Fhe HIUORY of HUOOHUH in Thalia
fHE HIUORY OF HUOOHUH IN THAliA S 8Q 552 867 C.3 .' '., . • , . นกั หอสมุดกลาง สำ BUD,DH1SM IN THA ILA NO ' ItJ ',WAIIG BORIBAL BURIBANDH translated by , 'Or. Luall SurlyalteDls, M.D. , ' • . " ,Pre/ace ':N 'former d8Y~. 88y50 years ago, Thai1a~d :was mostly only ".. , .ll, known from boo'ksand colourful deSCrIptions made by a :few privileged persons who had ventured to visit this country. It was ktlown as "~h~ Land of White Elephants t •• of gilded temples apd pag()das. as ci the Land of Yellow Robes" and .,' the Landof SmilesII. It was described as an island of peace and tral)quility, a haven far away from the high seas ,of up~ heaval and pOlitical unrest. ,Today, particularly since สtheม armed conflict in Korea, where, the free nationsน ofกั theห worldอ struggledุดกลา to contain the disruptive fo,rcesof ำCommun~sm. the eyes of งthe world are ส focussed upon Thailand as a possible future victim of Com munistaggressio~. , It is receiving the attention of both sides, precisely because of its privileged position. It is still an island of peace and relative prosperity, where there are class dis.. tinctiQns y~t no class hatred. Where rich and poor live peace~ fully togetl,1er because of their Buddhist tolerance 'and because ~here.is abundant food,for all. Where foreigners of every race and coUntry are met with a smile. And where the subtle tactics ~nd s'L\bversive activities of Communism have not as yet met with succesa worth speaking of, because of the peo~ ple'\i deep faith in their Religion and because of their inborn love of personal freedom, and their loyalty.
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