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Online data base of plant protection products Explanations and dictionary Currently the online data base is available in German language only. Therefore explanations and translations are provided on these pages. Standard search The "Standard search" contains all criteria in one form. Trade name Author. no. Active substance Home and garden / all Field of use Alle All Ackerbau Agricultural crops Baumschulen Nurseries Forst Forestry Gemüsebau Vegetable growing Grünland Grassland Hopfenbau Hop growing Nichtkulturland Non cultivated areas Obstbau Fruit growing Crop Pest Search Clear Vorratsschutz Protection of stored products (see table 1) (see table 2) Weinbau Viticulture Zierpflanzenbau Ornamental growing Function Alle All Akarizid Acaricide ... ... Keimhemmungsmittel Sprout inhibitor Leime, Wachse Glue, sealing wax Wachstumsregler Plant growth regulator 2 Stepwise search The "Stepwise search" will prompt the criteria in a defined sequence. The form starts with an entry line for the field of use. It is then a choice either to show the results or to continue with entering more criteria. Next is function, then crop, and finally pest. Field of use Alle All Ackerbau Agricultural crops Baumschulen Nurseries Forst Forestry Gemüsebau Vegetable growing Grünland Grassland Hopfenbau Hop growing Nichtkulturland Non cultivated areas Obstbau Fruit growing Vorratsschutz Protection of stored products Weinbau Viticulture Zierpflanzenbau Ornamental growing Show results Continue Search functions If several criteria are selected then they are logically combined with AND. That means: The result contains products which fulfil all criteria. The addition of more criteria will narrow the result. Hierarchical organisation of crops Plant protection products may be authorised for certain crop species, or a list of several crop species, or for crop groups (sometimes with exceptions). Crop species and groups form a hierarchical structure. When searching in the online database these hierarchical relationships are automatically considered. Thus the search for „wheat“ will find also products authorised for „cereals“ as well as products authorised for „winter wheat“ or „summer wheat“. Note: It is strongly recommended if searching for crops then also to select a field of use (and maybe a function). 3 Hierarchical organisation of pests Pests also form a hierarchical structure. The same helds as mentioned above for crops. Presentation of the results The result of the search is at first a list of products which fulfil the selected criteria. A click on a trade name opens a data sheet containing general information on the product, whereas a click on an authorisation number leads to a list of the uses of that product. If the data sheet of the product is on the screen then the header offers four choices to proceed: Back to search form - Back to list of products - Show all uses - Show uses according to the selection criteria If the list of uses is on the screen then a click on a use identification number will produce the details of that use. 4 Table 1 - Translation of crops English German English German tea (Camelia sinensis) Tee (Camelia sinensis) cereal products (flours) Getreideerzeugnisse (Mehle) alfalfa Luzerne cereals (barley, oat, rye, Getreide (Gerste, Hafer, Anise Anis triticale, wheat) Roggen, Triticale, Weizen) annual ryegrass Bastard-Weidelgras champignon Champignon apple Apfel chard Schnittmangold apricot Aprikose chicory root Wurzelzichorie Artichoke Artischocke Chinese cabbage Chinakohl asparagus Spargel chives Schnittlauch asparagus broccoli Brokkoli cive garlic Knoblauch bags Säcke climbing french bean Stangenbohne balcony plants Balkonpflanzen clover species Klee-Arten barley Gerste clover-grass Kleegras beetroot Rote Bete Coffee Kaffee berries and small fruits Beerenobst Colorado blue spruce Blaufichte berseem clover Alexandrinerklee common caraway Kümmel bird rape Rübsen common coriander Koriander black currant Schwarze Johannisbeere common elder Schwarzer Holunder black salsify Schwarzwurzel common evening Gemeine Nachtkerze black snakeroot Traubensilberkerze primrose (Cimicifuga racemosa) common oat Sommerhafer blackberry Brombeere common poinsettia Weihnachtsstern Blueberry, highbush Heidelbeere common primrose Kissenprimel brassica species (field Brassica-Arten common sunflower Sonnenblume crops) (Ackerbaukulturen) common valerian Baldrian broad bean Dicke Bohne conifers Nadelholz brussels sprouts Rosenkohl cucumber Gurke bush pumpkin Patisson cultivated fungi Zuchtpilze butterbur Gemeine Pestwurz cultivation of ornamentals Zierpflanzenbau cabbage lettuce Kopfsalate cumin, black Schwarzkümmel Cacao Kakao curly kale Grünkohl carnation Gartennelke currantlike softfruits Johannisbeerartiges carnation clover Inkarnatklee Beerenobst carrot Möhre cut flowers Schnittblumen Caucasian fir Nordmann-Tanne cyclamen Alpenveilchen-Arten cauliflower Blumenkohl dandelion Löwenzahn celeriac Knollensellerie deciduous trees Laubholz celery Sellerie developed areas with Wege und Plätze mit cereal products Getreideerzeugnisse trees and bushes Holzgewächsen cereal products (flakes) Getreideerzeugnisse developed areas without Wege und Plätze ohne (Flocken) trees and bushes Holzgewächse 5 English German English German dill Dill greening plants Begrünungspflanzen Douglas fir Douglasie greens and fresh herbs Blattgemüse und frische Kräuter dried fruit Trockenobst Gypsophila, tall Schleierkraut dried pulses Hülsenfrüchte (trocken) hard wheat Hartweizen dried vegetable Trockengemüse hay Heu dwarf french bean Buschbohne head brassica (white Kopfkohl (Rot-, Weiß-, echinacea species Sonnenhut-Arten cabbage, oxheart Spitz- und Wirsingkohl) eggplant Aubergine cabbage, savoy, red cabbage) endives Endivien head brassicas Kopfkohle (Weiß-, Rot-, European hazel Haselnuss Spitz-, Rosen- und Wirsingkohl) European larch Lärche head lettuce Kopfsalat expeller Expeller herds grass Wiesenlieschgras fennel Fenchel hop Hopfen field bean Ackerbohne horse chestnut Rosskastanien-Arten field crops Ackerbaukulturen horse radish Meerrettich field pea Futtererbse hydrangea Hortensie florist's chrysanthemum Dendranthema x grandiflorum hypericum Johanniskraut (Chrysanthemum-indicum- Hybriden) in-house plants Zimmerpflanzen flowering brassicas Blumenkohle italian fennel Gemüsefenchel fodder beet Futterrübe Italian ryegrass Welsches Weidelgras fodder legumes Futterleguminosen junegrass Wiesen-Rispengras foreglove Wolliger Fingerhut kohlrabi Kohlrabi forest plants Forstpflanzen lamb`s lettuce Feldsalat fresh herbs frische Kräuter lawn Rasen fruit crops Obstkulturen leafy and stem Blatt- und Stielgemüse vegetables fruit trees Obstgehölze leafy brassicas Blattkohle fruit vegetables Fruchtgemüse leafy greens Blattgemüse garden pansy Garten-Stiefmütterchen leek Porree garden parsley Schnittpetersilie lemon balm Melisse garden poppy Mohn lettuce Salate garden radish Rettich lettuce and similar Salat-Arten garden thyme Thymian linseed Lein gerbera Gerbera lupine species Lupine-Arten Gold-of-pleasure Leindotter lupine, yellow Gelbe Lupine golden oat grass Goldhafer maize Mais gooseberry Stachelbeere marjoram Majoran grape vine Weinrebe meadow fescue Wiesenschwingel grasses Gräser medicine plants Arzneipflanzen grassland, pasture, Wiesen, Weiden meadow Medick Luzerne-Arten 6 English German English German melon Melone products for storage Vorratsgüter Mint species Minze-Arten pulse crop Hülsengemüse Mustard, species Senf-Arten pumpkin Kürbis Mustard, white Sareptasenf pumpkin-hybrids Kürbis-Hybriden narrow-leaved plantain Spitzwegerich Purslane winter Winterportulak nectarine Nektarine railway tracks Gleisanlagen non-agricultural Landwirtschaftlich nicht rape Raps grassland genutzte Grasflächen raspberry Himbeere non-cultivated area Nichtkulturland raspberrylike softfruit Himbeerartiges non-cultivated land Nichtkulturland ohne Beerenobst without woody plants Holzgewächse red cabbage Rotkohl nursery block of plants Baumschulquartiere red clover Rotklee nuts Schalenobst red currant Rote Johannisbeere oak Eiche red fescue Rot-Schwingel oats Hafer reed fescue Rohrschwingel oil pumpkin Ölkürbis rhubarb Rhabarber oil radish Oelrettich rocket species Rucola-Arten oilseed Ölsaat rooms Räume oily seeds Fetthaltige Samen root and tuber vegetables Wurzel- und onion Speisezwiebel Knollengemüse onions Zwiebelgemüse Rosemary, garden Rosmarin orchard grass Knaulgras roses Rosen ornamental conifers Zierkoniferen rye Roggen ornamental gourds Zierkürbisarten rye-grass species Weidelgras-Arten ornamental herbaceous Stauden ryegrass, annual Einjähriges Weidelgras perennial plants savoy cabbage Wirsing ornamentals Zierpflanzen semolina Grieß parsnip Pastinak set aside areas Stilllegungsflächen pea Erbse shallot Schalotte peach Pfirsich sheeps fescue Schaf-Schwingel pear Birne shoot vegetables Sprossgemüse perennial ryegrass Deutsches Weidelgras small radish Radieschen Phacelia, tansy Phacelia Sorghum Sorghum-Hirse pine Kiefer sour cherry Sauerkirsche plum Pflaume soya bean Sojabohne plum Zwetschge spelt Dinkel pome fruits Kernobst spice herbs Gewürzkräuter pot marigold Gemeine Ringelblume spice plants Gewürze potato Kartoffel spinach Spinat potted plants Topfpflanzen spinach and related Spinat und verwandte princes-feather Rispen-Amarant species Arten 7 English German English German spring barley Sommergerste turnip tops Stielmus spring hard wheat Sommerhartweizen turnip, edible Speiserüben (Stoppelrübe, Mairübe etc.) spring rape Sommerraps turnip-rooted parsley Wurzelpetersilie spring rye Sommerroggen vegetable cabbages Kohlgemüse