

PRESENT: Cllr S Hancock (Mayor) Cllr Jo Bevan Cllr P Davies Cllr M Harry Cllr P Hay Cllr G Lawlor Cllr W McGarvie Cllr Mrs T Payne Cllr B Phelan Cllr P Smith Cllr P Wonnacott

Also in attendance: Cty Cllr Paul Miller *

*Present for part of the meeting only.

APOLOGIES: None received

The Town Clerk was present (Mrs J Clark)


Cllr S Hancock declared in interest in agenda item 11 and it was agreed that this item be taken last.


Mr P Busby of Manilla’s was present, and he wished to ask councillors what the problem was with his planning application that council had objected to. The clerk explained the situation with regard to the entrance/exit, particularly for vehicles exiting his premises as members considered it to be unsafe due to the lack of visibility to the right side and the splays being too narrow. Mr Busby advised that he had carried out all works as dictated by the County Council and offered Members the opportunity to visit his premises to have a look at the entrance. This offer was accepted.


The following financial information was circulated:

a) The Bank Account Reconciliations Summary showing a balance of £44,847.96 in the Current Acct and £278,567.81 in the Saver Acct (which includes the loan from the PWLB for the Hub), The Mayor’s Account of £2.51 and Twinning Account of £253.00.


b) The Financial Statement – Cashbook showing income of £364,615.02 (which includes the loan of £278,500) (net) and expenditure of £61,127.64 (net). c) The Financial Budget Comparison showing the Budget set, the actual income and expenditure figures and the balance remaining under each heading. It was agreed to transfer some of the transactions under the Town Development Grant budget to Maintenance of Green Spaces in order to leave sufficient funds for the March Town Development Committee meeting.

RESOLVED: That the financial information above be accepted.

That a number of transactions under Town Development be transferred to the Maintenance of Green areas budget.


Accounts totalling £8,292.21 (net) were approved for payment.

*Cty Cllr Paul Miller arrived at 7.30pm.

The following item was taken next so that Cty Cllr Miller could leave the meeting early.

2003 REPORT OF COUNTY CLLR PAUL MILLER Cty Cllr Miller reported on the following matters: a) The development of the old school site in Charles will be going ahead. They have submitted a revised application showing a slightly different layout with bungalows at the front of the development. b) PCC are monitoring speeds in Charles Street and if there is a problem they will take action. c) PCC have identified funding for traffic calming in Waterston and there is a consultation on these works. d) The Neyland CIC have appointed a contractor and work will be starting over the next few weeks. The first phase is the demolition of the old bar, squash courts and the old Red Room. A new library will be now be included in the development. e) The Cleddau Avenue improvement works for parking has been costed at £320,000. f) The anti-social behaviour relating to drugs is still going on in Charles Street and the vulnerable adult issue will hopefully be resolved soon. Residents are advised to keep reporting incidents. g) The Windsor Gardens re-development will be happening, but residents will have to be re-located somewhere else during the development. 17/18 RESOLVED: That Cty Cllr Miller be thanked for his report. *Cty Cllr Miller left the meeting at 8.15pm. 2004 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR 2017/18 The risk assessment document had been circulated with the agendas indicating each risk identified, what level of risk it presented, the management of the risk and the recommended actions.

The risk assessment was checked item by item and it was agreed that all elements of risk had been identified and managed appropriately.

RESOLVED: That the risk assessment for 2017-18 be accepted and agreed.

2005 REVIEW OF INTERNAL AUDIT 2018 The Clerk advised Members of the requirements of an internal audit review from The Practitioners’ Guide which included all matters that required checking and reviewing to ensure that the systems of financial and control are effective. These matters included the scope of the internal audit, the independence and capability of the internal auditor, the clarity of the relationship between the council, the clerk and the internal auditor and the effectiveness of the audit plan and reporting procedures. After considering all these aspects of internal control, it was agreed that all procedures and risk assessments were in place and that the internal auditor is competent and has no involvement or relationship with the council other than as internal auditor.

RESOLVED: That the internal audit review be accepted.


The following documents had been circulated to all councillors:

a) CV for Mr B Scourfield b) Letter of Engagement from Mr B Scourfield. c) The scope of the internal audit to be carried out.

It was agreed that Mr Bernie Scourfield is adequately qualified and was duly appointed as the internal auditor for the 2017-18 accounts. RESOLVED: That Mr B Scourfield be appointed as Internal Auditor. 2007 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2018 were proposed and seconded. They were agreed as a true record. 2008 MATTERS ARISING The following points were raised: 18/18 a) Twinning Visit: This will be held on 29th May 2018 for four days. It was agreed that this be discussed at the April meeting when all costs are available. b) The speed sign on Honeyborough Road is still not working and the clerk was asked to write to Darren Thomas at PCC to enquire whether it is possible to repair these signs ie at Honeyborough and at Church Lakes. This matter to be discussed at the April meeting. 2009 DRAFT CONSTITUTION OF THE JOINT BURIAL BOARD The draft Constitution and other supporting documents had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting and following some debate it was agreed that the following comments be made regarding amending the Constitution which were to be put to council. a) That the minutes of all meetings of the Burial Board are sent to the Town Clerk and the Clerk to Llanstadwell Community Council. b) Members wish to change the ratio of the representation on the Joint Burial Board Committee from this Council to two thirds with one third representation from Llanstadwell Community Council due to the significant difference in the Precept paid by this Council. c) Members are not in agreement with the Arbitration arrangement referred to in 9d) of the document. However, if the change in the ratio of representation referred to above is agreed, they will agree to point 9d). If the change in representation is not agreed, then Members believe the funding should be fixed on a 50-50 basis.

RESOLVED: That the above points be referred to Llanstadwell Community Council for their comments. 2010 DONATIONS MADE UNDER S137 OF THE LOCAL GOVT ACT 1972 The following organisations had written in requesting financial assistance and a donation of £25.00 was awarded to each. a) The Children’s Air Ambulance Appeal. b) All Pembs Cruse Bereavement Care. c) Shalom House, d) Mind e) Paul Sartori RESOLVED: That the above organisations be awarded a donation of £25.00 each. 2011 RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP TO ONE VOICE WALES

A request had been received to renew our membership of OVW at a cost of £511.00. It was agreed that membership be renewed and that the password for the website be circulated to all councillors.


RESOLVED: That this Council’s membership of One Voice Wales be renewed at a cost of £511.00.

2012 FUNDING FOR DOG CONTROL SERVICES Correspondence had been received from Mr Mark Elliott, Public Protection Officer with PCC outlining the issues being experienced in communities with irresponsible dog ownership and the need to provide a sustainable income stream to combat this. Because of the council’s planned cost reductions, the Council no longer responds to complaints of dog fouling as it is not a statutory requirement and funds are being directed towards their statutory duties. Dog Watch schemes have been introduced through Town and Community Councils where responsible dog owners wear hi viz vests which prevents issues occurring. In an attempt to ease the situation a form of voluntary dog licensing scheme in Pembrokeshire is being considered and Council is asked to support this suggestion.

After a short debate it was agreed that, although being fully aware the problems with irresponsible dog ownership, the County Council be asked why this dog licensing scheme cannot be made mandatory.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk writes to the County Council to ask why the dog licensing scheme cannot be made mandatory. 2013 POLICE MATTERS Nothing to report. Insp Tim Davies to be invited to next meeting. 2014 YOUTH MATTERS Nothing to report. 2015 MAYOR’S REPORT The Mayor had attended the following meetings as Mayor: a) 15th Feb: Meeting of Neyland Carnival Committee. b) 17th Feb: Took part in litter pick at Railway Terrace. c) 22nd Feb: Chaired a Q & A session with Stephen Crabb MP The Clerk was asked to write to Neil McCarthy to ask him to pass on our thanks for the Neyland street cleaner Phil Rees for his excellent work in keeping Neyland clean and to circulate the posters regarding the Litter Pick on 17th March to all councillors. The clerk was also asked to prepare a Certificate of Appreciation for Nathan Mathias for his efforts in keeping Neyland clean. 2016 REPORT BY CTY CLLR SIMON HANCOCK Cty Cllr Hancock submitted the following report: HDUHB University Partnership Board PCC Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group- Care 20/18

PCC Seminar on the Overview and Scrutiny process HDUHB Board Seminar West Wales Care & Repair Board HD Community Health Council Pembrokeshire Locality Committee Sir Thomas Picton School Governor’s PCC 50 Plus Forum West Wales Care and Repair Board PCC O& S Task and Finish Group – Director of social Services interview PDR interview with Chair of HDUHB HDUHB Business Planning and Performance Assurance Committee Meeting with Deputy Head of Operations HDUHB Ward Issues • Parking issues in Riga Avenue. Request for bollards and re-seeding needed to prevent damage to the grass verge. • Serious damage was caused to the boundary wall of a property in High Street, just down from the Premier Stores. A delivery lorry delivering to the store collided with the wall. Residents have asked for a bollard to prevent a similar collision in the future. • There have been issues regarding gritting in John Street. I asked the town clerk to investigate the purchase of a couple of salt bins. • I have asked the planning department of the county council for updates on: Old Barclays Bank Wesley Chapel (the grounds have started to be cleared) Lawrenny Castle Hotel (considerable work is underway) • Ongoing investigation is taking place by the property department of the county council regarding the hole on Brunel Quay. • I am dealing with :

5 housing accommodation cases 2 housing repair cases RESOLVED: Cty Cllr Hancock be thanked for his report. 2017/18 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT The clerk submitted the following report: 1. I have circulated copies of a form relating to the payment of an allowance of £150.00 which you are entitled as a councillor to claim. Please complete and return the form to me tonight if possible. 2. I have received an email and newsletter from Lesley Jones of Keep Wales Tidy regarding working in partnership with Town & Community Councils. I have emailed the newsletter to councillors on email and have copied it for Cllrs Wonnacott and Phelan. 3. I have received a questionnaire on the future of Ageing Well in Pembs which I have circulated for you to complete if you wish. 4. I have also circulated an email on Transforming Mental Health Services – ‘The Journey to Recovery for your information.

21/18 5. I have circulated the February newsletter on the Review of Community & Town Council sector in Wales. The Mayor and I are attending an engagement event in Carmarthen on 13th March from 9.30am to 12.30pm which will assist in responding to the four questions. 6. I have a copy of Paul Davies AM’s February newsletter if anyone would like a copy please let me know. 7. I have received an email from Adrian Lord-Phillips on behalf of the Port of requesting a joint meeting between the members of this Council and Llanstadwell Community Council regarding developments at Pembroke Port. Could we please set a date for a Special Meeting that we could invite LLanstadwell to? 8. The planning application for the 33 dwellings in Charles Street has been withdrawn due to the Ecological Report being out of date. Once a new one is prepared, a new application will be submitted. 9. I have received document entitled ‘Guidance for Principal Councils on the Review of Communities.’ Please let me know if you wish to see it. 10. I have received a Notice of Variation 2018 – Parking Places Charges regarding new parking charges which will come into force on 19th March 2018. Although this does not affect Neyland, it does in most other car parks in the county. If you wish to see the list with the carparks and rates, please let me know. 11. I have been notified by the Police & Crime Commissioner that the former Neyland Police Station has been sold to a private purchaser who intends to develop it for residential purposes pending planning approval. 12. Just a reminder to those on the Town Development Committee that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 7th March at 6.30pm. 2018/18 ANY OTHER INFORMATION The following matters were raised: a) The removal of the parking restrictions on Kensington Road were raised and Cllrs S Hancock and J Bevan declared an interest as their relatives lived there. The School crossing officer has been experiencing difficulties with visibility due to the cars that were now parking in Kensington Road. It was suggested that a build out on the corner of John Street and Kensington Road may help with visibility and the clerk was asked to send a letter to the County Council. *Cllr Simon Hancock left the meeting at this point due to his prejudicial interest in the discussion on the proposed closure of St Clement’s Surgery. 2019/18 PROPOSED CLOSURE OF ST CLEMENT’S SURGERY The clerk advised Members that the Hywel Dda University Health Board did not wish to attend a second public meeting to discuss the above matter but had organised a drop-in session in Neyland for Tuesday 13th March at the Athletic Club between 1.0-0pm and 7.00pm. The clerk was asked to write to the HDUHB to request a second public meeting at the request of the patients of St Clement’s Surgery and emphasising the real concerns of the residents and to copy the letter to the Health Minister at the Welsh Govt. 22/18 RESOLVED: That a letter be written to the HDUHB requesting a second public meeting emphasising the concerns of the patients, with copy letter to Health Minister at Welsh Govt.

2020/18 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd April 2017 at 7.00pm.

