East Suffolk Railway

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East Suffolk Railway 3219 East Suffolk Railway. James Hillen, and situated in the parish of Farn- ham, on the north-east side of the road leading (Deviation and Extension of the Hales worth, Beccles, from Farnham Church to Lang-ham Bridge, and and Haddiscoe Railway, from Westhall, near terminating at or near a field called Gravel Pit Halesworth, to Woodbridge, with Branch Rail- Walk, belonging to the said John George Sheppard, ways or Tramways to Leiston, Snape Bridge, and in the occupation of Newson Garrett, and and Framlingham; Change of Name of Com- situated in the hamlet of Duriningworth, in the pany ; Traffic arrangements with Eastern Union parish of Tunstall, in the said county of Suffolk, Railway Company ; Amendment of Acts.) near Snape Bridge. Which said intended railway OTICE is hereby given, that application is or tramway will pass from, in, through, or into, or intended to be made to Parliament, in the be situate within the several parishes, townships, next session, for an Act to authorise the construc- and extra-papochial or other places following, or tion and maintenance of the railways and tramways some of them, (that is to say) Earnham, Snape, hereinafter mentioned, with all proper stations, Blaxhall, Dunningworth, and Tunstall, all in the works, approaches, and conveniences connected county of Suffolk. therewith respectively ; (that is to say) : 5. Also a railway commencing by a junction with 1. A railway, partly in deviation and partly in the said first-mentioned intended railway at or near extension of the Halesworth, Beccles, and Haddiscoe a field called White Walk, belonging to Louisa Railway, now in course of construction, commencing Shuldham and Frederick William Schreiber, and in by a junction with the line of the said railway on the occupation of Henry Tillet, and situated in the land, now in the occupation of the Halesworlh, parish of Campsey Ash, on the south-east side of a Beccles, and Haddiscoe Railway Company, at a road or lane leading from Wickham Market by place called Westhall Low Common, in the parish Blackstock Wood to Blaxhall, and terminating at of Westhall, in the county of Suffolk, passing near or near a field called Mill Field, belonging to and the present authorised terminus of such railway at in the occupation of Edmund Goodwyn Gobdwy.n, Halesworth, and terminating at or near a certain and situated in the parish of Framlingham, in the Ropewalk, situate in the parish of Woodbridge, in said county of Suffolk, on the west side of the road the said county of Suffolk, belonging to the repre- leading from Framlingham to Wickham Market, sentatives of Thomas William Salmon, deceased, which said intended railway will pass from, in, and in the occupation of Henry Cork, at or near through, or be situate within the several parishes, the proposed line of the authorised branch of the townships, and extra-parochial or other places fol- Eastern Union Railway from Ipswich to Wood- lowing, or some of them, (that is to say) Campsey bridge ; which said intended railway will pass from, Ash, Blaxhall, Little Glemham, Marlesford, Ha- in, through, or be situate within the several cheston, Easton, Parham, and Framlingham, all in parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other the county of Suffolk. places following, or some of them ; (that is to say), And it is proposed by the said intended Act to Westhall, Spexhall, Wisset, Holton otherwise take power to relinquish or abandon the portion of Holton Saint Peter, Halesworth, Wenhaston, the the said Halesworth, Beccles, and Haddiscoe Rail- Hamlet of Mells, in the parish of Wenhaston, way as at present authorised to be made between Bramfield, Darsham, Yoxford, Middleton, Fordley, Westhall Low Common aforesaid and the terminus Kelsale, Carlton, Saxmundham, Sternfield, Benhall, thereof at Halesworth, and to stop up, alter, or Snape, Friston, Farnham, Little Glemham, Maries- divert, temporarily or permanently, all turnpike and ford, Tunstall, Blaxhall, Campsey Ash, Wickham other roads and highways, railways, tramways, Market, Rendlesham, Petistree,.,Loudham, Eyke, aqueducts, canals, streams, and rivers, within or Ufford, Bromeswell, Melton, and Woodbrhlge, all near the aforesaid parishes, townships and places, in the county of Suffolk. or any of them which it may be necessary so to 2. A railway, commencing by a junction with the stop up, alter or divert by reason of the construction said intended railway at or near a field called the of the said intended works or any of them. Stackyard Field, situated in the parish of Sax- And it is also proposed by the said intended Act mundham aforesaid, belonging to William Long, to authorise the Halesworth, Beccles, and Haddiscoe and in the occupation of Samuel Flick, and to the Railway Company to carry the said Act into execu- north-east of the farm-yards and premises in the tion, and to change the corporate name of the said occupation of the said Samuel Flick, and near such Company into the East Suffolk Railway Company, yards and premises, and terminating at or near a and the name of their undertaking into, the East field belonging to Charles Andrew Lord Hunting- Suffolk Railway, and to ta"ke powers for increasing field, and in the occupation of Lewis Orlibar Cot- the number of directors, and for the purchase of tingham, in the parish of Leiston, in the said county lands and, buildings, by compulsion or agreement, of Suffolk, on the west side of the turnpike road for the purposes of their undertaking, and for levy- leading to Theberton, and near the White Horse ing tolls, rates,:and duties, and to vary or extinguish Inn, in Leiston aforesaid. tolls, rates, and duties, and to vary or extinguish all 3. A railway or tramway in extension of the last- existing rights or'privileges in any manner connected mentioned intended railway, commencing by a with the lands or building's so proposed to be pur- junction therewith at or near the terminus thereof chased or taken, or which would in any manner at Leiston aforesaid, and terminating in or near the impede or interfere with the construction, main- yards of the manufactory of Richard Garrett, in tenance, or use of the said intended railways or the said parish of Leiston. tramways or any of them, and to confer other rights Which said railway from Saxmundham to Leiston, and privileges. and railway or tramway in extension thereof, will And notice is hereby further given, that on or pass from, in, through, or into, or be situate within before the 30th day of November instant, maps, the several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial plans and sections, describing the direction, line, and or other places following, or some of them, (that is levels of the said intended railways and tramways, to say) Saxmundham, Kelsale, Carlton, Knoddishall, and the lands which may be taken for the purposes Theberton, and Leiston, all in the county of of the same, together with a book of reference to Suffolk. such plans, containing the names of "the owners or 4. A railway or tramway commencing by a reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and of junction with the first-mentioned intended railway the occupiers of such lands. And also a copy .of at or near a field called the Eight Acres, belonging this notice, as published in the London Gazette, to John George Sheppard, and in the occupation of will be deposited for public inspection with^the B 2.
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