukraine in line with the Charter and the rules of the international law, including with the provisions in the Budapest Memorandum,' reads the release.

Basescu concludes by saying Romania is supporting Ukraine's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty as well as the resolution of the crisis through diplomatic means.

2. President Basescu: Romania must not fear aggression from either Russia or Ukraine


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Romanians must not fear aggression from either Russia or Ukraine, Romanian President Traian Basescu stated. 'There is no reason whatsoever for Romanians to fear possible aggression from the Russian Federation or Ukraine,' Basescu told Adevarul Live, a daily Adevarul webcast.

He rejected of the most definite manner a possible war that would be triggered by the current situation in Crimea. 'Most definitely not, there will be no war, neither in the Black Sea region, nor in Ukraine, more less in Crimea,' said Basescu.

According to him, Russia encouraged the Crimean referendum, thus failing to observe its promise, and that 'this is where the traditional risk' of Romanian-Russian relationships is embedded.

'In Budapest, in exchange for Ukraine's pledge to go non-nuclear, three great powers guaranteed Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence, provided that it does not attack any of them. This is not the case, this was not an aggression by Ukraine against the Russian Federation. So, the Russian Federation, along with the US and the UK should have observed [Ukraine's] territorial integrity. But what did the Russian Federation do? It encouraged this referendum where the Russian majority voted for Crimea's return to the Russian Federation. And this is a breach of promise by the Russian Federation,' said the President, also referring to the 1994 Memorandum according to which the USA, the Russian Federation and the UK pledged to provide assistance to Ukraine against whatever act of aggression, a deal Ukraine accepted and trusted. Two of the said powers kept their word,' Basescu said, 'adopting statements, stances in the spirit of the Budapest Memorandum. Yet the Russian Federation did not observe its pledge and this is where the traditional risk of our relationship with the Russian Federation and our almost historical reservations in this bilateral relationship - theirs toward us, undoubtedly too - arise from,' Basescu told Adevarul Live, a daily Adevarul webcast.

The Romanian Head of State underscored that to him, what happened in Crimea is a projection of a possible scenario that might play in the Republic of Moldova too.

'And we cannot look at this in cold blood, because this is an emotional issue. We all know that the Republic of Moldova is the second Romanian state and it wouldn't suit us to see to such a scenario applied there,' Basescu underscored.

He also stressed that 'there will be no military intervention by Romania, whatsoever.'

3. President Basescu calls for EPP support for Rep.Moldova's Association Agreement signing to be rushed in June

Romania's President Traian Basescu said on arriving at the spring European Council meeting that he had called for support, during the Summit of the European People's Party (EPP), for the signing date of the EU - Republic of Moldova Association Agreement and Free Trade Agreement to be moved up to the end of June.

'I called for support at the EPP (summit - editor's note) for the signing of the Association Agreement and Free Trade Agreement to be moved forward to an earlier date; let's see what happens during the meeting of the Council. I mean, to be moved up to June, by the end of June,' Traian Basescu said.

'I raised all these issues at the EPP meeting - Ukraine, Transnistria, Gagauzia and Moldova,' said Basescu. The Romanian head of state mentioned that he would also raise these issues at the European Council meeting, stressing that he hopes to get the support of the European leaders.

The signing of the Association Agreements with the Republic of Moldova and Georgia and of


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______their Free Trade components is currently due to take place by the end of August, after the said documents were initialed during the November 2013 Vilnius Summit.

4. President Traian Basescu has short talk with Barack Obama in The Hague Romania's President Traian Basescu had a short talk with United States of America President Barack Obama, before the opening of the works of the Nuclear Security Summit taking place in The Hague.

On the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit also, the Romanian head of state discussed with Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Before leaving for The Hague, President Traian Basescu said the the Summit mainly aimed at reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism and at preventing the purchase of nuclear material by terrorists or unauthorised organisations.

He also said that he would make the most of the opportunity provided by the presence in The Hague of several heads of state to inform them on the situation on the region, outside the Summit works. 5. President Traian Basescu: Strategic partnership with US is irreplaceable

President Traian Basescu stated that the strategic partnership with the United States is irreplaceable and maintained that by 'smiling politically towards the East and Asia' we are creating 'confusion through attitude'.

'My traditional approach is unchanged. The events confirm my worries at the beginning of my mandate and that the partnership with the US is irreplaceable for national security, and those who try to scatter in different directions, smiling politically to the East and Asia... Sure, we can do business with everybody but our security is reliant on the strategic partnership with the US or, if you prefer, belonging to NATO and within NATO, on the strategic partnership for the 21st century with the US that not only envelops military security but also aspects of Romanian economic development. Only now we're jumbling, we want China, we want the US, we're creating confusion through attitude', said the head of state in a press conference held on the occasion of the Nuclear Security Summit that is taking place in The Hague..

Traian Basescu stated that he doubts that the US cannot develop an IT or telephony program in Romania.'Why we would put ourself in vulnerability is hard for me to understand' added Basescu. He expressed hope that his voice and his consistency will dominate opinions regarding Romania, even if other options appeared.'Romania's consistency in actions I hope will leave us on this axis that we've established many years ago' said the president.

The head of state added that he had discussions regarding the situation in Ukraine with the President of the United States Barack Obama, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other important officials such as the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy and the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso. Furthermore, Basescu mentioned that he had a telephone discussion with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that helped him consolidate the conclusions of the discussion with Barack Obama.

6. President Basescu: What I talked with Obama and Biden about regional security I 4

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

also told Lavrov

Romania's President Traian Basescu said he talked with US President Barack Obama and with US Vice President Joe Biden about the regional security, pointing out that what he told the two officials he also conveyed to Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

'I had several talks, because summits are very good opportunities to send out the messages you are interested in, to be received directly, not through foreign ministries, through ambassadors, and this is very important. There was also a coincidence that before the meeting with President Obama, I had a long talk about the region with Vice President Biden, which helped me very much to consolidate the conclusion of the discussion with Vice President Biden and do not think that to Mr Minister Lavrov I told anything else than what I discussed with Vice President Biden or with President Obama concerning the regional security, which I also discussed with [European Council] President Van Rompuy and with European Commission President Barroso and with many others, 's President, included,' the Romanian head of state said, in a press statement at the Nuclear Security Summit, taking place in The Hague on Monday and Tuesday.

Basescu did not give any details on this topic. 'I saw the White House sent out a release which resumed the topics very well, but the content is an issue of our concern. However, what I want you to know is that my traditional approaches have not changed,' Basescu pointed out.

7. PM Ponta and Samaras on Transnistria: Europe's position very clear on peaceful solutions

The Romanian and Greek Prime Ministers and Antonis Samaras respectively after their meeting restated the 's position in favor of a democratic and peaceful settlement of tensions in the region of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, answering media questions about the call of authorities in Tiraspol for the annexation of Transnistria to the Russian Federation.

These issues, as you know, are on our daily agenda at European level. Europe has a very clear position on the peaceful settlement of any problems. These solutions must respect each country's independence and autonomy. We issued a very clear statement on Ukraine. I think that these troop displacements never help. There are actions that generate much higher tensions. There are some issues, some actions that generally create a worldwide tension, not just in Europe, not only for the parties involved in the conflict, but in general. Regardless, whichever European country would face similar problems, our position would be the same. I am very categorical here and I wish to say that it could create the premises for a cold war. I think that the democratic procedures are procedures that recognize the constitutional right of each country. Peaceful solutions are always the best, Prime Minister Samaras said.

Answering the same question, Prime Minister Ponta appreciated the position of the Greek Presidency of the European Union and its support for concrete actions allowing the EU to show the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Moldovan people that their country's path to the European Union is truly meaningful. Within this context, Ponta mentioned that he discussed with his Greek counterpart the completion of the procedures by the Republic of Moldova, allowing its citizens to travel to the EU without visas starting from May 25.

'Beyond this European aspect, Romania has a natural and fundamental obligation to support the Republic of Moldova, by any possible means. I believe that the concrete things Romania can do for Moldova, in addition to what the European Union already does, are to support the infrastructure in education and energy in this country [...] and help develop the democratic institutions, this is what I believe that Romania can do more for Moldova, in addition to what the European Union already does, and this is what we do every day in fact,' Ponta added. 5

Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

8. PM Ponta and Rama on Putin's parallel between Kosovo and Crimea: Fundamental differences exist

Prime Minister Victor Ponta and his Albanian counterpart Edi Rama declared that there is no similarity between the situations in Kosovo and Crimea; they were answering a question on their support for Russian President Vladimir Putin's declaration on a parallel between Crimea and Kosovo.

'No, we do not support it. I think there are fundamental differences, and I think that it is extremely important to have a very clear position of all the European Union countries on what is, indisputably, a crisis at European level, which can draw us back to the past, to a cold war. So things are not similar, and from our point of view, I think we should support Ukraine, [the Republic of] Moldova, and Georgia along their democratic path toward European integration,' Ponta said at a joint press conference with Rama after their official meeting at the Albanian Government.

Ponta added that Romania's point of view is that 'the Western Balkans region will be safe and prosperous only when all the countries in the region will be members of the European Union.'

On the other hand, the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama declared that the position of his Romanian counterpart 'as well as the response of the whole democratic world and of Albania, too, on the concerned country and situation is unequivocal.'

'The parallel is completely unfounded. On the contrary, the Russian intervention is against the course of history,' Rama added.

9. Vice Premier Dragnea announces start of negotiations on Romania - Hong Kong double taxation agreement

Vice Prime Minister Liviu Dragnea declared after his meeting with the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region K.Y. Leung that Romania and Hong Kong will start negotiations for the signing of the double taxation agreement that was already discussed last summer during Prime Minister Victor Ponta's visit to China.

'We agreed to speed up the signing of a double taxation agreement between Hong Kong and Romania. The Government approved on January 29 a memorandum providing for the start of negotiations for the signing of this (...) important agreement, given that Romanian exports account for 80 percent of Romania's commercial relations with Hong Kong, therefore a double taxation agreement benefits primarily the Romanian companies,' said Dragnea at the end of the roughly 45-minute meeting which took place at the residence of the Chinese official.

According to the Romanian Vice Premier, 'the teams of negotiators will meet in April, probably somewhere around the 7th of the month.'

Vice Premier Liviu Dragnea is paying a working visit to China over March 20 - 26, and will have high-level meetings with Chinese officials to review the stage of the implementation of the agreements signed in November last year, during the visit to Bucharest of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

The Romanian delegation is scheduled to meet on Friday, in Shenzhen, with representatives of energy and communications companies: ZTE Corporation, Huawei and China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN).


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

In the second part of the visit, Vice Prime Minister Dragnea will have a bilateral meeting with Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of China Zhang Gaoli.

10. Minister Corlatean and German counterpart: Russia's annexing Crimea flagrantly violates international law

Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Titus Corlatean in Berlin had an official meeting with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The discussion agenda between the two included bilateral interest topics, the cooperation between the two foreign ministries, as well as topical files of the European and international politics.

According to a Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) release remitted to Agerpres, during the discussion the two officials granted a special attention to the situation in Ukraine, showing that the Russian Federation's action of annexing Crimea flagrantly violated the rules and principles of international law and Ukraine's Constitution.

'They also reviewed the evolutions in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood, with a special attention being granted to the situation in Ukraine, but also to the cooperation with the states of the Eastern Partnership and to the EU relations with the Russian Federation. The two ministers reiterated the support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. They rejected the Russian Federation's action of annexing Crimea, showing it flagrantly violated the rules and principles of international law and Ukraine's Constitution. Both ministers showed their concern with the risk of instability expansion in the region. From this stand, they highlighted the need for the European Union member states to take a unitary, coherent, firm and coordinated position with the trans-Atlantic partners, allowing the Russian Federation's engagement in a political process of dialogue,' the release shows.

The Romanian chief diplomat in context underscored the need to sign as soon as possible the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova, to support the latter's efforts of getting closer to the EU.

Moreover, the two ministers highlighted the very good cooperation in the political and economic areas between Romania and Germany, marked by the frequent high-level contacts over the recent years and by Germany's having consolidated its position as Romania's first trade partner.

'Both Minister Corlatean and his German counterpart underscored the importance of the German minority in Romania to the bilateral relation. Together with the Romanian community in Germany, it represents a solid bridge and contributes to the creation of a close relation between the two countries,' MAE points out.

According to the cited source, both speakers stressed the will to make the bilateral economic cooperation more dynamic. Minister Titus Corlatean referred to the strong presence of German investments in the Romanian economy, at the same time pleading for continuing to increase the German investments. The two sides planned to organise in Bucharest this year a new session of the Romanian-German economic cooperation council.

Referring to the European agenda, the discussions focused on topical issues on the European and international agenda, with a stress on the evolutions in the close vicinity of the Union, namely on the situation in Ukraine. Moreover, the two ministers had an opinion exchange concerning the institutional evolutions inside the EU in the context of the elections to the European Parliament of May, 2014, the Romanian-German cooperation within the EU's Strategy for the Danube Region and the EU's expansion policy.

Minister Titus Corlatean voiced appreciation for the fair management of the debate in Germany


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______concerning the so-called abuses to mobility on the labour market, as well as for the main position referring to the freedom of movement, as one of the fundamental rights in the EU. This position was reconfirmed by Minister Steinmeier during the talks carried out today [on Thursday] in Berlin.

The two foreign ministers openly examined the topic of Romania's accession to the Schengen area. 'In this context, the Romanian chief diplomat voiced his confidence that on the grounds of Romania's having fulfilled the criteria for the accession to the Schengen area, a positive decision should be adopted this year, based on a several stage approach agreed in the EU,' MAE shows.

The two ministers also had an opinion exchange on the EU's expansion policy, voicing their support for the European prospects of the states in the Western Balkans, based on their having fulfilled the accession criteria. In this context, Minister Titus Corlatean presented the priorities of the Romanian chairmanship-in-office of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), underlining the interest in strengthening the interaction between the SEECP and the EU, with a highlight on the inclusive manner promoted over the entire Balkan region. At the same time, Corlatean pointed out Romania's interest in synchronising the objectives concerning the regional cooperation with those related to the European and Euro-Atlantic expansion in the region.

11. Corlatean: Romania did not change its position against Kosovo. There are evolutions we have to take into consideration

Romania did not change its position against Kosovo, but there are evolutions between Belgrad and Pristina that Bucharest has to take into consideration, stated the foreign affairs minister Titus Corlatean, by rejecting at the same time the comparison made by Russia between Crimea and the former Serbian province.

‘Romania did not change its position, but in the case of Kosovo it would be absurd, politically speaking not to keep in mind the important evolution between Belgrad and Pristina, fact that these evolutions led to a certain degree of normality, the fact that these evolutions opened the way for the future accession to the EU for both Serbia and Kosovo and the fact that

Serbia accepted in this agreement of negotiation with the EU that before finalising the accession negotiations to sign an agreement with judicial value for the normalisation of the relation with Kosovo (…) are evolutions Romania and other states should take into consideration.’the head of diplomacy in the show ‘After 20 years’ broadcast on Sunday by ProTV

The Albanian prime-minister Edi Rama sent on Tuesday to the premier Victor Ponta, while on visit to Tirana, a message of gratitude on behalf of the Albanians for the position he had towards Kosovo and expressed his hope that Romania will join the ‘ big family’ who acknowledged the independence of the region.

12. Romania gov't thinks Serbia, Kosovo as EU members represents best solution

The final position of Romania with respect to Kosovo will have to be decided by co-working among the president, Parliament and Government, with the Bucharest executive's position being that Serbia and Kosovo as being European Union members represents the best solution, visiting Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta told a joint news conference with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, at the end of their official talks.

'We discussed Kosovo topic. As Prime Minister Rama knows, it is a topic that stirs controversy in Romania. Romania's final position will have to be set by co-working among the president, Parliament and Government. I can speak on behalf of the Government, I have to say the Government, on all occasions, has supported the development of Kosovo institutions and from


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

the viewpoint of the , Serbia and Kosovo as members of the European Union will, in fact, represent the best solution. And, in fact, this is a future for the entire region', the Romanian prime minister stressed. Rama, in turn, on behalf of the Albanian people thanked the Romanian Government and Prime Minister Ponta for the stand on Kosovo.

13. Romania not insurmountably dependent on Russian energy

Romania is not insurmountably dependent on Russia in terms of energy; it could easily get over a possible onset of the third stage of sanctions against Russia, although in this case the supply of complementary energy to Bulgaria and Hungary would become difficult, President Traian Basescu said in Brussels.

'The major issue is what capacities do we have to supply complementary energy to Bulgaria, what can we offer to Hungary, which are facing great difficulties, and this is one of the reasons of this consultation of each [EU] member state by the [European] Commission. Romania easily gets over such sanctions; for instance - I don't mean it as an omen, or to raise debates - shutting down a fertilizers plant would settle our balance, we would consume just what we extract. So we have no problems,' Basescu declared at a press conference after the meeting of the European Council.

'The EU has no interest in destabilizing the Russian Federation. Anyone can see, however, that even if there are costs that now might seem very high, there are situations that cannot be tolerated, as their toleration would result in even higher costs. I will come with an example, which I wouldn't want to make headlines - but if we imagine, you know, that's roughly how the World War II has begun, too; that, and the inactivity and unresponsiveness of great powers, which said that they don't want to start a war. Then the failure to take timely measures cost as much as the whole Second World War,' the Romanian President said.

As regards the impact of enacting a possible third stage of sanctions to the economic relations between Romania and Russia, Basescu asserted, 'If we come to the third stage, think of the number of Russian companies present on Romania's territory, and that would [see their operations] freeze.'

14. Romania is sounding alarm regarding security risks for R. Moldova

Romania is sounding the alarm regarding security risks for the Republic of Moldova and these risks were analyzed in the meeting that President Traian Basescu had in Iasi (416 km north-east of Bucharest) with President of the Republic of Moldova Nicolae Timofti.

'With certainty, the Republic of Moldova's security risks were analyzed in the discussion that I had with President Timofti and I personally transferred our information and analyses that it doesn't make sense we publish or cannot be made public. Anyway, Romania is raising the alarm regarding the security risks the Republic of Moldova faces, based on the facts in Transnistria and the motivations that can appear in the support of separatists in Transnistria, based on the referendum that took place in February in Gagauzia, based on the atmosphere in Balti or the atmosphere and debates in the region of Taraclia. They are points of instability that can be used against the stability of the Republic of Moldova. Without a doubt, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the President of the Republic of Moldova will find ways to calmly manage all these things so the Republic of Moldova may continue its path towards the EU' said President Traian Basescu in a joint press conference held with President Nicolae Timofti.

Basescu also stated that the subject of bilateral relations between the two neighbours was approached with emphasis on ongoing projects like the Iasi-Ungheni pipeline, the Falciu-Cotesti electric line, the 20 million euro project funded by the Romanian government for education in


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______the Republic of Moldova.

He said that he proposed that his Moldovan counterpart ask that the Governments in Bucharest and Chisinau establish a permanent structure that would deal strictly with the implementation of these projects, more specifically having four officials on each side, in a supple structure that would limit bureaucracy and improve communication between the two cabinets.

'I will state what I have said to President Timofti - we have had discussions with the President of the European Commission, with Mr. Barosso - there is a great openness at the level of the European Commission to co-finance these projects. All it takes is that the bureaucracies in Chisinau and Bucharest become more efficient ...,' said President Traian Basescu.

15. Gen. Patrick de Rousiers shares Romania's concerns over security situation in the region

Chairman of the EU Military Committee, General Patrick de Rousiers, declared at a meeting in Bucharest with Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean that he shares Romania's concerns over the security situation in the region, shows a release sent on Friday.

According to the cited source, talks focused on the worrying developments in Ukraine's Crimea region. Also approached were aspects related to increasing the impact and efficiency of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy, speeding up the capability-development process and strengthening the European defence industry.

The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed concerns over the ongoing Crimean crisis, marked by repeated violations of international law, stressing the importance the EU must attach to security in the Eastern neighborhood. (...) In the said context, the Romanian official expressed satisfaction at the outcomes of the latest talks in Brussels on speeding up the signing of the EU- Republic of Moldova Association Agreement, the release also states.

Titus Corlatean highlighted the strategic dimension of the Black Sea region, especially in the current security context, as well as the importance of settling frozen conflicts, expressing the view that increased attention from the EU is required in the next stage, as well as a better coordination of the EU - NATO efforts.

Chairman of the EU Military Committee, Gen. Patrick de Rousiers, thanked Romania for its active involvement on both conceptual and operational ground, under the Common Security and Defence Policy, the cited source adds.

16. Bucharest hosts meeting of NATO allied and partner SOF Commanders

Minister of National Defence Mircea Dusa opened the works of the conference of the NATO allied and partner Special Operations Forces Commanders that takes place in Bucharest; Dusa's message on the occasion was that the special operations forces of the Romanian Army are 'a modern and reliable elite corps that is prepared and trained according to the highest relevant standards.'

According to a release, addressing NATO and ISAF command delegations, the Minister said that specific missions and military training are important elements for the sustained Alliance effort to stay effective.

Minister Dusa thanked the NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) for the continuous support provided to Romania since 2007.


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

'This forum type provides the optimum setting for the exchange of ideas and the identification of solutions to the current geopolitical issues,' said the Minister of National Defence.

17. Mircea Dusa: Romanian military's activity, worldwide appreciated

National Defence Minister Mircea Dusa said that the activity carried out by the Romanian military was appreciated worldwide, a thing also underscored by Romania's President Traian Basescu and by Prime Minister Victor Ponta, on the occasion of the presentation of the National Defence Ministry's (MApN) activity report on 2013.

'We are a few days away from a special event. We celebrate 10 years since Romania joined NATO, an outstanding achievement for Romania in 2004, when it was received in NATO, as full member. During the 10 years, over 40,000 Romanian military were rotated in the theatres of operations, very many Romanian Army officers carried out activities within NATO's structures and EU's military bodies,' Mircea Dusa said.

He showed that at the self-evaluation on Thursday, they assessed the manner in which the Ministry's leadership, the General Staff acted in 2013 to fulfill the objectives of modernising and restoring the Romanian Army's operating capacity.

President Traian Basescu on Thursday said that the Romanian Army's mark ranged between 'good' and 'very good,' being closer to 'very good.'

'If we had allotted more resources, the mark would have certainly been 'very good,' Basescu said on Thursday, after the presentation of the National Defence Ministry's (MApN) activity report on 2013.

18. Romania and 11 other countries mark in joint statement elimination of HEU from within their borders

Romania and eleven other countries have agreed upon a joint statement marking the elimination of highly enriched uranium (HEU) from within their borders.

'Gathered in The Hague on the occasion of the third Nuclear Security Summit, leaders of Chile, , , Georgia, Hungary, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Romania, , Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam, wish to highlight the elimination of highly enriched uranium (HEU) from within our borders,' said the joint statement of the twelve nations.

Noting the extensive security measures and significant financial costs associated with the possession of this material, and the technology that has been developed to fuel research reactors with low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel and to conduct the vast majority of experiments and to produce isotopes without the use of HEU, the removal of HEU from these countries territories has had clear and tangible benefits, as mentioned in the joint statement.

The twelve states also wanted to express their appreciation to the Russian Federation, the United States of America and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for their assistance in converting research reactors from HEU fuel to LEU fuel and in related HEU removal efforts. This material, once removed, shall be appropriately secured until ultimately disposed of or downblended to LEU and utilized for civilian purposes.

Moreover, the twelve countries, along with Kazakhstan and Singapore, applauded other countries that have similarly eliminated HEU and encourage all countries to support HEU minimization efforts to the greatest extent feasible, including those in a position to do so to eliminate all HEU from their territories in advance of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit to be held in 2016.


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19. Romania gets very little EU funding between 2014 and 2020

The sum allocated by the European Union to Romania in this budget period means 'very little money', Prime Minister Victor Ponta said; he voiced his hope that the 2014 - 2020 European budget period is the last when Romania is 'disfavoured at European level.'

'Let's be prepared to use the money, but without making illusions on how much of it Romania has in 2014 through 2020. It has very little, 21 billion euros in seven years, using simple maths give 3 billion [per year]. Think of Romania's needs in all areas. I hope this is the last time when Romania is disfavoured at European level,' the prime minister said at a debate on European funds.

He mentioned, however, that his assertion is not a reproach, which would be useless now; it is 'a warning' that not all Romania's problems can be solved with the European funds allocated over the 2014 - 2020 period. On the other hand, Ponta provided examples of states that got larger allocations per capita. He named the Czech Republic, with 20 billion euros for 10 million inhabitants, Hungary with 20 billion euros for a population as little as half Romania's, Portugal - 19.6 billion for a population also two times smaller, and Croatia, that entered the EU later than Romania, yet has the double sum per capita.

The Executive head said that Romania got approximately 5.7 billion euros out of the total allocation for the infrastructure, a sum that does not cover all the problems in this area.

'I will have the unpleasant task of telling people the truth about what can be done with European funds, and how much Romania has to finance,' the prime minister asserted.

He further showed that 3 billion euros were allocated for the environment sector, while the Environment Ministry had asked for 14 billion 'as absolute priorities and needs.'

To create jobs and develop the National Agency for Employment, 1.2 billion euros have been allocated according to Ponta; the social assistance to disadvantaged groups and the Roma people integration programmes got one billion euro.

Ponta also declared that in the education area one billion euros have been earmarked for teachers' training, and 350 million for the infrastructure. Approximately 800 million euros have been directed to the local administrative capability and to the technical assistance, and an equal sum will go to the SMEs and the technology parks.

According to the prime minister, other target chapters of European funds between 2014 and 2020 include urban development, plus the historical and cultural areas, and tourism (approximately 3 billion euros); county roads (1 billion euros); research (700 million euros); IT (500 million euros); rural land register (300 million euros).


1. Consolidated budget revenues up more than 10 percent in January

Early 2014 economic statistics prove that Romanians are on the right way from the economic point of view, as budget revenues advanced by more than 10 percent in January, Prime Minister Victor Ponta wrote on his Facebook page.

'The actual evolution is mainly supported by the 18 percent increase of the VAT collected and by the increase in the excise collection by approximately 13 percent,' Ponta wrote.

He pointed out that on a January 2013 basis, foreign investments were up 8 percent in January 12

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2014, while Romania's balance-of-payments current account posted a surplus of 388 million euros in January, up 45 percent compared to the same month of 2013.

On the same basis, the industrial production also grew at the beginning of this year by more than 10 percent, even if according to Ponta 2013 was a record year for industry.

'The consumption went up 6 percent in January, showing that the citizens also perceived the previous years' economic growth. Exports, yet another important engine of Romanian economy - also advanced 6 percent, while imports only gained 4.6 percent,' Ponta showed.

The Prime Minister also mentions that the annual inflation rate dropped to 1.06 in January and reached a historical minimum of 1.05 percent in February.

'Romania is getting stronger and we, the governing coalition, must continue along this path that began in 2012. Romanians gave us their trust, and the results of our work must translate into the improvement of every Romanian's life,' Ponta concluded.

2. Tanasescu, EIB: Investments, productivity and unemployment crises hinder financing of non-euro economies

The crisis of investments, the crisis of competitiveness and productivity, and the crisis of unemployment are the main challenges to the financing of the European economies outside the euro area, European Investment Bank (EIB) Vice President Mihai Tanasescu said at an Aspen Institute's conference hosted by the National Bank of Romania.

Europe goes through a deep investments crisis, with an average decline of 15 percent between 2008 and 2013. Some states experienced a dramatic fall of investments; this is the case of Hungary, or Croatia, where the slump was 40 percent. Romania had a 20 percent decrease, slightly above the European average.

According to the EIB official, the three aforementioned items are holding back the credits for new investments; the credits in Europe, except the Nordic countries, took the steepest plunge in 70 years.

Tanasescu mentioned that EIB studies show a credit demand of European companies over the next six months, but it is disappointing to see that this demand is mainly for operating capitals and for debt restructuring , not new investments or new businesses.

3. Oxford Analytica: Improving fundamentals may attract investors

Romania's year-on-year inflation rate held steady at 1.3% in February, Eurostat announced yesterday. This is higher than the EU average, but represents a marked improvement for Romania, which is also experiencing a buoyant and increasingly domestically driven recovery, in the fourth quarter of 2013 achieving the fastest year-on-year growth rate in the EU, shows an analysis made by the consulting and global analyses company Oxford Analytica.

Against a backdrop of escalating East-West tensions over Ukraine and mounting fears about the fallout from China's attempts to tame its credit boom, Romania, which has a 'junk' credit rating from Standard & Poor's and whose economy is still under an IMF programme, epitomises the resilience of Central- (CEE) to the sell-off in emerging markets (EMs).

In February Romania registered an annual inflation rate of 1.3%, exceeding the EU average (0.8%) according to data published on Monday by Eurostat.


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At the same time Estonia and Romania rank first in EU for the average overall price increase in the last 12 months (February 2013-January 2014) with an advance of 2.8% and 2.6% respectively.

The lowest annual inflation rates were registered in Bulgaria (-2.1%), Cyprus (-1.3%) and Greece (- 0.9%) in February, while the highest were in Malta and Finland (both with 1.6%).

4. European Commissioner Dacian Ciolos supports Cluj Innovation Days and all value-added ideas

European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos stated that both him and the European Commission will support such value-added ideas, among other things refering to the Cluj Innovation Days event that he recently attended in Cluj-Napoca (central Romania).

He also presented to everyone in the room the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020).

'I presented these things to you just to prove that we are now entering a new stage with more financial support within a new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Unfortunately, the presence of member states in the 2007-2013 interval was less significant. But I hope that in the next budget interval Romania will get more actively involved and I also want to tell you that I think you chose the best moment to create this platform and you will have all my and the European Commission's support to materialize such value-added ideas. I thank you and learn that you can count on my support,' said Dacian Ciolos.

The European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development participated in the Cluj Innovation Days 2014 international event dedicated to innovation, hosted by the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj-Napoca.

The event was organised by the Cluj IT Cluster, which is an important cluster at national level operating in information technology.

Attending the event there were also the Speaker of the Deputies Chamber, Valeriu Zgonea, the Minister-delegate for Upper Education, Scientific Research and Technological Development, Mihnea Costoiu, and the Minister-delegate for Social Dialogue, Aurelia Cristea.

5. New Romania-Bulgaria project: Government approves development of Turnu Magurele-Nicopole hydropower plant

The government approved in a meeting the setting up of a Romania-Bulgaria joint project company for the development of a hydropower plant on the Danube at Turnu Magurele- Nicopole, according to a memorandum obtained by Mediafax. According to a preliminary evaluation, the station will produce 400 MW, which the Romanian Government says will increase the country’s energetic security and decrease dependency from imports.

Moreover, reads the memorandum quoted by Mediafax, the station could also become a new terrestrial and railway connection between Romania and Bulgaria. At the same time, another benefit of such a project would be regulating the Danube flow by building dams and conducting drain works, which will result in an increased protection of the local population against floods.Apart from energy benefits, the Government in Bucharest also hopes to economically revive the town of Turnu Magurele by creating new jobs and modernizing the infrastructure.


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According to the quoted document, the Romanian-Bulgarian project company will also have to deal with finding financial resources for the feasibility study, which will evaluate all aspects concerning the energy production capacity, road and fluvial transport, the environment protection, the impact on agriculture and the benefits for regional development.

The company will see to it that the hydro-power station is included in the list of European Projects of Common Interest within the Danube Strategy and will take steps in this respect at EU institutions. It will also have to draft a strategy to attract investors to finance the project.

6. Vasilescu: It is not true that we pay EU more than we receive; we have positive balance

Romania has a positive balance in the relation with the European Union as, from 2007 till 2013, Romania received 21.3 billion euros and paid 10.6 billion euros, thus the result being a positive balance amounting to 10.9 billion euros, said Adrian Vasilescu, adviser to the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR).

'What matter is that we became members of the European Union in 2007 and since 2007 we have been receiving money from the European Union. I have heard many debates on what we receive and what we give. I was saying there were very many legends, very many stories. One of the stories I continuously hear is that we pay the European Union more than we receive. We receive little, much less that we could have received. It is true, but it is not true that we pay more than we receive,' Vasilescu told a conference on EU funds.

The adviser to the BNR Governor said that 2013 was the best year from this point of view. Practicality Romania received total funds amounting to 4.5 billion euros, of which 2.9 billion were current transfers and 2.6 billion, capital transfers.

On the other hand, Vasilescu said that, besides the money it received, Romania had many other advantages such as the trade with the European Union.

7. China's Industrial and Commercial Bank planning to finance Chinese investments in Romania

The world's largest bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, is planning to fund Chinese investments in Romania and contemplates opening a subsidiary in Bucharest, Vice Premier Liviu Dragnea announced after meeting representatives of the said credit institution.

'I had a meeting with representatives of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the world's largest bank. It has assets worth three trillion US dollars. They were particular about coming to the meeting to let me know, after yesterday's discussion with [the Chinese] Vice Premier, that the bank is interested in and determined to finance the largest part of investments in Romania,' said Dragnea.

He added that he asked the bank representative to have a subsidiary opened in Romania and that, in principle, he agreed.

Vice Premier Liviu Dragnea has been in China since March 20 on a working visit that will end on Wednesday.

8. IMF Executive Board Completes First and Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional Access for Romania

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Wednesday completed the first and second reviews of Romania’s performance under its economic program supported by a 24-


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Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA), the statement sent by the institution informs. The authorities are treating the arrangement as precautionary and do not intend to draw under it. Completion of the reviews makes an additional amount equivalent to SDR 389.4 million (about €436.3 million) available for disbursement, bringing the total resources currently available to Romania under the SBA to an amount equivalent to SDR 584.1 million (about 654.4 million). The SBA with access of SDR 1,751.34 million (about €1.96 billion, 170 percent of quota) was approved on September 27, 2013 .

In completing the reviews, the Executive Board approved a waiver of non observance of the performance criterion on the general government overall fiscal balance, which was missed by a small margin, and modifications to program conditionality. The Executive Board also approved the Romanian authorities’ request to add a review based on end-June 2014 performance. The additional review would coincide with the planned Article IV consultation and the mid-year budget rectification.

The Executive Board also discussed an ex post evaluation (EPE) of the SBA with Romania approved in March 2011. Romania treated the arrangement as precautionary and completed all the reviews. The EPE finds that the program objectives were largely met, although progress on the structural reform agenda was uneven and vulnerabilities remain.

Following the Executive Board’s discussion on Romania, Mr. David Lipton, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, said: “Romania is making good progress under the precautionary SBA. Economic growth reached a post-crisis high in 2013, the current account narrowed significantly, and inflation has fallen to historic lows. However, the economy and the financial sector remain vulnerable to shocks. Steadfast program implementation is essential to preserve macroeconomic stability and policy buffers in this election year.

“The budget deficit target for 2014 provides for further fiscal adjustment, while also supporting greater absorption of European Union funds. Improved capital spending, better revenue collection, and implementation of an expenditure control system are key priorities. Additional action is required to reform the health care sector and shield vulnerable households from deregulated energy prices.

“Efforts are needed to strengthen monetary policy transmission. The banking system remains well capitalized, but the authorities need to accelerate the resolution of non-performing loans and closely monitor risks from parent bank deleveraging. The non-bank financial regulator needs to be reformed in line with best international practices.

“Structural reforms in the energy and transportation sectors have progressed. Electricity prices for commercial users have been liberalized and initial public offerings were held in two major energy companies. Sustained progress in state-owned enterprise reform, including a restructuring of the freight railway company and a reduction of arrears will continue to be critical components of the program.

“The EPE concluded that the program objectives were largely met, although progress on structural reforms was uneven and vulnerabilities remain. The evaluation draws several lessons for Fund engagement with Romania. First, program conditionality, particularly as regards complex structural reforms, is no substitute for country ownership. Second, addressing financial sector risks requires strong coordination between home and host supervisors, appropriate macro- prudential policies, and data transparency.”

9. IMF confirms Romania's macroeconomic performances

The International Monetary Fund experts confirm Romania's macroeconomic progress over the last two years, Prime Minister Victor Ponta's counsellor Cristian Socol told Agerpres.


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'Economic growth at the peak of the post-crisis period, a sustainable review of the budget and current account deficits, a historical minimum of inflation, and increased credibility on the international financial markets - all these are processes that show that [Romania's] economy has a high potential, despite the many uncertainties in the regional context,' Socol explained.

He underlined that the macroeconomic stability will last throughout 2014, and structural reforms in the energy, agriculture, education, health, and pensions will speed up. The stimulation of the private business will continue this year with state aid schemes, the de minimis aid for SMEs, the 5 percent cut to the social insurance contributions, the tax exemptions for the large industrial producers, etc.

Romania will also carry on the qualitative fiscal consolidation, through the rationalization of public expenditure, the improved corporate governance of the state-owned companies, the completion of the public investments prioritization, the reform of the tax collection for the state budget, and the curbing of tax avoidance.

'In our opinion, the fiscal consolidation must be fair, while the Government continues increasing the pensions, the social aid, and the salaries of resident physicians and junior teachers,' Socol continued.

He added that despite the uncertain international context, Romania's immunity to external impacts is much higher than it used to be a couple of years ago.

'International reserves comfortably covering the country's gross financing needs, a Treasury buffer of more than 4 months of current financing needs, and a stand-by agreement with international creditors are elements showing the soundness of the economy in front of possible shocks of external origin,' the PM's counsellor explained.

10. Budget on February: deficit of 3.1 billion lei, namely 0.46% of the GDP

According to the operational data, the general consolidated budget for February 2014 closed with a deficit of 3.1 billion lei, namely 0.46% of the GDP, against 2.4 billion lei, namely 0.39 % of the GDP, recorded at the same date of 2013, a note sent on Wednesday by the ministry of finances said. The income of the general consolidated budget (30.5 billion lei) representing 4.6% of GDP were by 4.1% higher than in nominal terms against the same period of the previous year. The expenditure of the general consolidated budget (33.6 billion lei) increased` in nominal terms by 5.8 % against the same period of the previous year, keeping the same level, 5.1% as a share of GDP.

There was increase against the same period of the previous year for profit tax collection (+129.5 mil.lei),VAT (+296.7 mil.lei) excises (+171.4 mil.lei).Collection from the contributions to social insurance increased by 4.8% due to the increase of the number of employees and the gross average salary gain.

At the level of local administrations there were increases against the previous year for non-fiscal income by 9.9% taxes and property tax by 11.3 % taxes for the use of goods by 8%.

There were increases with personnel expenses ( +3.9%) mainly due to the payment of the rights due to acquire uniforms and compulsory equipment for the Ministry of Interior personnel. The expenses for the general consolidated budget worth 33.6 billion lei, increased in nominal terms by 5.8% against the same period of the previous year, keeping at the same level, namely 5.1% as a share in GDP.

Expenses with goods and services increased by 15.6% against the same period of the previous year, the increase being recorded at the national fund for social health insurance, the debt of


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______paying the debts to the medicines suppliers, as a result of the implementation of law no.72\/2013 within which directive no.7/2011 regarding the combat of delay in the commercial payments, as well as the payment of medical services made in hospitals. There were recorded, at the same time, increases against 2013 by 52.1% for subsidies, due to the early payments in January of the subsidy offered to the farmers, while the expenses with interest were reduced by 7.8% due to the decrease of the yields at the bids for the bids of the bonds issues benchmark types.

The expenses for investment which include capital expenses such as those dedicated to the programmes of development financed from domestic and foreign sources, were 2084.8 million lei, 0.3 out of the GDP respectively.


1. Study on temporary work in Romania: over 52,000 temporary employees in 2013

Over 52,000 Romanians were hired for temporary jobs last year, most contracts being for more than three months. Unions warned that there were “fragile contracts” and many abuses made by employers. ARAMT – the Romanian Association of Temporary Work Agents presented the results of a study on temporary labor in Romania, showing that over 52,000 persons were employed in those conditions last year.

ARAMT representatives say that over 62% of temporary employments lasted over three months, 29% between one and three months, while 9% were less than a month. According to the source, the fields in which temporary labour is mostly spread are production (34%) and services (35%).

Fields like agriculture hold 5% of the temporary labor market, constructions 2% and other domains 24%, the study shows.

Over 60% of temporary employees are young people under 31. ARAMT handles 70% of temporary labor activities in Romania, registering a business figure of 216 million euro.

2. Greece-Romania Business Partenariat in Tourism

At the initiative of the Office the Deputy State Secretary of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms Magda Karakoli, a 25-membered Greek Business Delegation in the field of Tourism visited the city of Bucharest during TTRI (13-16 March 2014). On this occasion, a “Greece- Romania Business Partenariat in Tourism” was jointly organized by the Office for Economic & Commercial Affairs of the Embassy of Greece and the National Chamber of Romania in the fairgrounds of ROMEXPO Exhibition.

According to the OFFICE FOR ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS of the EMBASSY OF GREECE in Bucharest, the objective of the Delegation, headed by Ms Karakoli, was to facilitate business contacts between tourist enterprises of the two countries and explore the potential for further developing business cooperation in this field. The organization of this Delegation falls under a broader strategy of building and broadening entrepreneurial relationships between Greek companies and businesses from Romania.

The Greek delegation comprised the representatives of 22 hotels and tourist agencies from Thessaloniki, Kastoria, Paralia Katerinis, Khalkidiki, Xanthi, the island of Thassos and the island of Samothraki as well as 4 Chamber representatives (Chamber of Small and Medium size


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Industries of Thessaloniki, Chamber of Kozani, Chamber of Xanthi and the Chamber of Kavala). Representatives of approximately 25 Romanian travel agencies and tourism bloggers, or companies of auxiliary services met with the Greek companies. Representatives of the bilateral Hellenic-Romanian Chamber were also present. 3. Annual average job vacancies 30,600 in 2013

The average number of job openings throughout 2013 was 30,600, up 5,800 from 2012, according to a release of the National Institute of Statistics received by AGERPRES.

Similar to the previous year, a little more than 30 percent of the job vacancies were in manufacturing (9,600 openings). The budgetary sector totalled 32 percent of the unoccupied positions, with the public administration leading (4,800 job vacancies), followed by health and social assistance (3,500) and education (1,500).

The lowest demand of labour was in the real estate, in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, and in mining and quarrying (10 job vacancies each).

The public administration with 1,900 positions, followed by manufacturing with 1,700 had the largest increases of the number of job vacancies.

The steepest slump in labour demand, both in terms of rate and of average annual number of job openings was seen in the constructions and in the health and social assistance sectors (200 each), followed by financial and insurance services (100).

The highest figures of job vacancies were for professionals in various fields - 8,900, equivalent to nearly 30 percent countrywide; next came unskilled worker positions - 4,800, and plant and machine operators and assemblers - 4,700.

On the other extreme, the lowest labour demand was for skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers - 100 job vacancies, followed by members of the Legislative and of the Executive, public administration managers and senior officers - 1,800 openings, and administration clerks - 1,800.


1. Collaboration protocol of the Foundation Princess Margareta of Romania with the association Les petits freres des pauvres

The French residence in Bucharest hosted on Wednesday 19 March a special event dedicated to the signing of a collaboration protocol of the Foundation Princess Margareta of Romania and the association Les petits freres des pauvres, one of the main actors at world level in the fight against isolation of senior citizens, in the presence of her HH Princess Margareta of Romania and HE Philippe Gustin the ambassador of to Romania.

The foundation Princess Margarita of Romania aims at organising a national network of volunteers Les petits freres des pauvres involved in supporting the senior citizens who are alone in the community they are part of, a press release sent by the French Embassy to Bucharest says.

In Romania, the number of people aged over 65 affected by loneliness is 645,000. The most affected are women. A percentage of 30%of those with ages over 75 admit the fact that they face loneliness, by comparison to only 18% of the men. The data are part of a research made by the Foudation on the basis of the study ‚The situation of the old people in Romania’ and the information of the latest census.


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Through the programme Niciodata Singur, the foundation wants to improve the life conditions of the people over 65 who are at risk of social isolation, loneliness and poverty through the stimulation of solidarity between generations and the mobilisation of the community.

The association ‘ Les petits frères des pauvres’ was set up in 1946 in France and support in a relationship of brotherhood the people over 50 who fight loneliness, poverty, social isolation or serious illnesses.

The FPMR was set up in 1990 by Her the Princess Margarita of Romania together with her father, His Majesty King Mihai I. At present, the foundation develops and supports programmes which improve the life conditions of the children, old people, young people and their families in poor communities, stimulate the solidarity between generations and supports talented young people.

2. Dragomirna Monastery frescoes restoration project among winners of 2014 EU prize for cultural heritage

A project for the restoration of the seventeenth-century frescoes of the Dragomirna Monastery - Suceava County (Romania northeast) is among the 27 projects honored with the 2014 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards announced by the European Commission and by this civic movement.

The Romanian award-winning project consists of the restoration of the seventeenth century frescoes of the Dragomirna Monastery, located in Suceava County, which was declared winner in the 'Conservation' category, alongside 12 other projects, mainly from Italy and .

According to the presentation on the Europa Nostra website, 'the Dragomirna Monastery is a substantial, almost fortified, structure some 15 km from Suceava city, in northern Romania.' The restoration works focused on 'the early 17th century frescoes in the nave and chancel of the church, which portray scenes from the life of Christ, saints, angels and a massive range of Christian iconography, all in wonderful colour, and in a style of remarkable vigour and energy. Yet as the quality and visibility of the murals had become very seriously compromised over the 400 years of their existence, the restoration project - part of a major restoration and conservation programme at the Monastery - had an uphill task. The conservation team comprised 50 professionals and students from various countries, under the leadership of a Romanian expert. A consequence of the work has been a considerable increase in the number of tourists and school groups visiting the site - understandably, because the meaning of these great frescoes is now more clear and visible than at any time since their first creation,' the presentation reads.

'The Jury were deeply impressed with the high level of professionalism in the sophisticated restoration and conservation of this enormous artwork, covering some 900 sqm of wall surface. The work was carried out in situ in a remarkably short period of time. The restorers have followed and respected techniques using natural and traditional, but also reversible, materials, while the patina and original 17th century 'mood' of these unique frescoes have been preserved,' reads the Jury's motivation.

3. More than 30 companies participate in the Timisoara Tourism Fair 'The Holiday'

More than 30 companies are expected to participate in the Tourism Fair 'The Holiday' organised by the National Association of Romanian Tour Operatos (ANAT), with the help of the National Authority for Tourism, over March 21-23, in Timisoara (western Romania).

The tour operators will bring offers with at least 30 per cent discount for the summer season. Artistic shows, tasting of traditional dishes, presentations of the summer destinations and of other packages for spending spare time and doing sports.


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The event brings even more good news to the people from Banat (western Romanian region), who will benefit from better transport conditions for their summer destinations this year. Starting in June and until mid-September, no less than seven charter flights will be operated every week from the airport in Timisoara - three of which will head to Antalya and the rest to Creta, Zakynthos, Skiathos and Costa Brava.

4. Brancoveanu@MNAR, a special program at the Art Collections Museum honoring 'Brancoveanu Year'

Brancoveanu@ MNAR, a special program honoring the 'Brancoveanu Year', opened at the Bucharest Museum of Art Collections, displaying a vast collection of heritage objects, from ancient inscriptions to remnants of Brancovan-style churches demolished during the communist period.

The National Art Museum of Romania - to which the Museum of Art Collections is a satellite - will run the program throughout the year 2014 at the Old Romanian Art Gallery, where the most representative, diverse and rich collection of heritage objects from monumental ensembles founded by ruler of the Principality of Wallachia Constantin Brancoveanu (1654 - 1714) are on display.

Two of the Old Romanian Art Gallery curators - Emanuela Cernea and Lucretia Patrascanu - presented the Brancovan-style monuments evoked in this exhibition space from the perspective of the 'martyrdom' suffered by each of them. The retelling of the dramatic history of the heritage objects on display will be, to a certain extent, equivalent to a remembrance of the Brancoveanu family drama, which began on March 24, 1714 by the announcement, at the Romanian ruler's court, of the deposition order of the Ottoman sultan.

According to Emanuela Cernea, in the year 2014, which is dedicated to the Brancoveanu martyr family, the Museum of Art Collections will bring in the spotlight aspects related to the influence this family has had on Romanian art and history, from a contemporary perspective. Bucharest plays a key role in this exhibition because, from the architectural standpoint, the Romanian capital city features details of the Brancovan architectural style all over the place.

The first exhibition that opened on Monday includes, besides religious stone inscriptions embedded in the buildings' architecture, pieces of Brancovan constructions that were torn down during the communist period, such as the Church of the Vacaresti Monastery and the Enei Church. The latter was actually the first to be demolished in 1977, of a host of churches that followed in the destruction spree of the communist period.

Heritage expert Anca Lazarescu related how she witnessed the demolition of Enei Church. 'This is where disaster started from. It was actually the 1977 earthquake that got everything rolling down. It was a pretext for the demolitions carried out in that time in order to build blocks of flats, or the compound where Parliament works ... This was a great drama,' said Lazarescu.

She pointed out that, although the church had emerged unscathed from the great March 4, 1977 earthquake, there was an explicit desire to have it demolished. The building was destroyed under the cloak of night, with a huge wrecking ball. However, mentioned Anca Lazarescu, some soldiers who had been assigned to the demolition works, helped carry pieces of the heritage building that are currently on display at the Museum of Art Collections.

The church opposed such resistance, said Anca Lazarescu, that they had to pull it down with cables.


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro

Embassy of Romania in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______

According to her, the setting on display of the two portals of the demolished Enei Church and of the Church of the Vacaresti Monastery, respectively, is intended as an 'time-spanning arc.'

Beginning with May, the ten exhibition halls will offer information providing a broader vision, placing the Brancovan art in the broader context of medieval culture in the Romanian Principalities.

5. Over 3 ml euros for Putna Monastery restoration

Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration Liviu Dragnea and the abbot of the Putna Monastery (northeastern Romania) signed an agreement under which the worship place is to receive 3.25 million euros for restoration.

The bulk of the money, about 3.15 million euros, comes from EU funds, while the Romanian state provides the rest.

'The money will be allocated for the restoration and reinforcement of the Princely house, the workshops, the Abbot's house, the Cellar and the monks' cells within the precincts of the Putna Monastery, but also for the electric and heating system of the monastic complex,' said Dragnea.

The Minister mentioned that beyond the economic value of this agreement this is about preserving a national symbol of Romanians.

'The Putna Monastery is related to Prince Stephen the Great (who ruled between 1457-1504), who is buried there and is connected to the history he has written for the Romanian people. (...) It is a central symbol for Romanian culture and the contract signed today is valuable not just in economic or tourism terms. This is about preserving a national and cultural symbol of the Romanian people and, not in the last place, a symbol of this nation's Orthodox faith,' said Dragnea.

The Putna Monastery was founded by legendary ruler of Moldavia Stephen the Great, and was consecrated in 1470.


Arundel House, 4 Palace Green London W8 4QD UK Phone: 0044 (0)20 7937 9666 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7937 8069 e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.london.mae.ro