Online Training Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction For South-Western States (Part IV)

[3rd – 5th November, 2020]

Course Report

Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration,

Institutional Area, Sector – 26, Chandigarh

In collaboration with National Institute of Disaster Management (Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of ) A-wing, 4th Floor, NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110001

Online Training Programme on “Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction” For South-Western States (Part IV)

hosted by

Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration

in collaboration with

National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

w.e.f. 3rd to 5th November, 2020 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM)


India is vulnerable to a variety of natural and man-made disasters that hinder the country’s growth. Every disaster has different levels of risk (high/medium/low), which depends upon area specific proneness and/or also on the various physical, social, economic and institutional parameters. The largely unplanned expansion of cities to accommodate rapid population growth, combined with inappropriate land-use planning and building standards, contribute to the vulnerability of majority of population. In order to mitigate and prepare for disasters, its management requires coordinated efforts from the existing administrative set up, and all other stakeholders.

The activities involved in management of disasters would depend on the nature and type of disaster. If the disaster management efforts are planned and the stakeholders are trained, there will be no scope for ad- hoc measures and disaster management would be smooth and effective. The paradigm shift has changed the focus of all the stakeholders today towards disaster risk reduction, which include mitigation, preparedness and prevention efforts. This implies that efforts are being made towards

preparation of plan, which is also mandatory requirement as per the Disaster Management Act 2005. Hence, there is a need of mainstreaming the Disaster Risk Reduction into development.

About the Programme

Disasters threaten the lives, constitutional rights and needs of the children worldwide. In past two decades India have faced devastating disasters such as Latur Earthquake (1993), Odisha Super Cyclone (1999), Bhuj Earthquake (2001), Indian Tsunami (2004), Jammu & Kashmir Earthquake (2005), Bihar Floods (2008), Uttarakhand Floods (2013), Cyclone Phailin (2013), Chennai Flood (2015), Kerala Flood (2018) and Cyclone Fani (2019). Droughts are slow onset disasters, adversely affecting children and women alike. Karnataka (16 districts) and Andhra Pradesh (4 districts) experienced at least 10 droughts between 2001-2015. During these emergencies, children are especially vulnerable to diseases, malnutrition, violence and trafficking. Measles, diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, malaria and malnutrition are the major killers of children during humanitarian crises. In future, vulnerability of children is expected to increase as the intensity and frequency of natural disasters rises.

Children are not the face of a pandemic, but they risk being among its biggest victims. Evidence tells that a range of health and protection risks arise from a global pandemic, school closures and attempted distancing measures. Children and their families are experiencing closure of childcare and limited or no access to healthcare and other essential services in response to the pandemic. The data is already showing the negative effects of COVID-19, and the unprecedented measures to contain it, on maternal and child health.

COVID-19 has put a huge challenge in training and capacity building. With social distancing, training during new normal situation would have different strategies that are truly effective for larger capacity building vision and agenda for effective COVID-19 response. Training at the time of pandemic is widely considered to be a powerful instrument for building the capacities of functionaries by enhancing and upgrading their knowledge, skills and competencies on a regular and periodic basis.

Keeping in view the increasing vulnerability of children to disasters, Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration, Punjab in collaboration with National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has hosted/conducted an Online Training Programme on “Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction” for South-Western States (Part IV – State of Punjab, Gujarat, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar, Dadra Nagar Haveli & Daman Diu and Puducherry) from 3rd to 5th November, 2020.

This 3-days’ Online Training Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction was intended for middle level officials of various Departments, Civil Society Practitioners and Students to help build their knowledge, skills and perspectives towards child centric disaster risk reduction. This helped the officials understand and prepare for risk informed planning, sectoral readiness and preparedness for emergencies so as children are not deprived of basic amenities.

Demography of Participants

A total of 533 officials from various departments namely Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, Housing and Urban Development, Industrial and Tourism Development, Police, Home

Affairs, Water Supply and Sanitation, Rural Development, Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Defence Services Welfare, Local Government, Education, Revenue, Health & Family Welfare, Municipal Corporation, Social Security, Women & Child Development, Finance, and various districts of State of Punjab, Gujarat, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar, Dadra Nagar Haveli & Daman Diu and Puducherry registered for this online training programme, who are engaged in management of disasters and 420 participants attended the programme.

State-wise Distribution of 533 Participants




Andaman & Nicobar

Dadra Nagar & Daman Diu


Gender-wise Distribution of Participants

Male Female 41% 59%

Programme Events

Day 1

The webinar was unfolded by Col. Dalbir Singh, Manager Training, MGSIPA with his kind words to the respected speakers and participants. The event was graced by Shri Vipul Ujwal, Director and Special Secretary, Government of Punjab, Department of Social Security, Women and Child Development with his stimulating and thought-provoking inaugural address to the participants. He emphasized on the point that children being the vulnerable section of the society need to be taken care of and protected from worse effects of disasters.

During the training, participants were acquainted with basic aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction and its importance in relation to children, the importance in relation to children, the importance of safeguarding child rights during disasters, importance of ensuring proper psychological health of children, especially during disaster and do's & don'ts on Covid-19 by speakers including Dr. Kumar Raka, Programme Officer, NIDM; Shri Ranjan Kumar, Programme Associate, NIDM and Miss Namrata Sharma, Counseling Psychologist, YWCA, New Delhi with their vast knowledge and years of experience in the field.

The first presentation of the programme was delivered on the topic Do’s and Don’ts on COVID-19 by Dr. Kumar Raka, Programme Officer, Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Centre, NIDM.

He shared the right way of following important precautions to stay at par from getting infected with corona virus. (ii) He shared with us all a very common mistake made by most of us that is made while wearing and removing a facemask. He urged us all to make use of hand sanitizers while wearing and removing the mask and not to touch anywhere

except the strings of the mask. He taught us eight steps to be followed while washing hands with soap and water. He made emphasis on the home quarantine tips and made the participants learn Covid-19 through Alphabetical order, A-Zee, which one especially children can easily memorize for what to follow and what not to follow in the current pandemic situation.

Thereafter, Dr. Kumar Raka took a session on Basic Concepts of Disaster Risk Management, wherein he firstly discussed the basic terminologies related to disaster. Through various pictorial views of “a falling rock from a hill”, he helped all the participants perceive the very basics of disaster and disaster management cycle. He discussed the Golden Rule in Risk Management which comprises of four components: Hazard, Vulnerability, Capacity & Exposure. Also, the terminology, Prevention and Mitigation, Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction which often confused all the participants because of a thin border line between them respectively was very nicely illustrated by him by relating them to the current pandemic situation.

Both the sessions went very interactive with the queries raised by the participants which were handled by Dr. Kumar Raka.

Day 2

The second day of the programme began with recapping of proceedings of first day and the queries raised by participants were handled by Dr. Kumar Raka.

The first session of second day was taken by Ms. Namrata Sharma, Counseling Psychologist on “Mental Health of Children in the Time of Disaster”. She briefed on the 3 phases of Childhood; Infancy, Early and Middle Childhood and brought to the knowledge of all the participants what a child can go through after a triggering event and

how important is mental health of a child likewise physical health. She also illustrated about the various types of Stress in which she emphasized on the point that not all stress is bad but there is a positive stress in youth i.e. Basic Stress, to give push and motivation to an individual. She also suggested to take time for oneself to overcome the burn out stress. She made everyone realize the power of language development. A case study of Genie Wiley was discussed by her to help the participants relate the effects on children of the surroundings. Concluding with her session, Ms. Namrata made all the participants aware about the kind of exposure to be given to a child in the current pandemic situation for child’s healthy mental state.

The session was very well received by the participants who raised several queries related to children and their life affected by disasters. The queries raised by the participants were handled by her alongwith Dr. Kumar Raka.


The last day of the programme also began with the review of the second day and any queries raised by participants were handled by Dr. Kumar Raka. Thereafter, the first session of the third day was taken by Shri Ranjan Kumar, Programme Associate, NIDM who enlightened us all on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Centre. During his session, he shared with us details of the working of Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Centre. He enlightened the participants about the Goals and Benefits of Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Centre which works on the Rights based Approach. He explained on what parameters Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction is different from Child Disaster Risk Reduction and laid emphasis on learning to involve Children in Disaster Risk Reduction.

The last session of the three days’ programme titled “School Safety with special focus on COVID-19” was taken by Dr. Kumar Raka, Programme Officer, NIDM.

He enriched the knowledge of various concerned individuals and authorities for how safe school operations can be ensured after the reopening of schools in this current pandemic situation. Through various illustrations and case studies of past disasters discussed how school going children suffered from various emergency events. He detailed about the school operations to be ensured and do’s and don’ts to be followed by the school administration and parents in order to provide safety to students from Covid-19 after the schools get reopened.

The three days’ online training programme concluded with the handling of queries of the participants by the esteemed speakers followed by Valediction undertaken by Dr. Kumar Raka, NIDM. Col. Dalbir Singh, GM (Training), MGSIPA presented the Course Feedback followed by a Vote of Thanks to all the senior officials of the institutions, the faculty members and all the participants from the State of Punjab, Gujarat, Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar, Dadra Nagar Haveli & Daman Diu and Puducherry who actively participated in the three days’ online programme and shared their vast knowledge and experiences during the programme.

Course Module

This Course had two modules and contents of the course touched upon the following aspects, to achieve the objectives:

Module -1: Children and Disaster

 Basic Concepts of Disaster Risk Management  Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Profile of India  Disaster Impact on Children: Sectoral Overview  Protecting Child Rights in Disaster  Disaster Impact on Children: Sectoral Overview  Impact of COVID-19 on children.

Module -2: Understanding Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction

 Introduction to CCDRR  Reducing Vulnerabilities & Enhancing Capacities of Children: Group Exercise  Life Cycle Approach  Risk Informed Programming  Protecting Children In Emergency  Child Participation in DRR  School Safety

Programme Details

This training programme was scheduled for 3 days. It was based on e-learning module covering 2 hours each day during the programme from 11 AM to 1 PM.


Participants were requested to forward their personal details as per format to [email protected]. The joining link for the course was forwarded to the participants on their email ids provided during registration.

Learning Methods

CISCO WebEx Training Platform was used for this programme. All the participants were requested to install CISCO WebEx Application on their mobiles or desktops. The training was conducted through various methods including power point presentations by the speaker/experts.

Learning Outcome

The generic learning outcomes of this programme encompass a series of capacities that will allow the participants to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of various stakeholders in child centric disaster situations, including both a broad command of the field and a deeper knowledge of specific areas, together with insight into current research and development work and to demonstrate deeper methodological knowledge related to their field.

Key Takeaways

The participants learned about children rights and National & International Commitments to CCDRR, the impact of children on mental as well as physical health of children, their education and social life and how to tackle such situations at the time of a disaster. They actively participated in each session undertaken by the experienced faculty.

At the end of this course, participants were able to:

 Understand the overview of CCDRR with an emphasis on Life Cycle Approaches and Risk Informed Programming.  Understand the process of CCDRR and its steps including mainstreaming approaches.

 Understand and provide an overview of sectoral impacts of disaster on children.  Understand strategies to involve children in DRR activities and build knowledge on school safety.  Learn basic information on COVID-19 and emerging issues related to children’s well-being.  Adverse impact of closures, social distancing and lockdowns on children’s education and how to address them.  Disrupted access to food and nutrition and promoting healthy lifestyle and diet during home learning.


The links for recording of sessions during the training programme are as under:-

Day 1 4760803ab35561683e46 Password: bPfgpVP3

Day 2 2c1938df4c72bc26747 Password: rDmDsPC3

Day 3 04d926fdbc3f7dbaaf2 Password: pMhaXbD2


Shri K.B.S. Sidhu, IAS Manoj Kumar Bindal Special Chief Secretary, Punjab Executive Director, NIDM, -cum-Director General, MGSIPA Government of India [email protected] [email protected]


Mrs. Jaspreet Talwar, IAS Professor Santosh Kumar Principal Secretary, Punjab Professor & HOD, NIDM, -cum-Director, MGSIPA. Government of India [email protected] [email protected]


Dr. Kumar Raka Col. Dalbir Singh Programme Officer, General Manager (Training, Project & CCDRR Centre, NIDM, Consultancy), MGSIPA Government of India 9888037966 +91-9891177665 [email protected] [email protected]


Dr. Balu I Shri Ranjan Kumar Programme Associate, Programme Associate, CCDRR Centre, NIDM, CCDRR Centre, NIDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India Government of India +91-9968051894 +91-9444648503 [email protected] [email protected]

Ms. Namrata Sharma Ms. Nitika Counseling Psychologist, Panjab University, Chandigarh YWCA, Delhi. 9417957993 +91-8882475267 [email protected] [email protected]

Programme Schedule

Day 1 – 3rd November, 2020


1100 hrs Participants and Faculty Members join the programme

1110 hrs Opening Remarks & About the Programme – Dr. Santosh Kumar Professor & HOD, GIDRR & CCDRR, NIDM, Government of India

1115 hrs Keynote Address – Major General Manoj Kumar Bindal Executive Director, NIDM, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

1120 hrs Inaugural Address – Shri Vipul Ujwal, IAS Director and in addition Special Secretary, Government of Punjab, Department of Social Security, Women & Child Development

1128 hrs Felicitation – Col. Dalbir Singh General Manager (Training, Project & Consultancy), MGSIPA

Time Title Facilitator

1130 – 1200 Do’s and Don’ts on Covid-19 Dr. Kumar Raka, CCDRR, NIDM

1200 – 1250 Basic Concepts of Disaster Risk Dr. Kumar Raka, CCDRR, NIDM Management

1250 – 1300 Q & A Session  Dr. Kumar Raka  Col. Dalbir Singh

Day 2 – 4th November, 2020

1100 – 1105 Review of Day 1  Col. Dalbir Singh  Ms. Nitika 1105 – 1200 Mental Health of Children in Ms. Namrata Sharma, Counselling

1200 – 1250 the time of Disaster Psychologist, YWCA, New Delhi

1250 – 1300 Q & A Session  Ms. Namrata Sharma  Ms. Nitika

Day 3 – 5th November, 2020

1100 – 1105 Review of Day 2  Col. Dalbir Singh  Ms. Nitika 1105 – 1145 School Safety with special Dr. Kumar Raka, CCDRR, NIDM focus on COVID-19

1145 – 1240 Disaster Impact and Life Dr. Balu I, CCDRR, NIDM Cycle of Children

1240 – 1250 Q & A Session  Dr. Kumar Raka  Dr. Balu I  Ms. Nitika


1250 – 1255 Summary Report by Dr. Kumar Raka, CCDRR, NIDM

1255 – 1305 Concluding Remarks by Major General Manoj Kumar Bindal, Executive Director, NIDM 1305 – 1315 Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Jaspreet Talwar, IAS, Principal Secretary, Government of Punjab-cum-Director, MGSIPA


Col. Dalbir Singh, General Manager (Training), MGSIPA delivering the Welcome Address during the Inaugural Session

Ms. Nitika, Panellist, during the Inaugural Session of the Online Training Programme

Shri Vipul Ujwal, IAS, Director and Special Secretary, Department of Social Security and Women & Child Development, Punjab during his Inaugural Address

Dr. Kumar Raka, Associate Professor, NIDM during his session on Do’s and Don’ts on COVID-19 and Basic Concepts of Disaster Risk Management

Ms. Namrata Sharma, Counselling Psychologist during her session on Mental Health of Children in the Time of Disaster

Shri Ranjan Kumar, Programme Associate, NIDM took session on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Centre

Dr. Kumar Raka, Associate Professor, NIDM during his session on School Safety with special focus on COVID-19

Feedback by the participants

What were your key takeaways from this event?

322 responses

 Behaviors are the action part of *the cognitive triangle* , which is another avenue to change the way we feel. The cognitive triangle teaches us that the way we behave influences how we feel.  The thing I found out that actually shocked me was "Children suffer from stress even more than adults do, as they are exposed to new and confusing environments constantly. Their sense of self-worth is intimately tied to the expectations posed by the adults around them, such as parents and teachers, but can also be influenced by their peers. Whether it is Good Stress (Eustress) or Bad stress.  One major coronavirus prevention tactic that is being encouraged – and even enforced – in many places in the world is social distancing. Social distancing is an act of self-isolation to prevent and control the spread of person-to-person contagious and infectious diseases. for instance, Corona virus  How to reduce the Disaster Risks especially in the children?  How to care our children in Covid 19 pandemic situation.  I aware the students about Covid 19 precautions and which we learn from this class we will aware other people’s about this  This training sessions gives us the basic knowledge about child psychology and long term effects of covid 19 on children and safety measures for covid 19 .  Example of prevention, mitigation and preparedness during disaster. Known about good stress, talking about non-structural safety measures in schools, staggering technique to be adopted while opening school and a lot about covid-19  To be attentive about any signs of discomfort in children. Maintaining physical distance and wearing a mask  We should be prepared for any child centric disaster risk reduction  Very positive things to look after the children in the present scenario

 We cannot handle children in a same way as adults in a time of disaster. A whole new holistic approach and strategy should be implemented for managing risk related to disaster and their impacts on children  Learnt about myths and truths about COVID 19. How to react and tackle with disaster/ pandemics and how to take care and teach our children to manage disasters.  Security, safety of children. How to take care about disaster children. Learnt about structural nonstructural safety of children home to home.  The information received and shared during the training will go a long way in helping the children during disasters. The information would be disseminated to the children of Child Care Institutions by holding an online class with them.  Learnt from this event about how we can motivate the children to overcome from the situation of Stress.  Very informative and knowledgeable about disaster management and how to tackle the disaster/ pandemic in case children are involved and taken care off.  We have to check the schemes of Punjab and Central Government in four to 10 villages and one or two schools every day so that we come in contact with a lot of people and we will save ourselves.  This seminar provide us a vast knowledge about child centric disaster risk reduction  Many precautionary measures learnt in this pandemic Covid-19, will be helpful in future.  Excellent, Important knowledge and interesting program knowledge  Stress Management and School manager during disaster.  It has been a wonderful training programme. We really need to understand the importance of psychological aspects in overall development and upbringing of a child.

Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

1 Manish Jain Assistant Ahir College, Rewari 7988878430 jainmanish2 5 5 Knowledge 5 5 5 All well! Relevant Very Relevant 5 Very impressive Professor Rewari 6128301@g relevant 2 Parminder DEO Guardians of Rajpura, 9096764647 paramverma 4 4 Stay motivated and 5 5 5 Very Very Very 5 It was a good Verma Governance Patiala [email protected] healthy in present relevant relevant relevant experience to learn om scenario from the esteemed speakers and learnt a lot from the program. 3 Rajiv Jindal MPHW(M) Health Bhawanig 9914090265 rajivjindal85 4 5 Very good 3 3 3 This is very Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Very good Sub centre Department arh relevant Phaguwala Sangrur CHC Bhawanigarh 4 Kulwinder GoG GoG Hoshiarpu 9815872032 sallenkulwin 5 5 All 5 5 5 Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Excellent Singh r der6@gmail. com 5 Dr Asso. Professor Dept. Of Ahmedab 9370742553 dr.sansurya 5 4 I am child 5 4 5 Very Did not Very 4 Very informative Sandipkumar Kaumarbhritya ad specialist..very relevant attend relevant Ravikiran useful for daily Suryawanshi practice 6 Dharminder GOG GOG Teh 8427079662 ds570680@g 4 5 Nil 3 3 3 Nil Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Nil Singh Supervisor Samana Disst Patiala 7 SAJIDBHAI I ASSISTANT AGRICULTURE JOINT 9714179953 sajidvhora19 3 4 Positive think 3 3 3 No Very Very Very 4 Very good VAHORA DIRECTOR OF DIRECTOR [email protected] relevant relevant relevant AGRICULTURE OF m AGRICULT URE (EXT), VADODAR A Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

8 Capt DEO Tehsil GOG Punjab Derabassi 9878696724 surinderdev. 5 5 No Answer please 3 3 3 Knowledgeable trg Very Very Very 5 Very Knowledgeable Surinder Derabassi sharma@gm program. I relevant relevant relevant trg. Dev Sharma recommends that (Retd) all the teachers should be aware child Disaster Management 9 Renu Kaul PGT English Anee's School Mohali 8437137966 renuka04200 5 5 How to reduce the 5 5 5 Excellent Session Very Very Very 5 Excellent Kharar [email protected] Disaster Risks relevant relevant relevant m especially in the children? 10 Dr. Raj Assistant Education Kaithal 9416925864 rajgunana.1 5 5 Good 3 3 3 Very Good Very Very Very 5 Very Good Kumar Professor in Department, relevant relevant relevant Geography 11 Jai Chand Supervisor GsOG Fazilka 7009378320 chandjai7@g 4 5 How to care our 3 2 3 Kindly organise Very Did not Very 4 Good efforts childrens in Covid 19 training session in relevant attend relevant pandemic situation. school and College.

12 dipen counsellor child care child 9712116069 dodiya_dipe 5 5 covid safty for child 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 very good for keshavbhai institute social protection [email protected] and staff relevant relevant relevant community dodiya justice and unit m empowerment

13 Mamta Lecturer Civil Karnal 8168619742 mamtakatari 5 4 Security for children 2 3 3 Very Very Very 4 Good engineering [email protected] relevant relevant relevant om 14 BRIJESH ASST. SUB A&N POLICE PORT 9474213424 brijesh8183 5 4 About the mental 4 4 4 Platform is new, Did not Did not Did not 4 Excellent KUMAR INSPECTOR/R. BLAIR health of the Child , so examples of attend attend attend SINGH O Disaster, and mobile and Preparedness computer both may be provided 15 Neelam J Assistant Samagra State 9427941052 patelneelam 5 5 Very good 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 Very good experience Patel engineer shiksha project [email protected] relevant relevant relevant office m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

16 Sarbjit singh Lecturer Education Sangrur 9855550277 Sarbjit1164 3 3 Good 2 2 3 Good Relevant Relevant Relevant 3 Good political (Punjab) science 17 JANAKKUMA DEPUTY Department Vadodara 9427454535 janakkumar. 5 5 Child disaster 3 3 3 Very Relevant Very 4 Very good R B. DIRECTOR OF of Agriculture mathasoliya learning relevant relevant MATHASOLIY AGRICULTURE A (INPUT) 18 Mandeep MOHW(M) Health Bhawanig 9914615496 mandeep21 3 3 very good 3 3 3 very good Very Very Very 5 very good Singh Sub centre Department arh 71982@gma relevant relevant relevant Jalan CHC Sangrur Bhawanigarh 19 Harsimranjit M.P.H.W. (M) Health and Patran , 9464773293 h.s.sandha1 5 5 nothing.. meeting 5 5 5 Relevant Very Relevant 5 Meeting was amazing singh family welfare Patiala [email protected] was very relevant m knowledgeable 20 CAPT.HIRA GOG GOG(guardians TEH ASR 9906909363 hirasingh604 5 5 I aware the students 5 5 5 All good , if u will Very Very Very 5 Very important for us SINGH SUPERVISOR of DISTRICT about covid 19 take next training relevant relevant relevant TEH ASR 1 governance ) : ASR precautions and programme which we learn from forward it will be this class we will very helpful to us aware other people so that we learn about this more

21 Gurdev Tehsil Guardian of Sultanpur 9501722485 gurdev1211 5 5 If we will aware from 3 2 3 Kindly upload Very Very Relevant 5 A good message to Singh Supervisor Governance Lodhi the current situation three days relevant relevant take preventive District we will safe our recording on u measures during this Kapurthal families, our tube , Whatsap or current situation. a mohalla, village, our face book because city and our country everyone can from this COCID-19. listen these The lecture delivered important things is very useful for this so we safe our current situation. people from COVID-19 and disasters. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

22 Satwinder Deo GOG Moga 6395249659 satwindersin 5 5 Best for child life 4 4 4 Good Very Very Very 4 Good event for save singh gh.brar@gm relevant relevant relevant child 23 Nirmal Singh Village GOG Guardian of Tehsil- 9779686975 nirmalwithu. 4 5 This training sessions 5 5 4 This type of Very Very Relevant 5 Excellent governance Anandpur [email protected] gives us the basic training sessions relevant relevant punjab sahib m knowledge about should be district- child psychology and conducted on Roopnaga long term effects of regular basis so to r covid 19 on children be updated . and safety measures for covid 19 .

24 Sunilkumar Probation Social defense Anand 9974860715 suneelmakw 3 5 Excellent 3 4 4 Very nice Did not Did not Did not 5 Good bhailalbhai Officer and gscps ana12@gma attend attend attend makwana 25 BAPI Sub-Inspector Andaman & South 9434266492 bapi_an@re 3 5 Example of 3 4 5 Very Very Very 4 Satisfied CHOWDHUR Nicobar Fire Andaman prevention, relevant relevant relevant Y Service District mitigation and preparedness during disaster. Known about good stress, talking about non- structural safety measures in schools, staggering technique to be afopted while opening school and a lot about covid-19

26 GURDEEP TEHSIL GAURDIAN OF SANGRUR 9463756266 gurdeepsing 5 5 Very good 5 5 5 Very thankful to Did not Did not Did not 5 Excellent SINGH SUPERVISIOR GOVERNANCE ,SANGRU h759@gmail CCDRR TEAM. attend attend attend R .com Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

27 HIRAL Assistant Samagra Gandhina 9998373001 hiralpurani1 5 4 How to come out 3 4 4 Very Very Very 5 It is very helpful . PRABHAKAR Engineer Shiksha - gar [email protected] from disasters. relevant relevant relevant PURANI Gujarat m 28 LIEUTENANT TEHSIL GUARDIAN OF SUNAM 8427346426 submaj.surin 5 5 How to manage 5 5 5 Relevant Very Very 5 Good SURINDER INCHARGE GOVERNANCE (SANGRU dermohan@ disaster risk relevant relevant MOHAN SUNAM R) reduction

29 Ms.Manjeet Assistant Computer Panchkula 8587820075 manjeetkaur 5 5 So much information 4 4 4 Very Very Very 5 Insightful Kaur Professor Science [email protected] about child centric relevant relevant relevant om training 30 Resham Gog Guardians of 9814501206 reshmsingh4 5 5 Very excellence 3 3 3 On line 3 days Very Very Very 5 Very Nice Singh Governance [email protected] knowledge from this from 03 Nov to 05 relevant relevant relevant m events Nov 2020 was a adequate information regarding disaster management,effec tive to children's at the various age.

31 Richa Setia associate Government Panchkula 9417579960 richaasetia@ 3 3 to be attentive 4 4 2 Very Relevant Relevant 2 fair professor College, about any signs of relevant (microbiology) sector1, discomfort in Panchkula children . maintaining physical distance and wearing a mask Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

32 CHAMKAUR District DEO Guardians of Dhuri, 8872949745 csaulakh178 4 3 My key takeaways 2 3 3 This training Very Very Very 5 This training SINGH Governance District [email protected] from this event, we programme is very relevant relevant relevant programme is very (GoG) Sangrur m should be prepared interested. I hope, helpfull to us. A lot of for any child centric more training contents are held for disaster risk programme learning to child reduction should be centric disaster risk scheduled in reduction. future.

33 Sub Maj Tehsil Supvr GOG Rupnagar 6239702472 kssaggi.singh 5 5 Awareness about 2 2 2 Very well on line Very Very Relevant 5 Nice resemblance Kulwinder [email protected] COVID-19, Disaster training should be relevant relevant Singh m management and conducted more disaster impact on often Childrens 34 Randhir SUPERVISOR GOG RAIKOT 9463632769 randhirsingh 5 5 very positive things 5 5 5 well done by team Very Very Very 5 waiting for the next Singh 131@rediff to lookafter the MGSIPA relevant relevant relevant session children in the present scenario 35 Ris Jameet GOG GOG Patiala 8146643676 jameet106@ 4 5 The events were 2 3 2 A god initiative. Very Relevant Relevant 5 Excellent. More such Singh Supervisor educative and relevant events be org. informative. 36 Manminder Instructor Technical SUNAM , 8427000620 manmindersi 5 5 Its very wonderfull & 5 5 5 Very informative Did not Did not Did not 5 Very motivational, Singh Education Distt. ngh27@gma informative session session attend attend attend guiding, n really &Industrial Sangrur relaxing in covid Training penadimic Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

37 Dr Mayur Assistant Food Civil Directorat 9925636599 mayoorchan 5 5 We can not handle 5 5 5 Very Very Very 5 Great content and Chandra Director Supplies and e of Food [email protected] children in a same relevant relevant relevant presentation.Will help Consumer and Civil om way as adults in a a lot to tackle Affairs Supplies,G time of disaster. A problems related to ujarat whole new holistic disaster risk reduction approach and pertaining to strategy should be children.Specially implemented for addressing mental managing risk impacts of disasters related to disaster on children is and their impacts on something everyone children forgets,which was very nicely addressed in this event. 38 Baldev Singh DEO GoG Bathinda 9463379922 uppalbaldev 5 5 Happy 2 3 2 Very Very Very 5 Very nice 1967@gmail relevant relevant relevant .com 39 Ms.Ravinder Assistant Education Mandi 9592395254 ravinderaml 4 5 Those are not 3 4 5 Great Relevant Very Very 5 Good Sharma Professor Gobindgar oh07@gmail related to topic relevant relevant h, .com fatehgarh Sahib 40 Harpal singh Subedar GOG Tehsil 9815924554 harpal4554 5 5 Awareness 2 3 2 Good Very Very Very 5 Very nice and well amritsar relevant relevant relevant organized 2 District amritsar 41 Satnam GOG Guardians of Patiala 8872289149 satnam.sing 5 4 COVID-19, Disaster 5 5 4 Excellent lectures Very Very Relevant 5 I am fully satisfied Singh Governance h.ghuman@ and disaster impact by Dr Kumar Raka relevant relevant with this online Ghuman Govt of Punjab on children training

42 Pinky Extension Political Nangal 9467134576 pinkyprajapa 5 5 Networking 5 5 5 Informative Very Very Relevant 5 Very valuable Prajapat lecturer science Chaudhar t5502@gmai improvements session and nice relevant relevant information y performance mahendra garh Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

43 Subhash DEO Guardian of Sardulgar 9478543758 chandersc77 5 4 All 5 5 5 Nil Very Very Very 5 Knowledge Increased Chander Governance h Mansa relevant relevant relevant

44 Dimple Prt Anees School Punjab 9041957795 dimpledadh 5 5 Relevant topic 5 5 5 Excellent Very Very Very 5 Superb Dadhwal wal9@gmail. relevant relevant relevant com 45 HFO Kamal Tehsil Guardians Of Dhuri, 8058692150 kamalkumar 4 4 Learnt slot about 4 5 5 Very Relevant Relevant 5 Excellent Kumar Supervisor Governance Sangrur verma2010 myths and truths relevant Verma (GOG) about COVID 19. How to react and tackle with disaster/ pandemics and how to take care and teach our children to manage disasters.

46 Sarabjit GOG clasture GOG Mukerian- 9110796697 dchib9@gm 5 5 ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਆਪਤ拓 ਦ੆ਰਾਨ 3 3 3 ਆਮ ਜਨਤਾ ਦੀ Very Very Very 5 singh incharge Hoshiarpu ਆਮ ਜਨਤਾ ਫੱ ਚਿਆਂ ਤ੃ ਯ੅ਗਤਾ ਮੁਤਾਫਕ relevant relevant relevant r ਕੀ ਅ਷ਰ ਸ੅ਇਆ ਅਤ੃ ਚਸਿੰ ਦੀ ਦੀ ਵਰਤ ⸂ ਕੀਤੀ ਉ਷ ਦ੃ ਕੀ ਫਿਾਅ ਕੀਤ੃ ਜਾਣੀ ਿਾਸੀਦੀ ਷ੀ ਜਾ ਷ਕਦ੃ ਸਨ

47 Devinder Vill GOG GOG MOGA 9780940974 devinderku 4 4 i tookaway about 3 3 3 good Very Very Very 4 V good kumar marsharma8 security,safety of relevant relevant relevant [email protected] to m takecare about diesester children .I learnt about structural non structural saftey of children home tohome.r Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

48 Reeta Devi Welfare Directorate of South 8900909396 reetuinb@g 4 5 The information 3 4 4 Very Very Very 4 Excellent Officer Social Andaman received and shared relevant relevant relevant (Women) Welfare, during the training Andaman & will go along way in Nicobar helping the children Administration during disasters .The information would be dessimiatedtothe chidren of Child Care Institutions by holding an online class wit them

49 Pawan Vill GG Guardians of SAS 9596664105 kumarbawa0 1 4 Cvid 19 1 1 1 Very Very Very 5 Very Good Kumar Governance Nagar [email protected] relevant relevant relevant (Mohali) om 50 9779895609 bs05saini@g 5 4 ਚ਩ਿੰ ਡ ਦ੃ ਷ਰ਩ਿੰ ਿ 4 4 5 ਮ੄ਨਿੰ ੂ ਇ਷ 繍ਰ੃ਚਨਿੰ ਗ ਤ⸂ Very Very Very 5 ਷ਚਸਫਾਨ ਤ੃ ਸ੅ਰ ਫਸੁਤ ਕੁਝ ਨਵ拓 relevant relevant relevant ਩ਫਚ਱ਕ ਨਿੰ ੂ ਜਾਗਰੂਕ ਚ਷ੱ ਖਣ ਨਿੰ ੂ ਚਮਚ਱ਆ ਸ੄। ਕਰਨਾ

51 Haripal Singh GOG GOG Bagha 7009610013 singhharipal 5 4 Good 3 3 3 On line class is Relevant Very Very 5 Excellent purana [email protected] very good relevant relevant m 52 Paramjit GOG Guardians of Hoshiarpu 9463218969 pschadha65 5 5 I learnt from this 5 5 5 Thanks to all. Very Relevant Relevant 5 Thank You to all Singh Governance r Block-2 event how we can relevant CCDRR Team for giving avoid Disaster such valuable Impact on Children. information regarding Children's Growth and Awareness about Disaster recovery. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

53 Balwinder Tehsil GUARDIANS AHMEDG 9876602367 balwinder02 4 5 GOG 3 3 2 Very good Very Very Relevant 4 Excellent Singh Supervisor OF ARH [email protected] knowledge was relevant relevant GOG GOVERNANCE (SANGRU m given instruction R) by you. 54 Sub Maj Tehsil GoG Sub 9988149659 bsm380@g 5 5 The training was 5 5 5 The training was Very Very Very 5 Excellent Balbir Singh Supervisor Division very informative and very very useful relevant relevant relevant interesting. and knowledgeable 55 Karamjit Panchayat Rdp Bhawanig 9855095051 bdpobhawa 4 5 Namrata 3 3 3 Very Very Relevant 4 Good singh officer arh nigarh@gma relevant relevant sangrur 56 Good Online very Gog Bagha 9781371494 bholasingh7 5 5 Good 3 3 3 Good Very Very Very 5 Good good purana [email protected] relevant relevant relevant om 57 Sub Jaspal Tehsil GOG Sub 9501359041 jaspalgogsup 5 5 The training was 5 5 5 The training was Very Very Very 5 Excellent Singh Supervisor Division ervisor@gm very informative and very very useful relevant relevant relevant interesting and knowledgeable 58 N R dhodiya Psi Home Panchma 9512539201 nrdhodiya48 5 5 Yes 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 5 Very heplful department hal [email protected] relevant relevant relevant information godhra m 59 Sub Dalbara Teh Supvr Gog Teh 9988144554 sdalbara0@g 5 5 Covid- 19 ਦ੃ ਫਾਰ੃ 2 2 3 Good Very Relevant Very 4 Good singh Bassipath ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਅਤ੃ ੳੁੁ਷ ਦ੃ relevant relevant ana DIST. ਫਿਾੳ ਫਾਰ੃ FATEHGA Rh Sabib

60 GItmail singh GOG GOG Bagha 9417082806 gurmailsingh 5 5 Good 3 3 3 EXcellent Very Very Very 5 ON line class s very purana 55394@gma relevant relevant relevant good Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

61 Mandeep Student MSc IT Hoshiarpu 9915684419 5 5 I learnt from this 5 5 5 Very Relevant Relevant 5 Thanks to all CCDRR Kaur r Block-2 1996@gmail event about how we relevant Team members for .com can motivate the providing such a children to wonderful workshop overcome from the and share Valuable situation of Stress. information about CORONA VIRUSE. 62 jaspal kaur Supervisor Cdpo Office Khanna 8146100949 kaurjaspal54 5 5 nice 3 3 3 nice Very Very Very 5 very nice Khanna (Ludhiana [email protected] relevant relevant relevant ) m 63 Jagdev Good GOG Teh-- 9872676753 Jagdevbrar3 5 5 Good 3 3 3 Good Did not Did not Did not 5 Good Singh brar Baghapur [email protected] attend attend attend ana m 64 Parminder DEO Guardians Of Dhuri, 9501737458 Parmindersi 4 4 Very informative and 4 4 4 Very Relevant Relevant 4 Excellent Singh Governance Sangrur ngh0554@g knowledgeable relevant (GOG) about disaster management and how to tackle the disaster/ pandemic in case children are involved and taken care off. 65 A B JOSHI Police sub POLICE Surat city 9712945373 a.b.joshi456 3 5 Child safety is very 2 3 3 Very nice ... Relevant Very Very 4 Very nice excellent PSI SURAT inspector important Performance..And relevant relevant very useful to us 66 BOBBY CLERK MUNCIPAL PATIALA 7814221513 mcsamana@ 5 5 Care 5 5 5 Good knowledge Very Very Very 4 Very Good KUMAR COUNCIL relevant relevant relevant SAMANA 67 Mr. Deepak Assistant Computer Panchkula 8587820075 dks.karnal@ 5 5 Insightful information 4 4 4 Very Very Very 5 Insightful Kumar Professor Science relevant relevant relevant 68 Sunil Kumar Principal Anee's School, Kharar, 9719267417 dm2kala@g 5 5 Latest tech and 3 3 3 Good content and Very Very Very 5 Practical knowledge Kala Kharar, Mohali Mohali procedures relevent relevant relevant relevant Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

69 Sanjeev Go GOG Tehsil 9217024548 choudharys3 5 5 Thos was very 5 5 5 Thanks for give Very Very Very 5 Superb kumar dera [email protected] helpful for awarenes know lge about relevant relevant relevant bassi dist m cobid 19 mohali precautions 70 NK Sanjeev GOG Guardian of Dhuri 9316630411 Ksanjeev788 5 5 MGSIPA 3 3 3 Very Hopeful Very Very Very 5 Very good Kumar GOG Governance [email protected] relevant relevant relevant Bhasaur m 71 Sukhwinder GOG Guardians of AHMEDG 9435055080 ss27likabali 4 4 Valuable knowledge 3 4 5 Relevant Very Very 4 Thank you for singh governance ARH distt relevant relevant providing such useful sangrur information during this terrible illness.

72 Mini joseph DY. S. P. Police Ahmedab 9825039702 mjoseph12. 4 3 ---- 3 3 3 Relevant Very Relevant 3 Agar isme police ad, gujrat [email protected] relevant department aur kya om kar sakta iska content aur jyada hota ya dusere concern department police ke report ko seriously lekar action le. Yeh sari sari chije add karni chahiye... 73 SHIVANI Student commerce panchkula 9653561087 ranashivani9 2 3 Awareness 1 2 2 Useful Relevant Relevant Very 4 Useful 813216@gm relevant 74 Ravi Inder MPHW (M) Health and Fatehgarh 9855078466 ravimander 5 5 Lot off safety and 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 5 Very good Singh Family Sahib precautions relevant relevant relevant Welfare measures learn from Punjab this 75 Sub Distt Supvr GoG Nawansha 9463708602 Spal36956@ 5 5 The training was 5 5 5 Very Relevant Relevant 5 The training was very Surinder Pal hr SBS very very useful and relevant informative and Nagar knowledgeable interesting Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

76 Om EX ARMY Guardians of JALALABA 9463300163 omsarari@g 5 5 We have to check 5 5 5 Next meeting Did not Did not Did not 5 Very good PARKASH .NOW GOG Governance D DISTIC the schemes of please next month attend attend attend FAZILKA Punjab and Central Government in four to 10 villages and one or two schools every day so that we come in contact with a lot of people and we will save ourselve

77 Sub Major Supervisor of Guardians of Hoshiarpu 7009471450 parveenpati 5 5 I learnt from this 5 5 5 Very Relevant Relevant 5 Thanks to all CCDRR Parveen GOG Governance r al319@gmail event about how we relevant Team member for Kumar .com can avoid Disaster providing such a Impact on Children. wonderful information about Children Growth to overcome the Disaster Impact.

78 Gurpreet Sub divisional Punjab water Sub 8283011782 gtalwandi13 5 5 This seminar provide 4 3 4 Very Very Very 5 This event was very singh engineer supply and division us a vast knowledge relevant relevant relevant knowledgeable talwandi sewerage no 3 about child centric board ludhiana , disaster risk ludhiana reduction

79 Risha Thakur PGT Biology Education Kharar, 9417146450 rishathakur8 4 4 Many precautionary 4 4 4 Good efforts by Did not Very Very 4 Knowledgeable Mohali [email protected] measures learnt in athourities, Thanks attend relevant relevant material m this pandemic Covid- 19, will be helpful in future.

80 Nisha Student M. Com final Govt 8059963432 nisha301362 5 4 Excellent, Important 3 3 3 V Excellent and we Very Very Very 5 It was a very good year college 0027@gmail knowledge and learned a lot that relevant relevant relevant program sec. 1 .com intersting program we didn't know , (panchkul knowledge a) Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

81 Dr. Meena Assistant Physics Rewari 9466771206 meenu.yada 5 4 Mental health issues 5 5 5 Very Very Very 4 Event is very Kumari Professor v2210@gmai in Children relevant relevant relevant informative and knowledgeable 82 Jagdeep kaur Supervisor Social security Rajpura 9988699520 jag198315sa 5 4 motivational and 5 4 5 Very informative Relevant Very Very 4 The best and women & and [email protected] informative traning traning relevant relevant child Patiala m development Department Chandigarh

83 Dr. Assistant Languages Mandi 9876626637 gurwinderan 5 5 Great 5 5 5 Excellent Very Very Very 5 Excellent Gurwinder Professor Gobindgar [email protected] relevant relevant relevant Kaur h, Sri m Fatehgarh Sahib 84 Randeep Student ECE student Faridabad 9310433264 balwinderka 5 4 Abot covid-19 3 2 3 Very Did not Relevant 5 Very nice. kaur ur9653@gm relevant attend 85 Pominder Tehsil head GOG MUKERIA 9501442472 pominder.k 5 5 Do,s and Don't 3 3 3 Nil Very Very Very 5 Excellent Singh Rana Mukerian N relevant relevant relevant

86 B.Someswar Sub-Inspector A & N Police Police 9434278416 gm.mgsipa@ 5 5 We need to continue 5 5 5 Very Very Very 5 This session is very aRao line (Ap) to communicate all relevant relevant relevant much effective & South the things needful for us during andaman this covid-19 pandamic. Special thanks to Dr.kumar raka sir.and Nitika madam. 87 JASBIR Agriculture School Ludhiana 8146799676 jsandhu76@ 4 5 Stress Management 4 4 5 Excellent Very Very Very 5 Excellent SINGH Master Education West and School manager relevant relevant relevant SANDHU during disastar Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

88 Dr. Kavita Assistant Physics Rewari 9467778439 kavitayiitr@ 4 4 It has been a 4 5 4 Very Very Relevant 4 Mental health Yadav Professor wonderful training relevant relevant awareness among programme. We children really need to really need to be addressed. In the understand the current pandemic importance of situation, this has psychological become even more aspects in overall important. development and upbringing of a child.

89 Roshan GOG Nainokot GOG Kahnuwa 6239262177 roshansingh. 5 5 Dr Kumar Rakha Dr 5 5 5 Very helpful Very Very Very 5 Thanks no feedback Singh n babbu.@gm Namarata sharma. subject in my life relevant relevant relevant Gurdaspu ai.lcom Dr Ranjan r 90 H/Capt Block Head Guardians of Teh 9115862601 captbalraj@ 5 4 Useful during 5 5 5 Very Very Very 4 Excellent Presentations Balraj Singh Guardians of Governance Dinanagar performing of daily relevant relevant relevant Governance , Distt duty. Gurdaspu r 91 Vijay Sharma Supervisor GOG Amritsar 7009072452 vijays897@g 5 5 Good knowledge 3 2 3 .good teaching Very Very Relevant 5 Very good GOG 2 and good class relevant relevant contract. 92 MALKIAT DEO GOG Fatehgarh 8764989441 malkitsinghd 4 5 Very useful 3 3 3 Language should Very Very Very 5 Very good SINGH Sahib 1969@gmail information be hindi or punjabi relevant relevant relevant .com 93 Hony Capt Tehsil Supvr, GoG Majitha. 8872999106 kssidhu551 4 4 Prevention of Covid- 4 4 4 Nil Very Very Very 4 Very helpful for future. Kawaljit Majitha Amritsar 19, mental health in relevant relevant relevant Singh children and flood ue in children Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

94 Gurpreet GOG kotli GOG Dera 9815464782 gopikotli970 5 5 My knowledge about 3 4 3 Very well Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Very well this session Singh surat malhi baba covid 19 & children's educated about contacted by all team.i ,Dera baba nanak mental health, disater time in am very thankful the nanak dist disaster time children's face all team. This session gurdaspur children's care & problem and their very help full then we other topic better solution. face covid 19 virus. after attend this event. 95 Sub Radha GOG (Subedar) GOG Fazilka Fazilka,Fa 8894353152 rkkambojkris 5 4 Do and don't during 3 3 3 This awareness Very Very Relevant 5 Very good krishan zilka han2@gmail the time of Covid-19. type of pgme relevant relevant .com should run again. 96 Harmohinde Supvr Guardians of Chandigar 9465009521 ops.chqgog 4 4 We literate about 3 3 3 Nothing Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Satisfactory r Singh Governance h COVID related issues, how to take care for our children 97 Prakriti Electronics No Governm 9541367646 anjuv2678@ 1 2 Pests are the real 1 2 3 Great location Relevant Very Did not 2 Don't wait Vishwakarm and department ent problems relevant attend a Communicatio Polytechni n Engineering c Women Collage,Fa ridabad

98 Hony. Lt GOG Guardians of Tehsil - 9592073775 gindersingh0 4 5 I have saved all the 4 5 5 When ever on line Very Very Relevant 4 Very good (IN) Ginder Supervisor Governance [email protected] three days training lecture is relevant relevant Singh(Retd) Tehsil (G O G ) , Dist - m presentation slides. scheduled for two Kotkapura Faridkot Will go through once hours by one again and will single person, If educate others. feasible 5 to 10 min break can given in between . Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

99 Sub Mehar GOG GOG Kharar 9877216283 meharsingh7 5 5 To take all 2 3 3 Very Very Relevant 5 Good👕 hope to have singh (Guardian of and [email protected] preventive measures relevant relevant more session soon .. government) Mohali m aganist COVID 19 and specially take care of children (below 13years of age) , not only their physical health but also mental health as they suffering from lots of problem related to their studies due to this pandemic situation.

100 Chamkaur Ex-serviceman Guardians of Baghapur 8427103063 psekhakalan 4 4 Study is good but it 3 3 3 Study is good, but Very Relevant Relevant 4 Study is good, but it singh governance ana,dist speaks too much it speaks too much relevant speaks too much in moga English connection in English. English. connection was weak due to connection was was weak due to network issues weak due to network we network listen very poor we listen very poor

101 Have Village GOG Guardians Of Dhuri , 9855123759 chamkaursin 4 4 Learnt alot about 4 3 3 Very Very Relevant 4 Excellent Chamkaur Governance Sangrur gh198305@ COVID 19 relevant relevant Singh (GOG) precautions and Badshapur disaster/pandemic management specially where children are involved.

102 Darshan Village GOG GOG Moga Bagha 9872238607 gilldarshan5 5 5 Very Good 5 5 5 Excellent Very Very Very 5 Excellent Singh purana [email protected] relevant relevant relevant Moga m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

103 Kulwinder GOG GOG BAGAPUR 9814673304 KS3601827 5 5 Good 3 3 3 Online class is very Very Very Very 5 Excellent singh ANA helpfull relevant relevant relevant

104 ARSHDEEP TGT Teaching Mohali 9781695875 arshdeepkau 4 5 All points on Children 2 3 2 Very Relevant Very 4 Very good KAUR raks@gmail. relevant relevant com 105 Sub Dalbara Teh Supvr Gog Teh 9988144554 sdalbara0@g 4 5 Good 2 3 3 V good Very Relevant Very 4 Good singh Bassipath relevant relevant ana DIST FATEHGA Rh Sabib 106 Narinder DEO (GOG) GOG Malerkotl 9501536016 dhindsan13 5 5 Mental health issues 3 4 5 Very Very Very 5 This training is very Singh a, Sangrur in childrens relevant relevant relevant informative.

107 Narinder DEO (GOG) GOG Malerkotl 9501536016 dhindsan13 5 5 Mental health issues 3 4 5 Very Very Very 5 This training is very Singh a, Sangrur in childrens relevant relevant relevant informative.

108 Balram Singh Supervisor Guardians Of Bhikhiwin 7973692717 balram1331 5 5 Covid-19, but all 4 5 3 Give more Very Relevant Relevant 3 Very Good (GOG) Punjab Governance d, Tarn [email protected] events are programme for relevant Punjab Taran m wonderfull.Dr.Kumar girls children and Raka' s events are older men very good. Thanks so much 109 Kuldip singh GOG Tehsil. Guardian of Ajnala 9592230992 kuldipdhillon 5 4 Valuable information 5 4 5 Beneficial Safety Very Very Very 5 Convenient program Ajnala Goverance 0102@gmail regarding covid19 precautions for relevant relevant relevant .com children 110 Deepa Lecturer in Government Fatehaba 9812047520 deepamehta 5 4 knowledge 4 4 4 Very Very Very 5 Excellent Computer Polytechnic, d, .official@gm relevant relevant relevant Engineering Dhangar Haryana. 111 Gurwinder Gurdaspur Gog Batala / 9501617601 gurwinder96 5 5 We should listen 3 3 3 Sir program should Very Very Very 5 Knowledge program Singh Gurdaspu [email protected] event care fully . be 80% in relevant relevant relevant r om Hindi/ Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

112 Robert R. Social worker District Child Anand 9904879957 robert.christi 4 4 mental health during 4 2 3 Relevant Very Relevant 4 There is very useful Christian Protection Unit district , an50@gmail disaster relevant training conducted Gujarat .com which is useful for our job functions. 113 Yogender Student, Nss Bachelor of Nangal 7056372950 yogenderysr 5 5 The most stay away 3 3 3 This is very helpful Very Very Very 5 All session is very Singh volunteer, arts Choudhar [email protected] from mobile phone. and support to relevant relevant relevant important and best.In Youth Red y, m And all the mindset learn how we take first class I face some Cross Mahender thinking. care of a child.All technical issue. This volunteer garh session is session is very best important. because the phase of childhood of our life is very important. In this age we learned basic things.

114 Jimmykumar Protection District Child Anand - 9879714902 jimmykumar 4 5 So many things like 4 5 4 In future we need Very Very Very 4 Overall so much officer {(Non- Protection Gujarat 1995@gmail how to protect the full day workshop relevant relevant relevant interesting and Rameshbhai Institution Unit - Anand .com children during not webinar but knowledgeable Parmar Care) covid19 period and one to one so we sessions with very how to implement in contstantration much experienced our child protection without any other faculties field problems or work in office 115 CHO Community Health dept Amargarh 8195045900 preetpandhe 5 4 Informative 4 4 4 Knowledgeable Very Very Very 5 Informative and AMANPREET health officer , r2811@gmai relevant relevant relevant helpful KAUR malerkotl a, sangrur 116 Gurpreet Block primary Education Samana 9463017682 gurpreetsing 5 5 Very knowledgeable 3 3 3 Great Very Very Very 5 Great and Singh education department dist hgoldy02@g and give proper relevant relevant relevant knowledgeable officer punjab Patiala guidance

117 Parth thaker Dcpo Child Anand 9998043457 dcpu-gscps- 3 4 Do & dont 2 3 3 Nice Very Very Relevant 3 Nice protection gujarat and@gujarat relevant relevant Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

118 Jagjit Singh GoG Guardian of Teh 8847636373 sjagjit215@g 4 4 Helpful to create 2 3 2 Good presentation. Very Relevant Relevant 4 Very good Supervisor Governance Jalandhar awareness among relevant 2, the people about Jaandhar COVID 19 pendemic precautions and to make strategy for disaster management. 119 N r dhodiya Psi Home Panchma 9512539201 nrdhodiya48 5 5 Very useful 5 5 5 Very useful Very Very Very 5 Very useful department hal [email protected] relevant relevant relevant godhra m 120 Sheetal Student (final) Mohali 6284906404 shitalsharma 5 5 Knowledgeable 3 2 3 Very good Very Very Very 4 Very good Sharma 4554@gmail relevant relevant relevant .com 121 SHIVANI Student commerce panchkula 9653561087 ranashivani9 2 3 Awareness 2 2 2 Awareness Relevant Relevant Relevant 3 Awareness 813216@gm 122 Sachin yadav 2 year Panchkula 7375819607 sy298508@g 5 5 Very good ,and 5 5 4 Nice Very Relevant Very 4 Good provide awareness relevant relevant 123 Arti Commerce Pkl 9729582708 artidhiman0 3 3 Communication 3 3 3 Interesting topic Relevant Relevant Relevant 3 Nice 62002@gma 124 DR.MANDEE Assistant PMN College Rajpura 9872437407 mandeepma 5 4 Very informative 3 3 3 no Very Very Very 4 Overall very good P SINGH professor rok07@gmai relevant relevant relevant function 125 Kishan Singh Village gog Gog Bagha 8437572377 kishansingh2 4 4 Covid-19, security & 5 5 5 Good Very Very Very 5 Very good purana 0067@gmail safety for children relevant relevant relevant moga .com 126 Jarnail singh Supervisor Gog Tehsil 8699309718 jarnailsandh 3 4 About disaster 4 4 4 Overall good Very Very Very 4 Very good DHARAM u1968@gma management relevant relevant relevant KOT dist moga 127 Khanjan Ahir Additional Samagra Gujarat, 9512628964 aspe3.ssa@g 5 5 Mental health issues 4 4 4 It's really helpful Very Very Very 5 Good state project siksha Gandhina with child relevant relevant relevant engineer gar Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

128 onkar dutt Captain GOG Tehsil 9464814538 onkardutt00 5 5 My self and my son 3 3 3 We are fully Very Relevant Relevant 5 Dr kumar Raka sahab Fazilka [email protected] also attend the stisfied relevant give a lot of m trainingg and got a knoledage and bundle of knoledage. massage to the participated 129 Jagdish GOG GOG SRI 6280567710 Jagdish7677 5 5 COVID -19 INFO 3 3 3 Very helpfull Very Very Very 5 Very good kumar MUKTSAR [email protected] relevant relevant relevant SAHIB m 130 Shivani Student final Good 7495057966 shivanishar 5 5 Good 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 5 Good mabatour12 relevant relevant relevant [email protected] om 131 Gurpreet Chairperson NGO Patiala 9888404813 trimattaakat 5 5 Responsibly towards 3 3 3 This time ppts Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 It's great to attend the Kaur 2012@gmail community were shared trainings. .com 132 Dinesh Phagwara Guardians of Tehsil 9780390066 dkjash@gma 5 5 Takeaway from your 5 5 5 Training was realy Very Very Very 5 Nice and eye opening Kumar Tehsil Governance Phagwara training are about eye opening for relevant relevant relevant presentations by Supervisor Punjab (GoG) and Hazard, Risk created and learnt many everyones, gain lots of Kapurthal from hazards, and new thing about knowledge about all a control mitigation, children stress and the sessions. Thanks also how to find their health risks to everyones. stress in choldren, as well control be and keep safe mitigations, also from Covid19, and how to be safe children safety from and keep safe various activities pthers from the qhere kids involved effects of Covid19. after the Disaster.

133 Harinder DEO Gurdian of Bassi 9872941265 harindersing 5 5 Sharing gained 2 2 2 It was very much Very Relevant Relevant 5 It was very much Singh Governance Pathana, hdhanoa7@ knowledge with educative and relevant valuable FGS others valuable Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

134 Gurjot kaur Student Commerce Dera 7814589728 gurjotkaur84 5 5 How to Protection of 5 5 5 Good Very Very Relevant 5 Usefully information bassi [email protected] covid 19 for children relevant relevant (s.a.s m and others etc. nagar )mohali 135 Onkar dutt Captain GOG Tehsil 9464814638 onkarfutt000 5 5 Excillent traning 3 3 3 We got a bundles Very Relevant Relevant 5 Dr kumar Raka. S' Fazilka of knoledage from relevant speach was very this on line excillent training . 136 Gurchait Distt GOG ROPAR 9464919359 gurchaitsing 4 4 Me and my staff 3 4 3 Very nice Very Very Very 3 Good Singh Supervisor h9859@gma relevant relevant relevant 137 Subedar Vpo. Kanian Guardians of Shahkot, 8284947413 amarjitsingh 5 5 Covid-19 and safety 3 3 3 Good Programme Very Very Very 5 Excellent Amarjit kalan, Shahkot Governance jalandhar [email protected] preconceptions and on Child Centric relevant relevant relevant Singh om Programme on Child Disaster Supervisor Centric Disaster GOG 138 Prof. Professor Health and AYUSH, 9727100886 mayank2200 5 4 Appropriate 5 5 5 Very Very Very 5 Much needed in Mayank Family Gandhina preventive relevant relevant relevant present time, excellent Maniar Wealfare gar m preparation and management is essential to save our future generations.

139 Captain Tehsil Guardian of FEROZEPU 8872130061 hardialsingh 5 5 No any 5 5 5 The training staff's Did not Did not Did not 5 Very good training Hardial Supervisors Governance R 55555@gma presentation style attend attend attend was given. Such Singh Bhullar DISTRICT was excellent. training programs FEROZEPU should continue. R

140 Gurjeet Assistant Computer District - 9023851929 pandher33.p 5 5 All good 3 2 3 Overall best Did not Did not Did not 5 Good Singh Professor Science & Fatehgarh [email protected] attend attend attend Applications Sahib m 141 Ranjit Singh Supervisor GOG RUPNAGA 7973154097 rs64331@g 4 4 Village 4 4 4 Very Very Very 4 Very helpful R relevant relevant relevant Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

142 CAPTAIN TEHSIL GOG SRI 9.20E+11 balvirsingh4 5 5 Covid-19, children 5 5 5 No Additional Very Very Very 5 Excellent Balvir Singh SUPERVISER ANANDPU 99810w@g programs and feedback (3 days relevant relevant relevant R SAHIB programs EXCELLENT Trg very nice) DIST i am very Happy ROPAR Thanks PUNJAB

143 Sumit Singh TGT Maths Mathematics SAS Nagar 9459782975 sumitanees 5 5 The content and 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 Satisfactory explanation relevant relevant relevant

144 Balkar Singh Dist Head GoG GoG, Dist Moga 9417221178 gogmoga29 5 4 Achieved more 5 5 5 1. WEBEX Very Relevant Relevant 5 EXCELLENT Colonel Dist Moga GUARDIANS awareness, much MEETING WAS relevant OF THE knowledge and gear EXCELLENT AND GOVERRNACE experience. It will VERY WILL be helpful for the ORGANIZED. training to my team GoG. So that they 2. VIDEO OF will give awareness PARTICIPATED to public at theirs SPEAKER SHOULD Area oof BE VISIBLE. responsibilities. We will be teaches to 3. LEAFLETS AND our families , BOOKLETS relatives and friends SHOULD BE also. Really it will be ISSUED TO very useful and PARTICIPANTS. Fruitful for us also

145 Akshay GOG GOG (EX Balachaur 9417065771 ak.chechi933 5 5 Nothing 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 Excellent Kumar ARMY) and S B S [email protected] relevant relevant relevant Nagar m 146 Kapil Student Commerce Barwala 8708820672 krana085@g 5 5 Always Cilent 3 3 3 Excellent Theory Very Very Very 5 Excellent Panchkula Excellent relevant relevant relevant Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

147 Rajni Rani Assistant Law Mandi 9888727262 law.rrani@d 4 3 Informative session 2 2 2 Relevant Very Relevant 4 Knowledgable & professor department gobindgar eshbhagatun relevant informative one h, Fatehgarh sahib 148 Gurmail GOG Guardians of Nihal 9417489656 gurmailgill19 3 3 Good 3 3 3 Good Relevant Very Very 3 Good Singh Supervisor Governance Singh [email protected] relevant relevant wala, m Moga 149 Narinder Capt GOG Tehsil 9855046172 narinder.sing 5 5 Excellent lecture for 3 3 3 Excellent lecture Very Very Very 5 Very excellent Singh MALERKO h121161@g COVID-19 relevant relevant relevant TLA distt Sangrur

150 PARGAT GOG GOG Hoshiarpu 8901470208 Psingh1840 4 4 Child disaster risk 3 2 3 Did not Very Very 5 Very good SINGH Supervisor r reduction attend relevant relevant

151 GOG GOG GOG Nangal,Ro 8872310091 gurpreet990 4 4 Lots of valuable 3 4 4 Very Very Very 5 Very Good Gurpreet opnagar [email protected] information relevant relevant relevant Singh m 152 Sunita Principal Education Dudan 9463805217 sunitakumari 4 4 Skills to prevent 2 2 2 Informative and Relevant Relevant Very 3 Absolute Practical Kumari sadhan, gopalsingh@ children from useful relevant approach Patiala disasters

153 Sergeant Tehsil Guardians of Bholath. 9815419621 1951jaswant 4 4 In the event of 2 2 2 Very Relevant Very 4 Fruitful endeavour in Jaswant Supervisor Governance [email protected] naturalcalamities relevant relevant imparting valuable singh GOG,(Bholath) Kapurthal om like floods,fire information & a incidents,accidents knowledge. this on line training has equipped us with the knowledge to address these disater to be helpfuli whenever occasion arises. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

154 Sewak Singh Village GoG GOG Moga 9041978303 Sewaksingh6 3 4 About covid 19 2 2 2 Very Very Very 4 That was a well [email protected] precautions relevant relevant relevant organized event. om 155 Roshan GG Village GOG Kahnuwa 6239262177 roshansingh. 5 5 Dr Raka Dr Namrata 5 5 5 Very knowlege Very Very Very 5 Very thanks Singh n babbu@gma Dr Ranjan lectures relevant relevant relevant Gurdaspu r 156 SM GoG Spvr GoG Gudaspur Gurdaspu 8284095881 slakhwinder 5 5 very helpfully New 5 5 5 Good subjects Very Very Relevant 5 Very good Training Lakhwinder r [email protected] youth relevant relevant interesting Subjects Singh om 157 Sub Maj DEO Tehsil Guardians of Tehsil 6280945119 rasotratarse 4 4 It will be most 3 3 3 Syllabus should be Very Very Very 5 Very beneficial Tarsem Lal Dinanagar Gobernance Dinanagar [email protected] effective for parents sent online relevant relevant relevant Rasotra GOG DIstt m towards their wards Gurdaspu r 158 Sub Maj DEO Tehsil Guardians of Tehsil 6280945119 rasotratarse 5 5 Helpful and guidance 3 3 3 Send online Very Very Relevant 5 More beneficial for Tarsem Lal Dinanagar Governance Dinanagar [email protected] to parents syllabus relevant relevant new generation Rasotra GOG District m Gurdaspu r 159 Hardeep DEO GOG Sangrur , 7986611562 hardeepsing 4 4 About child 4 4 4 Very good online Very Very Very 4 Good Singh Sangrur h8656@gma psychology training relevant relevant relevant 160 Anjali yadav Student Collage Faridabad 9310328199 ay840375@g 3 2 Health awareness 2 2 3 It was good Relevant Very Very 4 Very good relevant relevant 161 Jagroop Tehsil head Guardian of Sub- 9779831131 jagroopsingh 4 4 1. Be affectionate 2 3 5 Very useful for Relevant Very Very 4 Good and useful Singh. Sangrur(Pb) Govenance. Div=Sangr 31131@gma Child,adolescent, parents-teachers. relevant relevant ur and adullt Dist.=Sang psycho.GOG,teacher, rur.97798 parents

162 Varinder Pal village GOG Guardians of Dasuya 8765089016 varinderpals 4 4 ਷ਰ ਅਗਰ ਤੁ਷ੀ ਚਸਿੰ ਦੀ 2 4 4 ਮ੄ਨਿੰ ੂ ਇ਷ 繍ਰ੃ਚਨਿੰ ਗ ਤ⸂ Very Very Very 4 Overall Good Singh (Guardians Of governance Hoshiarpu [email protected] ਦੀ ਵਰਤ ੅ ਕਰਦ੃ ਤਾ ਫਸੁਤ ਕੁਝ ਨਵ拓 relevant relevant relevant Governance) (Punjab Govt) r m ਷ਾਚਰਅੁਾ ਵਧੀਅੁਾ ਚ਷ੱ ਖਣ ਨਿੰ ੂ ਚਮਚ਱ਆ ਸ੄। ਷ਮਝ ਱ੱ ਗਦਾ Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

163 Satvinder GOG Guardians of Dasuya 9068708558 satvindersin 4 3 ਫਸੁਤ ਸੀ ਕੀਮਤੀ 4 4 5 ਫਸੁਤ ਸੀ ਕੀਮਤੀ Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Good singh (Guardians of governance ( and gh48136@g ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਚਮ਱ੀ। ਸਮ੃ਸ਼ਾ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਚਮ਱ੀ। governance) PUNJAB GOVT) hoshiarpu ਇ਷ ਤਰ拓 ਦ੃ ਩ਰ੅ਗਰਾਮ ਸਮ੃ਸ਼ਾ ਇ਷ ਤਰ拓 ਦ੃ r ਿ਱ਣ ੃ ਿਾਸੀਦ੃ ਸਨ ਩ਰ੅ਗਰਾਮ ਿ਱ਣ ੃ ਿਾਸੀਦ੃ ਸਨ

164 Baldev Singh Supervisor Guardian of Dasuya, 9695564399 baldev07511 4 5 Good 5 4 4 This training gives Very Very Very 4 This event give Governance Hoshiarpu lot of knowledge relevant relevant relevant knowledge about r carona virus and child development 165 Jagsir singh Village Gog NIHAL 9872913107 js3218001@ 3 3 Knowledge 2 2 2 No Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 No Kishangarh SINGH Teh N. S. Wala WALA Distt MOGA Moga(PB) 166 Karamjit GOG yeh sup GOG Sangrur 7073312333 skaramjit891 4 4 Good guidelines 2 2 3 This training is Not Very Very 4 Very good Singh good for parents relevant relevant relevant and teachers. 167 Jagdish Singh Good GoG Nihal 9876237063 jagdishsingh 3 4 Good 2 2 3 Good Relevant Relevant Very 4 Good singh 3837@gmail relevant Wala .com (Moga) 168 AjmerSingh Raunta Gog Nihal 9465506376 2742ajmer@ 3 4 Good 2 2 2 Good Very Very Did not 4 Good Singh relevant relevant attend wala moga 169 Mr 12 GOG Dharmkot 7589023594 lovelypunjab 4 5 i am satisfied. 4 5 4 thanks Very Relevant Very 4 good Gursewak {Moga} [email protected] relevant relevant Singh m 170 Dr.BharviTriv Associate Kaumarbhritya Junagadh 9998406626 drbharvitrive 4 4 Child safety 2 2 3 Very Very Relevant 4 Good edi Professor [email protected] relevant relevant (Reader)CL-1 m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

171 Subedar GOG Guardian Of Tehsil 9.20E+11 esm. 5 5 I took maximum 5 5 5 It was on the part Very Very Very 5 I attended the training Major (Hony Supervisor Governance , headings from which of the participants relevant relevant relevant for three days. Whole Capt) Tehsil Phillaur District I try my best to those were session was very Lachhman Jalandhar formulate this in my disturbing the knowledgeable and Dass own dialect so that I lecturer again and worth useful as well. could further spread again and dissolve However, the lecture to the lower level viz their attention. should be in Punjabi Primary Schools, or Hindi to make Secondary Schools understand to all the and Block of my participants. I seek areas. your permission to put forward one suggestion. It would be more better for the participants, if the concerned material is forwarded before starting the training,

172 Charanjit GOG Punjab Kapurthal 9971829534 359channi@ 5 4 All the information 4 5 5 Very Very Did not 5 I will work in society Singh Government a regarding children relevant relevant attend as per given guidelines department growth and awareness and corona precautions were very precious 173 Akshay GOG GOG Balachaur 9336700002 ak.chechi933 4 5 Good information 2 2 2 Excellent Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Excellent Kumar and SBS [email protected] related this training information Nagar m provided through this training Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

174 Subedar Tehsil Guardians of Tehsil : 7973048088 jrbhatia91@ 4 5 During the lecture, 5 5 5 Did not Very Very 4 I attended the training Jaswant Rai Supervisor, Governance Phillaur, whatever, I can note attend relevant relevant program only for two Bhatia Tehsil Phillaur District : down, I noted down. days. First day I could Jalandhar I shall try to collect not contact the link. the remaining from However, the training my other colleagues. was very good. I appreciate the training staff who make the participant understand well.

175 Col GOG Tehsil Guardians of Sri 6283601576 anupinder_g 5 5 administration of 5 5 5 Keep up the good Very Very Very 5 Excellent Effort by Anupinder Head Sri Governance,G Muktsar [email protected] young minds work,should be relevant relevant relevant Conducting Staff,Lot of Singh (Retd) Muktsar Sahib ovt Of Punjab Sahib m conducted for all newthings learned Teachers 176 Sukhpal DEO GOG Moga 9888373739 sukhpal1982 4 4 On mobile 4 3 3 Very good Did not Did not Did not 4 Very good Singh attend attend attend

177 Muhtair Gill Gog Teshil 9501669385 mukhtiarsg7 4 4 Yes 4 4 4 Disatar Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Good Singh Dharmkot [email protected] management dist moga m

178 Naik Tarsem GOG Guardian of Tehsil : 9872255163 tarsemlal176 4 4 Due to language 5 4 4 The training was Did not Very Very 4 Overall feedback is Lal Governance Phillaur, [email protected] problem, I could not very good. attend relevant relevant very good. However, District : m note much. many participants may Jalandhar experienced language problems. 179 Om parkash Sep GOG Teh 9463300163 omsarari@g 5 5 Col dalvir singh 5 4 5 Did not Did not Did not 5 Good class exservicman (guardian of JALALABA attend attend attend army governce) D DISTIC FAZILKA Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

180 SM (AIG) Tehsil Guardians Of Dhuri, 8360667104 ajaibkhangur 4 4 Very infomative and 4 4 4 Very Relevant Relevant 4 excellent Ajaib Singh Supervisor Governance Sangrur [email protected] useful lecture. learnt relevant m alot about disaster/ pandemic management. 181 ABDUL Sub Inspector Police South 9933288379 sajid1ee@g 4 4 COVID precautions. 3 3 3 Very Very Very 4 Very good. SAJEED Andaman relevant relevant relevant 182 dipen counsellor child care district 9712116069 dodiya_dipe 5 5 child health covid 3 3 3 very useful Very Very Very 5 very useful webinar keshavbhai institute social child [email protected] care prevention etc webinar relevant relevant relevant ever dodiya justice and protection m empowerment unit department anand Gujarat Gujarat

183 Shivangi Programme Social welfare ICPS Port 9531972224 shivangi3336 5 5 Very informative 3 3 3 Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Very informative Upadhyay officer Blair [email protected] event m 184 Dyuti Purohit Child Women and Commissi 9408605975 icdsiec2019 4 4 What precotions we 4 4 3 Relevant Very Very 4 Very good Development Child onerate have to take during relevant relevant Project Officer Development of covid-19 Gujarat women and Child Developm ent,Gujar at Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

185 Manjit singh Village - gog Guardians of Tehsil 9646023467 manjitsingh0 5 5 We are all very 5 5 5 Thanks all the Very Very Very 5 excellent governance malerkotl 1101969@g happy and glad to official for your relevant relevant relevant a, sangrur join your traning and precious time your obtaned good have given to us valuable know ledge and I am fully satisfied with the online traning on child centric disaster risk Reduction (CCDRR) from 03 Nov to 05 Nov 2020 186 Swaran singh Village of GoG Guardian of Teh 9815369383 chumberswa 5 5 Weare all very happy 3 3 3 Thanks all the Very Very Very 5 Excellent Governance Malerkotl ransingh@g and glar to join your official for your relevant relevant relevant aDistrict traning and obtained precious time you Sangrur good valuable kno have given to us wledge and I am fully satisfied with The online training on child centric disaster Risk reduction (ccdrr)form 03 Nov to05 Nov2020

187 Gurpreet Gog Gog dera baba Teh dera 9815464782 gopikotli970 5 5 Yes 4 4 4 Very Very Very 5 Nice conduct Training Singh nanak block baba relevant relevant relevant session. We face covid nanak,dist 19 disaster so this session very helpful gurdaspur Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

188 Jagraj Singh G.O.G. G.O.G. Disst 8427342815 jagrajbrar89 5 5 Nice 4 4 5 Training was so Very Very Very 4 So helpful for guidance for how relevant relevant relevant Guidance with any take care about disaster nd depression our child during any depression 189 Shree D.v Psi Police Surt Rural 9979547211 polstn- 4 4 Very good 3 4 3 very good Very Very Very 5 Very good Excellent gamit kamrej- relevant relevant relevant sur@gujarat. gov 190 Banumathi. Protection Department Puducherr 9600911568 dswicpspdy 4 3 Precautionary 1 2 2 If the session fully Relevant Relevant Relevant 3 Nice. In future if the B Officer(NIC) and Women y methods to be in English it will be session is in English it and Child followed by the useful and interest will be better to Development children and staff understand 191 Moin-ul-Atiq Asst. Professor Social Woek Anand 9974304763 atiqindia@g 5 5 Knowledge 3 3 3 Not at all Very Very Did not 4 Excellent H. Malek relevant relevant attend

192 Dr Shweta Programme State South 9972750391 drshweta307 4 4 Mental health of 4 4 4 Very Very Very 4 Very good content Manager Adoption Andaman children and relevant relevant relevant and easy to Resource behaviour of children understand Agency 193 P.Lily Programme Department Port Blair, 9531839839 lily.riya92@g 4 5 It was very 3 3 3 Relevant Very Relevant 5 Overall session was officer (State of Social South informative and relevant very good and helpful Adoption Welfare Andaman, helpful for us to deal especially Namartha Resource with child during this mam's presentation Agency) Andaman covid situation. was very interesting and also Dr. Raka and Nicobar kumar Sir's Islands. presentation was very informative. It was great experience to connect from Andaman Islands through this webinar. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

194 M. Istar Program Directorate of South 8900965601 lavanyapb95 4 5 I came to know 4 4 5 A useful training Relevant Very Relevant 5 Even during this tough lavanya officer ( child social welfare andaman many new things session with relevant time this training in need of ( Andaman & district and how tackle relevant to my program helped me to care and Nicobar Island) children especially in field get even more protection) these pandemic time experienced and know some true facts of children and thier real state of being physically and mentally fit

195 RANJEET GOG Guardiance of AMRITSA 8146743676 ranjitaulakh 4 4 Awerness 4 4 4 All the events Very Very Relevant 4 Thanks Valuable SINGH Governers R 2 [email protected] were beautiful relevant relevant information regarding om discribed covid 19 and about care of children

196 Kewal Singh Tehsil GOG Budhlada, 8558899136 singhkewal6 5 4 good 5 5 5 No thanks Very Very Very 4 No thanks supervisor Mansa 8102@gmail relevant relevant relevant .com 197 Lakhvir Sub Maj ( Guardians of Jalandhar 9815353906 lakhvirsingh 4 4 Awareness about 4 4 4 It was very Very Very Very 4 Very much Singh Pelia Supervisor governance pelia@gmail. covid 19 . And Child interesting and relevant relevant relevant appreciated . Thanks tehsil Jal -1) com Centric Disaster Risk interactive for the knowledge Reduction" sessions . Taken by that had provided to all the suppiors . the citizens keep up the good work . 198 Narinder Tehsil Guardians of Tehsil 9855046172 narinder.sing 5 5 We are all very 5 5 5 Thanks all the Very Very Very 5 EXCELLENT Singh Supervisor Governance Superviso h12116@gm happy and glad to official for your relevant relevant relevant r join your training precious time you Guardians obtained good have given to us of valuable knowledge. and I fully satisfied Governan with the online ce training on CCDRR from 03 Nov to 05 Nov 2020. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

199 Kewal Singh Supervisor GOG Budhlada, 8558899136 singhkewal6 5 4 Good 4 4 4 No thanks Very Very Very 4 No thanks Mansa 8102@gmail relevant relevant relevant .com 200 Balraj singh GOG Ex Serviceman Ludhiana 9780498380 Bal69rajsing 5 5 All the speakers had 5 5 5 All the respected Very Very Very 5 All the respected Phullanwal (Army) (west) [email protected] a lot of information speakers have relevant relevant relevant speakers have shared (Ludhiana m that can and will be shared a lot of a lot of information west) helpful on the job. information with with us about covid 19 us about covid 19 and will be very and will be very helpful on the job. helpful on the job. Superb online seminar and thank you.

201 Tejinder Pal Tehsil GoG Tehsil - 8427007370 tejindersand 5 4 Personal 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 4 Good knowledge for Singh Supervisor Abohar, hu2070@gm knowledge relevant relevant relevant children's. District - Fazilka 202 Gurpreet Vill - gog Guardians of Tehil 8437720881 gs0520613@ 5 5 We are very happy 3 3 3 Thanks all the for Very Very Very 5 Excellent singh governance malerkotl and glad to join your your precious time relevant relevant relevant a Distt - training and you have given to sangrur obtained valuable us and I AM fully know ledged satisfied with the online traning on child centric disaster risk reduction (CCDRR) from 03 NOV 2020

203 Prof. Professor Health & AYUSH, 9727100886 mayank2200 5 5 More effort to save 4 5 5 Very Very Very 5 Excellent Mayank Family Welfare Gandhina & care future relevant relevant relevant Maniar gar m generations Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

204 Dr. Assistant Department DNH 9428593581 joshi2ram@ 5 5 Every disaster gives a 4 4 3 Very Very Very 5 Excellent and most Ramchandra Professor of English, Dr. Silvassa chance to act and relevant relevant relevant needed in this new Joshi APJ Abdul react to prevent, normal where Kalam Govt. minimize damage to infodemic has become College, human society more dangerous than Silvassa UT of pandemic. DNH@ DD 205 Jasbir Singh GOG GOG Hoshiarpu 9781122969 jasbirtoor2@ 5 5 Many points on 5 5 5 Very Very Very 5 Good event. Toor r covid 19 and ccdrr relevant relevant relevant and I have learned how to that I will tell all people about this.

206 Sukhraj GoG Guardian of Sultanpur 9417849749 sukhrajsand 4 5 Satisfied 2 3 2 A well organized Very Very Relevant 5 Good Singh Governance Lodhi Dist hu927@gma training. relevant relevant Kapurthal a

207 Amarjeet GOG Guardian of Amritsar 7973824055 amarjeet72a 5 5 Our Village, and 3 3 3 Trg will be Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Very very nice👕, Singh Governance mar@gmail. Tehsil Asr-1 All GOGs continue near excellent job com future 208 Capt GOG Tehsil GOG(Punjab KAPURTH 9815092032 aujlagurdee 5 5 Info regarding 2 3 3 Basic concept of Did not Did not Very 5 All concepts Gurdeep Head Govt) ALA [email protected] chilrden desetred disaster risk attend attend relevant singh om &covid -19was verry managment and usefull. mental health of children in the of disaster was very good Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

209 Ex/Sub Tehsil GOG (Punjab Kapurthal 9501713335 gog.kap03@ 4 5 I will information 3 2 3 Very well advise to Very Very Relevant 5 All concepts Avtar Singh Supervisior , Govt) a public Grevience all participant relevant relevant regarding Covid-19 and Basic concepts of Disaster Risk Management &Mental Health of Children in the time Disaster Very well 210 Satnam Supervisor GoG Kapurthal 9878347055 270singhsat 5 5 I will implement this 4 5 4 I will implement Very Very Relevant 4 Excellent information singh Teh kapurthala a nam@gmail. information in public this information to relevant relevant given by all officials com awareness aware public regarding child growth and development and guide people about vivid precautions 211 Balvir Singh Tehsil GOG Sub 9815378902 captainbalvir 5 5 Valuable knowledge 5 5 5 Waiting for next Very Very Very 5 Excellant Supervisor Division [email protected] for children and on line trg relevant relevant relevant m allcitizen

212 Balvir Singh Tehsil GOG Sub 9815378902 captainbalvir 5 5 Valuable knowledge 5 5 5 Waiting for next Very Very Very 5 Excellant Supervisor Division [email protected] for children and on line trg relevant relevant relevant m allcitizen Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

213 Hony Capt District Guardians of Fatehgarh 7837680643 amriksgoria 4 4 Yes 4 4 4 Ish meeting ke Very Very Very 4 Good effort and Amrik Singh Supervisor, Governace Sahib dorwan achhe relevant relevant relevant motivation pgogrrame. GOG vichar aur ideas mile jo ham dusron ki jindgi bachhane ke liye har gaon har kasbe aur har vyakti ko suchhet kar sakte hai. 214 Sangitaben Government Labour Surat 6353307414 sangitaben2 4 4 All sessions are very 5 5 5 Very Very Relevant 4 Overall training is very Gamanbhai Labour Officer Department [email protected] important and relevant relevant useful Patel Gujarat m learning too 215 Harbhajan District Guardians of Fatehgarh 9814815110 gog.fgs@gm 5 4 Pests are a real 4 3 4 All the speakers Very Very Very 4 Communication was Singh Supervisor Governance Sahibb problem. Self had a lot of relevant relevant relevant good. Excelent evaluation information that speakers. All the can and will be traning was helpful on the job. educational. All very good. 216 JAGSIR KISHANGARH GOG NIHAL 9872913107 js32118001 3 3 Knowledge 2 2 2 No Relevant Relevant Relevant 3 We are satisfied SINGH SINGH WALA- DISTT - MOGA ( PB) 217 Hon Lt District GOG Ropar 7986701191 gps929a@g 5 5 This training Session 4 4 4 Thanking you Sir Very Very Relevant 4 This is very useful Gurpritam Supervisor, is very useful for all for the same. relevant relevant training for all please. Singh Retd GOG humen being. Department, Thanking you Sir for Ropar the same please

218 Roshan Teh supervisor Gog Fateh 9780267786 roshankhan1 5 5 Satisfied 1 1 3 Relevant Very Very 5 Satisfied garh sahib [email protected] relevant relevant om Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

219 Pritesh Jiva Protection District Child Diu 9033780789 solankiprites 4 4 - 3 4 5 - Relevant Did not Did not 4 - Solanki Officer Non Protection Unit [email protected] attend attend Institutional om care 220 Sukhdev Distt GOG Moga 9815701548 5 4 Nothing 3 3 2 Very Very Very 5 Very fruitful trg Singh Supervisor relevant relevant relevant GOG Moga 221 Gulab Singh GOG GOG Gidderba 8837633102 gulabsingh6 5 5 Excellent 3 3 3 Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Excellent SUPERVISOR ha (Sri [email protected] muktsar m sahib) 222 Rashpal Tehsil GOG Tehsil 9316827099 rpsbhullar84 5 5 Good knowlage 5 5 5 Satisfied with the Very Relevant Relevant 5 Excellent Singh Bhullar Suprintedent training contents relevant

223 Subedar Tehsil Guardians of Teh and 7508298684 shingarasing 5 5 Very helpful in my 5 5 4 Knowledgeable Very Very Very 4 Very nice conducted Shingara supervisor governance dist h872@gmail profession event relevant relevant relevant and knowledgeable singh Fatehgarh Fatehgarh .com programme. sahib sahib punjab 224 Angrej Singh Vill Gog Gog Dharmkot 9592618239 angregsingh 4 4 Yes 4 4 4 Disaster Very Very Very 4 Good. (Nova( 24734@gma management. relevant relevant relevant 225 Sakilbhai M District Social Social defence Anand 9624849181 dsdoanand 5 5 Child psychology 3 2 3 Did not Did not Did not 5 Very good Vohra Defence department attend attend attend officer anand Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

226 Sheetal Program Department Port Blair, 9933291872 sheetalravi4 5 5 1. Psychological 5 5 5 The event was Very Very Very 5 The event was Moorthy Manager, SCPS of Social South [email protected] issues faced by very motivational. relevant relevant relevant definitely very Welfare Andaman m children, impact of inspiring which lockdown, focused on the current classification of situation, issues and stress. 2. Children behavior of persons. It mental health, was really helpful. periods of childhood, Thank you 3. Corona Virus prevention, practising of social distance

227 Sub kuljeet Very nice Gog Dharmkot 7837361102 subkuljeet@ 5 5 Yes 3 3 3 Class bahut badia Very Very Very 5 Very good singh Moga chali aur acchi relevant relevant relevant jankari mili 228 Vinod Kumar GOG Guardians of Pathankot 9988174990 lovelytent19 5 5 very good 5 5 5 Due to me this Not Not Not 5 This event is very good Governance . [email protected] event is very relevant relevant relevant and very helpful for us. m helpful for us and a very good content. 229 Nk Gurdeep Village GOG Guardians Of Dhuri, 8729096707 sharrysharry 4 4 Learnt slot about 2 2 2 Very Relevant Relevant 4 Excellent Singh Rajindrapuri Governance Sangrur. sahij@gmail. disaster relevant com management. 230 Gurmail GOG GOG Bagha 9417082806 gurmailsingh 5 5 GOG 3 3 3 Good Very Very Very 5 Excellent singh purana 55394@gma relevant relevant relevant 231 Jagraj Singh VILL. G.O.G G.O.G. DISTRICT 8427342815 jagrajbrar89 5 5 Helpfully 5 5 5 Excellent meeting Did not Did not Did not 5 Very well with brilliant attend attend attend Persons 232 sajjan singh Subedar GOG Samana 8146054114 sajansingh03 5 5 Good 5 5 5 I satisfied to Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Very good Distt [email protected] training Patiala m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

233 Capt Daulat Tehsil GOG Banga, 9915513280 daulatsingh1 5 5 It was very 5 5 5 Very much Very Very Very 5 Very good event. I Singh Supervisor SBS Nagar [email protected] knowledgeable and understanding. relevant relevant relevant would like to attend om easy to understand. this type of events in the future. 234 Capt Ranjit Tehsil GoG Banga, 9988546700 ranjitsingh68 5 5 Very nice and well 5 5 5 Very Very Very Very 5 Very interesting and Singh Supervisor SBS Nagar [email protected] organized event. knowledgeable relevant relevant relevant informative event. I m and informative would like to attend event. this type of events in future also. 235 Recommend Good Excilient Excelient 9501603171 premsingho 5 5 Very useful training 3 3 3 1to 3rd Very Very Very 5 Very very good ed such type knowledge deon@gmail in future relevant relevant relevant knowledgeable trg trg in all .com schools 236 Dr Vikram Assistant Higher Narnaul 9991884357 vsgeography 5 5 Knowledgeable 3 2 3 No Very Did not Did not 5 Event is very Singh Professor education and [email protected] relevant attend attend knowledgeable Haryana Mahender m garh 237 Dr.Mandeep Assistant PMN COllege Rajpura 9872437407 mandeepma 5 5 Very informative 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 Very informative singh professor Rajpura rok07@gmai lecture relevant relevant relevant session every 1 238 Dr Vikram Assistant Higher Narnaul 9991884357 vsgeography 5 5 Focus on child 3 2 3 No Very Very Very 5 This event is Singh Professor education and [email protected] development relevant relevant relevant knowledgeable Haryana Mahender m garh 239 C.D.THUMBA AGRICULTURE Agriculture Deesa, 9429717405 chandrikapat 5 5 Care of child 5 4 5 No Relevant Very Did not 4 Very informative DIYA OFFICER Department Banaskant el1410@gm relevant attend ha 240 Pawan Manager- O.P. Jindal Sonipat 8930110992 pawan1@jg 4 4 Child centric 4 5 4 Relevant Very Relevant 4 Great Kumar Arora Office of the Global approach for relevant Controller of (Institution of disaster management Examinations Eminence Deemed to be University) Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

241 Pawan Manager - O.P. Jindal Sonipat 8930110992 pawan1@jg 5 5 How child keep 4 4 4 Relevant Very Relevant 4 Great Kumar Arora Office of the Global engaged during relevant Controller of (Institution of disaster time Examinations Eminence Deemed to be University) 242 Roshan GOG GOG Kahnuwa 6239262177 roshansingh. 5 5 Dr kumar raka Sm 5 5 5 Very knowledge Very Very Very 5 Thanks excelent Singh n babbu@gma Namrta Sh Rajan able lectures relevant relevant relevant lectures Gurdaspu r 243 Capt Madan GOG village Guardians of Balachaur 6239514538 madan3411 5 5 Very informative. 4 4 4 Nil Very Very Very 5 Very Informative Sandhu Mutton(S.B.S. Guvernance (S.B.S. @rediffmail. We came to know relevant relevant relevant Nagar) Nagar) com how we have to prevent ourself from the Covid-9 epider come the problems of our children and how to undserstand them.emic. We also came to know how to ov

244 vaishali police sub police bharuch,g 9714904962 vaishalithum 4 4 preventive measures 4 4 4 Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 very good thummar inspector ujarat mer35@gma for corona virus for us as well as children.. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

245 GURCHARAN SUPERVISOR GOG TEHSIL 9464416838 gssaroye63 5 5 Knowledge regarding 5 5 5 For awareness to Very Very Very 5 Excellent SINGH PAYAL Covid 19 and care of people's regarding relevant relevant relevant AND child Covid 19 and care LUDHIAN of school going A children's. This training is very helpful for us in our routine life. I thanks to all team members.

246 Dr. Hetal S Assistant Kaumarbhritya Gandhina 9016689308 dr.hetalgusai 5 5 Disaster 5 5 5 Very Very Relevant 5 Very nice Gusai Professor (Balroga) gar management and relevant relevant child psychology 247 Balwinder DEO (GOG) Guardians of Sri 9478590502 bsbajwa32@ 4 4 Initially I never 3 3 3 Such etraining Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Informative and Singh Bajwa Governance Fatehgarh much about the events be helpful in our daily life Sahib child abuse and it's conducted in pteventive future measures.. it was really informative and beneficial for me 248 Rajinder DEO GOG, Nabha Nabha 9458135016 ssrajinder99 5 5 Children stress and 3 3 3 Lecture duration is Relevant Very Relevant 4 Very good Singh [email protected] awareness of COVID- long and day is relevant m 19 short 249 Vd Kirtiben Assistant Kaumarbhritya Governm 8690518200 drkirtirathod 5 5 Child care during 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 Nice and informative Karsanbhai professor ent [email protected] covid pandemic relevant relevant relevant Rathod ayurved m college Vadodara Gujarat 250 Pinky Assistant Political Narnaul 9467134576 pinkyprajapa 5 5 Nice 4 5 5 Informative session Very Very Relevant 5 Successful Prajapat professor science and t5502@gmai relevant relevant Mohinder garh Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

251 Balbir Singh Supervisor GOG Tehsil - 9872733889 balbirsinghs 5 5 Very Good 3 3 3 very good Very Very Very 5 Excellent Raikot [email protected] relevant relevant relevant Distt- om Ludhiana( Pb) 252 Iqbal Singh CLERK CUM Guardians of Mehaman 7347543330 shahi2632@ 5 4 Knowledge about 5 4 5 Overall an Very Very Very 5 Excellent DEO Governance, on, Distt. children related excellent event. relevant relevant relevant Govt of Punjab Fatehgarh phycological Sahib problems and how to tackle them. 253 Captain Tehsil Head Guardians of Sri 9.19E+11 captainkesar 5 5 It was fruitful topic 2 3 3 It was good but Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Excellent Kesar Singh Governance Fatehgarh sometimes there Sahib is network problems at our area. 254 Rajni Rani assistant Law Mandi 9888727262 law.rrani@d 4 3 Informative 3 3 3 Relevant Relevant Very 4 Knowledgeable professor department gobindgar eshbhagatun considering present relevant h, scinerio fatehgarh sahib 255 Subedar Tehsil Guardians of Sri 9872749277 hakamsingh 4 4 Child abuse and 2 2 2 Online training Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Good Hakam Singh Supervisor Governance Fatehgarh 281968@gm precautions imparted was good Sahib 256 Paramjit H/Capt. Rtd GOG Samrala. 7696007729 paramjeetsin 5 5 valuable 4 4 4 Very good Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Very good Singh Ludhiana. gh1526@gm information gain awareness for Pb against covid 19 children

257 Harbans Distt. DEO GoG Distt. 9780369796 harbanssing 5 4 To all GOG Team 3 3 3 Lecture was very Very Very Very 5 Excellent Training Singh SAS Nagar h53351@gm good for each day relevant relevant relevant given by all days. 258 Jasbir singh Get higher GOG TARN Khadoor 9888273512 rathorejasbir 5 4 It's very useful 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 5 Very good rank TARAN sahib , [email protected] relevant relevant relevant tarn taran m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

259 Jasbir singh Get higher GOG TARN Khadoor 9888273512 rathorejasbir 5 4 It's very useful 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 5 Very good rank TARAN sahib , [email protected] relevant relevant relevant tarn taran m

260 Jasbir singh Get higher GOG TARN Khadoor 9888273512 rathorejasbir 5 4 It's very useful 3 3 3 Very good Very Very Very 5 Very good rank TARAN sahib , [email protected] relevant relevant relevant tarn taran m

261 darshan gog gog sangrur 8427427370 drshankhand 5 5 v good 3 3 3 Very Very Very 5 exilent khan arshankhan7 relevant relevant relevant [email protected] m 262 Subedar Tehsil Guardians of Teh and 7508298684 shingarasing 5 4 Very helpful for my 5 5 4 Very Very Very 5 Very nice Shingara supervisor governance dist h872@gmail profession. relevant relevant relevant knowledgeable singh Fatehgarh Fatehgarh .com programme sahib sahib 263 Dalel Singh Village GOG Guardian of DIRBA 8437242144 dsingh.groh 5 5 This is very 3 3 3 Thanks for Very Very Very 5 Excellent governance Sangrur important for me for awareness and it relevant relevant relevant my GOG duty is very important for all. 264 Satyanand Project Department Lakshadw 9903445634 satyanand.jh 5 4 Awareness 4 4 5 Very Very Very 4 Very Good Jha Manager of IT eep [email protected] relevant relevant relevant 265 darshsn khan gog gog sangrur 8427427370 darshankhan 5 5 good 3 3 3 v good Very Very Very 5 good darshankhan relevant relevant relevant [email protected] om 266 Dr. Palak Lecturer Kaumarbhritya Bhavnaga 9426714060 palakpurohit 4 4 The most important 5 4 4 Very Very Did not 4 It was very Purohit department r [email protected] session was relevant relevant attend informative event and m regarding mental useful in our field, health issues of especially during this children during covid pandemic, all families pandemic and what are in stress about we should do to their child's physical protect the children and mental health. from stress. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

267 Sub Sohan Tehsil GOG Tehsil : 8968552920 sohansingh5 3 4 Informations are to 3 3 3 These Very Very Very 4 Very important points Singh Supervisor Chamkaur 2920@gmail be very important informations are relevant relevant relevant have been shared by Sahib, .co during any type of required to shared all the official during District : disasters with all Schools, online training Ropar Aganwadi Centres. regarding Child Centric It will be better if Disaster Risk readable material Reduction for South be provided to all West States wef in Hindi or Punjabi 03.11.20 to 05.11.20. language.

268 Vishal K Suprintendent Social defence Children 8849878450 vkd221288@ 3 3 Take care 4 5 4 Good training Very Very Very 4 Good Dave home for relevant relevant relevant boys, Anand 269 AMRITPAL GOG GUARDIAN OF SANGRUR 9464428719 amritpal151 5 5 Really very collective 3 3 3 this event will Relevant Very Very 5 Thanks , all the official SINGH GOVERNANCE 68154@gma informations shared helpfull to protect relevant relevant for your precious time by the Trg Program. our children. you given to us, and i am fully satisafied with the course.

270 Manjinder District Guardians of Faridkot 7986841966 singhm3401 5 5 the things from 5 5 5 I will explain about Very Very Very 5 the training conducted singh Supervisor Governance (punjab) [email protected] which i was not this trainings relevant relevant relevant was excellent and this om aware i came to benefits to each training will help us in know about them and everyone future very closely 271 JAGRAJ GOG GOG SANGRUR 9464050510 jsbadrukhan 3 4 Very good 3 3 3 Very Satisfied Very Relevant Relevant 4 SINGH [email protected] relevant m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

272 H/Capt.Nach Tehsil Guardians Of Tehsil 9877812910 harryysinghh 5 5 I'm very satisfied 5 5 5 I am very satisfied Very Relevant Very 5 This event increases hattar Singh Supervisor Governance Phul [email protected] with this event . We with this event relevant relevant my knowledge about (Rampura (GOG) Bathinda m want more invents and I also have the topics which were Phul) like this in future learnt many things discussed in this event . I will also tell to public about what I have learnt in this event

273 Lakhwinder Village Gog Guardians of Faridkot 9914092699 kargilhero29 5 5 This training have 5 5 5 I will tell the Very Very Very 5 The training was singh governance (punjab) help me to learn alot benefits of this relevant relevant relevant excellent and it will of new things which training to the help me in future to. will help us in future person whom I will meet 274 Kuljeet singh Dharamkot Village gog Dharamko 7837361102 subkuljeet@ 5 5 Very good 2 3 3 Very good ,right Very Very Very 5 Child developement t moga relevant relevant relevant 275 KAMALDEEP GOG TEHSIL GUARDIANS BHAWANI 9592992462 kdsingh1488 5 5 We came to know 5 5 5 This event was Very Very Very 5 This event is most SINGH SUPERVISOR OF GARH, about this event very important for relevant relevant relevant valuable for all of us GOVERNANCE DISTT- from our GoG all of us but some so very thanks all SANGRUR Headquarters of the participants training team. Sangrur. This was a were having very important event language problem. and it has taught us From now on, care a lot of new things should be taken to about Covid 19 give the lecture in disease prevention Hindi or Punjabi. and about prevention childrens diseases that we didn't know about yet. We truly thank the entire team for all this information. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

276 Dr rakka Excellent GOG Moga 7986237547 jagjitsinghjag 5 5 Happy 3 3 3 Excellent Very Very Very 5 Very good [email protected] relevant relevant relevant om 277 SUKHMANPR 12th Class Akal Academy Bhawanig 6239561263 ZACKHARIN 5 5 This event is most 5 5 5 Please Next time Very Very Very 5 Excellent event please EET SINGH Non Medical Fatehgarh arh, DERA@gmail valuable for all of us. speak in bouth relevant relevant relevant keep it continuously Student Chhanna Sangrur .com languages Punjabi, Hindi & English. Thanks all team members.

278 Simran Student Electronic and Haryana, 9958841344 simmi.rawat. 4 5 It is very helpful for 3 3 3 Did not Very Relevant 4 Awesome Rawat computer faridabad 4711@gamil us .we many attend relevant engineering .com important point form this project 279 Gurmeet GOG GOG Sub 9877872670 sr.gurmeet1 5 4 About Covid 19 and 3 3 3 I am Satisfied with Relevant Very Relevant 5 I am satisfied with Singh Department Divsion - [email protected] the country covid-19 relevant Covid-19 awareness Bhawanig m economic dowturn awareness & the and the country arh & under covid -19 & mental state of economic downturn District - Mental Symptoms in children. under the covid -19 Sangrur Children. & regarding the hardwork done by the doctors.Gained knowledge of children's mental intelligence symptoms.

280 Geetanjali Currently Electronics Chhapraul 8810552145 lalitshankar3 3 4 My main key 2 3 4 Very good👕 Very Did not Relevant 4 Really helpful for pursuing and a, [email protected] takeaway from this relevant attend students diploma in communicate Gautamb m event is to maintain electronics services udh the equal balance in and Nagar, UP life. It also gives me communicate positivity. services. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

281 Chhattarpal Tehsil DEO Gaurdians of Tehsil 9041969600 deolbhaji@g 5 5 In my opinion,the 4 5 5 *Dear sir* Very Very Very 5 *Dear sir* singh Patti Governance patti, best way for Thanks , all the relevant relevant relevant Thanks , all the official distt- nurturing and official for your for your precious time TarnTaran development of precious time you you given to us, and i mental health in given to us, and i am fully satisafied children that provide am fully satisafied with the course that them with adequate with the course govt. Of punjab affection and that govt. Of provided to us . maintain a balanced punjab provided family environment. to us . from Chhattarpal Singh Tehsil DEO Patti Guardian of Governance Dist : Tarntaran, Mob no 9041969600 Email- [email protected] om Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

282 Maj Hardip Tehsil Head Guardians of Patti, 6280900842 gogpatti@g 5 5 Behaviors are the 2 3 3 Very Very Very 5 “You clearly put a singh Patti Governance distt- action part of *the relevant relevant relevant lot of work into your Tarntaran cognitive triangle* , slides, I like the way which is another you used pictures and avenue to change very little text―, or the way we feel. “I really enjoyed The cognitive the topic, you used triangle teaches us some interesting that the way we vocabulary, next time behave influences you could check the how we feel. collocations with an English dictionary make your presentation more impactful.― Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

283 Harbans Pal Distt DEO GOG Tarn Patti, 9041658699 singhdeol83 4 5 Cognitive Behavioral 4 5 5 Very Very Very 4 You’re really have Singh (GOG) Taran Distt Tarn Therapy is a relevant relevant relevant the natural ability to Taran counseling hand out presentation treatment for many material in a very different emotional organized way! Good disorders such as job! Generalized Anxiety Your presentations are Disorder, Major often compelling and Depressive Disorder, visually stunning. You Panic Disorder, and really know how to other mental effectively captivate illnesses. The the audience. Well treatment uses the done! cognitive triangle, which shows us that we can control how we feel by changing our thoughts (cognitions) and our actions (behaviors). The Cognitive Triangle image above shows a visual model of how the brain is wired.

284 Daljit Singh Dist supervisor GOG Gurdaspu 9417712570 submajdaljit 5 5 Dr raka sm Namrata 5 5 5 Very interesting Very Very Very 5 KNOWLEDGEABLE r singh@gmail sh Ranjan lectures relevant relevant relevant LECTURES GURDASP .com UR Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

285 Gurinder Tehsil GOG Patti, 7696592173 gurindersing 4 5 The thing I found out 4 5 4 Relevant Very Relevant 5 Your content was singh supervisor Tarntaran h92173@gm that actually relevant relevant and your Patti shocked me was format was visually "Children suffer from appealing and easy to stress even more follow and than adults do, as understand. Great job! they are exposed to You’re a real new and confusing designer at heart! environments constantly. ◕ Their sense of self-worth is intimately tied to the expectations posed by the adults around them, such as parents and teachers, but can also be influenced by their peers. Whether it is Good Stress (Eustress) or Bad stress.

286 Dr Sanjeev District Social Justice Hamirpur, 7018924811 sharmadwo 5 4 Motivational 3 3 3 Satisfactory Very Very Relevant 4 Satisfactory Sharma Welfare-cum- and Himachal relevant relevant Probation Empowerment Pradesh Officer, HP Hamirpur Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

287 Balwinder Village GOG GOG Patt, 8968120204 bsaulakh202 5 4 One major 3 5 5 Very Relevant Very 5 You created singh Distt- [email protected] coronavirus relevant relevant downloadable visual TARNTAR m prevention tactic presentations and AN that is being bound them for the encouraged – and client. Excellent way even enforced – in to portray the many places in the company! well done! world is social distancing. Social distancing is an act of self-isolation to prevent and control the spread of person- to-person contagious and infectious diseases..for instance, Corona virus Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

288 Capt. Dial Tehsil GOG Patti, 9464023336 gurbir904@g 4 5 The thing I found out 3 5 5 Relevant Very Relevant 5 You created singh Supervisor Distt- that actually relevant downloadable visual Patti Tarntaran shocked me was presentations and "Children suffer from bound them for the stress even more client. Excellent way than adults do, as to portray the they are exposed to company! well done! new and confusing environments constantly. â—• Their sense of self-worth is intimately tied to the expectations posed by the adults around them, such as parents and teachers, but can also be influenced by their peers. Whether it is Good Stress (Eustress) or Bad stress. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

289 Pawanbeer Student High school Patti, 9463903629 pawanbeerk 5 5 The enforcement of 4 5 5 Very Very Relevant 5 You are an effective kaur TarnTaran [email protected] social distancing and relevant relevant presenter both to om lockdowns is in an employees and to attempt to flatten potential clients. the curve, or the When controversial amount of people topics come up, you who contract this deal with them in an disease. And "The timely manner and Cognitive triangle" you make sure these which is simply a topics are fully dealt diagram that depicts with before moving how our thoughts, on. I really appreciate! emotions and behaviors are all interconnected with each other, and influence one another, also which is the best way to get them(parents) know about children... especially INDIAN PARENTS.

290 Sukhwinder Village GOG GOG Tehsil- 9463171556 manjeetjeet 5 5 Behaviors are the 2 4 4 Very Very Very 5 Your content was singh Patti [email protected] action part of *the relevant relevant relevant relevant and your ,Distt- om cognitive triangle* , format was visually Tarntaran which is another appealing and easy to avenue to change follow and the way we feel. understand. Great job! The cognitive You’re a real triangle teaches us designer at heart! that the way we behave influences how we feel. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

291 Satnam Village GOG GOG Tehsil- 9465559795 bscheema50 5 5 One major 4 5 5 Very Very Very 5 Very greatful event singh Bhikhiwin [email protected] coronavirus relevant relevant relevant thanks for all d, Distt- m prevention tactic responsibles.... Tarntaran that is being encouraged – and even enforced – in many places in the world is social distancing. Social distancing is an act of self-isolation to prevent and control the spread of person- to-person contagious and infectious diseases..for instance, Corona virus

292 Partap singh Village GOG GOG Patti, 7710569805 navdeol73@ 5 5 Behaviors are the 3 5 5 Very Very Very 5 You created Distt- action part of *the relevant relevant relevant downloadable visual Tarntaran cognitive triangle* , presentations and which is another bound them for the avenue to change client. Excellent way the way we feel. to portray the The cognitive company! well done! triangle teaches us that the way we behave influences how we feel. 293 Kuljeet kaur Ist year Electronics Faridabad 9971474768 harbhajan88 4 5 I learn many things 3 3 3 I have done my Very Very Very 4 I were taking online and Haryana [email protected] from this work from home . relevant relevant relevant classes from zoom app communicatio m This is very easy to and also doing work n engineer do and safe from by pdf home Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

294 Gurbir singh Student High school Patti, 9877979126 gurbir_deol 5 5 Traumatic stress 4 4 5 Very Very Very 5 Your content was TarnTaran Critical incident relevant relevant relevant relevant and your m stress results from format was visually exposure to a appealing and easy to critical incident, like follow and understand. a natural disaster, an accident or violence. It tend to be sudden and disruptive, and often threatening disrupting both sense of being in control and fundamental perceptions of one’s environment as safe and predictable. This stress can begin immediately after the critical incident or may be delayed.

295 H CAPT Tehsil Head, GOG Jalalabad 9855158543 amrit260854 5 5 Precautions against 5 4 5 Informative. Relevant Very Relevant 4 Very informative AMRIT LAL GOG. Tehsil COVID 19 especially relevant material delivered in Jalalabad for children. simple language. District Fazilka.

296 HAV BAGGU Tehsil GOG Jalalabad 9914697921 baggus36@g 4 4 Good understanding 4 3 4 Good information Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Learnt many new SINGH Supervisor abouts safety given. things. measures. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

297 Darshan GOG GOG Sangrur 8427427370 darshankhan 5 5 good 3 3 3 v good Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 exillent khan darshankhan [email protected] om 298 Ran Singh GOG GOG Moga 9464009081 gill09081@g 5 5 nothing 3 3 3 Programm is very Relevant Very Very 5 Excellant good relevant relevant 299 Amarjit Village gog GOG Payal.Lud 9592027970 amarjitsingh 3 3 Good 2 2 2 Good Very Very Very 4 Good Singh hiana 8910@gmail relevant relevant relevant .com 300 Ramandeep Gog Guardian of Teh 9478427291 ramanbrar93 5 5 Great speech 3 2 3 Great information Very Very Very 5 Best training Singh governance Abohar, [email protected] relevant relevant relevant Dist - m Fazilka 301 Hony Flt Lt Tehsil Head Guardians of Khamano 9915017194 jagtarkang19 5 5 Child psychology and 5 5 5 An excellent Very Very Very 5 An excellent event. A Jagtar Singh Governance, n, Dist. [email protected] management of session it was. relevant relevant relevant well organized online Govt of Punjab Fatehgarh m children related program. Sahib problems being faced by them during childhood and adolescence years. 302 Sub Iqbal Supervisor Guardians of Khamano 9888964550 gog.khaman 5 5 Management of kids 5 5 5 Overall an Very Very Very 5 It was really a Singh Governance n, Dist. [email protected] related physiological excellent event. relevant relevant relevant wonderful training Fatehgarh on problems in their program and new for Sahib early years of age. me. I enjoyed it. Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

303 Iqbal Singh Clerk cum DEO Guardians of Sub Divn. 7347543330 shahi2632@ 5 4 Understanding 5 5 5 Really I enjoyed Very Very Very 5 An excellent online Governance, Khamano children's problems, the training relevant relevant relevant training session. Govt of Punjab n, Dist. their solutions and session. A well Fatehgarh how to tackle kids in managed online Sahib trauma. This training program. program really gave Excellent. a new information to me I.e. understanding children's psychology and many more. How to response kids in trauma etc. 304 Prachi Student ECE Faridabad 8826598967 prachimishra 4 4 Health awareness 3 2 3 Good Relevant Very Relevant 4 Very good Mishra 0331@gmail relevant .com 305 Jigisha Jhala Program GSCPS Anand 9925033069 jigisha2010 5 3 Concept about the 4 5 3 None Relevant Relevant Relevant 3 Satisfactory Officer risk mitigation was (Institutional strengthened Care) 306 Balbir Singh Supervisor GOG Tehsil 9872733889 balbirsinghs 5 5 I got very much 3 3 3 The lecture/trg Very Very Very 5 I got the valuable Raikot [email protected] knowldge from this given by the relevant relevant relevant infotmation from this Distt om trg. Doctors was very trg pgme. Ludhiana knowledgable for growth childrens . 307 Gursewak Vill gog Guardians of Moga 9478113078 sewakgill483 5 4 The effects of 2 1 3 V good Very Relevant Relevant 5 Very good Singh governance [email protected] Corona pandemic on relevant m children 308 Gursewak Village G O G Guardians of Moga 9478113078 sewakgill483 4 4 Effects of Corona 2 1 3 Very good Very Relevant Relevant 5 Very good governance Punjab [email protected] pandemic on children relevant m Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

309 Gurdev Village GOG GOG Tarntaran 8146640110 gurdevsinghs 5 4 Behaviors are the 3 5 5 Very Very Very 5 Your content was singh sohal ohal3@gmai action part of *the relevant relevant relevant relevant and your cognitive triangle* , format was visually which is another appealing and easy to avenue to change follow and the way we feel. understand. Great job! The cognitive You’re a real triangle teaches us designer at heart! that the way we behave influences how we feel. 310 Cheshta 10th pass Electronic and Palwal, 9582421501 bimleshbagh 5 5 Inspiration 5 5 5 Very inspiring Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Good communicatio Haryana el1978@gm n

311 Satnam Nb/ris GOG Ajnala 9872207338 satnam7c@g 5 5 I got a well 5 5 5 Well Very Very Relevant 5 Well singh Amritsar information about relevant relevant how to care children

312 Yashika 10th pass Electronic and Palwal, 9582421501 bimleshbagh 5 5 Inspiration 5 5 5 Good Relevant Relevant Relevant 5 Good communicatio Haryana el1978@gm n

313 PIARA SINGH SUBEDAR GOG VILLAGE Ludhiana 8872346661 piara.bpur@ 5 5 PIARA SINGH 5 5 5 Thanks to all team Very Very Very 5 Thanks to all team BABAR PUR 141119 members of relevant relevant relevant members of CCDRR for CCDRR for valuable information valuable regarding Covid-19 information and about care of regarding Covid-19 School going and about care of Children's. School going Sub Piara singh village Children's. Sub babar Pur Tehsil Payal piara Singh village babar Pur Tehsil Payal Sr. No. Name Designation Department Sub Mobile Username How How What were your key How How How Additional Which Which Which How Overall feedback for Division Number satisfied relevant takeaways from this satisfied satisfied satisfied feedback sessions sessions sessions satisfied the event? and (Whatsapp) were you and event? were you were you were you did you did you did you were you District with the helpful with the with the with the find most find most find most with the event? do you logistics? logistics? logistics? relevant? relevant? relevant? training think it [Commun [Online [Training [Dr. [Ms. [Shri content? was for ication Platform] Content] Kumar Namrata Kumar your job? Emails] Raka] Sharma] Ranjan ]

314 Guddi Student Ece Faridaba 9870516303 gudiyasharm 5 5 No 2 2 2 Mujhe bahut Very Not Very 5 Dr.kumaar rakh a9826@gma aacha laga relevant relevant relevant 315 GOG GOG GOG RUPNAGA 941740615 kulwinderma 5 5 Importance of mask 3 3 3 The knowledge Did not Did not Very 5 Thanks for all valuable KULWINDER R hal69@gmail you given is very attend attend relevant knowledge sir SINGH .com helpful 316 Rajinderpal Vill gog Gog Tehsil 9814823096 rajinderpal3 4 4 Yes 4 4 4 Daistar Very Very Very 4 Good singh moga dist [email protected] management relevant relevant relevant moga m 317 KULWINDER GOG GOG DHARAM 9779026707 ekamhani@ 5 3 COVID 19 2 3 2 Good Very Very Very 4 Good SINGH KOT relevant relevant relevant MOGA 318 Gog gurlab Dharmkot Gog Col 8427191293 gulabsingh0 5 4 Covid -19 2 3 3 Good Very Relevant Very 4 Good singj Balkar relevant relevant singh .com 319 Gog gurlab Dharmkot Gog Col 8427191293 gulabsingh0 5 4 Covid -19 2 3 3 Good Very Relevant Very 4 Good singj Balkar relevant relevant singh .com 320 Narinder GOG village GOG Samrala 9417871342 nsinghsikhli 5 5 Good information 5 5 5 Very good Did not Did not Did not 5 Very good singh Takhran Ludhiana for precaution from attend attend attend covid-19 321 Satyaki Chief LITSS, Dept. Of Lakshadw 9811049624 satyaki@se 4 5 Child's mindset and 2 3 3 Relevant Very Relevant 5 Very useful and period Choudhury Operations IT eep psycology of relevant refresh will be Officer response. beneficial. 322 Roshan Teh supervisor GOG Fatehgarh 9780267786 roshankhan1 5 5 Valuable information 3 3 3 Relevant Relevant Relevant 4 Excellent Fatehgarh Sahib [email protected] Sahib om List of Participants for Online Training Programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction for Northern States from 3rd to 5th November, 2020 Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

1 Abdul Sajeed (N.O) [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9933288379 SI A&N Police DM Cell Nicobar 2 Someswar Rao [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9434278416 SI A&N Police Policeline, AP Nicobar 3 Regina Kiro [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9531891902 SI A&N Police Policeline, AP Nicobar 4 Abdul Manaf [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9531999111 SI A&N Police PTS Nicobar 5 D.K Seal [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9474277115 SI A&N Police PTS Nicobar 6 P.K Panday [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9434280573 SI A&N Police PS, Pahargaon Nicobar 7 Silpi Singha [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9531811157 SI A&N Police PS, Pahargaon Nicobar 8 Bapi Chowdhury [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9434266492 SI A&N Police FS, HQ Nicobar 9 Shaibal Sinha [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9474286101 SI A&N Police FS, Aberdeen Nicobar 10 B. K Singh [email protected] Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9474213424 ASI A&N Police PRO, HQ Nicobar 11 R. Jeeva - Andaman & Nicobar Andaman & 9474247591 ASI A&N Police PRO, HQ Nicobar 147 Reeta Devi [email protected] Port Blair Andaman & 8900909396 Welfare Officer Directorate of Social Goalghar, Port Blair, Nicobar Welfare South Andaman 148 Dr. Shweta [email protected] Port Blair Andaman & 7719380070 Programme Manager Directorate of Social Goalghar, Port Blair, Nicobar (SARA) Welfare South Andaman 149 P. Lily [email protected] Port Blair Andaman & 9531839839 Programme Officer Directorate of Social Goalghar, Port Blair, Nicobar (SARA) Welfare South Andaman 150 M. Istar Lavanya [email protected] Port Blair Andaman & 8900965601 Programme Officer Directorate of Social Goalghar, Port Blair, Nicobar (CNCP) Welfare South Andaman 151 Shivangi Upadhyay [email protected] Port Blair Andaman & 953197224 Programme Officer Directorate of Social Goalghar, Port Blair, Nicobar (CCL) Welfare South Andaman 12 Dr. Bhagwanjee Jha [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 9726080225 Principal (I/c.) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli Govt. College Govt. College 13 Dr. Ramchandra Joshi [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 9428593581 Asstt. Professor (English) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli Govt. College Govt. College Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

14 Shri Sarjeet Singh [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 8000722178 Asstt. Professor (English) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli Govt. College Govt. College 15 Dr.Pawan Agrawal [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 9376135580 Asstt. College Librarian Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli Govt. College Govt. College 16 Dr. Rajendra K Rohit [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 9824613471 Asstt. Professor (Gujarati) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli Govt. College Govt. College 17 Poonam [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 7056505702 Asstt. Professor (English) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli on Short Term Contract Govt. College Govt. College basis 18 Shri M. A Kureshi [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 9157917004 Asstt. Professor Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli (Economics) on Short Govt. College Govt. College Term Contract basis 19 Bhoi Jignesh [email protected] Dadra Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar 8160834796 Asstt. Professor (English) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Haveli on Short Term Contract Govt. College Govt. College basis 20 Matery Bhatt [email protected] DIU DIU 7014167124 District Child Protection District Child Protection Collectorate, Diu. Officer Unit 21 Pritesh J. Solanki [email protected] DIU DIU 9033780789 Protection Officer Non District Child Protection Collectorate, Diu. Institutional Care Unit 22 Mrafik Bloch [email protected] DIU DIU 7405891024 Counselor District Child Protection Collectorate, Diu. Unit 23 Dharavanti Bamania [email protected] DIU DIU 9638041598 Social Worker (Female) District Child Protection Collectorate, Diu. Unit 24 Jagdish S. Bambhaniya [email protected] DIU DIU 9624634747 Social Worker( Male) District Child Protection Collectorate, Diu. Unit 25 Aamratlal Jiva Baria [email protected] DIU DIU 9427243354 Chairperson C.W.C. Child Welfare Committee Collectorate, Diu.

26 Amarchand Jadavji Solanki [email protected] DIU DIU 9099853176 Member C.W.C Child Welfare Committee Collectorate, Diu.

27 Neelam Yatin Fugro [email protected] DIU DIU 9824117117 Member C.W.C Child Welfare Committee Collectorate, Diu.

28 Hemlataben Gokal [email protected] DIU DIU 9723476464 Member J.J.B - Diu 29 Kishor Kapadia [email protected] DIU DIU 9427569799 Member J.J.B - Diu 30 Dyutiben Purohit [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9408605975 Nodal Officer Women & Child Gandhinagar Development 31 Amyaben Joseph [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9726011067 C.D.P.O. Women & Child Dahod Development 32 Monishaben Panchal [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 8758224462 C.D.P.O. Women & Child Chhotaudepur Development 33 Shardaben Patel [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9428578636 C.D.P.O. Women & Child Surat Urban Development Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

34 Bhavnaben Chandegra [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 8141994832 Supervisor Women & Child Junagadh Development 35 Muliben Vadher [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 8849980455 Supervisor Women & Child Gir Somnath Development 36 Prof. Mayank R. Maniar [email protected] ahmedabad Gujarat 9727100886 Professor , Kaumarbhritya dept Govt akhandanad ayurved college, ahmedabad 37 Prof. Rakesh Kumar Mishra [email protected] Bhavnagar Gujarat 9898695204 Professor Kaumarabhritya Dept Sheth J P Government Ayurved College, Bhavnagar 38 Vd Suryawanshi [email protected] ahmedabad Gujarat 9370742553 Associate professor Kaumarabhritya Dept Govt Akhandanand Sandipkumar Ravikiran Ayurveda College ahmedabad 39 Dr. Kinjal B. Panchal [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9824203232 Associate professor Kaumarbhritya dept. State Model Ayurved college, Kolavada, Gandhinagar 40 Dr. Bharvi Trivedi [email protected] Junagadh Gujarat 9998406626 Associate professor Kaumarbhritya Dept. Govt ayurved college, Junagadh 41 Dr.Kirti Rathod [email protected] vadodara Gujarat 8690518200 Assistant professor Kaumarbhritya Dept. Govt ayurved college vadodara 42 Dr. Hetal S Gusai [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9016689308 Assistant professor Kaumarbhritya Dept. State Model Government Ayurved College, Kolavada- Gandhinagar

43 Dr. Palak Purohit palakpurohit90@gmail. Bhavnagar Gujarat 9426714060 Assistant professor Kaumarbhritya Dept. Sheth J P Government Ayurved College, Bhavnagar 44 JB mathasolia [email protected] Vadodara Gujarat 9427454535 DDA (input) Agriculture JDA-ext Office, vadodara division- vadodara 45 S I Vohora [email protected] Vadodara Gujarat 9714179953 ADA-T&V Agriculture JDA-ext Office, vadodara division- vadodara 46 Sakil M.Vohra [email protected] Anand Gujarat 9624849181 Incharge SDO Social Defence Office Old Collactor Office, Anand 47 Dakshaben Tabiyad [email protected] Anand Gujarat 6359923732 District Programme ICDS Jilla Panchay Office Officer Anand 48 Parth I. Thaker [email protected] Anand Gujarat 9998043457 DCPO District Child Protection Old Collactor Office, Unit Anand Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

49 Jimmy R. Parmar [email protected] Anand Gujarat 9879714902 PO (NIC) District Child Protection Old Collactor Office, Unit Anand 50 Jigisha N. Zala [email protected] Anand Gujarat 9925033069 PO(IC) District Child Protection Old Collactor Office, Unit Anand 51 Manisha D. Jethva [email protected] Anand Gujarat 9824000507 LCPO District Child Protection Old Collactor Office, Unit Anand 52 Robert R. Christian [email protected] Anand Gujarat 9904879957 Social Worker (Male) District Child Protection Old Collactor Office, Unit Anand 53 Vishal Dave [email protected] Vidyanagar Gujarat 9426043641 Supritendent Madhudeep Banglow, Madhydeep Banglow, Nana Bazar, Vidhyanagar Nana bazar, Vidhyanagar 54 Sunil B. Makwana [email protected] Vidyanagar Gujarat 9974860715 Probation Officer Madhudeep Banglow, Madhydeep Banglow, Nana Bazar, Vidhyanagar Nana bazar, Vidhyanagar 55 Dipen Dodiya [email protected] Vidyanagar Gujarat 9712116069 Counselor Madhudeep Banglow, Madhydeep Banglow, Nana Bazar, Vidhyanagar Nana bazar, Vidhyanagar 56 S.M. Chaudhari [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 8000006836 Deputy Suprintendent of Police Missing Cell, CID Police Crime, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar 57 Mini Joseph [email protected] Ahmedabad Gujarat 9978407275 Assistant Police Police Mahila Cell Commissionar Ahmedabad City 58 R.M. Dave [email protected] Ahmedabad Gujarat 9898319999 Police Inspector Police L.C.B. Western Railway Ahmedabad 59 M.P. Hingladiya [email protected] GirSomnath Gujarat 9898688277 Police Inspector Police Mahila Police Station GirSomnath 60 N. R. Dhodiya [email protected] Panchmahal Gujarat 9512539201 Police Sub Inspector Police Mahila Police Station, Panchmahal 61 B.M. Rabari [email protected] Patan Gujarat 9427287163 Police Sub Inspector Police Mahila Police Station, Patan 62 A.N. Parmar [email protected] Chhotaudepur Gujarat 9727757037 Police Sub Inspector Police Missing Cell, Chhotaudepur 63 K.N.Thakariya [email protected] Devbhumi Dwarka Gujarat 9327111116 Police Sub Inspector Police Mahila Police Station, Devbhumi Dwarka 64 M.D. Chauhan [email protected] Sabarkantha Gujarat 7600026727 Police Sub Inspector Police Mahila Police Station, Himatnagar, Sabarkantha 65 R.A. Noyada [email protected] Porbandar Gujarat 9978545755, Police Sub Inspector Police Mahila Police Station 9904347755 Porbandar Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

66 S.M. Menat [email protected] Banaskantha Gujarat 9429312879 Police Sub Inspector Police Palanpur City East Police Station, Banaskantha 105 K.R. Boriawa [email protected] Vadodara City Gujarat 9824522267 PI Police Vadodara City 106 D.V. Gamit [email protected] Surat Rural Gujarat 9979547211 PSI Police Surat Rural 107 K.G. Jalvani [email protected] Rajkot City Gujarat 8200900596 PSI Police Rajkot City 108 A.R. Khatri [email protected] Ahmedabad City Gujarat 9106344100 PSI Police Ahmedabad City 109 A.B. Joshi [email protected] Surat City Gujarat 9712945373 PSI Police Surat City 110 C.B. Jadeja [email protected] Devbhumi Dwarka Gujarat 9687609991 PSI Police Devbhumi Dwarka 111 B.M. Rabari [email protected] Patan Gujarat 9427287163 PSI Police Patan 112 P.K. Varotariya [email protected] Kutch-Bhuj Gujarat 7874137001 PSI Police Kutch-Bhuj 113 N.I. Barot [email protected] Gandhidham Gujarat 7874355119 PSI Police Gandhidham 114 S.M. Menat [email protected] Banaskantha Gujarat 8320281472 PSI Police Banaskantha 115 N.R. Dhodiya [email protected] Panchmahal Gujarat 9512539201 PSI Police Panchmahal 116 V.S. Pandav [email protected] Dahod Gujarat 7567115376 PSI Police Dahod 117 R.R. Modiya [email protected] Mahisagar Gujarat 9662460854 PSI Police Mahisagar 118 T.L. Mal [email protected] Bhavnagar Gujarat 7572862266 PSI Police Bhavnagar 119 V.R. Thummer [email protected] Bharuch Gujarat 9714904962 PSI Police Bharuch 130 Shri H.R.Tanna [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9974042195 Add. State Project Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Engineer Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

131 Ms. Hiral Purani [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9998373001 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

132 Shri Shreyash Suthar [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9429749926 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017 Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

133 Shri Nikunj Sojitra [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9512004960 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

134 Shri Jignesh Jani [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9879973529 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

135 Shri Yagnesh Vyas yagneshvyas73@gmailcom Gandhinagar Gujarat 9427439979 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

136 Mrs. Neelam Patel [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9427941052 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

137 Mrs. Nirali Pandya [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9712989549 Assistant Architect Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

138 Mrs. Jignasha Parmar [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9898206299 Assistant Architect Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017 Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

139 Mrs. Ami Kathi [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9408880402 Assistant Architect Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

140 Shri M A Mirza [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9724205205 District Project Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat Mundra Relocation Last Four Way, Bhuj, Kachchh -37001 141 Shri Parimal Mistry [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9512200756 District Project Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, 2nd Gujarat Floor Jilla Panchayat Bhavan, Awha, Dang - 394710 152 Mayur Chandra [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9925636599 Assistant Director Food, Civil Supply and Director, Food and Consumer Affairs Civil Supply Office, Department Block No:-14/6th Floor, New Sachivalaya, Sardar Bhavan, Gandhinagar

153 Hirvaben Gadhiya [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9586087879 Head Clerk Food, Civil Supply and Director, Food and Consumer Affairs Civil Supply Office, Department Block No:-14/6th Floor, New Sachivalaya, Sardar Bhavan, Gandhinagar

154 Shri K. G. AHIR [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9512628964 Add. State Project Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Engineer Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

155 Ms. Hiral Purani [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9998373001 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017 Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

156 Shri Shreyash Suthar [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9429749926 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

157 Shri Nikunj Sojitra [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9512004960 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

158 Shri Jignesh Jani [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9879973529 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

159 Shri Yagnesh Vyas yagneshvyas73@gmailcom Gandhinagar Gujarat 9427439979 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

160 Mrs. Neelam Patel [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9427941052 Assistant Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

161 Mrs. Nirali Pandya [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9712989549 Assistant Architect Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017 Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

162 Mrs. Jignasha Parmar [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9898206299 Assistant Architect Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

163 Mrs. Ami Kathi [email protected] Gandhinagar Gujarat 9408880402 Assistant Architect Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat State Project Office, Sector No. 17, Gandhinagar – 382 017

164 Shri M A Mirza [email protected] Bhuj Gujarat 9724205205 District Project Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat Mundra Relocation Last Four Way, Bhuj, Kachchh -37001 165 Shri Parimal Mistry [email protected] Dang Gujarat 9512200756 District Project Engineer Samgra Shiksha Samagra Shiksha, 2nd Gujarat Floor Jilla Panchayat Bhavan, Awha, Dang - 394710 175 K.B. Parmar Gandhinagar Gujarat 9909617899 Assistant Commissioner Labour Department Block No. 11,12 & 14, of Labour 2nd Floor, Udhyog Bhavan, sector 11, Gandhinagar 176 N.P. Parmar Ahmedabad City Gujarat 9913488892 Assistant Commissioner Labour Department 1st & 2nd Floor, Shram of Labour Bhawan, Nr. Gun House, Khanpur, Ahmedabad 177 S.S. Macwan Vadodara City Gujarat 8780667553 Assistant Commissioner Labour Department Narmada Bhawan, C of Labour block, 5th Floor, jail Road, Vadodara 178 S.G. Patel Surat Gujarat 6353307414 (I/C) Assistant Labour Department A-6, Block- A, 6th Commissioner of Labour Floor, Bahumadi bhawan, Nanpura Surat 179 A.K. Shihora Rajkot City Gujarat 9909539090 Assistant Commissioner Labour Department Jilla Sewa sadan- 3, of Labour Block No. 1 & 4, 2nd Floor, Nr. Govt Press, Rajkot Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

180 Himali Solanki Gandhinagar Gujarat 8866793873 Labour Department Labour Department Block No. 11,12 & 14, 2nd Floor, Udhyog Bhavan, sector 11, Gandhinagar 142 Sachin Sharma, IPS [email protected] Kavaratti Lakshadweep 8588012448 CCTNS Nodal Police/IT Kavaratti, officer/Secretary(IT) Lakshadweep 143 Amit Verma, IPS [email protected] Kavaratti Lakshadweep 81208581933 Superintendent of Police/ Police(IT) Kavaratti, Director(IT) Lakshadweep 144 Satyaki Choudhary [email protected] Kavaratti Lakshadweep 9811049624 COO IT Kavaratti, Lakshadweep 145 Mukesh V [email protected] Kavaratti Lakshadweep 9846718818 CTO IT Kavaratti, Lakshadweep 146 Satyanand Jha [email protected] Kavaratti Lakshadweep 9903445634 Project Manager IT Kavaratti, Lakshadweep 120 Selvi. Clara [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9443094704 Nodal Officer-cum-Child Department of Women ICDS Project-III, 3rd Development Project and Child Development Cross Srinivaas Nagar, Officer Ariyankuppam, Paducherry

121 Thiru. G. Vadivellu [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9514545162 Child Development Department of Women ICDS Project- IV, 138, Project Officer and Child Development M.G. Road, Muthiaiet, Puduchrry 122 Thiru. K. Sivasamy [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9443713890 Welfare Officer Department of Women ICDS Project - I, and Child Development Muppanar Complex, Villianur, Puducherry 123 Tmt. B. Banumathi [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9600911568 Protection Officer Department of Women District Child and Child Development Protection Unit, Opp. To LIC Saram, Puducheery 124 Thiru. G. Prabu [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9894257867 Protection Officer Department of Women District Child and Child Development Protection Unit, Kamararjar Complex, Madagady, Karaikal

125 Thiru. Sundaravadivelu [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9994073522 Protection Officer Department of Women District Child and Child Development Protection Unit, Kamararjar Complex, Madagady, Karaikal Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

126 Thiru. Jagdish [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9894120505 Probation Officer Department of Women District Child and Child Development Protection Unit, Opp. To LIC Saram, Puducheery 127 Thiru. K. Manikandan [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9043707394 Programme Assistant Department of Women State Adopation m and Child Development Resource Agent 128 Tmt. K. Sasily [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9791228871 Social Worker Department of Women District Child and Child Development Protection Unit, Opp. To LIC, Saram, Puducherry 129 Tmt. Sroselin Sheela [email protected] Puducherry Puducherry 9894856458 Social Worker Department of Women District Child and Child Development Protection Unit, Opp. To LIC, Saram, Puducherry 67 Gurpal Singh Moga Punjab 9888436732 GOG Governance Reforms Mandar 68 Balwinder Singh Singhpura URF Munan Punjab 9814433048 GOG Governance Reforms Singhpura URF Munan

69 Darshan Singh Saide Shah Wala Punjab 9914326977 GOG Governance Reforms Saide Shah Wala 70 Jaswant Singh basti Kashmir Singh Punjab 9781345970 GOG Governance Reforms basti Kashmir Singh 71 Sukhwinder Singh Karahe Wala Punjab 9417085004 GOG Governance Reforms Karahe Wala 72 Satpal Singh Masitan Punjab 9682690366 GOG Governance Reforms Masitan 73 Kulwinder Singh Daule Wala Mayar Punjab 9779026707 GOG Governance Reforms Daule Wala Mayar 74 Gulab Singh Takhtuwala Punjab 8427191293 GOG Governance Reforms Takhtuwala 75 Baltej Singh Khosa Kotla Punjab 8427653330 GOG Governance Reforms Khosa Kotla 76 Rajpal singh Ramgarh Punjab 9781149318 GOG Governance Reforms Ramgarh 77 Rajwinder Singh Braham Ke Punjab 8728926711 GOG Governance Reforms Braham Ke 78 Mukhtiar Singh Mander Kalan Punjab 9501669385 GOG Governance Reforms Mander Kalan 79 Gurbant Singh Kot Sadar Khan Punjab 7986106232 GOG Governance Reforms Kot Sadar Khan 80 Hardial singh Said Mohamd Punjab 8198866410 GOG Governance Reforms Said Mohamd 81 Jasvir Singh Khambe Punjab 9465708634 GOG Governance Reforms Khambe 82 Jaswinder Singh Talwandi Nau Bhar Punjab 9465821670 GOG Governance Reforms Talwandi Nau Bhar 83 Saraj Singh Kanian Khas Punjab 9814914027 GOG Governance Reforms Kanian Khas 84 Surjit Singh Kokri Buttran Punjab 8146812505 GOG Governance Reforms Kokri Buttran 85 Gurmit Singh Malhi Talwandi Mallian Punjab 9465450245 GOG Governance Reforms Talwandi Mallian 86 Kuljeet Singh Kokri Buttran Punjab 7837361102 GOG Governance Reforms Kokri Buttran 87 Jagjit Singh Jalalabad (East) Punjab 9781114897 GOG Governance Reforms Jalalabad (East) 88 Prem Singh Chugga Kalan Punjab 7888977408 GOG Governance Reforms Chugga Kalan 89 Rajinder Singh S Kariyal Khurd Punjab 7837700187 GOG Governance Reforms Kariyal Khurd 90 Darshan Singh Bhinder Khurd Punjab 9417618267 GOG Governance Reforms Bhinder Khurd 91 Lakhwinder Singh Kariyal Punjab 9855251097 GOG Governance Reforms Kariyal 92 Angrej Singh Badduwal Punjab 9592618239 GOG Governance Reforms Badduwal Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

93 Sukhdev Singh Kishan Pura Kalan Punjab 9855405728 GOG Governance Reforms Kishan Pura Kalan 94 Bhagwan Singh Dholewala Khala Punjab 9915748938 GOG Governance Reforms Dholewala Khala 95 Bhupinder Singh Pandori Araian Punjab 6280457413 GOG Governance Reforms Pandori Araian 96 Gursewak Singh Sher Pur Taiban Punjab 7528900622 GOG Governance Reforms Sher Pur Taiban 97 Jasvinder Singh Basti Chrag Shah wala Punjab 9417989910 GOG Governance Reforms Basti Chrag Shah wala

98 Talsem Lal Kaila Punjab 9781970524 GOG Governance Reforms Kaila 99 Dalip Singh Bakarwala Punjab 7087389933 GOG Governance Reforms Bakarwala 100 Jaspal Singh Ghaloti Punjab 9469908279 GOG Governance Reforms Ghaloti 101 Daler Singh Chirag Shah Wala Punjab 9878346145 GOG Governance Reforms Chirag Shah Wala 102 Jarnail Singh Ghaloti Kalan Punjab 8699309718 GOG Governance Reforms Ghaloti Kalan 103 Partap Singh Bhinder Kalan Punjab 9815987215 GOG Governance Reforms Bhinder Kalan 104 Gurmeet Singh Janer Punjab 8054178966 GOG Governance Reforms Janer 166 Kishori Lal [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 95305-33507 Tehsil Supvr GOG Pathankot 167 Kulwant Singh [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 96464-85969 Tehsil Supvr GOG Pathankot 168 Bachan Singh [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 88474-59319 Tehsil Supvr GOG Pathankot 169 Kishan Chand Goswami [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 94365-40678 DEO GOG Pathankot 170 Jarnail Singh [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 83605-37045 DEO GOG Pathankot 171 Pankaj Bhajurai [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 97798-03280 GOG GOG Pathankot/Sujanpur 172 Suresh Kumar [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 78888-32033 GOG GOG Pathankot/Gandla Lahri 173 Vinod Kumar [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 99881-74990 GOG GOG Pathankot/GOG Kothe Manwal 174 om parkash [email protected] Fazilka Punjab 9463300163 GOG Rank equivalent to sephy Village Thara SINGH WALA, TEH JALALABAD , Fazilka 181 Lt Col Balkar Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417221178 Nodal Officer(GOG Distt GOG Moga Distt Moga Head Moga) 182 Lt Col Mohinderpal Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9915148430 Nodal Officer (Asst GOG GOG Moga Distt Moga Distt Head Moga) 183 Sub Sukhdev Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9815701548 DHQ Supervisr GOG Moga Distt Moga 184 Hony SM Surjeet Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417776274 DHQ Supervisr GOG Moga Distt Moga 185 Hav Sandeep Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9463159643 Deo DHQ Moga GOG Moga Distt Moga 186 H/Lt Balbir Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8872612524 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil 187 Nk Satwinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 6395249659 Tehsil Deo GOG Moga Teshil Bagha Purana 188 Hav Devinder Kumar [email protected] Moga Punjab 9780940974 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill 189 Hav Chamkaur Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8427103063 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Sekha Kalan 190 Sub Jaswinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9872247888 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Lande 191 Hav Darshan Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9872238607 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Sahoke 192 Nk Kishan Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8437572377 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Mahla Kalan 193 Sub Lakhvir Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 951746477 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Smalsar Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

194 Nk Bhupinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8566921495 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Mari Mustafa 195 N/Sub Haripal Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9464104113 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Samadh Bhai 196 Hav Jagdev Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9872676753 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Channu Wala 197 Sub Bhola Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9781371494 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Phule Wala 198 Nk Kulwinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9814673304 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Shukanand 199 Hav Gurmail Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417082806 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Dhilwan 200 Sub Gurmukh Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 6280454402 Teshil Spvr GOG Moga Tehsil Moga 201 Sub Angrej Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9464875186 Teshil Spvr GOG Moga Tehsil Moga 202 L/Nk Jaspal Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8452081350 Tehsil DEO GOG Moga Tehsil Moga 203 Nk Gursewak Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9478113078 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Bahona 205 Hav Mandeep Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417076710 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Kokri Kalan 206 Nk Narinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9478272926 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Dosanj 207 Hav Rajinderpal Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9814823096 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Butter Kalan 208 Hav Harpinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 6283265324 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Sadda Singh Wala

209 L/Nk Harwinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9463377147 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Mandirana Wala Nawan 210 NK Jagjit Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417990626 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Daroli Bhai 211 Jagraj Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8427342815 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Daulatpura Niwan

212 N/Sub Naib Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9781403075 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Kothe Jaitu Khosa 213 Hav Ran Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9464009081 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Chotian Kalan 214 L/Nk Sarbjeet Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8558002672 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Dadda Hoor 215 Sub Harbhajan Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417094354 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil 216 H/Capt Gurmail Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9417489656 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Nihal Singh Wala 217 LD Sukhpal Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9888373739 Tehsil Deo GOG Moga Tehsil Nihal Singh Wala 218 Hav Ajmer Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9465506376 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Raouta 219 Hav Baldev Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8427415992 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Gajiana 220 Hav Gurmeet Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8872343591 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Rama 221 Hav Jagdish Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9876237063 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Burj Duna 222 Nk Jagsir Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9872913107 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Kishan Garh 223 Nk Sewek Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 7888730589 village GOG GOG Moga Vill Bilaspur 224 H/Capt Paartap Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9815987215 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Dharmkot 225 Sub Jarnail Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8699309718 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Dharmkot 226 Nk Gurmeet Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8054178966 Tehsil Deo GOG Moga Tehsil Dharmkot 227 Hav Gursewak Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 7528900622 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Sherpur taiban 228 Sub Angrej Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9592618239 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Badduwal Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

229 Sub Kuljit Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 7837361102 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Kokri Behniwall 230 Hav Bhagwan Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9915748938 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Dholewal 231 Hav Bhupinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 6280457413 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill pandori Arraian 232 Nk Dalip Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 7087389933 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Bakar wala 233 Nk Jaswinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9465821670 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Talwandi nau bahar 234 Nk Saraj singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9814914027 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Kanian Khas 235 Nk Gurbant singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 7986106232 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Kot sadar khan 236 Hav Balwinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9814433048 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Singh paura munan 237 Nk Kulwinder Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9779026707 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Daule wala Mayer

238 Nk Satpal Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9682690366 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Masitan 239 Nk Jasvir Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 9465708634 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Khamba 240 L/Nk Gulab Singh [email protected] Moga Punjab 8427191293 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Takhtuwala 241 Hav Mukhtiar singh mukhtiarsg786@gmailcom Moga Punjab 9501669385 Village GOG GOG Moga Vill Mander Kalan 242 Capt Rajesh Vaid [email protected] SAS Nagar Punjab 8968303172 Asst Dh Mohali GoG SAS Nagar SAS Nagar 243 Sub Maj Harmohinder Singh [email protected] Chandigarh Punjab 9465009521 Asst Gog CHQ GoG Chandigarh

244 H/Capt Joban Singh [email protected] BABA BAKALA/LIDHAR Punjab 7986308390 Distt Supvr AMRITSAR BABA BAKALA/LIDHAR 245 H/Capt Hira Singh,Sm [email protected] AMRITSAR Punjab 9906909363 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR AMRITSAR 246 Hav Amarjeet Singh [email protected] AMRITSAR- Punjab 7973824055 Gog AMRITSAR AMRITSAR- 1/NIZAMPUR 1/NIZAMPUR 247 Sub Harpal Singh [email protected] AMRITSAR Punjab 9815924554 Gog AMRITSAR AMRITSAR 248 Sub Vijay Kumar Sharma [email protected] AMRITSAR Punjab 7009072452 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR AMRITSAR 249 Hav Ranjit Singh [email protected] AMRITSAR-2/MAHAL Punjab 8146743676 Gog AMRITSAR AMRITSAR-2/MAHAL 250 Hony Capt Kawaljit Singh [email protected] MAJITHA/KADRANBAD Punjab 8872999106 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR MAJITHA/KADRANBA D 251 Hony Sub Maj Jaspal Singh [email protected] MAJITHA/BHANGALI Punjab 8872353760 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR MAJITHA/BHANGALI KALAH KALAH 252 Nk Chhabeg Chand MAJITHA/PAKHARPUR Punjab 6280368153 Gog AMRITSAR MAJITHA/PAKHARPUR A A 253 H/Capt Sukhpal Singh SPbhatti1958 AJNALA/MACHHI Punjab 7837850016 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR AJNALA/MACHHI 254 H/Capt Sajjan Singh ss2997909@ AJNALA/JHANJOTI Punjab 9876606602 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR AJNALA/JHANJOTI 255 Nb Sub Kuldip Singh [email protected] AJNALA/SAHLIWAL Punjab 9592230992 Gog AMRITSAR AJNALA/SAHLIWAL 256 Nb Ris Satnam Singh satnam7c@gmail. AJNALA/SANGATPURA Punjab 9872207338 Gog AMRITSAR AJNALA/SANGATPUR com A Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

257 Nb Ris Balraj Singh [email protected] BABA Punjab 7009202446 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR BABA BAKALA/MEHSAMPUR BAKALA/MEHSAMPUR

258 Sub Nirmal Singh [email protected] BABA Punjab 9877839297 Teh Supvr AMRITSAR BABA BAKALA/SHERON BAKALA/SHERON BAGHA BAGHA 259 Hav Vikramjit Singh [email protected] BABA Punjab 93402 22848 Gog AMRITSAR BABA BAKALA/WADALA BAKALA/WADALA KHURD KHURD 260 Sub Darshan Singh [email protected] Barnala Punjab 9877499536 Distt Supvervisor GOG, Distt Barnala Barnala 261 Sub Charanjit Singh [email protected] Barnala Punjab 7973140323 Distt Supvervisor GOG, Distt Barnala Barnala 262 Hony Capt Gurjant Singh [email protected] Barnala Punjab 9888208710 Teh Supervisor GOG, Distt Barnala Barnala 263 Ris Balvir Singh [email protected] Barnala Punjab 9815490234 Teh Supervisor GOG, Distt Barnala Barnala 264 Ris Samarjit Singh [email protected] Barnala Punjab 9814574716 Teh Supervisor GOG, Distt Barnala Barnala 265 Hav Mewa Singh [email protected] Sekha, Barnala Punjab 7738309614 Vill Gog GOG, Distt Barnala Sekha, Barnala 266 Nk Jasdev Singh [email protected] Sehna, Barnala Punjab 9814231563 Vill Gog GOG, Distt Barnala Sehna, Barnala 267 Sub Sukhdev Singh [email protected] Faridkot Punjab 9056155476 Go G Distt Supervisor Faridkot Faridkot 268 Hav Manjinder Singh [email protected] Faridkot Punjab 9530911571 Gog Distt Supervisor Faridkot Faridkot 269 Sub Maj Surjit Singh [email protected] Faridkot Punjab 9463859688 Gog Tehsil Supervisor Faridkot Faridkot Faridkot 270 Sub Maj Hony Capt Gurjant [email protected] Kot Kapura Punjab 8196037320 Gog Tehsil Supervisor Faridkot Kot Kapura Singh Kot Kapura 271 Hony Lt Ginder Singh [email protected] Vill - Jalaleana, Tehsil - Punjab 9592073775 Gog Tehsil Supervisor Faridkot Vill - Jalaleana, Tehsil - Kot Kapura, Distt - Kot Kapura Kot Kapura, Distt - Faridkot Faridkot 272 Sub Maj Labh Singh [email protected] Vill - Rauwala, Tehsil - Punjab 9417080508 Gog Tehsil Supervisor Faridkot Vill - Rauwala, Tehsil - Jaito, Distt - Faridkot Jaito Jaito, Distt - Faridkot 273 Rfn Lakhwinder Singh [email protected] Vill - Pakhi Khurd, Punjab 9914092699 Village Gog Faridkot Vill - Pakhi Khurd, Tehsil & Distt - Tehsil & Distt - Fardikot Fardikot 274 Hony Capt Harbhajan Singh [email protected] Sirhind Punjab 9501564668 District Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Sirhind

275 Hony Capt Amrik Singh [email protected] Sirhind Punjab 7837680643 District Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Sirhind 276 Sub Shingara Singh [email protected] Vill Chaurwala Teh Punjab 7508298684 Teh Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Vill Chaurwala Teh FGS FGS 277 Nb Sub Roshan [email protected] Vill Mahadian Teh FGS Punjab 9780267786 Teh Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Vill Mahadian Teh FGS

278 Sub Malkiat Singh [email protected] Vill Dadiana Teh Bassi Punjab 8764989441 Gog Fatehgarh Sahib Vill Dadiana Teh Bassi Pathana Pathana 279 Hony Flt Lt Jagtar Singh [email protected] Khamanon Punjab 9915017194 Tehsil Head Khamanon Fatehgarh Sahib Khamanon 280 Hony Sub Maj Iqbal Singh [email protected] Khamanon Punjab 9888964550 Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Khamanon Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

281 Hav Iqbal Singh [email protected] Khamanon Punjab 7347543330 Gog Fatehgarh Sahib Khamanon 282 Sub Dalbara Singh [email protected] Bassi Pathana Punjab 9988144554 Tehsil Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Bassi Pathana 283 Hony Capt Kesar Singh [email protected] Amloh Punjab 9463622276 Tehsil Head Fatehgarh Sahib Amloh 284 Sub Hakam Singh [email protected] Amloh Punjab 9872749277 Tehsil Supervisor Fatehgarh Sahib Amloh 285 H/Capt Amrit Lal [email protected] Tehsil Jalalabad Punjab 7740087933 Tehsil Head GoG Tehsil Jalalabad 286 Sub Jai Chand [email protected] Distt HQ Punjab 7009378320 Distt Supvr GoG Distt HQ 287 Nb Sub Tajinderpal Singh [email protected] Tehsil Abohar Punjab 8427007370 Tehsil Supervisor GoG Tehsil Abohar 288 Lemr Raspal Singh [email protected] Tehsil Abohar Punjab 9316827090 Tehsil Supervisor GoG Tehsil Abohar 289 Sub Radha Krishan - Tehsil Fazilka Punjab 8894353152 Vill Gog GoG Tehsil Fazilka 290 Hav Avtar Singh [email protected] Tehsil Fazilka Punjab 7888413530 Tehsil Supervisor GoG Tehsil Fazilka 291 Hav Baggu Singh [email protected] Tehsil Jalalabad Punjab 9914697921 Tehsil Supervisor GoG Tehsil Jalalabad 292 Sep Ramandeep Singh [email protected] Tehsil Abohar Punjab 9478427291 Vill Gog GoG Tehsil Abohar 293 Capt Hardial Singh Ferozepur Punjab 8872130061 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Ferozepur 294 Capt Punjab Singh Ferozepur Punjab 7973174439 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Ferozepur 295 Capt Lakhwinder Singh Ferozepur Punjab 9417761523 Distt Supervisor GOG Ferozepur 296 Sub Rajinder Singh Guruharsahai Punjab 9417677027 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Guruharsahai 297 Capt Paramjit Singh Zira Punjab 7888974630 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Zira 298 Sub Ranjit Singh Zira Punjab 8146904902 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Zira 299 Nk Baljinder Singh Vill Chuchak Wind, Punjab 9464378348 Gog GOG Vill Chuchak Wind, Tehsil Zira Distt Tehsil Zira Distt Ferozepur Ferozepur 300 Nk Kulwant Singh Changa Rai Hithar , Punjab 7589126477 Gog GOG Changa Rai Hithar , Tehsil Guruharsahai Tehsil Guruharsahai 301 Hav Hira Lal Palla Megha, Tehsil & Punjab 8872780260 Gog GOG Palla Megha, Tehsil & Distt Ferozepur Distt Ferozepur 302 Dfr Balwinder Singh Ghall Khurd, Tehsil & Punjab 8699005617 Gog GOG Ghall Khurd, Tehsil & Distt Ferozepur Distt Ferozepur 303 H Lt Lakhwinder Singh [email protected] Vill Maan, PO - Punjab 9876434454 District Supervisor-I GoG District Gurdaspur Vill Maan, PO - Sidhwan Teh & District Sidhwan Teh & District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 304 Sub Maj Daljit Singh [email protected] Vill Bhago Kawan PO- Punjab 9417712570 District Supervisor-Ii GoG District Gurdaspur Vill Bhago Kawan PO- Magar Mudian Teh & Magar Mudian Teh & District Gurdaspur 305 Sub Maj Madho Singh madhosingh 1948@yahoo. com VPO Kotli Sainian Teh Punjab 9876434454 Tehsil Supervisor GoG Tehsil Gurdaspur VPO Kotli Sainian Teh & District Gurdaspur & District Gurdaspur

306 H/Capt Kashmir Singh [email protected] Tehsil Batala Punjab 8837699047 Tehsil Supervisor GoG Tehsil Gurdaspur Tehsil Batala 307 Sub/Maj & H/Capt Balwinder [email protected] VPO Wadala Bangar, Punjab 9417483221 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Tehsil Kalanaur VPO Wadala Bangar, Singh Teh Kalanaur, District Teh Kalanaur, District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

308 Sub Maj & H/Capt Kirpal captksmann@gmail,com VPO Dorangla Teh Punjab 6280981198 Tehsil Supervisor-I GOG Tehsil Dinanagar VPO Dorangla Teh Singh Dinanagar , District Dinanagar , District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 309 Sub Maj & H/Capt Jagir Singh Jagirsingh30765@gmail,com VPO Awankha Teh Punjab 7589235512 Tehsil Supervisor-Ii GOG Tehsil Dinanagar VPO Awankha Teh Dinanagar , District Dinanagar , District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 310 Sub Roshan Singh [email protected] VPO Nainokot Teh & Punjab 6239262177 Village Gog GoG Tehsil Gurdaspur VPO Nainokot Teh & District Gurdaspur District Gurdaspur 311 Naik Lovejeet Singh [email protected] VPO Chhinna Teh & Punjab 7232844230 Village Gog GoG Tehsil Gurdaspur VPO Chhinna Teh & District Gurdaspur District Gurdaspur 312 Nk Gurvinder Singh [email protected] Vill Ghanie Ke Banger Punjab 9501617601 Village Gog GoG Tehsil Gurdaspur Vill Ghanie Ke Banger Teh Batala, District Teh Batala, District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 313 Nk Ranjit Singh [email protected] Vill Qila Lal Singh , Punjab 7347619939 Village Gog GoG Tehsil Gurdaspur Vill Qila Lal Singh , Teh Batala, District Teh Batala, District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 314 Hav Hardev Singh [email protected] Vill Rasulpur, PO- Punjab 9779617826 Village Gog GOG Tehsil Kalanaur Vill Rasulpur, PO- Dalelpur Teh Kalanaur, Dalelpur Teh District Gurdaspur Kalanaur, District Gurdaspur 315 Nk Gurpreet Singh [email protected] VPO-Kotli Surat Malhi, Punjab 9815464782 Village Gog GOG Tehsil Dera Baba VPO-Kotli Surat Malhi, Teh Dera Baba Nanak, Nanak Teh Dera Baba Nanak, District Gurdaspur District Gurdaspur

316 Nb Sub Dalwinder Singh [email protected] Vill Kakrian, PO/Teh Punjab 9464175526 Village Gog GOG Tehsil Dinanagar Vill Kakrian, PO/Teh Dinanagar , District Dinanagar , District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 317 Sub & H/Capt Balraj Singh [email protected] Vill Sultani, PO Punjab 9115862601 Village Gog GOG Tehsil Dinanagar Vill Sultani, PO Behrampur Teh Behrampur Teh Dinanagar , District Dinanagar , District Gurdaspur Gurdaspur 318 Nk Buta Singh [email protected] Garhshankar Punjab 9914934334 Supervisor Gog, GOG Hoshiarpur Garhshankar Tehsil Garhsharnkar 319 Sub Maj Parveen Kumar [email protected] Hoshiarpur Punjab 7009471450 Supervisor Gog, GOG Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Tehsil Hoshiarpur 320 Sub Maj Baldev Singh [email protected] Dasuya Punjab 9695564399 Supervisor Gog, GOG Hoshiarpur Dasuya Tehsil Dasuya 321 H/Capt Kuldeep Kumar [email protected] Mukerian Punjab 9041095545 Supervisor Gog, GOG Hoshiarpur Mukerian Tehsil Mukerian 322 Sub Maj Pargat Singh [email protected] Hoshiarpur Punjab 8901470208 Supervisor Gog, GOG Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur Distt Hoshiarpur Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

323 Nk Soni Kumar [email protected] Garhshankar Punjab 7508743098 Gog, Tehsil Garhshankar GOG Hoshiarpur Garhshankar

324 Hav Jasbir Singh [email protected] Garhshankar Punjab 9781122969 Gog, Tehsil Garhshankar GOG Hoshiarpur Garhshankar

325 Hav Kulwinder Singh [email protected] Hoshiarpur Punjab 9815872032 Gog, Tehsil Hoshiarpur GOG Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur 326 Nk Paramjit Singh [email protected] Hoshiarpur Punjab 9463218969 Gog, Tehsil Hoshiarpur GOG Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur 327 Sub Varinderpal Singh varinderpals29@gmailcom Dasuya Punjab 8765089016 Gog, Tehsil Dasuya GOG Hoshiarpur Dasuya 328 Nk Satinder Singh [email protected] Dasuya Punjab 9068708558 Gog, Tehsil Dasuya GOG Hoshiarpur Dasuya 329 Nk Sarabjit Singh [email protected] Mukerian Punjab 9110796697 Gog, Tehsil Mukerian GOG Hoshiarpur Mukerian 330 H/Capt Kamal Singh [email protected] Mukerian Punjab 8437934632 Gog, Tehsil Mukerian GOG Hoshiarpur Mukerian 331 Sub Maj (H/Lt ) Ranjit Singh [email protected] Jalandahar-1/Dhina Punjab 9450243766 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Jalandahar-1/Dhina

332 Sub Maj Lakhvir Singh [email protected] Jalandahar-1/Jalandhar Punjab 9815353906 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Jalandahar- Cantt 1/Jalandhar Cantt 333 Sgt Kundan Singh [email protected] Jalandhar-1/Haripur Punjab 9464193125 Village Gog Jalandhar Jalandhar-1/Haripur 334 Sub Maj (H/Lt) Jagjit Singh [email protected] Jalandhar-2/Mithapur Punjab 8847636373 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Jalandhar-2/Mithapur

335 Sub (H/Sub Maj) Surinder [email protected] Jalandhar-2/Mithapur Punjab 9041171900 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Jalandhar-2/Mithapur Kumar 336 Sub Resham Singh reshmsingh46@gmail,com Jalandhar-2/Raipur Punjab 9814501206 Village Gog Jalandhar Jalandhar-2/Raipur Rasulpur Rasulpur 337 Sub Maj (H/Capt) Lachhman [email protected] Phillaur/Pasla Punjab 9915979367 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Phillaur/Pasla Dass 338 Sub Jaswant Rai Bhatia [email protected] Phillaur/Phillaur Punjab 8567032174 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Phillaur/Phillaur 339 Nk Tarsem Lal [email protected] Phillaur/Langerian Punjab 9872255163 Village Gog Jalandhar Phillaur/Langerian 340 Sub (H/Capt) Kuldip Singh [email protected] /Uggi Punjab 8837800368 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Nakodar/Uggi 341 Sub Charanjit Singh [email protected] Nakodar/Umerwal Punjab 9877719809 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Nakodar/Umerwal Bille Bille 342 Nk Raj Mohammad [email protected] Nakodar/Sarih Punjab 7986644174 Village Gog Jalandhar Nakodar/Sarih 343 Sub Sukhdev Singh [email protected] Shahkot/Rauli Punjab 9915502693 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Shahkot/Rauli 344 Sub Amarjit Singh [email protected] Shahkot/Kanian Kalan Punjab 8284947413 Teh Supervisor Jalandhar Shahkot/Kanian Kalan

345 Sub Nirmal Singh [email protected] Shahkot/Kotla Surajmal Punjab 8427618771 Village Gog Jalandhar Shahkot/Kotla Surajmal 346 H/Capt Ranjit Singh [email protected] GURU NANAK NAGAR, Punjab 94652-42648 Supervisor KAPURTHALA GURU NANAK NAGAR, KAPURTHALA KAPURTHALA

347 Hav Ajmer Singh [email protected] URBAN STATE, Punjab 70091-05136 Supervisor KAPURTHALA URBAN STATE, KAPURTHALA KAPURTHALA 348 N/Sub Avtar Singh [email protected] AJIT NAGAR Punjab 95017-13335 Supervisor KAPURTHALA AJIT NAGAR KAPURTHALA KAPURTHALA Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

349 H/Capt Satnam Singh [email protected] SHAHPUR PIRA Punjab 98783-47055 Supervisor KAPURTHALA SHAHPUR PIRA 350 H/Capt Balvir Singh [email protected] BHOLATH Punjab 98153-78902 Supervisor KAPURTHALA BHOLATH 351 Sgt Jaswant [email protected] BHOLATH Punjab 98154-19621 Supervisor KAPURTHALA BHOLATH 352 Sub Ram Kishan [email protected] PHAGWARA Punjab 9878331501 Supervisor KAPURTHALA PHAGWARA 353 Po Dinesh Kumar [email protected] PHAGWARA Punjab 9780390066 Supervisor KAPURTHALA PHAGWARA 354 H/Capt Shangara Singh [email protected] HARNAMPUR Punjab 97812-63827 Supervisor KAPURTHALA HARNAMPUR 355 Sub Gurdev Singh [email protected] SULTANPUR LODHI Punjab 95017-22485 Gog KAPURTHALA SULTANPUR LODHI 356 L Nk Charanjit Singh [email protected] KANJLI Punjab 99718-29534 Gog KAPURTHALA KANJLI 357 H/Capt Harcharan Singh [email protected] UCHA PIND Punjab 9417214022 Gog KAPURTHALA UCHA PIND 358 Hav Hardip Lal Singh - KHASSAN Punjab 73899-91691 Gog KAPURTHALA KHASSAN 359 Nk Sukhraj Singh [email protected] SARUPWAL Punjab 94178-49749 Gog KAPURTHALA SARUPWAL 360 Hony Capt Shingara Singh Tehsil Payal Punjab 9876457393 Supervispor Ludhiana Tehsil Payal 361 Hav Gurcharan Singh Tehsil Payal Punjab 9464416838 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Payal 362 Nb Sub Bhupinder Singh Terhsil Ldh East Punjab 9779895609 Supervisor Ludhiana Terhsil Ldh East 363 Hav Lakhwinder Singh Tehsil Ldh West Punjab 7087755482 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Ldh West 364 H/Lt Inder Singh Tehsil Samrala Punjab 8872556225 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Samrala 365 H/Capt Harjinder Singh Tehsil Samrala Punjab 9815956108 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Samrala 366 H/Capt Randhir Singh [email protected] Tehsil Raikot Punjab 9463632769 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Raikot 367 Sub Balbir Singh Tehsil Raikot Punjab 9872733889 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Raikot 368 Cpo Surinder Singh [email protected] Tehsil Jagraon Punjab 9877491566 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Jagraon 369 H/Lt Nazar Singh Tehsil Khanna Punjab 8194934043 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Khanna 370 H/Nb Sub Harjinder Singn Tehsil Khanna Punjab 9478938674 Supervisor Ludhiana Tehsil Khanna 371 Nb Sub Piara Singh Vill Babarpur(Payal) Punjab 9592027970 Vill Gog Payal Vill Babarpur(Payal) 372 Ld Amarjit Singh Vill Jarg (Payal) Punjab 8872346661 Vill Gog Payal Vill Jarg (Payal) 373 Hav Jagraj Singh Vill Leehan(Jagraon) Punjab 8283824913 Vill Gog Jagraon Vill Leehan(Jagraon) 374 Hav Mandip Singh Vill Bharowal(Jagraon) Punjab 9888396978 Vill Gog Jagraon Vill Bharowal(Jagraon)

375 Hav Balraj Singh Vill Phullanwal(Ldh Punjab 9780498380 Vill Gog Ldh West Vill Phullanwal(Ldh West) West) 376 Hav Budh Singh Vill Dhatt(Ldh West) Punjab 9855182499 Vill Gog Ldh West Vill Dhatt(Ldh West) 377 H/Capt Paramjit Singh [email protected] Vill Gagra(Samrala) Punjab 7696007729 Vill Gog Samrala Vill Gagra(Samrala) 378 Sm Narinder Singh [email protected] Vill Takkran(Samrala) Punjab 9417871342 Vill Gog Samrala Vill Takkran(Samrala)

379 Nazar Singh Mann [email protected] DHQ Punjab 94630 22960 Asisstant District Head Mansa DHQ 380 Jeet Singh [email protected] DHQ Punjab 98764 67314 District Supervisor Mansa DHQ 381 Kewal Singh [email protected] Tehsil Budhlada Punjab 8558899136 Supervisor Mansa Tehsil Budhlada 382 Atma Singh [email protected] Tehsil Mansa Punjab 8360903667 Supervisor Mansa Tehsil Mansa 383 Darshan Singh [email protected] Tehsil Mansa Punjab 9888650255 Supervisor Mansa Tehsil Mansa 384 Bukkan Singh [email protected] Tehsil Sardulgarh Punjab 9478664081 Supervisor Mansa Tehsil Sardulgarh 385 Subhash Chander [email protected] Tehsil Sardulgarh Punjab 9478543758 Deo Mansa Tehsil Sardulgarh 386 Sub Sukhdev Singh [email protected] Distt Moga Punjab 9815701548 Dhq Supervisr GOG Moga Distt Moga Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

387 Hony Sm Surjeet Singh [email protected] Distt Moga Punjab 9417776274 Dhq Supervisr GOG Moga Distt Moga 388 Hony/Lt Balbir Singh [email protected] Tehsil Bagha Purana Punjab 8872612524 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Bagha Purana 389 Hony/Capt Paartap Singh [email protected] Tehsil Dharmkot Punjab 9815987215 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Dharmkot 390 Sub Jarnail Singh [email protected] Tehsil Dharmkot Punjab 8699309718 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Dharmkot 391 Sub Gurmukh Singh [email protected] Tehsil Moga Punjab 6280454402 Teshil Spvr GOG Moga Tehsil Moga 392 Sub Angrej Singh [email protected] Tehsil Moga Punjab 9464875186 Teshil Spvr GOG Moga Tehsil Moga 393 L/Nk Jaspal Singh [email protected] Tehsil Moga Punjab 8452081350 Tehsil Deo GOG Moga Tehsil Moga 394 Hony/Capt Gurmail Singh [email protected] Tehsil Nihal Singh Punjab 9417489656 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Moga Tehsil Nihal Singh Wala Wala 395 Ld Sukhpal Singh [email protected] Tehsil Nihal Singh Punjab 9888373739 Tehsil Deo GOG Moga Tehsil Nihal Singh Wala Wala 396 Col Anupinder Singh [email protected] VPO Barkandi Punjab 6283601576 Tehsil Head GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib VPO Barkandi 397 Capt Balwinder Singh [email protected] VPO Haraj Punjab 8557979577 Distt Spvr GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib VPO Haraj 398 Gulab Singh [email protected] Ambedkar Nagar VPO Punjab 8837633102 Tehsil Spvr GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib Ambedkar Nagar VPO Gidderbaha Gidderbaha 399 Phulel Singh [email protected] VPO Kotbhai Punjab 9814138456 Tehsil Spvr GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib VPO Kotbhai 400 Harpreet Singh [email protected] Malout Punjab 9815127660 Tehsil Spvr GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib Malout 401 Labh Singh [email protected] Sri Muktsar Sahib Punjab 9417979919 Tehsil Spvr GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib Sri Muktsar Sahib 402 Jagdish Singh [email protected] VPO Wattu Punjab 6280567710 Vill Gog GOG Sri Muktsar Sahib VPO Wattu 403 Kishori Lal [email protected] Pathankot/Dhar Kalan Punjab 95305-33507 Tehsil Supvr GOG Pathankot/Dhar Kalan

404 Kulwant Singh [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 96464-85969 Tehsil Supvr GOG Pathankot 405 Bachan Singh [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 88474-59319 Tehsil Supvr GOG Pathankot 406 Kishan Chand Goswami [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 94365-40678 Deo GOG Pathankot 407 Jarnail Singh [email protected] Pathankot Punjab 83605-37045 Deo GOG Pathankot 408 Pankaj Bhajurai [email protected] Pathankot/Sujanpur Punjab 97798-03280 Gog GOG Pathankot/Sujanpur 409 Suresh Kumar [email protected] Pathankot/Gandla Punjab 78888-32033 Gog GOG Pathankot/Gandla Lahri Lahri 410 Vinod Kumar [email protected] Pathankot/GOG Kothe Punjab 99881-74990 Gog GOG Pathankot/GOG Kothe Manwal Manwal 411 Ris Jameet Singh [email protected] Tehsil patiala Punjab 8146643676 Supervisor -2 Patiala Tehsil patiala 412 Sub Hakam Singh [email protected] Tehsil Patiala Punjab 9417573963 Tehsil Supervisor-1 Patiala Tehsil Patiala 413 Sub Maj (Hony Capt) Satnam satnam.singh.ghuman, Tehsil Patiala Punjab 8872289149 Tehsil Gog Patiala Tehsil Patiala Singh 414 Sub Krishan Singh [email protected] Tehsil-Nabha Punjab 9478005553 Supervisors 1 Patiala Tehsil-Nabha 415 Hav (Clk) Rajinder Singh [email protected] Tehsil-Nabha Punjab 9458135016 Tehsil Deo Patiala Tehsil-Nabha 416 Sub Ram Singh [email protected] Tehsil Rajpura Punjab 7973089971 Supervisors 1 Patiala Tehsil Rajpura 417 Sub Jagdev Singh [email protected] TehsilRajpura Punjab 9852500313 Supervisors-2 Patiala TehsilRajpura 418 Poa (Ah) Parminder Verma [email protected] Tehsil Rajpura Punjab 9096764647 Tehsil Deo Patiala Tehsil Rajpura 419 Ris Shamsher Singh Tehsil Patran Punjab 9463230509 Tehsil Supervisor Patiala Tehsil Patran 420 Sub Gurdev Singh Tehsil Patran Punjab 9878284813 Tehsil Supervisor Patiala Tehsil Patran Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

421 Sub/Maj Dharminder [email protected] Tehsil Samana Punjab 8427079662 Supervisors 1 Patiala Tehsil Samana 422 Sub Sukhminder Singh [email protected] Tehsil Samana Punjab 8196857790 Supervisors-2 Patiala Tehsil Samana 423 Sub Sajjan Singh [email protected] Tehsil Samana Punjab 8146054114 Vill Gog Patiala Tehsil Samana 424 Sub Manmohan Ram Sharma [email protected] Tehsil Dudhan Sadhan Punjab 9464282604 Supervisors-2 patiala Tehsil Dudhan Sadhan

425 Nb Sub Surinder Singh [email protected] Tehsil Dudhan Sadhan Punjab 9416654823 Vill Gog Patiala Tehsil Dudhan Sadhan

426 Sub Gurchait Singh - RUPNAGAR Punjab 9464919359 Distt Supervisor RUPNAGAR RUPNAGAR 427 Hony Lt Gurpritam Singh - ANANDPUR SAHIB Punjab 7986701191 Distt Supervisor RUPNAGAR ANANDPUR SAHIB 428 Hony Lt Balbir Singh - VILL MOTHAPUR Punjab 9815873534 Tehsil Supervisor RUPNAGAR VILL MOTHAPUR TEHSIL ANANDPUR TEHSIL ANANDPUR SAHIB SAHIB 429 Sub Kulwinder Singh - VILL SAINFALPUR Punjab 8765806859 Tehsil Supervisor RUPNAGAR VILL SAINFALPUR TEHSIL RUPNAGAR TEHSIL RUPNAGAR 430 N/Sub Parkash Singh - VILL GARHI TEHSIL Punjab 7527910286 Tehsil Supervisor RUPNAGAR VILL GARHI TEHSIL CAHAMKAUR SAHIB CAHAMKAUR SAHIB


432 Hony Capt Jarnail Singh - VILL BOORMAJRA Punjab 9501751350 Tehsil Supervisor RUPNAGAR VILL BOORMAJRA TEHSIL MORINDA TEHSIL MORINDA 433 Sub Ranjit Singh - VILL KULGRAN Punjab 7973154097 Tehsil Supervisor RUPNAGAR VILL KULGRAN TEHSIL NANGAL TEHSIL NANGAL 434 Po Nirmal Singh - VILL LALPUR TEHSIL Punjab 9779686975 Gog RUPNAGAR VILL LALPUR TEHSIL ANANDPUR SAHIB ANANDPUR SAHIB 435 Nk Kulwinder Singh - VILL MAHLAN TEHSIL Punjab 9417406151 Gog RUPNAGAR VILL MAHLAN TEHSIL RUPNAGAR RUPNAGAR 436 Nk Jaswinder Singh - VILL SAMANA KHURD Punjab 9815259814 Deo RUPNAGAR VILL SAMANA TEHSIL MORINDA KHURD TEHSIL MORINDA 437 Nk Gurpreet Singh - VILL FATEHPUR Punjab 8360675977 Deo RUPNAGAR VILL FATEHPUR TEHSIL CHAMKAUR TEHSIL CHAMKAUR SAHIB SAHIB 438 Nk Gurpreet Singh - VILL SEHJOWAL Punjab 8872310091 Gog RUPNAGAR VILL SEHJOWAL TEHSIL NANGAL TEHSIL NANGAL 439 Sub Sukhminder Singh [email protected] Chatha Sekhwan Punjab 9464165399 Distt Supervisor Sangrur Chatha Sekhwan 440 Sub Raghuvir Singh [email protected] Sangrur Punjab 9915340301 Distt Supervisor Sangrur Sangrur 441 Nb Sub Chamkaur Singh [email protected] Bhalwan Punjab 8872949745 Distt Deo Sangrur Bhalwan 442 Sub Maj Balwinder Singh [email protected] Ahmedgarh Punjab 9876602367 Tehsil Supervisor Sangrur Ahmedgarh 443 Nb Sub Sukhdev Singh [email protected] Ahmedgarh Punjab 6280012920 Tehsil Supervisor Sangrur Ahmedgarh Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

444 Hav Ranjit Singh [email protected] Ahmedgarh Punjab 7986071942 Tehsil Deo Sangrur Ahmedgarh 445 Nk Sukhwinder Singh [email protected] Maholi Khurd Punjab 9435055080 Village Gog Sangrur Maholi Khurd 446 Nb Sub Jasvir Singh [email protected] Sandaur Punjab 8198090101 Village Gog Sangrur Sandaur 447 Sep Harbans Singh [email protected] Dhaler Kalan Punjab 8360082368 Village Gog Sangrur Dhaler Kalan (Ahmedpur) (Ahmedpur) 448 Nb Sub Amritpal Singh [email protected] Gharachon Punjab 6239063637 Tehsil Supervisor Sangrur Gharachon 449 Hav Kamaldeep Singh [email protected] Bhawanigarh Punjab 9592992462 Tehsil Supervisor Sangrur Bhawanigarh (Bhawanigarh) (Bhawanigarh) 450 Hav Harbans Singh [email protected] Jollian Punjab 7987664096 Tehsil Deo Sangrur Jollian 451 Spr Gurmeet Singh [email protected] Kalajhar Punjab 9877872670 Village Gog Sangrur Kalajhar 452 Hav Harpal Singh [email protected] Kapial Punjab 9914898921 Village Gog Sangrur Kapial 453 Nk Karamjit Singh [email protected] Basiarkh Punjab 9781231846 Village Gog Sangrur Basiarkh 454 Hfo Kamal Kumar Verma [email protected] Bhasour Punjab 8058692150 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Bhasour 455 Sub (Aig) Ajaib Singh [email protected] Punnawal Punjab 8360667104 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Punnawal 456 Nk Parminder Singh [email protected] Bangawali Punjab 9501737458 Tehsil Deo Sangrur Bangawali 457 Hav Chamkaur Singh [email protected] Badshapur Punjab 7814637149 Village Gog Sangrur Badshapur 458 Nk Sanjeev Kumar [email protected] Bhasour Punjab 9316630411 Village Gog Sangrur Bhasour 459 Spr Gurdeep Singh [email protected] Rajindrapuri Punjab 8729096707 Village Gog Sangrur Rajindrapuri 460 H/ Capt Gulab Singh [email protected] Toorbanjara Punjab 9465434287 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Toorbanjara 461 Hav Amarjit Singh [email protected] Janal Punjab 9417969410 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Janal 462 Rect Jagsir Singh [email protected] Khanal Kalan Punjab 9815227354 Tehsil Deo Sangrur Khanal Kalan 463 Hav Gurjant Singh [email protected] Ladbanjara Kalan Punjab 9478169054 Village Gog Sangrur Ladbanjara Kalan 464 Sep Dalel Singh [email protected] Dhandial Punjab 8437242144 Village Gog Sangrur Dhandial 465 Nk Swaran Singh [email protected] Kaimper Diwangarh Punjab 8872303551 Village Gog Sangrur Kaimper Diwangarh 466 Sub Maj Gurjant Singh [email protected] Ramgarh Sandhuan Punjab 8295361950 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Ramgarh Sandhuan 467 Hav Balwinder Singh [email protected] Bhutal Kalan Punjab 8437745454 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Bhutal Kalan 468 Hav Subash Chand [email protected] Lehra Punjab 9915125215 Teshil Deo Sangrur Lehra 469 Nk Gurpal Singh [email protected] Bhutal Kalan Punjab 8728015221 Village Gog Sangrur Bhutal Kalan 470 Nk Hans Raj [email protected] Ladal Punjab 9599394161 Village Gog Sangrur Ladal 471 Macpome Harjinder Singh [email protected] Rampura Jawaharwala Punjab 9966647894 Village Gog Sangrur Rampura Jawaharwala

472 H/Capt Narinder Singh [email protected] Malerkotla Punjab 9855046172 Tehsil Supervisor Sangrur Malerkotla 473 Sub Malkit Singh [email protected] Sekhupur Kalan Punjab 9478025221 Tehsil Supervisor Sangrur Sekhupur Kalan 474 Hav Narinder Singh [email protected] Langrian Punjab 9501536016 Tehsil Deo Sangrur Langrian 475 Sub Manjit Singh [email protected] Hathoa Punjab 9646023467 Village Gog Sangrur Hathoa 476 Hav Gurpreet Singh [email protected] Sarwarpur Punjab 8437720881 Village Gog Sangrur Sarwarpur 477 Sub Swaran Singh [email protected] Himtana Punjab 9815369383 Village Gog Sangrur Himtana 478 H/Capt Nazar Singh Salemgarh Punjab 7589018125 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Salemgarh 479 N/Sub Roop Singh [email protected] Dehla Punjab 6280730067 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Dehla 480 Hav Yadwinder Singh [email protected] Dudian Punjab 9915528938 Teshil Hq Deo Sangrur Dudian 481 Hav Major Singh [email protected] Makror sahib Punjab 6239030411 Village Gog Sangrur Makror sahib Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

482 Nk Darshan Singh [email protected] Nawan Gaon Punjab 9888535072 Village Gog Sangrur Nawan Gaon 483 Hav Buta Singh [email protected] Bhunder Bhaini Punjab 9465242275 Village Gog Sangrur Bhunder Bhaini 484 Sub Gurdeep Singh [email protected] Sangrur Punjab 9463756266 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Sangrur 485 Sub Karamjit Singh [email protected] Balia Punjab 7073312333 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Balia 486 Ld Hardeep Singh [email protected] Sangrur Punjab 7986611562 Teshil Hq Deo Sangrur Sangrur 487 L/Nk Darshan Khan [email protected] Duggan Punjab 8427427370 Village Gog Sangrur Duggan m 488 Hav Jagraj Singh [email protected] Badrukhan Punjab 9464050510 Village Gog Sangrur Badrukhan 489 Hav Amritpal Singh [email protected] Bhammabaddi Punjab 9464428719 Village Gog Sangrur Bhammabaddi 490 H/Capt Ballam Singh [email protected] Khanal Khurd Punjab 9478934497 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Khanal Khurd 491 H/Lt Surinder Mohan [email protected] Sunam Punjab 8427346426 Teshil Supervisor Sangrur Sunam 492 Nk Jaspal Singh [email protected] Tolawal Punjab 7002650721 Teshil Hq Deo Sangrur Tolawal 493 Hav Kuldeep Kumar [email protected] Shahpur Kalan Punjab 9501502520 Village Gog Sangrur Shahpur Kalan 494 Ld Manjit Singh [email protected] Namol Punjab 7009931437 Village Gog Sangrur Namol 495 Hav Sukhjeet Singh [email protected] Rattangarh Pattianwali Punjab 9876714188 Village Gog Sangrur Rattangarh Pattianwali

496 Sub Surinder Pal SBS Nagar Punjab 9463708602 Distt Supvr SBS Nagar SBS Nagar 497 H/Capt Bikram Singh Balachaur Punjab 9530831552 Tehsil Supvr Tehsil Balachaur Balachaur 498 Sub Balbir Singh Nawanshahr Punjab 9988149659 Tehsil Supvr Tehsil Nawanshahr Nawanshahr 499 Sub Jaspal Singh Nawanshahr Punjab 9501359041 Tehsil Supvr Tehsil Nawanshahr Nawanshahr 500 H/Capt Ranjit Singh Banga Punjab 9988546700 Tehsil Supvr Tehsil Banga Banga 501 H/Capt Daulat Singh Banga Punjab 9915513280 Tehsil Supvr Tehsil Banga Banga 502 H/Lt Madan Sandhu Mutton (Balachaur) Punjab 6239514538 Vill Gog Tehsil Balachaur Mutton (Balachaur) 503 Hav Akshay Kumar Baguwal (Balachaur) Punjab 9417065771 Vill Gog Tehsil Balachaur Baguwal (Balachaur) 504 Nb Sub Gurinder Singh [email protected] Tehil Patti (Tarn Taran) Punjab 7696592173 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Tarn Taran Tehil Patti (Tarn Taran) 505 Hav Chhattarpal Singh [email protected] Tehil Patti (Tarn Taran) Punjab 9041969600 Tehsil Deo GOG Tarn Taran Tehil Patti (Tarn Taran) 506 H/Capt Partap Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 8146076090 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) (Tarn Taran) 507 H/Capt Hira Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 7087284695 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) (Tarn Taran) 508 Sub Hardip Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 8968332202 Village Gog GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) Vill- (Tarn Taran) Vill- Chohla Sahib Chohla Sahib 509 Sub Kulwant Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 9463201241 Village Gog GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) Vill- (Tarn Taran) Vill- Gharka Gharka 510 Sub Sukhbir Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 9914386406 Village Gog GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) Vill-Dhun (Tarn Taran) Vill-Dhun Dhai wala Dhai wala Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

511 L/Nk Gurdev Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 8146640110 Village Gog GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) Vill- (Tarn Taran) Vill- Thathi Sohal Thathi Sohal 512 Hav Prabhjit Singh [email protected] Tehsil Tarn Taran Punjab 8283837784 Village Gog GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Tarn Taran (Tarn Taran) Vill- (Tarn Taran) Vill- Khehra Khehra 513 Nb Sub Balram Singh [email protected] Tehsil Bhikhiwind Punjab 7973692717 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Bhikhiwind (Tarn Taran) (Tarn Taran) 514 H/Capt Bikramjit Singh [email protected] Tehsil Khadur Sahib Punjab 7040222776 Tehsil Head GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Khadur Sahib (Tarn Taran) (Tarn Taran) 515 H/Lt Jasbir Singh [email protected] Tehsil Khadur Sahib Punjab 9888273512 Tehsil Supervisor GOG Tarn Taran Tehsil Khadur Sahib (Tarn Taran) (Tarn Taran) 516 Sub Maj (Hony Capt) Prem [email protected] Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9501603171 Supervisor GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh Singh head, Derabassi head, Derabassi 517 Sub Maj (Hony Lt) Makhan [email protected] Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9478966944 Supervisor GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh Singh head, Derabassi head, Derabassi 518 Sub Maj (Hony Capt) [email protected] Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9814852193 Supervisor GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh Sukhdarshan Singh head, Teh. KHarar head, Teh. KHarar

519 Sgt Bhagwant Singh Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9417571862 Supervisor GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh head, Teh. Mohali head, Teh. Mohali

520 Sub Mehar Singh Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9877216283 Gog GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh head, Teh. KHarar head, Teh. KHarar

521 Nk Hira Singh [email protected] Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 7889198597 Gog GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh head, Teh. Mohali head, Teh. Mohali

522 Hav Pawan Kumar Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9596664105 Gog GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh head, Teh. Mohali head, Teh. Mohali

523 Lnk Sanjeev Kumar Office of the GOG, Teh Punjab 9217024548 Gog GOG , SAS NAGAR Office of the GOG, Teh head, Derabassi head, Derabassi 524 Sub Maj & Hony Lt Kulwant [email protected] Bathinda Punjab 9915334899 Distt Supvr Bathinda Bathinda Singh 525 Sub Nirmal Singh Bathinda Punjab 88180-25694 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Bathinda 526 Sub & Hony Capt Nachhattar Rampura Phul Punjab 98778-12910 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Rampura Phul Singh 527 Nb Sub Gursahab Singh Rampura Phul Punjab 94658-50170 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Rampura Phul 528 Sub & Hony Capt Jagraj Maur Punjab 90227-69500 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Maur Singh Sr. No. First Name Email ID City State Mobile No. Designation Department Place of Posting

529 Sub Baldev Singh Maur Punjab 62804-67892 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Maur 530 Sub & Hony Lt Sarabjit Singh [email protected] Talwandi Sabo Punjab 94177-55983 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Talwandi Sabo

531 Sub Balbir Singh [email protected] Talwandi Sabo Punjab 87280-54020 Tehsil Supvr Bathinda Talwandi Sabo 532 Ld Gurdeep Singh [email protected] Talwandi Sabo Punjab 9119254579 Deo Bathinda Talwandi Sabo 533 Sub Maj Baldev Singh [email protected] Bathinda Punjab 9463379922 Deo Bathinda Bathinda

Reading Material COVID-19: DO’S and DON’TS


 The first case of coronavirus took place on 1 December 2019 in Wuhan, China- a man who was 55 years old.

 In India was reported on 30 January 2020

 All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected

 In India, there have been 697,413 cases confirmed, 19,693 people have died and 424,433 people have recovered as on 7 July 2020

Are we following this ? Wearing Face Mask Wearing Face Masks : Don’t Removing face mask

Help Line Finally COVID 19: Mental Health Issues in Children -A psychological perspective

Presented by Namrata Sharma Counselling Psychologist Child Development

❖ Childhood, period of the human lifespan between infancy and adolescence, extending from years 1 or 2 to 12 or 13. ❖ Mental health in childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones, learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Periods of Childhood

1. Infancy and toddlerhood- from birth to 2 years This period brings dramatic changes in the body and brain.

2. Early childhood- from 2 to 6 years In this stage children become more self-controlled and self-sufficient. Language expands, sense of morality becomes evident and establishment of ties with peers.

3. Middle childhood- from 6 to 11 years Children learn about the wider world and new responsibilities. What happens during a disaster?

Estimates of prevalence of Trauma in world population is projected to be between 33% to 90%. In children its higher.

Even after more than a month of Triggering event people relieve the event via ❖ Intrusive memories ❖ Flashbacks ❖ Nightmares ❖ Avoidance of remembering trauma ❖ Intense Anxiety Stress in children

● Children suffer from stress even more than adults do, as they are exposed to new and confusing environments constantly. ● Their sense of self-worth is intimately tied to the expectations posed by the adults around them, such as parents and teachers, but can also be influenced by their peers. ● Good Stress (Eustress) vs Bad stress Types of Stress

Cumulative stress is the Burn-out is a severe state of Basic stress can be emotional and physical overcome by physical and most common type of exhaustion caused by psychological stress and occurs when adjustments. If we don’t, there is an accumulation of excessive and prolonged the stress symptoms will basic stress and we are no stress. remain or grow and can longer able to overcome the It is typically work related, when disrupt life in a harmful stress by physical and you feel overwhelmed and way. psychological adjustments. unable to meet demands Eg: Exam Stress Eg: Corona “depression at work” Traumatic stress

Critical incident stress results from exposure to a critical incident, like a natural disaster, an “Secondary traumatisation is a state of accident or violence. It tend to be sudden and exhaustion and dysfunction – disruptive, and often threatening disrupting both biologically, psychologically and socially sense of being in control and fundamental – as a result of prolonged exposure to perceptions of one’s environment as safe and traumatised persons.” predictable. Some emergency workers, who have This stress can begin immediately after the worked for an extended time with critical incident or may be delayed. It may start traumatised children and parents, may days, months or even years later. It is important to develop symptoms of traumatisation remember that the reactions of critical incident themselves. stress are normal reactions to abnormal events. Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on our lives

❖ Lack of Social Interaction

❖ Lack of Physical Activity

❖ Lack of Cognitive Stimulation

❖ Lack of external exposure Cont...

❖ Domestic Violence

❖ Familial Disputes

❖ Physical abuse

❖ Sexual abuse What we think affects how we act and feel

What feel affects What we do affects what we think and how we think and do feel Effects on Children

1. Emotional Outbursts

★ Anger outbursts: yelling, hitting, breaking objects around the house, not obeying, badmouthing and fighting ★ Sadness ★ Irritability ★ Crying spells ★ Fear of stepping out or interacting with others ★ Jealousy 2. Behavioural Changes

★ Staying separated from family; Socially withdrawn ★ Lack of sleep or excessive sleep ★ Lack of appetite or Increased appetite ★ Lethargic; Lack of energy ★ Clingy Cont...

★ Inattentive ★ Academic downfall ★ Loss of interest ★ Struggling to conduct simple activities ★ Physically weak or self-harm 3. Alterations in Cognitive Functioning

★ Memory deterioration ★ Academic downfall ★ Language (no new vocabulary) Verbal and non-verbal communication ★ Decrease in learning speed ★ Inability to solve complex problems ★ Decision making is affected Long term Psychological Issues faced by children

Anxiety in children

Outward signs of childhood anxiety ● Kids may have trouble sleeping or complain about stomach aches or other physical problems. ● They may become avoidant and clingy around parents or caregivers. ● They might also have trouble focusing or be very fidgety ● They may have explosive outbursts that make people think they are oppositional, when their fight-or-flight mechanism is triggered. ● Psychosomatic symptoms Depression in children

★ Just because a child seems sad doesn't necessarily mean he or she has significant depression. ★ If the sadness becomes persistent, or interferes with normal social activities, interests, schoolwork, or family life, it may indicate that he or she has a depressive illness. ★ The primary symptoms of depression revolve around sadness, a feeling of hopelessness, and mood changes. ★ Children may also begin using drugs or alcohol, especially if they are over age 12. Signs and symptoms of depression in children include:

● Irritability or anger ● Continuous feelings of sadness and hopelessness ● Social withdrawal ● Increased sensitivity to rejection ● Changes in appetite -- either increased or decreased ● Changes in sleep -- sleeplessness or excessive sleep ● Vocal outbursts or crying ● Difficulty concentrating ● Fatigue and low energy ● Physical complaints (such as stomachaches, headaches) that don't respond to treatment ● Reduced ability to function during events and activities at home or with friends, in school, extracurricular activities, and in other hobbies or interests ● Feelings of worthlessness or guilt ● Impaired thinking or concentration ● Thoughts of death or suicide How can we avoid these negative effects?

1. Be aware of your child’s needs emotional or physical 2. Give appropriate amount of attention 3. Spend quality time 4. Make interactions intellectual 5. Educate then about the current scenarios 6. Keep them updated 8. Provide them with adequate affection

9. Exposure to the outside world

10. Maintain a balanced family environment

11. Keep the friends connected

12. Limit passive activities such as screen time

13. Increase outdoor or physical activities

14. Maintain a Time-Table 15. Conduct activities such as:

★ Cooking ★ Daily chores ★ Extracurricular ★ Indoor games 16. Complex cognitive activities

17. Work on their reading skills to increase vocabulary and develop language

18. Control inappropriate behaviour by adults; Modelling

19. Celebrations are important

20. Stay Home Stay Safe

Basic Concept and Hazard Profile of India


To prepare participants with the basics of disaster management

60-90 Minutes

1.Interaction 2.Power Point Presentation 3.Exercise 1. Basic Terminologies

 Disaster  Mitigation  Hazard  Preparedness  Disaster Risk  Prevention  Vulnerability  Reconstruction  Exposure  Recovery  Capacity  Resilience  Disaster Damage  Response Hazard

A process, phenomenon or activity that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation. Hazards may be natural, anthropogenic or socio natural in origin. Disaster

A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society at any scale due to hazardous events interacting with conditions of exposure, vulnerability and capacity, leading to one or more of the following: human, material, economic and environmental losses and impacts. Disaster Risk

The potential loss of life or injury, or destroyed or damaged assets which could occur to a system, society or a community in a specific period of time, determined probabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and capacity. Vulnerability

The conditions determined by physical, socio- economic and environmental factors or processes which increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or systems to the impacts of hazards. Exposure

The situation of people, infrastructure, housing, production capacities and other tangible human assets located in hazard- prone areas. If a hazard occurs in an area of no exposure, then there is no risk. Capacity

Capacity refers to all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, organization or society to manage and reduce disaster risks and strengthen resilience.  Disaster damage occurs during and immediately after the disaster. This is usually measured in physical units (e.g., square meters of housing, kilometres of roads, etc.), and describes the total or partial destruction of physical assets, the disruption of basic services and damages to sources of livelihood in the affected area.

 Disaster Risk Management: The organization, planning and application of measures preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters.

H x V x E R = C Prevention

Activities and measures to avoid existing and new disaster risks. While certain disaster risks cannot be eliminated, prevention aims at reducing vulnerability and exposure in such contexts where, as a result, the risk of disaster is removed. Examples include dams or embankments that eliminate flood risks Mitigation

The lessening or minimizing of the adverse impacts of a hazardous event. Mitigation measures include engineering techniques and hazard- resistant construction as well as improved environmental and social policies and public awareness. Preparedness

The knowledge and capacities developed by governments, response & recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current disasters.

Response & Rehabilitation

 Response: Actions taken directly before, during or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce health impacts, ensure public safety and meet the basic subsistence needs of the people affected.

 Rehabilitation: The restoration of basic services and facilities for the functioning of a community or a society affected by a disaster. Recovery

The restoring or improving of livelihoods and health, as well as economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets, systems and activities, of a disaster-affected community or society, aligning with the principles of sustainable development and “build back better”, to avoid or reduce future disaster risk. Reconstruction

The medium and long-term rebuilding and sustainable restoration of resilient critical infrastructures, services, housing, facilities and livelihoods required for full functioning of a community or a society affected by a disaster, aligning with the principles of sustainable development and “build back better”, to avoid or reduce future disaster risk. Resilience

Refers to the ability of individuals, communities and systems to be ‘resistant’ to shocks and stresses brought about by natural hazards and ‘bounce back better’ or ‘bounce forward’. THANK YOU