Crossrail: Tottenham Court Road Station (Eastern Ticket Hall)
Crossrail: Tottenham Court Road Station (Eastern Ticket Hall): • 1-23 Oxford Street, 1-6 Falconberg Court, and 157- 165 Charing Cross Road, including the Astoria Theatre – the Astoria site, and • 135-155 Charing Cross Road, and 12 Sutton Row - the Goslett Yard site Revised Draft Planning Brief July 2009 th 1200814 July Committee To for Adoption Date: Status: 1 Document title: Revised Draft Planning Brief, Crossrail: Tottenham Court Road Station (Eastern Ticket Hall): • 1-23, Oxford Street, 1-6, Falconberg Court, and 157-165, Charing Cross Road, including the Astoria Theatre – the Astoria site, and • 135-155, Charing Cross Road and 12, Sutton Row - the Goslett Yard site. Version: To Committee for Adoption Draft for Public Consultation Date: 1 July 200814 th July 2009 Status: Public ConsultationFor Adoption Produced by: City of Westminster, Planning & City Development, City Planning Group, City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP Contact: David ParkerHilary Skinner E-mail: hskinnerdparker ( 020 7641 79222531 Fax: 020 7641 3050 2 Contents Executive Summary 5 1 Introduction 7 The Brief Area 7 Purpose of the Brief 9 2 Background 11 Site and surroundings 11 Planning history 12 1-23 Oxford Street and 157-165 Charing Cross Road 12 135-155 Charing Cross Road and 12 Sutton Row 12 Crossrail Line 1 13 Timing 13 Safeguarding 13 3 Planning Policy Context 15 London Plan – Area for Intensification (AfI) / Opportunity Area 15 4 LUL Station Upgrade Schemes 19 Key elements of the joint scheme: 19 Demolition and Oversite Development
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