C.4. Executive Summary

Lasarda-Pacheri manganese ore block is located in the north western part of the Horse- shoe shaped Precambrian Bonai- belt (Plate - II). The belt, extending for 60 km length in NNE-SSW trend with width of 25 km, occupying parts of Sundargarh and Kendujhar districts (73 F/8, 73 G/1 and G/5) in North has a unique position in the mineral resources map accounting for huge resources of iron and manganese. Exploration for manganese in the block was carried out by Geological Survey of , Eastern Region, State unit: Odisha, for assessment of resource potential during the FS 2001-02 to 2004-05. The exploration work includes detailed geological mapping on 1:2000 scale, pitting/trenching followed by exploratory drilling. The exploration block is enclosed by Lat 2203’26” Long: 8517’34”(bottom SW corner), 2203’7.2”: 8518’28.9” (bottom SE corner), 2203’44.7”:8518’51.8” &2203’41.5”:8518’58.4” (Central eastern corner), 2204’11.5”:8519’16” (north eastern corner), 2204’26.3”:8518’46.9” (north western corner), 2203’57”:8518’27.5” & 2204’3”:8518’15.5” (Central western corner) in Survey of India toposheet no. 73 F/8. The total block area is 2.57 sq km and out of 2.57 sq km area, the total mineralised area covers 1.679 sq km and non-mineralised area occupies 0.891 sq km.

The rock types in the area include BHJ / BHQ, chert, shale of different colouration, tuff, dolomite, mafic volcanics and laterite, both ferruginous and manganiferous varieties. All these lithounits belong to the Koira Group of the Iron ore Super Group. Manganese mineralisation is confined to the brecciated chert, manganiferous shale and laterite. The area forms part of a NNE plunging synclinorium having southerly closure. The mapped area has imprints of two pervasive planer fabrics, one conforming to the regional fold axis (NNE – SSW) and the other in NW - SE direction. The explored area constitutes a part of the western inverted limb of the “horse-shoe synclinorium”, the inverted nature being manifested by the reverse order of superposition of the lithounits. The chief planar structural elements are bedding and axial plane cleavage while minor fold axes and bedding – cleavage intersections are the main linear structures observed in the area. Development of weak foliation in shale is quite conspicuous.

Manganese ore bodies occur as conformable but discontinuous bands and/or lensoidal bodies within shale and brecciated chert horizons, extending along the regional strike of the lithounits. In the top laterite, ore bodies occur in form of discreet isolated pockets. The width of ore bodies vary from 1m to 8m. The ore bands are mostly affected by weathering to a considerable depth along with the enclosing rocks. Localisation of ore lenses / pockets within the chert – shale – laterite zone / horizon may be attributed to the geochemical segregation associated with the process of deep chemical weathering and subsequent lateritisation. Further, occurrences

1 of manganese ore zones associated with brecciated chert and along weak foliation planes of shale point to the process of shearing and brecciation undergone in the area.

The ore is lateritoid type at most of the places and is of low to medium grade. The chief manganese minerals are pyrolusite, psilomelane, lithiophorite, and cryptomelane. Botryoidal, box work and colloform structures are commonly observed within the ore. The ore is, in general steel grey to dull grey in colour and is soft and powdery in nature. Phosphorous content in the Mn ores does not show much variation lying in the range of 0.1% to 0.23% which is well within the permissible limit of different end use specifications for various industries.

A total of 85 vertical boreholes were drilled on a square grid of 100m X 100m in the Lasarda-Pacheri block for a total drilling meterage of 4852.2m (37 in Lasarda sub-block and 48 in Pacheri sub-block), with collection of 634 drill core samples from the ore zones for chemical analysis. A resource of 7.86 million tonnes of saleable grade Mn ore with average content of 26.16% Mn has been estimated at 20% Mn cut-off, based on the exploration works carried out in Lasarda and Pacheri blocks. In addition, resources of 1.59 million tonnes of marginal (15% - 20% Mn) grade ores have also been estimated. In addition, resources of 1.71million tonnes of marginal (10% - 15% Mn) grade ores have also been estimated. Thus, the total resources of Lasarda-Pacheri block is 11.16 million tonnes with average grade of 22.72 % Mn at 10% Mn cut-off. . The block wise ore:overburden ratio as calculated comes to 1:8.33 and 1:4.16 respectively for Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks for the +20% Mn ore zones.. The manganese ore of the explored blocks is found to be suitable as blast furnace feed of Iron and Steel industry. This report pertains to G3 stage exploration and the exploration work is coming under 333 in UNFC Classification.


Exploration for manganese in Lasarda-Pacheri block in the north western part of the horse-shoe Bonai-Kendujhar belt was carried out by Geological Survey of India, Eastern Region, State unit: Odisha, Bhubaneswar for assessment of resource potential. The exploration work includes detailed geological mapping on 1:2000 scale, pitting/trenching followed by exploratory drilling. Different segments of this well known mineral belt were systematically mapped at various times by eminent geologists namely H. C. Jones (F.S. 1918–19), M.S. Krishnan, (F.S. 1925–27), B.C. Gupta (F.S. 1939–41), B. Gupta, (F.S. 1939–40) and B.K. Seth, (F.S. 1957– 59).

2 Large Scale Mapping, pitting & trenching, geochemical sampling carried out during FS 1999-2000 in the north western part of the belt brought to light several promising area of manganese mineralisation. Subsequently, one drill rig was deployed during F.S. 2000 - 2001 to carry out test drilling in these demarcated areas. Following the favourable exploration results obtained during this field season, detailed exploration by means of detailed geological mapping (1:2000 scale), pitting/trenching and drilling on grid pattern was taken up in Lasarda-Pacheri block for resource assessment during the F.S. 2001-02 to FS 2004-05. The quantum of exploration work accomplished in this block includes 2.57 sq. km. of detailed mapping on 1: 2000 scale, 18 cu. m. pitting & trenching with collection of 31 nos. pit/trench samples, 4852.20 m exploratory drilling with collection of 634 nos. of drill core samples, chemical analysis of pit, trench and core samples, identification of ore zones and resource estimation at cut-off grade of 20% Mn and 15% Mn. C.6. BLOCK DESCRIPTION C.6.1. Location The proposed block to be auctioned occupies an area of 2.57 sq km, out of which the mineralised area covers 1.679 sq km and non-mineralised area occupies 0.891 sq km. It falls in parts of Survey of India Toposheet Nos. 73 F/8, as per Survey of India Open Series Map and is bounded by Lat 2203’26” Long: 8517’34”(bottom SW corner), 2203’7.2”: 8518’28.9” (bottom SE corner), 2203’44.7”:8518’51.8” &2203’41.5”:8518’58.4” (Central eastern corner), 2204’11.5”:8519’16” (north eastern corner), 2204’26.3”:8518’46.9” (north western corner), 2203’57”:8518’27.5” & 2204’3”:8518’15.5” (Central western corner) . It forms north western part of Bonai - Kendujhar belt, in the northern part of Odisha bordering . The belt extends for about 60 km in a NNE – SSW direction with a width of about 25 km and is well known as “Horse-Shoe Synclinorium” in the geological literature. Being one of the most important iron and manganese mining centers of Odisha, the area is well communicated with other parts of the State as well as with the neighbouring State of Jharkhand both by rail and road.

C.6.2. Accessibility Lasarda is situated at a distance of about 8 km south of , a Tehsil and Industrial town of Kendujhar district. Barbil is situated at a distance of 300 km from State Capital Bhubaneswar and lies on National Highway 215 connecting Panikoili with Rajamunda and further beyond with the industrial town of at a distance of 150 km from Barbil. Panikoili in turn is situated on National Highway - 5 connecting Kolkata with Chennai.

3 Barbil is the Railway terminus of the Tatanagar - Barbil section of the South Eastern Railway. C.6.3. Physiography and Drainage

The area exhibits a rugged topography and is dissected by first, second and third order streams. Karo river flowing from south to north serves as the main drainage channel of the area. The influence of lithology on the evolution of topography is well exemplified. The being more resistant stand out conspicuously forming high ridges, thereby defining the Horse Shoe configuration of the belt whereas the flanking volcanics and shale, in most parts are lateritised and form low plateaus and valleys occupying the central part of the belt in the elevation range of 450m to 600m with an average altitude of around 550m. The topography in and around Lasarda-Pacheri block represents the intervening valley lying between the western NNE-SSW trending BIF ridges and the eastern conspicuously rising Siddhamath Pahar. C.6.4. Climate

The climate of this belt is sub-tropical with temperature rising to a maximum of 45C in summer and falling down to a low of 5C in the winter, the average day temperature being 23C during the months of December to February. The average rainfall is about 120 cm, maximum being in the monsoon months during June and September.

C.7. EXPLORATION RESULTS The investigation methods and instruments used for obtaining exploration results are indicated in the report. The methods used include: C.7.I. Geological Surveys

C.7.I.1. Regional Geological setup

The weakly metamorphosed lithosequence of Precambrian age constituting the southerly closing, NNE-SSW extending 60 km long Bonai – Kendujhar belt of North Odisha is the store house of rich iron ore deposits and important low phosphorous manganese ore deposits. This belt has a disposition pattern more or less similar to the symbol Omega () and is referred classically in geological literature as ‘Horse Shoe Synclinorium’. The lithounits are geographically restricted to a narrow belt with average width of ~25 km in the central part, flanked by batholiths of Bonai Granite and Singbhum Granite in the west and east respectively. At its southern part, the belt is juxtaposed against dominantly volcanic rocks belonging to Older (?) Nayakote Group (Sahoo et al, 2000)

4 Based on systematic geological mapping on 1:63,360 scale, Jones (1934) first proposed a simplified stratigraphic succession for the area. Later, Dunn (1940) pointed out certain discrepancies in Jone’s conclusion. Dunn and Dey included all the rocks to the east of south Singbhum as well as north Odisha under the Iron Ore Stage including the slightly metamorphosed rocks of the Bonai-Kendujhar belt. Mishra (1961); Sarkar, Mahapatra & Sahu (1961); Sarkar & Saha (1962) based on detail work around , Noamundi and Gurda, proposed somewhat different stratigraphic succession for their respective domain of study. Murty et. al. (FS 1969–74) carried out detailed mapping in western part of the belt and suggested a lithostratigraphic succession for the southern closure part based on order of superposition of various lithotypes. The stratigraphic succession established by the earlier workers of GSI (Murty & Ghosh, 1975) is summarized below. The Bonai – Keonjhar belt, is disposed in form of a horse shoe shaped synclinorium with an overturned western limb and low NNE plunge. The general attitude of the litho-units is NNE – SSW dipping low to moderate northwesterly. Antiformal and synformal structures in mesoscopic scale are present in the area investigated. TABLE-1: STRATIGRAPHIC SUCCESSION OF THE AREA Kolhan Group Sandstone, conglomerate and shale ------Unconformity ------Mixed Facies Formation Basic lava, tuff, tuffaceous facies, iron, manganese lenses of iron formations, chert, small dolomite patches, minor lenses of sandy and silty shales of clastic facies. Banded shale Formation i)Upper banded shale member ii)Lower black shale member KOIRA GROUP Banded iron Formation i)Finely banded jaspellite member ii)Coarsely banded jaspellite member Volcanic Formation i)Upper tuffaceous shale ii)Lower basic lava – Basalt / Andesite Basal Sandstone Coarse gritty and conglomeratic sandstone/ quartzite ------Unconformity ------Granite and gneisses, with enclaves and rafts of metasedimentary and metabasic rocks.

The lithounits hosting the iron and manganese ore bodies belonging to Iron ore Group have been extensively lateritised where thickness of laterite cover ranges from 2 m to as thick as 25 m.

5 C.7.I.2. Description of lithounits

A brief description of the stratigraphic formations (Murthy & Acharya, 1975) is presented below: (a) Basal sandstone quartzite: The basal formation comprises gritty sandstone, which ranges from orthoquartzite on the one hand to pebbly sandstone and conglomerate on the other. At the base the sandstone becomes distinctly conglomeratic with the pebbles ranging in size from few mm to as much as 5 cm across. Such pebble beds also occur irregularly distributed both along and across the strike. Larger pebbles are generally oval to rounded while the smaller ones are well rounded. In the western limb the pebbles in the conglomerate are more elongated, the length – breadth ration often reaching 5:1 while the average ratio is around 3:1. Ninety percent of the bigger pebbles are represented by smoky and quartzite, fuchsite quartzite, chert, jasper etc., form the rest. The smaller pebbles (maximum 1 cm across) are made up of grey or smoky quartz, white quartz, banded black and grey chert, banded jasper and banded haematite jasper. The last three types together constitute approximately 10 per cent of the total pebbles of this size. The gritty sandstone is reddish brown to whitish grey in colour and generally very coarse grained in texture. It is mostly friable, loosely cemented by clayey and sericitic matrix. Some of the bands within the formation are typical orthoquartzite which are characterised by white to reddish brown colour, medium grained texture and hard massive character. The lower portions of the formation are marked by occasional interbeds of fine grained rocks which are silty or even clayey in nature. The upper units of the sandstone are interbedded with lava. Occasional basic dykes presumed to be the feeders of the overlying lavas, are noticed in the gritty quartzite along the section east of Gurubera in Keonjhar district. It is interesting to note that the gritty sandstone-quartzite in the western limb is interbanded more frequently with thick clay rich bands. These bands contain almost 80% clay and the rest well rounded quartz pebbles and sand grains. The quartzose portions show graded bedding at places. In the western part, west of main synclinorium the quartzites are present only in the northern part of the north east trending western limb. At the southern end of the outcrops the quartzites are highly sheared with the formation of elongate pebbles and quartz sericite schists. The gritty quartzites dip at low angles in the eastern limb. In the western limb the quartzites dip at steep angles, often becoming vertical and sometimes overturned towards west consistent with the overturned nature of this limb. Current bedding:- mostly trough type is very well developed in the low dipping eastern limb. The current bedded units range in thickness from 0.3m to over a metre. The cross beds are at places marked by coarser grain size relative to the top

6 and bottom sets. In the western limb the quartzites are generally massive with very sparse development of current bedding. Besides, the current bedded units are thin. Ripple marks not exceeding 0.3 m have been noticed at places. The gritty sandstones were originally thought to belong to Kolhan Group (Dunn, 1940), but later Mishra (1961) and Prasad Rao et al, (1964) have shown them to be underlying the lavas of Koira Group. The occasional pebbles of banded haematite jasper present in these quartzites are probably derived from an older iron formation which occurs in the Badampahar – Gorumahisani area. (b) Volcanic Formation: This formation occurs outside and all around the U-shaped closure occupying relatively low-lying tracts. Two members viz. lower igneous horizon (lava) and upper shale are recognised, which are intercalated to each other. The igneous member is represented by basic lava, often silicified and characterised by extremely fine grained texture and bluish green colour. The rock is occasionally porphyritic with rectangular crystals of feldspar, as seen to the west of Sareikela and south of Chelliakota. Vesicles, filled usually with quartz and sometimes with chert, calcite and zeolites are commonly seen. The lava is associated with ash beds and agglomeratic rocks. Immediately to the west of the present area, in the Kurhadi nala section, Jones (1934) reported volcanic bombs and lapilli in the ash beds. The lower contact of the volcanic formation is not exposed in the present area. It is overlain conformably by the lower shale formation. At places, as in the Barsuan – Khandadhar road cutting, east of Siljora, the lava appears to have been completely altered to a buff or purple, massive shale like rock which can be easily mistaken for a shale but for the amygdules present in it (Jones, 1934). Misra (1961) also observed similar feature in the Joda area and ascribed its origin to sub-aerial alteration of lavas. Close interbedded relationship of flows with the overlying shale probably indicates a subaqueous origin of the lava. Besides, the associated tuffs and ash beds show evidences of having been laid in water. It is, however, possible that lavas might have extruded into a highly uneven land surface accounting for its subaqueous origin at places and subaerial at others. It is significant to mention here that Misra (1961) observed an erosional unconformity between the lava and the underlying sandstone in the Joda area. Rocks of the shaly member are mapped around the closure. This member has variable thickness. Generally massive or finely laminated, thick bedded, dark green shale and tuffites comprise the formation. Banding characters of upper shale formation is lacking in these rocks. Only towards the top of the formation finely banded nature is rarely noticed. Thin beds of tuffaceous shale laterally grading to orthoquartzite, are occasionally noticed. The shales are composed of abundant silt sized angular quartz grains, which account for the toughness of the

7 rock. Silt grains are dispersed in a clayey matrix, which appears to be of pyroclastic and epiclastic origin (Murty & Acharya, 1975). The quartzose bands are made of well rounded grains cemented by authigenic quartz overgrown in optical continuity on the quartz grains. Towards the top, these shales gradually pass into the banded iron formation. This is evident by the appearance of jasper interbedded with greenish and black shales. (c) Banded iron formation: With the increase in bands of jaspilite, the lower shales pass into the banded iron formation. Gradual elimination of shales and parallel disposition of iron and silica indicate a change in character of sediments from clastic to chemical. The high resistance to erosion of the jaspilites of the iron formation has dominant topographic control in the area. Practically all the prominent hills and plateaux are composed of this formation. Rocks of this formation, chiefly the jaspelites are the protores from which important iron ore bodies have formed by supergene enrichment. The rocks of the banded iron formation are represented by jaspilite on one hand and interbedded black or green shale and banded ferruginous chert on the other. Jaspilite is a simpler term referred to rock characterised by alternating bands of iron oxide and silica and it is preferred to the usual cumbersome term; secondly the iron bands in banded haematite jasper in fact composed not only of haematite but magnetite and occasionally even by carbonate. The banded iron formation is primarily divisible into two discrete units, one composed mainly of chemical sediments represented by jaspilite and the other comprising chemical and clastic sediments rhythmically interbedded. The lower part of the jaspilite in addition, shows markedly irregular bedding and coarse banding is recognised and traced all along the strike in the mapped area, thus warranting separation into another distinct unit. Thus the three members of the formation are gradational into one another. The coarsely banded jaspilite forms about half the thickness of the total formation. As the name implies the banding is very coarse; the component ferruginous and jasper bands range in thickness from more than 2 cm to as much as 15 cm. Bedding in this unit is highly irregular and exhibits pinch and swell structure, lensing and bifurcation of individual iron and jasper bands. This often results in occurrence of one component (jasper and iron) as lumps, irregular knots and lenses. These probably represent features of soft sediment deformation. Occasionally a few beds are seen to be intensely brecciated occurring in between unaffected beds indicating their origin due to pane-contemporaneous slumping. In the finely banded jaspilite member, which is also typically thin bedded, the individual bands vary in thickness from paper-thin lamination to as much as 2 cm. Besides, they are fairly continuous and traceable over several meters in length along the strike unlike the coarser bands.

8 Deposition of this unit appears to have taken place under relatively quiet condition. Towards the top the red jasper bands are gradually replaced by grey - green chert bands. With the appearance of shale interbeds, this passes into chert-shale. The chert-shale member is also included in the iron formation in as much as the banded cherts associated with shales are often rich in iron minerals and presumably the iron content exceeds 15% (James, 1954). This member comprises interbedded cherty looking black or greenish black shales and grey, green, black and white banded cherts. The bedding varies from a few centimeters to a meter. Bedding is often wavy and the chert bands are intensely contorted owing probably to deformation combined with ductility difference in component rocks of the member. Towards the top the cherts become paler in colour and are devoid of any iron bearing minerals unlike the chert at the bottom of the member. The clastic components of the member also increase towards top until finally the member grades into black shales with the almost complete elimination of chert bands. Dolerite sills of small dimensions are noticed, always in association this member. A major body of this rock occurs in the Somij nala section in the western limb north of Tensa. The lower coarsely banded jaspilite is composed of primary haematite and authigenic (?) magnetite (Murty & Acharya, 1975). Jaspers are made up of cyptocrystalline or microcystalline quartz and haematite dust. The finely banded jaspilite has also a similar mineralogy but the grey and green cherts at the top of the member are made up of alternating fine bands of carbonate (siderite)-rich and silica-rich layers. The chert bands in the banded chert-shale exhibit similar mineralogy. The silicate facies iron represented by minnesotite and stilpnomelane, is sporadically observed in the jaspilites. The sulphide facies is seen in the ubiquitous (but in minor amounts) presence of pyrite in black shales and cherts of the chert-shale member. The black shales associated with chert-shale member are composed of chlorite, illite (?) and angular to sub-angular silt sized quartz grains (Murty & Acharya, 1975). (d) Upper shale formation: This formation is generally less well exposed compared to the others, obviously due to its lower resistance to erosion. It forms low hills within the core of the syncline. Rarely, as in the Nandugira pahar, this formation forms prominent topographical features. Due to highly gradational nature, the contacts between members of this formation can be drawn only approximately. Two members have been distinguished in this formation – the lower black shale and the upper banded shale. The black shale is rather impersistent along the strike due to its intertonguing nature with the underlying chert-shale (of the banded shale formation) and the overlying banded

9 shale. It is well developed south of Lusi, near Bhutura and north of Mahulsukha in the Kurhadi nala section, south of Patamunda etc. Jet-black shales, varying to dark grey silty shale, comprise the black member. Cleavage is well developed which together with the toughness and well-developed bedding plane fissility impart a slaty look to these rocks. Fine banding marked by alternation of jet black and less dark lamination is common. Pyrite cubes or oval aggregates, is common. At places, the shale appears to be carbonaceous. Angular silt sized quartz grains are abundant in a clayey matrix. These strongly resemble the shale of lower shale formation but differ in having a dark banding and also probably in lacking pyroclastic material. With the gradual appearance of purple and white bands, the black shale grades into the banded shale. In the transitional zone, the banded shale comprises defined bands of black, grey, purple and white shale which vary in thickness from half a centimetre to 2cm. The black colour of the shales in these zones, gives way to grey through chocolate colour. The typical banded shales are of rhythmically alternating purple, red or pink and greyish white bands. Bands are extremely regular and varies in thickness from 0.1 to 2 cm. The banded shale resembles typical ‘varved’ shales. Whereas the black shales of the Black Shale Member are rich in silt sized grains, the banded shales are prominently clayey. The white band in the banded shale member is made up almost exclusively of illitic clay while the purple and red consists of clayey material with abundant iron oxide. Associated with the black shale member are thin impersistent lenticular bands of siltstone and quartzite. The shale occurs usually as small lenses, not exceeding 1.5 cm in thickness, while the quartzite bands occasionally attain a thickness of 2 to 3 meters. (e) Mixed facies formation: As the name implies, this unit comprises an intermingling of sandy-clayey shale, banded iron shale, interclastic breccia, chert and jaspilite. While the claystone is the most predominant rock type of the formation, the others occur frequently, but rarely attain mappable dimensions. This formation interfingers along the strike with all the members of upper shale formation and sometimes even with the chert-shale member of the banded iron formation. The formation was first seen to the south of Sagarabhanga, but subsequent mapping has revealed that it is much more extensive. In the area mapped, the formation extends upto Ranisal and Oraghat in the south-east and east and upto the Sona nadi in the north-west. In the north, it is mapped up to Bonai (Sundargarh district) border and is expected to continue further north into Keojhar district; the different components of the formation are described below with a view to bring their interrelation.

10 Sandy-claystone: This forms the most dominant rock type of the formation. Excellent exposures of this rock are met within the nala cuttings north of Sagarabhanga, east of Kasira and west of Sagasahi. The area covered by this rock is characterised by typical radial drainage. With Sagasahi as centre, the drainage radiates on all sides. The outcrops of the sand-claystone exhibit features typical of sandstones viz. rounded outcrops with pot holes in the nala beds. The rock is greyish white to reddish brown in colour, while hues of pink, purple, yellow and brown are also common. The colour, unlike in the banded shales, is not restricted to different interbedded units and appears to be of variegated nature. It is thickly bedded and only at places fine colour banding is perceptible. The colour laminations often show irregular contortions. The laminations are made up of fine shaly material. Other features of significance noticed in these rocks are (1) highly disturbed laminations (2) truncated laminations, (3) rare cut-and-fill structures, (4) rare flame structures and (5) minor discontinuous syn-sedimentary fault etc. Some of these features are suggestive of soft sediment deformation. The rock is composed of abundant rounded to angular clastic grains of highly fractured quartz, chert and rock fragments (?) in a matrix of clays which are often contiguous. Extreme immaturity manifested by the very poor sorting and angularity of the clastic grains, is characteristics of this rock. The rock is friable and gets powdered in the hand easily. Iron in the form of goethite and limonite traverses these rocks in ramifying veins. Occasionally limonite occurs as rounded nodule like product with manganese oxide cores. Shales and mudstone: Purple, yellow, red and brown banded shales and mud-stones (lacking laminations) occur intimately associated with sandy-claystone. These are always impersistent and never attain mappable dimensions. The banded shales show beautiful penecontemporaneous deformation structures. The composition of these shales is identical to those of the banded shale member of the upper shale formation. Interclastic breccia: Although of very minor occurrence, these constitute one of the most significant types in this formation. These are generally noticed on the tops of hills to the west and south-west of Sagasahi. They are noticed only within the sandy-claystone, and are composed of angular clasts of mudstone and limonitic shale in a sandy-claystone matrix. The clasts are generally 3 to 4 cm across and occur without any sort of orientation. The breccias do not form a continuous horizon. They are very erratic in their occurrence but restricted to the sandy – claystone unit. (f) Banded iron shale / chert (jaspilite): These rocks are next in importance to the sandy- claystone in the formation. They occur in fairly large areas constituting mappable proportions. These rocks appear to be occurring as impersistent lenses without any preferential localisation in the stratigraphy of the formation. These rocks occur in abundance to the south-east and north-

11 west of the main sandy-claystone mass. Small patches are also seen on the southern and south- western margin of this mass. The banded iron shale is composed of alternating bands of yellow, red or brown shales and deep bluish black haematite. The haematite is friable and reduces easily to powder in handling. The thickness of the component bands ranges from a few cm to 15 or 20 cm. Best examples of this rock are seen in the nala cuttings north of Bhanjapali. Sometimes the iron gets mixed up with more shaly material imparting toughness to the rock. The banded iron, chert / jasper occurs mainly around Sagaria and around Rengalbera. The rock is composed of alternating bands of iron and silica rich materials. The silica bands are made up of greyish white cherts and jasper of which the later predominate. They resemble the jaspilites of both coarse and banded varieties. Along the strike, the banding is sometimes destroyed giving rise to a mass of iron and jasper mixture. These rocks yield good iron ore which is seen over wide areas, but the grade is not likely to be high as the bands are thin and lenticular. The iron ore found on Bhawani Pahar to the south of Koira and the small hillock to the east of Koira too are considered to be the result of enrichment of banded iron jaspilite of the mixed facies formation although no indications of the original rock are noticed at these localities. Sometimes very good pockets of good quality iron ore have resulted by the enrichment of these rocks as seen around Rengalbera. (g) Banded and brecciated cherts: White to grey, banded cherts, which are brecciated to various degrees form important outcrops in the mapped area. This rock forms good exposures. The relation of these rocks with others is not clear. Around Panposi and south of Oraghat, the rock appears to grade into banded cherts and banded iron jaspers. Chert breccias appear to be intraformational although in some places as seen near Patmunda they might have resulted from tectonic brecciation of banded chert. Examination of these cherts in the southern part of the belt as around Raikela where they are extensively developed, clearly demonstrates the intraformational nature of the cherts. Angular chert intraclasts are cemented by a ferruginous and silicious mud, and occur as bands of varying width within some well banded cherts. The individual rock units described in the foregoing pages interfinger with each other along the strike and vertically the formation show highly gradational contact. Thus, as already mentioned, the black shale member of the upper shale formation shows frequent interfingering relation with the underlying as well as the overlying members, so much so this member is not recognised all along the strike length examined. It is also possible that the chert shale member of the banded iron formation and particularly the banded shale member of the upper shale formation

12 grade laterally into the mixed facies formation as one proceeds from south to north. This observation, however, has to be confirmed by further mapping in the northern part of the belt. C.7.I.3. Structure

The Lasarda-Pacheri block and its adjoining area mapped lie along the northern part of the western inverted limb of the “Horse-Shoe Synclinorium”. The inverted nature is manifested by the reverse order of superposition of the lithounits. The mapped area further defines a syncline within the “Horse-Shoe Synclinorium” as indicated by the repetition of lithounits on both sides of Karo River, which marks the axial trace of the syncline. The planer structural elements are bedding, foliation and cleavage while axes of minor folds and bedding – cleavage intersections are the main linear structures observed in the area. (a) Bedding: Bedding is the chief non-diastrophic structure exhibited by most of the formations in the area. In the Banded Iron Formation, it is represented by fine layering of haematite and chert or jasper, which are found to be parallel to the formational contacts. In the shale, bedding is conspicuously preserved in the form of colour banding. Conformable silty intercalations impart compositional banding to the rock. In the mapped area the general trend of bedding is N30E – S30W with low to moderate dip towards northwest. (b) Foliation/ cleavage: The area is a low grade metamorphosed belt and intensity of development of foliation/ cleavage is different in different types of rocks. The shales become phyllitic in character and show incipient foliation at acute angles and sometime parallel to the bedding, whereas in competent BIF member, occasionally, close spaced fracture cleavage is noticed. The development of foliation and cleavage can be related to the deformation resulted in formation of the ‘Horse Shoe Synclinorium’. As the mapped area is situated near the steeply dipping overturned western limb of the ‘Horse Shoe Synclinorium’, the cleavage and bedding are parallel to sub-parallel at most of the places except for minor fold closures where they exhibit discordant nature as observed near the Railway level crossing on way to Bolani from Barbil. (c) Fold Axes: Minor folds are well developed in the competent rocks of the area. Shale rarely exhibits mesoscopic folds. The most striking feature is the corroboration of plunge of these folds in terms of amount and direction to those of the major structure of the area. Structures found in the BIF exposures north of Bolani village and west of Damurda indicate a NNE-SSW fold axis with a shallow plunge towards NNE. Steep westerly dips of axial planes in minor folds also indicate overturned nature of the regional fold. The later phase of deformation has developed broad warps trending NW-SE to WNW-ESE with resultant superimposed folding and reversal of plunge. At local scale both a synformal and an antiformal fold closures have been observed in the study area on the south of Lasarda and north of Bolani (near level crossing), respectively.

13 (d) Lineation: Lineations are noticed in the rocks in the form of bedding-cleavage intersections, well developed near the closure part of minor folds. At places, presence of slickensides indicate flexture slips due to folding. Mineral lineations are rarely found. (e) Brecciation: Chert occurring as thin interbands within the shale as well as massive chert is occurring in the manganiferous formation. Upper part of the massive chert is found to be brecciated probably due to penecontemporaneous deformation. This brecciated chert sometimes contains good manganese mineralisation. C.7.I.4 Geology of the block

Lasarda-Pacheri block and its adjoining area mapped form a part of the core and western limb of a smaller synform constituting the western limb of the “Horse shoe synclinorium”. The synformal structure is manifested by repetition of lithounits, convergence and steepening of dip. The block comprises low-grade metamorphosed volcano - sedimentary sequence of Pre- Cambrian age. The different formations exposed are Volcanic Formation, Banded Iron Formation, Manganiferous Chert-Shale Formation of Iron Ore Group. Laterite cover ranging in thickness from 2m to 25m is invariably found capping the dominant Shale member. On the basis of the work carried out, the litho-stratigraphic succession of the mapped area can be presented as follows: Table-2: Lithostratigraphic Succession of Lasarda-Pacheri block

Volcanogenic shale of different colours (pink, yellow, variegated). Also tuff & Manganiferous Chert - tuffaceous shale with interbeds of Shale Formation massive chert, (brecciated at places) IRON ORE GROUP grading to dolomite down depth.

i) Finely banded jaspellite member Banded Iron Formation ii) Coarsely banded jaspellite member i) Tuffaceous shale Volcanic Formation ii) Basic lava – Basalt / Andesite

(a) Volcanic Formation The Volcanic Formation is restricted to the eastern part around Lotapani. Basic lava, usually fine grained in texture and deep bluish green in colour, interbedded with extremely fine grained ash beds comprise the formation. The lava, at places, becomes porphyritic with rectangular porphyries of feldspar. Round to oval vesicles filled with chert, calcite or zeolites are characteristic of the lava at places (as seen to the north of Lotapani village). The ash beds are intimately associated with black, pyritiferous shales and occasional grey or black cherts.

14 (b) Banded Iron Formation This formation constitutes the prominent hill ranges and is useful as a marker horizon in elucidation of the structure. In the mapped area, the configuration pattern of Banded Iron Formation defines the inverted western limb of the ‘Horse-Shoe Synclinorium’. The area lying to the east of Lasarda constitutes the eastern limb of a second order syncline (Koira syncline) within the regional synclinorium. The formation can be divided into two distinct members namely Banded-haematite-jasper and Banded-haematite-chert, both exhibiting gradational field relationship. Banded-haematite-jasper (BHJ) is characterised by regular alternations of haematite and jasper as discrete laminae. The laminae are paper thin to as much as 5 cm or more in thickness. The finely banded BHJ gradually passes down depth to coarse-banded BHJ in which individual mesobands of jasper and hematite exhibit extreme variation in thickness from a few cm to as much as 15 cm across. Features like lensing, as also pinch and swell structures are very common in this horizon. The individual bands can be traced for long distances. The pink laminae of jasper alternating with dark haematite impart an attractive ribboned apperance to the rock. Cappings of laminated iron ore of variable thickness are formed over the BHJ particularly at higher elevations forming hill ranges. Towards the top, the banded haematite jasper member grades into the banded haematite chert member. The frequency of chert band increases in proportion with the gradual exclusion of jasper bands. (c) Manganiferous Chert - Shale Formation As the name implies this formation comprises predominantly shales of different colour and appearance with narrow interbeds of banded or massive chert. Being easily amenable to weathering, these rocks seldom yield good exposures. Mostly confined to the valley areas within the horse-shoe synclinorium, the shales are often referred to as “valley shales”. The shale, significantly black at places, exhibiting colour variations to variegated type pink, yellow and even cherty shale. Economic concentration of manganese ore is also seen, confined to this Formation. As observed in the drill cores of most of the boreholes, the shales are devoid of sedimentary structures, and may be of volcanic origin. Grey banded chert, mostly brecciated to varying degrees is recorded at several localities. Rarely it has jasper component, occurring as thin laminations alternating with grey coloured chert. At places, brecciated fragments of chert, jasper and rarely haematite (?) occur in a cementing material of siliceous nature. Manganese ore in the form of veins and fracture fillings occur within the brecciated chert. As observed in several boreholes, dolomite occurs probably as a facies variant of chert. Manganese mineralisation is also seen associated with dolomite, which marks the bottom limit of the ore zone.

15 (d) Laterite A blanket of laterite covers most part of the mapped area. Different types of laterites found in the area are massive, vermicular and pisolitic. These laterites are mostly ferruginous but the pisolitic laterites are sometimes manganiferous, indicating mineralised zone below. Although some laterites are more aluminous, the grade is comparatively less to be exploited as bauxite as found in few places around the southern closure of Koira synform. Thickness of the laterite cover varies from 2 m to >20 m in the area. (e) Soil and Alluvium The lateritised surface is covered by a thin veneer of soil with thickness varying from 0.5 m to 4.00 m. The soil is yellowish brown to reddish brown to grey colour. Due to extensive mining activity and deforestation soil has been eroded along the slopes and only preserved in the areas with vegetation cover. The soil/ alluvium is mostly silty and clayey with pebbles and cobbles of chert, jasper, BHJ and iron ore (hematite). C.7.I.5 Instruments used for preparing detailed geological map

Topographic surveying consisted of two parts viz. laying down of 100m x 100m grid with the help of theodolite and steel tape followed by preparation of a contour plan on 1:2000 scale by telescopic alidade. The baseline was laid in a N30°E - S30°W direction keeping in view the conformal disposition of the ore body in almost central part of the area for a total length of 2.5 line km and cross lines (section liens) were laid at 100m intervals and a grid of 100m x 100m was completed with the help of theodolite and steel tape. In total 2.5 line km of baseline and 25 nos of section lines were laid at 100m interval for a cumulative length of 22.5 line km. Contour plan with 2m contour interval was prepared with the help of telescopic alidade. The grid intersections were used as survey stations. All the geological details and other permanent features formed a part of the contour plan. A total of 2.57 sq km area was covered by this method. For future reference, several grid stations have been preserved in the form of cement pillars. Possibility of concealed ore body under the cover of laterite and / or soil was tested through a number of trial pits at suitable locations. C.7.I.6 Detailed mapping An area of 2.57 sq. km was mapped in detail on 1:2000 scale in Lasarda-Pacheri block. The mapping was done on a square grid pattern of 100 m x 100 m with contouring at 2m interval. Lasarda sub-block is occupied by Banded Haematite Jasper, brecciated chert hosting manganese ore, manganiferous laterite, ferruginous laterite and alluvium, whereas Pacheri sub-block exposes largely laterites - manganiferous and ferruginous types and alluvium. A

16 chert band, brecciated at the top, forms a marker in Lasarda segment. It strikes N30°E - S30°W with a shallow westerly dip having maximum width of 200m. It pinches out both in the north as well as in south direction. The manganiferous laterite horizon, which hosts the manganese ore pockets in the area, shows a N50°E - S50°W trend. The ore pockets seen with in the manganiferous laterite corroborate with the regional strike. But the ore bands exhibit extreme discontinuous nature both along the strike and in the dip direction. The manganiferous laterite can be traced discontinuously over a length of 2 km with an average width of 300m. In the western and southern side, the manganiferous laterite horizon gets concealed under alluvium (but its presence under alluvium cover has been confirmed by test drilling). C.7. II. Mineralisation Details Geological mapping in detail (1:2000 scale) in Lasarda-Pacheri block and drilling helped in establishing persistence of Mn ore bodies over a strike length of about 2 kms. The ore bodies mostly occupy the valley portion. The ore is lateritic at most places and is of medium to low grade. The width of ore bodies vary from 1m to 8m. C.7.II.1. Mode of occurrence and Controls of mineralisation

Manganese ore bodies occur as discontinuous bands, lenses and pockets within laterite profile, shale and brecciated chert zones. The pockets extend along the regional strike of the lithounits. The ore bands are mostly lateritic and are weathered to a considerable depth along with the enclosing rocks. The manganese ore zones are confined to the brecciated chert, shale and laterite zones in the area which speaks of the lithological control of ore localisation. Localisation of ore pockets within the manganiferous laterite horizon may be attributed to the geochemical seggregation and concentration / accumulation associated with the process of weathering and lateritisation. Further, occurrence of manganese ore zones associated with the brecciated chert and along weak foliation planes of shale may be attributed to the process of intense brecciation and shearing in the area. The following sequence of events may have helped in the formation of Mn ore bodies in the area. 1. The extensive volcanism in the area might have provided the primary manganese minerals, in minute disseminated form in the favourable rocks like shale (tuff?). 2. Process of weathering might have helped in the formation and concentration of secondary manganese ores in the shale formation. 3. Geochemical seggregation associated with the process of weathering and lateritisation facilitated formation of ore pockets, within laterite profile and also over the chert bands/beds. Structural phenomena like faulting, brecciation and shearing provided locii for ore localisation.

17 C.7.II.2. Texture and structure of the ore The ore is in general steel grey to dull grey in colour and is soft and powdery in nature. However, the nature of ore is hard when occurring in association with regionally extending chert bands and within laterite profile. On the surface, the hard ore presents a rugged bouldery look. Botryoidal, box work and colloform structures are commonly observed within the ore. C.7.II.3. Mineralogy The chief manganese minerals are pyrolusite, psilomelane, lithiophorite, and cryptomelane. Extensive silica is noticed in the ore bands particularly when they occur within the brecciated chert formation. Lithiophorite under reflected light exhibits white colour with quite strong pleochroism ranging from white to grey. It shows quite strong anisotropism and moderate reflectance. The mineral occurs as encrustations of radiating fibres with a rhythmic texture. Psilomelane is used in ore microscopy as a general term for any crptocrystalline manganiferous product, other than MnO2. It exhibits grey-white colour under reflected light. It shows quite strong anisotropism and moderate reflectance. These minerals are characterised by cryptocrystalline and sometimes almost amorphous textures with colloform structure. They occur as globular, botryoidal masses which tend to develop a concentric-spherulitic texture. They are commonly associated with other colloform minerals, especially goethite. The other important manganese mineral occurring in this belt is pyrolusite which is white in colour under reflected light with a distinct creamy yellow shade. Pleochroism is quite visible and varies from light yellow to light yellowish grey. Reflectance is high and anisotropism is strong. The mineral often derives from manganite and loss of water, due to this transformation, forms highly characteristic contraction cracks. C.7.II.4. Mineralised zones The detail account of ore zones intersected in the different boreholes in the two explored blocks is presented in Annexure - V. Few important ore zones as brought out in different cross-sections are presented Table-3:

Table-3: Summary of Mn ore zones cross-section wise Section line Maximum width Maximum Minimum Host rock (in meter) thickness thickness lithology (in meter) (in meter) Lasarda block N-700 200 20 5 Shale N-600 300 18 6 Shale N-500 100 18 2 Shale

18 N-400 100 10 5 Shale N-300 100 15 2 Shale N-200 300 8 4 Shale N-100 200 5 1 Shale N—0/0 200 3 1 Shale N-S1 200 4 1 Shale Pacheri Block S-700 600 20 6 Shale S-800 450 20 4 Shale S-900 600 14 2 Shale S-1000 600 20 2 Shale S-1100 450 12 2 Shale

C.7.II.5. Ore quality Quality of Mn ore is variable with average Mn content of 27.64% and 24.44% for Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks respectively. Phosphorous content in the Mn ores does not show much variation lying in the range of 0.1% to 0.23% which is well within the permissible limit of different end use specifications for various industries. Owing to low phosphorous content, even the low grade ores of this belt do have a good prospect. There is a definitive variation in P content in the Mn ores of different lithological associations even within the same grade of Mn ore. The P content is more in the lateritoid type followed by the shale hosted one. The chert hosted Mn ore has the minimum P content. The Fe content in Mn ore zones varies from 20% to as high as 36%. Grade of Mn ore and Fe content exhibit inverse relation. Mn ore zones associated with brecciated chert contains maximum amount of Fe followed by the lateritoid type. Shale hosted Mn ore zones contain minimum Fe. It is observed that the Fe content in the chert hosted Mn ore zones of Lasarda sub- block is much higher than that of Pacheri sub-block. This could be due to the proximity of Lasarda sub-block to the BIF occurrence near Damurda village, leaching and subsequent deposition of iron oxides/ hydroxides in the breccia zone. As per the BIS specification, the quality of ore satisfies specifications for BF grade. Hence, these are considered suitable as Blast Furnace feed for Iron & Steel industry. C.7.II.6. Ore – overburden ratio Ore - Overburden ratio is an important criterion in deciding the economic viability of a mineral deposit. In the Lasarda sub-block the Ore – Overburden ratio is 1: 8.33 for the +20% Mn

19 ore zones. The average grade of these Mn ore zones comes to 27.64% Mn. To mine the (+20% Mn) ore zones, one has to excavate the marginal grade ore (15 – 20%) zones also. On taking this fact into consideration, the average grade falls to 23.31% Mn and the Ore:OB ratio to 1: 4.54. Therefore, boreholes intersecting only marginal grade ore zones were not considered for the purpose of estimation of resources. In the Pacheri sub-block the Ore: OB ratio for Mn ore zones is 1: 4.16. The average grade of these zones is 24.44% Mn. When the ore zones are taken together with the marginal grade (10 – 15%) ore zones the average grade falls to 22.72% Mn but the ore: OB ratio continues to stand at that figure. The detailed calculation sheet has been appended to this report (Annexure-V & Annexure- VI). C.7.III Exploration (Technological Study)

C.7.III.1 Pitting: Mineralisation in the area was studied with the help of 4 pits involving 18 cum of excavations and also from a no. of old abandoned pits available in the area. Location of pits was selected in such a manner that it would either expose the Mn ore pocket within the manganiferous laterite or the manganiferous laterite concealed under the soil cover. Pockety / discontinuous nature of the ore bodies was seen in these pits. The pockets show an elongation in the strike direction and the discontinuous ore bands exhibit low westerly dip. The mineralized pockets are mostly confined to the valley portions. The thickness of the ore bodies vary from less than a meter to more than 5m lying under an overburden of 1m to more than 10m at places. The strike length of ore body is variable from less than 5m to more than 15m with width from less than 2 m to more than 10m. The abandoned pits are invariably found located in the lateritised shale horizon. They are basically dug to exploit Mn ore occurring in laterite profile at shallow depth. The depth of these pits varies from 2m to 5m. The grade of ore found in these pits varies from less than 20% to 37.96 % Mn. C.7.III.2. Drilling: During the initial stage of this investigation (Swain, Patel & Sahu, FS 2000 – 2001), test drilling was carried out to decipher the sub-surface persistence of Mn ore zones. On achieving success, systematic exploration aided by drilling in a 100m square grid pattern was carried out during FS 2001 – 2003 & F.S. 2003 - 2005. Due to weathered, soft and friable nature of the rocks, difficulties were encountered in core recovery especially in mineralised zones. Therefore, drilling crews were advised to resort to dry drilling in soft and mineralised zones except for hard formations like brecciated chert and dolomite. Drilling in Lasarda-Pacheri block was carried out

20 during the period 2001-05 for a total meterage of 4852.2 m in 85 boreholes. Details of all boreholes drilled are presented in Annexure-I.


C.7.IV.1 Pit Sampling: In total, 31 nos of pit samples were collected from 4 trial pits and were processed and analysed in the Chemical Laboratory of GSI, State Unit: Odisha. The Mn content of the ore bodies encountered in these pits varies from 0.82 % to 37.96 %. Summary of pitting and pit sampling are presented in Table-4. Table-4: Summary of Pitting & Pit Sampling

Sl No. Pit No. Sub-Block Location Dimension Volume No. of samples collected 1 Pit-1/01-02 Lasarda N 400 / E200 2mX2mX1.5m 6cum 09 2 Pit-2/01-02 Lasarda N100/E300 2mX1mX1.5m 3cum 05 3 Pit-3/01-02 Lasarda N500/E300 2mX1mX1.5m 3cum 05 4 Pit-4/01-02 Pacheri S1000/W500 2mX2mX1.5m 6cum 12

C.7.IV.2 Core Sampling: The core diameter varies from 56mm to 76mm depending on the nature of host rock. A total of 634 drill core samples have been collected from the ore zones pertaining to 85 boreholes (37 in Lasarda sub-block and 48 in Pacheri sub-block) during the field season 2000 – 2001 to 2004-05 for chemical analysis. Each core sample was split into two halves. One half was preserved while the other half was first sun dried to remove moisture if any. The dried samples were weighed using a spring balance in order to check loss of sample in course of processing. Then the sample was crushed manually using stainless steel mortar and pestle to fine powder of – 200 mesh size. The powdered sample was reduced to about 100gm by coning and quartering before sending for chemical analysis. Duplicate of each sample was preserved in the camp. The length of the sample in general is 50cm. The factors like core recovery in the ore zones, length of ore zones influenced the change in sample length at a few places. C.7.V. Chemical Analysis Details Chemical analysis details of different pit samples and drill core samples are furnished in Annexure III and IV respectively. The chemical analysis of the samples has been made by conventional wet cum classical method.

21 C.7.VI. Data Density and Verification

A total of 85 vertical boreholes were drilled in the Lasarda-Pacheri block for a total drilling meterage of 4852.2m. The boreholes were drilled on a square grid of 100m X 100m. Further details of boreholes and all other drilling particulars are presented in Annexure-I & II. All the data points are accurately located by carrying out DGPS survey.

C.7.VII. Quality/Grade: Data Aggregation method:

From the chemical analysis results of core samples received for various boreholes, the grade of manganese ore was computed borehole wise with cut off grade at 20% Mn. Weighted averaging technique was used to obtain the average grade. Similarly average grade of each section line was obtained by taking weighted average of all the boreholes lying in that particular section line. Accordingly, average grade of individual sub-block was obtained, followed by that of two sub-blocks (Lasarda and Pacheri) were combined together.

C.7.VIII. Maps/Plans and Sections:

The different maps, plans and sections are attached as plates as listed below.

Plate-I: Location Map showing areas investgated/ explored for manganese in Bonai- Keonjhar belt, Orissa in different phases.

Plate II: Detailed geological map showing borehole points in Lasarda-Pacheri block, Kendujhar distrcict, Odisha. Plate IIA: Detailed geological map showing borehole points, section lines and Non-mineralised area in Lasarda-Pacheri block, Kendujhar distrcict, Odisha. Plate III: Detailed geological cum borehole location map of Parluipada-Kendudihi block, Kendujhar District, Odisha (NOT REQUIRED) Plate IV: Geological cross section along N-805 line Plate V: Geological cross section along N-710 line Plate VI: Geological cross section along N-600 line Plate VII: Geological cross section along N-500 line Plate VIII: Geological cross section along N-400 line Plate IX: Geological cross section along N-300 line Plate X: Geological cross section along N-200 line (Lasarda sub-block) Plate XI: Geological cross section along N-100 line (Lasarda sub-block) Plate XII: Geological cross-section along S-100 line Plate XIII: Geological cross-section along S-600 line Plate XIV: Geological cross-section along S-700 line

22 Plate XV: Geological cross-section along S-800 line (Pacheri sub-block) Plate XVI: Geological cross-section along S-900 line Plate XVII: Geological cross-section along S-1000 line (Pacheri sub-block) Plate XVIII: Geological cross-section along S-1100 line (Pacheri sub-block)


Estimation of Mn ore resource in Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks was made by the cross sectional method by multiplying volume of ore bodies with bulk density. The volume was determined by multiplying length along the strike of the ore body (sub-surface) with its width (length along dip direction) and thickness. Analytical data was used for all boreholes for estimation of resource. Strike and dip influence was taken as half way on all the four sides of a positive borehole. The bulk density of manganese ore was taken as 2.5. The resources of each segment were estimated separately, borehole wise and later added to determine the total resource of the ore of the block under consideration (Annexure-V). Different physical parameters required for the purpose of estimation of resources were worked out following the set formula as indicated below. 1. Weighted Average = ( Sample thickness x Assay) ÷ Total sample thickness 2. Average Grade of the block = ( Tonnage of individual borehole x Assay) ÷ Total tonnage of the block 3. The Bulk density of Mn ore of the blocks was determined as 2.5 on an average. It was determined by the following method. A pit of 1 cu.ft (1´ x 1´ x 1´) was dug on the ore body. The entire material was weighed. The pit was covered with polythene. It was filled with measured (weighed) quantity of water. Specific Gravity was calculated with the following formula. Bulk density / Sp. Gravity = Weight of the ore / weight of the water During the period (F.S. 2000 - 2003), with 20% Mn cut off resources of 2.46 million tonnes (average grade 25.88% Mn) and 3.27 million tonnes (average grade 27.09% Mn) were estimated in Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks respectively, bringing the total resouce to 5.73 million tonnes (average grade 26.57% Mn) with 20% Mn cut-off. In addition, a marginal grade resource (15 - 20% Mn) of 0.67 million tonnes and 0.51 million tonnes has been estimated for Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks respectively. When the marginal grade Mn ore resources is also taken into consideration the total resources of Lasarda block and Pacheri sub-block goes up to 3.17 million tonnes and 3.78

23 million tonnes respectively. This results in fall in average grade to 23.96% Mn and 25.72% Mn respectively. It is pertinent from mineral economics point of view as the marginal grade will be encountered during the mining of the + 20% Mn ore zones. Summary of block wise resources estimated during the period of work is presented in the following table:

TabIe5: Summary of Block wise & Grade wise Resources Types of Mn ore zone Resource in Average Grade Ore Average Average Million (in % Mn Overburden Fe% P% Tonnes LASARD ABLOCK + 20% Mn Lateritoid 0.58 2.46 29.30 25.88 1:8.33 20.32 0.15 Shale 1.14 25.02 Chert 0.47 25.04 15 -20% Lateritoid 0.13 0.67 27.06* 23.96* 1:6.66 20.32 0.15 Mn Shale 0.39 23.11* Chert 0.15 23.52* PACHERI BLOCK + 20% Mn Lateritoid 1.24 3.27 25.70 27.09 1:5.88 24.01 0.17 Shale 1.39 29.33 Chert 0.64 26.94 15 -20% Lateritoid 0.26 0.51 24.04* 25.72* 1:5.55 28.84 0.17 Mn Shale 0.21 27.70* Chert 0.04 26.28* * Calculated for + 15% Mn ore zones. During the period (F.S. 2003 – 2005), with 20% Mn cut off, resouces of 0.40 million tonnes (average grade 27.64% Mn) and 1.73 million tonnes (average grade 24.44% Mn), were estimated for Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks respectively. In addition, a marginal grade resources (15 – 20% Mn) of 0.18 million tonnes and 0.23 million tonnes have been estimated for Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks respectively. In addition, a marginal grade resources (10 – 15% Mn) of 1.71million tonnes have been estimated for Lasarda-Pacheri block. When the marginal grade of Mn ore resources is also taken into consideration the total resources of Lasarda -Pacheri block goes up to 4.25 million tonnes. This results in a fall of average grade to 22.72% Mn. It is pertinent from mineral economics point of view, as the marginal grade will be encountered during the mining of the + 20% Mn ore zones.

24 Summary of block wise resources estimated during the period is presented in the following Table. TabIe 6: Summary of Block wise & Grade wise Resources for F.S. 2003-2005

Resource Type of Mn ore in million Average grade Ore : Average zone tonnes (in % Mn) Overburden Fe% Average P% LASARDA BLOCK (FS 2003 – 2005) + Lateritoid 0.09 28.71 25.63 0.39 20% Shale 0.31 0.40 27.30 27.64 1 : 8.33 18.91 20.57 0.22 0.27 Mn Chert 0.00 N.A. N.A. N.A. 15 – Lateritoid 0.00 N.A.* N.A.* N.A.* 20% Shale 0.175 0.18 22.36* 23.31* 1:4.54 21.16 21.16 0.18 0.18 Mn Chert 0.00 N.A.* N.A.* N.A.* PACHERI BLOCK (FS 2003 – 2005) + Lateritoid 0.41 22.09 21.44 0.11 20% Shale 1.25 1.73 24.41 24.44 1:4.16 22.57 22.36 0.14 0.14 Mn Chert 0.07 26.74 17.75 0.30 15 – Lateritoid 0 22.09* 21.14 0.17 20% Shale 0.09 0.23 24.25* 23.56* 1:4.16 27.46 25.73 0.14 0.16 Mn Chert 0.14 20.08* 22.48 0.2 * Calculated for + 15% Mn ore zones.

Thus, a total ore resource of 7.86 million tonnes with average grade of 26.16 % Mn was estimated for Lasarda-Pacheri block at 20% Mn cut-off grade. Additionally, a marginal grade resources (15 – 20% Mn) of 1.59 million tonnes have been estimated. Another marginal grade resources (10 – 15% Mn) of 1.71 million tonnes have been estimated. When the marginal grade Mn ore resources is taken into consideration, the total resources of Lasarda-Pacheri block goes up to 11.16 million tonnes with a fall in average grade to 22.72 % Mn. C.8.2 Methods & assumption in resource estimation The cross sectional area method of resource estimation was adopted for the ore zone intersected in the boreholes. The area along individual cross sections is calculated graphically due to irregular nature of ore bodies. The tonnage was calculated by considering bulk density of the ore to be 2.5, which was estimated in field. Summary of block wise resource estimated for +20% Mn and 15-20% Mn is presented in Annexure-V. Core recovery correction correction factor has not been taken into consideration for resource estimation. The different cross sections are given in Plate IV to XVIII.

25 C.8.3 Classification of Mineral resources

The mineral resources estimated is classified under UNFC code 333 (Inferred Mineral Resource).

C.9. MINERAL RESOURCES The Mineral resource of Lasarda-Pacheri block has not been upgraded to (111) category of UNFC classification. Hence, it does not fall under reserve category.

C.9.1 Pre-Feasibility study

The pre-feasibility study includes only geological study of the block. The other studies have to be carried out.


C.10.1. CONCLUSION 1. Lying in the west central part of the Precambrian Bonai Kendujhar belt, the Lasarda-Pacheri block constitutes a part of the 50 km long NNE trending Karo river valley, which structurally represents the axial plane trace of a synclinal fold and is significantly potential for manganese mineralisation. 2. Manganese ore bodies occur associated with chert, shale as well as laterite in discontinuous manner all along the synclinal valley as marked by repetition of chert bands on either side. 3. The Mn ore bodies and the enclosing rocks, which have been weathered to a great depth, appear to be structurally conformable. 4. All the manganese ore bodies of the region are of secondary nature being formed by the process of supergene enrichment through lateritisation process. Lithiophorite, pyrolusite, psilomelane and cryptomelane are the chief ore minerals. 5. The ore is of medium to low grade with very low phosphorous content. A resource of 7.86 million tonnes of saleable grade Mn ore with average content of 26.16% Mn has been estimated at 20% Mn cut-off, based on the exploration works carried out in Lasarda and Pacheri blocks. In addition, resources of 1.59 million tonnes of marginal (15% - 20% Mn) grade ores have also been estimated. Another marginal grade resources (10 – 15% Mn) of 1.71 million tonnes have been estimated. Thus, the total resources of Lasarda-Pacheri block is 11.16 million tonnes with average grade of 22.72 % Mn at 10% Mn cut-off.

26 C.10.2. RECOMMENDATION 1. Drilling may be continued in view of the encouraging analytical results to ascertain the strike and dip continuity of the ore zones. 2. Geophysical profiling may be attempted in the soil covered areas to establish the strike continuity of the ore zones. C.11. ENCLOSURES & ANNEXURES Annexure - I: Details of boreholes drilled in Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks Annexure - II: Summarised litholog of boreholes drilled in Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks Annexure - III: Analytical results of pit samples Annexure - IV: Analytical results of drill core samples of Lasarda and Pacheri sub-blocks. Annexure - V: Mineralised zones and ore resource chart for Lasarda-Pacheri block. Annexure- VI: Mineralised zones and ore resource chart for Lasarda-Pacheri block (10-15% Mn).

27 Locality Index LOCALITY LATITUDE LONGITUDE Kendudihi 850 16’ 26” 210 59’ 40” Lasarda 850 18’ 51” 220 04’ 03” Pacheri 850 18’ 37” 220 03’ 52” Parulipada 850 15’ 56” 210 59’ 40” Bolani Village 850 19’ 30” 220 05’ 30” Barbil 850 23’ 15” 220 06’ 34” Lotapani 850 20’ 18” 220 02’ 55” Damurda 850 20’ 22” 220 04’ 41” Hormutu 850 17’ 28” 220 03’ 24” panuliposi 850 16’ 36” 220 01’ 52” kadamdihi 850 18’ 39” 220 03’ 38” Rugurhidhi 850 19’ 25” 220 00’ 15”

C. 12 REFERENCES Bagchi,T.C. (1990): Techniques in Mineral Exploration Ghosh,B.K. & Acharya,B.K. (1973) : Geology and Manganese ore deposits of the Guali - Roida - Bhadrasahi area, Bonai - Keonjhar belt, Orissa. Unpublished Progress Report of GSI for FS 1972-73 Gupta, B.C. (1939): Progress Report for the year 1938 - 39. Unpublished Report, Geol. Surv. India. Iyengar,S.V.P. and Murthy,Y.G.K. (1982) : The evolution of the Archean – Proterozoic crust in parts of Bihar and Orissa, Eastern India. Records of the GSI, Vol-112, pp.1-5. Iyengar,S.V.P. and Murthy,Y.G.K. (1982) : The evolution of the Archean - Proterozoic crust in parts of Bihar and Orissa, Eastern India. Records of the GSI, Vol-112, Part-3 Jones,H.C, (1934): The Iron Ore deposits of Bihar and Orissa. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind. Pt-2 Jones,H.C., (1934) : The Iron Ore deposits of Bihar and Orissa. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind. v-63, p.357. Krishnan,M.S. (1927): Progress Report for the year 1926 - 27. Unpublished Report, Geol. Surv. India. Murty, V.N. & Acharya, S. (1975): Lithostratigraphy of the Pre-cambrian rocks around Koira, Sundargarh District, Orissa. Jour, of Geol. Society of India Vol.16, No.I Murty, V.N. & Acharya, S. (1975) : Lithostratigraphy of the Pre-cambrian rocks around Koira, Sundargarh District, Orissa. Jour. of Geol. Society of India Vol.16, No.I, pp.55-68. Murty, V.N. & Udhoji, S.G. (1971): Geology and Manganese ore deposits of the Koira area, Bonai – Keonjhar belt, Orissa. Unpublished Progress Report of GSI for FS 1970-71

28 Murty, V.N., Ghosh,B.K. & Acharya,B.K. (1973) : Geology and Manganese ore deposits of the Guali – Roida – Bhadrasahi area, Bonai – Keonjhar belt, Orissa. Unpublished Progress Report of GSI for FS 1972-73 Murty, V.N., Ghosh,B.K. & Udhoji, S.G. (1972) : Geology and Manganese ore deposits of the Koira, Patmunda – Gonua area, Bonai – Keonjhar belt, Orissa. Unpublished Progress Report of GSI for FS 1971-72 Murty,V.N. & Ghosh, B.K. (1971) : Manganese ore deposits of the Bonai – Keonjhar belt, Orissa, Indian Minerals, Vol.25, No.3, pp.201-210. Roy,P.K. & Ghosh,S.K. (1989) : Investigation for manganese ore in Kolrudkura and Podadihi leaseholds, Keonjhar & Sundargarh districts, Orissa. Unpublished Progress Report of GSI for FS 1984-85 Sahu,N.K., Swain,P.K., Mohanty,S.N. and Mukherjee,M.M. (2000) : A petrochemical appraisal of the Nuakot volcanics, Keonjhar district, Orissa. Proceedings Volume, Intl. Sem. on Precambrian Crust in Eastern and Central India, Geol. Surv. Ind. Apl. Pub. No. 57, pp.219-224. Sarkar,S.N. and Saha, A.K. (1962) : A revision of the Precambrian Stratigraphy and tectonics of Singhbhum and adjacent regions. Quart.Jour.Geol.Min.Met Soc. Ind. V-34, no. 2-3.

29 Annexure - I


SI. No Borehole Location R.L. Date of Date of Depth Cumulative (in m) commencement closure (m) width of Mn ore zone intersected F.S.2001-03 1 LBH-1 N600/E180 477.63 08.11.2000 17.01.01 86.15 12.3 85°19'4.49" 22°4'12.61" 2 LBH-2 N600/E124 468.65 22.01.01 28.02.01 86.95 10.05 85°19'2.40" 22°4'13.69" 3 LBH-3 N190/E122 474.50 05.03.01 28.03.01 47.85 6.4 85°18'55.84" 22°4'1.86" 4 LBH-4 N4/E150 473.24 07.04.01 27.04.01 47.8 5 85°19'0.23" 22°4'7.36" 5 LBH-5 N500/E135 469.25 30.04.01 08.05.01 46.55 0 85°19'1.49" 22°4'10.42"

6 LBH-6 N3/E94 472.67 17.05.01 28.05.01 48 0.08 85°18'56.77" 22°4'5.39" 7 LBH-7 N400/E50 468.00 01.06.01 11.06.01 45.1 0 85°18'57.19" 22°4'8.90"

9 LBH-9 00/E200 478.00 12 .07.01 25.07.01 47.7 8.0 85°18'55.14" 22°3.'55.082"

10 LBH-10 S1/E120 478.00 31.10.11 45.8 11.2 85°18'51.95" 22°3.'52.95" 11 LBH-11 N5/E205 474.93 18.10.01 29.11.01 58.7 7.85 85°19'3.66" 22°4'9.32" 12 LBH-12 S1/E25 465.52 03.12.01 18.12.01 50.2 2.4 85°18'48.00" 22°3.'54.98" 13 LBH-13 N6/E280 481.20 21.12.01 08.01.02 50.4 0 85°19'7.54" 22°4'10.92" 14 LBH-14 NI/El90 478.23 11.01.02 06.02.02 50 2.5 85°18'56.48" 22°3.'58.20" 15 LBH-15 00/E290 491.65 08.02.02 19.03.02 45.3 0.5 85°18'57.74" 22°3.'53.79" Annexure - I

SI. No Borehole Location R.L. Date of Date of Depth Cumulative (in m) commencement closure (m) width of Mn ore zone intersected 16 LBH-16 N1/E85 470.60 22.03.02 09.04.02 61.2 1.5 85°18'53.04" 22°3.'59.82" 17 LBH-17 N2/E22 469.44 12.04.02 06.05.02 71.75 4.2 85°18'53.08" 22°4'3.52" 18 LBH-18 N1/E290 490.10 06.05.02 10.08.02 40.05 85°18'59.36" 22°3.'56.62" 19 LBH-19 N3/W06 469.13 05.02.02 18.05.02 45 4.7 85°18'53.76" 22°4'6.90" 20 LBH-20 N6/E06 462.95 22.05.02 18.06.02 66 5.5 85°18'59.16" 22°4'15.29" 21 LBH-21 N2/E224 490.61 12.08.02 01.08.02 54 1 85°18'59.15" 22°4'0.45" 22 LBH-22 S1/E240 489.09 28.06.02 06.08.02 47 85°18'54.82" 22°3.'51.55" 23 LBH-23 N5/E295 483.50 06.09.02 30.09.02 50.1 4.5 85°19'6.35" 22°4'7.96" 24 LBH-24 N600/E350 479.86 04.10.02 21.10.02 52.35 2 85°19'10.89" 22°4'9.22" 25 LBH-25 N700/E280 476.14 25.10.02 16.11.02 42.1 3 85°19'9.36" 22°4'14.10"

26 LBH-26 N710/E175 470.84 19.11.02 03.12.02 60.45 5.5 85°19'6.14" 22°4'15.80" 27 LBH-27 N400/E250 478.84 06.12.02 06.01.03 77.25 4.5 85°19'3.22" 22°4'5.77" 28 LBH-28 N300/E200 486.80 16.12.03 26.02.03 87.7 8.65 85°18'59.86" 22°4'3.71" 29 LBH-29 N700/E394 474.00 03.03.03 31.03.03 95.7 85°19'12.88" 22°4'12.39" 30 LBH-30 N700/E80 468.30 05.04.03 10.05.03 80.15 4.0 85°19'3.25" 22°4'17.29"

31 LBH-31 N800/E180 467.88 14.05.04 16.07.04 62.15 5.45 Annexure - I

SI. No Borehole Location R.L. Date of Date of Depth Cumulative (in m) commencement closure (m) width of Mn ore zone intersected 32 LBH-32 N800/E280 466.50 22.07.03 04.09.03 54.70 2.5

F.S.2003-04 33 LBH-33 N700/W20 465.60 12.09.03 03.11.03 62.55 0.00 85°19'0.20" 22°4'18.84" 34 LBH-34 S200/E250 471.50 10.11.03 24.12.03 42.65 0.00 85°18'50.97" 22°3.'49.91" 35 LBH-35 N500/E35 467.35 29.12.03 03.02.04 78.30 14.25 85°18'58.4" 22°4'11.97" F.S.2004-05 36 LBH-36 N400/E360 485.88 17.11.04 08.01.05 40.00 0.00 (GP) 85°19'6.72" 22°4'3.90" 37 LBH-37 N500/E353 483.81 21.03.05 18.04.05 68.55 11.00 (GP) 85°19'8.18" 22°4'6.99" Annexure - I


SI. No Borehole Location R.L. Date of Date of Depth Cumulative (in m) commencement closure (m) width of Mn ore zone intersected F.S.2001-03 38 PBH-1 S400/W810 485.41 03.03.01 103.70 0.5

39 PBH-2 S1555/W555 509.47 16.03.01 04.04.01 45.50 5.55 85°18'6.15" 22°3.'22.97" 40 PBH-3 S1200/W450 508.75 07.04.01 21.04.01 49.00 1.9 85°18'14.61" 22°3.'31.45" 41 PBH-4 S976/W438 501.73 07.04.01 05.05.01 46.65 1.8 85°18'19.28" 22°3.'37.31" 42 PBH-5 S11/W445 501.57 07.05.01 15.05.01 48.05 85°18'16.95" 22°3.'33.93" 43 PBH-6 S915/W317 498.03 17.05.01 29.05.01 49.55 4.0 85°18'24.08" 22°3.'37.17" 44 PBH-7 S1100/W345 508.87 01.06.01 07.06.01 47.10 85°18'20.23" 22°3.'32.30" 45 PBH-8 S890/W418 502.20 11.06.01 22.06.01 43.75 3.75 85°18'21.40" 22°3.'39.46" 46 PBH-9 S798/W310 488.08 07.04.2001 07.07.01 50.25 5.4 85°18'26.16" 22°3.'40.37" 47 PBH-10 S1000/E75 493.10 07.04.2001 10.08.01 45.15 85°18'34.72" 22°3.'28.51" 48 PBH-11 S800/E100 479.41 17.08.01 07.09.01 59.45 85°18'37.39" 22°3.'34.62" 49 PBH-12 85°18'22.11" 12.08.01 27.09.01 49.35 2.5 22°3.'35.09" 50 PBH-13 S12W304 512.16 01.10.01 13.10.01 43.45 0.5 85°18'19.69" 22°3.'28.92" 51 PBH-14 S13W300 498.83 16.10.01 09.11.01 40.05 85°18'18.24" 22°3.'25.97" 52 PBH-15 S8/W410 495.95 12.11.01 30.11.01 45.30 0.5 85°18'22.99" 22°3.'41.94" 53 PBH-16 S8/W510 491.80 04.12.01 02.01.02 52.60 10.75 85°18'20.10" 22°3.'43.46" Annexure - I

SI. No Borehole Location R.L. Date of Date of Depth Cumulative (in m) commencement closure (m) width of Mn ore zone intersected 54 PBH-17 S7/W407 477.17 07.01.02 11.02.02 52.05 1.0 85°18'24.80" 22°3.'44.78" 55 PBH-18 S9/W520 498.52 07.01.02 28.02.02 64.35 13.15 85°18'18.03" 22°3.'40.95" 56 PBH-19 S7/W510 481.51 04.03.02 22.03.02 56.20 8.0 85°18'21.58" 22°3.'46.37" 57 PBH-20 S7/W300 476.96 25.03.02 06.04.02 56.60 7.6 85°18'28.08" 22°3.'43.07" 58 PBH-21 S10/W516 497.91 09. 04.02 30.04.02 45.85 3.0 85°18'16.48" 22°3.'37.95" 59 PBH-22 S6/W405 478.09 14.08.02 06.09.02 55.65 85°18'26.53" 22°3.'47.65" 60 PBH-23 S6/W505 481.92 11.09.02 30.09.02 47.95 0.5 85°18'23.49" 22°3.'49.19" 61 PBH-24 S9/W620 501.40 07.10.02 22.10.02 45.65 10.0 85°18'14.95" 22°3.'42.29" 62 PBH-25 S10/W630 498.24 25.10.02 13.11.02 50.20 14.0 85°18'12.62" 22°3.'39.75" 63 PBH-26 S11/W550 502.97 15.11.02 30.11.02 51.80 7.9 85°18'13.84" 22°3.'35.55" 64 PBH-27 S11/W650 498.30 02.12.02 30.12.02 56.10 8.45 85°18'10.73" 22°3.'37.12" 65 PBH-28 S12/W565 510.35 02.01.03 17.01.03 67.00 2.2 85°18'12.34" 22°3.'32.67" 66 PBH-29 S12/W670 505.12 20.01.03 27.02.03 85.40 2.5 85°18'8.45" 22°3.'34.60" 67 PBH-30 S8/W600 496.72 ???? 01.03.03 57.85 7.45 85°18'17.05" 22°3.'45.05" 68 PBH-31 S7/W611 484.50 04.03.03 23.04.03 86.40 19.4 85°18'18.45" 22°3.'48.05" 69 PBH-32 S6/W605 483.75 26.04.03 22.05.03 59.00 85°18'20.50" 22°3.'50.74" Annexure - I

F.S.2003-04 70 PBH-33 S700/W711 488.2 24.10.03 11.12.03 50.20 1.75

71 PBH-34 S900/W700 502.4 15.12.03 10.01.04 50.70 20.25

72 PBH-35 S800/W710 497.5 15.01.04 28.02.04 68.45 4.00

73 PBH-36 S1000/W730 503.5 08.03.04 10.04.04 56.40 16.45

74 PBH-37 S1100/W750 499.48 15.04.04 28.05.04 56.50 13.65

75 PBH-38 S1100/W850 502.51 01.06.04 28.06.04 58.00 8.70

76 PBH-39 S1000/W830 505.38 02.07.04 27.07.04 50.50 8.00

77 PBH-40 S700/W811 501.37 28.07.04 17.08.04 56.85 5.65

78 PBH-41 S600/W805 498.5 21.08.04 07.09.04 54.20 0.00

F.S.2004-05 79 PBH-42 S700/W810 490.7 10.09.04 10.10.04 35.90 11.00

80 PBH-43 S400/W245 472.91 11.01.05 10.02.05 70.10 0.00 (GP) 81 PBH-44 S1000/W250 502.06 16.02.05 14.03.05 73.55 0.00 (GP) 82 PBH-45 S700/W904 492.79 02.05.05 13.06.05 78.55 11.00

83 PBH-46 S800/W905 496.48 22.06.05 18.07.05 48.85 2.50

84 PBH-47 S900/W913 501.15 22.07.05 19.08.05 80.00 2.20

85 PBH-48 S1000/W930 507.67 31.08.05 28.09.05 64.90 2.10 Annexure - II


Borehole no: LBH-1

Name of the Borehole: LBH-1 Date of commencement: 08.11.2000 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N600/E180) Date of closure: 17.01.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 477.63m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 3.5 3.5 Manganiferous laterite 3.5 7.9 4.4 Brownish black coloured laterite 7.9 9.9 2 Mn ore zone marginal grade 9.9 13.4 3.5 Mn ore zone lateritoid (25.33%) 13.4 13.9 0.5 Manganiferous laterite 13.9 16.1 2.2 Mn ore zone lateritoid (257.33%) 16.1 22.75 6.65 Black / yellow (limonitic ) shale 22.75 38.25 15.5 Brecciated chert with Mn ore incidence at places 38.25 40.25 2 Mn ore zone (chert associated ) (Marginal Grade) 40.25 41 0.75 Brecciated chert with Mn ore incidence at places 41 42.8 1.8 Mn ore zone (chert associated) (20.02%) 42.8 43.8 1 Black shale 43.8 44.6 0.8 Mn ore zone (chert associated ) (Marginal Grade) 44.6 55.2 10.6 Yellow shale 55.2 81 25.8 CAVE / VOID 81 86.15 5.15 Carbonate (Dolomitic limestone)

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-2

Name of the Borehole: LBH-2 Date of commencement: 22.01.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N600/E124) Date of closure: 28.02.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 468.65m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 7 7 Red coloured alluvium. Overburden 7 12 5 Laterite with Mn ore at places (V.E <10% to 15 %) 12 12.8 0.8 White shgale with Mn ore specks 12.8 24.35 11.55 White / yellow / buff/ chacolate coloured shale 24.35 26.25 1.9 manganiferous shale 26.25 41.65 15.4 Lateritised shale 41.65 43.45 1.8 Mn ore zone shale associated (22.55%) 43.45 51.9 8.45 Black / brown / yellow / buff white shale 51.9 52.9 1 Mn ore zone shale associated (25.97%) 52.9 55.4 2.5 Black / brown / yellow / buff white shale 55.4 56.1 0.7 Mn ore zone shale associated (23.94%) 56.1 57.1 1 Brown black shale 57.1 57.9 0.8 Mn ore zone shale associated (23.53%) 57.9 61.75 3.85 Brown black shale 61.75 62.4 0.65 Mn ore zone shale associated (28.81%) 62.4 64.8 2.4 Brown black shale 64.8 65.5 0.7 Mn ore zone shale associated (Marginal grade) 65.5 68.9 3.4 Mn ore zone shale associated (21.29%) 68.9 69.7 0.8 White / buff shale 69.7 70.7 1 Mn ore zone shale associated (21\272%) 70.7 86.95 16.25 Black / brown / yellow / buff white shale

ogged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-3

Name of the Borehole: LBH-3 Date of commencement: 05.03.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N190/E122) Date of closure: 28.03.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 474.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 15.6 15.6 Alluvium / laterite / Limonitic soil 15.6 17.8 2.2 Ferruginous / manganiferous shale 17.8 20 2.2 Mn ore associated with shale (33.11%) 20 30 10 Ferruginous / manganiferous shale 30 30.5 0.5 Mn ore associated with shale (33.68%) 30.5 32.85 2.35 Ferruginous / manganiferous shale 32.85 33.55 0.7 Mn ore associated with shale (marginal grade) 33.55 37.6 4.05 Ferruginous / manganiferous shale 37.6 38.1 0.5 Mn ore associated with shale (23.53%) 38.1 39.1 1 Ferruginous / manganiferous shale 39.1 40.1 1 Mn ore associated with shale (28.00%) 40.1 40.5 0.4 Black manganiferous shale 40.5 42 1.5 Mn ore associated with shale (34.71%) 42 47.85 5.85 Buff / Brown / Grey shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: LBH-4

Name of the Borehole: LBH-4 Date of commencement: 07.04.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N4/E150) Date of closure: 27.04.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 473.24m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 18.2 18.2 Soil / Lateritic soil / Laterite 18.2 19.7 1.5 Grey shale 19.7 22.5 2.8 White calcareous shale 22.5 31.8 9.3 Black manganiferous shale 31.8 34.7 2.9 Manganese ore zone (42.26%) 34.7 38.4 3.7 Shale with very low grade Mn - ore (<15%) 38.4 40 1.6 Manganese ore zone (marginal grade) 40 41.4 1.4 Black shale 41.4 41.9 0.5 Manganese ore zone (marginal grade) 41.9 45 3.1 Brown shale 45 46.15 1.15 Black shale with very low grade Mn -Ore (<15%) 46.15 47.8 1.65 Brown shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-5

Name of the Borehole: LBH-5 Date of commencement: 30.04.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N800/E135) Date of closure: 08.05.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 469.25 Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 3 3 Soil / Lateritic soil 3 3.6 0.6 Top 10cm laterite with Mn ore specks. Rest shale 3.6 5.25 1.65 yellow limonitic shale 5.25 18.5 13.25 Shale / Lateritised shale Buff, chocolatee, yellow, coloured shale with specks 18.5 46.55 28.05 of Mn ore at places

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: LBH-6

Name of the Borehole: LBH-6 Date of commencement: 17.5.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N500/E135) Date of closure: 28.05.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 472.67m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 3 3 Overburden / Lateritic soil 3 7 4 laterite with Mn ore specks at places 7 13.5 6.5 Laterite / Lateritised shale 13.5 13.58 0.08 Mn ore associated with shale (marginal grade 19.58%) 13.58 48 34.42 White? Buff / Black Manganiferous shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: LBH-7

Name of the Borehole: LBH-7 Date of commencement: 01.09.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N400/E50) Date of closure: 11.06.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 468.00m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 9.9 9.9 Chocolate shale Lateritised. Limonitic shale with pices of Mn ore at places 9.9 16.35 6.45 (<10%) 16.35 45.1 28.75 White / Buff shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-8

Name of the Borehole: LBH-8 Date of commencement: 13.06.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, ((00/E100) Date of closure: 09.07.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 471.00m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 12.6 12.6 Laterite / Lateritised shale with rare specks of Mn ore 12.6 13.1 0.5 LateroidMn ore zone (22.64%) 13.1 14.6 1.5 LateroidMn ore zone (Marginal grade) 14.6 15.1 0.5 Lateritised shale with specks of Mn ore 15.1 18 2.9 LateroidMn ore zone (36.19%) White / buff / black lateritised shale with thin chert 18 44.8 26.8 bands 44.8 45.7 0.9 Sldgue with broken pieces of brecciatdchert

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: LBH-9

Name of the Borehole: LBH-9 Date of commencement: 12.07.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (00/E200) Date of closure: 25.07.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 478.00m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 0.5 0.5 Overburden 0.5 1.5 1 Brecciated chert 1.5 2 0.5 Laterite with Mn ore zone (Marginal grade) 2 5.7 3.7 Brecciated chert with specks of Mn ore (20%) at places 5.7 9.5 3.8 Mn ore zone (39.49%) 9.5 10.4 0.9 Brecciated chert associated with Mn ore (<10%) 10.4 13.5 3.1 Lateritised shale 13.5 18.2 4.7 Chert with specks of Mn ore Buff / pink/ black/ grey shale with Mn ore incidence at 18.2 47.7 29.5 places

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-10

Name of the Borehole: LBH-10 Date of commencement: Location: Near village Lasarda, (S1/E120) Date of closure: 31.10.2011 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 478.00m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

0 1 1 Mn ore zone (marginal grade) 1 3 2 laterite with Fe Mineralization 3 4.5 1.5 Mn ore zone (31.68%) 4.5 5.6 1.1 Laterite with rare specks of Mn mineralization 5.6 6 0.4 Mn ore zone with pices of brecciated chert 6 6.5 0.5 Mn ore zone (22.43%) 6.5 7 0.5 Red and white coloured shale 7 10 3 Lateritised shale with Mn mineralization 10 10.5 0.5 Brecciated chert with Mn ore zone (18.35%) 10.5 10.95 0.45 Brecciated chert associated with Mn ore 10.95 11.15 0.2 Red coloured shale 11.15 11.6 0.45 Lateritised shale with Mn mineralization Btrwnish black / chocolate coloured shale with Mn 11.6 13.8 2.2 mineralization at places 13.8 14.8 1 Red and white coloured shale 14.8 15.8 1 Red shale chocolate brown coloured shale with rare specks of Mn 15.8 17.4 1.6 mineralization 17.4 18.1 0.7 chocolate / Red shale 18.1 18.7 0.6 Red shale 18.7 19.2 0.5 Mn ore zone chert hosted (48.64%) 19.2 20.7 1.5 Mn ore zone recovered in the form of sludge (>20%) 20.7 22.2 1.5 Brecciated chert with Mn mineralization 22.2 22.6 0.4 Mn ore(28.96%) zoneassociated with brecciated chert 22.6 25 2.4 Brown coloured sludge like material 25 29.9 4.9 Mn ore(27.31%) zoneassociated with brecciated chert 29.9 30.35 0.45 Brecciated chert with specks of Mn ore 30.35 33.85 3.5 Brecciated chert with Fe ore 33.85 34.5 0.65 White shale / tuff? 34.5 39.1 4.6 Hard chocalate coloured shale 39.1 45.8 6.7 Brecciated chert with Fe ore

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-11

Name of the Borehole: LBH-11 Date of commencement: 18.10.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N5/E205) Date of closure: 29.11.01 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 474.93m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 1 1 Laterite with mn ore 1 1.5 0.5 Mn ore zone (marginal Grade) 1.5 3 1.5 Lateritr with mn ore specks 3 4 1 Mn ore zone (marginal Grade) 4 5.5 1.5 Lateritr with mn ore specks 5.5 6 0.5 Mn ore zone (20.08%) 6 7.6 1.6 Limonitic shale with ferruginous chert association 7.6 11.7 4.1 Brecciated ferruginous chert 11.7 14.7 3 Mn ore zone (23.21%) Brecciated ferruginous chert. Box structures seen at places. Inside the 14.7 23.5 8.8 Box work frame. Specks of very good quality Mn ore seen at places 23.5 24 0.5 yellow / buff shale 24 24.5 0.5 Mn ore zone (21.54%) 24.5 28.5 4 Shale with broken pices of brecciated chert 28.5 29.5 1 Mn ore zone (23.21%) 29.5 32.3 2.8 Shale (yellow / earthy) 32.3 33.8 1.5 Brecciated ferruginous chert with specks of Mn ore seen at places 33.8 34 0.2 Mn ore zone (marginal Grade) Lateritised shale / limonitic at places. Few broken pices of brecciated 34 39 5 chert and rare specks of Mn ore seen at places 39 40 1 Mn ore zone (marginal Grade) Lateritised shale / limonitic at places. Few broken pices of brecciated 40 42 2 chert and rare specks of Mn ore seen at places 42 44 2 Sandy sludge like material 44 44.5 0.5 Mn ore zone (marginal Grade) 44.5 45.2 0.7 Sandy sludge like material 45.2 46 0.8 black and yellow shale 46 51.1 5.1 Yellow shale. Last 15cm Fe &Mn ore 51.1 51.7 0.6 Yellow shale. Last 15cm Fe &Mn ore Only 14.37% recovery. Void like structure as seen in LBH-1 Yellow 51.7 58.7 7 coloured mud with pices of dolomite (?) recovered.

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-12

Name of the Borehole: LBH-12 Date of commencement: 03.12.2001 Location: Near village Lasarda, (S1/E25) Date of closure: 18.12.01 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 465.52m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-228

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 11.95 11.95 Lateritr with rare specks of Mn mineralization at places 11.95 12.35 0.4 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (21.12%) 12.35 14.85 2.5 Lateritised Shale 14.85 16.2 1.35 Buff / brown/ black shale/ tuff 16.2 16.7 0.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (21.12%) 16.7 27.2 10.5 Buff / brown/ black shale/ tuff 27.2 27.7 0.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (29.50%) 27.7 34.15 6.45 Lateritised Shale / Shale with Mn ore specks 34.15 34.65 0.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (M.G) 34.65 36 1.35 Lateritised Shale / Shale with Mn ore specks 36 36.5 0.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (26.35%) 36.5 50.2 13.7 Buff / brown/ black shale/ tuff

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: LBH-13

Name of the Borehole: LBH-13 Date of commencement: 21.12.01 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N6/E280) Date of closure: 08.01.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 481.20m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION Laterite / Lateritisedf Shale/ brown/ black shale with 0 17.8 17.8 specks of Mn& Fe at places 17.8 18.7 0.9 Lateritised Shale with Mn ore specks 18.7 24 5.3 Laterite / Lateritisedf Shale/ brown/ black shale 24 26.4 2.4 Mn ore associated with black shale 26.4 33.8 7.4 Brown / black /wady shale 33.8 41.1 7.3 Brown / black / yellow/ wady shale 41.1 41.6 0.5 Mn ore associated with black shale (<15%) 41.6 46.9 5.3 Brown / black / yellow/ wady shale 46.9 47.4 0.5 Mn ore associated with black shale (<15%) 47.4 48.7 1.3 Black / brown shale 48.7 49.2 0.5 Mn ore associated with black shale (<15%) 49.2 49.8 0.6 Black / brown shale 49.8 50.4 0.6 Mn ore associated with black shale (<15%) Borehole no: LBH-14

Name of the Borehole: LBH-14 Date of commencement: 11.01.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, ( NI/El90) Date of closure: 06.02.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 478.23m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439 FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION Black/ brown laterite / lateritised shale with specks of 0 12 12 Mn ore at places 12 13 1 Mn ore zone (lateritised) (23.01%) 13 18.15 5.15 Buff / brown shale/ tuff (?) 18.15 19.85 1.7 Chert with Mn ore 19.85 22.1 2.25 Shale (black / yellow / brown) 22.1 23.6 1.5 Mn ore zone (lateritised) (20.04%) 23.6 26.1 2.5 Shale manganiferous shale 26.1 27.1 1 Brecciated chert 27.1 27.6 0.5 Laterite with specks of Mn ore 27.6 50 22.4 Shale / Lateritised shale / Acid tuff (?) Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-15

Name of the Borehole: LBH-15 Date of commencement: 08.02.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (00/E290) Date of closure: 19.03.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 491.65m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 9.6 9.6 Laterite / lateritised shale 9.6 101 91.4 Mn ore zone (lateritised ) (marginal grade) 10.1 21.3 11.2 Laterite / lateritised shale 21.3 22.45 1.15 Brecciated chert with Mn& Fe ore specks 22.45 25.35 2.9 Lateriteshale with pices of brecciated chert 25.35 26.45 1.1 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 26.45 26.85 0.4 lateritised shale 26.85 28.35 1.5 Brecciated chert with Mn& Fe ore 28.35 38.15 9.8 Brecciated chert 38.15 38.6 0.45 Manganiferous brecciated chert 38.6 45.3 6.7 Brecciated chert

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-16

Name of the Borehole: LBH-16 Date of commencement: 22.03.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N1/E85) Date of closure: 09.04.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 470.60m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 14.2 14.2 Laterite / lateritised shale 14.2 14.7 0.5 Mn ore associated with brecciated chert (24.02%) 14.7 17.2 2.5 Laterite / lateritised shale 17.2 18.2 1 Mn ore associated with brecciated chert (20.78%) 18.2 61.2 43 Laterite / lateritised shale

Logged :S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-17

Name of the Borehole: LBH-17 Date of commencement: 12.04.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N2/E22) Date of closure: 06.05.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 469.44m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 0.5 0.5 Soil / alluvium 0.5 9.8 9.3 Brown shale 9.8 15.7 5.9 Loose laterite 15.7 29.4 13.7 laterite 29.4 33.3 3.9 Buff / red shale 33.3 37.1 3.8 Red shale / pices of chert between 34.30n to 35.20m 37.1 51 13.9 Shale / lateritised shale 51 54.55 3.55 Mn ore zone (shale associated ) (marginal grade) 54.55 57.15 2.6 Buff / red / black shale 57.15 57.65 0.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated ) (marginal grade) 57.65 71.75 14.1 purple / black / varigated shale

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-18

Name of the Borehole: LBH-18 Date of commencement: 06.05.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N1/E290) Date of closure: 10.08.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 490.10mm Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 4.2 4.2 Red coloured laterite with Fe ore pieces 4.2 5.8 1.6 Spotted buff shale . Acid tufff 5.8 13.75 7.95 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 13.75 14.05 0.3 chert 14.05 15.1 1.05 Brecciated chert with Fe ore 15.1 17.7 2.6 Brecciated chert with Mn ore coating Small broken fragments of brecciated chert with Mn& Fe 17.7 20.55 2.85 ore specks 20.55 22.05 1.5 Brecciated chert with lateritised shale 22.05 24 1.95 Brecciated chert with Mn& Fe ore specks 24 26.25 2.25 Brecciated chert 26.25 27.15 0.9 Shale with brecciated chert pieces 27.15 28.65 1.5 Chert 28.65 40.05 11.4 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-19

Name of the Borehole: LBH-19 Date of commencement: .05.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N3/W06) Date of closure: 18.05.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 469.13mm Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 5 5 Brown soil 5 15.5 10.5 Laterite 15.5 17 1.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated ) (22.22% Mn) 17 20 3 Black shale with Mn ore specks 20 21.5 1.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated ) (20.23% Mn) 21.5 36.3 14.8 Black shale with Mn ore specks 36.3 38 1.7 Mn ore zone (shale associated ) (20.20% Mn) 38 45 7 Grey shale

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-20

Name of the Borehole: LBH-20 Date of commencement: 22.05.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N6/E06) Date of closure: 18.06.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 462.95mm Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 3 3 Brown shale Laterite / Lateritised shale weith rare Mn ore specks & 3 13.5 10.5 broken pieces of brecciated chert 13.5 14.7 1.2 Shale (red & yellow) 14.7 15 0.3 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 15 17.35 2.35 Chocalate coloured lateritised shale 17.35 18.85 1.5 Laterite with rarae specks of Mn ore & brecciated chert 18.85 19.85 1 Brown shale with chert pieces 19.85 20.35 0.5 Ferriginouschert 20.35 21.15 0.8 Chocolate shale 21.15 21.95 0.8 Fe Shale with pieces of Fe chert 21.95 22.45 0.5 broken pices of Fe chert 22.45 34.15 11.7 Chocholate / buff/ limonite/ black shale lateritised at places 34.15 34.85 0.7 Sludge 34.85 36.5 1.65 Manganiferous shale 36.5 37.5 1 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (22.89% Mn) 37.5 42 4.5 Shale with ferriginouschert pieces 42 43.5 1.5 Brecciated chert with Fe &Mn ore pieces 43.5 46 2.5 Manganiferous shale 46 49.5 3.5 Mn ore (M.G) (Chert associated) 49.5 53.5 4 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 53.5 54.5 1 Mn ore zone (chert associated) (21.73% Mn) 54.5 55.4 0.9 Lateritised shale with Mn ore specks 55.4 66 10.6 Manganiferous shale. Last 10cm dolomite

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-21

Name of the Borehole: LBH-21 Date of commencement: 12.08.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N2/E224) Date of closure: 1.08.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 490.61m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 3 3 Laterite with Mn ore pscks 3 4.8 1.8 Laterite with Mn ore (10-15 VE) 4.8 7 2.2 Laterite with rare specks of Mn& Fe ore specks 7 7.9 0.9 Brown shale with rare specks of Mn ore 7.9 8.5 0.6 Lateritised shale with Mn ore specks 8.5 22.7 14.2 Shale with broken pieces of chert at places 22.7 25.4 2.7 Buff/ white shale with Mn ore specks 25.4 45.35 19.95 Spotted white shale 45.35 47 1.65 Black Manganiferous shale 47 48 1 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (22.07% Mn) 48 54 6 Black Manganiferous shale

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-22

Name of the Borehole: LBH-22 Date of commencement: 28.06.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (S1/E240) Date of closure: 06.08.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 489.09m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 1 1 Ferruginous sahle 1 6.2 5.2 Laterite with pieces of chert 6.2 24.75 18.55 Shale 24.75 25.45 0.7 Chocholate shale. Last 10cm chert 25.45 27.15 1.7 Brecciated chert with Mnore specks 27.15 28 0.85 Brecciated chert with with rare Mn ore specks 28 29.5 1.5 Brown shale 29.5 29.75 0.25 Recciatedchert 29.75 32.7 2.95 Lateritised shale 32.7 34.5 1.8 chert Shale/ lateritised shale with broken pieces of 34.5 34.8 0.3 chert at places 34.8 47 12.2

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-23

Name of the Borehole: LBH-23 Date of commencement: 06.09.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N5/E295) Date of closure: 30.09.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 483.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 4 4 Manganiferous shale 4 6.5 2.5 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (24.27%) 6.5 7.5 1 laterite with Mn ore specks (10% VE) 7.5 9 1.5 Laterite 9 9.8 0.8 Black shale 9.8 10.8 1 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (Marginal grade) 10.8 11.3 0.5 laterite with Mn ore specks 11.3 12.1 0.8 Lateritised shale 12.1 44.1 32 Black shale 44.1 45 0.9 Black shale. Last 30cm Mn ore zone 45 46 1 Mn ore zone 21.63%) 46 46.7 0.7 Ferruginous chert 46.7 50.1 3.4 Earthy / black shale

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-24

Name of the Borehole: LBH-24 Date of commencement: 04.10.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N600/E350) Date of closure: 21.10.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 479.86m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 7 7 Laterite / Laterite Shale with Mn ore specks at places Black Shale/ White Shale / Varigatdshale . A 10cm zone of 7 42.7 35.7 high grade ore between 26.80m & 26.90m 42.7 44.7 2 Mn ore zone (shale associated ) 23.93% 44.7 52.35 7.65 Buff / brown shale Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-25

Name of the Borehole: LBH-25 Date of commencement: 25.10.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N700/E280) Date of closure: 16.11.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 476.14m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 9.8 9.8 Laterite / ferruginised shale with Mn ore specks at places 9.8 22.5 12.7 Black shale with yellow patches at several places 22.5 23 0.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (M.G) 23 23.2 0.2 lateritised brecciated chert ferruginised shale with ferrugious brecciated chert 23.2 26.2 3 pieces at places 26.2 26.5 0.3 weathered brecciated chert with Fe &Mn ore 26.5 27 0.5 Ferruginised shale 27 28.95 1.95 Brecciated chert with Mn&fe ores Ferruginised shale with chert pieces with incidence of 28.95 34.7 5.75 very high grade Mn ore at places 34.7 35.2 0.5 Mn ore zone (21.38%) 35.2 38.4 3.2 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 38.4 42.1 3.7 ferruginised shale with Mn ore incidences Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist t L o g g e d b y : S . K . P a t e l , G e o l o g i s Borehole no: LBH-26

Name of the Borehole: LBH-26 Date of commencement: 19.11.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N710/E175) Date of closure: 03.12.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 470.84 Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 6 6 Laterite / lateritised shale with Mn ore specks at places 6 35.2 29.2 Pink/ earthy / yellow / Buff Shale 35.2 35.7 0.5 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (34.06% Mn) 35.7 38.1 2.4 Varigated Shale 38.1 43.25 5.15 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (20.14% Mn) 43.25 60.45 17.2 Yellow / earthy shale

Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-27

Name of the Borehole: LBH-27 Date of commencement: 06.12.02 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N400/E250) Date of closure: 06.01.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 478.84m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 15 15 Laterite with Mn& Fe ore specks 15 15.2 0.2 Brecciated chertwithmn % Fe ore specks Laterite. Bottom 10cm Mn ore specks seen associated 15.2 16.2 1 with lateritised shale 16.2 17.2 1 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (M.G) 17.2 19 1.8 Yellow / brown lateritised shale 19 20 1 Varigated shale with Mn ore specks in last 10cm 20 22.5 2.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (21.18%) Brecciated chert with Mn ore occuring as vein like fracture 22.5 23.1 0.6 fillings 23.1 44.55 21.45 Varigated shale. Top 10cm mn ore bearing black shale with small Mnn ore specks. At 44.80m quartz 44.55 45.25 0.7 grains (4mm X 2mm) seen within the shale 45.25 46.75 1.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (37.21%) 46.75 77.25 30.5 Earthy / Buff / Black shale Logged by:S.K.Patel,Geologist Borehole no: LBH-28

Name of the Borehole: LBH-28 Date of commencement: 16.12.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N300/E200) Date of closure: 26.02.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 486.80m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 1 1 Overburden 1 3 2 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 3 11.6 8.6 manganiferous laterite 11.6 12.6 1 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (25.78%) 12.6 15.7 3.1 manganiferous laterite 15.7 51.3 35.6 White / spotted / varigated / buff / red shale 51.3 51.8 0.5 Mn ore zone shale associated (M.G) 51.8 58.5 6.7 White shale 58.5 63.1 4.6 Mn ore zone shale associated (20.21%) 63.1 68.25 5.15 White shale 68.25 71.5 3.25 Mn ore zone shale associated (25.15%) 71.5 75.8 4.3 Varigated / black shale 75.8 76.3 0.5 Mn ore zone shale associated (20.21%) 76.3 87.7 11.4 Black / brown shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-29

Name of the Borehole: LBH-29 Date of commencement: 03.03.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N700/E394) Date of closure: 31.03.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 474.00m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 2.8 2.8 Laterite with Mn ore specks (10-15%) Brown / buff / black coloured latritised shale with small 2.8 9.7 6.9 granules of Mn ore at places 9.7 14.6 4.9 Buff / brown / white / grey shale 14.6 17.8 3.2 Grey / white shale with black patches and Mn ore grains 17.8 40.65 22.85 Buff /grey ? White / Earthy / black shaler 40.65 55.25 14.6 Black shale 55.25 58.7 3.45 Dolomite 58.7 60.55 1.85 CAVE 60.55 61.55 1 Broken pieces of dolomite 61.55 63.85 2.3 CAVE 63.85 67.55 3.7 Earthy shale 67.55 69.45 1.9 Broken pieces of dolomite 69.45 76.25 6.8 CAVE 76.25 95.1 18.85 Calcareous shale 95.1 95.7 0.6 Broken pieces of dolomite

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-30

Name of the Borehole: LBH-30 Date of commencement: 05.04.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N700/E80) Date of closure: 10.05.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 468.30 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 4 4 Soil 4 10.2 6.2 Manganiferous shale 10.2 10.5 0.3 Mn laterite 10.5 15.9 5.4 Laterite 15.9 18.6 2.7 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks 18.6 33.35 14.75 Shale with broken / brecciated chertpices at places 33.35 34.85 1.5 Mn ore zone (marginal grade) (shale associated) 34.85 37.45 2.6 Mn ore zone (marginal grade) (shale associated) 37.45 45.5 8.05 Earthy shale 45.5 47 1.5 Mn ore zone (marginal grade) (shale associated) 47 49 2 Black manganiferous shale 49 51.5 2.5 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (20.02%) 51.5 54 2.5 Black shale 54 71.95 17.95 Dolomite 71.95 80.15 8.2 Hard Calcareous shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-31

Name of the Borehole: LBH-31 Date of commencement: 14.05.04 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N800/E180) Date of closure: 16.07.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 467.88 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0 3.7 3.7 Soil alluvium 3.7 4.5 0.8 Soil /Alluvium Last 25cm laterite with Mn& Fe ore granules 4.5 6.7 2.2 Ferruginous shale 6.7 16.35 9.65 Manganiferous shale 16.35 19.65 3.3 Buff shale 19.65 21.6 1.95 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (28.29% Mn) 21.6 24 2.4 Mn shale with yellow patches Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (26.25% Mn) Granular soft 24 27.5 3.5 and powdery at places 27.5 28.3 0.8 Ferruginous brecciated shale 28.3 30.3 2 earthy shalewith yellow patches ferruginous brecciated chert with goethite mineralization 30.3 34.35 4.05 &Mn ore specks earthy shale with Mn ore specks at places. Mngoesupto 34.35 52.2 17.85 15% 52.2 62.15 9.95 Black / Yellow / Easrthy shale with Mn ore at places

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-32

Name of the Borehole: LBH-32 Date of commencement: 22.07.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N800/E280) Date of closure: 04.09.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 465.50 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

RUN WIDTH DESCRIPTION FROM TO 0.00 1.00 1.00 Soil/Alluvium 2.00 4.50 2.50 Mn laterite with Mn ore granules 4.50 8.00 3.50 Ferruginous laterite 8.00 8.75 0.75 Brown coloured shale 8.75 13.10 4.35 Ferruginous breciated chert 13.10 15.35 2.25 Brown(earthy) at places yellow shale 15.35 19.00 3.65 breciated chert 18.50 19.00 0.50 Mn ore zone(chert hosted) 27.22% Mn 19.00 20.70 1.70 Black lateritised shale with specks of Mn ore(<15%) 20.70 22.35 1.65 breciated chert with Mn ore. Ore recovery due to loss of Mn ore zone (?) due to wt. Drilling 22.35 26.65 4.30 Yellow/brown shale 26.65 27.50 0.85 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) 28.07% Mn 27.50 28.15 0.65 Brown/black shale 28.15 29.75 1.60 Mn ore zone (shale associated) 30.37% Mn 29.75 32.70 2.95 Brown/Black/Yellow shale 32.70 46.40 13.70 Earthy shale with broken chert pieces 46.40 54.70 8.30 Earthy shale

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-33

Name of the Borehole: LBH-33 Date of commencement: 12.09.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N700/W20) Date of closure: 03.11.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 465.20m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

Core Reco- FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION very (%) Soil / Alluvium with bouldery river bed scree material 0.00 12.30 12.30 100 comprising mostly Fe ore boulders.

12.30 20.75 8.45 100 Laterite with Mn ore specks

20.75 23.35 2.65 70 Ferruginous laterite with Fe ore and chert pieces.

Ferruginous Shale (lateritised at places) with lateritised, 23.35 62.55 39.20 98 hard laminated and shaly Fe ore zones

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-34

Name of the Borehole: LBH-34 Date of commencement: 10.11.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (S200/E250) Date of closure: 24.12.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 471.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439


0.00 2.80 2.80 100 Laterite

2.80 9.60 6.80 98 Buff / brown Shale

9.60 11.75 2.15 69 Brecciated chert

11.75 15.45 3.70 90 Buff Shale

15.45 18.05 2.60 100 Brecciated chert

18.05 19.30 1.25 100 Sludge

19.30 19.50 0.20 100 Brecciated chert

Red / white/ chocolate / buff Shale with Fe ore 19.50 42.65 23.15 100 fragments at several places.

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-35

Name of the Borehole: LBH-35 Date of commencement: 29.12.03 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N500/E35) Date of closure: 03.02.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 467.35m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439

Core Reco- FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION very (%) Soil / Alluvium with bouldery river bed scree 0.00 9.60 9.60 100 material comprising mostly Fe ore boulders.

9.60 14.40 4.80 100 Mnganiferous laterite

14.40 36.00 21.60 100 Brown / yellow / chocolate Shale

36.00 39.75 3.75 90 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (28.71% Mn)

40.75 60.70 19.95 100 Brown / Chocholate / Earthy Shale

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal 60.70 61.20 0.50 100 Grade)

61.20 62.65 1.45 100 Black Shale

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal 62.65 63.65 1.00 100 Grade)

63.65 65.25 1.60 100 Black Shale

65.25 67.25 2.00 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (33.47% Mn)

67.25 68.00 0.75 100 Black Shale

68.00 75.00 7.00 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (26.27% Mn)

75.05 78.30 3.25 100 Black Shale Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-36

Name of the Borehole: LBH-36 Date of commencement: 17.11.04 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N400/E360) Date of closure: 08.01.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 485.88 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439


0.00 9.00 9.00 100 Laterite with chert fragments at places.

9.00 13.20 4.20 92 Brecciated chert

13.20 15.75 2.55 100 Brecciated chert with Mn ore incidence

Brecciated chert recovered in form of 15.75 17.90 2.15 100 loose fragments

17.90 18.90 1.00 100 Brecciated chert with Mn ore incidence

Sludge like material of brecciated 18.90 23.10 4.20 100 chert.

23.1 23.65 0.55 100 Black Shale

Fragments of brecciated chert and 23.65 24.65 1.00 100 sludge Shale with fragments of brecciated 24.65 40.00 15.35 100 chert

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: LBH-37

Name of the Borehole: LBH-37 Date of commencement: 21.03.05 Location: Near village Lasarda, (N500/E353)(GP)Date of closure: 18.04.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 483.81m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439


0.00 9.50 9.50 100 LATERITE

9.50 18.30 8.80 100 Red / buff / brown Shale

18.30 21.30 3.00 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (16.06% Mn)

21.30 28.00 6.70 100 Black Mn - Shale

28.00 33.00 5.00 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (16.31% Mn)

33.00 64.00 31.00 100 Earthy / Buff / White / Black Shale

64.00 67.00 3.00 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (25.59% Mn)

67.00 68.20 1.20 100 Buff / White Shale

68.20 68.55 0.35 100 DOLOMITE


Borehole no: PBH-1

Name of the Borehol: PBH-1 Date of commencement: 04.12.2000 Location: Near village Pacheri (S400/W810) Date of closure: 03.03.2001 Dist-Keonjhar R.L:485.41m Toposheet No: 73F/8 Unit-367

RUN WIDTH DESCRIPTION FROM TO 0.00 11.60 11.60 Overburden material comprising laterites and ferrugineous shale. 11.60 12.55 0.95 Laterite containing small fragments of manganese ore. Very low grade(V.E. around 15%) 12.55 21.00 8.45 Ferruginous shale 21.00 25.80 4.80 Manganiferous shale 25.80 26.30 0.50 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal grade) 26.30 56.90 30.60 Shales of different colour with Mn ore specks at places. 56.90 57.90 1.0 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal grade) 57.45 94.50 37.05 Shales of different colour with Mn ore specks at places. 94.50 96.00 1.50 Dark grey coloured quartzite associated with sludge like material. 96.00 100 4.00 breciated chert along with sludge like material. 100.00 103.70 3.70 Dark grey chert

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-2

Name of the Borehol: PBH-2 Date of commencement: 16.03.2001 Location: Near village Kadamdihi (S1555/W555) Date of closure: 04.04.2001 Dist-Keonjhar R.L: 509.47m. Toposheet No: 73F/8 Unit-367

RUN WIDTH DESCRIPTION FROM TO 0.00 15.45 15.45 Lateritic soil 15.45 18.50 3.05 Manganiferous shale 18.50 20.25 1.75 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal grade) 20.25 27.55 7.30 Manganiferous shale 27.55 28.05 0.50 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (27.19%) 28.05 33.00 4.95 Manganiferous shale 33.00 33.50 0.50 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal grade) 33.50 38.25 4.75 Manganiferous shale 38.25 42.65 4.40 Chert 42.65 45.50 2.85 Brown sludge with pieces of greyish black chert

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-3

Name of the Borehole: PBH-3 Date of commencement: 07.04.2001 Location: Near village Kadamdihi (S1200W450) Date of closure: 21.04.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 508.75m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 18.00 18.00 Laterite with specks of Mn ore at places

18.00 18.40 0.40 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid)(29.57%)

18.40 19.50 1.10 Manganiferous laterite 19.50 21.50 2.00 Lateritised shale with Mn-ore 21.50 22.00 0.50 Mn ore zone (44.4%) 22.00 23.00 1.00 Lateritised shale with Mn-ore 23.00 48.00 25.00 Black shale 48.00 49.00 1.00 Manganiferous horizon

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-4

Name of the Borehole: PBH-4 Date of commencement: 07.04.2001 Location Near village Kadamdihi (S976/W438) Date of closure: 05.05.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 501.73m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 05.45 05.45 Laterite soil/Laterite 5.45 19.70 14.25 Laterite /Lateritised shale with specks of Mn ore at places (upto 15% V.E.) 19.70 20.20 0.50 Mn ore zone (20.00%) 20.20 24.90 4.70 Laterite /Lateritised shale with specks of Mn ore at places (upto 15% V.E.) 24.90 27.00 2.10 Brecciated Chert 27.00 29.00 2.00 Soft & powder Mn-ore(33.72%) 29.00 39.25 10.25 Brecciated chert with thin shale parting 39.25 46.65 7.40 Chert

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-5

Name of the Borehole: PBH-5 Date of commencement: 07.05.01 Location : Near village Pacheri (S11/W445) Date of closure: 15.05.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 501.57m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 1.00 1.00 Overburden material

1.00 3.00 2.00 Lateritic soil

3.00 27.50 24.50 Shale / Lateritised shale with Mn mineralization at places

24.50 31.50 4.00 Manganiferous Shale

31.50 32.00 0.50 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (Marginal Grade)

32.00 37.00 5.00 Manganiferous Shale

37.00 48.05 11.05 Pink / Variegated Shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-6

Name of the Borehole: PBH-6 Date of commencement: 17.05.01 Location : Near village Pacheri ( S915/W317) Date of closure: 29.05.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 498.03 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 3.50 3.50 Overburden / Lateritic soil

3.50 4.00 0.50 Manganiferous laterite

4.00 11.75 7.75 Laterite with specks of Mn-ore

11.75 12.30 0.55 Mn-ore zone (33.86%)

12.30 13.80 1.50 Laterite with specks of Mn-ore

13.40 14.15 0.75 Mn ore associated with laterite (35.97%)

14.15 16.10 1.95 Laterite with specks of Mn-ore

16.10 21.45 5.35 White / Yellow lateritised shale with Mn mineralization at places. 21.45 21.90 0.45 Mn ore associated with Shale (26.31%)

21.90 26.00 4.10 Buff / Chocolate lateritised shale with Mn mineralization at places. 26.00 27.00 1.00 Mn ore associated with laterite (29.17%)

27.00 31.00 4.00 Black Shale with Mn mineralization at places. 31.00 33.35 2.35 Mn ore associated with Ferruginised Shale (22.26%) 33.35 46.50 13.15 Chocolate / Buff Shale

46.50 47.00 0.50 Mn ore associated with Shale (M.G.)

47.00 49.55 2.55 Black Shale with Mn mineralization at places.

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-7

Name of the Borehole: PBH-7 Date of commencement: 01.06.01 Location: Near village Pacheri (S1100/W345) Date of closure: 07.06.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 508.87 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 11.50 11.50 Laterite /Lateritic soil with specks of Mn ore at few places.

11.50 47.10 35.60 White / Buff / Chocolate / Variegated shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: PBH-8

Name of the Borehole: PBH-8 Date of commencement: 11.06.01 Location: Near village Pacheri (S890/W418) Date of closure: 22.06.01 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 502.20m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 0.50 0.50 Laterite with specks of Mn ore 0.50 2.50 2.00 Mn ore zone (26.52%) 2.50 11.00 8.50 Laterite / Lateritic soil 11.00 11.50 0.50 Mn ore zone (Marginal Grade) 11.50 17.35 5.85 Laterite /Lateritised shale with Mn ore at places. 17.35 17.85 0.50 Mn ore zone (Marginal Grade) 17.85 33.50 15.65 Laterite /Lateritised shale with Mn ore at places 33.50 35.30 1.80 Mn ore zone (Marginal Grade) 35.30 37.05 1.75 Lateritised Shale 37.05 37.80 0.75 Mn ore zone (26.27%) 37.80 43.75 5.95 Chert

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-9

Name of the Borehole: PBH-9 Date of commencement: 07.04.2001 Location: Near village Pacheri (S798/W310) Date of closure: 07.07.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 488.08m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 12.00 12.00 Laterite/ Laterite soil with specks of Mn-ore at places 12.00 20.00 8.00 Brown Shale 20.00 21.50 1.50 Mn ore zone (24.54%) 21.50 23.95 2.45 Buff Shale/Lateritised Shale 23.95 24.30 0.35 Mn ore zone (30.80%) 24.30 30.70 6.40 Black shale 30.70 31.10 0.40 Black shale with Mn ore(30.18%) 31.10 37.50 6.40 White/Buff/Black Shale 37.50 39.15 1.65 Mn ore in association with Black shale(24.54%) 38.65 44.10 5.45 Black shale 44.10 45.75 1.65 Mn ore associated with Brecciated Chert(25.37%) 45.75 50.25 4.50 Chert Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-10

Name of the Borehole: PBH-10 Date of commencement: 07.04.2001 Location: Near village Pacheri (S1000/E75) Date of closure: 10.08.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 493.10m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 4.50 4.50 Red coloured laterite with specks of Mn ore 4.50 28.75 24.25 Red /Buff/Pink Shale 28.75 31.25 2.50 Cherry red coloured Fe ore zone (dusty) 31.25 34.85 3.60 Brown Shale with specks of Mn ore 34.85 39.50 4.65 Red/Chocolate Shale 39.50 44.50 5.00 Fe ore zone 44.50 45.15 0.65 BHJ Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist

Borehole no: PBH-11

Name of the Borehole: PBH-11 Date of commencement: 17.08.01 Location: Near village Pacheri (S800/E100) Date of closure: 07.09.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 479.41 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 5.00 5.00 Laterite

5.00 59.45 54.45 Pink / Brown / Earthy / White / Chocolate / White shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-12

Name of the Borehole: PBH-12 Date of commencement: 12.08.01 Location: Near village Pacheri Date of closure: 27.09.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 1.00 1.00 Laterite with specks of Mn ore

1.00 9.00 8.00 Laterite

9.00 10.50 1.50 Mn ore associated with laterite (22.44%)

10.50 13.50 3.00 Lateritised Shale

13.50 14.00 0.50 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (22.44%)

14.00 33.50 19.50 White / Dirty white / Pink / Yellow / Earthy Shale

33.50 33.85 0.35 Mn ore associated with Shale (M.G.)

33.85 40.55 6.70 Variegated Shale

40.55 41.05 0.50 Mn ore associated with Shale (M.G.)

41.05 49.35 8.30 Variegated Shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-13

Name of the Borehole: PBH-13 Date of commencement: 1.10.2001 Location: Near village Pacheri (S12W304) Date of closure: 13.10.01 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 512.16m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 9.00 9.00 Lateritic/ lateritic soil/ lateritised shale with rare specks of Mn ore at places. 9.00 9.50 0.50 Mn ore zone ( 34.47‰). 9.50 14.00 4.50 Lateritr/ lateritic soil/ lateritised shale with rare specks of Mn ore at places. 14.00 43.05 29.50 Buff/ White shale/ tuff (?), brown, Chocholate/ Variegated shale. 43.05 43.45 0.40 Chert

Logged by: S.K. PATEL, Geologist

Borehole no: PBH-14

Name of the Borehole: PBH-14 Date of commencement: 16.10.2001 Location: Near village Pacheri (S13W300) Date of closure: 09.11.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 498.83m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0.00 3.00 3.00 Laterite 3.00 27.05 24.05 Buff/white shale/ tuff (?), brown, chocolate/ variated shale. 27.05 27.70 0.65 Hard banded quartzite 27.70 33.70 6.00 Buff coloured shale 33.70 40.05 6.35 Chert

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-15

Name of the Borehole: PBH-15 Date of commencement: 12.11.2001 Location: Near village Pacheri (S8/W410) Date of closure: 30.11.2001 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 495.95m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0.00 8.45 8.45 Laterite with specks of Fe & Mn ores at places.

8.45 32.50 24.05 Buff/white shale/ tuff (?), brown, chocolate/ variated shale.

32.50 33.00 0.50 Mn ore zone ( 29.04‰)

33.00 35.00 2.00 Brown shale

35.00 35.50 0.50 Mn ore specks in shale

35.50 45.30 9.80 Brown/ earthy shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-16

Name of the Borehole: PBH-16 Date of commencement: 04.12.2001 Location: Near village Pacheri (S8/W510) Date of closure: 02.01.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 491.80m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION 0.00 7.80 7.80 Laterite/ Lateritised shale with Mn ores specks at places

7.80 9.80 2.00 Mn ore Zone associated with Laterite ( 37.85‰)

9.80 21.20 11.40 Chocolate / dirty white / red / black / yellow shale

21.20 21.90 0.70 Mn ore specks associated with Laterite

21.90 28.60 6.70 Laterite / fracture, brecciated lateralised chert with specks of Mn & Fe ore at places.

28.60 31.40 2.80 Mn ore zone ( 21.88 ‰)

31.10 35.85 4.75 Ferruginious brecciated chert with Mn ore at places.

35.85 36.30 0.45 Mn ore zone ( 21.42‰)

36.30 39.20 2.90 Ferruginious brecciated chert with Mn ore at places.

39.20 44.75 5.55 Mn ore zone ( Marginal Grade)

44.75 46.50 1.75 Brecciated Chert

46.50 51.00 1.50 Mn ore zone ( 24.62‰)

51.00 52.60 1.60 Brecciated Chert with rare specks of Mn & Fe ores.

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-17

Name of the Borehole: PBH-17 Date of commencement: 07.01.2002 Location: Near village Pacheri (S7/W407) Date of closure: 11.02.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 477.17m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 4.50 4.50 Overburden material of the nala bed comprising of BHJ, Iron ore, Laterite, brecciated chert etc.

4.50 5.30 0.80 Red coloured shale

5.30 7.30 2.00 Laterite with specks of Mn ore

7.30 34.50 27.20 Brown/ black/ ywllow/ buff shale/ Laterisied shale/ Tuff ( ?)

34.50 35.50 1.00 Mn ore zone ( shale associated ) ( 20.60%)

35.40 38.50 3.10 Ferruginised shale

38.50 41.00 2.50 Mn ores recovered as sludge

41.00 52.05 11.05 Buff, white, pink shale/ Acid tuff ( ? ).

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-18

Name of the Borehole: PBH-18 Date of commencement: 07.01.2002 Location: Near village Pacheri (S9/W520) Date of closure: 28.02.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 498.52m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 3.00 3.00 Mn laterite

3.00 4.00 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( Marginal Grade)

4.00 9.00 5.00 Laterite with Mn ore specks at places.

9.00 10.00 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( 22.46%)

10.00 10.50 0.50 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( Marginal Grade)

10.50 12.00 1.50 Mn laterite

12.00 13.00 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( Marginal Grade)

13.00 14.00 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( 23.07%)

14.00 15.20 1.20 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( Marginal Grade)

15.20 15.95 0.75 Laterite with Mn & Fe ore specks

15.95 22.40 6.45 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( 20.09%)

22.40 26.70 4.30 Laterite with Mn & Fe ore specks

26.70 64.35 37.65 Dolomite, sulphide Mineralisation seen at several places.

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-19

Name of the Borehole: PBH-19 Date of commencement: 04.03.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S7/W510) Date of closure: 22.03.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 481.51m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 4.45 4.45 Laterite with Mn ore specks at places.

4.45 4.95 0.50 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) (24.83%)

4.95 14.25 9.30 Laterite with Mn ore specks at places.

14.25 14.75 0.50 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) ( Marginal Grade)

14.75 15.25 0.50 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) (21.75%)

15.25 24.30 9.05 Ferrugineous shale.

24.30 28.05 3.75 Brecciated chert with Mn 7 Fe ores specks.

28.05 28.55 0.50 Mn ore zone ( Chert hosted ) ( 28.93%)

28.55 48.00 19.45 Buff shale

48.00 54.30 6.30 Mn ore zone ( Shale assoiated ) ( 25.98%)

54.30 56.20 1.90 Black chert

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-20

Name of the Borehole: PBH-20 Date of commencement: 25.03.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S7/W300) Date of closure: 06.04.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 476.96m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 2.00 2.00 Laterite / Laterisied Shale. 2.00 3.60 1.60 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) (26.48%)

3.60 11.30 7.70 Laterite / Laterisied Shale. 11.30 12.60 1.30 Buff / White shale. 12.60 13.60 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Lateritoid ) (34.83%)

13.60 44.60 31.00 Buff / White/ Chocholate/ Black shale. 44.60 45.60 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Shale associated ) (M.G)

45.60 47.00 1.40 Buff / White/ Chocholate/ Black shale. 47.00 48.00 1.00 Mn ore zone ( Shale assoiated ) ( 26.73%)

48.00 52.00 4.00 Black manganiferous shale.

52.00 55.00 3.00 Mn ore zone ( Shale assoiated ) ( 22.08%)

54.75 56.60 1.85 Black manganiferous shale.

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-21

Name of the Borehole: PBH-21 Date of commencement: 09. 04.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S10/W516) Date of closure: 30.04.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 497.91m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 7.00 7.00 Laterite.

7.00 8.75 1.75 Black manganiferous shale.

8.75 18.10 9.35 Brown/ black/ yellow shale.

18.10 20.10 2.00 Mn ore zone (32.49%)

20.10 21.40 1.30 Black shale

21.40 21.90 0.50 Mn ore zone (20.07%)

21.90 22.20 0.30 Brown shale

22.20 26.10 3.90 Ferruginous chert

26.10 28.10 2.00 Manganiferous chert

28.10 28.60 0.50 Mn ore zone (20.07%)

28.60 32.50 3.90 chert

32.50 33.50 1.00 Hard brown shale

33.50 35.60 2.10 chert

35.60 41.70 6.10 Broken pieces of calcerous chert/ dolomite

41.70 45.85 4.15 Loose / broken Dolomite

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-22

Name of the Borehole: PBH-22 Date of commencement: 14.08.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S6/W405) Date of closure: : 06.09.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 478.09m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 3.50 3.50 Laterite.

3.50 3.70 0.20 Ferrugineous brecciated chert

3.70 6.60 2.90 Laterite with broken pieces of brecciated chert

6.60 25.35 18.75 Chocolate/ buff/ yellow/ Black shale/ Laterisied shale

25.35 27.30 1.95 Black shale with Mn or3e specks

27.30 55.65 28.35 Chocolate/ buff/ yellow/ Black shale/ Variegated shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-23

Name of the Borehole: PBH-23 Date of commencement: 11.09.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S6/W505) Date of closure: 30.09.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 481.92m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 1.00 1.00 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) (35.05%)

1.15 6.70 5.55 Laterite with rare Mn ore specks

6.70 47.95 41.25 Earthy / Limonitic / Yellow / Brown / Red Shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-24

Name of the Borehole: PBH-24 Date of commencement: 07.10.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S9/W620) Date of closure: 22.10.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 501.40m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 2.00 2.00 Laterite with Mn ore specks

2.00 3.70 1.70 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) 20.90%

3.70 14.20 10.50 Laterite with Mn ore specks at places

14.20 18.75 4.55 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) 23.09%

18.75 20.00 1.25 Laterite with Mn ore specks

20.00 20.40 0.40 Mn ore zone 22.13%

20.40 28.00 7.60 Laterite with Mn ore specks

28.00 30.00 2.00 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) 22.13%

30.00 30.50 0.50 Mn – Laterite

30.50 33.00 2.50 Mn ore zone 23.20%

33.00 38.90 5.90 Ferruginous brecciated chert with shale partings. 10 cm zone of high grade ore between 32.90m & 33.00m. 38.90 42.15 3.25 Manganiferous Black Shale

42.15 45.65 3.50 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-25

Name of the Borehole: PBH-25 Date of commencement: 25.10.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S10/W630) Date of closure: 13.11.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 498.24m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 6.60 6.60 Laterite with Mn ore specks at places

6.60 11.10 4.50 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) (25.21%)

11.10 12.00 0.90 Laterite with brecciated chert pieces and Mn ore specks at places 12.00 13.20 1.20 Brecciated chert with thin shale partings

13.20 14.20 1.00 Mn ore zone (30.54%)

14.20 14.55 0.35 Ferruginised shale

14.55 18.30 3.75 Brecciated chert with thin shale partings

18.30 21.25 2.95 Ferruginised shale with chert pieces.

21.25 23.75 2.50 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (21.72%)

23.75 25.20 1.45 Fe-brecciated chert

25.20 29.75 4.55 Mn ore zone (chert hosted) (24.47%)

29.75 34.50 4.75 Fe-brecciated chert

34.50 36.50 2.00 Mn ore zone (chert hosted) (29.11%)

36.50 37.10 0.60 Brown shale

37.10 50.20 13.10 Dolomite with laminations of Mn ore at several places.

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologis Borehole no: PBH-26

Name of the Borehole: PBH-26 Date of commencement: 15.11.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S11/W550) Date of closure: 30.11.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 502.97m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 5.20 5.20 Laterite with Mn ore specks / granules.

5.20 6.50 1.30 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) (Marginal grade)

6.50 10.10 3.60 Laterite with Mn ore specks.

10.10 30.00 19.90 Yellow / Buff / Earthy / Black Shale

30.00 33.50 3.50 Mn ore (Shale associated) (33.99%)

33.50 35.40 1.90 Black / Yellow Shale

35.40 38.50 3.10 Mn ore zone (30.15%)

38.50 41.10 2.60 Brecciated chert

41.10 47.00 5.90 Dolomite

47.00 49.00 2.00 CAVE

49.00 51.80 2.80 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-27

Name of the Borehole: PBH-27 Date of commencement: 02.12.02 Location: Near village Pacheri (S11/W650) Date of closure: 30.12.02 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 498.30m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 8.80 8.80 Laterite with Mn orespecks at places.

8.80 22.70 13.90 Shale / lateritised shale with small Mn ore pockets at places 22.70 23.70 1.00 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (25.75%)

23.70 25.50 1.80 Black lateritisedshale. Last 10 cm Mn ore zone.

25.50 28.00 2.50 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (27.91%)

28.00 29.70 1.70 Black / brown / yellow shale with Mn ore specks.

29.70 34.70 5.00 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (21.99%)

34.60 35.10 0.50 Brecciated calcareous chert with Mn ore specks.

35.10 35.80 0.70 Ferruginised shale. Last 10 cm Fe- brecciated chert 35.80 38.20 2.40 Ferruginous brecciated chert

38.20 38.60 0.40 Carbonate rock powder

38.60 42.50 3.90 Weathered / brecciated dolomite

42.50 43.20 0.70 Brecciated dolomite with Mn ore specks.

43.20 56.10 12.90 Hard massive dolomite

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-28

Name of the Borehole: PBH-28 Date of commencement: 02.01.03 Location: Near village Pacheri (S12/W565) Date of closure: 17.01.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 510.35m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 10.85 10.85 Laterite with aluminous pisolites

10.85 27.05 16.20 Buff / Yellow / White Shale

27.05 33.65 6.60 Black shale

33.65 34.70 1.05 Black shale with small Mn ore pieces

34.70 35.70 1.00 Earthy shale. Last 15 cm black shale with Mn ore disseminations. 35.70 37.75 2.05 Buff shale with small pocket of Mn ore

37.75 40.75 3.00 Black Shale with Mn ore disseminations

40.75 41.75 1.00 Yellow Shale

41.75 43.95 2.20 Black Shale

43.95 47.00 3.05 Variegated Shale

47.00 47.50 0.50 Manganiferous Shale

47.70 52.75 5.05 Yellow / Earthy Shale with quartz pieces at 52.00m 52.75 59.50 6.75 Buff / Earthy Shale

59.50 63.10 3.60 Black Shale

63.10 65.10 1.70 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (23.62%)

65.10 65.80 0.70 Black Shale

65.80 67.00 1.20 Coarse grained earthy rock with white patches. Weathered Chert.

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-29

Name of the Borehole: PBH-29 Date of commencement: 20.01.03 Location: Near village Pacheri (S12/W670) Date of closure: 27.02.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 505.12m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 7.00 7.00 Laterite with aluminous pisolites & Mn ore specks at several places

7.00 13.90 6.90 Earthy / Brown / White / Buff Shale

13.90 14.90 1.00 Black Shale (quartz pieces present indicating probable volcanic origin). Mn ore specks present.

14.90 52.45 37.55 Black Shale with quartz pieces at 51.90m

52.45 53.45 1.00 Mn ore zone (Chert hosted) (33.72%)

53.45 55.40 1.95 Brecciated chert with Mn ore specks.

56.00 57.50 1.50 Mn ore zone (Chert hosted) (47.68%)

57.50 59.10 1.60 White / Brown Shale

59.50 63.00 3.90 Brecciated Chert

63.00 85.40 22.40 Yellow / Earthy / Buff Shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-30

Name of the Borehole: PBH-30 Date of commencement: 03.03.03 Location: Near village Pacheri (S8/W600) Date of closure: 01.03.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 496.72m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 9.70 9.70 Laterite with Mn ore specks at places

9.70 10.20 0.50 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (28.22% Mn)

10.20 11.20 1.00 Fe laterite with bauxite granules

11.20 13.20 1.00 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (28.45% Mn)

13.20 15.00 1.80 Manganiferous laterite

15.00 26.60 11.60 Yellow / Earthy / Black / Brown Shale with small Mn ore pockets at places. 26.60 30.05 3.45 Mn ore zone (34.27% Mn) (Shale associated)

30.05 31.20 1.15 Brown / Black Shale with minor Mn ore incidences. 31.20 33.65 2.45 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (37.52% Mn)

34.45 35.20 0.75 Brown Shale

35.20 38.35 3. 15 Brecciated chert with Mn & Fe ores specks

38.35 42.50 4.15 Brecciated chert with Mn, Fe ores and sulphide specks at places. 42.50 57.85 15.35 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-31

Name of the Borehole: PBH-31 Date of commencement: 04.03.03 Location: Near village Pacheri (S7/W611) Date of closure: 23.04.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 484.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 1.50 1.50 Lateritic soil 1.50 7.50 6.00 Laterite with Fe ore conga and aluminous pisolites 7.50 7.85 0.35 Laterite with Mn ore specks 7.85 10.00 2.15 Earthy Shale 10.00 11.00 1.00 Mn ore zone (lateritoid) (Marginal Grade) 11.00 23.30 12.30 Manganiferous laterite 23.30 24.25 0.95 Mn ore zone (23.97%) (Lateritoid) 24.25 26.65 2.40 Manganiferous laterite 26.65 30.95 4.30 Mn ore zone (26.65%) (Lateritoid) 30.95 31.75 0.80 Manganiferous laterite 31.75 32.25 0.50 Mn ore zone (33.15%) (Shale associated) 32.25 35.45 3.20 SHALE (Black - Manganiferous) 35.45 37.45 2.00 Mn ore zone (29.13%) (Shale associated) 37.45 40.40 2.95 SHALE (Black - Manganiferous) 40.40 45.00 4.60 Mn ore zone (34.09%) (Shale associated) 45.00 46.15 1.15 SHALE (Black - Manganiferous) 46.15 47.65 1.50 Mn ore zone (28.52%) (Shale associated) 47.65 48.50 0.85 SHALE (Black - Manganiferous) 48.50 49.10 0.60 Mn ore zone (28.00%) (Shale associated) 49.10 50.35 1.25 SHALE (Black - Manganiferous) 50.35 52.35 2.00 Mn ore zone (34.49%) (Shale associated) 52.35 55.90 3.55 SHALE (Black - Manganiferous) 55.90 59.20 3.30 Mn ore zone (26.50%) (Shale associated) 59.20 86.40 27.20 Earthy / Buff Shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-32

Name of the Borehole: PBH-32 Date of commencement: 26.04.03 Location: Near village Pacheri (S6/W605) Date of closure: 22.05.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 483.75m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

From To Width in meter Description

0.00 3.00 3.00 Lateritic soil

3.00 5.95 2.95 Laterite with Fe ore conga

5.95 59.00 53.05 Red / Yellow / Chocolate / Buff / Brown / Variegated Shale

Logged by: S.K. Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-33

Name of the Borehole: PBH-33 Date of commencement: 24.10.03 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S700/W711) Date of closure: 11.12.03 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 488.20m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 9.50 9.50 100 Laterite with Mn & Fe ore fragments

9.50 13.10 1.25 100 Mn laterite

13.10 14.15 1.05 100 Earthy Shale

14.15 15.00 0.85 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (M.G.)

15.00 17.30 2.30 100 Black Shale

17.30 18.20 0.90 100 Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (29.13%)

18.20 31.60 13.40 100 Buff / White / Yellow

31.60 40.85 9.25 73 Manganiferous brecciated chert

40.85 50.20 9.35 66 Calcareous brecciated chert

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-34

Name of the Borehole: PBH-34 Date of commencement: 07.12.2003 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S900/W700) Date of closure: 10.01.2004 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 502.40m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 0.60 0.60 100 Ferruginous laterite

0.60 9.00 8.40 100 Manganiferous laterite

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (20.29% 9.00 19.00 10.00 100 Mn)

19.00 24.00 5.00 100 Mn - Shale

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (29.18% 24.00 32.50 8.50 100 Mn)

32.50 34.40 1.90 100 Mn - Shale

Mn ore zone (chert hosted) (Marginal 34.40 36.15 1.75 100 Grade)

37.10 40.95 3.85 100 Brecciated chert with Mn ore

40.95 50.70 9.75 69 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-35

Name of the Borehole: PBH-35 Date of commencement: 15.01.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S800/W710) Date of closure: 28.02.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 497.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 8.50 8.50 100 Laterite with Fe ore Canga

8.50 13.80 5.30 100 Mn - laterite

13.80 16.50 2.70 100 Yellow Shale

16.50 17.65 1.15 100 Manganiferous Shale

17.65 28.00 10.35 100 Buff / Yellow Shale

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) 28.00 29.00 1.00 100 (Marginal Grade)

29.00 42.00 13.00 100 Black / Buff Shale

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (21.75% 42.00 44.00 2.00 100 Mn)

44.00 47.00 3.00 100 Earthy / Yellow Shale

Mn ore zone (Shale associated) (22.75% 47.00 48.00 1.00 100 Mn)

48.00 63.70 15.70 100 Yellow / Buff / Earthy Shale

Brecciated chert with Mn ore incidences. 63.70 68.45 4.75 50 Poor recovery. May be due to loss of soft Mn ore.

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-36

Name of the Borehole: PBH-36 Date of commencement: 08.03.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S1000/W730) Date of closure: 10.04.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 503.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 5.50 5.50 100 Manganiferous laterite

5.50 6.25 0.75 100 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) (22.60% Mn)

6.25 10.50 4.25 100 Manganiferous laterite

10.50 13.00 2.50 100 Mn ore zone (Lateritoid) (21.94% Mn)

13.00 15.00 2.00 100 Yellow / Black Shale

15.00 22.50 7.50 100 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (27.87% Mn)

22.50 28.50 6.00 100 Black / brown shale

28.50 29.80 1.30 100 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (32.00% Mn)

29.80 30.60 0.80 100 Yellow Shale

30.60 35.00 4.40 100 Mn ore zone (shale associated) (21.84% Mn)

35.00 39.65 4.65 89 Brecciated manganiferous chert

39.65 43.35 3.70 90 Black Shale

43.35 46.25 2.90 65 Brecciated calcareous chert.

46.25 48.20 1.95 100 Calcareous Shale

48.20 56.40 8.20 100 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-37

Name of the Borehole: PBH-37 Date of commencement: 15.04.44 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S1100/W750) Date of closure: 28.05.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 499.48m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 6.00 6.00 100.00 Ferruginous laterite

6.00 7.05 1.05 100.00 Manganiferous laterite

7.05 10.00 2.95 100.00 Laterite

10.65 14.50 3.85 100.00 Ferruginous laterite

14.50 18.10 3.60 100.00 Ferruginous lateritised shale

18.10 20.85 2.75 100.00 Buff / Red Shale

20.85 30.85 10.00 100.00 Mn ore zone (shale associated) 20.01%

30.85 37.20 6.35 93.00 Manganiferous black shale

37.20 38.50 1.30 100.00 Ferruginous brecciated chert

38.50 40.30 1.80 100.00 Yellow Shale

40.30 42.80 2.50 44.00 Brecciated chert

42.80 43.30 0.50 100.00 Sludge Highly silicified brecciated chert with Mn 43.30 44.90 1.60 37.00 ore incidences. 44.90 45.95 1.05 100.00 Manganiferous brecciated chert

45.95 46.35 0.40 100.00 Yellow limonite with brecciated chert

46.35 50.85 4.50 44.00 Manganiferous brecciated chert

50.85 54.50 3.65 30.00 Ferruginous brecciated chert

54.50 56.50 2.00 100.00 Manganiferous brecciated chert Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-38

Name of the Borehole: PBH-38 Date of commencement: 01.06.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S1100/W850) Date of closure: 28.06.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 502.51m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 7.00 7.00 100 Ferruginous laterite

Brown/ Earthy/ Buff/ Chocolate Shale with 7.00 26.40 19.40 100 Fe ore pieces at places Top 65 cm black shale with Mn ore specks. 26.40 27.75 1.35 100 Rest Buff Shale

27.75 30.10 2.35 100 Buff / Earthy Shale

Buff Shale with 30 cm black shale with Mn 30.10 31.60 1.50 100 ore between 31.00 & 31.30m.

31.60 32.20 0.60 100 Shale with Mn ore specks.

32.20 32.90 0.70 100 Manganiferous black shale

32.90 33.20 0.30 100 Yellow limonitic shale

33.20 33.70 0.50 100 Brown shale with Mn ore incidence

33.70 37.00 3.30 100 Manganiferous black shale

37.00 42.00 5.00 100 Manganiferous brecciated chert

Black sandy Mn ore like material associated 42.00 46.00 4.00 100 with broken chert pieces.

46.00 48.00 2.00 100 Sub-marginal grade Mn ore

48.00 51.00 3.00 100 Low grade Mn ore zone (20% VE)

51.00 53.25 2.25 100 Manganiferous Shale

53.25 53.95 0.70 100 Buff / off white shale

Broken brecciated dolomite pieces with 53.95 58.00 4.05 58 calcareous shale Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-39

Name of the Borehole: PBH-39 Date of commencement: 02.07.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S1000/W830) Date of closure: 27.07.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 505.38m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 10.35 10.35 100 LATERITE

10.35 26.70 16.35 100 Brown / Yellow / Buff Shale

29.55 34.00 4.45 100 Manganiferous Shale

34.00 41.00 7.00 100 Manganiferous chert

Top black shale. Bottom 30 cm. Powdery 41.00 42.50 1.50 100 Mn ore zone (15% VE)

42.50 45.50 3.00 100 Calcareous powdery zone

45.50 46.80 1.30 100 Grey coloured hard shale.

46.80 50.50 3.70 100 Broken Dolomite pieces

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-40

Name of the Borehole: PBH-40 Date of commencement: 28.07.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S900/W810) Date of closure: 17.08.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 501.37m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 16.55 16.55 97 LATERITE

16.55 41.15 24.60 100 Brown / Buff / Yellow Shale

41.15 46.80 5.65 91 Mn ore zone (chert associated) (Marginal Grade)

46.80 55.50 8.70 100 Earthy Shale

55.50 56.85 1.35 100 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-41

Name of the Borehole: PBH-41 Date of commencement: 21.08.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S800/W807) Date of closure: 07.09.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 498.50m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 7.00 7.00 100 Ferruginous laterite

7.00 8.80 1.80 100 Manganiferous laterite

8.80 15.00 6.20 100 Red coloured laterite

15.00 17.00 2.00 100 Laterite with Mn ore specks.

17.00 36.30 19.30 100 Earthy / Buff / Yellow Shale

36.30 36.80 0.50 50 Bracciated chert with Mn ore coating

36.80 42.25 5.45 64 Brecciated chert recovered as sandy sludge

42.25 54.20 11.95 80 Calcareous (?) sandy material

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-42

Name of the Borehole: PBH-42 Date of commencement: 10.09.04 Location: Near village Pacheri, (S700/W810) Date of closure: 10.10.04 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 490.70m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 7.00 7.00 100 Ferruginous laterite with Fe ore pieces.

7.00 12.00 5.00 100 Yellow / Earthy Shale

12.00 12.85 0.85 100 Manganiferous shale

12.85 16.75 3.90 100 Earthy Shale

16.75 32.40 15.65 100 Manganiferous brecciated chert

32.40 33.70 1.30 50 Brecciated chert

33.70 34.60 0.90 55 Manganiferous brecciated chert

34.60 35.60 1.00 60 Sludge

35.60 35.90 0.30 50 Brecciated chert

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-43

Name of the Borehole: PBH-42 Date of commencement: 11.01.05 Location: Near village Pacheri, S400/W245 (GP) Date of closure: 10.02.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 472.91 m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439


0.00 22.75 22.75 100 Ferruginous laterite

22.75 42.00 19.25 100 Ferruginous shale

42.00 43.35 1.35 100 Tuffaceous shale

43.35 48.25 4.90 100 Ferruginous shale

Ferruginous shale at places leached out to give 48.25 70.10 21.85 89 pink colouration.

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-44

Name of the Borehole: PBH-44 Date of commencement: 16.02.05 Location: Near village Pacheri, S1000/W250 Date of closure: 14.03.05 (GP) Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 502.06m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-439


0.00 7.60 7.60 100 Ferruginous laterite

Ferruginous pink shale, tuffaceous at places with 7.60 28.00 20.40 100 soapy feeling.

28.00 35.00 7.00 100 Pink shale with fragments of weathered chert.

Shale with fragments of weathered chert at 35.00 73.55 38.55 100 places.

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-45

Name of the Borehole: PBH-45 Date of commencement: 02.05.05 Location: Near village Pacheri, S700/W904 Date of closure: 13.06.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 492.79m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

Core Reco- FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION very (%) 0.00 16.85 16.85 100 Red coloured lateritic soil with Fe ore fragments

16.85 18.70 1.85 100 Brown coloured laterite

18.70 19.70 1.00 100 Manganiferous ore zone (23.95% Mn)

19.70 21.65 1.95 100 Earthy Shale

21.65 22.80 1.15 100 Manganiferous shale

22.80 23.40 0.60 100 Ferruginous shale

23.40 24.40 1.00 100 Manganiferous ore zone (40.76% Mn)

24.40 45.00 20.60 100 Black / brown / red /yellow shale

45.00 46.00 1.00 100 Manganiferous shale

46.00 46.90 0.90 100 Brecciated chert

46.90 48.90 2.00 100 Manganiferous shale

48.90 50.60 1.70 100 SHALE

50.60 51.60 1.00 100 Manganiferous ore zone (25.27% Mn)

51.60 54.70 3.10 100 Shale with chert fragments

54.70 62.80 8.10 100 Manganiferous ore zone (25.09% Mn)

62.80 68.60 5.80 100 Yellow-brown shale.

68.70 69.70 1.00 80 Manganiferous ore zone (chert hosted) (26.00% Mn)

69.70 71.35 1.65 100 Brecciated chert with Mn ore

71.35 72.00 0.65 100 Manganes ore with dolomite

72.00 76.55 4.55 15 Black sludge with fragments of dolomite

76.55 78.55 2.00 100 Dolomite

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-46

Name of the Borehole: PBH-46 Date of commencement: 22.06.05 Location: Near village Pacheri, S800/W905 Date of closure: 18.07.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 496.48m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367

Core Reco- FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION very (%) Ferruginous Laterite with fragments of iron 0.00 8.65 8.65 100 ore

8.65 12.75 4.10 100 Ferruginous shale

12.75 13.55 0.80 100 Black shale with Mn ore

13.55 26.35 14.80 100 Yellow limonitic shale with Mn ore

26.35 31.90 5.55 100 Buff / Yellow / Grey Shale

31.90 39.70 7.80 57 Fe-chert with Mn ore incidences at places.

38.30 41.20 2.90 53 Mn ore zone (chert hosted) (27.00% Mn)

41.20 42.40 1.20 100 Black Shale

42.40 42.95 0.55 100 Chert with Mn ore incidence

42.95 48.55 5.60 75 Brecciated chert

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-47 Name of the Borehole: PBH-47 Date of commencement:: 22.07.05 Location: Near village Pacheri, S900/W913 Date of closure: 19.08.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 501.15m Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-367


0.00 1.20 1.20 100 Ferruginous Laterite

1.20 7.75 6.55 100 Laterite with iron ore floats

7.75 14.70 6.95 100 Ferruginous Laterite

14.70 17.80 3.10 100 Ferruginous shale

17.80 22.95 5.15 100 Yellow limonitic shale

22.95 29.30 6.35 100 Manganiferous black shale

29.30 31.00 1.70 100 Brecciated chert with Mn ore incidences

31.00 32.15 1.15 100 Mn ore zone (chert hosted) (39.08% Mn)

32.15 33.85 1.70 82 Brecciated chert

33.85 61.15 27.30 100 Earthy / yellow / grey Shale

61.15 79.10 17.95 100 Grey calcareous shale

79.10 80.00 0.90 100 Grey calcareous shale with dolomite pieces

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist Borehole no: PBH-48

Name of the Borehole: PBH-48 Date of commencement:: 31.08.05 Location: Near village Pacheri, S1000/W930 Date of closure: 28.09.05 Dist: Keonjhar R .L.: 507.67 Toposheet: 73F/8 Unit-461

Core Reco- FROM TO WIDTH DESCRIPTION very (%) 0.00 13.00 13.00 100 Float iron ore

13.00 15.75 2.75 100 Fe- Laterite

15.75 41.00 25.25 100 Buff / White Shale / tuff (?)

41.00 41.50 0.50 100 Weathered calcareous rock (Dolomite?) Brecciated limonitic chert. Last 20 cm Mn ore 41.50 42.30 0.80 87 incidence. Black calcareous powder with Mn ore 42.30 49.00 6.70 100 incidences at few places 49.00 52.35 3.35 100 Sludge

52.35 53.60 1.25 100 Earthy shale with dolomite fragments

53.60 54.80 1.20 71 Dolomite

54.80 58.55 3.75 100 Black Shale (calcareous?)

58.55 63.25 4.70 100 Fractured and powdery dolomite

63.25 64.70 1.45 100 Black Shale (calcareous?)

64.70 64.90 0.20 100 DOLOMITE

Logged by: S.K.Patel, Geologist