The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Volmue 32. No. I January-February. NOTRE 1954 James E. Arnistrons;, '25, Editor DAME John N. Cacklcv, Jr., '37, Managing Editor RECENT GRADUATES SLiRAEV FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS pam' 15 MtM.^^izJt^i k21- Sacred Heart Church on the Notre Dame campus — a focal point of student religious life and tlic scene of many aliunn! weddings. ; to the ALUMNUS going to press, 123 American corporations had contrib uted financial support to Notre Dame. 1954 FOUNDATION PROGRAM Scholarships, fellowships and research grants were provided by 105 corpora tions, while 18 corporations restricted Stress Faculty Development Fund their gifts for the Distinguished Pro fessors Program. Father Gavanaugh emphasized that The Notre Dame Foundation pro "Notre Dame is a private institution gram in 1954 will be highlighted by which receives financial assistance a meeting on campus of State Gov from neither Church nor State and ernors and Git}' Ghairmen; a personal which must rely in increasing measure solicitation campaign of all alumni on its alumni, friends and corpora through the efforts of governors and chairmen in the early months of this tions for support." year; and a continuing emphasis on the over-all Facultj'Development Fund Industry and Private Education as well as advancing the Distinguished Pointing up industry's stake in prij Professors Program through corpora vate education. Father Cavanaugil tion support. stated that 180 industrial and business^ Since the January ALUMNUS will organizations sent representatives tojj be published prior to a complete year- Notre Dame during 1952-53 to inter-] end report for 1953, final statistics view seniors for emplo>'mcnt with! wU be annovmced in the follo\ving their firms.