The BG News March 22, 1955

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The BG News March 22, 1955 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-22-1955 The B-G News March 22, 1955 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 22, 1955" (1955). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1240. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. IWfiriq Green State Unu/etsitu Vol. 39 Official Student Publication. Bowling Green. Ohio. Tuesday. March 22. 19SS No 40 Class Directed Amphitheater Shrubs Transplanted To Row McDonald Advocates Shrubbery from the old am- One-Acts To Be phitheater has been transplanted to various points on the campus John W. I.unn, director of ivsi- 1'bolO bj tteM I>NVU Given Friday dentlftl and plant operations, said. Lower Pledge Grades Bricki. tiles, and boards clutter the main lounge) of the new womin'i dorm. A humorous satire on the The shrubbery lias been trans- Features of the large light room are the wall of windows facing east and a big planted to areas behind the Ad- The present 2.0 minimum point average for freshman fireplace on tho left. Dato of completion for the building is thU September. theatre, a serious drama which takes place on a women's prison ministration Bldp., the back en- men to pledge fraternities is not an "accurate and valid mea- farm, and an English drawing trance to the Commons and on sure" of a student's capabilities, Pres. Ralph W. McDonald room comedy make up the bill of Fraternity Kow, between the Sijr- stated. He made this assertion at an open meeting of frater- one-act plays Friday night, March ma Chi and the Phi Delta Theta nity and sorority members last Thursday who met to hear Group Life Insurance B5i in the Gate Theatre. houses. The shrubbery is beinR him discuss the possibilities of lowering the requirements The satire, "The Pot Boiler," used for the protection of the grounds and students. — —- for freshman men nnd women to pokes fun at the theatre and its join fraternities and sororities. Offered To Faculty people, Director Carmie Stager The shrubbery will eliminate BGSU Mail Staff To He directed his statements also said. It takes the form of a re- some student-crossing areas, thus to Kororities who have a 2.2 mini- All administrative officers of the hearsal within a play. Mrs. Stager lessening- pedestrian problems. Re- Take Service Exams mum point average requirement University and present faculty says that the characters wander directing: the student traffic onto No sates of Stamps or money orders for pledging. men on reeular appointment who down the aisle during the play, the sidewalks will also save the or handling of registered and insured The belief that a student with on April 1, will he less than 64 Math Leaders otmpletely ignoring the audience. frail from being trampled to mall and parcel post will be don* by below a 2.0 averago his first se- years and 6 months of age, are A mother-daughter reunion death, due to constant travel over the University Post Office Thursday mester is not of the calibre to fin- eligible for the group life insur- takes place on a prison farm in those areas. morning sine* Its employees will be ish college or that it would be bad ance program. To Speak At BO "Lily." The mother, who hasn't taking Ihe state Civil Service Examina- for him to join a fraternity were Dr. Lloyd A. Helms, secretary Man her daughter in 25 years, Two leaders in mathemutics tion. tho only bases for exclusion justi- of the faculty and chairman of dreams of her as beautiful and Thar* will be regular residence mall fied by this scholastic require- the special committee on insur- education will he the principal Grants, Scholarship spoukcrs Saturday, March 26, at married to a congressman. In pick-up and all post office services ment, tho president said. ance, reported that this insurance reality, the daughter has been a the Fourth Annual Mathematics will be available Thursday afternoon Senior Moasur* and accidental death and dismem- streetwalker. But mother sees the Conference to be held here. Blanks Due April 15 following the examination. He felt that tho accumulative berment insurance will be effective brighter side of life and helps Applications for grants-in-aid April 1. The plan of group insur- Dr. Nathan I.azar, associate pro- point average, which he termed m fessor of education at Ohio State daughter escape front the farm, ance, underwritten by the John hoping that sho will change her ami scholarships are due April 15, "quality point average," was in- University, and Dr. Henry Van Hancock Mutual Life Insurance type of life. Director Margaret Robert K. McKay, financial aid vented as a measure to apply to Engcn, professor of mathematics Co., was chosen by the committee Stevens is assisted by Frank Toth. counselor, disclosed. Swan Club Show seniors to "determine whether they at Iowa State Teachers College, had the qualitative education nec- after studying plans offered by The drawing room comedy, He said that applicants for re- nine companies. Other committee will speak. essary for graduation." Formerly, Student, To Attend "The Man In the Boiler Hat," is newals must have their advisers total hours of college credit with- members were Prof. Wilbur Abel), complete with John and Mary, tin- fill out a separate blank which Opens Thursday Prof. F. Eugene Heatty, Prof. All students in elementary and out regard for degree of success secondary education interested in old English couple; the hero; the should be submitted to the coun- Swan Club opens its annual in the individual courses was Harry Mathias, and Krvin ■!. herionc, a nasty villain that likes selor's office as soon as possible. swim show production Thursday, Kreischer. the teaching of arithmetic and tho requisite for graduation in to torture with a hatpin; and the For new applicants, Mr. Mc- March 24, to the strains of "Carou- Any member of the faculty who mathematics, are urged to attend some institutions. by members of the committee plan- missing ruby. Don Hinde, director, Kay said two references are need- sel Waltz." From that moment at the present time is not actively says the play has a surprise twist on, the audience will be carried It would be a more valid mea- at work, will become eligible up- ning the conference. Conference ed. These will be checked to make sure if applied to juniors and at the end. sure the student properly quali- along on a browsing tour of a on his return. This also refers to members are Dr. Frank C. Ogg, seniors, rather than to freshmen, chairman of the department of The cast for "Lily" includes fied for either a grant-in-aid or variety of popular magazines by future members and administrative newsboy Hnrb MacDonnld. since at that later period, accumu- mathematics; Wayne Cornell, as- Carol Roop, Mario Snyder, Mary scholarship. lative averages would be more officers on regular appointment. The audience will see "Down Under this plan, the insurance sociate professor of mathematics; l.u Wruy, Ann Arrick, and Chris He explained the difference be- significant in judging the quality and l>r. Martha M. Gosling, di- Woidcck. tween a grant-in-aid and a scholar- Heal," interpreted in a jazz duet of the student, Dr. McDonald said. terminates when members leave featuring Fran Isch and Lynn the employ of the University. rector of the education clinic. For "The Pot Boiler," Gene ship. The former menus that a Discriminating against students Loiar To Speak Kucker, Frank Glnnn, Donald student is in need of financial as- Fauley; "Arizonn Highways," done In the case of retirement, one by a team of nine to an Indian because they fail to make the pre- may retain membership in the At the morning general session, Tyree, Fred Ashley, Lucy Ann sistance but that his grade aver- sent minimum point average nec- Dr, Laiar will speak on "There Liggett. Carol Joe Byrns, and age may be lower than that of u Ihemc; and the "New Yorker," group insurance by remitting to featuring four Manhattan dandies, essary to pledge a fraternity or the University, the cost of the 1- Mora than One Meaning to Con Nowakowski make up the student who is applying for a sorority "gives meaning to the 'Meaning* in the T c a c h i n g easl. scholarship. Grades for a scholar- Natalie Dossier, Jobea Anderson, premium. It is also possible to con- Lynn Fauley, and Mary Hamilton. quality point average that is not vert the Group Life Insurance to of Arithmetic." "The Man In the Holler Hat" ship must be considerably higher. accurate and valid," he added. "Developing Arithmetical Con- Intercollegiate solo champion, any other type of John Hancock stars George Dunater, Winifred Iloth awards amount to $135 On«-Thlcd 0| Gradual*! individual Life or Endowment cepts" will be Dr. Van Engan's Hartzell, Dob.res Kolthoff, Ray- each toward payment of Univer- Connie Wood, will be featured in Citing statistics from a study policy. The amount of this new topic at the morning elementary mond Heard, nnd Frank Toth. sity fees. her solo, "Peter Pan," and will section. swim with Kve Williams in their into the present University policy policy may not exceed the amount concerning the basis for eliminat- of the original plan.
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