Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution
REPORT UPON THE CONDmON AxND PROGRESS OF THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE MO, 1002. BY RICHARD KATHBUN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY OP THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, IN CHARGE OF THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. NAT MU.S 1902 1 — T? E P ( ) Jl T THE CONDITION AND PROGKESS OF THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 'M\, VM. Tli('ii.\i,;i> U,\iiii!rN, AsslMdiit SeciU'ldri/ of llic Siiiillisdiiinii Iiisliliilii>n. in churi/f of Ihr l'. S. X<tlio)Kll Miisiiiiil. GENERAL CONSI DKPv A'JK )NS. The United States National Museum had its oriyin in tlu^ act of Cong-ress of 184(3 founding- the kSmithsonian Institution, which made the formation of a museum one of the principal functions of the latter, and jirovided that Whenever suitable avrangementH can l)e made from time to time for their recep- tion, all objects of art and of foreis^n and curious reseai-ch, and all objects of natural history, plants, and geological and mineralogical specimens belunging to the Tnited States, which may be in the city of Washington, in whosesoever custody they may be, shall be deli\ered tu such persons as may be authorized I>y the Board of Regents to receive them, and shall be so arranged and classified in the building erected for the Institution as best to facilitate the examination and study of them; and when- ever new specimens in natural historv, geology, or mineralogy are obtained for the museum of the Institution, l)y exchanges of duplicate specimens, Avhich the Regents may in their discretion make, or by donation, whicli they may receive, or otherwise, the Regents shall catise such new sj^ecimens to be appropriately classed and arranged.
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