Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Mochovce

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Interim Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Mochovce VUJE, a.s. Okružná 5 • 918 64Trnava • Slovenská republika INTERIM STORAGE OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN MOCHOVCE Intention pursuant to Act No. 24/2006 Coll. on Environmental Impact Assessment and amending other laws No.: V03-1009/2013/3400113 Date of issue: 06/2013 In force since: Approval Revision: 0 Name: fdf3930.11.2011Company /Department: Signature: Elaborated by: Bc. Ondrej Galbička VUJE, a.s./0340 Ing. Milan Lӧrinc ZTS VVÚ Košice, a.s. Ing. Igor Matejovič, CSc. DECOM, a.s. Verified by: RNDr. Václav Hanušík, CSc. VUJE, a.s./0710 Approved by: Ing. Vladimír Fridrich VUJE, a.s./0340 VUJE, a.s. Okružná 5 • 918 64Trnava • Slovenská republika Contents Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2 List of abbreviation .................................................................................................................... 7 Terms and Definitions .............................................................................................................. 10 I Basic Information about the Proponent ............................................................................ 13 I.1 Name .......................................................................................................................... 13 I.2 Company Registration Number (IČO) ...................................................................... 13 I.3 Company Address ...................................................................................................... 13 I.4 Entitled Deputy of Contracting Authority ................................................................. 13 I.5 Contact Person ........................................................................................................... 13 II Basic Information about the Proposed Activity ................................................................ 15 II.1 Title ............................................................................................................................ 15 II.2 Aim ............................................................................................................................ 15 II.3 User ............................................................................................................................ 15 II.4 Character of the Proposed Activity ........................................................................... 15 II.5 Location of the Proposed Activity ............................................................................. 16 II.6 Detailed Location of the Proposed Activity .............................................................. 16 II.7 Starting and Ending Dates of Construction and Operation of the Proposed Activity 18 II.8 Brief description of the technical and technological solution ................................... 19 II.8.1 Concurrently submitted variants of the intention ............................................... 20 II.8.2 Zero variant ........................................................................................................ 20 II.8.3 Dry repository of the spent nuclear fuel Mochovce (variant 1) ......................... 22 II.8.4 Wet repository of the spent nuclear fuel Mochovce (variant 2) ......................... 29 II.9 Reasoning of the necessity of the proposed activity in the given location ................ 33 Page 2 z 143 VUJE, a.s. Okružná 5 • 918 64Trnava • Slovenská republika II.10 The Total Cost ........................................................................................................ 35 II.11 Affected Municipalities ......................................................................................... 35 II.12 Self Governing Region .......................................................................................... 37 II.13 Affected Authorities ............................................................................................... 37 II.14 Permission Authority ............................................................................................. 37 II.15 Departmental Authority ......................................................................................... 37 II.16 Type the Required Permission for the Proposed Activity Under Special Regulations ........................................................................................................................... 37 II.17 Statement on the Expected Trans-Boundary Impacts of the Proposed Activity .... 38 III Basic Information About the Current Status of the Environment of the Investigated Area. 38 III.1 Characteristics of the Natural Environment Including Protected Areas .................... 38 III.1.1 Characteristics of the Boundaries of the Investigated Area and Regional Geological and Geomorphological Division .................................................................... 38 III.1.2 Geological Structure of the Investigated Area ................................................... 41 III.1.3 Engineering-Geological Conditions ................................................................... 45 III.1.4 Seismicity ........................................................................................................... 47 III.1.5 Tectonics ............................................................................................................ 47 III.1.6 Mineral Resources .............................................................................................. 48 III.1.7 Soil Conditions ................................................................................................... 48 III.1.8 Hydrological Conditions .................................................................................... 50 III.1.9 Animal and Plant Kingdom ................................................................................ 53 III.1.10 Protected Areas ............................................................................................... 56 III.2 Scenic View, Stability, Protection and Scenery ........................................................ 57 III.2.1 Landscape and Scenic View ............................................................................... 57 Page 3 z 143 VUJE, a.s. Okružná 5 • 918 64Trnava • Slovenská republika III.2.2 Scenic View ........................................................................................................ 59 III.2.3 Territorial System of Ecological Stability .......................................................... 59 III.3 Population and its Activities, Infrastructure, Cultural and Historical Values of the Area 61 III.3.1 Definition of the Boundaries of the Affected Area ............................................ 61 III.3.2 Number of Inhabitants in Affected Municipalities ............................................ 63 III.3.3 Population Health ............................................................................................... 66 III.3.4 Economic Activity of the Population ................................................................. 67 III.3.5 The Current State of the Environment Including Health ................................... 72 IV Basic Information About the Expected Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Activity, Including Health, and About Possible Mitigation Measures .................................... 93 IV.1 Input Requirements .................................................................................................... 93 IV.1.1 Zero Alternative ................................................................................................. 93 IV.1.2 Alternatives of the Proposed Activity ................................................................ 95 IV.2 Data on outputs .......................................................................................................... 99 IV.2.1 Atmosphere ........................................................................................................ 99 IV.2.2 Waste water ...................................................................................................... 100 IV.2.3 Wastes .............................................................................................................. 103 IV.2.4 Noise and vibrations ......................................................................................... 104 IV.2.5 Radiation and smell .......................................................................................... 104 IV.3 Information About Expected Direct and Indirect Environmental Impacts .............. 105 IV.3.1 Impact on the Geological Environment ........................................................... 106 IV.3.2 Impact on the Air, Local Climate Conditions and Noise Level ....................... 106 IV.3.3 Impacts on Surface and Ground Water ............................................................ 107 IV.3.4 Impacts on the Soils ......................................................................................... 108 Page 4 z 143 VUJE, a.s. Okružná 5 • 918 64Trnava • Slovenská republika IV.3.5 Impacts on the Gene Pool and Biodiversity ..................................................... 109 IV.3.6 Impact on the Landscape .................................................................................. 110 IV.3.7 Impacts on the Urban Complex and Land Use................................................. 111 IV.4 Health Risks Assessment ......................................................................................... 111 IV.5 Information on
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