TECHNIQUE News Section and Rants Clough Answers Questions “The South’S Liveliest College Newspaper” About SGA Elections

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TECHNIQUE News Section and Rants Clough Answers Questions “The South’S Liveliest College Newspaper” About SGA Elections Friday, March 22, 2002 Jack B. Nimble joins the Mr. President? Mr. President? TECHNIQUE news section and rants Clough answers questions “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” about SGA elections. from State of Institute address. ONLINE NEWS page 3 NEWS page 3 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 87, Issue 27 • 36 pages Opinions 10 · Focus 17 · Entertainment 23 · Comics 28 · Sports 36 Hackers strike OIT, compromise staff info By Tony Kluemper mised, allowing nearly 350 gigabytes curity numbers of numerous em- Although nothing may come of since July 1, 2000 to contact their Assistant News Editor of data to be transferred from the ployees. At this point OIT is esti- the network invasion, OIT officials credit card companies and inform business server. mating that nearly 1,000 faculty and warn that there could be potentially them of the situation. Earlier this month, Tech was at- Once inside the system, hackers staff could be affected by the hack- “serious ramifications” to members In addition, the Institute itself tacked by a group of computer hack- were able to view files from as far ers’ actions. of the faculty and staff. According has taken steps to ensure that the ers who gained illegal access to records back as July 1, 2000 that were avail- Another problem could result to OIT, the foremost concern at information found on the server on a server within the OIT business able on the server; this is a poten- from the network attack caused by this point is the integrity of any cannot be used to the advantage of office. The exploitation of the serv- tially serious issue due to the the hackers: the information pro- personal information that the hackers the hackers. Tech officials have been er took place on March 9, and since information these files contain. Ac- vided in the P-Card system set up may have acquired. The most alarm- working with the Bank of America that time OIT has been conducting cording to OIT, the information by OIT to allow on-campus credit ing possible ramifications of the at- over the past few weeks to cancel an investigation to determine ex- found in these files included travel card purchases could be compro- tack could include identity theft as the 1,000 P-Cards in the system actly what happened. After prelim- vouchers for employees as well as mised. The P-Card files were also well as unauthorized credit card us- and have them replaced as soon as inary investigation officials at OIT other personal contact information. accessible to the hackers and in- age. OIT is warning anyone who possible. Although the cards were were able to determine that the se- Travel vouchers often include the cluded credit card numbers as well submitted travel or reimbursement curity of the system was compro- credit card numbers and social se- as employee identification numbers. vouchers or used the P-Card system See OIT, page 7 Tech lands million WAM events draw small, excited crowds dollar leadership grant By Daniel Amick the objectification of the body Senior Staff Writer in advertisements as well as the By Eleanor Baccay effects such ads have on audi- Contributing Writer Women’s Awareness Month ences. The following night, kicked off its events late last week, WAM sponsored a concert at The Student Leadership Initiative at Tech and organizers of the annual event Under the Couch. Local folk has just gained the support of a $1 million offered a full slate of speakers, musician Doria Roberts per- endowment. The Bradley-Turner Foun- panels, and activities for inter- formed. dation located in Columbus, Georgia, gave ested students. WAM is an an- Thursday night, students the endowment to Tech to support servant nual event that seeks to provoke gathered at the Campanile for leadership internships and other student student discussion of women’s “Take Back the Night.” The leadership activities. issues and women’s role in soci- annual event aims to reduce in- Since the gift is an endowment, Tech ety. cidents of sexual violence through will only be able to spend the interest earn- “In a campus where females education. Rape survivors spoke ings the $1 million produces. The endow- are a minority, it is important to about their experiences and par- ment is a permanent gift, so Tech will be offer events in which people can ticipants held a candlelight vigil able to use it towards student leadership hear a side of the story they might and march around campus. activities forever. The gift will arrive this not have a chance to [hear] oth- Overall, “the response this coming fall, and the money will be used erwise,” said Jonathan Morris, year has been great,” said Mor- starting next year. Co-Chair of the WAM com- ris. Numbers decreased some- Professor Arnold Stancell, Tech’s Chair mittee. what because, last year, of Servant Leadership, will be teaching a WAM events kicked off Panhellenic members were re- course on servant leadership in order to March 12 with a women’s fit- quired to attend some lectures help students develop leadership skills that ness lecture and question and and events, he said. emphasize collaboration and respect among answer session given by Keri “This year, we decided we leaders and their peers. Students who take White, Program Coordinator at didn’t want people there unless this course will acquire internships focus- the Wellness Center. Later that they wanted to be there,” Mor- ing on service, which the endowment will evening, a student group from ris said. help fund. The endowment will also help the University of Virginia called “So obviously numbers went fund other programs, such as leadership “1 in 4” made a presentation on down, but the discussions at the workshops, that will focus on the goals of sexual assault. The name “1 in end of the programs have in- the student leadership initiative. 4” refers to the number of wom- creased dramatically.” Smaller According to Vice President of Student en who will be sexual assault groups, he said, permit freer ex- Affairs Lee Wilcox, the gift is a step forward victims sometime in their lives. change of ideas and allow for in the direction that Tech has wanted to On March 14, fashion mod- more of a round-table discus- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS el-turned social activist Ann Si- sion. See Fund, page 6 Local artist Doria Roberts performed at Under the Couch last monton spoke on the topic of Friday night as one of the Women’s Awareness Month events.. sex in the media. She addressed See WAM, page 4 Red Cross blood Pipe burst evacuates Harrison SGA Elections Presidential Debates drive next week By Jennifer Schur ing smell of “musty old gym socks,” ac- The American Red Cross Contributing Writer cording to one resident. The smell was will sponsor a blood drive next not the worst of it, though. Several stu- week on March 26, 27 and Harrison Hall was filled with steam dents were forced to skip class because of 28. The blood drive will be and stench on the morning of Friday, the problem while others rushed to find held from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in March 15. Police and firefighters ar- available computers close by to finish the Student Center Ballroom. rived at the east campus residence to find midterm papers. a battalion of irritated women, many of Meg Morris, a first year AE student, whom left showers, take-home midterms called the Georgia Tech police around FASET leader and sleep behind in their dorm rooms for 11:20 a.m. to report the alarm; no Peer what was thought to be just another false Leaders or Peer Advisors were present to earns top honors alarm. do so. Fourth-year CE major According to Harrison Peer Advisor “When I called the police, they said Glen Iannucci was awarded Amy Kruse, the disruption was caused they were already aware of the situation the regional Outstanding Stu- when maintenance workers attempted and someone was on their way, even though dent Leadership award last to turn on the steam to Cloudman Hall, no one arrived for a good ten minutes,” a dorm adjacent to Harrison. The result said Morris. week by the National Orien- By Ian Clark / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS tation Directors Association. was the bursting of a steam pipe that “Once they did, the officer walked up filled the third, uppermost floor with very nonchalantly as if it was just another Andrew Keen, E.W. Looney, and Tiffany Massey debate at Iannucci has served as a the Campanile on Thursday. Elections run March 25-27. FASET leader for the past hot steam, filled the stairwell with a few three years. inches of water and made the entire build- See Steam, page 4 2 • Friday, March 22, 2002 • Technique NEWS Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! From the archives... Last issue’s poll garnered 46 responses to the question: “Have you decided how you will vote in the SGA presidential race?” The ‘Nique’s top stories from past April Fool’s: year ago: April 1, 2001—Since there was no April Fool’s 1 edition 30 years ago, the Archive Staff has found more recent history. Last year the Techlique staff announced a new initia- tive formed by Tech administrators called GT STUPID— Students Trying Unusually Intoxicating Drinks. years ago: April 1, 1992—Tech president Pat 10 Crecine officially announced that the April Fool’s edition of the ‘Nique would be the last for the student-run newspaper. NationsBank donated $20 million to Tech for a new basketball area.
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