A World Full of Heathens Towards Understanding Perceptions of History, Society, and the Self Amongst Contemporary Germanic Pagans By Joshua M. Cragle 1 | P a g e A World Full of Heathens Towards Understanding Perceptions of History, Society, and the Self Amongst Contemporary Germanic Pagans Joshua M. Cragle - 10861742
[email protected] Master Social and Cultural Anthropology Graduate School of Social Sciences University of Amsterdam Academic year 2014-1015 MA Thesis Word Count: 29,722 Supervisor Dr. Peter van Rooden Readers Dr. Oskar Verkaaik Dr. Anne de Jong 2 | P a g e Plagiarism Declaration I declare that this thesis meets the rules and regulation for fraud and plagiarism as set by the University of Amsterdam Joshua M. Cragle, June 1st, 2015 3 | P a g e Dedication I dedicate this thesis to those Heathens that showed me the virtue of hospitality, by allowing me to attend their rituals, patiently answering my questions, participating in my survey, and having the courage to share intimate stories of their lives and thoughts with me. It was an honor to get to know so many fascinating, kind, and intelligent individuals from the Heathen community around the world. I would also like to send a special thank you to my family, my friends Brian, Sean, and Jon for their consistent encouragement and support, and Dr. Kyle Wilkison, who has been a consistent teacher and mentor throughout the years. Last but not least, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my loving wife Mary, without whose support and patience this endeavor would not have been possible.