Officials, C~Ureh Councilmen
.... '! • 0• .. p p 44 • $ • 4 a a s • aatas ssss, sass • All the News of All the Pointes Ijc * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews COlnplete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News ---;V~O;::\j"LiiU~M~E~2:;-7.~N:-;-O~.-:;2::8------;;E::-;nt-:.-:er~ed;-:-as~se-co-n-:-d-::C::-la-ss-:-:M:-:at-:-te-r-----G-R-O-S-'::-E-P-O-I-N-T-E-, -M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N-,-J-U-L-Y-I-3-,-1-9-b-' --------7c-P-e-r -CO;Y at the Post Office at Detroit, Mlch,... $4,00Per Yt>ar 20 PAGES - THREE SECTIONS - SECTION' Merchants Beautify Shopping District ]Lallge Cites (If ,hI' IWoods Residents, 'VEI~K i Rifts WitlI As Compiled b)' tbe Grosse Pointe NelliS .~ Officials, C~ureh Councilmen Big Difference of Opiniol3 Thursday, July 6 ,;:,' Argue over lienee As to Matters of Policy A NEW ARMY COUP in Al- geria which could lead to im- and Administration Given m<!diate repercussions in France Construction Halted When Public Safety Committee As Reason is now considered a serious posslblHty by observers in bot!' Indicates It Will Not Permit Adjoining Woods City Administra- France and Algeria, Driveway Entrance tor William Lange sub- Top officers in the French I mitted his resignation to A hassle raged Monday night at the Woods council Army in Algeria have been di- the Woodg council on Mon- meeting between James Lemhagen, attorney for Our vided since the deep Army day, July 10, to become purge ordered by Pre sId e n t Lady Star of the Sea Church, residents living near the effective on September 1, Charles de Gaulle after the church, and the Council itself.
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