This report is made possible by the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The contents are the responsibility of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; views expressed in this report are not nec- essarily those of the Center’s staff, fellows, trustees, advisory groups, or any individ- uals or programs that provide assistance to the Center. W A The Environmental Change and Security Program’s Navigating Peace TER STORIES: WATER STORIES: EXPANDING Report from the Navigating Initiative, supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and led by Peace Initiative of the ECSP Director Geoffrey Dabelko, seeks to generate fresh thinking on the OPPORTUNITIES IN SMALL-SCALE Environmental Change world’s water problems on three areas: and Security Program • Expanding opportunities for small-scale water and sanitation projects; EXP WATER AND SANITATION PROJECTS • Analyzing water’s potential to spur both conflict and cooperation; and ANDING OPPOR • Building dialogue and cooperation between the United States and China using lessons from water conflict resolution. For more information, see TUNITIES Environmental Change and Security Program Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars IN SMALL-SCALE One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004-3027 Tel: 202.691.4000 W A Fax: 202.691.4001 TER AND SANIT
[email protected] A TION PROJECTS Navigating Peace Water Conflict and Cooperation POLICY BRIEFS Editors A series of policy briefs examines how water can contribute to cooperation Meaghan Parker between states, while addressing water’s role in conflict within states. The Alison Williams briefs offer policy recommendations for using water resources manage- Charlotte Youngblood ment to head off conflict and to support sustainable peace among countries.