District of Lantzville Agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council of the District of Lantzville to be held on Monday, November 16, 2020, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 2nd Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC Pursuant to the June 17, 2020 Ministerial Order No. M192 [Local Government Meetings and Bylaw Process (COVID-19) Order No. 3) members of Council may participate in this meeting, utilizing electronic or other communication facilities, and public access to Council Chambers is not pel'mitted, as despite the best efforts of Council, the attendance of members of the public cannot be accommodated at this open meeting in accordance with the applicable requirements or l'ecommendations under the Public Health Act. This meeting may be viewed on the District's live-stream webcast at www.lantzville.ca. Members of the public who wish to provide input regarding agenda items prior to the meeting can submit written comments by email to
[email protected]. mail 01' drop offat Municipal Hall that must be received before 12 :oo noon on the meeting day, providing thei1· name, address, agenda item number/ name, and comments, which will be shared with Council and form pal't of the public record. The District does not accept anonymous submissions (this includes emails with an email address only) so please include your name and address. You may also provide you!' public input remotely through Zoom during the Public Input on agenda items section ofthe meeting by registering in advance with the link p1'ovided on the District's website for this Council meeting event.