For All Departments Call RED BANK.REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 9 EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27,1953 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. 'Uncle AP Ivins Registration Local Police Reserves Who Directed Traffic Sea Bright Boro Council Opposes Celebrates His Schedule Set Red Bank senior high school pu- Proposed Increase in Gas Rates pils in grades nine through 12 who 85th Birthday are not already registered may do SEA BRIGHT — This borough' so at the guidance office in the high Fair Haven Schools went on record Tuesday night as Spending the Day school building between Sept. 1 and being opposed to the rate increasa Sept, 3 from 9 a.,m, to 3 p." m., and To Open Sept. 9 being sought by the >moved ^6" Wiiiaa'pWa','Pa^ James C. Auchincloss and Charlu Mrs. Percy Sherman oT'Wobdbine blvd. Want Track Dates Changed shooters from all over the nation. Features of the house include a examinations or testst . TThe charge Way back, on July «, 1895 at Hol- ' 'Dr.* Joseph Scarpelilni *.nd fam- R. Howell and the candidates for ave., Little Silver, was graduated will bo $9 a course for full semes- ily, newly arrived from Perth Am- 36-foot living room with oak plank governor, Paul L. Troaat and Rob-last week from New York univer- A dentist, Dr. Ahern has been In other business, the council, lywood, which is now a part of the flbors, random width and pegged commissioned an Army major. The ter, and the only extra charges will on motion of Mayor George A. city of Long Branch, he won the boy, have leased for a two-year ert B. Meyncr; The new national sity with a Bachelor of Science de- be in the craft courses. Mr. Brown- Krauss, voted (o write the New period the property of Dr. Jesse and a stone fireplace. The land- commander of the Legion, to be- gree and has become associated Lions club presented him with a Hollywood futurity, in which he scaped plot has shade trees. There leather shaving kit. Special guests ing urged early registration as en- Jersey State Racing commission tied for first place and in the de- Greenberg, situated on Maple ave., elected at St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 3, with his- parents in the operation rollment in some courses is limited. asking that the dates for the rac- which he recently acquired from the are river rights in the deed to the of Sherman's, Inc., 45 Broad St., included his father, three members ciding match of five live birds he also will address the Legionnaires. of tho Union Beach club and Sam- ing season at Atlantic City be New Brunswick district of the Fourth creek of th«. Navesink river. Red Bank. transferred to the Monmouth Park made a perfect ecore. On. Sept. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Yanko, after redec- uel Sllbcrblatt of the Highlands of the same'year with a,25 straight Methodist church. Or. Scarpelilni .With some 95,000 members in the track and that Atlantic City he is making alterations necessary for orating, expect to occupy their new state Legion and its auxiliary, this Lions plub. John M. Piilsbury, Minstrels Seek given the present Monmouth Park performance, he won the coveted home about,.Sept.'1. assistant prosecutor nnd borough Phil Daly trophy. He still has this the practice of medicine. year's combined conventions of the season, Another sale by Mr. Downs is two organizations is expected to attorney here, offered the club's among his many trophies. Phil Capt. and Mrs. Whitehead and best wishes to Dr. Ahern. Mayor Krauss said that such ac- Daly of Long Branch put up an- the Paul L. Burkhardt home at 182 be the largest in history. Nearly Girl Performers tion would extend the shore re- family have leased the dwelling at Rivervlew ave., Little Silver, to 3,500 delegates will represent ,445 Tho club has pledged the sale of other cup for a 15-bird match, Mr. 67 Alameda ct., Shrewsbury. Capt. LEONARDO—"We're looking for sort season. He said that if the Daly stating before the event .that Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jepson of Now Legion posts and 395 auxiliary 200 tickets to the pilgrlmagc-picnlc racing meeting dates were trans- Whltehead- is connected with the York city. Mr, Jepson is affiliated units at the convention. to be held Sunday afternoon at girl tap dancers, singers and other should he win, the cup-would go Signal school at Fort Monmouth. soloists and for other girls for our posed, Monmouth Park would be to the one having the sdcond high- with Webb ft Knapp, real estate Business sessions of the Legion Camp Happiness, the summer home singing chorus. We've got lots of open In August and would be in brokers in New York city. will be held in Convention hall, of the New Jersey Blind Men's as- operation Into October, thereby est score. Tht event .'took place sociation, on Burlington ave., Leo-mate talent, but we'd sure welcome Aug. 2, 1898, and Mr. Daly won hi« Red Cross Seeks The house is located on an ex- with State Commander William C, girls to audition for our show." keeping many people in this area own cup. According to.the.donor's tensively landscaped plot nnd con-Doyle of Burlington, presiding. nardo. Three ticket-soiling teams So declared Bob Potter of Clifton, who normally leave shortly after statement, he turned the cup over. Aid for Greece tains a tile kitchen, living room Auxiliary President Mrs. Charles will be the guests of members of president of the New Jersey Blind Labor day. He said that the sum- to the second best score, in which with fireplace, two bedrooms and Nelson of Salem will direct the the team selling the smallest num- Men's association and director of mer shore business could be aug- Mr. Ivins had tied with the late Ed SHREWSBURY — The response tile bath and an attached garage. meetings of the women's organiza- ber of tickets to the affair. Ten the 24th annual entertainment and mented if there was a luro to at- Worthley. in the ehootoff at IB to the first appeal made by the Mr. and Mrs. Jopson plan to move tion in the Paramount theater. The district clubs also arc selling tickets danco to be held for the benefit tract people after Labor day. He birds, (Mr. Ivins had a perfect Monmouth County Red Cross chap- into their new home Sept. 3. Legion's famous 40-8 Society will to the picnic, sponsored by the club of Camp Happiness, the associa- added that he doubted if the score. ter on behalf of the victims of the Mr. Downs has sold the Elwood also assemble In Asbury Park for here and the Highlands, Fair Hav- change would make any difference earthquake in Greece has been so en and Mlddlctown township clubs. tion's summer rehabilitation center to officials of Atlantio City. In past years, practically al! of Bennett lot on the north side of Its annual promenade to be held on Burlington ave. here. The per- disappointing that the chapter Is Silvcrbrook rd., Shrewsbury, to Mr. In the Ambassador hotel, with A special guest at the dinner was Councilman Nells Jacohscn urged the sportsman clubs and tod and now issuing a second appeal. More 3gt. Eugene H. O'Rourlie of tho formance will h« given at 8:15 sun clubs of the state have honored and Mrs. George W. Cook of 34 Grand Chef de Gate Edward A. p. m. Friday, Sept. 4, at the Leon- the council to request the Jersey than 100,000 persons are homeless, South MUnn ave., East Orange, The Dolllngcr, Sr., of Cape May, pre- Air Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eu- Central Power and Light company "Uncle Al" by having an "Al Ivins 1,000 dead and 4,500 seriously in- gene J. O'Rourke of East High- ardo field club auditorium, Ridge- day" and up to within a few years, terraced plot Is 75X150. Mr. and siding. Mrs. Alfred Goltz of Clif- wood and Monmouth aves. to install street lights here like jured. Mrs. Cook expect to build a new ton, Chapeau Departmental of the land ave. Sgt. O'Rourke returned those now in use in Red Bank. he was always present on this day last week from Goose Bay, Labra- A graduate of the Westminster set aside in his honor. Hla high Spyros Skouras, president of the home early this fall. 8-40 (Women), will conduct the choir school at Princeton universi- He said that Sea Bright'! street Greek War Relief association, has meetings of her group at the Hotel dor, after a year's service as a lights In tho business district are scores in the many events in which radar operator with the 54th Air ty, Bob has appeared with the he took part with the best of them sent the following message to the Columbia. C. Harold Saidt, conven- choir under Toscanlnt's direction now outmoded. The council agreed Red Cross: "Am overwhelmed with tion director, reports exceptionally Rescue squadron. to write the utility company re- showed that he possessed keen eye- Road Contract Howard Sherman in concerts at Carnegie Hall. This sight both at live and clay pigeons gratitude that American Red Cross heavy advanced requests for hotel Mr. Plllsbury will be host to tho week, he sent out an urgent call questing that new street lights be making nation-wide appeal for reservations and registrations. club next Monday at his homo on Installed. Cauncil members said until cataracts caused him to retire Mr. Sherman received his early for girls to take part In this year's they understood that the lights are from his favorite sport. . Ionian earthquake sufferers through Let at Fair Haven Numerous resolutions having to education at the Red Bank public Nutswamp rd., Middletown town- minstrels. He said rehearsals will American Red Cross chapters. Most ship. Installed at no cost to the munici- He has undergone aevera! opera- PAIR HAVEN — Council Monday do with benefits and the general schools and entered the Bordentown be held tomorrow, Saturday and pality, although, of course, the ex- tions and fears that advanced age deeply grateful to Red Cross for welfare of veterans and their de- Sunday night, and talented girls your generous, magnificent under- night awarded a contract for the Military institute, from which he pense of their operation is greater. Is somewhat against recovering his bituminous treatment of several pendents will be presented to the was graduated In 1950, He further arc welcome to try out for featured sight fully. However, there Is a taking on behalf tragic victims this convention, Legionnaires will hear Tax Appeal Hearings roles. awful catastrophe. Personally and roads in the borough to Michael attended the Babson institute at High Hedge* possibility that ho might he able to J, Stavola of Red Bank, who nub-Joseph F. O'Hci'n, manager of the Willesley, Maaa., before entering To Start Wednesday Bob'n spending his two weeks at Fourteen residents of Osborn pi. regain partial sight, which, would a* chairman of board Greek War state V. A. regional office; Dr. Al- tho camp hard at work on the relief assure you and other organi- mlttcd a low bid of .$4,868. Only N. Y. U. petitioned the council to have high, permit him to again take up his other bidder was Fred McDowell, fred Upshur, manager of the V. A, FREEHOLD — The county tax show, He was assistant director hedges on that street cut down. trusty gun. zations working for relief of hospital at'East Orange, and Dr. Elsewhere in today's issue of The board will begin hearings on 290 lost year and Interlocutor for the stricken Greek people our fullest who bid $4,997, Roglstijr there Is an announcement They said that the hedges, which, The Register joins with Mr. Ivins' By resolution, council went on Crawford' N. Baganz, manager of tax appeals here Wednesday. The minstrels. Recording secretary ot are more than ten feet high, con- co-operation to achieve maximum the V. A. hospital at Lyons, report by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berger of greatest number, 48, deals with the association last year, he also many frlenda In wishing him the contribution as deaths, injuries, record opposing tho ratc'increase Little Silver of the engagement of stitute a safety hazard for motor- compliments of this day and that being sought by the New Jersey on the handling of veterans' bene- Highlands property. was camp director. ists nnd for children who are un- property damage even greater than Jllts and the care of sick and dis- their daughter, Miss Barbara Joyce ho may live to see many moro reported," • ' Natural Gas company- on-iho- Berger, to Mr, Sherman, Included arc live "discrimination" Coorgo "Babe" Burck, who last able to see oncoming cars while birthdays, grounds, the rates haven't been abled veterans of the World Wars appeals in Keansburg filed by Felix year received salutations for his "25they are at play. The council voted equalized.1 Russell Palumbo of Park and the Korean conflict. J, Brcnnan, former mayor, who yours of unselfish devotion to fos- to wrlto tho property owners in- ave, told council some surround- Raymond G. Clyons of Hoboken, Zion Church Starts contends them Is lnequlttibln assess- tering tho spirit of Independence volved asking them to comply with Fatherhood, Alone, No Longer Basis ing communltlca arc paying for gas a teacher In Hoboken high ments In that borough, The only among tho blind of Now Jersey," tho petitioners' request. under tho old County Gas company school and a Llevldft,. Colonel In the Renovation Drive municipalities In tho county not and Albert Aloxy of Newark will An ordinance was adopted on fi- rates while residents of Fair Haven Army Roserve Corps, is the lead- having appoula ai'n Shrewsbury bo this year's end' men, LnBellc nal rending, with no comment from For Deferment, State Director Says arc paying now and higher rates. ing candidate to succeed 'William A $10,000 renovation drive was township, Occanport, Holm del Miirthit, daughter of Councilman the public, authorizing payment of Council named William R. Blair, C, Doyle as State Legion Com- launched last week by members of township, Rnritan township, Inter- and Mrs. Harry B. Murtha of At- $-U9»J2 to tho borough engineer TRENTON—Col. D. A, Mac- deferred on dependency ground and Jr., borough attorney, to represent mander, A World War II veteran, tho Zion Methodist church of Red lakcn, Manawiuan, Sea dirt, South lantic Highlands, also will be a for engineering expenses in connec- Giath, state director of selective, on July 1. 1953, there were 20,131 the borough at a public hearing on Mr. Clyons has a distinguished Bank. Tho pastor, Rov. Charles E, Bclmar and Spring Lake Heights. featured performer. tion with tho rebuilding of ihe Tuesday Called attention to the fact In this category. the gas company's application for oversea* combat record and has Bourne, pointed out that the Oral Jotty on the north end of lhe> that fatherhood, as such, will no Registrant* who filed rvldonca of an Increase Monday before Public been very active In the Legion phase of the drive will close Nov. municipal beach. Tho work was longer bo ground for deferment, fatherhood before Tuesday's doad- Utility Commission at Newark, since 1945, He la a past state vice 1, and the entire drive will be con-MCOSS Pet Show at Brookdulc Farm done and paid for by the state, Tho President's oxooutlvo order lino must maintain a bonafldo fam- Tho resignation of Julian Tuxlk commander and Is presently serving cluded In November, 1954, but the borough Is obligated tn of July 11. provided that men do ily relationship with their children aj a member of the board of health as state membership chairman, Frank E. Sidney Is chairman, pny for the engineering expenses In their homes to be eligible for Benjamin Parker, a trustee and Involved, ferrod aa fathers before Tuesday was accepted, Councilman Russell Bugle Corp* ConUcU Sept. 12 to Have Many Classes Will continue to bo dofcrrod, but be- continued deferment, Failure to H, Mlnton, prenldlng In the absence Reginald Pulley, treaauror, Others Councilman Kenneth Andonon ginning Tumidity rogluLiunta not maintain this family relationship of Mayor Edgar V. Denlte, ex- Following field eontesti among working ai group loaders are Ellen reported that receipts at the mu- now doforred as fathers cannot use removei the catue for continued plained Mr, Tutlk had to resign aa numerous craok New Jersey drum Battle( Indiana Barnes, Jamie Every ohlld In wonmoulh county prettied kitten and moat comical nicipal beach thus far thli season fatherhood us a basis for attaining deferment, he said, tlio result of hla recent appoint- and bugle corps In the morning, a Cagle, Carrie Carbln, Ena Dean, under IS who has a pet la eligible cat, total »H,0M,D7, with aevernl weeks street parade will move through Children's group with anlmali, deferment unloss tljpy can show Although men who became fath- ment by the hoard as (ilumblng In- Mary Ella Hicks, Thelma Jackson to participate In the pot show of of the aonium yet to go. Last year, that tholt- Induction would roault ers before Tuesday's deadline will spector. The law, said Mi'. Mlnton, Asbury Park Saturday afternoon, and Quintella Nichols, consisting of three to five children, he added, the total for tho ontlre in extreme hardship and privation contlnuo to bo doforred, this dona Sept, 12, it It expected that some tho Monmouth County OiRnnlzatlon will be Judged .on originality and nonaoii waa a little ovor 112,000, prohibits a poison from holding pi'onentntlon and car/ Include or- to their dependents, not constitute a pormanont clnnl> both positions at tho same lime. ,10 mualcul organltatloni will par- DcBi'own Elected for Social Sorvlco Saturday, Sept, Councilman Charles ICIIcnbergoT (loatlon. Those men havo had thole ticipate In tho parade, headed by ganizations, family, school clasa and Thorrmj Kartell wore abacnt, In the punt, tho colonel said, some M, Floyd Smith, borouRh cleric, 12, at Mrs, Lowla 8. Thoni|ison'a nmtca, otc. Animal (nmlly In ap- of tho tompdrarlly (Inferred regis- ago of liability cxtondod from ago road tho July rapo.l of VI. Lynn* the army band of Fart Monmouth, AV Croup Director 20 ' to 39, and they could, by a, Marine until from Karle ammuni- Brookdale, fnrm ill Uncroft. propriate netting and child and trants Acquli'od dependants during wood. Mlnton, building Inupcctor, family In fiimlllni' story thenta are the period of tholt' temporary de- change In regulation!, he made tion depot and bluoJackeU from PLAZA •- Warren Da- The show In the morning Is com- DeOcniiaro's List* available for Induction In event ahowlnjr permits for building to- the costume CUIJC/I planned. In ferment and thus pained a virtual taling $33,070 hnd been laaued dur- [

•) Vable, In case the person whobuys the house falls to make his pay- ments? Back from Keansburg Ladies' Apparel A—Generally, you should see to It After 13-State Alarm ;, that.the Gl'loan la repaid In full at the.time of the sale. In that MATAWAN-George Nicol, 10, of way, you will be released from all S3 Atlantio ave., and Domtnlek 12 PLAGE RED BANK Namoli, 11, of 10* Atlantic ave., personal liability. Consult your objectt of a lS-state aliasing pet- lender or. your V.A, office for full eons alarm after their disappear* details. ance four daya before, returned Q—I am receiving; a V.A. dlsabil here last Thursday afternoon— Ity pension. I have just sold my from Keansburg, house, but at a price less than what They left home with 96 and re- MEMBER I paid for it. Must I figure trie turned when it 'waa tpent, the proceeds as income for pension youngster* told" Mr*. L. A. Slllaen. purposes? Dominic* it her ward. The pair A—No. So long as the house was watched fishermen, went swimming, • Tnpb POST and RAIL FENCING sold at leas than the purchase price, ate hot dogt and lee cream and One et the) moel popular... no part of the proceeds of the sale slept in a building near the Belve- • MtfCejiH • Rltiej 1 moat handsome fence* avail- $ 7 need be considered as income. dere pool, they reported. able. All posts are eremotcd Q—I'm drawing compensation for • Hmd RtjK t feet from bottom and eta- Ft Seek a service-connected disability I re- pled with 8 clamp on top 3 ,? ceived In Korea. I was on active Middletown BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT to assure longer life. S rails A poet duty for twp years. Am I auto- The Needlework Guild will meet matically entitled to vocational re- Tuesday at Leeds hall. hat£ltatlon training at government The Community Nursery school PORTABLE^ TOOLS expense? will open Monday,' Sept. If at LEE LUGGAGE A—Not necessarily. One re- Leeds hall. GENUINE VERMONT FLAGSTONE quirement of the law Is that you Mr, and Mrs, Walter Addieon and 125 BROAD ST. RED/BANK Handsome far walk er tor- must need the training to overcome Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Matthews of S DOORS FROM STEINBACHS the handicap of your disability. Maryland were among the guests race this genuine Vermont at the wedding of their niece, Su- Barring eontee In a variety san Matthews, Saturday In Christ of glowing colon, Place, New Monmouth Episcopal church. your order now. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rauch and Mist Mary McManua U spending daughter Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. a week In New Hampshire with Walter Burkhart of Port Mon- Rev. Andrew VanDyke and family mouth tpent Wednesday of last who have been vacationing there MEMBER week In Atlantic City. this month. Alex Craig, Jr., son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Brown Mrs, Alex Craig, celebrated his left Tuesday for Charleston, III., GENUAL PRODUCE AND tenth birthday at a family party where Mrs. Brown haa accepted rAUM SUPPLIES Unequalled Value • •. Aug. 23. a position In the school system. McCORMlCK-DEERINC Mrs. Roy Doran will be hostess FARM MACHINES AND IMPLEMENT* Mrs. James MacMurray and chil- Oral*, FM4, Hay PMIw PITTSBURGH at the first Parent-Teacher associa- dren Linda, Jane and Tommy tpent tion meeting of the fall season of Straw, Sorts, lime r.rtlllitro Unmatched Price! yesterday with Mrs. MacMurray'a Pralt PacktisM Port Monmouth school Sept. 1. sister, Mrs. R. S. Wood, and moth- SatJw •*• §utm'l Mr., and Mrs. Walter VanNort- er, Mrs. C. S. Beckwlth. SUN-PROOF wlck and family and Miss Carol Mr. and Mrt. Stanley McQueen •r fftcWff ff-ft'i SKIL 6' SAW Krynlckl of Port Monmouth spent and children of Virginia were vis- last' Thursday In Atlantic City, iting frlendt in the village last BAIRD, DAVIDSON CO., Inc. week. HOUSE MINT New Pimburgh Sun-Proof, Fume-Re- About 17 per cent of "Great Salt 17A WIST MONT ST; RID IANK liitant House Paint itsndi up in all Mod.. $A*%.95 Lake is salt, compared to three and "Eight out of tin nidtrs consult Tht wtsihel, in my climate!. No rostttr one-half per cent of tho ocean, HitUttr CTMilAfd Adi."—Ad»«rtlnmiilt. where you live, ii'i the perfect nnlih for your houic. Sun-Pf oor Houit Paint 43 has greater hiding qualillw and will not check, flake or peel. Iti tctted dun* You just can't match this saw at 'any price. It fcilirjr assures positive protection... in has all the feature* of saws costing many times Member new formula itiliti all discoloration, more ., . powerful universal motor, hlgh-atrenjrih Self-cleaning, too—lurfsce toot and aluminum alloy housing, automatic telescoping MEMBER •IJM an washed off with each rain. 1 imbiugh SUN-PROOF Home Pslnt blade guard, safety trigger switch, selMubrlcat- I'Jtyt white! Ing bearings, built-in bevel and depth of cut ad- TELEVISION CexTMt Cltriin for justments. Cuts V dressed lumber, stone, plas- tics or compositions ssffly arid quickly! See It Terti • TteMlam mi TMM today . , . It'a SKIL'S home shop spe«UI. APPLIANCES Genuine Oil-Base Williamsburg Colors LITTLE SILVER LUMBER WIGGIES It the HAROLDS PITTSBURGH, EXACT mitcKei «f color* KIDDIE CENTER 1 med in the restoration of EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR RADIO 4 ILICTilC SHOP Colonial Williamsburg are 16 FRONT ST. HED BANK 6-2744 70 IIOAD ST. RID IANK HISTORIC now reproductd in Pitta- In Hili are* *f fwnMit hurgh Historic Wall Paint WAIUPAINT (or you Co enjoy in your modern home. Iwelre SKIL TOOLS color*. MEMBER MEMBER

Misses' and WomeiiY WALLPAP1R DKORATORS1 SUff UIS DRESSES LITTLE SILVER LUMBER Whe4eM4e ' -AND SUPPLY CO.— i SYCAMOIIK AVK, «/ H,v. Ktiilroad LI'ITU'I SII.VKK VOGUE DRESS SHOP D. & H. PAINT COMPANY J'HKK MKLIVKUV - HKI) BANK 6..H27 32 WHITE ST, (Next to Sieri) , RED IANK 4 WEST FRONT BT, (Foot of Broad Hi.) AKI) BANK RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953 -Charge Stores Convenient Easy-Charge Stores MEMBER OVER MEMBER Men's oneJ Boys' O«tfVttor The Home of Fine Jewelry Sirica 1924 * 200 for Over 70 Yeori. ' zr JVILBUR'S RED BANK 8MQWST JEWELERS RED BANK" 19 BROAD ST. MERCHANTS M E M>B E R In Monmouth County Are Members Of The MEMBER SffOES EASY CHARGE Plan. Many New Ones Are Rod Bonk's For Men, Women &. Children Oldest Department Store Since 1894" Joining Daily To Increase The Scope Of Your Headquarter* for Official Boy * Girl Scoot Shoos Convenience And Shopping Pleasure. The FOOTCRAFT SHOES Cost To You, Nothing. 86 BROAD ST. RED BANK RED BANK. N. J. HERE ARE YOUR EASY CHARGE MEMBER MEMBER STORES IN RED BANK The Home of Fine Furniture MEN'S CLOTHING AHIV MEN'S SH0»> RtUII Man'a ClaUtlac Lit 1U00A0I, INC. *OMM tmm Wamaa'a Wnr Javanlla Furnftiira ANDIMON'S MUIIC . Mull Flaar Cavtrlng ATLANTIC OLAM CO. AMU, Furnltur*. Plato, Mlrrar Olata Faraltara, D.carat.r. •AIRO-DAVKOM CO., INC. Htrtlcaltara Iiiaallti ENMOT^DI.TO. Lumber BITTIII NOUtEKEEPINO SMOa AapHaaaaa MORRIS BECKS* «, SON Harawan. Palnl T. F. OUMSDELL, INC. - NAT'S KWELIRS Jaw.lry •01 * BETTY »M0r> ChlMraa'a NICCHI SEWINO CIRCLE •awlaa; Machlflta an« luppll.a CAROLINA COTTONS, INC. V/amaa'a Aapir.l Ra4l«, TV, Plant, •aeara'a Red Bank CHARM FASHION STORCS, INC Wamaa'a Aaparal Otpl. Sltra CHICKS* STORM Aala, Sparta EaulamiRl CO., INC. Ff.i.n Faarfa CHINA CLASS SHOP Alt Skap Tlrai ana Tuhat IRWIN'S XI MONMOVTH ST. CLAYTON S> MAOII MM'. CI.Milai ChlMraR'a Wtar RED BAJTR COLORTONI PAINT • OODV CO. . PalM aa* Baa> faaaty .«ScR?.Fu.Ni?SR« Farnllur. D. * H. MINT CO. •alula SATTIR LUMSIR CO. Lamfcar JOHN DANIEL'S MIN'S SHOP Man's W*ar (ILDIN'S JEWELRY Jaw.lry 01OINNARO R.UII WaataR'a Oaltal tiara SHIRMAN'S. INC. latarlar Dacaratar WILHILMINA DOMINI K»aa> Maia •«< Caatam Oawaa . STRAUSS STORES tparla ILLII OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Varrvlsfl 9HpVflv9 STRAUS CO. Dapt Slara MEMBER FOOTCRAFT SNOIS ' THI SURPRISE STORK ClattlRr FRISO'S. INC. , V/amaa'a Apparal, Fiira TOWN « COUNTRY IHOP Wamm'a Apparal MEMBER FUR SALON r-arrlar TUlTINO PIANO CO. Radla, TV, Plan.., Raatrtfa HAQIRMAN LUMIIR CO. TNI VOOUE i WantM'a Apptral MMOLD'S RADIO * ILICTMC SHOP Baaia •*« tlaatrlaal Suppllaa PHIL WALDMAN'I OULF SERVICE S.rvlc. SUtl.n * Dresses • Uniforms Household Furnishings HUSH'S OF RID BANK, INC. MM'I Wnr WIOOIB'S Infanta* Waar IRWIN'S FINC FURNITURE Faralaara Oaalar , Faaal * Blouses * Skirls JANDON'S T.V. Rifla aaa Talatlalaa ' J.w.ltr Ladies' Apparel . HLARIN'S Mini Saalar • Far. HIILIN'S Dipt. Star* ' CMUr.R't Waar * Sweaters AND AIL THESE OTHER MONMOUTH COUNTY STORES HAVE EASY CHARGE FOR YOU * Maternity Dresses ASBURY PAKK MIIHOLD CAROLINA DRESSES ASRAMS APPAREL i . Wam.a'a Waar SHERMAN'S . 5. , v iawalrr AL'S BODTEBT • - .1 <..V> --••• ' ASHAl.TS JEWELERS J.w.lrr ART'S HOBBY * PHOTO OINTIV ••man n I Hakkr la.alpm.Rt ANSELL'S JKWKLBV t. B. BALLEW JEWELERS 7 MONMOUTH- ST. RID BANK 4S BROAD ST. RED BANK ASBURV PARK BUO CO. RUM, Carpe'.t, nik,, lla., alaa. Tllaa Jawalry BERNARD'S Wamw't, MIllM' * CklMraa'a AtOUBV TOOTM CEN7C i Cklltfraa'a Waar CAMEO SHOP Wamaa'a Waar 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily Friday till 9 p. „,. BANKERS FURNITURE Farallur. EITATE SUPPLY CO. •IMtaf aaf Plamklac tappllaa OS BOSK'S WMM'rWut THI FABRIC CENTER Faarl.a, Orapai, tllpaavara BERKELEY SHOE! WlnSaw Sk««ti, VatwUM BIW«* FREEHOLD ELECTRICAL SERVICE Waatrlaal Suaply ana- Sanlaa BiOTNsa a, co. Man'! * Wamaa'a Waar FREEHOLD FURNITURI Furalttira Palala BON-TON WOMEN'S APPAREL Wamaa'a Waar FREEHOLD PAINT SNOP Rhaj't Waar FRANK C. OIBSON PlamklaE (MPPll.a HOWArfD L. DORBIN CO. E. F. HERR JEWELERS •. BUCHANON * (MOCK LUMBER C9. Lmikar, Harimra Jawalry 1 . Jawtlry LOWY'S OIFT SNOP Olft (Rap BURKHARBT JEWELERS •YLVISTE* MaKILVIV CATHY ARNOLD SHOP Satrtewaar, Caltoa Waar Rafa, • CarpallHg, Furnllura MEMBER RaCIt aa« TV MATLIN'S CLIAHIRI " ClaaRlR(, Dy.lac CENTRAL RABID * TV MILLH'S CLEANER! * MEN'S WIAR ClaaalRE. Man'. MEMBER CM ARM (MOP _...... •- MILLHURST MILLIHS A DRYINC Lamk.r, Mlllw.rk CHICKEN STOBI* Aa«a, Ip.rl, Sartfa. Sappllaa PEARLMAN'S FURNITURI STORE Furnlhir. Itara PAINT & WALLPAPER COLLEOE SHOP SparHwaar RISECCA SNOP Wamaa'a Waar DAIMTV APPAREL Wajjaa a Waar WOMEN'S SHOP Wamaa'a Waar Quality Jewelry for JAV-BAVIO* ., «£» C. H. BOBIRSON Farm an* Bartfaa Eaalpm.Rt lUPPLIIt OKIaa SaMllaa SID'S MIN'S WIAR Maa'a Every Mtmber of the Family SILViari FURNITURI STORE Farallara tTRYHCR'S MIN'S SHOP MaR'a Waar THI STVLI SHOPPt Wamaa'a Waar FLOORCRAFT CO Wamaa'a Waar TOWN SHOP WamaR'a Waar To WIINOARTEN SHOIS Shaaa WVNN'S JEWELERS Jawalry MLOIr7VuLk-KIODri)-SHOV v: P MMriR^W&r MLMTIM1 Maa'a Waar 209 KLARIN S mUBIWS PHOTO CSNTIN PkaWEnaWa, Caman SiwaUat JAMBOM'I TV Oaalaa, TV 1 LON« BRANCH Broadway 26 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK JANET NOSI SNOPPE Wamaa'a Waar Lonej Branch •AUFKI'S *"• M«'., Wamaa'a, CklMraa'a Skaaa ALAN UPHOLSTERY SHOP Farallar., Rtuah.Ul.rlar ROBERT HISLIN'S ' Spar*lR( Waar aa« Eaalaai.Rt ALLIED TV SALES • SERVICE ' RaOat. TV LAIAROW BROS" Hara-wara, HaaaakaM, HIKkaaoara. Taala BARNIY'S SHOE STORK Skaaa Lawiai'A MPT ATORE i Bapt. Slara B'LUOOS BROADWAY BOOT SNOP , Shatt CHANDLER « MAPS Lamkir, Haraiwara, P.lnH COAST NARDWABB CO. Hartfwara Jawalara DANIELS SPECIALTY SNOP Wamaa'a BUY THE BEST Jawalara .'DAVIS NARBWARB Nartfwara. P.lnt. VitHm BISSROW BROS. Ftaal n>* OaNta Suaall.t ON THE SSSSOUTH wVLLPAPio-2"p-AIN-f'cO. Wallpapara, PalaU CHAS. D. FLAMMSR •' ' Daaaralar PLAN tM0 FRANK 0. HOLMES • , MaR't Wtar MEMBER HOMESTEAD PHARMACY Pkarmaaltla aass spffiWis " >« «. ^ fg IMPERIAL CLEANERS Claaalaf, Dyalac, Laund.rlnf ajaukJAiR tTUDIO Partrall Spaalallata JACIVS WamtR'a Wtar PARK JUVENIL—E CINTId Jn.aalla T.». ««'•'"•"•/Pkannaalata• JANBON'S TV Rta-la, TV, Aaallaatt. Jawalry, Sllvarwara HIBBIILAND Javanllt Furallyrt FINE CHINA Faraltara JOI MARTIN'S UPTOWN SHOP MM'I Waar HOME APPLIANCES i PAINT Martarara. Taala . NATIONAL RABIO * TV Ra«la aa< TV FINE. FURNITURE ULNA'S Wamaa'a Waar NAT'S JIWILRV Jawalry SEWIHO MACHINE URVICK NORWOOD TV CO. Na«la,aa< TV SHUTTS ' Maa'a Waar PARKWAY TIRES Aatt Sapplltt, TV, Apallaataa IMPORTED SILOEROLIITS Maa'a Waar SAM ft tOU'S MIN'I WIAR Maa'a Waar STRAUSS STORE* Aato Sapptlaa SCOBEY'S CAMERA CENTER Camara aa« Pkalagrapkla Sapalltt CRYSTAL CHANDELIER TEPPIM BROS. Oapt. Mara SHORE SUNDIAL SNOIS Skaat .CHINA., TOMMY TUCKIN'S RaiUa, TV, AapllaatM TENSER'S Skaaa LAMPS and SHADES BETTER= TURHEN'S LIHIHS , Lnaaa WALT! NS Cartalat, Damtillat, BUSS-SHOP TUSTINO PIANO Plia.i, TV, Ra«a, Naa.ria WEISS IMPERIAL CLEANERS Cltaalag, Byalaf, Laaairy WALTER NIADI THEATRE* Tk.awM WEST END PAIHT CO. Palal. COMPLETE INTERIOR WALTER* CarUlRi, Oamaallaa, R..a».»a.W»ar WOLFF'S JUVENILE SNOP lalaala' an* CklWraa't Wtar HOUSEKEEPING SHOP ^ N. WARSHAW J.w.l.t YANKOW'S DOLLAR SAVINSS MtR'a Waar, Sparllai Wtar ' Farallura DECORATING SERVICE 46 Monmoutli St. Red Bank WHITE'S FURNITURE IIMMERN'S TINY TOTS SHOP IntaRtt* m« CklKrtn'a Wtar ALLINHURST IATONTOWN ATLINHUR*T.HOLLYWO0D PHARMACY Pk.rn.MllH J. OIOROE SMITH llaawlial CiaUaatar ta« Saaallra KIKRY ALLEN CO). FMC •*«- Fail < a J MIN'S WIAR MaR'a Waar BRADLIY BIACH IATONTOWN MARHIT ** Sraatrlit IATONTOWN RADIO a TV Ratlat, TV, Aapllantt. LIO Ik JIAH, INC DaMlRf SINERAL STORI OF VAIL NOMIS flraaarlt. MVRON P. KOIICHV OartfM SujpM.l NEVER FORGET MEMBER ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS THRIB BUYS APPLIANtIS Tayt, TV, Sard.n Furallvra THI WOHBIR SHOP WanNO'a, M.R'a, CklWrm'a Aaairal LITUI SILVIR DIAL CHILDREN'S WEAR OF DISTINCTION DIAL PHARMACY Pfcarmiatati Bl FALCO'S LITTLE SILVIR HARDWARE Har4wara LITTLE SILVIR LUMIIR * SUPPLIES Lumair THI MABLVH SHOP WamtR't Wtar IILMAR More fashion ictoe AMMV SUILBIRS SUPPLY CO, Malta SaMllia, Mlllwtrk i , MIDDLITOWN ATLANTIC OLASS NaaaakaM, AaU »»i FarRltura Slait icomcii buy clothes at BILMAR ILICTP.IO Sit air la Flakw** nt Saaalla* SAM CATALANO MnM' t WtWtaar RICHARD I, DOILSIR VUAitM FASHIOSS, CNICRIR STORIS ««M. Otra-m Smllaallaa,, TV MISSLSTOWN RIFRIOIRATION Fraitn Faaalt Sat«ltllt«a FIILSIR a WARNI* , Ilialrlaall A plltaaall a aUT Fltklaf **tt HaulinHli g ill HO limul St., ranltaia an« MMIng NBfTUNI N BtOAD IT. RIO BANK, N. J. S? Jtvtlry Hcd Bunk MVDUVS'OUTH P Maa'a Waar RANK 4 IITTY'S TOT SHOD Ja«tajla Ta»i SUIANNI'S DBMS SNOP Wtmta'a Waar TANDARD SUPPkV CO, Plamklag, Naallag, Wal.r Plalurti

ArtLICATIONS KR CRIDIT CARDS MAY Bl OBTAINID AT ANY OMICI OP THI ALLINHURST NATIONAL BANK « TRUST CO., THI MIIHOLD TRUST CO., OR ANY MIMBIR MIRCHANT, OR WRITI OR TILIPHONI THI BANK, MEMBER MEMBER AND APPLICATION FOR CARD WILL Bl MRWARDID IMMIDIATILY. F I N K K V It S COAL • Kill OIL • MAIN Ready Mode and OIL IURNIR Allenliurst National Bank Made to Order Garment*. SALII t SMVICI and Trust Company RIPAIRINO • RIMODILINO - FUR STORAGI FRED D. WIKOFF CO. FORT MONMOUTH ALLENHURST EATONTOWN WINTERS' FUR SHOP Member 'federal Deposit Insurance Ci>r\wruthm RED BANK, N. J, Member Mertil Haerve System 41 MONMOUTH ST. Para Foui RED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 27.1953 around an arlstocratc Southern Bride-Elect gifU were placed ln a wishing well «ee, Dolores Cordts, Betty GraMunf* Tower Players family who finds that Iti way of Post Is Host to Colorful decorated In a pink, blue,-yellow Betty Kirk and Joyco.JJonehuertJr lit* li shattered. Ara Gerald will Kathleen Lynch Feted at Shower and white tone. Mlddletown; Misses ATleVand Ar- Offer 'Skin Deep' take the lead. Also appearing in Royal Canadian Signals Band BELFORD—Mrs. Fred Borger of Guilts were Misses Ruth Borger lena Dubesky and Mra;tJeiha/-9org»H the cast will be Grace Powers, co- Honored at Party Main st. was hostess Friday at a and Helen White of Belford, Mrs. er, Keansburg; MlssyjO^rino SPRING LAKE—"Skin Deep," a producer at the Ivy Tower, Lillyn FORT MONMOUTH — Fort Mon- the band will make its final public Williun Kpegan, Freneau; Misses Brown and Laurie Ann Vendig. bridal shower for Miss Rita Borger Gamache, East KeaiMburg.a^d'jlM. . new play by Boy Bailey, author of mouth is host this week to one of appearance here during a garrison KEANSBURG — Mlsa Kathleen of Bt. John's pi., Keansburg. The Carolyn Westendorf, Zahllle Fra- Frank Donahue, Brooklyn^ the televlelon show, "Search for To- Mark Eliot, Frank Barrett, Jr., and the most talented and colorful mill review on Greeley field at the post. Lynch was tendered a bridal show- morrow," will be the final offering Harry Young complete the cast of tary aggregations in the western There will be no admission charge er and supper last Thursday at at the Ivy Tower Playhoiue for the the play which runs through Sept. 7. hemisphere, the Royal Canadian at any of ths performances. Buck Smith's tavern by the young summer Mason, starting Monday. Signals Military hand, under the women who will be the attendants This will be a pre-Broadway show- Although El Salvador Is the baton of Lieut. Bcrnie J. Lyons. at her forthcoming* wedding. Host- Ing by Bailey, who also wrote "Cur- smallest country in the Western Here on invitation of Maj: Gen. esses were Mrs. Francis Foulks, tain Call," which enjoyed a success- Hemliphert It is the world'* third K. B. Lawton, post commander, the Livestock Loans and Misses Mary Boylan, Eileen ful run in New York during 1937. largest producer of coffee—Brazil musicians were welcomed Monday Croken and Lillian Daley. VALUE NOTES The plot of th« play revolves and Colombia being first. by Brig. General Wesley T. Guest Attending were Mrs. Edna Car- Sct\o< when a scroll from the command Now Available dlnale, Mrs. Florence Kirchner, was presented in appreciation TRENTON — Emergency live- Mrs. Catherine Sheehan, Mrs, Ma- the visit. stock loans, recently authorited by rie Johnson, Mis. Marie O'Neill, FORSTUDENTS Uniformed In striking scarlet, and Congress, are now available to eli- Mrs. Etta Dowllng, Mrs, Clan offering an old world effect In stage gible farmers in New Jersey, Ches- Smith, Mrs. Vera Davis, Mrs. Kath pageantry, the band, comprising 38 ter J. Tyson, Jr., state director of ryn G. Huber, Mrs. Anne Fitzpat- artists from' Holland's famous Synv the Farmers Home Administration, rick, Mrs. Patrick Keelan, Jr., Mrs phonic and Radio orchestras, the announced today. Eugene Gilbert, Mrs. Eleanor Bahr, Sadler Wells ballet and the world These loans will be made to es- Mrs. Bees DeTuro, Mrs. Richard renowned Guards bands, has been tablished dairy farmers and pro- Trenery, Mrs. Margaret Skwazick, SELLING SELECT SCHOOL SUPPLIES SINCE 1884 WE ADD equally acclaimed on parade ducers and feeders of beef cattle Mrs. Mae Jaekowltz, Mrs. Ben An- squares and in concert halls. and sheep, he said. Applicants must dreach, Mrs. Margaret Aitken, Mrs, The band's 4Z-year-old director Is have good records of operations, Dells, Murphy, Mrs. Rose Lehotay, as well known to Canadian and have a reasonable chance to suc- Mrs.. Margaret Brown, Mrs. Betty OUR English audiences as the great ceed and be unable to obtain need- Xilas, Mrs. Irene Pappas, Mrs. Sousa was to American lovers of ed credit from other sources to Catherine MacGrath, Mrs. Myrtle military music. A believer in the continue their normal operations, Ambrose. ' ' philosophy that variety is the spice Mr. Tyson explained. Mrs.' Anne Marquet, Mrs. Kate of life, Lieut. Lyons during his 22 These emergency loans will not Constantino, Mre. Catherine. Smith DOLLARS years' service with Canada's army be made to carry en commercial Mrs. Louise Loder, Mrs. Josephine as a soldier and musician', has cre- feedlot operations, to refinance ex- Cahill, Mrs. Pearl Sehulta, Mrs ated a reputation for his ability to isting debts, or to enable a bor- Theresa Papa, Mrs. Victoria Rosa, switch from a concerto by Tschal- rower to start livestock operations. Mrs. 'James GYavany, Mrs. Ray- TO YOURS kowsky to a boogie-woogie number, Loans will not be made to dairy- mond Robinson, Mrs. Theresa Pens - Pencils • Beta. catching his listeners by surprise. men for capital expenditures such Campbell, Mrs. Grace Dunfee, Mrs. Sheaffer, Esterbrook, The Canadian government, wish- Theresa Croken, Mrs. Ellen. Cro- as the purchase of cows or equip- Pencil Boxes ft Pouches fads, Composition' Books, Fapermate, Parker, Ing to present a pageantry that ment,, ,. * ken, Mrs. Gloria Croken, Mrs. An-, would compare with the grandeur of thony Sclalabbaj Mrs. Joan Starke, 81.00 - 11.95 - 12.50 Assignment Books 10c to 60o . Scrlpto, Auto Point It's «I wry i nice to get extra montyl The better-than- Englnnd's coronation of Queen The loans will bear Bve per cent Mrs. Gerald Starke, Mrs. Richard average earnings we pay on your livings here mean Elizabeth, called, upon the Royal interest and may be made for Daley,' Mrs. Sally Leahy, Mra. Cath' Canadians Signals band to assist periods up to three years, the F. erine Falco, Mrs. Catherine Boylan, . extra income for you.' You add your savings 'dollars In coronation ceremonies In Ottawa H. A. director said. Borrowers will Mrs. Charles Riley, Jr., -Mrs. Paul regularly to your insured account; we add earnings Coronation day, and the orchestra be expected to repay the loans as Schaffery, Mrs. Doris Wcstendorf, of the. band was chosen to play for rapidly as they can. Each loan Mrs. Walter Fields, Mrs. Gloria twice e year - and toon you'll have e substantial the state, ball, When Field Marshal must be.secured in the full amount Loori, Mrs,. Shirley Molt, Mm. Ar nest egg! Service is friendly and helpful.) You can Viscount Montgomery, deputy by the personal obligation and line Lutz, Mrs. Frances Caruso, preme commander of the North available security of tha borrower. save regularly, occasionally or invest accumulated The government will not require Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. James Atlantic Treaty Organization, VK Grant, Mrs. Harold Vacccrella, Mrs. sums for eaih Income. • toured this country and Canada, the- presen^ t 'creditors to subordinate Dorothy Frazer.> band was elected to accompany the their liens, but borrowers will be famous soldlor. expected to obtain standby agree- Misses . Amelia Bellezza, Louise ment* from their present creditors Huber, Mary Jane Oravany, Pa- An additional feature of the band, so they will have a chance tricia O'Kcefe, Joanne Duffy, Mary Current Dividend Rate which is permanently stationed at out of their difficulties. Also, pres- Jane Loshcr, Margaret- Powers, the Royal Canadian Signals ent creditors must be willing to Doris Merken, Joan Clark, Arline School's Vimy barracks, Ontario, permit a portion of the borrower's Mayer, Joan Gioot, Barbara Wall, Canada, is the presentation of fan- livestock income to be paid on the Joan Scurzo, Terry Bonner, Rcgina Drawing Sets $3.80 to $21.00 Ring Books • From Site up. Colored Pencil Sets • Il.tS Per Annum government loan. !are*trumpctcci's. These trumpets, Riley, Janet Kcclan, Margaret Inks, Crayons, Erasers. Zipper Ring Books $3.50 up Penholder!, Nibs - • •10c « *f June 30, 1*53 measuring from four to six feet Sturm, Marie Emery, Joan Mathi- In length, are a replica of the fan- Secretary of Agriculture Ezra son, Harriett Bergroff, Joan Con- Fillers, Subject Indexes. fare trumpets used to herald the Taft Benson haa designated the Farmers Home Administration as stantine and Mary Molcakic. entrance of Queen Elizabeth to • MANY OTHER ITIMS •' Westminster Abbey Coronation day. the agency to handle this emer- BOJTI art abl« to make rocket money Post personnel as well as the gen- gency credit program, and has by itlling.Tiia Resliter.—Advertisement. • Globes e Atlases MAINSTAY FEDERAL eral public !« invited to see the made Administrator R. B. HeLealsh . • Luneh Boxes • Maps group. At 8:30 tonight, there will administratively responsible for it be a concert at Eighth ave. band- at the national level. However/all • Pencil Sharpeners stand, Asbury Park boardwalk. To- loans must be approved by the • Staplers e Scotch Tape SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. morrow at 8:30 p. m. on TV chan- Bpeelal livestock loan committees • Painto e Brashes • Chalk nel B, the band will play on the appointed by tha secretary. XI MONMOUTH ST. RID IANK 4-0663 Guide Right program, on a nation- • Pastes • Rubber Stamps To serve as a temporary state • Laundry Boxes * Pens wide hook-up. .Saturday at 11 a.m.. special livestock loan committee for New Jersey, Secretary Bensan has H named'Mr. Tyson, Llndley O. Cook, OptR Friday Evening Dictionaries - *t.0o to HIM associate .director of the agricul- School Bags • All Styles. Until 9 K M. tural: extension. aervice at Rutgers Canvas, Plastic, Leather. Pocket Type .- • tie t Me University, and the chairman of Language Dictionaries ' $LM he state P. M. A. committee. The From tt'O* to ISM P. M. A. chairmanship Is vacant at.present, due to the resignation of Charles A. Collins of Moores- town. Appointment of a new chair- man is expected to be announced soon. Application forma may be ob- county: office of the Farm- ers Home' 'Administration "in Free- hold.. Although people with normal vision are aware ef objects within a circle of 180 degrees, some people 17 IROAD ST. who have a vision defect called "tunnel vision" aea only in an arc PHONE M £0001 RID IANK of about 30 degrees. . 17 FLAVORS

The strange-looking card that you IM hen if a small part of one of Bell Laboratory's latest development*, an "electronic brain" called a card trans- lator. Working with modem dial switching equipment, it help* speed long distance calls—make* tha operator's job easier, your telephone servioe faster! The new switching equipment recently wai put in service in Newark. Initially it greatly increases the number of long distance calls operators can dial directly and if part of an improvement program, leading—in yean to come-to both operators and customers being able to dial calls directly to most any telephone in the country! It'e typical of what we're doing to build better, more efficient telephone service-keep »' costs down and make your telephone more useful. «' mu can reach a Star

Ti IT • matter of dollars that keeps compression ratio a Buick SPECIAL aways-and Power Steering* to X you from stepping up to some* ever commanded. guide your going with finger*tipease . thing better? Here you get the big car lift* and Gome, discover a new peak of luxury of Buick's Million Dollar So why not try it yourself, this motoring pleasure at a price that Ridc-gentjed to lullaby softness by dazzling beauty that gives so much never leaves the ground. coil springing on all four wheels. and asks so little. Check it for price, test it for performance, compare it let, this big>power*packed Buick And here are all the other unique for value. How about dropping in SPECIAL Convertible is yours to and wonderful things that make a this week? enjoy for scarcely more than the Buick SPECIAL such a special Buick. *Sitndmion Rorfmmttr, optional *t txlh tost Convertibles of "the low-priced The casual comfort. The suave on othir Serbs. • three." styling. The neat and knowing I-1.. And what a joyous carload of thrills craftsmanship, that marks eVery THItMUTitT that little extra provides. . inch of the structure, Here, too, if you want them, are Here you get a Fireball 8 Engine Twin-Turbine Dynaflow* to give ,So" *• t V',4 *» Un Fftncllw *• I" - »Pl'» ««°nd, pick the with the highest horsepower and you new, smooth and silent get- BUICK f"' fo111 J1* *I#M ln *• Mrd P'°P" <<•"« *»Qn» «"••'« IM90 9R1ATYWM9 IP1*?' "#* -§

NIW JIRIIY IILI riLlPNONI1 COMPANY COLONY BUICK, INC. 163 to 169 Monmouth Strut R«d Bank, N. J, n 6:2019 w RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953 Page Five MfMI Phyllis Turner Irvington, and Mrs. WalUr Fitlds. Fall Apple Program Alary Lou Balser Ellrabeth Balser, Mrs. Lester Whit- Belford. t fleld, Miss Eileen McGuire and Honored -by Attendants Gifts for the bride-elect were 'Song of Norway' Starts With Mclntosh Has Birthday Party August Balser. | placed in a large green watering YOUR LOCAL BONDED TRAVEL AGENT LE«WcRDOM«iBii PhylllB Tur- can. The refreshment tables were TRENTON — The second phane EATONTOWN — Lieut, and Mra. TWO FOB GOOD MEASURE ner A 'Ktfafisburg was tendered a decorated In green and yellow, To End Season of the apple sales promotion ac- Joseph Balser entertained at a FOR and miniature watering cans were tivities sponsored by the New Jer- last week for their SHREWSBURY — Judith Barg, •hower Itit week at Beacon Hill NEPTUNB—VSong of Norway," World Wida Airline Steamship Hofe! Resorts Country club by the young women distributed as favors. sey Apple Institute will consist of daughter, Mary Lou,, ivho was sixten-year-old daughter of Mr. and the love story of Edvard Grieg, radio arid point-of-sale programs years old. The party was held on Mrs. Rudolph Barg of 24 White who will be attendants at her forth- RANDALL COMPLETES COURSE featuring an all-Broadway cast devoted to the Mclntosh variety the lawn of the Balser homo, and at., who collects four leaf clovers, Rail Tourt Bus Tours Cruises is ihe coming marriage to Rudolph C. headed by Lawrence Brooks and during September. the refreshment table was decor-should bo extra lucky In the fu- Reich of Red Bank.' There were 85 Jesse T. Randall, son of Drl and Mrs. A. B. Randall of 12 Hubbard MargotUoier, will b». the final at- In New Jersey the Mclntosh for ated with a large birthday cake. ture. She found a sl.t-lcaf clover gueita preient. Park, Red Bank, a student at Buck- traction of the season-for one week the most part are marketed as Attending were Mary Raphaela, Sunday in tho yard of her home. O DONNELL TRAVEL AGENCY Mlu Turner li the daughter of nell university, Lewlsburg, Pa., Sat- early fall apples. It Is known as Frederick Ccstare, Claire and Paul Always on the look-out for the 12 Brood St. 316 Coohman Avt. Mr. and Mra. William Turner of beginning Monday, Aug. SI at an all-purpose variety suitable for traditional good luck clovers, Ju- urday completed the Reserve Offi- Manny Davis1 Neptune Music Mlccolupi, Peggy Ann Pickott, Su- Manning pi., Keansburg. Her wed- cer Candidate course at the U. S. dessert use aa well as for cooking. san and Kathy • Peters, Jesse Bur- dith found six four-leaf clovers Ttl. RE 6-5080 Tel. AS 2-7685 ding will take place in the RedNaval station, Terminal Island, Circus. •.••.••• -.-• Most of the New Jersey Mcln- kett, Margie Nemith, Adclc and Monday. RED BANK ASBURY PAKK Bank Methodiat church. Party ho«- Long Beach, Cai. Mr. Brooks will recreate the role tosh will be sold along the Atlantic Wallace Weaver, Frances and'Paula teuei were Miss Audrey Thomas of Edvard Orleg wjileh he played seaboard. The September program Pennucco, Georgeanna Bean, Char- SIX TEARS OLD BUDGET VLMs AVAII^BLE of Long Branch, Miss Gail Turner, Bo « art sbU.ta make poekrt mow in the - original -Broadway: produc- follows n successful 7 tion In New York.. His debut at leno Kelly,'Jerry and Mary Cather- RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS — Jay There is NEVER a charge for our servloe. Xeansburg; Mrs. Herbert Phillips,. 07 aalllna; Tha BtgliUr—AdT«rtlinn«nt. campaign sponsored by the apple ine Kelly, Carmella and Mary Jane David Zuckerman, son of Mr. and New York's famed Copacabana institute, which during July and night club was such a success that Slciliano ' and Sarah and Kathy Mrs. Leon Zuckerman or -13 Hcn- August featured the early cooking Whitfleld. drickson ave, here, waa guest of COMPARE a five weeks' engagement wiaS; ex- varieties, including the Yellow tended to tix months. He returns Also Lieut, and Mre. Robert Ses- honor at a party Tuesday afternoon to Neptune following his great Transparent, Starr, English .Cod- sorman, Mr. and Mra. Gerald J. when ho celebrated his sixth birth- ALUMINUM STORM WINDOW CO. triumph there as Gaylord Ravenel ling'and Twenty Ounce.. Cestare, Mr«. Claire Miocolupl, Mrs. day. In "Showboat." . " . KITCHEN PLANNING OFfERS (FOR LIMITID TIME) MIssMoier, who play* his love "LOOM OF UFE." With.vnaeeuatomad hind lat'u* au&7 Personal Nina, hss appeared as Carrie} in To wa»v« Llfe'a. Uptatrr. The colon i Famous "Everseal" Triple Track Aluminum Windows both the New Tork. and London .'l«nd •" • companies^ of "Oarousel" 'and 'the Thamialvt*: to artiafcry in roclou* bland Consultation. Broadway production" of "Oklaho- Of erimion, j»da. earutan blua and eray. • Usable, Early AT DISCOUNT pwcis ma!" During the season she hasThe. ahuttlt mutt hoi rut tnd .may not Custom Planning. scored at. Neptune In 'Call Me • ,'»Uy,' ; • .. • • Triple) Track Extriidtd Satin Alum. Finish Madam," "Blossom. Time," "The But raova with rhythmic e*utl«n. to tha ••ad Free estimates on complete Installations • No obGtjatioa. Great Waltz" and "High.. Button Ia»t ftlusaat* ka ugptd, with r.aad to • Gadget Fraa Fingertip Action Shoes." .''•'. ' • . .sand . . ... •'." Pine Furniture • Solid Aluminum Throughout Marina Koshatz, th'r famed •«- Th« vholt, If •

«mi. HH , i mm e.^.. a GOOD/VEAR BROAD AND WALLACE STREETS, RED BANK !---i«, l$1.75 HUDNUTI ie CLEANSING "PETROLEUM J Coshmen ! CNILOREI'S HOME BOOK • GREATEST TIRE PERMANENT! sTBSUES! ""- ' Utei SwMrir MIH MATCHES! I • RUBBER 6L0VES i2 •IN !*tvS1.M *M«i! #| AC nin* SALE OF THE YEAR! AH m *•!«• T» ittart n TM Hiaail n Zl Hcd Itl'ei COUPON $unitJU Red Letter COiiPDN CUD PON I f»»#*v Red tetter COUPON ,$ili! 59*MEEDj««*.i.rn. • Z »T aa»a»«l • •»£• a,1 ' » (Mae! PUTINS 'ISOPHOPR iWISIM! 'MCNNEN'i liisriniSpriySGIfiMSTTE ! CARDS rffe! ALcouot -*~- IjSKIN Id AC El .DEODORANTS ^ • '•pray f)te4oranti • Rststsri Trade in iiatfUMiCQCf ISa VtlMt MTHHI "HI I • ...» ... ^m ^% CaaHa«M«Tal*af.ltj tire and we siaaaaassiatisvSli ,(•:(, ^ [1U H L' N ft:. \fv L Qu -pUN If"'- allow you••• |l35« "Aa|«K«e" WttcrprMl I _^«l|Bhf IBe MAVIS I SUB VIIM! I R«g. 29' Doible Pace •"«•»" IHOSOL S% O.B.T.I liBABY PMTSjB| TALCUM: \Wt in.SHAVINGi ^INSECT BOMB; RtfrSMtVilMtl. TAPE • titrt Lar*s 1*111 BERKELEY \(%T.?Xl\•aa IMa «a|>Hlnl < Witk al AaC l i °/ lassl 16 ZZmm'Ul. PRICE eJ leiTet COUPON I J«/»^« Red lellei COUPON

T\ SL'l'f H • Soft, VeJour I 19e Slit I Faetory |,jMh ,f I tlo Va|Mt .nil) PAPi w S POWER GRAPEFRUIT \ CARBONA , HIGHER - PRICED | ADHESIVE TAPE HtfrSfcValM.1 DUFFS iJUICE^ WHITI SHO! \/^Mmi«~'*~,S IIWAX PAPERS | tU V«lM ( POLISH H iBTTIB m JLtl 24 e 9 0 EMEMI JIO • VMCaaaaa . 2fr21 • Wit»99«.r,1* Caawa »«u|B 4 IMaaaaMN DELUXE WHiCiataatial f Aaeaat » • B letter COUPON \fv»**4/ Red Letter COUPON I funmv Red Udtr COUPON WMMSlMllSIIIVIT Spton-Lifll M&Ms!SACCHARIN;ABSORBINE. jr.; "AW i>o«ei" I CUTICLE! TEA BA6S | Cindy Coated I ft /< Grain TABLETS I ft Reg. 15' Valuo! 11 liAIMArtal 2-CIU! ' DffiUr U* Vslnt | ISSOBS 1 Bottle Bf 1000 ' World's First-Choke •'FLASHLIGHT c! | Family , ( Sin !tm «|isi risa, IICeaaM«aa4TCat«.H 49 TIM aaam tf »• ta««l n "Wm Caaaai •••< TU1 kt\ tt ) FIRST-QUAUTY DELUXE *M«a^niat*.H • =W «n*aCaa»aa*aa«TaAH.nj s 7*^v Red lettei COUPON I fumr^v Red |en?, COUPON I Don't miss this deal!-These we firstrun , e first quality Goodyear DeLuxe Tires—the ,Hr.M Rig«lar 3S Valui! LOOK kind you find on more, new ears and pre- ferrra by mors motorists than any outer. BUB rinS^; PURSE MIRROR i WASH CLOTHS ! ASPIRIN 'I? at these During this sale only, you get the BIG LOW PRICISI 25#> allowance on new Good) ear" DeLuxe, Tires when you turn in your old tires from your car. See us before it's to late!

win u% m M TIM HIT HIM IHtMM m uS» toad m aat, l» •>?aa* « " » I ""' '•••** * ' Till laaati IIII WrlMtff MtOWMCI TOU Sal* ffncfc labor Day! TUDMN M» ONIT ••••• 6.00x16 $20.10* $13.01* MARATHON ftemsioNAi stzt • us • 25* GLYCERINE 6.40115. 21.00* 1S.75* by, ••.:.•., NAIL POLISH TW TOYS! TEA APRON i MEs?i SUPPOSITORIES . 4.70.15 22.05* M.I4* .REMOVER til< 7.10x11 24.45* 11.34* u_u,ajaaj MARATHON "If" SJa^Pa*. :ANER M3H OF 6.S0xl6 . 24.10* 1I.M* fuper-Cuihlon rd«i 3-25' ««» Caaaaa ** II 7,40 »15 '26.75* 30.40* FM«aioiie * plMln M-K DilllfMtmt> SV'VrV EVER-REAOV lOWLBRUSHi SHAVE MUSK' CHIFFON STEEL WOOL •SOAP FLAKES I tMWHM PIBt I

w Vslitl • ^Sr_^aJ*CJBlTI> Jw>kKM,uaBi ^^a I • W la WM CMfM •a** I •aaa'm WHt Ciaf aa *» MOUNT SERVICE •" TM *e«al« M * Till AafHt H nil Aia.H If i »i{"i i« i ItuM THESE BIG SPECIALS NOW ON SALE AT ALL SUN RAY STORES THROUGHOUT PA., N. J., DEL. Pace Six BED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 various teen age groups which have formed FINALLY PUT HIS FOOT IN IT RED BANK REGISTER to promote healthy, moral and entertaining Editorial Views! EVENTS OF YEARS 4*43 Broad Street, Bed Bank, K. J. activities. Such a group is operating i» ESTABLISHED 1878 Eatontown, where Tuesday'1 night Mill be O/ Other Papers] By John M. Cook and Henry Clay held an "Eatontown Swing Hop" in the FROM REQISTER FILES Fifty Years Ago. had their respective properties re- THOMAS IRVING BBOWN, Publisher municipal parking lot. The "hop" is open BOOK BURNING Mrs. Mary Longstreet of Oceanic, surveyed and the work on the JAMES 1. HOGAJf, Editor to teen agers in the borough and from nd- Mazza building was stopped tem- K. HABOLD KELLY, Silliness Manager The fears that have been raised celebrated her 84th birthday, sur- oining municipalities, such as were the two by the word* "book burning" ex- rounded by her children, grand- porarily until the matter could be W. HABBY FENN1NGTON, Flant Supt. tend far beyond the. question of children and' great-grandchildren. settled in court. previous affairs which were highly success- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cook of Member ol the Asiocltlid Praia what should or should not De ln- She was very active and bid fair ncluded in State Department li- to celebrate many more birthdays. Maple ave., who were touring the Tlit Aiieetated Prut i> entitled ticluilvelr to the uit braries. In a world that la sorely British Isles, sent a very interest- (sr republicatlon of all the local nevi printld In thia n«w|. Faced with a "no place to go, nothing to Mrs. Ella Hubbard, widow of Dr. Ing letter to The Register, concern- Taper, at wtll at all AP news dispatches. troubled by two contrary attltudos William Hubbard, formerly of Red do" problem, a group of teen agers in Eaton- toward lite, the question of free ing their sightseeing In Ireland and Member Audit Bureau of Circulation reading, free talking and free be- Bank,' who was making her home telling of the peculiar customs of town went to their mayor and council and with her granddaughter, Mrs.' Hill the natives. Ht Red Bank Rftgiittr assumes no flnancla) reipontibUi- lief la constantly In the mind of of Coney Island, celebrated her tlH (or tjpoiriuhlcil irrorl In adTtrtllimsnti, but will re- asked permission to get a town-wide teen everyone who does mors than jiut The first and'fourth floors of the print that part of an adrerttiiment In which tht typographi- eat and sleep. »Oth birthday. cal trror occurs. Advertisers will plitit notify tht manait- club going. Gaining official support and Mrs. Elizabeth Fay, wife of Rev.Schenck 8. Thompson building on merit immediately of any error which may occur. There are some who think 'that J. DeWitt Fay of Eatontown, died Monmouth st. near the depot was help from the Woman's Community club, Intellectual freedom la an activity following an illness of nearly five rented to a service agency dealing Tali ntwtpaptr titunti no responsibilities (or in.Nash cars. •Uttmtntt of opinions In letters from Itt rtadtrt. the Home and School club and local individ- which can be allowed only when years.' She was the daughter of there is no immediately threaten- Elizabeth and John Worthley and The Red Bank Rotary club took Subscription Prlett la Advance Ont jrtar 11.00; uals—the club has gained considerable pop- ing danger, In other words, such was 70 years of age. 100 children and 10 teachers from sis Months, 11.00 Single cop;, at eounttr, 10 ctnti. ularity and shows signs of progressing to freedom is not in Itaelf productive Richard Alvas, who was emth- e Fresh Air home at Chapel Hill to Belvidere Beach, near Keans- Iuutd Weekly, tnttrid us Second Glut Matter at tht Post- greater heights. of security; rather It la a luxury ployed at James Enrlght's meat •rBee at Rtd Bank, N. J., undtr the Act of March I. 1ST*. which becomes possible when se- market at Oceanic, hired a burg, in 30 private automobiles., and runabout from "Bowery" Wyc- Miss Lillian Sutter of East Keans- Foltaasteri and Subierlberi In forwarding" chingt of addreit The important thing is that the move- curity is established through some pltatt nit Poital form 3547 other more direct and coercive koff of that place and alter visit- burg slipped and fell from the pier ment wag started by the teen agers them- means. ing some of the local - hotels, he In that place and landed on the selves. They recognized that "nothing to drove the rig across Oceanic bridge shore, breaking her arm in three THURSDAY, AUGUST 2T, 1»53 Thia view seems to carry con- at a rapid pace and making a sharp places. do" was "their" problem so "they" set about siderable weight with a significant number of political leaders and turn on the Middletown township Nearly 200 children took part In to solve it. We hope they do, for it gives end of the bridge, collided with an the annual baby parade at High- Your Regatta for $1 their followers. And it Id impos- automobile. Mr. Alvas and his com- lands. Helen Cottrell was queen us reason to be confident of the fntnre. sible to imagine an attitude which panions were thrown out and es- has within it as much force for of the parade, and members of her Phil Bowers' "Buck Brigade" is nearing caped injury, but Mr. Wyckoff's court were Ruth Mohr, Ruth the destruction of America and our ed on the basis of 1450 population horse was badly injured. Schilling arid Helen Kempt. an end, the deadline for printing the Nation- culture. KnowYourGovernment figures—was reported in Camden Long ago this nation decided to county, where the total divided The "Ottowell," a naptha launch An assembly of men, women and al Sweepstakes regatta program being clone . Decisive Action Brings Results throw Its weight to the side of THE COUNTY DEBT PICTUBE among ail the men, women and owned by Charles R. D. Foxwell children, fully 200,000 strong, gath- at hand. If you haven't mailed in jour dol- freedom, and this decision has been children amounted to $88.65 per and William H. R. White and de-erad at Sea Girt to welcome Gov-' Keatisburg'r) borough council luis IHOVMI While overall county debt in New signed and built by Mr. White, was ernor Alfred E. Smith of New York, largely responsible for making us Jersey remained fairly constant be- person. Second highest was Mon- lar to regatta headquarters at 75 Chestnut with alacrity and dispatch to insure Unit mouth county . with a per capita launched with appropriate cere- Democratic candidate for president, what we arc today. Down through tween 1948 and 1952, at a total of monies. It was classed as one of The railroad ran 64 special trains it., may we suggest that you do it today? the beachfront of the bayshorc coiniminily our history we have relegated more than 96 million dollars, 11 ofdebt of |27.6», followed by. (I) Es- besides the regular trains from New those few who wished to substitute sex county, $26.83; .(4) Hudson the finest looking launches on the By parting with that; $1 bill, you'll have the state's 21 counties Increased river. York to the state camp grounds will indeed be a Itoaeh by next summer. coercion for freedom to the hys-their indebtedness by more than county, $26.07; (6) Ocean county, where the official ceremonies of the your name printed in the official program. terical fringe which all societies $23.10; (6) Cape May county, $20.79; Walter Donnelly of Catherine at. After hearing its shoreline described by eight million dollars and eight (7) Bergen county, $19.44; <8> Som-gave up his position in Charles A. day were held at the "Little White have. Rarely before have we given showed declines totalling nearly 8',-j House." Those names will represent "we,the people," James Rankin, chief engineer of the navi- such publicity and status to those orset county, $17.52 ((, Middlesex Minton's drug store and before million dollars during the period. county, $16.52; (10) Passalc county, seeking another job, went camping Four gypsies were arrested at who earnestly desire to keep the regatta on gation division of the Btate department of who would sacrifice knowledge to suspicion and truth to emotional Gloucester county, which had a$16.05; (11) Union county, $14.34; for a week near Newman Sprlnga Keansburg and held' in connection the beautiful Navesink river. There are many conservation and economic development, as outbursts. Fortunately our native- M thousand dollar debt tn 1948,(12) Atlantic county, $14.11; (13) with Harry Ford and Raymond with the murder of Max Turnow waa in the debt free column is 1952, Mercer county, $13.64; (14) Morris Tllton. of Nutley, whose body was found people and organizations who have contrib- bearing a great "potential," council ap- grown extremists have had short along with Salem and Huntcrdon in the bay near that place. One political lives, and fortunately their county, $12.88; (15) Warren county, A valuable horse owned by Thom- uted generously to have the regatta associa- pointed an advisory committee of represent- counties, which reported no debt' $6.97; (16) Burlington county, $6.65; as Hines of Tinton Falls was shot of the,gypsies, Aristo Jerke, later Influence has never been very ex- either year. confessed that he and another man tion financially stable. A healthy participa tensive. (17) Cumberland county, $4.89; (18) by some unknown person and died atives of borough organizations, mid in- Greatest change In county debt Suasen county, $1.49, and Gloucester, a few days later from the wound. had killed Turnow in a fit of jeal- tion by that wonderful "average person," formed the state that it would seek funds Now, however, we find far tooposition between 1048 and 1952 was Hunterdon and Salem Counties, Mr. Hlnes had an idea who It wasousy. many people who wish simply to reported by Hudson, with a reduc- $0.00. that shot the animal and said he The work of tearing down the though, would be a vote of confidence in the for aid in the project. The sum was set preserve what we have without tion of more than 4',4 million dol- The report on Indebtedness is would proceed to make him payformer Grace Methodist church regatta, its official* and its sp6nsor«. A at |100,000 and application was promptIv thought for the future. These peo- lars In Its total. Bergen county for the loss. building at Broad st. and Harding ple have forgotten that human from a forthcoming summary of "buck" seems little enough to pay for part reported the largest Increase dur- A group of Red Banker* made rd. was completed and operations made for one-half of this amount from tlir life cannot stand still; we either ing the period—2'A million dollars. county finances which the New to start a modern building for progress or we decay. All efforts Jersey Taxpayers association issues a trip to Coney Island In Charles "ownership" of the regatta. state and a tenth from Hie county. Keuus- Greatest total Indebtedness on annually for the information of tax-P. Irwin's launch. In the party Henry L. Zobel of Sea Bright as to establish a final orthodoxy In were Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hart, Mr. a home for his automobile business burg will pay the remaining |40,000. the realms of social and intellec- December 31, 1952, was reported by payers. The reports are based up- Essex county, wi(h more than 24 on official figures filed with, the and Mrs. J. 8. Leggett, Mr. andwere well under way.' tual life are direct attacks upon Mrs. Charles Croft, Misses Bertha The former Bryan property en The improvement itself is worthy of the progress and security of themillion dollars, followed by Hudson State Department of Local Govern- county, with nearly 17 million dol- ment and Included debt authorised Hoffman, Mary Growney and Lulu the north side of Plnckney rd. was The Backbone of the Country commendation. Years of neglect, in one American people. The freedom to lars and Bergen and Camden coun- Hilman, Frank Weller, Robert sold through the Hadley-Hall read, think and speak Is the basic but not Issued, a* well as actual form or another, prompted the eclipse of ties each with more than 10 million borrowings. Sickles, Alonzo Bedlock, Walter agency to Vera M. Rose of New Mayor James R. Mount of West Long freedom of our heritage and thedollars In capital debt. Saurman, Harry Lewis, William York for $10,500. The new owner rock upon which our present and (The county-by county debt pic- Branch, who died last week at the age of the borough's bathing beach facility. Anx- Highest debt per capita—comput- Werle, Alfred Walnwright and bought it as an investment. future decency depends. ture in tabular form follows): Theodore and Emile Williams. 92, spent 30 years as a public servant in ious to regain nnd retain for its citizens Books and words are the exten- Negotiations were under way for CAPITAL DEBT OF NEW JERSEV COUNTIES The White homestead farm south- the sale of tha property nn the his home town. He became a councilman and visitors the advantages of natural loca- tlons of the human mind, and they (Including Authorlicd, But Not Imued) I should be accorded the highest re- east of Red Bank, which was being east aide of Broad st., owned by in 1914 and mayor in 1931. He was op- tion, the borough sought expert advice. spect. Each of us may disagree In CountlM That Increutd Their Debt Bctwttn 1941 »nd 1852 farmed by Fred Underhlll, contain- the Morris Realty company of ing approximately 30 acres, was Perth Amboy, to Mlllard Fillmore posed only once for the mayoralty—in 1934 Prompt application of this expert advice part or completely with any Idea Per Capita December II Changa Tetley and hie son, Mlllard Fill- or word formation, but we must County •Dtbt1B5S 1852 "1941 1912 from 1(41 sold by William A. Hopping to F. —and won by a rote of 603 to 90. to relieve a bad situation today sees the B«s«n 119.44 110,480,000 I 7,978,009 •4- 12,602,000 H. Cormand of New Tork. He more Tetley, Jr., for. $58,000. The have courage enough to protect the Burlington 6.15 901.000 $13,000 -I- 2»l,000 proposed to remodel the farmhouse Tetleya operated a newspaper and borough's application for state aid in the absolute freedom of thi mind. Cimdtn _ 33.56 10,088,500 10,0*6,000 -•- ' JI.500 Major Mount established a record, Cepe May ..... 20.79 772,000 340,000 -«- 412,000 thereon into a summer home for stationery business, one of the old- hands of proper authorities. Filing prior Those who would burn books, Cumbsrland .... 4.89 433,000 140.000 -i- 193,000 his own occupancy. est at Red Bank. It was founded which, so far as is known, has not been Msreer _. limit thought and coerce th» hu- , ,, 1,184,000 J.074,000 -f. (0,000 About B0 couples attended a barn in IMS by John T. Tetley, a vet- equalled in this part of the state. Prior to Sept. 1 will make the borough eligible man mind are the victims of a Montnouth ...... -17.69 :.•>? 8,239,768 5,493,740 -+- 741.028 eran of the Civil War, who moved failure of nerve. They art fearful Morris ,. 12.94 2,126,000 474,00ft -t- 1,152,000 dance given by William Hears of to Red Bank from New Tork city * to this year, Mayor Mount missed only six for erosion funds during the fiscal year be- Ocssui _.._ 23.1_ .0 _ 1,108,000 795,000 -*• 611,000 East Oceanic. Music was furnished that the good and the true may not Somerset 17.52 1,735,000 431,160 -f- 1,301,160 by William Malchow of Red Bank. and started the business In a small of the 678 meetings of the borough coun ginning next July. be able to stand firm In compe- Warre..-- n «.8-7. 179,000- 6,250 ^- 178.75..„..„0„ building on the east side of Broad tition with the evil and the false. Counties That Decreased Their Debt Between- It4) and 1S52, or Were me In 1932 alc«ana«y.a4T»My4«r, sti opposite White st. ' ;'•••*.-. cil since 1914. He attended 412 sessions The ingredients of proper .solution of Per Carita December 31 Change Such a failure of nerve Is a most Countr •Debt 1952' 1952 1948 1(5! from. 1948 •on of Dr. Ehriek Parmity, Oce- before he missed his first meeting in municipal problems almost always are avail- Inadequate basis for action for aAtlantic 114.11 I 1,868,000 | 2,953,000 ' 11,085,000 anic, was killed by falling down a A sewing group was founded by nation that must now carry West- E«ax _ 26.83 24,302,300 24,768.720 —• 413,420 well on his father's, farm. He had young girls from Eatontown and April, 1942. ' able. Council's perception and decisiveness ern civilization through Incessant Gloucester o 0 80,192 _L I0.1S2 gone down the well to adjust a nut their first social event was a party Hudaon ; 26.07 16,878,173 21,(02,273 — 4,124.100 held In the home of Miss Agnes Mayor Mount's long, unselfish devotion in this instance also are to be commended. battles with a teal power of dark- Hunterdon o 0 0 0 when he fell to a platform S5 feet ness. Technical equipment, atomic Mlddleaej 16.52 4.378,000 4.449,516 _• 78,616 below. Cotgreave. Miss Cotgreave's guests to public service has left a deep imprint Paiaale 16.05 (.412,000 (,639,000 were Misses Jessie Berneeker, Dor- bombs and slant airplanes are Saltm „ o — 127.000 Miss Ella Pope of Little Silver worthless when the courage of the 0 0 and Henry Fenton of Llncrof t, sur- othy 8tryker, Isabella Kenne, Doris on the people of the borough of West Long SuilM 1.49 61,356 484,350 383,415 and Carol Baden, Dorothy Chasey, operators dies. Battles are not wonUnion : „.. 14.34 (.710,600 < 7,3116,000 — 1,156,500 prised their many relatives and Branch. It also should be a constant re- You and Civil Defenae by cowards. STA.TEWID« : 119.89 196,197,696 I96,549,«91 —I 352.095 Dorothy Frasler and Barbara and 1 Baaed on 1160 cemua friends by announcing their mar- riage, which took place a week pre- Patricia i Seeley, Junior Chasey, minder to all of us, that men of the same We're happy to note that Leonard Drey- Our salvation In this age of crisis John and Arthur Frailer, Arnold lie* in the living spirit of freedom vious at the "Little Church Around Btryker and Edward Clark. caliber as Mayor Mount are constantly fuss, state director of Civil Defense, is wary possibly millions'of Russians, also, the Corner," New Tork city. Which we must protect and promote would do everything possible to carrying on the same ideals in their respec In every possible way. It does not The Daughters of Libery lodge of Mrs. Bertha Flnkelstein and her about the possible relaxing of C. IX efforts sabotage any big move Russia LETTERS FROM son, Lionel, who carried on the tire municipalities without remuneration lie in the dead hand of constraint, might make. • ' Fair Haven, conducted their annual in view of the Korean truce. Work on ex- The price for survival is not the fair in the basement of the Meth- clothing business of the late Joseph and frequently the object of unjustifiable unity of intellectual conformity, Meanwhile we know that we have OUR READERS odist church and It was a success M. Flnkelstein under the name of panding C. D. into a permanent peacetime the Rochester Clothes shop at 12 criticism. but rather the unity of purpose ths Industrial power, which turned beyond all expectations. Attending disaster control program is progressing, he within a wide diversity of adven- to war effort, is greater than that ======the various booths were Mrs,»Eliia West Front st. and who dosed, the It is not the big cities, but the small turous and significant thought — of Russia and all her satellites, Rhodes, Mrs. Annie Magee, Alice store a few months ago, planned says. even including the 400,000,000 THE GERMAN QUESTION to reopen and continue the busi- communities that form the backbone of Holllns Herald (Holllns College, Worthley, Carrie Hawkins, Libbie With the summer fast slipping away, we Va.) Chinese she took into the fold since Albemarle, N. C.Worthley, Lydia Taylor, Elizabeth ness under their own management. this country. And it is the way in which the end of the last war. Chandler, Ollie Gardiner, Josephine It waa closed because Lionel had hope local C. D. directors will concentrate A< 19M planned to go to California to take COSTLY 'POLICE ACTION' —Boston Post. To the Editor: * * DeWolfe and Susan Doughty. Mrs. these small communities are governed that for the next few weeks in recruiting volun- I have felt for some years that Eleanor Little was general mana- position with a relative, but then Preliminary eheckupa of the total we should seek to counteract the will determine whether this country will teers to man the defense councils. It's been ger and Mrs. Tillies Martin was he decided to remain here to assist American casualties In Korea Indi- SHUT OF PRESUMPTIONS Russian peace offensive with state- cashier. his mother. go forward or backward; whether we will No broad statement of policy can ments of what we want and de- a disheartening job for many local C, P, cate they will add up to 141,977. A daughter was born to Mrs. Wil- Raymond Brown, 17-year-old son keep our liberties or lose them; whether be fully judged until It has been ad- sire for the German, Austrian and of Thomas Brown of Eatontown, chief*, because public apathy continues dan- This makes the Korean war theministered in enough specific cases other enslaved, non-Russian people. liam Emmons of Holmdel, which we will remain free men or become slaves The demands should be based on weighed approximately three pounds waa hit In the hip by a bullet from gerously high. The job must be done, how- fourth costliest In casualties of any to constitute a valid sampling. And the highest moral and Christian a 33-callbre rifle which was being ths Department of .Interior's new at birth. The child was normal in to some foreign power. But we won't go war In our history, It means that principles, and they should be every particular and as the clothes carried by Russell Farry and ever, and that's where you come in. There power policy pronouncement juat broadcast not only to the German thought to have been empty when backward, we won't lose our liberties and the Revolutionary War, the War of lsiued by Secretary Douglas McKay and Austrian people, but to themade for the baby were all too must l>e some spot you, Mr., Mrs. or Miss, large, it waa dressed in doll clothes. It was accidentally discharged. we won't become slaves if we follow the 1812, and the Spanish war were contains of necessity a good many free world as well. can fill. You can find out by asking your fought with less loss In deaths, general terms. But taken as It The Russians have caught us off- Llizie and Annie Holmes of Key- Mrs. Roger Frances and Miss example set by men like the late Mayor stands, it appears reasonable and guard again by broadcasting a note port, returned from England where Louise Ghezzl of the Red Bank local director. wounded and missing. - that they have handed to Ameri- Register staff, arranged a party at Mount. realistic—a healthy but not a rev- can, British and French leaders, they visited an aunt,and several The threat of war, we're afraid, will he In the matter of money, Korea, olutionary change of direction, cousins whom they had never seen the River Plaza community club with a cost of (18,000,000,000 prob- so that they could definitely Influ- for the employees of The Register with us a long time. If, God forbid, it should ence the German election which Is before. A place of particular In- ably was more costly than any ex- Until the change in admlnlstra- in September. If by their peace terest which they visited was theand members of their ' respective come to our shores it then will be too late cept the two World wars. The trations the direction had been propaganda, the Communists get old schoolhouse in which their fath- families. The party was scheduled The Reade Theater of the Air American people did not talk in. bil- toward a presumption that tne teu-complete control of Germany, then er taught the youngsters of theto be held on the beach at North to effectively organize. Action now is sim- lions until around the turn of theeral government would develop hy- it will be only a short time until village. Long Branch, hut inclement weath- The start of work on construction of tele- droelectric power on major streams all Europe will come under Rus- er Interferred and the use of the ilar to insurance. We'll have what we need centur? when we had the first bll- "Rube" White, son of Capt. Jack vision station WRTV, the Walter Reade llon-dollar Congress. When this unless there were definite reasons sian domination. community clubhouse was secured when we need it. In addition, remember to the contrary. Under the new We have no time to lose; we White of Red Bank, won two races through the courtesy of Charles startled the nation, Speaker "Tom" should act at once. We should noti- at Highland Beaeh, one In • row- Theater of the Air, at Eatontown marks the that an efficient Civil Defense organization Reed said this was "a billion-dollar policy It Is presumed that govern- Brenger of River Plazi. country. ' ment will give "leadership and as-fy Russia that we will talk only ing contest and the othtr In. t tub start of a new era for this area. To Mr about certain matters, such as a race. After were over Walter Alfred Kiel of Chestnut will lessen the tragedies of disasters which sistance" not only to the "wl«e util- united Germany and Austria, giving Reade and his associates go our every good For a "police action," as former isation" but also to* the "conserva- "Rube" went to get his prizes, when st., died at his summer bungalow can strike at any time. We're grateful the President Truman called the Kor- tho German and Austrian people he was told that because he .had at Ship Bottom. Ho was 44 years wish for success and our praise for their tion" of tho nation's resources—In- the privilege of establishing their hurricane of two weeks ago didn't strike the ean eplsodo,' It certainly was a cluding; water. own government, freedom to vote won prises on two previous events, old and was a traveling auditor pretty costly affair all 'round. he was refused the trophies, He for the Central Railroad of New faith in the future of the Bhore. It repre shore area. It might have, though. How without coercion, freedom of speech, When the late Senator Taft was And the government will also frocdom of religion, freedom of tho came home badly disgusted and Jersey. sents a heavy financial investment designed many municipalities would huvo been able plan and recommend construction press, free enterprise, and a treaty said by virtue of the shabby treat- Dennis Martin of Rumson died in unjustly critlzed for his speeoh of hydro projects where "size and to enrich our residents in the fields of cuter about America "going It alone," with nil of Germany, accepting ment, he would never enter any his 89th year In the Long Branch to cope with it? Think it over, folkn, By complexity" are found beyond the them as a. freo people among the similar events conducted by theVospttal from a general nroakdown. tainment, education, culture and public a speech that was not honestly In- means of "local public or private nntlons of the world. people of Highlands. joining up with Civil Defense yuii niny help terpreted, our so-called allies were He was born In Fair Haven, the service. enterprise." But It now disclaims Wo should not only let the Ger- son of John and Bridget Kennedy to save a life—perhaps your own. especially vitriolic In their condem- any exclusive "right or responsi- man people know that we are de- Clarence Miller, sge 1) years, Martin, and for 30 years was fore- If all goes well, Mr. Ileade says, eonv nation. But actually we were go- bility" for developing the power re- manding their freedom, but also who lived with his parents in one the 'Other Russian satellite coun- man and superintendent of tho Mc- ing II "alone" pretty much in Korea. sources of any "area, basin, or re- of Robert Emory's cottages on Mahon greenhouses at Rumson. mercial programming will utart late in De Even the token assistance given by gion." tries. We should send these mes- Fourth ave., Atlantic Highlands, some of our alleged friends was sages by Radio Free Europe, Voice found a diamond earring In the Mickey Walkor of Runiaon, mid- comber. We hope it does, for it will make If It has been desirable to shift of Amerlcn, and balloon barrage. Watting 2,000 Lives more than offset' by their trading Wo should also arrange to train yard which a Brooklyn visitor had dleweight champion, made good in a nice Christmas present for all of us. Bring with the enemy, the presumptions of right and ro- lost 12 yearn before, He was given hit debut In the light heavyweight sponslblllty from fodoral to local and send thousands of refugees iitg the shore its own television station ii A predicted 2,000 children under II will Fnr as we have drifted from our hack to these countrlos, and • let a |30 gold piece as a reward for ranks at San Francisco by defeat- and private shoulders, It la now just their follow uountrymon know that his honesty. When asked what he Ing Armand Francisco In tho an ambitious undertaking, results of which be killed on their way to mid from school original Isolation policy of 40 years ago, whon Pronldont Wilson won as Important to make euro that tho wo wnnt tnt them all the liberties was going to do with the mnney, seventh round by a knockout, are certain to continue MOD mouth as the during the coming term. Tlionmind* morn shift doss not open the door to and freedom that we enjoy In he said he was going to give 12 to Thomas 8, Field of Middlotown his re-elootlon In 1MI on the slo-would-bo exploiters of resources Amoi'loa, God, one-third to hla brother and choice county of our state. will be injured, inwiy for life. TluitV l.liu gan "ho kept ui out of war," that township, while taking part In a Is the first World war, which we that bolong to all tho people, Hitro Lot them know by every possible put the rest In the bank, The game at Rumson, was hit by grim prediction of the Intitule for Sufer finally entered a fow month* after Is where general statements can bemonni that we are Piny Ing for brother wanted to know st once a polo ball on tho right slilo of his especially open to slanted Interprnr them nnd nre aaklna; God to help If he wafi going to get a third of Living of the American Mill mil Nubility In. his election, the current of world face near his eye, At first. It \m tatlons and where concrete appll- us know bent how to help thorn, the money boforo God's share was thought tlmt ho might losn the events has driven us on to a count liQl them know that If they put taken out. Hope for Tomorrow Niii'Hiice (:oin|)Hiiy, which urgcx f»nI-IMIIH In w« could not avoid, oatlon can bo the only sine test, their faith In Christ and In God •Ight of hla oye, but thin did not 1 | With thesn qualifications, the Motho Father, prny constantly, r.nd Announcement was made of theprovo the casn, personally escort ymmgei clillilri'ii in it ml Now wo hnvo the iloflnlte eqnflr- I Kay atalnmenl IOOIM roatonablo In the punt two tlcuudui, ninny serious work with others of like belief to coming nmrrlngo of Miss Lemintte Dr, Edwin V, Btcwurt, Inspector from Kchool until K miitlon Hint Ttusiils has the dreaded I enough, It adds to thn lnw'n prlot'U holii them obtain their 'rsodum tQaUtlo Bcdlc, daughter of Bid red of the Full* Haven Bonrd of Hoaltli, H-bomb, n« a rnsult, no doubt, of fi'nm homlngo anil slAvtry, Ihny, atlKeM nitve oomo forth in an iittcmpl to eMithllMhcd. I MM it prlurlly foe domontlc nnd V, Dcdlo of Keyport, to Ralph P, WM appointed a spoclnl officer of inn tronnhnry nt the spies within rural ruMomtiK nH»ln«l "Inign In- loo, run hecomn freo men, n« GodCnrlmrt of Now Vork, dutermlne Jiint wlml makea "tolr Haven liy the Mayor and In ICM tliHti iwu weeks, NCIHMIIN in ihls dustrial IIAIM'fl," 11 lots lip II llMfllc Unnw Hint wlion they ni'e free, wr Jctiftn O, Wolialor mid William council, tick and If they stuck up favorably with have tn he nil our guard every mo- I'atn yardstick for frrifirnl power vlCJIllt,V Will ttpdll. VotllUJHk'I'H Will) llllVI! mmt nntl continue nur spending for will help Uwm In rt>nnh A hluhcv Ackni'iion, both of Kinyport, pianneil Mian Bhlrlry Kleitter took u po- those of preceding generation*. defense for some years to conn. delivered to distribution centers, ilegrcn of economic freedom than to entor Wood's Buiinesa college sition In the ticket office of tha frolicked tho punt HCIIHUII will hitvi! a tough And thoro sen othni' more generally thehey now have, and that we wilwil l In the fall for a eight-month count, new Hunting theater nt Ue to Ilio puri'iitN In tiikn I tic In Itm Milne thai thty will wenken Wo wish Din policy ittntemont ro-penes nnd prosperity for all mitn- Tw«nty-Flvci YMIS, Ago, other Itomii, though \m publldm], which Rusaln's efforts, We Imva (lie ser-lumortotl more nxpllcllly forlcrn] re-kindkind, Domlnlok A, Ma»«a was building LZNOnOlT - Monitors of llm ri'Nponsllilllty for gutting tlii'in oil' to nclinol ious rumblings In Bust dermany sponsibility for tlin orderly tlovnl- May I uw nil Amerlonn nltlien* A storo In front of his homo on the Llnoroft-Holmdul Klwnnl* club hold give us hope for tomorrow, a liopu stem to wrlln ilw> PiTdlilont, Bi'oi'olitry of with u MR f« Hi II rt, A Illlle uxli'ii tlino mid n which will (oiul to msko RUKHIA npmant of wntci' icnouroos. It dun* ensl nlilo of Shrewsbury nvo, Mlliis an .Intor-cliiu mettlnc AVednaadny mlng from deeds of nlcrl youngsld'H, imiHo In nurllnir a world conflict, promldfl tlmt tlin Inloilor Depnrl- Hl/ile, your Conuroianian, and yuur few Incoiivonli'iii'i1* will lie worth HID oll'oii, 11 Hoimtor, nnd auk them to not Roscnhei'it elnlnio. Marshall, secretary- ranged through the co-operation of mouth and Ocean County Federa- past presidents parley will be held manager of the big exposition, the N. J. State Department of Agri- tions of Holy Name societies here College for Women, was a guest Sept. 10 at the Homestead restau- which will open here Sunday, Sept. culture and the state (air, an op-Sunday, Sept. 27, Charles Capone, at a meeting of the county Amer- rant In Ocean Grove, and the Gold 27 and continue through Sunday, portunity will be given to all thechairman of the committee of ar- ican Legion auxiliaries Friday at Star Mothers tea, Sept. 12, at the Oct. 4. boys and girls to-enter their cattle, rangements, has appointed the fol- Eatontown American Legion Post Asbury Park post home. The con- A new building is being erected many of which will be winners of lowing parish representatives to vention will be, concluded with a HOSmAllNSu^ANCE home. Girls' State is a project of on the grounds to house educa- prizes at county fairs, and compete ball at Convention hall. tional exhibits, and already Rutgers assist in organizing the marching the state legion auxiliary. for state ribbons. In addition, some units: marshals, federation vice Members of the Eatontown aux- • PAYS UP TO $25.00 A DAY university and the New Jersey Edu- will be entered in the open classes presidents James Grodeska, St. Ag- Miss Lipski, who plans to follow iliary served refreshhments. Mrs. Clip Coupon and Mail TODAYI and compete against the best herds nes, Atlantic Highlands, and Louis legal career, was sponsored by William Johnea, Union Beach, won at the fair. Retssner, St. Catherine'*, East the Marlboro post auxiliary. She the attendance award. The next • It Pays SurqecVi Foot at Hospital, CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO. Arrangements have aUb been Keansburg; James Vacchlone, Our told of her attendance to Girls Na- county meeting will be Oct. 9 at made for an exhibition of prl«e-win~ Lady of Mount Carmel, Asbury tion in Washington, D. C, the same Highlands post home with Twin- Home or Doctor's Office AMERICA'S No. 1 ning goats by New Jersey owners. Park; O. Arthur Farren, St. Cath- project on a national scale, where light unit as hostesses. she met President Elsenhower, and • $300.00 Surgical lenafits (Optional} 30 CLINTON STREET. NEWARK 2, N. J. A special tent will be erected for arine, Spring Lake; Nathan Hess- other government officials. In the animals and fair visitors can lein, Our Lady Star of the Sea, • Pay* Hospital Extras Send ma details for get a glimpse of a growing indus- Long Branch; Joseph Saker, St. thanking the auxiliary for sending BASIC AT DIX her to the June meetings she said ( ) family ( ) individual cmiiits? try. Rose, of Lima, Freehold, and Mi-that "Girls'. State has given me a BAST KEANSBURG—Pvt. Rich- • •Mtfits for Doctor's Call in Hospital In addition to the Hell Drivers, chael Anderson, St. James, Red cleaner conception of Americanism ard S. Gould, son of Mrs. Marge who will appear Sund&y, Sept. 27 Bank. Aides to the marshals are Gould of 3 Cedar ave. here, is • No 10-Day Limit on Female Illness Name ". Charles Kautz, St. Dorothea, Eaton- than I had before going." and 28, harness races will be staged undergoing basic training with tho • Maternity Benefits (Family Group) from Tuesday through Friday. town, secretary of the federation, Mrs. Thomas White of Keyport, 8th Infantry regiment at Fort Dix. Address and Daniel Rellly, St. Rote, Bel- membership chairman, gave awards A June graduate of Middlctown Then "on Saturday afternoon, Oct. to Shrewsbury unit of Red Bank, • Free Choice of Hospitals 3, there will be four harness races rnar, federation treasurer. Stanley township high school, Gould was City and a presented by the Dal- Thompson and Herbert Mack, St. Union Beach and Wanamassa for employed as a plumber's assistant THE IEST COSTS LESS ... State ton Brothers. Big car racing will Peter Claver, and William Duffy, their "early bird" memberships of prior to his entrance into the No Obligation! end the falr'« program' Oct. i. Holy Spirit, Asbury Park; John last year. Mrs. Clinton Bennett of Army. Jensen, St. Denis, Mmnasquan; Every night there will be an en- Francis Shea, St. Joseph, Key port; tertainment before the grandstand. William Kohlbecker, Holy Family, In addition to the usual stage Vnion Beach; Charles Schedlbauer, show, "The Showtime Revue," there St. Michael, West End; Carmine will be presented for the first time Pallone, Holy Trinity, Long Branch; in this area, "Dancing Waters," Edward Keyes, St. Catherine, Farm- during which dance numbers will ingdale; Lawrence Whelan, Our be given by Grlaha and Brona. Lady of Mercy, Englishtown; John There also will be vaudeville and William Stl!llngs, St. Mary, New aerial acts. Monmouth, and Emillo Grllli, St, Anthony, .Red Bank. "Eight out of ten rod.ri eoniult Th« 17 FLAVORS Regliter Clanined Adi."—AdycrtiuBKnt The parade, under the direction of Dr. R. Emmet Mulholl&nd as grand marshal, will have repre- LOST OUR LEASE! sentatives from Holy Namt socie- Looking ties In 40 pftrlshiMi in Monmouth and Ocean counties. It will con- clude

Holmdel • At Journal, it's "yes" promptly to 4 out of 5 employed men and women—married or single. With your "yei," you Mr*. Edward Benedict and , receive friendly service . . . personal consideration .. . expert daughter Kathie of Brooklyn spent ALL MERCHANDISE MUST BE SOLD BEFORE MOVING counsel on your money problem. And the loan is fittti, wherever the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ponible, to your individual circumstance!. Harry Pitcher. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace ' Gallup Phf»N ft*! Visit Lean! are on a vacation trip to the Thou- TO OUR NEW LOCATION... THE NEW AMERICAN LEGION sand Islands. If you're in a hurry, phone Im- Patty Hammond, daughter of Mr. mtdUtely so we can have every- and Mrs. Wilbur Hammond, cele- thing ready when you come in. brated her tenth birthday Friday BUILDING, NUMBER 50, HIGHWAY 35, EATONTOWN That way, you can |«t your loan in with a party at her home. At- . Surt one visit. If more convenient, tending were Carol Ducker, Lor- write or just come in. See for your- raine Turnbee, Jane Harrison, Lois eelf why over a million people say, Dancer, Betty Ann Hammond and It's hucnat to be mm)" Dolly Hammond. Lorraine Turnbee Lews $31 te WOO en Mfjintore, rwnHitr•,.* Airte and Lois Dancer won prizes. Mrs. Jaeob Umberger Is a medi- cal patient- at Monmouth -Memor- EVERYTHING MUST GO! ial hospital. The Ladies' auxiliary of the Holmdel Fire company will meet at the fire house next Monday, one week earlier than the usual date. NEW MERCHANDISE! FLOOR SAMPLES! SMALL APPLIANCES! 2 convenient oflfcoi -which If noaretf yovt An executive board meeting of MO BANK...... hft«a«J Street, MHoer ...Phenol t-NM the Holmdel Township Parent- Teacher association has been AMURY PARK. .TM Coekman Avenue, 2nd Flaw.... .Phenol 2-7IM planned for Sept. 4 at the home AW0 OKN EVENINGS IY APPOINTMENT — "HONE FOR IVENINO HOURS of the president, Mrs. Harry GE IRONER SET Het*H Retail Urn M* H mlenli •( til i»rrti»#m Nm • llimw IM. IM, OT GE WASHER " Kissel. Value Sale Price SAVE AR 30 MONK 6S.90 45.90 «M POSTURE CHAIR 14.95 .01 $0095 CARRIAOE TAILE $0182 ' 14.95 .01 PLASTIC COVIR Spectacular performance! Stand-out gas saying! Faryreatirafity! WAS (129.95 NOW 1.95 .01 99 TfJi »5.93 31 Now get a sensational Studebaker J244 GE DISHWASHER SINK COMB. SE 100 24 helot > Normal Intonatlm $ 95 WM CoJroel Drylnej Unit $ 95 fr«t of tiff* cost , NOW at a sensational low price! 194 WAS S429.95 NOW 299 GE AUTO WASHER AW5B4 OE REFRIGERATOR NMJ * n* c*i|Mcify 1.1 en. ft. Atitofiffltlc 95 $ 95 WAS 8349.95 NOW 299 WAS $249.95 NOW 199 GE HOME FREEZER NAIL GE RANGEc " 11 CM. ft. • Warning Llabt . Now 39 Incbot loaf • wHh Lamp and campJtta wMi 1100.00 wart* of 95 95 nit Mm* MS *nm «M «m wdml ki ill DM et nH M«I $ fr food free of ertra cost! free of aitra cattl Tty it and yoifll buy it! Americi'i moit exciting new oir! VALUE $529.95 NOW 429 WAS $259.95 NOW 229 Trade in your present car! Drive home a new Studebaker!' Own this car that it way out ahead In ityle-ln pet- SPECIAL— CET $100.00 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD REFRIG- formance-ln economy—In safety I Come In right away and get a sensational new Stud** ERATOR ON A NEW, GE REFRIGERATOR - FOOD FREEZER COMBINATION .baker for yourself at an almost unbelievable low price. fonifn car flair You may not have to put up even * dime to drive In 9 body typtt NH1OJ. STORAGE UP TO 70lbi. NO-DEFROST REFRIGERATOR. home your own new Studebaker. Your present car la probably good for a big part o! the eensatlonally low Studebaker delivered price. Amiricati nmfort Come In and go out for'a ride. Gat the greatest and handling tost automobile bargain In America. -ALL FLOOR SAMPLES AT SPECIAL PRICES-

lontir wkttlbasts and tUdtr Irtads NO MONEY DOWN • BIG TRADE IN

txpansts of tlast . UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY FOR YOUR OLD APPLIANCES for big visibility

The IM llvashakir It • sei\ tt«4ekeliN eet« 1*11 MiMen mlleaie ilerl Thliyiif ngnln In Aimhmy A were I Studsbaker and fintr Studtbahr tin Mobllmi Run, thi Chomplon, style hn been named ouUtundlni "Mirach Ride" 200 CAR • • • IheCommandcrindLind Cruller by • noted New York school or ATONTOWM . V-Bi made lenutionel icaru, fuhlon dnlin. OPEN EVENINGS ,; „, , ;; Htrnlim »i» tiwit Sltitl*l—i*1 Atfmtlii Drtvt >t OttrMM—iHlkHl *i ittrt ml l» all MMV/I E RADIO «c TELEVISION I ^. FREE PARKING BAILLY BROTHERS WERNER'S GARAGE TIL 10 P. M. 17-19 MAIN STREET EATONTOWN, N J AT REAR OF STORE •I MONMOUTH STRUT STATI HIGHWAY He. U RID IANK, N. J. IILPORD, N. J. Phone Eatontown VAtrhi •RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953 ipray will control both aphis and 'At Savoy Monday Loehr, Asbury Park, and Mr. Oar- WINS TV FRIZES electric griddle and .a ,W»stlngri6iis« ?• Best Time of the Year for Farmers he leaf chewing insects. Parathion rabrandt. PORT MONMOUTH — Mrs. Har- dishwasher when she answered two >r DDT must not be used within I Apollo Club Sets Cornelius W. Daniel, Sr., of Fort old Musant* of Collins avt. here questions posed by 'RKtnMarsWall 0 days of harvest. Lauderdale, Fla., a life member, of over the telephone during the com- if. To Ditch and Tile for Drainage Hotbed* and Coldframe* the club, was a guest at the plan- last Thursday afternoon was award- pany's "Freedom Rings" •TV ehow Date for Concert ning meeting. FREEHOLD—Ditching and tiling a questionable decision to ditch In- Growers who do not produce good ed a Westlnghouse menu-master on CBS. / jlants in their hotbeds and cold- FAIR HAVEN—Plans for th* for land drainage often fits Into the stead of tile. Open ditches usually are effective, rames should observe the con- 1883-84 concert season of the Apollo farm operations best following; the the engineer says, but they cannot lition of.their frames at this time club of Asbury Park wer* made grain harreat and before fall work. be crossed with equipment and they if year. In many instances weeds at a reorganization masting of the At thii leaaon iwamp areas are cut fields Into areas that are dif- ire growing five and aix feet tall In board of trustees, lrut week at the he frameyard and wl.ll be allowed noit aceeatlble to ditching; machin- ficult and costly to operate. Fur- horn* of C, Donald English on thermore, ditches take considerable o produce seed. Much of this soil Cooney ter. The firrt of thre* ap- ery. area out of productive use and the •111 be thoroughly contaminated Considerable ditching has recent- cost of maintaining field ditches ,vith seeds and wilt have to be pearances for the 40-volc* male ly been done In Now Jersey mead- is high. :arted away before a new crop of singing group was tentatively owi and pasture fields where the Tile will handle the same drain- >lants can. bo started. scheduled for Dec. 17 at the Berk- til* drainage might have proved a age jobs as field ditches except for Absence of weeds around the eley-Carteret hotel, Asbury Park. • better solution, observes W. C. flash floods; they can be put where Others in the series will be pre- Krueger, extension farm engineer 'ramcyard or in the frames is im- needed without interfering with portant. Many of tho virus and sented in March and May of 1984. at Rutgers university. The avail- field operations and If properly in- mosaic diseases are known to at- ability of power shovels and tractor stalled they require little mainten- tack such weeds and may be held Willard I. Johnson of Belmar, acoop* and the difficulty of getting' ance. Dvcr the winter, warns County who succeeded John N. Garra- til* ditchers has probably influenced The cost of tile drainage in terms Agent Clark. Early spring Infec- brandt of Ocean Grove as club of crop returns Is no greater today tion o£ plants can be caused by ASBURT PARK—Zachary Scott, president, named committee chair- IB Bod Bank It'* than 50 years ago. Only in soils insects which feed on the diseased stage and screen star, who will ap- men and called the first meeting of 8HEBMAN'S (or that are so tight or impermeable weeds and then carry the disease pear In person on the stage of the singing members for Oct. 5 at the • CURTAINS as to prevent water movement Into the frame. Savoy, the Walter Reade theater Grand Avenue Reformed church, • DRAPERIES through them, will tile drainage Asbury Park, where the club will • SLIP COVERS Weeds in t!ie frameyard are across from the railroad station hold its weekly Monday night re- provo unsatisfactory. easily controlled by chemical weed here in the prize-winning Broad- hearsals. • VENETIAN BLINDS, Watch Fall Cabbage killers which should be used often way hit, "I Am A Camera," starting For Monday. Ruth Ford will be co- Trustees discussed plans for Is- Plantings of cabbage and related enough to keep weeds from seeding. suing invitations to both singing Saop-at-Home Service crops made early in July where starred, Phone RB 6-2646 During spare time soil for next and associate members, but de- the plants were transplanted into year's crops should be collected and "I Am a Camera" will be the ferred definite action until the next Shtrman's the field have done remarkably well placed in a compost pine. This soil Savoy's Labor day week attraction meeting, Sept. 21, at the home of Hem* Decorators even under dry weather conditions. should be collected by the first of and the last production in the the- Clarence Reynolds at Long Branch. The young plants, although not .4* BROAD STREET RED BANK September BO that it can be ster- ater's ten-week season of Broad' Other club trustees Include Mr. growing fast, have made roots. ilized with one of the chemical ma- way plays with big-name stars. Per- English, club vice president; Joseph Close supervision will be neces- crials for the control of both dig formances will be nightly at 8:40, L. YarnaJl, Bradley Beach, secre- sary from now on to see that they eases and insects. with the final show-Saturday night, tary; Philip Roy, Fair Haven, treas- are kept growing. If fertilizer was Fly Control on Tomatoen Sept. 5. Matinees will be at 2:40 urer; LeRoy A. Johnson, West Long MATERNITY Wednesday and Saturday as usual. applied before the crop was planted Drdsophila—also called vinegar Branch, chairman of the board, Les- SUPPORTS GARTERBELTS then an additional application need gnat and pomace fly—the little pest ter L. Gardner, Rumson; C. Byron BRAS LINGERIE not be made for a few weeks or that damaged last year's tomato ECONOMICS MEETING Wortman, West Long Branch; Wil- until there is enough moisture in crop, is now getting ready for the FREEHOLD-Mfs. Stuart Whit liam G. Wye, Eatontown; Herman the ground to make this fertilizer 1953 attack. Dr. Ordway Stamcs lock of Chatham and Mrs. Charles S. Farber, Lakewood; Robert F. TUCKER'S available, says County Agent M. A extension entomologist, at Rutgers Patterson of Ardena, will represent Clark. university, suggests incNpcnaivc and New Jersey at the National Home CORSET • LINGERIE A side-dressing of a complete fer- practical ways to control Droso- Demonstration council meeting in 1SB B1VAV LONG BRANCH tilizer of either a 5-10-10 or ai phi I a. Boston, Mass., tills week-end. Mrs. 8-8-8 mixture, applying an average Keep Holds free of woods und Patterson is president of the Mon- of 400 pounds to the acre along the grass as the flics like to rest in mouth County Home Economics row, will keep the plants growing the shade to cool off, he says. Breed- Extension council and has been and Is advisable on many plantings. ing places near tomato fields can be active for many years In the home ANYTHING In addition to keeping the plants eliminated. Among these Droso- economics extension service pro- WIRE INTO growing continuously, it is ncces phila hatcheries are neglected fruit gram. She represents the Free- sary to control Insects, such as cab- trees, old berry or melon fields hold area of the women's division bage aphis and worms. and piles of cull fruit and veg- of the Monmouth County Safety Materials recommended for con- etables. council and is a member of the LAMPS! trol of aphis are nicotine, para- Pick tomatoes as early as pos- Freehold Woman's club. Both Mrs. LAMPS thion, or TEPP applied as a dust sible without .sacrificing quality to Patterson and Mrs. Whitlock are when you try them RE-WIRED or liquid. cut short any infestation that has currently active In the formation Three-quarter per cent rotenone started, Handle fruit carefully as of a state home economics exten- dust or. a xotcnone-sulfur dust, breaks or bruises start juice flow sion council. you'll see why!, three per cent DDT or one per cent ing and this is. most attractive to HAROLDS parathion dust will control cabbage the flics. Use clean baskets to de- RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP worms. These materials may also lay the spread of Infestation be- improve effectiveness of the spray "Y*s, and you'll discover IS Front Si, Bed Bank MT44 be used In spray form. tween baskets and between fields Apply the spray so as to thoroughly One per cent parathion dust or and farms. wet the walls, celling and other Flagstaff Corn and Finally, spray filled baskets wait- surfaces. ing to be loaded with a two per Caution: Do not use in milk every Flagstaff Food cent commercial pyrethrlns formu- rooms. Do not spray with animals BUY WITH CONFIDENCE from tin lation, diluted one part in 200 parts in barns and do not apply on ani- of water, advises Dr. Starnes. Last tasfes betttrl" LARGEST Storm Window A Door Dealer! mals. Avoid contamination of k year this insecticide, which Is suit- water, feed and food products. able for use on freah foods, was Cover the drinking cups' and feed effectively applied with a hand mangers during tho spraying. broom off a hydraulic sprayer. This 17 FLAVORS Stile! Extra Heavy treatment protected the tomatoes IXntUDCD Aluminum Combination so they could be delivered to pro- cessors within 24 hours, free of SCR UN adult flies. Dairy Barn Files 3-TRACK STORM If th« flies In your .dairy barn are resistant to ltndane, methoxy- chlor and other chlorinated hydro- carbon Insecticides, try malathon. That advice Is passed along by Krt. 133.110 in SISM Mr. Clark, who reports that tests by the New Jersey Agricultural ex- I ANY SIZI TO GIANT 36* x 73* periment station this summer show that one application of malathon will give two to four weeks of fly control. mi tin WINDOW These tests were conducted In th* IMUIMIWI Opl. same barns where it was Impossible $3 ca. on 3 er mort to get control with the other in- secticides. Outstanding viluc! Not "3 or Malathon has now been approved 4-Way", but GENUINE CUSTOM- for use In dairy barns and other

MADE lull3-tr»ck windows. Costly farm buildings by the Insecticide r v . • • • INTERLOCKING FEATURE, hand- division of the U. S. Production and some over-lap frame. Ventilates Marketing Administration. ANY LEVEL top or bottom just like However, If the flics in your barn your own window at home. IN- have not yet become resistant to STANT CHANGEOVER from sum- llndane or methoxychlor, you wil •ner to winter without juggling, get better results from them than shifting or changing inserts. NO from malathon, Clark says. Far more FINER TYPE MADE! For reduction of flies in dairy MA TUMI •> law •> S*< barns and in and around other •I*. WINDOW *M MONTH, farm buildings, apply a spray con' (tart ••yln| In November. talning two gallons of maiathan emulsiflable liquid (nina to 10 •». •, pounds of actual maiathan) In 100 Sale! Extra Heavy 63ST5. gallons of water. Addition of 20 miles per gallon pounds of sugar, corn syrup or un IXTRUMO Aluminum Cnmbinaiiiin V Thick sulfurlzcd molasses Is reported to SCREEN* DOf)D oh the trips YOU take! STORM -WVI1 tat M*OI sins ro ar"«ir «••. rt.ts

Includes~ unnn IXTRUDED ALUMINUM Outside No matter what record you Door want . . . Nieien Music frame Initallitlon Opt. SI0 niui. Grille. II Ottlrcd. 110 Center hat it... Popular!, A COMrllU DOOI-NO UIKAI TO WTI hit parade, classical. Heavy nuii aolld aluminum klcb- plate, aitrudtd aluminum ralniweep, •mtutnnilc door check, "Ideal" latch •«t, e.orm and wfnd limit chain, many other deluxe feature!. Hfavy aluminum corner hracei, double rlv* •ted for eatra eturdineie. lullStltrlh.ili,l UriHWhiCnllltl,/r

CUSTOM-MADE Sule! 1IADY-MADI VENETIAN BUNDS VINITIAN in llt.ltr.Ututlti ALUMINUM er STEM. MINDS A A "'•"" *k»-v«ulomjllc rw«". in everyday over everyday roads I riACI 51ft in width snd itniM, Wide choice win, hn«> Bottom "Thrift-King" engine In gearshift models. ol n iohd ai Mone cuitom tolid lander ml, tncleitd tie11 They squeeze much mort out, of regular >>pe u4 cord colon, finiihn] In lutlrout rieid. Mlilmum i Out to the golf course. Of! for a week-end IIiriaSON MIMealU* WtSHINGTON, D.C. >U« WHITE or IGGSHtll. tntfoild Heel blindi, It's Niesen's gasoline-more milei, more pleasure. h»»d, bollom nil. CUSIOM.MADC loltranci of fishing. Half acrou the country on • Along wlthlhli greater gu mileage, you AI aver AHNWM Iliroulhowtl Intlillilion imn|tl HIM UMM M* ILINOt full-Kale vacation. Whinvtr you |0- WIUNWI rra* fwVMf •>•<) Hit • M» get lower over-all upkeep costi, And Chev- for howtvtr you drive-you're going to get rolet Is the lowest-priced line In Iti field. MORE PEOPII TABLE PAD & VENETIAN there on a lot less gasoline in i fine new Drop In nnd let us ahow you how you'll IUY (HEVROinS Chevrolet. be better off In tvery way with a 1953 THAN ANY OTHER CARI BLIND CO. RECORDS The truth Is, this year's Chevrolet owner* Chevrolet! lire enjoying the most Important gain In Cemt In, Irowie Around. 'Combination nl Ptiwtrglld* automate Iran.u Listening loothi for Your reonomy In Chevrolet history. Plus more mission and tli-h.p, "Nut-Flam*" tnglni A Mllltr Men Will Call With Samplei ft Mooiuro Free of Charge power, Fasler nccelcnillon. More "jteam" optional on "Two-Ten" and Bel Air modsoo only scheduled talk in the New brid varieties, estimates Clifford Jersey area. Sims, U.3.D.A. agricultural atatka- Americd's first Dr. Crane received mtettr of set tlclkn for the slate. CM* MONTNIT PArMMff PIANS ence and doctor of philosophy de- A yield of approximately 52 taM j0 u ii « t grees from London anlversity and bushels per acre U forecast this I ia director of lh« Bee Research as- year. Despite adverse weather af- • n 14.87 S9.08 sociation. Sha has been editor of ter planting, the trio wing season Ml | 8.41 16.97 9.75 18.15 th« Bea World sine* 1AS0 when hu been favorable and recent finance 12.83 13,93 19.50 36.31 she succeeded Annie BetU, rains assure an excellent crop, esti- aot 19.24, 20.90 29.25 54.46 The meeting will begin at 11 a mated at about 8,760,000 buahels. cotnptny TOSO, 33.69 47.62 89.53 m, with an informal discussion and About 188,000 acre* went planted m Dr. Crane'* talk will follow lunch to field corn this year, all but 8,000 acres of which were planted to hy- Mobile Cancer Unit brid varieties. Thtt early ectlmatea plae* N*w MOMIY WHIN YOU MHO IT! At Asbury Park Jersey eighth in the- nation for ASBURT PARK—Thu mobile yield per aero of corn. Iowa, Il- unit of th« American Cancer so- linois, Washington, Wisconsin, In- EHOLO FINANCE ciety will t» at Fifth and Ocean diana, Ohio and Idaho rank above ave*., Hera today through Saturday th« state in that order. and will be open to th« public be- The Garden Stats corn crop Is tween 7 p. m. and 10 p. m. used primarily as feed for poultry ASNJtYMK-nOCMIMM Amm* fad Flow and livestock. "". m»m Alfcwy Pifc MOW The unit will be staffed by mem f ben of thi educational committee Th* ancient toast of Cornwall, PilTNAMtOY-JI3 Mote 9n; 6* Flow of the Monmouth county chapter of England—"Fish, tin and copper"— th« American Cancer lociety under reflects the economy of the area. the direction of If r«. Samuel Rubin -W-- . UmmHm.Ut.Ul of Inttrlaken and Mr*, Peter Gut- horn of Allenhurat. planning an AUTO TRIP? send for your Experienced Operators flit copy of

The whole gang loves our Stride Rite shoes... and WANTED! mothers swear by them! We've a brand new stock awaiting... sturdy, skillfully made • UNION SHOP and CONDITIONS •tyles with quality in every inch. And, since growing • HOURS; 8 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. feet come in all sizes and widths... so • $40.00 MINIMUM -$75.00 MAXIMUM do Stride Rites! We have the exact pair best • BUS SERVICE TO DOOR suited to your youngster's needs... and we fit these fine shoes with utmost care. Come in, come in • HIGH GRADE McGREGOR SPORTS !»'•>•» holkfut MIMOtliOM Tor,'Mfo.tWtvlnf in oil.iitwff wherever you are... and bring your moppets with you. WEAR

jiiiip ymi tnf«y Pries, fram £JgQ t. gggg Acc«4l», to Slit 'APPLY fr*t),,w»rry-fr«« holiday, ' PrtscrlptioM Cwtfully FltUtJ hiM,'wrltt' or •••« dt f*f • c*py •» "Trip Tip." L & S SPORTSWEAR AmencoForc JOSEPH G. McCUE JLrt S. WitL UNION AVE. UNION BEACH AGENCY KEYPOKT 7-0177 M Rhine Itoiul, ltuniion II IROAD ST. SHOE CO. RED BANK Phon« Hiinn«nn 1-0444 • QMH Mtfuy lvinln|i TIM I t, M.B Ten , ICED BANK KEU1M TEK, AUGUST 2Tt 1958 Churchwomen to lantic City. Several member* ot the tian Am.rlcans we are dedicated Everett Red Bank Council of Church Wom- to maintaining the freedom of all Soren to Direct Oeal Proposes Hear Eisenhower en wilt attend. Americans and their institutions. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan PROFESSIONAL, BUSINESS s. »*••' No body of citizens is more alert t _ i and children of Scranton, Pa., spent President Elsenhower will be Along with the Invitation to this last week with Mr. and Mrs. Har- Offshore Police meeting, the President was pre- to the threat of Communist thought the speaker at the sixth annual as- and conspiracy to the Christian old Morgan. DEAL — Tht board of commls- PERSONAL TELEPHONE sembly of the United Church Wom- sented with a copy of "A Chris- Public Relations Kenneth Morgan and Harold tian's Declaration of Loyalty," faith and to freedom than the IiONG BRANCH — The appoint- itonera, which laat month made en of the National Council at Morgan attended the ball game Sat- shargei that offshore party fishing Churches Tuesday, Oct. 6, in At- which reads M follows: "As Chris- Christian churches." ment of George W. Sor.nsen of urday at Yankee stadium. SERVICE Boston, Mass., as director of pub- Catherine Hickey, daughter of )oats were dumping their garbage Our trained secretaries are at your services to take complete collegeic relation, hass fobeer Monmouln announceh Juniod byr Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hickey, spent ind refuse too close to short, has messages for you when you are out or away. Jt-HOUR SER- Dean Edward G. Schlaefer aj part of last week with Mr. and liscuased th» possibility of creat- VICE. For Information and rates first step in a move to build further Mrs. George Kelly of Atlantic ng the shors area's first police pa- awareness of the college's many Highland*. rol boat. CALL RED BANK 6-4700 lies with the Monmouth and Ocean Mrs. Esther Cox of Irvington I* county areas it serves. Mr. Sorensen The board, after learning that THE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE visiting with her ion and daughter- he (tat* board of health has no moves from Boston university after in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox. 157 BROAD STREET RED BANK several yean as research assistant Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Donnaman Jurisdiction over such acts, has in the university'* bureau of pub- of New York city were guests Sun- asked iU attorney, Richard W. licity. day af Mr. and Mrs, J. Daniel Stout, father of State, Sen. Richard Tuller. R. Stout, to aak the legislators] to enact a bill that would give aueh Pvt. Walter Wilson, ion of Mr. powers to the state board and to and Mrs. Austin Wilson, Is home municipalities, on leave from Camp Folk, La. Mayor Solomon Lautman aaid If Mrs. Charles Conover entertained such a law U passed, the borough at an outdoor covered dish barbe- would like to join with other neigh- cue last Thursday afternoon. The boring municipalities in the pur- members of Mrs. Conover's 4-H chase and operation of a patrol club cooking class invited their boat. Mr. Stout said the Allenhurst umnt-fotm mothers to the party. Each mem- board of commissioners has sim- ber brought a covered dish and ilarly Instructed him to contact FOUNTAIN PEN hamburgers were grilled. Attending the county's legislators about such were Mrs. Roy Antonides and a law. daughter Margery, Mrs. John Por- tin and daughter Julia and Mrs. SERVING IN KOREA Donald Hickey and daughter Ann P. T. C. Melvin E. Yard, ion of Everett, Mrs. Fred Hall and of Mrs. Nettie Yard of «3 Morford daughter Mildred of Mlddletown pi., Red Bank, Is serving in Kona and Mrs. Clarence Francleco and with the 45th Infantry division. daughter Joyce of LIncroft. Pvt. Yard, who arrived in Korea Philip Morgan, son of Mr. and in April, is an assistant automatic School Bags • Ring Binders Mrs. Harold Morgan, celebrated, his rifleman In the 180th Regiment's 17th birthday Friday with the company F. A former truck driver family. for Michael J. Stavola, he entered Mr. and Mrs. Richard VanPelt he Army in Nov., 195J. George W. Sorensen and children have moved to Harris ave., Brlelle. • Pencils • Pads • Paper Among the many jobs to be un- Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cox of dertaken by the Monmouth Junior Elizabeth, who have purchased the college office of public relations VanPelt home, have moved there are helfi in development of the this week. growing alumni association, expan- Mrs. Donald Hickey and children sion of the faculty speakers' bu- Donald and Catherine attended the • Erasers Pencil Boxes reau to a point where the communi- birthday party of Dorothy Wilson, ty can fully utilize the talents of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert college experts in. many fields, and Wilson, who was two years old contact with the public through Sunday. organizations, newspapers and other Mrs. John Portln and daughters mediums. Lisa and Julia visited Mr. and Mrs. Dictionaries Inks The new director of public rela< Charles Elmgrin at Lake Ronkon- JAGUAR tlons' Is 29 years old, Is a Navy koma, L. I., over the week-end. veteran of World War II and holds Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams XK-120 Convertible degrees from Antioch college, Yel- are spending part of this week low Springs, Ohio, and Boston uni- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John To be seen in this brand new, , Desk Lamps • Maps versity. His background Includes a Duerden of Moscow, Pa. exquisitely designed and handsomely variety of positions and contribu- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams and appointed Jaguar Convertible is tions" with newspapers, magazines, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suldym ot radio and television as well as work Yonkers, are visiting at the Wil- to be admired and envied. in advertising, selling and organ- liams home. izing. He undertake* his new du- Something Top down, it's just the swankiest convertible there is. • Typewriters ties at Monmouth Junior college More ' Top up, it loses none of its lithe grace. Here is a 120-milean-hour, immediately. TOR FROSTY FRUIT yet unbelievably safe, Jaguar that will cater to your most WORLD'S Than Just vagrant mood-as a demonstration will quickly prove. Com in torn! - ONLY FINED AT BVMSOM REFRESHMENT... a Bottle of RUMSON—Three persons were THE FINEST CAR OF ITS CLASS IN THE WORLD "NO-DUNK" fined $10 each on careless driving Milk PEN charges Monday night by Magis- QUALITY trate Arnold Tulp. They were Fran- KVERAGCS Puritan VAN GULIN MOTORS, Inc. cis Andre of Hoboken; Mrs. Louise Distributors for Jaguar Motor Cats for Badenhop, Buena Vista ave., Rum- MILK CO. . son, and Robert Branin, Jr., Eat- Rt4 •«* tVOM* Monmouth, Ocean, Atlantic, Cape May and Burlington Counties ontown. Mrs. Doris Clough " of 409 BAY AVENUE ' POINT PLEASANT Oceanport was fined 1111 for speed- 22 MONMOUTH ST. RID IANK t-5363 ing and for not having her driver's PHONE: POINT PLEASANT 5-1404 license in her possesaion. Anthony STATIONERS Medlo of New York city paid a *3 FLAVORS Atttr4fwy fine (or parking in a restricted area. •ANK FINANCING • UBBML TRADE • FACTORY PARTS AND StRYICt PUBLIC AUCTION of 17 Acre HOLLY TREE FARM ESTATE 1,000 FIIT HIGHWAY FRONTAGI on premises at SEVEN BRIDGE ROAD LITTLE SILVER, N J. Thr** mil*s southeast of R*d Bank. On* half mil* from Monmouth Roc* Track. On* mil* north of Long Branch. 7:30 P.M.—FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th—7:30 P.M. Main Dwelling: 12 Rooms-Four Baths - Servants' Quarters Green House • Tack Room 8 Car Garage 18 Horse Stalls 6 Room Caretaker's Cottage Complete Tack Room '/• Mile Training Track You are invited to inspect this beautiful estate any after- of sale and execute usual real estate purchase agreement The noon prior to sale dale between the hours of 1:30 P. M. to 5:30 buyer may have possession upon conveyance of title. P. M. Then be on the premises at 7:30 P. M. Friday, September It will be well worth your time just to inspect this beauti 4th, and bid only what your good judgment may dictate. The ful estate, as this sale presents a unique opportunity for some Rcul Eslule will be sold to the highest bidder who shall be re* one to obtain an estate that will accommodate 18 or more quired to pay a deposit (cash or certified check) of 20% at time or for development purposes it just can't be equalled.

By Order of: ROY L. GEESEY - JOSEPH MAURO B. G. Coats, Auctioneer Phone Long Branch 6*3599 Memberi "National Auctioneer* Aiioclatlon" • "New Jeney State Society of Auctioneer!*' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 Pace a. bracelet. The bracelet contains j-Sneak-fttirglar Ncls 204 small diamonds, six baguettes Heavy Enrollment Fort Compiling I Large-Diamond Haul and three marquise diamonds. Po- Joins Faculty lice said the thief entered the house " SFAfp> L A K E — Diamonds through Mrs. Crosby's bedroom At St. Joseph's Dependents' List wortlf5>!£wecn $15,000 and $20,000 about i a. m., took the jewels from KEYPORT. — An enrollment of At Junior College FORT MONMOUTH—A list of all were Jpolen early last Thursday a container on her dfesser and 867, an Increase of 156 over last dependents of military personnel morning; from the home of Mr. and -LONG BRANCH—The appoint- Field Tests then left through the front door. year, is anticipated this fall at St. ment of Dr. Frank DiMola, re- who reside on or in the vicinity of Mrs. John Crosby, First ave., ac- Joseph's parochial school, accord- Fort Monmouth la being complied • cording to police. Tho eyes of a baby at birth are search- biochemist and chemistry ing to Slater Charlotte, principal. teacher, to head the department of at the post, authorities here said • According to the list of loot given about two-thirds as large as they The principal said that it has this week. will be. at the age of eight or nine. chemistry at Monmouth Junior col- ' by police, there were four rings and been necessary to refuse kinder- lege has been announced by Dean The file In for those agencies at garten enrollment from Union Edward G. Schlaefer. Dr. DiMoin, he fort which may offer direct as- Beach and confine it to the bounds a resident of Bristol, Pa., and for- sistance or support to dependents of the parish because the pros- mer chemical technician with a of tho sponsor in case of temporary RIVERCREST NURSING HOME pective enrollment will overtax the firm in that alty, takes to Mon- or scmi-pormancnt absence of the facilities available, even with the mouth Junior college experience military member of the family. A — Elderly Couples Welcome -— opening of the new addition to the including teaching at Temple uni- brief information form is being cir- school last spring, versity and tile post of research culated to assemble these detail*. PRIVATE WING Sister Charlotte stated there will biochemist with the Upjohn com- If for an enlisted member of the be three first grade classes, two sec- pany, Kal&mazoo, Mich. military the form Is to be returned 24 hour nursing service '.. , • ond grade, two third grade, two to the Chief, Enlisted Personnel 10WEST PRICE! fourth grade, two fifth grade, two branch, building T-€03. Officer de- for aged and chronically ill. sixth grade and one seventh and tails are to be forwarded to the Registered and Lictnstd Nurses in Attendance one eighth. hief, Officers' Processing section, The principal added that there building T-531. Information may Mary E. Beclcwith, Prop. have been five additions made to be obtained by calling the enlisted the faculty, bringing the total num- branch on Extension 1924 and 1011 CHAPIN AVE. RED IANK RE M3U ber of instructors up to 16. School for officers. will open Sept. 9. If any member of the military as- Last ytar the school operated on signed to the post has knowledge a single session. from 8:30 a. m. to of dependents of other military per- 1:30 p. m. because of the need to. sonnel presently residing in the That restrict hours whqn school •children Fort Monmouth area, he is request- could be on the grounds while con- ed to encourage these families to RCA VICTOR ... wHh TODAY'S AKHmCTUtt struction was in progress. This contact the appropriate sections year, it is anticipated, a regular previously mentioned. two-session schedule will be fol- lowed. Lincroft Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ford gave Keyport a farewell party Aug. 15 for her Mr. and Mrs. Peter VanRixoort of brother, Robert French, storekeep- East Broadway sailed Saturday on er,, first class, U. S. Navy, and his the Westerdam for the Nether- family, who left for Cocosola, Pan- lands. ama. Mr. and Mrs. Robert French Samuel McCabc of Warren st. Is Dr. Frank DIMoln spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. A surgical patient at Klvcrvlew hos- Ford before leaving. • Mr. French pital. The 30-year-old chemist will take was stationed at New London, MIRACLE WEDGE' over his new duties as instructor Conn. Wutkutifkl Cloiur. Mr. and, Mrs. C. Leon.Garrison of and departmental head in Septem- Broadway and Mr.: and Mrs. Her- ber, in preparation for Monmouth Betty. Stewart, daughter of Mr. SALT SPRAY STEEL* man Octjenot West First st. arc and Mrs. Leslie Stewart, is visiting Tracks tad Hardware Junior college registration begin- vacationing "In New York state's ning; Tuesday, Sept. 15, followed her couain, Mrs. Antolne Diemunsch Adirondacks. •:; ..••>• -', at Port-au-Prince, Haiti, West by classes to start Sept. 23. Indies. Miss Helen Kingsland and M|ss A graduate of Temple university OVERHEAD DOOR PRODUCTS CORP. Ethel Kingslind of Maple pi. arc in 1944, Dr. DiMola holds the M.A. Miss Marjorie Stewart of New spending a month at Blue Mountain York city and Samuel Smyth 3d OVER 25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE 1 (1948) and Ph.D. ((1950) degrees lake in the Adirondack. ;. from Indiana university.* His pub- of Chatham, N. Y., were week-end 465 SHREWSBURY AVE. RE 6-4888 RED BANK Mr. and Mrs; Frank Fetta of Sny- lications include "The Reaction of guests of her parents, Mr. and der lane-attended the wedding Mon- Nativo and 'Denatured Ovalbumin Mrs. Leslie Stewart. day of Mrs; Fctta's brother, Michael With Congo Red," Journal of the Mr. and Mrs. John Griflln of Briscese, to .Mlssr Elizabeth Johnson American Chemical society, 19D2. Hope id., New Shrewsbury, have at Minneapolis, Minn. moved into the former residence Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woollcy of BV VIRTUE OF POSSESSION of Gerry Warnckcr. Cranford have returned home after So very, very smart urns tin FC. Douglas Brandt has Joined visiting Mr. Woolley's parents, Mr. And well he let 'me know it. Mrs. Brandt at Syracuse, N. Y., and Mrs. William E. Woolley, Jr. With n lifted brow and rough how-wow where he will spend a week on Great New TV !{« graciously heltn'KKfl it. vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Korobow and daugh- He viewed me with his kinfflr chiirm; tan, Beverly, Diana and Schcina, Accented me loftily. . Mrs. Frank Studor. of Division st. are on vacation In Then turned his back, walked to his Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Capclll en- A(hi§vwvi«nf shack tertained at their home Saturday the Catskills in Mew York state. Which left m« Konderingly. Sgt. and Mrs. Alfred Metsger Oh I would h« know me nnc« again night. The occasion was a surprise Exclusive RCA VICTOR hav« returned to Jackson^lle, Fin., When there I'd coma to visit party In observance of Mr. Cap- GIVES YOU after visiting the sergeant's par- Treat me the name, with calm benign pelli's birthday. Attending were A CAnlntfi haughty wizard Mr. and Mrs. R. Walling Rnd Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Mcts- Yen I Bob wa« but the old farm hound Rotomotk Torgt t Twwig ger of Florence avc. But age had given this king his ground. and Mrs. George Mason of Port Charlotte B. Conover. Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. John Boys are ahle to maka pocket money n. D. i. Box r>u, Knoeller, Sr. and Charles Knocllcr Delivers Sfrongesf, BK ROOM Inside by selling Tho Resistor—Advertisement. Red Bank, N. J. and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gm- powskl of Lyndhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Skorpesi Picture Benjamin Garcia of Jersey City and Mr. and Mrs. Emile Budz of Clifton. Possible... ^'Bright Boys Eat Here" Joan Bohn, daughter of Mr. and BlfrVIEMf Mrs. Wilbur Bohn, has returned from a month's stay with rela- tives In Connecticut. The Lincroft 4-H club will meet next Tuesday at the flra house. NIW irr ic* vieret Miss Joyce Francisco and Miss Louise Verbout of Middletown gave a farewell party for Thomas Bax tcr of Sandy Hook at. the home Recently; engineer* tested all fading TV Brands stfl&by-sioe in Hie of Miss Francisco at Marlu farm 33rd Street station of the Lexington Avenue IRT subway., Tht lowest' Monday evening. Mr. Baxter la moving to New York city. Attend prkod «CA Victor let—only $179.95r-outporf«fmtd all other bra**. Ing were !Mi.«uies Doreen Suther- land, Evelyn Luker and Barbara Sutherland and Albert Terranova of Belford, Richard Forman and MOW! UGSattn RCA VICTOR m Widtst Chtic* Daniel Roth of Keansburg, Miss Abble Ann Wlllgerodt of Lincroft and Sal DeSalvo of Red Bank. •f M«Ms at 10MS1 PRKfS fV»! CoipowJ / The people who are "in fhe know" dine here daily, Sgt. and Mrs. Arbon Hughe* are pKlflMH ana* Mia ii*i«t la ckoftf t. parents of a son, born Friday at Takt your pick of 17", 21" or 27" screen ptional •quienntf, wtiil« ild.ool l»w, oitro; for they're certain of finding their favorite foodi, Fort Monmouth hospital, Mrs. sizts—40 magnifktnt cabinet styles... a tastefully' and healthfully prepared and appetiz- Hughes la the former Edith May thrilling variety of rich decorator fita V Each seat 5 ft. wide ingly served. Mauser. They also have a (laugh tcr Gail. If you don't see what you want on the menu "just . Members of the Ladles' Aid so- V Over 3098 sq. inches of glass ciety of the Community church ask for it." We'll try to most your request. will meet Thursday, Sept. 3, In The friendly atmosphere of our cocktail lounge the church hall. This will be the y Driver can see all 4 fenders first meeting of the fall season.' makes it an ideal place for • friendly get- W. O. Weferling of Avenel will together. be the speaker Sunday at the 11 Today Get a Ride in an a. m. icrvice at the Community Incidental entertainment * Johnny Johnston at the piano church. Hla topic will b«, "The Golden Age." Sunday-school will RCA assumes direct responsibility be held as usual at 10 a. m. The SUNDAY DINNER DELUXE 1.50 up Sunday-school picnic will be held for your TV satisfaction when you Saturday at 2 p. m. at the church. buy an RCA Victor TV set and RCA The French Ballroom at the Molly Pitcher is an A social gathering will be held service contract. RCA factory ser- ideal setting for that wedding reception or special at the Lincroft church hall Satur- vicemen Install and edjuit your party you may be planning. day night at S o'clock. Dancing and singing will be on the pro- nl mm.: iai

Washable Urge Slit RG1 ESTATE © Gas & Electric RANGES CHAIN CUSHION)!) CLOTHES HAMPER ... at such Low Prices? Reg, ••- •MUSI BAKU I •AIMICUIfl 49' Corw.rlo.Qfld lor grilling • . . hvg« loloiutd Mtol Onn lot biking . > • IW>I>KI«II atot •«in lor bufbitvlng , , • titfi uit o»lo»oll< Non.Sllp ' (lock thai Iwrm oun on ind o" whllt mil ll't an RCA all lh« wiyl RUDDER .FLOOR MATS 1.98 .fWflfr 18" v 30" R»g. 2,29 |NATrONAw8TOftC...47 tVoad St„,REdItnk 6"2680 NO CASH MWN! u,.. 3 Yton To Poyl Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1958 1 5 fortable in the event of rain. This ,Norganville ed Initial pins as favors, wire Jean Ana Marie, George and Gerry of Union Beach, Mrs. Louis" Tii * Guenteer Cattle Authority to Accept Bids Today Becker, Carols Maresca, Charlene Dsiroo and Llnday Dugan. Also tlno of Keyport ana Mrs,' l4anV/ show has grown until it has be- Mis* Barbara Woolley of Rail- Holmes, Mlchele Rynlewici and present were Mrs. Dominie Davlno Dugan, Jr., of MatawanJ"* •» ,'riJ At Trenton Tomorrow conje the biggest* in the East, and way is (pending »' wselc with Mr. Susan Preston, all of Morganvllle; attracts city folks as well as dairy For Service Stations-on Parkway and Mrs. Frank L. Ratellffe. NEW BRONBWICK—The annual farmers. Patty Nappl, Haslet; Nancy Heyer, state show of the New Jersey Fred Irons haa taken a position Matawan; Mary Man, Wllma Van- Guernsey Breeders' association to- There will be two classes for Jun- TRENTON—Bids will be aecept- •with Hanson-VanWinkle-MurfMng Brunt and Robert Quackenbush, ior exhibitors, with keen com- company of Matawan. : Wickatunk, and Mrs. -James H. morrow will attract 41 exhibitors id here today for the operation of ANDERSON LINOLEUM and entries of 277 purebred dairy petition for>the Mulhocaway Farms O'Rourke Home Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holladay and Cadoo, St., Keyport. Other callers cattle, according to William If. trophy. Money prizes also will be ght gasoline service stations on sons Brian and Tom of Klrkwood, during the evening were Mr. and given to 4-H and F.F.A. showmen, he Garden Stale Parkway between Pa., were week-end guests of Mr. Mrs. Michael Nappl and son Ralph 39 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK 6-5152 Nulton, superintendent of the show From Labrador of Hazlet and Mr. and Mri. Marcel- and secretary of the state Guernsey but competition in the open classes :iifton and Seaville In Cape May and Mrs. Norman P. Bats at Triple will ba for ribbons and trophies ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Sgt. Brook farm. us Quackenbush. organization. ounty. On the same day the High- only. , Eugene H. O'Rourke of the Air Sunday afternoon a Ths next meeting of the Marl- Sales and Installation* Opening promptly at 9 a. m., at fay Authority will accept separate Force, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eu-was held at Hortensia farm. The Judge will bs Prof. George W. boro township board of education the Trenton fair ground*, the show Ids for the operation of restaur- gene J. O'Rourke of 37 East High- following participated: Rally Chea- will be held at the Marlboro school will be held under cover so that Trimberger of the Dairy Husban- land ave. here, returned last week dry department, Cornell university. .nta at the same locations. ter, Bobby and Barbara Whaley, Wednesday evening, Sept. 3, at 8 spectators and animals Trill be com- In order to afford motorists a from Goose Bay, Labrador, and a Peter Bate, Bobby and Connie o'clock. ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM :holce of different brands of gaso- year's service as a radar operator Murdoc.k, Allen Voorhees, Douglai Mr. and Mrs. James Dugan of |ne, bids on the service stations •with the 51th Air Rescue squadron. TJwyer and Dorothy Nleberleln. Pleasant Valley rd. entertained at vlll be received on a one station Spectators Included Mr. and Mrs. lawn party last week for their 0 a company basis, «s well «ui on Joseph Baxter and children Gail laughter Loraine, who was eels- FLOOR TILE — WALL TILE 1 two-station basis; Under this plan and Joseph of Middletown, Mrs. iratlng her fifth birthday. Attend- ight separate companies would op- Paul Cheater, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-ing were Judith Marz, Martin and irate the stations In the first In- man P. Bate and daughter Pam- Sam Bell, Patricia and Frank Du- stance and four in the second. ela, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mur- gan, Robert and Nancy Testino, Jo All service stations and restaur- dock. ants on the parkway will be built P.F.C. Anthony Garrlto of the ELECTRICAL SERVICE by the authority and leased to suc- Brooklyn Navy-Yard and Miss Lee :essful bidders. Conover of Robertsvlllo were Sun- "The authority desire* to afford day visitors ef Mr. and Mrs. Charles parkway motorists with as wide L. Holmes. WHERE TO BUY a choice of gasoline brands as Mr. and Mri. Roland Boyee and possible," said- Orris De Nooyer, son Roland visited Mri. Margaret secretary of the authority. "At the Holmes and daughters Catherine same time we must protect the and Berhice of Freehold and P.F.C. CUSTOM PLANNED iubllc's financial interests by ob- Donald R. Holmes of tha U. S. REPLACE DULL taining the most favorable bids Marine Corps, who waa home on AND possible. The bidding procedure fol- leave from Norfolk, Va., Sunday. lows the suggested pattern of the Miss Virginia Mouier, daughter Petroleum Institute whose service of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mouser, BURNT OUT LAMPS was sought in seeking the broad- celebrated her 11th birthday Tues- est Interest of the motoring public' day and on Wednesday waa given WITH Restaurant bids of four separate a surprise party at the home of types will be accepted on the basis her aunt, Mrs. Warner Kllcomlns. CUSTOM INSTALLED of operating single restaurants, the Guests Included Mrs. Charles NEW BRIGHT LAMPS four northern locations, the four Holmes and children Charlene and southern locations, and on all eight Robert, Mrs. Frank Ratcllffe, Car- Mr. de Nooyer said. Sgt Eugene H. O'Rourhe ols Ann and Edward Becker, Su- PHONE RED BANK 6-0612 The locations chosen for service zanne and Gerry Becker, Joan and J. R MOUNT CO. stations and restaurants are spaced Sgt. O'Rourke flew tO/Westover Jane Becker, Adele Schmidt, Jean along the parkway from Clifton to Air Force base in Massachusetts, Kelly, Carole Maresca, Mrs. David COR. MAPLE AVE. & WHITE ST. RED BANK 64330 ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP Seaville. In Clifton, south of rt. 3, and arrived here Thursday by Janwlch and children Karen and the authority plans to build gas train. Now on furlough, he will Dennis, Mrs. Henry Holts and chil- "Red Bank's Leading Electric Shop" stations and restaurants on both report to Hamilton Air Force base dren Patty and Billy, Norman Jan- the northbound and southbound near San Francisco Sunday, wlch, Mrs. William Heffener and 18 WHITE STREET — RED BANK of rt. U. S. 22, in Union township, Sept. 20. children Joyce, William, Jane and roadways. The Vaux Hall rd. north A 1949 graduate of Red Bank Thomas, Mrs. Robert Mouser and facilities will be provided for north Catholic high school, the sergeant son Robert, Fred Weglarz, Joan' bound traffic only. This service area attended the United Radar and Irish, Irene Weglarz, Mrs. Wil- is now 'under construction. Television school at Newark for liam Stiles, Michael Weglarz, Jr., a year before he enlisted in the Mrs. Mary Mouser, Mrs. Wilmer HAVE YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING South of the Raritan river all gas Kllcomlns and daughter Patty. stations and restaurants will be lo-Air Force for four years. cated within the wide dividing Is- SENTENCED TO MIX Dr. Frederick Stafflnger of Wick- land so that they can serve traffic atunk is at Camp Kilmer awaiting in both directions. These centers TVayman Roddy of 18 Willow st, transfer to a new assignment In will be placed at Cheescquake, Man- AND SHEET METAL WORK •Red Bank, was sentenced to 50 days Germany. He has been advanced In asquan, Forked River, Absecon and in the county jail Monday by Mag-rank to first lieutenant fines the Seaville. istrate John V. Crowell in default beginning of August. DONE BY Commissioner' de Nooyer said the of a. $250 fine for driving while on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker and locations had been selected after the revoked list. It was Roddy's children Suzanne and Gerry and thorough study of traffic volumes second offense. Mrs. Henry Becker were luncheon predicted for the parkway, and in Roddy, who was found guilty of guests Friday at the home of Mrs, full consideration of the authority's the same offense in Dec, 1952, wasJohn Straub of Irelngton and din- expressed policy of avoiding as far MARTIN J. McGUIRE arrested Sunday by Sgt. Emerson ner giiejts nt the hnm« of Mr, and as possible competing'with private Williams. Mrs. Carl Schilling of West Orange. businesses. He further stated con< Mr. and Mrs. John Compoly and BEGISTEBED ditions of operation included stipu- Tuberculosis of the bone In man son Joseph of Pleasant Valley Sun- lations that area prices must pre- usually Is caused by eating infected day entertained Mrs. Compoly's sis- vail at all parkway service stations, dairy products. ter from the Convent of Trenton, Montnouth County's Largest Plumbing and Heating Contractors 'Sister M. Berehmann,- and Mrs. I Mary Varga and son James tor Homes and Industrial Plants ".. MORE THAN ONE MILLION MOTORISTS • Perth Amboy, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 111am Naughton of MRrlboro and PAY LESS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lambertson ON HIGHWAY 35-2 MILES NORTH OF RED BANK FOR and daughter Janice - of Morgahr ville. .. - V" ' Let Us Give You An Estimate On Your Work Today Mr. and Mrs. A. Delbert of-Ten- Auto Insurance nent rd. are parents of a daughter PHONE RED BANK 6-3767 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY WITH born Wednesday of last week at Home Offict the Perth Amboy hospital. " " " Form lureou Mutual Auto Im. Co. Columbui, Ohio Harold C. Quackcnbush Is en- joying a week's vacation from his BOILERS - RADIATORS - FIXTURES - PIPE - VALVES With Any position at Conover Brothers, farm COMPARE OUR COST Other Insurance equipment dealers of Wickatunk. AND FITTINGS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES ! Mr. and Mrs. John Liidylck of SEND FOR QUOTATION TODAY ' Spring Valley rd. are the parents of a daughter, their second child, SAMUEL J. FEIN, Ag«nt R.B. born Saturday evening at River- P.O. Box T, Long Branch, N. J. view hospital, Red Bank. Without coit or obligation' pleas* furnish quotation. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Eckel and NAME BATE Of BIRTH ADDRESS ; Miss Betty Beat have returned OCCUPATION PHONE home after a vacation trip during MAKE OF CAR YEAR NO. OVLS which they visited Ausable Chasm, TYPE BODY MODEL ' N. V., the New England atates and ENGINE NO SERIAL NO also Ocean City and Atlantic City "DATE PURCHASED NEW fj USED • COST .-. In this state. HOW LONG DRIVING AGE OF YOUNGEST DRIVER BUSINESS USE OF CAR OTHER THAN TO & FROM WORK Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, ESTIMATED MILES NEXT 12 MONTHS ....: Harry Ratcllffe included Mr. and DATE PRESENT INSURANCE EXPIRES , Mrs. Herman Steffen and son Ern- AMOUNTS OF INSURANCE ' est of Brooklyn and Mr. and Mrs. LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE : j Frank Kneuer of Cllffwood Beach COLLISION I Susan Quackenbush celebrated MEDICAL PAYMENTS 'her ninth birthday with a lawn party at her home on Station rd Friday. Those present, .who receiv-

Enthusiastically ApprovecLSplit Level Homes A Thrilling New Concept In Home Planning The .word is out . . . everyone who ha* Ths center hallway In this lovely 6 room seen this wonderful new split level home home allows tragic to move to any part has enthusiastically approved Its fine de- of the house without passing through other sign ... its handsome styling. Especially rooms. The arrangement of the 8 large Our New Sign approved waa the "5 steps up" to the 3 rooms is a boon to any. housewife . , . bedrooms and 2 baths. These 8 steps up and to the man of the house too. Plan ta afford complete privacy both from within see this completely different,., completely • e. four New Source and outside of the house. thrilling new home today. ef the "Flneet Now Under Construction, Harding Ridge hi Fmrm Machinery" Harding Ridge Is an ex- <*•••• clusive development that SPORT JACKETS will comprise but 14 dis- Witt Aonouocc our appoint- the wide range of farnvengioeered tinctively designed spa- ntoat as tutboriwd dealers for Oliver Oliver implements. , clous homes. Each home (CO) .sqatoment. The red and green An Oliver tractor will give 700 a saw will be ercctod on mini- mum slzo lots of 100'x- SLACKS Oflter sjileld marking our location is conception of convenience, comfort and 188', They will also con- yfijtf '"welcome" sign to itop in for • flexibility. Among the many models tain huge fireplace, large, MAKE A COLLEGE MAN'S frfcaity yiijt. We would appreciate the Oliver makes we believe there's one tbat full cellar, knotty pins PljfBmnJty to tell you'all about the (its your farming operations perfectly. kitchen with built-in range and oven, a luxur- FIRST YiAM fOR STYLE! modern fleet of Oliver power units and Besides, there's a complete line of Olivet ious bathrooms, rear tilling, planting, cultivating and harvest* porch and other custom, features, ' Owning several of these All-American combina- ing equipment to best suit your crops, your acreage and your practices. tions make* good Bernse. The.v give ,rou lots of Oliver implements are function* .27x31' Two Cer ©er. variety' for a reasonable outlnv, Flnp. fabrics, ally designed and constructed of ege enter* Info kitchen well-tailored and sraartl.v st.rlnd, give vim a quality materials to give you txtrs winning look ever.r lime, FLOOR PLAN OF NEW SPLIT LEVEL HOME Extra large garage on years of unfaltering service under •Ids of house allows you a variety of condition*. See the Only 5 Steps Up to Privacy Bed & Bathroom. • to «ntor Ititohon or cellar. Sport jacket* 32.50 to 32.30 Oliver line first. Check and com* Never before have you seen so convenient an arrangement of Its extra slsa and easy »c- a rooms, 3 baths. Just Imagini, only 5 steps up to bed and oesslblllty la A convonlonoe Grey Flannd Slocks 11.95 and 15.95 pate before you buy, bathrooms and you have complete prlvaoy, S«e It today. you'll Approve, Sport Vests 8.95 and 12.95 SEE HARDING RIDGE fco«»led Just below Tower Hill on Onklnwn lid,, off Ikl lAUeiV BilB LJiUEM Harding mitlgo) lid, l.otwoou I'ruaiwut Avo. 'tJU , IN LOVELY PAIR HAVEN Harrison Avo,, Fair Haven. « VT •

111 MOADWAY ROY S TILTON & Sons CAMPBELL BUILDING CORPORATION LONG BRANCH WO0DMMI AVINUI, RUMSON Air Conditioned Opon Friday 'ill 9 MAULUOHO, N. J. MAIN STJtfiET Fiteeliold 8*2397 RUMSON 1-04M MD IANK Mill ifiED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 27,1958 Page Thirteen rd., Middlctown township, Th* ac- mm nr BVMSON CBMK Elks' Clambake Merrily We Roll Along tlona and good luck to you, Ed- RUM0ON—Mr*. Marls M. Cook* cident occurred at the Intersection Father, Son wina. f#flir*«»t<}«Wwn-Colt'« N«cic rd., •f Eaat River rd. and Maplewood At McGuire's Sunday By Harold Jscobsen Arnold Ferraro, you sure do skat* ave. Mrs. Cooke, who was Issued well. Since 1911 PHONE RE 6-2316 •d, otrts >.of the head, neck The Red Bank lodge of Elks Fined $75 Here The editorial part of this column ' iiMw Monday night when a summons for failure to stop at a Harold, when will the club* meet will hold a clambake at McGuire's Edward Schiller of Newark was is Intended for parents as well aa the "car she,/was driving was Instop street, was treated at River- drove, Mlddletown, Sunday. Corn skaters, because often a parent pre again. (The second week in Sept.) tolUsloa with s, car driven by Miss view hospital. Oapt. William Zerr fined $50 and given a six months' Ann V., and Lucy O., you better J. H. WHITE on the cob, , cherrystones and suspended Jail sentence Monday sents a greater problem to the UrtruaTBTTalcott of Chapel Hill investigated. frankfurters will be served from smooth operation of our rink than skate and stop loitering. by Magistrate John V. Crowell on Shakey, it is good to see you skat- Nowman Springs Road 11 a. m. to l p. m. The main btke charges of disorderly conduct and the skaters. This subject can best will be served at 3 p. m. by Hen be explained with the following ar Ing again. resisting arrest. His father, Ehren- Rhoda, why don't you skate more Harvey of Oakhurst. Softball, horse frled Schiller, also of Newark, was tide: Father Forgets— ' often? RED BANK shoe pitching, swimming and boat- fined $25 for Interfering with a Listen, Son:.I am saying this as Ing wilt be included in the ac- you lie asleep, one little paw Wo hoar Tommy Hendrlcks and • Roofing of all kinds * Complete warm air tlvitief. policeman making an arrest. Gerta are planning for a wedding, According to Patrolman Chart** crumpled under your eheek and the eatill 8tems blond curls stickily wet on your U thU true, Tommy? • Leader-, Gutters , Jl 8 7 . Reservations for the bake can Jones, the arresting officer, Edward Where is Frank Tromboll keep- be made with Addle Kind, chair- Schiller broke down a door at thedamp forshead. I have stolen Into ing himself? • Ductwork man of the entertainment commit- home of Charles McMahon Sunday your room alone. Just a few min- utes ago, aa I sat reading my pape Bill Heyor, where are you and tee, or numbers of his committee, night and refused to lsave, Patrol- Barbara Little keeping yourselves? Pat and Lou Tomalno, Phil Wald- man Jones said in court that he In the library, a atiffllng wave of man, Frank Levy, William Roawell, struck him and ripped off his shirt. remorse swept over me. Guiltily Audrey Palumbo, we hope you Pat Vaccarelli, Anthony Vaecarel- The father,, the officer testified. In- I came to your bedside. These are have a pleasant trip to Nebraska II, John Kwlk, Abe Dlion, Fred the thing* I was thinking, son, and we will sure miss you if you p AIR CONDITION terfered with the arrest. . decide to stay there. Jonti, Henry Aldworth and Joe Both defendants, who said they had been cross to you. I scolded Menuopane. The Elks will hold a you as you were dressing for school It was nice to see Marcla Spray YOUR HOME NOW! were born In'Poland and had been and her sister back skating. barn dance Saturday, Bspt 19, atIn this .country 14 months, appar- because you gave your face merely the lodge. ently had trouble understanding a dab with the towel. I took you We had the pleasure of seeing to task for not cleaning your shoes. Doc DeSantle skating again last English. The younger Schiller said wesk. Do it often "Doc." WITH A HEALTHFUL It hat been estimated that It Ishe didn't know anything about It, I called out angrily whan you threw possible to grind eyeglass lenses In adding "I was too drunk." some of your things on the floor. Charlie Grogan and Shirley will AND COMFORTABLE S»rvt at ii... or with faverit* spread* 11,189,1*4 different eombinatlone of His father said he was trying to At breakfast I found fault, too. Yoube getting married soon and will curvature. spilled things. You gulped down live in Trenton. Good luck to a assist Patrolman Jones In control- swell couple. ling his son. Mr. McMahon testified your food. • You put your elbows the father apparently trlsd to co-on the table. You spread butter August Belmont, It was nice see- YORKAIR-FEDDERS ____ too thick on your bread. As youIng you back skating Sunday night. operate with the Officer and at the Please come more often. same time tried to protect hi* son.started to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand It was nice to see you at th* ROOM AIR CONDITIONER and called, "Good-bye, Daddy!" and rink last week, Reliance. Plea** Headden't Corner I frowned, and aald in reply, "Hold coma back. & CONSVLT WITH your shoulders back!" Dick and Andy, why haven't you Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Henderson Then It began all over again In two been skating lately. Too hot? and family have returned from the afternoon,. Ae I came up the Maggie, don't get sore. He'll be Niagara Falls, N. T. back. ANTHONY'S Mrs. Mildred McOuire and lire. road I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles, There were Nice to see you home for awhile, 59 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK 6-1041 Donald Matthews have returned hole* In your atocklngs, I humili- Bubby Phillips. from a motor trip to California. ated you in front of your boy By-5y,COMMANPK-HATB FOR Mrs..Nina Whltehlll has returned I KNiW6uy&WH060T to her duties aa. night supervisor friends by marching you before me >W TO GO UP ALONE BUT ORDER* at Rivervlew hospital after a va-to the house. Stocking* were ex- 10 ORPPRft. HAVE TO TA6TS-TC8T WITH A CASE OP PILOT PAT10Uft -- cation. pensive—and If you had to buy BUT NEVBR WITH A CA6f OF them you would be more careful! FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY UTS8T SHIPMENT OF. CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Christian Segua Imagine that, son, from a father'!' CANADA PRY. dAVSr SOME OF visited Barnegat during the week- Do you remember later, when I PRV6IN6ERALS AMERICASGflSreErlUrTERp end. . • •• • • was reading in t,he library, how you WITH MOUTH- A recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mft. I'LL BE HEADING HOME FOR. came In flmldly, with a sort of hurt WLOPAM6WC4&GING Henry Pabst was Mrs. John Con- look in your eyes? When I glanced TVATSNAPPy yST6MOpTH REAL way of Scarsdale, N, Y. up over my paper. Impatient at UPPSB. WITH ITS UVSLY, Mr. and'Mrs. Qaylord Barto and the interruption, you hesitated at LUSCIOUS, UP-SMACKINS JAMAICA GtNGfifcPUvOrUiK* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barto visited relatives Sunday at Philadelphia. the door. "What Is It you want?" GOOPNfiSS,llLTAKSANBCnU A JiT IN A POWER PlVi 1 I snapped. You said nothing but Gall Asay, daughter of Mr. andran across In one tempestuous •WALLOW POR VOVl ~ Mrs. Edward Asay, celebrated her plunge, and threw your arms sixth birthday last Thursday. around my neck and kissed me, and Frank Harwood and daughter your email arms tightened with an Virginia of Niagara Falls were re- affection that God had set blooming cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gay-in your heart and which even ne- BOYS' ZIPPER SANFORIZED • OZ. WESTERN STYLE lord Barto. glect could not wither. And then Mr. and Mrs. Walter White have you were gone pattering up. the returned from a motor trip through stairs. Wejl, son, it was shortly af- the Catskills in New York. terwards that my paper slipped John J. Krusls and son John, are from my hands and a terribly sick- DUNGAREES on vacation in Florida. ening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me? The WELL KNOWN BRAND Although there are water falls habit of finding fault, or repri- Heavy duty dungarees... triple higher and wider than the Niagara, manding—this was my reward to which sometimes carry large vol you for being a boy. It wan not stitched - nun scratch copper umes of water, there are no falls that I did not love you, It was that rivets and reinforced at all as high which carry as much year- 1 expected too much of youth. I around volume as Niagara, ' was mPfKiiirlnff you by the yard- points of strain. Bar 8 brand stick of my own years., And there leather insignia piece sewn on was so much that was Rood and fine and true in your character. 6 TO 12 right hip. The little heart of you was as big a* the dawn Itself over the wide n CANADA DRY ICECREAM hills. This was shown by your SIZES 14 TO U \ spontaneous Impulse to rush in and eiNGIRALl kiss me good night. Nothing els* Ml, matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness and I have knelt there ashamed. It is a feeble atonement; I know you / QUALITY would not understand these thing* CHILDREN'S BOXER DUNGAREES $«f Sl?ES BEVMAGIS if I told them to you In your wak- •vQlttOfIMC*vQlttOfIMC . vOVwM eWlTCRlR^leWlTCRlRr^l• *WBy-ll|| MtUvW VMtBr pvV^fJf* R^H ^ MA A 9 ing hours. But tomorrow I will be WAID ChmMl I 7:10 r\ M. lv«ry Otto TsMCffay •4UCMK lei CHAM a real daddy! I will bite my tongue Home] *. NM-terareb c«fp*» rivata. Ffy 0 10 O when impatient words come. I will SODAS AT HQMH keep saying, "He Is nothing but boy—a little boy." I jm afraid I 1 have visualized you as a man. Yet Boy' and Girh* Zipper as I see you now, baby, yesterday you were in your mother's arms, your head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much. The F. Y. I. Bureau Lined Poplin JACKETS We are going to have a Father and Son night at the arena this fall and would like all you skaters 49 to Invite your parent* as guest* of bwfcfejielioejl Stab****- m th* arena. They do not have to •ate itisatsii *Js«^^sW -*-*— I to It Th«» ear that made a skate to enjoy themselves, we will Vf*f WfJW WTWTlVi eNVJWt arrange some entertainment for 3 them. Plea** ask Dad and Mom number famous to come. Mary Tomalno, how are you mak- Jr. Boys' ing out with Dick? Fine I hop*. Harold Lavole, you and Betty SWi pusAm. VfySt Tl *49 SflB Brown sure do make a cute couple. Jo* C, you certainly have Im- proved your skating In th* last three month*. Congratulations to Gloria T., and Pat. C, who wer* recently married. Gary C, why don't you grow up BOYS' FRUIT OF THE LOOM SLACKS and skat* Ilk* you used to? It look* uncertain between Mic- Ewr stow OMmobfle't first"M " key B., and Nancy L. changed the whole trend of motor car Harold, ar* you going to present development, this number bis had a more medal* at the October show? Jr. Boys' BOXER LONGIES meaning all its own. It m*an$ petttr (I sure Intend to—H.) •. • tlM nigb'OQinpmeioii hoveepower Mary Tomalno, you should bring IIVI All *"4 NY*" tomlat. of OMamobile't famous "Rocket". Tommy Brown skating sometime. UlLUH w«haMt. Kntlc iltta. You are going with him, aren't for a' number It mtani action ... the eager, you? . •ffortleei action of Hvdrs.Mitio Harold Lavol*. you *k*.te vary RAYON GABARDINE 69 | of v»»ry good Super Drive*. It means §tyling... well. How about a performance at 2 the flowing lines sod smart designs on* of th* ehows? that have come to be an Oldimobile Edwlna Thevanlus, one of our d^^ 4 to 12 Jpf rmamonm tradition. /( HMDM thrilU... the skaters, has signed up to skate with the Roller Vanities and left Mon- •beer fun of hsndling a ear with day for a year's tour of the United Power Steering*. Power Brakes* and State*, and will leave for a tour of BOYS' LARGER SIZES the now Autrbnic-Eye.* Come in for Europe next aummer. Congratula- yov date with a "Rocket 81" S-SrOMbill WASHABLE RAYON GABARDINE ' 69 3 sots •»• it OLDCAES Girls' Cotton DRESSES Beaut* wheels, faati, sites g« out In «.' of lint...west eJm unevenly... Mrtri pittariM M*i i 79 n 79 ciuit blow-ouu snd tot's of control ... B*«sf«! Lst ut coma your cir now | sun Mtm SOU with out scientific BEAR Equipment. 7 to) 14 TliikViartiMlrMM*., TrttAccMsjAtftof Didn't Hnppmt" USE OUR EASY CHARGE PLAN

LD 8 1^1 CD B I L* E It's Been "Quality" Slno* 1MJ III YOU! NIAMIT OlDfMOIIll DJAUR • Joseph Wildanger Go. Bbdy Bnihfon Rebuilding ,,. Itcflnlihlnf MONIY IACK STORE OF 1001 BARGAINS HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO., 100 E. Ntwman Springs Road Gallon Hoists and Dump Bodies 4UARANTII US Shrewsbury Ave., l'hone 8 BROAD ST., RED BANK Ben Bank, N. J, HE MM1 No r«l IMPA In nuldnv m adjustments. SHOP FRIDAY 'TIL f P. M. J-- YtfUrOLDIMOIILI DIALIR AllO HATURIS TOP VAIUII IN IAFITY.TIITID.USID CAM—- SAFETY HEADQUARTERS Page FourteCT RED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 27,1953 HELD ON ASSAULT CHARGE attempted assault. Th? complaint To Lay Cornerstone FAIR HAVEN—Charlei A. Gro- was made by his wife. Grogan wag 'Bungalow Day' Swimming Prize Winners arrested Saturday night by Pa- MONEY LOANED gan of 185 Third st. was ordered At Keynort Sunday on Jewelry, Silver, Musical lent*, held for action of the grand jury trolman Melvln P. Halleran. KEYPORT—The cornerstone of Cameras, Binoculars, Monday morning by Magistrate "Eieht out of ten readers consult The the Civic League building will be LieMMd «nd bonded by Slat*. John V. Crowell on a charge of Retfner Classified Ad»."—Advertisement. laid' Sunday at 3 p. m. Speaker at WE FAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD VEB the ceremonies will be Dr. Edgar S. Ballou of Montclair, past grand Broadway Loan Co. master, Free and Accepted Masons. Guest speaker at the Installation SOS Broadway Long Branch FURNITURE and services will be Leon C, Hayes, member of the board of directors of the Westside Y.M.C.A., Red Bank. Charles Lawson, Sr., has CARPETS CLEANED been named chairman of the com- mittee in charge of arrangements IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT for the ceremonies. The public has Atlantic Glass Co., says... been Invited to attend. The corner stone has been donated by the Hen- derson Monument company, rt. 35, CARPET & UPHOLSTERY HeadCjen's Corner. A fish fry for the benefit of the CLEANING COMPANY Civic League will be held Satur- ACME day., Mrs. George Mitchell ia in charge of the affair, to which the WHY BE public has been invited. REd Bank 6-4255 More than half of all Americans wear glasses. ANNOUNQEMENT ''PUSHING UP THE DAISIES" 5th ANNUAL BECAUSE OF ANTIQUE SHOW TO BE HELD AT - Donald J. Veughan, chairman of the 14th 'Bungalow Day' Saturday at Conner's hotel FAULTY AUTO GLASS In Water Witch, congratulates four-year-old John Sheridan, winner of the free-style swim- RED MEN'S HALL ming event for four-year-olds and under. Other priie winners are, left to right: Dorothy 1 CHURCH STREET RUMSON, N. J. Maikranz, 7, first place, girls' free-style, S to 8; Dan McCartan, 7, first place, boys' free- style, 5 to 7, and Lynne Spiess, 7, second place, girls' free-style, 5 to 8. Also shown, rear, left to right, are Mrs; Ruth Schwartz, a judge in the swimming, and track and field events, You ewe it to yourself to replace fogged, distorted or cracked glass for your safe driving. See Atlantic todayl and Mrs. Edith McVicker, secretary of the Bungalow day committee. SEPTEMBER 2-3-4-5, 1953 All .sixes for every make car in plain and tinted gloss, curved or flat in stock for while-you-wait installation. Opening. Wednetdoy—Hours: 1 P.M. to 10 P. M. Country Club Estates ATTENDS CONVENTION Crushed by Hoist, Miss Gracia Weisa, dance In- Clotlng Saturday: 10 P.M. Mrs. Grandin Johnson of West structor at the Video Talent studios Roosevelt circle was tendered a on White St., is attending the 21st ADMISSION: 50 CINTS (Tax Included) Man Dies Later stork shower .recently by Mrs. J. annual convention of the Dance Edward Harvey and Mrs. Karl B. Educators of America this week ATLANTIC BELFOJtD — Leon A. Wydc, 33, • This show affords a rare opportunity to add long-sought, hard-to-find items Litzclman. Attending the party, of Monticello, N. Y., died Saturday held at the Litzelman home on East in the Park Sheraton hotel in New to your collection. • ".- morning at . Riverview hospital Roosevelt circle, were Mrs. Ruth York city. Miss Weiea has been a about two hours after he was B. Tyson of Princeton, Mrs. C. M. member of the organization 18 • To start the new collections you have been dreaming about. rushed below a gasoline-powered Johnson of Highlands, Mrs, Claude years. GLASS COMPANY hoist at the Wyde lumber yard on Hamilton, Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, Mrs. • To acquire useful furniture and attractive decorations for your home at rt. 36 here. Mitchell Cqlker, Mrs. J. Wallace FINED FOR SPEEDING "glass and mirrors in every size you can break" fair prices. Father of three children, Mr. Spencer, Mrs, Thomas Child, Mrs. FAIR HAVEN — Joseph Wright Nelson Leklikner and Mrs. Rich- of Nutswamp rd., Middletown, was • Just to enjoy a very unusual exhibition of beautiful Antiques. Wyde was a partner of his father, Israel Wydc, in the lumber yard ard Coryell. fined $10 in traffic court Tuesday 21 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK Complimentary tickets at your local Antique Dealer or at all stores displaying operation. He was extricated from Dr. and Mrs. George N. Wagner morning, by {Magistrate John V. Crowell on a charge of speeding. Cor. of White St. 6-3860 our blue Poster. below the hoist by members of the of West Wilson circle have as their Middletown township first aid squad guests for the'week Dr. Wagner's The perimeter of the Antarctic OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ly: FRANK FRISCIA, Mgr. at East Keansburg, summoned just brother. and family, Mr. and Mrs. continent Is 16,000 miles long. before 8 a. m. Admitted to River- Robert Wagner and son George of view In critical condition from back Kokomoi Ind. and internal Injuries,' Mr. Wyde Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Colker had died shortly after 10 a. m. as their guests during the week Mrs. GRAND DOOR PRIZE—54" ROUND TABLE with Lazy Susan In John Culkin and children John For a good start, send them off in TRIANGLE Surviving, besides his father, are Edward and Mary Margaret of lij wife, Mrs. Harriet Cuttler pine finish. Scrantpn, Pa. ''-"'"•'.tvV'c.v-' ;; Wydc; three sons, Philip Wyde, Mrs. Katherlnt McCormick left Gerald Wyde and Stephen Wyde; Sunday for her home In St. Louis, NOW ON DISPLAY AT ROSENFELD'S FURNITURE STORE, his mother, Mrs. Jennie Zashinlcky Mo., after a week's stay here with Wydej^Sj brother, Sidney Wydc, on her son-in-law , and ..daughter, Mr. . 12-14 White Si., Red Bank active "service with the Army, and and Mrs. Roge;r Walwark of East SCHOOLSHOES a slater, Mrs. Wallace Nadnickl all WlUon circle. . . • .. of Monticello. Jan Mlchele Lecklikner, daughter James S. Parkes will draw the lucky ticket. No exhibitor, employee or mem- Mr Wyde had been working, here of Mr. and MM. Nelson A. Leckllk- ber of the immediate family are eligible to take part in the drawing, for the seven months, but maintained his ncr of East Roosevelt circle,, cele- Grand Prize. home at Monticello. brated her fourth birthday Satur- The funeral was held at the Gar- day with a party at her home. lick funeral home, Monticello. The Movie cartoons were a feature of Scott funeral home was in charge tho entertainment. Guests were of arrangements here, Steve Yambor of Fort Dix, Shirley and Eatelle Katz, Dinah and Paula Colker, John and Mary Culkin, Jeff and Linda Johnson, Bonnie RED BANK YOUTH CENTER Lecklikner, Craig Harvey, Jean and Grace DeMaria, John. Sclorttno, Barbara Coryell, Mary Ann Colo- simo and Eleanor and Judy Dal- ton. A bon voyage luncheon and gar- den party was recently tendered CM*n's,«rftn1s hi Nftb HtgrnH et Mrs. Claude Hamilton and Mrs. Thomas W. Child at the home of -etrtlms Mrs. J. Wallace Spencer of North Roosevelt circle. Mrs. Hamilton will sail for Japan in October to join her husband, a captain in the We're Tops Army, recently in Korea. Mrs. Child and her 11-month-old son Thomas will sail next week to join her hus- Tn Back to School band, who is stationed with the Army In France. Both received a farewell gift. Guests were Mrs. Ruth B. Tyson, Mrs. Hamilton's CHILDREN^ WEAR mother of Princeton, Miss Mar- garet A. Qulnn, Mrs, Child's aunt of Toms River, Mrs. Richard Cor- Better Selection! Better Values! yell, Mrs. James Chiappetta, Mrs. J. Edward Harvey, . Mrs. Grandin .» !i . CINDIMLLA Johnson, Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, Mrs. Karl B. LiUelman, Mrs. Mitchell YOUN6LAN0. TINY TOWN Colker and Mrs. Nelson Lecklik- OAKWEAR SHOES F0I ner. lit Ityi' lri|HS Us*,*** Mr, and Mrs. Norman Pierce of DRESSES Navesink River rd. and children Kathle and Norman have returned from a vacation on Lake Wlnnl- 298 ' pesaukee, N, H, Men did not set foot on the Ant- TO 8.98 arctic continent until 1M6. UNCONDITIONAL GCAHAN. TEK. Every school drees mar-" an(«ed to be FAST-COLOR, SANFORIZED and easily wash- able—OR YfNJR MONEY RE- FUNDED.

SKIRTS 2.98 BLOUSES 1.98 SAVE ON OUR "KAMPUS KICKS"! "TOPS" in STYLE •»<* VALUE I SWEATERS 1.98 NrailMllJ ~ SLIPS .1.00 Value Plus! BOYS' DEPT. SLACKS SHIRTS \ WLOS All the htal JACKETS 2,98.24,98 you wini plus Hflnas on fuel coil up lo 33*i U*k »• Selwol In Aik ui: ,,1 182 BROADWAY •pp. L.I. TRUST C0> Dr. POSNER OIL DELIVERY, Inc. LONG BRANCH SHOES 20 BROAD ST. TMMNU HaiT RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 Page Fifteen

sons, George Warrack and chil- VanBrunt, Mr. and Mn. Robert with his parents and wife ind 'Back to School' Safety dren, Marie and James Young and Lathrop and family and Miss Mar- daughter. COMPLETE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY the family of Mr. and Mrs. Kirwan. ilyn Dreher held a picnic lunch Miss Maryanne Kirwan enter- BATTERY SERVICE Advice Provided Parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. KunUel of and aupper Sunday at Cold Indian tained at a beach party Tuesday at Leonardville rd. entertained Mr. Springs, Kepwel park. Sandlass Beach club. Present were DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO. •f- and Mrs. Henry Ft. Johnson of Mr. and Mrs. George Paxton, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Martin and children Judith and Joseph of Shrewsbury, IS IAST MONT (TSIIIT, LET AMERICAN A predicted 2,000 children under Whitj Plains over the week-end. and children, Vivian and Alice of RIO IANK A will be Uilled on their way to Bclford Mrs. Dclbcrt Fields and children Long Island apent the part two Miss Melissa Drew, Wilmington, TCL.I IX S-StlS ind from school during the coming: of Clinton pi., who have been visit- weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Del.; Miss Jane Boland and Miss Diane Richmond, daughter of Mr. Paxton, Sr. Susan Lyon, Mlddletown; Miss erm. Thousands more will be In- ,nd Mr». Gerald Richmond, cele- ing Mrs. Fields' parents in Water- REMODEL YOUR jured, many for life. loo, la., four months, returned Mrs. Leland Richmond, Miss Sue Marion Moncrief, Fair Haven and LOANS irated her eighth birthday Aug. But it need not happen to your home last week. Marshall Fields of Leary anil Miss Marylee Richmond Mrs. Fred Kirwan and Carol and .8 at a party. Attending were Carol Thomas Kirwan. ihlldrcn if you take the reaponei- lllday, Lynne, Christine and VI r- Waterloo accompanied them and spent Friday and Saturday at Camp $25 to illlty for getting them off to school will spend several weeks here. Nomoco. , Mrs. Bertha Brouwer returned inia -Richmond, Moria Rcinhold, home last week after visiting Mr. lth a 'afe start, rlncilla and William Glcndcnnlng, Joyce Hycrs, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirwan en- TELEPHONE CALL BATHROOM - KITCHEN In making this grim prediction Mrs. William Hyers, celebrated her tertained Mrs, Leslie Keating and and tMrs. Peter Brouwer and fam- arbura Simpson, Joan LettB, Lin- he Institute for Safer Living ol 13th birthday Aug. 20 with mem- son Lee of Elizabeth over the week- ily of Cornw»ll-on-the-Hudson tor In Richmond, Tony Steffer, Jean several weeks. 1LOAN PLAN WITH JOHNS-MANVILLE he American Mutual Liability In- elnhoid, Wayne and Gerald Rich- bers of the family. '. . end. Miss Marvanne Kirwan enter- urance company urges parents to mond, Jr.,:- Patricia Letts and Lois Hofman, daughter of Mr. tained Miss Marion Moncrief of Charles Crelin gpont the week- Phone either our Red Bank or DELUXE ASBESTOS FLEXBOARD lerwnally escort younger children homas Cinsgar. Also Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Dirk Hofman, celebrated Fair Haven part "of last week. end with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Scalia, Jr., of Long Branch. Freehold office ... the one o and Irom school until good safe- Mti, Mrs.'Gertrude Richmond. her 11th birthday.Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofman and Warrant Officer Milliard Foster nearest your home or work. AT REAL SAVINGS ty habits are established,^ The fol- An. William- Olendenning:, Mrs. at a party. Attending were Karen children and Mr. and Mm. Jay lowing rules are suggested: va Relnhold and Mrs. Mac Rein- Hacker, Patricia Zllly, Phyllis and White and children spent Sunday of Boston, Mass., spent the week- 'hone Ih* m«n«f*r: TO YOU ... 1. Work out and use the safeat old. •: ' . • • Loretta Kwiakowskl, Bcrnlce Gran- at the Hofmans' summer home at end with his mother, Mrs. Gcorgl- Mr. lh*«*e at •••) lank •-MQ0 , oute to and from school with your A picnic was held Sunday at the derath, Diane Hallem, Gra6e Smith, Lakewood. anna Foster. Mr. Clem*? at Fr**helal S-1M* • Made of asbestos and ihlld, taking Into consideration not me of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kir- Ma.Nlne Sedak and Eileen White, Mrs. William Merritt and chil- "Elithl nut of tan render, eoniult The Tell him hew much you want cement • he shortest distance but rather the an. Aasisting Mrs. Kirwan were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bench of dren Alice and William of Belle- Reimler Claillfled Ada."—Ad .frtlnement Atorwal of your loan request is lafeat crosawalkj and available Mrs. Raymond Kelly and Mm. • For decorative walls and Lcmington, England, have been ville were week-end guests of Mr. made while you are on the phone. ceilings raffle police protection. George Warrack. Attending were spending the past month with Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Joans of 2. Where there la no policeman, Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan and and Mrs. Charles Teo ot Eaat rd. Main St. • Will not chip, crack or hildren, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Blohm .each the youngster to atop on the Mr. and Mrs. Bench are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bausbach BELL FINANCE discolor :urbj look both ways and watch .nl children, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-their daughter in Coney Island and MAX BENOWITZ COMPANY iam Mulhtiser and children, Mr. entertained In honor of Mr. and o Colors: Peach linen, Tan or turning traffic before walking will return here for a short visit lie. KM. 7<2 >M 77* nd Mrs. Tony Campo and children, Mr*. Frank Bench ot Lemlngton, AD formi of linen, Blue linen, Gray across. before returning to England Sept, England, at a dinner party Satur- Jervfitt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nolan and MadmantA * Mttttr linen 3. If it is necessary for your 23. Mr«. Bench is a sister to evening. Other guests included 1 'ft • Casualty • Fir* M/rfrffaiet * Ore*-* hild to walk on a roadway, teach hildren, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lewis Yeo and the two women met for to clean nd daughter Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yeo of this Coaliei Im to walk on the extreme left the first time in 30 years. place and Patricia Lempalse of Imvrcntct MIIIHO1D omci • rhiHi I-1»SO edge of the road, always facing Frank Musante and son Ronald, Mr. snd Mrs. John'Lentz,-Jack Coney Island. A special purchase makes this money saving offer possible! No traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Velders and 39 IAST MAIN STREET on, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Riley and Lentz, Mrs.' Carol Casler, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Roland Nerber of RMI Eilwtt 4. Impress j;our children with the Groins' 'laar .'matter how bis your room la ire can tile It with J-M Flexboard children, Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. William Harnett and children, Lockport, 77. T., were week-end lie UNK OMICI • Ph*nei *-«00* for less than you would Imagine. Kitchen Hie 48 in. high • leed for obeying all traffic officers, Dobeon and children, Mr. and Mrs.Mr. and Mrs. John Nash and son,guests at th* horns of Mr. and Mrs. 300 River Road Red Bank, N. 3. ichool crossing guards, school 77 BROAD STREET Bathroom 48 In. from Boor and 41 In. high over tub. ack Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-Charles Masson, Mrs. Hazel Wood- Paul Morris. fety patrols or mechanical signs er DeGrote, Raymond Kelly and ward, Henry Brown, Miss Joseph- Corp. Harold Copeland of Fort BE M971 Over Ntwbtrty'i and signals. ine Trczzoni, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bclvoir, Vs., apent the week-end estti Manalay I* Friday frarn Frn Estimate • N* Obll«atiea • SleW 5. Insist on no playing In streets, • a.m. I* S p.m. • RMAM alleys, or driveways. • Ga?at*e «. No roller skating to and from • flnkias school. NO DOWN PAYMENT • MUMITT • R.M 7. No hitching rides on motor WHATSOEVER! • New (ttkrooat. ehlcles when cycling to and from • AMe Cewsnisai school. t. It an older brother or sister PAYMENTS START IN NOV. is accompanying your younger chil- • Jalwelee dren to and from school, go over ATLANTIC'S 6 the routo with both children and * ANNIVERSARY SALE Bank Rat* lnttrtit • DttWrl • Fl*er Tlllm nsist on responsibility from the older one, and recognition of au LONG IASY TMMS O H.Mtlni hority by the younger one. • Palatal WE VE GONE Pay At Littif At li.25 WtMy SERVICE STATION ENTERED Alvino'a service station, Shrews- bury ave, and Oakland St., was en' tered Monday night and about $1 in change ntolen from a cigarette American Home Vonttruction Vo. machine, The thief entered thi Newman Sprint* BAT er MIOR station by breaking a, window In load CALL a rear door. He overlooked $20 In (sir Broad It.) 1 Rl fcSMO a cash drawer, police said. BED BANK The dory, a rowboat about 1« feet long, is regarded as one of the world's most seaworthy small boats.

FOLLOW THIS .3, Welcome to LITTLE PIGGY TO ATLANTIC Mr. and Mrs. William T. Brady coming into thtlr n«w home In Applebrook Farm. e Whewvw yeu W»—NO TAKE HOME THE BACON How nice, that they, too, will be ready STMAM, NO HUTTMt, NO to enjoy Labor Cay and all the nOf-OVW •apmHidr,. sun-warm day* and the crisp evenings EVERY PURCHASER WINS of" earifHH here among the apple trees. 1100 mlle>»lus Eitfw Your ENTIRE PURCHASE FREE or a

• Jacob R.V.M. Leffertt eslli^r"4ennltj ^nt 9*4^vvve

' Charles T. Kilcomms AnWrmHti AIM laledsr i WRIST WATCH WORTH UP TO *80 °° Applebrook Farm FREE (of extra Cost) Route 35 Make Y«tr Punka* 2. Dip) lutej Hi* Piggy • RrtMNM-foe siattmtj. Just north of Naval Win Y*w littire Purchvi* 4. Win « Wrltt Watch free - Underpass TRUE DIMENSION • iulWn UHP/VNF AntanM. free If Yw Pick th* (*f litra Cert) If You Middlstown Township, V«l«* NH««et Pick Any Otkw Nugget New Jsrsty TMRNTI IDf/VH MMNEIS THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT CUT THIS LITTLE PIGGY OUT And Bring To Any ATLANTIC THI WHARTON, Msf.l 77*111 ' TV* invite STORE For Your you and your family to Inspect th» Gel everything you want in this btautiful home* at JUverdell Farm NO CASH NEEDED Just 8 minutes from Red Bank rashogany-finish model with 21* picture. 1 An exciting kind of living Get outstanding intfrftreace-fre* reception FREE GIFT Built by a man who loves his horns. wherever you live. Ytm TO PAY YMT* S ADULTS ONLY Jacob R. 7. M. Lefferti SPECIAL TRADE-IN Charles T: • Kilcomint NO OILIftATION West Front Street near . ALLOWANCES DURING Half Mile Road Mlddletown, New Jersey THIS SALE

Now Is the tlm* fo smart mothira to sem back to school clothe THE MONMOUTH COUNTY COURT 1951, ORDERED, that all p.rtona in III' to Leon's for dry elean< PROBATE DIVISION tereet enow eauea b.for. thla Court, si th« Court Houe., Freehold, N*w J.rier Ing. Tou'll be prou DOCKET NO. on Friday th. »th day of October,, l«l Thii Little Piggy Wantt You In the matter of the application of at-10 o'clock In the for.noon, why of the-way your chl MARY THERESA MEALIER for an Or-iudgtnant ehould not b* rtnderai d*cla • dr.n will look, becauie To Enter the ConteH der Declaring Alfred Healler. Legally Ing Leonard Paulion Smith to b. deai Dead. Civil Action ORDER TO SHOW Leon's really gets ou CAUSE, And It la further ordered that s cop ! of thla Order ba publlahed In tha Rai all the dirt . . plus . A complHlnt having been filed bjr Bank Ruietor four tlmea during fou MARY'THERESA HEALIER. also known conaecutlr* calendar w.ekl, one. In each 500^ WASHER-DRYER aa Thereia' Healler and Tharaaa Mart welt, (omra.nclns within, two wt.ka oi • opfeWVIftfteikkmaeaH apejT••- S lealler, reqileatlng that an order be alt-tha data of thla ordtr. f ered that ALFRED HEALIER ba de- TREMENDOUS BARGAINS clared legally dead and sufficient reaaon JOHN C, GIORDANO, J. C, C. appearing for thla application! Meeera. Klalekr. Cray * Klstiky, Market IT IS on thla 2Jlh. day of July, 1I5S Counullcra at Law, ORDERED, That oaus* be ihown on f Eaat Front Street, Free Gifts * Contests th« 21th day of September, HIS, at Horn* tha Court Homo In Freehold, New Jer- . Red Bank, N.w Jerity. sey, at itn o'clock In tha forenoon, or Natlc* af Sallltmenl *f Accaunt vanlikM aa aoon thereafter aa coitniel can be Anal Dlrecllam Far Dlttrlbutln SENSATIONAL OFFERS heard, why a judgment ahnuld not ba • Na CIMMIRI aalar •ntared declaring Alfred Healler dead ESTATE OF NICHOLAS i, WILSON end granting eueh further relief sa aekad DECEASED. Atlantic Becamet for In tha complaint, and Nolle* Ii hereby glve*n that tha at IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that s oounta of th* iiibiorlbare, uieutort am CMtMt Ruin •vairafclc In all ATLANTIC StarM true cope of thla within Order to Show aubatltutlonary admlnlatrator with Wi: Cauea hi aerved on Tha Metropolitan and. Codltslla thereto annexed ot tha II CALL Life Ineuranca Company, tha Prudential tata of aald daeeaeed, will ba audltei Ineuranee Company of Arnerlea and theand atat*d by th* Surrogate of thi 701 Main St., Atkmy Park, N, J. Vettrani Administration, at their home County of Honmoutli and reported foi efflee, ty reglitered mall and • limed atttltment to Tha Monmoiith Count) relumed receipt card be filed with Hill Court, Trolmte Ulvlalon, on Friday, tti RE 6-2800 court prior to the return dale hereof) Twenty-third day of October. A, I),, 1101 NO OILIftATION and at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time ai IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the Plication will be mnde for th* allowane within Orritr to Show Cauea ba pub* of comtnlnloni and counael fen, an TODAY llaheil In lh« Red llnnk Ilegliler In thedlrectloni for distribution, rtornugh of Red Hank, Monmouth Conn, Dated I Auiriiit llth, A, n,. !»»», ty, NewJcripy, fnr « perlml of four (O w»nki, piirsunnl In.Rule nil.Mb), HOWARD HTANI.EY RORDIK |J0,H J, KUWAnD KNIOHT, J, 0, C, IH MadllDit Arenue, Spring Lake, N, 1. A TRUK IIOPV, ELEANOR JANC RORDIN, l,lnrmm Mcr'adriln, Surroarsla, • III Marflmn Avtnua, Uprlng Lake, N, t, I MONMOUTH COUNTY COURT I rnonATP. DIVISION Eneeutora nt the Eitate LEON'S ' Howard L, Horden, a dieaiii •ata I DOCKET NO, Kxeeuter of tha Estate n In Till Mntler of I ho Application of Nlcholaa 1, Wilson* dieeaier Claantrt ri.OIIKNUK, HMITIt WARllKN To Hive IRA C RMQOK, LEONARD /FAUI-MON HMITH, An Ah. 401 Third svtntii, Laundtftn • Ru« Cltantn stttiteo, MudA-eil Uenil. Civil Action ()r- 25 Monmouth St., Red Bank Bmdlfy Beach, N, J, Hole Miaautor of th* lata qf William K, Jltrrlion, tl UIIIIII I rjifTiTiir mill n 11 n K thn complaint othtr dtetsifil RxtButor Always Ampla Porfclm Saaet AIIURY PARK t LONft IRANCH • KIYPORT • NIIHOLD nr Iliiifiriv^iilihuWntilen, from whloh th* Ittate ot Nicholas It HiiHeiiia'llnUtlA mill Leonard I'aul. Wilton, dtBtmeil, In Frant af Our aim Hmllli liiwilbaMtnl lilmielf for mure IRVlKa W. HMOOK. TOMS RIVIR • TRINTON than savan rmrV (rum III last known »» Irvlnif l'lfnt. reililenei, wliloli wan on Mtndow Ai'tnim, lied lltnk, M, J. , , ALSO AVAILAILI IN ATLANTIC ADINCY STORI #1 In Hit Ilimiugli IIf Momnoutli lleticli, 61-76 WIIITK ST. MqiimoulH louutj, trlaw Jintn and HuhilltiilUmnry Ailmlnlitrili , It .aiinmrlng ihaL Ih* only renon in- with Will «nil Uodlollt Ihir In any aa»»lVof Ilia Mhl Lionird III AllllrXtlli 227 SECOND ST., LAKEWOOD inn Hmllh la lh» I'lalnllffi i Mmn, Wilt * Win, l(i;i) HANK aiiU Attnrnm »l, 1,1 >», it IB on Ihli llth da* of Adtuiti Rid lank, Niw Jtrur. , 111,00 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953

MM* »• »»* ••••• a* TWO imdeai, AUt-CONDITIONID floer»l J

Come see what smart juniors are wearing Back to School! FASHION SHOW

' FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 7:15 P. M.

"Junior electives" for classroom-and-after . , . the easy-going sweaters, jackets, skirts and toppers 'that multiply • school wardrobe into so many wonderful outfits!

Left to light: A. NAVY TWIID SKIRT with leath.r trim. » to 16. MS CORDUROY JACKET In navy, ted, sold, black, fro.n, tan or mat. Mock leather button! and patch pock.ti. 10 to 16, •. CHINCHILLA WOOL TOMIR wllh IjUllttd lllllnK. lUtuluaula llllf" belt nml Bmoked pearl buttons. Red cr navy. 9 to 15. 19.fl C. CORDUROV SKIRT with double rock.lj. Bust, tan, red or tra.n. !l to lii. "BOY SHIRT" in red or navy striped coLton with solid plain collar. 9 to lu. 3.M

YOUNG-Ota SHOP, Second Fle.r and Alkury Park

Our own exclusive fall version of the "Ensemble Colors" "elegant echoes 98°/o Orion! 1% Nylon! 1953 "Resorter" of your complete costume in Washable, cashmeve'soft Belle Sharmeer Nylons

LORONYL Casuals •45 1.35 to 1.95 P*;

29.95 This fall, be the lass with the The most feminine stocking shades you've avar worn ... delicate flare! Ours exclusively Ensemble Colors are the convincing raasont for a The "sweater look" is the naw look In* this is the famous Resorter with its complete wardrobe of Belle Sharmeer nylons! Created casual dress of remarkably durable new LOR' small roll collar and gentle flare 1c, to echo fashion's naw depths of texture ONYL. This fabulous new blend is ALL WAYS i ... and tonefc-they're distraetingly flattering WASHABLE . . • even in a Bendix automatic top the new slimmer silhouette.' washer. No pressing required . . . the downy In your own leg-siie. softness is restored like new after laundering. A new 34" length, too! Stitched Nude, pink or ocean blue in sizes 10 to'18. yoke and detailed armholes for

fashion accents! Nude or camel MISSES' DRESSES, Second Floor, and A.bury Park for alts!** w in Imperial fleece; or brown bo'ucle. •man l*gt>. HIM Itt ta IB Junior and Misses sizes. M.dit. •eekw (OpMM •da*) '(«*< •<(.); foi innn IOIUH •lu lartM l«e». • H to 11. *% t» 11. COATS, Second Floor and Aibury Par;. HOIIIRV, Str**l Flew, u>4 AlkHry Park LAST FEW DAYS! Save during our

August "Three

From a collection of naw and fashionable fall meets your needs . .. fn • CANNON, UTICA AND MOHAWK SHEETS shoes, this graceful DeUso Dab d'Orsay pump has black, brown, navy, red, IN MUSLIN AND PERCALE a high heel, open toe and Benedictine, Brlarwood, a |et bow at the vimp. Palomino or muihroom. • FOAM RUIIER PILLOWS FOR THE UT- A quiet understatement af MOST IN SLEEPING COMFORT fashion elegance In

. black suede. HANDBAOI, »!rt«t Meir, an* Alkury Park • TOWELS IY HADING MAKERS ... AT 14.98* t AUGUST-ONLY PRICESI • HOI SALON, Strul Niir • plui Us LININI, ItMnit fhtt, ait*1 Alkury P«rh If bop dally (rum Di!0 'ill 8i90 — Atbury I'ark elore open WeduoetUy 'Ul Ij Beds«aJik itore open friday 'III (.' For All Departments Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 9 EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1953 10c PER COPY SECTION TWO-PAGES 1 TO 16. COP and Democratic Leaders Parry Monmouth County Courthouse to Be Erected on Sinclaire Tract Meyner to Address Young Democrats Over Farmers' Vote Come November At Outing Saturday in Middletown

TRENTON (AP)—Republican and Highlighting the annual state Democratic political strategists—as convention1* of Young Democrats one night expect—don't quite agree Hook and Ladder Co. will be a speech of major import- on how New Jersey farmers arc Navy Men Study ance by Democratic gubernatorial going to vote in this year's guber- To Hold Scrap Drive candidate Robert B. Moyener at natorial election, Navesink Hook and ladder McGulre's grovo on rt. 35 In Mid- At Stcphenson's dletown township Saturday of this Herbert Holran, executive direc- company of Red Bank will'con- tor of tho Republican State com- SHREWSBURY—Two croups ot week. mittee, says there is no reason for duct a scrap drive Sunday under Navy men came to the Stephenson Mcyncr's speech and major the farmers to swerve from their the direction of Cspt. William corporation plant on White rd. two events ot the day-long convention traditional Republican allegiance. Minery. days last week for training in re- and outing will be filmed and tele- "They (New Jersey farmers), have suscitation design, operation and cast over WABT-Dumont, channel the highest yield per acre in the The company, according to maintenance. From the LI. S. Medi- 5, next Tuesday evening, from 10' country," he claims. -- Capt. Mlnerj', Is holding the drives cal Naval Supply depot at Edge- o'clock to 10:30, it was announced But Jim Farley, publicity director to raise funds normally derived water, they consisted of officers, by William J. Flanagan, deputy corpsmen and medical equipment for the State Democratic commit- from the firemen's fair. The fair mayor of Jersey City and state tee, sees farm prosperity as the re- technicians. The first group was Young Democrats' chairman. sult of policies followed by the last was cancelled this year,' The headed by Lieut. Comdr. R. D. two national Democratic adminis- drive will start at 10 a. m. Lesvls, technical officer at Edge- trations. He says they resent water, the second by Chief War- changes by the Eisenhower admin- rant Officer J. W. Shepherd. istration. And the farmers are not Morning sessions \ devoted immune to the theory that it's to a tour through the plant con- "time for a change," Farley says, Bank Credit Plan ducted by the production fore- adding: . man, Walter Bertelson, which "We expect to reach them heavily Passes 200 Mark showed how rcsuscitatois are made, on the good government issue. The tested and inspected. Then came farmers are as disgusted with The Alle'nhurat National Bank a lecture by M. Harry Goodner, crime and corruption as any group." * Trust company, this week an- Inventor of America's first auto- Holran believes that the Demo- nounced that its member list of matic breathing machine, on the cratic gubernatorial ca'ndiate, Rob- Easy Charge stores in Monmouth design and maintenance of all ert B. Meyner, holds much less ap- county has passed the 200 mark. types of mechanical resuscltators. peal for farmers than his defeated This plan, familiar to shoppers in Every phase ot mechanical care opponent In the primary, Elmer the shore area, brings together and repair wan considered. iW6he. shoppers, iiimuhanuj and the After lunch, William H. Stephen- Holran figures that the Repub- ing service into one unit. son reviewed the history of the lican candidate, Paul L. Troast, will The bank takes over the, credit development of Inhalators and re- win the election by carrying Ber- and billing service, the individual suscltators in the past 50 years gen, Essex, Passalc, Union and store is freed to devote additional arid discussed the operating princi- Monmouth. The farm vote, he' time to straight merchandising, and Shown above is the courthouse solid brick, or block and brick ex-1 house: Grand jury room, witness room and sanitary facilities also ples of each. He also went into the adds, will help swell the total the shopper has what amounts to to be erected on the seven-acre terlor; aluminum projecting-type | room and waiting room, utilities of- will be located on the second floor. newest developments in mechani- Troast vote, a blanket charge account at all Sinclaire tract, recently acquired windows; aluminum doors, to help flce, first aid room, detectives' room, cal breathing, including recent re- search conducted by the Armed Easy Charge member stores. All by the board of chosen freeholders. reduce exterior building mainten- Identification room, detention rooms Library on Third Floor C. D. In Rural Areas ance costs to the minimum; rein- with sanitary facilities, court offi- Services and by leading medical purchases are tunneled into one The site is high, dry and land- Three courtrooms also will be schools. This included a review of Folks in rural New Jersey—areas channel and' billed once a month scaped, and large enough to permit forced concrete floor construction; cers' room, probation office, press located on the third floor, where that certainly would not be prime the late developments In cardiac William J. Flanagan by the bank. Separate purchases of future expansion. It provides park- rubber tile finished floors, except rooms, public sanitary facilities, a legal library, conference room resuscitation. targets in case of an enemy attack more than J30, in addition, are ing space for 215 cars. Existing for asphalt tile oh the basement employees' rest room and storage and sanitary facilities also will be —often take their civil defense subject to financing over a three- trees and landscaping will be re- floor and terrazzo on corridor and and flic rooms. Mrs. Stephenson, a former pro- The filmed television program is 1 provided. Public staircases will be preparations more seriously than month period. * tained, some of it rearranged to foyer .floors , plaster walls and The first floor will consist of the located at each end of the building. fessor of nnestlicsin, gas therapy a departure, from the original plan their big city cousins. and resuscitation, lectured on the of an on-the-spot telecast, Flanagan "The entire plan," a bank official enhance the beauty of the building. lath and plaster ceilings covered main entrance lobby, telephone ex- The structure will become an In- C. D. officials say the answer lies with fireproof! acoustical mineral rudiments of "The Physiology of said, necessitated by the Xact that stated, "is one which represents an change and information office, coun- tegral part of the ultimate develop- partially in the fact that residents The now four-story building will fiber tile, • Respiration." She showed how in- WOR TV, which had be«ji con- admirable degree of co-operation be 145x66 feet, with two elevators ty clerk's office, prosecutor's office, ment of the county courthouse of rural communities are more civic The building's boiler, loom will sheriff's office and public and pri- terdependent, are respiration and ractcd to handle Saturday's pro- minded. Another reason, they add between banking and business, with to service all floors. Construction building. The next stage of the de- circulation and what techniques Kram, has been involved in a pro- mutual benefits redounding to both be located underground, and out- vate sanitary facilities. hastily, Is that the non-city resi- features will include: Steel skeleton side the building line to simplify velopment will consist of erecting have been developed to best sup- tracted strike of technical em- even in extra factors such as re- with reinforced concrete joists and Three _ courtrooms with judges' port both. This covered all klnda dents would be the ones to take future expansion, a wing at one end of the building, ployees. care of city victims. flected advertising and publicity. floors, for a fireproof structure; chambers will be on the second of nsphyxial accidents such as Building Component* „ Another feature of the outing, When the C. D. program was first Both shoppers and stores are rec- limestone face and columns in floor. Secretaries' office and jury or two wings—one at each end of drowning, gas poisoning, electric ognizing it as the modorn way to front; side and rear walls to be of The building's ground floor will rooms, jury selection room, waiting the building. and traumatic shock and other on the lighter aide, Is the planned reactivated farm area officials asked bathing beauty contest to select in effect: conduct business." Shoppers and respiratory emergencies. Each man merchants have become members i was furnished a Navy type rcsuaci- Miss Young Democrat of 1953. Why do we have to plan for civil Scores of applications have been defenae if the bombs are likeliest of the plan In Red Bank, Freehold, Clementi a Partner O Belle Nuit' tator and ran it as the various Asbury Park, Long Branch,- Eaton- Three Pru Men phases of operation were explain- received from young beauties as- to fall on cities? Council Opposes piring for the title wid are being State Civil Defenae. Director town, Little Silver, Allenhurst. Mid- In Atlantic Store ed, to acquire a belter understand- dletown, Neptune, Bradley Beach, Sunday at 8 ing of proper maintenance and care processed by county Young Demo- Leonard Dreyfuas roplied: cratic chairmen. "Somebody has to help the com- Atlantic Highlands, Deal and Bel- Andrew Clementi of this place Gas Rate Raise • ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — "O Cited for Service of such equipment. munities that' get hit.". mar. »nd Charles S. Silvers of Lakewood Belle Nuit," '.he baccarolle from Among Prudential Insurance Cc. In addition to a handsome tro- have purchased the Atlantic Appli- „ XfTTLE SILVER—At one of the phy, Miss Young Democrat, of-1983 The rural areas, he added, wil shorifit meetings of the year the Offenbach's "Tales of Hoffman," employees who celebrated innl- have to take care of those evacuat- ance company store at 229 Second will be a highlight of this week's vcrsaries of long service In August will be awarded a week's all-ex- st, Lakewood. It will be operated mayor* and council Tuesday night penses paid vacation at Varadero ed, furnish first aid and carry the voted to direct Borough Attorney concert by the municipal band Sun- were three residents of New Jersey Towns Plan Fight load o( "getting back" to normal. Last Scalzo Home as an agency with the Atlantic firm day night at 8 o'clock at the har- •bore towns In the Red Bank area International hotel In Cuba. The Howard W. Roberts' to offer oppo- winner and her chaperon will b« supplying merchandise and servic- bor administration building! They are J. Murray Gordon of «6 ing. •;.-..•"• , .:• • • sition to the •New Jeraey natural flown to the hotel from New York Fair Records Broken Oas company's .appeal for rate In- . The selection will share the spot- Lovett ave., Little Silver; Thomas On Gas Rate Rise by National Airlines, Sold by Adams Mr. Clementi has been associated light with the sextette from'Doni- P. J. Klernan, 110 Eighth at., Bel- Fifteen county fairs have been with the Atlantic chain since Its creases Monday at a P.U.C. hearing 'ASBURY PARK — State Sen. * Another incentive in the con- Adam A. Kretowici, owner of zetti's "Lucia." The program alao ford, and George H. Logan, 65 Law- held in the state, this summer, and inception five years ago at the In Newark. Richard R. Stout and Deputy At- test will be the granting of a con- the Adams Real Estate agency, has will include three Sousa marches, rence ave., Keansburg. William C. Lynn, secretary of the Long Branch store. Before that he Mayor Joseph C. Davison asked torney General Benjamin C, Van- tract for a television film to the announced thai the last home at the "Poet and Peasant" overture Mr. Klernan observed his 25th New Jersey Association of Agricul- was with J. H. Mount for two years for expressions of opinion about Tino have announced that it is winner by Hollywood Television Victoria Heights, Middletown, con- and Victor Herbert "favorites." anniversary with tho company a tural Fairs, saya they broke all at- at their Broad st., Red Bank, store. the company's appeal. No one ap- likely that a "public defender" Productions. structed by Louis Scalzo of Glen- Pasquale Acquavlva of Red Bank week ago, while both Mi'. Gordon tendance records, Mr. Clementi resides with his wife, peared to favor the rate increase, from the attorney general's office mary ave., Middletown, was sold will conduct the concert, seventh In and Mr. Logan have just complet- Former Democratic Governor Three more fairs are on tap: the the former Dorothy Poer, and their although Councilman George Wei- will Join with representatives of by him over, the week-end to Mr. a series of ten presented weekly at ed 20 years of service. James F. Fielder, one of the state's Flemlngton fair, Sept. 1-8; the Cum- children Charles, Fred, Margaret gel explained the method used by many shore towns in opposing the oldest outstanding Democrats, has and Mrs. James Gallagher of the yacht basin. Joseph Schena, Of the three men Mr. Logan has feerland county fair at Bridgeton, and Andrea, on Myrtle ave. Mr. NJNG to gel natural gas to the request by the New Jersey Na- nlso been invited to be ft guest of Sept. 15-19, and the New Jersey Relgelman ave., Staten Island. band director, also Ii3ted other se- lived in this area for the longest tural Gas company for a rate In- Silvers, owner of the building In area and how they are charged. time. He became a Keansburg res- honor at the affair, which is to state fair at Trenton, Sept. 27-Oct. 4. Mr. Gallagher has spent the past lections for this week's presenta- crease. begin at 2 p. m. which the store is located, has been Councilman Victor Satter cited "in- tion: "Class Formation" by Evans, ident 13 years ago. The others arc One of the new featurea at the Is years as a boiler specialist with associated with the Lakewood store consistencies" in the company's ap- The announcement was made by Interest in the outing, which will Trenton fair will be All-Future some of the. largest industrial con- "Malaguena" by Lecuona, "The more recent arrivals, the two officials after a meeting In as part time assistant, peal, and said it should be opposed. Spirit of Youth" by Sordlllo, "The Mr. Gordon, who Jins done cost be the sole state-wide open air po- "armers of American livestock tractors throughout the country On the vote Mr. Wcigel and Coun- Senator Stout's office Monday at- litical demonstration of the Demo- bow and Canada, and has been connect- New Colonial March" by Hall, analysis and accounting work for tended by ton lawyers representing cilman Joseph F, Lord asked to "Straussiana," arranged by;Scredi, the company throughout his career, cratic party this year, has been -4 ed with every phase of the •con- j be recorded,as "not voting." shore towns. Mr, VanTlne said he reflected In the number of re- 'Save m Life a Day' struction of homes, with his main and "To Victory" by Sordlllo. became a member of the company's In other business Mayor Davison would report results of the meet- quests for tickets from Democratic New Jersey ia launching a "Save experiences with new, Industrie' Hibbs Reports North Central home office staff authorized Councilman Charles W. ing to Attorney General Theodore leaders throughout New Jersey, a _ Life a Day" campaign to cut buildings and factories. Mr. Gal earlier this year. Since then he Stephens to confer with Mr, Rob- Players to Launch D. Parsons and final decision would Flanagan said. the number of fatalities on the lagher chose this area for retire- has been a member of the "pilot On School Work erts relative to. preparing a book- hive to be made by him. Food and refreshments will be highways. ment because of its recreational Rehearsals for 'Fancy' unit" operating at company head- let of frequently used borough ord- The gas firm Is asking for per- served under the auspices of the The program gets officially under features that coincide with his hob- Alterations to the old Red Bank RUM3ON — The Monmouth quarters in preparation for the new mission to increase the consumer inances. office which willv be established in entertainment committee, through- way Sept. 1, but you can start now, bies, of fishing, boating and golfing. senior high school building on Players will hbld the first rehearsal rate of gas fcy 1.2 cents a therm, out the day. •ays Arnold H. Vey, director of the The dwelling has three spacious Harding rd. will be completed in Council approved subdivisions for for their first fall production, Minneapolis. With his family he which It claims would enable it to The convention la expected to Bureau of Traffic Safety: bedrooms, a large living room, Ten- time for the opening of school Sept, Sllvermcre Holding company and "Goodbye, My Fancy," tonight at will leave by train for that city recover about 90 per cent of the "If everyone—whether motorist or nessee-faced fireplace, with built-in 9, Dr. M. Gregg Hibbs, superin- Harry Green. Tho Sllvormere com- 8:30 at Bingham hall on Bingham Sept, 3. A native of Keainy he start at 2:30 p. m. and the bathing •5354,8315 annual increase In its cost beauty contest will begin at 5 pedestrian—would say to himsel bookcases and cabinets constructed tendent of schools, said this week. pany, headed by D. W. May, asked ave, here. studied accounting and business ad- Loulic, and Mr. Meyner to Speak lar to the first one that was sold completed during the Arat weeks Uogan a grown son and daughter Mrs. E. Edwin Burdge said the Republican nomination for Ocean two svears ago to Albert Menna, annual president's meeting will be township committecman which has of school. and two grandchildren, At Democratic Dinner manager of trio West Bergen mar- To Serve on September Grand Jury In honor of their anniversaries held Sept. 16, and that preliminary been staged by E. Melvln Ooddard, ket, Red Bank. LONG BRANCH—Robert Mey arrangements are under way for Incumbent, and Gordon C, Kelly of the Prudential veterans each re- Mr, Scalzo alto «tatcd that the BuBineis Institute ceived a congratulatory letter from ner, Democratic candidate for gov- tho fall county council mooting. West Deal. ernor, will be the principal speaker Victoria Heights development con- FREEHOLD—William H. Wlkoff gist; W. Douglas Potter,' 1 Ripa Carrol M, Shanks, company presi- Committee chairmen Introduced Edward W. Wise, Jr., of Red Awards Made Tuesday and cuest of honor at the annual sists of 46 homes, and that It took ot 205 Maple ave,, Red Bank, vice way, Sea Bright, executive; Rua- dent, and a testimonial school signi- were Mrs, A. R. Tomllnson, found- Bank, is attorney for Mr. Kelly. dinner of the Italian American two years for completion. Each The Red Bank Business Institute president of the feed, coal and fuel sell W, Aul, 406 Crescent pky,, Sea fying their membership In tho com- ors' day; Mrs. Robort Goodman, Henry H, , Patterson of Asbury American Democratic loague of home In Itself Is different and no closed Ita summer session with a oil firm of Fred D. Wlkoff com- Girt, secretary; Portland Merrill, pany's "Old Guard." progrnm; Mrs. Ralph Rltzendollar, Park and Edward J. O'Mara, Hud- two homes arc Identically alike. luncheon at the Old Orchard Coun- pany, and Kenneth H. McQueen of 201 Sllvonide nve,, Little Silver, Monmouth county Oct. 20 at tho publicity; Mrs. I, C. Outtman, ra- •on Democrat, represent Commlt- This policy of Individualized cus- try club Tuesday. Awards were pre- Kemp ave., Fair Haven, president bond analyst; Henry J, Shahecn, San Remo restaurant. Tho affair dio and television, and Mrs. John teeman Goddard, tom-built homes will continue at sented, by Mr>. O'Shoa to those who of the Merchants Trust company, 344 Norwood ave,, West Long will coincide with "Bob Meyner McNeil, exceptional child. Monmouth County Day," What Judge McLean will study "Hilltop Acres," located At Llncroft, attained the highest scores in typ- were among the 35 rnoniburs drawn Branch, builder; Ralph O. Butler, Legion Post Others attondlng woro Mrs. Wil- aro six disputed ballots from this which la the now building alto of ing and ahortiand aa follows: Sun on the Soptombcr grand Jury here 29 North Main st,, Alicntown, sales James LoBiondo was named liam Thomas, Mrs. Lewis D. Smith, year's primary, five claimed by Mr, Scalzo'fl latoit development, and Sherman, In typing, avorigclng 50 Tuesday. When courtu reopen Sept. englnoor; Pudley R, Terrctl, 432 chairman of tha affair at a mod Jr., Mrs. Puter Ko*nchok, Mrs. Ooddard and ono by Mr, Kelly, A now open foi public Inspection. words per minute, net, and Diana it, 23 of the 35 will be sdectod Jefforson ave,, Avon, salesman; An- Elects Wolchak Ing Monday nt flumson. Amerigo John Oarruto, Mra. Fred W, Boyd, recount after the primary resulted Scalamandre of Long Branch, In to serve on the Jury, thony B, Mattlce, 913 Sunaet ave,, Raymond K, Wolchak wna elected Tomaino was named co-chairman; Mrs. John L. Polhcmus, Mrs. Frank In a 012-voto tie. Mr. Goddard asks shorthand, both being In the be- Tho drawing was the first offl- Asbury Park, Insurance adjuster; commander of Shrewsbury po«t, Felix Rlpandelll, treasurer; Rocco llayden, Mrs. Sylvostnr Nolan, Mra. that only four vote's be considered, ginners' group. clal act of tho county'* now Jury Kenneth H. McQueen, 247 Kemp American Legion of Red Bank, at Coles, secretary; Rocgo Rava M. s, Robert, Mr*. William F. thru for him and one for Kelly. Jingle Contest In the advanced elate Tora commissioner*, Dr. William O. nvt>,, Fair Havon, hunkori Harry a meeting Monday night at the post schlcrc, reception chairman, nnd Bradloy, Mrs. Thomas N, Ross,. Mr, Kelly, however, Insists that two Uoland of Middletown won tho Horrman of Deal and Mrs, Milton O, Cole, Brookdale farm, Llnoroft, homo on Jtlvarslde ave, Victor J, LoPlnto and Oornld J, Mrs. F, C. Washburnu, Mrs, C, R. othtr ballots—(riven Mr, Goddard On at Atlantic Wgheit award In ihorthand and A, Vreoland of Middletown, The office manager, Other now officem Include Charloa Coataro, publicity chairmen. At Stlllwagon, Mra. L. W. Slvcr, Mrs. by the county board of elections— typewriting. » names were drawn In the presence R, Fuhrmann, Honry S. Inaelborjr tendance at tho dinner will bo D. W. Newman, Mrs, Joseph I* Anno M, Schock, SOS Brighton limited to 350 persons. also bt consldored, A J500 Bendlx dtiom'atlo awaits Thoao who comprised tho ad- of County Judge John C, Olordano, ave,, Spring Luke, houaowlfo; By- and Michael J, SUvoU, vlco com- White, Mra, N, s, Pulloy, Mra. Don- Mr. Wise tald If the court should the person who complotes a Jingle vanced class woro those who had Tho Jury la as follows! Lloyd E, ron R. Hondoraon, 17 Illverdalo manders; Morrill J, Moore, finance Tho league will hold Ita no.xt ald Oordon, Mra. Cloorgo King, Mri. decide against Mr. Kelly, he will begun by Atlantic Appllanco com- somo training In shorthand and ArnutronK, 103 Atlantic at,, Koy- avo,, Monmouth' Beach, offlcc ad- officer; Charloa J, Holmwood, chap- mooting Tuosdny, Sept. 8, In Long William Stringer, Mrs. Thomas Ho- »ik for a recount of the sixth pany as part of its «lxth annlvora- typing prior to their entrance to port, merchant; Clifford M, Do- mlnlatrator; Walter J, Ehrllngcr, lain; ChrlHtlan P. Sogua, aorgoant- Branch. Knn, Mra. Harry Herbert Jr., Mr«. voting district, which changed at ary sale whloh now Is In progress, summer school. Harvey, 112 Embury ovo,, Ocean 1015 Main «U Bradlay Boach, ex- at-arrmi, and Raymond J, Hoyd, hl«- Floyd W, Liim, Mra, Frederick P. the recount from 100 la 63 In fa- Tho »ale and contest onds Mon- Tho average of Mini Ucland In Qiove, talos roprescnlatlvo; Harry port manager; Stanley Dodd, 2 In- torlnn. They will be Installed Sept. Bodlc, Mra, A, K. Roionblum, Mra. vor of Kolly to 99 to 64, ' day. typing win 61 word* net per min- W, Solield, 103S Norwood ave, Kl- let tor,, Bolmar, roul oatate and 28, y 35 Dt-alli J. Lojter Rlgby, Mra, Herman Wi- baron, olTIca mannger; Kllzubclh Inauranco; Ward W. Dean, Jr., A2 ley and Mra. H, C. Claarder. FINED IN TRAFFIC COURT "This little piggy went to market, ute, Tho second highest in short- Stuart Edlnjrlon reported the Le- $100,000 Suit This little plRgy stayed home, This hand was Dana Pearson and Betty ROM, 475 Lllllo Silver Point rd,, Mt. Z'lon way, Ocean drove, engi- gion will award the trophy to thn Persons lined In truffle court by little piggy went to Atlantic, b«- OehlhaUR wan aeoontl hlRhoH in Uttln fttlvnr, houaowlfi*! Dr, Jos- neer; Uonn narnhcrgor, 57 Kdua- winner of the nweefstnkM race o( .- A JIOO.000 null Magistrate John V. Crowell ycater- cauae . . ." la the Jingle's Mart, typing, eph V. DeRo«ii, W Bcoclnvood avp,, mei'A rlr., Mntnwnn, houaewlfe; the Nntlonal HwrrpjUko* lOfciUU, bus been filed In Superior court Nnllci or RtfUlrMlnn Weal. I-onif Blanch, dentist; rtnlph It'HHrMlnii for tin rhlMrtu «hn will dny Included Edward E. Laakowskl, ThoM who finish thr Jingle In 38 Tho rnptHlni of thr lenrrm were Anna K. Hchndl, 21,1 Hawthorne Dnvld A, Pnxon of Weal PHIIII hrri" by Kdmund J. Cnn/.onn, Hod «H#ml 111* Kutniilown I'ublk Hi-haol (nt •nd 3am E. Sutphcn, Long Branch, worda or less ntnncl » chance In win Torn Uoland and Joan PI IU bury O, Ho«y, 200 ncmlnrniorfl HVP., In- «t,, Neptune, hatimiwlfe; Challrt' G, Beach, Fin,, who IK vl/iltlnR here, llnnk Inwyrr, on brrwilf nf MM lh» n>>! llm« In fl.i.l.mlipr, I»,1J, will failure to stop nl stop atreeU, 17 the top price, o( Mlddlalown. Timor, attending- lorlakcn, uanlrallur, Julius Rlsvln, Hchlengor, IL Monroe »l., Weat wna presented with it ,10-yonr c»I'd Kva II. nuilns, routr 35, Middle l>« Mil from in \, M. until Ij nnan 4H Cirth avr., Bradley Bcuoh, Long Brunch, onslneer; William II, tuwn township, for the death of «l lh« Mroml Mtrtit ifhiml on Bl oaohi Morris Zimmerman, Nowark, In addition, overyone nuking * the'luncheon, not mentioned above, for contlnuoua nienibornhlp, peer tii , IPAIPAOO, upooillnff, IS; Bitty L, Porlnl, Ponn- building mntoriul; Wnltor Dam- WlkorT, SOS Maplo ave,, nod Bank, her htirtbnnd, Petar, purahaae during tho sal* resolves woro Union MoCleoa, Joan Gordon, man, 13 Wanamaaait Point rd,, Tha poxt reoolvtd curds from "lull oirtllteilu, ctrllficttH or vie* aylvitnl*, onrelesn driving, |8, and a nun's or woman's wrlit witch Margaret Pattonon, Anno Novak, merchant i Nat Tonenbatim, Main Staff Hgt, Victor II. Humpion, 7th Mr. (31111a* died after being hit dilution ami ill|.Mh«rl» Immutilimlon Wanamnsiia, executive; Ooorgii V. •t,, Ootanport,; Mildred June 21 on route 35 by a ear muit b« vrtMnuil »i ih« timt el »*• Warren Abraliamoon, 38 Clinton freo, plus tha pomlblllty of gelling Jaanno dardonlor, Kay Gregory, Miulnoi, and Bgt, Gordon Cameron, lilrnllon, st., lUmtKeansburg, Improper park- Brown, 30 Moohanlo it,, Freehold, Weber, SOD Fourth ave,, Bradloy driven by laiino Tomnklna, ao, of thilr entire puroliuau fi'ue. Wldoly D«Uy QohlhuiM, joAnn Loubbc, auto dealer, Eonoh, aeorotnry; Jonoph, lit Marlnos, oxprtxslnjr. apprecia- Hui MIIIMI unit lultlon enrilt will b« ing, |a,' known for U« unique promotion* In Caryl Francis, Barbara, Mvans, tion for cigarettes aent by tha post l'lnlnfluld. Though Brooklyn real ""'.'I at lha llriiai) Htrm Hchnnl from 1411 Meventh nve,, Noptuna, budget 10 A, M, until i 1', M, on Tutiday. the nppllanoo and television field, Emily EMwarda, Janet Wlllluina, to men In Korou. do nt*, Mi', unil Mrs, lllllliu had been Morlfift Monty Edwin O, Italiton, 1405 Want? nnnlyatj Duvld It. Hobel, 308 tUver- 8»|iltnibir a. \nt, Atlanllo official* expoot tho ourront Barbara Hosaornian, Blanoho Her- IIVIIIK at the Hovrn 8eiu restaurant, for hpmii, firm., epwiiry talale butl> niAsaa pi,, Wnnnmnrim, real oatata green nvo,, Umdley Bench, drug*,, Plan* were mtulc (ur a dinner willI'II they upcratcil. rou bulldlnii, txttilni or ntw, torn ulo to top nil previous effor^a. son, Joitn Jolmes, Luolllo Dnley and and lnauuuicc; Jtimon J, O'Connor, nnd ueorflii K, Miller, 1604 North for the Junior Legion Imnebnll team, lemh.!J,«Js! Him tut paymrnt jib*raI Inniii on Additional freo Rifts await ihoso Charlea Hinder, 'in Third ,AV«,, Ailmiy Park, roof. No dale waa net, Kulonlottn llnmil »f Kilui'tllnn, f nronmliii Joseph D,_HcUu« Wtnunifttut dr., WnnirmuiH, ofllce Tilivlilon Kiinlr Man W»nl»d Hindu Wlmili i r, Hujinn, Martial* Dipitti who out nul "piggies" oppimring In Tim fall term of III* UP'I Hunk In* and hoMIni Itarln A, (Hark, Adrlnn nalley of Fair Haven w Kiinntiiwii Tfltvliloil Co, ISA 9<9tOII mint, fsene W 1-0U4,—AdmtUMniM Atlantic *(lviitliiminti. lihtltuti begins Sept, 33. 34 M»ln it.t F«rmln|d*lii drug- admitted to tnimber»hip. •-Adumiuminl, —Aiinrlliiminl, Pace Twri RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 TRINITY EPISCOPAL HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN Red Bank Red Bank For the thirteenth Sunday after The order for matins will be used Trinity the Holy Communion Is at at the 9:45 a. m. service Sunday. 8 a. m. At 11 a. m., prayer and The pastor, Rev. Harold Hornber- sermon by the rector. ger, will preach on the topic, "The At the 11 a. m. service Rev. Matins, Its Relationship to Our Charles H. Best will continue his Daily Living." During the 9:45 a. sermon aeries, "Communism and m. service, there is a. program for TO THE Christianity," and will preach on religious education for children in the subject, "The Communist King- the Sunday-school rooms, under the dom of God." The general response title "The Children of the Church." SHIRLEY SHOPS to this series of sermons has been Men of the parish will meet at gratifying and proves that the pub- the church Wednesday night, Sept. 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK EVERY WEEK lic is sincerely interested in this 2, at 6:30 o'clock to finish the BAPTIST rRESBYTERIAN FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, vital issue of our period. painting of the church edifice. At METHODIST Confirmation classes for adults 8 o'clock.k the same night, the Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank SCIENTIST Another Red Bank will begin Tuesday at 8 p. m. In Men's council will meet with the JRev. W. Gordon Lowden, "pastor At the 10 a. m. service Sunday Rev, Ansley G. VanDyke of the the parish hall and will continue Luther league to play the league's of tho Spring Lake Methodist, Rpv. W. Clinton Powers, pastor, Presbyterian church of Toms River Services in First Church of on consecutive Tuesday evenings annual youth Sunday obaervance. Air Conditioned Store church, will be guest minister nt will, deliver a sermon on the topic, will be the guest preacher at the Christ, Scientist, 209 Broad st., are through Oct. 13. These classes are the Sunday service at 11 a. m. What Will You Bet?" Miss Alice 10 o'clock ^ervlce next Sunday in held Sundays at 11 a. m. and 8:16 for those who wish to be confirmed Dlx will be the soloist. Alfred C. CALVARY BAPTIST by Mies Marjorlc Frantz will be guest the absence of Rev. Charles S. p. m. Sunday school meets at 11 Oct.. 18 and for any adults who organist. Altar flowers will be the Bock and Victor Edelmann will Webster, who is vacationing. HIK a. m. Wednesday evening testi- Red Bank head the deacons' welcoming com- theme will be "Comrades of the monial meetings at 8:15. wish to review their knowledge of gifts of Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher the Episcopal church.' Confirmation Rev. J. B. Gllchrist, pastor, will mittee, and ushers will be William Christ." Mr. VanDyke is a graduate be In charge of the 11 a. m. service Moore, In memory of Mrs. Benja- Christ Jesus taught and demon- classes for children from 12 years min F. Moore, and of Charles Pres- Maxson, Col, Robert Malone, Wll- of the Princeton Theological sem- tratcd the living Truth which re- Sunday. He will also preach at lam Morgan, Francis Lawlcy and inary and for several years was a old and upward will be held from the union meeting of the Council ton, in memory of his wife, Mrs. forms the dinner, heals the sick, 10 to 11 a. m. Saturdays from Sept. Ma Preston. Vernon Loud. special student in voice at West- and .brings to light man's immor- of Four Churches of Red Bank minster Choir college. He has been 5 through Oct. i7. Sunday night at St. Paul's Baptist >B. Fletcher Moore will be head The church will be decorated with tality. How we may now experi- flowers given by Miss Rose Lcshko- Pastor of the Presbyterian church ence these blessings of salvation ZION METHODIST church. The senior choir will ting usher for September. Other ush- of Toms River since 1042 and is at this service, directed by Mrs. ers for that month will be Carl wltis and Lieut, Charles McLaln, will be explaineo in the Lesson Red Bank who will be married In the church presently serving as chaplain of Sermon entitled "Christ Jesus" In Alethla Williams. Hs.nsen, Donald Babcock, Watson the Admiral Farragut academy at Forrester A. Lee, a member of Beckwllh, Hurry Barnard, Arthur Saturday afternoon. all Christian Science churches this Church school meet* at. 0:30 a. m. J. H. MOUNT CO. Pine Beach. Sunday. the Red Bank Mlnlsterlumand ex- Hotaling, William D. Bradley, Roy Chliroh school meets at » a. ffi. ecutive director of the Weetside ' The Flower club,, of which Mrs. Cotten and Stanley Brown. Baptist youth fellowship will meet The guest organist will be Mrs. The Golden Text Is from I John: "Y", will be the speaker at the Bee Brooks Is president, will meet ESTABLISHED. I860 lAt the chapel service at 8 p. m.. at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, and Mrs. Warren H. Smock. Mrs. Theresa "We have seen and do testify that at the church tonight at 8 o'clock. Helen Conovnr will be the speaker. 11 a. m. service Sunday. Hla sub- Joseph Ary, a student for Christian McClintock, contralto, will be the the Father «ent the'Son to be the ject will be "I Believe.1' The'senior Rev. J. W. Jackson was guest 11 MAPLE AVE. Mies Nancy Burdge left Sunday RED BANK, N. J. mlnistcry. stationed at Fort Mon- guest soloist. Ushers at this teivice Saviour of the world." (4:14.) choir will br. directed by Mra. Te- preacher at the service last Sunday. mouth, will be guest speaker. The to attend the senior camp pro- will be Earl Andersen, Kenneth C. Selections from the King James grams at tho Baptist conference reHa Daniel. His subject waa, "How a Christian program is informal. The speaker Burger, Ralph C. Dchnz and Regi- version of the Bible will include: Sunday .night, the members will Ought to Live." \vlll be introduced by the church center in Lobnnon. nald P. Lymnn, Jr. Joseph C. Da- "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Fall rehearsals of the chancel vison will head the welcoming com- attend a union service at St. Paul's l*y leader, A. Alvin Whiting. because he hath anointed me to Baptist church. Rev. J. B. Gllchrist, JEHOVAH 8 WITNESSES 1 Rev. Roger J. Squire, pastor, and choir, directed by Mrs. Francis mittee. Through the courtesy of preach the gospel to the poor; he Swartz, will bp. resumed Wednes- the 20-40 club of the church, baby pastor of Calvary Baptist church of , Red Bank Mr. Whiting will attend the New hath sent me to heal the broken- Red Bank, will be guest preacher. At 2 o'clock an outdoor meeting Jersey Conference sessions. Sept. day, Sept. 9, at 7:30 p, m. In the sitters are provided In Westminster hearted, to preach deliverance to OUR HEARTIEST chapel. Tho choir of Calvary church Will will be held at the Sleepy Hollow lfe through Sept. 20. at Ocean City, house. the captives, and recovering of sing. itembcrs of the Women's Society Sunday, Sept. 13, the regular Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. the sight to the blind, to set at liberty horse farm, Sleepy Hollow rd. The of Christian Service will attend hour of worship at 11 a, m., and weekly meeting of the Boy Scouts them that are bruised, to preach ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC subject of the lecture, will be "Who Gave Us the Bible?" Women's day conferences Sept. 18. regular Sunday-school schedule, will be held in Westminster house the acceptable year of the Lord.' Red Bank Transportation reservations are In 0:45 a. m., will be resumed. under the direction of Scoutmaster (Luke 4:18, 19.) The • congregational Bible study The board of Christian education Sunday Masses are at 7; 8, 9, 10, cjiarge of Mrs. Fred Boyd. Robert C. Turnbull. From the Christian Science text- 11 and 12 o'clock. Confessions are hour will follow the lecture at 3:15 Congratulations will meet in the pastor's study to- ' Rally day for the Sunday-school book, "Science and Health With heard Saturdays from 4:30 to 6 p. f>. m. Subject to be studied is *ill be held Sept. 13. which will night at 8 o'clock. Teachers and ST. JAMES CATHOLIC! "Gathering Men of All Nations In- officers of the junior department Key to the Scriptures," by Mary m. and from 7:30 to 9 p. m. mark the reopening of the church Red Bank Baker Eddy, the following correla- The Miraculous Medal novena Is to One Flock." ' school following vacation. will meet tomorrow night at the TO THE home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wll- Sunday masses are at 6, 7, 8, 9, tive passage will be read: "Truth held Mondays at 7:30 p. m. and the Tueaday at 8 p. m. there will be •The W.S.C.S. will serve a "pot eon on Alexander dr., River Plaza', 10, 11, and 12 oclock In the church brings the elements of liberty. The perpetual novena to St. Anthony Bible studies held at 9fl Church luck" supper In Fellowship hall to plan their winter program. Tho and 9, 10 and 11 o'clock in the high power of God brings deliverance to Tuesdays at 7:30 p, m. st., Belford, and 6 Broad st. and Wednesday. Sept. 2, nt 6:15 p. m. church program planning commit- school auditorium. Sunday school the captive. No power can with- Baptisms are at 12:30 p. m. Sun- 10 St. Mary's pi., Red Bank. with Mrs. Cooper VanSant as chair- tee will meet in the pastor's study for children attending public stand dlvlno Love." (p. 224.) days. Thursday Ministry school will be man. schools follows the 9 o'clock mass. SHIRLEY SHOPS Tuesday night, Elwood Powers is held at 7:45 p. m. at 6 Broad st. The Wesleyan Service guild will chairman. Baptisms are at 1 p. m. Sundays. Subject will be "Nouns and Ad- hold installation and a pledge ser Confessions are heard Saturdays jectives." 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK vice Sept. 9 in the chapel. CHUKCH OF CHRIST from 4 to 0 p. m. and from 7 to THE ELBERON MEMORIAL CHURCH Eatontown 8:45 p. m, PRESBYTERIAN The public Is invited to attend PARK AVENUE, ELBERON, N. J. Rumson METHODIST Spiritualist Services meetings of this church, which are Belford SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1953 "True Knowledge" will b« the held Sundays at 9:30 and 10:30 a, m with messages. Painting & Decorating by topic of the sermon at the 9:30 a The first hour is for Bible study, Rev. Dr. Robert L. Blackman, Closing day of tht season. 4>astor, will deliver the sermon, m. service, by Lenox Palin, guest the second for preaching and Com- DIVINE SERVICE—lUv.n o'clock 15 Highland Avenue, preacher. This will be Mr. Palln's munion. At 8 p. m. an open forum "What Manner of Man Is This?" second visit to the church during discussion Is held. Bible study Is at the 10:45 o'clock service Sunday Sermon by Dr. HaroldA. Boiley,, Pi it or of RUMSON. N. J. morning. The junior choir, under PAUL T. RYDER the pastor's vacation. He is well- held Wednesdays at 8 p. m. First Mrrhodiit Church, Evanston, III. Tuewhy, I P. M. known in Long Branch its a native This group of Christians conduct the direction of Mrs. Muriel Hof- son, having gone from Long Branch services on the basis of New Testa- man, will sing the anthem. Sunday V«sper Service—Throe-Fifty O'clock Rev. Myrtle A. Plnkney, Pastor to Princeton university and to Full- ment Scriptures alone, speaking school will meet at 9:30 a. m. Dr. Bosley will ap^ak and the Ministry of Music BO 1-08W-B NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD er Theological seminary from which where the Bible speaks and being The Prayer meeting and Bible will present Rossini's "Stabal Mater." lie graduated this year. He will be silent where the Bible is silent. study hour will be held Wednesday ALL ARE WELCOME ordained to the Baptist ministry Undenominational, anyone desir- evenings at 7:45. RED BANK 6-2186 shortly. ing to worship God in "spirit and : John H. Waiaon, 3d, will preside truth" will find the worship ac- at the organ console, and the ceptable. choral group of the Ladles' Aid The church Is located on it. 95, society will furnish the ministry, of just south of the-business section. muiic. A church hour nursery Is conducted In the mans* playyard BAPTIST tinder the supervision of adults, New Monmouth Congratulations TO THE meeting in Blngham hall in Inclem- Church school meets nt 9:45 a. m. ent weather. Sunday mornings, with classes for ; The ushering committee will com- all ages. SHIRLEY prise J. Edward Wllion, William At the morning service at 10:50 : TO E. Stgurton, James Stalfa, William George W. iDavIs of North Bruns- The Btrohmenger and Harry Co!Us, Jr, wick will bring the message. A member of Gideon's society, Mr. SHOPS EMMANUEL BAPTIST Davis' will present a message EMILIO GRILLI RED BANK Atlantic Highlands which will include some account The guest preacher for'Sunday of the work of this society which GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHIRLEY SHOPS yrtll be Rev. Walter F. Craymer, la dedicated to the spread of the 37 BROAD ST. jvho will be bringing the message Bible throughout the world. Don- ON THE HANDSOME at the sen-ice at 11 a. m., and ald F. Cro»s, guest organist, will REMODELING JOB FOR THE 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK also at the evening service at play "The Church's" One Founda- 7:30. Rev. and Mrs. Craymer are tion" by Stults and "War March missionaries under the Association of the Priests" by Mendelssohn. AWNINGS of Baptists for World Evangelism, SHIRLEY SHOPS Glata Store Front and are now under appointment EMBURY METHODIST (o Chile, having formerly labored Little Silver Manufactured and Vi Peru. At the 9:45 a. m. worship ser- 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK Supplied and Installed by ^ vice the senior choir will sing Han- Installed by ', Thla is the final Sunday of the del's "Holy Art Thou." Robert pastor's vacation and he will be Spencer of Red Bank will sing >ack in the pulpit next week. "Come Unto Him" by La Forge, ac- BUILDING MATERIALS GLOBE • Church school meets at 9:45 a. m. companied by his wife. Mrs. With classes for all ages from be- George Ivlna Is organist. The sor- Supplied By H. KAABE GLASS fclnners through adults. Dennis M mon will bo entitled, "The Art of AWNING & Lingo is superintendent. Waiting," and will be-recorded by COMPANY I Mid-week prayer service Wed- Rev. James W. Marshall, pastor, SHADE CO. nesday at 8 p. m. William Sawyer will conduct the 117, WIST FRONT ST. 594 BROADWAY LONG BRANCH • UNITY service of worship. RED BANK LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. j Allenhurst BEMGIOC8 SOCIETY Of "The Super Market, dumber Yard" PHONI j The subject at the lecture service FRIENDS (Quakers) t Phone LO 6-3193 at 8 o'clock tomorrow night wit Shrewsbury R«d Bonk 6-3819 be "Eternal Unfoldment." "We Are CORNER PEARL & WALL STS. RED BANK 6-3500 (Tenants" will be the sermon sub- The Shrewsbury meeting of Re- beet of Rev, John E. Manola, pas ligious Society of Friends (Quak- lor, at the 11 a. m. service Sunday. ers), meets for worship at 11 a m. Sunday school also mecU at 11 the First-day (Sunday) in the meet- kt. m. Ing house at Broad st. and Syca- more ave., preceded at 10 a. m. by I Noon meditation services are tho First-day school. Mid-week (conducted In the chapel Mondays meetings are held at the meeting through Thursdays. house at 8 n. m, the fourth-day ; A class for those desiring de (Wednesday). All are weleomt, ,ialled Instruction In Unity teaching Congratulations and Its application will be held at CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 4he Community "Y." house In Red "Beafc Atlantio Highlands tank, Wednesday nights, starting A meeting will be held at 11 a • and •In Scplembcr. A similar class wir m when Sunday-school alto will he repeated Monday evenings in the meet at tho society's building, 83 chapel at Allenhurst, Ocean blvd. Testimony meeting will ; MKMOIUAI, be hold Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. The reading room Is open Tuu Best Wishes j Park Ave., Elberon days between 3 and 4 p, m, 0 j Or. Harold A. Bosley, pastor of ;th« First Methodist church of METHODIST for ;Evanaton, 111., will deliver the ser- Sea Bright imon at the 11 R. m. service. Holy Church school with claaaea for .Communion will be administered. thoao of all ages will meet Sunday ! The vesper service at 3:80 will ln> at 9:45 a. m, Mrs, Eleanor Lindsay delude tho "Stabal Mater" by Roa- la superintendent. The morning Success slnl. Dr. Bosley will deliver the worship service will bo held at 11 Imedltation, o'clock. Rev, Robert S. Judge Is ; The mlniatry of music Is com- pastor. : posed of Edward Hah, organlit To The director; Barbara Troxell, soprano; SHIRLEY SHOPS FIRST CHURCH ;Mary Henaley, contralto; Lucius OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST .Melz, If nor: Myron Sands, baai 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK .and Diane Dlpson, violinist, Koyporl .' This will ho the closing service The morning service will he held of tho season. Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday SHIRLEY SHOPS school will meet at 9:30 a. m. I'HKNHVTKHIAN A testimonial service will be held Atlantic Highlands next Wednesday st 8 p, m, OPENING FRIDAY, AUG. 28 Church school nnd sdult Bible MKTllOUJS'r class will mm at 10 a, m. Oceanport 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK David O, Roberts, s student at Church school under the direction nioomflcM college nnd seminary, of aooigo C. D, Hurley, gontrsl will deliver a snrmon at tho morn- aunci'lntciiedont, will meet at IM6 a ing service HI. 11 o'clock, lUv, El- m. Sunday, Tho Sunday worship mer T. BchlcU, paj>lor, Is on vscs,. jervleo will h« held tt 7i30 p, m. ALFRED W. MARK tlon, William Mclntnah and Clif- R«v. Robert S, Judga Is putor, ford Merrltl will bn minors, Store Modernization by Ths Udlca1 Aid aoelcly will hold MISSION a, blrthdny luncheon and regular Port Monmouth nmtlng Tuiiday \VIM7MKTJIODIHT General Contractor & Builder nri'ielird. Hperlnl hmslv for the Hunmun Architectural Woodwork sfrvlcn will be iirBVliloit by the girls' At tin. 7:.'IO |i, m, wni*hl|> service BIIAiNCII AVIJ, i-holr under direction of Mrs, Jnhn nv, Jump* W, Mmahnll will haVo UITLE SILVER nobsrlaon, rtoy M, Jftttty will sa III/. Ihnnif, "Thn Alt nf VVIIIIIMN,•' A »nnj s«rvlee will priced! Uia icr> HK 6*0092 Store Fixtures . Business Interiors h« organist at tho itrvlet. mon. i KKU BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1053 uiree



A normal Holstcin calf develops Give Entertainment OPEN ROUTE 35 from a birth weight of about 91 Astaire Stars in 'Band Wagon' m. 7:30 DRIVE AT THE pounds to 1,075 pounds in two At Ocean Hotel START| EATON- • THIS WEEK AT WALTER READE THEATRES ''*' years. DUSK EATONTOWN CIRCtE TOWN Students of the Video Talent stu- J-tTtO dios of Red Bank entertained A WALTER RtADC THEATRE quests at the Ocean hotel In As- HOT? bury Park. The entertainment was FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUGUST 28-29 CARLTON PARAMOUNT staged In the hotel's patio garden. RED SANK LONO BRANCH Judy Gale, Angela Falco and • • • • BIG 4 UNIT SHOW • • • • RID MMK •••••• . LONO BRANCH a-5411 Claire Falconett, the Videoettes, ACADEMY AWARD WINNER A IN TECHNICOLOR opened the program with a tap CARY COOK* RANDOLPH SCOTT NOW Thru SATURDAY dance, "Alexander's Ragtime Band." N THE YEAR'S MOST ROMANTIC. MOST. This was followed by two songs, "ALONG CA"ME JONES" D "•til* of Hit Yukon" "How Do You Speak to An Angel" LYRICAL MUSICAL! and "Unless," by Bill Pitts. Joanne 1 1 PLUS | | Donato did a toe-strut number, QUALITY BEVERAGES "Darktown Strutter's Ball"; Diane Cartoon Jamborit "THE VOODOO MAN1' Upham sang "My One and Only /7 DELICIOUS FLAVORS Heart" and "Almost Always"; Alan Peterson did a tap dance, "Velvet Lips" and Bill Pitts and Jollta Car- Sunday • Monday • Tuesday August 30, 31, Sept. 1 ter sang "The Desert Song." The Videoettes closed the show with SHORE "Ain't She Sweet." It r»y» to Advertise In The Register. Cyd Charisse and Fred Attaire in a sparkling dance DRIVE-IN number from MGM's 'The Band Wagon,' in color by Techni- color, now showing at the Carlton theater.

3 Big Nights - Thurs.-Sot. Kcansburg i Rhodecker and sons John .lames of Hoboken this week. >• ' FRED ASTAIRE; CYD THURI,, FRI,, »AT,, Am, I7-» Mrs. Charles Guenlher was en- ...i-s. Miiton Woodruff spent part HOUDINI tertained orflier birthday ,by mem- of last week with Mr. and Mrs. BLEVANT-NANETTE FABRAY • mMrr ' "RIDE, VAQUERO! bers of the Pinohclc club at the Raymond Davis, of Mllltown.. Mr. Ttchnieoler ROMRT TAYLOR, AVA.OAIIDNER, Molly Pitcher hotei, Red Bank, last and Mrs. Woodruff and family vis- — PLUS JND lia HIT — SUNDAY Thru WEDNESDAY ' ' HOWARD Kill Thursday. Attending were Mrs:' ited Mrs. Lawrence Carter of An' * PREVUE SAT. NITC BOTH THEATRES • The master In Tactmlealar Alice Donnelly, Mrs. Eva White- hony, N. J., Sunday. •HORTS AND CARTOON head, Mrs. El/iie Kliebcr, Mrs. Mar- James Murphy of New York city daredivil's garet Ackerman and Mrs. Florence is spending two weeks with Mrs. THE MAGNETIC MONSTER" YOU'VE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH SHOW! true (UN., MON., TOt»., Aug. Elchwald. Wednesday evening, Mrs. Mary Brusco. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- story! "SCARED STIFF" Oucntner was entertained by Mr. ward Hughes and family of New DIAN MARTIN, JIRRV LE and Mrs. Richard Trenery and York city are spending a month An* daughters Joan and Diane at a here. • starring CLIIABETH tCOTT dinner. Mis. Jean Adams and Mrs. Chris SHORT! AND CARTOON Plans for the annuai convention Knudsen of West Keansburg visit- TONY JANET of the Lady Joan MncCorquodnlo ed Mr. and1 Mrs. Hugh Boag of WID., TMURIl, FRI., Sapt. M*« lodge to be held at Pittsburgh, Pa., Kingston, N. Y., Wednesday of this . . Sl Ml. WI»T UF AI1Olit l»ARIl CURTIS-LEIGH "WHITE WITCH DOCTOR" Sept. 7, were made at a meeting week. ASiURY AVE. to ROUT! t(, OPP. JUMPINO SUSAN HAYWARD here Monday evening. Mrs. Alice Mrs. Dorothy Wldman and chil- •ROOK C. C. Ttlephani! ASIURY PARK 1-1850 ROBERT MITCHUM Mcade was named 'delegate and dren Catherine and Paul of Belle- TtclinlcoUr Mrs. Elizabeth Abbott alternate. ville arc spending a week with Mr. FINAL SHOW OF SEASON : Alt* The next meeting will be held and Mrs. Joseph Phillips of Laurel Sept. 28. ' "REICL CITY" vc. " NEXT WEEK! Mon. Thru Sun., Aug.31-Scpt. 6 P.F.C. Arthur Bucrkle, who Is , CARTOON Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Knoblc CHILDREN ALWAYS FRIE arc entertaining Mr. and Mrs. stationed at Camp Plckett, Va., spent the week-end with his par- The Melodious Love Story of Edvard Grieg ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buer- kle, Sr. Robert Frake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frake, celebrated his "SONG OF NORWAY" •roadway Muileal ftara—Charal Em«tiblt— fourth birthday at a family party Carpi lie lallal—Mytle Clreut Orchntra Aug. 22. Word has been received by Mrs. PLAYING! Lott Ptrf. Sunday. August 30 Jean Adams of the promotion of NOW her son, Hugh Adams, to corporal. "NAUGH TY MA RIETTA" He is In Korea. Mrs. Anna Stromback of Maple- Music by Victor Herbert JL wood and Mr and Mrs. Charles Lang Branch George! of Indian lake, Newton, Nlfhlly at (140 Incl. SVR. RtMrva(l*n> A. P. I-IIM Pert. Rain ar thin*— FREE PARKING LO ••••71 N. J., apent last week with Mr. Mon. thru Thurs. $ 1.'20-2.90 tax Inc. Frl. thru Sun. $1.80-$3.30 (ax Inc. STRAND and Mrs. Charles Guenther. lodernandTraditionolGroups John Stager and grandson Billy •ox OMaa Opt* 10 A.M. to I* P.M. NOW Thru SAT. I Sunday Thru Tuesday attended . a- baseball gain* &L Llie Riurvillonii Ai P. Klllt >r writ* Mn»lo Cltaiit ROBERT AVA I LESLIE IMEL Yankee stadium Wednesday of last Ploaia Intlaia S*ll-AMrMta< Invalapa TAYLOR OARONER OARON riRRIS veek. v Miss Dorothy O'Neill has been Tickets at Book Mart, 11 White St., Bed Bank "RIDE, VA9UERO" "LILLY" Calar by TachnlcaMr OFF 'islting her father, William O'Neill, PLUS PLUS in Long Island the past two weeks. THE BOWERY BOYS la JOHN IRELAND Mrs. Marie Sage of Collins st., who observed her birthday Aug. 18 MARINE THEATRE "CUPPID WINGS" "THE 49th MAN" celebrated with a group of friends HIGHLANDS. N. J. EARLY AMERICAN and relatives from Bayonne re- ATLANTIC- ASBURY cently. Frl.-Sat. . Sat. Mat. rhurs.-Fri.-Sat. . ". - ^ PARK by Whitney Mr and Mrs. Nell Esposlto of JAMES STEWART AVOY Brooklyn are spending tw0 weeks Sat. Continuous with Mr. and Mrs. Edward D'An- JOANNE DRU Wallace Nulling Cherry IN PERSON NOW THRU SAT. drca of Scelcy ave. ' 3 DIMENSION GILIERT ROLAND Tkt Vaar't Oraaleal Hit by'.Draxel "THE CHARGE. AT DAN DURYEA East Kcatuhiirg —In— MODERN FURNITURE FEATHER RIVER" VAN HEFLIN >N "THE SHRIKE" Mrs. Margaret Foerster was guest —Technicolor— "THUNDER IAY" Awir< Wlmiar In Uia PullUtr Prlie Syce«ia by Jamestown Lounge of honor on her birthday at a din- — Technicolor — ner'given Wednesday evening of — Starring — K«l Wiik-ln Ptrian—Man. Ihry Sal. ZACKARY SCOTT, RUTH FORD In "I AM A CAME**" last weej< at the Tiome of Mrs Ger- Circa 60 GUY MADISON Sun. • Mon. Sun. Mat. tvi. at ax*—si.oe,, »i.oo, trude Ahern by Mrs. Ahem and FRANK LOVEJOY by Heritage Henredon members of the. Merry Bee club. JOHN WAYNE . (Waal, anal Sat.)—SI.OO, »l.IO, St.OS . NOW—TWO PHONES—A.P. S-STIT ar A.P. I-«M« . Attending were Mrs. Frank Malnes, HELEN WESTCOTT DONNA REED all custom upholstered Mrs. Eve Sauerwein, Mrs. Frieda Sun., Mon. Sun. Cont. CHARLES COBURN Reed and Mrs, Nancy McAllister. ROSALIND RUSSELL furniture • floor samples A welcome home party was held "TR0UB1E ALONG THE Saturday evening for Cpl. William PAUL DOUGLAS WAY" Wilhalme at his home on Hudson MARIE WILSON ave. Attending ware Miss Cather- —In— Tue«. - Wed. Tues. Mat Now,- you can have the fin* quality furniture you've always wanted . • . ine Costino and Mr, and Mrs. Har- IURT LANCASTIR old Nelson 6f Brooklyn; Mr. and "NEVER WAVE at prices within your budget. Those groups representing a 15% reduction Mrs. William Sleb, Union; Mr. and NOW SHOWING Mrs. Joseph Miller and Mr. and AT A WAC" —In— Includes Bedroom, living room and dining room suites. Also included are Mrs, James Murray, Jersey City; "SOUTH SEA WOMAN" We arc indeed proud to present this tremendous feature' at-, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, Port Tucs., Wed. Weil. Mat. traction day and date wilh the world premiere in New York famous Simmons Hide-a-Beds and Scaly Sofa Sleepers with the genuine Monmouth; Miss Rachel Scrbo ROSEMARY CLOONEY Thurn. Thun. Mat Ciiy.- PlayinR to more people at the Capitol than any other Ridgefleld; Miss Arietta Spears, LAL'RITZ MELCIIIOR "Sealy Posturepedic mattress. Stop in this week I sale ends soon). We're Leonardo; Warren Evcrham, Mr. . - In - PETER LAWFORD motion picture in the-34 year history of the thentre. RICHARD GREENE , and Mis. Felix Lombard!, Miss Rose "Til]:: STARS ARE 'sure that we have•'something that you need. •and Betty WHhalmc, Linda Wil- SINGING" "ROGUES MARCH" halmo and, Robert and Jacob Wil —also— halme, East Keansburg, and Mr, JOHN HODIAK STANLEY CLEMENTS and Mrs. Richard Wilhalme and "AMBUSH AT Howard Davies, Keansburg. STEVE HRODIE TOMAHAWK GAP" —In— Of Ml Is Hi* ft. —SPECIAL PURCHASE— Miss Mary Quinn of Upper Mont- "ARMY BOUND" " ciair was a week-end guest of Mr, All Technicolor Show and Mrs. -Arthur Connelly. The Screw! Save $40.00 a set! . Mrs.. Louise Burkhart of th Bronx, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Ken- worth of Roselle and Miss Barban Morien of Irvlngton were guest Hotelpedic Mattress Sunday at the Home of Mrs. Emily DANCING Obcrle at a family dinner party. •:3O P.M. to 1 A.M. Lace tufted • buttons eliminated' Girl scouts of troops seven and for surface comfort! Extra well filled 143 spent Thursday, Friday and Sat- FRIDAY—LAST NITE Special urday: at Camp Nomoco with their - 5 pounds extra cotton felt! Pre- leaders, Mrs. Dorothy Selling and America'i No. 1 Singing Star built border • . provides "lit-proof" Mrs. Howard Chamberlain. In trio edges! Genuine inner roll • fas- 95 party were Janice Broandcr, Janet Spafford,, Barbara Kite, Jacqueline - tenad to steel edge rods! Parma- Granger, • Patricia Dooley, Patricia EDDIE flex unit more costly • gives re- 39 Flannigan, Peggy Perry, Anita quired rlgidi.ty! Durable ticking • Jossclyn, Denlsae Kane, Patricia REGULARLY Sf.95 Handsome woven stripe! Uhrlg and Lynne Malimon. FISHER Miss Arllno Mayer wai guest o AND HIS honor at a bridal shower given for With RAY MeKINLfY NEW ORCHESTR O»EATA BOX SPRING to match $39.95 her at the first aid hall here by Rfljulorly 5«.f5 Mrs,'John Lambert and Mn, War- THE GREATEST ARRAY OF TALENT ren Mayer of Linden, Decorations were In .pastel shades. The gifts EVER PRESENTED IN ONE NITE FOR wore arranged beneath an umbrclln' and each guest received an umbrel- YOUR DANCING AND LISTENING la favor, Attending were MIMCS Pa- tricia Bedell, Joan Clark, Joan PLEASURE AT NO INCREASF IN PRICES' ONE OF A KIND PIECES Mathlson, Join Sourio, Joan Oroot and Janet Thoman^ncl Mrs, Eu< ST JAMES PARAMOUNT gene Bedell of Keansburg, Mrs One Nite Only Sot., Aug. 29th Bernard MoSharry, Mrs, Grace Du- America'* No. 1 Girl Singing Star ' NOW THRU TUIS. ' bar and Mrs, Grace Bncmclstcr, Ar- P)»W THRU TUESDAY RICHARD TOOB ' lington; Mrs, ROBO VanPolt and ^ to 40% OFF Mm, MarjwolrSlsco, Newark! Mrs, 3 DIMINSION THI SWORD Sadie Graham, Miss Kathleen Chairs - Table* • Bed* • Clieits • Bookcases • Lani|is Lynch, Mlu Mivrylou Mayor and JONI JAMES VAN JULIA ANDTHIROS1' Mlsi Betty Anne Mayer, Eaat HIFLIN ABAMS IN COLOR Konnsburgi Mrs, • Lillian Corela* ' , , Ay theie famous makers ——— Mrs, Mnry Mayer, Mrs, Mnry irnn- -AND- son nnd Mr*, Martha Fm-nt, Ml*« "WINGS OF Mnyi'i- will be married Oct. 10 «t Singing Slar of TV MM! Movic$ ,, TOMMNSON, KLINC, CK AWFOKD, AUTISTIC, MMITULIKK HI, Ann's Catholic church, Konn« LYRIC THE HAWKII Bel ford MEL TORME eelar by TaiknluUr WILLIAM HOLBEN Mr, nnd Mrii, William Meyer nnd IniiRlilor Wllmn upcnl thn weeU- ' . PLUI "STAUG-17" i\(l nnd pml of till* week nl Nl- - AND - gnni Knlln nnd Cnniidn, ABBOTT AND COITILLO BANK 6-02UL Mr, nnd Mn, Alex Hoff nnd son ,lnmo« of North CmoUiin. me BU"»t« ' MI1T DR. JIKYLL of Mr. And Mrs. John nimlmowloc. OCEAN terling Mr, nnd Mra, Andrew Hlwakow RAY McKINLEY AND MR. HYDI" l *•*"-' White Viiiegar " ^( ^ 10c has returned home from Riverview ' buttercream icing and decorettes. 1 31 1 hospital, wh«re she underwent surg- Ideal Fancy Peas 2 ' 33c Graham Crackers, ^^, * Wine Vinegar ^rL,. 15c ery. lu A birthday party was given in Ideal Lemonade STl*, , 2 viri Butter Cookies ""J^..... 29c honor of Walter Mason by his wife 0 Pecan Sticky Buns ";i"D|,.,, 49c Frankfurters MAM "1.53c Julie at their home in East Keans- Welch's Grape Juice SS&L. ?.'„ 21c as burg recently.. Guests were Mr. l td HORMEL FEATURES TOMATO CQCK1M. and Mrs. Theodore Aueiy Mr. and Supreme Rye Bread * ''l 19c Mrs. Albert Lubln, Mrs. John Stover Minute Maid Blended Juice 2 \Z 29c IMAL and daughter Susettc, Misses Rose- Chopped Ham HOIMH "^ 57c Orange Juice 31c mary Cowan and Carol Aucr, and Tenda Steaks •*•• 73c Supreme White Bread '£,' 15c K Esteile Klinsky, Mrs. Florence Com- Chili Con Carne "^ 31c Prune Juice 27c insity, Mrs. Nellie Mason and son Beef Patties «NDA HAND r-«. PI». 31C i Raymond, all of this place. Beef Stew "£,, r: 49c j lute NNiAr-nt . The first fall meeting of the Lake- Tenda Chopped Beef Patties "£ 59c land Park Civic association will be AND MiA[AT SAIU 14-.E. OQ held Tuesday, Sept. 1, at the Hess 1 DINtr MOOS«0OIS can «*-'*> Potato Stickso.c 2^27c Rod and Gun clubhouse. The of- MMt KITO1IN 10UUU ficers elected at the last meeting Hash "".:'35c Evap.MUk Sraiai will be Installed In their respective nm positions, Pickles - 19c Mr. and Mrs, George Beck, Mr. COFFEE, TEA and Mrs. Edward J. Bryk and Mr. mm and Mrs. Robert J. Beam, all' of Asco Coffee h„, 85c Preserves' this place, spent the week-end in Glendale Slices Baltimore, Md., where they were Colored American, 8-pi. Afl^ Wincrest Coffee*10 84c Marmalade! the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Pimento, Swiss llcnd! pk|. . JLTFC lkb.i Magill,, Mr,, and Mrs, Michael O'Keefe, Ideal Coffee EST*""! 91c CLEANING NIIDS Mr, and Mrs, Dennis O'Keefe and Extra Sharp Colored Cheese <• 79c CAIMMHI O sons Dennis and Gerald, all of Soap SOUOUfT ° 22c Brooklyn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mild Colored Cheese » 59c T 27c Louis Werse of Walnut it, thU •kaa pk|. *••' week, Creainy Muefnster Cheese ,» 53c IEVERAGES sououn James O. Walling, son of Mr. and MM. Jamei Walling of Wilson ave., Fancy Blue Cheese ' i» 73c Fab »•••• •••• 29c *>—• *•• 69c eolebrated his tenth birthday Satur- Hey, Kidll'O«t y*ur favtrll* "ll| l»|U<" Sawkall Cap day with a party. Decorations Glendale Club Cheese Food JJ83c far anly IO< ana* 1 bellle taai Iran Sah Clubl Vel »- rt.29c i/^^69c wore In blue and yellow, with a largo 'blue and wliito birthday cake as the table ccntorploco. - Qamei Kraft Phila. Cream Cheese 5* 39c Supejr Coola fcS- 3 ^ 29c Cleanser woro' played and prizes awarded, c 1 2 1 Attending woro DcnnU Hcaloy, Nucoa Margarine *'" Url k ,.„.„ 29c Royal Crowu <:•'• 61, ,* ' 37cJ," Blu.Whitewr./- 17c Harry Moller, Christine Willing, ID.M M.0.UM OMOI A ' ^ Carol Ann and Janet Harvey, EGGS •l«e cirttn Opin Frld*y$ Tilt 9 f. M.—,111 ^drerliftd Prk.e Efftctiv Through Sat., August 39 Thoreaa, Barbara and Elmer Yager, Thomas Eve*, Peggy and Jo Craig, Loli Doran, Elaine Kartcu, Bruce Planter's Cock- Walling, Mr*. Margaret Oralg and Swift's Realenion Super Suds Old Dutch OXYDOL Mr*. Elmer Yaier. tail Peanuts Mr, and Mn. Everett Caaier and PREM Lemon Juice ,27c Cleanser children Thomai and Nanoy spent Camay the week-end with Mr, and Mr*. ';: 33c -? 43c 35c , 65c 0-t. y»t. Andrew Ward of Union, 2 v.r 23c Ouwtt at the homo of Mn, Rent Plobeiu of Ren few pi, for the put Boscul Gerber's Toilet Soap Kirsch No-Cal DREFT two week* were William Kiel of 4 - Beardsley AJAX Maywood and Mn, Helen Moor* of Peanut Butter 5 ^r','49c Prepared CLEANSER Beverages Farmlngdale, L, I,, and MM. Charlu *» 6r"" 29c Relmer and Mln Barbara lUimer I0! With CtU Cnmm of Falrvlow, Borgon county, rlewtrta1 lumkler 1 Cenal 'eaa ! Codfish ^ 21c turn 23c !•••«. < hl.KIOI'S, CAB .FUMl^ CURB BUR£3WS»UnY~nonnltl Huyoa Rauger joe of afcWcit Doi-Kon p|,, nod Bank, Swift's Spic & Span was fimnlnjui'od early yualordny Flag Pussy 3 '.'Kit' 22C IVORY Kitchen Charm monjjjULwhon the oar h> wu drlv* Wheat Homes Ing left (ho road, jumped Iho ourb Peanut Butter TU Mitmtlm Cttm* and hit* fence on Cho Nloholu 2 *""• 25c Cat Food FLAKES Wnx Paper DeMalo property, Brand «t. lloyei, who WRI Isiuod a lummoni for ...... fluy on* jMieAnf* n rtgufjir tiei, 0 ">•• M » 2 Jt4 21c oarelMi driving by State Trooper on* «rVi. /or 5c. l af 41 * fil 27c Samuel Coehrang, said he fell Ktu .JANK and FAIR HAVEN aoqord|ng t0 (ttu police. THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. 170 Rroad St.. Rtd lank 576 Rivtr Hood, Pair Havon RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953

Mrs. John Foster of Pennesckuen, i» visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Halloween Parade William M. Ackeraoh. John Bottgcr and Buddy McCleaa- ter have, returned home after New And Ready Chairman Named •pending the • summer at Naraue, EATONTOWN-Mra. B. C. New- Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Stutz. comb has been narned chairman James A. Sanderson of Berkley, of the annual Halloween parade Mich., was the guest of Miss Joan sponsored by the Woman's Com- Emmons of Beers »t.,' over the munity club. Mrs. Harold -Maga- week-end. than, president, Is co-chairman. Mrs. Walter Sniale, Mrs. George For committee chairmen, Mrs. Emmons, Mrs. Roland Emmons, Nowcomb has chosen Mrs. How-Mrs. William Barnes, Mrs. James ard Wilkinson, line o[ march, with Neldinger and Mrs. Frank McClcai- wtf (phot Mrs. Kenneth .Williamson as co- ter attended the homemakers' 4-H chairman; Mrs. Magathan, window camp at Stokes forest this week. painting; Miss Doris Bennett, post-' er; Mrs. Richard Sculthorpe and Mrs. Kenneth Hampton, cor- Drink all you want... they re respondence; Mrs. Ralph Keevil, Freehold Board JOHN BARR TWEED SKIRTS MAN TAILORED DACRON SHIRTS prizes and publicity pictures; Mrs. James N. Wolcott, Jr., donations. To Reopen School that pick up all the stunningly Smart to weir • Smart to buy. The refreshment committee chairman will be announced at next FREEHOLD — Preparations for beautiful cashmere colors' Need no ironing Thursday's meeting in the First reopening the Court Street school, Aid Squad ambulance room in back closed several years ago when the of borough hall. Mrs. Peter Plngi- state banned segregation, were tore of the Singer Sewing Machine made by the board of education BEAUTIFULLY STYLED IMPORTED WOOL SWEATERS company will talk on the fall ward- Monday night. After the school was -ffllENIW robe and sewing problems. Fol- closed as a result of the state ban, lowing her talk, Mrs. Pingitore will these are very New and very different. You'll love them' Negro students were transferred to hold a question and answer period. and you'll LOVE em! other schools. At a special executive board Not one bit fattening! Yet meeting recently Mrs. Leslie D. The board approved a redistrict- ing plan prepared by Lloyd S. Cas- delicioui flavor-quality, in all 6 popular Sccly was voted In as vice presi- satisfy your flavor.. That'i Cott SUGAR-FREE LEATHER BELTS CAPESKIN JACKETS dent (o fill the. unexplred term of scl, superintendent of schools, un- bever»g«t I You know Cott quality, Mrs. Raymond Hill, who resigned der'which kindergarten and first (craving for sweets... that make an outfit complete Practical and wonderful to own because of Ml health. grade children who formerly would from Cott beverage! with sugar have attended classes at Broad and ... "It'i Cott to be Good." Hudson Street schools, will be di- keep your, vided among .the three schools. Mrs. Now you can enjoy this same famous Hazlet Ruth Kelly and Mrs. Catherine figure top/ quality, but ALL FLAVOR... NO RAINCOATS stunningly styled in solid colors and plaids Lance Eschriolz, son of Mr. and Howell will be transferred from SUGAR!... No fear of adding weight, Mrs. Karl E. Eschholi of Holmdel the Hudson Street school to Court or breaking your diet. Cott quality id., returned Saturday from a two st. may cott • little mote, but you know weeks' vacation at Camp Tamaqua, Francis Rcmpc, former Latin why at firrt TASTE. Now— SUITS and DRESSES I^ako Kanawaukcc, Bear Mountain, teacher, was appointed guidance enjoy yourielf, with these delicioui N. Y. Friday nigh* at camp- at co-ordlnator t.o succeed Isaiah D. new dietetic treats! Smartly tailored and daringly different. the closing Indian campflrc, Lance Bomboy, who resigned recently. was awarded the Honor Camper The appointment of Mrs, Kstolle emblem. The Honor Camper fei' A Muit in any wardrobe Gaicher as school nurse was ap- COTT QUALITY...WITHOUT SUGAR each two weeks period is chosen proved by the board, James Pyper, by the counselors on the basts of Jr., was employed as' Industrial personality, sportsmanship, adapta- ALL THINGS COLLEGE GIRLS WILL LOVE arts teacher for Intermediate and NtBfftHUK NOT KM bility and popularity. The camp ac- high school classes. (in throwqwoy commodates approximately 50 boys, Choicest Jsmaici Old-fMhiancd ' Joseph Callacrt was appointed as- T-but fi«vor-but 'oottbii ranging In age from » to 17, and i sistant football and basketball no sugirl only one award Is given for each NATURALLY no tugart 12 LINDEN PLACE RED. BANK coach. Mr. Renlpe, former assist- two-week period. ant football mentor, resigned that WONDERFU? CMCOID KUTC COM Jliss Rose Susan Infantl, daugh- post to accept the guidance ap- Rich grape Ttnty sweet ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Infanti pointment. FLAVORS flavor-but •nd spicy-bvt of Beers St., celebrated her 10th The board accepted the resigna- 6 no lugar! no lufirl birthday Saturday evening with a tion of Mrs. Deborah Kern, inter- ABSOLUTELY LAST WEEK FpR SUMMER SALE wienie roast at her home. Attend- mediate school teacher. CHAM >IM usncin ing were Jane Bastedo, Mary Di- Creamy swwt- Luscious flavor Lauro, James Reufcrd, William but no tugarl but no sugar! $10.00 $15.00 -$20.00 Jenkins, Robert Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. John Matulo and daughter Kcaiisburg Patsy, Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel In- A wienie roast will be held Sept. fanti and children Rose, Katharine, 12 at the home of Mis. John Dur- Ann, Frances and Anthony, Mrs. nien of Nevada ave., East Keans- barmen Iaderosa and daughter burg, by members of St. Margaret Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Rocco of Scotland guild. Mm. Jack Bran- Infanti and children. deur and Mrs. Walter Barnes were The Crescent club members en- delegate and alternate to the con- joyed a dinner at Evelyn's restaur- vention at Montour Falls, N. Y. ant, Belmar, recently. In the party from the local guild and Mrs. Rob- were Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey, Miss ert Lynch of this place and Mrs. SUOAR PRII Stella Bailey, Mrs. Frank McCleas- Robert Cavanaugh of Red Bank tcr, Mrs. Walter Smalc, Mrs. Cyrus went as guests. The annual trip to Ross, Mrs. Joseph R. Pescux, Mrs. the Monastery at Garrison, N. Y. Elmer A. Bahrenburg, Mrs. Judson will be held Sept. 6. w "Sipr imiMB m-m M Humr Hopla, Jr., Mrs. Leonard Lufbtir- Susan Guenthcr, daughter of Mr. ifttA row, Mrs. Roland Emmons, Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Gucnther of Frank- COTT SHORE DISTRIBUTORS, 1238 Corlim Av«., Ntptun., N. J. Maltland Walling, Mrs. James lin ave., celebrated her second Neldinger and Mlm Made Bailey. birthday last Thursday at a. party. Ttltphont ASbury 2-7544 Carmen Iaderosa, Jr., son of Mr Those who attended Were Mr. and and Mrs. Carmen Iaderosa of Beers Mrs. Mitzi Ochaia, Raymond Ochala st., celebrated his second birthday and Bruce Guenther. '- Aug. 19. Attending a party in ob- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berberich re- turned from a two week*' vacation servance sof the event were Marie Poscltelll, Dorothy Pescitelll, Rosc- with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fox of marle Crescl, Albert Crcsci, Paul Harper, Kan. They also vialted Har- Klelnschmldt and Dorothy Iaderosa. old Fox, Jr., at the. University of Also Mrs. Fred Klelnncnmldt and Lawrence. Mrs. Mae Boyce of Keyport. In Mrs. Grace Ryan was guest of the ovening Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso honor on her birthday last week at Iaderosa, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pes- the Crystal Brook inn, Enlontown, citclli and children, Mr. and Mrs, with members of the Jolly Eight Albert Cresci and children, and Mr. club. The group also attended the and Mrs. Carmen Iaderosa attended. open air theater at Eatontown Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ackerson of Present were Mrs. Edward Rocke- Holmdel ti., are spending this -week feller, Mrs. Walter Conroy, Mrs. at East Aurora »nd Syracuse, N Mary Crlne, Mrs. Margaret Tren- Y., with their sons Kenneth and ery, Mrs. Herbert Baxter, Mri. J. Earle and families, Jeffrey Acker- Lester Horner and Mrs. Lou Reiser. son, who has been visiting his Discussions for the fourth an- grandpnrcnts, returned to his home nual barn dance to be held at the in East Aurora with them. VFW hall In the fall were held at PollS Parrot Mrs. John T. Watson and Miss the meeting of the auxiliary last New Deluxe CASYSpindrier with Mary Leonard have returned home Thursday evening. Mrs. Frances from a trip to Canada. They were Mebus was the winner of a specla' away two weeks. prize. Attending the meeting were SHOES FOR SOYS AND OIRIS Mrs. John D. Walker has re Mri. William Aalbue, Mrs. Harry turned home from Rlvervicw hos- Sachs, Mrs. Frances Murphy, Mrs AUWMAT/C pital, where she was a patient. Martha Ruhman, Mrs. Agnes Elcf- Bobby Klopman and John Layton son, Mrs. Helen Moran, Mrs. Helen visited relatives in Jersey City and Thackc, Mrs. Eileen Hencoski and THEY'VE South Orange last week, Marlon Sherrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carltori Cherry and children Russell and Nancy PASSED have returned home after spending The.Palio, a three-lap horse race a two weeks' vacation In Sloatsburg, around the square of Siena, Italy, N, Y. has been run almost every year Compare it's Features with THE TEST James Foster, son of Mr. and •ince the 14th century. FOR Easy's $219.95 Spindrior LONGER Fix up Your Lawn WEAR! over LABOR_DAY COMFORT! with FIT! O TUII WORK AT ONCI...TO DO V Make the fcellday • "lawn «fay". This Is an WIIK't WAIH IN llll THAN I MOW! Ideal time to beautify your lawn by weeding, feeding and seeding it. .TURF IUI19IH — the right food to revive summer ravaged lawns.. Make them smile again. 25 lbs < $2.50 feeds 2500 tq ft; feed 10,000 »q ft • $7.89

'Am MWN HID —Ideal for fall planting because It's all peren- nial, makes the detune lawn In sun Priced According or shade ... sew less because of I'iVK'l >h* mllllonl ••IUft growing seeds lu Sl/,c in eoch pound. hay now-do your whole next Exclusive Built-in Water'Filter re- I) •• II t/b-$l.8i •5lbf$t,93 week's wash in less than I hour wltli move* lust anil other staining im- a famous 2-tul) Easy Splndricrt purities from wash and rinse water! .75 Am "tPKIM" If 10 — Se- Kasy'.i Automatic Spin-rinse double- Buy 6 Eniy'i portable-no ict tubs needed. lected blend that makes a service- rinses n full loud in .1 minutes with Handy Swing Faucets tool OVER ANY PERIOD OF TIME able lawn In tun or shade with only 8 Halt, ol warm wuicr — then A to EE ordinary care, jpiiu clothes 25% drier than * It's today's beat washer bargain! Mb -$1,35 5lbi-$6,65 winner! . > Don't miss 111' -^j^^— i ••• rwi • Uhl .^. SMMDIftS — Make It a breeie to lead, teed or weed Ihe lawn. Save on materials Sturdy, ilesl with BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP CANCELLATION rubber tires. Junior • $7.95 , No 25 • $12.85 4« MONMOUTH ST. PHONI 4.4310 RID IANK Open IVlciny Night 'ill 9t00 LA W E S I'lciity of Fron I'nrklnic Nniivti In lti'iir of Htoro Knlriuico an Wliltn fit. NOTICI! TO CONTRACTORS In IIIIIIIIIIK limy Im oktnliiinl from th_ fur nut Use tlimtilnIiI Ian iur «»«t iiu'A) normith nl Ktil Unnki Now Jiriiy Hiinerlnlenilsnt nf l'likllc Wnrlm nf llm nf His nmmiiit nf mthe innlilil., iikinli'Li "»i«mint l» SHOE SHOP COAL CO., Inc. Nolle* Til hd'flliy Itlvcn Hint «iui!«il I1I1U Horniiiili nf Iiml llmik. nl in (,'lirnlniit h« ilnc ilfllvvrsil itt Ihs iilnce nndviitths Ii wllllis I'vuelvuil uy Hie Itiiruuuli nf Hml Mlicet In lloil llnnk, Now .Ivrmy, inenlluiieil nlinve, Uitnk ittiil oii(iii(ii| IIi»l loud ut n iiulilli! Hlil« mini* im lu'ummnl fiiran to fur- The Iturniiiih ,re*vrvcii tlie rliilu |o f». Main Office I Plant) Gwden Shop A Offleti iniillnk nl Ilia Miu'oiiuli llnll, llfil Hunk, u 1"hPit mum lie nii'limnil In inikul in- Iff! liny mill nil klila If It ili/oimi It lu 6 BROAD ST. RED BANK Nuw Jni'icy. mi Hal uf HeiittmlioiMil Hiltu VCIIIIIPI litni'lnu mi Hie uulNlilt llm nmiie I1, M, (KUNTI fm1 tlm Nnw L'umfun MU- lli« IntDl'Hl nf 110 Ihiriiuuli wi In iln, nml «ilili'i'H« uf llm lilililri' nml tin minis Uy unlsr uf I is Iliiiiiimli, ruumill nf '•»—A- • »* H--"-** • . Hun nl \Vlinif iiml UnInn IIV«>,, llnl uf llm in'iiji-k < to Ins order of tin Uuiuiitfli Trimmer 1 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953

of the club's war service. program. Garden Club Members Last week Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Ste- Eatontown « phen Semchesson and Mrs. Percy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cotgreave Maxson worked at the state hospi- and Mr. and Mrs. Anson V. Ran- Visit Two Hospitals tal at Marlboro. Members made som were guests Saturday evenln; HIGHLANDS—Two members of home-made cookies and cakes, and of Mr. and Mra. Russell Pollard of sent fruit and candles to a group WanamasM. < . • •• the Garden club here, Mrs. Daniel of patients at the hospital for an Kellcher and Mrs. Thomas Hogan, informal tea. Members will serve at Councilman and Mr*. Leon B visited the station hospital at Fort Marlboro this winter on projects Smock, Jr., and children Edward Mnnmouth last week with games, suggested by hospital physical ther- Thomag and Jeffrey, Lewis st, playing cards, puzzles and books apy supervisors. spent the week-end with Mrs for patients. The project is part Smock's mother, Mrs. Marie Areneo of New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin VanKeur- en, South St., have returned from a vacation at Bayiide Lodge on Pen- THE THRIFT SHOP obscot Bay, Harborslde, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Eustace 'White T»»«i. Watch Your Savings add up ' and South st., held a family dinner par- ty Saturday in celebration of Mr. White's birthday. Present were When You Shop at SAFEWAY! Roger White, Mr. and Mrs. James CONSIGNMENT SHOP White, Mr. and MM. Arnold Tanner It pays lo check aft priest. Savings add up only whan all items on your shopping liil and son David, • 106 SHREWSBURY AVE. Mrs. Charles Herrmann, South ars bought at the right pricei, That's why we invite- you to compare our pricot with i Mi IIS st., Thursday met her' brother, Rob- what you would pay elsewhere. Discover the values we offer — every item every day. RED BANK ert Morrison of California, who re- turned' on the French line ship Flandrea from a three-month vac* TIDE'S IN - DIRT'S OUT tion in Europe. Mr. and Mra. Herr- WILL REOPEN mann entertained a group of friends LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER (Reg. 29c) Saturday, at the officers' club. Be! Mrs. Dewey Nelson, Clinton ave., TUESDAY SEPT 1ST is visiting Mr. and MM. William Wade of Caldwill. Mr. Nelson wil 14 oz. - 10 a. m. ta 4 p. m. —— join her to spend the week-end (Reg. b«t. 25<) SAFEWAY with Mr. and Mrs. John Calef of bots. Orange. Heinz Ketchup 2 43 Mrs. Annie Reynolds, Mr*. 'Jen- nie Wortman and Mrs. Elsie Dem- arest, South at., held a family pic- DEL MONTE 8oz. Off to a beautiful start. •. nic at Washington's Crossing Sat- urday, later visiting relatives in (Reg. 3 lor 23c) cant Pennsylvania. With them was Tomato Sauce 3 20 with love and Gorham Sterling couain, Mrs. Genevleve Schwartz of Cranford, who has spent the last RONZONI or LA ROSA three weeks visiting at the Rey- nolds home. REGULAR or THIN Fresh, Ready-To-Cook pkgi. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Seely, South (Reg. 2 for 37<| Chickens, Gov'r Inspect- st., entertained Mr. Seely's brother Spaghetti 2 33 and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. ed, Crade A. Elsworth Seely of Andover for the BEL-AIR ALL! Fryers Sold at '*• week-end. Saturday the Seely FROZEN SPEARS 10 oi. Advertised Price. brothers went deep sea fishing. pkgs. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schulz, Broccoli (Reg. 25< 45 Wonderful with Chicken 53 Rose ct. recently visited for three 2 daya with Mrs. Schuls's sister-in- law, Mra. Stella Seellg, at her home CARDEMSIDE in Liberty, N. Y. lib. -A Kenneth Hampton, Clinton ave. (Reg. 2 f°r 23c) cant spent the week-end in Washington Tomatoes 65 .Cranberry Sauce D. C, attending the Air Force As- 6 sociation convention and reunion at the Statler hotel. ' , Cpl. Malcolm. Fary, Irving pi., is home on a 30-day furlough from FROZEN FOODS Korea where he spent-13% months (AVAILABLE AT MOST STORES) In the medical detachment of the RIB ROAST 38th Infantry regiment, second di- C S OVEN-READY-U. S. CHOICE-7" CUT vision. At the end of his furlough Salmon Steaks S - = 73= (il M in .mn he will report to, Camp Kilmer. (Nof fo be contused with 10" cut) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Imes and Safeway trims before weighing to give daughter Sally of Orange Bel-air Orange Juice 2'„" 39c you more good-eating meat for your money. On Rib Roost, for example, were Sunday guests of Mr. and >EL AI Mrs. T. M. Norton, Lake dr. Potatoes ' * • FRENCH FRIED "2 piig'i 37c ihort ribs section is cvt off, heavy chine Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Anderson and C H bone is removed and replaced with children Jon and Bonnie of Just- Bel-air Spinach . T 2;./, 37c layer of lightweight fat. Ib, 67 a-Mere farm spent last week tour- ing the New England states. M-Sgt. and Mrs. Bert Wellcr and Lima Beans^ ."ORDHOOK »« •*• 25c ion Steven, who formerly resided VISKING-WRAPPED here, have returned from Schwein- Beefsteaks "ESS •—43c GOV'T INSPECTED lb- Now through our Silver Club.Plan your dreamt of owning-ie*l furt, Germany, where they have GROUND 39 sterling can come true ... and for only pennies a month. A tmall lived the last.(our years. The Wei lers are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Har- down payment lets you take home a complete set. Enough Gorham old LJndemann and family, Wye- Sterling even for party buffers ... right from your wedding day on! koff rd. They will leave soon to SMOKED PICNICS 45 BONELESS Choote your favorite from our complete selection of Gorham'*. 18 visit relatives In Iowa, and then Fresh Coffee U. S. CHOICE will report back to Fort Wadsworth, Rib Steak US CHOICE.IEEF •"" •*, 85e Stewing Beef BONELESS 63> timeless patterns . . . all with exclusive one-pieet, dent-retitttnt Staten Island. NOB HILL AIRWAY U. S. CHOICE BEIF ,, b SHOULDER - SQUARE CUT and tattle-proof knife handles .. . an engineering feature that adds Larry Anthony DeVito, son of Short Ribs U. S. GRADED 43c Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeVito, FRESH, 2nd CUTS 29c ifeal Roast years of extra life to your knives.; i ib. OR RUMP ROAST was christened Sunday at St. Doro- Beef Brisket U $ CHOICf • i U. S. GRADfD 59. thea's Catholic church by Rev. bag FOR BOILING % 63e Leg of Veal TENDER, NUTRITIOUS '•rlcti dwm en for Frederick Child; Mr. and Mrs. 85c 84c Plate Beef U S. CHOICE, BONE IN AND ECONOMICAL 33« sWuHlit* (knife, f«k, «*«pe*n, Chester A. Gibson' were godpar- >» 15« Beef LiveIIWUHIIIIIIIIIHIIIHNMtlMHIMNKlr U •del Ink, Sweet Potatoes Ib roll M. Burck. fFESH 88« Miss Eleanor Schaeffer of Mor- 2 45c Bartlett Pears "*™ 2 ">• 29e Green Peppers rlstown spent last week with her fuuofmi fANCY 5« brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Lemons »17e Yellow Onions 2»> Mrs. Herbert Schaeffer, Reynolds dr. Mrs. Schaeffer is spending a IE[CHNUI TYPICAL EVERYDAY LOW PRICES few days with her lister, Mrs. Or- Baby Foods 5 ^^ 49c start right with a ran Burroufh of Hurffvllle. 200,. 4g HIGHWAY 6 KIRKMAN-SLICED or HALVES No 2^44. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Mayer, Peanut Butter » e Lima Beans GREEN snd WHITE 2' c.'n. 35e ELSERTA FREESTONE Thtoektnorton ave., are In Mauch e <6 Chunk, Pa., to attend the funeral VERMONT MAID 12 n. bet. 27 DEL MONTE 2 c". 37» at of Mrs. Meyer's aunt, Howard Mey- Diced Carrots >i>"17c Lakemead Applesauce er, Jr., who has been spinning the GOLDEN BLOSSOM 24«I. |ar 49e DEL MONTE last month with his grandfather y Golden Corn CREAM STYLE ,6, ,i8c Orange Juice ^S ^ » • 31 e there, will return home with trie W -I..3S. QUAKER STATE MERCHANTS Meyers, Henry Johnson of Plain- Sandwich Spread PIECES and STEMS " »•»»13» CHECKING Held spent last week-end with the MRS WRIGHT'S-SLICED Mushrooms 4.. »n 27c Libby's Tomato Juice Meyers. PULLMAN STYLE McGRATH'S l ,. . . CHAMPION c",19« Campbell Soupr.av.T2°^,27" i TRUST•.. ACCOUNT Mrs. Martha Melon*, Throckmor- Irish Potatoss ton ave,, visited MM, Andrew Gaff Sugar Donuts "<»" p^> °< * 23c C at Allenwood hospital Sunday, Mrs, Fruit Cocktail DEL MONTE 17 oi c.n 25 lili con Came Melon* entertained at a dinner DiSh ClOthS CANNON Pk, o.2 21c party Monday. Her guests were KircHiN CHA M Advertised Prkti Elleclive it IAFEWM STORES in NlW York and New Jtriiy Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Lieut, and Mrs, Eugene Burkett Wax Paper * '»'•• 23e Auguit 27, 28 and 29, We Reierve the Right to Limit Quantities. Why not be buiineii-like in managing your and children Eugene, Jr., and Judy own psnonal and household finances? 'A Con- of Merrltt Island, Fie., Mr, and -vsnlenee Checking Account Is just that . . . Mri. Adolph Dustman, Piggy Ben- nett and Stanley Richards. MARGARINE CAMAY SOAP and more! No need to carry cash around with, PEARS Morthmallows SUGAR WAFER Mr. and Mrs. Phillf Patterson and ENTER $50,000 CONTEST you. No waiting in line to pay your bills. daughter Phyllis of BnglUhtown SILVER GRILLE -lARTIiTTS FIRESIDE -KMAMY WHIP STICKS - OELKIA N DALEV/OOO gav* a lurprlse birthday party.Sat- GET DETAILS AT DISPLAY No chance of a misunderstanding about whs* urday evening for . Mri, Adolph 29oi, ther you paid or not... your cancelled check Duiiman, Broad at. Present were lib..* 7 Mri. Florence Strong and daugh- can pkg. «•? m • 2 Z. 43< 3 22c is your receipt. And, for all this, the cost ter Betty, Mr. and Mri. Harvey 33< is surprisingly small . . .only 1.00 for 12 Patlerson and daughter, all of Eni- llshtown! Mr. and Mn, Edward checks! Rlngenberger and daughter Joan S W ANSON S LARGE EGCS or Aatorla, L, I., and Mtut, and Mn. lomd ChlcUn lon«d Turkiy OAKGl(N-StLECT(D MIKED Eugene Burkett and children Eu- gent, Jr., and Judy of Merrltt Is- 5 ei. 10 SPEEDY CHECKSTANDS j land, Fla,, who are visiting the s DiMAni, Mr, and MM, Rlng«n- etn 43< < d9,79c hergtr entertained Mr. and Mrs, Open Tburs. & Fri. Nites 'Til 9 Dustman at a surprise birthday din- ner 'or Mn. DiiMumn Sunday at their summir homt In Deal, Mr, COOL COMFORTABLE AIR CONDITIONING ! and Mra, Norman Pattirson and IMJSICtNMm dnujfhUr Patricia, of Newark vis- m lt«d Monday with th« DuMmnni, 362 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. | 4 M 6dM/ * The Sons and Daughters of Lib- erty will msit Monday In th» baa*- Member Federal Reserve System ment of tho borouRh hall whan tiny SAFEWAY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, will havs a covered dish supper and Plenty of Free Parking j Pollyanna purty aftsr their meet' ng, •*••• RED BANK REGISTER, 'AUGUST 27,1953 Fast Hydroplanes to Feature Fishing Contest Winners Receive Prizes Charms Blank Giants Clip Leonardo, Monarehs, 8-0 21st Running of National Sweeps Ben Clifton's Charm Fashions Clinch League Title softball team whitewashed the Liss- Joseph C, Irwin, commodore of have reached a new peak In popu- co Monarch" last week on the Red the National Sweepstakes Regatta larity this season. Bank Giants' diamond as the locals These classes only partially ac- Bankert Annex Another Championship \aseociatlon, has received word from coasted home for an 8-0 triumph. count for the great increase in the Dot Taylor hurled a three-hit ^•Carl Johnson, executive secretary number of racing boat enthusiasts ball game for the winners while her By Posting 8-4 Win Over Field Club of the American Power Boat asso- in 1953. At all regattas sanctioned mates went to work on Barbara ciation, to expect a large number by the A, P. B. A., of which the The Red Bank Giants clinched 'hompson 5. Bases on balls oft* Day 2. Gregory for eight hits to score the. the championship of the Jersey '"hompson 4. Hit by pitcher, by Havl* of the fast 225 and 266 cubic inch Sweepstakes regatta rates among md (ClaxK Hill oft Day J in Linns., eight runs. Shore Baseball league Sunday by hydroplanes, based on the huge tho largest, each race owner must The Charm combination was laviland 2 In 1 Inn., Thompson 6 In 7 bo a member of this national asso- oatlng an 8-4 win over Leonardo 3 inns.. Haden 0 In 1% inn. V/innina: fleet which has turned out at this paced on the offensive by Cal Vona, Field club at the Lorraine Staldcr hcr llailrn. lotlrm pitcher Havllanu. ciation. Membership in thl« groat Umpires—Halncs, Davis. Bummer's rcgatUs, racing fraternity this year has In- who blasted out a double and a Memorial field, Newman Springs rd. triple In four hikes to the rubber. LEONARDO As an Indication of the biff re- creased to 3,000 members. Manager Herman Ajchettlno's AB R H vival of those boats, which arc next Charms' also executed a pair of nine pushed over six runs in the chulthels. If A 1 0 0 ; In order to take care of the in- to the Gold Cup class in size, 14 double plays. In the second frame, Walling, If , 1 0 creased number of speedboats add- fourth Inning to supply the margin 225's and IS 266's crossed the start- after Joyce Rlsden bounced to the 1 "^elose, 3 b ed facilities are being arranged, f victory. , The Giants trailed, 2-1, )orlck, 2 b. _ 1 ing line at the Buffalo regatta last pitcher and Lynn Melbourne sing- at that point, but a barrage of hits *ehmann, c 4 and 20 local committees, comprising led, Betty Ackerman hit a roller week. The world speed record for nearly 200 national and local offl chased Bob Fix from - the mound McBrlde, rf .'. J the 225 is in excess of 75, and the to Vona at short who threw to Pat and brought on Smokey Stover. Gilbert, «»., 2b. 6 cials are working overtime to as- Murphy and on to Bcv Streeter McKay, c! 4 " 266 is S7 miles per hour. sure the 21st annual event will be Ernie Stoecker started things off Ward, lb , 4 At the same time Commodore one of the most successful in its for the twin killing. with a single. He came. home on Fix,, 2 b., n. 2 The Charms came up with an- "itover, p i Irwin has announced the addition history. It will be held on the triple by Ralph, Maxzucca, who Lauer, ss of races to accommodate Bcores of Navesink river Sept. 12 and 13. other double play in the fourth via crossed the rubber on Jim Taylor's stock outboard hydroplanes, which the nme route to kill off Eleanor rounder. Hank Newton and 32. 4 7 Whitney, who gained first on an RED BANK Charlie Brister followed with suc- AB R error, and Priscilla Ransohoff, who cessive singles. Stover took over the Simpson, 2b .. -I (I hit to Vona to start tho play. hurling and Was greeted by Don ^ewls, rf .. II 2 News from the Navesink LISSCO MONARCHS Riley, who singled to hfing In Tay- Stoeeker, ss AB lor and Newton. Brister scored Mazzucca cf. .... By KAREN L1NDSLEV It is going around that Norman Carston, 3n 2 Taylor. Sb Frattln, c( S when Cliff Simpson was safe on an Marmora, 3b. ... Schcnck will be sailing with the Newton, If Now that the National Sweep- enguins again in the fall series. Gregory, p •. 3 error. Jack Lewis grounded out, Whitney, s» 8 Rlley coming in on the play. Bristor, lb; stakes arc drawing near it looks Welcome back, Norm! Kansohofl*. lb 3 Rlley, c like we sailboat skippers will have In other games the Atlantic Maloney, c Among junior Penguin skippers Rlsdcn, if 2 Stevens, | some competition on the Navesink. It looks like six-year-old Audrey Melborne. c 3 Highlands Eagles moved - into Harvey, n Ackermnn, rf ..... 2 fourth place by virtue of a forfeit Stout, p To us of Monmouth Boat club Ann Wilson is right up there. We l Carrollal, , 2h 2 are all amazed at how fast she win over the Long Branch Repub- the Lightning internationals in Mueller, rf 1 3i 8 10 Canada, sponsored by the Buffalo learned from her daddy. Keep it licans, who once again failed to Leonardo F. C. 23 0 3 field a team. 00S 000—I Yacht club, will prove exciting. We up Audrey, and someday you'll Councilman Everett Baynton, chairman of the parks and recreation committee of bor- Red Bank 100 601 00.x—8 all think that Ed Waters has a b« representing us In the Interna- CHARM FASHIONS The Adelphia A. C. handed the Two-base Hit—Stoeuker. Threc-bime AB B H llts—Mazzucca, l''i.\. Home run—Lewis. pretty good chance of bringing tionals! ough council, present! fishing outfits to Frederick Johnion and Loretta Sehafer, both of Al- Vona, ss 4 2 2 Neptune American Legion team a Sacrifices—Pelose, Stover, Double} plays home the prize in his new boat, This week-end will bring to f ston ct., winners of the borough fishing contest Saturday at Marine park. The youngsters Murphy, 2b « 2 surprise, winning 6-5 by virtue of —Stoecker to Simpson, Dorick to l.auer "Revenger." close the summer scries for Pen Letscho, cf 4 0 n a three-run eighth inning. to Ward. Struck out by Stover 0.- Fix Kusner, 3b .1 I 1 3, Stevens 2 Harvey I, Stout 4. Bases Roger Brown, in hit Penguin, guins, Comets and Lightnings at were awarded the pfixes for pulling in the biggest snappers of the day from the borough ap'lardo, If 3 1 1 Bob Kislin'a Wnitcsville team on balls off Stover 2. Stevens 3. Harvey "Beehive," did not do as well as Monmouth Boat club. It looks like dock. The prizes were presented Monday at Sherwood's Sporting goods store on Broad st. Panwlla. c 1 8 0 0 scored a J-2 win over Freehold 4, Stout 1, Hits olT Stover 5 in 3 Inns., expected in the Internationals in the titles for all classes are all lied Smith, rf 1 0 Merchants, but Dave Cashion an- Kix 5 In h inns., Stevens' 3 In 2-il inns., Streeler. lb .'I II nounced in the seventh inning that Harvey I in |)j Inns,, Stout 1 In ,1 Chicago. However, we. understand up but you never can tell. The Taylor, p S I Inns. Winning pitcher Harvey, losinK that the competition was pretty series isn't over till the last race Alessl, rf 1 I 0 the game was being played under pitcher Stover. Umpires—Petruaka, Tro- is won. protest. Cashion Insisted that Jan. stiff and Roger was lucky to place • , ' 29 8 8 14th in the series. Did you know that the firs Long Branch Inboard Regatta Stevenson, Scott Charlie Keenan, Whltesville relief FREEHOLD Ussco Itltll 0—0 hurler, balked with the bases load- AB B H The Comet regatta on 1/n.Ue Ge- sneakbox ever to be sailed on our Charm 3 0 10-04 x—8 D. Myrah, 3b 3 1 neva, N. Y., should Interest Comet river was on one summer Sunday Two-bast lilts i Vona, Taylor; three ed. Umpire Ray Horner didn't Lloyd, cf 2 1 Starts Saturday at 12:05 Shoot Par 72's basa hita: Street«r, Vona, Double playa agree with Cashion, however, Oakley, lb 2 0 enthusiasts of the Red Bank area. morning In 1936? Charlie Allaire, Brereton, If. „.., 4 0 Hank Mlltenberger, who is taking In his sneakbox with the big yel- Vona to Murphy to Streeter (2); Carston NEPTUNE LEONARDO—Joe Stevenson and (unassisted). Struck out, by: Taylor, 1 Cashion, p 4 0 low sail, won the race. ••- AB R H Bosko, ss 2 0 his Comet, "Rascal," and crew-wife, PLEASURE BAY—Final prcpar- CreKOry. 0. Bases on bajk off: Taylor, runo, cf , 4 • Elizabeth, hopes to place among Norman Scott will meet In a medal I; (ireeory, 1. Umpires: Galnea, N. Da>- HIiwIB. 2b 1 0 Labor day week-end will be •tlons for Saturday's fourth annual Mucclf, rf 3 H. Myrah. 2b I 0 the top. gala occasion around Monmouth play match Sunday at 9 a. m. at Santis. Ferrette, 2b. ; I Long Branch inboard rcgntta were 50-Lap Wall Race Mclntyre. as 4 Fowler, 3b 2 0 Although the men of the Mon- Boat club. There will be novice, completed Tuesday al the Long Beacon Hill Country club to de- Myers, lb J Sutphen, is ft 0 mouth Boat club were sitting on crew and scrub races for all classes Mcndenhail, c • • 4 Donahue, c *... 2 0 Branch Ice Boat and Yacht club's termine the medalist in this year's Parenteauarnteau, rff JJ 0 pins and needles Saturday after- and plans for a family day on the Dave Wilson Wins Mand, If '.' 4 headquarters when the regatta This Saturday club championship play. Hainci, 3b •.:.,.. . 5 RiddleRiddl , rf 0 0 0 noon while the women had an all 7th are in the minds of some o chairman, Ken Adams, heard re- Small, 3b ; i or almost all female race in Light- the club members. Reason for the special playoff is Day. p , ; 2 ports from various committees BELMAR—Al Keller will be driv- WHITES V1LLB nings, I'm glad to report no dam- I've got some inside Information which Indicated in advance that ing to make it three for three in that both men died par 72's in last Clayton Trophy Mason, rf. 2 AB R age was done. Listen closely! On Saturday, Sept. he annual affair would be the hlg- week-end's qualifying rounds. The Havlland, p t Brodwater, as 3 50-lap stock car competition at Racing for the' Willis Clayton Mrs; Mamie Beocher, sailing 19, a picnic on Starvation island jest water program ever preaented Wall stadium when the third such defending champion is Don Corwin, Phlllilpn, lb ..... 2 Gerry Hatch's boat, won the race is being planned for Monmouth on the Shrewsbury river. who last year defeated Stevenson trophy last Sunday, Dave Wilson, ADELPHIA L. Pembleton, lb 2 :vent is run Saturday night, consistent Penguin winner at Mon- Adcock, 2b 4 with Mrs. Dot Clifton copping Boat club members. The boats The Green Acres City, Fla., ace one up. „ •., ,. AB R H Klrby, 3b 4 second. leave the dock around noon or be Commodore Reuben Taylor, Al- mouth Boat club, again copped first B«d, If _ 4 10 R. Pembleton, lb ; bert A. Bauer, Rosemont, Pa,, offi- breezed to victories In the two 50- Tho pairings announced by James place with n half minute's margin Jurgtlsky, 3b I I 1 Apulcfrate If, . ' June Methot and her Lightning, fore, equipped with food for th ap features earlier in the season. A. Hanley, chairman of the tourna- Chambers, lb. .. 3 2 1 non-dieters and paddles (if th cial Teferee and representative of over Guy Van Ness. This is the Barton, rf "Chanty," are "fully recovered" the American Power Boal associa- Competition is expected to stack ment committee, and the qualifying second year Wilson has won this Hampton, ef 4 10 Sexton, c from the accident they had in the wind dies). The club will provld scores arc: Corwin, seeded, versus Palumbo, rf. 8 12 Sorcnson, p .*. free beverages. Let's make it a bl, tion, and Commodore Joseph C. up, making it a sharp challenge perpetual prize. Caeelatore, 2b., aa. 3 0 0 Keenan, p. Sweepstakes tWD weeks ago. June Irwin, National Sweepstakes Re- for Keller. <^Among tho top-flight Dick Hearns, 83; Fred Merriman, C. Mallto, 2b 0 0 0 aMorrlaon .. hius a new mast to replace the turn-out. 76, versus Bcrnic Dupree, 86; Tacking to Fisher's mark, Wil- aQulfin 10 1 gatta association, acting n.i chief drivers expected to try to break son, sailing Cold Feet, moved out Moreaut, , n. old ono that snapped when she Thanks for reading our colum starter, will send the first heat Keller's string of wins is Bill Stevenson, 12, versus Larry Scott, Francis, «., 2b 33 3 4 was hit by Invader and is back ahead of the crowd in the lead he aHIt into nelder'a choice for Keenan —pleasant sailing to you all from boats away from the starting line Chevalier, Sayrcvlllc; Bill Mc- 85;- Pete Hoffman, 82, versus Dick Clax, rf. ...I In 9th. , on the river again. your akipper-acribe. 6urke, 89; Norman Scott, 72, versus held throughout the race. Guy Van Thompson, p :. at 12:06 p. m. Carthy, Red Bank; Parker Bohn, Ness, in Big Sal, and Carl Schwenk- Haden, p , Freehold 002 000 000—2 The Long Branch course, known Freehold; Frankle Schneider and Elliott Pleb&au, 84; Stanley Sav- Whitesvillc 000 020 001—3 age, 81, versus Hanley, 86; William er in Aggie, battled it out for sec- Sr., 90, and Joe Barber, U, versus to the 44, 48, 135 and 13fi cubic Lenny Brown, Lambertville, and ond place as the race progressed 30 t i Stolen bases—L. Pembleton, Lloyd, inch inboard, drivers of the eastern Sam Malach, Lansdalc, Pa. The Cannavo, 74, versus Rut Crousc, 86, a-Sinzled for Caeelatore in 8th. Onkley, Cashion. Sacrifices—Oakley 2. Bill Bell, 92, and Joe Lang, 83, versus Charles back to the club and then up to Neptune 200 000 030—6 Double plays—Cnihlon to Bo»ko to Oak- Christopher's 75 circuit as a "tight course," fur- victor will be presented a trophy Quyong. Adelphia, 003 OOK 0»x—« ley. Struck out by Cashion 1, Sorcnson V Theimcr's Inn, Colllngswood. Keyler, 89. In the championship nishes all the added thrills to be On the reach home, however, Van Two-base hilt— Melntyr*. Pllumfeo. 8« Keenan 4, Bases on ball* off .Cnshion gained by both spectators and con- flight the ftrst two rounds will be Three-base hit—Jurgelaky. Sacrifices— 4, Sorenson 6, 'Kccnan 1, Hit by pitcher Schwenker Tops Members of the Youth's Guidance played Saturday, Sept. 5. The semi- Ness gained half the lead Wilton Muceie, Palumbo, Chambers. Double by Sorenaon (Donahue). Hits off Soren- testants alike. Top drivers compet- council, Sayrevllle, who - recently son 2 In 6 2-3 Inns., Koctian 1 In 2'S Tops Qualifiers finals will be played Sunday, Sept. had held and crossed the finish line' nlayt-r-Jurffelsky to Caeelatore to Ch*m ing in'the > one-day rivorevent In- participated in a soap box derby In ben: Caeelatore to Moreau to Chamber*: Inna. Wlnnlnt; pitcher Keenan, losing 6, and the 36-hoIc finals Labor day. only a few seconds behind Htm. Ferrette to Small. Struck out by Day 4, pitcher Cashion. Umpire—Horner. EATONTOWN — Dom Christo- Junior Skippers clude Sammy Crooks, former Rum- that Middlesex county community, Schwenker, leading skipper in the pher paced the golfers In the quali- son resident now representing the will attend the Wednesday night In Class B play are Rigaud B. summer series, copped thitd posi- fying round for the club champion- Johnny Schwenker, junior Pen St. Petersburg, Fla., Yacht club; race program. The youth group will Paino, 85, versus Henry Bauer, 94; tion. ship at Old Orchard Country club guin skipper of Monmouth Boal Bobby McAllister, new world record award a trophy to the winner of Nelson Todd,_89, byc;Clyde Butcher, Fantvln 'Number' Players at Raceway last week-end by posting a three-" club, won the race Tuesday nighi holder in the 41 cubic Inch class the 25-lap feature 87, versus Walter Conover, 95; Da- Name Sklppir Tim. race. Cold Fiet over-par 75. when he beat Audrey Wilson acrosi from Ventnor; Jack VanDeman, Competition at Wall stadium vid Jones, 92, bye; John Ryan, 86, Davt Wilson 3:38,3 the finish line by more than former national high point champ- versus Harry Austin, 94; Norton Bir Sal G. VanNes. J-.38.3 Find Rail Post Profitable Close on his heels was Bill Syn»l, Wednesday and Saturday nights Aggie C, Schwtnker 8:38.91 minute. ' Ion, world record holder in both through October, begins at 8)30, TheSmith, 90, bye; Pete Vrceland, 88, Sea Warti A. Schwartt 3:11.5 who is regarded as the man to the 48 and 91 cubic inch • hydro- versus Vic Grosalngei-, 100, and h. Worthltji 3:41,51 beat in this year's #lay. He had a At the start of the race going rain date for' the Wednesday card Jolly RORCI: FREEHOLD — With the excep- to the red buoy off Irwln's, Audrey planes; Richard Sooy, Millville, Crawford Compton, Jr., 92, bye. Tho Ksy-Ue K, Llnilnlty 3:42.11 7

SPINNING TACKLE latttry More than $4,000,000 are to be "Flip" Utar Viow allotted by the Department of tho Filltr Interior in federal aid fund* for flsh flavor that LAWN MIRROR • Wide Rubb.r Tir.i .restoration. The upsurge In the CAPS purchase of sport fishing equipment • Sil.rtt In Oparation MOWER during the fiscal year 1953 is at- tributed In part to the growing Unbr.ikebl.SUel popularity of spinning tacklo. This chill can't kill Sid. Pl.t.> . amount Is an increase of 11,791,389 ' • /, over last year, Ballantine brewi for flavor I For lightness, Twelve million dollar* will be al- yes! For dryness, of course! But first, last, Depth lotted to tho various states for wild- and always, Balluntinc brews for flavor. • Hardwood life, making a total of «om« »1S,- The fine, full flavor of 000,000, New Jersey will share In HUfldl. tho distribution to tho extent of the world's choicest |UO,5tK>-»77,500 for wlldllfo and L'ruina and hops is tai Joint <<2,909 for sport fishery. I)rowed so deep in thin beer that chill TIIK CALL OF TIIK MIGRATION can't kill it. REPAIR KIT flRf Thcro Is a tang of frost In the livery glass just tlr these nights, and tho crcatufoa brims with flavor. of the noa aro beginning to foci the PUMP ige-old urge to start tholr long ml- •jrntlon Into tho south land, Thoy Deluxe led that it 1* tlmo to try and put tome moat on their bones If they ntend to live to r.aoh tholr deatln. sum * |fl Itlons, s£ Tholr spawning Is ovor until an- •ther yonr rolls around, and io thoy luvu jtnrtcd to gorge on the nlllloni of young of other npoclis, Niw ctld 4» you Ilkt ytw Imr7 Thli li tha tlmo of thi year whin Good mid cold. If you'ro Ilk* tluoflihlng roaohos tho pi.k of •*• moil people. Hear In usually tlUmonl, Thin I. tho time of thi nerved iiitomiiprKtiirci ringing lew when they churn tho ocean Siiu* 1840 1 from 06* to 'ir Knhrcnholt. witter* Into froth as they splash through schools of top bait, with Tin 11 ut) LI no Uenr Is deep- 42 tho bird* of tho ics scraoolilng, dip- lirowwl In hnlr) I In flavor Hi ping nntl diving M thoy plait up whatoverlomptruture you Ilko bent! W. FRONT ST ploaes of choppod bait, This Is thn tlm. whin lints art RED BANK-Phone 6-3440 Hlioitcnod within 38 or SO feat of OTIIKII 81OHE8 IN VKU'tU tho bum, Thi* In tha tlma of thi AMHOV, NISW UHUNMtVIUK, sport foul,and fastest fishing of thi TftlONTON, otitlro' yeur, This la tho time whan Nl'.W.lltK. tho surt'llshornmn gel In nil food BALLANTINE licks, ' ' AI.ONfl TIIK WATKRrilONT On OIA nve of mip rfepariurfl to IMUIIIBIIM • llosi, Niwirij N.J, nU»nd th* llth Annual 1/nlt.f, Paere Ten RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1958 Pisanis Entertain ' Eatontown Nixon Buys Ticket to Marine Band Concert 200 Guests at'Home Councilman and Mrs. Spencer LITTLE SILVER—Dr. and Mrs.Patterson and daughter Agnes and Anthony J. PisanI ot Rumson rd. Councilman and Mrs. George Odell mtertained Sunday altctnoon at a and son Bobby spent several days :ocktai! party for 200 guests on last week vacationing at Charlottcs- the terrace of their Home, over- ville, Pa, Councilman Patterson is looking their new pool. Dancing on three weeks' vacation from his was enjoyed on the terrace to work at the Gulf Refining com- RRSTAMIN music supplied by Bert Gaul. pany at Bound Brook. Councilman Last week Dr. and Mrs. Pisani Odcll has returned to liis work at gave a circus party for their he Triangle garage in Shrewsbury International Trucks with Metro'bodies daughter Angela, who is a year after two weeks' vacation. old. Guests were Mary Beth, Nan- The executive board of the cy and Robert Ostcrmcyer, Uric W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church multi-stop leader for 15 straight years Lindhel'n and Carol Ackerman of will meet this evening at 7:30 at Little Silver; Kate Fitzgerald, West the home of Mre. Elliott Willilti, Long Branch; "Sissie" Dealy, New ilinton ave. York, and Angela's brothers and Mrs. Horace Applegate and sisters, Peter, Arthur, Bernadette daughter Margaret, Wall st., are and Paula. visiting for a few days with rela- tives in New York city. Mrs. David DcWitt, High st., gave a surprise birthday outdoor barbe- cue for her husband Thursday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. James White, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rem- ington, Mr. and Mrs. B. H.. Marinus and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sage and me children David and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. George Winning and daughter Nancy, South st., re- camies? turned Monday from a three-week vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Norwood Rt East Orland, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood returned Tues- day. Tommy Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hughes, College ave., is spending, a week with his uncle Vice President Richard M. Nixon, left, buy» ticket to Marine Corpj band concert from and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Row- Ro«s E. King of Little Silver, ticket chairman. Concert will be given Sept. 22 at the Fort land, Jr., of Hanover. Mrs. S. T. Emmons, Academy Monmouth Field house under the sponsorship of the Red Bank Kiwanii club. Pictured at left ave, is entertaining her daughter are Robert W. Burnside, concert chairman, and John B. Myers, Kiwanis president. Looking Mrs. Dorothy Rivera and children Diann, Tony and Christina of New on at right are Patrolmen Preston Estelle and Chester Ortley of the Mentoloking police de. York city. Diana was a ballerina partment, former Marines. Tickets to the concert went 6r\ sale this week at the Hance hard- on the Children's Hour this past Sunday. ware store and Carroll's stationery store on Monmouth st., Anderson's music shop, Broad st. Mr. and Mrs. William Emmons and South Jersey Surgical Supply company, East Front st. - • Six chaislt m»Mt, 102 to 134-inch wrmlbam. Standard or flatfcack and son Tommy, Irving pi., have Metro body stylti. V,i, Vh, IO'/J, and 12-foot body length.. 243 to 392 returned from a seven-week busi- cubic <«trapacity. Si x rear dost options. GVW rolingi, 5,400 to 10,000 Ibi, ness 'and vacation trip. Mr, EmLo- s Angeles, Col., Grand Canyon, Bein, who resided at the Emmons dren .David, Mark and Lee, Tinton mons was stationed at Yuma, Ariz., Bryce's Canyon, Utah, and Yellow- home during their absence, have ave., spent last week visiting with for a month. They spent three now moved into their new home Mr. and Mrs. William Nix of Weat- 17 FLAVORS 1 stone National park in Wyoming. Th* porformanct of International Thicks weeks traveling to Tia Juana and Mr. and Mrs. Emmons' nephew on Reynolds dr. fleld. Mrs. N*c Is Mr. Edwardsen's energy. 6-foot headroom, low stepwell Mexicall, Mexico, San Diego and and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs, Peter Edwardsen and chil- sister. with Metro bodies is unmatched. They're speed loading' and unloading. Broadleaf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erb and designed for multi-stop service. Owners' springs and new shock absorbers provide children Jeffrey, Roger and Su- cost records have made them multi-stop maximum driver comfort. san and Fred Erb, Reynolds dr., visited relatives in Jamaica, L, I. sales leader for 15 years. 31-35 Saturday. You got more pgyload space on shorter, Compare all-truck construction that OPEN Mrs. Gertrude, Bornemann and moremaneuverable chassis. You save lime gives you unmatched chassis stamina, en- daughter Judy, College ave., have gine power, operating economy. Compare West returned from a visit with Mrs in traffic, on routes. You save space at load- 1 EVENINGS Bornemanri's mother, Mrs.' Kath- ing dock, in the garage. the low maintenance cost of the all-steel Front erlne Fagel ol Syracuse, N. Y. Metro body. It's the multi-stop body that A corporation meeting of the You profit from saving* in driver time, outlasts them all. See them today. St. congregation of the Fresbytertan church was held Tuesday when p OPEN A CHECKER Phone proval was given the trustees to CHARGE ACCOUNT raise $8,000 for the purpose of in- RE stalling a new heating plant in the MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS Staves church and church school, for In- -10211 stalling lavatories and for a dual purpose .kitchen. Edward Emmons ,141-145 West Front St. RE 6-0787 Rod Bank was appointed chairman of a fund- raising committee. CAR FIRE EXTINGUISHED SUMMER The Red Bank fire department INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS was called out to extinguish a Standard of the fire in the brakes of a oar early yesterday morning at Broad st. and CLEARANCE Pinckney rd. The car was driven by Herbert L. Gardner o£ 46 Water- SALE! man ave., Rumson. It Pays to Advertise in The Register MOST PRICES BELOW OUR COST - NO DEALERS PLEASE! Fresh Water Outfit PRE- Solid Glass Rod — 2 Chroma Guides and Top. Pistol Grip Bun. With 100 yard Capacity Level *3 98 Wind Rttl. Motel Spool. Unrtlly Mils for $6*96 * LABOR Salt Water Outfit Two-piece SVi Ft. Unco Wood— Metal Guide and Top. With 150-Yd. Ocean City Reel. Metal $449 DAY Spool. Usnally sells (or $7.35 SALE Salt Water Spinning Outfit VMIVC HCMD W FWI «UCS...eiUUNCt SALES ,7»/4-Ft. Hollow Glass Spinning Rod — Weight, SAVINGS IO'/I-OI. Pour Graduated Guides and Top. With Bradoo Spinning Reel. Weight 9 Oi. Alum- $22.95 inum Alloy Body and Spool. Usually adb for $36*96 AT 10W.10W.UNHUR0 Of UONOMV PMCIS/ Surf Outfit Two-piece Tonkin Split Bamboo Surf Rod. 7. Ftr.. 0NB TIRES Tip. 30-lneh Butt — Locking Reel Seat With 150 $11.95 Yd. Free Spool Salt Water Rael. , . VwnWj Mb for $19*50 6.00/16167 0/15\ 7.10/1516.50/161 USE OUR BUDGET PLAN of mm msnoHG sum Humsm ma JUdtWAil MGUURPMa SUE PUKE NO MONEY DOWN-5 MONTHS TO PAY 6.70/15 $22" »I6M 7.10/15 $24 » $18w INSULATED Z-PC. ALUMINUM HANDLE FOLDING CHAIR PUS1K 6AHDEN HOSE 7.60/15 W' PICNIC •26 " Varnish fin- JUG BEACH UMBRELLA 1 YEAS GUARANTEE 8.00/15 $29 JS ished hard- I-Gallon Hetvy •»' wood frame Capacity t»Uy 6.00/16 $20 « *1410 with colorful colored scat and back Keeps food eanvM. 6.50/16 $24«o $18" of striped or drink 514 ft. canvas, A real cither hot spread. WNtnwm buy for DC cold, 0 rib*. 6.70 15 $27" *»•• $712 ROYALS S Complete With Couplings ,7.K> 15 $30" $22M •7" '2.29 1.77 6.66 25ft, Roll 7.60 15 732" »24'» B. F. GOODRICH I AND reii oio mm COMMMIII MVIN«. IN MI OTHIMIK. KOROSEAL 2-RING SWIM MASKS WADING POOLS SINI 60QQLES Reg. $11.95 CT O Sale Price Retails far Site 68"K12" ^/ «T BEST PLACE TOWN TO BUY TIRES" HMMIWOY Junto Goggle 49c 79c Reg. $15.95 ctA O Site 80"*12" ^y«* HeiNhway Aqiu Goggle 89c $1.25 mammtmrn Rubber AajMCIwnp Mask $1,49 $1.95 Adjustable Rubbtr Rubber AquiPro Mask $2,29 $2.95 SWIM FINS RED BANK CUSTOM TIRE BOLO HARPOON GUN , . $ 8.80 SAU MTAIL SHKEWSBUKY AVE. 1 MILE SOUTH OF A1KPOHT RED BANK 6-3404 Little (« 1A $4.95 ARBALETE HARPOON QUN . $17.77 WobFoer $3.49 CUSTOM TIRE CO. CUSTOM AUTO STORE Standard 002 HARPOON OUN. . . $23.06 1200 MAIN ST. IRADLIY IIACH 522 ARNOLD AVI. POINT PLIASANT lo Slio 13 $4.44 $6.95 BREATHING PIPE . , . $ 2.86 ASbury Park 1-0700 POInr Pltatanr 5-2340 , i Television-All Payments Moy Be Made Weekly-Appliances Spocialv thru Soturday - Wt reserve the right to limit quantity Sec the But Picture on Toliviilon, Gtntr«l Electric Black Daylight, 1954 Modeli Now on Display «( Our Showroom. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 -?asre Eleven

way between Irvington and Abse- by October, 1954. Prior to that I Parkway Work con. v date parkway traffic will be. touted I Firm & Garden Supplies Dessert-Bridge Harold W. Olffln, Authority chief over the Edison bridge Juat cast of On Schedule engineer, said grading and drainage the new crossing. SINCE 1891 SEARS For Republicans work on the scenic route both In Northbound and southbound FOX'S TRENTON—Maintaining an ac- Ocean nnd Monmouth counties la roadways of the parkway along the SPRING 'LAKE HEIGHTS—The celerated construction schedule progressing on schedule. He also 22 miles Included in the two con- features a full GIGANTIC WASHER United Women's Republican clube timed for opening the Garden State reported bridge construction In thetracts will be 24 feet wide. Each road will be flanked by ten-foot of Monmouth county will hold Its Parkway by next summer, bids on two seashore counties is proceed- annual dessert-bridge Thursday af- ing on schedule. outaidc and six-foot inside should- selection of 3 DAYS two contracts for paving 22 addi- ers adjacent to landscaped center ternoon, Sept. 17, at the Homestead, tional miles of the scenic route will Mr, Gltnn also- indicated that with Mrs. Thomas Ford, Jr., and award ot subsequent paving con- malls, which will vary In width SALE Mrs. Elliot Lawes aa chairmen, be received next Thursday, Orrie from 200 to 300 feet to afford a HALLMARK deNooyer, secretary of the Newtracts will follow In keeping with a# tc Jlr-s. Ford is in charge of reserva- the Authority's time-table aimed at maximum of safety for motorist!. * ONLY! tions, assisted by Mrs. Ruth Scle- Jersey Highway Authority, an- opening of the parkway from Irv- co, Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Mrs. Annnounced today. It PityA to Advertise In The Ktgiitcr. JEWISH NEW YEAR CARDS SEE PAGE 13 —SECTION 2 Ington to Absecon by the target —Advertisement. Flynn and Mrs. Basil Bruno. The contracts call for paving date of June, 1054. Features will include a Troast from Wostccunk cicck to Oyster Work on the modern high-level table, honoring the Republican can- creek and from Oyster creek to bridgb that > will carry the scenic didate for governor, with Mrs. Dover rd., and Join with the com- FOX'S route across the Radian river is Help Build a NEW Jersey George H. Bodman as chairman, as- pleted Toms River bypass in Ocean proceeding as planned, Gillin re- sisted by Mrs. Arthur S. Joicc. Mra, county. They represent the long- ported. This $11,000,000 crossing, 41 iMotimoutli St. Dorman H. McFaddln \s in charge est continuous length of paving to 4,400 feet long and the largest of of the Gourmet corner assisted by be placed in a single contract to 371\ bridges being built along the QUAiirr Kcd Bank, N. J. Come to Mrs. Eugene Gardella, Mra. Claire date along- the route of the park- route, is scheduled for completion MAIN ST. EATONTOWN 3-005* Orton, Mrs. D. W. Hanmorc, Mr*. BEVERAGES John Adatr, Mrs. Morgan Knapp, Mrs, Frank Howland and Mrs, Ja- MEYNER FOR GOVERNOR cob HaussUng. Also to be featured is a. blind man's bluff table with Mrs. L&wes as chairman. Her assistants will be Mra. Edward Netterman, Mra. RALLY Charles W. Stephens, Mrs. Robert Colot, Mrs. Stanley Tracy, Mrs. Coriover Burlew and Mrs. M. J. Neyins, Jr. Everybody WELCOME! Mrs. Joseph F. Hunter, president, heads the hospitality committee, as- sisted by Mrs. George Smock,' Mrs. Sat,Aug.29,3:30P.M. Peter Cartmell, Mrs. Frank Slbley, FREE! Mrs. George Mlddleton, Mrs. Spaf- MINUTE APPLEBROOK FARM ford Schanck, Mrs. Paul Mlcelli and BEER Mrs. Edward Osborn. Also serving Poplar Road lopp. Rt. 35) are Mrs. Joseph C. Irwin, general arrangements cha.li1 man; Mrs. PRETZELS Thomas H. Morford, Sr., member- Wayside, New Jersey ...... J ship chairman, assisted by Mrs. Al- SCHOOL ton V. Evans and Mrs. Victor E. GiO3Singcr, and Mrs. Frank A. Hayes and Mrs. Francis W. Taylor, New Season Items! All Top Quality! publicity chairmen. All from Our Regular Stock! Now at Moke ymrs tin brighter baase on tin Mai Amazing Saving Prices at Newberry 's! Be Here Early for Tip Top Values. League to Reopen Thrift Shop Tuesday HOUSE PLANTS INFANTS' COZY P|ff$D»r|* The Thrift and Consignment shops of the Junior Service League SEE THE LARGE VARIETY OF NEW FALL PLANTS THAT of Red Bank at 106 Shrewsbury ave. JUST ARRIVED. DRESS UP YOUR HOME FOR FALL. WE will be reopened Tuesday. The sleeping needs SUNPROOf shops have been closed the past CARRY A FULL LINE OF PLANTERS AND FLOWER POTS. brushed totton sleeping bog two months for lcdccoration and light 2'piece pullover. Hoi rearrangement of stocks. lover. League members will be at the mitlen sleeves, shop tomorrow and Monday be- SANFORIZED" COTTON gripper bottom 159 HOUSE tween 10 a. m, and 4 p. m. to ac- and "tuck-away cept {all merchandise and items (or hanger." Paslels. consignment. All profits from dona- blouses 1 tions to the Thrift shop, and from sleepers with gripper|ripp«s items sold on consignment, are Stays 1 pc. knilled brushed cation. mm used by the league to finance its ied col milk fund and its other charities. Sturdydoublesole Whifr League members who did the re- enclosed feet. decorating of the Interiors of the Drop seal. Assort- to Apply.T.Sti(^cli


1 Snappy sport model for young Quality made RIIH practical McKelvey's £ Oeti|N< ti W bent boys, Full cut for action end for alzes 28 to SO. So beau- 2 tn< 3 tlii MM- tifully made you'll be iimazctf comfort, Sanforiied*. Long in. 100 ruled sanU, at the MvinKft NcwUcrry'* sleeves. Pocket front. 3 to 6, Here In Freehold Where GulistamAre Made I"/, « II. orTern. Don't nils* them. Here you will see Gulistan's complete Choose early. line of 19'different qualities made in every popular design — sculptured, tex- tured, floral, plain — and available in a IOOM Itaf closeout of wide variety of today's leading decorator colon. Whether you are in need of run- binfa ntrs.rugj or wall-to-wall carpet, you owe (VfllWI it to yourself to see the entire collection SCHOOL LURCH sleeveless of style-wise Gulistans here at McKel- vey's and benefit by our low cash prices. Stifff)! Mfl teveit, tih TEXTURED WILTON — Embossed Wilton 100% .SCULPTURED 100% • kits & pails ^p tittmn. 100% Wool Broadloom Wool Wilton Broadloom WOOL BftOADLOOM Tht fineit quality GULISTAN An extremely practical and A highly - stlyed braadloom All metal kit J ' round wire carpet, wov«n for ,, comes with 'A- dresses maximum wear and ixtra long wearing carptt In a con- which teiemblei far mora 1 pint thermos. O29 biauty. -The subdued scroll ventional carved Itaf design costly carptts and adds that design of this attractive brood- Mat ot dome loom -makes It Ideal for wall- adaptable to rooms of any look or quality to th* medium shapes. Assort- to-wall carptt or room-size period. Wov«n In popular prlct field. Seven rich shades ed colors. rigs. Available in four pleas- shadti of gray, rad, balgt ond to chooie from In 27", 9' ond Ing colors and all standard widths. green In all standard widths, 12' widths. $1.87 Oblo'ng lunch boxes are made 50 of strong mttal, $14.75 $9.95 $8- With 2 handles tq. yd. »ij. ) and lift-out troy, fine value I ALSO MANY EXTRA SPECIALS IN HALL RUNNERS AND ROOM SIZE RUGS!! 49* FOR REALLY FINE VALUE IN QUALITY MfPtliili- FURNITURE, COME TO McKELVEY'S |Pl.l| children's shoes

An outstanding solecllon of living room, dining room Mp ' * ilB^eaWr^ ' Sturdy, Aniline leather uppers and bedroom furnlluro awaits your Inspection, In- W^Gaatjej Durable heels and eluding aiwlde vorlely of lampi, pictures end nolr- ]H^^H iLwaiflKiSKP soles, New true fit last, frown. Sites rori, Al! oro from nationally Knov^n firms end all |jB rtg. $2.98 are ot MeKelvey's low caih prior Shop early while '^VfwS » H(j to II. Floral OeslcjM 11 Qt. the Fall collection I) complete, " «&'. Many slie», ttylei one) APPLICATIONS KING. TAKEN waste baskets colors to choose from. Ctau- Odd lots • only a few Full end part time talesledles. Apply In person at store lul HMirlmtitt of each kind, le here office, Enjoy ell benefits. Paid hoipltalli«tlon • paid 01 U»ti« ritr»l Btilgni. Hliht early ftr these bar- McKELVEY of Freehold veeetlon • paid life Insurance policy. Applicant* alio ftr lv»r» Rum gains. Stiksromni for Gullitmi'i, Famoiu Run* Mait in Freehold being considered for fountain work. Exporlonco not noc- Of Mi* Hflfli, sPsyRp M«e« •< Murdy v (tnd jor Vino Furniture From Amirlo»'$ But Mafceu FREEHOLD essary. (asy>te • . * Frank Dugan, Robert and Nancy Testino, JoAnn, Marie, George and Gerry Davino, Linda Dugan, Mrs. put on your cellar walls yourself which Dominic Davino of Union Beach, Mrs. Louis Testino of Keyport and Mrs. Frank Dugan, Jr., of Mata- The new 1954 Zenith TV is a wan. .triamph of radionic ingenuity. Always Dr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Devlin 'years ahead of the industry in new and son Patrick and daughter Mrs. developments, Zenith for-'5< r> ChaHca- Pike returned Saturday bring! yon Five Fabulous Features'. from California. Lieut Pike has that make Zenith, "first again" been assigned- to the Orient and la quality, performance and Mrs. Pike returned by automobile dollar value. with her family, who had flown to California. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Egan and s»n Kenneth of Orchard parkway have returned from a vacation at EASY Ship Bottom. Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Hlte of TERMS Taylor id. entertained at a picnic supper at their home recently, Mr. and Mrs. HI to will move with their family to Florida In September. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Elliott G. Smith of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hitc, Union; Mr, and Mrs. Harry Evans Whitlc, Montclair; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomson, Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. James Me Culloch, Arlington; Mr, and Mrs. David Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Stahlbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reiher, Mr. and Mrs. Jac A. Cushman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvoy N. Johnson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ran- will keep them dry and decorate them dolph Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mandcville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Judson Evans The Gloehlont- Model L1S2OR and Mr. and Mrs. Gnrrett J. Mc- Your beit buy in 17-inch television! Kocn, Jr., of Matawan. "Portrait-Perfect" TV pictures powered Mrs. Howard Erdmdnn, Mrs. by Zenith's superb "Super K" chassis William A. Wasrauth, Mrs. Edward W. Currle and Mrs. J. Raymond '• •. eoty-to-read "Spollite" dial.. • fa- Ketcnel attended a dcisort bridge mous "Bull's Eye" turret tuning ... new Tuesday for the benefit of the Mon- sound realism from the sensational Band niouth County Woman's Demo- Shall speaker... plus a host of other cratic clubs at the Sea Bright "years ahead" features... In a refresh- Yacht club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francey, ingly modem mahogany veneer cabinet. Jr., are enjoying a motor trip to See It today! Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ellison of Monroe st. entertained at a lawn 219.95 party for their daughtor Alice who was celebrating nor third birthday. Guests were Gcorgo and Glenn COBRA-MATIC Record Changer Hamilton, Linda and Diane Ellison, Vincent Crcavy, Barbara1 and Brian Ellison, Frances Adler, Jennie and George Perdlgo, Muriel Hamilton, Vcrna and Ellis Ellison, Mrs. Stan- ley Ellison, Mrs. dcorgo Hamilton,. Mrs. Alfred Adlor and Mrs. Jamos Merehon. all at once. Costs less than a paint job.

False Statement Coils /Akona is its name—and we found It in the midwest. . Motorist $200 The Washington . . . Modtl L22SIR Folks put there were using this Akona sealer to keep their homes and cellars Stewart ROBS, formerly of Little Csntumparary dttlm mehagany caklnat with Silver, was fined $200 Friday morn- dry, during the floods. It works. clattlcally ilmple ityllng, ,11" plcturi, The Ing by Magistral John V. Crowcll utmoit In television •nlaymenl U yeure when on a. chniKo ol mnking a false Easy to (apply. You can do it practicalIj. overnight, Applied to inside walls, .it you own a new-nlMhrsuith 1114 Ztnllh— statement on nn application for a elturir, «h«rp«r, brlihlir aleturti with ir»at- driver's license •, Keitls water-tight and decorates, all at the same time, Just paint it on, Comes In «r distance recopllon . < > Instanl •ne*knob Ro«t, whose license had been re- your choko of 10 pastel, non-fade colors. A#lso waterproofs.. exterloi? porous "•potlltt" Dial tuning . . , Came In Ueey—. voked permanently as the result of lie how llttli It cosU la ewn the Kneel lele< two convictions lot'* drunken driv- masonry surfaces. ; . ' vision—Itnlth TV. ing, wna charged with utatlng on Ills implication, that his licenao htd Also'hnre Akona .Plug for large cracks . . .will stop running water in five miiv never been revoked. The complaint only 329.95 wn« nurio by Lloyd Smith, motor »ll!lBiitTV litjJlHomm. utes, And Akona Kote for colorful, molstureproof, diiBt-frco floors. Won't scutl'. lM««UIJMM»««illlln, llvlll. vehicle Inapnctnr, % In UHr.VHr- t'|.i^»«l i«ni«| mitt

•ftka Muiti t»4, l«,T«i, •«• vial hbi MONMOUTH LUMBER CO. QUALITY 19 CENTIIAL AVENUE (Off West Uorgen PI,)! HED BANK, N. J. BEVERAGES i I'hunct Hod Bank 6-2060 TO HE GOOD1 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27. 1953 Pacrp TTiirfoon Married 53 Years Sattera Entertain At Outdoor Dinner Family Increase? INSTALL RED BANK RADIATOR WORKS LITTLE SILVER — Councilman and Mrs. Victor Satter entertained 115 WIST MONT STRUT at a shore dinner Saturday after- noon In the grove In the tear of Dormers For That Extra Room their home on White rd. The din- RED BANK 6-1177 ner, prepared on an outdoor fire- place by Mrs. Virginia Satter Gwy- mm Now Under New Management er, their daughter, and Mrs. Wil- liam Holti, Included raw and JOSEPH YENCARELLI, Proprietor steamed clams, roast beef and ham and lobster, together with corn, white and sweet potatoes, cole AUTO RADIATORS slaw, tomatoes, shrimp cocktail, 1ST PAYMENT IN NOV. hard-boiled egg* and watermelon. REMOVED, CLEANED, RODDED, REPAIRED Present In addition to those al- TAKE YEARS TO PAY ready mentioned were Mrs. Ethel No cajslcr terms anywhere than ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTIED M DAYS Griffiths and William Holts of Little those offered by us. No lower Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dondl, prices . . . hotter workmanship Mr. and Mr*. Edward H. Stone and too! Call today for free esti- \ LARGE STOCK NIW AND USID RADIATORS Carl Rafe, Shrewsbury; Mr. and mate on any type home repair Mrs. Richard J. Effray and Mr. and .... or modernisation. Mr*. Henry T. Walford, Runuon; Mr. and Mrs, James J. Hogan, Red Bank; Grover C. Kirchhof, Long Enjoy the comfort and convenience of an extra room. Install Branch; Ml-, and Mrs. Harrison dormers In your attic. Dormers, of course, increase the size of Hartlgan, Rivcrhead, L. I., and Mrs. your attic making it possible to Install 2 or more rooms and Maude Hendrlcks, Belleroae, L. I. bath. Dormers alio add so much to lncreas« th« charm and good looks of your home. Investigate the several model dormers Stamp Club Meets suitable for your home. We'll be glad to show them to you Tomorrow Night and there Is no obligation. All estimates are free. Th« Monmouth County Phila- Our prices are the lowest . . . FOR MOMRH HIGHLANDS—llr. and.Mrs. their' golden wedding- ahhlvtritry telic looiety -will me«t at the Red our workmanship and materials Jesa» Clark of Cedar it. obwrved last year, • ' • Bank borough halt tomorrow night the finest. You'll save money • Room Addition's • Porch Enclosures • Attic Conversion* their Md wedding anniversary yes- • Mr. Clark, who was a olvll icrvlce at 8 o'clock, at which time Vice . . . You'll save In value . . . • Masonry • Siding * Roofing * Dormer* President M. L. Wachtel will pro- terday at their home here, where employ** with th* federal gavorn- Call us today and get the low- • Carpentry • Garages : • Heating • Plumbing NEON SIGNS they have lived 42 yean, ment retired after 40 years' of ser-vide the program and will speak est prices . . . anywhere! Mr. and Mri. Clark were mar- vioe. Both are members of St. on "The Stamps of Israel." ft MAINTINANCI ried at the parsonage of the NewAndrew's Episcopal church, High- The local society Is making great Monmouth Baptist church by Rev.lands, and Mrs. Clark is a member preparation* for the annual ex- William V. Wilion. Mri. Clark is of the Woman'! auxiliary of thehibition to be held this fall In As- the former Harriet Smith of Key-church. bury Park: It is expected that 300 COLD CATHODE LIGHTING port, and Mr. Clark Is the son of frames of philatelic intcreit will be the late Mr. and Mri. Thomas Britain has 11 telephones, five cars shown. monmouth fonstruction fo 1 The first informal fall, meeting III W HICHWAr I '• AT HHillON\ , ')»NU \ Clark, Jr., alto of Keyport. Mr. and and 23' radios tor each 100 people, r ROAD-AD SERVICE, Inc. Mrs. Otorgc H. Lohsen of Keyport, compared with three radios, one of the society will be held Friday III HID RANK I. )0b0 V MM,;,,MOWN N , V ASBURY PARK 1-1180 who were attendant* at the cou-telephone and one-tenth car tornighty Sept, 11, and the annual 45 S. MAIN ST. ple'i wedding 53 years ago, marked each 100 Russians. formal meeting will be held Friday Asbvry Pork MMO : Call Either Number Day or Night night, Sept. 25. GIGANTIC WASHER SALE! CHECK THESE LOW PRICES 3 BIG DAYS ONLY! Save 36" 3 Days Only WASHERS • DRYERS • IRONERS Kenmore Automatic Washer GET IN ON THE GREATEST SENSATjONAL LOW LOW PRICE! WASHER SALE EVER TO HIT .00 RED BANK - BY SEARS

iMUtttCS *Ut«l N*. NEW KENMORE SEMI-AUTOMATIC 158 •Mil* Wringer Lets You Soo Entire Operation folly! REG. $.»4.?S Wringer Adjust* to AH Fabric* Avtomaticattyl 500 DOWN Timer Tines Wath • Turn Machine Off Whoa Donol WASHER ON SIARS IASY ronvMiiil Afjnvtor weft CwfMS CHMH Pwtorl SAVE 930.00 PAYMENT PUN lawrifiil New Design WIH Stay Modern for Yeonl $5.00 DOWN • Load. Stt, Forgot Itl ON SIARS

• Woilies. Rinses, Drlnl IASY PAYMINT • Hot Agitator Action! PUN Rtgulirly an outstanding value •. . now prietd even lower for this big i«U! Kenmore gats all clothes elaanar! Ona dial doai til tha work! Holds big MB. load! Hurry! Save *20 For 3 Days Only Kenmore Wringer KENMORE IRONER SAVE $25.00 Washer

.95 SLASHED PRICE FROM $79.95 TO 139 HIM* REG. PRICE 1161.93 Wrlngerl $1.00 DOWN • SIARS PAY FUN 95 • Rig Mb. Leaa Tut)! BB^^EEJ Compare thlt price • . • Kenmora quality . .. you " mf\ can't buy better... lave moral Ironer hat 26-in. •mi* roll, rack, hand eontroll Doai twice tha work in 59 • J-YOM Agitator! half the time! $1.00 DOWN ON $IARI USY PAYMINT PLAN! USE SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN I KENMORE AUTOMATIC 9S Regularly 219" Kenmore Rtgularly 274" 00 WASHER 219 tin* AUTOMATIC WASHER Save 55 Low Price... Kenmore SAVI $30.00 RIO. PRICI $14f.fS SAVE 1OO " AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER KENMORE I ^r ^r »•••• Kenmoro net* ttlothn riuffy-ilry, COMPLETE YOUR ^"" •Ill*w OslsslsT •••••A . ... _ _ . ml ^^p^^ ^ ^^^^ It . . , sfil It . ( , for|el It! K^mnorfl washes, rinut, *pln> •w««t>smellliii; In mlnutei. fully atilomstlc 95 HOME LAUNDRY WRINGER WASHER *<< ttit *n*r wkiit »»»r SAVE $20.00 tutor nnllun *ml nxclunlve 7-rlniiM for »p»rklln( wMh**t lull* ednvMUoa heatlnf, new load-A-Door, fleo kvCftl ••rmlta, Tkt Nutmns Tw»nmt tahts 95 219 •II Mi w*rh tnm RIO. im.ts InU you rmmo hot, nudiy waUrl B«v«l li nowl $10,00 DOWN 1 99 11114* motuyfaui' SEARS ?6 WHITE ST., RED BANK PHONI M 6-112Z Pacre Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953 4 Bank Presbyterian church. The River Plaza ii in charge of ..arrangements, will Former Red Bankers wedding was scheduled for Janu- Miss Judith Kenny A chartered bus .took a. group of hav» the girls' mothers ai guests. Silver Anniversary ary, but the date was moved ahead Dinner Party Guest Openings far nine more girls who due to the marriage of the bride's baseball enthusiasts to the Yankee- wish to join a new second Brownie Rev. and Mrs. John Alexander mother, to be held In early Septem- Miss Judith Kenny of River rd. Athletics game last Thursday, at Yankee stadium. In the group troop are available, according to Hayes of McDonough, Ga., former ber, when she and her husband was the guest at a dinner party Mrs.' Raymond VanGlahn, troop residents of Red Bank, will on Sat- planned an eight-month tour of the given last week by Miss Joan Gil- were Art Kaney, Walter Stobo, Chris .DeFilippo, Windsor Jacques, leader. Auistani leader will be Mrs. urday celebrate the 25th annivers- world. barte at her home on Spring ter., W. Irwln Hendrlcks of J>ark pi. lk^ U l : I ' I ary of their marriage by entertain- Tuesday evening. Miss Kenny was William G. Stobo, Kenneth Nixon, Rev. Hayes' marriage took place Robert Morris,. William Stobo, Jo- Girls between the ages of 7 to 10 ing at the manse from 4 to 7 o'clock. while he was on vacation, and when celebrating her 18th birthday. are eligible. The Red Bank Register joins with seph Bogare, Joseph Lang, Herman the church officials heard of his Guests wore Misses Susan Lynch, Grillo, George Belakov, Arthur Vin- Mr. and Mra. Frederick Malle and their many friends In this vicinity marriage, his vacation was extend- son Frederick, formerly of New- in extending congratulations. Marjorie Goff and Joan Heppiner, cent, Elmer Sutphln, William ed several weeks. Rod Bank; Helen Jeffrey and Ann Kaney, Harry Treacy, Norman man st., have moved Into their new Rev. and Mrs. Hayes were mar- Rev. and Mrs. Hayes came to Rod Brown, Shrewsbury; Suzanne Price, Scattergood, William Olaen, George home- on Orchard rd, HEADQUARTERS YIN RED BANK! ried at the home of the bride at Bank January, 1928, from the Eatontown; Rosemarle Mehm, Shibla, Clifford Smith, Albert .Ho- Stuart Robinson Memorial Presby- Colt's Neck, and Patricia Egan, we!!, Robert Gant, Stanley Nixon', tifr Louisville, Ken., Aug. 29, 1928, dur- 1 Tinton Fall* ing Mr. Hayes' pastorate at the Red terian church at Louisville, Matawan. Chick Murry, Roy Franklin, Her- W« Completely Outfit Thot School or Colltgo Man . . . bert Aitonburg, Paul Bofettie, Her- lln, H, H. Waddell is enjoying Htr* Art Somo Suggoitioni: bert Eigenrauch, Robert Emmons, two weeks' vacation-at home. Norval Deschner, George Gammell, John Cottlngham, Sycamore ave., Russell Dyal and Edward Phoe- is enjoying two weeks'' vacation mus.. . from his position with Lavolelab- bratorlesi, Morganville.. : BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS SINCE 1896 The HubbennnutU spent Sunday Robert Bradley and William at Olympic park, making the' trip Lemon attended the Old. Timers' Long sleeve by Kay nee and McGregor by chartered bus. In the party . . . Plain colors or fancies in wash- were Mr. and Mrs. Val Braun-anjl baseball' game Saturday in Tankee daughter Susan of West Keansburg, stadium. ' ' able gabardine, cotton or flannel. A Mr. and Mr«. George Franklin and Paul Oryll has returned'to Bern- large selection. children Beverly and Albert, Port adotta farm after vacationing. Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs,! Gerald Mrs. John Borden Is.on a two- Jordan and son Jerry, Red Bank; week vacation from her position • ALLMZIS TO Mr; and Mrs. Edward Selfert,'East with Mid's beauty salon, Red Bank. Keansburg; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rev. James W. Robinson, student VanGlahn, Atlantic Highlands; Mr. pastor, at the Methodist church, and Mrs. Raymond VanGlahn .'and leaves, for. Temple university next daughter Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. month, to .complete' his/Studies, A RED BANK, N. J. Harold Simpkins and daughter! permanent, pastor will succeed him Bonnie and Lynn, and Mr. and Mrs. her* and at Eatontown. . BOYS' CORDUROY SPORT COATS Thomas Calt of this place. •••• RobertaOeborn spent the. week- • MAROON • GREEN • GREY • •nd at home. . After registrations, were conduct- Henry Salt, entertained at a ed at the school Monday; Miss Rita family reunion? and .clambake Sun- • te 11 U tall l»J All tMlh S. Quail, principal, stated that it day. • ' . ' . •• •.. : •••'.• • will be, necessary for only the be- Allen E. Crawford, Jr., spent the ginners and first grade to go on week-end at home. He Is sta- double sessions this year. Parents tioned at Fort Dix. BOYS' Gabardines, Hockmeyer Corduroy checks will be notified by'mail as to what Harry Ruisell; .son of Mr. and session their child will be required Mrs. De Witt Russell, Swimming to attend. All ' other grades will River rd., is home after complet- report at the regular time, 8:30/a. ing three yean in the Navy. m., Sept. 9. Miss Quail, in .tier designed by statement, said she' felt it .was for- Mils Jo Ann Karkus entertained BOYS' JACKETS HUSKIES tunate that the entire school would relatives from Maple wood during MAURICE CAILLOUX off PARIS not have to go on double sessions, as the week, ' For Cooler Days ; • We Carry a Complete do other schools in the township. Selection For The exclusively for $5.00 to $9.95 Huskie Boy! Mrs. Raymond P. VanGlahn as It'. SHERMAN'S FUTURE FASHIONS newly elected president of the P. T. A. here attended the Pl.-T.ifyL For Slip Covert ; presidents' third district meeting Wednesday at the home of Mr*. and Draperies SUITS . . . Jack Preston of Middletown. Guest • GABARDINES •TWEEDS • FLANNELS • CHECKS speaker was Mrs. A. Edwin Burdge of Little Silver,, county president. ' Sizes 33 to 42 $•» W IA fft % W • AA >1 V Pack. 32 of the Cub Scouts', at- Regulars and Long*, «|X ' H ?**'*' tended a baseball game last; week at a at Ebbets field, Brooklyn. Cubs at- tending were Warren DeBrown, SPORTS COATS, corduroy. %\ A Rick Gill, Steve Hahdey, William All wool from $24.50 to $30.00. '*• fabulously Kidd, William Searles, Bruce Hol- lar, Fred Richards, Wayne Wese- man, Kenneth Ka»tle, William Co- SLACKS, gabardine, twe^s,^ \ M |Q }] g.95 low wan, Walter Treacy, Gerald .John- son, William Bender, Russell Raucti and Jay Qllsey, Accompanying them were Cub Scoutmaster John Qllsey, Alto: Sweiteri, RtlncoiU, Underwetr, Den Chief Jeff Gill, Warren De- CALL RE 6-2646 Socki, Neckwear, Drew ShirU, Etc. $ Brown, Sr., John Henry, Mr. arid, Mrs. Fred Gill, Mrs. A. Gordon Fer Sktf •« Heae S 3 ICidd, Paul Cololian, Mrs. Blwood Searles, John Kastle, Harry Treacy, Paul Johnson, Ralph W.eseman, Jr., and Ralph Wesemari, Sr. Clayton & Magee Miss. Mary Elisabeth Searles of OUTFITTERS TO MEN & BOYS SINCE 1924 Orchard rd. entertained at a picnic and swimming party Saturday. 19 IROAD ST. optn Frid./EV.> tn 9 RED IANK, N. J. Guests were Ann Showier of Elber- hteWni tiwrint in i btwm. on, Pat Crowley,. Long Branch; tally fitted Stipin ityli with Irene Kelly, Country Club Estates; loop buttons, rt|il Quttn Anno Conrad Suski, Oakhurst; Paul cellar. VtndoiM Eny, Nw- imntfie Plum, Avifnon Green, O'Connor, Middletown, and Oeorg* Canni Blut. Blelitz, Shrewsbury. Strle3SO-12to20 Mrs. Walter G. Stobo of Nut- Stylo 4S0-14ft to 24tt swamp rd. was tendered a stork shower Thursday at the' home' of Mrs. Floyd A. Thome on Manning st. Co-hostess with Mrs. Thorne was Mrs. John C. Long of Hurley lane, Lincroft. Guests were Mrs. Richard Matthews of Shrewsbury, Mrs. Fred Williamson, Leonardo; Mrs. Otto Richter, Deal; Mrs. So- phie Williamson, Mrs. Ray Wil- liamson and Mrs. Edna McCandleai, Belford; Mrs. Alfred DiShlccIo, Red Bank; Mrs. Jack Fowler, Jr., Lin- croft, and Mrs. William Stobo, Rlv er Plaza. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson of 3»'/i IROAD ST. West Front at. have as their guest WINES & LIQUORS RED BANK, N. J. for the summer, .Mr*. Johnson's brother, Paul Colohan of Washing- ton university', Washington, D. C. FREE DELIVERY —RED BANK 6-3334 An executive meeting of the Riv- er Plaza Woman'* club was held at the home of Mrs. George N. Wagnor, president, in Country Olub Estates. . . . . ' ' V Mrs. Isaac Lewis of Greenwood, DAVIDSON'S BLENDED Ark., is visiting here with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Kidd of Alexander dr. Also guests during the week-end WHISKEY were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McCart- ney and Mr, and Mrs. Alvln Mc- Cartney and son Steve of Hyattt- 39 vllle, Md. .. .. ;-. .59 A meeting and picnic ••will' be,held S*4>t. 1 at McGulre's grove for FIFTH scouts of troop .30 and Brownies 4 3 entering the Scouts this year. Mrs. Benjamin Becker, troop leader, ,who 40ft Whiskey 4 and S yri. old GIN-DAVIDSON'S 80 l'roof 100$ Grain .19 «V99 3 FIFTH ^m QT. ,79 DAVIDSON'S CASE 34 STKDUES PALE DRY No Depot It BEER 2 It* Will Mtftf VilMoV with COM STOCK BONDED DAVIDSON'S KENTUCKY 39 95 "MODMNPOLD" DOOM Rye or Bourbon 4' FIFTH BOURBON 3 FIFTH! 100 IToof . 4 yean old Hour Aland 10 1'roor . 4 years old •iMh on Mock thto yoar't coiot MIRON'S 100% wool wonttd bonded In velvet with its own GOLDIN RIAR block velvat stole • Fort • Ihorrr WINE • HiuuM ^^ *J at* Mm OAL M*itnl»[i Deer* S»l« EMlMtirtlf In i«i Counllti by MINCH IMPORT!* U1 IIMH OVERHEAD DOOR P1ERRK MKLATOUH Chlunll PRODUCTS CORP, N* mulir reltll Mirh.Hp • Me, MKD FIFTH .95 GAL'; DRY WINE WHITE DRY WINE''-'-"' Ovir 91 Vtsn of Contlnuoui gertlte 1 441 SHRIWSIURV AVINUI AHOVM ITKMU KXCLVftlVU WITH DAVIDSON IIIIOH, RID IANK 4V10at RID IANK Pk. Rl Mill RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953 ATLANTIC S GREATEST SALE iTi 6th ANNIVERSARY HOGWILD


MODEL 1856

mamm 95


MODEL 751T21



ATTENTION Navy Men Study Resuscitation RURAL DISTRICTS GENERAL MOTORS QUALITY WATER PUMP BEVERAGES CORWWfJt SYSTEMS For Information Consult ANTHONYS RED BANK 59 MAPLE AVE,~ RED BANK 6-1041 Our special school values YOUR CHOICE Your choice of insur- ance agcnl is just as make important as your SAY IT WITH wonderful choice of doctor or lawyer. reading! Your entire financial structure may some day depend on how well he Pictured at the Stephenson. corporation plant en White has performed his job, HONEY BEE rd., Shrewsbury( \aro • group of Navy men here for a study of the; principlei-of reiutcitators and instructions on mainten- Cotton Slips Grossinger & Heller ance of such equipment. The Stephenion firm—which has Broad & Mechanic Sis. Huisell T. HodfklM gained national attention with its drunkometer—is a leader in Red Bank, N. J. Mi Broad St. the'field of life saving. Among those pictured are, front row, Tel. RE 6-2100 Tel. Red Bank S-44K0 left to right, M. Harry Goodner, director of development at 1.39 the plant; Walter Bertelson, production foreman; three Navy All-wool Cardigans officers, Lieut.'Comdr. R. D. Lewis, Mas. William H. Stephen- Regularly 1.95 son and Mr. Stephenion. You will want\several of these fine ba- and Mrs. Richard J. Nortz and 2.95 100 Attend family, Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Keilt, tiste slips at this special low price. The Mr. 4nd Mrs. Frank V. Petraltls Usually 3.50 CWV Picnic and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lani- skirt is full flare. Top and skirt are trim- gan and family. med with wide eyelet ruffling. St. James post, Catholic War Also, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ward Veterans, held Its annual picnic and family, Mrs. E. Brooks and Cardigan sweaters for girls in red, navy, Sizes 4 to 12. family, Mr. and Mrs. George Stlrn- WHITE SWAN Sunday at McGuire's grove with dark green, heather gray and heather 100 persons attending:. The fare weiss and family, Grandin Bills and UNIFORMS family, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Re- consisted of hot frankfurters and gan, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. beige. Sizes 7 to 12. saner kraut, hamburgers and on- Francis Sngurton and family, Mrs. loiu, corn, potato salad, cole slaw, R. Sagurton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corduroy Jackets baked beans, pickles, ollvcj, dev- J. Salmon and family, Mr. and Mrs. iled eggs, beer and soda. Neil Scotti and family, Mr. and WfNNH HARRY & LOU SILVER Baseball and horseshoe pitching Mrs. Russell Stroupe and family, Surcoats FASHION ACADEMY THE FINEST was enjoyed as well as swimming Mrs. Joseph Laurino, Sr., Mr. and 6.95&T.95 GO10 MEDAL and boat rides for the children. Mrs. E. Soden and family, Mrs. The committee in charge consisted Melvin Rose ana family, Mr. and AWARD WATCH REPAIRING of Evan Lavlnghouse, Jr., Maurice Mrs. Maurice A. Sutton, Sr., Mrs. A. Sutton, Sr.. Henry J. Bielecki Ralph Kilzen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 10.95 Regularly 8.95 & 10.95 and Alfred J. Targonsky. Food was Morris and family, Mr. and Mrs. furnished by the post and auxiliary A. J. Targonsky and family. Warm, handsome outdoor jackets for • members. Mrs. Mary Targonsky, Michael Girls corduroy jackets in navy and red 98 Those present were Sirs. Frank Targonsky, Mrs: Georgia Mason, boys and girls. Gabardine shell, 10-ounce P. Arnone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hague, Jr., and ploid, fully lined,"cardigan neckline! 5 Henry Bielecki ainl family, Mr. family, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sidun, wool interlining, Fur collar, trimmed and Mrs. Joseph W. Canning and Mr. and Mrs. Monte Geronl and knitted inner wristlets. Navy, brown, Sizes S to 6x 6.9S Pin* quality poplin. Notch family, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Corrl- family, Mrs. N. Slcca, Misses Mar- gan, John E. Day, Bartholomew lene Collins and Theresa Lucisano, IS DONE AT THE "little pink shop" green. Sizes 8 to 12. Sizes 7 to 14 7.95 cellar. Plaated and tucked J. Grimley, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mr. and Mrs. Chestor Mlerzwlnski QUICK SERVICE ON ALL MAKES Holian and family, Mr. and Mrs.and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent yoke. Flared skirt. Sid* Joseph F. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.Arnone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Lavlnghouse, Jr., and fam- Robert J. Flynn and family, Mr. gripper. Yoke back. Set-in SILVER JEWELERS ily, Mrs, Joyce Wierabickl and fam- and Mrs. Pat D'Aloia, Mr. and Mrs. Pert dresses by Kate Greenaway and Margery Daw ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler, J. Riordan, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas "the litllc pink sliop just a jew steps off Broad Street" j belt, Siiet 12 to 20. Stanley Macintosh, Mr. and Mrs.Barbeto and family, Mr. and Mrs. 11 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Harold Mangarelli and family, Mr. Lee Runnell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter's underwear. .. McKem and Donmoor polo shrts and Mrs. Leslie C McBrlde, Mr. D. Shannon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Organ.


WMIR ROAST School Days Ib. JAMBOREE TfctfoofrriwftiofBaaiu Juaattuiibfaagw (or MNft»i4i*f irowiag ft«t. Froaa fctel to CHUCK 39 lot, BvMtr Browni art eudf wiib iht best BONELESS ai«Mrisli,.. |l»« aiaaf aor* ktrd-wetr i»IUi RUMP CORNED 79f . CORNED BRISKET 59 per doittr. N«w tad coaptttt Mochi oi b ib. 4t*-*niaf, loflg*w«trie| Bamr Browai »if now M roer Batter Brown deiltr'i Mort. JERSEY 10CU SUNKIST SNO-WHITE FREESTONE . BriB| yvtt fOOAfwerin for rh* t*4*ctft ia ORANGES A««rki't(or trate the great public service of- still in critical condition at Hazard bring about the end of the war Mr. Newquist explained that fered by the volunteers. hospital whore he is being treated and permit him to return home there was no shortage of water, for fractures of both legs, an arm by early 1951. but the use of sprinklers by many and for a severe head injury suf- "But in the 10 or 50 letters we'vi persons at the same time caused fered early yesterday in a collision received from him while he's been a drain that prevented pumping of Council Returns at rt. 35 and Boers St., just boyond a prisoner, he told us that he was the water as quickly as it was the rt. 36 overpass here. In the best of health. He worked needed. He said when it became John DeSantis, 63, of 209 First in the kitchen in tho POW camp apparent the pressure was not Planner's Bill St., South Amboy, was killed In the and played on the camp's basket- adequate the company inserted EATONTOWN—The mayor and collision. He was pronounced dead ball team. Chester got a lot of mail newspaper advertisements desig- council last night returned a bill on arrival at the office of Dr. F. from us—one day he received 18 nating alternate days in certain for $280 to the chief of New Jer- W. Holman, whero ho wns taken lottcrs from home," his father said. areas for water consumers to use sey's planning section, Herbert H. by the Keyport first aid squad, Picture, of Sister sprinklers. Smith, asking that it be Itemized. which sent two ambulnnccs to the At the Aug. 12 meeting coun- scene. The other rig took Mr. "His sister,' Nancy, was flv« Sprinkling Problem . cil heard a letter from Mr. Smith months old when he was taken Stalker '.o Hazard. prisoner, and we've sent him many The utility official said that his praising the local planning board Police here said the accident oc company cannot force user3 to re- for having made a "thorough and pictures of her," Mr. Gorski said, ourrcd at 2:35 a. m. yesterday. Mr. Chester's brothers are John Gor- frain from sprinkling, but that In intelligent study." Also In that DeSantis' car, northbound on the its next petition to the public util- night's business was a $280 voucher ski, 19, who was employed In s, highway, jumped a curb at the Red Bank service station, and Rob- ity commission for rates, the com- from Mr. Smith to cover eight The above photo it nor an example of "too many cooki." These Rotarians are only lop of the rt. 36 overpass. It rolled pany expects to request a change days' service as planning consult- ert Gorski, 14, a pupil at Francl* with two wheels on (he grass and place school here. in rules that would allow it to ant. At that meeting Mr. Smith's "posing" at the Red Bank club's annual clambake yesterday at McGuire't grove in Middle- two on tho roadway to the bottom enforce a "no sprinkling" rule. bill was laid over for "study." "Our last letter from him wa» town township. Actually the gentlemen above formed the clambake committee. They aro, of tho overpass, then crossed the received early this month. It ws* Mrs. I. T. Bartlctt, King's hwy., In other business council rejected safety Island at the Beers st. In- Chester Gormkl appeared in behalf of the Middle- an offer of $2,100 from Brfle Clean- . left to right: Victor Satter, chairman; Daniel Dondi, Robert de la Reussille, Peter Genovese, tersection. Police aald the car mailed May 21. But today's the day town Neighborhood association and ers, Fair Haven, for seven acres of we've been waiting for," exclaimed Dr. M. Gregg Hibbt, club president, and Dr. Morgan P. Colio. More than 100 attended the crashed head-on into Mr. Stalker's "I was so excited, I really got asked Mr. Newquist several ques- land on Wall st. Borough Clerk car, which was southbound on rt. Mr. Gorski. tions, Andrew G. Becker said the three bake, which was put on by Hen Harvey of Oa khurst. Charles Gotschalk provided accordion all balled up," Mr, Gorski said this Chester enlUUed at Red Bank In 35. morning. "I told that poor fellow A letter written by Township lots Involved had been appraised at music. A distinguished visitor was Robert B. Meyner, Democratic candidate for governor. Oct., 1949. Ha completed basic at $4,000, which the borough is list- Mr. Stalker's car overturned. He In N.e\vark that Chester wa« mar-Fort Dix and had a furlough at Clerk Howard W. Roberts to the was pinned in the vehicle by the ried and had two boys. He's sin- New Jersey Highway Authority ing as the minimum offer -it will home, then reported to Fort Lewli, accept. steering post. First aid squad men gle, you know, and th« two boys Wash. His outfit went directly t» wrote the township committee that Red Banker Hurt Tax Board Sustains pried off a door and found hts legs are his brothers!" Dwight rd. was to be closed in ac- Korea, after the outbreak of hos- No Liquor Store,' Cabins 25,000 Attend pinned, He was fried from the car Mr. Oorskl said that h« vrilUd tllltl«a on June 29, 1950, and WM cordance with an agreement with Watching Horse Race Local Shop Assessment and taken to Dr. Holman's office the township committee. Mr. Rob- A letter from M. of New- for ths It o'clock newt last night in action until h* was taken pris- ark asked if lots 5 to 13 he owns before he was removed to the hoa —as he's done every night since oner. erta replied that the authority is HAGERSTOWN, Md. (A.P.) — Baby Parade Assessor George W. Bray today pltal. in error because "The township on Wyckoff rd. could bo used for Vincent B. Parchmant of Red received word from the county tax the beginning of Operation Big Hs Is a graduate of a grammar never agreed to close Dwight rd a delicatessen-package store or for Bank, N. J., was among 16 specta- BRADLEY BEACH—This bor- board that tho board has sustained ' Dr. Julius A. Toren, county phy- Switch. Used to not hearing of his school In Jersey City, wh«r«" hU and it is done against our wishes cabins. He also wanted to know tors who were hurt when four ough's first baby parade Tuesday a. 12,700 assessment against the sician, said Mr. DeSantis 'chest son's release, he retired. A driver family lived at th; time. and with our protests." the building requirements for the benches toppled over during the drew 25,000 spectators. It was part Hudson shop, Broad st., Red Bank. was crushed against the driving for a beer distributor in northern Plans are under way hers for a area. ' To the first two questions running of the eighth race here of the municipality's diamond jubi- wheel of his car. The body was re-New Jersey, Mr, Gorski rises at "real celebration." Councilman Mar- Mayor Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., Mr. Becker was directed to reply: lee celebration. C. Alan Hudson, owner of the 5 «• m. tin B. Lohaen U chairman of k said the township is trying to ar- yesterday. shop, appealed the assessment im- moved to the Day funeral home "No." Pavchmant suffered injuries to Winner of the grand prite loving here, and moved later yesterday Called at 1:15 A. M. ** welcome home committee, a prep- range another meeting to see if it cup.was Barbara Rose Kushel, flve- posed by Mr. Bray when he discov aration made at council's last regu- , can halt the closing of Dwight rd., Another property problem was his left shoulder and back. He was ered the store had been overlooked to the Gundrum funeral home at raised by Anthony Montuori who X-rayed at Washington County ye»r-Pl(J'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. South Amboy. "But the phon» wok« us at 1:15 lar meeting in line with Miyor which 1» to be cut In half by the Harold Kushel "of New Brunswick, when assessments were made up this morning. Her* was this news- Jamea J. Gravsny'i declaration Garden State parkway. He aald he owns four lots in Shark River Road Memorial hospital and released. last October. -The board heard Mr. Patrolman John Vlsconl and Estates, off Wyckoff rd. Mr. Mon- Track officials said spectators were who appeared as "The Baby in the George Beach, a special patrolman paperman telling us that Chester that "we want to let him know expects another meeting will be Hose." , . .:.,•„.. Hudson's appeal Tuesday when the was free. We really went to pieces. he's appreciated." held. tuori said he understands he will standing and sitting on movable owner contended his $2,700 assess- investigated lor police here. need, five lots in order to build on benches on the concrete concourse First, prlie .In the aniateutJloat ment- was proportionately higher Want Year Bound Collection. the land, since 75-foot lots-are re- in front-of the clubhouse when award went to Gayle Wilklns, three than those of slmlliar shops in the A letter asking for twice-weekly quired. It was indicated that such someone on a rear bench became years old, of Bradley Beach, for borough. The board reserved de- garbage collections for the entire might be the case .unless the zoning excited, toppled forward and spilled her "Diamond Jubilee" purple and cision after hearing the appeal. Papal Designation year Instead of just during the sum- board of adjustment decides to over onto the front benches. One silver float. In second place was Boro Makes School Street One Way, mer months was received from the grant a variance. Mr. Becker said, eye witness said the spectators Ann Weinsteln, five years old, of Mr. Bray said this morning lie Port Monmouth Civic aaaociation. although Mr. Montuori bought the went "down like dominoes." Oak and Ellis sta., Freehold, who hail been informed by the board It led to a dlscuaston that com- property in 1949—before the exist- portrayed the "Spirit of Bradley that it had determined the prop- Upheld by Court Prohibits Parking on South Side plaints have been received that in ing ordinance was introduced—that Beach" on a patriotic float. erty was omitted when the assess- FREEHOLD — The selection of some sections it Is being collected a map of the subdivision was never County winners in the band divi- ments were made up. The board, Pope Plus XII of the Home for the orjly once a week during the sum' filed. _ . sion wore the Engllshtown Lions said the assessor, fixed the assess- Aged and Infirm Priests in Udlnc, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Bor- would begin at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m., Reds Trade-In' band and the Keyport Junior Drum ment against the Hudson shop at Italy, as beneficiary of a Long ough council Tuesday night adopt- and permission was sought for the mer. The committee decided to Permission was granted the ed an ordinance making a one-way writ* a letter to the garbage con- Drive-In theater to have a fire- and Bugle corps, who were second $2,700. Branch woman's $48,000 estate was use of ten buses on ths shore rout* upheld hero yesterday by Superior street of East Washington ave, be- round trip. tractors that If they do not col-works display Friday, Sept. 4. Cpl. R. 0. Evans and third, respectively. They re- tween First and Third aves., with lect twice a week during the sum- ceived loving cups. Court Judge Thomas Schettlno. traffic eastbound, and prohibiting Exceptions Granted mer they will be eliminated from Oppose New Gas Bates OCEAN GROVE—Mrs. Hortcnse Queen of the parade was Miss Heirs of Mra. Angelica Cella, 84- ABC Charge Holds parking on the south side of the Recommended in a letter from consideration for future contracts. Council voted to have Borough Sontng of 76 Mt, Tabor way here Carol Shertzer. ' year-old fruit dealer, hoped to up-street. Fire Chief _ Garrett A. Corson Attorney Howard W. Roberts repre- late last night hoard that her son, set a provision of her will which the board of adjustment, excep- wa/i granted permission to drive sent It at the P.U.C. hearings on Cpl. Rodney O. Evans, had been Skipper for Jury designated the Pope to select a Parking is forbidden between 8 tions were granted by council to the department fire chief's car to New Jersey Natural Gaa company's released by the Reds from a pris- Two Reserve Officers "Catholic home for the aged" In a. m. and * p. m. during the school Mary L. Jones, proprietor of th« th« International Fire Chiefs con- request for rate Increases, at which oner of war camp In Korea as Op- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Mag- Udinc, her. birthplace. year, defined In the ordinance as West End grocery at Center ave. vention In Toronto Sept. 13. The de time the borough's . opposition is eration Big Switch entered Us final Receive Promotions istrate Irving B. Zclchner last Receiving $5,000 each were a nep- running from the day after Labor and Ave. B, for the sale of pack- day until the following June 20. The aged liquor goods, as an extension partment had previously approv to be voiced. mr two weeks with tho freeing of 12 Two Army Reserve officers serv- night held Elmer J. Horvath of hew, Qscar DoGano; a half brother, cd it. John Moschenroa of Cortlandt id. residents of the metropolitan area. Highlands, skipper of the fishing Umbcrto DeGano, and a niece, Mar- street will be one-way during that of the grocery business, and to ing- with Red Bank Reserve units period. Henry B. Ricth for the construc- complained that a small clearing To a newsman from Newark who have been promoted, one to major party boat "Flash King" at the garet DoGano, all of Long Branch. GillvlUe Ijuie FeUtion on Walter avc. is being used as a told her tho news, Mrs. Sontag They and another nophow, Hugo Penalties for violations original- tion of a dwelling 20 feet from and the other to captain, according yacht harbor horo, for the action Mount ave. and 17 feet from Eighth Committoeman Frank F. Blals- dump. He said he has frequently cried: "Thank Heaven, I thought to Information received hore today of the grand jury o*l throe charges DeGano of South America, contest- ly were set at <25 fine or five days doll suggested the committee as a cleaned It of such items as horse they'd never trade him In." A let- ed the will, They argued that Mrs in jail, but Borough Attorney John ave., due to plot conditions, The from hendqunrters of the New Jer- growing out of the alleged suln nf exception granted to the grocery whole inspect Gillvillo lane and bandages, but asked why It should ter written In April from the POW sey Military district at Kearny. beer aboard the boat within the Cella intended to leave her estate M. Plllsbury Tuesday night told make a decision whether the town- not be a matter for the garbage camp told her that'her son was three-mile limit. to a home for old people in general, council that the state division of is a preparatory step toward th« ship should take over that road. or police departments. Councilman well at the time. "I've been wait- James- A. Alger, 72 Division St., not to a home for priests. It was motor vehicles required that penal- purchase of a plenary retail dis- Keyport, executive officer of the Horvatli was released In $1,000 tribution license. The action . came after a petition Fred S. Morris said he will have ing for word every hour since the ball. Impounded by agents of the brought out that the Pope had se-ties be set at $50 fine or 15 days signed by 20 persons was received the police check on the complaint exchange began," she said, 3d battalion, 309th Infantry regi- lected the only home for the aged In jail, or both. The division said Council approved the $2,M9,i7 asking for water and lights there. ment, of the 78th (Jersey Light- division of Alcoholic BevoraRe Con- this was according to statute, Mr. Mr, Moschenros also complained Mrs. Sontag said her son has been ning) division, has been awardod trol, the craft and Horvath's pick- in Udlnc. settlement of $2,935.25 In back Township Engineer Craig Finncgan of itinerant dealers on the high- a prisoner since Nov. 3, 1950. He up truck also were released under Julius Golden, Long Branch at- Pillsbury reported. taxes, interest and current taxes informed the committee that the his majority, Promoted to captain way who peddle vegetables and was attached to battery C of the Is Warren A. Turner, Intelligence bond. His mate, a 15-yenr-old from torney, was executor of tho will The ordinance was requested by due on the "red house" at Mount road is not now owned by the fruits.. He said they represent an Second division's 38th field artil- this place, was released in the cus-Ho Bald Mrs. Cella felt sorry for the board of education in an effort and Second aves., said to be the township. officer of Headquarters battery, eyesore as well as being unfair to lery, and had been In action' since 903d Field Artillery battalion, who tody of his parents for the action aged people and wanted to leave toward greater safety adjacent to oldest building in the borough and Mr. Flnnegan reported that per- local merchants. He was told that early fall that year. resides at Pine Tree park In Eat-of the juvenile conference com- lier money to a Catholic home for tho schools. It was formally ap- owned by the estate of Dr. H. A. mission has been received from council is attempting to find a way ontown. mittee. old people of her own town. proved by the school board at its Hcndrlckaon. Council's action was to regulate such businesses, last regular mooting, and Mrs. taken on the recommendation of the state highway department, Fort's Explosions Both officers are veterans of com- Frank A. Carson and George W. The court ruled Mrs. Cella had which is financing the project, to given the Pope sole power to select Robert S. McTague, board presi- Councilman Patrick J. McConnell, Farkway Troubles Annoy Residents bat duty in World War II, Maj.Hendrickson, ABC agents, charged dent, Tuesday night said the board chairman of the finance committee, proceed with the hard surfacing of Alger fighting in the Philippines the youth sold beer to them yester- a home and that she had even spc section one, East rd. This Is the Mr. Morris complained that re clfled that It be in Udlne. was "happy to have It put Into who said that, although he's op- cent maps of the parkway fail to 'EATONTOWN—Mayor F. Bliss and Captain Turner with Army day while the boat was inside the effect." posed to making "settlements," the last section of that road to be Im- Price said this morning that Fort artillerymen In France. three-mile limit, proved, and members of the town- show the borough's name. He was "concession" of $386.08 will permit told that the road -to the traffic Monmoulh officials huve promised To Represent Boro the property to again be listed on ship committee expressed a desire to discontinue tho explosions near, After an executive session, coun- to have It completed by the end circle hero would be called the Wyckoff rd. which have boon a Taverns Seek the tax rolls and therefore provide of this year. They authorized Mr. Eatontown Interchange, Council- cil directed Mr. Pillsbury to repre- the borough an Income. man James N. Wolcott, Jr., cau-sourco of annoyance to residents sent borough residents a.t a hear- Finnegan to advertise for bids to of that area, Newsman Tells Fort Lieutenant Hours' Extension ing to be conducted by the board To Seek Diesel Bids bo received at the Sept. 9 meeting tioned, however, that council should John Moachenros of Cortlandt for the 1.1 mllos of work. not hurry In signing maps request- KEANSBURG— Tavern owners of public utility commissioners Borough Clerk Nelson H. Rob- ed by the Parkwny authority. In- rd, last night presented council a Monday of applications by the New petition calling for an Investigation hero are socking an extension of Jersey Natural Gas company for erts was instructed to advertise dicating he expects difficulties, Mr. of Iho practice. Ho said cannons Of Brother's Release by Reds legal hours for drinking. for bids for a standby Diesel en- Wolcott said ho has hoard that one Increases In rales, gine generator for tha water plant, property Is being condemned which explode from "dark to dawn." The Members of the Kcansburg Tav- Council as a result of a discus- mayor said tho explosions havo FORT MONMOUTH — A tele- confinement, only two lottcrvi wore ern Owners association are circu- to bo received at council's next O'Mara Flays COP will bring Iho interchange 16 feet phone call from a newsman In Now- sion during the executive session mooting Tuesday, Stpt. 8. Coun- from a resident's house. Mr. Beck- been part of night maneuvers on a received by i tho sergeant's family, lating petitions asking that the with Homy Rich, proprietor of tract loaned by tho government for ark just after midnight Tuesday Lieut, Hays said, Tho flriit lottor, question of intending thn 2 o'clock cil approved the salo ot a 193ft er added ho has received copies of told Lieut, Robert L. Hays, supply Nichols* market at First and Mount truck used by tho street department about a dozen condemnations, training purposes, Ho said tho first recclvod by his mother, Mrs, Efflo closjng now In effect lo 3 % m avos,, ronowod Mr, Rich's lease of In Sea Girt Talk complaint was received two weeks officer for the photography division' Hays of Palrndale, Cal., more thitn weekdays and 3:30 it, m. week. for $100, The clerk also was In- Mr, Morris aaked If council had tho borough property for three structed to protest the excessive 3EA GIRT—"Any party too long ago and fort officials then said tho of the signal school here, that his a year and a half aftor ho wn«ends and holidays be placed on yenrs nt $100 per month, Mr, Rich, in power seems to lose the com- takon action to limit gasoline sta explosions would coaso. They brother, Sgt, Edward O. Hays, was speed of Bluo and White company tions, Mr. Wolcott and Councilman taken prisoner, Raid that Sgt. Hays the ballot. according to terms of the lease, mon touch," declared State Son, started up af!aln Vrldny nlglil, how- among the 133 American prisoners wa« well and llmt ho'd received buses along Memorial pkwy, to the Ralph L, Lewis said Iho subject Put Into circulation last Thur.i- will be responsible for Interior al- bus company. Edward J. O'Mnra at Hudson coun- ever, and again tho fort wan con-roleasod yestorday by tho Reds at oranges and candy sent by his dny, tha petitions today boar more teration*, whllo the borough will ty boforo TOO Democrat* lnst night was studied last year, but wns tacted. This tlmo tho mayor snld, Freedom Village In Koron, 1 discarded an unconstitutional. Mr. family foi Christmas, 1051, Four or than the required number of sig- continue to maintain the building's Also referred to the police com- nt Sea Girt Inn. The meeting was dcflnltn insurances woro given that Anothor telephone call from five months later, the second letter natures, It In said. Tho petitions exterior. The store In located In a mittee woro complaints ot speed- hold In hchnlf of the cnndklucy of Lowls explained, however, that scr< Iho training area would ho changed. Trenton ycslovday morning brought Ing along Bay ave,, Ave, D, Center 1 repeated that ho was "fooling flno." seek repeal of tho 2 o'clock closing part of borough hall, Robert B, Moynoi for govornor, vice stations ennnot bo built In In The imiyoi' missed Inst night's meet- the text of a, wlro from the Do- duatrlal areas, They Am permitted Thn lieutenant said yestcrdny approved by voters during the ad- live, and Highland ave,, »nd of "People aro sick and tired of ing nnd thus could noL relay the fcn«o department, received later In Hint ha had not known that ho'cl ministration of former Mayor lr«- llcsse Bill OK'd lengthy delays along Center ave. In tho business section*, ho said, poll's promlso, Council President thn morning s.1 the lieutenant's and West Highland ave, caused ths Republican pnrly," continued Onto again, action on bids for boon listed as next of kin by hU tlx J. Bronnan, Tnvern ownors will rucrlvod nt s. special meeting the the state senator, who lives at the Spcnuer Patomon promlsod the home, 462 Octan »vc, Long Branch. brother, .but thought thn reason to risk rculdonts toapprovo n o'clock week before, the 13,076 hid of by shuttling trains at the railroad tho new fire alarm system woro complaint would go dlroctly to tho Tha wire also said that Lieut, Hays station here. corner of Rumson nnd Harding laid over, Firemen aro studying be that his mother hns moved lo closing Sunday through Thursday Charles J, Hosso, Inc., of Belford rds, In Little Silver, "The ovldonce Soorotnry of .War If satisfaction will be Informed of his brother's •everal places from their homo at nights and 3:30 closing Friday), for road gravel, tar and wash systems In adjoining municipal could not bo gained locally. routo and probable arrival date In Council approved thi donation of If abundant on evory hand," ho tloi and apparently havon't roach Chilllcothe, Mo, Saturdays and holidays, gravel was acoopted by council an additional 1200 to the municipal added. this country, Tuesday night. Repairs will be od a conclusion, OUKIII band to bring Its contribution to The lonntor'n advocacy of the MngUtrato Hnrvoy D, Louln wan Probe Theft Cubl«« Inchon' made to thn following roads: lllll- $700, Alio approved waa the In- A career ofllcor, Moul, Hayo said WKATIIKK •Idu dr,, Keystono dr,, fourth ave, stallation of n concrete walk and election of Mnynnr wn» takon as appolntnd a momlwr of tho Jtivo "I don't know If ho'll rocolve II, he's had one thought, to plnnuo him proof that the ctindklnto from Phil- nllo eonfnronco committee, 01' ft 10,000 in 1'ulr, continued warm tonight from Mount ave, to Ocean blvd,, A drinking fountain at the Center but I Immediately «ont s, cable lo throughout his brother'* confine- We»t Washington nve, from First avc, park adjacent to the new mu- II pub ii ifr will rooclvo I tin support of LOCUST -•• Palrolninii Tlnymohd tho prisoner n( wnr camp at In- ment, a thought eased JuM yculiir- nnd tomorrow, Hlglnml In low tht Hn.)!un Domotvatlo forces In Wiilllnjr I* coiHIiuilnjf mi InventlgB" ave, lo the nillrond, West Highland nicipal parking lot between Center HIT AM) HUN (JHASII ohon, where roloasttl POW's RO for dny by thn phono messngeni "1 IID's, l.ow tunlglil M lo 70. fJcnlln nve, from the railroad to Many and Mount ave*,, ntong Railroad' Jersoy Clly, with which O'Marn lion of thn theft of two niaco* of proconslng After thry Irsvt Free- recruited him." winds, inoftll)1 ftiiuth nnd smith- Ionic IIAA boon nlllcd, Moynor nU TOWN-A iiuunly ulnrrn Jowolry, repnrlfldly valued at $10,000 Mind iTcnk and WIMIP.V nve, from avt, Calcium chloride will he ap- dom Vllliign," tho lloiilcnunt «nkl K\ pin I ncd ths llnilunnnl: "I WIIA wi'il IIIi' licit M hour*, flnventh nvp. In Central live, Cuun- plied to the parking lot toilny, hug tho bucking »f llio rivnl Ken nan been broadcast ftir n. drlvei from thn liiiiiin of Mr*, Thomas ycntni'iliiy afternoon, 1 Mslgnnl In reniiltlnK In Chilli- oil's Hclliin-sci'i'iitlng the low bid 1 ny fautlun In HucUou county, wliosn cur di'Uuk nn iiulo driven by Hrinvn nn Nnvoatnk lllvpi id, liner. Lieut, liny* «ald hi* brother, a Mayor Wnldron I . Smith and Frank n, Lcunn of Lyndhurst nt In 10(11 when my Imithrr fin - C«mu SunimiliK uffned li.v I ho llrrnio linn nnd «o< U'Mni'il denounced tho ctuicui Thn theft was iTpot'lrid Momlny niumboi' or company L of the Hint lulled K ono-yenr hitch, A buddy borough council momhera will ho system In thn Cl.0,11, controlled tho Plvu Cornets' Inleriocllun horo of Inal week, Mra, XJi'pwn told Mid- nitfl In mir cltnn, iirlvntn inline roomi Incllng thn street* in he repaired — Mr, Pillabury'i guests Monday H'iflrncnl of the 24th InranU'y divi- finished a Navy enllstnicnl, nnd Ii/ iu|irii Kniihulu limit HIIII ImiiU At UII* taken on the recommomhllon •tats legislature us "a slmmeful unrly thin morning nud failed to dlctowii township police Hint sho sion, wo* In the flrit movement u( nil, Alttrttlnni to lit you O'rionillr night when the attorney »I>D It stop, Mlddlotown township police they thought they'd try the Army rut nrvlcn wllhuut WKIIIIK, or for hom« of Borough Engineer Craig Finnu- abuse of domoorntlo powori," nolod Iho dUii)>|ioal'ancu of a l)l'tto«> troops from Japan to Korea In hait to the Lions club nt hln horn* tor another three yrurn. Flo, In Son* HkllOIntllniI, oniW 1*11l in:•<•' .•••1,11fl.-jn14., Noutli JJ«n»« r gun, Moynor charged the Parkway au- •aid tho oar, a blnolt nednn, suffered lot, huarlnir ISO small diamonds, p ,,„ on Nutswamp rd., Middletown damaiio to tho right roar ond when July, 1DB0, Juit Afttr ths beginning totnbar I swore them In," Hiir*lo«• • l• Supply- ' , 0,g1] KKIK I p ront n4 Council referred lo the police thorities failed to consult local nnd it diamond pin about •1:30 that Usn KI— Advirtlifmpnl, township, It till licit the other vnhlaln nliotit of hoatllltlos on Juno 3D. "He'd liosn Iluli u yesterday'* oxohnngo sent commiti(t(« n roqunnt from Boro nnd county ntithorltloit In plnnnlng morning wlmn she roso to OIOKO n In Jnpitn i 'nut two months, and 0:10 II window In lim* bmlrooiu, Operation 1% Hwltcli Into It* Until I will nut tit I'Mtionilbl* Ini' »nv il»l/i Uutet, Inc., for pvrmlialon to run tlio route, with iho result Unit It arrived In Korea on inn lint or two woitlis nnd provided Lieut, will load to sorlous bottlenecks In iMilrii'lril Iiy my ivltn Aiulrty lUuiir •iKhtnetlng IUISM along Ocean blvd,, Aft•<• thfa ilutt, t will Hut bi rtiiom «euond of July, lie wm taken prli> llny/i and hU fnmlly wllli the news IIHttdl Aunuit I", Itiiill, li'lint Avt, and Memorial pkwy, The ilbli fur tai (UbU ninlriieliil In mf munlulnnlltlM along llio shore bor Pletmt! frenia fentli, Tht mmjiri JlrnKiiiki KrliUy IIIKIII, Aimuit It, Jiiliii llmiitr, ninn it tttv wlfi, VM»t l,uiMH«»n, freinn funds with old iMhioniil loodnm, lifurilmlk, Luny onnc nn Ihn 13th," they've lnng«tv\vnlli>d, "that uw all l>u*ift would pick up and dltcnarge deilng on tht jmrliwuy,. mim, IK nr>«n tvi,, »•* Urlihl, K, 1, , Nlirntrf, Jtmit II, Un —Advirtllimtal, During till more thin three be forgotten now,"' MNIMmmt itnn «t Aibury Puk, Toun •JUttttlitatntt Page Two' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953

sisters, Misses Maryland Agnes U. S. Savings Bond Drive at Bendix PERSONALS Kane of highway 35,' Middletown •Stirny' Accepts RBC Grid Post; Licenses Revoked township. They made the trip East Mr. and Mrs. Dante Summont by plane. ••"' • Indians Clear Path for Assignment For 2 Soldiers of Lelghton ave., are parent* of William H. Egolf of 36-Hilltop daughter, born Friday at River ter. is a surgical patient litiRiver- EATONTOWN — John C. Corley, view hospital. view hospital this week, ^piong George' H. "Snuffy" Stlrnweiss., a Fort Monmouth soldier, was Jalld Miss Thelma-F. Turner, daughtei the medical patlentis at Rivexview will coach Red Bank Catholic high here last week when he was unabli of Mrs. Ethel Turner of Pearl st., are Mrs. Nellie Giblin, 68 Bridge to fay a $53 fine levied by Magla ave.; William Murphy, 138 Branch . school's football team this year. has gone to Virginia, before she trate Harvey D. Lculn. will return to her teaching post ave., and JameB Wardell, 278 Me- That definite announcement yes- Found guilty of speeding, Corley tion in a North Carolina school chanic st. terday followed a long period o£ was fined and had his license re- During the summer, Miss Turne: Mr. and Mrs. G. Edwin Jonea indecision, during which he has voked for six months. He was re- completed several graduate stud; of Hubbard Woods, 111., are parents ; leased from, jail after two day frequently been reported as as- courses in music at Columbia unl of a Bon, George Edwin Jones, •when the Une was paid. veraity in New York city. Jr., born July 28 In Chicago, 111. signed to the poet. Actually, "Snuf- Another Fort Monmouth soldier Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis o Mr. and Mrs. William L. Jones, fy" has long been anxious to have had his license revoked for six River st. are parents of a daughtei Sr., of Maple ave., the child's grand- a hand in local youth work, but months for careless driving and was born Monday at Monmouth M parents, returned this week from fined <30. He wne Bib Southard, moriai hospital. Illinois where they visited their .-his "first love—baseball," held up who was Involved In an acclden son and daughter-in-law and at- final agreements, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rlley o with Joseph Walko of Burns pi. Catherine it. are parents of a son tended the christening last week- , Saturday'* "Old Timers' Day" at Walko also was charged with care- born Sunday at Monmouth Memor- end. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Jr., of Yankee stadium erased the final less driving, but was found no ial hospital. Shrewsbury and their daughter Peggy Anne also attended tha barrier to his taking the local job. guilty. Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin A. Crat< Following a talk with Hank Green- In other cases, Thomaj Bloase o christening, with Mr. Jones serving moved Monday from their formei as godfather for his nephew. Mrs. berg Stirnweiss was given permis- Asbury Park, the truck driver wh residence at 30 Irving pi. Into thi sion by the Cleveland baseball club tried to clean his windshield whll Jones Is the former Joan Layden new, pretentious home on Rumsoi of Kenllworth, III. toto negotiate with minor leagueB driving, paid $8 for careless driving. rd., opposite the Seven Bridge rd to negotiate with minor leagues His truck struck another truck at Little Silver. Mr. Crate is a senio: Maj. and Mrs. William E. Leary To Try For Minor* the Wyckoff rd.-highway 35 inter- member of the Albert S. Mille: and eon Daniel have returned from section. Karlsruhe, Germany, where they To understand this it must be Shoe company on Broad St. Fined ?8 each for careless driv- Mayor and Mrs. William A. Mille: have been stationed three years, understood that two years ago ing were Frank J. Iny, New York and are vUltlng Mrs. Leary's par- Stlrnweiss had a chance to ink a and daughter Carolyn of Don-£-Sa: George H. Stiniwclss city; John Bolden, Aabury Park an Incorporated municipality or ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Van- two-year contract with a Triple-A Adelc Jewell, Elizabeth, and Edson Brunt of William st. Maj, Leary ball club, but couldn't get his re- the Gulf boulebard near St. Peters Beuhp.n, Newark. Bruno Sestito, burg, former residents of Ret will now be stationed in Long Is- lease because Cleveland officials Long Branch, paid $5 for violating land City. Mrs. Lcary U the former j considered him too valuable. Sev- Clubwomen Plan Bank, arrived last week by moto a stop street regulation. William to spend a limited time here on Betty VanBrunt. j era.1 months later--when he was Opening Luncheon A. Ebcrlo o! Connecticut paid $13 ' -sent to Indianapolis—the transfer social and business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kaplan for passing: a red light. Sol Led- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyd o: df McLaren st,, and their grand- started what was consldeved i\ LITTLE SILVER—The Woman's wltz, Longr Branch, nnd Miguel Stirnweiss-Groenberg feud. Any club will hold Its opening luncheon Lake ave. are on a motor trl daughter, Mlsa Marilyn Zager, Marlines, Bronx, paid $8 each for "down east." Souvenir cards re daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham - feud apparently was dissolved with Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 12:30 p. m. red light violations. Saturday's talk. at Joseph's, West Long Branch. celved from them state that the J. Zager of East Bergen pi., left Coleman Hclthnll of Point rd.. have enjoyed their stay at Cape Co Monday by plane for Benton Har- As things stand EUrnwcIss may Mrs. Joseph Serplco is general Edward F. Koler of 34 Hillcrait rd.,. Fair Hav»n, chairman of tha currant U. S. Sav- chairman, Little Silver, paid $8 for speeding. and are en route to points of in bor, Mich., where they will be the accept any of several minor league Mrs. Batt L. Spain of Montclah Stanley Banlo of Holmdel paid $10 ings bond campaign in Monmouth county, sign 1 up for saving* bonds during bond sailing drive terest in New Hampshire. Mr. Boyc guests of the Kaplans' son-in-law offerings, He could couple a base- for speeding. John R. Bohner of Is on a vacation from his duties al and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David ball manager's job with his Casey a past president of the Now Jci at Bsndix plants, whara ha is ganaral manager. Plant savings bonds repratantativas shewn n scy State Federation of Women's Union City paid $5 for improper Kridel's clothing store. Pollyea. The couple will return coaching because the seasons would home by plane, arriving Labor day. clubs, will be a guest. A musical passing. with Mr. Kolar ara: left, to right, David Barman, 87 East Bergen pi., Red Bank, representing Mr, and Mrs. John Barrett an - 'not conflict.'Minor league play ends Judge Leuln announced this woek Labor day, just about the time lo- program has been arranged by Mrs. the Red Bank plant; Mrs. Leon A.' Pierce, Quarters 2061, Fort Monmouth, representing the family of Parkchester, N. Y., have Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Hoffman of Robert S. Douglass and Mrs. that traffic court will be held Sat- been visiting Mrs. Barrett's mother, Lcroy pi. have had as their house cal schools start grid practice. Act- urdays at 9 a. in. In the future, Eatontown plant, and John Warren, 105 Linden pl.| Red Bank, representing the Long Branch ually, the Caseys will be getting George Grimm. Paul Herrmann Mrs. Frank Long of East Bergen guests, Mr. Hoffman's brpthcr-ln- under way Tuesday .under the guid- Furrier of New York city will stage plant. pi. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett law. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. a style show. left for Cincinnati, Ohio, where Amos of Dubuque, la,, and Mr. and .- ance of Joe Bolger, who returns Cougar to R. B. C. H. ln his capacity as At a meeting of the executive they will visit Mrs. Barrett's broth- Mrs. Earl B. Graham and daugh- " athletic director, board Tuesday at the home of Mrs. er-in-law and sister, Mr., and Mrs, ters, Novalyn and Barbara of Fred- C. P. Runyon on Laurel rd., Rum- Pharmacist Praises Policeman Serving in Korea William J. Spence. Mra. Long'i erlckstown, Mo. Though Stirnweiss Is most popu- son, Frank "Mickey" Long, Is home son, Mrs, Thomas Masson was ap- MUs Betty Grace of Mechanic lar as a baseball player his name pointed financial secretary to fill on vacation from his position with ranks with the best ln any grid For Finding Strayed Prescription the- New York Life Insurance com- «t., who Is employed by F. W. Wool- the unexpired term of Mrs. Edward worth of Red Bank, is enjoying her talk In the vicinity of Chapel Hill. Grimmingcr, who Is moving to Mill- pany in Philadelphia. 1 First with the Newark Bears and annual vacation. burn. EATONTOWN-=-"Traccr of Lost Lloyd discovered the mistake, he Mr. and Mrs. William Shaffer o: later with the championship Yan- Mrs. John A. Tllley, Mrs. Walter kees, Stlrnweiss gained a reputa- Prescriptions" was a title Patrol- contacted local police, believing th Philadelphia are guests at th The 903d Field Artillery battalion A. Morton nnd Mrs. Edwin Ely man Harry Leo earned here re- woman lived irr this borough. To Molly pitcher hotel. While her were accepted as club members. of the Red Bank Army Reserve cently. This was brought to light further complicate matters, the they are visiting Mrs. Shaffer'1 has openings for World War II druggist mistakenly gave the name brother, William Greenwood oi last night in a letter from Wil- and Korean War veterans. The Re- A Carolina Great as "Golf." West st. Traffic Violators liam C. Lloyd, Kcansburg pharma- serve office In Hed Bank can sup- With such scant and confusing Mrs, Ruth Martinson of New At the University of North Caro- cist, which praised the officer for ply details, lina, though, he is remembered as Fined at Wayside information to start his case, Leo York city has returned home af- carrying out an assignment in "the checked around in an attempt to ter spending several days with Mis: a scatback, who helped give the WAYSIDE—William T. Ro'gers, Tarheels one of the best football highest tradition of law enforce- determine who was who. Through Daisy Hance of West st. 33 Bellshaw ave., Shrewsbury town- ment agencies," inquiries, the patrolman discovered Hubert M. Farrow, Jr., manage Mr. Lloyd wrote council that the wanted woman had relatives of the Allaire and-'Son real estat Leo should be commended lor "un- here. Working on a hunch, he con- and Insurance agency, attended th selfishly and tirelessly" carrying tacted Howell township state po- recent seventh annual Institute foi out an Involved assignment dealing lice who carried on the investiga- advanced agency management al with returning a prescription to tion. the University of Connecticut the pharmacist which had been The result was that the prescrlp Storrs, Conn. picked up ln error. th tlons found their way to the proper M-Sgt William E. GrUIHha Frederick Dleti, former Red vt What happened wai that Diana owner*. Such dogged questioning Bank resident who has been living Couoar Dorf of Farmingdale, a regular and refusal to give up on the Marine Master Sgt. William E. In California with his daughter, customer at the Lloyd store, took hunt brought Lloyd's high praise Mra, Walter Davidson, is a medical defeated record—until Duke upset M. Unger, West Orange; William An elementary science course of Griffiths, whose wife, Mra, Ruth • the applecart In the last game of study written by some educators ome the wrong prescription, When for Leo. Griffiths lives on RD, 1, Matawan, patient at Morristown General O'Reilly, New York city; Joseph hospital. For many years, Mr. : the season. His play that year Seltsan, Arlington, and Florence for an Important city ln the East Is sergeant major of a unit of (he says that the mountain lion and First Marine Aircraft wing in Ko- Dletz conducted the Dietz meat Beekman, Harlingen. Robert E. market on West Front at. Haskln, Lansdowne, Pa., was fined cougar disappeared from the near- HOW TO START A STAMP rea. Sgt. Griffiths is a son of Mr*. »™?J icored.the East's only $5 for going the wrong way on a by Will at about the same time. Edith Griffiths, 22 Elm dr., Nep- Mrs. George Reiss of Monmouth touchdown as his mate, went down one-way street, and Thomas Dant- This might toe elaborated to say COLLECTION tune. it, and aon Joseph have returned to a 27-11 defeat. 3tlrnwel»ii con- iler and Joseph M. Tallman, Jr., that the mountain lion, cougar, front Montreal, Canada, where they by M. L. UN1MJUI8T stayed while Joseph was vacation- were fined 17 each on careless driv- painter, puma,'panther, catamount, AP Nnwsfe*rurec Manalapan Fire Leaves C.'i history to have been varsity ing mountain devil, red tiger, mountain ing from his position with Boro Whether one Is an adult or a junior, the person contemplating tak- Buses. They also visited relatives ; captain ln two .ports. screamer, silver lion, purple pan- 13 Persons Homelesi ; Prior to North Carolina. Stirn- ther, brown tiger, sneak cat, king na; up stamp collecting will Invariably ask, "How do I start? In Pougbkeepsie, N. Y., and Dan- :weiss-a product of the Bronx- woodbridge Man Held cat and varmint also disappeared The answer is the same for both young and old. Though there MANALAPAN-Thirteen persons bury, Conn. were left homelesa Monday after- Mrs. J: Gordon Oetler, formerly • played football, baseball and basket- Unn MnmlMoralas at the same time. They arc all thecomes a point later on where youthful and adult interests take different 1 ball at Fordham prep. After col- " same animal, no matter what you noon after fire gutted a one-story of Red Bank, returned tortunitle» in a delightfully, pain- several attgti before he really be- ROAST Frances Huniey, Mata- Active Army Reservists who eom'- operate the Abbey Men's furnish- larly ln Southern British Columbia less way than by taking up the comes a "dyed-in-the-wool" collec- ing shop on Broad st. wan, and John Pisano, Newark, and Alberta. The range extends lobby of stamp collecting together. tor. But even ln this hobby, one plete 30 years' Reserve duty will paid $3 fines for careless driving, south to Patagonia. Except for must learn to crawl before he can receive lifetime pension*, after age John J. Kane and his twin aona, The stamps of the world pro- 60, totaling $BO or more a month.. Edward and WUMam, of Dearborn, .St. Louis BroWns and finally the Florida, part* of Louisiana and 'Ide your starting place, and if Walk and then run. Southern Texas, these cats have The Red Bank Army Reserve office Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. . Cleveland Indian*. After-9tt years Rumton hat seems a large order, let me can supply details. Kane's brother, Edward, and his ,in the majors, he finished out the probably been extcrmlnted ln the ay at once that you will never Mrs. James VnnBrunt and daugh- United States East of the Plains Home Economics I full ten by playing with Indlnn- lolleet all of ..the world's thou- BeporU on Fail Fxhlon Trends ters Dawn and Vickie ot VanNuys, states. ands of stamps. From those you lapolis—a club some newsmen had Cal., formerly of this place, are Which silhouette doea the most ! him tabbed to manage up until last A cougar may measure nine feet, hoose or which happen to come STEAKS visiting Mrs. VanBrunt's brother- with a three-foot tall. The weight for you, the slim or the full? You ; year's stock selling episode among •our way you will eventually dls- can be equally In fashion this fall in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs,goes up to 200 pounds. The sexes over some one or two countries J Cleveland owners, Jacob Perl of Shrewsbury dr. with either one, provided each ia TaMt Dm'tJ ; Through the years, Stlrnwels* are colored alike, a uniformly yel- ir some special types of stamps Mr, and Mrs. Otto Perl of Nave- low-brown, except that the under modified to suit your particular Meet The Stars ;kebt close tabs on the grid game. hat have a particular appeal for sink ave. are spending a week's parts are lighter, The fur Is short, type of figure cays Mn. Lorna K. ;From '44 to '46 he enjoyed consid- White, home agent for Monmouth erable success as the autumn sports vacation ln Canada. close and uniform. Th» whiskers Turkeys Women of the Rumson Methodist are rather prominent, Pint Packet county. Mrs. White reports that • mentor at Canterbury prep and church will hold a cake sale Sat- there la also an in-between line CELEBRITY NIGHT 4-1 rh. average I with the New Mllford, Conn., school. A cougar Is a powerful animal, A general packet of different which is very wearable for moat of urday, Sept. 5, at the Jane Logan capable ol dragging a 900 pound used foreign stamps, from which ',He returned to the University of shop on River rd., at 9 a. m. us. This Is the type of garment Every ; North Carolina In 1947 and '48 as moose 300 feot over «now. It can ll paper has been removed, offers which has an easy fullness through Ibackfleld coach under Coach Carl jump straight up for a distance of he best opportunity to acquire a pleats, gadgeta or draping, but ,'Snavely, tutoring another U.N.C. 15 feet and can leap safely down lufflciently large assortment to en- which gives the appearance of a MONDAY NIGHT HEALTH HINTS' a distance of 60 feet. An Individual ; all-time great, Charlie Justice. In ;age your Interest for a couple of straight line, rather than a flare At The VEAL ;'47, his team participated In the (ThlB column Is contributed a* a usually claims a territory that may ours (which Is all the time you at the sides. ; Sugar Bowl game, losing to Geor- public service by the Medical Soci- be 60 miles across and In a "Ingle i*lll care to spend at one sitting, gia, 20-10. ety of New Jersey and the Mon-night may travel 20 miles, While t least at first.) Don't stay with The newect line |j that of back black bears are known to relish fullness, shown in both sklrta and • Much as he U a thorough itudont mouth County Medlcnl society, so long that you get "fod up." GREEN GROVE MANOR ROAST Question* should be addressed to pigs, wolves arc known to favor reat stamp collecting like the bodices of dresses as well as In • of football, Stlrnweiss la ardent ln cattle. Similarly, coyotes jconi to suit jackets and coats, For those jhls desire to return to baseball The Medical Society of New Jersey pcaker who knows enough to fhv at 315 West Stnte St., Trenton 8, enjoy killing «heop, but the cougar h and «lt down while his audience with thin thighs this may be a —-•• ithroiiRli the managerial route. Tho dlflnitdy favors horses and deer, very becoming style, But for those lAmericun League batting champion N. J.) still enraptured. AT THI SAVOY THIATRI BREAST In tho orarest of instances it has with heavy thigh*,, tho front of the ;Jn 1915, he was picked as Father YOU AND THK HEATHER been known to attack man, Of course, you will need certain skirt is often too straight and se- ZACHARY SCOTT ]of the Year In '46 and received the iccessorles even as a beginner. vere. So, when trying on such a ;Commlss!oner Chandler plaque In Mark Twain has been given much They may servo a useful function )ne of the absolute essentials, e«- credit for hla remark, "Everybody garment, watch the side view par- RUTH PORD VEAL ;1950 as ono of the players sent over- ln keeping the multiplication of icclally for the adult collector, Is complains about tho weather, but deer under control, The famous ticularly. It may bo more revealing seas to represent tho national pas- 1 Scott catalog, Even If It Is an than either the front or back view. IN time. '50 was the yoar ninny Mon- nobody does nnylhlng nbout It. story of killing off tho cougars of idltlon a fow years old, It should Vet, n« matter of fact, It Isn't so, ; mouth countlons trnvolcd to Ynn- R tho Kalbab foicit only to have tho e ono of your first acquisition!!, The unmounted nlenve—sleeve cut We cnn do n good deal nbout the doer multiply so Hint they stnrvcd Thrnnirh It you will loam nil Hint In one with the bodlce^-ln atlll very LAMB • kee stadium on an AUK. 25 evening weather, True, \v enn't uunlrol "I AM A CAMERA" '.to do him honor t\t a Ocorgc Stlrn- c In tho rcsulllriK comBotitlon for ou need to know about your much In the picture, Watch the fit- the weather—yet, but we can lioop food it a standard stor? In all con- tumpa; without It, half the Inter- ting across the bodice back on this Iwelss night. Ho was In tho uniform It from controlling us. In these ',of the Browns that night, but Ills servation programs, It Illustrates nt In your stumps will be,lost. type, of garment, Shoulders are-soft * LIVERS hot and humid dnys of summer, definitely that predators—whether These listings show you why thewith very little padding, Some de- 'former Yankoo mates were among for Instnncc, quite npnrt from em- AT THI IVY TOWIR PLAYHOUSI ;the loudest In their pralac, they arc fish, birds, Inserts or mam- txmpa wern issued, what .purpose signers are featuring an expanded ploying mnclilnes to circulate and mala—acrve a useful function In tho hey served, whosn portrait* or sleeve and shoulder line to contract llenrleh'a I'nrtncr cool the nlr Indoors, Iherc me donn- economy of nature, fhat buildings nro shown, or what with the, very narrow aklrt, Per- ARA GERALD VEAL : Bolgor and Rov, Edward \V. Ito steps Hint we cnn take lo ro- Cougars aro usually hunted by vont |« commomomt«d, The cut-haps thla In a trond In the making. Hughoa, treaauror of tho R.B.CH. mnln fairly comfortable, dogj with the hunters following on ibff will toll you In what year Fabrics art varied nnd Include ARACI POWIRS • LILLYN MOWN athletic aaaoclotlon, nro nnthiislos- Wo cnn nvold ovcrcxpnmiro to hnrnna, When possible n pursued hey wore Issued, nnd give you a nlmoat all types and Ahem, Wool IN CHOPS .tie nbout tho poaalbilltlea nurrnund- tha direct rays of tho nun. Wo canpuma lakes to a troo to cscnpo the us la of cvflluallon. fin well as broadcloth Is itafjlng a return, hut Inu Stirnweiss' acceptance of the oncournjje flcrnpltnllon — which Is dog*. There It la ahot, photo- many other points of philatelic In- If at Ita beat whon made Into Krld peat, With more than 1(1 years our body's built-in cooling device— Kraphod, lassoed or otherwise used formation which are Important In droaiy garments, such u dressy ,of "big time bull" behind him, adpqunln Intake of hlnnd to ifttlify tho whim of man. making a true collector of you. drosses and suits. For more oiuual "SKIN DEEP" "Snuffy" la expected to put adclod fluids, Wn cnn nvold alcohollo bov- Cougars pair poaslbly for llfn, Tho wear, Jeraeya and the *oft, light- ROUND •*lp Into n acliool which—nvon with emuon. We cnn wonr ll|[ht, poroua ono to Jive spotted younu mny bo and Album wnlght twaedy typo* nr« morn me- • ! CORNID Jlmltod facllltlei-han exhibited tro- clothing which permits thn clrcu- born nt nny tlmn of tho yoar, uati- ful, Twenda mnde of oil cotton will c monrioua spirit, Other ncocMtorlcn needed art a Intlon of nil- about our liodlrn nnd ally 91 ilnys nfliU' hroodlnK look muliet of stump hlniiui wllh which provide the, fabric (or drtnnej to Air-Conditioned ; Btlrmvelna, oilier Huuhra mid encourages the evaporation of prr< lln'. Thn young AIT blind toy o mount your atnmp*, Available worn fioni now Into winter, Ib. Wr cnn hiitho frequent- about, lilnn dnya, crawl n\ acven Blnndn of nntuinl flbma, ospoclnlly 79 Bolgor nro expected to confer thla ! a very low coal; nnd a stamp Cocktail Lounges BEEF ly, to keep pores dunned nnd open, weeks, cot tholr Ural nma.1 nt Ihrcn wrinl, with the now man-madn flhera 2 week-end annul detnlla of tho fmt- hum, Approaching nnnaon, Hu»lne»,i-wln<\ ">'(• can nvold henvy and fntty food* inonlha, urn wennori al xbout four Them nrn Inexnunalve printed will tlouhllMfl he. tiand In the bulk Htlrnwelaa Is Ilia partner of Tommy anil prefer frull*. vegotHbloa nnd munlhn, rclnln thHr upols lo 18 ihiimn wllh npacea provided for of thn (tiirmrnU, Hfrlllll Wf run limit our Hctlvllloii (Heiirlch-nnollier YknkKR (treat- lii month* nml rrtnnln wllh the ertnln alnmpa of earh country, Outntandlnjr trim* fnr dromi In- nnd ronlfnl nur emotion*, an m In mother from ntif to iwo yesm, Wllh nd Mil* U I hn heal I j'pc (or thn DltlllERS • distributing firm In Now flruna- nvnld the Increased bodily hent hide nmall totie.hra of fur, minli »a Air-Conditioncd MOLLY PITCHER wlek. Hn, hl« wife and flvs chil- exceptlonnl lurk a cnugnr might efflmier, You should acquire Ihe a nmnll hnnd nl nrnk or wrl/il, Mere which both prodiicr, , , Hy nil theso Itvn in it rtpo old 20 years of HKI'. nblt of handling your «inmpa with dren llvn on Mnplo live, tiionnn of physical nml nientnl ad- n KOnd opportunity to uio nn old, It would «com that theso imlmnlx onga, for Although your ntnmp/i In fur collar Hint you may have In Dining Rooms justment, wo cnn bent lho limit, under ordinary ulcoumatiinuva ho beginning will ha chimp vnrle- 2 IIOV IIUIIT IN ACOIDKNT atorftKa, Lonthtr In nnothor trim SUPER MARKET Thus definitely wo con do nome- ihoiild not bo completely deatroyod Ion, thorn will corns it time whan Mimic by THE CONTINENTALS thong nbnut U, bilnV ua«d on ap6rl clothes, DmiKlin (Irny, 11, of 48 Wnverly n n given area HUltnblo to thtilr ou will not wish to finger tho lift- It links llttf n morn colorful nnn- ' 11-20 MonmoM|h"$r, jil., wm irmiiiiil nl nivorvlew ho«> Mldinel S, Newjohn, M.l), nnodi. Thin mny bo iiurMloiiKl by or atnmpa you Acquire, aon than wn havn had (or «omn * DANCING * FUN FOR ALL hllal yeiturdsy for hrulaea of thn nomc, of coil rue, Jlut cvr>n thoim "Cundltlun" la nn linpurlmil fun- line, tilt aifont «nyi, The IIOIKO MD lANff rlliuw* aufTi'icil In n ciu-liloyilc Hrltlsh export* In I0M were who think of euufrni-H only nn VIII1- r In slump collaotlnff. Condition nnd «rey Jeraoy nnd Unit ilrfiaon (loohli'iil on Weal Kiunt (I, Ac- ipllcii mul« limit juit ctannllnMit, nbuut SO per cent nl/ove ihoae be- mini* uliuulil n'CUKiilen that imm will Mill hn nro\iml( hut morn rnrtn, rill DILiyilY fording '" I'ullte, Hie l>oy ludci hla fore World Wnr II, In Kcl upon fiom hunting I hem, t menna Hie edfea not lie. liluei, greuna nnd uolilfii biown/i blt'veln Into « car dilven hy Krfwmd nd *porl In i|ultn Important In ml nr torn. Tim Item mutt be nn will h» nvnllnble, The little lilnck GREEN GROVE MANOR Mmdrlcki or M Venn at, nivtr Priori* Rl MIOt Th» llthMmiiM on Hnttrm< ha llvi>i of ninny prnplK, Alert In lh« entalnttKli. ' II mmtiat In ngAln the drat Mil type a MILK WIST OF AIIURY CIRCLI 1'1«M, U 103 f«et IAII, JO. Uuronci P»lm«i\ h* well (entered. ]( unua«rf, th« to «rpur. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 Pace Thrp# LUCAS— DI LORENZO Firemen's Group ford, said this week that he ex- WANTED! "5^ Weddings Married at Middletown EUCLID, O.—Miss Bernadette pects Fire Chief Joseph Calabrese, Happy New *Year Marie Lucas, daughter of Mr. and To Meet at Malmwin president of the Bergen and Pas- Old Gold and Silver Ml sale Exempt Firemen's league, to " rOOLE—KINMBURGH Mrs, Stanley Lucas of Chardon rd., MATAWAN — The Monmouth be the guest speaker. 'HIGHEST FB1CES PAID and Ronald Eugene Di Lorenzo, son County Exempt Firemen's associa- Vendome Plaza <1< ' PROVIDENCE, R, I. — Miss Vir- of Dr. and Mrs, Louis J. Di Lorenzo -" g[nla"Mae Poole, daughter of Mr. tion will hold a meeting Monday of Navesink ave,, Rumson, and night at 8 o'clock at the Mid Way BAILS Hotel and Mrs. Norman Poole of Crans- Bronx, were married Saturday Tn the 13 bedrooms of Montlcello, 28A Monmouth 81 Hose company HIT. house here, Thomas JclT purple Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clifford Wllliamion piece. CoLloll*. one or twit i>c. Size* 12 J .)C DRESSES to 2(1, 111. lo SUVi- UCK. 8.Si. with deep purple velvet trim, and MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE—Miss white cartwheel hat. Her bouquet The bridesmaids were Misses black accessories and the bride- Lois Gittelsohn of Cleveland, O.; Susan Eve Matthews, daughter of was of yellow gladioli, yellow roses SPORT SHIRTS T-shirts, fine combed yarn. Keff. ' | 14) groom's mother wore navy blue. Mr, and Mrs. W. Irving Matthews and blue delphinium, Dcmarls Ceccoli, Dalton, Pa.; Dolly lirlco -.25. Robert David Ktnnlburgh, Jr., of Holland rd., and Stanley Clif- Harry A. Williamson of Red Dardarlan, Niagara Falls, N. Y., We the bridegroom's brother, was best ford Williamson, son of Mr. and and Marie DI Lorenzo, New York HOUSES Fine (Uiftlity chambray*. Sties 32- 7 fJK * v Bank was best man for his brother, 38. Itcsulnr price 3.05. ••»«• man. Ushers were Pvt. Richard Mrs. Arthur Williamson of Bayside and 'William I. Matthews of Am- city. Their dresses were like the Heights, were married Saturday honor attendant's in chartreuse silk In Children's N, Norman Poole of Fort Devens, hcrst, Mass., the bride's brother, APRONS FIe«t ipiHlily in percale*, orcnnily | AA Mass., the bride's brother, and afternoon at Christ Episcopal and Stanley Kcrr, Middletown vil- chiffon. or chintz. Rex. 1.3li lo 1.05. "" Richard Low of Providence, R. I. church by the rector, Rev. Andrew lage, were ushevs. Teddy Zestoki, the bride's cousin, After a reception the couple left M. VanDyke. Mrs. Paul McManus The bride's mother chose a gown was flower girl an'd Jimmy Kaspar, PANTS All liies in Spun-lo rayon. 2 fof 1.00 Fine Shoes on a wedding trip to Canada, Upon was organist and Wallace Thomson of Iridescent silk organza over taf- also the bride's cousin, ushered. sang 'The Lord's Prayer." ' their return, Lieut. Klnniburgh will feta, with a corsage of gardenias. Louis J. Di Lorenzo of New York SLIPS FBVse, the no-iron cotton. All 9 CA return to Camp Pendleton, Cat., for Bouquets of all-white asters and The bridegroom's mother wore city was best man. Ushers were alien. RCKUIHI' 3.OS. •••» assignment. greens decorated the church. A dusty rose crepe with a gardenia Gates Barnct Odencc, 3d of Cape Printed 'J-iic. vollr nr crelien In * | )t) The bride was graduated from reception followed in Leeds, hall. corsage. Cod, Mass.; Stanley Lucas, Jr., PAJAMAS shorties. Regular 2.05. '•*' Mary Washington college of the The bride was given in marriage The couple arc on a motor trip Euclid, O.; Jerry Bldlack, Lake- University of Virginia in June, and by her father. Her ballerina length to the West. The bride's travel- wood, O., and John DI Lorenzo and •RAS llUconLinunil model* In cotton 1 AA will do graduate - work under fel- gown was white nylon tulle over ing dress was pink shantung with Steven Gcndzler, New York city. or Bntin. IteKulnr 1.95, " '"" satin, made on bouffant lines, navy blue accessories, Mr, and lowship at the George Foster Pea- The bride attended the Villa An- I.ijrhl-wrlnht in pimty. ati-pin or 3 CA body School for Teachers in Nash- trimmed with lace applique motifs, Mrs. Williamson will make their gela in Cleveland, O., Oberlln Con? , GIRDLES and styled with a fitted lace bodice home in Red Bank. Khle hook. ItoKulnr 5.9.',. •••" ville, Tenn. The bridegroom is a which had long sleeves and a yoke scrvatory and Oberlin college. The graduate of Moses Brown school, in The bride was graduated from bridegroom was graduated from CORSETTES Firm liirh't'O'eiuhl aide I1110U nr L •( Providence, R. I, and attended neckline. Her fingertip length tulle Hannah More academy at 'Fred- Oberlln college, where he majored front lip. Keuulnr Ill.BS. •*" Brown university. He is a graduate veil fell from a tiara of white vel- ericksburg, Md., and attended Mary in English literature. Both will vet leaves and seed pearls, and her Washington college and is a grad- GARTER GIRDLE Cnltnn nr nylons. .Size* 2fi to 2 2S of Bryant college. ' continue their studies at the State 10, licKUlnr 3.05. *'" GEE-PEES bouquet was of white gladioli and uate of Barnard college. The University of Iowa, where the bride- • -ft- white snapdragons. bridegroom is a research chemist groom will study for his master's Finert ciuulity In rililied or plain 3 #nr 1 OA SOX fBr AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR LINE VRBBXAND-LOW Mrs. Stanley Kerr of Middletown for the Oakite company. He was degree In English Literature. The cottona. Regular ..',». * ••"" Village wu the bride's only attend- graduated from Rutgers university bridegroom was a. member ot the CLIFFWOOD—Miw Mildred Mae Nylon;, full Irnitth, full fash- If Vreeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ant, She wore a full skirted gown and received his master's degree Oberlln Dramatic association. HOSE OF BOYS' SHOES of powder blue organza and a at Brooklyn Polytechnical Institute. loned, I'"irnt iniality. Ren. !..'i5. Henry V. Vreeland, Jr., Morrlstown These new Gerberich styles certainly "rate" with real boys rd., Matawan, became the bride of 'KERCHIEFS New pattern* I" <""• attractive! 1 AA John Low, ion of Mr. and Mrs. EASTM0NO—FULLER Mark's Episcopal church, Keans- Robert Spiwak or Rumson, the kcrchlefi. Regular 1.05. ' •" everywhere. They're trim, they're fast and they're styled Frank Low, Englishtown rd., Old burg. Rev. Russell Smith performed bridegroom's .brother, was best SliortleR in voile or Accrsuckcr. 9 £•) exactly the way fast moving youngsters like them. Care- Bridge, Saturday In the Methodist UNION BEACH — Miss Kathryn man. The matron of honor was GOWNS il Joan Eastmond, daughter of Mr. the ceremony. Regular to 3.06. ' " fully selected lasts make them better fitting, finer mater- church here. Rev. Charles Gray The bride was given in marriage dressed In aqua tulle, and carried a of Matawan officiated at the double and Mrs. Edward Eastmond cascade bouquet of Tllsman roses. ials and careful and exacting shoemaking make them Park ave., became the bride of by her father, Her only attendant sturdy and long wearing. No wonder they're "Amtriea'l ring ceremony before an altar dec- was Miss Florence Cullin of Hais- The bride's mother wore a cham- orated with white gladioli. Harold Frank August Fuller, MM3-C U. S. pagme colored lace afternoon gown A cool place to shop . . . most popular line of boys' shoes." Weber of Keyport was organist. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank let. The bride was dressed In a teal blue gabardine suit, worn with a with a corsage of orchids and Given in marriage by her brother, Albert Fuller of Fourth St., Sat- matching accessories. The bride- urday afternoon. pink blouse, white hat and black ac- Eugene Vreeland of Matawan, the cessories. She had a corsage of yd- groom's mother chose pink lace for CEE-PEE'S i bridi wore a walti-longth gown The ceremony took place In Grace Methodist church here, with low roaea. The maid of honor wore! her costume, with matching accca- MABEL LEWIS Skoppe mad* with a strapless bodice of blue with white accessories, Her sories, and a corsage of pink'roses nylon net, over which she won a Rev. Norman R. Riley, pastor of Open Friday 'til 9 I\ SI. — Fron 1'iirlilng in Hear NEOLITE SOLES St. John's Methodist church, Key- corsage was of red roses. Thomas and white itephanotis. lace fitted jacket which had a, DeCapio was best man. Peter Pan collar and long sleevea port, officiating. When the couple return from a 137-1 IROAD STREET RED IANK Twice Reinforced pointed at the wrist. Her tier skirt Given in marriage by her father When they return from Washing- wedding trip to New England and was made with a fish-tail effect of tht bride wore a wedding gown of ton, D. C, the couple will live on Canada they will make their home SIIM l le • lace which started at the, waistline white Chantllly lace and tulle over Holly st. in West Keansburg, In Red Bank. Tho bride attended in the front and her fingertip veil taffeta. Her dress was strapless, school in the Bronx and the City $8.96 BENOWItZ-SriWAK College of New York. The bride- COMPAM WITH STO» WATCHM fell from * tiara of seed pearls.: ballerina length, and she wore groom is employed with his father SIIM «W la 11 She carried an old-fashioned bou- matching lace bolero and mitts. BRONX, N. Y.-Mr. and Mrs. Hy- in the family business, Spiwak VALUED AT $19.95 quet of white roses. The bodice was made of lace and man Benowitz of this place an- Florists of Rumson. He is a grad- Mrs. Eugene Vreeland, sister-in- the skirt of taffeta, net and pleated nounce the marriage of their uate of Rumson high school and $9.95 law of the bride, wae matron of tulle with an apron effect formed daughter, Miss Edith Benowitz, to Monmouth Junior college, honor. She wore a pale-blue waltz- by a draping of the lace. Her el- Ralph Spiwak, son of Mr, and Mrs. length gown made with a strap- bow length vtil was fastened to a Bernard Spiwak of the Ave. of less bodice and a matching Jacket tiara made of bugle beads and ihe Two Rivers, Rumson, The wed- STOP-CHRONOGRAPH and a headpiece of blue rosettes carried a colonial bouquet of white ding took place Aug. 16 at Burn- with matching net. She carried gardenias and rosebuds. • side Manor In the Bronx, where a HOT? WRIST an old-fashioned bouquet of pink Mia* Virginia Uastmond, sister ot reception and dinner followed, roses. the bride, was the maid of honor, WAT'H Her gown was peach net over taf- Mr. Benowitz gave his daughter Mrs, David Beadle and Miss feta, strapless and ballerina length; in marriage. Her gown was made Dolores Low, sister of the bride- She also wore a net shoulder stole of white Chantilly laco and nylon groom, both of Old Bridge, were and a net crown trimmed with tulle, styled on bouffant linca, She bridesmaids. Mrs, Beadle's gown rhlnestones, Her colonial bouquet .wore a sweetheart cap of lace with was waltz length of pink nylon net, was made of Amerlaan Beauty an illusion voll and carried « prayer- styled with a strapless bodice cov- roses, book covered with sprays of white ered with a stole. Her headpiece Miss Naomi Boardwick of K.y- orchids and streamers of valloy was pink rosettes and pink net, 4>ort, a cousin of the bride, and lilies, QUALITY BEVERAGES and she carried an old-fashioned AntUmagnttic bouquet of blue roses. Mlsa Low's Miss Bette Brandlgon of Union Mm. Ruth Rose of the Bronx //DELICIOUS FLAVORS Beach, were bridesmaids. Their was her sister's honor attendant. 2 Puth luttom gown was in orchid and she car- drcsies were ordhld net over taf- ried an old-fashionod bouquet of Unbraakabl* yellow roses, feta, neckline and with bouffant* petal-effect skirls. They crystal Frank Low, Jr., of Staten Island, wore matching net stoles and SEND THEM HAPPILY Radiant Dial GEE-PEE'S N. Y,, was his brother'* best man, crowns and, carried colonial bou- GEE-PEE'S Ushering wore Joseph Low, Wind' quetsof Talisman roaea, Inirnicflon thttt GKO-COKK SOLES sor Homes, East Brunswick, broth- The' bride's mother wu attired Gtnuim with «ach watch CREP.E SOLES er of the bridegroom,-and Alfred In orchid taffeta with black accts- Swiu HIKES 1 to IS Hi Duke Duvallo of Staten Island, sorlea, and the bridegroom's mother 81ZE8 UK to » nephew of the bridegroom. choae steel gray taffeta with-red Imported For their wedding trip to Florida aecesaorles, $6.95 $7.95 the bride seloctcd a light-gray wool Edward A. KUIMM, U. 8, Navy, SIZES 1 to I suit, with navy bluo hat and navy of Utlca, N. Y,, was best man. U»h- SIZES 1 to • blue accoaiorlcs, and a corsage of eri were Ralph Bruno, U, 8, Navy, $7.95 rod roies, of Lonf Branch, and William Sptd- $8.96 The mothor of the bride wore dlng, U, 8, Navy, of Trenton, BKi BOVS' «4 lo It a steel-gray jitroot length droii of After ft wedding reception at FULLY EQUIPPED IMA1 TUMPnCI GKE-PEE'S taffott, with a blue hat and scccs- Union Hon company fire house In $8.95 sorloi, and a coraago of Talisman Union Beach, the couple left on a •DOCTOM«NUIMS CREPK SOLES roses, The bi'ldogroom's mother wedding trip through New York FROM OUR COMPLETE wort a fuchsia dress with mittohlng* atate, When they return, thty will • AVMTOII e CHIMISTS 8I(M 1 le • hat and accessories and * coraago reside at 3M Dock st,, Union Beaoh, • INOINIIRS«SPORTSMIN of fuchsia roses, For traveling tht bride wore a •TICHNICIANIeSIRVICI red faille dm* with while aocu- STOCK OF MHONNIl, $8.96 A, rocoptlon WAS hold it St, *orles, Thomas' hall In Old Bridge 8Ura KM to 11 The brldo was graduated from Mra, Low WM graduntod from Keyport high sohool and Is em- SCHOOL NEEDS Matawan high sohool, and li «nv ployed at the Karkui and Kantor $9.95 ployod at Hanion.VanWInklo.Mun- law office In Ktyport, The bride* nlng company, Matawan, Sho It jfroom, alia a .graduate of Keyport .ALL ITEMS PERSONALIZED also a private mualo Instructor, She high aohool, IIM bean ««rvlng In la a mombor of Lilac Orovo, Worn- the IT. S, Navy the p«at two and a an'» auxiliary, Woodmen ot tho hair year*, He la atatlonod nt Now- LIGGETT j port, il, I, Mr,~L~ow ifi'Aduiitod fnm Metro- »olltan,yoojitlon(il high loliool, Now I'KDIOINI-LOW PALMER STATIONERY York, nnd In employed by Ooneral lexaff WHBT KKANBIlima - Mr. and Amorlonn Tnnk Storage at Car- PAIR HAVIN SHOWN© CINTIR DRUGS Mr«, Anthony Pedlclnl of Holly M,, torot. Ho || a veteran of World IUVO announced the marriage of WALTER S. THOMPSON War II, ha.y{nn ««rvfd four yoari their dauRhter, MIM lCmlly Pedl- 194 RIVIR RD, PAIR HAVIN with tho Air Poroo. olnl, to WMter George Law, ton of Corner Broad and Monmouth Sti. ».").A MONMOUTH ST. «ED DANK Upon tholr .return they will ro< Mr, and Mrs, William 0. Law of aide on the Clioeioqu«ko-M»Uw»n Oakwoori pi,, Keanibui'f, The wed- ' Prlntm • OfKct SuppiiM • Grurlncj Carth Phon* 6-1444 Red Bank LOOK FOR THE LITTLE YELLOW AWNINS lilfhwiy, Chocioquaki. dlnr took nUct Auf. II at 81. . ,"' Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 SHOWER FOR MBS. FERBELO ginia Lyons, Mrs. Irene TrWlettl, . Colt's Neck Brown and son Pvt. Hamman Mrs. Shirley Urslttl, Mr*. Marjorie Brown of Dallas, Tex. I/3NO BRANCH—Miss Joseph- Collect 77 Pints Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C, Drelbel- Joseph R. Forman, Naval Airman Dohmc, Mrs. Ronnie Ruggerl, Mrs. bls of Hominy Hill farm enter- in» Page of New York city gave Maria Mnggio, Mrs." Patsy Page, on the Bennlngton, spent Thursday a baby shower last week for her tained Sunday for the Senior Ex- with his mother, Mrs. Marguerite h •liter, Mrs. Anthony Ferrelo at Mrs. Ann Strollo, Mrs. Anna Page, Of Blood Here tension group of Schuylkill county, Forman. CHEVROLET her home on Poole ave. Guests Miss Mary Pagano and Miss Betty Seventy-seven pints ot blood were Pa. After a tour of the farm, of Miss Yvonne Wylle has been were Mrs. Beverly Lewis, Mrs. Vir- Grace. collected when the Red Cross which Mr. Drclbelbis Is manager, spending the past few weeks at bloodmoblle made Its final visit of the hosts served buffet lunch to 42 Virginia Beach, Va., and at Culver the year here Tuesday. Headquar- guests. Lake in North Jersey. ters were located In the cafeteria The Senior Extension group is The Atlantic township committee of the Red Bank Catholic high made up of young married couples will meet tonight in township hall. PARTS LOIS MAC MAHON JOICE school. and teen-agers. Mr. and Mrs. Dreib- QUALITY Donors were Saverlo Mellna, Mrs. elbls were the organizers. Guests Lena Martin, Mrs. Myron Kosyk, included Charles Robertson, an ag- BEVERAGES Teacher of Voice and Piano Miss Minnie Breslow, Mrs. Belle ricultural agent In' Pennsylvania; Schnell, Charles Smith, Mrs. Law- Edward Dlefenbach, assistant agent, TO BE GOOD! rence Carton, Paul Matthews, Ther- and Nellie Satsukinas, home eco- •CONNECTING SODS Fall season begins Sept. 8. Appointments now booking. on F. Scoville, Mrs. Doris Blake, nomics extension representative. William Mount, Mrs. Elizabeth Young people attending expressed •VOLTAGE CEGUlATOft? Folder sent upon request Handy, Mrs. Edward H. Conway, Interest in the hay drying system Mrs. Edward Walden, Edward H. and dairy set-up at Hominy Hill. •WINOSMIEtD HIHMMTORS Conway, Jr., Mrs. Frank Kenney, Wednesday of last week, Mr. and •KMEE ACTION UNITS Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury RE 6-2859 Melvln Stout, Mrs. Floria Copeland, Mrs. Dreibclbls entertained at an GASOLINE Nancy A. Philp, Mrs. Helen Lan- Informal party for members of the •BENDIX DfclVES t genberger, Mrs. Jean Boulin, Hen- choir of the Colt's Neck Reformed •AAMATUR.ES ry McCormlck. church. Mr. and M/s. John Gunn, Mm. William A. Liebhauser, Mrs. choir directors, played recordings •WATtR. PUMPS Robert Harris, Mrs. Samuel Beem, of various songs sung by choir Mrs. Robert H. Shelly, Mrs. Rich- members. Refreshments were •CARBURETORS ard Weiss, Frank Merrltt, Mrs. served by the hosts. Attending were Charles Parkell, Mrs. John A. Mr. and Mrs. William VanNote, Mr. •CYLINDER BLOCK



Stool Whoolbarrows iMfRflllng llul WkHl M«U» 4 c - ' $11.111 5 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY AT ATLANTIC ILK HNlfcy tlMl MMtfUtUM, M«l« YOU CAN AFFORD MAGNAVOX fir klf !»••, TREAT YOURSELF TO THE FINEST THI MAGNIFICENT MAGNAVOX Take Harrf Wcrfc Ovt of Mowing I CrwHmm* 10.*. • . ATLANTIC'S ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY Power Mowers CONTEST NOW IN PROGRESS-COME In and Get Your Contest Entry Blank. BIIICJCS (AAAe No Obligation STKA'riON # B Q.95 AIO'IOH W y , *Wt 101fS Economy Mowora X Priced For Addad Savlngi 25 Monmouth St., Red Bank New ond ImprovodlRuggod and powerfull Runs 4 howrs . . ASBURY PARK • LONft BRANCH • KRYPORT • FREEHOLD on 1 quart of gas. Throttle-control and clutch-control p TOMS RIVER • TRENTON j* are conveniently located on handle. Ad|i»tobl« speeds. RBO. 19.91 ALSO AVAILABLE IN ATLANTIC AGENCY STORE #1 ! Rubber grip handles. Strong, pressed steel construction! "''.CITI/WV,".!')!'.! 227 SECOND STRRBT, LAKBWOOD IIMI blnd«i. Eaiy foiling I SAVINGS ON BALANCE OF LINE RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953 Board Must Hire Held for Grand Jury, £ SAVE WITH A'P's LOW PRICES Hazard Board On Weapons Charge W Police Protection ... KEANSBURG — Magistrate Ed- Tljahks lions ward F. Ambrose last night held MATAWAN — Borough council Pasquale Russo, 33, of 123 Seeley BRANCH — Bt«phen D. here will inform the Matawan Layole of Matawan yesterday ex- ave. here, for the action of the township board of education that grand jury on a charge of carry- YOUR BUDGET'S BEST FRIEND! tended the appreciation of theit must hire its own employees for board of director* of Hazard hos- ing a' concealed weapon, He was police protection. freed in $500 bail. pital to Monmouth county Lions Befriending budgets is our business at A&P. So we keep price's as low cluba that have undertaken to add Council's decision followed an Russo was arrested early yester- opinion by Borough Attorney Theo- day morning on Beachway by Pa- as possible, in every department, every day. ^f you're interested in • wing to tha hospital. dore D. Parsons that the board was "We send our sincere thanks," trolmen George Preston and Fred fine foods at prices your budget can meet, get acquainted with A&P's Mr. Lavole'*' letter laid. "We areso empowered. It followed the read- Loder, with a .25 caliber automatic well awaro of the charitable work ing of a second letter from John pistol in his possession. hundreds of storcwide values today! Come see... come save at A&P! your fine organisation has ' been W. Applegate, the board's former attorney, asking that the borough About three and one-half per A&P'i FAMOUS "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY — GENUINE SPRING doing over the years, and of Its cent of the ocean is sajt. great value to the community. We provide the needed protection. xealize that this Is a large under- Mayor Stafford W. Schanck re- taking—perhaps one of your larg- minded the board that funds for est—and ft is a good, example of police protection were provided in If You Have this year's school budget. Legs of Lamb the benefits and value of Lions elubs in 'service to the community." Council awarded a contract for LOCAL CORN Continued 'Mr. Lavoi: "You are3,875 feet of concrete curbing to Regular Style all aware of the work that Dr. A. P. Thompson of Red Bank, His or WHEAT Ovin-Rtidy Hazard has done for ' the com- bid of $5,037.50 was the lower of In Sell'Service In All ||j munity and for the poor during the two received. The curbing will be TO SELL Meat Departments 67 Meat Departments 32 years that the hospital has been used In the widening of Main at. in existence. You probably also are CALL US fof 59 Council sold a Lakeland ave. lot to ne Save at A*P! aware that your work Is, to a goodRoss B. Hotaling for $400 and a CURRENT PRICES measure, going to save Hazard hos- Stlllwell st. lot to Roosevelt Mc- pital from being forced. to close c C Knight for $800. Central Jersey Farmers ;< its doors after these many years crt Councilman Storey E. Hallock 65 Smoked Beef Tongues operation! Howovcr," Mr, Lavole de- Cooperative Assn., Inc. Ribs of Beef 'r *55 told the council that he will submit clared, "you probably are not aware "Super-ltlist Quality" copies of a fire code, prepared by raGHTSTOWN, N. J. Oven-Ready Ribs of Beef in s«ifs«rvk« Departments 10" cur ib. 65c 7." cut ib 73c Hi. i of the feelings that Dr. Hazard, the National Board of Fire Under- Ifttrt Cut 49c Jamee Barbour and others who writers, to the planning board'for have strived for years to make the study. The borough has received Rib Steaks 10 »> ib 65e 7 cu, ib73e Loin Pork Chops ^^ b 89c c hospital a. going Institution, strug- $2,706 from the state for road re- Shoulders of Lamb s' »39e gling against great odds, have for KidneySlow-Down pairs, it was announced Tuesday GrOUnd Beef Freshly ground H d cuts your organization and for your night. 'b 39c Pork Chops

89e Fowl sJSKrrs *» M..I D.pii Shoulder Lamb Chops AH cuts % 85c cent meeting, plans were laid to Little. Silver | C make certain changes in the hos- POt ROaSt Boneless chuck ib 63c s..»i<, lb SliC6d BaCOn "Supor-Right" V^ lb. pkg. 45 pital to provide greater benefit to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pace and Restless Nights "xulimr Slvle •nfnl -SeKHs Cos*,, grCuli the community while not conflict- daughters Lucy and Mildred have When kidney function slows down, many folks complain of nigcinB bach at he. head- Plate Beef &•»•» ^M^ Ib15e S.r,k.M,.IO.p., I Available in Fresh Fish Departments ing with general hospitals of this returned from a vacation at Niag- aches, dizziness and Ions of pep and energy* area. I am sure that you are going ara Falls, Canada. Don't suffer restless nights with these dis- to be very proud of what we are Sally Simpson of Lake Ariel, Pa., comforts if reduced kidney function is get- Boneless Brisket Beef ^ 65c Fancy Shrimp . . . ib 79c ting you down—due to such common causes In S.ivlt'"". Mti *l O.pli.-lll. i~ IV, lo J',4 Ibi"". going to accomplish with this mon- visited from Friday until yester- u stress and strain, over-excrtion or expo- Fresh Hams whOu or •ither half lb 57c ey and what the end result Is go-day with her school chum at Lin- sure to cold. Minor bladder Irrltitiuni due »>67c Chickens Fresh Flounder Fillet . ib. 59c ing to do for our community." den Hall, Juanita Libovsky, Mon- to cold or wrong diet may cause getting up night* or frequent p&EBagcs. roe ave, Don't neglect your kidneys If thtse condi- tions bother you. Try Doan's PHIs-a mild Mrs. Richard Totley, Prospect diuretic. Used successfully by millions for ave., has returned home with her over 50 yearn. It's amazing how many times Marines Graduate son, James Millard, born last week Doan's givt^iiappy relief from these discom- forts—help tlielomilcsof kidney tubes and flJ- at Monmouth Memorial hospital. tcra flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today! The auxiliary of the Jlre company William Emlcy will hold its first fall meeting at BUDGET-WISE DAIRY BUYS lona Brand i9«. MC{ 1 CHERRY POINT, N. C.—Marine the fire house Wednesday. cane Bff«# Technical Sgt. William Emley, 29, Finest Domestic Clem Red Cherries Sear Pitted 2 Diane Stephens, daughter /of son of George Emley of Eatontown, Councilman, and Mrs. Charles W. He'll be SUING p! C N. J., was recently graduated from Stephens, has returned from six A p Fflncy OuaKfy 24 ez. the^ Airborne Intercept "Operators' weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mrs. A tradesman' or salesman Sliced Swiss »59 school at this Marino Corps Air Thec-dore D. Parsons and family station. • falling down your front steps Grape Juice * 2 bettlee at their summer lodge at. Lake The school, one of the most tech- Wah-wash-kosh, Ontario, Canada. ... an^rrant golf ball... an Sliced American M.IOB,I PtOctii b 55c nical in the Marine .Corps for en-Suzanne Stephens la visiting Anne accident caused by your Vegetable er listed men, is a lB-woek course de- Kerrigan of Summit,' who is hav- Sharp Cheddar A9.d owi yMr ib 69c signed to teach the principles' and ing a house party for her Bouve children or your dog ... any Campbell's Soups Vegetarlee 2 tactics of operating radar equip- Boston college classmates. , 25 Ched-O-Bit ch s«foed 7 ib. box 85c ment In all-weather fighter planes. of these can bring on ruinous M Mrs. J. J. Knodel, Rumson rd., large Included in the curriculum are such lawsuits. Protect yourself A Savu Yea subjects as airmanship, communica- entertained her sewing club Tues- Cheese Spread ^en* 19 ez. tions, navigation, fighter tactics and day. Mrs. Knodel and Mrs. X. S. ALL LIABILITY Sail Pur ,L Detergent Up To 8c electronics. Smith are co-chalrmep of ,7 rum- pkg. Including MALPRACTICE Kraft's Links a*.,, food A graduate of Leonardo high mage sale to be helcf in the store Final school the sergeant la a World War next, to the Paramount theater In FOR . . . Gruyere Cheese• ****'» «o*.i*g.29* Long Branch from Sept. 14 to 18 j Wheaties JtiSXL :;2fr Angel Soft Wtltl II veteran, having seen action in PHYSICIANS such campaigns as Okinawa, thefor the benefit'of the Family and! Baby Goudas ... *^43c Philippines and Guadalcanal. He Children's Welfare Society or Long I DENTISTS i entered in the Marine, Corps in Au-Branch. Donations are sought and . Fig Newtons •"•» - 37< Grapefruit Juice 45< gust, 1942. may be brought to the store. | VETERINARIANS He is married to the former Rose Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gross, Al- BEAUTICIANS den.ler., entertained at dinner Sun- u Frozen Asparagus Spears "."37c Sweet Pickles ":£" R. Schoen of Miami, Fla., and 1 Yonkers. N. Y. She Is an es-Wom- day for Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Yorg A p a an Marine, who was stationed at and daughter Carol of Fair Haven Small Green Peas t J,r2 r 29c Salad Mustard ^^ Cherry Point. The couple am and Mr. and Mrs. Amory E. Os- . ACKLEY •mi IfnAPMAC presently residing in the married born. ._ Insurance Specialists Cling Peaches ^i^tha^ "^ 29c enlisted men's quarters here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bdelmann, PHONES: 91rat h iri Sigirii Point rd., are entertaining Mrs. Sliced Cling Peaches J;z zL 21?53« Bon-Olive Oil In World War TI there were Edelmann's cousin, Mrs.. Malcolm RED BANK 6-1585-W l about 50,000 battle deaths of Amer- SlacGregor and daughter Ruth of Newark • Market 4-5800 For quick dessert) A 10 ez. MQt Wilson's Chopped Beef 12« «"39i icans In the Pacific area. ' Summit. ex Ira delicious Tomato Juice '- 2 l°> 23« ' with ice cream. v Del Rich Margarine «»- t: 29« Tangerine Juice bs Oatmeal Cookies °r" 23c Marcal Tea Napkins . 2 tto 21 • p BEVERAGE BUDGET AIDS Cheez-lt Crackers t°/ 19c Marcal Pastel Napkins 3o & 25« Om9eiAle,Club5oti- 79ot FFlld Waxtex Waxed Paper 125 n 25* At WILBUR'S.,. UfhUa DnnL Gmae.Ale.ClubSoda, 428oc. JC, AH $:;.:T 3 Ph, 20c Colo-Soft Tissue 2 ^ 23« VlllllC nUGKFruilFlevars-pluidepsiil Abolllestw" Royal Gelatin 16 oz. can17c Kirkman's Borax Soap 3 «>»> 23« SEND THEM BACK-TO-SCHOOL |f a|f OUpCl Root teer-ns depoiil Larsen's Veg-AII

Coffee Time J^z, 2££29i Breast-O-Chickcn Hire's Root Beer C, Swanson's SwaRsen's Tuna Fish Boned Chicken IliUlir D66I Sold li licenied slerts 2c^25e Light meat-solid pack Boned Turkey • >>|i Ballanline, Piel'i, Rupperfi, 3 or. Q6CI Rheingold, Schaeler's, Trommer'- 43c

Big, juicy red-ripe cher- ries and plenty of 'em Honeydew make this a delectable Want a low-cost treat that's sure to rate high? Serve one of A&P's treat. And the crust is iweet and juicy Honeydew melons for appetiier or dessert! flaky-light!

Cilifemia C Seedless Grapesi -."Sweet, Jiley- 2, - 29 Glft-tliw stbeNM Picked at the peak of sweet, juicy goodnets . . . kept in A-l condition . . . and priced so you can enjoy a big bunch on a small budget. OUNM 17 jewcli. Mk Cherry Pie 49* natural or white Cantaloupe i*«»^>^ «^i9e iceberg Lettuce ^><«™ W ^19« told case. MIOfMO Jan* Parker CHOCOLATE ICID, 19 jeweli. Natu- GOLD IAR CAKE M«2P Cahfornia-Valenelas 5 bag 49c BrOCCOll Nearby farm. bunch 21C ral or white RITA told-filled case. 17 jewel^Natu- Jan* Parktr DANISH FILLED NUT fof e From e rtl or iwhite California-extra large jiis 5 1 9 Cflllllf l0W6T Calskill farms head 29 •old-filled caie. COFFEE RING 39* Egg Plant Nearby farms b 5« NOW GrOOH Cabbage Nearby farms Ib 3« Bracelet. GOLD OR MARILE POUND CAKE ..... i«N«t29* Table Celery whit.orp..e.i ..M2e Yellow Onions N.,rbyf.rm, 2n»5* (etibroUd "MATCH-MATES" by Matched ityling h M Exclusive! jj^^^ in the fine Amer- Colgate's Vel Cilgite'tFib ican Watch ... Chicken of the Sea Tuna Fish the perfect gift for ihi family wish and diihn For HM family with to give or get I V«e«fabUshortening /a«>-.—/ WMtl 7 or. «Q Llfht 7oz.«7 ^ 29« ;«v29t v;.69e 3 75^ *m flillt can W91 nut cm W1

RIMNITT Wf HIM * $ • 17 Jewell. En>u> Bab-0 Cleanser Silver Dust Surf Cashmere Bouquet Cashmere Bouquet IHKMAM lion band, Natu- 19 jeweli. Natu- ralgold-filledcue. t\e»U away |r«tM imtanlly Wkrtt leap flriiwlai Far lh« family waih in'd dlihti For lolls! md bath lipsclilly fer the b«lK ral gold-filled g b lh cite. Mnm 2r23« te'29e r.57e 3ct:22e 9 * 911 17 jeweli. .Natural f/28« *r55» C eikei 4 1 • or while gold-filled caie. School Starts Wed., Sept 9 Lux Soap Super Suds KlrkMin'i Fer I01I1I and ball) For ihs family with and dufi'.l Complexion Soap Open Fridays to 9 p.m. 1 Z^\AMIWCA't rOIIMOIT »006 IIUIUI...IINCI »Ut — 3tf22e X 27« r. 65« 5^:230 WILBUR'S i| er ar morial hospital. Mrs. Sechtemoller hospital. Of PERSORRL SERVICE Surviving, besides her husband, was born in Jersey City. Sunday-school will reopen Sun Mr. and Mrs. Albert Arnold of are «. daughter, Margaret Lynn day, Sept. 20, at 9:45 a, m., with Sico, who lives at home; a broth- Surviving are two ions, LouL Osborne St., Keyport, are parents Sechtemoller of Old Bridge and classes for all ages, Including an er," Henry, W.. Miclke of Shrews- of a son torn Sunday at Rivervlew adult Bible class. bury, and two sisters, Mrs. James •William Sechtemoller of New Mil-hospital. WILLIAM S. ANDERSON ford; two daughters, Mrs. Sadie The senior choir, under the direc Wilson and Mrs, Frank Ronan of Mr. and Mrs. John Ludvick o tion of Mr. Clark, will start re- 30-32 Hudson Ave. Red Bank this city. Cnlligan of Tcaneck and Mrs. Lor- Spring Valley rd., Old Bridge, arc etta Thomas of Roselle Park, nine hearsals Thursday, Sept. 3. Choir The funeral will be held tomor- parents of a daughter born Satur- rehearsal is at the church at 8 p. m. bole at curlew prices PHONE RED BANK 6-2406 grandchildren and ten great-grand day at Rlverview hospital. row morning at 8 o'clock at the children. The junior choir, under the dlrec Oamiano funeral home, nnd at 9 Mr. and Mrs. Otmcr Hill ol tion of Mra. William A. Shoemaker, o'clock, Rev. Alfred T. Sico, a The funeral wan held Tuesday Crawford st., Eatontown, arc par- at the Ryan funeral home, with will commence rehearsals Satur- brother-in-law, will offer a solemn ents of a son, born Friday at Haz- day, Sept. 12, at 10:30 a, m. onfir plywood!" Rev. Robert Cutler of Roselle Park ard hospital. high mass of requiem at the Star The toen-agc choir, under the of the Sea church. Burial will bs officiating, Burial was in Fairvlew Mr. and Mrs. James jNudd ol cemetery, Fairvlew, direction of Mrs. A. S, Joice, will ROBERT A. BRAUN In- Mt. Carmel cemetery, West Wall at., Eatontown, arc parents ol commence rehearsals at 10:30 a. m. Long Branch. a daughter, born Monday at Mon Sept. 12, MRS. ALBERT KANTER mouth Memorial hospital. "HOME FOR FUNERALS" HEADQUARTERS FOR DFPA QUALITY TESTED PLYWOOD MRS. ANNA M. HII.DKBKANT ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS— Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence, METHODIST Rhea Kinter, 61, of Ithaca, N. T., Jr., of 1410 Ocean avc., Sea Bright, Highlands LITTLE SILVER-Mrs. Anna M. are the parent* of a son, born yes- One of the county's most modern funeral Hlldebrant, 79, widow of Anson B. wife of Albert Kanter, died Sunday "God, Your Brother and You" will Hildebrant, died Friday at her at Rlvervlow hospital. Mrs. Kanter terday afternoon at Monmouth Me be the ninth sermon subject in the home, 309 Branch ave. was visiting her son, Gerald Carte. mortal hospital. The couple hav "Sermon on the Mount" scries to Little Silver Lumber homes with a completely home-like atmosphere. of this place, when taken 111, Shethree other sons and a daughter, be presented by the pastor, Rev. Born In Newark, Mrs. Hlldebrant Mr. Lawrence Is the son of Coun- had been a resident of this place also Is survived by a daughter, Howard Shoemaker, at the 11 a. AND SUPPLY COMPANY ;llman and Mrs. Ralph Lawrcnci 30 yean. She was a daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Fraser of Spring- m. service Sunday. His subject for SYCAMORf AVE. (at ttw RaHttCti) LITHE SILVM 1M BliOAD STKEET EAIONTOWN S-OSM the late John and Anna B. Troebcr. Held, P«.; a brother, Benjamin of Sea Bright. They now have l: the evening fellowship service, at Mrs. Hlldebrant was a past matron Goldberg of Brooklyn; a sister, grandchildren. 7:30 Is, "Your Church—Its Endur- Mil DELIVERY • tED SANK 4-3427 of Belleville chapter, Order of tho Mrs. Edward Mettelman of Utica, Mr. and Mrs. John James o: ance and Future." This will com- Eastern Star. N, Y., and a grandchild. Maple pi., Keyport, are parents of plete the aeries of sermons on twins, a son and a daughter, born Surviving are two nieces, Mrs. The funeral was held Tuesday "Your Church." The "Sermon on Helcne S. Taylor, Bloomlleid, and afternoon At the Poiten funeral yesterday at Monmouth Memorial the Mount" series will be contin- Mrs. Norma MacQuosten, Groton home, with Rabbi Arthur H. Her- hospital. ued during September. Sunday H. Laurence Scott Long Point, Conn., and a nephew, shon of Congregation B'Nal Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howcr oi school at 9:30 a. m, William J, Troeber, White House Red Bank, officiating. Burial was Nutswamp rd., are parents of a son NAT'S JEWELERS again station. in the Jewish cemetery at Linden. born Tuesday at Monmouth Memor- CENTRAL BAPTIST MORTICIAN The funeral was held Monday af- ial hospital. Atlantic Highlands ternoon at the Adams memorial HENRY MOORHEAD Mr. and Mrs. William Hancock Rev. Harry W. Morris of Milling- of Central avc., Atlantic High- ton will dollver a sermon at the Church Street, Belford, N. J., home,* with Rev. James W, Mar- LINCROFT - Henry Moorhead, ihall, pastor of Embury' Methodist lands, are parents of a aon, born morning service at 11 o'clock. Rev, «5, who made hit home with Jo- Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial Mr. Morris also will be guest speak- church, Llttlo Silver, officiating. seph W. Thompson, 130 Branch AIR CONDITIONED Burial was In Evergreen cemetery. hospital. er at the evening gospel service at ave., Red Bank, died Tuesday af Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard McDowc 8 o'clock. ternoon at! Mra. Jennie Layton'i ANDREW NICOKA of Colt's Neck rd., Colt's Neck, an Mid-week prayer meeting will be boarding house on the Red Bank parents of a son born Monday a Phone Keanshurg 6-0333 MATAWAN — Andrew Nlcora, Llncroft rd. held Wednesday night at 7',45, Choir Rivervlew hospital. rehearsal will follow at 8:30. 86, of 838 Lime rd., husband of the Born in New York city, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Grandln Johnto Moorhead was a farm laborer most late Thsreaa Gardella Nlcora, died of West Roosevelt circle, Country ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-RrVEB of his life. There are no known Monday at Monmoulh Memorial dub Estates, are parents of a son, Rumson survivors. hospital. He was born In Italy, son born Tuesday at Rivcrview hoa The cervices Sunday will be as of tho late Mr. and Mrs. John The funeral waj held this morn- pital. follows: S a. m. Holy Communion; Nlcora. Mr, Nlcora was a member ing at the Worden funeral home, Mr. and .Mrs, Howard Johnso 9:30 a. m. family service and ad- of St. Joseph's Catholic " church, Burial was in Fair View cemetery, of Leonardo are parents of a son, dress; 11 o'clock morning service Keyport. Worden Funeral Home MRS. KATHEMNR FITZGERALD born yesterday at Rlvorview hos- and sermon by Rtv. R, - Thomas Surviving, are a son, Frank Nl- pital, Blomqulst. cora of this place; thine daughters, PORT MONMOUTH-Mn. Kath Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shoots o HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT f. Mrs. John DoVoto and Mm, Loul.i orlnc Fltlgerald, 76, of Brooklyn, Prospect ave,, Union Beach, art METHODIST Tostlno 'of Mntawan and Mm. who had a summer home on Main parents of a daughter, born yester Navealnk Madeline Haywood of Mllllngton st., here, died last night at the Ivy day at Rivervlew hospital. The subject, "Cod, Your Brother KEU BANK 6-0557 ten grandchildren and seven great- Houso nursing home, Mlddletown Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fink 'o and You" will hm presented nt the grandchildren, township, where she had been Wilson ave,, Port Monmouth, nre 9:45 a, m. service, Sunday school The funeral wna hold yestordny at patient three weeks. 60 E. FRONT STREET RED IANK parent! nf a son, born yesterday Is at 10:45 a. m, St. Joseph's church, whoro Rov Born In New York city, Mrs, Fit* at Rlverview hospital, Cornelius J. Kane, pastor, offered gtirald was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Ryan of Ctra •( Thank! a high moM of requiem. Burial, un- Thomas nnd Anno Cannon. Hoi River at,, Boa Bright, are parents W« <1«lr« to thank our many frlindl der the direction of the Day fu- nnd neluhboM, the IUd Hunk Flra !)•• •, "Over Thirty Yean of husband, John Fitzgerald, died sev imrlmanl, Hid flank l'lrit Aid, Exactitlvii n«r*l home, was In St, Joseph's era! yearn »KO, Council astmiit nnioolMlon, Mra Police cemetery, Sho leaves a daughter, Mrs, and mnny othaia, who In any war at- Dependable, Economic*! Service" Solomon lodge, Frco nnd Accepted niBtad In tha Illnaas find danlh or our Frank Wilson of Brooklyn. Masons, Jertoy City. MA11V ANN'BKNK hrlnviut himbniiil and fitthar, Charlte II, Tho body will be sent to the Frc LodfTC services will hn hold to- llcnnatl, .Senior Air Conditioned for Your Comfort CUFFWOOD BEACH — Stnry Horbsl funeral homo In Brooklyn night at the Harris funcrnl home, KUr.nhalh (!, llamutl, where final .arrangements will b> Humid anil ClmrlM (Itiiiiett, Ann flenli, nUwlny-oUt ilniiKlitoi' nf Red Bank, Durlal will bo In White KlUnhotli Warren, Zlgmtmt imd Jaciiiiolliio Kali'llold completed. Burl(\l will bo In Ca Tlldgo comotcry tomorrow, Bonk of 112 Shore Concourse hern, vnry cemetery, Brooklyn. Loca died Huinlay *l Monmouth Memor- arrangements arc In charge ot the OO BACK TO SCHOOL... ial hospital, where sho had boon Worden funeral home, barn, Sho also In mirMvoil by two DISTINCTIVE GO BACK TO WORK... •lite™, Patrlcln Honk nnd Kulli- MRS. JOBKril ANIHIKW8 WITH JHI WORLD'S MOST-WANTID KN leen Honk; her ptitorrml if HIOHLANDB-Mrs. Lucy K. An- mother, Mra, Btnphmi Bonk of Cliff' drews, 80, wife nf Joseph Andrews, ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS The flntit pen al any price, Decades ahead In design wood, nnd lior mntnriitil Ki'imrtimr died litst night nt her homa on Ba ...has the suncMmooih Electro-Polished Point, New until! Mr, nnd Mm. Malcolm O, Fnlr st,, horo, The Adams Memorial Home Hold of LaiJiTiicn Witi'linr, Perfection of Miiterliil nnd filling case. Visible Ink supply, Writes a metcred, per- Born In Atlanta, an,, Mis, An Th« (untrM win lirlil Monday Workmaltlhln III UcnlltMul fect line. Available in dim regular size, Mtro-sllm demi- drown wna a resident nf the short size. Choice ot colors, custom points. morning at I ho Dny funeral home arcii •!(! yenm, New pqtl(iis Succeitor to Mount MemorUI Hcmi Hui'lal via In HI, JijKrph'ii I' Hui'vlvlnir, bolide* lior liusban Kryporl, IIro ii ilnuxhlor, Mrs, lildlth JUIIAI Our momorluls aro intiiiufiic- $ Sf nf Nflwnrk, two KritmlchUdrcn nn tui'od by skilled ui'llmum In our :- PARKER "51" *- 12 tlii'rn lii'nnl-Ki'nnduhllriron, $ FUNERAL DIRECTORS H H III II c I M Tim Pnstnn funeral home In I well oi|ul|)|iocl plant al Wast S Pnrktr "31" lutdal 5°° flcynnldn, M, of II Hlimlyxldn avis, uhnrga ot lioni Branch, filed Monday moinlnn nt Itlvervlow Iwnltnl, Mr, Reynolds WHN hum KDWAHI) In ConntotlflUl, MIDMiKTOWN - Kdwurd ID, 310 Sroid Street Red link, N. J. Surviving Is II iilncn, Mi'H, Aiohl- ,lonn«, 70, formerly (it 237 Pottni LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO. inc. 72 IROAD ST. ?Of l>n!d II, (Inmnlii.'ll, HIIIMNVIIIM, N, Y iivi',, 1,'HIK llranah, dlod Munda; Till' fiini'i'sl \vn» hold Miinilny nt tin1 Mnyvlcw nuiHlnj{ homo IHIII Wall Si, T«l. W 6-r>f>7 Went Long Driincli 1 RID IANK ttftrrnooii ill thn John I ) liny fn. Hmvlvlnjf Ii A dnuglitcr, Mn home, (,'H'iHiiUnn Pillownl nl Mury Ann Fluid* of noxbury, Mm SUM) POIl ILUJSTUATEI) OATALOOUH Hill crematory, Linden, Mr, Joncj win a member ot King RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1958 Pat?e SAVMI Raymond Witter, Mies Jean'Maz- Betrothed Phyllis Antenori Miss Stewart In Bed Bank It's zle, Mrs. John Kane, Mrs. P. Da- SHERMAN'S for loia, Mrs. Nancy Maaiello, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berger of Win- Becomes Engaged To Wed Airman CURTAINS Marilyn DiSanto, Miss Ann DiSan- Seld dr., Little Silver, announce the • DRAPERIES EdwardA.Viner&Co. Shower to, Mrs. Ruth Scharappa, Miss Su-engagement of their daughter, Miss LITTLE SILVER — Mr. and Mrs. RUMSON — Mr. and Mrs. Ed-• SLIP COVERS T $ffiTAWAN — Mijs Graci Ar- zanne Donnell, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Barbara Joyce Berger, to Howard Abramo Antenori of 357 Branch ward/L. Stewart of 4 Lakeside dr. • LINENS INVESTMENT ••'gentirio of Broad st. was given a Mrs. Pat Figone, Miss Josephine Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy ave, announce the engagement of have announced the engagement of • VENETIAN BLINDS their daughter, Miss Phyllis An- their daughter, Miss Lenna J. Stew- MANAGEMENT " •Vinscellaneous 'shower last week at DiSanto, Mrs. Josephine Masiello, Sherman of Woodbine ave., Little For tenori, to Gerald Menna, son ofart to Airman Second Class John Shop-at-Hom* Sfrvict Continuous advice on a lj|Ke .Knlghta of Columbus hall in Miss Jeanne Kane, Miss Peggy Silver. modest fee bui*. • keyp'brt. Miss Argentino will be- Lawrence, Mrs, Alice 'Walling, Mrs. Phont RB 6-2S46 come the bride of Patrick D'Afo- Minnie Zambito, Mrs. Mary DiSan- Shannon's lito of Port Reading, Sept. 5 in to, Mrs. Fannie Papa, Mrs. P. Zam- CORPORATION MERGERS St. Joseph's Catholic church, Key- bito, Mrs. A. Zambito, Mrs. Nancy Homt Dtceraters KtfrtiMng Brokers nnd,consultant! in tils lilt 45 BROAD STREET RED BANK ll*nH. port. . I Papa of Matawan; Mrs. C. Santoro, Red Htll Road • Mlddlctotrn, N. J. Mrs. Catherine Dapolito, Mrs. Eliza- Unit Decorations were in shrimp and Kckty HALF AND Tel. Middletown 5-0252 mint green, and the gifts were ar- beth Dapolito, Miss Grace Dapo- N. Y. Addresn: 11 Will St. and Ton N. If. 5, N. T. ranged in a wishing well. Individual lito, Mrs. D. Diadone, Mrs. Frank ColKnt HALF favors were miniature bridal bou- Daplito, Mn. Margaret Santoro, God's Helping Mfrobem N. If. Stock Exch»ng« quets. Miss Lillian Santora, Miss Marion Guests were Mrs. Frances Argen- Santora, Miss Ann Dapolito, Miss Hand tine, Mrs.. Louis Papa, Mrs. Gilda Katherine Dapolito, Miss Josephine DiSanto, Mrs. C. DiSanto, Mrs. Zullo and Mrs. A. M. Dapolito, Port Grace Papa, Mrs. Madeline Zam- Reading; Mrs. Angela Serrapica, bito, Mrs. Betty Zambito, Mrs. Julia Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. Helen Argen- Anyone, at any mo- Longo, Mrs. Alex Smutko, Mrs. Al-tino, Mrs. Ann Nugent, Mrs. Angela ment, can seek and find God'i ma Benson, Mrs. Josephine Bana- Argentino and Mrs. J. Castellano, helping hand. fato, Miss Angle' Guigliano, Mrs. New York city, Mre. Louise Farkos, Miss Mary Ann Lakusso, Mrs. F. SCIENCE and HEALTH Marie Martin, Mrs. Mary Zullo, Pellegrine, Mrs. M. Cuiffreda and 4°/o Mrs. Nancy Grimaldl, Mrs. J. uith Key to the Scripture$ Charles, Mrs. Mary Petrucione, Mrs. Mrs. Lillian Schiavo, Woodbridge; h) Mary Baker Eddf Yolanda Richards, Miss Marion Miss Claire Donahue, Perth Am- ' Armellino, Mrs. E. Nappl, Mrs. Eboy. ; Mrs. T. Finn of Cliff wood, and is showing the way for multi- INTEREST PER ANNUM ON Saccone, Mrs. Guesie Bell, Mils Mrs. Sarah Aiken, Port Monmouth. tudes — the way of peace and Esther Plnkus, Mrs. M. Piroz*i, fulfillmoit. Miss Ann Bucco, Mrs. A. Guigliano, This great book, together Miss Frances Inguagiato, Miss L. Oleomargarine manufacturers in with the Bible and other au- Cusanelll, Mrs. Mary Borasso, Miss the United States used about 213.- Minn Barbara Joyce Berger . Miss rhyUls Antenori Lenna J. Stewart thorized Christian Science lit. Margaret Cusanelli, Mrs. John Ko- 828,000 pounds of skim* milk in NEW CARS erature, may be borrowed, bus, Mrs. Robert LaMura,. Mrs. their product in 1952. " Miss Berger is a graduate of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Menna ofSheldon DeVesty, son of Mr. and lead or purchased it Red Bank high school, attended Broad st., Red Bank. Mra. Earl DeVesty of Latham ave, Monmouth Junior college and the Both Miss Antenori and her fi-Navesink. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1/3 DOWN Traphagen school of design in ance are graduates of Red Bank A graduate of Rumson high school New York. She is presently em- high school. The bride-elect Is em- n June, 1952, the bride-elect is cm- READING ItOOM M0NTHlv ployed by Remington Rand, Inc., at.plbycd in the billing departrv • "f Watson Laboratories. ployed as dental assistant by Dr. 211 BROAD STREET BALANCE IN 24 the Bendix plant at Eatontown. Mr, Louis Mcllacl of this place. Air- BED BANK Her fiance is a graduate of Bor-Menna Is in business with his fa-man DeVesty graduated from dentown Military Institute, attend" ther in the operation of the West Middletown township high school OPEN WEEKDAYS ed Babson Institute in Wcllesley, Borgcn market. in 1948. He entered the Air Force From 12:00 to 4:30. BORROW, PAY MONTHLY Mass., and is a graduate of New in February, 1951, and is stationed Fri. Evening 7:30 to »:M. York university with a B.S. degree. Announce Engagement at Lake Charles Air Force base, .81,000 $45.01 No date has been set for the wed- La. A winter wedding is planned. ding. Of Juan M. Nanp $1,500 $67.52 KEANSBURG — The engage- BUTLER Special this Week ment of Miss Joan Mary Napp, Clifton Girl Engaged $2,000 $90.02 Linen Shower, Party daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles $2,500 8112.53 Napp of Maplewood ave., to Rich- To Language Teacher For Miss Ellen Scott ard Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Parker of Stone rd.. Un- CLIFTON — Mr. and Mrs. James TINTON FALLS — A surprise ion Beach, was recently announced Barr Macpherson of this place have linen shower and lawn party was at a party for 200 guests at the made known the engagement of WE ALSO FINANCE LATE MODEL USED CARS given Miss Ellen Jane Scott, daugh- Knights of Columbus hall here. their daughter, Miss Alice Eliza- beth Macpherson, to William Pom- AT THE RATE OF 6% INTEREST PER ANNUM. ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Scott Miss Napp attended Red Bank of Oakhurst, Thursday night at thehigh school, Mr. Parker was grad- eroy Ryan, son of Mrs. LeGrande home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lemon, uated from Keyport high school D. Leonard of Harlingcn and tha Sycamore ave., by Mrs. Margaret and sewed three years in the Ar-late James Ryan. A winter wed- Bradley and Mrs. Robert Frost, my, having recently returned from ding is planned. for Your Building Needs THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK aunts of the bride-to-be. Miss Scott Germany. He Is employed by Na- Miss Macpherson is the grand- will marry John Parker, 3d, of tional Lead nt Sayrcville. daughter of Mrs. James Day Mac- Adaptable to hundreds OF Monmouth rd., Oakhurst, Saturday, pherson of Clifton and the lats of commercial use*. Low Sept. 26, in the Oakhurst Metho- KEYPOBT GIRL ENGAGER Mrs. Felix Willgerodt of Red Bank. cost... up to 50% leu dist church. KEYPORT — Mr. and Mrs. Carl An alumna of Passalc Collegiate than conventional con- Guests were Mrs. Anna Palacio school and Wellesley college, she RED BANK, NEW JERSEY F. Cook of 24 Prospect st., have has done graduate work at Middle- struction. . . . Quickly Mrs. Sarah Scott, Mis. Alan Frost announced the engaitement of their erected. SERVING MONMOUTH COUNTY SINCE 1864 Mrs. Margaret Watt, Mrs. C. D.daughter, Miss Joanne Fox, to Wil-bury college, and taught at the Col- • Miniature Dahlias Hutcheson, Mrs. William Scott, Mrs. lege Moderne Paul Bert in Paris liam John McGowan, son of Mr. Built to meet ytiir 'round Farm. Open Friday Evenings from 6:30 to 1:00 Delphinium • Porri Pom Chrysanthemums Stanley McKenna, Mrs. Sara Wor- and Mrs. William P. McGowan of and the Wlnsor school in Boston, Inriu-'-lnl nnd Dnmp'tlc nredll den, Mrs. Harry Mayberry, Mrs. 78 Miller St., Highlands. Mr. Ryan Us a graduate of Prince- Daniel Linehan, Mrs. William Egolf, Miss Fox was graduated from ton. He continued his studies at Built Bttitr Mrs. Albert • Vetter, Mrs. Clifford Koyport high school. Mr. Mcdowan Columbia university and nt tho Brangs, Mrs. Richard.Cooper, Mrs, Is a graduate of Atlantic Highlands University of Paris In France. He To laif Long* SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Leslie Stites, Mrs. Henry Dugan, high school nnd attended Monmouth received a master of arts degree Mrs. Gladys Turner, Mrs. AnnJunior college in Long Branch. He from Middlebury college and now 3.00 2-5° Bedle, Mre. William Hall, Mrs. Ethel teaches modern languages at St. ftr Is employed at the Hercules Powder THE D&J COMPANY AVAILABLE Loftus, Mrs. Edward Carney, Mrs. company nt Parlin. Peter's school at Peeksklll, N. Y. David Scott, Misses Albertina Hill, Mr. Ryan is a veteran of World SCOBEYVILLI, N. J. Christa Wordon, Evelyn Hill, Gail TO ENTER VASSAB War II, having served in the Navy Ttl. IiUMawn !••!•• Fleldner, Alida Brangs, Helen Vet two years. tor, Irma Jean and Dorothy Scott, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.— Four Sally Ann and Peggy Sue Frost Monmouth county girls will enter and Genevieve Cross and Albert Vassar college next month. They Votter, John Lemon, Jr., Rudolph are Miss Daphne Joan Deas, daugh Little Silver ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Savage, John Parker, 3d, Robert Deas of Riverlawn dr., Fair • Ha- R. B. 6-1832 Bradley, William Leinon, William ven; Alexandra Todd Fox, daugh- Scott, Sr., William Scott, Jr., James ter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fox, features Stites, John Lemon, Sr., and Stan- Rumson rd., Rumson; Miss Nancy ley McKonna. Those unable to at-Ncwbold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tend who sent gifts were Mrs. Wil-Douglas I. Newbold, Morrison liam Mauser, Mrs. Thomas Phlpps, farms, Colt's Neck, and Miss Aud- One dress quick-changes into two I Mrs. Richard Beers, Mrs. John Par- rey Rlker, daughter of Mr. 'and ker, Jr., and Mrs. Clarence Baker. Mrs. William C. Riker, North farm, Holmdel. Of the wearers of glasses In the United States, 56.4 per cent are fe- OPEN FOR INSPECTION males and 43.6 per cent males.

Daily and Sunday MAKING HISTORY one dress. pfTrotj plus two dickeys1 plus two sets snap-on cuffs I,

featured editorially GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, August1

A trend setter if we ever saw one! It addi up to two dresses for the price o! one, subtracts from the wash-a-day whirl. 0n» dickey and cuff set keeps the dress In action while the extra set is refreshed. Striped chambray dress with one dickey-cuff set in white broadcloth, th«" other set in solid color chambray. Polished cotton dress with one dickey-cuff set in stripes, the other in brightly contrasting solid cotton." Sizes 3-6x, $6,91 and 7-14, $7.9t 6-ROOM RANCH HOMES * 3 Bedrooms * Dining Room * Kitchen * Living Room • l1/^ Baths


ALL ON SECLUDED 100 FT. x 212 FT. PLOTS 818,970

KINGS HIGHWAY ESTATES DIRECTIONS 1 KOiM HED DANK Located at historic Kings Hlffhwny, Mid- cllolown, N, J,i 3 mllon north of Rod Bank, Take Routo 38 to Mlddlotown Town Hall •Hie LOCAL buying guide IDEAL. FOH COMMUTERS »t Flvo Cornora, Turn loft onto King* Near ichoola, trnlna, uua, Highway, procooil \i mllo to Model Homo. for 9 out o{ 10 Phono Red Bank 0-3100 Man. thru Sat, New Jersey Shoppers 3JSC GROSSINGER & HELLER, Agvntu •8 BROAD ST. RED BANK New Jersey tell Telephone Company RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1953

HELP WANTED FOR SALE TOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES APARTMENTS AUTOMOBILES REGISTERED NURSE_Or licensed prac- STEAM JENNY Practically new. Heady ?OUR-BURNER porcelain gas range. Ex- JUST OPENED L-Flrst super market In WE LOAN YOU tiros, BO charge, while 3'/.-ROOM FURNISHED apartment with lt50'CADILLAC_60 SpeelaL Fleetwood Alaska has refrlgeratored showcases youn are being recapped. Mount Tire garage. Second floor. 77 Wallace St., tical nurse from 7 to 11 P. M. Apply sedan, black, with five good white RED BANK REGISTER for immediate uie. Will demonstrate. cellent condition. Reason, changing to person st the Westwood Private wall tires, radio, heater, seat covers and Harry Lipplncott, Wyckoft rd., Eaton- ilectric. RE li-lf.04.' manufactured by "Bally." That's cold Service, 75 Whit. it.. Red Bank. Phone Red Bank. Available Sept. 7th. RE 6- enough for Eskimos, will surely satisfy RE 8.0484, 1360 for appointment Nursing Home, Inc.. 281 Bath ave., Long hydramatic. This low mileage car looks town. EA .1-01 IS. _____ BUILDING_Thrcc-room luminer bunKa- Branch. LO 6-5277. like a new one. Mechanically . perfect. CLASSIFIED RATES OUSE^TJtAlLEiClBar.ain, 10~53, 41. low. For further Information, call AT you! Middlelown Refrigeration Bally UOOVER CLEANERS repaired, brushes URNISHED Three-room apartment, distributors, Highway 35, Middlctown. rebristled. Allen Eectric Shop. 18 Bath and modern kitchen, Conveniently STENOGRAPHER For real estate and Price 92,260. Can be seen at the corner foot Elcar. Two bedroomi, white kitch- -2278-M. Insurance office. Five-day week. Pre- of Ocean blvd. and East Highland- ave., Three Cents a Word en, full bath, heated floors. I paid MI 6-020B. White st. Phone RE e-0612. ocated. Near shopping center and WO SETS OF OLD andirons, 135 each; .ransportatlon. Business couple pre- vious experience In insurance not neces* or call AT 1-1741-M. J2.40O, want J800. You take over pay- »mnll boudoir chair J7, with two slip- 12-FOOT MEAT CASE 1000. 10-foot GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Landscaping, Minimum Charge: $1.00 freezer 1400, illcInK machine 175, seal* ferred. Cnll AT 1-0588. sary, but must be capable of respon- IFfffiY ments. H. Begell. Lot 48. Circle Trailer :ovcrs: Ihreo grass rugs, *5 each: small grading, top toll, AH dirt, cinders, alblllty. RE 6-0804, —This handsom* two-tone grey hard- DoubU Rati lor Double Spicing yre back mahogany chair $8, oriental 9175, adding machine 175, cash register gravel, manure, cesspools and dry wells ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS_Two rooms, M5. All equipment Is two years old. furnished, and'bath. All utilities. Pri- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Licensed top convertible Is all set to go. It has Blind mil, uslnR Th« Re&lster'l •tik' 11x14, blue predominating; few pair built; driveways repaired, Lionel Simon, and experienced preferred. Must own radio, heater, four brand new whltewall Call HE 6-3788-J or AT I-207S.' Phone RE 6-0561. •ate entrance. Suit business woman or P. O, Box, 25c cxlra. 6.0652 or C-0554. rapes. RE fi.2603." COING AWAY"BXRGAINS—In fine con- :ar. Red Bunk'a fastest growing real tires. The famous six-cylinder Chrysler CHROME—hlNET'l'G SBTS_Regularly couple. Vacant Sept. 1st. Syer, 50 Spitfire engine will give many miles of Riuht to classify, edit or reject dition. 30-gallon hot water boiler LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and re-FnhATl62J estate office. Good opportunity. Massar any advertisement 11 reserved by CUNS, GUNS, GUNS_New und $70.5Q, now flill.50. Wood or wrought with stand, 15; toilet icat, enameled paired the right way, Walter D. An- Agency. 0 Canal st. RE 6-2121. earafres driving. See it now. Maurice run sets, also drastically reduced. You TWO-RO()M FURNISHED apartment. RE Schwarls * Sons. Direct factory dealer. The Register, used. All makes and models. vory, 91,50; breast drill 93, steel forms tonldes, 184 West Front it. Opposite WOMAN To care for two children and r er PlyInoulh Int ivs it to yourself to see these sets be- 6-3552-M. 24 Wavorly pl.. Red Bank." ??, '',w ;. ' «"»tional trucks, We will not b« responsible for Over 500 in stork. Guaranteed. Open 'or cement walks, etc, 93,60: wire fence Welt it,, Red Bank. l^RTnsHE"lTTpAfffSf_NTS_3 and 3_ do light housework for working moth- 141 W. Front St.. Red Bank. errors unless they are detected be- 'ore you buy. Convenient credit terms. itrctcher with tackle 92, two-man saw . Call after 5 P. M. EA 3-0654-J. Kosenfeld Furniture, 12 White St., Red CESSPOOLS cleaned and built; septic rooms. Nics residential section. Nice- fore the second insertion, 8 A. M. to 9 T. M, H. Treptow, 93.50, two strong ladders, one 10-foot, SXPERIENCED WOMAN To work in 1851 FORD CRESTLTN_R_|l,300. A-f Bank. RE (i-341!*.' tanki cleaned and installed, drains in- ly decorated. Clean furniture. Close Ko cancellations will be accepted Jlilltown, N. J. one 12-foot, 60 cents a foot; four-foot sta'led. Phona any time day or night, a buses, trains and stores. No objec- cafeteria kitchen. Permanent position, condition. Call AT 1.1710 after Sun- or chances made in advertisements ACCORDION 120-bass Carl Fischer stepladder 92.50, five-foot atepladder 94, RU 1-0740. Harvey C. Tllton, 87 High, 40-hour week, Benefits. Apply In per- ay, Aug. 31. 'Torlo III." Like new. Bargain for electric brooder, 50-chick, 93.50; prun- tion to child or pet. Available now. one hour after receipt at office, NE U, S. ELECTRIC counter slicer, land ave, Rumson, Phone AT 1-0482-R, son, Fort Monmouth Exchange, Building iOlNG OV_RSEAS_Musl aacrlno 195"0 . . ck sale. RE S-3835-M.* ing hook on pole 92. Grant, RE 6* i63, Fort Monmouth. rord two-door sedan. inquirs at DEADLINE: ono Inme National cash rct'lsler, reg- SPECIALIZING In mason work and plas; URNISHED Five-room apartment. isters up to |!>0.fl9: one Kanitnry electric JABY and mattress, thnyer 1318-11-2, __^___ terlng. patchwork. No job too large Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen BUS BOYS OR PORTERS—Permanent unoco Service Station, Oceanport ave., Real Estate: Tuesday Noon, Cnmiiullng scale. 24-lbs. latest model; foldiny: also piny pen and pad. Very THE BLESSING of a modern up-to-date or too smsll. John Domto. Jr., phone nd bath. Near bus, railroad station positiuii. 40-hour week. Benefits. A p. Classified Display: Wednesday Noon ono McCaskey cabinet account system: trnod condition. Rest offer. MA 1- home freezer Is completely yours when ply in person. Fort Monmouth Exchange, 1040 CHEVROLET four-door sedan'. Thfs All Others: S p. m. Wednesday. AT 1.1772.W - ami schools. 365 Carr ave.. Keansburg. 1 h. p. Frlgldalre unit with blower. Can •-27B.J. you buy one from us. Middletown Re- VACUUM cleaners repaired any make, TOtiR^IiOOM "FURNISHED apartment"". Building 563, Fort Monmouth. dependsbla Fleetlina Is ready to give bo bought reasonnlilf. Also will sell MOVING, MUST SELL_U|irlght "Web- frigeration, Highway 35, Middlelown. MI Allen Electric Shop. 18- White it., Red Adults only, lluslness couple preferred. MAN WITH CAK_Do you need extra ou many miles of economical tram- Call Classified items separate, llcary Schweizcr, Rcal- er" piano, 49 laches high, asking {50; 5-02811. Bank. cash? We can use you full or part- lortatlon. It Is durable black, equipped tnr, 141> Main Bt., KeansburK, or call Bcndix bolt down typ« wssher. new No pets. RE 6-271S. with radio, heater. Drive It today. FROZEN FOODS and meats. Only Grada PAINTING—Inllde and outside. Ftpcr- LAiiG_TROOM_Furnished. Kitchenette, time. Average earnings 92 an hour. Ex- Kcd Bank 6-U013 KE «-ql23. motor,, S15. Call after 6 P. M. A quality. Our prices will make you perience unnecessary. Age no handicap. Maurica Schwarts t Sons. Direct fac- RE 6.1610-J. hanging contracted by roll, John private bath and entrance. Utilities in- tory dealer. Chryaler, Plymouth, Inter- GAS AUTOMATIC hot water heater, .10- raise (lowers instead of vegetables. Old Halone. AT 1-1798-W. cluded in rent. Do everything I canJo investment, Apply at 170S F St., gallou. Gqodjcondition. RU 1.0763-M. TEMCO F'LOOR FURNACE, 70,000 B.T.U, Village Foods, Highway 35, Middletown. Belmnr. national trucks, 141 W, Front st,, Red •Til-%STROY1>"RAT KILTER—NCW, nmar.- Like new, fully autorqstic, with ther- o make it pleasant, EA 3-1478. LOST AND FOUND Ml 5-0094. COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE. NnJENTSHfiD, downslownstairt s papartment. MIDDLE-AGED HOUSEKEEPER Pri- invr, with Warfarin, ready mixed, ready mnstat aad valve, W. AT 1-0860. AGIO CHEF GAS RANG__Very gopd vate room and bath. Television. Must to use. Safer, surer, more effective re- Evergrttm, ihrubi, rosei, etc, (tip- Four rooms and bath, private en LOST_Pasebook No. 51.772. Kinder LAWN" AND GARDEN equipment. Some condition. Call LO 6-6828. trance. Pleasnnt apartment for couple. be fond of our five children, oldest nine sults. Only $1 pound here. Three-pound demonstrators, 25% saving. All oth- raE_"TT_C_ wicker porch set, $26. piled and planted. Lawni made or ears.' Permanent position. Recent ref- 039 DODOE ON_-TON paneled truck please return to Second National hank, size $:.75. Balrd-Davlion Co., 176 West Near town nnd station. Oil heat, elec- erence required. Phone EA,8-0738. with ladder holders, Call befora 1:30 Red Hunk. ers 15%. Stop In and see if we have In good order, RE 6-0715-J,' renovated, maintenance by week or tricity and water supplied; 985 monthly, Front St., Ilcil Bank. your needs. Dlshrtnv Brothers, 68 Whalc- 16-FOOT CONSOLE television. In ex- '. M. KE 6-0470-B. LOST 12-foot rowbojii with broken WASH1N0 MACHlNE—ln perfect run- pnnd rd., West Long llranch. LO 6- month, Steveni, RE 6-2523-R, RE0-3C08. YOUNG MAN_To learn business. Start scut. White and green ouUiilc, onimrr ccllent operating condition. Complete FuRNlSHEM Three-room apnrtment in shipping and receiving department, 849 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE _ inside. "I!" chiselled on cither side (if ninK condltj_n.___(l. with outdoor antenna, chimney brackets and bath. In Little Silver. One block deliveries, ete. Excellent opportunity to Shiny black with deep groove, Good- how. Flnde_nlenso rnll BE IS-'i'JOB-M.' HAI1Y GUANI) PlANO_MnhoKnny caie. FERTILIZER No increase in our (niland lead in. Can be seen nt Strauss IN RED BANK — Span Craft Studies, ,'rom bus line. Near Fort Monmouth. begin a lacrstlva career. Must be willing •ich tires. Brand new roof, radio, heat- LbST_fnsabook 'No, SS.Oliii. Finder Perfect condition with electric piano prices. Fertilize your lawn this fall Stores, 15 White St., Red Bank. picture framing; oil paintings, etch- Conveniently located. No children. RE to accepl occasional emergency night er. You know you have always wanted player. RU i__6J_ . nnd ne\t spring. Help crowd out crab- MAN'S 26-INCH Columbia bicycle. In ings and engravings restored: full-size 5733. If no answer, cnll RE C-1866. calls. Driver's licence essential. South a convertible. Here Is one that a test please return to Second National Bank, Krass next year. Dishrow Brothers, 68 tramelcss mantel mirron, window val- Red Dank. __AVI"JJfT~S"TATE_.Chlppendiile daven- excellent condition, $25: large chain FIVE ROOMS and haUT Middle-aged Jersey Surgical Supply Co., 33 E. Front drive will convince you it was worth port $50, barrel back chair $30, both •Whalopnnd rd., West Long Branch. LO drive tricycle, in excellent condition. LO ances, lawn signs, framed mirrors, 37 »t., Red Bank. waiting for. See it now. Maurice KOUNP—StirinBtr spaniel female dou. B-6HBS. Eait Front It, Phone RE 6-3005. couple preferred. Heat furnished. RE with slipcovers: porcelain top kitchen 6-518E-J. JEDICAL LABORATORY technician. SchwarU & Sons. Direct factory dealer. Soon to have imps. Very Kcntle, lov- cabinet ?.*•, studio couch with new sllp- 6-35118." Chrysler, Plymouth, International trucks, able, intelligent, fall or write and prove MAHOGANY FRAMED MIRROR. 35x30: fEN-PlECE DUNCAN PHYFE dlni CARPENTER AND BUILDER — General APARTMENT _ Three Experienced, physician's office. Top cnvpr S20, power lawn mower, one year StromherK-Ciirlson vadlo-pllonOKrnph. room suite $175, thrfle.pioce living repairs, alterations, additions, re- salary. Five-day week. No evening hours. 141 W. Front st.. Red Bank. property. M. Furmnn. II. II. 1. Freehold old. f7.'>; ninhoKitny tables. RU 1- rooms and bathh. hiOn hhighway, near l_Wns_de_Fnrni.t Fit S-SB7B. .iiilinKany, A-l conditlfin: clover-leaf room suite $70, three-piece maple living roofing, cellar rooms and attic finishing. bus line. Adults. Availablo Sept. 1st. Write, "Technician." Box 511. Red Bank. DWGE, 1961 WAYFARER^ Balno", l_32li-M_* table, revolving top: kilchen step-ladder, room suito $125, plntform rocker $22, For estimate, phone RE 6-0602-J, Harry Imiuirc nt Vicky's Flower Shop, Route EXPERIENCED MAN_On modern dnlry heater, white walls, directlonals. Ex- LOSt—LnrKe"tan"Irnlhcr IHIB, Resembles GOING SOUTH Imported* Scotch Crom- Carter. Little Silver. iellent condition. RE 6-06O9-M.1 suitcase. Broken zipper, Contains wal- tirldce table, Florence heater, 0x12 ruK,cherry drop leaf table and six chairs 36, Box 407, West Keannburc* farm. Five-room apartment available. bie overcoat, 40-42 loriK, blue, brand double bed spring, foot stool, refectory $120, maple hutch cabinet $60, apart- AMALGAMATED TRADES—Carpenters, Windsor Fnrm. Edward Riordan, Pre-" KOSLEY SEDAN,~"l947-H*l'ioV Paint, let, money, driver's license. Reward. new, $R6; walnut bedroom nnd living chair, straight backed tapestried chairs, ment site gns stove $65, baby scales masons, painters, plumbers, electric- TWO-ROOM APARTMENT _ Private Keep money, fall UK C-1C71. bath. Private entrance. No linens ventorlum rd.. Fnrmingdnle, FA 5-8556, tires nnd body excellent. No dents or room pieces, mahoKiiny tables. See aad flower pot stand, china rlnset, bread box, $3, liatHinctte $,1, small safe $40, Cros- ians, iandscapcrs. Have It done by one list, but needs motor work. RE 6- make an offer. Various Idols, minor, concern that's concerned about you. or kitchen utilities. Available Aug. 30.MEDICAL LABORATORY technician. Ex- n-o-man saw, plastic table lamp, picture ley Shelvador $75, Rlackstone washer Mrs. Chnmbcrlain, 150 Bridge nve., Red perienccd. Physician's ofiice: top sal- 1364-M evenliiKS or week-enils.* kitchen scl, 10x14 Ilrondloom rug with frames, typewrilpr table-, honk ends, S75, sectional living room suite $175, Phone MA 1-2312-R.2. 948 CHEVROLET four-door sedan. FOR SALE pad. KE 7-1370.- Chevrolet ear heater, l:':"x4" bolts, spot- Admiral dual temp refrigerator with Hank. ary: five-day week. No evening hours. MUS"IC~INSTROCTffJNS _ All iiistru- BEAUTIFUL, IIEIJECOlfXTEI), furnished Write, "Technician." Box 511. Red Hank. Radio, heater, Cood condition. Reas- BEO Single, ma ile^ four-tioBler, with iirhts, tool boxes, rnlicr skates, pencil freezing compartment S250, walnut twin nielits, accordion, clarinet, trumpet, PERMANENT POSITION tor service sta; jaalde^lH Park ave. RU 1-12S7-J, FAN BELTS AND PULLEYS for elec- mnltress, Hit. 77 McLaren St., Red drnwinKS, unrbiiKe disposul unit, muson's heds $2.1, hunk hed complete $311, two-guitar, piano, etc. Instruments rented apart mont, overlooking Sandy Hook tric motors in slock. l)ou«la» Elec- •bay. All utilities, all year around. 164 tion operator with mechanical back- HERE IT lSI_Don't misTFT 105"2"PiyT Bank.' hawk, electric littings, plumbinir fittinKS, tier table $23. love sent $150, upright to new students. Phone for free trial ground. Only experienced operator want- mouth club coupe, 11,000 miles. We trle Co. 35 East Front St. I'hone KE CAMERA-.''Germin Wirrjin." Twin Icnn hack saw, metal snips, assorted hammers, piano $15. Burdge's Warehouse. (Next lesson. Davis Studios of Music and Linden ave.. Highlands. HI 3-1805. AT 6.01'JS . Daace. 11 Third ave., Long Branch. LO 1-02P3 nfter 5 P. M. ed. Apply Rumson Esso Station, West •old it originally, and just bought it back rellox F-3.5 lens, compur synchrnnhed Ki'sss shears, metal latlie center, etc.: to Htelnbach's parking lot.) 24 Clay st, Itlver rd. and Allen St.. Rumson.* •™ a transferred U. S. Army officer, HUSFITAITDEDS RENTED—Mew mod- shuiter .100 seconds, lens hood, filtnm. metnl files, dowolinir tnnclllne, punch HE li-0804. 6-0080, THREEOIOOM FURNISHED npnrtment. Good location. Three minutes to sta- ime, see it if you want a really unused ern adjustable hospital beds for rent. carrying ense. Guaranteed perfect. Call iinwl, pitcher, Klassee, (lower vases, NEW 1053 MOTOROLA, 21-lnch table ROTOTILUNG—Lawni, imajl gardens SALESMEN Three. Opening for wide —cd car. Maurice Schwarti _ Sons. New and used beds for sale. Call RE chime clock, Juice-o-Mat, paper hanKer's tion nnd IIUB line. Business couple. Two awake men with some, sales exper- after ruP._M_JlE_n-4 857-J.' model, blond wood television. Below and plots. Estimates cheerfully given. Direct factory dealers. Chrysler, Ply- e-iSH, ask for "Patient Service." tree table, assorted hardware, tire chains, dealer's cost. Emerson table model railio- Prompt __T_c__Ca__KE_6-_006^ men. References. 35 Locust ave., Redience; 9300 per month, plus commission. delivery. South Jersey Surgical Supply. NINB-PIECE DINING ROOM SET, Hunk. mouth, International, 141 West Front nue. Square table. Will sepnrate, S50 : new: Mexican water bntlle. cabinet lin- victrola combination, long-short wave, NOT lCE_f0% off. If "you "have your Must have car. Telephone for appoint* St.. Red Hank. 38 East Front sl.,^ Red Hank. , oleum, pot stove, record cabinet, porch $15, 4X stacked antennas, complete, In SMALL APARl'MENT In Kumson: ',i- ment. AS 2-0705. 16-Hi. man's black bowling ball and old fur coat remodeled, etc. during 948 CHEVROLET—5i-ton rack body WTTEETrCHAiU'S"RENTED—New deluxe bag S10. Man's black, right-hand howl columns, window shutters, Mnytau wash- stalled $23. RE li-2175. . September, 105.1. Consult Amy C. Owen, block from bus line. Bedroom, small chrome wheel chairs for rent. Reaion- cr, ST: 23 South si. RE Ij-UIQ-W. living room, kitchenette and bath. All CAR WASHER _ Steady job. truck. Rndlo, heater, low mileage, 9700. Ing shoes, x\z« 11, S3. RE djJJjBn.* Union ave., Belford. KE 6-2080-J. 950 Pontlae four-door sedan. Clean Rble. New and used chairs for sale. Call UAS!{ETIIALL_Two IRL'S nlCTCLE, 20", like new. Tins GOOD QUALITY used furniture. private. Utilities supplied, 960 per month. RE 6-2614. alk for "Patient Service." •inkotB. Mounted Pleasant working conditions. Ap- y eQulpI)ed Bar i on regulation size bnckhoards, $8, KE light, kick stand, chain gunrd, lug- Visit our Raleirnoms nnd avail DELUCA BROS.—Little Silver. Sand, Phone RU 1-0666.* iU UHlif J • '"" ' B» n. Free delivery. South Jersey Surnlcal Ratrc carried. Color blue. Used less than UNFURNISHED APARTMENT _ Three ply Frank VanSyckle, Inc., 140 West Supply. 33 East Front St.. Red Bank. fi-1127. yourself of the wonderful weekly gravel. Driveways. Phones: day, Front St., Red Bank. RE 6-120C. f942 B"UI"CK CONVERTIBLE _ Good HOT~wXTER~RXfTTTfcm "$ 16. SO-KHIT one year. RE (i-2J^n__ rooms, kitchen nnd bath. One'block TIRtS^RETRIiAbiNG. vulcanizing our BOAT" TRTI Cfcil CEimcity 24 feet. •pedals. No obligation, RuscU's, Spring Lake 3-2171; night, KE 6- rom town. Inquire nt 30 Emmons St., tires, top and upholstery, 9395, Red sDedalty Your car tied uii only 15 Ion hot wit tor Unk $3, 1V_". !"• ". Long Branch nfter_.1i_IO ___*_ Bank Airport. RE_6-1730. minutes to put lonners on while we re- ipe, 10 cents n foot. Bottle K»H NO. 25 Rumson Esso .Station, River rd. and 25 E. Front st. 1230-R. PART-TIME REGISTERED nurse: house- Allen St., Kumson. FfJUR-ROOM MODERNfurnishcd apnrt- 1949 CADILLAC"C()NVEETIBLE _ Ex- car your -Irei, No charge for loaner ottle with pressure reRuIntor $10, IV worker Part-time and full tim» for cellent condition throughout. *91,805. service. Mounl Tire Service, 75 White henvy tow chain J_, two-mnn anw AMATE'UR~RTD1"O EQUIPMENT_Ham- ment. Suitable for one or two couples. small nursing home. Call after 6 P. M. HEATIMG, AIR-CONDITIONING, lead- Several throe-room furnished or unfur- l___Bnnk Airport. RE 6-1730 • t Red Bank. Phone RE 6-0484. KE fi-1127. marlund 1IQ129X receiver, like new; USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Desks, crs,'gutters, pre-fabrlcated duct work, HI 1-0440." two meter converters nnd 30-wntt trnns- nished apartments. Listings wanted. A. f953 J"AGUAR-XK12U":M roadster, blui" " COMBINATION aluminum windows. Up GRAY~FLASTTC nrmless sleep clinlr. Ex- files, stock cabinets, chairs, type- Mueller furnaces. J. V, Bogart, 73 ASSISTANT FARMER_Under 50 years '_, leather: low mileage. Like new to 20% discount on heavy duty, three- cellent condition, $30. Cnll EA 3-mltter, RU l-lflSO. ".'olkenllik, broker, 427 Snirs ave. LO writer desks, adding machine, etc. Foster at.. River Plaza. RE 6-5337. B-U842-J, of age. Must have experience with mdltion. Hlf 1-1629. track, extruded aluminum windows, A Olll-R. GO-tTXTTLON OIL DRUM with pump. JIB: all farm equipment. Also able to help PAINTING—Exterior and interior; paper *'OUR ROOMS AND SUNPORCH—Flrst guaranteed window with n guaranteed WEBSTER'S LARGE New World diction- two.burner electric hot plate 93. single Ruscll's, 25 E. Front st, hanging; expert workmanship. Reason- with sheep. Four miles from Hed Bank, REDUCING FLEET of trucks aad pas- installation. No money down, up to ary, encyclopedic edition: nlse 36 burner electric, $2; large white Wincroft able rates. For tree estimate!, call RU door of all year house. Completely near Highway 35, Cottage, electric lights, senger cars. 1946 Plymouth, four-door three years to pay. Free home demon- volumes new Funk and Wannall's En- ranee, coul or oil, $10: Scars two-burner 1-1M1.J. furnished. Fireplace, hot air heat: 965 heat nnd gas included. Wages monthly, sedan, book value 9520, will sell 1320. per month. Available Sept. 15. SE 2- 1951 Chevrolet panel, value 91,100, will ttration. Phone KE 7-2S16-W. cyclopedia, still In cartons. Writo "E" nil healer >5. LO Ji-jIW-M; BEAUTY PARLOR equipment. Curl- SERVICE WHILE YOU WAIT—Save on Write, "Assistant Farmer," Box 511, Red POST ANT) liAl'L fencing sold and Box 511, Red Dank. ANTIQUE SPOtfL B"ED_*50. WTtn 0O55-W. Bank." lell {850. 1946 Ford piek-up, value er, dryer, chairs, etc, Upright service charge by bringing your radio FURNISHED APARTMENT, with kltch- 450, will sell |22u, 1046 Dodge pick- erected No charge for estimates. RE SEED RVE_No. 1. MI 5-0593. Call tprlnif nnd maltrosK. $75. RE B-2R33. or television set la for repairs. A. C. IP. value 9460. will sell 9150. May he 4IR2 WHITE KITCHEN CABINET, li_ feet piano, tine condition: TV sot, chlni, en, dlnolte, bedroom and bath; private 6-qi t.-R.f, _ , after 5_P. M. Radio and Television Company. Armani! SEWING machine opar- leen at J. H. Mount Company, 11 Maple high, excellent conditinn, $10; child's glassware and brie.a-brac- Ruscil's, entrance. Located on hwy. 35. RE 6- ator (female.) Stendy year around ATTENTION HOME OWNEKSl—-Save TWIN CARRTAGE_Good condition. AT A. Crupl, owner, 123 Shrewsbury avc. D50SI-W. ive., Red Bank. money by modernizing your house 1-H920-J. Call afternoons or evenings.* alrnlter $5, high rhnlr $3, baby basket 25 E. F'ront It, R_B_ 6-4768. work. No seasonal lay-off. Clean, light yourself We are equipped to supply work nn ladles' sweaters. Excellent 050 DODUI__Four.(Ioui' sadau. Luivluut nUTCDERS Philippine mahogany PAINTER'; DECORATOR and'paper- r - 1 f m )r car you with all the materials necessary. lumhor, narrnh nnd dnu, finished nnd I'OO FRUIT JAR"S-rnll RFi fi-HSSH. hnnger; Interior and exterior; 23 wages, liberal benefits. Aiwly In per.i ^ j'" 'jf* * " - Kmilnmcnt Small fcuohthiy payments nrm.-iied on ilTUA*R"Fr"TERMANENT wave machine. HELP WANTED son. Lnndnu Knitting Corp., Locust at., Includes radio, henter and simple eco- unfinished. S' li" and 7* 4" lenKths: 4, SPECIALS l_Play 'pon 96.50, car- years experience. Estimates cheerfully purchasu of any materials. Here are 8 and 12" with over 400 board feet. 32 heaters. Excellent condition, $35, given. Louis Cassan, 443 Shrewsbury Key port. -omtcal fluid drive. See It today. Mau- lome of the jobs you can dol Attic In- riane 925, crib 915, dining room SINGLE LADY desired for light house- 8ALESGlRLS_.Full or part-time. In re- ce Schwarti _ Sons. Direct factory Make nn oiler. RE 6-1561-R. rhoim __A_.1-O0l3. ave.. Red Bank, Phone RE 6-4344-M. ! l sulation, npplicstionof tilcboard In kitch- SIX 525.550x17. 4-ply tires, eompleY" •"H(iTP()iNT"~AU'I'oMATfO dishwasher, suite 950, stool 91,50, lampa $1.76, keeping. No cooking, no children. Live tail ilry goods store. Permanent work. ' '««' Chrysler, Plymouth. Internat. en or bath, finish your basement or attic JUNK I JUNKnONKI — Gettls, junk No experience necessary. Surprise Store, 1 W'YTHING and everything Ready to use. Nationally ndvertised Ing, In excellent condition. RE 6-Bank. ing School, it East Front it. RE 6- of two-year-old boy and new born to 7 P. M, on Sundays. Good oppor- Atlantic Highlands. AT i.oaa».w.« and give the best prices. Call SwarU Only %l pound. Jacobs Hardware, 273 MAI5-R. baby. Live in. Own room and bath. tunity for right man. Write, stating ex- OLUSMOBILE 6llFour'.'d"<,or VnVi SOD—99 per 100 6q. ft. Cut, ready to Phono AT 1-1616-M. perience and give phone number to Furniture, Highway 35. RE 6-3213. Shrewsbury nve.. Red Bank." load. Delivery extra. Joseph Gulick, Youri WE GIVE GOOD trade-ins oa your old PYRACANTHA—Bonutlful chrysanthe- GENERAL CONTRACTOR and oelipooli LEGAL SECRETARY Experienced only. "Service Stntlon," Box 511, Red Bank." USED LUMBER 600 board feet. Clean mums, ornamental evergreen, crepe Holland rd., Middletown. MI 5.Q502-J, furniture as we have an outlet for it. 4, A 8-inch dimensions hy 7 feet 4- cleaned! carting and grading, top for recently formed law firm. No -.- -- ,_ -on. Good rub- myrtle, cottonenster Texas yew, azalea " 'VING ROOM nnd mahogany tlinlng •oil. manure, 111! dirt, clnden gravel and Snturdays. Cnll BE 9-1752 after 7 P. MACHINE BUTTON SEWER, tacker Call SwarU Furniture Highway 35. RE inch and 3 feet fl-lnch lengths: $50, in- room furniture, In good condition. ber, low mileage. Used for light haul- mums, creeping myrtle, English Ivy, pink land. Estimate! glTen. Phone RE 6- M. for interview. ^ ing only. Good condition. Very reason- cluding pile of kindling. RE 6-1561-R lily of the valley, campanula, rhododen- ___j'rlnir at. 1464. Oicar Becker, 47 Second it.. Fair nnd trimmer. Good wages. Steady CONFIDENTIAL—(ict the biggest TV able. Call afte vr li o'elock. BE «.572t.' TWFTBENBfrBooTrs, 2'.xS' 6". IV dron, platicotcn, assorted tulip bulhs, HOUSE TRAILER and Frlgiilairc, sep- Haven ONE CRANE OPERATOR and one employment. Apply Adams Bros. "" "* * * " ^'t">l*e HP _•{) (8t|t- trade in allowance in N. J., on a new thick Plata glass, $ 1C each. RE 6. budlca or butterfly hushes: also lovely nrate: 7 cu. fl. Frigldaire now In ser- <" CHRYSLER_Uood condition. Call 1953 Motorola stand out picture tele- jnyi^^ ^ CESSPOOL AND SEPTIC tank contruc. bulldozer operator. Good waueB. Sportswear Manufacturers, 244 West house plnnts. M. Lels, South Peak St., vice, 935 or best offer. Trailer-Indian tor. Ceiipooli dug and cleaned. Sep. _RE_6;_5377-W after 6 P. M. vision tel. See the complett line "it CONSOLE TGLEVISIdS SET. fan chair. Highlands HI 3-1193J. Steady work. Must be experienced. Front at* Strauss Stores. 15 White St. HE S-5340. deluxe, 28 feel, sleeps four. Electric and tie tanks and drains installed; 25 years' 19S7 FORirPIC"K:UPr~Cheap. In good tahte lamps. David Herman. 9 MAHOGANY IIANQ'UET TABLE. Eight gas equipment. Furnished. Toilet nnd experience. Howard Tllton. 30 Center Tel. LO 6-1553. condition. Can be seen at 7» Herbert INSULATION, brick siding: variety of Red Rank Manor, Red Bank. KE 6 't., Red Bank." colors; S7.50 per square. Also roonnK leaves, six chairs: double hed, sprlnfr, lihnwer. MO 1.2.108-R. St., Rumson Phone RU 1-0978. 8_D4«.K.'_ _ _ mattress nnd dresser to match; library CROSLEY SliELVADOR refrigerator SAWS AND LAWNMOWERS, sold, shar- EXPERIENCED typlit-elerk. Know- 940 PACKARD four-door aedan. Hew paper at bargain price. Call Al. KE 6- tires, aeatcovera and ring Job. May 0579-W WEDDING OUTFITirSultabl. for brides table. Reasonable. RE 6-0510 after 916. Call at 61 Krugcr pi., rear, East pened and repaired, Factory methods, ALERT YOUNG MAN_To work in paint ledge of bookkeeping or stenog- UOI!)*''' ______^—______maid, maid of honor or bride's moth- p M Keansburg. is seen at Al. McCue'a Shell Service * - -_ _ _ . All work guaranteed. Walling'a Saw and nnd wallpaper • shop. Must have raphy preferred. Only permanent PIANO STUDENT PLAN—R»nt brand . . Worn about three hours. Bargain Mower Service, Campbell ave,, Port Mon. driver's license; 18 years or over. Apply Station, River rd., Rumson. SINGLE SIZE MAPLE RED and mat-KfcLVlNATOR REFRIGERATOR—.? cu. resident will be considered. Apply new spinet at Tustins's. When you AT 1-0076. tress, J15. CnM_RE (i-5070^ It. Excellent condition, 950. MI 6- mouth. KE 8-2083. n person. Colorest Co., 13 Broad St., 947 MERCURY four-door sedan. Here know that child succeeds, apply al ren- SIDE MOUNTED MOWER_For Ford 0456.R. BUTLDTNG~CONtR"ACTOR — New con-Red Bank. Tower Craftsmen, 105 Chestnut st.( la a low priced, one owner car, 26,000 tal cash on purchase of a WurliUcr, ELBERTA AND HALE peaches now HOUSEWORKEIt _ Sleep out. Small miles. Ready to give many more. See Chickering. Weber, Steinway, or Meek tractor. SI25. KE 7-0484.J. llAKUAlNS_New sofa bed. value 9135, Btructlons, alterations, repairs, ller- . Red Bank, being picked. Yellow, freestone. TWO C-FOOT glass lighted modern show- our price 987.50; slant top maple desk bert Elgenrauch. RE 6-3203-J. house. Must be fond of children. Cnll t, drive it, you'll buy it. Maurice Aeolian Up to three years to pay bal- RE (i-6026-M. Schwarti & Sons. Direct factory dealers. ance. Free cartat'e, free tunings. Tust- Excellent for canning, freezing and enscs. Call KE l',-09S!>-J after 5 P. M. Ith three drawers 922.50, rock maple MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new. Rent Chrysler, Plymouth, International. 141 KENMORE "ap'ln dry" washing machine, corner cupboard 927.B0, pair mnhogany our highspeed floor gander and idler. FACTORY WORKERS_Male. Day shift, MAN OF CHARACTER—Openlng for Ing Piano Company. 16 Monmouth Jt., table use. Kucklln Fruit Farm, Lin- night shift. No experience necessary. one man interested tn sales manage- W___Front St., Red Bank. Red Bank. *" $40, good condition: canning jars. Oth- lamp tables 910, drop-leaf tables, wall Low rates. Cngler Lunit; Co., phone croft. RE 6-0900. er household items. Sears and WnshinR- baromttors, Victorian chairs, Boston KE 6-0005 Permanent, steady, well paying job. Pro- ment in educational field. Must have 1948 SfUDEBAKER Commander; two- NE\V"~ANIJ USED bicycles. Service and duction bonus, night shift bonus, paid nmbitlon, good appearance, personality. door sedan; radio, heater and over- parts Conk 4 Riccl SerVito Station, tini avcu., Atlantic Highlnndi. AT l-rocker, pain of vnses, Bisque, Stafford, I BUY AND SELL second-hand clothes. 1782. W.' slire dogs aad groups; English bone vacations and holidays, many other ben- Only potential managers need apply* eo dillo t BU 1 4< R l w r Mult b« in good condition. Kcrbcr 13_ _. 0U Monmouti lullliivuiihi ftr t • . R•• •-E• "6-0737 ~ * - . COLCfiGE JUNIOR wishes to sell out alter'f P°°M " " -°» - grown, beautifully styled cotleg BA"RGA"INSI 40-inch Mngic Chef, four- ch nn cups nnd saucers, brass, copper, Tailor Shop, 209 Shrewsbury ave., Redefits. Apply dally 8 A. M.-4:30 P. M.Write for Interview to "W. B.," Box 611, WEAnrkNAPr~AcotFcd shoes tor com- china, hanging nnd banquet Inmps, all Saturday 8 A. M.-12 noon. Architectural Ked Bank. ______fort, quality and long service. Made clothes, sizes 12 and 13. Excellent con burner gns range. Separate oven and Bank. BE «-0902-M. ' 948 CHEVROLET coupe, excellent eon- ditlnn. Red chinchilla cont, woolei broiler. About five years old. Also G, colors in glass lampshades. Come In Tiling Company, Cass and Jatckson sti., SALESLADY _ Experienced, ready-to-- dltlon. Call after t P. M. HI I. with built-in srehes and cushion Inner "nd browse, Closed Sunday. Stansberry'i, SAVE! SAVEI SAVEL-Wlth Allstate rt. 35, Kcyport. • 0176-R.' soles. Priced from 59.95 and up, Call dressep, Bkirts nnd suits, Call 5 to ' E, G cu, ft, rcfrigerntor and 48-Inch wear sales help for psrmanent. full P. M., RE 6-11090. Elgin sink and cabinet, All (or 1125Middletow, n Five Corners, rt. 35. auto insurance. Founded by Sears, CHXuFFgUlTArTD HANDYMAN_Apply lm« work: 5_-dar week, Lllbral em- 948 CHRYSLER four-door, two-tone. C. J^Clayton._LO_6-1160-M. Roebuck ft Co. See or call John Me ROYAL TYPEWRITERS—New and ro-BIGELOW RUG Size 10'xlO' 6". Brand RE 6-BCI7. In person to Lovett's Nursery, Inc., ployee discount. Paid vacations. Straus fluid drive. Excellent, elean condition; Hugh, full time agent, 58 Washington Church Bt., Little Silver.* Co,, 35 Broad st, 45,000 miles; radio, heater, excellent built All makes nddins machines new. For further Information, cal THOTO EQUfPMENT—GenuIn- sl.^Rumson._RU 1-1091. EXP-RlBNCED HORSEMAN for (arm, and portable typewriters. Guaranteed. Ml (-02411 after li P. M. 120 Volghtlnnder with f35, coupled BUSINESS NOTICES EXPERIENCED sheet metal men. Also Ires; like new. Must sacrifice. Real FLOOR S"SNDING_6Td doors made IlK mechanlcnlly Inclined men. Steady Reliable and unbar, RB___4______bargain! I7IJ0, BE (|.05»a-B,» Easy terms. Scrpieo's, 101 Monmouth , . 11.,, p,7.c, $5: mattress, 34 range finder. Polaroid box enmern flash imw. Free estimate). RE 6-2242,• tt. RE 6-O4SJ. -he, 3,10; small white metal icebox $6 outfit. HHmm enlarger, slide projector, CUSTOM FARM WORK—Plowing, dlsc- Work*. Apply In person. Estey Metal FSp_RTENC_fJ~WATTR__a_C,ll per- 1958 AUSTIN: very good condition) low 1 Mood lights, binoculars, microscope. Guar- , '"I. mowing and lawns cut. RE 6- SlAirWlTH'ROfSTlCEBD /or hire. Fall Products Co., 1 Catherine St., Red Bank. sonally. Strand Bestaurant, 64 Broad mileage, Must sell, best offer. Call USE'S LuYlBER—2X4'S, 2X6'S, 4I4'S; two storm sash, ,1 .2.N5U, 15: small par lawns. RU 1-0346-M. r lor stove nnd pipe, S5 KB 6-0040-M anteed und complete Instruction., for use, 1652, BXPTrTRlETreBlTRAmorTV service man. st. • - RE 6-B884. Kelly Service Station, Fair shectlni:,. irood as new, al $«5 per Haven*. 1,000: roof shingles, factory suli-standard .11 West St., Red Hank,' Alao 50 feet cedar fence. Old model home CHAIK CANING and rush work W||. SQUARE DEAL painting and itoVorat- Steady employment. One weelc vaca- OKE OR TWO GOOD MEN for tree r 1 1 workshop. Other items. Make offer for ing-. A-l mechanics for Interior, ex- Jon with pay. Good starting salary, Call work. One climber and one ground C48 SUPER BUHJK convertible; yellow at S4.A0 per Mjnarc. Wyde Lumber & "T)E^TRO Y"~»r?i l ~Kl LLER Amajlngl] l k 1 i s bu r Wfil Sun 1 Phone terior. New home and repairs, 61 Sec- Supply Corp. Highway 36, Delford, KE elTectlve. with Warfarin. Ready U 1J !? _5» «'_J _.0!i" i._y.__ Ru i «i.!k" " ""• RE 6-4667-J between 6-7 P. M. man. Phona RU 1-0573. Buler Tret Ex- with black top; excellent condition, ond St., West Kennsburg, KE 6-1543-J, pert Co. ' 6-0S20_ _ use. Safer to use. Effective results. Vca, OFFICE~DESK_il0x5"0 Inches, hlond ma- Call or write. JOTi^EN^RTlTHOUSE lest reasonable offer. LO 8-6I7I-M. FTLEii, UESKS, CHAIRS.—Complete new we have it; ns nationally ndvertised hogany. Used only ono year.. Cost 24-HOUR SERVICE on the repair of In. Own attractive room and bath. WOMAN To care for children in ourFOBb V.8, ID41; owner In U. S. Army. line of office furniture. Fcrpko's Ofiice Only $1 Hi. Lrvinsnn's Hardware, I ? 1 .->0. Will sacrifice far $75. Phone radios and electrical appliances, Permanent position for right person. No home during mother'a hoBpltatltation For Information call HE O.47D5.J RE 0-4000. laundry. ^-hlock frum bus line, in mornings preferably. Or saa at 15 Hutl- EQulpmcnt, 101 Monmouth ft, BE 6 Went Front si.. Red__ank/_ W. call for and deliver. Harold's id convalescence, sround Oct. 1, Call MOVING_Mnst sell, Gni runge, com CENTURY ENCYCLOPEIilA"" dictionary APARTMENTS Fnlr Haven. Must have references, Good HE 6-2774-J-l. •* sonave,, Red Bank,* TO~TTnro_A~TTrTRArii()S=Speclal fo hlnatlnn coal and gas ranee. 110: ho $5, Honk of Knowledge $10, Hritannica Radio and Electric Shop, 16 West wages, RE 6-4820. EL*fTElfCY~r.TX"N or woman for part-time iteTnBglCT^sTJP-ifi 82,000 original lOSa Clicvrnlet, custom d«Fh installa water boiler, folding cot and mattres Atlas, silk screen set, new, S5. RU 1* Front St., Itfrf Cank. Phone RE 6- FREEHOLD_16 Murray si. Apartment receptloniit. Wrltek "Receptionist," FARMER—Permancnt. Undor 40. Neat, % miles: radio, healer and all extras, tlon and antenna only MUi complete. $r>, china clock, kitchen sink, nipilinn 01 «4 2744. of three large rooms, hath. First with references. Some experience with Box 511, Red Bunk.' ' )n« owntr. Car is In parfejet condition. Other model radios from $37.75 up. Time slue Cooleralor ice box, white porcelain WlNtTlROP DESK, rocker, caned back floor. Private entrance; garage; hot beef cattle necessary. For planned fu- OM^^N (Two.(Two.) For complete charge lust be leen to ba appreciated. KE t- «In, KA tl-OW-W.* and seat: hookshctf table, electric water included In rentnl of 975 Per 01^_5 _^ payments, S'.rnuss Stores. 15 White it., month. Apply John 0. Dennett, Sr. ture program on fine soil, well equipped of householdhoushld , Experienced, references. Bed Rank HOME FREEZER 14 cubic feet: oloc beater. Ijiinrnn Phyfe drop.lenf table, GUARANTEED TELEVISION servldni 260-ncre farm near Tronton. Write in Call RU 1-1232 after 6180, "J42 OLDSMOBILK four-door ssaan: trie stove, deep fryer, lathe, box bronr.o Hour lamp, metal card table. Mrs. within two hours from your call. A C.FR 8-1330. detail, experience, references, background, hydramatic, radio and haater] motor Radio ana Television Company Armnnd WOMATSTbR A REfiREDTWrJ to work USED TIRE BARGAINS—We have springs nnd mattress, twin size, KU Wallace, 13S_ Maple live. RE «*•• ii _ * • im n,i(i • Ui i , 1'xO..—ETE - WOMAN_To live In and do light house- tued tirn from S3 up. Moit slits. der. light fisturo«. compressor with mo- CESSI'OOL CLEANING and building up. WOMAN TO no COOKING and light c'ulient condition, reasonable Tho THREE-KOOM FURNISHED apartment. keeping, cooking and help mother with housework; sleep In or out. On hue fe^mTOTCACT'liANSPOK'fX'l'lbN at a Fully guirantced. Custom remanu- AT I.IHI.H.1 tor, needs rcpnlr, $2: plumber's fur- to tntiks; dry and uravcl wells and Will be ready for Sept. 1st. Cnll nt four children. Call RE 6-0056. fair price for cars you can depend ont. nace, furnace blower with control, fold drnlns.i 39 PoBch at (New Shrewsbury line. Other help kept. References. RU facturtn tires from S9.30 up, "lied .SA KF!_Fniir feet high, M0, At post 227 Newman Springs rd. after 4 P. M.ffjURtTTTiOCTro take over ofllcs, Gen- 1-1832. 1151 Chevrolet Bel Air, powar glide; 1051 Ing chnlrn, five rases Projto loirs, liulld- Borough.) Phone HE 6-1846. C. H,¥Vvtr~R0blTS'r~FUR'NIS'TfEb— I Bung*'. Ihavrolet deluxe Stylellna coupe:,1(411 place in town to buy tinn." Red nlllrci, llelford. Ing inalrrinl. Itnniex wire, RU I.01H4, Wllioa. eral ulllco work, cashier, Inventory STOCK MAN for store. Apply National 12 XCIfES "ALFALFA HAY1-Also liv" tow.) Kitchen, bedroom, bath, F'rlgl. control, accounts receivable, etc. Must 6 & 10. Prown'a. )e8oto four-door custom: 1940 Mercury Dank Custom Tire, .Shrewsbury avc. SETTjfl-TXMireroeiin^ol. lateral., dry dalrc. Near 'all trHimporUtion, Moun, four-door icdnni 1947 Ford V-ll Supir acres horne corn. Two black and lai FARM MACHINERY—Oliver llsrt Purr wells; pumping and building. Jacob ha fully DMiorioiiral. Wrllo, "Ofilce South of aiipori. RE 6-311)1. !_____'!'!__. hroken. 11(1 11-77111, Wilson ave.. Port Monmoullt. KE 6-Mnnayer," Box 5|l, Red Bunk. deluxe two.door sedan. Lowest down farm tractor, rear tlics like nrw, $350: Perl, trading ns "Atlantic Cesspool payment, lowest terms possible. One. ANTIQUE SiroP-Vlrtorlnn, fmir-ilrnw C CC> |4S0 or KB 6.Q043.J.* p ermanent Id' wceder wllh slinrl hitch $25, single ^ !'X), *>hrew»bury dr., Bumion. RU AUTOMOBILES hlrd of a century In business. William FANri—Aitic fiuiV"" i-imilallnt: fan' er walnut rhcHt, SlOi pine waslmtaml rnvv. Iwn-wheel cultivator with slinrl ifljnSON—Two apartments. Unfurnished. position at excellent inlnrlea, Apply 1 • 1 u •_ 6. First floor, four rooms, 9Hn per month 1 J, Levlne Auto Snlee, 41-50 Occnnporl blowers. Merrill» IIIIIUWIT Shoi nine cuirre tables 10, oil lamp SI,Till hitch $20, two pnwor lawn mowers, $75- "JAiTfiURE1ORS 11ml magnetoVrebuiit. J. Yanko, IIP llrond »!., Red Bank. UOU(I_ AND Plymouth uassenacr cam ave,, Long Branch. LO H-2468. 21 Mrchlinlr n.. Ki'l MitrtK. UK 6-lll.', nimble tup stand III, tlr,, rrnsnnnhlr $Hi: two.rnw mrn plnntor $40, hand second door, three rooms, 970 monthly, FTntTEfl—General store wort; Muit tjillik fni'tory wnrkmnnihln DouglM Separate oil burner bent. Conveniently Dodge Job-ratad trtillii, authorised TOOLS — "Iiilrndilrlnry liriies. U-i". tNtr.r lire linusct, Main si.. Port Mon cnrii sheller tlS, power driven corn Klcctrlo Co.. 35 Eait Front St.. .Red have driver's license, Permanent pn- service I modern eervloe station, Frank TromrTW6Tm)mSB7ii7niw nimith dally, evenings Sundays.' grinder llr., ruhber tired trailer, two situated. Year's leases preferred. Dentil* paint: one owner I, good tires. 1041 Synlriiti ilii'lric drill ?2ll; li-in. drill Bank Phone HE 6.0128. l_ llyrno, Realtor*, Itiiminn, RU l.llfill,* •Itlon, at goud salary, Apply J, Ysnko, Van Syclcle, 14) West front st, Red1 M0 l (i-iii. Hindi r til,'.: h'j'in mw J'JU.IKlfTlll COAL l-'l/HNA(iB.-n'6TitnniM whr-HK, Jltll.^ Phnnsj_ IIB 11.4142.11-2. im Broad st., Hen1 Hunk, Bank, welt of mania a»e, Phone RE lymouth sedeni. rndlo, heater, new Merrill Liiwiiinowf f S)r.|i. 21 Mtchaalc nil (link with pump. Trailer wllh Irac OIL LAMPS converted tor tleotrl- rRETPirooSnunNrSliEirnpmtmont, ItEXlAIILB'MAN-IWIIIlug to wuiTTRoini -.12011 paint, new ssat covsrs: A-l condition. St., Rid Hunk. Ill-: i;-Uir,2. tor hitch. Phone HO 0-7417 after wrniudnK with pad, lllo'nd mahogany Private) bath. Inquire at 145 Me- 1941 Chevrolet two-donr . eoupe, new city. Lnmpi rewired, Wt till (or salary, Mechanical ability helpful, but DUES YOUII OAK steer hard? Do rout AUTOMATIC "IlKI.UXE ' Tliiijmn mm I_ M, desk, heart saver chair, four-shelve clinnle' at., Hed Batikj not iioccBxnry, Kofarflui'Cit required, RE Paint, Kood condition, 1041 Pontlae it. whal-nnl, hodronm chest, vanity, swivel •nd deliver. Harold's lladlo and WT^OTOITPi wheels shimmy? Let us correct the dsnelte 6, radio, heater, new painti best mniic. KKH'IICIII rruiilitloii, 27 Cros T V I' K*W ItTTBH—Lala—iWei—stnndan ^OTOITPireNIBHBu rooms, I'rl. B.U854,' trouble Save your tlrei, Latest Bear »t., l.lttlr Silver.' top L'annstii tablo, kidney desk, nma.ll Eloctrlo Shop, 16 West Front it., vnte bnth, third floor, Eliotrlo kitchen, olfer. 104(1 Naih club coupe, radio, II", excellent cnndltlon, $45: nr wll SATEWEN _ If you like working for axle and frame straightening •qulprnint, tenter, good luilnt, new let covers, new ori'OHTUNITV SIIOP'ANTl()UE.S_ri'lue swap for girl's 24" bicycle ill new con maple crlli, (lower stand, picnic bench, Red Bank. Phone RE (-2744. Urue cloieti, storage spaci, laundry, yourself, lioro is your opportunity, lawn furniture, RU l-t)|84, r'runk Van Syckle. 149 West Front st.,tires; good condition, RE 8-2816, ffilir-dl'Hur-r chest, t»ri clirrry drop dliii.ii. Ml li.ossl.M..)> nhone, television |irlvll«gesi garage, Kent (lot Into a prnlUnbla business of your nil 111 llELU^-Nlne'lnclTi osit hronr.e, ilduiloB uUlltloii. Avnllahlt Aug. SIO, lied Bank, welt of Maple ave, Our own leaf t'tlilr*. I^II piun IMMIIOOIII H-IR, drr< hnrsn brasses am own us n Ilawlolgh denier. Cnr needed, $10: h,,at piilult, lot of mnrlile, Bosch t'LOOK WA_IHiT~CnTniBll6.847». flil- 55 Peters plpiRE'61855, RE 6-1855, * ______nidln_. Alk far Jaok Harder, Phone onili'il: iniiliiiL'nMy rlicul, miirhli' lull . Inlnlil dde lentlicrs. Call but e.vpei'lcni'c. not necessary. Huy onnil C-I'J'JC. ______INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE i-andlculaiHU. rlil|>|ii'ii(liiU' f-haliM, tea sot •W.' A l.iunli blnociiliirs, rosl now 1150, toll Perlur Moor Waxing Co, ('rival* MTtTAAVATl Nicely furnished three- credit mid pay fire you sell. For infor- J.'ifii lot of InIIIIMU nml stainless sterl hollies our »(H_li_tjr, _ _ room apartment, Attain heat, includ- mation, wrllo Knwiolgh's, Uopt,, NJ11- iTOTftHBTFRlOES for your old car, We iif \M>ilditit> Imlid cliiim, litr11|IH. niiriniH, buy, we toll, we trade, Coast Auto SEVERAU IIU8INEHHKM for sale In Red firm cl.ii,i, l.ilr.a.linii'. iliillx mid ari' "T'lamwn EQUIPMENT-MHSII rods fur oloctrlu and inn: fuel oil tnnk TILING—f'Tiibr nnirwaH."h'am|ileH""«fioVn, ing* electricity, One* mile tu town und I il H-'J III. 1'lniKler, Poiin, •IIIH, and l'i)-'i spearifun, Must sell l lln lllV1 1 lluil Sain Inc., 110 Monmouth it,, Red Bank, llnnk, Some business property for horics, mi. I'MIUI'III ami iiatU'rncd k'lii, and uaiiuos, n«wt Hervel K»" refrluerntui' '£V""" J!"!"ii " ' >' Kll atntlnn: $8.1 monthly, Wrllo, "Mntn- IJIIIHK Inlo Army, Call Hob Connvoi M k nl ll! 1 uT?NKltATT~lli)UrTK'W*)ltKBil .-. YWI'll II in IIB Miami nr IIB P-SiHH, sale aim, If Interested call R, V. It, II, llntHh, ciipriM, iinti, llnwiue. \S'c buy 1.1(1. Call al fiint of Uinnd nve,, Hum. "" ' "" K wnn," Max Ml, lied llnnk, AT I-IMIK7. sun, 11U 1.II70K, nrointd iiosllliin, Must bo neut mid nO IIODOE CONVKIlTItlLE—Just back Stout, 71-7O Broad it, (IR 0.2111, luid nfll. Tin. MMIIIOUR, 11r» llniailM I'lANO _l,nul«r upright. Extellenl cnn PTIO lANKHind«s];mTlV:iinTred"i"~ i r'U*RNINTlE~D 'Mireo largo rooms, 18(1 1'L'llnlilo, Sleep nut, Httiall family. Kvory Ki-ypon. Kli 7-Mlii. alia dry tvollt, drnlni luiinlltil. t)s. tier nionlli, Including nil ullllllos. AT front roof snap, (Jood tires all around, dlllon, in., M, K, Htone, 'jo Ilicto • - - — • • . • ..« , , w... • • v, i IHDI niur Vdiin, Ktinday nir and every oilier Thursday, Equipped with radio and hoitttr, This MOIlURN ALU'Ulll'OSr; MOW El!—No tlinat.i jrlven. Oicar Beaker 47 iloc I.(Hi III, HA «____, ''I'. -I1.1! "•__>T!1*' A IK: autonmlld washer 1150, Whirl- fl lr eino ownor car tins 32,616 miles on It. REAL ESTATE WANTED hNiitl'trliiiniiiiir ini-esiary, Tall mid pool dryer $160, Moving West. Tre. ?4!Lik ! »«______!__« RK 6.1464, TOrTE^u7KrTNTOTOimEr)Spa7r linked enatnil Dnlih 111 glistening grelll, tough grim, vrnlH, Dnt' lawni. It does SliXlHi FETEllAL inlarier, like new, LAMP~8IW 1)ES custom miiii«r~ATin» mint, HI Itlvsrilde avi, Cull after Jen unit for Lelea III C, Nevei linndnui value on appllsnoss, less than YOUNG LADY—To work In call of. Maurice SchwnrU & Hwi. Direct factory thrm ail. Kn»y pi^b and sclf-ilrlvo one years old, LO *l-ltllH.W. vxriety of stock shndrs for your srltc- li, UK 6.SI00.W, dealers, Chrysler, Plymouth, Intermit* HAWKINS BROTH-RS-77 Broad it, ustil, luyiien iilinlnmetor lleneltoraeler, lion. Prli!e» from 96 up,, IIII11 Sltlntr At'e, Donald's Doluxo Laundry, mnd'.lp. If ymir dialir rimiint mipiilyi Ilkn new, AT IOIIBJ, 111 Wilt Front it., R«d Bunk, ,41- t.OISSI, Rial little, Insurance anil Mlttnln 104 Hlirrwilniry nvr,, Red Hank, 44 Miirlun si,, Iteil Hank. 1 1 rnnlart furl Hi iMiinhii, farlnry aiienl, I AM HKI.UNIi nil my new dmen) ffft ot n grounr"KimnTi!d llnnr, Ii til jlrldgt fRTfDDEIWICIRrTfDDEIWICEItt OllOlmmplon. GooGd dmortgage loam, LIU rour properly for KA 3-0770-J. If lin niiKMcr. UK C fiirnlliirn. Am moving nwiiy. Am sail* nve,, lied llnnk, Call RE II.2SK7.M be nnndlllon, Knglne newly overhauled, ______4700, milln, Mml, r'lmal n( ilrawtn nml van- KULBDA CONSTIIUCTION CO., IN0, furs (1 1'. M, CONSTANCctK h8MIT1I AflUNCJY —14 M». Ing liinl«, couch, i-hili dm 11'; trillion, lumps Ity. KA II.0,111.W, 955(1, H lleiervntloit (corner Ocean nnd IiV I'id'CJI.AIt lll',ljUKSTir,Now "In kltclipn srt unit rust, Cnll Imtwcrn K-IO Gonnrnl conlrnotlnii, llullillnir, re- APAItTMBNT_l(l Rlvomlilo nvo, Unfur. Htorin window nrgnnlnnllnn nuuds In Jiillno) Lnnit llrnnchj pie avi,, Fair Hnvon, HE C door sedan, New tires, Private, Excel, >CIII'.II|.| i hein. |.li K Imni-iN, fin It 'ii* plain pnllei'iis, C'linlrs fri.dn, «nfn» lent moeliunloal cnndltlon, Piirchnia of .-_ OR n_NTiNa!— lltMiill 111 IHII- OIIISU'IMIMH, SlIHIItl l m., lluiniiili, III) |.(I7H8, Exi'ollont llmiiirliil nppoi'lunlty, Full nr JI7.I;.', lliisunfi'ld Fiirnliiirfi, 13 White DM/lio/.liinnttrVTCrMrxoavallnit, liin'd meitl, Flvn roumii In tnwn, nanr pnrl.llmo, Wrlln, "Hnli'i lloprcuciUnllvr," new car nmlifn unle Imperative, What's Contact ui, Tnko nilvnntnKo of our Ii.lilr. Inn vi• ili.p i,|n| I,, i.d, |,.|,l,n ,.|,h. «(„ Hrd Manic, UK lUIMIII.' ...,,•»„,.., I' H'lll slllglf1 IIVI'll, ,i,i, ..-iii'ii ulcarlnu, driveways built nml nunlrcil, siihnol, slinnidiiii rentfi' nnd station t llnx fill, liril Hunk, yiiui. nlfrr? Call HB D-SOriH, two notlv* olllaes, I'res inaiivotlnn irr- lill'l'a lillnll. liUli'll 'i.'.li l.ii r .hili'« fill dirt, iiuiil, iirnvrl, lu|i mil nnil tin. ll'Jn per mouth, Hithwieri llmlly, II 1 vice Iluynri wnlllnu, Tlir Mnianr rlmiuli I"' hiH.ii'. vt ii i • • • 11 sni I, illllnn, $jin, Whirr, Ith: II-47HII, llKNAN'l "llr I Ac K AIII J_l ii"4 'uTiiiivofll li l«.'~'W (T7~i7o1 , iiiunri. yard, wai »0 runis and dt'i'i. Trees and iliimtis rcinnvni, (iriul LIIIIIIII pl, llri fl - r. _ 71. Untn dally anil put Ilio lu|i down mid enjoy the eve Auuicy, II (innal il, KE 0._ IJI or 1020 fl.- . il", llu.rll., V, I!. I nml i.l. IIH ri'iiU rritulnr iirli'r, Kwarln I'lirnl. IllK Hint lnd!ng nf Iliwiln, Ill'i 6.«ll,'|j Hundny, luirt.llmii Job making lilx 1 Main it AH Mill) MlU'lNi; Mntl >ill. 'Inn 111. iful nt». Aiiiirmliniili'ly [)x 1U fflrl, Asking flliTi IIIIT, Illiilniiiv .1.',. < f > |' I' < i • 11 • Mldillf.lnwii money, in 11 Iliillrniiin, AM 'J-.VUHI lit- lilng brce/.cx ,' Its ciiuliiiiKiit Inuluilii Li,l;i;Tltl(J MO'I'OII rcliiiihllni) 11 ourllVIS-i'.oOM ArAinMuNT .... AH im 1 rndlo, Imulor mid uvenlrlvc, t.'nnn, ice lull! l.ihlt I until li I ll'i'.lil" l-linlrh, I'nll Ml .-. - II I .,i,. MIL Cn.i UK li.lljln, mropfcmfT^iinii.TwriiHv. euiliieo, (.'nil 111 fur iluluk irrvlua, Provomenti, HofrlHoraliii', utiivfi dish tncoii II nml 7 Hill I , M. Thiii'silii_ {iluhl, nml drlva totlny• You will Im surnrlMil OTmropfcm Ijiilil. I.lie inn, Will i'« lui lurl IIMIT, MiiToii'ticiiOfEIIViii4ti imiii'irririi;" i" r l''HMA'lili."."lliilr ilfus'iinr,' Mini' lib" us' many liuyeri In lia.OIHI.ji.l.DOO ruiiKi, flAIIV(illANin'fANn~\ l,i'y I'.mil nm. DOIIIIIIIS Klei'lrlu Cn,, 11.1 Kiul front it., wnilioi' nml waslilnir inimliliii I'liinbln In son Iiuw llttln It wilt rust you tu own Lin yiiur liumo wllh in for nollnii, Rm. FIT fuilln.i' I i.f.'i n.'.t ...I. 1,11 r,.M7|.M. with liiriio IUIITI'I IHM, IIMU dllliiii Mwnru Fiiriillinv, Illuhwiiy IIS, Pui'limi'iid, Ksi'iillont ii|i|iurliinlty. UK llorui AKiiioy, 800 Itlver rd., 1 II. d lin nk, I'l.Miif III! 0,0118, it 1 lun. (lii ill lie, Ilir run 111 hi Innnmnnl. till* lino our, Maiirlcs Hrhwnrtl A Hutu jel M lloru A 800 Itl d KCVI'dllT I.AMI t'li.'T c'nliiifiil, ruin >» Ilian Hill mill's, Nnw vnllln $4110 ri|i|iiiRlli' Mlildli.tiiwn Kli-o Co, Open cvo- Kli 7.MII4, _ __ en Us <1 • 4nn3, ' ii'illlcii ll'Jn, rlmilh Jriiary riurulni nAim'iNn"ANiJ~m!Co«ATi I'd lilnulu from llnmd il. lni|iilr« » Dlmt't fnctury ilanlitr, Cliryilsr, Ply- Fair Ifnten, rind liili'ii'Hiliii' IIIIIIIJIHn, liivi'Kiliiaiti miNnANiJm!Co«ATiNfriiav. K_m__!_ll»d llmik, EXpinnrKNORO (iipiiiiririiwiiiiiitir («f™5ii- miiiiih, liitiiiinllonal truoln, HI W. tiur I'luli plfin. \S'i> Iniw lili'l Miy lil|i|itk, Homo Ironing, III ]_ml •!., Ilid llnnk, bitter tyin hnmii, rlnUIng and IM. piin'« rm in.lli|iii', IIIIMI iliill)' li A, M, I.A'Hlffl , rtSVTil iiTiiiiih7~o'l'l~W'jlli'«is' riinm and lliri.i..|i|i.i , |IIU|III' sullii, Left hy Hi 11 roll, KktiTlor and interior n diiv, IIH (l.illlllll.' litir •xnlmnif« seivlon, Amu^ llonulnml, Juki ilulil fur yniii' fin'W. I'inn i l wiir* 1I0111I 01111 nt rrniniuililirrniniuilillil' luli'nlulinl ,, JJiiinn IIIKIISII nimrlmeiilii dm tn four rnninH, l OnifYTOlOViu~\Vrnuior' A-oyllhrlnr In II,1i> I'. M. r.< I'M' !J«|Ji pi,, i,,.nI- In Mill mi I'liiinluiimniii, Vary uiHid buy, Kiliiy, WlWiiiiillnwil i live,, PurP l MumiMuutlii , Wliitur nr yearly, (,'iinv«nl«ntly lucntud Y(lUNfl"') f!ll«0N~r(rT^aT*~m''^v(ir Tills fiiiifilmir Hmlnii la romly for rk Iliiini mil ill til, •nil. 110 U.771I 1 lli.rn i.ii.w im, Kii|i,nt, Kl •,:!.'I'I, I'lirnlllirii, Illulimiv lift, Mlddln KU I.I HUH.,I, In slnriHi trniia|iiirlntlniii bincli nnd Avnllnlilc from n to H I , M, fill' Pleas snmnoiis Hint wanli Ilia tnta n( no. 1/HI'li nT(IVK.1, mulliinir," I nniir, iorrwrioiKB"T)?wrK-«Hrirfir\ minuir AND •rawr"fiifinti"T ru(-Tn fhiirnlid, (>ll AH I.IIHIIII, nut wni'lii Miiil live In or nciir Hum •Illft. ilrlvlnu hi x lolld rditl-huirvlnir AYKItrT.TIlUFdliO *AtmNOV_Tl fl "Cliur'dli ,l!.lt!i IHntiiit. | ulili. fun,. (..i r Huh whl. (U fi.H t<• i• w• AH l-liHilli, line, AiTim tlii. Inp firotiir, twin t sun, Cnll KM J.linilli, rnr, Kntiliintnnt Ineluifai radio and Mini- it,, T.ltlleidiim. Nllyrrrinyrr, AmeyAgtno y uniler now Hindu, slxi irmnif, uliilllrn, itu if. i'6Tlll.ll()iiM IIIIII nnVl'Ufip'-Tii mnusKoinent, VKI(«, Pl

REAL ESTATE WANTED ROOMS BOATS WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALk REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WE HAVE SERIOUS prospects for all 18 MAPLE AVE.—Furnished rooms. One SAILBOAT 1.1-fooL I'airfleld Dinghy. WANTED S1.500 on second tnin-lKnire COUNTRY KSTATK—20 HITH. Three $7,500 BUYS THIS four-bedroom older RUMSON Attractive, mw, two-bed- RUMSON RIVERFRONT_Living room, ot Red Bank's most convenient loca. Completely rigKed. Now in commission, aKahiBt home of retired federal em- miles from Freehold. Uut buildings. home. Knur bfdroomn nnd half A rnom bungalow. Groundn 50'xl BS*. lyiica'of'listings. Prompt and efficient fireplace: diningLroom, kitchen, lav. service: ' 'Allaire & Soni Agency. Inc. RE tlons. Call RE 6-1684. Mrs. Dowstra. in Shrewsbury river at Bed Bank. Won- ployee with substantial income other- Kinht-room dwelling, two firei»lHcc.-i, bath upstairs. Living, diiunu. hath nnd Mnilrrn kitchen. til*> bnth (ithnwitr.) Hot wise, and excellent credit. Liberal buinis, lartri! living rnuni. cniar panrleri, Mod- atory, pin*, paneled sunroom. three bed» «-«460.- ___ THE SURYLANb—Boarding for retired derful boat for beginner, Price ?"». f 1 kitchen itownntiiiiK. Lovely coriifi* prop- air uil h^at. iihTH^f. Insulated I Awn- rooms, two tiled baths on second floor. 184T7"CHlVnoEET~SEl)AN_Good trans- or business people. Very large, nicely Call RK 6-3817-W. 5 /fi interput and larne ninjilhly p»y- »*in convrnipnc. s [,nvittaryj oiI, crramic erly 7>V\II)0, in R nil:*; tiection with lnt'K<* tnkM, vftietinn blinds included. Inapection Hot water oil heat. Two-car garage. portation, >I2C. KE 6-1127^. furnished rooms. In center of the town. 24-FOOT SHELTER CABIN SKIFF with racnu. Write, Box 291, iMonmmilh til** bath. Moderately priced, R V. treer. Alan a Iwo-nir tCHrntr^- LOCA ted invited. 112,900. [)i»nni« K. Ilyrn*. New wall-to-wall carpeting; 149.000. two liunka and head. Powered by OS Beach. __ Calling 3 1 KasL Main it., freehold. FR betwefn A tin til ir. HiKhtmuU and Leo it- R^Altors, Romson. RU l-l 150-* llAVE YOU A HOME thnt you wish to BE 6-9218. 8-1 Minugh Agency, Humaon rd. Fhone sell reasonable? Or an apartment or ntlMSON—FurnisEed rooms. Kitchen h. p. Lycominir marine engine. (,ood TO BUY Rear attached mower for Kord HI-, HIG'HLAND.S , .,-lhhiiOli. "hili. Kiitht RUMSOM_..Kxeellent terms! $1,600 trajMor_«ide dtlivery rake. KK 7-CMSI-J. rnomn. Two bedrooms, bath and dm Cray Agency. (New address. 18 Broad LARGE ROOM—For couple or couple Askinit SI.IIOO. Call AT 1-1742. Hill, at Little Silver. Hik'h ground, rlownl Solid, two-bedroom hous*. RUMSON RIVERFRONT_Jdeal for »t.) Eatontown. EA 3-0776-M. with child, Complete housekeeping. 21-FOOT DORY CLINKER built Red i'ive yrari old. KIIHI lloor. living room on fir tit floor. Low rate HUH hot water lire place; dlniiiR Voom, china m hi net, heal, iewer. Move, i pfriuerntor enrl Hnth, rxtm room, hot. nir coat heat. boat owner. Small, but comfort- Newly painted. Plenty of hot water. Wing mnrlne engine. In the water, LARGE MIRROR Used for dunce 1 VETERAN WOULD like to buy home kitrlirn, Thor rombinutinn I'lcJhes-tli scrernn. Ail la Kood rendition. Lin sbl, house with combination living with apartment on second floor. Long Near Molly Pitcher hotel. 63 Morford rendy to KO, 5350. See Mr. Wilson, studio. Approximately 5x11 feet New roof. (iflrttge. Property Broadway. Uelford. or call KE (J-O6.7-J. waslier", br(> ap[>recinted; {IJ.OOO. Ml t>- fortable rooms some with dinatle and P2 86-R. SITUATIONS WANTED private bath. Light cooking facilities, excellent condition. Must sell. KOIIIK Call after 6 P. M. RE fi-1879-.l, fi.\trim:_J 1 l>..1im. HE fi-4'J2i)-M. RUMSON. -Easily Accessible to mores, into the Army. Call Bob Conover, AT niDERS_Red Rank "to Anbury Park. Private ocean and river beaches. Boat- FIRST, SECOND and coimtVuc-tion'mort \i\\% tin p. Two-story frame home. ing, fishing, bathing. Convenient to 1-0087. Round trip. Six days a week. RE 15- and vicinity. CHU be purchHSpd Three bedrooms, hnth, fireplace. pip«ifnw WOMAN WISHES three days work per KUge money now available. Write cotiditionnl sHlfit contmet. Kasy IITJ week, general houseclennintf. Carrie shopping, churches and restaurant; 50 BOAT lf>>_-foot factory built utility 4353. full iiarticulnrs, V. O. Box 2,11, Mat coal hetit. (!arHi>re. '>[i*n fmnt north. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS __ Excel- miles from N. Y. C. Hourly buses outboard, juat repainted, and b\-j h. p. John H. MacCray Atfrncy. IS Broad at., Taxfls I'Jfi: II0.UUO. Make olT^r. Denrila Campbell. Middlttown. MI 5-038«-J.* a. WH n. 11 t'f) k f r lent buy. Four-bedroom house. WOMAN WISHES general housework. from N. Y. bus terminal right to door Royal. 2-cylinder outboard motor, just condition. RK 6-J1237.W.- Eatoutown. _ EA 3 - n_7 7 fi - M -' K. llvrrit'. IteHllnrv Ruminn. RU 1-1150." or Pennsylvania railroad, Jersey Ccn- reconditioned. Hoth used two seasons, N O"T J C E !_Zl'or your convenience, tTfe ii~ACRl!*PtiOlV;On'coiiniy". Hm KLfMim h#nt, largt living room, din- I'ivp dnyg a weok. Call RE •-8147-B.* rRVALTmVACKER—WiTl buy useil in- oflk-e f>f Rny Slillman. Renltor. is now ffVririf T Pl' tral rallroHd. Phone SH 2-02HO-M. $115. SK 2- 00ti. W. valid wnlkcr. IMensR phone ItU l- I MO bedrdiiriiN. but It, living room, ing room «nd kitchen. Plot 120x100. GIRL WISHES part-time work, five days open Thm"Hilny HIM) Friday pveniim kitchen, electric ninup; fiini.Hhr>d hit Ircrlrnnm hnmi*. Hrand now. Two a week. AT 1-1607-M. Ask for Caro- ONE BLOCK OFF Broad St. Sinfie _il-FOOT FLUSH BUILT, roomy cabin, 0734 between 12 nunn and 1 P. M. week- State HlKbway S5. Shrewnbury. ju»t ov< tVIO'J. IThsH. K. Tindall Agency, 19 rooms; clean and comfortable. Reason- bead, less thnn 50 hours since motor monl: KRS w«ter boilrr. Ilnrn. box null, hat hi. pit wrier mom, *l«n, fire place, fult line- days^ _ the Red Hank line. Drive-in pnrklni WHi/oti nioinKc buy loft ; |.r>,ui)i), Kriink hnivmfnl : hot wnt*r oil hcut. Attached K. Front it. RE S-9030. able rate. Gentleman preferred. Garage overhaul, in water. Will demonstrate, liO7r~ATR~F'URNACE---l.Vaufccl immcili- Lart;e listintt* of pro,)ei'tiei>> home*, wntei rJ wishes tfour daye available. RE 6-5382. 88 Wallace st. SB5O. RE 6-4204-W. IS._Lnwei. HKjj^HT.i.' iwn.rnr vtnrnue. Plot 12AV2A&'. 13.1,010. week work. Call RE 6-4393-M,' _ately._CiOl RE 6-2322. front, farms, business opportunities. KK lienni-i K, llyrn*, Henltors, Humsrin, HU LARGE, FURNISHED room with nice 3!4 H. P. UVlNRUDE. »20; 7 h. p, YOUNR MAN_(Vcteran) needs piano fi-r»m. • 10-noOM HOUSE.-,Hath, attir. cfllar. YOUNG MAN With prevloui experience* FAIR HAVEN _. New bungalow. kitchen for just two couple* to share, Wisconsin, starter and generator, $60, (free.) Any condition. Cull KK ti- R~KD IlANK—Six-rnoim hmmi.;" with""£'*- New hot xir furnace, (coal). Ideal KAIR IIAVKN... liuatmaiM haven I Over desires part-time evening work and All utilities, on first floor. Room with Motors at 13 Fo/rest ave., Rumson, or for tourinl or nursing home. Six imre Saturdays in a service station. Good 1342-.I." rat^e; decorated in and nut. Clone tn !ltj" water front. Two-bedroom home. Three hed room i, livinj room, light housekeeping for couple. Near call RE 6-5645. L. Royer.* HlKhwxy ».>. And KitiK's Hkhwny, Mld- Den, fireplace, tile bnth. Hnnement cerlnr dinette, kitchen and bath. Plot mechanical background. Excellent refer. Red Bank railroad station, RE 6-S971-J. ROWI10AT_Combination sailboat. TNo town nml nchoitln. For details, call UK dlttcwn. Cull KK H-UTi-<4-J. cloMets, vitla window, Rteiim oil heat. Write, "Attendant," Bo* 111,66 Bridge ave. 1_ »I- «.(I*•"„§_J___!!• Attached KHratce. Asking J^fi.r.un. Dt-n- Mx'M'). Close io school, shoppinr Red Dank. mast or ealls,) Ours, Good condition. JtEO UBIIK. FJOR HAvTSfCTFurnlshed. double bed- Priced quick sale, {25. See after 6 P, WANTED TO RENT FA' K-ItO (j M It U N (IIA LO W._.ln desirable VAN HORN Spnrioim, aiwoom ni* K. Hyrnv, Ken I ton. Itunuon. HU and tranaunrtstion ; JM.500. Chaa. HANDYMAN_Or electrical, carpentry, room-slttin? room. Private, on bus M.. 120 Pinckney rd.. Red Bank.- t noiKhborhood. l-lreplace. utorHtic at- If. Tindall Agsncy, 19 E. Front at. paint jobs. Attics, cellars, Karages THKEE OR FOUR KOOMS—liy yoiuiK tic, cellar, hot air heat; iwo-cur KHrnife. " much home. Thrn« doublo bed - line. Breakfast privileges. Garage if fl-FOOT CABIN Crulse-a-Lonir. .Sleeps I.A*IUiEr~Tlili&tr-Af.ltB. "coun'fry home. ItE 6-!iO.1ij. cleaned, while washed, cars simonized. wanted. 848 River rd.* husineHH con pit bofort! October. Lo- Many othfi* HtliHetionii for cnnifortnble roomi. Unndncaped pint, over \i- 1 two. Excellent condition. Phoiie EA cation iirefoinbly in Iteil Bank. Conven- livinir. 1'rired nt Jll.r.dll. Marie Cox SPVCIIII oulbiilldlnKi . Few mlnuttii* All odd jobs. RE 6-0095-R.* RIVERFRONT — Largo room, Ground ncrr. Firetilnce, bttaement, ntnvl from MI at ion. .Surrounded by nee*. Hume WtSMATTWANTS laundry to do at home. D-08OS. ient to rail r OR J commutation. Cull UK A wo lie y, t.'onuinchie dr., J'oilnuiicck, 1,0 floor. Furnished. Private entrance. Bath 12-FOOT ROWBOAT With 19SS Royal 6-10H.* fi^UO'J. girder. Aluminum srrrpns. Low tnvt»«: in wood condition. Four bedroom*, two Will BO out Monday lor laundry work, and shower, large cloiets, twin beds. new ilk bnthi: J2B.500. Itn y Stillman. MIDDLETOWN _ SU-ncre country Call RE6-4118-W.* h h. p. outboard; SU0 takes it. Owner, FOUR Oil FIVE ROOMS. First lloor. LO NO B R A NCI lI_.S*i x~r oom K $17,^00. Rny VHU Horn, ftnaltors. Near bus and station. Business couple LO 6-5329. Highway n:,. Shrewshiiry. RB «•:, III. property with a substantial old Y7>UNG MOTHER wishes to care for Refined ChrisLlan eoui>Ie. iCed Bank Kaclosfld front porch, nil convenience*. Fair Haven, RE fi-,000. bungalow; J2.000 down; $.>.000 FURNISHED ROOM_With or without ing. Will call for. Shepherd puppies. HALF AN ACRE—.Near river. Spa- Ownor Koiiut tn Kurope. Hay Slillman. Vanessa Kennels, R. F. D. 1, Red Bank. ATARTMITNT—.Two rooinR, kitcTTeii nnd Outbuild I nir, KO.x.iH cement block and PAINTER Exteriors, experienced, kitchen privilege*-' Near Fort Mun- frame. Two-mi- Kurnue buihlintr. Well cious fli.v-i'ooni I'Hiu-h house. Three Highway Mi. Shrawslitlry. UK lj.5 III. mortgngp, pnynhjr* monthly. Chai. MI 6-0547-R. bntli. YoutiK l-fspotmihle cnutilc. Will COUNTRY HUM E_7ln~ll-rmilel lown- Clean, elTlclent. Own brushes. You mouth. RE e-458ii." Kive references. J. KtirlsKon, -I! Ihud- located on two roads. Kxccptional buy double bedrooms, fireplace, vpticiiiiti II. Tindnll Agency. 1!) E. Front at. SMALL. CLEAN furnished room. Two STANDARD SCHNAUZER puppies. AKC. at 128.000. II. K. CoIIlnn. Realtor, 31 nbi|i. 'I'liree bedroomn: lnri:e Nhade RE fi-on.TO. supply materials. Reasonable. MI Mrs. Paul Mlcclll. Vredenbursh Farm. ii\K rd., Red Ilnnk." blind a, refritierntor, electric mine: blocks from Broad Bt. Reasonable UNFURNISHED HOME „" ThVro '*»«!- _."*L Mn•«_*__ lLJl s-'or.i;. trecu: wnrkHhnp : fertile gnrden; $13,501). 8-03S9.* rate. RE 6-4013-W.' freehold. Fit S-0,',88. 518,500. tUy Vnn Horn Realtmn, liny Stillmau. IU: fijilll. DACHSHUND PUP"PIES_Pedigrced and rooms, two baths. About ? 1 "5 tt LEONARDOLKive-rooin huuue. Three IN HOSrE~"OF~BUSI NESS~W"O MXN~ montli. Rum (ton or l''air Haven. Call licdrooniH, bath, liviiiK room, kitche Fair Haven. RE lt-4100.' !(-~A~<:llK~KA"H.M_..Ufr "thVTeateil iniTK." KINO'S Mlf;il\VAY__Mid.lletuwn. Seven- SQUARE DANCE TtiACHER .nd caller, AK(; rexiatcied. Healthy stock. Males Hrook*. tree* Hod .15 acre* tillHble. rnom hnmr. Heated sun ronm, steep- Three comfortable hedroomn for runt MrB._liormnn, J>EJ7:OS4I.' Ualitry. cloHed-in porch, oil hot w.iter now working at Belmar Fifth Avenue to other business women. Phone RE nlld females. Black and tan and red. : : heal; two-car Kaiat'e. Iteanonable. AT Old farm boUB«. neiids riinovnlinir. Ten in if porch, three b«drooms, tiled bath, Heary J, Kautzmnn. 107 Division at., FURNISHBD—Tfiree or foui "-Tooin"ai>ai t"- Pavilion Friday and Saturdays. Avail- 6-4341-M before 10:30 A. M. or after U]i;s;t-M. FOUR-UEDROOM HAIUJA1N _. A ininuteH to *tiillon: I_O.UIJU. Itny Still- powder room, patio: large landscaped able after Labor day with records or Kcyport. KE 7-0066-M. ment desired by youtiK mnrried couple. man. RE B-31II. plot; KHrage: $l,*,i>nn, (Jrossinjcer * 7_R_M. Preferably in Hod flank or vicinity. Ref- innTiXNlS .. 12-ioom 1 ti-atory, four-yeai-oUl ranch asioclated with orchestra. Elmer Jun- FURNISHED ROOM_Single. $6 week. hnusn. Located one block from tthop- «To;.S(l"llOVs'TlllS'ljonie oii the Slirew*; .11 «ller, Hroad arid Mechanic sts. RE ker. EA 3-0658-W/ ^^^ USED AQUAIUUME_J1.50 up while erences furniahed. Write, "H," IJox ,111, house. Excellent neighborhood, l-'oni' fi-Jiluu, RE fl-liiS2. Private home, centrally located in Red Hank. pinK centrr and achools. House in per- bury river with trees nnd private dock, they last. New aquariums from fect condition inside and out, with mod- RWFlR liXkS-FRlr' Haven. Colonial. Red Bank. 68 Maple nve. RE 0-1008.* KOUK-HOOM UNFURNISHED uimrtment bedrooms, two baths, fireplace, nuto- llnndy to _station. Rny Stlllmnn, Illsh- SINGLE ROOM__In private home. Con- S1.59 up. Over 75 varieties of trop- ern kitchen and Kiirajre. J'rhied for iiu mntic beat; J12,T.'iO. Murtgauc lr>. l.arK« living room, fireplace; dining in' Red Hunk or vicinity. References •siiin {'.I.5..0. AT i-nnso-w. rniim. three bedroom%, nrreened porch, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT venient location. Near buses and cen- ical fish, large selection of aquntic available. Write, "R. B.," Kox fill, Rei! (JIBII down $2,100. Ray Van Horn. rKRI''KC'T.""SKM I^TYPE" "ranch linuTe". ter of town. RE fi-5515. ' SIX ACRKS_|n tine reHliiontlnl a«clU.... llpiiutifully decorated. Living room, 1 [•• bnths. rumpus rnom; attached ga- plants, fancy and common goldfish, Hank. Rcitllom, l-'itii* Haven. HE ^-4100." three liedronm*. full cabinel kitchen, in- raKf. Asking J'id.OOO. CroaainMT ft HOUSE All Improvements. Large bed- ARSV ENLISTED man couple, to live DUI'UIONO T KES L-homlit ilcKires to Vpry high and dry. Ready to build, lUller, Itrnnd «nd M»J.anic sts. RB Tubifex. Complete line of heaters nil Hcur k'ruiind with brook. School buit eluding waibinir innchilie, tile hath, vsa room, living room, dining room, kitch- In, Keep house, prepare meals and rent two or thrcc-bcdi'nom huusr In fi^MOtr. RK f'-K^li. care for two children, four anil nine, in and other aquarium gadgets. Helen PiiSKL'M tirtmcrty. Quiet neinhbnchood. Cull bent. finrage. Lot .10x100. .Shrodea. en and enclosed porch: ?65 per month. Middletown-Rcd Hank area at SI 00 IS^ Park live.. Kea*n*bili'K. FA 1 ft~IT7\VEN_."Att7i«nvT.Tour rooms, Adults only. Phone KE 6-TJ51-M be- return for lodging, meals, and use of monthly or less. Phone nieHKnKc It. Di-, Ml 5-()2_KK-W-|. FAIR HAVEN Attractive six-ronni home. On two bus IIIICH tn Fort. £6 Miller's, on Highway 35, six miles WELL" C(lNSTI(UCTElJZrM^Imi~fmjf- expansion secnnH flonr. Kireplace. ap- tween fi and 7 P. M. north' of Red Bank, between Laurel R. W. Sweimon <-/o SoiHb River fi-3RJ2/ ranch house. Setting nf old trees. l>liauces, automalic heat. Convenient In* LEONARDO_House, furnished. Seven N. Sunnycrest dr., Little Silver. RE 6- ycni* built borne. Two bedrooms. Good ONLY H,.>00 Three hedronmnt 4726. HOUSE At leant four bedrooms. Leane Vir#plnct. deluxe kitchen: KIUHKC; cation. Near nchool; $10,501). Grossin- rooms, newly decorated, modern kitch> and Palmer aves. Open dally and for Hcvcrnl yeai-«. Oocupimcy Oct. I. location. Full price J-7,,1110. Terhm «r- Yettl I linvr. a three-bedroom home irer A Heller. Brand nnd Mechanic sts. en; garage: gas heat, and hot watar. LARGE. FURNISHED bedroom. Light Sundays until 9 P. M. Clused Tues- ninjicd. Phone KE fi-H>;»l.M between lurce plot. AakliiK SlH.'.'tM). Ray RE fi-2100. RE H-ma. Paul H. Sehlnlinc, Srt/Adclnlde St., Hcllc- 5_ nti.1 7 p. M, completely redecorated fnr only )4,< Yearly tenant. Adults preferred, Rent and clean, in private home. Shower days. MI 5-0319. ville fl. N. J.* Vim Horn, Realtora, Fair Haven. RK *90 per month. AT 1-0108-W. with continuous hot water. Good resi- NEW SHREWSBURY—15-acre faTm. .100. (.'nil Adanu ARency, RK fi- fi. t) on.- — Six-room ranch houses. RUTlHON Furnished house. Sevan rooms dential district. Near business section }Iousa (without Improvement-) nnd .'IO'JX. Ifi KimL Hfll-iccn pi. (}[ien and buses. RE 6-or,93-J.- Ihree bedrooms, I >:. hatlm, full bale- slid bath, includes four bedrooms. oiithuildinKs i" poor uunditiun. / dis- seven dnys anil evenings. ment, npen porch: attached narage. Half, Garage: II2E per month yearly rental. FCftNISHigDTlTffUBCE ROO~M~Kftcnen FIVE DIFFERENT kinda of monkeys REAL ESTATE FOR SALE tinct chalicnse to A youujt uuuidc with VAN IIOKN—Kiverrront residenrp. •sere plots: I1S.SI7II. (irnsainger * Hel- RU i-imnn. • _____ privileges if desired. Near bun: '.»- from $35 up. Come In and see rncrBy and imagination. Price $5,500. ler, Hrnail and Mechanic sis. RE I!- mile from Fort Monmouth, in Little Sil- HORSE OR DAIRY FARM—21A srres. (ash rcriulrcd 12,750 in riiiht party. Recently remodeled. Two lovely IIOU^K IN UNION nKACH.__LnrKe din- HoBBhN MOTEL XfrARTMIBNfS_Two Jocko. You'll love her. Puppies, AH fenced. Many outbuildings. Ten- 11 00. UK «. IRJIO. rooms and bath. Continuous hot water ver. Call RE 6-54S2-M. Minugh Agency. Phone ItU U07H.* baths. Four Miaeirnia bedrnonm, hut ing ami living rnomn. four bedrrmms, hamsters, white mice. All pet SMP- room dwrllinft. Hath, oil heat. Located iTffSTSoM=gctTlnK orTiIgh trce«. MTti- bath, forced lint nil- hr>al, nil; anto- and heat furnished, 145 per month. KE FREE Bedroom, sitting room nnd bath, In tht best soil production in Momnouth water nil hent. Double naraKe; !()()• Fireplace, two bedrooms, oil heat. Con- B-0985. plus board.' Free to working woman plics at lowest prices at Helen Mil* ern Cape ('oil bungalow. Living rnom, mHtic; water Iicnter. gas run set. Double uuuuly. New buildIIIK 7A'A.1/>.' llahuar tire place: dining room, kitchen, three foot rlvtfr frontage* Asking $-7,- gantge with large MontH*. excellent enn- venient location; lll.'nn. •JOTTAtilCThre."rcTomi'and bithV Mi) in exchange tor 'preparing Hlmptc eve- ler's, the shore's largest pet shop. type support. Could J>e H slallx. A»ktnvr filllnn: . Needs decorating. meats, nenr school, ah on pi nir r«n* 01)04. _f)ntn week-end*. Hn» 212, West Long Branch. gate No. 6. Furnished, Close to bun coal hent: tilot 58.\17ii; garage; lit),600, atruction. Lnrtie plot, near nchool. AT 5 MiniiKh Agency, Rumaon rd,, Rumson, tcr and station. Income II80 P"RTC!E RICTlft That la our opinion or EATONTOWN _ Three-bedroom, fur line, 115 weekly. Adults only. EA .'!- _bl Jii_- Kxcellent ucinhborhoort. SmnM down this modern three-hedroom borne. Fire- 0078.' PARAKEETS All colors. $5.95 up; MTlDDLETOWN-.House. Five rooms Hint I'honL RU 1-071G." • monthly. Rendy for nulck artle at nished home, from September to June, FAIR Il"AV"BN—Si'iitciouTTix-rooin rsrich" payment. Kay Van Horn, Kcullori, plare. full basement: attached garage. Hot air coal heat. Reasonable rent, Call FIVE LARGE ROOMS_ln one-family canaries, finches, love birds, bath, plastered walls, full cellar, cedar SI 1.000. RK H.2K3*. Open eve< pnneled dining room witti hny window. typo bungalow. Tiled bntli, screened Little Silver locution. Asking SI3.9UO. at 84_South at., .Eatontown. house. Yenr around home. 166 Shore mynahs, male cockatiel. Cages from Fair Haven. UE 6-4100.* KIIH Wlltahlre Aitency, Healtnr*. RE NEW ITU-ROOM ranch type house. Near blvd,, Keanahurg. Screened porch. At Inched ynrtitzr. Trim, porch, hot WHlcr oil hcnl; three-car gn- $4.05 up: tanary or parakeet seed lnted. expHndflbl* Httlc, nil hi>at; l->-ncre rage; corntr plul; Jl4,5uo, MinuKh K-aSOfi o_JJK _."JO01. Open week-end*. Red Bank. New furniture. Adults, LATSrjE7T!HEERFUL~"bTdroom, Tn pfp establiithcd garden; J ['_,.". U U. Ml 5- Agency. Runnun id. Phone RU 1-0716.* FIT FOR A QUEEN-_llerVr"whyT~07r"a Rent reasonable. References. RE 6- vate home. Plenty of closet space. 10 pounds $2. Helen Miller's Pet • VAN HORN Remodeled cnlmilal 0408-M, RUMSON—'ij-iicrf, corner plot, with AYERS-TKUFOLO ACKNCV — corner lot 200.V 1 BO. Has 22-font liv. 1 432-R. _____ Tnnerspring mattress. Crosa ventilation. •Shop, on Highway 36. six milea cottaije- Set far back from marl. ing ronm. dining room, modern kitchen, Suitable for couple or single person. LONG HRANCH — SBven-fumily. fufly four-room, hath bungalow. In poor Huuue, on west ilde of Red Bank, SEA MUfiliT Comfortably furnished north ot Red Bank, between Laurel furnished modern Rpartmeut house. Re- conditioo. Can lie divided into at least nO-foul IIVIIIK ronm, fireplace, three threo hedrooin*. lovely baaement. All house. Oil heat. Suitable' for large Near bus. REJMI78.J. For white nr colored. Three bed- on one floor and in Little Silver ton. and Palmer aves. Open dally and stricted residential section. Automutic four building lots; SS.OOO. Mlliugh bedrooma, oil hcHt. New garag*; or small family. Sept. 16-June IS, (125FURNISHED ROOMSZZtn private home. oil heat, hot water. Slx-cnr Karate. In- Agrncyjjiuminn rd. Phone HU 1-0718." rooms; garnK«: hot water heet with Asking 117.500. Klla Wiltshire Agency. a_month. SE 2-0224-M,' ' Kitchen privileges. Near buses. OfT Sundays until 9 P. M. Closed Tues- Realtor*. RE 8-3.108 or SE 2-0001. Open come $(.,000 i)«r yenr. Aiking ?-10.0()0, LOCUST WATERFRONT __ 12 rooms'; $16,900, Tnxes only $100. Ray oil burner. On bin line. Aiklng EAST KEANSTJURG Bungalow of four River rd. Call evenings, RU 1-1582-J days. MI 5-0349. Write, "Modern Apartment," Box 611, week-enda. or week-ends. 150-year-old residence. Two tuitha, Van Horn, Real ton, Fair Haven, KE 6-2^.18. Open evenlnga. rooms and bath. Nicely furnlshad. Red_JJnnk. Three-room, bath, truest house, IftTflSE"" nTlAUTTFU!7f_This you will Oil heat. Available Sept. 10 to May 1. KB 6-4100.'. agree when you Impact this three- BASSET HOUND PUPPIES for sale. lYT LE5b| .T._ Inndncupcd ncres: J.ifi.OOO. Rent reasonable. KE 6-0675 up to 4 Runihon rd. RU I-II7I6. bedroom ultra modern ranch home, taste- Cousins of Morgan of television fame. Modern bath and kitchen. Dry rcllnr, fully furnlahjd and beyond description P. M. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES hot water heiit. Call after S J*. M. AT STATE^REX^ST^^I^ AYEItS-TRUKOLO ACJENCY.. Four- FURNISHED 5Eunfurnished oHee Sadest of faces but most friendly dis- LOVELY HOME > - With beautiful la a screened patio, built-in grill. Near position!. Extra long ears. J. B. Rue, 1-227 I-W. ___ roam bungalow, llnth, nutomatiu k»i bedroom house in Little Sliver. ocean with river righta. All for 12*.500. space. 12 Broad at.. Red Bank. Ele- RAISE CHINCHILLAS—Th« iimplcst V?E3TTO>IG flRAKOr Thre« bedriiomn. heat: Karajre; A !i -acin plot; Jtlr.OOO. frrnundx. Excellent location, npnr J r., Mlddlrtown.- __^_ schools. Suitnble for small family, Price Hot air bent with nit burner. R«- Blla Wiltshire Agency. Realtor*. RK «. vator service. For further partleulan, way then is of obtaining- A retirement living room, kitchen, hot wnter oil Mfnugh AKcncy, Jtumson nl. RU I- call SE 2-0004. . Income, Chinchillas can be raised prof' MINIATURF. PINSCHBR and Chihuahua 071fi.* $l?.aoo. UK fi..*,l!lH.- rentiy decorated. Rendy fnr quick •litOH or SE 2-1)004. Open week-end*. puppies. Mates and females. Small heat. Snicloiiri irroumls. One block from KUMSON Eight-room house. Nice resl- it ably in your basemen t, ipare room breed, AKC registered. Also stud service. Broadway. Good neighborhood. Shown RUMS(JN__Modern hilltop ranch hiime. anle at $l0,50U. I(E 6-233S. Open NEAR LITTLE SILVER school and sho7- dantlal area. Neer bue and ichooll. or t*rag«. For further information, h/ appointment. No agents. Call LO BUILUINU ACREACiK—foiir ncrea In ping center. Excellently built. Two- Hot water oil heat. Available Sept. vliit our ranch, DATII Chinchilla Farm, Moun, Wilson eve., Port Monmouth. Lai-Re combination pine paneled liv- evenings. Octan rd.. Spring Lake Heights, or KE 8-1489.' H.3534.W. InK-diuintr room, picture windows, fire- Mlddletown township, Cloae to *tory. Uirea-bedroom home with large 17. Year around. Furnished or un- SOUTH SEASIDE PARK—Main home. K«MI II* nk. HrftL ronidentinl urea. rloaata. Urge living room and fireplace. furnished References required; 9126 phone Spring Lake 8-2766-J. THREE SIAMESE KITTENS. « weeks place, convenient, kitchen, three Inrce Pleaaant, dining room and, of course, old. One male, two females. Call two summer houses, work shop, .17t> liedroomtt, tiled bath, automatin oil hoat, Allnire A Son Aicency, Inc. RB 6- monthly. Sweeney Agency. RU 1-1491, ROADSTAND AND luncheonette, with feet riparian rights, 100-foot bay front, RANCH HOME_Thr«e Urge b«d- a modern kitchen. Full cellar with mod- LO 6-0256-R. full, dry collar; two-car unrnut. Com- 3150. ern heat. Attached garage. Aaking IIS.- BELFORD Four-room bungalow. Newly n«w four-room modern apartment nnd 275 feet adjoining new stale park: H plctn iiiHitlatlon, combination ntorm nann ronmi, tilt bath. Living- room, decorated. Conveniently located. Adults bath, 200-foot frontage on busy shore BOXER PUPPIfcS_Five monthe old. boati: $28,000. Roy EivinKham, 24th 1100. Willla Cnnovar Agency, 75 W. Fawn with black masks, AKC regie- nnd screens, plantcrcd walls. Over two. Tiiflplace. Many extrns. Full bate* Front si, KB MI4I, only. Phone KE «-l«8l-W. highway, 9Vz acrei under cultivation. «t. »nd Bayvitw avt,, South Seaside ncre plot : J20.6O0. Mlnuirh AKeiiry. Now operating. Good term* to right tored, cropped and inoculated. Priced Park. MIlJ|)LKT()\VN__An older home in ex- input, gnmr rnom. copper plumblns;, COUNTRY CLUB AREATTthree-bedroom BUNGALOW Four rooms. All Improve for quick sale. MI 5-0382-R. Rumion id. tt\J 1-07U.* mentt. Hot water haat. Larit vlot of party. FR 8-3172. ccHent condition, Lnruc landacaiiod plmter walli. Attached gttr«te i home. Unuaually well situated for Red BEAGLES_Six weeks old. Registration FRANKLYN D^ HAViLAND, broker. Vo'-f, I)"0WN"*rAYMENT for veteran. lot. Ltvinjr room, modarn kitchen. Sec- ground with room for garden: also has BUSINESS FOR SALEL_At)iintic Hltrh- Reildential, Acreage, f«rnii and com- Littlo Silver. Three bedrooms, law* ond floor three bedroomi anrl excellent $18,000. Stanley K. Downs, Renltnr, Flank worker* or commutera. Large filed. Call EA 3-0323-M.' . 1 rooms. lluilder streaied the appoint- ehieken house and garage. Adults onlf landi. I.Mindry-clennlntr. Sacrifice, in- msrcinl n-opcrUei LUlingn sollciteri 78 kitchen, livintr room, tilo bath, full eel- tiled bath. Hast men I with moil ern nil Shrewabury. RE C-IOIT. tU per month. Phone KB «-»7S0 be' cludaa «quEpm«nt. Some repairs nepps- HORSBJ MEAT_Fresh frozen, lean, M<;Lar>n at.. Red Bunk. RE 6-1 *2it. ef an efliclent kitchen. Large, at. tw««n 7 A. M. and • P. M.' chopped 2 lbs. 37e; also chunks, heart, lar. expansion attic, LAI*KA lot, with heat. Ov«r-ii7.ed Karajje; Jl'J.GOO. Al- Itached garage: II.V300. Willis Con- aary. Rtnt $45 month. Act quickly. trees; $15,41(0. St-hwnrtz-Macklin, 8 Uiie & Son Agenry, lur, KK (I-.H.MI. KUMSON Furnished house. Three bed- Bowtall. AT 1-011 fi. liver. Special price on 50 Ihs. or more. over Aiency, 75 W. Front st. RE «. Helen Miller's Pet Shop. Highway 35. PAUL P STRYKER, Realtor, Farms \VhiiR_at. _HK_ 6-3121. COLONIAL™Two y«nrn old, In perfect SI 41. room*. two baths, raald't room and TATERN fOR SAXfi_Good 'UtiaTnesarOn and farm citales. Stat* fl'gh- 16'f, t)OWN" PAYMEN"T" for~"vet«ran. condition. Spacious living room, fire- bath. Beautiful grounds, excellent neigh- six miles north of Red Bank, between INCOME riU)PERTV_Center of place; rllnirig rnnm, vciencn kitchen, MTTSIE IN TUT! COUNTRY .Her. Is an Highway A6, Union Bench. Sell ink' on Palmer and Laurel avis. Open daily waj 14, Holndtl. fhont IIO f. Little Silver rornfr home. Five Inr^n borhood. Year's lease. Irving Kaye account of Hints*. For further informa* rooms. Tile bath. oncloiRil porch, full Hed Hank, modern n part merits, three hrdrooma, tile bath, acreened pnrch. otiler type, three-bedroom home that A»ency. LO 11-5600 or RU 1-O4S4, and Sundays until 9 P, M. Closed Tuea- 4601. is both substantially anund and pleas- tion. call KB 7.2708.R nr KE 7-in«iR. lny». MI 5-0349. cellar, hot nir oil heat; two-car urarnjie; Kxcellent condition, attractive termi Attached gnracn. Well lanrlscaperl; NEW, FURNISHED HOUSE Very go'od BUSY; YEXR^rROUNi5 luncheoncttr. $,{tOn. Sin n ley K. Dnwna, Resttor, Hntly altnolnted. Modern oil hot water COLLtfi PUPPIES _ ARC registered. laruo fenced-li. lot. Onft block from and nttractlvo Income. Cash re- 17 location, for service man and family. Mutt sell because of Illness. No rens- schonl nnd htm; J17,.ri0(). Schwartit-Mnck- .Shrfwsjitiry. JIK J^IJL j" ______heat. With a little Imagination thla Healthy, beautiful, Bellhaven blood- RAY STILLMANTWA LTO ft. " i.a rift quired nbout $10,000. Allaire St Son property could h, a place to be proud Near Freehold. Call FR 8-4825. onable offer refused. Will meet term?, lines. KK 6.1270..I after 5 P, M." parkins «puc« for four convenience, Mn. «_White »t. RB «t-:ll21. VI'L!7A(IE" flOMS—SettInir~T6r/ antique For further liifuriiuitliin, write "Lunch* Btata Highway 36. Shrewsbury; all Auency, Inc. RE C-.14G0. furniture. Klght. rooms, four beil- of: 114.000. Willis Conover Agency, 75 ATLANTIC HIGHLANbS_M Highland PANAMA FARROT—Talke, sings and RED liANldFlve rooroi and hath, W. Front at. RE S.S141. pi. Five-room house. Hot water oil eontttf," Box 611. K«d Hank. type« of proprrtlts throughout Mon- screened porch, full collar, hot air oil room •. Wide hoard lloor a. Very con* 1 whistles: $75 with cage. Also tmall mouth county: farmi, town and country vpnianV location in choice tieighborhoort. RA"ftCH"TYPB HOMEriii~_ittle~Sll»er. heat, modern kitchen; garage. Five min- CULt feERVTCE SfATION~foT~renX Cinnamon Ringtail monkey, fiA. William heat. Equipped kitchen, ntorm wlndnwa It HAVEN—Mndm-n bungalnw with Featurea a large living room and three utes walk to school, shopping. Immedi- Third «v«. and Jane st.. Long Branch. houaea waterfront prop«rtle«: btnlnest and scrcenn; one-cnr ttarape; very low lving room with fireplace, completely AHnwIiiv fnr dfrorntlng at the low price Choice location, flood facilities. Exten- Snmpsnn, 14 Rivervlew pi., Sen Bright. oi;portUnitlea Call, wrlta your roquire- nf 31.VJ0O. Stanley K. Downs, Realtor. bedroom*. Ha* dining room and a molt ate occupancy. Open for Inspection Sun- SE 2-0116-W. taxes. Only j.8,500. Sehwnrtx-Macklin, modern kitchen, dinette, two bedroom» convenient kitchen to work in. Con- ilv* assistance, Opportunity to build mentt Larfre and competent stall to 8 White st. RB fi-11121. Shrewsbury. UK 1-1017." day 2 to 7 P. M. Phone Charter 7-1B6». GREAT DANE Female. Fawn. AKC ••rvt* Titu RP fi-liUl. and bath nnd cvpHtision attic: $11,(100. venient "as heck" to huaea. achool*. your own builnesi. Approximate cap- Caah requiri-d $1.50(1. A rare oppor- KHRE\y"SHUiTY RANCH MOME_Seven SHREWSBURY Broad St., corner Obra ital |4,000 to cover ntnek and equip- registered: four months: cropped and Fort Monmnuth. rnilroid.. stores and pi. Next to school. Second floor, bus- LITTLE SILVER—1M: acre building site. WB HAVE FIVE HOMES available * tunity. Allaire A Son Agency, Inc. ItiS spacious rnnins. Living room, firt- ment. Cull AS 2-««82-M or write, A. inorulated. Sacrifice, LO .>•»»<«, Ideal locution, 12,500. Term*. Call plarp; tlinlng room, moilct kitchen, three Red Ilnnk. We believe this Is good dol- iness building, Five-room apartment, R. BurV, 404 Prospect pi., Neptune Gar* PEA HfiK Three years old. Ready to for any acceptable purchaser, fur bed room *, lile bnth, knotty pine den. lar value at 111.000. Willla Conover Heated: 1100. RE 6-5484. RF fil(l49W deni^NeDUiiif. _^ Iny, UH. HO 9-6643. which wt liRvs nrrnnged 00% mort- Attar-lied garKUf. I'lnster walla; copper Agency. 75 W. Front «!. HE C.SIII, UNFUR'NfSiTED Four-room eolonia! LITTliK SILVER _, Afmost new OLDKR HCiSiE_ln~lair~Hirv7n: I'Vul? FOR R'ENf__Slo(!ern two buy service BEAUTIFUL well-mannered til-colored MARIE COX AGENCY, realtors and KaKes, Thcue homeri ara located In plumbing. Special. 117.000. Stanley K. cottage. All conveniences. Located 1 ranch home with reception hall, linwni, Itenltnr, Shrewabury, 'RK *• bedroonia. [mnuculate condition. Sit- atation In fine neighborhood location. rnllle puppies; champion pedigreed, lmurori. Salti y«rly and »um- New Shrewsbury, Shrewsbqry bor- on Locust Tolnt rd. Will also sell. For Rent reasonable, Call RE 6-4922 for ap- AKG registered; permanent Inoculation. living room with M re id nee, dining 1017.' uated on three plenaant lots with large further Information, call AT l-UOl-J. mer rentals. Comancha dr., Port- ough. Long Ilrancli, Eatonlown and tree*. Near buaea and achool*. Alkinc pointment. Foui* months old. Trained to leaah; an room, kitchen, three bedrooma, tiled COTfSGE-_On private estate. Vicinity intelligent, loyal, lovable family friend: aupfek. Phont LO 0-1IO2, Mlddletown, They are all modern JU.II00, Willla Cimover Agency, 75 W. Shrewsbury, Peaceful surroundings. built niid full basement. Alt room* I1KII HANK.lJoulile home. .Six- Front si. REJ.5I41. ISO. Robert Wllley, Oakhlll rd. RE 6- four-room homes. Not over five Five lovely rooms and bath, oil heat, .1141.11. exceptionally targe. Spacious land* room duplex nn each side. Nicely RUMSON—Six-room house. Living room. Venetian blinds, new refrigerator and BOATS WEART-NEMETH AGENCY—pleat* yenrs old. Trice* ritnao from |8 - PUI'flES GIVEN AWAY to good home: ( neaped lot; 117,200. Allnire Sc Son ilei-orHtcd. Twi» coil burner!. Op- diniiu room, kltrhen, three bedroom*, washing machine. Newly decorstad, Ga- refir to our ad on following pase. 3f)d to (12,000; 10% down, balance hath. {Jood condition. Near park, hu*. rage, Responsible adults. References; six very sweet little females; mother Agency, Inc. RE H-34.1i0, portunity lo own your home st low BOAT SUPPLIES—All your boating part collie. Cnll RE 6-2322. of 00% mortgnKci At E%. payable »tore*. Asking Sa.JOO. other homes $125jier month. EA 3-1480. needs under one roof. Everything for rout. Invistliistel Asklnx 114.500. 10,son to S45.000. Anna Ott Agency, In 20 yonn, Wo will bo hnpny to NfCjJ, LAROE fniir-hedroom apartment, the boatman, Now Jersey's largest ma- PROPERTIES OF ALL KINDS for .Stnnley K, Duwnn, Realtor, Shrews- ll>_West_Itlver rd. HU 1-1140. Year around. Responsible tenant; >,_. rine supply house. Open Sundays and T nhow theie homei and disctnta thti FAIR HAVEN— Modern bungfUow. Us- ClTTLK SILVER RANCjI""HOMr__fear •alt, Llitingi wanted. Insurant* ccpttonulty well built, In A-l location. bury. HK S-10IT.* block to schnol and Main st, two blocks holidays » A. M. to 1 P, M. Week-days WANTED terma with you. All tha homes are and a half old. Lot 7.1x150. Large from railroad station; |8», Sell for only S A, M, to I r. M, The Boatman'. all kind), Mortiai* loam, Apply Entrance vestlbulr, largo living rnum vacant nnd ready for Immediate oc- with Ore place, dining rnom, modern llvinK room. 12-foot picture window, SIS.OOII. Owner. Mr. lluntlngton, 609 Shop. 24 Wharf ^ve. HK_«.678q. ANTIQUES—Beit prlc.s paid! china, R V, R. I!. Stout, 77-79 Broad it.. dinette, three hetlroomi. large closets, llth nve., Belmnr 9-3_.D-M, Large glassware, pictures, statutes, Jewelry, cupancy unnn the Kljrnlnir nf ton- kitchen with electric tango and dlshwunh- COMPI.KTR rniVACV _ Klicht In FENfltnjJS^CiiHom built. Finest lum- Red Bank. Thon* RB 6*2141, or, two bodruonii mid tiled hath, Het-nrid bath, nine kitrhen. -i rsbinsts and eltc- pnjchj ber and hardware. Must see tn ap- Inmni, old revolver., illver, fine furni- Unit i. Invest.Knle Immcdintcly. flooi1, one iHi'ge bedriMim with ronm fr»r Ited itank. Kive.rnom, Caps ('nil. trie raiilte, N'enetlnn bllnda, full cellar. FAIR JlXVENl-Three-bedroom hun.a- preciate. Reasonably nrlceii. If Inter- ture, Monmouth county book,, map.. iiecoii(I hath and fourth her!room, Full, liaill in 19,19. l.nrm- ll\l« llvlnic Automatic heat, nil-nred. Split-rail ested In Penguins, this is your buy. Only Oilman. .12 Spring st. RE t-0145-M, LITTLE SnVYi^iTK Schwartx-Mncklin, H White it, RU low, furnished, Automatic gat heat; ilry biisemeiit. lint water bent; nttacheil l-onm, two Inrice herlroomi, dinlliir fence, ihriib". Price 115.500. (i. I. Karaite, FenrciMn yard. Convenient lo- three for sale this season, Any evening, iTlCilEST PrtlCES for your chlntware', Fiva bedronma, mw hot water hrat, 6-9121. uarnk'P, Asklni: *1S,,VHi. AMniio & Sun uiorUttKe, Two bl 16-roof cmns sRIW'—wew io'nlr UhVKii, -HH H-290S. trance foyer, living rmuii with fir** Lot l7Axll'J5, Sl\-rooni apartment on lust, sunileoki attached garage, Prlvttt t'our-cjrele, air-cooled, Guaranteed. un o--1 ww, plet* real *ttil* itrvlc*, Aa near MilW^rrfn lired hot wator heMt. (isi'SK* with first floor. Hecnnd fioop, four bedrooms, lieach. Available Sent. It, lltO month. Three models to select from, Emy terms, OLD I'UIINITUIIB, •ntluu.i, ohm., »• your ihom to icrve you, li tflnyw place, dinlnic room, lart(e rnoilern kitchen, I '.j baths. Third floor, one Write, "Ranch House," Box 611, RedAs little ss 12,10 per ffeok, Liberal trade. ollHKe In very gaud condition. Over kltchtn. screened porch, three spa- overhead ilnon. Uall HE «-i7-41 dsy atudlo apartment and one apart* glii>w»re', irk object, and krlo.»-brae, Weit Front it, RK •-6141. Lwo Hero». Krontayo can be uied for Bank, In, Used outboards (or sale, See It to- Immediate cash for e.nythlni and efery* clout bedroomi, tiled huth, full liasv- or nliiht. Harold's Radio 4 Klaotrlu ment. Secnnd and third floors furnished. Llfl'LE SUvEh _ Lovely day at Sirausi Stores, IS White st,, lied thing. Uuicll'i 25 Ext Front it., phone bunlncM. AikhiLf $12,000. Cnnitaiu'e Xho|>, lil) Weit Front si,, Red Hank. Income IH4U • month and live on flrat house, Two bedrooms, recreation room, Bsnk. RBMeoj. ^ FOUR-BEDUOOM~iiV)UHK—OnlTwlTTaT, Hmlth, M Maple nve., Fair Haven. RK metit and at Inched gnrniro. Lot floor. l|«nt, hot water, oil: full alie (1.2.10H UflxUO, He dutifully tHiidsr-npeil | h-sement: low taxes. Everything In per- modern kitchen, living room, dinette, r,oTnTJinia'^tK^blnnVo»irnk7, AN'NtiUKS, HOOKtJ, map. and lamps, Fair Haven, Llvlntc room, illninu f rmaolnun .rounds. In rnatrian* In) section. htnd, link, stove, Oil h, p. Cluyilu Uitt prices paid, Bring tn the Hti'lion ruiMil, Ulfhtii, IWu tile brillin, [nil utlltu', 123,01)0, AlUIra 4 Son Auonry, Inc. I1KI1 HANK IIUNfiALOW ...CnnvenUnt fect condition. Inlaid floora, fireplace* gnlovv two ynnrs old. Oil hrnt! loi'aliou. Mvlng room, tlinln- ronm, throughout the bnuae. Muat go for Rent Sl'JIi poi' mniith. ItE 6.4164 until marine enxlne, Newly ni'nndltlnntd, Shop-J|>,, 137 Oroad st,, Red Dank RK I- hot water clrculntlnit hnit; Inrgii porch; RK fl<;ii;>0. II. l>. M. Nu brokers, Perfei't cnndllloii, 11,'iSII, UK, B-JOU. 200S, tot 150x131, Occupancy Juno I, Sclnit 'agr, ImillidllUe occiilinnryl 112,1100, kiti'tmu. two bedriMims and hath, nil 1111,01)11, You could not bullil this hnni. your nwn d«aoratlom, W, P.'Mdntt, 74 oiittnnci' Smith, II Mni'lo nve, Fair beat, full hiiinmelit! nne.i'iir liavage, fin- un.OOli luilav. Maisar Agency, • irtJFTdALOWZThrue rooms and bath, no i(T(jrvENffl(iirTtiiiiF,pSTriri>vi; ATTKNTION I—We buysewing ma- IIIIVI.II. fir,; H-snOH. __ CHin,] at. ItH U-JI3I. Herbert it,, Red Hunk, Cull HE <• "T7"Tr'fflirTiiiF~-STrrv; chines, typewriters, Slider,, rcglslcrs, Mnnmmith m. ..R*d . Hank. _ Utij.;j t Sfl^ ON THK HIVKU...About li HCIKH with Stnve, ncreeiit and storm lath and swn. lUflnlihed and irllllril 1US;>, 75 h, |>, ^—Spring st. ".Sove-ti rooifu. Inn., I'rlre li:i,75n. Joseph L. Car- Orsy marine timlnr. Kxcrllenl rnmllilnn run*, vituuuni dranrra, pianos, Also exceptinnnlly HlLiHctivM Immu Imvlim* rVITYlVU ITMIIT:1mi^n«m\« vlnti'il Hurt mer-hanilUi. Almnit any. litviUtiry HIHI Iniiiulm garage I fitnIer hull, IHIKO living inuin with lilt-- loin, llenllor, Hi: III Id u s «>c, Clillltr tmi.liadrnom hnme with expansion at. tKT7RATfT3TTrHuni(alow, Vive room., ETTT throimhout! ll.'jllO. liiipectlnu st CONSTANCY SMITH A.eney. U nrua lot, l;.\ucllr rit condition, Aiklng (IMkIntnl. RK t.lfjll, doied porch, All Improvements, Avail- Oliarlet l>l«ln, 1114 Uccflil nve,, Sen thlnit, Hnot caih, Call u> first, Will plHi-tf, simi-lottfi il in I hir Miiiut, mnnuittn tie In lull' Havsn. A IWItm room with go any whore, anytime, Roberta, 6-U Matili ivc, Fair Uuvcn, UK (!• 11 l!,llll(l. lv-.rlu.ivi. Agent, CoiKtance fitvlntr the river, miMleni klU-linn, nutid'a FAIR IIAVEN.'.Iloaily tirinuve Ini'AV able Sept. I, Will rent furnished or un- BrlBht Hli a.Ojnr,, Smith. 14 Maple afi,. I'slr Haven. II- llreplaci! stuVe, rafrlKtrator, wnihlnr furnished. Please call RE fi-0224-J any Allaire ril., Spring Lake, Slicing Lake -• 3308. W« hav« Rtlractlva houica In room mitt Irnlh, Secdiut Hour, threu aim- .ractlve IIOIIIB In excellent nilghbor. in «t hi in, l.'uniblnallou doors ami screens, day except Friday, pvoruwmuuwmu VAOIIT—UVAOIITUooio i con 78UU, „______._ Rid Bank. I''»lr Haven, ' Rumion, clou* bffilrooinn mid two (ilnil Imllii i hood, Living I'ooin, nreplsre: dlnlnit hot sir w«< heal. Take over U, I. morl. 1 1 dltlonl 1041, 56-foaf t ItlnhsrilimItlh i anbln DuTliS, doll clothes mid iooca. Shrawiburyi Mlddlctown. E«lontown CuMir'l'HO'PtJUrY—UtTHankrc'lort bHieimnl j two •cur utirMuei.tixoulloiit (run* runin, kitchen, three bedrooms slid tils pa/ei »4J a mniith, Inoluitii principal, ^mE^TlraN l __. Lovely four.hedroom In itiirei HIHI rHllrond ilMioti. Seven Mini liindauniilnu, Unuaunl opixntunity lath, nil heat i finr.i'tr garagt, Lot hnuso on throa nurea of ground, Very erulseri 1050, ni-dini twin surew o«b|ii •orles, Also doll furniture, All ty|>«_ nnd vicinity. I'hun'e tn for belt Inttrist, Insurance and taxis, Massif n coly furtilshed, Dock on Honth ikllf, Tlrasure U«y Marlnn, Lnna Dranr i, of sntlnuos, The Opportunity Shop, rnumiumi,, Kni'loird porrli,, two Imthn,, lwlwo tn rtcnvfrr siihstitntlni pnii uf nrinlnnl leautlfiilly Isiidaraped, Many utraa ton Ajrency, (I Canal it. ItE H.mi. LO (I."Tim 11.1 nrnmlw_, Knynnrt. KB 7_44_rr niotilh nnfnnft cost (If lUalred) by dlapoiilim »f n putt numiii'fius tn mention. 'Price 11 U,90f), rlhrewnhury river| 1175 per month, KB FOnTTn T^oauinilsiiirslngciml of tha prui'fMty ntrttiily HPiMfivitil fur Joseph L, ('ni'lune, lltnltor, MA Flrldgi ANOTIIKH"'IIOMH-'-fn"' ritriiitijiieli; If "••214, T ur own mmrlrmm Ml,, Hrlllntt,, dur to you missed tha nthem, take A look st condition, Uall IIK 11.07(18 after t fininv Axklim nrli'nrl f |lfl,/i00|lfl/i00 . V.ntuVntu »ilh«dlvlnlnii In to nltnirtlvi< building ave tier (inklmul. ItE «.UJ0. ItfimiHlflili lloUBB-fllx rooms. TK?e7 P. M, rrnls Indian head cents,' etc, Old TUHPUT AaiX'itUOM hmnr t7n loUt l-'ir,,iinii. Altaiin & Snn AKMH>'- this nni, Lot '^.lOvloo, Mvlnir room, golil rl"K«, cliiilni. wntohn, ilnilsl mid, ncsn .Smith, 11 Maul* ave,, Fnlr lfn> QI'TLK"HII.VKir_-TWii".h»rf sloly,"lltii; illnlnif rnnm, Iwn IKIIIuoma. itinporrh. l)«ilnii)niH, l,nth nnrt limtoiy, New, DOAT SLOOPJWmitJlWmit,, Dunil ccrrTiUtfiinccrTUf , golil rl"K«, cliiilni. ntohn, ill m your lot unit fmiiidnlloii Tor only VIW u. UK fl.'JiiOfl, , Inr, UK ll*:iU>0, moiloru kltchon, gni lient. Preferably New model A I'onI'l l rnnvcrtlbltlble rnulnr, •llvwll , HillHill's' , M CCookmmk i >vcv , A.bury down Cull lOniunuiil HwnrlH of Swnrti I IT hall, livinir room, fireplace i din* mniltrn kllrhrn, hatli, hot air ull hoi. (lot. I to Mny III or Hspt, It to June marine clutch, t)»l!i like now, UK « Park, Kurnllur* KH ••«'4U nr RH il'UWh nu iiiniii, modern kltuli-n and brink, uarao: dead end street i tis 15, RU lmanU 1 )! Katatn liss Just released fant mink, Finn* bedrntims and 'J'j tislhii irte, Wai 114,000, now only 111,100. 0708 aflerj.. itorBrTOrgBTCTTNThVirirw LITTI.H MII.VKII_Mel_\t small home, MONMOUTH IlKAl II _. lltingnluw. mid iy« itnw, clov.r n.y mid V- l fnr sale, very ileairnlila plncn uf III hsat: Iwii.i'ai' gamut. Kxtillent mleli. Owner mint nil, Millar Anncy, 0 HlBHI)UU\rtnr.l»rn nvWoom PXNaUlNTOirHALri_ln oxcellenl ron- Perfect coiidltliiii and location. Only Llvlntr lonm, kite lion, twu hod- iiorhood. A. Ailulm only, Write, "Illvtr," llox til, VMIII; l''m'nis. Inc. linn 'J»l, Tnmt fllvM' Mt\l I"; tM(i.ini' i«i«up. ('mild siiiiai'f feet, T.lvlnii Minni, illnlnr nan and IJKI'IIIOU, lai'luiulln it ml nlnniui. . liriiiu culnrod. Illo liMM anai'lMiia Ik. mid In nu liullillnu, All iitlllilei HIIUKWrtrlUIIV..'.<'• in ('""d liiinjs'loVfnr Hod llmik, RTTin nlinfi ton. rnnm, kluhen. thnt liedruom*. tile hath, for 111.1,1, Call III'! il-lll/iS uflrr :, I*. M,' tTirrnnstTtirrnnsTT i wnwn^RTn T ''ifi Intf ilium and' llicnlni'i', iilliu.fllirleiii. r-HIIIV tio fin nM.yfm.'ii d Intuit! illy $|j..'ilin. Llvliiv rniinl, ot«|il>rr: CHII Ci'aiifnrd A. nviillnlilf, If Iniiupili'il, iilinno UK sutonmll'i lient, rmnlilnallnn sturfii »ln> HJI"tirhlfNrAl,OW^:iliitw«f«iTiTaT CII|t'IH"i:ilA>'f CIIUIHKII.-illi fnr-l,' In ilillfini iTitminHhlr, kltrlirii! fulf, dry linseinriit, you run IT.'.nn, Allahtj rt .Moil Ay«ni>, Inc. model n klii'limi, two htdiuiimi. linlli fur viiiiplti, 17 Carman pi, 1 |__ ^ , __ li.:|ill!i for dMalla, dnw, and scrrens, wailitnt; mavliltie, Lot tht wnlor, Uniinl iici'iiiiuniMlnlliuiH fin !llj'|('lll ilo niluu'li* wltli, Alliii'lird Minute, I'lun HI;;i». mid >li'i»ni'. i:\iiHiialuii attlr, full ba|II rrnfl, UK ».»il'. wn:»(ViHiii)NnAir(iwrr,srnr.raT vein' In ptrfecl. I'IIIIIIIIIIIII, Lni'un i k|>It. Aim Kplni'l, I'lwuin I'Mrku tllrcln !• liUMTllM'MDIl.T rani'h' li'iua., Nunr il atorm Mt»h, Lui uli'sly lanilsiiaiitili Call I'ulU'H, III) J-l I nit. • lITOTTiEI. Wm«H~f«nn. HeTpn aero, (H-ll l.'nlhei'lne si,, lleil Ilnnk. All IIIIUll IN, V.l >ii- wrltti, Miix 400, 14.74 ilKI,MAffTJriw 1«nilTKMr|wii Mnlililiiiilh NUT tllii'k, rlllll'l'llf>s, ATLANTIC IIHIIILANIiH . . HiiiixnlitM. mpli !„ I'SI'IIIIID, llsultur, UK Mflilm Cnlunlal home. T.IVIHK riioin, dinlnir Iniiii'nvtmiiiilii, Hullahle for one nr two llninilwiiy, New York I'lty, 'iinmii 'IV Itvlntf ni'iin illitMto, *<)iMii*W>'(t, Iptfiiu, 'Hi Navpalnk ill',, Mnliiiilnil li lliin, Til W. WiiMilliKlun H\P,, AUuic I'hi'll, laiimlry mid Hind lavnlmy nn Julias Atency, Mnfrufi, UK i.lfH, st,, lleil tlnnki Not siillaliln fur family ItOO UIIIIS ||, Mllim'i llnat Matin, Mnn- VKll{IIAV\VII,irilUYniinV'l{IV" t iinythimi tic HUflilniiili. il fl Thrre lieilrii'inii, tllld liath with children, ..Apply nl Iliukir'a, 107 mnitlli llemth, nlil, Mutlils lu|i lablrs, watli.UniU, l. Twntlnnt hiiinr, liivltiK lUI'liKX HflUMIi""ln"ll!'dfiinl."Tli;sV to «lali« I'ull, dry i-ellm' fin' reireilliiii tjhriiwshiiry nv«,, iiorner Csllirrjim it, rrw-r'noT*HKIFI'""N«W"i8si, witir<•. iili'lnrii IrmilOi rltlna, ull Ismpi wnnh* fli'MilKi'd i'nlfM', M'tvi auiiea and hliillnii, Nine IIIOIUH, I\WI I'liili'innlll a|iMi'llnilil Hi.I Iliiiii't fniil' runm, Hul nstiir till he*iat. H.w#r ron. EfUtt (or Sal* wftiii!hiiffnjfnuN(rArowrri(rvf rylllldlH' Ulllvfrtyll Iliiilur, I Ml II, I'nlr IMIWI, Hum,, linn, tnya, l.nnk In yntir *i»hri, HRlnlniK nlrd link KAJNU Mlm mid luo klii'lipii*. liinunit inn I'lind niiiii, full rrllai : ill •!/>•. All lm> IIU'IIOII. '1'nn.rtr l»r««ll f I D.onrt. P H.V.M Yacht Wurki, I'.lr lUv.n, 111! mill's, btrnt, I'sll KK H.I.IID.J tic writ* Inn *tltr, , OOnn h*t htVm fitiitV fitiiti •clitmli •clitml, (I, , I, (I, I, .'"nlli nnd w ai'aitm.uli l»,j"il. liinvetiieiil t, nil heal! nt*o thies'iuolti MIii>iiih Astiity, llumiuii nl. I'hum HU ConltnuteJ on Nturt HEPlata, Year mound | M0 pir monlh, MtlO Lu* 37li l'llll MontnOUthi* ll moftiAt M aViitibliitbl i KJC M40l*MM40lMi KJfl t*(J714*W.' bumi.uw mil biilii HI 1.UI9.' Pace Ten RED BANK REGISTER, AtfGUST VL 1953 ~R£AL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE USED AtTrOMOBlXES FOR SALE USED AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE APARTMENT FOB BENT Hudson {•"'MODERN FIVE-YEAR-OLD HOUSE_ RAMBLING RANCH HOME—Only thres FOUR ACRES Seven-room house. Two- Four rooms, porch, bath, platter walii; years old. Seven large rooms (thres car garage with apartment. Stable Attached garage. Corner plot. Walk to bedrooms), livinc room with fireplace, and email collage. Excellent location. THE ULTIMATE Shop Asses school nnd transportation; 18,400. Call play room, tiled bsth, cellar; U-*cra Between Red Bank and Asbury Park. Oil SUMMER SPECIALS THE FINEST IN KE 6.1200-J. plot: 117,500. Borus Agency, Fair Ha- heat. This is income property; $18.- A-I ven. HE fi-4532. 700, Including farm machinery. LO 6- FREEHOLD — ThB THOMPSON AGENCY__Niw ranchei. LUXURY LIVING county tax board after s Living room, dinette, three bedrooms, TOWERING OAKS Rumaon, Cape Cod, 4067-M. EXQUISITE SETTING — Colon.*! dt- Ceramic tile bath, plaster walls, full in A park-like settinar. Three blocks APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE of iiiftn homt, 7 room*, 2 baths tnd pow- here Tuesday reserved declaftn o» from the Shrewsbury river. Living- room ground with tbree-bedruom huuse. USED CARS IN SAFE BUYS cellar. Attached garage; lot 100x145; 1 der room, pin* panelled library, fire- LOWDEN GARDENS an appeal by C, Alan Hudson, $15,600. Two bedrooiDR $14,800. SI with fireplace; dining room, S ^ bed- Dock on South Shrewsbury river. Auto- place, full cellar, screened porch, at- rooms, hobby room, full cellar; attached matic heal; 812.500. RB B-6214. BATH AND SECOND AVENUES president of the Hudson shop, East Front »t, RE 6-0700.* tached 2-car garatit. term It* proof. LONG BRANCH g. Low tuxes. Aakinir only |1«,- At LANTlC HIGHLANDS—Hcre's a blue Electric refrigerator, washinjr machin* '51 Mercury Conv. Cpe. 1850, Broad st,, Red Bank, of the as- THOMPSON AGENCY—MIddlctown Til- fiOfl. Early occupancy. Borus Agency, chip opportunity. Three-bedroom snd Venetian blindn Included in ule. A Refined Community sessment imposed by George A. lage home. Large lot. Liviwr room Kair Haven, RE 6-4532. ranch-type. Modern kitchen, Kas heat, Hirer right'. $32,500. TOWN ARE AT MOM x nil JAAIC. jtu v II'II.I Bray, assessor. Mr. Hudson appeal- with fireplace, dining room, three bed* full cellar; plus renleil hnuse, same /lot, Garden Apartment rooms, two baths, full cellar. New heat- DREAM COTTAGE—Excellint Kumion ed the assessment about a month locntion. l'iv« lovely roomi, fireplBre, enough to carry loan. You can't lose. LARGE KANCH HOME — I roomi, 2 Exclusive features Include children's ing system. Priced ripht at $ 12,500, Excellent condition. Near transportation. '51 Mercury Club Cpe. 1550, ago when he discovered his shop SI East Front nt. RE 6-0700.* large flaRstone porch completely tile bathi, fireplace, vcrcened porch, Playground, near schools, refrigerator- screened. Atlnched RnriiKe. Perfect enn- Iloth houses and good garagis: f 12,500. nttncherl 2-car garage, full basement. MOM freezer combinations, gas range, tile had been overlooked when 1953 as- THOMPSON AGENCY_SubBtantlal home dition; 113.500. Borus ARency, Knir Ha- SculorScullhorpn AgAcfiuyy . AT 1-0477. Situated on Vnoll overlooking the HOWLAND B. JONES bath rooms, laundry, garages on prem- sessments were made up last Oc- in rood Middletown location. Eight ven. KE 6-«S32. .. . ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS _ Excellent countryside. 123,900. ises. Near buses, near railroad atation. tober. rooms. Four bedrooms. New roof. Hot older type mansion. Ocean view, on '51 Mercury Coupes, Sedans 1495. Walking distance to ocean. Beautifully UNUSUAL VALUE _ Rfc-room ranch landscaped. 3-4 and 5 room apart- water heat, cellar and attic. Netds pnlnt- home, Thre* Urge bedroomi, huge hill. Threo floors, 14 rooms. Ideal for RIVERFRONT LOT with «n»« lummer The Red Bank dealer contended in(r and renovation; |S»500, SI East conversion to an apartment. Large Int. cnttaic*i Undncaptd, driveway, flower 51 Ford V-8 Victoria 1450. ments. Four rooms with bath, heat, Front st. RE F-0700.* modern Vitchen, tiled bath, breextwsy; hot wtter and sarare, 199 per month the $2,700 assessment against his two- cur garage. Excellent construction; Owner In FJoridn. No reasonable offer gardens, dock. 110,000. MOTOR CO. refused. A wondorful opportunity fnr (lease). Preference- given to military stock of antiques Is out of line JU.SO0. Brand new. Borus Agency, '50 Mercury 4-dr., 9,500 mi. 1350. personnel and civilian government NATIONAL HOMES_L.v« comfort- Fair Haven. RE fi.4532. a. retiree. Asking $10,500, Sculthorp RUMSON — Older 8 room home In ex- with assessments against similar Agency. AT 1-0477. employees. ably today in the Surprise Horns 1 cellent condition, Everything li new shops In Red Bank. CONVENIENT RUMSON rancn home. CO-Ol'ERAfiOH GARDEN apartment. except floor* and frame, Automatic '50 Pontiac '6' Cl. Cpe. Hy. 1195. of the year. Located on a lame Deluxe kitchen, pine den, three bed- Two bedrooms ground floor. RE 6- Mr. Bray stated the assessment rooms; ntlBcheri Karnlge. Hot water oil hent. Convenient to «hopping center 1951 MERCURY IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY was based on about 30 per cent of landscnped plot in a beautiful, well 4S47-M. 30-H Pincknoy rd.. Red Ilnnk. and school*. Will help finance, f 13,600. '51 Ford V-8 Deluxe Tudor 1095. T>rotect%d neighborhood, near buses hent. Many extr»«. Offered at |1S.- OWNER~LEAVING STATE—Corner plot value. He added that as of last Oc- 900. Borus Aitencv, Kair Haven. HE in Pair Haven, 'A-ltcrc. Threc-bcdrciom 4 1,600. PROSPECT GARDENS and schools, convenient to Red Bunk. 6-458J. RAMBLING ONE STORY — Antique tober Mr. Hudson conceded his house. 27-foot living room, modern brick front, bay window, attached ga- '50 Chev. 2-dr. Pwr. Glide 1075. BATH AND PROSPECT AVENUES Open fveningi to 9 P. M. The LITTLE SILVER CAPE COD_Slic extel- kitchen, breakfast nook, new oil furnace, stock was worth about $9,000. All rage, patio, just completed. On large LONG BRANCH assessments will be raised to the •mart spacious three-bedroom "Cor- lent room, (one bedroom 25x14), love- screens and storm windows, Venetian plot of ground. Convenient lo Park- 50 Ford V-8 Cus. Tudor 1075. PHONE L. B. 8-490J onet Home" is designed for open liv- ly fireplace, full cellar. Overaiied lot. blinds. One block from bus. Excellent way entrance. 115,000. Termi ar- 1950 FORD CONV, 30 per cent figure when the 1954 Priced to Bell: 113,900. Ilorus Agency, location, nenr school and shopping; f 15,- ranged, Designed for Your Comfort assessments are prepared, the ai- ing and is complete with cednr Knir Haven. UK fi-J. •"•ndmenti thereof ing room, bay window dining room,, bedrooms and bath. Large garage, seven days, NOTICE ind Supplements Thereto," was presented modern kitchen with front and renr ex- LITTLE SILVER — Thrte bedroom ror introduction and first readinar on hot-air heat, oil A red (new system), SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING n> 953 h tlH> posure. Two bedrooms nnd colored tllod ranch otylo houiio. Largo llvlnu room »fTi»i sl! J »»«"" Health private dock. Everything in fine bath. Completed five window nttic. piny- MOTOR CO. FOR THE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MIDDLE- . A ',Snvtr Dor°««h and on Aug- TWO-KAMILY APARTMENT HOUSE. 60 with (ircnlacc, sepsrate dining room. 963 W { condition. Here ie a good offering room basement and screened nnd glassed Walking dlatancG to school, shopping TOWN, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH. !Uv,d! " *™! > •*•«•« •"* Linden pi. Lot 40x160. Remodeled enclosed porch. Low tnxes. Rcnsonnbly mt 112,500. Liberal financing can be and redecorated. Hot water heat. Laun- center, bus, Oil heat, attached garage. Tuesday, October 6, 19S3 Dated: August 25. 19EJ priced st $18,500. HE 6-9.112. WARREN M. HERBERT, arranged. Redden Agency, Tel. dry in cellar. Both apartments rented INCOMET"fi0FERTY_Two houses. Fur- 119,000. 100 Newman Springs Road NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the WEEK legal voters of the School District of the Secretary Littl. Silver Board of Health. RE 6-5660. unfurnished. Near all schools and bus nished or unfurnished. Eight rooms, lines. Good income; low upkeep. For consisting of two npnrtments, fireplace EATONTOWN — Ranch type house. Township of Middletown, In the County Monmouth County Surrogated Court appointment, call RK 6-036O. in living room, open nnd enclosed porch, Three bedrooms. Separate dining room, of Monmouth, New Jersey, that a special Notice to Creditors la Present oil hot water heat, copper plumhinir. living room, teas heat. Ont year old. Red Bank DOMESTIC meetintc of the legal voters of said DIB- Claims Against Eatate Two THREE-FAMILY apartment houses, Also bungnlow in rear, four rooms. Two- Garage. SH.dOO. trict will be held on Tuesday, the sixth £ BEDDEN AGENCY—In the heart of 75 and 77 Wallace St., nenr schools l? PV W,ALTER LEIGHTON car Rarage. Lot 100x150. Taxes $116. '49 Cadillac 1850, day of October, 1953. at 1:00 p. m., , deceased. J* Middletown village we have a t.wo- and all bus lines. Remodeled and re- Heautlful shnde trees. Ideally locnted. SHREWSHURY — Two-bedroom lunga- Eastern Standard Time. ^ family home, which has a top floor decorated. Fiv« apartments furnished, Nenr school, postofllce, bus, stores and low; oil (lied heal; une-car garage, Open Eves, to 9 P.M.—RE 6-0910 RAH, Whltewalls. Hydramatic. The polls will remain open until 9:00 ^RTKSi1^ t0 th< °rdcr of DORMAN one unfurnished. All apartments rented. lot 60x236, Asking 13,000. £ rental furnished at $80,00 per month, beach. Price $17,500. Terms arranged p. m.. Eastern Standard Time, and as JcPADDIN, Surrogate of the County of Very good income, Very low upkeep. '51 Studebaker Coupe 1225. much longer aa may be necessary to Monmouth. this day made, on the appli- Call BE 6-0360 for appointment. UEl.FORD — Thrae-bedroom bungalow. *•• The lower floor ii occupied by to suit party. MO II.Q848-R. Landeruleer. Overdrive. RtH. enable all the legal votera then present cation of the undersigned, Arthur L. «-• owntr. Hot-air heat.oil fired, two- RIVERFRONT HOME SITES Acreage TEN ACRES _ Suitable for housing de- Corner lot; garage. 17,990. Sprague, administrator of the eatnte of to cast their ballots. the said Walter Leishton SprnBue, de- *• car sarBE«, The asking price of plots abounding with century old •hade velopment. Murphy rd.. Pinebrook. The meeting will be held and all the trees. Finished roads, Secluded neigh- Near Garden State highway nnd new SHREWSBURY — Two story nous, with ceased, notice Is hereby given to the Z 111,500 in flexible, as owner ji three hedrooms on second floor. Living FOREIGN legal voters of the School District will creditors of aald deceased to present to borhood, but close to Red Bank. Now be- station. H. C. Phipps. R. F. I)., Knton- 1 vote at the respective polling places ing offered from $2,000 to $15,000. In- town, EA 3-0019-M-l.' . room and dining room on first floor. the »ald Administrator their claims un- •». anxious to movt on account of ill Ltirite dry cellar, oil heat, garact. ATTENTION, stated as follows: The polling placea for der oath within six monthe from thla quire through Lawley Agency, RE 6- '52 Jaguar XK120 3100. the aald meeting and their respective 1Z health. Worth looking over. Redden 0410. Jl^OOO. It Agency. Phone RE 6-5650. NOTICE OF SALE Koadater. Whltewalls, One owntr. polling districts (described by reference Dated: August 20th, 1953. DELUXE RANCH HOME In moderate $287,000 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — NEW1 USED CAR BUYERS! to the election districts used at the last ARTHUR L. SPRAGUE, price range. Living room with Ten- All brick Cape Cod home. Four bed- General Election lfc said municipality), nessee atone fireplace, plaster walls, three SCHOOL BONDS i I Jaguar Roadster 2395. have been designated aa follows, and 72 Riverside Avenue, Z REDDEN AGENCY—Littl* Silver bedrooms with tiled bathroom, hot water rooms, 21,-i baths, large living room Red Bank, N. J. Sealed proposals will be received by with fireplace, full cellar, oil heat, no person ahall vote at said meeting Meisre. Meth A Wood. Z. home on nice sited plot. Living heat, large dinettt and knotty pine the Board of Education of the T»\vn- 1952 Pontiac 6 Tudor R&H '53 MG (black on red) 1795. elsewhere than at the polling place kitchen. Attached garage. Mftny other two-car attached garage. 127,500. 207 Market Street, ahip of Middletown, in the County of 5,500 Miles. designated for the voters of the polling IT room, fireplace, dining room, modern features. Only $ IS,500. Exclusive with Monmoulh, New Jersey, at the Leonardo 1951 Pontiac 8 Fordor R&H district in which he or she residea: Newark (J), N. J. 2T kitchen, «lectrie range, icretned-in Lawley Agency. REfi-0410. Grade School, Leonardo, Monmouth POLLING DISTRICT NO. 1 Attorney. llt.ll J*. porch, lavatory. Second floor, two County, New Jersey, on the ninth day Polling place at the MIDDLETOWN NEW CAPE COD_Quiet .id. street. of September, 105:1, at 8 o'clock P. M. 1951 Pontiac 6 Tudor R&H Menmouth County Surrogated Court 2 bedrooms, tiled bath. Two-car gar* River rights. Living room with open Weart-Nemeth Agency MATTHEWS BROS. SCHOOL at MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE (Eastern Daylight Savinu Time) for the in the School District, for legal votera Notice ta Creditore to Present ^ agi. Finished pint paneled den stairwsy to expansion attic. Large, at- purchase of 1297,000 School Bonds, dated tractive kitchen with dining area, laun- 1950 Pontiac 8 Fordor residing within General Election Distriet Claime Agalnet Eatate ' ~ with , f repine* In basement. Hot August 1, 1952, maturing on August 1 102 WEST FRONT STREET Newman Springs Rd,, Red Bank No. 1. ESTATE OF ANNIE JULIA CHAND- dry room. Two finished bedrooms with nf each year, 18,000 in 1054 to 1965, Hydramatic and heater, •*• water heat, oil fired. A fin* horn* tiled bathroom; $10,900. Lawley Agency both inclusive. 111,000 In 1968 to 1968, POLJUNG DISTRICT NO. 2 LER, Deceased, •» effarcd at 117,500. Redden Agency. exclusive. RE 6-0410. both inclusive, and $12,000 In 1969 to (Comer M.ple Are,) 1950 Mercury Convertible R&H 350 Broadway, Long Branch Polling' place at the NAVESINK «'%'5KS.I& to th* "dtf of DORMAN MAMMOTH OAK TREES Rumson cot- 1982 both inclusive. SCHOOL at NAVESINK In the School •IcFADDIN, Surrogate of the County of Z Tel. RE 6-5660, A beauty. District for legal voters residing within tage. Living room with fireplace, din- Said bonds will be In the denomina- Monmouth, thia day made, on th* appli- ing room, two bedrooms with bath on Phone RE •-«« RE 6-4500 — LO 6-3122 General Election District No. 2. cation of the undersigned, Evelyn Flor- tion of 11.000, in coupon form, with the 1949 Chevrolet Convertible R&H first floor, larga chlld'a room with play privilege of registration aa to principal POLLING DISTRICT NO. I ence Chandler Mapes, Sole Executrix of. - ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES—In ex- area and hobby room upstairs. Dry only or as to both principal and interest. Cream puff. - Polling place at the BBLFORD he estate of the said Annie Julia Chand. ~ cellent residential location, an old- basement. Attached garage, Aikinir $16,- Principal and semi-annual Interest (Feb- SOHOOL at BELFORD In the School Dis- er, deceased, notice ie hereby given to 500. Lawley Agency. RE 6-0410. he creditors of said deceaaed to present •* tr home which needs work done. ruary 1 and August 1), will be payable 1950 Pontiac 6 Tudor R&H trict for legal votera residing within RED DANK BUNGALOW Five rooms. at the Keansburg National Ilnnk, Ksans- General Election District No. S. to th« laid Sole Executrl* their claims •• Living room, dining room, kitchen, under oath within alx months from this Within easy walking distance of town. burg. New Jersey. Said bonds hnvo been 1951 Plymouth Tudor POLLING DISTRICT NO. I. date, * front porch, two bedrooms, central Full basement. One-car garage, Plaster authorized puminnt to Chapter 7 of CHAFFIN AGENCY TRUCKS FOR SALE Polling place at the MIDDLETOWN Datedl August llth, 1951, £? heating plant; tot has 150' frontage. walls. Front porch. Low taxes. Quiet Title 18 of the Revised Statutes of New TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL at LEO- EVELYN FLORENCE CHANDLER street. Reasonable at $19,760, Lawley Jersey, and will be general obligations 1949 Ford Fordor R&H NARDO in the School District, for legal £ fisrn, which Is Ideal garage and tool Agenry.. RE 6-0410. of the School District of the Township MAFES, STATE HIGHWAY 35 votera residing within General Election 47 Clay Street, £ ithed. Asking 16,000. Walker k of Mlddlotown, In the County of Mon- 1950 GMC 1-Ton Pickup 975. Districts Nos. I ft 9. COZYMIDDLETOWN COTTAGB—Giant mouth, New Jersey, payable from un- ... . . *'*'' "•«"• New Jersey. £ Walker, realtors, Shrewsbury. Tel, .Sycamore trees. Raised terrace with limited ad vatorcm taxes. Eatontown 31153 SPECIALS POLLING DISTRICT NO. I ' Alston Beeleaun, Jr., Esq., "• RE 6-6212, Open seven day*. iron railing. Living room. Attractive 1948 Chev. C.O.E. 775. Polling place at the LIN CROFT Bidders must stale In their proposal 10 Broad Street, kitchen with lots of cabinets, Two double 1916 Oldsmobile Sedan 395, SCHOOL at LINCROFT In the School Red Bank, New Jersey, bedrooms with tiled bathroom. Full base- the rate of Interest (naming a single LOT O' LAND 1952 Chevrolet Pickup 1050. District, for legal voters residing within Attorney. 111.71 ment with oil heat. Attached garage; rate), the bonds are to bear, not ex- H 2 SHREWSBURY—Wonderful posit- ceeding six per centum lier annum, Overdrive. Heater, Hydramatic. General Election District No. 5. $12,500. Exclusive with Lawley Agency, Charming bungalow located on • lot Menmouth Countr Surrogated Csuit v bllities. Spacious barn, which la RE 6.0410. expressed In a multiple of one-eighth 100x220, , with outside (1 rep I at. and POLLING DISTRICT NO. t 1948 Ford Tudor R&H 585. 1950 GMC Ton Panel 875. Polling place at the PORT MON- «• ideally suitfd for conversion. Situ- or one.twentieth of one per centum. No plenty of shrubs and trees, living room, Notice to Credltera to Present ANXIOUS TO SELL I—Modern ranch propossi wilt he considered for bonds large modern kitchen with gas range, MOUTH SCHOOL at PORT MONMOUTH Claims Against Estate home near heart of town. Fireplace, In the School District, for legal votera •>* ated on over an acre of land, with at a rale higher than the lowest rate two bedroom* and tilt bath, attached 1942 Pontiac 4-door 95. 1950 International Pickup 875. ESTATE OF EVA M. JONES, de- ••* a residence now containing a studio, wall-tn-wall carpeting. Thre* bedrooms at which a legally acceptable proposal KaraRe, full cellar, hot weter oil heat— residing within General Election Dlattict with tiled bathroom, dinette, knotty pine is received, No, «. ceased. T. living room, kitchen, bedroom and ,and the price—only 112,000. All f.nced Pursuant to the order of DORMAN kitchen, full basement with washtubs Ai between proposals at the same in, 1948 Chevrolet Panel 300. POLLING DISTRICT NO. T tT bath. Just think, save 1125 or more and gameroom. Attached garage. Asking Polling place at the EAST KEANS- McFADDIN, Surrogate of the County of $18.000. Lawley Agency. RE 6-0410. lowest Interest rate, the bonds will be RASSAS BROTHERS Monmouth, thia day made, on the appli- w a month while you are converting sold to the bidder or bidders offering to 1948 Ford Dump. 400. BURG SOHOOL at EAST KEANSBURG , Here's What You Get In the School District, for legal votera cation of the undersigned, Robert R. £ the well-constructed barn, Make of- BEST UUYIN LITTLE SILVER Two pay not less than the principal amount Voorheea and Nellie S. Voorheei, Execu- acres: $300 down gives you privilege of 1207,000, and accrurd interest, and A comfortable bungalow with three bed- residing within General Election District £ fer. Walker k Walker, realtors, G.M.A.C. Terms to Suit No. 7.. tors of the estate of the said Eva M. to build right away. Balance of $2,700, to accept therefore the least amount of rooms, living room with atom flrevlace, MANY OTHER MODELS lores, deceased, notice la hereby given £ Shrewsbury. Phone HE 6-5213, Open small monthly payments. Lot is on bonds, the bonds to bo nccepted being large aunporch, modern kitchen, dlhlnf POLLING DISTRICT NO. 8 to the creditor! of anld deceased to *- neven days, paved street, near railroad station, stores, those first maturing, nnd if two or more room, attached garage, hot wtter oil 395 Broad St. Red Bank 6-5180 Polling place at the FA1RV1EW present to the said Executors their claime bus. Act now. RE 6-1.110-W. bidders oiler to accept the same least heat, three-quarter acre landaeajied with TERMS ARRANGED SCHOOL at COOPER ROAD. RED under oath within alx months from this amount of bonds at the same lowest rate beautiful trees and all of shrubs, 115,000, BANK, N. J., R. D. it 1, for legal votera TWO.FAMILY HOUSE_Red Bank. Sec- Open Week Daye I A. M. to t P. M, date. ond door rented, pays mortgage and of Interest, then anld bonds will be sold residing within General Election District Dated! August 20th, 1053. * COMFORTABLE, well-kept home In all expenses. House has seven rooms, to the bidder or bidders offering to pay No, I, therefor the highest additional price, Never Before Advertised Saturdays and Sundays 'tH * T. M, At the eald meeting the following pro- ROBERT R, VOORHEES AND •*> Shrewsbury. Living room with twn halhr. two kitchens; third floor GENERAL G. M. C. NELLIE S. VOORHEES, available for extra rooms. Dry cellar, which price shall not nxcefd by more Attractive home containing* four bed- posal will be submitted: •*» fireplace, dining room, kitchen, two than |1,040 the par value of the bonds Holmdel, New Jersey. hot water heat with oil, Rtclntly decor> rooms and bath, large living room with RESOLVED, that the Board of Edu- ~ bedrooms, bath and den. Hot water, hereby offered fnr sale, Andrew J, Conover, Esq., ated. Two-car garage. Near school, nrenlace, dining room, den, largi run- SALES, INC. cation of the Township of Middletown, f Sheriff St., «t oil heat, one-cur Karaite, recently bus, stores. Asking $ 14,500, RE (- Each proposal must be accompanied porch, modern kitchen, powder room, in the County of Monmouth, Is hereby 1319-W. Freehold, New Jersey. Z' painted. Aaklng (13,000, Walker by a certified, cashier's or treasurer's front and side porch, large landscaped authorised: Attorney, ft 10.'92 chBck (or two.per centum of the amount lot 150x150, large converted barn Into 1110 MAIN ST. 5. k Walker, realtors, Shrewsbury, I AIR HAVKN Lots. Colored preferred. COLONY BUICK (a) To cancel and reiclnd the author- 50x122. Corner Cedar ave. and Third of bonds offered, drnwn upon a bank or three garages and storage room or work latlon of »Z«B,000 principal amount of £ Fhone RE 6-6212. Open seven days, trust company to the order of the Board shop, Asking 118,000. Notice si Settlement of Account st, Price $650. Cash $55, balance easy BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. the 1512,000 bonda heretofore authorised And Directions For Distribution terms, Nenr stores, bus; on fine paved of Education of the Township of Middle- by the legal voters of the School Dis- street. RE 6.1819-W, town, In the County of Monmouth, New trict at the election held on May t, 1952, Jersey, partially to secure said School Eye Opener USED CARS Z SHREWSBURY—Older home in need ltUMb'ON 16-room house, furnished, for th« acquisition of land on the south ECEASED, District from any loss resulting from Have you been looking tor some Income •Ide of Tlndall Road and the construc- Notice Is hereby given that the ae. Nesr fiver and ocean, UU 1-1174. £ of rejmiri, Two living rooms, din- thf; failure of tho bidder to comply with property 7 Here we have a house with NOTICE* tion of ths Central School thereon, and counts of the subscribers, Administra- £ ing room, kltrhen, pantry, storage IIUMSON Exceptionally fine area. Co- the terms of his bid. No Intornst will two apartments), four roomi and bath, other purposes In connection therewith; tors with Will Annexed of the estate of lonlal, house, Tile bath, ha allowed on such deposit. In nddltlon ^ room, four bedroomi, bath; shnded t'urnlahtil and rented for (210 per 1951 Ford Victoria 1500. the School District having received a tald Docenscd, will ha audited and steam heat, oil; garage: shade trees and to the price bid tho iiurchnner must pay month. Lot 100x150 with tries, flower* grant for said purposes In the amount tated by the Surrognte of the County •mi jilol. Aaklng 113,1100. Walkur k shrubbery; large lot: $16,800. Sweeney accrued Interest at tho rate borne by and shrubs, House Is In Una condition of 12(4,022.00 from the Fodortl Emer- f Monmouth and reported fnr settle- •; Walker, renltora, Shrvwsbury, Phone A^JMjlUNHBj! IhB bonds from tho date of the bonds to with hot water oil heat, Alan 1952 Plymouth Club Coupe 1500, Fmlhir. • Uphehlw? .' in» Ceveri gency Administration of Public Works, ment to The Monmouth County Court, ths dale of payment of the purchase £ KB 8*5212, Open aeven dnya. RUM!iON_Nlce residential area.—STx bung-alow, All (or the price of only which aald aum of I264.D22.OO has been •rebate Division, on Ft Any, the Ninth rooms, steam heat, nil I tile bath, com- price. The rlnht Is reserved to reject 117,500, 1952 Buick Spec. Sedan 2195. or will be applied, together with the day of October, A, D,, 19511, at 10 pletely equipped kitchen, Nice planting: any or all blda and nny hid not com- proceed* of 1207,000 bonds of the US2-, o'clock A. M., at which time application t iffTCMlTEL _ Nenr Mlild1eluwn''v]Ti>£f7 lU.r.ll, Sweeney Agency, Phone IIU plying with the provisions hers nf nr LUXURIOUS QUALITY 000 bonds authorised at aald election nn will be made for the allowance of com- - licautlful scenic lucntlon. Two-bed- 1t 4tl'J nfforlng to pay a prrmlum In excess nf Want« Real Buy 1952 Buick Super Sedan 2295. May •, 1012, for the payment of the mlislnni ami counsel fees, nnd Direction! 11,000 will be rejected. for Distribution, Z room ranch houie. Full bmement, nil IuTM~hlUN-NU residential area. Large Htueco oungalow, two bedrooms and. • at • coil of said purposes) v heat; <'j acres; liriiv barn and a mull plot, Capo Cod colonial. Five ronms. Bids are dfslrni on fnr,m« whlrh will sath, living room, dining room, modern 1919 Buick Rdmst, Sedan 1100. (b) To Improve the plot nf land on Datedl August 19th, A, I),, 10BI, X house that can ho ranted for Income, Hot water hent, oil t tile bathi garage, ha furnished hy Inn Secretary and each kitchen with ie« rangt, hot watir all the south tide of Tlndall Road, on which JOHKI'H J, KRVILLE, * Peach urcharil. Other trots) 117,000, Cull Perfect condition i 113,500, Swimiy bid must bo enclosed In a senliMl envelope heat, garage, Located In Red Bunk, BUDGET PRICES alto la presently bolng oroctid ths Central 100-10 110th Street, : Ml Ml US. Agmuy, i'liiuic 11U I.HI1, msrkoil "Proposal for llonds" and ad- lint reduced Is the low price of 111,500, School, and tn construct an addition to dressed lo the Srcrntary, niohmond Hill, Long Island, VJLLAGB LOCATION—In Kumion. Six •NAVRSINK AREA Large plot. Ileautl- Reupholsterlnf • Slip Covert •aid Central Hchool consisting of claw- Now York, N, Y, lovely rooms (thraa bedroumi) In ex- fill planting, Seven-room cottaga, per- The legality nf the iionds will l>« ex- COLONY BUICK rooms and auxlllary-roomi, anil altera- MARIE A, BARRETT, etlltnt condition, DtlUhlful kitchen, fect condition, Hot watir heat, olll amined by Cnldwcll Marshall, Trimble tions and improvement! In connection Mount HUVBRO, MOUM li (lecorutfld tliraughout In excel- * Mitchell of New York City, whose Drapes & Cornices therewith, and to acquire the nicesiary Maryland, Mil, wall-ln-wall carnitlng! garagii $16,000. approving opinion will ho furnished to' «J MONMOUTH STREET aehool furnishings, equipment and ap- Unl tail*. Jlot »lr lient, ton), An older Sweeney Agency, I'holie UU I-14m, thp purchaser without charirv, paratus therefor, and tn expend for such Admlnlitratora with Will Annexed. homt with charm | IVifiUU. llorm AK«ni7» MdNMdUTII , ma?!ll_r'rern. ,|w,|||ng', Ne one—b«» le ene—<>a tompire Henry J, llendhelm, Ein,, Kfllrjlivpn, HK iMAa... lly order of th» llonnl of Kdurntlnn HARVEY H. BOWTELL purposes, not exceeding $20S,000| Six rooms, hot water heal, fill i no ««. of tlm Tiiwnililp iif Mlddlilnwn, In the with Alan wnin II eom« toauallty Attuinuy nt Luw, runei good condition, Nice losldmitlal RED BANK, N. J, workmanship at kudiet prices I ft (o) Tn Issue linmli of the School 9 North Demi Street, HANMHOMH CAI'K nil) crilnnlul, (July County of Mnnmrjulli, Nnw Ji'i'sivv, District fur nil nf Mid imnioms, re- KnKlawooili N, J, two ycara old, ('liuln. |'nlr Haven location, Nenr schooli $8,1100, Switnty JAMK8 W, DAVIDIIKIHKR, rour furniture li thiEhr and ntioi ferred to In "110" above, Including In- location. HimrlmiB living mom will, fln,- Agmify t'linna 1111 I.141H, Hfcnilnry, "HAYSUORK REALTOR" reupho iirlng , , , or If thiy nlrm dliiiiiK room, tie* (JIJITWOUI) IlKACII-.roui'.rooin, ysar you'll let the Itniat for leu, Our with, In the principal nmciunt (if 120(1,- lint Kllihsn. J-Viur Urii« lifilniuini, two ' around bungalow, Uonvenltntly In- Monmoulh County Surroiati'e Court 000, thus USIIIK up laOB.OOO.OO nf the KHTATH OF LOUIS CIOUIVOOF.L, rated, (Inod nimllllmi, I'rlm H.S71, Notice tn Creditors lo I'riient II real! enperlince In minufactur- DKCBAHKU, lovtly tlteil tmlhi, luiua eellm', ilium Slnlc'llwy, 36, Atlantic; Highlands Opp, nod Battle lUllroad Station Ing fine (urnltit* li it jour lervlce 1,1811,70R,JO borrowing mnrgln of the hial. oil I Hitachi', uamv*. InvllitiK fluie Termi available, 76 Pacific lilvil,, U11IT- Claims Against Estate aloil with one or the finnt\ , , Township of Mlddletnwn which will be Notice Is hereby xlvtn tlmt Ihe sc Muiit ttrt-Am. (lii)uiuU were iitofei* wnnd llearh," KMTATB (IT MATH IDA Ollltti, ct.. moil oomplste sefntlon of ellp presently available for nlher Improve- .mills of the aulmorllitr, Cseculor nf alonalty Inml•«•«|i«tL Thin |,i-.>|ierly fim TATK_Jorn.rtTFoTTi7. t'essfd, Opin Friday* to I P. U. eoftr rn»tirlal», Call for stir rtp- mint* attar the cancellation nf th« Is- the estate of mild Ueconstil, will It litfii |iamtt#rt<(l Inildii mid mil. Anklim Ill Oi'tntiiKirl, mi KaKintoon lilvil, J'lirsiiaiit In the nriler nf IMHtMAN AT 10116 reaintatlie . , . no nblliallan to • nance nf the I3(l»,000,00 lionna marred audited anil dinted hy tlm Hurrunali of litft.OOO, Ilotui Attmry, I'nli' Hnveil. wllh »k small aimrtmtiiti, (Jinan fur Mcl'AllllIN, HumiKMn nf Ilia Ciiunly nf you, He'll five jrpu * ffie eitlmtte to In "(a)" ahovo, he County „! Mnnninulh mul retiurtoil UK IHM12. rnnlii $16,1100., T. '/.Itignlr, KA n.t>0TH.• MiHimouth, tills ilny miiile, mi Ilia niipll. S«.ttirrl«.y« to » P. M, or aatllintent to Tho Mimmoulli County ration nf lha uiiflitrsliriii'ii, Hrnry Olil'C •rid shnw you a oomelite line of lly order nf tlm Ilimrd nf Education. o^E[;Kr^T7iuMHfiRTwnTR:.3mr. KBANSnUnOJlJujilMrRllHflaTTmiiiml I.KIINAIIIHI—Mlnlilurt r.lsli-l'lm nlil fabtloi from which >ou mar ihoon. Dataili Annual 27, IDH1I, Court, I'riil.'ito Division, mi rrliliiy, tin and (Irmie 11. Jlnultr. noi'iilura nf the •weiilii.llilnl day nf Uglnlior, X, II,, at#d un nlmnit tlnio Keren, J.ovely bungalow, (las heati $11,G00, Terms aslHle or lli« mild Mnllillilii ()lir«, lit. limns In wimlitfiil cnndltlon, Oni iirei JAM KM W, llAVIDIIKIflUn, rtnltr null, Living room H feM loutf nrrniifftil, Cull KM (1.1HI-M hslwiin coaand, nollcn In hereby given to th! M rooms, II hath", nil hi*!, nak Htoretnry. HUH, at III o'lilm'k A. M,, nt which wllli flrfjilnfe, llfn with flroplnr*, fur* (I innf 1 P, M, cridltura of siild IIICIIIISMI III iiromiil lo |m n| in I floor*, flrnilati, thr«*-csr K Mr- For Quality) Prloi A Siliotloru Call .me niii'llenllon will h« ninda fur tlm 1 itKt', nlco trets, watti' vliw, private illowance of I'oimnlnloiis mn, rininscl rnnl itlnlnK roum( bedroom nnd bulli on Ji.KM " OI'P0BT0NITY*~fir~(iiK tlm mild Nxni'iilors llmlr tlnlins under USE Aril Hour. I'our hailrooriiR, two bailm liimi'li, nun/ tulrm, IJmniial lirloi, iivtf (I, I, iiiurtitng,, N«w, fbtir-ruuin uath wllhln sis niiiiillis finni thin ilnli', Loit end Found Dnteill Auuiisl IDlli, A, I),, III,Ml uih Hot water, oil. 'J'tifftcrnr KNIHKH, IMIIIHIIIIIW, I'lirimrl, nxiunialim nllloi, alum- IlKlidl AUKIIII UDtli. infill, CLASSIFIED Ht-iittiid iMircli, auniUrk IUMI fluKMmiv inum trM-mi, aliirm wlniluwi, Musi (HI, IIKNIIV Olllll!, ALAN UPHOLSTERY We sincerely liona It doesn't happen I'M It), Prlt'iil Ht nnly HlMdl). Itoiim Miiiihiuii, Miiryliinil, , ATLANTH) IIIOIINANim- HUM |yi>t- 11/1 (OIIAIIUM II, KIHKNACI Kit.)' Iruvlng luwn. Nuilli l.nng Mmiu'li, 1,11 i't«i'iillvi,'i liiiilir, lilll loitallun, ulna DISPLAY o you, hut If you should Inio lometlilnir, Trust Dllleir, Aupinr, I'nlf lUvfii, UK C^Mi;, CIMK!,, Ask fur Mis, KIMHIIPIK, IIIIACri K, 11AIJ'I i:il, SHOPS, INC. emcinher oliiincci nn In your favor Hint linirB nuujiiNn7mt::r*v • «;! I'OlJII.IIOtlM".I'nilly 'filiiilalitir'liuTii.'. IlillT llniiiilwny, iiiniiii, Itvii-slory frami>, K«rnKi, (ill fir, llronil rlli'iitt, 7 I'arlly rliilsli.d Fkimiiilnn atlli1, Two l.miir llrnni'li, N, ,1. lii'al, InsuUlvil, lifnlKil IIIIKIIH, v»ry FOR you will Moour II through the Lost anil New York (Illy (it), N, Yi I*IIL honi*i|(ra hi liDKl l-llllc Hllvii' In raisinii, Lnliivi'itiKi, ritiiKuiiu MHMIMII klii>hin, 11> l.aim Inl, A (,'iimhi, QUICK, EFFECTIVE LOni Branoh «-0SM Mitmtnti Coiiiusllors nt l.nw, •arn. llyiui AllOf/, Jtcir JUviIti JUS N«ar school, Komi Inn Mrdre, Tiro Kfl It*nk, N«w Jirny, 401 llruailway, inllti from (hot,, 111 i-OUt.M.'i Attornt/, Ul.TI RESULTS l Umnch, H, t, -•• |ll,tg RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 Page Eleven Ferrara told them that the.door were in an accident on Port Mon- 'Song of Norway' Sewage Line on the passenger's side of his car mouth rd. No one was Injured, po- Methodist Board opened as he was driving along lice reported. Harmony rd. The car went out of To Aid Patients control when h« reached over to FASHION SHOW Planned by Track Prepares Reports close the door, h« aald. The car LOCUST—Mrs. James Green EATONTOWN—Tho official boat was towed from the acene. LONG BRANCH — A fashion chairman of the theater party benc LONG BRANCH—The board of of Eatontown Methodist churct show will bo one of the Labor day fit which the Woman's auxiliary commissioners is studying an offer held Its fln'al meeting until the dls FACES DRUNK CHARGE week-end features at the Hollywood of the State hospital at Marlboro by Monmouth Park Jockey club to trict conference last week at th hotel, West End. Clothes will be will stage next Thursday at the construct a ten-inch sewer main to church. KEANSBURG — Sisco Palmlerl, shown by Sydell of Fifth ave., furs Neptune Music Circus, reports permit the race track to adequately 61, of East Orange, Is scheduled to by Frederlca and hats by Mr. John. James W. Robinson, ncting pas face hearing of a drunken driving The Mlml Warren trio will furnish large advance eale of tickets. The empty its sewage into this city's tor, urged members and heads o musical, "Song of Norway," star- sewage system. charge before Magistrate Edward music. ring Lawrence Brooks and Mar- various church organizations to F. Ambrose here Monday night. He For the past several years Mon- send reports to Rev. B, Harrison is free In (290 ball after hla arrest Sevcnteen-yoar-old youths who got Moser, will be given at the -louth Park has disposed of its benefit performance. Decker, superintendent of the New Monday night when he wax in-Join the Army Reserve In Red Bank sewage through the city system and Brunswick district, before the con- volved In an accident. Police said Mrs. Green said all seats are re-currently is paying Long Branch ference's opening date, Sept. 16 a can request call to duty in their served, and that there is no in- Palmlcrl's car and an auto driven Reserve rank if later subject to $4,000 a year for the service. Ocean City. ' by Matthew Kronyak of Cnrlstadt selective service Induction. crease over regular box office A letter from the track's attor- Daniel Morris, treasurer, reportcc prices. Tickets may be obtained neys yesterday reported that flow all church debts paid. Raymoni from Mrs. Green or from Mrs. Owen of sewage from Monmouth Park Bennett and Stanley Croydon wer Gibson, Red Bank; Mrs. Leslie D has become so great that present authorized' to seek bids for paint Established a Quarter oj a Century Secly, Eatontown; Mrs. James Mc-facilities are Inadequate to handle ing the church exterior. Want to Build or Remodel? Coskcr, West Long Branch; Mrs disposal. Mr. Croydon, Sunday-school su Frank Z, Sindlingcr, Holmdel, and According to engineers for the W» ar* •xp«rti in new home construction and Mrs. August Regan, Bclmar. P. N. perintendent, said attendance fc] race track, the installation of a ten- ofT during the summer but an in. horn* remodeling. Call us for a free eitimate Larabec, supervisor of the occu- Inch main from the point of en- pational therapy department at crease is expected after Labor day DID YOU KNOW trance into the city main would Ho also said 100 members of th and consultation on any job. Marlboro, is selling tickets to hos- be one remedy to the situation. Sunday-school, together with scv pital personnel,. . ' 1 WE CARRY ONE OF THE The proposed line would parallel If cral members of the congregation, All proceeds will be used by thenecessary existing city mains over attended the annual church picnic LARGEST STOCK OF auxiliary in various projects at the shortest possible route to the last week at Motedeconk CAMPBELL BUILDING CORP Marlboro, which directly aid the point where city mains become W. L. Whltfield, chairman of the RUMSON 1-0489 • RED BANK 6-535S patients. Yesterday the auxiliary larjre enough to take care of tho pastoral relations committee, aald AUTOMOBILE GLASS staged Us seventh annual summer sewage without interference to res- Mr. Robinson has accepted n call SEE MODEL HOME . WOODMERE AVE., RUMSON picnic (or patients in the institu- idents using the system. The sys- to the Fairviow Methodist church IN MONMOUTH COUNTY tion's picnic grove. They served tem would be used exclusively for regular picnic fare, all contributed Monmouth Park sewage. in Camden. He also said that Rev. WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH AND INSTALL IT WHILE-U-WA1T by auxiliary members and their Mr. Decker will assign the church friends. Track officials were reported a new pastor at the coming diatric IT IS NOT TRUE TO SAY "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE" ready to pay the cost of the in- conference. CNXESS CHIROPRACTIC WAS INCLUDED WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE The auxiliary wil assist at the stallation if the city would" agree LINE OF annual field day program Wednes- to process the sewage in a manner day at the .hospital. The auxiliary acceptable to state health authori- Door Opens, Car Hits DR. WARREN FOWLER THERMOPANE GLASS « PLATE GLASS will send 50 members to assist the ties for a minimum term of ten Tree, Passenger 'Good' 80S BROAD ST. Chiropractor TWINDOW GLASS • WINDOW GLASS staff with the program and with years. The track would continue to 6-3033 serving supper. The Woman's club pay the city an annual service EAST KEANSBURG-Mra. Maty GLASS TOPS FOR FURNITURE of Westflcld, working through the charge. Ferrara of Thompson ave. here Is auxiliary, will provide all prizes GLASS BLOCKS • MIRRORS in good condition at Rivcrvicw hos- for the women patient* participat- pital where she is being treated for # MIRRORS RESILVERED # ing in the field day program. Fair Haven possible rib fractures and cuts of the nose and knee suffered last All Work Guaranteed CLUB MEETING TUESDAY Thursday night as a passenger in ANNIVERSARY SALE Richard K. Morallcr, Interior NAVES1NK — Activities of the iommtinications electrician fire- a uar Lhat .wont out of control on Navesink Garden club will be re-man,, U.S.N., son of Mr. and Mrs.Harmony rd. near Warren pi. and sumed at an open meeting Tuesday Charles E. Moraller, 95 Harvard hit a tree. afternoon at the Navesink library. rd., is serving aboard the Ice- Driver of the car, her son, Louis NOW GOING ON MORRIS PLATE GLASS CO. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Henry breaker Statcn Island which re- J. Ferrara of tho Marino Corps vi TKa MferleVFaaMM NICCM-MaM III RED BANK M. Kistner, whose subject will be """y slt«• Mrs. Harry Veroneau of Parker tried lor Itching Micma, piorliili, lnfM. tloni. •tlilitc'n foot or whatever your akla JANDONS Conflned t0 her home b SEWING MACHINES * • y trouble may be— nnythlnc from head to foot —WONDER SAT/VE ana Wo*4a* Fonfmonn • Juilliard • Streeck • Aiujlo Chl8f nd Ml Robc Medicated Soap can help jou. *,*?!! • * rt *• Doeleate for the bora In Ihi Art*?— nt* lot j.g folk* at keau Matthews of 95 Willow st. left Mon- WONDER SALVE Is while, freiieleee, as low as ewEn(rS •ntlHpllc. No uitly appearance. Safe for Councilman Jesse J. Mcllray an- children, fiet WONDER SALVE and IP 0 1 day nlgM s counc WONDER MEDICATED SOAP— Remit* il, ,! .?!""' 11 'Y°? ' " or money refunded. Trulr wonderful CALL FOR FREI HOME DEMONSTRATION meetlnf that there will be only sreparatiom. Try them. Jar or Tube. 8rb e Sold in Roil Bank by Sun-Ray, 2* ** collection Labor day, Wholan nnd Liggett drug atoresi or your hometown druggist. Mr. and Mr«. Robert McCutcheon >r IBB Lake ave. have returned NECCHI SEWING CIRCLE home after a two weeks' motor trip Mink - Genuine White Fox - Fitch • Persian Lamb through Pennsylvania. Ttl. Rt«J lank 4-5M0 Mlsa Evelyn Lansu of Maple- ACOUSTICON 5 Muikrat and other luxurious fun. wood is spending a week with Miss Carol Hunter, daughter of Mr, and 6 WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK Mm. Carroll Hunter of 63 Lake HEARING AID CENTER ave. Mil* Hunter gave a lawn . latteries—Cardi—Maldt * Reaalra BOROUGH t)F LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY »rty at her home yesterday In ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT FOR 1962 BUY NOW honor of her guest. < Far Any Make Hearlni Aid Tilt following lUmmary waa prepared from the rrport of audit for the celen- ar year 1852 *a eubmltted by Elmer O. Stevena, C.l'.A.. Reglltend Municipal. Otarlan Mr. and Mrs. Cheater StupcllI of Acouitican Accountant, andd !l a herebhb y publlehebllhdd >• requirerquired by U.SJtS. 40M.240M2. on easy Steubcnvllle, O., are visiting Mr. Audlvax Paravax The audit report li on Hie In the office of the Uterk, anil may be Impeded Aurex- Radla (ar urlni builnen houra by any Interested and MM. Alfred Marcelliu of Wil- •elUna ttnatane See our New CREDIT TERMS! low »t. Mr. and Mrs. Stupelli are Make Talax Borouih of Little Silver, V. J. Mlcranle Unax COMBINED COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET^ SPORTSWEAR . Former Red Bank residents. Mlcratan'a Western iltetrla Department Air CondirlMMl Shoo Friday 'til 9 Mr. and Mra. Kenneth H. Mc- Natlanal fcnlM 1962 1951 Queen of Kemp ave. had us recent A S S ETS house guests Mr. and Mrs. Victor And All Other Makla . , h $ 87,672.17 t S9.S88.8J i. S.'G"omnm'ent'"Bonia";.;:;;;.". M'22$'°° "•»«0'00 H. Lindlahr of Miami Beach, Fla. 141 COOKMAN AVI. Mr. Llndlaher Is the well-known Aibury Park 1-ljaa S^vabi."::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""":::":: n^n?. publisher of "The Journal of Liv- 'etX Tltl* lit 91) el ••••' • * • **• * 350.00 398.49 ing" and originator of Scrutnn. roperty Acquired by Tax Tltla Lien Liquidation 9,175,00 a,175,00 ccounta Itecllvable - 346.15 373.82 eferrad Charicea to Future Taxation General 22,123.00 15,000.00 'efered Chanel to Succeeding Year'i Kevenue 1,755.52 23,817.47 TOTAL ASSETS . |105,999,S6 $118,715.71 LABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS serial lionda _...» 15.000.00 "FAMOUS This tag Appropriation Keaervee 4,013.3 6 ? 2,722.02 Accounta Payabla and Other Llablltlee 5,402,30 Improvement Authorliatlona .*. 7,782.20 18,000,00 MAKE Statutory and Special r'unde - _ 11,637.30 8,971.73 means a TOTAL LIABILITIES — .1 44,432.52 I 33,101,05 Raiervei for Certain Anata Receivable _ 40,193.70 67,166.21 TV better bay! TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES and SURPLUS... I105.999.IS 1111,716,79 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND SURPLUS CURRENT ACCOUNT REVENUES 10 Ti 2 1951 Surplut Rtvanue Approprlattil f 40,238,01 I 16,000.00 Currant Kavanue (caak baili) 268,197,20 233,038,09 TOTAL REVENUE - f308,435.23 1249,038,09 BXPEND1TUIIKS Approprlatlona_Bui)iat and Emernncy 1107,821.95 t 72,775,52 Local School Tax 1,15.293.4 1 lounty Tax . ..» 55,715,46 49,136.3'.! TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1298,860.86 1278,828,J4 149" Dadclt from Operation t 29,718,25 Surplui from Operation I »,674,37 Ldili Increment U, H, Government Bonda 285,00 ' 1,540.00 with U" ur 17" set • Unexpended Balancaa of Prior Yeira' Appropriation!.. 1.H8A.43 ' 4,090,94 6 wayi bellti Interfunda Returned 144,71 • 204,7(1 Liabilities Canc«lad * 75,11 • Thoroughly Inspected DON'T STORE SOILED Set muit he In worklnj erder, I tl,X90,M | il3,K77.47 • Reconditioned for Safety Deduct] Kefund ra Sale of Foreeloied Property nr.O.Oo OTHKK "BIG" SUMMER THINGS AWAY Net Deficit I !3,Si!7,4" • Reconditioned for \mnunt Ailritil to Kumlue Itavanun t It,540..'it BUYS ON 1954 \dili Inferred Chariiei In Above Expandlturee (Inciirreil Performance currently) , 1,72H.ini • l,titll,,'ij TV & APPLIANCES Reconditioned for Valut PHONE US ;:ABH DKt'ioiT i ]'j,59i,gs No Money Down < lUltri.UX ItBVKNUE I 1,1,'Jil,'•.:• I Up lo 3 yv». lo pay • Honeitly Dturlbcd BALANCE January I - I 17,1110,111 I S3,ltlS,!l RED BANK 6-0203 Hub-Total t Rn.13l.T2 | 113,11111,31 Ltn Appropriated In Currant Budget 40,ilia,111 16,1)00,00 Renwmlmr: Jtmdon only sells nationally FOR OUR DRIVER BALANCE—Deo.mber Denote* deduction! known brand TV Recommendation* I TO CALL TODAY That la* overpayment! lie eltarid from III" linn,I by refumli ur M'lilleil • Imerton * DuMont • ubieqiinnt yean' t«x«i, That uneulleotltl Ilimi rilirtienllnx tux ifarthli ami niniiaiiniiiit lenrchti bit • Admiral * RCA lollioteil, That Ihe flfi>r»l«rj nf the Board of Health lie rmiilrril In inbuilt Mi record • Nillc* • ZtitlH. If nlumblnt llceniei lnueil, OKUTII-'IUATION Ii tiirntyHereb y ctrtirCertify inthamt iI nnvthav e vxriiiniirirvamlnril, intith e nimkliuuk%i Ammuli itMimiicrnnl.•y• Ifu .. •r• •!•*llm• .vru ^.>.r . |l||||n|Inl l fljtt*fill'l1lft|tutcritiliri'l II. inn*, ihitl I hi ».MimlMiitioii HMK mitil* In Mi'iMti r tlir iMiMiiLinfitit nf Iho JANDONS CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. 14 MAIUOIN ST. III:.) HANK TV APPLIANCE CO. CASH 21 MO.NMOl ill ST. 325 MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK RE 6-3130 lid) DANK 643U6 SAVE 20%Y °.; LAUNDRY ; CARRY 101 llrumltvny, l.on> llraiicli 900 Mitlu Ml.. Anbury I'nrk It Pnyt* lo Advertise in The Rcg.Hlor . ( Hh.U II. M, A, No, ill. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1968 Service League Aids Retarded Children 600 Expected * TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN at 'Camp' Picnic Contractor and Builder FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 28-29 LEONARDO—About 600 persons are expected to attend the pllgrim- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING age-plcnlc Sunday afternoon at SCREEN AMD STOBM ENCLOSURES VAL ERNIES "?5 Camp Happlnes3, summer home of 5 ELM PLACE TEL. RED BANK «-UMJ the New Jersey Blind Men's asso- ciation on Burlington ave. here, Wilfred McCracken of the Fair SEA BRIGHT YACHT CLUB Haven Lions club, general chair- man, said this week. • Presents Mr. McCracken is regional chair- STATE CONVENTION man of the Lions cluba1 sight con- servation committee. Ten clubs are sponsoring the MARGARET PHELAN picnic, planned to be an annual Young Democrats of New Jersey affair: Atlantic Highlands, HigK- lands, Eatontown, Fair Haven, Saucy Sophisticate Keansburg, Middletown township, Raritan Bay, Red Bank, Sea Bright McGUIRE'S GROVE and Union Beach. FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 • BY POPULAR DEMAND Reject Bid to Lease ROUTE 35 MIDDLETOWN Beachcomber Costume Party Abandoned Golf Course SURPRISES! FVN FOR ALL! ASBURY PARK—The city coun- SATURDAY, AUG. 29, 1:30 P. M. cil Tuesday rejected a bid for a lease on the abandoned Asbury Park municipal golf course in Nep- COMING SAT. & SUN., SEPT. 5 & 6 tune on the" ground that the bid See and hear New Jersey's next governor did not meet specifications. FRANCES FAYE Charles Klitzman, an attorneyi who said he represented a corpora- tion to be formed to operate the club, made an offer—the only one ROBERT B. MEYNER •58 OCIAN AVI. PHONE OTERO Shown above is Harry W. Murphy, president of the Moiwnouth county unit of the Ntw submitted—of $3,100 a year for a 15-year lease and $3,600 a year for Jersey association for Retarded Children, accepting a check for $234 from Mrs. Thomas a 20-ycar contract. Specifications discuss his support of the bingo issue. SEA MIGHT SI 2-0082 Beers, treasurer of the Junior Service league of Red Bank, to be used in the unit'* fund for had called for oiler for ten and 15 years. Television Shew • Beauty Contest • Refreshments. Dancing special classes for retarded children. Looking on is Mrs. William Johnson, who helped or- City Manager J. Oliver Arm- ganize a fashion show and luncheon staged by the league last week at the Sea Bright Yacht strong, who was directed- by the council to seek new bids, said he Admission $2.50 club, in co-operation with The Corner, J. Kridel's new shop for women, for the cause. This believed a higher offer can be It Pays to Advertise in The Register check is in addition to the $225 given"to the fund by the league in June. The presentation obtained. was made Tuesday at a meeting at the home of league president, Mrs. Bernard White of Corn lane, Shrewsbury.

HOSPITAL PATIENTS RENT CONTROL HEARING ASBURY PARK — A public EVERYBODY KNOWS Among the medical patients at hearing will be conducted next Mon- IT'S RiVervicw hospital this week are day at 5 p. m. by the city council Mrs. George Bell, Portland id., to determine whether there is need ATLANTIC'S 6» ANNIVERSARY SALE for restoring rent controls. Coun- Highlands; Edward Brodcrick, Cen- cilman Vincent P. Keuper said at ter ave., Leonardo; Abram Burleft, Tuesday's meeting of the council "26 Ave. of-Two-Rivers, Rumson; that there has been some evidence His. Vernes Grafstrom, Atlantic of rent jiouging since federal rent WE'VE GONE Highlands; George Harmyk, R.F.D. controls expired a month ago. TO Bl Keyport; Mrs. Henry Koop, Park, Port Monmouth: Russell Pe- GOOD! terson. Tanvat rd., Locust; Mrs. Men of Jesenwang:, Austria, ride Paul Phillips, 17 Third st., Key- their farm horses to the church port; Allyn Prichard, 67 Lafay- altar for the annual "Blessing of.| ette St., Rumson; Miss Elizabeth the Animals" ceremony. 17 fLAVORS Renner, 216 Queens dr. South, Lil- tle Silver; Mrs. Robert Rohcrtson, 26 Second st Highlands; Mrs. Llene Svalbe, R.F.D., Red Bank; ADVANCE ORDERS Mrs. Benjamin Terry, 154 Pincknev rd., Little Silver; Mrs. Edward Token For Wallace, 30 Camu View pi, Keans- burg1, and Mrs. Lena Yesler, 93 Wire offering Blackpolnt rd., Rumson. Surgical THE KINSEY REPORT •patients at Rlverview include Mrs. ever for old rt Benjamin Armour, Second st., Mat- (Scximl Bchnriour In tho Hunwn Femnle 18.00) FOLLOW THE LITTLE awan; Mrs. Philip Bucco, Lloyd Published Sept. 14th. towards Hew 8.7 (almost 9) Cu. Ft rd., Matawan; Mrs. William Claus- PIGGIES TO ATLANTIC *en, 35 Barbcrie ave.. Highlands; Be sure to reserve your copy at Mrs. Charles Purcell, Bellevue ave., Rumaon; Mrs. Margaret Rodgers, *Holmdel rd., Hazlet; Mrs. Bernard THE BOOK MART AND TAKE HOME Stewart, 55 Poplar ave., West Keansburg; Frederick Wilkins, 427 U WHITE STREET Washington ave., Union Beach, and THE BACON Mrs. Gustave Zilly, West Morris Com* in, write or Phone Rid lank 4.5453 ave., Belford. EVERY PURCHASER WINS 4 CLEARANCE DAYS * * * * * ^ m IRINft THIS AD OR Friday and Saturday Only! PAYLESSfortheBlST! or Either of the Little Cheek these values! Unheard of bargains! So hurry down first thing Friday tot America's Finest Wortfree' Piggies to Atlantie at 9:30 A. M. These won't last long . . . Remember! Not all siies in every Automatic Defrost System! end get your style . . . but every item • big value! FREE GIFT Sleeveless Sheer COTTON BLOUSES NYLON PANTIES 00 00 HOTPOMT NO 6ILI0ATI0N Keg. 2.91 1 Reg. 1.75 to 2.91 1 2-DOOR S-YEAR ADULTS ONLY PROTECTIVE PUN Aiiurti Y*wr Ctmpltte SLIPS 00 BED JACKETS 00 SatlifacNsnl HO CASH DOWN Reg. 2.91 to 3.98 1 Reg. 3. ' 1 YEARS TO PAY Exquisite Form Cotton ENTER THE CONTEST! BRAS DRESSES .00 .00 Every Purchaser 1st Prize $500 WASHER-DRYER Reg. 1.S0 to 2.50 ' 1 Reg 5.98 to 1.91 3 COMPLETE THIS JINGLE PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAINS WINS Thi$ Little Piggy Went to Market CHENILLE RUGS 00 This LUtle Piggy Stayed Home Either Your Entire Purchase Free Reg. 2.S0 1 Reg. 2.91 .00 This LUtle Piggy Went to or a Wrist Watch Worth Up to $80 1 Atlantic Because: Free (of extra cost). Drapery & Slipcover Odd Size 1. Maka your purchua 4. Win a wrlit Contest, rulie available In all AtUntlo store* FABRICS ,g CURTAINS 3. Dip Into the riKy watch worth up to or request from Hog WUd-Atlantto Appliance, .00 00 3. Win your purchue $M free of extra 101 Main St., Asbury Park, N. J. yd. free If you pick cost If you pick No OUItatton Reg. 2.00 to 2.98 Yd. 1 Reg. 2.98 to 5.98 1 Pr. the value nunet any other nuf get SENSATIONAL BARGAINS CRINKLED CREPE RUFFLED CURTAINS <* M VALUES Re* 5.91 mi o.9l Mm Pr' • • • Free Gifts * • • STILL TIME TO SAVE ON SOME WONDERFUL CONTESTS CURTAINS-BEDSPREADS- DRAPERIES • Not alt Size* ,,, Hut Excellent t'alue* 'A OFF! AIR CONDITIONED SHOP FRIDAY TILL 9. 25 Monmouth St, Red Bank ASIURY PARK • L0N9 RRANCH • NIYPORT • NIIHOLD TOMSRIVIR • TRINTON .:":' SHERMAN'S : HOME DECORATORS ALSO AVAILAILI IN ATLANTIC AUINCY STORI '#1 45 BROAD ST, RED BANK 227 SECOND ST., LAKE WOOD RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27^1953 Paze Thirteen vhich prizes were awarded. The tripped over an oil tank outlet; Rafferty, 12, of 224 Newman MaUrnlty KtoUiM HUtal •• WE TAKE ORDERS efreshment table from which. Ice Mlchsel Llnone, 15, of 112 Bay ave., Springs rd., Red Bank, dog bite, Catering «• «h« Fair Haven Man cream, cake and pink lemonade Atlantlo Highlands, injured left and Robert McGowan, 42 Johnson EXPECTANT MOTHER I PERSONALIZED were served, was decorated in the knee playing football; Melissa Ann ave., Keansburg, cut left thumb on With • C«m»M« Lin* •! circus theme with a merry-go- Perkinsj 2, of 48 Irving pl., Red broken bottle. MATIRHITV APMML SEARS }• Stationery • Napkins Hit by Car, Dies ound cake for a centerpiece. Each Bank, cut lower lip, fell; Priscllla SPOHTtWIAIt _ OMIIIIS f • Ximi Cardi • Book Match.!, tic. *UITI — LINOIRII RAB1TAN TOWNSHIP — Rod- :hild received punch out circuses Wright, 64 Belshaw ave., Shrews- Little Silver :• ALL WORK DON! ON PRIMISIS 'or favors. Attending were Diana bury township, cut under her left Mr. and Mrs. Vernon B. Ben- ••T Band SI., Aakurr Park t-4«l«.l ,, -j., 14-HOUH SERVICE gers O. McQuirc, 60, of 29 WilUuns GIGANTIC WASHER st., Fair Haven, was killed Sunday Niles, Carol Rehm, Tina Hardy, eye, fell while playing; Nelson nett of 209 Queens dr. South are night whei\ he was struck by a car Butchie Mount, Lynne MacKrille, Werntz, 17, of 34 Laurel dr., Little touring Vermont, Mr. Bennett is while he was crossing rt. 35, near Patsy Trufplo, Beth and Marlon Silver, caught left thumb in car vacationing from his position with 'BAIL'S MacKrille, Joyce Keiper, Kitten door; Minnie Hadden, 65, of Brook- Loyalty Group Insurance company SALE 3 DAYS ! Bedle rd. JMLC !»\ Monmouth St. Bed Bulk According to Fort Monmouth Marx, Nancy Fluhr, Laurel Wolfe, dale farm, Lincroft, sprained right of Newark and Mrs. Bennett from ONLY! authorities, Rodgers ran between David Snyder, Chuckle Wolf, Kit- ankle, dropped a suitcase on her her position with Riverview hos- halted cars and was struck by a son Walton, Randy Walton, Walter foot; Betsy Carton, 7, of Robin pital. ME PAftf 13— SECTION 2 ear driven by Pvt Lee P. Pltken, Ryals and Barbara Slovak. rd., Rumson, caught finger In a Joseph J. O'Brien of Branch ave. 19, of Fort Monmouth. Mr. McGuire Joseph DePierro of Sqmervllle folding beach chair; Ross Drake, has returned to his position with MACKAY was pronounced dead on arrival at spent last week with Ws cousin, 10, of '22 Carmen st., Keansburg, Young and Rublcam, New York the office of Dr. Francis W. Hoi- Robert Laacaro, Park ave. cut right arm, fell while climbing advertising agency, after vacation- OFFICE FURNITURE man, Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie How- tree; Mary Ann Maier, 10, of 1 Ing at home. Pvt. Pleken was issued a sum- land of Urbana, 111., ar* spending Washington ave., Matawan, cut lip, Mr. and Mrs. George Flndlay of & EQUIPMENT mons by Raritan township police on >art of their vacation with Mr. fell off trapeze; Ronald Powles, 32 Woodbine ave. have been spending MERRITT LAWN MOWER SHOP 'a charge of causing death with an and Mrs. Harry Davey, East End Atlantic St., Highlands, injured left two months In the Mohawk valley, Liberal allowance for automobile. Military authorities ave. Mr. Howland is Mrs. Davey's arm, tripped over fence; James upper New York state. They are LAWN MOWMS_EtECTRIC TOOLS your uttd equipment said yesterday as far aa they can rother. Burke, 48, of Riverside ave., Red spending a few days In RhotU Is- determine the soldier was not at Judith Bennett, daughter of Mr. Bank, bruised left eye In a wrest- land and Connecticut before return- ATTIC PANS fault. and Mrs. Walter J. Bennett, East ling match; Robb Powell, 12, of ing home this week. MAPLE AVETFRONT ST. Mr. McGulr* was born In Pine End ave., celebrated her third Monmouth Hills, bruises behind left RIOISTMID SERVICE DEALER Rod Bank 6-5906 Brook, son of the late John G. irthday at a party Aug. 14. Chil- ear, hit by baseball; Elizabeth Mc- Sea Bright and Abigail G. VanCleaf McGuire. dren's games were played and ice Donald, Seventh St., West Keans- The local teen agers will hold IRIMS ft STRATTON—CONTINENTAL BNOINES A resident of Monmouth county all cream and birthday cake were burg, burned right arm, face and a dance Saturday at 9 p. m, in NEVER FORGET! his life he was employed as a. con- served. Judith's guests were Susan neck while lighting gas stove; Sal- Charles Manor. struction worker on a number of Davey, Martha Smythe, Linda vatore Rublnacci, 65, of 90 Harri- School will open Wednesday, Sept. 24 MetstMl* St. RE 6-1112 Red !«*, N. J. county projects. Mr. McGuire was Smythe and Barbara Ann Bennett. son ave., Fair Haven, cuts of right 9, at 8:30 a. m. Children who have EVERYBODY KNOWS a veteran of World War I and serv- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens and foot, caught foot In power Inwn not yet registered should bring ed overseas. He was a member of their granddaughter, Maryann Ste- mower; Virginia Guest, 3, of 303 their birth certificate! and records IT'S Braxton Merrltt post, American Le- vens, of White Plains, N. Y., are Broad st., Red Bank, cut upper of vaccination. There will be a 2 gion of Red Bank, and of Fiak visiting Mr. and 'Mil. Friti Yorg lip, fell; Grace Kelly, 80, of 48 Da- p. m. dismissal opening day, fol- Telephone Xeestfbvc MM* chapel, Fair Haven, of White st. vis lane, River Plaza, cut left shin, lowed by a teachers' meeting. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. John F. Conroy of dropped case of soda; William Kel- Polhemus McGuire; a daughter, Obre pl. have returned home after ly, 18, of 36 Clinton st., Keansburg, BOY BURNED Miss Gertrude McGuire, Fair Ha- vacationing in the Foconos. cut right hand, fell at beach; FREEHOLD — William Parrtsh, Dr. Ernest C. Gierding TO Bl ven; two brothers, William R. Mc- Kathle Connell, Sycamore ave., 12 years old, of 11 Hull ave., was Guire and Arthur McGuir* of Red Treated at Riverview Fair Haven, puncture wound of burned seriously about the body DENTAL SURGEON OOODI Bank, and two grandsons. right sole, stepped on nail; Janice and legs when a jar of kerosene More fashion wise The funeral will be held this af- Persons treated for Injuries dur- Gale, 2, of 328 Rutledge dr., Mld- exploded Tuesday in his home. He ternoon at 2 o'clock at the Fisk ing the past week at Riverview dletown township, cut lip, fell; Ern- is reported In fair condition in Fit- women buy clothes at Boon: 10:00 A. M. to 5:80 P. at—Closed Thursday chapel, with Rev. E. M. Mitchell, hospital included Elena May,- 4, est Hiltbrunner, Wayside rd., Way- kin hospital. The kerosene was be- CHARM FASHIONS, 17 flAVORS pastor, officiating. Burial, under the of Wilson ave., Port Monmouth, side, cut left finger in mowing ma- ing poured on wood In a stove direction of the Worden funeral caught Angers In car door; Harry chine; Raymond Keck, Port Mon- when the accident occurred. Fire- 26 Broad St., 380 MAIN STREET • KEANSBURG, N. J. home, will be in White Ridge ceme- Long, 58,* of 587 Branch ave., Lit- mouth, cut right thumb on baby men were called to put out flames Red Bank tery, Eatontown. tle Silver, bruises of the right leg, bottle while washing It; Robert which had set fire to the kitchen. Shrewsbury School will open Wednesday, Sept. 9. Registration of new pupil* will FOR THE be conducted from 10 a. m. to ":S0 a. m,, Tuesday, Sept. 8. Chll- great elegance at great savings! dren who will not have become FINEST flve years old on or before Nov 1 will not be eligible for admission unless they are transferring from other gchoolg recognised by the de- a store-wide clearance celebration partment of education of the state. Parents of children who have never RUG attended school are requested to bring birth certificates of the chil- of better furniture for luxury living dren to "be registered. The board of education requires that every pupil attending the school be Im- munised from diphtheria and vac- savings to delight your budget CLEANING cinated for the prevention of small- pox. Certifications that such re- Irwln't many yean of value-giving with a store-wide clearance spree the like* of which quirements have been met must be presented. fou'v* never seen! If you like to live well ... thft h MM Mrfe for you! Throughout our Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meljer of 73 itore ... on every floor ... you'll find furniture for every room In your home ... at & DYEING Obre pi. were the maternal aunts of Mrs. Meijer, Miss Clara Wagner drastic reductions! This it "better" furniture ... of hnurioui quality, brilliantly styled, of Morris, N. T., and Mrs. Irving Kllpple of Illon, N. Y, Mr, Meljer elegantly crafted .. . furniture whose ORIGINAL, REGULAR PRICES were GUARANTEED will return Friday from a two-week CALL business trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal. While there he to be rite LOWEST—ANYWHERE! was able to see his mother and his RE 6-2800 aiater, Mrs. Richard Ramwy, whom he had not seen in; 14 years. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petial of Sycamore ave. returned home yes-' OF FIRST FLOOR OF OUR STORE terday after vacationing the t month in GuatWMa^ria^Jfixleff1 Their sons, David and Arthur, are expected home tomorrow from 4-pc. modern sea foam $OAQ famous name * jj p Camp Androscoggin, Me. :.oo Kenneth, Bruce and Patricia Sut- mahogany bedroom inneripring mattresses 49' ton,-children of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Reg. $349. Reg. $59.50 Button, Jr., Meadow dr., will leave Smooth top • foam rubber top and LION'S tomorrow for ; a vUlt with their Consisting of large double dresser, grandparents, Mr. and.Mrs. K. E. bottom. Guaranteed 10 years. Monmouth County's Oldest Button, Sr., of 'Providence, R. I, deck chest, full siie bed and nitt table. Alexandra Messina, daughter ol and Noit BeUaHe Bur Clemen Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Messina, lovely mahogany finish ««| M 95 44-7* Whit* St. Rod ft** Buttonwood dr., has returned from 8-pc. a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles gossip benches XT* w. Qulnn of Nassau Point, L. I, SM Actual OtmowtraHoii Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osborn, bunk bed outfit Reg. $24.95 of On Location Rue; CltMNlii Silverbrook rd., gave a circus Rag. $139. 2 styles to choose from - upholstered birthday party for their son Johnny, Consisting of: 2 beds, 2 mattresses, in plastic seats — while they last. e# Our. lewths, #41 .* *2 who was seven yean old Tuesday, •* rhe Rod iMk Trade Johnny dressed as a cowboy and 2 springs, I guard rail and I ladder. his mother as Bobo the clown. Each 3-pc. solid hardrock Exposition, Oct. S ft 12. guost was also dressed in costume $ Circus games were played fo famous name $04.95 maple bedroom 129 Chest, dresser and be J. roll-a-way beds LrT Reg. $209. Reg. $39.95 lovely FROM CA Complete with innerspring mattress. >95 We) Specialize) in occasional chairs O VIEW OF SECOND FLOOR OF OUR STORE 4-PC. $CQ.95 Fireside, club, fan, pull-up. Valuai to drop leaf table $ CHILDREHS $98 .95 twin-studi© $CQ95 Hollywood bad 3«J and 4 chairs 79 durable 3-pc. Reg. $119.95 couches v*P PROBLEmS Reg. $119. Complete with inntrspring mattress, livingroom set <159 Duncan Phyfe mahogany table'plus 4 Reg. $109.95 box spring and headboard on Ugi. Reg. $29* all-purpose chairs. Choice of decorator fabrics. Covered in. heavy damask. 10 year beautiful 18th century $07(1 guarantee. 5-pc. $4995 innofspriflg crib mahogany dinette sot LIT) dinette sets FROM mattresses FROM Reg. $499. modern 2-pc. Reg. $119. Wet proof. Contiiting of large, chins, roomy bufM, sectional sofa '139 Chrome and wood • most with formica Reg. $19.95 extension tables and 4 side chain. Reg. $299. tops. Variety of colors and designs. Covered in beautiful heavy matelasse in cocoa brown • showroom sample modern $CQ50 mattresses $94-95 mattress from famous manufacturer. and box springs FROM Lrl PERMANENTS chib chairs TO Reg. $49.95 FOR THE Reg. $129. solid hardrock $ famous sealy golden sleep maple rocker Inneripring and box spring Floor Sam- Reg. to $59.95 YOUNGER SET Especially comfortable • covered In 35 beautiful tweed. Reg. $59.50 ples. Trust your child's delicate hair care to Vincent's Reversible cushion full spring filler. sofa* living ... Export professional lervice will bring out 3-pc. 18th century $70-95 nalurel beauty. mahogany bedroom <189 foam rubber beds FROM 79 rooms Foam rubber'top. Reg. $299. Reg. $269. modern sofa Values to $139. ' Reg. II14. NOW VINCIWS OFHRS Opens to sleep 2. 2-Pe. Sofa led. YOU A SUMMIR CASUAL Full itie bed, chest, dresser and mtrror. S year guarantee. COLD WAVE FOR ONLY $10. COMPLITI This is Just a Partial Listing-Hundreds of Oth«r Bargaint Throughout Our Store PEDICURES ELECTROLYSIS Only 13* Down-Up to II Months to Pay COMPLETE BEAUTY CARE 27 MONMOUTH ST BANK ; CAILFOR AN AFTOINTMENTl RE 4.3120 I'honn Burl Bunk IMHUl TRULY AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT Or VUlt Our ONiir ttirt all OPEN EVERY NIGHT 213 MADISON AVENUE (Next to Mo|estlc Theatre) PERTH AMIOY IXCEPT l'lioni) l'urih Aniliuy 4-40(11 TILL 9 O'CLOCK SATURDAY

Vincent's Beauty Salon -If You Stt Our Furniture) For Ltsi Anywhere list, Irwin's Will Rtfund the Different* M LINDEN ^LACI .ID |ANK TEST PILOT .M. "Tex" Johnston, 38-year-old veteran.test pilot, probably has put more different types A of airplanes through their-paces than any other living pilot. His big job today is flight testing Boeing Airplane Company's huge new eight-jet B-52 Stratofortress. Last April he took' fhe swept-wing airplane on its maiden flight. Mow every few days or «o he tokes it up on what are termed "routine" flights. A it wasduring World War II, as a test pilot, that Johnston began to score his string of "firsts." He flight tested the first U.S. jet engine; radio controlled the flight of the first U.S. jet air* plane, the Bell P-59; radio-controlled the flight of the- Grumman F-7F for the Navy; conducted early ram-jet engine tests for tfie Air Materiel Command; conducted early pressure cabin tests and piloted the Bell L-39, first U.S. swept-wing airplane. In addition he had flight tested miscellaneous helicopters and a score of experimental U.S.. fighters and bombers. Prior to joining the Boeing flight department in 1949 he had flown every ]et airplane type in the U.S. Air Force and now has more than 1,200 flight hours in jets-close to 9,000 testing all types of airplanes. Johnston lives with his wife, DeLores, and three children, in Bellevue, a suburb of Seattle, Wash. His hobbies are building furniture and racing his small cabin cruiser on a nearby lake.

WAR PLANE. "Tex" poses alongside Bell P-59, first U.S. jet plane, which he tested in 1943.

GOING ALOFT. "Tex" Jorinston pre- pares to climb the ladder into the cockpit of a B-47 Stratojet bomber during his earlier role as (light test pilot for that plane,' QlANT. B-52 Stratofortress lands on Seattle field after test flight. "Tex" i* at the controls.

ROARS OFF. The Stratofortress leaves Seattle runway during test flight.

'LIKE THIS, SON." Uiing replica of Thompion Trophy o» pylon,"Tex"iliows MAN FROM MARS? Wearing high altitude "ipace AT HOME. "Tex" spends some quiet moirunts with hli wife and three children, Judy, son, .Gory, how he made turn in race he won at 1946 Notional Air Racei, suit," "Tex" gets ready for Stratofortress flight. " 15, Gary, 10 and baby Barbara, In their Seattle suburban home. Thli Witk'i PICTIMI IHOW-AP

'MA RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1953 Page Fifteen Miss Joyce Jinoch traffic during the. race track season. roads open «o local traffic conges- Man, Wife Hurt Reserves Guests Cnpt. Lcroy McKnlght, director Engaged to J. V. Dobbs LETTERS FROM of the reserve*, read a letter from tion was kept at a minimum. OUR READERS Of Local Police Mayor Katharine Elkus White ex- Pollco Chief Frank W. Reuther, In Rt. 35 Crasli Mrs. Gladys K. Jinoch of 55 Con- pressing her appreciation for the who termed the reserves a "credit over pi. has announced the engage- The Red Bank police department service rendered by the reserves. to the community," expressed ap- CLIFFWOOD — Mr. and Mrs. ment of her daughter, Miss Joyce PARKING HEIIE. EUEWHEBE was host last night at Carpenters' Jinoch, to J. V. Dobbs, son of Mr. Mayor White commended the men preciation for their service on be- Thomas Hubbard ot 52 PAspect hall to the police reserves, many for their efficiency and appearance half of Councllmcn George A. Gray ave., CHITwood, were Injured early and Mrs] Vcrnon G. Dobbs of Nash- Lung Branch, N. J. of whom aided In the direction o'f ville. Tenn. Aug. 25, 1953. and praised them for keeping main and Harold Hurley. this morning when the car driven If it were not. so Had it would be by Mr. Hubbard was struck by a Inderd most humorous the editorial car driven by Rev. Nunzlo Q. Cre- in a newspaper entitled "Red Bank's Traffic Woes." For the very scntl of Irvington at rt. 35 and paper that writes such an editorial Prospect ave. j Is In a city whero traffic meters - According to Matawan township abound, whore parking laws are police, the Hubbard car was com- continually violated by those who ing out of Prospect ave. when it are privileged and those who -slip was struck on the right aide by the by the eyes of the police officers. Hundreds of meters have been in- Cresentl vehicle. The Hubbard car. stalled which because of the lack said police, upset and struck a of use will never pay for themselves guard rail pole. in a person's lifc-tlmc. Other nu- Mr. Hubbard is in the Perth Am- merous meters arc covered and NEW JERSEY'S boy General hospital with chest used by the privileged few without and back Injuries. Mrs. Hubbard paying for their use and so It goes. LARGEST was released from the hospital af- In my humble opinion, Red Bank ter receiving treatment for multi- is the one community along the shore that has been most progres- ple lacerations and shock. They sive, realistic, and orderly in the MARINE were taken to the hospital by the solving ot many ot their aculo park- Matawan first aid squad. ing problems. It Is indeed true- that as time goes on more lots will be required and even perhaps two- SUPPLY Kenneth Foster Heads or three-tier underground parking Board of Health areas but to date Mayor White, unafraid of pressure and high pres- HOUSE FREEHOLD—Kenneth F a (111 sure sales talks has stuck to her O»in SunJiyt • A.M. t»'i P.M. was elected president of the board guns and kept the terrible blight of of health at a reorganization ses- the parking meter from that Fair Ahrayi ptonly •• Frat sion Tuesday at DuBois' pharmacy. Miss Joyce Jinoch City. As the old saying goes, results None of the older members want- A graduate of Red Bank high are what counts and Red Bank to- ed the presidency, vacated recently school, Miss Jinoch is employed by day is far busier than cither Long Jhi fioatnuutL S by the resignation of Earlc Still- Merchants Trust company. Mr. Branch or Asbury Park for its size well, who was a member of the Dobbs is in the Marine Corps sta- and it is going ahead ot both of 24 Wharf Avmut Rtd Bank 6-5780 board 30 years. Mr. Foster's apr these motored nightmare towns by polntmcnt was unanimous. tioned at the Naval Ammunition leaps and bounds. depot at Earle. A fall wedding is It would indeed 1>e a shame to planned. attempt to improve on an ideal setup by the addition of parking FRESH STOCK JUST meters to this already thriving com- EniH's Garage Tops munity. Police regulation is such that RECEIVED FOR Uavsliorc A.A. one-hour parking ia quite strictly MARLBORO—Emll's Garage of observed on the street and It may REPEAT SALE! SEW, BACK TO SCHOOL Neptune entered the finals of the surprise that ill-informed paper to know that it Is far easier to find a Marlboro State Hospital Invitation parking a pace In Red Dank than In New fabrics for small-fry (and big). BASKIN'S, Softball tournament Tuesday by both Long Branch or Asbury Park headquarters for yard goods in Moniiioiilh County downing- the Bayshore A, A, 7 to S despite the Tact that the Red Bank BASKIN'S on the hospital field. parking area caters to as many it #«h since 1945, presents the shore's most compre- not more cars and people. In ad- Tuesday's winner, regular season dition to this, people are not con- hensive selection*. champion of the Shore Senior Soft- tinually harassed by broken meters FOR RELAXING, LUXURIOUS SLEEP ball league, will meet Lafayette's which short time them and give CORDUROYS.. 1.38 to 1.85 yd. Dairy of Red Bank, holder of sec-them tickets, the continual search- ond place in the same loop, Sept. Ing for coins, and the meter hog FULL SIZE plain, printed, iridescent a or 4. who keeps putting, money In and Emil'H contingent scored three monopolizes the space for hours on runs in the second frame and twoend. It would do well for this paper GINGHAMS .... 79' to 98< yd. in the third. Although'they main- to look Into find bring to light some tained the early lead to do' it they of the very serious Inequities In its Dan Rivtr, U. S. Royal, Stevent had to stive off a l«.te rally by theown town Instead of trving to Im- COR. BROAD ft Bayshore team. The sixth inning prove on an almost Ideal situation ( saw the losers tally three time*. away from home. FABRIC PAIR Cotton Tweeds 98 to 1.79 yd. The winners were sparked by the Edgar Dlnkelsplel. MONMOUTH STS. 10 MICHANIC STRUT six-hit pitching of Wttlis Atkin- 13-CENT DIVIDEND sanforized, crease-resistant son. The losing pitcher was Mike MATAWAN—The board of direc- RIDIANK.N.J. Evanello, who also limited his op- PHONE 6-1444 Juit off Broad St., epp. tors of the Hanson-Van Wlnkle- ponents to six hits. Munning company Tuesday de- Mtrchanti Trust Co. Bank WOOLENS... 1.98 to 6 95 yd. clared a dividend of 15 cents pet1 The foundation of the Library of share on the $3.50 per value com- RED BANK Opta Vritera Till • P. K. plaids, solids, twtads, suitings, coatings, dreuwcights > Congrcas wan 10,000 volumes of the mon stock payable Sept. 30 to stock- ( Thomas Jefferson library purchased holders of record at the close of by Congressional appropriation. business Sept. 14. AN OPEN INVITATION SLASHING SALE OF APPLIANCES


, by CABINETS SHIP *.' SHORE - DONATH - JUNIORITE - SPINNIRIN - TISSUE KNIT 50%! ALL NEW-LINGERIE PORTABLE 45%! FOR SHEER FEMININE ENCHANTMENT SEE OUR LOVELY COLLECTION RADIOS Fully Automatic OF SLIPS-PETTIS-GOWNS-PANTIES-PAJAMAS. WASHER $20 00 UP TO '150 *185oo ALL NEW- BRAS and GIRDLES Rtf. $30.00 V«hi» Famous Brand TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! by Famous Brand TUDOR UP TO «45 DEDUCTED I ItOM BILL IOK WARNER-MAIDEN FORM-PITH PAN-LUCILLE GARDNER- WIRING ALLOWANCE . . . ALLOWED BY FREEZER SURPRISE-SARONG-REAL-FORM REFRIGERATOR J.C.P.&L. CO. ! $3 3 5 00 *36800 ALL NEW-HOSIERY f4«t.9S Rt* $400.00 NO DOWN PAYMENT-3 YEARS TO PAY FREE OPEN Ml IDAV EVENINGS TILL 9 SfflRLK SHOPS •WITH EVERY PURCHASE BROAD ST. GUNTHERS RED BANK. NYLON HOSIERY O-M SALES INC NEW FALL SHADES 36 LINDEN PLACE RED BANK 6-5896 RED BANK REGISTER, 'AUGUST 27,1953 pending action on an appeal filed dren, ranging from one and a half fellia, cuts on the arms; Donald hospital. Tomaine %yas treated at Van Heflin Stars in The Shrikkee' Tuesday against the fines, imposed to 13 years, were placed in the Clancy, 6 West River rd., Rumson, Riverview hospital. ' «", Trio Released; on disorderly conduct charges. Mrs. custody of Jersey City police when Newark Man Held cuts on the neck; Joseph Tomaine, Taking part in the investlgatl Cusumano was fined a total of $300 their parents and Mrs. Hansen were 31 Leighton ave., Red Bank, minor were Capt. George Dougherty, •_, on two. counts of using offensive remanded to county jail. lacerations, and H. L. Gardner, 46 the local police, Capt..Will|am.MuS Fine Appeal Filed language and another of creating a Counter-complaints filed by Mrs. In Tavern Brawl Waterman ave., Rumson, bruised toe, county detective, arfdrrepresenS disturbance. Mrs. Hansen was fined SEA BRIGHT—Nicholas Cifellia head.. KEANSBURG — Committed to Hansen and Andrew Mularchuk, a tatives of the state divlslon0bf AVm county jail at Freehold In default $225 on two counts of using offen- special patrolman, charging assault of Newark was ordered held for According to police Charles-and coholio Beverage Control.' - of finea Imposed here Monday night sive language and another of inter- and battery were referred to theaction of the grand jury under Cifellia and Patrick Mazzuclla of fering with an officer, and Mr. $3,000 bail last night by Magistrate hy Magistrate Edward F. Ambrose, grand jury by Mr. Ambrose. Bayonne were principals in the TEEN-AGE DANCE ' . Mr. and Mm. Stanley Cusumano Cusumano $50 for using offensive The charges grew out of an ji\-.John Weir on a charge of atrocious fight. Clancy, Tomaine and Gard- and Mrs. Julia Hansen of Jersey language. tercation at the ry and to Gorlin, Rumson; Stanley Cohen, giv* a aeaaon guarantee that the Elizabeth; O'Nel! Crosby, East DONALD DUCK puritf wiR amount to 3 "4 per cent Orange; Joel L, Ornstcin, Long of tha total handle. He recom- Branch, and James Rivers, Newark, COON CHEESE mended to* offer ba rejected. His $8, and Joseph Sharkey, Eaton- argument is that the local Race- town; Otto Fldele, Newark; Ar- ORANGE JUICE way Is well below the scale at Fox- mand Stransl. Long Branch, and boro, Mass,, where purseji have Jules Bock, New Shrewsbury, $5 IS. averaged »5,000 a day with a'180,000 for speeding Theodore Winn, At- «• handle, and at Vernon Downs, N. lantic Highlands; Richard Blend, 49 Swift's Peanut Butter 33 T., where It it |5,600 and a $105,000 Woodbridge, and Edwin Savonen, daily averagt. Newark, $5 for disregarding a stop 2 Once the track and the U. S. sign; William Bailey, Bradley Trotting association has 72 hours' Boach, $5 for passing over the cen- notice, horsemen can refuse to race. ter line; Martin Gallucci, Malawan, BORDEN'S $5 for passing on the right, and John Smith, Plainflcld; Kenneth Just Heat and Serve Save HI our Summer Say Sab Jumper, Jersey City; Joseph Mor- Burdge fined genstcr, Newark, and Jerry Grasso, CREAM CHEESE Bloomflcld, $5 for failure to keep SHRIMPBURGERS Lose§ License to the right. Costs of $3 were added In each case. Wesson Oil 69*. KEANSBURG — Magistrate Ed- PKG. OF ward F. Ambrose fined Dalton A. ARRESTED, WIFE'S CHARGE Burdge of 170 Bridge ave.. Red Bank, $80 Monday night and sus- James Stevens, 111 River st., pended his driver's license six Red Bank, was arrested last night months. Burdgo was lined $55 for by Capl. Lcroy McKnlghl on a SALAD-TIME driving 80 miles per hour in a 25-charge of assault and battery. The mlle zone and $25 for reckless driv- complaint was made by Stevens' ing. wife Catherine. Hearing will be The magistrate fined Philip Carr held tomorrow at 8:30 p. m. be- of Newark $25 for careless driving. fore Magistrate John V. Crowcll. Police said his car jumped a curb on Bcachway, hit a group of board- Serve ^27'»47' walk amusements and knocked over a fence before coming to a halt within six inches of a house, George BROOKDALE Ostrov, attorney for an amusement operator, said his client suffered about $1,500 damage. Mr. Ambrose Issued a beach war- rant for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- t'rory of New York city, who failed Alaska Salmon to appear Monday night to answer two complaints of disorderly con- duct. They were arrested Sunday IVORY SNOW night, HUMPS NIW NIW NIW Congressmen's Help Have Sunn: Lust Names KEEBIHS NABISCO WASHINGTON, D. C, (AP)— AL DEVILS FOOD Two New Jersey Congressmen were among the 63 House members who SPIC and SPAN 8Vi OZ. BLEU-CHEESE "< employed persons with the Bame oz last nunic us their own In the pnst PKG. CRACKERS year, a check of payrolls here dis- 25' closed. 37' The survey showed that Rep, OVEN James C. Auchlncloss of Rumson SWIFT'S (R) of the Third Congressional dis- trict employed LeovA, Auchlncloss, who received n. snlnry of $682.32, mid Unit Hop. Krnnk C. Owner*, Jr., of Hnworlli ill) of the Ninth illiitrlct cniployrd MHrgucrltn On- Swift'ning 3 - 75' tni'iw, who received a snlnry of $707.62, It In common nruullcg for LANG'S roiiBremihicn to employ relatives, Tho Irifiil IJIKIC pay In $5,000 R year, stretching to JM84, Sonatc KOSHIR payroll records nro not mado public. DILL. .2* TMAININO TRKNTON-A fulfil of 70 lioop- fr rundldiitt'is Including ono Iron) Monniuuth county, icpoitrd Hundny 69 10 Ilir New ,lei(ry Htntn Pollen CHOPS nciiiltmy nl Went Trenton lu IJCRIM' 11 ttr-i'k* (if IIIIMMIVC Irnlnlnii' FRANKFURTERS MMIIIIIUUIII njliMly'd cnilillilnli) h ' 'liti M.« nr mi Wuuditlili! inc., ' 'iiiiiiliuit!, CHIIIIIIIIIICK wnc nolcul- iCS 49 MIDULICTOWN - CJoorgo Janei of IliU plnco I'dciiptd Injury narly ycnli'liliiy nioiiilnx ulii'ii lie fell MlU'li lit HIP wlli'i'l of Ilia niilo, RED BANK and LITTLE SILVER which run (iff rl, ,15 Mill lilt a lire mar iic<3ult«'» irovi lint,