Ellsworth American Open Ifrofteeionsi Cam Iltgaj Xotirta

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Ellsworth American Open Ifrofteeionsi Cam Iltgaj Xotirta orti) mit'ican. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1919. ENTERED AS SECOND- CLASS MATTEE AFTERNOON, 26, • AT THE ELLSWORTH POBTONFIOB. | No. 48. Miss LiKJAIj affairs Beulah Salsbury, who has SllibrrtiBrautits. spent the summer in Bucksport, has returned to Ellsworth. *™ auvkktisimknts Liberty National Bank this week Mrs. Carrie Bellatty left Monday Bills in for Successor to the Burrlll equity night Roxbury, Mass., to spend National Bank Sheriff’s sale the holidays with her son Union Trust Co Edgar. OF ELLSWORTH M L Adams— Dry goods Beginning next Monday, the after- Notice of appointments noon train down the Mt. Desert E H Baker—Optometrist A P branch, now leaving Bangor at 3.30, Royal—Storage batteries will Supt. of scbools-Bids for wood leave at 3.15. E F Robinson—The new of the Edison The literature club will meet with United States In bankruptcy-Edmund M Staples REPOSITORY Government, Probate uotice-Estof Miss Hazel Giles next even- of Mary E Hoplcinson Tuesday State Maine, County of of ing. Dec. 2. at 7.45. Roll call, "cur- Hancock, City rent events.” and more than 2700 SCHEDULE Ellsworth satisfied customers. OF MAILS H. F. Wescott is making alter- ST ELLSWORTH ations on not your account f POSTOFFICE. the interior of his new ])rhy store In effect, Sept. 241, 1979. building, recently purchased, and putting in a new front. If are about to MAILS RECEIVED. Justice L. B. you chancre your banking connections Deasy has closed his Week home at Bar or open an or Days. Harbor and, with Mrs. account, call write us. We are From never West—6.47 a ni; 4.40, p m. Deasy, is spending the winter at the “too busy” and we will From cheerfully “take the time Eart-11.11 a m ; 6.27 p m. Hancock house in Ellsworth. MAILS CLOSB AT P08T0FFICB There will be union Thanksgiving services Going West-10.40 a m; 6 p m. at the Methodist church Going East—6.15 am; 4.10 p|m. Thursday evening. Rev. R. B. Math- ews will deliver Sundays. (Until Oct. 26.) the sermon. Miss Calista Hamor of Bar Arrive from the west 8.16 a m. Closes for Harbor, west 4.50 p m. who has been visiting Mrs. M. H. Clement, after a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Registered mail should be at postofflce half Aiken in Cherry- an hour before mail closes. field, will go to Massachusetts for & he SILVY LINNEHAN, Inc. winter. Mr. and WEATHKK Mrs. George B. Flaherty IN ELLSWORTH. of Wooufords are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a daugh- —=GARAGEa-— For Week ter, born Nov. 21. Mrs. Ending at .Midnight Tuesday, Flaherty >vas Nov. formerly Miss Alice Drummey of 25, 1919. this city. AGENTS FOR From Mr. | observations taken at the oowei and Mrs. James E. Parsons station of the liar Harbor & Union Rivei left yesterday to Power Co., in Ellsworth. spend Thanksgiving Precipitation with their son, Dr. given in inches for the twenty-four hours George E. Par- Chevrolet and ending at midnight.J sons, at Islesboro. From there they Dodge, Overland Cars will go to Weather Brooklyn, N. Y., to Temperature conditionb itation spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Hoyt A. Moore. 4am 12 m forenoon afternoon Public Car Service Ur. E. H. Baker left Wed 40— 48— clear rain .31 Saturday for a business visit of two weeks in Telephone 123 Thura 32— 35— snow,fair clear .04 New York and Fri 26— 34— fair fair Philadelphia. For the convenience of his Sat 36- 46— cloudy cloudy patients, on December 8 he will Sun 44— 44- rain,fair open offices In fair his Mon 32— 44- former quarters over Moore's A Second-Hand Car drug store, for the winter. Special Bargain Tue8 27— fair cloudy.rain .12 Rev. R. B. Mathews, pastor of the 1919 Ford Congregational church, acceding to the Touring Mrs. H. E. Randlett of Hartland, request of his parish as unan- with In s visiting relatives in town. imously expressed at a recent meet- Slipcover, good condition ing, has withdrawn Miss Margaret Downey left yester- his resignation of the day for a vacation of two weeks in pastorate here. His many Massachusetts. friends in Ellsworth and the county are pleased at his decision. Ellsworth, . Maine Miss Belle Potter has returned from West Pownal, where she has Rev. Julius Krolflfer of Boston, been for the past six months. field agent of the American Unitar- O. W. has been ian society, is in Ellsworth for a few Tapley elected a »vivuiuci cucaiupmeni, 1. u. U. wiuiiiu nvnn ig. director of the Waldo weeks. He preached at the Unitar- County Trust will work the royal purple degree at Co. of Belfast. ian church Sunday morning, and will a special meeting next even- Thursday night, Nov. 27—Thanksgiving occupy the pulpit again next Sunday, Monday The annual eve ball ing. Supper will be served at 6.30. dance and chicken at Nicolin Thanksgiving and possibly the following Sunday. supper of the Senator Hale hose company grange. An informal reception was given in Governor Millikan to-day nomi- will take place at Hancock hall this Do his honor at the vestry last nated George R. Haddock of Dec. at You Realize evening. evening. Islesford Thursday, 11, Congregational as register of deeds for Rev. J. B. Coy, who has been Hancock vestry—Sale and supper. Su pper, 35 cents that there are only more before Christmas? Rev. P. J. Flanagan, pastor of St. county, to fill the caused twenty-three shopping clays called as of the vacancy by Joseph’s Catholic church in Ellls- pastor Baptist the not start now when can death of William O. and Why doing yours you get better service and church in Ellsworth, was here last Emery, worth for the past ten years, has Robert P. of We You better selections? week to attend an King Ellsworth, register Wouldn't, May. been to the church at ordination ser- appointed of probate, to supply the vacancy “Would you call the vice at Salisbury Cove and a county lady you slnf We have just received a handsome new line of Bath Rumford, and left here yesterday for caused by the resignation of C. Towels, conference in Ellsworth, remaining Roy with In the church choir a chants ac» white with stripes of pink, blue, lavender and and at that place. Haines. yellow, priced over Sunday to supply the qualntance?”—Boston Transcript. 5ftc, 8S»c, $1.00 and $1.25. Wash Cloths to match J. Whitcomb has been elected pulpit. at 10c He returned to Harrison Monday. The men's club of the 12i .c and 17c. captain of the high school base ball Congre- Mr. Coy will begin his pastorate here gational parish will hold a team for 1920, and G. Fortier has meeting Heavy Bath Mats at $2.25 and $2.08. One small lot of next Sunday. in the chapel next Sunday evening been elected captain of the 1020 children’s Velvet Hats. We will close these out at »ne-lialf the at 7.30 in the interest of the anti- football team. The managers have G. M. Smith of Boston and E. F. regular price. Better get a pair of those are tuberculosis drive which begins Carpet Slippers. They not as yet been chosen. Robinson enjoyed a few days’ hunt- Preserves going fast at 30c a | Dec. 1. The meeting will be ad- Beauty pair. I ing in the vicinity of Great Pond Norris Hodgkins is spending dressed by Drs. C. C. Knowlton and last week. The biggest game Thanksgiving with his father. Dr. they, A. H. Parcher, and it is hoped other Enhances Charm saw wms a bear, and they got a and Girls Lewis Hodgkins. He will sail for physicians will also be present and Boys London in December. Dr. snap shot at it. A few days later early address the meeting. The club ex- fiet your here. We have a assortment. All colors Frank who was Hockey Caps big will him on Rowe, hunting with at Hodgkins accompany tends a cordial invitation to all men NYAL 50c, 60c, 80c and $1.10 them, succeeded in getting the bear, his return to New York, to be with n the community to be a big fellow, 4G0 present. Store closed all day to-morrow, November 27. him until he sails. weighing pounds. FACE CREAM The skin, a handsome one, was sent The Ellsworth high school football IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THIS STORE to Mr. Robinson, and has been at- Bar Harbor Men Injured. with Peroxide team defeated Sullivan high again tracting much attention at his office. Clifford M. Willey and Fred M. Morse Atrent lor Pictorial Review Patten*. Ask about our Special Subscription Offer. at Wyman park Saturday afternoon, « of bar were cut and bruised Mon- cuu .-at e you #1.00 Send us your mail orders. We All them promptly and pay by tne score of 39-0. Austin played Robert P. King left Saturday by Harbor, Oreaseless postage on all orders that amount to $1.00 or over. when the motor truck on Vanishing the star game for Ellsworth, making automobile for Boston. His wife day which they four of the six touchdowns, and kick- and infant daughter left by rail to were riding was struck by a freight train An aid to skin smoothness, L. ing three goals. Fortier and Tilden join him there, and they sailed from at Merrill’s crossing, near Topsham. Mr. whitens, softens, MARTIN ADAMS made the other two touchdowns.
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