Part One:


The first time I ever practiced on my own was when I was in sixth grade. I remember coming home from basketball camp at a local high school where one of the coaches had given a speech on how to make it to the NBA. And that was my dream. From the time I was in first grade up until I realized I wasn’t NBA material, that was the only thing I thought about. Getting to the NBA.

I worked every day from sixth grade through college. I was committed to my success.

In high school, I was a benchwarmer. I was the second to last guy off the bench. I didn’t even play on senior night.

But deep down I thought I had 100% belief in myself that I was good enough to play division one college basketball. If you don’t know anything about the divisions of basketball, this is the highest level. And I was CONVINCED that I was good enough.

Since division one coaches weren’t recruiting benchwarmers, I had to recruit myself. I sent letters, videos and e-mails to every division one coach in the country. Since there was no footage of me actually playing in a game, I had to figure it out.

I asked my Dad to come with me to a pick-up game I was going to be playing with some friends in a local gym so he could film me. He came, I played pretty well, we made copies of the tape, packaged them up and sent them out.

PAGE | 3 There are over 300 division one colleges in America. I heard back from three of them.

One was the head coach at Wagner College in Staten Island. He called to tell me that he watched my film but didn’t have a spot on the team for me. I understood and was so thankful that he even called me. To this day I remember that call and have followed that coach’s career ever since.

The other two schools were the University of Hawaii and Quinnipiac University in Connecticut.

Hawaii offered me a chance to tryout, which was a heck of risk to go there in hopes I might make it.

Quinnipiac offered me a spot and I shook the coach’s hand on the spot.

I had done it.

My first year at Quinnipiac, I played more minutes than my entire high school career combined. I played 28 minutes in one game which may have equaled my high school stats right there.

I had absolute faith that I was good enough and I made it happen.

I still remember running down the court in one of my first games and thinking “Holy Shit, I’m running down the court in a D1 basketball game right now.”

My whole life, all I wanted to do was be successful. Whatever I set my mind to, I wanted to do it at the highest level.

When I became a Strength and Conditioning Coach, my goals were no different. I wanted to make it to the top.

When I started a business, my goals were no different, I wanted to serve at the highest level and make a crap load of money.

It’s really easy to look at my life, or the life of any successful person and see “the climb.” How over the course of many years the evolved to become this incredible person.

But that’s all a lie.

I heard Tony Robbins once say that “success is not created over the course of ten years. Success is created in a moment. In a moment where you make a definite decision to change the course of your life forever.”

I never knew what that meant until just recently.

Have you ever been to a seminar, or watched a motivational video and afterwards you were a man or woman on fire? You were ready to absolutely smash through the brick wall and put in more work than ever before?

PAGE | 4 We all have but what nobody ever told you was, THAT was your moment.

You see, “the climb” is a fallacy.

You don’t start from the bottom and work your way to the top. On the outside, that’s what it looks like, but success is not built on the outside. It’s built within.

In that moment of fiery motivation, you had attained success. You had become the person worthy of your goals. You had developed more confidence than ever. More will power than you ever thought possible. You had become the person you have dreamt up for years.

But what nobody ever taught you was how to stay in that moment…forever.

The struggles of success is not a climb up the mountain.

It’s the fight to stay in that moment.

You wrongly assumed that you still hadn’t reached the summit…but you had.

I’m sure as you read this, a few sparks are beginning to light in the depths of your gut. That fire is beginning to smoke and soon you will feel that familiar feeling of confidence, motivation and passion.

As I flood your mind with light, illuminating this natural law of the universe, you will realize it’s the truth.

You will realize that the mindset of the future-you is the mindset that is awakening more and more with each passing sentence right now.

If you want to attain success in the normal world, you need only relentlessly fight to maintain this mindset and the world will be yours.


I say all of this now because I want you to approach this book with the right mindset.

As you read through my entries and my plan of action, you’re going to think that I tricked you. You will realize that I am selling courses that I can sell at scale and you will think that this isn’t what you do.

If that is you, you should read that opener again.

I am a personal trainer.

I have a degree in print journalism.

Any success that I have ever created and will ever create has come from faith that I can do it, commitment to the process and creativity.

PAGE | 5 I have always been objective about my strengths.

What I am best at is public speaking, communication and creating success.

My occupation is a personal trainer.

So, I got creative and found a way to leverage my job and my passions with the things that I am most talented at.

That is where my company came from.

If you are a personal trainer, who acts as a personal trainer, you will simply have to do the same and use your imagination on how you can use these principles to have the same type of success.


The last thing I want to mention before I get into the day-by-day entries is the topic of money.

Money is an uncomfortable topic. ESPECIALLY in the fitness world. Mostly because trainers don’t make a lot of it.

I once heard Gary Vaynerchuk say that a Personal Trainer could probably charge $1,000/ hour and I thought he was crazy. But I tried it anyway. And I got SEVERAL clients at that price point.

The fact of the matter is money matters and you know it matters.

If you had a million bucks in the bank right now, how much easier would it be to reach your goals? How much more impact could you have?

At this stage of my career, I don’t really care about training people anymore. I’ve worked in the NBA. I’ve trained celebrities, there’s nowhere else for me to go.

I’m after impact.

A quick search on twitter proves to me how broken the industry is and you’re all pointing it out.

The amount of fitness tweets that start with “Coaches need to………” or “Trainers have to stop doing……” is disgusting.

Everyone has an opinion but who is doing something about it?

Me. The answer is me.

I know that in order to have the most amount of impact on this industry, I can’t do it alone.

PAGE | 6 I need you. I need to recruit you onto my team and have you help me spread that word.

I believe the biggest problem in fitness isn’t that most people just want big biceps, a six- pack and Instagram worthy glutes. No! The biggest problem with the fitness industry is that the people that can make a difference have never been taught how to make money and have been suppressed by those that do.

The general public is at the mercy of marketing dollars. The corporate executives have been force feeding them nonsense about how to look good naked and turn heads at your next party.

My goal is to take those corporate big wigs, grab them by the ankles, flip them upside down and shake the money right out of their pockets so you can pick it up. Because you deserve it.

You’ve been putting in the work for years. Getting smarter and smarter. All the while your salary has barely budged.

What kind of backwards bullshit is that?

If I can somehow set up a system where personal trainers can actually start making more money, selfishly I will have a HUGE impact. More globally, the fitness industry will change forever.

Isn’t that something you want to be a part of.

The historic shift of the fitness industry.

Together we can make that change…but only together…never alone.

And it all starts in a moment.

This moment.

A moment where you can make a decision to be successful.

Don’t look back.

You’re here.

The fire is burning bright.

All you have to do is stay here.

Stand guard of your mind like your life depended on it.

Because it does.

PAGE | 7 PAGE | 8 Part Two:


Today is October 7th, 2020. I just finished meditating and the thought to record this journey literally flashed into my mind and I knew it had to be done.

For starters, the reason I’m am going to do this is because I think that is where I’m at in the lifespan of my business. My company, 4A Health, is a continuing education company that serves personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches. At the moment, we have two products. A virtual club where our clients can come and take all sorts of courses to help them improve their skillset and we also have a 2-day seminar that will literally turn anyone into a master of exercise science.

I’d like to mention here that nothing I sell is bull shit. I will not sell you something with the intent of getting rich. My intent is to take you on a structured journey that will absolutely create massive success for you in your health and fitness career. Becoming rich will be a by-product of that. My bank account is my scoreboard.

I’ve made quite a bit of money in this business to date but now it’s time to start competing. But who am I competing against? The answer is simple…time. Speed matters in business. Speed matters in this industry. People want results and they want the fast. Becoming a great business is about constant improvement and improving as fast as you possibly can.

My two products cost $497 each. I have a separate website set up for each product. The plan will be to funnel as many people to those sites as possible in the next 54 days and somehow get them to watch a webinar that tells them about the product and why they

PAGE | 9 absolutely must have it.

I think it’s important to re-iterate that nothing I sell is bullshit. It works. I’ve spent many years, dollars and time creating what I believe to be the best education a trainer can ever take. I am not trying to trick anyone, I am trying to show them what they are missing.

Today, I will be filming the first webinar for the genMAX Seminar (my 2-day course) and plugging it onto the website.

Once this is complete, it’s time to start throwing the bait in the water. I have just under 5,000 Instagram followers, around 2,000 Facebook friends, 2,000 Twitter followers and a list of 4,000 coaches/trainers on my e-mail list. Organically, those are solid numbers to reach out to and start getting movement.

I believe this game will be won in three words. Hook…Story…Offer.

This is a concept I recently learned from Russell Brunson. We first get someone’s attention with a hook. Then we tell them a story to get them interested and then we put together an irresistible offer.

If I check those boxes. I will make it happen. If I don’t, I will fail.

So, I must be active on social media but do it strategically. I can’t just throw a bunch of crap out there and hope for results.

A few things before I close this first entry out…

I know that this entire game is mental. I will have to take risks. I will have to do things that make me uncomfortable. I will have to stop doing things that are fun but not productive.

I wrote down three things in my daily planner for today…

1. COMPETE: I saw a phenomenal video this morning from the Duke Women’s Basketball coach talking about the difference between working hard and competing. It was phenomenal. I am competing against time for 54 days. Let’s get it.

2. POWER MOVES: Making a lot of money is not a game for the weak. I will have to make moves like a damn boss. No soft shit. Step up to the plate or go home.

3. IT’S ALL MENTAL: Above all else, stand guard of your mind. Be relentless with your mindset. Take ownership of everything that happens between your ears. Making a lot of money is not a big deal. It won’t be written about in Entrepreneur magazine. There are thousands of men and women out there that would feel like their life and business were crumbling if that’s all they made in that time period. It can be done. Get it done.

Time to film this webinar!

PAGE | 10 Part Three:


Today is the last day that I will allow myself to “plan and build.” Far too often in my early days as an entrepreneur, I would waste weeks “building the foundation” and never actually doing anything that drives revenue. With this current goal, that’s unacceptable.

What I will do today is set up a system, a net of sorts, to catch and identify the prospects who are interested in taking my courses.

I will put tracking codes on each of my web pages and as each prospect advances through the sales funnel, they will be identified and filtered in my customer management software (currently I use HubSpot for this).

I will want to know when someone opts-in to the funnel by giving me their e-mail address. This will tell me they are somewhat interested in learning.

I will want to know who watches the video and how long they watched. To be honest, I don’t know that I have the capability to do this, but I will investigate.

Lastly, I want to know who visits the order form. This is real buyer behavior and I want to be on top of these leads.

I will work to set up a bunch of e-mails that will go out to different types of leads at different times. I’m considering a one-time only 10% discount for people who visit the check-out page but don’t actually buy. Things like that will be helpful.

PAGE | 11 I’ve also had a huge success rate when I get people on the phone, so I will likely try to push people who are dancing around the purchase button to schedule a phone call with me so I can help facilitate the process.

Aside from these tasks, I will be setting up a one-time-offer (OTO) upsell after someone purchases the 2-day seminar. I wanted to wait for my membership site to be completed but it actually may be a great opportunity to hook more buyers by offering them a “Site Construction Discount.”

When the construction is complete, the membership site will cost $497 but I can offer it for $297 to people who buy right now and they can keep that price forever. That feels like a no-brainer for the customer’s that really are in this to get better.

That brings my potential check-out cart ceiling for each customer up to $800. That will be really helpful...if it works.

Other notes from today:

Yesterday, I got really excited and worked way past when I usually stop. So today, I’m tired. But that is not an option.

I spent significantly more time this morning getting my mind right. I literally am acting like a professional athlete sitting at his locker before, eyes closed, listening to music. I spent probably twenty minutes listening to pump-up style songs followed by another twenty minutes of meditation.

Remember, this is a MENTAL GAME. The pieces are in place.


I would also like to make this note.

Since you are reading this book right now, that means I am officially an “author.”

I want you to think about the evolution of my reputation that will occur simply by becoming an “author.” There is no doubt that it elevates. There is no doubt that it will make more “legit.”

With that in mind, let me paint you a picture.

Yesterday, I opened my laptop, double-clicked on Microsoft Word and started telling you what I’m doing.

And now, 54 days later, I am an “author.”

The reason I have been successful in my career is because I’ve taken way more action than anyone else. It’s not even hard. It’s quite enjoyable to be honest.

Anyone can be an author but not many people are…interesting.

See ya tomorrow.

PAGE | 12 PAGE | 13 Part Four:


You’ll notice five days have passed since my last entry. Simply put, I’ve had bad days. Not all of them have been bad, I would say two of the have been bad and the other three were solid but incomplete. That is simply unacceptable.

I’m grateful that it happened though for your sake…the reader.

This process is tough. I am taking MASSIVE action for 50+ days and human nature is bound to slip in.

Today was the first day that we are back at 100% speed. I must use this as a lesson going forward. It’s ok if it happens. It’s not ok if it happens again.

So as of right now, we have sold 12 tickets to the virtual seminar.

We are still finishing up the site and sales page for the membership platform so that is not launched yet.

This means as of right now, we have roughly $6,000 in sales. Which is good but not quite the pace I’m looking for.

The $497 two-day seminar is best sold to my current members. They are familiar with me, they have shown that they mesh with my teachings and they are qualified leads (meaning they have already purchased something from me).

PAGE | 14 I don’t think it makes a ton of sense to pitch this product to cold prospects (people that have never heard of me) or people who haven’t taken out their wallet to purchase one of my products. It seems like they are skipping right to Level 2.

With this in mind, I also am now questioning the $497 price of the membership. While I do think that it is worth SIGNIFICANTLY more than $497, this is really the entry level product. From a business standpoint, this should be lower than the two-day course.

If you’re in the online business world, you’ve probably heard of a guy named Russell Brunson. In his books, I learned the concept of the “Value Ladder.”

From first introduction to long-time investor in your content, everyone will fall on the ladder somewhere and it’s hard to get someone to skip a step.

Think about it.

You see someone run a social media ad for the first time. You’ve never seen or heard of this person in your life. If they are selling you a $497 course, there is zero chance you would pay for it. To be honest, if they told you they would actually pay you $100 to take it, most people still wouldn’t sign up because they would think it’s a scam somehow even if it was totally sincere.

If you were interested in their message, you would click on their profile to try and learn a little bit more about them.

Then you would maybe take a free webinar they put on. Something a little longer and more in depth. And by then, if they are still proving to be worth their salt, then you may think about dropping a little coin on them to escalate up the value ladder.

Putting $497 into a product probably means you have a lot of faith in the result it will produce and there is a lot of work that goes into building that relationship.

I learned that the hard way. The first two times I launched in-person seminars, nobody signed up. The third time, I got six. It was awful. It was embarrassing. But here I am now, an absolute savage for having gone through that experience.

Check out the diagram at the beginning of the chapter to see our value ladder.

So, with all of this in mind, I will be increasing the amount of communication I will have with my current club members and qualified leads to see who is legitimately interested in the 2-day course. I have set up some automation within HubSpot to tell me when someone visits my free webinar page, sales page and/or the checkout page. Each one will signify a new level of buyer’s intent and I need to know that.

Each level of intent will get a different set of communications.

PAGE | 15 I’ve also decided to run a live webinar this week. I assume it’s going to go well as most of them do. Without a doubt, one of my greatest strengths is my ability as a public speaker and I do everything I can to leverage that.

The live presentation has a much different feel to it for the viewer. When you know it’s recorded, you don’t feel as invested and I need everyone to be engaged all the way through the end because that’s where the sales pitch is.

My challenge for that is to shorten it considerably. The current runtime is just under two hours (1:51 to be exact) and I want to get that between 60-90 minutes. So I’ll be working to condense the presentation.

Outside of this, I will be exploring Facebook groups to see if I can find some pre- established congregations of my ideal customers.

For these cold leads, the first 30 days or so will likely consist of zero sales and 100% building relationships and rapport. If I can find some good communities, I will spend a good chunk of time adding value to those groups daily.

Once the rapport is strong, I will lead them into the membership funnel and let them begin to explore that as it’s a better first step than the 2-day genMAX Seminar.


It is absolutely critical that I take MASSIVE action during this period. I believe if I do this properly, I can change my life forever. I just need 54 days of incredible effort.

I keep telling myself that I must make “Money Moves.” Far too often, my actions don’t lead to generating revenue. That can’t happen in this challenge.

Let’s freaking get it!

PAGE | 16 Part Five:


In an odd turn of events, things seem to be simplifying on this journey. When I set this goal, I assumed it would require me running around like an absolute lunatic, making countless sales calls and having no free time for anything else.

But reality is setting in…a beautiful reality.

What I’m realizing is that in order for me to acquire money, I need traffic. I need eyeballs. I need a lot of people coming to my site.

Here’s what I know…

1. I have a website that has the ability to hook someone in, pitch them a service and sell them a product. 2. In order for me to earn more money and do it quickly, I need a system that works while I’m not actively working on it. My webinar funnel has been set up to do it. 3. I have no freaking clue whether it’s a good funnel. I will need to run a couple hundred people through to find out if it’s any good. 4. If some of the numbers are too low (things like opt-in rate, webinar viewership and sales), then I’ll have to adjust. 5. I’ll need a steady flow of traffic to hit that goal 6. I can’t trade my time for that much traffic…I need help

PAGE | 17 What this really means is I need to run quality ads.

There is a website, where you can make an account and actually have the freelancers compete to get hired. I don’t know all the details yet, but you can give some freelancers the money to run ads and they will go ahead and do it for you without any cost (I think) for their service. The only cost is for the ads themselves.

What I’ve learned is that I have very little idea how to run quality Facebook/Instagram ads. There is a lot that goes into it. I know I need re-targeting campaigns, but I don’t have any clue how to properly set one up. I need someone who loves running these ads like I love running this business and this seems like a great way to find someone that fits that mold.

What this means is I need to quickly get some competitions running to start driving ads and testing my funnel steps. This starts tomorrow.

I will also deliver a live webinar tomorrow for a small group of qualified buyers that have opted-in to the event. I will hope to make a few sales tomorrow and will likely throw in a 10% action bonus for anyone who signs up on the spot. This usually works quite well.


The other thing that needs to be polished up for me is my webinar. The viewership numbers are garbage. People watch the first few minutes and close the window.


This is my sales pitch, I need people to watch this video.

I suspect because once they enroll in the course, it starts immediately and even more so, they probably landed on the page from social media which means they were probably coming to the site from their phone. Nobody in their right mind will want to watch a two- hour webinar from their phone.

So, I’ve had to figure out a way to solve this problem. People who opt-in MUST watch the webinar. So I’ve gone ahead and set up an additional “automated webinar” funnel which will set up the webinar to be started every twenty minutes as opposed to instantly upon signing up.

This will give the prospect plenty of notice and allow them to get situated in a good environment to watch the show.

Also, two hours is probably too long, so tomorrow I will try to deliver a 60-90-minute webinar and upload that instead.


PAGE | 18 Tomorrow’s goals are

• To make sure the entire funnel is polished and ready to go. • Get some competitions running on Freelancer • Deliver a killer webinar

What’s crazy is that this isn’t even that hard. It’s not time consuming at all. Quite frankly, aside from the webinar and webinar prep, I have like 2-4 hours of work scheduled and probably not nearly that much.

I really had to think about this.

For the past six months, I’ve sold almost everything in my company through webinars but now I’m seeing the numbers drop.

People aren’t watching longer and that means one thing…I’M NOT DELIVERING!

Have I been giving boring presentations?

Are people sick of webinars?

The bottom line is that I need to be better.

So, I sat down and genuinely tried to think of how to best reach my target audience. I first decided to make it shorter. The webinar I’m currently promoting is just under two hours long. I’m probably being a little too ambitious to think that I’m going to hold anyone’s attention for two hours in a power point presentation. I decided that I cannot make it longer than an hour.

I’ve always thought my best asset as a Strength and Conditioning Coach, and now as a businessman, is my ability to be objective about any situation and take action accordingly.

In this instance, my objectivity was screaming at me, “YOUR WEBINARS ARE BORING!”


With these two obvious truths staring me in the face, I asked myself, “well what do people like to watch?”

The first thing that came to my mind was…DOCUMENTARIES!

I watch these all the time on Netflix, HBO, Hulu, ESPN etc.

Some of the best footage in these documentaries is the home videos or the amateur shots.

I just recently watched one called “American Murder” on Netflix and the entire film was footage from police body cameras and surveillance cameras.

PAGE | 19 There’s even a show called “Alone” where people are in the woods with a camera and just filming themselves and its captivating.

“I can film just as good as these guys,” I thought.

So right there, I decided to film my own documentary. I could cover everything I needed to, and I can do it in a way that’s enjoyable to watch!

Three days later, it was done!

There is a really important lesson in this process. A lesson of action.

Most people would have NEVER gone to that length to improve their webinars.

At the end of the day, the reason I am more successful than most people is because of my sheer willingness to do things that others simply will not.

I thought documentaries would be a great way to demonstrate what I do, so I took out my iPhone out and started rolling.


And now, for the rest of my life, I can tell this story of perseverance and tenacity.

I get shit done.

I’m really proud of this.

PAGE | 20 PAGE | 21 The Close


This has been a special day. I’m about to give you an actual entry from my journal. But before I do, I want to tell you about what some of this means.

About a year ago, I ran out of money.

Actually, I was in the hole for about $2,000.

I had just payed $2,000 for a facility fee that I used to host my seminar.

Uncle Sam came calling for $1,800 in taxes.

And I had accidentally spilt a HUGE bottle of water all over my laptop which ran me about $1,000 to get it repaired.

All in one week’s time, I had to shell out about $5,000. That was everything I had. Anyone who knows the journey of entrepreneurship knows that this is a storm that can make many young businesses crumble.

The last payment I made was at the Apple Store on 14th Street in Manhattan. Once I walked out of the big glass building, I walked next door to Starbucks to gather my thoughts, sip some coffee and find out just what kind of financial hole I was in.

I walked in, ordered my usual Venti Cold Brew with Heavy Cream, and walked to the downstairs seating area to check my bank account.

PAGE | 22 That’s when I realized, I was at zero.

My heart sank in my chest.

You know that feeling.

This one was bad.

I had spent about a year and half on this business, sold my soul to make it work and clearly, I sucked at this.

Suddenly, I was looking for a way to return my $7 Iced Coffee.

I sat there for a second. My mind raced. Your mind goes to some dark places in these moments.

I got up, walked out of the store, turned right and just started to walk.

I remember seeing on the corner, a hot dog vendor. Just outside of the Apple Store.

From a distance I watched him.

I watched him speak with a customer and start delivering the order. He scooped a steaming dog out the cart, opened up a little tray, took a big chunk of sauerkraut on the dog, collected his money and began waiting for the next hungry customer.

I remember looking at him thinking, “Jeeeez man, this guy has more money than me. The hot dog vendor on the corner is doing better than me right now.”

Not able to withstand any more of this mental torture, I started walking south through Greenwich Village towards Christopher Street where my subway station was that would take me back home.

On the walk I tried to figure out where I went wrong and how I could salvage my company.

More importantly, how could I salvage my self-esteem, my reputation or my confidence.

I thought back to all of the advice that my mentors had given me. All of that advice, they claimed, was the reason for their incredible success.

A friend’s father, a former financial executive was so generous with his time and knowledge to always check in with me and lend me some advice along the way.

A client of mine, a retired New York City hedge-fund CEO, and probably the most influential person on my entrepreneurial journey had given me countless tips and recommendations during our weekly Tuesday morning sessions at his luxury Park Avenue residence.

PAGE | 23 Tony Robbins, Ray Dalio, Napoleon Hill and so many more greats have given me advice through their books and courses and yet, I had applied only some of what they taught.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?” I yelled at myself as I walked down Greenwich Street in Manhattan.

“Who the fuck are you, that some of the world’s most successful people can tell you how to replicate that success and you decide that you only feel like doing some of it.”

“Look where that got you.”

I thought back to all the times they told me to meditate and focus on my goals.

I thought back to how they recommended journaling and finding a coach.

I thought back to how they advised me to put money aside for some financial investments no matter what.

And I thought back to all of the things that I DIDN’T DO!

So with nothing left to lose, I decided to go all in.

If they said I needed to meditate for thirty minutes a day, it shall be done.

If they said I needed to scream affirmations to myself three times a day, write it in stone… it’s done.

If they said I need to jump up and down and dance like an idiot to keep my psychology in a peak state at all times, lace up my sneakers and pump up the jams.

Now my client on Park Avenue had told me that he had gotten fired from his high paying, fancy finance job over twenty years into his career (It was ironic because I had just recently been fired from my job with the Los Angeles Lakers so this resonated with me a lot).

He told me how he was lost and had no clue how he was going to make ends meet.

He told me about how, one day, he walked down Park Avenue and looked at this one building and said to himself “one day, I’m going to live there.” Turns out, it’s the same building that we have our sessions in every week because he does, in fact, live there.

Then I asked him, “what turned it all around for you?”

He said, I read this book “Think and Grow Rich” and I did everything they said.

After that session, I immediately ordered the book on Amazon, but it wasn’t until after I hit rock bottom that day at Starbucks that I decided to read it again and this time, I was going to listen to everything the author said. Whatever he said, I was just going to do it.

PAGE | 24 There are two core concepts of the book that you need to know to understand this journal entry.


This is simply repetition. You think of a goal, something you want and you literally repeat it over and over and over to yourself. Day and night. Night and day. The idea is that the more you repeat it, the more your mind will focus on that goal and search for a solution.

Tony Robbins does a tremendous activity on this topic and for the sake of this book, why don’t you do it with me.

Wherever you are right now, I want you to look around the room and notice everything that’s red.

Take a second now and do that.

Now close your eyes, or maybe hold the book really close to your face so you cannot see your surroundings.

…and now tell me everything in the room that was blue.

It’s a classic bait and switch but what it shows is that the brain will only pick up on solutions to the problems that you tell it to solve.

Auto-suggestion is simply a matter of telling the brain what you want, so that it will find you the proper solutions.

“Where focus goes, flows.” – Tony Robbins

If done right, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and for 365 days a year, your mind will be 100% focused on your goal.

Infinite Intelligence:

Now I know I’m going to lose some people here but if you are open to something that I can guarantee you has worked for me and produced results beyond what most humans can ever imagine, then just read the next few paragraphs with an open mind.

In this book, Napoleon Hill talks about the Infinite Intelligence as the all-knowing. It has the answers.

Tony Robbins calls this “grace.”

Malcom Gladwell talks about this and your “gut instinct” in his book “Blink.”

Some may call it God.

PAGE | 25 You can call it whatever you want.

Early in the book, Hill states that our rational mind is wrong. The higher centers of the brain are concerned with survival. They want to take the path of least resistance. They don’t want us in vulnerable positions. They want safety and homeostasis at all times.

Success will never be found in those places.

You know that and I know that.

Most people in this world, however, will never stand up to their rational mind. They will never take on the higher centers of the brain despite knowing full well that success does not lie on the other side.

It’s too scary.

There’s too much uncertainty.

I have to look inside myself and I’m scared of what I will find.

I get it.

I’ve been there.

And what’s on the other side of giving in to that fear is what I experience in Starbucks that day.

Success comes from being able to distinguish the difference between your rational mind and your gut the “Infinite Intelligence.”

And once you know the difference and can hear what the infinite is telling you, you must take massive action.

Now listen, I know what you’re thinking…

“Sean, you’re telling me that there’s a little magical voice inside my head that will give me the answers to all of my needs, wants and desires INSTANTANEOUSLY?”

To be honest, I don’t know what the hell I’m telling you. All I can say is that it works.

The first time I read that book, I called bullshit just like you.

There was no way I was going to rely on a magical Jiminy Cricket to take me to the promised land.

But after plummeting to the depths of bankruptcy and the verge of losing my company, I remembered all of the successful people that recommended that book to me.

“How could I not at least try it out?” I thought.

PAGE | 26 So I did.

I decided to pick a number that seemed ridiculous to me. $10,000 was what I chose.

I thought if I could make $10,000, that would get me out of debt and into a comfortable financial situation, but it would also prove to me that the Infinite Intelligence was real.

At the time, it would have taken me around 6 months to make $10,000. So I went all in.

Every second of every day I would be thinking about making $10,000 by a certain date.

I would walk around my apartment picking up imaginary stacks of $10,000 and putting them into my pocket.

I would run up a hill behind my house and imagine jumping into huge coins like in Super Mario Bro. that would give me huge sums of money that once I collected all the coins at the top of hill, it would add up to $10,000.

I did it relentlessly.

I had nothing to lose.

Then one day, I had this thought.

I should host a big virtual event, with a bunch of my trainer friends. Each person should speak for one hour.

Then another thought. Get it approved for continuing education credit and make it free to come to.

Then one final thought. Don’t limit how many people can go.

I knew this had to be the Infinite Intelligence because this did not come from me. It came completely randomly and out of left field. Totally unprompted.

I also knew that getting the continuing education credit approval would run me a couple hundred bucks and getting enough virtual bandwidth through Zoom or GoToWebinar would cost me another couple hundred.

All in all, it was going to be about a thousand-dollar investment.

But the book said, once the plan reveals itself, you must take immediate and massive action.

I instantly called eight of my friends in the industry to be a part of the event and they all agreed.


Then I submitted for CEU approval and paid the fee!

PAGE | 27 Check!

Then I purchased the webinar software!


At this point, I had no idea what would happen.

I just sent the other speakers the links and I made a really simple landing page where people could sign up and I waited to see what happened.

And it exploded.

On the first day we had over 200 sign ups.

By the time the event day had rolled around, we were well over 2,000 sign ups from around the world.

It was so crazy to me that it had seemed so easy.

The day before the event was set to begin, I was sitting at my desk wondering why I couldn’t think of anything else I needed to do to prepare for the event.

And then, like a lightning bolt from the sky, a voice came into my head, “you only asked for $10,000. If you had asked for more, you would have a lot more work to do.”

Just like I had done throughout the whole process, I believed. I trusted it. And I went to sleep.

When the event finally kicked off, I was the first speaker.

My plan was to speak for about forty-five minutes and then make a little sales pitch at the end.

I delivered that speech with fire and passion my friends. I was essentially screaming at my webcam. I had so much fire built up inside of me and I unleashed it on the world.

I spoke about creating success. And how ironic it was that the advice they were getting was from someone on the brink of bankruptcy. But I was so certain that I knew what the right path was. I knew I was on to something. I knew that if I just continued to do this, giving my best effort every day and doing the things that others were unwilling to do, success was inevitable.

I spoke about how it takes 16 days to drive a habit from your conscious mind, into your subconscious mind. So if you do something consistently and with intent for 16 days it can become automatic.

I always get nervous when it’s time to make the sales pitch. I don’t think I’m a natural born salesman but I’m good enough to get by and I’m a charismatic speaker. I delivered what

PAGE | 28 I would describe as a mediocre sales pitch and a solid offer and then I waited.

In webinars, there’s roughly a forty-five second delay between when you’re talking, and the audience is actually hearing you.

And then my phone vibrated. I looked down and someone had purchased my membership courses.

And then another.

And another.

And another.

And by the end of the day, over sixty people had spent $199 to join my club.

In the blink of an eye, I had made $11,940.

I sat back in my chair and just started laughing.

I couldn’t believe it.

Had I just figured out the secret?

Does this shit actually work?!?!

By the end of the week, I had nearly 140 new members and I made nearly $25,000.

There was no doubt.

The Infinite Intelligence was real.

The Infinite Intelligence IS real.


I know that many of you will still remain skeptical and if I were in your shoes, I probably would be too.

This may be something that you just have to see for yourself before you can be totally bought in.

But you now understand these two concepts. You understand why I am so committed to them and you will now understand this journal entry…

• October 16, 2020: Some really interesting stuff here. For quite a while, I have been using auto-suggestion to become hyper focused on making $100,000 by December 1st. Ever since Coaches in Quarantine, part of me believes that the plan that the Infinite Intelligence will deliver to me will be something similar. Like one big event or one big grand gesture that will generate the funds. But since the event, nothing

PAGE | 29 of the sort has come through. A few weeks back I had a dream and in the dream I remember realizing that “the face of my company must become emotion.” At the time, I took it to mean that the top of all my websites should be something that evokes emotion. But as time has rolled on, my perception of this has evolved. Think and Grow Rich clearly states that anything you want will be achieved in the mind. This morning I watched something from Tony Robbins and he said that he has spent his life trying to compress “decades into days” in his seminars and “I’m still up here telling you that business success is 80% psychology and only 20% the tactics.” Yesterday, the word emotion was popping up again for me in my meditations. Then, as if out of nowhere, the puzzle pieces clicked together. What I have been doing is looking for width with my work. Meaning, I am looking to reach as many people as I possibly can but what I’m missing is depth. I already have enough people under my umbrella to accomplish my goal but I’m not cutting deep enough. If I got 4% of my Instagram followers to sign up for my course, I would instantly make $100,000. This is completely excluding everyone on Facebook, Twitter and E-Mail Marketing. And I have thousands on each one of these. Suddenly, emotion has become a major player in what I’m doing. Suddenly, I’m looking deep within to find the emotion that I’ve suppressed under the disguise of professionalism. Lastly, I was in the shower and an absolute lightning bolt of clarity hit me. I had been feeling that I had wasted so much time of my “two-month goal” that I wasn’t going to hit the mark in time. That’s when I realized that the process has been in motion the entire time. Ever since I started repeating the phrase “100,000 by December 1st” to myself over and over again, I was tuning my brain to find the solution. And it did. The answer is creating depth through emotion with the people that already know who I am.

There’s a video on YouTube that I think you should check out. Tony Robbins gives a lengthy speech at DreamForce, which, from what I gather, is a large seminar event put on by the company Salesforce.

The beginning of the video is magical. Tony transforms a room of quiet, boring businessmen and women, into a room of hyped up, dancing lunatics with his words (and a little bit of music). It’s truly a thing of beauty.

As he is preparing the audience to make this change, he says the following (this is not exact, but this is what I remember).

It’s easy to look at a successful person and think that they built their success over the course of twenty or thirty years but success is not created over decades. Success is created in a moment. A moment when you have the opportunity to make a decision. A decision that can change your life.

I didn’t come here today to give you a speech, I came here today to see if anyone here would be willing to make some decisions with me.

After reading my story, my success boils down to a decision.

PAGE | 30 Now I had to go through hell to be ready for that decision. I had to lose all my money. All of my confidence and pride were shot. That’s what it took for me to be ready to make that decision.

You don’t have to go through all of that. I’ve presented the evidence. The proof is in your hands.

Now I didn’t spend the last two hours of my life typing this out to fill up more pages of my first book, rather I wrote these words here today to see if you would be willing to make a decision with me today. A decision that can change your life.

October 17, 2020

Life is beautiful. Emotion has taken yet another turn for me today.

Yesterday I came across a four-hour Tony Robbins training inside of the ClickFunnels platform. Apparently, he had been the keynote speaker at Russell Brunson’s annual event a few years ago.

I was tentative about watching it because it was four hours long and I have $100,000 to make. But something kept pulling me to watch it. Maybe it was my intense admiration for Tony and what he does and how he has changed my life. Or maybe it was the Infinite Intelligence. Nonetheless, I watched.

Now you probably decided to read this book because you wanted to find a way to replicate my success in your life. If that’s the case, you have probably also started thinking that I am out of my mind. I’m listening to invisible voices inside of my head that have supernatural powers to tell me the answers to all my problems. But somewhere deep inside of you, you wanted to believe. You hoped you could take a couple nuggets away from this book.

You probably also had some doubt. Maybe a lot of doubt. Maybe you thought $100,000 seems like a lot but maybe he can show me how to make $5,000 in 54 days. That would be pretty damn good too!

Let me ask you a question. Over the next two months, can you make $100,000?

Let me re-phrase that. Is it at all possible, for you to figure out some way…is there some way, any way in the world that you could make $100,000 in the next 54 days?

The answer is yes. And I hope you all got there yourself.

For Jeff Bezos, $100,000 is less than a rounding error.

If over the next 54 days, Jeff Bezos only makes $100,000, the financial institution as we know is probably crumbling to ground. The point is, there are people on this planet that making that amount of money, in that amount of time is a literal snap of a finger.

PAGE | 31 It is possible.

Most, if not all of you, if I asked you to start thinking about how to make $100,000 in 54 days, you would start giving me generic solutions like get more clients, charge higher rates or get a new job. Maybe even get a second job. All you, and most folks around the world understand about making money is how to trade your time for money. Nobody ever became rich that way.

If I told you that you had 54 days to come up with $100,000 or everyone you love will be brutally murdered, do you think you would start figuring some shit out?!?

If you fall short of your goals, you may say…

“I didn’t have the money.”

“I didn’t have enough time.”

“I didn’t know the right people.”

These are resources.

But if the lives of your dearest loved ones were on the line, resources would no longer stand in your way. Do you agree?

You would do everything imaginable to find more money.

You would do everything imaginable to meet the right people.

You would MAKE THE TIME!

You would become resourceful.

It’s never about resources. It’s always a matter of resourcefulness!

This is how Tony Robbins described it in this training. He had me hooked. He had me enthralled in this lesson because I knew resourcefulness was what I was after, but I didn’t know how to tap into that resourcefulness to unlock the plan.

Then Robbins said, “Do you know where resourcefulness comes from?”

I leaned towards the TV.

The serendipity was palpable. I had felt compelled to watch this and it was proving to be another act of grace. He was going to answer my question!

“Resourcefulness comes from………EMOTION!”

I nearly fell out of my chair.

My jaw hit the ground.


My worlds collided.

The one word that I kept popping into my head over the last few weeks. Every time I tried to find a solution to my problem, I kept seeing emotion. And it never made sense…until now. WOW!

Admittedly, I don’t know how all of this is going to get applied but I know I’m on the right path.

I know that I’m on schedule.

The plan going forward is to make sure my emotions are in check, continue to tap into this Infinite Intelligence and take massive action.

Let’s rock and roll.

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