NEWS from: THE AMERICAN LEGION 280 INDIANAPOLIS 6, INDIANA P. O. BOX 1055 • ME 5-8411 National Headquarters AMERICAN LEGION NEWS SERVICE (ALNS) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9-7-62 LEGION NEWS IN A NUT SHELL National Commander Charles L. Bacon of The American Legion has announced that Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy has accepted his invitation to he the guest of honor and to address the National Commander's dinner during the Legion's M+th National Con- vention in Las Vegas, Nev., Oct. 5-11. An audience of more than 1,000 is expected to attend the affair, scheduled for Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Flamingo Hotel. The Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Post 299, St. Louis, Mo., has defeated a spunky team sponsored by the Kau-Tom Post 11, Honolulu, Hawaii, to become the 1962 national champions of American Legion Baseball. The llrth annual breakfast of the National Association of American Legion De- partment Historians will be Monday, Oct. 8, at 7:30 a.m., in the Terrace Room of the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, Nev., during the Legion's I962 National Convention there. The annual election of officers will be at that time. Many Sons of The American Legion and junior members of the American Legion Auxiliary, along with thousands of other teenagers, did a grown-up job this summer as volunteers at the Veterans Administration's 169 hospitals across the nation. The American Legion's Patriotic Memorial Program will be at the Las Vegas High School Auditorium, Sunday, Oct. 7, during The American Legion's 1962 National Convention in Las Vegas, Nev.
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