The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing Pl'RI.ISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1»Y ESTABLISHMENT. Having every facility in Presses, Type and Materials VOSE & PORTER. to which we arc constantly making additions, we arc prepared tv execute with promptness and good style 2 I O Main Street. every variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Laws rr E K M S: fo s te r s , Shop B ills, H and BI1IA, P ro ­ If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00. grammes, Circulars, BUI Hoads, If payment i*’dflaved •*> months, 2.25. L etter H eads, Law' and Corpor­ It not paid till tln 'i lose of tin- year, 2.50. Neu^suhscribfiH are expected to make the first ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills paym ent in advance. of leading, Business, Ad­ co-N o paper will he discontinued until AM. Alt- dress and Wedding RKAKCES an- paid, unless a t tin- option o f th e p u b lis h -, Cards, T ags, L abels, /,*.?' Single e npies live cents—for sale at tin- office and NO. 25. &c., at the Bookstores. VOLUM E 31. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 25, 1876. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO Z. POPE VOSK. J. n. PORTEIL will rvceivcjprompt attention. promised to give tip bachelor life and Then,watched by lie policeman, he went Fact Fun anti Sentiment. •CENTENNIAL. depredations, by hugs as they fly near tlie friends; but only to have a very severe re- to the next door, stared at the number, I^arm, harden ground, and tiie growing plants are not laspse, brought by bis weakness in never went, hack two houses and stared at the At a recent s|ielling-m: t :h one man spelt The interest felt in the Exhibition is seen l>y them. Lind plaster is gooii to miinlier tliere, aud then step|icd back to forcibly indicated by tlie great crowds [For the Gazette. being able to say “ No! ” it “ pasnip ” and got beet. tlniEF articles, suggestions, and results ol*experience keep away all insects front plants where encounter the policeman once more face to of people visiting tlie grounds every relating In Farm, Garden nr llnuseiiuld Management they are not otherwise protected. A little Come The Least Drop Will Not “Did you see brother "William hist night?” When yon see a young goat asleep can said Smith's wife, one morning after Smith face. you call il a ease of kid-napping. day, particularly on Sundays. are invited from our readers Interested iu such matters should lie sprinkled iQ»on them early iu tlie H u rt You. bad been detained by pressure at bis cham­ “ Which’s Number 9, plcceman?” lie morning while tlio dew is on. Ashes and An exehangesays that a resilient of Mad­ Tho interior of the Main Building READ AT THE KXOX CO! STY LODGE, I. O. OF G. T., BY bers. said. RURAL TOPICS. every other substance that will stick to the “ William! No. Did lie call on me?” “ Tliat’s it.” replied the policeman. ison, Conn . lately buried iiis seventh wife. presents a seem- of the greatest activ­ plants will keep away the lings. G. tY. WHITE, ESQ. Was she dead? ity. Rival exhibitors are vieing with “ No,” said Mrs. Smith, Quietly; “ lie “ Ring again.” PEAR 11I.IGUT. “ Come, the least drop will not linrt you! ” said be went into Evans’ for a chop, and “ Yes,” said Smith, smiling more than Who was the straightest man in the Bi­ each other in the erection of pretty [Written fur the Gazette by one of the most experienced Wliat my father and mother both said, you were with a couple of friends half-way ever, and as if lie had made a great dis­ ble?—Joseph, for l’haroali wanted to make structures to enclose thoir respective farmers, gardeners and fruit growers in the United It is generally considered that pear blight Wlien from the bowl’s bottom 1 fed, covery. a ruler of him. sections. States.] can lie remedied by cutting away tlie dis­ Saturday Morning Till 1 found myself bound with strong chains, up the room.” “ Now, really,” exclaimed Smith, “ this De walked up, staring very hard at tlie If you have built eastles in the air, your eased wood. What tlio cause is lias never As the sure poison crept through my veins windows, ami then stoppod short. Fifty thousand dollars lias been of­ SEEDLING STItAWIIF.niHES. lieen full^y ilevoloped; lint wherever it ap- is a deal too bad. What did I tell you work need not he lost; that is where they fered for the exclusive right to sell pop “ Come, the least Qj-op will not hurl you! ” “ Who th’doosh is that?” he said. Tlie way to obtain seedling strawberries ]>ears to a degree to canso tlie wood to de­ when I came home last night? ” should lie. Now put foundations under corn on tlie Centennial grounds. Oft ’tls said in good fellowship’s guise, And then lie shook his head and walked is as follows; When the berries are fully cay and die, cut it out down to the healthy April 19 18?G, “ When you came home this morning.” : them. [Thoreau. wood, and allow tlie trees to send up shoots Vet ’tis false as the father of lies, “ Well, morning if you like. I call it all dose up to the door, and this time the hell A Richmond, Va., paper printed fifteen Thcro will he thirty-two of tlie gov­ ripe Lake the variety you desire to ex|iei'i- W hich to one and to all is Quite plain, night while it’s dark. Didn’t I tell you I i rang violently incnt on (and tlie ]ioorest may proditce as from below tlie diseased ]xirts. In the first or twenty copies copies of a recent' issue I ernments of tho world represented at stages oftlie disease it lias often lieen cured If indeed they’re not clearly insane. was busy at my chambers?” The kitchen window was opened on the iQion white silk, depositing copies in various the Centennial, besides our own. good seedlings as tin: best, as " like docs W E SHALL OPEN Oi l! liv tho use of tlie following: Tlie half a “ Come, the least drop will not bur, you!” “ Yes, dear,” said Mrs. Smith. instant. libraries as centennial memorials. not produce like" in this case) and mash “ tVlio’s there?” Tho nuinher of French exhibitors the fruit in just enough dry tine sand to husiiel of lime add four jxiundsof sul[fluir; o n gay fellows are ready to cry, “ Then how could it he me at Evans’? ”• Edmund Burke wrote: No man lives too slake to the consistency of whitewash, and Some poor fools still will swallow the lie. It’s a mistake altogether, as I've told you “ Me—master,” said Smith. “ Why wilt be about 2,000, und their goods separate tin: seed, so that they can lie sown long who lives to do with spirit and suffer wlien it is applied, add to eaeli gallon of But beware’ ’tis the devil’s own ball; before. It must have been that fellow don’t slf come and open tlie door?” will bo brought over in four ship­ sand and all. Prepare a small bed made with resignation what Providence pleases tlie wash half an ounce of carliolie acid. And turn buck, boys, before it’s too lute! Stubbles, I think his name is. Good deal “ If yon don’t go away this minute. I ’ll ments. rich witli well lotted manure, and thor­ call for the jwliee,” cried the voice angri­ to command or inflict, Apply this to tlie diseased parts. Wlien: “ Come, the bus, drop will not hurt you! ’’ like me, ami I’ve had lawyers’ clerks ad­ oughly mixed witli tlie soil; and if not in dressing mi* for him half a score of times. ly. " .Master’s been home these four hours, Tile peculiarity of faith is that it makes Tlie steamer carrying Watcrer’s a shady place it must lie protected from the bark is diseased, remove tlie outer por­ Prithee. why do you falter with fear? and lie’s up in the drawing-room with a man strong in purpose. To doubt your ■ great collection of rhododendrons for tion before making the application. It is n oth in g b ut eid er o r b e e r ! ” *Uesemhlanee is wonderful.” tlie rays of the sun in some way. Sow “ T don’t think I should he deceived,” missus." own nhility or the value of your enterprise 1 tho horticultural dcpartincut of tho your seed in a broadcast way, and cover HOVEN IN CATTLE. Ab, I know well wliat lurks in that cup, is a sure prophesy of failure. Exliiblton, has arrived from England. It is ruin, if I driukit up! said Smith’s wife, quietly. “ Say?” said Smith—“ whosll yer mas­ with finely pulverized soil alanit an eighth Wlien an animal becomes bloated or “ You, my dear—pooh! No, of course ter? ” Five miles of the first railway ill China j of an incli deep, packing down tlie eartli *• lioven ” hy eating too much grass or elov­ “ Come, the least drop will not hurt you! ” “ Why, Mr. Smith, of course, you nasty At every building on tho grounds witli the hack of a S]iaile. For a Quart of not. Not likely,” said Mr. Smith, as he Iiave been completed. It is between Wa- are twenty baskets of peanuts or gin­ er.
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