"I Defend Singing Commercials"
''41147WURLOCAL WEEKLY GUIDE TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" MARIO LANZA: Hits Summer's High Note .11., LOVELY MARY MAYO, aregular on ABC's Saturday night "Danc- ingParty," ably proves that radiostill has a corner on theglamour market. (ABC photo.) ELIZABETH TAYLOR LEARNEDthe lb,intricaciesof Armed Forces Redo broadcasting when she recordeda recentprogram for overseas' transmis- SEEN ON sion. Announcer Jimmy Wallington (left) and AFRS Master Sergeant Rulon John- sonwereherwillingmentors.(AFRS photo.) THE RADIO SCENE MEANS QUALIT1 TV,..11AD10 LIFE All-purpose" (Formerly Radio -Television Life) Member Audit Bureau Or. Of Circulations A A BISKIT August 10, 1951 Vol. 23, No. 24 CARL M. BIGSBli, Publisher Published Weekly at Los Angeles, California. Business and EditorialOffices:6361 Selma Ave., Los Angeles28 (HollywoodStation), The California. Phone Hillside 9275. M IX TV -Radio Life was entered as Second Class Matter September 14,1948, at Los Angeles, under Act of March 3, 1879. Prepaid Subscrip- tion, $4.50 year, $2.50 six months in U.S.A., Foreign $5.09 year. Single copies on sale at all leading Independent Grocers in Southern Cali- QUICKEST fornia. Single Copies by mail 15e.Address all remittances and correspondence to TV -Radio Life. Subscribers please allow two weeks for change of address or to start a subscription. EVELYN A. BIGSBY. Editor Mix Edittirial Department: Jane Pelgram, Assistant Editor; Mildred Ross, Greta Greenfield, Ar- lene Garber; Art Director, Ray Wheeler; Log Editors, Hal Julian, Bruce Cameron. Advertising Manager: Walter 0. Miles. of All Circulation Manager and Sales Promotion: Jack Daly. Route Manager: Armando De Castro.
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