TECHNIQUE Make Black Greek Organi- Harris Starts in the New Film “The South’S Liveliest College Newspaper” Zations Unique

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TECHNIQUE Make Black Greek Organi- Harris Starts in the New Film “The South’S Liveliest College Newspaper” Zations Unique Friday, March 16, 2001 Membership and history Academy-award nominated Ed TECHNIQUE make black Greek organi- Harris starts in the new film “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” zations unique. ‘Pollock.’ ONLINE CAMPUS LIFE page 13 ENTERTAINMENT page 21 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 86, Issue 26 • 36 pages Opinions␣ 10 · Campus␣ Life␣ 13 · Entertainment␣ 21 · Comics␣ 28 · Sports␣ 36 SGA elections Engineering pilots Sigma Phi Epsilon scores win kick off new 1311 option Undergraduate and Grad- uate candidates for student By Mary DeCamp government offices began News Staff their campaigns this week. Platforms written by candi- The rights of passage at Georgia Tech dates for all presidential and may be changing. The majority of engi- vice-presidential campaigns neering students will soon have the op- can be found inside on pages tion of taking a different version of the 2-4. Debates will be held Introduction to Programming course, oth- March 22 from 3:00 p.m. to erwise known as CS1311. 6:00 p.m. in the Student Cen- This new class is titled CEE4803D ter Theater. Undergraduate and is being taught by the College of SGA also extented the quali- Engineering this semester for the first fying deadline for for all pos- By Bill Allen / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS tions to March 19. time. Brothers in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity will be able to officially return to campus on July 27, so “When a new course is created, we long as the adhere to the stipulations of a recent compromise between the fraternity and Tech. have learned that it is best to first teach it to a small number of students as a ‘pilot By Jody Shaw duct. were among a small group of Ford donates course’,” said Dr. John Leonard, an Asso- Managing Editor The case against Sigma Phi guys that created problems for a to Tech ciate Professor of Civil and Environmen- Epsilon, commonly known as large group of guys,” Bill Oakes, tal Engineering and instructor for this Georgia Tech officials recently Sig Ep, dates back to fall semes- President of the Sigma Phi Ep- The Ford Motor Com- new course. reached a compromise with Sig- ter when the Tech brought the silon Alumni Board, said. pany recenly committed $10 According to Dr. Leonard, a pilot course ma Phi Epsilon that reduces the fraternity before the Interfrater- The Dean of Students office, million towards the contruc- is beneficial because it allows the instruc- fraternity’s suspension from two nity Council (IFC) judicial board which makes the final decision tion of the new Environmen- tors to see what types of students will be years to one and ends the frater- to face 38 charges of hazing, con- on such cases, determined that tal Sciences and Technology taking the class, to modify the syllabus, nity’s appeal to the Board of duct, drug, and alcohol viola- suspension was a more appro- Building, which will house outline, and tests for the class, and to Regents. By making such an tions. IFC found Sig Ep priate punishment. The Dean’s Tech’s efforts to develop sus- determine which styles of presentation agreement, Tech essentially ad- responsible for most of the charges office suspended Sig Ep for two tainable technologies. and instruction will be most effective. mits it handled the case improp- and recommended that its mem- years, but the fraternity imme- “The Environmental Sci- There are currently 19 students enrolled erly and failed to provide the bers be required to undergo in- diately appealed the decision to ence and Technology build- fraternity with correct informa- tensive educational programs and Vice President of Student Af- ing will take our efforts to a See CS, page 7 tion regarding the process by revise its pledge policy. new level, and we are very which it handles Greek miscon- “The problems that occurred See Sig Ep, page 9 pleased to have Ford Motor Company as a partner in this effort,” said President G. New North deck opens Wayne Clough. By Jody Shaw be reserved for visitor parking, as Fire breaks Managing Editor the lot will be attended from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day. Stu- out at GLC The completion of the new five- dents will have able opportunity to story North Campus Parking Deck relocate into the new deck, and many Students returned from earlier this week marked the end of students currently on the waiting Spring Break to find the Grad- a three-year process, and the latest lists will receive spaces—both in the uate Living Center aflame. advancement made by Tech’s De- deck and in the various zones that The blaze broke out on the partment of Parking and Transpor- will be opened up because of re- fourth floor of the building tation. Over the next month, faculty, shuffling. on Sunday evening. Accord- staff, and students will be ushered “I don’t think over 25% [of the ing to witnesses, the small into the state-of-the-art facility that North Campus deck] initially will fire started when residents contains over 850 spaces. be faculty and staff,” Rod Weis, were cooking dinner, but Of those spaces, approximately Director of Parking and Transpor- many GLC residents were 550-650 will be sold as passes to tation, said. By Marques McMillan / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS forced to evacuate the build- various members of the Tech com- With the opening ot the North Campus parking deck, work on the State ing for over an hour as fire- munity. The rest of the spaces will See Deck, page 6 Street beutification project can begin. See the story on page 6. fighters snuffed out the flames. Tech’s Ivan Allen College celebrates ten years of liberal arts By Jody Shaw tute of Engineering, it is the National Science Foundation, Managing Editor Georgia Institute of Technolo- and she found herself attracted gy, and technology is an essen- to the interdisciplinary approach In the past weeks and months, tially human enterprise. A device of the Ivan Allen College. one of Georgia Tech’s newest is just a piece of metal until some- Barke is a veteran; he helped colleges, the Ivan Allen College, body decides to use it. As soon to create the Ivan Allen College celebrated its tenth anniversary as you start talking about how in the late 1980s, serving on sev- with a variety of guest lectures it’s used, where it’s used, then eral committees that started laid and special events. This cele- you start to get into the realm of the groundwork. According to bration provided a time for the things Ivan Allen folks decide,” Barke, the idea to create the new leaders of Tech’s liberal arts col- Richard Barke, Associate Dean college and reorganize much of lege to reflect on its beginnings, of the Ivan Allen College, said. the Tech academic world directly assess its current position, and “I think in ten years, we’ve came from then President John contemplate its future. made enormous progress, but Patrick Crecine. “Georgia Tech is no longer a ten years is not very long for a “When Crecine arrived he regional engineering school, it complex institution with 110 came from Carnegie Mellon, is a national and international faculty, 700 students, teaching where there was a unique orga- technological university, which 84,000 credit hours a year to nization among the social enc- means it has to have strong hu- change.” es, humanities, sciences, and By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS manities and social sciences,” Rosser is somewhat new to engineering. Crecine brought Julian Bond, current Chairman of the NAACP, recently spoke as part of the Sue Rosser, Dean of the Ivan the Ivan Allen College. She was some of the Carnegie Mellon continuing Ivan Allen College celebration. Zell Miller, U.S. Senator from Georgia, Allen College, said. familiar with Tech and its mis- spoke about education at the tenth anniversary dinner on Thursday evening. “It is not the Georgia Insti- sion through her work at the See IAC, page 7 2 • Friday, March 16, 2001 • Technique NEWS Undergraduate Student Government Elections Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates M. Rameen Ghorieshi Erik M. Gordon Chris Kavanaugh USG Presidential Candidate USG Presidential Candidate USG Presidential Candidate Class: Senior Class: Junior Class: Junior Major: Applied Biology, Pre-Med Major: ISyE Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering Expected Graduation: Spring 2002 Expected Graduation: Summer 2002 Expected Graduation: May 2002 Campaign Website: Campaign Website: http:// Campaign Website: SGA Experience: SGA Experience: SGA Experience: Member-At-Large (2000-01) None Chair, SGA Advisory␣ Board␣ SGA Advisory Board Member (2000-01) Executive Assistant to the President Major Representative (1999) Tech Activities: Freshman Representative Winter ’01 Retreat Organizer Residence Hall Association: Bookstore Space Allocation Committee Various ad hoc Committees Hall council president Academic Integrity Board Programs coordinator: Tech Activities: Winter buzz (’00,’01) Tech Activities: American Medical Students’ Association VP (AMSA) First Annual Georgia Tech Formal Omicron Delta Kappa, Treasurer Tri Beta Biological Honors Society Second city (’01) Freshman Council: Sophomore Advisor, Vice-President Speech and Debate Team VP (Administrative) Awards Banquets (’00,’01) Diversity Forum IBB Research J-board (’00,’01) Executive Round Table Intramural Soccer Retreat (’01) PSY 1000 Team Leader Freshman Council Club Britain. LEARN Peer Mentor Program Lambda Sigma (LS) Conferences: SAACURH, NAACURH Georgia Tech Leadership Initiative ESEP (Elementary School Educational Partner) Center for the Arts Ramblin’ Reck Retreat Council GT Options Instructor Team Buzz TEAM Buzz Project Coordinator Pi mile (runner and volunteer) Pre-Law Society Platform: Sign: Taurus The Three A’s for a Better Future Other: I like sports and long nights in front of a roaring fire.
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