CURRICULUM VITAE Ildephonse Musafiri, PhD 1. Identification Sex: Male Date of Birth: June 5th, 1979 Marital Status: Married Nationality: Rwandese Address: University of Rwanda, CBE/Economics Mob: +250 788440102 Email:
[email protected];
[email protected] 2. Key Qualifications Dr. Musafiri is a senior economist with more than 10 years of proven experience. Currently a Lecturer &Researcher at University of Rwanda, Dr. Musafiri also worked as Head of Economics Department at the same University. In this role he teaches economics courses, and carries out research and consultancy focusing on economic policy analysis, environmental economics, cost-benefit analysis, feasibility studies, rural development, poverty, inequality, agricultural growth, food policy, and quantitative economics. He has accomplished several consultancies at USAID, Red Cross, IFPRI, REMA, GIZ, LODA and others. Dr. Musafiri previously held the accomplished position as Junior Researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) in Germany where he wrote and published a doctoral thesis on “The determinants of long-term growth in smallholder agriculture in Rwanda: an intergenerational analysis”. Before that he worked as Head of the Economics Department for the University of Rwanda. Prior to that, Dr. Musafiri was a Lecturer for Kigali Independent University and for the University of Rwanda where he taught economic coursework and carried out research in the areas of micro-level organizations. The course work principally includes Public Economics, Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Mathematics and Statistics for Economist, Econometrics, Research Methodology, Agricultural Economics and Environmental Economics. As a Community Strengthening Officer for the World Vision Rwanda/ Development Activities Project, Dr. Musafiri oversaw community capacity strengthening activities focused on institutional building/strengthening and economic empowerment.