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June 22, 1965 SHINTAROOSHIMA ETAL 3,191,053 SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM Fillied Aug. 19, 1960 6 Sheets-Sheet I A 't97- 7- Art97- 3. fend za June 22, 1965 sHINTARO osHIMA ETAL 3,191,053 SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM Filed Aug. 19, 1960 6 Sheets-Sheet 2 Az7-2- ...C I / I I,/ III Asg - F - - June 22, 1965 SHINTARO OSHIMA ETAL 3,191,053 SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM Filled Aug. 19, 1960 6 Sheets-Sheet 3 Zz7- 6 - A - G7 - 9 e2f ASA, a A. A1 A. 62. APPS C AMe O) C As if Asa Af A. O) Z/2 Me O) At(6) A2 ; : : : A2 : WarfO) 72AA Merg 3.N. y eaa June 22, 1965 SHINTARO OSHIMA ETAL 3,191,053 SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM Filed Aug. 19, 1960 6 Sheets-Sheet 4 Z'67-72. A 't:9-73 - As? A. Ca -- G, Ay + \ 42 a .2A A 7 aia 2 A/ A1 Az/4A, Og /We AZeO A.O. We A4 2% O A7. June 22, 1965 SHINTARO OSHIMA ETAL 3,191,053 SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM Filed Aug. 19, l960 6 Sheets-Sheet 5 (o) June 22, 1965 SHINTARO OSHIMA ETAL 3,191,053 SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM Fiied Aug. 19, 1960 6 Sheets-Sheet 6 3,191,053 United States Patent Office Patiented June 22, 1965 2 FIG. 4 is a wave diagram for showing an example of 3,191,053 control time chart for describing the operating principle SIGN DETECTING SYSTEM of the system of the present invention; Shintaro Oshima, Tokyo-to, Hajime Enomoto, ichikawa FIGS. 5 (A) and (B) are characteristic curves for de shi, and Shiyoji Watanabe and Yasuo Koseki, Tokyo-to, 5 scribing an operation principle of the system of the Japan, assignors to Kokusai Denshin Denwa Kablishiki present invention; Kaisha, Tokyo-to, Japan FIGS. 6 (A) and (B) are embodiments of windings Filed Aug. 19, 1960, Ser. No. 50,689 wound on magnetic cores to be used in the embodiment 6 Clains. (C. 307-88) of the present invention; The present invention relates to a sign detecting sys 10 FIG. 7 is a connection diagram for showing the other tem, more particularly to a system for detecting the plus example of the present invention; or minus polarity of the difference between a direct-cur FIG. 8 is a connection diagram for showing another rent input signal and a direct-current reference signal by example of the present invention; the use of non-linear elements having substantially a FIG. 9 is a characteristic curve for describing the oper symmetrical hysteresis characteristic with respect to its ation of the example shown in FIG. 8; original point as ferro-magnetic cores or ferro-electric FIG. 10 is a characteristic curve for the describing op material. eration of another example of the present invention; In the above-mentioned system, it is necessary for FIG. 11 is a connection diagram for showing an ap precisely detecting the polarity of an electric signal that plication of the system of the present invention; a detecting means including the non-linear elements is - FIG. 12 is a connection diagram of another example unaffected by the preceding polarization of the non-linear of the present invention; - elements even if the hysteresis of said polarization has FIG. 13 is a connection diagram for another example passed along any course. This fact is most important for of the present invention; the sign detecting circuit. Hence, it is necessary for con FIGS. 14 and 15 are connection diagrams for showing structing a precise analogue-digital converter to select 25 other examples of the present invention; only non-linear elements each having an original point FIG. 16 is a connection diagram for describing the which has no relation to the prior hysteresis of the principle of the present invention; polarization. The original point will be denoted herein FIGS. 17 and 18 are views for showing operation of after as "zero point.” the system of the present invention in FIG. 16; The drift of the zero point makes it difficult to obtain 30 FIGS. 19 and 20 are connection diagrams for showing an analogue-digital converter having great accuracy. other examples of the present invention. The present invention further relates to a system for The principle of the present invention will be first de converting the sign of a direct-current signal to an alter scribed in connection with FIG. 1. The circuit of FIG. nating-current high frequency signal having a "0 phase' 1 consists of two ferro-magnetic cores M and M2, three or “it phase.' It has been well-known, in one of such 35 windings N1, N2 and N3, an input impedance Z connected systems as described, above, to employ a magnetic ampli to the winding N1, and an output impedance Zo connected fier obtaining a double frequency of the energizing cur to the winding N. Each of the windings N1, N2 and rent thereof. In this magnetic amplifier, however, when N3 is composed of a coil wound on the magnetic core M1 a relatively large direct-current passes through the am and another coil wound on the magnetic core M. pifier, a residual magnetism will be created in the core 40 As shown in FIG. 1, the windings N1, N2 and N are or cores of the magnetic amplifier by the direct-current wound in such a manner that all coils of the windings N due to the hysteresis characteristic of the magnetic core, and N are wound on the magnetic cores M1 in the same and the residual magnetism will remain in the magnetic polarity, and one coil of the winding N is wound on the core or cores for a long time. This defective character same polarity, as that of the coils of the windings N istic appears always in a device using a ferro-magnetic and N on the core M1 and the other of the winding N. material or ferro-electric material. Hence, it is generally is wound in the reverse polarity as the windings N and difficult to construct a very precise sign detecting device No on the core M2. having a very stable zero point. - The operation principle for getting an even harmonic An essential object of the present invention is to obtain frequency of the exciting current is as follows. In the a very precise sign detecting circuit having a very stable 50 circuit of FIG. 1, let it be assumed that the magnetization Zero point. characteristics of the cores M1 and M2 are such as shown in FIG. 2(a). The novel features which are believed to be character Then, when an input signal current Is is impressed on istics of the present invention are set forth with particu the winding Ni and a high frequency exciting current if larity in the appended claims, but the present invention, 55 is applied to the winding N and the amplitude of the both as to its construction and manner of operation, to current it is sufficiently large enough, to make operation gether with further objects and advantages thereof, may along the major hysteresis loop of the cores M1 and M. be understood by reference to the following description possible, as shown in FIG. 2(b), where the solid line is taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, the wave form of the exciting current if for the core in which the same members are indicated by the same 60 M1 and the broken line is the wave form of the exciting numerals, and in which: current ii.2 for the core M2. FIG. 1 is a connection diagram for describing the Then, the output voltages are induced across both of principle of the present invention; the output coils wound on the cores M and M, respec FIG. 2 is a characteristic curve and wave diagram for tively, thus inducing an output voltage across the termi describing the operation of the circuit shown in FIG. 1; 65 nals of the winding N. FIG. 3 is a connection diagram of one example of the The states of the output voltage across the terminals present invention; of the winding N varies according to the polarity of the 3,191,053 3 4. input signal current Is in this case, there are three transiently a sufficiently large direct current; or alternating States. current; in such a manner that both of the absolute values (i) If Is=0, then, the induced voltages across respec of the residual magnetisms of the magnetic cores become ?tively the output coils of the cores M1 and M2 always are the value Ho. equal amplitude and just opposite phases, so that no In FIG. 3, an input signal winding M1, an exciting wind voltage is induced across the terminals of the winding ing N and an output winding N are wound on two ferrite N as shown in FIG. 2(e). cores M and M2 having Substantially symmetrical hyster (ii) If Isè0, then, the induced even harmonic voltage esis characteristics with respect to their original zero V induced across the output coil of the core M1 becomes points. larger than that of the core M2 and both of the induced 10 The effect of the setting signal in this invention will be voltages are in phase, so that the even harmonic frequency explained in connection with FIG. 3, as follows. As we voltages ea of the exciting current are induced across have described above, the setting signal is indispensable the terminals of the winding N as shown in FIG. 2(f). for attaining precise detection of a sign, and the setting And in this case, the even harmonic components in the signal may be an alternating current signal, a direct output signal have '0' phase as shown in FIG.