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X*1 H Read the Herald Read the Herald For Local *.. For Local News Strtrfap Swvimil for If F#ar« j

47* I? •Mma •* a« t HMM at taw *«i«tnc* JER 21, IfSS at l««wK. h- th« AM at MiNli » »Si» $4 A YEA! io ' YMCA Lists Mmy w* q^' w» Tww*w»w «v JBPI apmai vaar Adirit Educafioa ffais Supervised Pumping Station Is Citywide Comes for Fooftal Program Obligation Homeowners Say John M. til* Board of Recreation aod Public hearing on a proposed ordinance authoriring f the general tkt flBmntt Boosters AaaMJaHw the construction of a new pumping station to provide ade- ttb week appealed to resident* quate sewage facilities in the Canoe Brook area at a cost mi! YHCA*s faB and winter pt». ta eflotrihute any football aaMa.' of $74,550 with about half of the expenditures to be split grant of informal education lor went wbkb might be utUl»dte between the city and area landowners was continued by .the year, UKMSW. B«viewing th« fall program to be sponsored wf the two groups. Common Council Tuesday night to the contents ef Us year's folder, Persons wishing to daaatr October 4. . shcwld contact the Racraatton The action was deferred at the mittee chairman iadkaled that Board at So. «*29» or So. ••ttli. Beacon HiH Club request of Joseph Gordon of 10) this year** aethrttiaa cewpris Canoe Brook parkway, council 1 Ia addition to the Becr«t*o« the most comprehensive list of Board and the Boosters, a group Suit Scheduled for the Canoe Brook Association, -'Clubs, edwrational ciassea, public oi parents are working to ofttlgn which contends that the entire affairs education groups, and spe- a constructive substitute for city should be assessed for the cial events the Summit YMCA has "saudlot" footbaU. To Start Monday project rather, than the Canoe had the opportunity to present its Boys who have passed their A tentative date of next Mon- Brook section. membership asat eoauBenity in day, September 28, has been set Among the objectors were E. several yesM. ninth birthday but have not reached their fifteenth will fe* eli- for the trial of the suit against the M, BirdsaU of 10 Colt road, presi- Tbe yooag adaM watt eannjt- City of Summit and Beacon Hill dent of Canoe Brook Country tee. a eMMntttse related to a* gible. The opening session will be held Saturday from • to U «.m. Club brought by a group of neigh- Club, which owns, a large portion program, fa laaathiug a #»a*tfc borhood objectors to the club who of the land, and former Council- club prafraaa «Ntwf to young at Memorial Field. . All boys must have their par- are organized tinder the name of man-atlargo Vincent A. Burgher men vttEtat Ja ta W afe rang*- Lincoln District Taxpayers' Asso- ents' written permlssiM and of 15 Canoe Brook parkway. Both This oaw Btagnat it hmi «• tse ciation. . agreement not to hold the Becre- asked forfa city-wide levy. .National YHCaYa YPfcaUu dbb Normal S. Gorit The trial will be heard by Judge prefran. th* ¥*• Men's dab, alien Board, lay group or profes- Council members take the view akiMl staff or any persons asso- Richard J. Hughes at the Court that ordinarily property owners the YMCA'a international aervke House, Elizabeth. The exact date ciated with the activity liable to who benefit pay the cost of sew* club for men bdav M yun. win of the trial, however, will depend f ^uacttoo agate thai year voder the any injury which may occur. age facilities, but in this case, Monnan S. Garis, Herald Staff upon the status of the court cal- because the proposed pumping leadership «f C Tfaoatat CaaaSL Participants also must pass a endar as of Monday. physical examination. station will replace the existing No action was taken during the station on Canoe Brook parkway this year la a H. Winthrop Green of the Boost- READING MAKES HEAVY CARRYlNG-lt Is no easy job summer months other than a pre- ers executive committee win be opposite Rose lane, the city will gram of training Member 62 Years, Dies in Sleep preparing for the annual book sale of the College Club as the above trial conference held by Judge bear a portion of the cost. for young BH chairman of the lay group, and meirtxrs can testify as they work to meet the October 8 deadline Hughes in which he indicated that Funeral services wen held Mon- a 40-year membership pin. City to Pay Half visory letel enpioyed ia iedus- Morton Ashman, veteran recrea- opening the sate by stocking shelves with thousands of volumes of all he would prefer to rely upon the day afternoon for Norman S. Garis, He had been at his Herald deak tion supervisor, will be head types of books. Left to right, above, are Mrs. Wclland Gay, coordinator; Under the proposed set-up trial concerns. editor of Tbe Summit Herald, who record made before the Board of on the day of his death. coach. .' •••-. '-•" • •• Mrs. Webster Van Winkle, sorting chairman; Mrs. W. F. Spengeman Council has stated that the cHy died In his sleep last Thursday at Adjustment and the Common bug* Among the persons attending the Etch boy must provide himself and Mrs. W. Bae Young. (Wolin photo) would assume 35 per cent of the his home, 28 Oakland place. He Council. He said, however, he Already the Toastmastera Club 2 p.m. funeral conducted by Rev. with a helmet, shoulder pads, cost plus an estimated additional h functioning this fear for per- was H. would study the transcript and ; Jesse Lyons of lie Methodist pants, and sneakers without would advise about two weeks be- I5\per cent as owner of the Van- sons interested in improving their Mr, Garii was associated with Church at Burrough fc Kohr cleats. Jerseys will be provided by derpoel pond park property on speech in public. The chib is fore the trial date, as to whether the Herald for 62 yean and wasFuneral Home on Springfield ave- the lay group. Area's New Dial Sei Up additional evidence could be in-River road and Morris turnpike. chartered hf Toasteaiters Inter- editor for the last IS years. He nue were many city officials and national Tfi* Sumnit group meet* The program is composed of troduced. So far the plaintiffs have In tbe meantime, it was pointed was a charter member of the AFLperson* previously connected with three divisions of activity: a received no-word from Judge out by opposing residents that at the T?11CA every Thursday Typographical Union, Summit Lo- the newspaper. Burial was at Fab- Most Modern 'in Nation night Duriag the aaauncr the warm-up and lecture period, fun- Hughes regarding permission to the city has operated the exist- cal 7» and was honored by the Mount Cemetery, Chatham. - damental instruction, and game At 3:01 a no., Sunday, October cedure to be followed when dial- submit additional evidence. ing station for the last 20 years. Summit Bridge Club played dupli- 2, wine 20,000 telephones in the union in 1947 when he was awarded During his latter yeara with the participation. The, sessions will be ing outside their local calling The Lincoln District Taxpayers 'The city took over the opera- ... tilt. hridte at tbe \1ICA every Seaimlt. and Chatham areas will ..area. •••-••• • • - • • -• Herald, Mr. Garis "covered" Ro- held every Saturday itarting at Association is represented by Cor- tion of the station but not legal W«ln*sday night The group, un- be changed over to dial opera- tary meetings, handled most of 9 a.m. Probably no piece of appara- nelius Caruso of the Newark law title after the original developers der the leadersaip of Frank Ham tion by the New Jersey Bell Tcl- the obituaries and processed the tus undergoes quite as thorough firm of Ryan, Helferich & Caruso. of Canoe Brook parkway, ibe raond, will ajar throughout the aohon* Company. Boosters Hosts legal advertising. His last bit of a testing as a modern dial sys- Raymond E. Beimer of 16 Arden Combined Capital Corporation, year. tem. By the time Mew Jersey Bell The foraaOoB U a permanent copy, submitted late Thursday Noted Baritone Uie changeover, new tele* Place is secretary of the Assocl* ran into financial difficulties. The d»«$s cteb JUnuatt is To Grid Squad afternoon, was tte obituary ef ns will be bittook over the equipment from the ation. corporation did, however, tender Mr* AmeHa ¥*.#?*«, which ap. ^n these areas. SUmrait Western Electric Company last Beacon HiH Club is represented a lot 50'xiai' and an entrance to foal of" tht W&& .aftMt. 4epH*« week over a million test calls had 1, .at. kk«lika.-uoB #Ui be »v»u- pears in this issue. nauftbetf trill be designated by Putney, Hardin & Ward of the plant from the parkway. CRestvlew 3 or 7, while CHatham already coursed through the ap- abie frona Dr. H. Bobert Wester- At Baitecue Mr. Garis was an enthusiastic Newark, with Donald Bourne of As early as 1927 when the sta- 4 will become MErcury 5. parattM. Many of the tests were tion was constructed It proved man who coadatted the group last gardener and every year canned the local law firm of Schtnld and The Summit High School's foot- Season on Oct. 5 made by automatic devices which to be inadequate aad was never spring. The young adult wort a great deal of the produce of his At the same early hour, new Bourne. Dr. James H. Maroney ball squad prepared for Satur- The Summit Community Coo* send calls through dial equipment of 57 Fernwood road is president approved by the State Board of committee is ah© hopeful that the garden. At Christinas every year telephone names will also be in- day's opener against Roselle Park certs Association will open its and test its operation under every of the club. City solicitor Peter C. Health. Eventually, the city as* dramatic dub organized last he would make a present to each troduced at two other dial cut- spring by a committee headed by at Memorial Field with a practice 1955-56 season on October 5 when overs, which will take place in type of condition that it will meet Triolo is representing the city. sumed the responsibility of main- scrim mage against Hillside High member of the Herald staff of aWilliam Warfield, celebrated bari in actual service. : Gather More Testimony taining the pumping station to Vincent W. Wells wfll be reacti- jar of homemade jelly or .con- Millburn-Short Hills and Madison School last Saturday. tone, will be the featured artist. In a letter sent this week to protect public jealth and safety vated this faB. Mrs. JLC serve. on October 2. Mlllburn 6 and One recently developed test set, served as tmtroctor during tie Following the scrimmage, the The performances are given in the SHort Hills 7 numbers will be aptly named the "Mighty Mid- members of the Association it was of the area and to prevent a shut- Interested in History Summit High School auditorium last weeks of tbe season and is squad and coaches were guests of changed to DRexel 6 or 9, while get", alone is capable of making reported that preparations have down by the state. and begin at 8:30 p.m. ready for the new program year. the Summit Schools Booster Asso- He also was extremely inter- FRontier 7 will replace MAdisoh 40 to 50 thousand test calls a day. been made to obtain additional lite proposed new station would One of the most popular classes ciation at a barbecue held at Me- ested in local history as well as Tbe concerts are arranged by Even so, the testing is not over expert testimony covering losses be of sufficient capacity forthe - that of the Millbrook. area and held last year was contract morial Field. the program committee of which Coincident with the dial switch- until New Jersey Bell's tcchni- in property value, a point claimed entire Canoe Brook area and in his leisure time recorded for Mrs. Montagu Hankm is chairman. bridge for beginners aad inter- Ample stocks o! hot roast beef over will be another switchover (Continued on Page 21) by the objectors to the club, would eliminate sewage sur- mediates. Once again the coarse sandwiches, hot dogs, baked his own enjoyment much of theAttendance is by membership and should permission to introduce charges which frequently occur. local history and geneology of no tickets are available for indi- when the telephone company's this evidence be granted by Judge (Continued en Page 23) beans'and milk were consumed business office moves on Monday, Presuming that the Board of his family connections in Mill- vidual concerts. However, those Hughes^ Assessors will consider all prop- by the gridders, who were de- October 3, from 334 Springfield New Phone Books scribed by Coach Pete Kandrat brook. He was also a half brother who are new residents or who Part of this new evidence, the erty owners to benefit equally, an' of Howard Garis of the Newark were away during the membership avenue to its brand new home at letter states, will be based on the assessment of about $100 a lot Man fined $100 as having had a successful prac- 115 Summit avenue, opposite De- lice session against Hillside. News staff who was the originator drive late spring may write to fact that during recent months would be made against property of the "Uncle Wiggty" stories. Community Concerts Association, Forest avenue. Being Issued for several properties within 800 feet owners with the remaining half Ey Nelson was barbecue chair- P. O. Box 31, Summit, regarding -Press Preview Monday . of the Beacon Hill Club property absorbed by the city. After Argument man assisted by C. J. Faherty, In his early newspaper days Mr. Garis was a frequent contributor subscriptions for the season. A group ot newsmen were con- have been sold "at prices which About 20 objectors were pres- G. J. Barenborg, M. R. Owren, On November 5, the Boyd-Neel Dial Changeover bear out the prediction of our ap- W. Staples, L. J. Brennan, H. W. to the Newark newspapers and ducted through the dial center ent, all of whom agreed that the With fireman wrote many features for the old Orchestra will be presented. and at 544 Springfield ave, at a press Tomorrow, thevNcw Jersey Bell praiser as to the harmful effect new plant was needed but pro- Greene, E. P. Reavey, Jr., J. its appearance will mark the first that a social club with year-round William Leslie of Kl Morris ave- Brady and Ken Holden. Newark Sunday Can. He was a preview on Monday, September Telephone Company"" will begin tested the sectional assessment time that the Association has 19. New Jersey Bell's local man- outdoor activities would bring to nue was fined a total of *1«Q last In an effort t-» get a large turn- "stringer" for many years for distribution of a special dial cut- Claims Precedent Set brought a small orchestra to Sum- ager George M. Delaney told the our neighborhood." wHc by Hagistrafe Albert H. out for Saturday"! game, SHS New York City newspapers fur- over telephone directory for the In, a letter addressed to Council mit, newsmen that the installation of Beacon Hill Club earlier this Bierman on charges made by Fire cheerleaders will distribute fliers nishing them Summit items upon Chatham, Madison and Summit by Mr. Burgher and made public In January, Carroll Glenn, vio- the dial equipment has been com- year purchased the former 11- Lieutenant Charles Wieland. The tomorrow night to homebourid request. areas. at the meeting, Mr. Burgher said linist, wiU be heard and in April pleted and the testing stage is acre Bassett Estate on Hobart charges were: Assault and battery commuters urging attendance at Mr. Garis was one of the old A telephone company spokes- in part, "It can be pointed out dub-pianists, the Mauney Twins, nearing its conclusion. avenue to convert into' a private on Wieland* leaving a fire snafc the opener. school of newspapermen who man said that this special cut- that the City of Summit has oper- will appear. In addition to bringing dial social club with an artificial ice tended and permitting a fire tc , For each home game this sea^ could sit down and write a story over directory should not be used ated the current pumping station In announcing the coming per- service to local customers in rink, swimming pool, tennis biirn alter the legal hours of son, there will be a public ad- either on a typewriter or a Lino- before 3:01 a.m., Sunday, October for approximately 20 years and formances, Mrs. Hankin, pointed these areas, Delaney explained courts and other recreational fea- a.m. to I p.m. dress system in operation to aid type machine. Until a few years 2, when the three areas will be that originally the station serviced out that this series of concerts that direct distance dialing for tures. According to the testimony Lieu the spectators in following the ago he often left the editorial desk changed over to dial operation. the neighborhood of 10 residences provides "a real opportunity for individual and two-party custom- Club Use Granted tenant Wieland went to the Le progress of the game. In addition, to help out in the composing room At that time these exchange in the Canoe Brook parkway Summit residents to have a varie- ers will also be provided to points At several lengthy and stormy property on the night of July the Boosters have arranged to when a linotype operator _waa areas will receive new "telephone area. The City of Summit has al- ty of musical entertainment." as far away as San Francisco. hearings held by the Zoning Board ,and ordered Leslie to extinguish a have one of their members, needed for a short time. names". CHatham 4 telephones lowed facilities for the many new The new Suburban-Essex tele- will be designated MErcury 5; and the Common Council permls- residences erected in that area to fire. Charles McCue, to take motion (Continued on Page 23) He had a fairly large collection Seven Local Residents phone directory, which will be MAdison 6 will he changed to be tied in to the current pumping Leslie claimed that^ Wieland, ear- pictures of the Memorial Field of pictures and old newspaper G«t County Jury CaR distributed next week, contains FRofltipr 7; and SUmmit 6 num- system which undoubtedly has re- ning a flash light, failed, to bten- games for future use by Kandrat clippings pertaining 16 early Sum- bers, will become CRestview 3 Seven Summit residents are In- all of the changed numbers of Berkeley Heights sulted in overloading and In more t.fy himwlf properly and Leslie and his coaching staff. mit and was • source of informa- or 7. - •• •"-.. ... deterioration than would have ordered the foreman from his prop- cluded fif ther panel of 125 petit customers in Millburn, Short Both the public address system tion on most events that happened Hills, and Summit, In addition, a been the case had the present •i erty. during the early days of the com- jurors summoned to report Mon- The special directory will in- Has Bigqest Area announcer and Mr. McCue will special eutover directory con- clude listings of Chatham, Madi- pumping station been reserved Was la Vadfana day of this week for two weeks work from the newly erected munity. He followed baseball taining the new number* for son, and Summit customers that for the original residences." avidly, knowing the latest stand- of jury duty in Union County School Increase d, who said be was wear stand on the north side of the Courts. Chatham, Madison, and Summit normally appear in the regular Ogden D. Gensemer, Council a regulation fire uniform, re ings of the major league teams Hforrh County or Suburban-Essex New records in school enrollment field. customers will be furnished to were set for the entire Summit president, said that he believed d to leave the property until Tomorrow night, the squad, as well as the annual crop of play- The local jurors are Mrs. Lil- telephone subscribers in these directories. In Us initial distribu- some of the objectors were under ers on local teams. lian Cole, 113 Whfttrcdge road; tion the* telephone company plans Area with Berkeley Heights lead- fine w»s put out Leslie ad coaches and Boosters will gather communities. ing the way with the biggest in- an erroneous impression that all td that he th*n puriied and at the Field House for refresh- Born at MWrook Miss Effa H. Marnney, 32 Oak Cartomerft Briefed to deliver approximately 34,600 recent development in the area Ridge avenue; William R. Koch, crease in pupils. Wieland off his ptmnd ment! and motion picture*. The Born at Millbrook, Mr. Garis Since the middle of September, copies. was serviced by that plant. IS Edgar street; Miss Gertrude Summit, with an enrollment of Magiirtrate Merman fined Uslk program, inaugurated last fall, moved to Newton in 1D92 and was customers in these eutover areas Telephone customers In Sum- Specifically referring to the Edwards, 160 Summit avenue; 3,452, had the smallest increase— *2S on each of the fire cwints and was so well received it is being graduated from the high school have been "going to nchool" by mit will also receive a copy of only 37 more than last year's fig-Barba Company, Mr. Gensemer Mrs. Barbara L. Ackerman, 237 *•>* for asiault and battery repeated this year each Friday there. It w»< in Newton that he telephone to learn what they need the October 1955 Suburban-Essex, ure of 3,415. said that of the 37 houses served Summit avenue; George Y. East- barter In the month. July 12 night prior to all games. became an apprentice printer an to know about dill service and directory which has been timed Enrollment for this fall in by the pumping station only 14, 1h man, 19 Oak Ridge avenue, and * poliee received a complain the Sussex Register, learning to direct distance dialing. to coincide with the Summit dial Berkeley Heights Is 929, an in-built by Me Barba Company, ai» •t'*t there was a M ef smoke in •riftff set type by hand. James C. Dinnocchio, 74 Ashwood chnnR«ovcr. In addition' to the crease of 160 students over last tied In. avenue. A group at telephone instruc- « MM et lake's praeerty. The Mr. Garis joined the Herald when tors is currently calling all cus-CRestview 3 and 7 listings, theyear's total of 769. In New Provi- In announcing that Cotmett iil was iavestif ated by Pa For Summit it was incorporated in IMS. He Mftw Suburban-EsifK directory dence there was a gain of N pu- would continue the hearing tut SnnMnlt Youth Nomad for tomer* In the Summit and Chat- will also list DRexel 6 and 9 to An PatrMk Fiti«rr»W and Summit and N#w Providence started as a printer's "devil" later ham areas. Each customer is pils for a new record of 068. two weeks, Mr. Gensemer pointed l.mmm rtewgan «*» toawl were among the five New Jersey replace Mlllburn 6 and SHort Hills fl; ltM> becoming foreman of the plant, a Airforce Academy Clan asked if he knows how to dial; if The enrollment figures were re- (Continued on Page 31) " In th» yard. Her P& munleipalHieo closing schools Tues- job he held for many yean. For A Summit youth, Jon Michael 7, which also change to dial op- leased this week by Union County mi, he is given Instruction. Every eration on October 2, M out With a lift day becau»« of the threat of Hur- a while, Mr, Garit left tte Herald Barn ton of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Superintend?nt of Schools Dr. Wil- rfctne lone-whkh never m«- customer it alto requested to dial going to Newark where he learned T. Barr of 70 Oak Ridge avenue, a t#st call. The eill Ii recorded Because all telephone numbers liam H. Went. A total of n,m ON In«M# dJiUiwi. to operate a linotype machine. Ii among Ui« ten Mew Jersey men have been changed in tho special wns enrolled in all county schools. on I pett*re{*ordlnK tape device This Is a 2,719 Increase over l«»t The notice to »*w* schools was In Ml, John W. Cttfi, owner ef named by U.S. Senator Clifford which shows the instructor Chatham, Madison, and Summit dial eutover directory and also year's total of 89,277. broadcast ov«r the radio and by the Herald, arranged with Mr, P, Case for Air Force Academy whether the customer dialed cor- the Nillhtirn, Short IIIIIR, and Wentfltld had th« highest In- beat aigtml but nuwerotw children Garii to install • linotype (the first appointments. rectly and Indicate! if the cus- Amuitmanti ...23 wer* tinawnw of the n*ws ami type setting machine to be u*ed in The tenwftre selected on the Summit Hating* In the new Sun- crea«e In the county with 441 pu- tomer's new clUl Is functioning url>nrvlC««PX directory, the com- pils and (Jarwood and RoaeUeClassified *.,.,•...•.2? d*t>«r1#d for school only to beSummit). At that time, Mr. Karii basis of (iiTil Service examina- properly, turned back. wait conducting a general linotyp- tion* sponsored by C»M on July pany upokMffian miggniitu that all Ahowed decreases from last year. Editorials .....»«•••• 4* School* trtaf ciflsed were In ing budlne** for lh« trade. In the 11. The Air Force, following fur- Further Instruction Is given to peraotml lists of numh«ra be Deaths ,,.••«*•*•#«• m. the individual ami two-party «•«*• fh«ck«d. He al#o recommended Ttta otnm vHtmxtm noutm nt CReshlew3 Summit* New PiwWmee. Eaat meantime, Mr, (lift ».ite*4 Mr. titer ejtant*. will finally wket CHRMTKft, N. J. whew* ftmitM M »nrt Brunswick, Snnttwood and Rajre- (Jart* to Join the Herald and with ttven Ptjjt 11 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER If. I9SS the United States is a new coun- who also seems to hear"tb* jfatt hand at the YlfCA, Ut as a preciation, intelligence, and the Returns To Hamilton Caiatoa, M. Y., wh«« try, while Greece is steeped in old of faraway places, because she youthful ambisiador of under- will to succeed. The old phrase Freddie's Back in Town- world tradition. r wants to go to Paris! standing,' his influeftce Will spread says that ''the Greeks had a word Paul McGiffla, son of Mr. and Numerous wars and hard times - Yes, Freddie's back is Sum- much farther ai he attends his for it." WeU, we have two Ameri- Mrs. Hamilton McGiffia oMC«nt in the last century have also left mit. His talents will be localised classes at Steven*. can words for Freddie •— "very Place boulevard, returned last Heading For Stevens Tech their mark on his native land, every weekend,, when he'll be on He hat enthusiasm, charm, ap- special." Saturday to Htmilton College, Givot, America's ac- School, learning the American Freddie explains, and opportuni- knowledged "Greek Ambassador," scholastic "ropes," ties open to Americans just aren't ma)* well have to take a back available in Greece. Scarf of fre- Who is Freddie? H«'s really quent warfare have had a bad ef- seat in Summit, Hobok£!r, and Fotios Tsoehatzopoulos, of Athens, their environs, because ^Freddie's fect on the minds of the Greeks, Greece. He's 1.6, dark-haired, too, he says. liack in town, brown-eyed, and has no "special" Freddie -was introduced yester- girl. With theinstincts of a true And what has American youth day to American college life, diplomat, he announces that all got that young people in Greece when he spent his first day as a girls are "special." _ don't have? "Much more freedom and ID any more opportunities." freshman at Stevens Institute at Freddie, who is studying elec- /Technology in Jloboken, It won't [ trieal engineering on a full schol- Freddie was startled at the *e '-'all Greek1 to him, though, | arship at Stevens, came to the many changes in Greece that hid : jjecause he spent, the 1853-54 school 'United States initially in July, been made during his year ia rear an a junior at Summit High j 1953, The adventure in friendship America, but he approve! of them j was sponsored and financed by all. Many new streets and mod* 1 five Summit YJICA Hi-V clubs, , ern buildings are under construe- i who raised $1,500 to pay for his | tkitl< he reports, with the build ings spacious and gracious, while trip and living expenses. The~"frierdshV grew'out of an functional in design. Skyscrapers such as exchange of letters after the local uch as those that dot our citieiti s clubs had -tent a quantity of aren't anywhere fa sight, though, clothing to the Athens YMCA and he says rather gratefully, And to decided to sponsor one Greek dispel any strange notions about youth for a year here. Freddie Grecian ways of life, he notes was selected because he demon- that "Athens is just like any other strated unusual qualities of lead- big city" — and with understand- ership, was ah excellent scholar, able pride adds that "I like it bet- and spoke some English. ter than any other city in Eu- So Freddie came to Summit, rope." and spent a full year with Sum- "We like freedom more than mit families. He went to school, anything else in the world," he was active in the "V", made a says, speaking of his country's host of friends.) and answered successful struggle to rid itself of some pretty silly questions about more than 400 years Of Turkish his home land, including one domination. The stress of those which he still remembers: "Are past -struggles, however, has left Well, now! I*n't that the Spartans and the Athenians his people "tired", and their con- OUR DUTCH wonderful? still at war?" cern for business, for creation of He also formed some definite new opportunities, tor a higher impressions of the American way standard of living adds to the of life. He found it "a pretty tiredness. itrange country, so different from The* almost limitless number of ^Europe," with tiie way we> "think" recreational activities open to fttSC the biggest difference, Freddie our teen-agers have.no parallel COMING TO SUMMIT believes that muth of the differ- in Greece, Freddie says. Only tjhe ence can be found in the fact that YMCA and the Boy Scouts offer facilities for recreation there. 'In America, though," he says, 'everybody seems to belong to a PAINTING GLASSES •"* club for something." What about "hot rods?" we at SUMMIT Y. W; C. A, asked. He shook his head empha- of motor scooters, but almost no MONDAY EVENINGS: 7:30-10:30. Sept. lf-D.c. 5 one under 20 even drives a car." .12 sessiom, tuition $22. Enrollment ltd. Freddie's past year back home TUESDAr MORNINGS: 1:00-12:00. Sept. 20-Dec. t hasn't been wasted. While he fin- 12 sessions, tuition $Z2. Enrollment ltd. ished his high school course, he also was active as a leader in the -INSTRUCTOR: Albert L trass, Jr. Athens YMCA, laid the foundation Next Week Tuition payable In advance at ART STUDIO for a Hi-Y club there, and was 17 Union Place, Summit awarded a certificate from the University of Michigan for his ability in teaching English to his fellow „ students, In fact, his pro- ficiency in English almost made SARA E. eRIHI it necessary for him to learn Greek all over again. This young ambassador is never TEACHER OF PIANO idle, it seems. He came into New York harbor on the Home Line** Theory — Harmony — Entcmbk SS Queen Frederica last Thurs- day, with 35 or 40 other Greek INTERESTING METHOD — RAPID FROGRESS students who will attend Ameri- can schools. (Incidentally, he slept Member Mmk Education League in the ship's nursery enroute!) in New Jersey Scarcely had the ship docked be- Teacher of Student Cold Medal Winners In League Contest! fore he was busily at work for the Voice of America, recording STUDIO: 21 LOCUST DR. his impressions of the United SU. 6-0521 States for beaming to Greece. It wasn't a completely new experi- ence, though, because he had been a "Voice* 'speaker during AW Flowers Are Shown his first American trip. Now he's a guest of Mr. and FAR BROOK SCHOOL Mrs. John Negus of 5 Canoe Brook 52 Great Mills Kami Short Hills, N. J. parkway. The Negus household is "my second home," he says. "It was the first place I stayed when In BOYS AND GIRLS I arrived from Greece in 1953, NURSERY THROUGH NINTH GRADE the last place I stayed before I returned, and here I am again." Sound academic foundation with emphasis on individual His future plans? Well, there's the degree in electrical engineer- development, creative expression and social living. ing, made possible by the schol- ^XKJNTHY ENVIRONMENT - HOT LUNCHES arship which he won through the efforts of the Summit High School BUS TRANSPORTATION guidance department and the Greek school authorities. After MRS. WINIFRED MOORE, Telephone that? "I may work here for awhile, Erector Short Hills 7-3030 but I'm going back to my family in Greece." OPENS THURSDAY. SEFTEMIER15TH His family includes his father, a movie theater operator, his mother, and a 12-year-old sister FREE! ':'OPEIVIBr€-'jm£lTO

SPRINGFIELD, N.J. MpmA% OCTOBER 1, AT 1r\ M. Orchard Inn, Roaio n, Springfield, N. 1. At these meetings Date Carnegie's unique system of training will I* explaid Yoa win h«*r g tke Dale Carnegie talki by recent graduates, on why they took tat eoartt C**m mm Help You »o. •nd what they got cot of H. 8e« how thl« (raining win t«. • Speak Effectively •Me yw U» speak with poise tad confidence la private • GMfMf Fear and liefore groups, pmptjre yon for laereased earning Morris Turnpike, Millburn • taettsM Ifowr Income Bfttfee p SctCMfMcncSctf-CMfMcnce pp. « find th* progran entertafathig as weU ti M tmrmUU and Y«»r initractlve. Ifaas ht anything itop you from eontlng. tt my ht th* • taftttr* Y«ir AMltty 7 and iMpertaiit decUkw of your Me] * •MMMto NSMM

• Ws. M*r» rrWud. • t*mr* tttr tPttMttalitr 10 Hanover .-tr *.. ' J. fes-s " 0 j'Rrrmin Or* HI H Read the H«r«!<5 Read the Herald i For Loc«l News For Local News Serving Summit 1m if Tmv§ ERALD Serving Summit if or $7 Ymn; aW Summit Jttconf \*'.-->T

17 JSTXSm TEMBER 22, IfSS KaiwMl M Nwri CIM» SSMIW M U. **** $4 A YEAR CENTS YMCA Usts Many Recitation Board Adult Education Plans Supervised Pumping Station Is Citywide Courses for Fal Footbal Progran Obligation Homeowners Say John M. BUckmar, duinaan The Board of Recreation ind of the general adult prog ram the Summit Boosters Assodattm Public hearing on a proposed ordinance authorizing committee, announced the Sum- this week appealed to resident* the construction of a new pumping station to provide ade- nut. YMCA's fall and winter pro- (o contribute any football e4otp> quate sewage facilities in the Canoe Brook area at a coat gram of informal education for meat which might be utilise* to of $74,550- with about half of the expenditures to be split the year, 1&5S-WSI. Reviewing the fall program to be sponsored between the city and area landowners was continued by the content* of this year's folder, by the two groups, Common Council Tuesday night to Rede»i«nJiJg VUuei," the com Persona wishing to donate October 4. mittee chairman indicated that should contact the Recreation. Beacon Hill Club The action was deferred at the this year's activities comprised Board at Su. C-2W2 or Sa. txut-.- request of Joseph Gordon of 10 iht most comprehensive lirt of In addition to the Ratmtfro Canoe Brook parkway, council for the Canoe Brook Association, clubs, educational classes, public Board and the Boosters, a gNaV Suit Scheduled which contends that the entire affairs education groups, and spe* of parents are working to design a constructive substitute for city should be' assessed for the ci.al event! the Summit YMCA has To Start Monday project rather than the Canoe had the opportunity to present its 'sandlof football. Boys who bare passed their A tentative date of next Mon- Brook section, , membership, and community,. In day, September 26, has been set Among the objectors were E. several years. ninth. birthday but have not reached their fifteenth will be eli- for the trial of the suit against the M.. Birds all of 10 Colt road, presi- The young adult wrk connitr gible. The opening session will be City of Summit and Beacon Hill dent of Canoe Brook Country tee, a eonmtttM related to adult held Saturday from i to U a.m. Club brought by a group of neigh- Club, which owns a large portion program, ja launching a dyflainle at Memorial Fkld. borhood objectors to the club who of the land, and former Council- »• are organized under the name of club pmttMi tmmd to jwuaj All boys must have their far nian-at-largc Vincent A. Burgher m«n vHmrtte it to 19 ago range Lincoln District Taxpayers' Asso- of 15 Canoe Brook parkway. Both ents' written permission and ciation. Tlds new program is based co the agreement not to hold tie Becre- asked for,a city-wide levy. Nation*! YatCA's V-Phalanx Club 5. VQTfS atlon Board, lay group or profes- The trial will be heard by Judge Council members take the view program. The Y« Men'i Club, sional staff or any persons asso- Richard J. Hughes at the Court that ordinarily property owners the y/MCA'a iaternaitional service ciated with the activity liable to House, Elizabeth. The exact date who benefit pay the cost of sew* of the trial, however, will depend club for men beknr » yean; will any injury which may occur. age facilities, but in this case, function agaitf this year under the upon the status of the court cal- because the proposed pumping Norman 5. fiaris, Herald Staff Participants also must pass a endar as of Monday. leadership ot C. Thomas Canaffli. physical examination. station will replace the existing A new program service envisioned No action was taken during the station on Canoe Brook parkway H. Winthrop Green of the Boost- BEADING MAKES HIAVT CARRYINT.-H is no easy job this year li an on-going chab pro- summer months other thau a pre- opposite Rose lane, the city will ers executive committee will be preparing for the annual book sale of the College dub as the above gram of training and fellowship Member o2 Years. Dies in Sleep trial conference held by Judge bear a portion of the cost. chairman of the lay group, and mefflb«rs can testify as they work to meet the October 8 deadline for young men toeaojr the super- Hughes in which he indicated that City to Pay Half visory level employed is indus- Funeral services were held Mon- a 40-year membership pin. Morton Ashman, veteran recrea- opening the sale by stocking shelves with thousands of volumes of all he would prefer to rely upon the trial concerns. day afternoon for Norman S. Garls, He had been at his Herald desk tion supervisor, will be head typw of books. Left to right, above, are Mrs. WeUand Gay, coordinator; record made before the Board of Under the proposed set-up editor of The Summit Herald, who on the day of his death. Council has stated that the city Bridge Cluk Contumes COacb. " --:;-•••""".. ".'.•...•". •..: :..—• - - Mrs. Webster Van Winklt, sorting chairman; Mrs. W. F. Spengeman Adjustment and the Common died in his sleep last Thursday at Among the persons attending the Each boy must provide himself and Mrs. W. Hae Young. (Wolin photo) Council. He said, however, he would asrame 35 per "cent of the Already the Toastraastera Club his home, 2* Oakland place. He 2 p.m. funeral conducted by Rev. with a helmet, shoulder pads, would study the transcript and cost plus an estimated additional ^functioning this year for per- was 77. Jesse Lyons of the Methodist pants, and sneakers without would advise about two weeks be- 15iper cent as owner of the Van- sons interested in Improving their Mr. Gari* was associated with Church at Burrough & Kohr cleats. Jerseyi will be nrovided by fore the trial date as to whether derpoel pond park property on speech in public. The club is the Herald for 62 years and wai Funeral Home on Springfield ave- the lay group. Area's New Dial Sef Up additional evidence could be in- Biver road and Morris turnpike. chartered by Toaitmasters Inter- editor for the last 15 yean. He nue were many city officials and troduced. So far the plaintiffs have national The Summit group meets The program is composed of In the meantime, it was pointed was a charter member of the AFLpersoni previously connected with three divisions of activity: a received no- word from Judge out by opposing residents that at the YttCA every Thursday the newspaper. Burial was at Fair Most Modern in Nation Hugtes regarding permission to night. During the summer the Typographical Union, Summit Lo- warm-up and lecture period, fun- the city has operated the exist- cal 788 and was honored by the Mount Cemetery, Chatham, •• dainental instruction, and game At 3:01 a.m., Sunday, October cedure to be followed when dial- submit additional evidence. ing station for the last 20 years. Summit Bridge Club played dupli- 2, some 26,000 telephones in the ing outside their local calling union In 1947 when he was awarded During his latter years with the participation. Tha sessions will be The Lincoln District Taxpayers 'The city took over the opera- cate bridge at the YMCA every Summit and Chatham areas will area. Herald, Mr. Garis "covered" Rot held every patgrdaystartuig at Association js represented by Cor- tion of the station but not legal Wedtwsday Ttfght. The group, un- be changed over to dial opera- tary meetings, handled most of 0 a.m. Probably no piece of appara- nelius Caruso of the Newark law title after the original developers der the leadership of Frank Ham- tion by the New Jersey Bell Tel tus undergoes quite as thorough mond, wiU play throughout the the obituaries and processed the firm of Ryan, Helferich & Caruso. of Canoe Brook parkway, the •phone Company. a testing as a modern dial sys- year. • ... •*" • Boosters Hosts legal advertising. His last bit of Raymond E. Beimer of 16 Arden Combined Capital Corporation, %lth the changeover, new tele- tem. By the time New Jersey Bell ran into financial difficulties. The The formation ef a permanent copy, submitted late Thursday Noted Baritone Place is secretary of the Associ- afternoon, was the obituary ef ft&*:*£e>ignatlont will be in* took over the equipment from the ation. corporation did, however, tender cliess club iftr Summit is another Western Electric Company last a lot 50'xl2O' and an entrance to poal of the VMCA adult depart- To Grid Squad Mrs. Amelia MaUraa, which ap- jf^lfn these areas. SUmrait Beacon Hill Club is represented pears iii this is'sue. To Open Concert • number* -will be designated week over a million test calls had by Putney, Hardin & Ward of the plant from the parkway. if »tt. lustttMiiiou will be avail- already coursed through the ap- ante from Dr. H. Robert Wester* CRestview 3 or 7, while CHatham Newark, with Donald Bourne of As early as 1827 when the sta- At Barbecue Mr. Garis was an enthusiastic paratus. Maqy of the testa were man who conduct«i the group last 4 will become MErcury 5. the local law firm of Schmid and tion was constructed it proved gardener-and-every year canned Season on Oct. 5 made by automatic devices which spring. Tbtt young adult wofi At the same early hour, new Bourne. Dr. James H. Maroney to be inadequate and was never a great deal of the produce of his send calls through dial equipment committee is also hopeful that die ball squad prepared for Satur- Tlie Summit Community Con- telephone names will also be in- of 57 Fernwood road is president approved by the State Board of garden. At Christmas every year and test its operation under every dramatic club organiied last day's opener against Roselle Park certs Association will open its troduced at two other dial cut- of the club. City solicitor Peter C. Health. Eventually, the city as- he would make a present to each type of condition that it will meet spring by a committee headed by at Memorial Field with a practice 1955-56 season on October 5 when overs, which will take place in Triolo is representing the city. sumed the responsibility of main- member of the Herald staff of a in actual service. Vincent If. Wells Will be reacti- scrimmage against Hillside High William Warfield, celebrated barir Millburn-Short Hills and Madison Gather More Testimony taining the pumping station to School last Saturday, jar of homemade jelly or .con- tone, will be the featured artist. In a letter sent this week to protect public iiealth and. safety vated this faU. Mrs. IV C. Brown serve. " ""•"• "•'" ;" on October 2, Mlllburn 6 and One recently developed test set, served aa instructor during the Following the scrimmage, the The performances are given In the aptly named the "Mighty Mid- members of the Association it was of the area and to prevent a shut- Interested In History SHort Hills 7 numbers will be last weeks of the season and is squad and coaches were guests of Summit High School auditorium changed to DRexel 6 or 9, while get", alone is capable of making reported that preparations have down by the state. ready for the new program year. the Summit Schools Booster Asso- He also was extremely inter- and begin at 8:39 p.m. * FRontier 7 will replace MAdison 40 to 50 thousand test calls a day. been made to obtain additional The proposed new station would . One of the most popular classes ciation at a barbecue held at Me- ested in local history as well as The concerts are arranged by Even so, the testing is not over expert testimony covering losses b» of sufficient capacity for the f hcld last year *a< contract morial Field. that of the Willbrook area and the program committee of which until New Jersey Bell's techni- in property value, a point claimed entire Canoe Brook area and Coincident with the dial switch- by the objectors to the club, bridge for beginners and Inter- Ample stocks of hot roast beef in his leisure time recorded for Mrs. Montagu Hankin is chairman. (Continued on Page 21) would eliminate sewage sur- over will be another switchover should permission to introduce mediates. Once again the course sandwiches, hot dogs, baked his own enjoyment much of the Attendance is by membership and charges which frequently occur. (Continued on Page 23) when the telephone company's this evidence be granted by Judge beans'and milk were consumed local history and gencology of no tickets are available for indi- Presuming that the Board of his family connections in Mill- business office moves on Monday, Hughes. by the gridders, who were de- vidual concerts. However, those Assessors will consider all prop- brook. He was also a half brother October 3, from 334 Springfield New Phone Book erty owners to benefit equally, anf scribed by Coach Pete Kandrat who are new residents or who Part of this new evidence, the of Howard Garis of the Newark were away during the membership avenue to its brand new home at letter states, will be based on the assessment of about $100 a lot Man Find $100 as having had a successful prac- News stafi who was the originator drive late spring may write to 115 Summit avenue, opposite De- lact that during recent months would be made. against, property tice session against Hillside. of the "Uncle Wiggly" stories. Community Concerts Association, Forest avenue. Being Issued for several properties within 800 feet owners with the remaining half Ev Nelson was barbecue chair- P. 0. Box 31, Summit, regarding Press Preview Monday of the Beacon Hill Club property absorbed by the city. After Argument man assisted by C. J,. Faberty, In his, early newspaper days Mr. subscriptions for the season. A group ot newsmen were con- have been sold "at prices which G. J. Barenborg, Jf. n\ Owren, Garis was a frequent contributor Abwut 20* objectors were pres- On November 5, the Boyd-Neel ducted through the dial center Dial Changeover bear out the prediction of our ap- W. Staples, L, J. Brennan, H. W. to the Newark newspapers and ent, all of whom agreed that the With Rmnan Orchestra will be presented .and at 544 Springfield ave, at a press Tomorrow, the New Jersey Bell praiser as to the harmful effect Greene, E. P. Reavey Jr., X wrote many features for the old new plant was needed but pro* r its appearance will mark the first preview on Monday, September' that a social club with year-round tested the sectional assessment William Leslie of 5U Morris ave- Brady and Ken Holden. Newark Sunday Call. He was a Telephone Company will begin outdoor activities would bring to mie was fined a Mil of J1O0 last "stringer" for many years for time that the Association has 19. New Jersey Bell's local man- Claims Precedent Set In an effort t>» get n large turn- brought a small orchestra to Sum- distribution of a special dial cut- our neighborhood." wpek by Magistrate Albert H. New York City newspapers fur- ager George M. Delaney told the over telephone directory for the In, a letter addressed to Council out for Saturday's game, SHS; mit. newsmen that the installation of Beacon Hill Club earlier this Bierraan on charges made by Fire cheerleaders will distribute fliers nishing them Summit itorals upon Chatham, Madison and Summit by Mr. Burgher and made public Lieutenant Charles* Wlelancl. The request. "" In January, Carroll Glenn, vio- the dial equipment has been com- areas. year purchased the former 11- at the meeting, Mr. Burgher said tomorrow night to homebound linist, will be heard and In April pleted and the testing stage is acre Bassett Estate on Hobart charges were: Assault and battery commuters urging attendance at Mr. Garis was one of the old A telephone company spokes- in part, "It can be pointed out on Wieland, leaving a fire unat- duo-pianists, the Mauney Twins, nearing its conclusion. avenue to convert into a private that the City of Summit has oper- the opener. " '. ""•'". •'" school of newspapermen who will appear. man said that this special cut- social club with an artificial ice tended and permitting a fire to could sit down and -write a story In addition to bringing dial over directory should not be used ated the current pumping station, , For each home game this sea- In announcing the coming per- service to local customers in rink; swimming pool, tennis burn after the legal hours of 7 either on a typewriter or a Lino- before 3:01 a.m., Sunday, October for approximately 20 years and son, there will be a public ad- formances, Mrs. Hankhi, pointed these * areas, Deianey explained courts and other recreational fea- a.m. to 8 p.m. type machine. Until a few years 2, When the three areas will be that originally the station serviced dress system in operation to aid out that this scries of concerts that direct distance dialing for tures. ~ , the neighborhood of 10 residences According to the testimony Lieu- ago he often left the editorial desk changed over fo dial operation. the spectators in following the provides "a real opportunity for individual and two-party custom- At that time these exchange Club Use Granted in the Canoe Brook parkway tenant Wieland went to the Leslie progress of the game. In addition, to help out in the composing room Summit residents to have a varie- At several lengthy and stormy property on the night of July 27 ers will also be provided to points areas will receive new "telephone area. The City of Summit has al- the Boosters have arranged to when a Linotype operator was ty of musical entertainment." hearings held by the Zoning Board lowed facilities for the many new and ordered Leslie to extinguish a as far away as San Francisco. names". CHatham 4 telephones have one of their members, needed for a short time. will be designated MKreury S; and the Common Council permis- residences erected in that area: to lire. The new Suburban-Essex tele- (Continued on Page 23) Charles McCue, to take motion He had a fairly large collection Seven Local Residents phone directory, which will be MAdison 8 will be changed to be tied in to the current pumping Leslie claimed that Wieland, ear pictures of the Memorial Field of pictures and old newspaper G«r County Jury Cdl distributed next week, contains FHontlcr 7; and SUmmit 6 num- system which undoubtedly has re- rylng a flash .light,...fatted,to. idea-. games for future use by* Kandrst clippings pertaining to early Sum- all of the changed numbers of bers will become CRestview 3 sulted in overloading and in more tify himself properly and Leslie and his coaching staff. mit and was a source bf informa- Seven Summit residents are in- or 7. Berkeley Heights deterioration than would have cluded in the panel of 125 petit customers in Millburn, Short ordered the fireman from his prop- Both the public address system tion on most events that happened bocn the case had the present jurors summoned to report Mon- Hills, and Summit. In addition, a The special directory will in- erty. announcer and Mr. WcCuc will during the early days of the com- Has Biggest Area pumping station been reserved day of this week for two weeks special cutover directory con- clude listings of Chatham, Madi- Was In Uniform work from the newly erected munity. He followed baseball taining the new numbers for for the original residences." of jury duty in Union County son, and Summit customers that stand on the north side of the avidly, knowing the latest stand- Chatham, Madison, and Summit normally appear in the regular School Increase Wieland, who said he was wear- Courts. Ogden D. Gensemer* Council ing a regulation fire uniform, re- field. Ings ©f the major league team* customers will be furnished to Morris County or Suburban-Essex New records in school enrollment president, said that he believed were set for the entire Summit fused to leave the property until Tomorrow night, the squad, as well as the annual crop of play- The local jurors are Mrs. Lil- telephone subscribers in these directories, in Its initial distribu- some of the objector* were under ers on local teamii. lian Cole, 113 Whittredge road; tion the telephone company plans Area with Berkeley Heights lead- the fire was put out. Leslie ad- coaches and Boosters will gather communities. Ing the way with the biggest in- an erroneous impression that aU mitted that he then pushed and at the Field House for refresh- Born at Mlllbrook Miss Effa H, Maniney, 32 Oak Customers Briefed to deliver approximately 34.GQ0 recent development in the area copies. crease in pupils. shoved Wieland oh* his ground. ments and motion pictures. The Born at Millbrook, Mr. Garls Ridge avenue; William R. Koch, Since the middle of September, wai serviced by that plant. 15 Edgar street; Miss Gertrude Summit, with an enrollment of Magistrate Bier man fiiwd Leslie program, Inaugurated last fall, moved to Newton In 1J92 and was customers in these cutover ureas Telephone customers in Sum- 3,452, had the smallest increase- Specifically referring to the S2J on each of the fire counts and was so well received it Is being graduated from the high school Edwards, 160 Summit avenue; have been "going to school" by mit will also receive a copy of only 37 more than last year's fig- Barba Company, Mr. Gensemer $50 for asiault and battery. repeated this y«ar each Friday there. It was in Newton that he Mrs. Barbara L. Aricerman, 237 telephone to learn what they need the October 1955 Suburban-Essex ure of 3,415. said that of the 37 houses served Earlier In the month, July 12 night prior to all games. became an apprentice printer on Summit avenue; George Y. East- to know about dial service and directory which hat been timed Enrollment for this fall In by the pumping station only 14, the police received a complaint the Sussex Register, learning to man, 19 Oak Ridge avenue, and direct distance dialing. to coincide with the Summit dial Berkeley Heights is 929, an in- built by the Barba Company, are that there was a lot of smoke in lor* Bring* Holiday set type by hand. James C. Dlnnocchio, 74 Ashwood A group ot telephone Instruc- changeover. In addition to the crease of 160 students over last tied in. th» area of Leslie's! property. The Mr. Garis joined the Herald when avenue. tors Is currently calling ill cus- CRestvltur 3 and 7 listings, the year's total of 769. In New Provi- In announcing that Coonctt complaint was Investigated by Pa- For Summit Studttih it was incorporated in lfSfl. He tomer* in the Summit and Chat- nfew Suburban-Essex directory dence there was • gain of 88 pu- would continue the hearing fof li nlmen Patrick Fltigerald and Summit and New Providence started as a printer's "devil" later Summit Yourh Named for ham areas. Each customer Is will also list DRexel 6 and 9 to pils for a new record of 968. two weeks, Mr. Gensemer pointed Lawrence Finnegam who found a were among the five New Jersey becoming foreman of the plant, a Airfare* Academy Ctais asked if ht knows how to dial; If replace Mlllburn « and SHort Hill* The enrollment figures were re- (Continued on Page 21) 7, which also change to dial op- fir© In the yard. They put the municipalities doling nthmh Tues- Job he held for many years. For A Summit youth. Jim Mldistl not, he is given Instruction, Every leased this week by Union County eration on October 2. out with a fire extinguisher. day because of tlie threat of Hur- a while, Mr, Carls left th« Herald Barr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank customer Is also requested to dial Superintendent of Schools Dr, Wil- rl ricane lone—which never ma- ping lo Newark where he learned T, Barr of 70 Oak Ridge avenue, Because all telephone numt»ert liam H, Welt, A total of 71,998 terialised, a tent call. The call I* recorded On laaalalV p4 to operate a linotype machine. ii among Mm ten New Jersey men on a penn calling telephone* In Utese ritick dlnftftr MI p*rt of • «rvn|>l»t« I»M clas*. (Hsdinee point*. Four-party cus- m»nu In « beautiful ntly Am«rlc*n Brunswick also tinned. (Continued on Page 21) tomers art Instructed on the pro- areas to avo|d possible delay •li-condition^ dinJni room »nd Soeiat «.•••.< 14, lit t t OOP IMTIMOtM rnr *U felt Vnt Tmii FrnftMloAlu r after tim dial eiiangsovers, he SpetN •»».•.••*•«•••• rtlni at atm loowtou mm, o*ii flummit t-om, POBTRAKT8 l»r OORMrt, formtrir explained. (aft* «et. MM MBf A * KOWMW JBtaOTI MUM of BMhrwh, Summit (HklM. Ad?. ti; I IIS are interested in 'UcttiftiP lUrVOkodl < •uthorities for an indefinite peri- cient. handling of operating prob- is estimated tor tha full year. A SMr IAI* fate Opot The driver's license of James o4 of time. White was f'Jund guilty lems and better controls. Finally rate of MJ per feat is projected •boot the haavem, ^ Money Needs Grow for tha coming year. Common CowcJtoj TMM Ml * A White, 29, vl 22-A Walnut «' letviaf the scene of an ace*. the Blue Cross contract negotiated Star tore, a favorita subject of The progrims include Street, ha* been revoked by state '• dent and reckless driving. during the year was at a fair and A nominating committee was ap- both adults and yaaagsters since favorable rate which meant net pointed to propose a slate of offi- L As Overlook Faces only a larger-thaa-expected income Appropriate Finds •arty man, wiU be discussed is a many cers to be presented at the annual special fall aarks of celestial pro- aUde, but retroactive payments which mseting next March. The mem- had not been made a part of the grams by Normaa Spatx of Union luilcifflf or Expanding Demand bert of the committee art Theroa For Deforest Are. at tha Traflride Musevm in the 1954 or l»55 calculations because Marsh, chairman; S. L. Winterer; At their quarterly meeting last it was not known whether luch Common Council Tuesday night Watchtmg Reservation sUrtlng to- Remocfetifif? Carletoa W. Pitrson; Mrs. Wesley, mofrow night (SepUmber ») at Thursday Overlook trustees were payments would be made or how R, Peterson; Dr. John M introduced aa ordinance 16 ap- ipate »« ibj tall tmh reminded (hat the hospital faces much they might amount to. 7:» p.m., tha Uaioa County Part stories and myths of the ttiri Atkinson. propriate H,0» for the acquisi- Commission announced. You cao always save mane? at large problems despite the very wmttllattoM used since the v Gross lacftwe Up tion of lands on the north side of The meetings are open to tha U. 8. Building Products Co. aatf substantial progress that has been of history by ahepherds, 6» made Overlook had a mortgage These payments made a differ- puWic both young sad old who ton aad others for direction you have a wider choice ef » "LiHIt Man's" De Forest avenue for the puropae debt of $341,564. as of August 31 ence of approximately $31,000 for of widening the thoroughfare from perior quality Building Mate arid has nuny -current and immi- 1954 and $58,000 for 11$$, Mean- rials. nent problems that will require while gross income from patients Aid Sought Woodland avenue in a westerly substantial expenditures for •quip- during the first eleven months of direction for 900 feet U. 5. Itrildfnq Product* Co. nTent and facilities. the fiscal year which, ends Sep- By County GOP The ordinance was passed en Trustees were reminded that the tember 30, 19$5, waa $1,872,000 •arielcy Heights, N. J. compared with ll.Mt.OOO la the Summit Republicans this week first reading. Public hearing will SUMMIT LUMBER CO hospital's new building took care of the pressing need for a modem corresponding period of 1934. Net received a mail appeal for funds be on October i. "I plant and more beds but demand income from patients wai ap- to finance the party's campaign in Council approved the appoint- Source I in this area b expanding and the proximately (300,000 above the Union County for the coming elec- ment of Umtf CuccuinlellQ as aa» • hospital cannot stand still. The 1954 figure for eleven month*. tion. The appeals, directed to the sistant receiver of tales at a FINAL CLEARANCE 'fund raising campaign of last Compared with a net operating -little man," request gifts of $1, salary of tS.OOO a year. Sbe sue J spring helped balance the budget loss of $73,000 in 1954 and an an $2, |S and $10 or more to build up ceeds Lionel Lasaanthkn, Jr., f*< tieipated toss of $111,000 Overlook campaign war chest. signed. The promotion of Fire- LumsMr and Building Material I) and made possible a number of • vital improvements—including the has managed to achieve a |24, Nationally Famous Makes of with Edward Kinsey acting as the University of California bad i M-74 MhM* -* ILJ. •ROA0LOOM CARPETS Instructor. more than 1,000 foreign students Bigelow, Gulistan, AJex Smith, Mohawk, Magee, VICTOR'S BARBS. SHOP This is a free course, however. enrolled this year. Nye-Wait, Artloom, Wunda VVeve, Barwick 40 MAPLE STREET, SUMMIT HardwickA Magee, Aldon, Firth LOUVIS'S Wall to Wall Carpeting a Spatially—Expert The Cwtom*r» Will Continue To Receive Taekleu IiuWlatloiu Firtt Ckua Service and Courtesy. 42* SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT 4-0500 Two larben WH I* At Yew S*nrfc». ' V if you like ice cream you'll LOVE world famous

YOU NEED A SAFE::..DEPOSIT. IOX- ICE OREA v Everybody loves it for Its I—Whenever you and your 'family leave your home unoccupied rich, refrethinf, alt-quality,

Z—Whenever there are burglars in the nei^riborliood. Back in lift, tha first dish was served in Schrafft'i store from 3—Whenever you leave town — for a day or a month, a fund-turned freesar. Made with (>- • •'•••. 4—Whenever there are imiportant papers in your desk drawer. pure rich cream and red fruit fla« swfir von, it wai an immediata and ex- 5—In case of fire. citing taste tuceass. Although today tha old Hand-turned freeter It font, Schrafft'i modern-day methods tentinue t« guard that freeier-friili The peace of mind afforded by the protection of our Safe quality. Deposit Vault is yours for only a few dollars a year. Every diih ef Sehrafft'i Ice Cream contains tha toa.arade rich cream of our fineit dairy l«i* and Mi* choice selection of our bait fruit crops.

and Schrtfft'B makefl its own flavori

Every flavor must manure up to SaKrafft'i M«k itandtrdi of Fee Cream Bags tastt and richness. Each flever-Making ttap It 100% QUAL- Furnished FREE ITY CONTROUID in Sekrafft'i a^a preduct!av

Main OHU* Vt0&§ Brmrk Springfield Ave. I leeclrweod ltd. Sptdaliiing Springfield Ava. *»er Sent* St. Featuring Summit In LOU VIS rtwaa

mmpm m • p. M.i pttuur nu, t r. M. OP1M SttNtAY AMD HOUDATS TIU I p. M. THE SUMMIT HtRAlD, THUKSDAY, WTEMBER 22. 1955

and Mrs. Melvin Windsor, ai shelv- Adurt Rtfr* Grotips to that offered the Watchung to have breakfast rides and crest ing chairmen, are grateful to the Troops, and members uw the country rides for the more expe- following men fur their assistance: B#IIK| rOfMMM tA WolCnN *ame hones, . facililks and in- rienced members. •» Adult horseback riding groups -strucUtt suit. Jo Addition to ring mdSettlpby Hand W. Rae Young, Melvin Windsor, training, there are weekly trail For registration and additional It Robert Ryder, James Hays, Jr., are being organized for the au- rides through the Watchung Res- information, please write at call tumn season at the Watchung T. N. Tully, director of troops at to that John Maggio, Clinton Van Katti, ervation. Stable* off Glenside avenue in the the Watchung Stables, Glenaide •«* policy las MlMUatul cash To Book Sale Rudolph P. Nichols, Tyler Mac- Later in Km •rroo^B t Kohr from fcapkftr Post ft Watchung Reservation. Member- ^ *t is planned avenue, Summit, SUmmit 8-3169.! wtae* wak» ant gradually rest Master, Henry Pbiaek, George..fc shift, is open to all person* inter- rtte Incepttoo of » IMJifcfe •*-M the empfeyee at Us Mis.last Saturday morning pitched is gured pension trvst plan far the to help the sorting conanaittes sepn, and Alistair Kitciue. ested in riding on either Sundays panj.service lengthens. At deaf*, employees tt RinMtf&a.fc gofer, the Summit College Club sow* at 11:15 a.m. starting September tte fufl range of settlement op- l,)Cal toners! Aitctert was aa- books torn their storage places to On New Hampshire's e,28S-foot 25, or on Thursdays at 10 a.m. uoiuiced today b» Fftstoa A, Bor- tion* is , available to Oe eav the location of the sals oo Wood- Mount Washington, Hie highest starting September 29, the Union 4 roughM. TtM-flnH If ««9tftwrdl' rtt»n«'i /*mOy, the un» u to land avenue, near gprfegSeld «v»> paint in the northeastern United County Park Commission an- formed bf *****•»• A. Bumvg pri^itely partfeaaed eaauaercial ane, so that the workers tan pro- States weathermen in April. 1M4, nounced. -,«! Rotert 1. Ksfer l» 1M» «a| ptticies. • - em them in time lor the ssde recorded the greatest gust of wind Each group includes a section Ja pewiou are geared which will be open front »:*) a.m. ever measured on earth—231 miles for novice and experienced riders. tjon est*JKilki4\ ta IfttilBB fcy to age «. faywati wm be lor oo Saturday. Oetaoer I until Sat- an hour. The training program is similar C Burroughs $1 JJJJ.We We, with aubtUntu) tax eseatp- arday, October IS, As usual chil- 'servance n office Mf. opiiatj to ttees attovtd aoder the sew Bev- dren*' books will, go on. sale the The pl»a is anderwritten ly enue Act of l»M A vital feature previous afternoon, Friday, Orto- the Aetaa lift IMWMW Com- is tt» gau-antee of a definite bw 7, at 2:30 p.m. pany, represented by Gerald W, Manbtr of continuing payments With tteir advisor, Dao Kreider, Of MUIIMU of Floittm JNrk. to DenefklariM ihould tbc em- the following Explorers from Cen- HEADS ENGINEERS-FoUowuig trust, «t conceived by tbc ployee die prematurely after re- tal Presbyterian Church Post con- a matt ballot among its more than tirement. • ... ; _ - tributed their time as a service 31,060 members, the American So- project, another example of bow ciety of Civil Engineers has an- Tie Burroughs It Kohr plan to nounced that Enoch R. Needles of a contributory plan. Employee'* much the annual book sale his be- Yom Kippur come a community project; David 5 Sunset drive has been elected c©ntrib«tiona are matched by the president and will be installed Oc- Una, with additional contribu- John Spooner, Fred Vande Vasse, and Bill Waldau. tober 26 at the national convention tions donated by the firm to the in New York City. Mr. Needles is ease of senior employees vith Other boys, too, have helped with senior partner of Howard, Nee- NOW hthe lime to Build or established years of servigir The the station wagon brigades, carry- dles, Tammen & Bergendoff. . HOSTITAL pension - fund wiH continue to ing cartons of books stored for tte Renovate Yovr town wIA • CRVTCHB ft CAMS grow, as new employees are add- sale, or have worked with the ed in the course of expanding shelving committee, and on clean Samuel B. McFarlane, Mrs. Hall Shannon, and Mrs. Harold Tomp- • omrom snmci community scmee to be afiered op squads. They aw Mac and TERRE (GRASS SEEDS • MX HOSMTAJL SWTUB by Burroughs ft Kohr. Doogdas Leavens, Webster, Davis, ktoi. - •' . "•• . • and Keith Van Winkle, Brace Mrs. Webster Van Winkle, sort FRUCHTMAN'S A typical modem jet Craig, Gilbert Low, Dennis Ritchie. ing chairman, stressed that while Selected for the Garden State Parkway pUoe cootaios eaoogh aad Boy Young. ~ all kinds of books are wanted, in- and Now Jersey Turnpike • .4 •- FRESCRJPTtbN CENTO wiring to complete the ek*trkal With little over two weeks before cluding children*', current best circoita of 3S six-room booses. sellers are, of course, much in'de- 59 MoptVS** few* 4^171 opening day, books are arriving *PENNYPACK bom aU over town |b response to mand^and hring the highest prices. She also felt that more- books on All P«r«nni«|(ar Gm*t*l Ut*. phone calls made bf members or- s its. ganized-by Mrs. Darwin C. Hand's science and engineering would be welcome. soliciting: committee. Mrs. Glfford *TERRAGREEN Guaranteed EL Symontta is handling the solicit- Husbands of many members have ing of books in Short Hills, All learned to be very long suffering tot Br^^tahrtita Uih &. at this time of year. Some of them Of StmitKsd*. donors are urged to bring books 9 S U&. S44S Repairs by to the 7-15 Woodland avenue loca- not only have had to put up with rushed dinners in homes-where a I>pwlmw

ftaJty fwdiicta The fine car at half the fine car price! SUMMJT RADIO & APPUANCE CO. «nnts rtatas. R. * 4«5 SPRINGFIELD AYE. $U. 6-1778


Ner 20i-h.p. Ttmnderbird T«S engbM b avail* able in Fordomatic FairUnes and 8tatlon Wagons. In Fordomatlc Customlines and Mainlines you can have the 176-h.p. Y-8, And Ford's new

i • 137-h.p. Six is available in aU 18 models. Stop jumpy idling Tlmnderbird styling

The...swir.1l ford looka Ike t|» ffcoadcrtM! Jumpy idling, itolilnfl In You'll find the same graceful lines... the same itop-anel-ao trof fie, poor 9010- long, lew silhouette, ,aheii»roedtahijjf appe«Nf llne mileage are sympiomi of ance,,, styling which helped the fabulous Ford gummy carburetor depotih. Thutidorbird to win America's heart

Factt "Dstergent-Actton*" CALSO Gasolines c(ean out ...wMi[iiev|>Lifeguard Design these deposits.. .giveyou most responsive, smoothest-running gp engine ever! '56, Font brings you the greatest safety news center design steering wheel, to act as • cuahton In a generation ... Lifeguard Design. In coopera- in-event of accident... double-grip door locks tion with universities, medical associations and to reduce chance of doors opening ujider shock safety exports, Ford learned the cause of most ... optional padding for control panel and sun serious injuries in accidents. To provide extra viaon to help lessen Injuries .,, optional seat Detergent-Action protection ngain«t th«s« hazards Fowl developed )elt« to help keep occupants in seats. the new Lifeguard futures dcHcrlbed at right. k GASOLINES But there to still more wonderful now»! Ford Com* in ... $•• thf bring* yoll Thunderbird power in m modom imp* i Wock Y-8 ... Thundcrblrd beauty, too . , , '56 FORD rich new interiors *.. quality throughout. See It... try It,.. you'll agree the '56 Ford Friday 1 »»MIM Ml li the fine «n in the Tuesday - 1:30 pm,, Parish music committee, have announced was in charge id a full music pro- Patarsoa area for 'his Guild; 2:45 pm., Cherub Choir Tomorrow-—*:3m., Lola Early service; 8:« p.m., bate Guilmant Organ Setuwl, New fork Leaewe: 7:30 pj, Lydia Guild service; Sermon, "The Secret City. He took a year post-gradu Community Congregational Church meeting. File." ate work there, and an additional SHORT HM1S Monday - Yom Kippw— 10:30 ear *t New York Universit Summit Gospe>l Hail a.m., Sermon, "An Unfinished studying theory and compositior EEVEREND «. OWEMAN 8WTTH, Minister Summit AveaM World;" 1:»< p.m., Children's with Philip James and Marti- 11:WA.M. Moraia* W*rsbJ» a*4 Semta: and Walnut Street service; 3 p.m«. Afternoon service. Bernstein. For tbe following fout "At fWfaiw al R«tttiMs Edacatka - tht Howard Vegel yean, he continued private* study Pevebaaieat tt rerwwaUtjr." Today—8 p.m., Priyer and Bible Jewish Community Cent©r of • organ and composition with it Kent Plate Beade'vard Harold Friedell, organist and choir •:» A.M. Cbarcb Schaal, PrUaary tbra Hlgb J£)ur Funeral Home at 309 Springfield Avenue study. at Borough Hall; 11 a.m., Rally . Xbdcfgaitoa Tomorrow — 7:15 p.m., Young Rabbi Barry U I**ret><* Cantor Sidney MorrU service for kindergarten; Ser- folks' Bible hour. mon, "When the Word of God meeting for adults of all age SHORT BflULS SCHOOL ©NaWBAET AVENUE. BURROUGHS & KOHR Sunday—9i30 a.m.. Bible school Tomorrow — 6:30 p.m., light Comes to a Man;" Church-hour levels. for all ages; 11 a.m., Lord't sup- candles; i p.m., Evening service. nursery In parish house, T Sunday — 9:45 a.m., Church per; 7:30 p.m., Gospel service. Saturday—10 a.m., Junior serv- p.m., Senior high group meeting school; 11 a.m., Worship and ser- ll'.\t:il,\L WIIIEl'TWHS at parish house; Junior high meet- mon, "Bread, But Not Bread Fountain Baptist Church ices. Alone;" 6 p.m., Cars will leave Sunday — 10 a.m., Sunday ing also at parish house; 8 p.m., Rev. Leon C. llt&itck Faith and Life Seminar for pros- for the youth rally at RoseUe Park 21 Chestnut Avenue school; «:25 p.m., light candles; first Church of Christ Scientist B. P. BURROUGHS * SON pective church members, in parish Church. , #T1 7 p.m., Kol Nidre service. house. Wednesday--* p.m., WSCS an- Saturday—10 a.m. to noon — Monday-rYom Kippur —9 a.m., Moiday'~ 8 p.m.. Leadership nual candlelight tea at the church. A, branch of Tbe Mothet camieft, Tht Ktrat Gtrarfh at CS»T1M £lhic; Urinalysis given free: Morning service; 11 a.m., Me- Seteatiat. ia Button. HuumchuttU Summif 6 0259 Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Church trailing school for teachers at 1 309 Springfield Avenue • morial service. South street building of the Pres- lv. Lutheran Churcr Sunday Srrvtota at tl A It ftndaf 8caool II A. at school promotion program; }1 Wednesday-4:30 p.m., Hebrew Wtdaeada* Teatlmoaumattto* at l:U P ML Prtmton A. Buttuunht Hobrrt ff, &ohr John Itaridsitn, /r a.m., Warship and sermon, "Does byterian Church, Morristown. t!7 Morri* Avena* Wednesday — 3:15 to 4 p.m., Prayer >!cke a Difference?" 3:30 schoeL. '•,.•- - • '. ' ' Barry S. Carlaeau Pastor Junior choir (boys and girls in first through sixth grades); 4 to Long Hill Chapel Sunday—9:45,a.m., Church Christian Science Reading Room Chatham Townsbip 4:45 p.m., Youth cJs(5ir (junior high sttudents, grades seven through school; 11 a.m.,'Worshipk TO THE PUIUC Bev* LeRov C Webber nine); 8. p.m.. Session meets with Wednesday—a p.m., The Junior S4O SPRINGrtEU) AVCNUC you bothered with parking problems? Today-7:30 p,..m., Choip' re- prospective church members. Guild will meet at the home of Op«n dally 10:00 to 4:80 essecpt fttMiaft aa« balKari: «4w ? Mrs.. Carl Swenson, 28 Hughes hearsal. • rrtday «Vfnfnfi 1^0 to »:*> and after tb* WtfimUy nMt- Tomorrow—8 p.m., S» Up Fel- The Methodist Church place. ' ' Inf. Uteratar* on CbtlaUaa Settaaa laar I* naA tmnrnti lowship" meeting at the chapel. 17 Kent Place Boulevard or pttrebaaed. • , Well. • .James Gorman Has The Answer Sunday —9:«- a.m., Sunday Rev. Jesse B. Lyons St. Luke's Reformed school with classes for all ages; Rev. Lee O. Boye Episcopal Also promotions; 11 a.m., Worship Murray HOI and sermon, "Thy World Is Ty - 2 p.m., Palmer Home Com* in and see Truth;" Service of .dedication.-for meeting; 6 p.m., Char.cel choir Rev. Walter MaeBer the Sunday school teacher; 6.30 supper; 8 p.m., Chancel choir re- Sunday — 8:30 a.m., Sunday rh* HILLMAN A pm., Preservice prayer meeting; hearsal. school for all ages; Adult Bible Alliance Youth Fellowship: Junior Sunday — 9:45 a.m.. Church ENGLISH FORDS voung people's meeting; 7:3a p.m., class; 11 a.m., Morning prayer HUMAN STORMS school; Adult Bible class; 11 a.m., and sermon; Robert L. lines, a Service in charge of the Sunday Church time nursery; Junior . . . -T:S0 p.m.. Bay Seoul These circles ara of two kialt, tte drefr of tbe hands of the Day Service; 11:15 p.m., Coffee- (Continued on page S) hour arranged by Couples Club to dock and the stormy eireb* of tte fanHy, friends, aad ISIO welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wayne elates. The black dead that so many people swallow early in Madden, student assistant. the morning is the storat center. The hot, Mack, hitter coffee Monday — 8 p.m.. Commission CHRISTIAN with its habit-forming drug caffeine, and its counterpart in tea, on Education. chocolate, and colas, desensitttes the taite buds jo the tongue Tuesday—8 p.m., Couples Club. SCIENCE so that its victims low that keen animal inttlact that cm, by at U. S. BUIUHN6 PRODUCTS CO. BffiKHiY HBGHTS, N. J. Community 1 cai Ma yta.. smell and taste, distinguish what Is food tor the health of the body and what is poisonous. Tte cootiaoed use of coffee pro- PRESENTING THE LATEST IN HOME DESIGNS, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Congregational (Short Hills) ntn f9M fiw duces a disease of the brain knows as Caffeine Encephalitis, In Is cooperation with the leading aaanlactann at bone ataB \mm of glau bfiek. A e»»ple NO OBLIGATION. school staff meeting at the home in Boston, Massachusetts of Mr. and Mrs. Bussel Sibole, in feature ef this rihlbltiw for DO IT TOUR- The Glea « (Ustb Mofei, hdi sbe, is «a exbftH here 114 Edgewood avenue, Spring- WtstfitM Senior High School field. **«« baOaers Is tbe ffeyerbaeaaer Modular t» enable yoa to exaaibe aQ ef tbe detaOsof Its coa> Derkm Rood & Rohvwry Avt. HUMAN ENGINEERS Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Church Wettfleld Hene wikb it » eeftalar with yeng borne haOdera strocUoa. Thlj model tflgcfker wKb a s»Wfcvel oetUpi schoot for all ages; 9:M and Howard B, Bishop, H. E. 10:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, Sottrday Evening, Sept. 24Hi «r*K>waatto««aA»f,aratat e>art«flbecfla^reea<« Ott^ fcetew. Y m "God's Chastening." 8:30 P.M. Summit, New Jersey N. P. Methodist Church Rev. Reece R. BUI Write for Free Booklet 9225$ Today—Methodist home lunch at SomervIHe; Mrs. Dorothy Tipton will lead delegation; 3:30 p.m., Junior choir rehearsal; 8 p.m.. Senior rehearsal. Tomorrow—-8 p.m., Social Club

THE GLEN ¥t when need arises TttB MODEL SH ROOM ROME.»' WIDE BY «' IS ON ESniBTT IN OL R YARD. PAUL IPP0L1T0 Smith end Smith's traditionally floe TRERE ARE A NUMBER OF OTHER DESIGNS TO SFIT.CT FROM SUMMIT MEMORIAL tee Is hnmttfkrtwH/ ovoilaWe. A phem coll Tb* VeynbaeiMr Modular Rome If a belpfml NEW BnDdlnf a bane ef your awa cm be a ietlgbtM aaJ lica «l ewM^raetioB tbat tt enabling many y««i« lam ttbflarrtbg expettonee fron Its very c««eeptlaa as a to tMhtr ©f the Smith and Smith homts tBta to M\i a mtm knm», who etberwlM c«aM art drum m Idea to tbe e«mplel« thrill M actaal re* l&mct. There an M«s iatpertaet stops, 1) etaas, 7 SUMMIT AVI. SUMMIT wilt take core of every detail. ftaaae* mm. ICi tht way to a bettor home, at tower 2> fetation, I) Itaaarlng, o eautraettei, and S) ebeaa- ti a abertot tlwr; and It't ea*k?r to flaaaee btg tbe »tt#H»h and e^tttsmett aad tb«'ate ef ear PHONE $U. 4-1147 serrleee wfll Mat* ea«b »tf» easier (or yea, \ SMITH AND SMITH »UNt*Al m HOPE THAT tm CAN CIOME IH SOON. TOW ARE ALWAlt WEtCOMK. Completely New and Ait C

U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. It, IpfMittfti Paul fm FuKtnd Nrttion AMftf m mmmwmiM nmmm ummum mmtrm, N. J. fAMMNO OHI.V A SBORT DISTAM K FRON IHE CENTtR W MM***

^"MHitnmmiiiiiiiiiwiiMi^^ THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. SOTMKK », JESC ivary Iplf c©ft«LCft«rcli tai«tejplittlhf«i4i^ft«tt^ri~ The Community Church and the satiating of (Coatinned from fige'if »& is Spirit, divine' Principle »nd the ram's m a* the ddW Ua idea." Jews to Usher in service on Mowtoy. Scriptural selections from die aM fTaJirta A [meeting. . King James version of the Bible. lev. JankvTrape >sday—3 p.m.. Woman's Aux- will include the following from Yofli Kippur at tea si home of HFL J. Sf; M*b-Uttrmr "Thar with God y a.m., Church Ml WitMl iBiocker, 308 SwnmM iTuotv ' school worship services; Senior in dn sd y a!m churcl e Lord, he that created the Summiti Old Quart vaa fe«- I vie « * *"* ** *» > heavens, and stretched them oat; the church, lower school in the Sundown Sunday I World Committee. Parker D, King houses Classes tur«d on a recent Britah Broad- he that spread forth the earth, At euadown Sunday, Jews all casting Co. program when the and that which coraeth out of it; at 4 and 10 Waldron avenue un- Science Church til noon; 11 a.m., Morning service ever ttw world will usher la Vom BBC described th* origin of the he that giveth breath unto the Kippur, the Day at Atonement. St Gforfi Park "OM loyt So- USED CAR SA1E and sermon, "Thresholds and An. people upon it, and spirit to them Summit. N. J, Barriers;" 7 p.m., Religious edu- This ii toe .most sacred and cietj" of Bristol, England, an afr that walk therein: . . . I im the cation and teaching staff supper aolemn day In tot Jewish religious soci»t« of the Summit organlas- yhe fact that understanding the Lord: that if my name: and my calendar and climaxes the 19 days gllness of God, Spirit, frees man meeting in Community Home. tion. glory will I not give to another, of penitence which began last Fri- Tne local Old Guard for atvtral from the idolatry of materialism neither my praise to graven im- day with Both Hashoaah. will be set forth at Christian Wallace Chapel A.M.E. years has made gifta to the Bristol ages." Both the Jewish Community group an4 this year provided i Science services tills Sunday. Zion Church Center of Summit and Temple Key noting the lesson-sermon en- trip for U of its members to DiarrW Hill Church Rev. Joaa E. Carrtngtoa Sinai have scheduled services be» vied "Matter" is the Golden Text Weston-Super-Mire, a British ANDERSEN SERVICED lev Robert S. Carpenter 141 Broad Street ginning Sunday and ending Mon- coastat resort. um I Corinthians (10:14: "My day at sundown. beloved, flee from idola- t Sunday — 9:« a. m., Church Tomorrow—Choir and chorus re- Temple Sinai, Reform Jewish trv." ' . • „••'"""•. ' school; 11 a. m., Worship and ter- learsal. Congregation, which worships at AND FULLY WARRANTED From "Science and Health with mon, "East of Eden"; Nursery. the Community Church, has an- Kf\ to the Scriptures" by Mary Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Church find Tuesday — 7:45 p. m,, Trustee school; 11 a.m., Worship and ser- nounced that there will be serv- 1953 DODGE ROYAL V-8 4 deer 2 tone grten. Powerfliqht auto- Baker Eddy the Mowing pas- ices at 7 and 8:45 p.m. Sunday meeting; 8:30 p. m., Official Board mon, "Laborers to Gather the 4 sage will be read (475:3): "To meeting. Yotfl Kippur eve. Rabi Morrison Those moHc fronsmlstlon, power sttcring. power brakes, tinttd floss, tun Harvest;" 7 p.m., Worship and Blal will be assisted at both serv- Wednesday — 8; 15 p.m., Guild special program in honor of an- tTIIEI thade, radio, heater, directional signals, back-up lights, white wolf meeting. ice! by Cantor Norman Sum- nual missionary day. mers; The choir will sing at the IIMIIS rire«, electrically locked rear doors for children's safety. Th$f RUPTURE-EASER Wednesday—«: 15 p.m., Second second service. TV Bil.U.lP«l.O«. UFistfBtiMTnutt First Baptist Church quarterly conference. beotirifiil fomlly car Is fuHy equipped. Local one owner car. Ninety Ne* England at Springfield A»a At the Jewish Community Cen- when you David K. Banmell, D.D. . ter, the Kol Nidre service will need them day guarantee. Rev. and Mrs. Edward C. Peterso* he Sunday at 7 p.m. On Monday Central Church, a 9 a.m. service is slated and Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Church! a memorial service at 11 a.m. school; 11 a.m., Nursery, tod- Children's Home, The Temple's services on Mon- SfOM&l dlers, kindergarten and creative day will be held at 1:30 p.m. for Andersen Pontiac, Inc. A itroniL form-flttinr. vaihabt* ra«» port. B«tk Isciof MUukUbli. 8a»ps up activity groups; Worship and children followed by a 3 p.m. serv- U (rant, idJuiUbl* lt( itr»p. BolC Ait/fatal Titiiriiuut ll»t iroin p*4. Mo fttel or ltkther sermon "People, Parish, and Named in Win ice for adults. tuite. rw •"». WMMta, ctddrta. Mall Church", by Dr. Barnwell; 7:30 Central Presbyterian Church Host notable features of the 326 MORRIS AVE., AT SPRINGFIELD AVE. p,m., Senior high fellowship. and the Summit Home for Chil- Day,of Atonement observance is the chanting of the melody, Xol TYIEWMTB UCMAMOf Whelan Sales Agency Tuesday—8 p.m., Board of Dea- dren are included in the list of Drive In Parking On Used Car Lot Open Evenings hi Springfield Ave., Siimmit four organizations left legacies by ftidre, "All Vows," at the eve- sr, •MtisrwrMi. cons meeting. . , ning service which inaugurate the the late Mrs. 1. Weymejr of 23 Eyelid avenue, mother of the late

Mayor Guido L. Forster. •••>« vou can find someone The church was given a bequest 10 of $2,500 and.the Children's Home, $2,000. Other charitable bequests COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION do anything included $2,500 to the Seeing Eye, Inc. of Morristown and $2,000 to Bonnie Brae Camp for Boys^MU- lington. SHOWING A DECADE OF GROWTH ' The will also provided $10,000 for a sisteh, Mrs. Edna Pellissier of this city and $1,000 each to five other relatives and friends. Other June 30, 1945-1955 - bequests of furniture1 and house* hold items were made to family friends. The will also stated that all RESOURCES framed photographs of Mr. Fors- PUT IN SHRUBS ter and Mrs. Weymer's late June 30, l°45 30.195S (see Landscape daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Grant, Contractors, be buried with her. Mrs. Weymer $ 940,149.06 $ 1.779.476.95 Nursery Men) died August 29. Cash and Due from Banks The First National Bank & V- Trust Co, was named executor of 3,034,562.50 3,206,535.36 U. S. Government Securities . ••••»»•#•••• •.**' •. • TAKE YOUR PICTURE the estate. 483.312.21 (see Photographers) Municipal and Other Securities 129,809.97 Wellbrook Joins Board of 18.000.00 Managemant Association Federal Reserve Bank Stock .. 5.400.00 2.410.963.42 (see Auctioneers. Richard Wellbrock, of 3 Dunn- Loans and Discounts - 674,147.57 Real Estate, Antiques) der Drive, was elected to the 2,210.212.01 board of directors of the Ameri- Mortgage Loans 371,522.66 can Management Association at 58,140.67 the annual meeting last Wednes- Banking House ;S7',610JOO' day at the Hotel Astor, New York 38,850.76 City. Vaults and Fixtures 8,953.42 Mr. Wellbrock is vice president 6,623.34 and member of the board of direc- Other Resources 2,975,00 tors of New Jersey Machine Cor- poration, Hoboken, packaging machinery manufacturers. He is $10,212,114.72 president of the National Paper $5,225,530.18 »nd its easy Box Supplies Association. to Phone for He is president of the Franklin ^ J UAMLSTII5 . Service School PTA and trustee of the $ 200,000.00 Summit General Civic Associa- Capital .....^;—TV.V... $ 120,000.00 Bill TELEPHONE COMPAN* tion. Surplus ...;...... i 60.000,00 400,000.00 71,034.51 Undivided Profits , ••. 44,349.00

$ 224,349.54 $ 671,034.51 Reserve for Dividend 1-.. $ 1.500.00 $ 8.500.00 WIN AN AUTOMATIC Other Liabilities *...... r...... 7.730.59 9,532,580.21 CLOCK CONTROLLED Pepositt ...... ,...... • •L .v....,...:.v..v- $5^225.530.18. $10,212,114.72

OFFICERS GAS RANGE HIGHLIGHTS OF GROWTH '- HARRY W.SDGAR, President and Trust Officer - (Approximate Valw - $350.00) Loon, and Discounts :257.«/o .-!_•" CADWELL B. KEENEY, Vice President Mortgage Loom ...... 494.% ROBERTO. PETERSON, V ice-President, Secretary and treasurerL_ . JOHN K. P. STONE, JR., Assistant to the President Tell in 50 words or less why you would like to own an automatic dock jD^M|taMb..._. .199.% conttofled GAS range. Send or^deHvetybweisfry W your local rL~ ALMA L HELLQUIST, Assistant Secretary Service commercial office on or before November."" Deposits 91. /• JOHN F. GILBERT, Assistant Secretary ^1: 1955. Include your name, address and Total Resources • 95.% telephone number. ROBERT H. MAYER. Assistant Treasurer DIRECTORS

ARTHUR F.ACKERMAN CADWILL .1. KEENEY WILLIAM C. SIEBERT Physician Physician, Retired Real Estate HARRY W. EDGAR JOHN K. P. STONE. JR. • President and Trat Offktr DAVID H. KNOWLES Assistant to the President BRYANT W. GRIFFIN General Insurance JOHN J. SUMMERSIY Counselor at Law _._ Vke-President, Worthington Corporation Moser and Griffin ^ RAYMOND T. PARROT Harrison, N.J. - -=-- Counselor at Lava FREDERICK K. TRUSLOW ARTHUR P. HASSELL Elizabeth, N. J. Director. B. Altman & Co., General Cable Corporation York New York ROBERTO. PETERSON JOHN D. HOOP FRANCIS U. VOSS Chairman of the Board Vfct-Frnt and Secretary Summit, N. J.


| •HMwral Reseive I.-— 1 Sytltm by biking t cake here md taking it leHteley Helohts Office 'TWO deluxe GAS rangei wUl bt given MAIN OFHCI 'twiy. Come in to our saletfloor next home to eat. Wall supply the utenillt month to see them. Check for youwlf and ingredients. 30 • 12 Maple Street UM performance of a modem gat range exciting contest — and WIN! Helejfcft» MMMMVt Ft* •• OF SUMMIT, NIWJERSIY PUBLIC Serving The Summit and Patnaic Valley Areu» ,»d££t:i^l _ , MBarlHe, Pa., the daughter of the ttat tW» condition It caused fcylsaBitti? stwer tipes tire community. It moves in the area of gov- infiltration of rain-water in leaky | (Coatuflied OR ernment It studies and acts on such matters DEATHS {late Janes and Jane Clark Me LETTERS Bear? ! Gnth She lived there most of dies BeaJta Peril a» city charters, state constitutions, public Henry Harlxueb of 4* Laurel i her life, coming to this city about schools, taxation, health measures, merit sys- avenue died unexpectedly Monday f twepty years ago. She »« i Editor, Summit Herald: while on s motor trip to New Your »tory last peek on the SUMMIT ERALD tems, individual liberties, world trade, and communicant of St. . Terns'* Canoe Brook pumping stafiHiib. Mexico with hi* MMH»-)*W, Har- Church and was * member of it*•contained the following statement: International cooperation. Leagues through- old L. Thomas of State Ft. Mr Rosary Society. Harbotch had been visiting there "It was pointed out that during Mem Mr out the state during the past year have waged MM. MawUgan U survived by since the death of his. wife, Un. times of heavy rains the present two sons, Thomas E. Madigan of MUTUAL FUNDS Kt« ri.-.ntii;j Co enery fhum- TV programs, newspaper and magazine w« noted lor his photography The funeral wai from the P«ul about the health hazard created 4»y *! J2 Batik b'.ftN-t fcjmrwt New Jersey Euterrcl u> stories. League publication, recording*, films, and traveling and was a member Ippohto Summit Memorial on Fri- by the pollution of the Vanderpoel ••coed daw' waiter onobnr 5 1839 »t tbr p'«t offiet of many local organizations. Be day at • a.m., thence to St. Summit N J andfi net "f M^rrn 3 :8T9 Owned tad communications with public officials, and pond. I would like to comment fott his retirement he operated Teresa's Church where, at 9:30 now on the health hazard created testimony at hearings. Local Leagues have his own customs brokerage busi- o'clock a high mass of requiem by the pollution of homes in that Edward C. Sheridan ; Advertising held several forums during the past year on ness in New York City. was celebrated. Burial wasJa St. area which • to* proposed new Advertising the vital question of individual freedom. He is survived by two daugh- Teresa's Cemetery. pumping station will not solve. Marion A. Kern ters, Mrs. Harold L. Thomas of Carl S. Huielt Editor and Publisher The League moves to get out an informed The Council President categori- Sante Fe und Mrs. Kirk W. Hobart Theodore S. Wilkinson cally stated at the recent meeting vote. It furnishes nonpartisan information of Caldwcll. Funeral services Theodore S. Wilkinson, 73, of Au Summit 6-tiiOO of the Public Works Committee about voting and about issues. It publishes were hfid privately yesterday at Short Hills, a retired foreign ex- San! that the new pumping station U U eanitnh requeued th*l item* fur publir* candidates' qualifications and voting records. change broker and father of Mrs. would not eliminate sewage back lion 6# tubmittrd at early Kn th* week at p-mubl*. It urge's all citizens to be active in the party Mrs. Constant Sperco E. W, Koffman of Pine Grove av- up in homes even in the ninety-two Coj»j rmemtttd alter 5 p.m. tuenlay way tar* to of their choice, to vote, and to know what Funeral services will be held enue, died Sunday after a long acre area to be served by the sta- IV omitted /rum Thurtday't Utue. or Mr*. Helen Cotter Sperco, 1 Utnesi. tion; and the new pumping sta- they are voting for. tion certainly won't help r*op|« AU tellers' lo the edit tit mutt be tinned and wife of Constant J. Sperco, Jr., of I Born in New Orleans, Mr. WU- who live outside that ninety-two will b» publithed unlett otherutu r» The League of Women Voters is nonpaj- 148 Woodland road, Madison, and kinson lived' iinn East Orange be- president of Sperco Motor Inc. of fore moving to Short Hills 10 acre area who have the same tisan and therefore does not move Into parti- problem. san ooUtics. It never supports or opposes Summit. Services will be from years ago. He was a broker with to advaiic* Slnslr oopli* 10 She Burroughs & Kohr Funeral Blyth & Benner, NevrVotk, for 'Several people who have homes tturi roplfs IS cent* eafh political parties or candidates. flome, 106 Slain street, Madison, many yean until his.retirement on Canoe Brook Parkway outside Your dollars can help to keep the League followed by a solemn high re- eight years ago. An ardent of the ninety-two- acre area, com- active. Money given to the League is spent quiem mass at 9:30 a. m. at St. sportsman, he was a founder of plained at a recent council meet- Vincent's Church, Madison. In- only for League work. Staff is kept at a min- the East Orange Rule Club. He ing of sanitary sewage back-ups. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1951 terment will be at Holy Sepulchre was a Shriner and a member of One citizen said that there was 21 imum, and no salaries ate paid to League Cemetery. East Orange. Hope Lodge, F&AM, East Orange, inches of raw sewage in his cellar officers at the local, state or national levels. Mrs. Sperco died Monday night and the Foreign Exchange and after the heavy rains caused by Remember — the hand that rocks the after she apparently slipped in a Asia clubs of New York. hurricane Carol. Another said he Norman Gar is .( bath tub at her home, struck her had 36 inches of sewage la his cradle rujes the world. Tne League of Wom- Besides his daughter, Mrs. Norm Garis' desk is unoccupied this head losing consciousness, and Koffman, he is survived by his cellar. en Yoters represents the. majority of those drowned. She was discovered by One of the complainants stated week. It became vacant last Friday morning. wife, Mr*. Frances Steele Wilkin- hands. It is a potent force for good govern- her husband. son; two sons, Cmdr. Theodore that on a similar occasion in 1949 For us on The Herald who worked .with entr for enlightened citijtenry, for • effec- In. addition to her husband, WUkinson of" Hudson, Ohio, and he had been fold'by the City En- Mrs: Sperco is survived by two gineer's office that the sewage i whoever hereafter occupies that desk it tive demoeracy. It isVupported by those who John W. Wilkinson of Morris- 1 sisters, Mrs. Frank Young. Mrs. town. pipe* were "old, leaky and in- will always be vacant so long as Norm is not believe in those principles. We all pay forTheodore Donlan, three brothers. adequate." Since that date a num- sitting there. And he never will again. government, we depend on it, we all have a Alphonsus A, John J. and Leo Mrs. John Ruddrn ber of, new homes have been built voice in it. T., Cotter. Mrs. Mary Rudden, wire of John in that area and have connected Norm was a young man when he came F, Rudden of 9 Van Dyke place, Mo those same "old, leaky and $6 work on The Herald and the paper itself, Yojut gift to the League of Women Voters Clark Banvllk died Monday at her home after a Idequate" pipes. . now is insurance that its important contribu- Clark Hanville, 81, father of These complainants suggested was an infant struggling, for a foothold in a (Continued on page 7)- tion to the community can continue to keep Lieut. Joseph Hanville of the Po- town that was not much Older. Norm stayed citizen interest focused on government, and lice Department, died Sunday at with the Herald—for 62 years. The "paper his home at 11 Baltusrol place to help all of us play a more informed role in after a long illness. , was his first job and his last. that government. Mr. Hanville was born at West- • SAVINGS INSURED to $10,000 A whole generation of newspaper people field but lived in Summit for the • Save any amount, any time last 45 years. He conducted a have come and gone in Norm's time. And a Money received by 10th of any month second generation is well on its way. To landscape gardening business. Post Office Difficulties Besides his son, Joseph, he Is earns from 1st of that month those of us who are neither youths in age or When Postmaster General Summerfield survived by three daughters, Mrs. service, Norm was not only a presence, he • Open an account with $5- or more spoke to the National Rural Letter Carriers Mabel Adams and Mrs. Arthur was a habit. 'He will be sorrowfully missed. Peck, both of New Providence, Association he made statements over the And there are many others who are going and Mrs. James Papie of 20 Charleied and Supervised by Beauvoir avenue: a sister, Mrs. United States Government to miss him, too—hundreds throughout the heads of the carriers to the people of the United States. He was trying once more to Ella Hoffman of Sarasota. Fla.; city and the state, for he was well known. seven - grandchildren and four Summit businessmen and his fellow Ro- talk businesslike operation for his department great-grandchildren. tarians, his friends of the organizations he of the government. Funeral services were held yes- terday at the Bofeerti D. Bjrough served in years gone by, are going to miss It is a matter of record that the Post Funeral' Home, 535 Springfield him. They are going to miss his smile and Office Department does not pay its way. It avenue, conducted by Rev. Kith; friendly greeting as he walked _ his regular costs the taxpayers of the nation front half ard Bryan, minister of the New route from his home to the office. Norm Providence Presbyterian Church. .1111 ilME -..Ill.-fllltUll- "Svmmir * OMeif Gajris was a kindly man and a good man, He to three-quarters of a billion every year in Burial was in the church ceme- Swings tnitlMlun" was never too busy to halt his work and tell subsidies. Subsidies are popular today? Why? tery. a younger member of the staff some perti- Because hidden taxes are not politically so Mrs. Amelia Madigaa OLD-FASHIONED -— yes... SUMMIT FEDERAL SAVINGS nent fact about Summit or one of its resi- potent as open taxes. We worry about the Mrs. Amelia Madigan of 7 but only in the old prind- dents. He was a newspaperman of the old Beekman road died Tuesday AND LOAN ASSOCIATION terrific income taxes we pay; but we don't (Sept. 13) at her home after a plea of service—and tht school. More than half a century in news- analyie what they represent. We know we long illness. She was 86. She was 393 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE paper work does peculiar things to some the widow of Thomas A. Madigan, age-old tradition of under- must have defenses, must pay our official- Between Boechwood Road and Maplt StiMl people but in Norm's case it brought out all a former engineer for the Penn- standing and goodwill. the fine and dignified characteristics of a dom and must meet interest on the debt and sylvania Railroad. SUmmit 6-8150 gentleman. a lot of other necessities. So we stomach Mrs. Madigan was born in Con- Hour* Daily, 8 lo 4; Friday Evenlngi, 6 to 8 COBRELL — en Tuwda-;. September Yes, it's going to be hard to think of The the totals and make a single squawk. 20, 1035, Alfred E. brtcred husband SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • CHRISTMAS ClUI • MOUQAOt IOANJ of Henrietta W«gner: brother ot Tt*4 Blf INANCINO MOKfCAOf IOANS • MOMIY ORDEU • TRAVUftS' CHICKS Herald without Mr. Garis. And for this rea- But if the tax is apparent, like that which !h. »nd Harold A Con-el! and MM. Robert D. Brough Howell Bolce. Tut «ral »«r»!ewi at :h« son it is not too difficult to understand the is levied on real estate, or on gasoline, we Davu Homestead. 871 sutfont Ave- Funeral Director sense of shock that fell Friday morning when nue. Inrlngton. on Saturday. Septem- stand up on our hindlegs arid bark furiously ber 24, at .1 p.m. rnterment at B«t- S35 Springfield at Morris we were informed that Norm had died. We lund Memorial Park. worked with him the day before and' said So it doesn't mean nearly as much to the Summit 6-0218 goodbye at the close of the day. He, too,average citizen to be compelled, without GUARD AGAINST •aid good-bye with his usual smile and went snowing it, to shell out many dollars a year home. Despite his almost 80 years, he was tor postal deficits as it would be compelled FINANCIAL LOSS IY •ctive to the last, seemingly indestructible, to pay the same amount, or less, in a higher FIRE always at his desk, never complaining. He price for postage stamps. died "with his'boots on.", ...... And that's the way he wanted h. Postmaster General Summerfield points out that in the old days, when we had a two- cent first-class postage rate, it cost 1.89 The Outdoor Art Show cents, oh the average, to deliver a letter. To- This Saturday, weather permitting, the day the same operation costs 3.12 cents. The Summit Art Association will present its an-increase in cost is 1.23 cents and the increase nual outdoor show. By tradition, the oc- in the postage rate is only one cent. Then casion ushers in fall to the local scene. It with sound stock •ko serves another local purpose and that the first-class volume produced a surplus is to remind residents that the Association with which to keep rates on other classes of fir* Inwronct. Se« makes a definite cultural contribution to the mail down. Now .there is no class of mail this agency now. community. which pays its way. (, In recent years more and more persons The first step toward ending the anom- have shown an interest in learning about aly, according to General Summerfield, is fainting and the fine arts and the Art Asso- to raise the first-class rate to four cents. In Holmes Agency ciation has served as font for those who are other words, make letters earn as much as it Rtdtors — Insurers embarking upon painting for the first time costs to carry them, and a little more. That Folks Follow Friendliness or those who have reached the stage where was the doctrine in other days. Then, be- Serwin, Summit and IMmlty they need professional aid in obtaining yond a doubt, Summerfield would ask for an Fot 57 lV«r» polish to their work. increase in the rates in other classes. 45 MopU St. SmmmH eVfMO There's a big reason why so many men and women The work that will be on display this He is quite right. Deficits are Inexcus- visit First National every day. Saturday will include paintings by business- able. Doubtless we could get rid of them, It's because they enjoy banking with us. men, housewives, mothers, talented children in part at least, by businesslike procedures Patronize and retired men and women as well as the as in the domain of private enterprise. But We like to feel that they prefer handful of Association members who make when the government goes into business it to keep their accounts here painting their career and have achieved rec- loses its business sense. It is always expen- Local because of our extra efforts ognition in this field. sive and wasteful. to make them welcome, The show always attracts considerable But in the field of postal affairs the gov- Business interest among the Saturday shoppers be- ernment must operate; sa that remedy is Naturally, it's very easy for us / caus it is a reflection of an activity which is out. There are only two other courses. The to give our customers • part of Summit's cultural scene. Through one is the present theory of subsidy. Every- the kind of service they want,.. the opportunity of purchasing some of the body likes subsidies because they are covered SHOP they're such friendly people. \ paintings, residents will be able to encourage from the political eye. So we pay hundreds pur local artists and also obtain worth while of millions a year in taxes so that the post works of art, many of them depicting fa- office can carry our mail below cost. miliar scenes, for their homes, The other, the sane, remedy is to nist From more than one angle a pause at the the rates wherever they fail to meet the HOME exhibit of Art Association members' works prices of the service. Thst would certainly "FIRST that will be displayed along Beechwooi road mean four-cent letters—which Congress Is TRUST COMPANf frit be an enjoyable and satisfying experience, not likely to tolerate. It certainly would Oi SUMMIT mean the immediate Increase of second, third 4 Group )Vorth Supporting and fourth class postage. The subsidies on parcels, on tnagaiines, on newspaptrs, on ad- 'OUNOtO !•*!> ', The League of Women Voters in Sum vertisements, ir« inaxcusabh. Kates should WELCOME mit and New Providence are currently con- go up, perhaps not In a tingle y«ar to the ducting their annual finance drives, point of complete compensation bwt certainly WACON # * The work* of the LWV benefits the en in that direction. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. "|*SS .minute* of opening reawk* in tractor •»: Nordliag-Dean & Co.,terday morning from the Robert of MorrUtown and Mu* Theodosli ijfiMfial "Town HaU of the Air" of both factors stated above. 1 deuti, u Wetkaefer U»meeta». ranklin PTA lac. electrical work: Edward 0. BroBgh Funeral Home, 85 Lew tt of Hillburn, aad a brother, suggest that a sanitary engineer be faibion on tht theme, "Hgw h Citizens Trust Cbiovarou & Son, Inc., decorating. People could pasted or i»4ecte4 Springfield .avenue, and later at Rpbert of Miami, Florida. retained by the City to make flow by the poisonouKAapon end sew* Franklin Sejiou} Preparing Our When the addition and altera- the Rotary Shrine where a high readings at different times and un- o Have Panel Children "for the Future", follow- requiem mass was celebrated. age emauittog £r% back-ups. Stgns Contract tions are completed the ground dtr different conditions of wetther. The City tbould a%«r a r«aa«a> ing which questieni from the fldor space used tor banking pur- Bund was at GUbertviilt, Mass. LETTERS From these readings tad an in* S parents in the audience will be abl« tint after the *ducati«ei poses will be approximately spection of the condition of the Talk on Studies answered. " Mrs. Crover C. SUCuUough pipes become surcharged and the campaign for voluntary correc- For Alterations 5*1120' or 6,720 square feet. pressure causes the back-up into sewage pipes, be may be able to tion of those illegal ti&'fcs. It V, 'information, Please" pan William Smnckalb, representa- Hirry W. Edf»r, pmident «tf Funeral services for _ Mrs.cellars. determine die true cause or causes might well be that • winrfrtr ot ",,<• educators wM be presented tive of the Franklin PTA toth eth* CitUern Truat Compwy, an- Mildred Lewitt McCullough' «C Judging from the above-quoted of thU haiardou* problem. the offenders were misled\J»y , !t. h'rai>|din School parents at lay Committee on Education, will nounced thi» week that a contract DEATHS Lake Parsippioy, a former nurse statement from your paper (which I( the sanitary eaginttr and the illegitimate "waterproofing «v -.,» f;i it PTA meeting of the year act as moderator, oss recently, teen ttf»<| cover- at Overlook Hospital and a resi- appears to be based on statements building inspector conclude that perU," , -^ 7 Monday, October»3, at the (Continued from page f rvuvs, . and Dr, Lawrence the bank's «afe depoist depart- moving to MiUburn when she wag haurd it creates for other rest- 93 West End Avenue. |{?.(k.(ies, principal *of Franklin ment customers. The president's She is survived by her husband, seven years old. She attended rain-water drains to sanitary sew- ,,,'1, will «ach' present five Cost Selected office, a trust department confer- three brothers, James Moore of M41buro High School and grad- age pipes. This procedure is il- ence room and space for the legal; but the city administration For "Cinderella" Franklin, Miss., John If. Moore uated from the Overlook Hospital Stores Stores bookkeeping sad traniit depart- of Methuen, Mass., and Wflttara School of Nurses, practicing is apparently feels it is unable to FRIDAY NIGHTS Open Constance Cooper Loux, direc- ments will also be provided %r F. Moore of this city, a sister, a nurse at Overlook for about 20 stop it. . Open RUB6BI STAMPS tor and producer of the Student in the new addition. Mrs. Margaret Cretan ef RosJyn, years'prioMo her marriage. This problem is quit* serious AM FPM. Theater, announced Otis week that The present location of the vault Pa., and a niece Mias Frances She is survived by her mother, and immediate steps should be the casting for the season's first Wall of the Van Dyke address. Mrs. Evelyn Uuitt of Millburn. taken. The true csu»e of the SUMMIT SHOPPING NIGHTS Some Day Sendee and safe deposit department will SonuBlt AIM ckuiftw of play, "Cinderella," has been com- be converted into an officer*' Funeral services were held yes- two sisters, Mrs, Evelyn Stark trouble U probably a combination pleted. The play will be shown in platform and secretarial space. OFFSET PRINTING Summit in November. The public lobby and tellers' foinplfte Plate Making Equip Durma Zenobia will have the area will be enlarged to facilitate nl Same Day Service 00 role of Cinderella. Others in theservicing the accounts of the m cast are: Tim Ford, Lois Busch, Request. bank's increasing number of cus- Pat Turton, Mary Lou Blanken, tomers. Tiffany Quality-Pushcart Prices JOB PRINTING Cindy Meincke, Patricia Masa, A new vestibule-will be Install- Quick, Dependable Service Susan Mulhall, Ann "Marie Ob- I | ^ • • ressa, Martha McMane, John ed and the front windows and en- Yti — Tk« quality of Kings Fmiti aid \T^ Kane, Albeit (ielson, Jim Nede- trance doors will be modernized. I8M TYPING micr,. Irma Hasselbauer, Celia A ladies' department with ad- •rt Sth Avt. — tht pricti art low — v«ry tow — Conlon and Margaret Kane. Teen- jacent powder room' will be an add- Ptrsoiqlly Stl«ct«d — Rushed to oar Morktit — agers interested in dramatics are ed feature on the main banking •):•---:.. I Call SU^6-7197 invited to joi^i. floor.". •..'.,.• .••••-• • •"".'. You can't buy fr«sh«r. In addition to Summit, the play To Air Condition Building Twill Marking Devices j will be presented in four other The bank will be air-condition- TRY KINGS PRODUCE & SEE 332 Broad St. Summit, N. J. I communities during the fall and ed throughout to add to the com- i winter. fort of customers while transact- ing their banking buiiness. Mr. Edgar sttfes that the addi- FANCY Tomatoes tion and alterations are made necessary by the rapid growth in volume of business during the RIPE; past ten years as evidenced by a Ivory comparative statement of condi- tion as of June 30, 1M5, and June 30, 1955, published ehewhere ib • . rOfftCf this issue. Deposits and total re- FOR SLICING sources have increased about 100 FREE per cent during the last ten years and capital funds have tripled during the same period. 6OLDIN JERSEY OIL The directors and official staff are looking to the future with Sweet Potatoes 25c complete confidence for a con- BURNER tinued increased expansion in U. S. LARGE business activity and are pre- paring to meet this trend by pro- INSPECTION viding every facility for servicing the public efficiently, he said. YOUR BEST BUY TODAY The bulk of the work in connec- RKP irv tion with the remodeling will be LAMB Pn.. e.1 • •_ •» t CRISP—JUICY We'll inspect your burner horn tank to done after regular banking hours and on Saturdays; however, a FREE- New Lamb Recipes Mqclntosh Apples chimney without obligationl small portion will, from necessity, Ttnder and Delicious—Blue Ribbon ' ^ ^gk. FRESH FREESTONE have to be done during banking hours. Accordingly . the official r mi When's the last time you had your plant looked staff solicits the forebearance of the bank's customers in meeting at? Chances are it needs an expert inspection. any minor inconveniences which Legs of LAMB Atkt ^" Now is the time to do it! We're equipped and may arise. Uthm qualified to check it from attic to basement... Drake, Tuthill, Convcry & Cue- SHANK BONELREMOVED We|, man, local architects and engi- to give it a clean bill of health or suggest remedies neers, have been, working with Oven Ready Legs Crisp CdlTOts for any Uls found. We can also fill your tank with a committee of the board of direc- tors of the bank for the last sev- twin-action Mobilheat-the fuel oil that cleans eral months on plans lor the new as it heats. addition and alterations. i*. P. Jantelle. Inc. of Newark, has Spring Lamb Call us today for expert advice, famous twin- been awarded the general con- tract. Local sub-contractors who Loin Chops 99' action Mobilheat! will work with the general con- Chopt & Stew Combo AMBASSADOR 2 MEALS WITH LAMB 39'V SERVICE Rib or Shoulder Spice Cake Mix Recommend$ Ginger Lamb Chops 69' Ib. Plllibury A. M. DelDuca Cake Mix CECWN OIL Florists FERRIS"READY TO EAT" 494 Sprinqf idd Ave., Swmnft Whole or CORPORATION "Flowers for all Shank Full Cut Chatham, New Jersey Occasions" Half iMftHalf CHatham 44800 M4 Strtfo* for Hams Nmftomm to 57: (Day or Night) Summit" Hickory Sweet Summit 6 4O7§ Armour's Star C 1VDINONOD3 1SOW Sliced Bacon puo 3igv(|N3t anything *t«p yo«i from romln|. It May hi (he Swlfi Cheese 49c • Impwrt tottr Ability to mnat Important declnkn ef your life! 111 SpHtefMI AVNM INDIC0 SHCIO Ramtmlwr Namrs I'nr IHpr«t«r« phmn* «r write W K. p SUMMIT ORANGE JUICE • iBicrraw Your *hlHy (n t Willow Spring IJrlvis Mnrrlitown, N. I, fkrnm IKilinM Swiss Cheese 33c FREE PARKING l»i*nl with MkwreMeM •% im m* R.«4S^ fianwii held ht MorrlitowA. Wa»*ln|t«n, «, J,, - • Win Mori* FRESH SWEIT BULK Hpnrla, «prlnifleld, Newirk, Ell*«b«th, PttcrMa, tlabi Open Monday Thru • Improve !f»ur Pertmnnllly field, HaekMiMCk, tm$ Brtiiek, TrmitoM, a«4 New' • I'rrptrw for I,««»ffpriitilp , Cream Cheese 59c Lemon N Lime Brunswick. PiWay * P» M* 2-31 THI'"SUMMITHERALD. THURSDAY. SJETlMlfR «. till Dttvory Strvico Starts > largest living Business Women's Week Begins The opening of a package deliv- ery service in the Summit Area a diameter of two feet c National Business Women's Their Jiiws?", giving brief de- and Uves along the North for both residents and merchants % coast - 233 BROAD ST. Week will be celebrated through- scriptionsiof their occupations. has been announced by George H. out the country iron September Mrs. Mildred McLean was Gl»ab of 233 Springfield avenue. Clu$ I railroads of the EASTERN FUEL'S SUMMIT 25 to October 1, Mrs. Helen Ed- named to the post of recording Mr. Glaab formerly was engaged State* apeot 1114,430,000 t wards, preiident of the Summit secretary, made vacant by the in this business in Philadelphia. est product a.»M. Pure Business and Professional Wom- resignation of Mrs. Beatrice Kel- He is married to the former Mary cross Ues and switch and en, has announced. S. Reynolds of this city. ley. Mrs. McLean is an adminis- ties cost m,mM I More than. 175,000 women in trative assistant with SilverBur- 3.300 communities, all members dett, Morrutown publishers. of the BPW, will take part in the observance, which was first es^ A program of blood grouping tablished to spotlight the Ameri- and KH typing will be conducted can business and professional for members of the Summit chap- woman, and her ml* in the eco- ter by Mrs. Marjorie Moreland, nomic life of the community. who heads the Summit Diagnostic HOWE Laboratory. All funds collected Mrs. Edwards noted that Presi- will be turned over as the chap- dent Eisenhower, ingreeting the Plant Market ter's contribution to the national national BPW federation, said 3 Days Only -Thursday -- Friday -Saturday organisation fund for construction that 'I congratulate you on the 201 MAIN STREET of a headquarters building in record of public service which Washington, D. C. The first typ- your organisation hat built since MADISON 6-0895 ing will be held at the October 17 its inception, and on your slogan meeting. "Every Appliance on the Floor Greatly Reduced" for this year—'Aim High'." OPEN SUNDAYS Hie Summit chapter opened the The deepest oil wells penetrate Fall season Monday night at the the earth about four miles, al- Hotel Surburban, when a panel of most 12 degrees Fahrenheit be- members presented * "What . Are fore it begins Jo iwtat. FAU RANTING SEASON IS HERE DONT WAIT SPECIAL - This Week Only You Can DRIVE A '55 PACKARD NOW EVERGREENS 2.85 ea. - 6 for 15.00 24 Vorlrtles To Choose From— All AHPSAYi! Carefully Baled & Burloped. Including Hardy Red Evergreen Azaleas

GIGANTIC • PYRACANTHA (fire thorn) full of berries. 160.00 Well branched and ready to be used at KARD SALE espaliers. • " < ON THIS • SHADI: TREES including large Norway •Discount Prices *Top Trades Maples for immediate shade. • Humus, Cow Manure, Peat HOW ON AT SCOTT Moss, Agrico Fertilizer.- 2-Door LAWN CARE PRODUCTS LANDSCAPE ESTIMATES JAMES GORKAN, Inc. P^M CHEERFULLY GIVEN! 298 MpAD ST. SUMMIT SU. 6-3344 Also of Vdfoy StrMl and MiUburn Avt. in Moplewood REFRIGHMTOR Model IS-108 . America's Moat Beautiful Garden Center Where You Can Get What You Want for Your Garden Seporote Food MU Freeier FESTIVAL ^OFVAWE Self.Defrosting BRECKS Levikold- *WH HOME AND GARDEN CENTERS Top*to Bottom Lots of Doer Storage Space

17 mt VARIfffflS

FRIGIDAIRE F RIGID AI R E Yewt, Hoflyf, Boxwood, Eiionymas, ELECTRIC RANGE WASHER Juniper, Spruce, YOU SAVE $140.00 Fully Arborvitoe Automatic Completely A bay of a lifetime-—yigorout, Automatic SALE ONE ONLY high quality evergreen* worth Model RO-50 95 SHOP EARLY ^ two to three time* this low, low Roor Modal PRICE *152 price. Freshly dug, northern Ref. Me* Lifetime porcelain exclmive 9" to 24" in height grown itotk. Strong, bmhy telect-o-dial. Live water ac- $1.98 plantt that will add biting $169.95 '229 tion. brauly to yoipr garden ... Many atlessthaa Don't mitt thU opportunity. normal wholesale price. Off Season Prices YOU SAVE $104.95 MANYOTHB Mill" GRASS SKD MIXTURE ROSE BUSHES 1 Ib. $lJ5,5H>s.$l.75 w of th» kwt nrittlef . . . >HRUBS '55 YORK Vi TON APPLIANCES r«t tklllt imi: CUmbwi, Hybrid Tew, riorlbundi. |B SETS 4 b. $1.90. S Hit. $9.00 clot»-i«t pots. Yon cin transplant Man; of the flneit rarietiei . ,. itroni, AIR r«r Qslek C«w: BBSCK'I "AH-life. $1.40, 5 Ibi. $4.70 WitROUt MtftMfc. buihy pland In pots. IN STOCK art « fei FrtcM ea Lwt«r $2.00 to $3.00 t DUMOHT AW4IRAL Conditioner TO PRICES WE DAK BUCK'S "Twf-Gre" Rog. FERTILIZER '-MICHIGAN PEAT" Grown A Blflt ortanlc eontmt lam builder, i Prk* NOT PRINT fin* for f»u m. Brack*k!! UUtUd S% Nl- MveriM^Mdied tart Mess 50% OFF troietroienn, •% FftwrFftwrphoromh , 1% pitiipitih MADONNA LILIES $289.95 185.00 THWtS.-HU.-SAT. ONLY FormoU IITM b«ft maiti. costaliu Vm when r«M«d1%. HoJdi woliture, tne* •!««*«•. "' 25lbi. S2.35-50K)!.$3.80 Alto "Afrieo" M« "Migtno" la all thm SOIbt.2.49-100 lot. 50c each . 10 for $4.65 Just One At This Price Save $100 On 7/,/s One BRECK'S Fomom Imported DUtCH 1ULIS i Kin« Alfrw! Daffodilt 12 for $1.49 Look for Our Money All DenMt-NNMI Balbt . *"i»9 Mixed Daffodil* AH Trumpet TTPM (or NBt 25 for $1.19 Specials KITCHENAID Hardwick Gas Range (gttatanut* Woomtng sit*) Mixed You'll find &*»« Bed Tag* on 15 for 98c mr-rrhanrfiae thrnttyhont onr • Electric clock • Divided top Mixed Darwin Tullpt 7 for59 c •tore. They are thfi »ign of DISHWASHER • Electric rimer • Smofcttesi brvHor PMk»iHl In HiMUM Big Sawing, for > ON—All Betl Named V.rletl« Tallp. Regular frice $131.00 CBOOM ytmt Vwtatr anl CMM 7 for 69c Tagged merthandite' hn« Reg. r»rk« .00 W§ hav* Jo«t rteHTt* MT e«Mpl«t« lln* »f Dutch feulDi. ta« fln«t b«en driRiienUjr marked Mltctlon i


Two ovens for greater capacity, greater flexibility and convenience! Bake in one while you roast in ,,.so why no* MAKE IT AN OUD34 the other! Broil or rotst and bake potatoes or rolls at the same time! More free time for yourself. This worth tat m<*« «|Wi"f«Hr ready to trade! And there Range is loaded with G-E Deluxe Features includ- < tree, it fa*** !*• * Ws*-r*fe«I aewr w« • better tin* than MM to make jnwr move ing: New Automatic Calrod Surface Unit, Hi-Speed mm mr/*m*1k**ht*.f*k«it*t...hm*nth* . . . mm wfeeti Old-mobile v.lue b highrr A.« •w" • -r»i "- , „ ^ ^ J,«I tr*d«-in »Ik>wam«e are at ttefcr peak . . ; Surface Units, One Extra Hi-Speed Famous "Fo- ef can ensttaf saany, mmj W mm* MM wtuM OUsnMbJle is racketing to the greatest cused Meat" Droller*, Huge Capacity Wide-Opening is It* hktotyl So come in and try a "Rocket"! Master Oven, 3-Shelf Full-Height Companion Oven. We're got LDSMO fltlf FUEL SPERCO MOTOR CO. INC SUMMIT SU. 6-0004 W. M700 233 BROAD ST. U ., i' •*>. OHM imsjiei mi.» raat o* stuff Matte ffl rWl« THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1955 Berkeley Heightsj Passaic Valley Section New Providence

Thompson Appeal Goes To Junior High Donct Boro Man Risks LHe In New Prvvld«c*-A Jsater blgb school square dance will be sponsored by the Board Supreme Court; Date Set of Recreation CoumUskners Rescue of Father-ln-Law New Providence — A Supreme nance which specifically elimi- September 30 at Lincoln New Providence-While his wife Court hearing on the appeal of nated all commericial activity in School. Senior Ugh tfctwot st» sat a few feet away on a sand Wilii»m J. Thompson of Colorado the zone. Thompson charged that dents are invited to the affair, bar, unaware of the ws»r-tng«dy, Springs, formerly of Summit, to the ordinance was aimed speci- which will start at 7:30 P.M., Paul KockweU, 36, of 44XJ(borne let aside a decision handed down fically fct him, maintaining that with Charlie ZlnteU at tae road, rescued her father' from a by Superior Court Justice Rich- the move to amend the ordinance caller. treacherous "sea puss" at Ocean ird J, Hughes will be conducted vis not made until after he had Beach Saturday. Tuesday at 11 a.m. applied for a building permit. Rockwell and his father-in-law, Willis Silvester, 62, of East Or- The Council, however, laid that Thompson will seek to have the ange, were swimming together the ordinance /had always been Drew Senior state's top court set aside Judge when Silvester felt hirasell being intended to prohibit retail busi- Hughes' ruling, given April 21. sucked into the whirlpool created ness in tlie zone in question, and flirt - *the - Boro' had " acted ' within by the ocean surging in between had been amended when it was its rights in denying a building Youth Leader two sand bars. discovered that the prohibition permit to Thompson for construc- Rockwell attempted to ptuh and was not spelled out. New Providence—Robert Nida, tion of a nine-store shopping cen- i senior at Drew Theological pull Silvester toward shore, but ter on Central avenue. After inspecting the disputed Seminary, will be introduced at the strong undercurrent carried The appeal was originally area, Judge Hughes said in his the two Rally Day services at the them farther out to sea. Ex- scheduled for the Appellate Divi- decision that* certain restrictions Presbyterian Church Sunday, at hausted, they floated for a while, liou of the Superior Court, but at contained in a 1931 amendment to 9:30 and 11 a.m. Through ar- and were tossed finally toward a xtbe request of Boro Attorney Fred the ordinance "amply demon- rangement by the church and the sand bar, where Rockwell man- Lorentz, it was moved up to the strated" the intent of setting seminary, Mr, id a wUlN serve as aged to gain a toe bold, but was Supreme Court. aside a portion of the community a part-time director of youth ac- separated from bis father-in-law. Thompson and the Katobimar for light industrial *use. "How- j livities. He will supervise the Finally, in a desperate effort, he junior-M and senior-M program Realty Company, of which he i ever," he said "there was un- reached Silvester, and together Paul Rockwell the president, were joint plain questionably, under the proofs on Sunday mornings and ever they struggled toware the shore. tiffs in a suit filed 'against Boro submitted, M period of indecision, | nings, and work with the church- Two volunteer firemen from month igo from' the .hosp.tal aft- Building Inspector Robert A which might almost be called j school teachers and youth group Lavalette. armed with life rafts, er a nilior operation, and sulfen adult advisors. He wU also as- finally managed to reach Rock- Webster and JBoro offiqajs, which equivocation, which culminated from ft heart condition, but Mrs. in an amendment""on November sist in* leading in public worship well and Silvester, towing them to Knight to force the Boro Council Rockwell said yesterday thafai' and the Planning Board ta issue 8, 1934, which amended the zoning on Sunday mornings. safety* is in "fine", condition. ' ••- a building permit for the center. ordinance and specifically ex- Mr. Nida is a native of Athens, Silvester wes taken to the Jer- Ohio, and attended Ohio Univer- sey Shore; Hospital at Point Pleas- The tract owned by Thompson is cluded retail commercial use in HOME BUILDERS' "BIG THREE" ~- The "big Stearns, of Murray Hill, vice president of the Metro- Rockwell, a plant engineer' i sity which is located in his home ant Beach after oxygen and first Roselle, is tfce father of two chit part of 130 acres which has been the< light industrial .zone." three" in home building, Home Builders Associ- ] town. He. graduated in 1953 -w^h politan association; John S. Wright of New Provi- aid had been administered. He dren, otie foui years old, the'•oilier classified by Ihe Boro as a light Industry Attractive ation of Metropolitan N. J.; Home Builders Associ- the B. A. degree. At the univer- dence, ^executive vice president of the. State Home had been released only about a 17 months. , Industrial zone, and commercial He said that it is recognized ation of Raritan Valley, and Home Buflders Asso- Builders Association; G. Clifford Thomas, Union building' it prohibited, sity, he held offices in the Wes- that '"there may exist a special- ley Foundation, the Y.M.C.A., ciation of Somerset-Morris, gathered for their annual County member of the Assembly, and Kenenth C. ttglitl for Approval ized industrial district due in •nd the Phi Delta T*eta frater- meeting September 7 at the Chi-Am-Chateau, Moun- Hand, Union County state senator. Thompson, who moved to Colo- part to the decentralization of nity. He ilrved as vespers chair- tainside. At the head table, left to right, are Hugh Heights PTA To High School Is rado recently,, has waged a long light industry. . , y The light in- man and convocation 'chairman struggle to win' approval for his dustrial uses observed by ihe of. the Religious Emphasis week plans. Last November, after two court in its inspection give the tor the campus Religious Com- Sponsor Social Topic of Panel bitter public hearings, the *Boro appearance of attractiveness . . . mittee in his senior year. Mea Loses False Arrest Council passed an amended ordi and it is not unlikely that the During his first year at Drew For New Teachers existence of such a district has Seminary, he was a minister for Berkeley Heights—A smorgos- At PTA Meeting a favorable impact ... so far youth for one semester at the Suit in Posting of Posters borg supper and social evening is New Providence — "Ro?ds ta as ratables are concerned." He Hanhasset Congregational Church Berkeley Heights—A jury's ver- being planned for October l by the Agreement on the High School added that a large commercial in Manhasset, New York. Last terestlng, Union County Judge Ed- VARIETY dict of "no cause for action' ward A. McGrath reversed the hospitality committee of the Problem" will be the subject of shopping center "would appear to year, be was a minister.for youth a panel discussion conducted by rang"d6wn~Ql»flKal curtain Fri ilecfslon against. Brown, ruling Berkeley Heights PTA, under the me to be out of keeping with the of the Methodist Church in Has- JtheJBoro PTA. .Tuesday- ni»ht at day on a series of quaii-comie that the placing of posters on chairmanship of Mrs, A. Stanley BAKE SHOP restrained and orderly impres- brouck Heights. During the sum- 8:00 p.m. in Lincoln School audi- suits and counter suits that have Cross, Jr. sion of the present light industrial mer between his first and second trees and poles is in violation of torium . ScHrtfc St. Ntwr Prevlifmt been In and out of the courts since This event is a follow-up of the uses existing." years at seminary, he was one election laws, and that posters on- of 70 evangelists of the Board of April, 1954. a public thoroughfare are a public recent town-wide tour and tea Membera of the panel includt Judge Hughes said that he where 16 new faculty members Mayor Charles Johnson; s. ffi SU. 6-0561 Evangelism of the Methodist The Superior Court jurors told nuisance which any citizen has Now Featuring found that the amended ordi' Church, composed of 70 seminary the right to correct were entertained. That event Jones, president of the Bora nance had a "reasonable rela Judge Richard J. Hughes that proved so successful that the re- Council; William Brauiwarft, students who traveled over the there had been no cause for action Then Dunkel filed a civil action tionship" to the **true purposes" United States. During that time, against Brown for "damage to maining teachers will be taken on representing the Board of Educ- PIZZA PIES of zooing outlined in the constitu brought by Joseph Mea of Murray a similar tour later. tion; E. M. Ootten, chairman of he worked with churches in Okla- Hill boulevard against Tax Asses- personal property." That ease "The Bett In Toun" tion and statutes, and that the The smorgosborg supper is to be the Board of Assessors; Allen W. homa, New York, Illinois, and sor Theodore C. Plumb, asking came up last October before Db> Ivtry Ml. - SAT. - SUM. exclusion of retail commercial Ohio. This past summer, he was trkt Court Judge Carroll Hopkins. attended by the entire faculty, their Roberts, superintendent cf uses from such a light industrial a chaplain for Hart Scout Reser- $100,000 damages for false arrest husbands, wives, or friends, and schools;; Dr. William We-,t, Upios TTOfH 4 tO I* MnHNQilf on April 4, 1954. Judge Ho^fcins dismissed the zone has a "reasonable bearing' vation, Philadelphia area Boy charges. the PTA executive committee. Its County superintendent of schocft, Call Chef Not©, Be WiD Have Mea charged in his suit that the on the health, safety, morals, and Scout camp, sponsored by the Then all was quiet on the Town- purpose is to enable all to get ac- and D. M. Hutchisson, represent- It Beady. welfare of the Boro, He concluded Philadelphia Council of Churches. arrest and the subsequent pub- quainted socially at the start of ing the lay committee on educa- ship front, poster-wise, that is, FIRST IN COUNTY—Boro Police BAKERY OPEN V>TIL MID that the amended ordinance was licity have brought him "humilia the new school year, especially the tion. Frank LeBart, PTA pre^ until last Wednesday, when Mea Chief Carl Ehnis is the first gradu- MGHT FBI. . SAT. • SUN. a "reasonable and legal exer that its passage and the refusal tion," arid have ''considerably' many new teachers. dent, -win serve" as moderator.' vs. Plumb was on the docket. ate of the Union County Police cite of the Boro Council," and of the building permit were not changed his mode of living. Mea told the court that he did School toi be named m police chief "Back to school nights" will be Questions will include anticf- "arbitrary, unreasonable, or ca- The trial, which ran three days not post the poster on a pole close in thr cotratjl police chairman held four evenings in botji: Berke- patted population increase*, prob* pricious." had its roots in the hectic, and ley and Columbia schools from lems of financing, tegion.il sc'hdf vituperative, Republican primary to Plumb's home, and that Councilman. Hugh Hamilton has Thompson has said that he will October 3 to 21. The chairmen of alternatives, current financial; campaign in 1054. During that Plumb's complaint had been mo- announced. Ehnis was named to To save time in the end, fight to the "last ditch" before tivated by "malice" and political the post June 1. the class mothers, Mrs. J. M. status of the town, and'ottet period, several people were ar- Ferraaa for Berkeley School, and he will give in to the Boro on the enmity. Plumb promptly denied topics. They will be prepared b£ rested, including Mea, Commit- Mrs. Douglas Haberttroh for Co- question. malice or political motivation, and a committee of the PTA, and uril stop here in the beginning teetnan Victor Dunkel, Mr, and lumbia School, are making plans Mm. William Brown of 3 Ridge said that he had acted on the Lost Cub Is be forwarded to all panel mem» Diamond HiH Guild to have each parent specially con- bers in advance. • EXPERIENCED WORKMEN drive, and Mrs. David Bally, wife poster posting only after consulta- tacted for the date of their child's To Mttt Wednesday of another Committeeman, tion with an attorney. Found After class session. The PTA member- A meeting last January cflf • MODERN EQUIPMENT Several Arrested ducted by the PTA was a storm) Berkeley Heights — The first Defense witnesses, including ship campaign will be conducted They were arrested at various Stewart Beekman, Plumb's next- Long Journey at this time under the direction of one, when th« spectators wer* • FAST, COURTEOUS SERVICE meeting of the season of the Dia- loudly for or against the Boart mond Hill Community Church times and for various reasons. door neighbor, testified that Mea New Providence — Cub Scout Mrs. R. W. Egberts, who^ coi* of Education proposal to estnb* Guild will be held Wednesday, On March 28,1954, Mr. and Mrs. was in evidence on the evening in Robert Happel of 19 Birch place mittee is planning to enroll par- lish a reserve fund for the ultf September 28, at 8:15 p.m. in the Brown and Mrs. Dally were ar- question when Dunkel, heaping took the longest walk Sunday. In ents as they attend the "back to mate construction of a hig| Rent a "U-HAUL" and Solve Lee community room of the rested on complaint of Dunkel, fuel on the fire, returned to tack fact it was a seven-mile walk; jehool nights." a second poster on the pole in school In the Boro. Boro officials^ church. who charged that they had torn from the Watchung Stables to This series will replace a gen question. who w?cre opposed to the plaC Your MOVING or TRAVELING Hie evening will be a social one down posters which he had placed Main street, Chatham. era! October meeting and plans and will provide older members on poles and trees in the Town- Amid the charges and denials, will be announced soon for the first said then that a municipal surpiuf Problems! Robert, who is nine, started on of about $100,000 would be avaif of the Guild with an opportunity ship. though, one thing is certain. The his saga at a horse show at the general meeting to be held Mon- abhrat the end of 1955, and coulf to meet new arrivals. j Then on April 4, Dunkel and case of who posted the posters, reservation. He said later that day, November 7. be turned over to the Board is Mea were arrested on the com while perhaps not completely somewhere along the line he be- Rev. Hifl on Committee plaint of Plumb, who charged that solved, is completely closed. A came separated from the Cub lieu of the proposed tax mereasi Harry's Esso Servicenter New Providence — Rev. Reeee they had posted,a poster on a jury, deliberating only 15 minutes, group, and wandered around try- Chatham Motorist necessary to raise the sum. ; R. Hill, pastor of the New Provi- pole in front of his home, and closed it. And there's no one left ing to find his way home alone. The "*100,lr have been reported to « . •hart of attention from Migii years, i MMtT HERALD. THURSDAY. SEffJMHH It. PtM 11 ChbfeUec tkm t( tuwfa. MMtbtr* of fe* timer Ornithological dub vU be Hawks k*dert awl will aid la spotting The Summit Natwt Old* fcu ' Mtatlfying the h.wki. lBomaced tt«t fattmsted par- rs m»y iota *• *•«*«• la a In mi UM State of Massachu- 'id trip to the Montelair Stone setts authorized the firat mint iq ,srrv en Saturftf. Tbi jproap this cottotiy. It began operating a n;eet it tt» Summit VMCA to Boston UM following year, From it came th« earliest American

Ti,e t.uinry If * vantage potat .Copper and silver, pence v; ich to watch the mi«ra- ana

THE NEW FORD-Shovn above Is on* of the ITA new style hood ornament is recessed abov« the modela ©* the ntw 1956 Ford that goes an dliplay special Ford Fairlane crest. On the fender la a tomorrow at Summit Auto .Sales, Inc., 331 Morris new ornament that indicate! "Thunderblrd power," avenue. The grille has been widened and lengthened which is standard iff Fairlane models with the Y-8 and parking lamps have been worked into chrome motor. "* , housings which extend around the .sides of fenders.

Utii* Theater Guild work, Mrs. Ackerman be translated/ into prompt inten- Open to Residents Gifts to Recent sive treatment, in mentai hos- "Did You Call A Cab, The Summit Little Theater Guild pitals and clinics; more re- Lei u» help YOU dig your way out of your lrait»p«»rtatloii if open to all residents interested Mental Health search; the establishment of more in joining a community group, The referral and rehabilitation cen- *, YOU will be ahead by f«r—to let US be your Other first play scheduled is "Mr. Bel- Car. 1 ters; and the training of more vedere, '- the comedy that was Fund Top $9,600 desperately needed psychiatric successfully done in the movies by Clifton Webb, Robert Young and John M. Reeves, chairman of personnel. . Hill Radio Cobs Maureen O'Sullivan, Two male the 1955 Mental Health fund drive A recent contribution of $50,000 CaH SUMMIT 6-1230 and 64722 roles are still open. Constance held hero last May, hat announced from Smith, Kline k French Lab- "A Progressive C«ri» Service" • Cooper Loux is director and may that the total now stands at $9,-oratories, Philadelphia, to the be reached by calling Su. 6-6463 J. 636.82. A total of $37,000 has been National Association for Mental received in Union County—ap- Health, will be used to launch a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••|£j proximately $8,000 more than last nationwide push in October to year. mobilize V "citizens'" army William D. Murphy .. .Local Representative for These funds will be used to against mental illness," according strengthen and expand the pre-to Mrs. Ackerman. GRIFFITH PIANOS and HAMMOND ORGANS ventive community services of the Union County Association and A Purdue , University study will enable the New Jersey and shows that pests destroy three MERCURYwiwivTHllR., SEPT. 29" Musk Shop-Music Studio ^ __ «n the National Association for Men* million dollars worth of stored i .. •" •• •. - • tal Health, to establish new state grain a year in Indiana. and county associations to do a [ Instrument Rentals similar job, Mr. Reeves said. Mrs. Arthur F. Ackerman, i • and Sales president of the County Associa- tion, quoted Richard P. Swfgart, Voice Lesions - Organ Lessons new director of the National As- sociation for Mental Health, as Instruments Taught saying: "'organization' may not sound as dramatic as 'vaccine* FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS or 'miracle drug'; nevertheless, if the citizens of this country are PLEASE PHONE SU. 6-0565 not organized to support science and to promote the use of sci- "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC" ence's discoveries hi the nation's hospitals and clinics for treat- SHORT HILLS 7 ment and cure of mental Illness; and in the nation's schools, fac- WILLIAM D. MURPHY tories, and homes for prevention; SUMMIT 6 351 SPRINGFIELD AYE., 2nd FLOOR, SUMMIT SU, 6-0565 the • great contributions which ALL science is making will be of little TOY — HOBBY & JUVENILE SHOP 1st Floor ultimate benefit to the people." ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The result of this onJLanizational CHATHAM 4 MADISON 6 Fall ts AH HM Tim* to Supplies Redecorate You Ne«d . .V-Wti for Pointing TelephoneNumbers From Roof-top to Basement, Room to Room. Show You & Poptrino; How! You Can Do-It Yourself and Save. to Change for Dial Service Have A More Beautiful Home & Save Money Too! With the change to modern, direct distance dialing at 3:01 AM, October 2—the names:

The Largest Selection of Mill burn 6 and SUrnmit 6 PAINTS and PAINT SUPPLIES SHort Hiiis 7 becomes In The SUBURBAN AREA become CRestwiew 3 At The Lowest Prices Anywhere! or Choose From... CRestview "7 • DUTCH BOY PANTS • PRATT & LAMBERT PAINTS • DUPONT PAINTS • CABOTS PAINTS „ * PURE BRISTLE PAII4T BRUSHES 'PAINT ROLLERS S PANS C Hat ham 4 MAci i s o f i 6 * PAINT BUCKETS • PAINT REMOVERS c o m b e c o m e s AND All THE THINGS TO MAKE THE JOB EASIER mi P* ill Ic. FRootier 7 Choose From Our Selection of Attractive Wallpapers in a Wide Variety of Distinctive Patterns. We'w Washable Wallpapers too! And When You-Do-lt Yourself, You Save •.. SPECIAL DIRECTORY And You Get Professional Results Because You can find the new numbers for Millburn, Short Hflfai and Summit Our Eaiy-To-Follow Instructions Help You telephones in the new Suburban Essex County Directory which will be delivered to you soon. To save time and get the best service, be sure to Do Hit Job Right. ; look up numbers in the new Directory before making any calli after the change to dial. If you do not receive your new Directory by October % please call Hill City Paint & Wallpaper Co. your Telephone Businew OfBce, AVI., SUMMIT SUMMIT 6-1024 U*W JBKMY BELL TILIPHONI COMPANY "IN OBSERVANCE OF YO^KWUM^WEWIll BE CLOSED

„;,., f.,,(t' '' 1 , THt SUMMIT HiRALP. THURSDAY. SEFTJM8IH 11, ttW She is a graduate of the Emma J The College WiMardf School at TrojVSV ¥, At ? Briarcliff 'she will major in gen- | Corner • t e eral liberal arts. Entering BriarclHf at Uneaten Mhs, Virginia - Piefendori A nfemlKT «f the frcsinr.an class daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert at M'heaton t'olleget Norton. K. Diefendorf of 81 Essex road, : Mass~, is Mii*..N*iiv:y A&jell of ^J •has entered BriarcUff Juaior Cul-1 i Crest Acre Court- _ . :{p lege, Briarclifi Manor, N. V., as a member of the freshman class, At (oanettkul College .Starting tbeir freshmen studs*'* oa Monday it Cona*ctjcut'Colk-st- for Women, New London, *ere Miss Carolyn Helen Baker of 157. Oak Bidge avenue. Miss Virginia RADI Reed of 43 Col! road and 31**? Barbara tWJUc* of 15 Crest' A.cr« Court. ' at Hamilton ; • HIES SolmsMrn.'' son of Mr.. 4 \ Mrs. Max A. Solmssetf of ?5 Es- ;• tex ro&d. hi«s entered Hamilton i College, Oiijtoru N. Y. as a mem- ber of the freshman el&ts. A | graduate of D arrow School, he :- will major in English literature. Faciory Authorized Dealer in ... At Trinitf College Stephen A, Kent of 310 Summit 'avenue is "ainoisp the 365 fresh- RCA-Victor - Admiral - Dumont - Zenith - General m«n registered at Trinity College, . Hartford, Conn. He is a graduate Electric - Magnavox - Hotpoint - Frigidaire of Summit High--School.--. Return* to Yale . . Westinghouse - Magic Chef - Caloric - Universal "Theodore 51e>er, ton of Mr, and Mrs. II- J Meyer of Ferrtwpod road, has returned to Yale Uni- Roper - Hamilton - Kitchen Aid - Whirpool - Web- versity, -where he is a junior in the School of Engineering. A chemi- cor ... and many other natiolnally famous brands cal enginefring tsiajor.' he. is a ; resident of Calhgun College. . i of Television and Home Appliances, Enters Manliu 33 Years of Faithful Service Edward M. Qbrig. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Obrig of 10 Ashland •». • ro^ul, left last week to enter itaaiius Military School at Man- iius, N, Y. We Shall Never Knowingly Be Undersold!! Freshman at 1'ale Robert AUcniWard, Jr.. so^ of Mr. and Mrs .Ward of 79 New England avenue, ts matriculating Famom Make • Top Name at Vale University. He is a Juoe TOASTER graduate of Pinery School, Eliza- beth. • • - . ; DOUBLE DOOR REFMI Auromotlc Pop-Up LATEST MODEL — AUTOMATIC DEFROST Enters Junior Year 22.50 ;H $ 77 Betty Lou'Nitehie has r NOW Wouldn't you rather her studies at Vassar College = Reg. $529.95 NOW W \QJl hear it than read it? where she is a junior. She is a A call means so much, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. | '319.95 Large 16 Qt. j yet costs so little. Nitchie of Plyrnoiith road. - J SCOTCH KOOLER j Newark to Albany 58t Choose Different Study Fields f Miehael Lombard entered the \ ESTATE GAS RANGE Peterson to Bangor ISc Reg. 7.95 3 minute ttaUon ruin nhtr School of Commerce 3rid Finance 30" With FuH Oven e PM «nd *U day Sunday. of Villanova University dta Sept. j NOW ri Tsi not included. IT* 13. His brother, Vincent, a senior: LATEST 1955 MO Da '5.19- at Georgetown University, plans to enter the field of dentistry. They j 3Woy are sons of Mr. and Sirs. C. Lom* j NTENNA Reg. 5U9.95 NOW PORTABLE RADIO bard of 16 Say re street. rmonw JVIM ON WEAK. SIGNALS! 118.95 Complete $«l f mm Reg. 29.95 Ik II TQEVI NOW iViII Ahtminized Tube THt MCCMAkn famous Make FULL FACTORY WARRANTY AM RADIO HAIR DRYER Reg. $249.95 NOW '174.95 SPECIAL '5.77 Nationally Famous Famous Make BATHROOM SCALES Hie Ammnq Wlnkler FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHER Ail Colon SPIN-DRY ACTION — PORCELAIN TUB DtmoRfrroHot of OR Reg. 7.95 % turner Economy and NOW 3 Reg. $229.95 NOW $erviee-Fn« Operafioa 159.95 AN UNBEATA1LI RADIO VAIUI WITH BROIL-QUIK BROILER THESI GREAT ZENITH FCATURISt "America's Finest" Reg. 69.95 * • I to 1 twnin8 dlal-for fatter, CONVENIENT more accurate tuning. FULLY AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER NOW • powerful Alnico 5 speaker magneir- for finer performance—finer tone AUTOMATIC SAFETY CONTROL WMtinghouse Ewn et.tfab kw pnea you fet «U the «dv*nUfee . Automottc Hemd Iron TERMS of Zenith'e famed WAVEMACNBT* Antenna! Aetyl- m| masterpiece in wide variety of new decorator $ III* Wlnklrt ifm \wn Reg. $254.95 NOW 177.95 re. See it today! AC/DC. «eM I»» cut aralatBn, mar*. Reg. 12.95 Q 77 oil, mixed «Q KB« water GENERAL ELECTRIC NOW 0«// —*H wrilfcimt rmiAm m

•UARANTIID; LATEST 1955 TELEVISION ICE CREAM SCOOP4WVWI S« viAtsr *O*TA1U CARRY IT AROUND THI .ROADWAY AM RADIO TMI WAIKIK} fOUTABLl OILUXI AM CtOCK-RADIO TAKE IT CLOSEOUT AWAY! 1.77 ONLY '99.95 Famous Make CLOCK-RADIO Never before »o liberal a. fuarantec of lartlng wtlsfaetion «* Famous Make given on tha excliuive .Winkle? non-clog: Noxzlc. ThJ* It th« feature which puts «n «nd to «nnoylng and expensive service 36" GAS RANGE NOW eaUa. PLUS 8-f EAR OtJARANTlB OJI T^EL. SUTEB 18.77 ASSEMBLY. DELUXE WITH CLOCK ft TIMER , . ' v A «I«ck-Mjio tlwt'e re.lly Combination Finger Beam Dialit* lighte up % modem beauty tot carrying 3J* «M different—witk diala Only Oil Burner which U NOT critical o* dirt, water Btntione a» you tune inf ht 1 1 Reg. $219.95 NOW STEAM & DRY IRON atudg* which forms In fuel tanlw and lines. Needs no Wnvenjagnet* Antenna. AC/ jrour music with yoa wherever *?**i'f •* P * *" DialHe on DC. Convenient carrying ym fo. 3-way operation. E«- clock hak dimmer control. 149.95 IMl ' filter—requires literally NO iervlc«. elue*ve HBNmi Wave- Reg. i handle. Sleek mudera plaatic _i__?. —-L.jest You choose d«gre« of light you cabinet. Beautiful colors lo !* ABtenwi and Super* 1 Tar manufacturer guarantee* the functional parts of this aker.-ff*i atrikSng Two. J* *"- Makes perfect nifljt "One of Top$" NOW 1fl77 choow from! Iwht. Radio alarm «nd timer. barner for 3 and 10 yean. WaventacQet* Antenna. >w III.// MedelR3lt,prife»flettat Appbance outlet. In rich new 10.3 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR Nationally Famom 34 «| Decorator colon. AC only. Must See It To Btlicve it! 29.9S AUTOMATIC DEFROST Automatic Coffee Pcrc>

Reg. $369.95 NOW NOW SAVES U» TO •249.95 Reg. 29.9$ 10.// 50% Of run OIL S3 Yearn of Faithful Service WINKLER LP FRiB PARKING IN REAR OF STORE Oil BURNER ' INTER FROM ESSEX ST. Your Dollar Goes Further At The Mark* ttron.

TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY! 325-327 Millburn Ave. STEPHENS MILLER CO. MIM«,«.IM7 31 OPIN NITES UNTIL • P.M. Summit ««*W«ftAW Vim.« t. M.l llavWUkContM,Mtfar A REPORT OF PROGRESS IN


Suburban Living Quality Homes in oil Unsurpassed Quality Builders Location Quality Owners

New Horn* of MR. & MRS. A. K. BO H REN - Occupied S«pfemb«r 15,1955 NO. 41 SWEETBRIAR ROAD — WYNNWOOD — SUMMIT

ON MAY 19,1955 WE ANNOUNCED THE OPENING OF WYNNWOOD: PICTURES WERE SHOWN OF 3 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT BY TALLAKSEN^ T&LLAKSEN PROMISES and PERFORMANCE The i New Homes Were Built — They Are Sold, And In Addition, As a Resuif of Workmanship Seen by Prospective Home Buyers, Prices Compared, 2 Beautiful Two - Story Traditional Colonial Homes Are Being Built on Contract for Owners by TALLAKSEN & TALLAKSEN. =^Z

Newcomers to Summit in May, these builders quickly An extremely flexible split level is now under construe- made manifest the quality of their workmanship, the __ J«°n «• No. 30 Sweetbriar Road. Starting with 3 big l ^tf <*fi*Jv *4h:c*fness of their conduct thev created - bedrotoms*r«tiled bathl^^ ouieT steaov einicainess OT Tneir conauci/ iney creaicvi - .• • • • r n i #>.!•• 7 room ^" , ' r ^ ilf_r lt, . r .. "" *his house is carefully prepared — for a 4th bed- here, as they • .• • , ,••••.•: .„ ., . . •. ... • • A—: • ' • • • '•-.«•-• Brochures With Floor Plans And Prices Will Be Available ^ ^ See WYNNW00 Today REPRESENTATIVES AVAILABLE ON PROPERTY EVERY WEEKDAY AFTERNOON, PLUS 10:30 TO DARK SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS JOAN O. CHHYSTAL, AGENT > •-f't ' i- ^i' For Complete Information Telephone Su. 6-8224 or SU. 6-1783

^-.j-^asia™^ .A^wvik 14 SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SSPTEMIER 22. ItSS Miss R*U DunueB* fifth frtdt; her father, wore an ivory'-satin Nt* S?«yt#n Mothers Tickets Still YWCA Teen-Age Mrs. Cecil C, Fwworth Cor Mrs- To H«vt Coffee Hour Miss Olney and gown trimmed with chantilly i«e, Evelyn Hansons fifth grade; Mrs. { u lace and seed pearl juiiet cap Available for Programs Are Richard F. Schrann ior'Nra, Dor- The mothers *t the Lieut. Stahl deati at Brayton School %£ ! with a finger tip veil and carried : othy Danteja BUUI grade; and m a prayer book trimmed with white j entertained at •:» a.m. tod*y7 'Private Lives' Mrs, Clurkt R. Skinker for Mr. t Married Saturday orchids. Mrs. Clifford Farrell was \ Being Resumed a wife* hour at th* iCaool Some tickets for tfais evening*! Wilbur Nelson's sixth grade. Miss Marilyn Ann OJney, daugh- her sister's maid of honor and •performance of "Private lives" Th« Drop-In program, for junior Edna Brandenburg, priati^ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik 01 George' T. Stahl served s$ his j •with Constance Bennett are still and high school age students La*t Friday, September 16, Mrs. Mra, Bofcert W. Marshall, ' ney of Edgewood, R. I., was mar- ! brother's best man. The ushers ( availsbjie.' Summit chapter of Ha- opened this week at the Summit Marshall held a coffee party lor president of the FTA, are we lied last Saturday afternoon to Lt. I were Donald Giles of East Orange. ' dassah, sponsors,of the one-night YWCA and wilt continue through the Classroom Mothers at which ing Cheat. The meeting win p David W. Stahl, son of Mr. and ' Janus O'Connor ' of HaHfoni.j performance of the Montclafr the school year. Tht program is tine they were instructed ©a their TMW parents aa^ apportumty M Mrs. L E. Stahl of Franklin place. Conn., Clifford Farretl, Jr., ah* and (lit Unit itoiiM) sail members will be ushers. invited to join. The planning committee for the For feed «M fashlaaed service DOC Mrs. Overten, Daughter rally ii composed of: Either Dil- cards by Norcross and Brownie in the modern manner . ; . we 1 lingham, Sue Baker, Jean Cotter- sophisticated greetings (new ,) by \ Of Donald Quarles, Wed recommend SUMMIT POOD MAX- Sciiapavelll. ' PRE-COLLEGE SEND OFf^Summit girls entering Smith College as ell, Joanne Thielbar, Miml Mur- Secretary of the Air Force and KET, 423 Springfield Ave. A com- freshmen this fall are given a cordial greeting by Mrs. Lane Kelly of ray, Lynn Negus, Judy McCann, Mrs. Donald Quarts have an- West End, avenue at a tea held, in their honor prior to their departure plete market fully stiffed for your Fttvorit* pre-teen team . ,'., nounced the marriage of Mr. Carol Riemer, Sue Smith, Phyllis PHYLLIS KING belted tweed for school. Left to right are Mariana Tait, Robin Miesem, Barbara shopping convenience, SUMMIT Quarles' daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Guest, Connie Pomio, Elizabeth skirt SJ.tt and VM), worn with Hilyard and Nona Riagler. (Wolln photo) FOOD MARKET specializes in ex- Quarles Overton, to Lt Col. Stan- Willey, Betty FarreU and Jeanne cellent meats, wonderful week-end long sleeve blouses (just $4,95) in Another Specialty... ley C. Lewis, USAF, sun of Mrs. Farrell. • specials; freshest (but economical) gay-go-to-school color* of leaf gold, \V. A. Lewis of Lavina, Montana. vegetables and ... .delivery serv- nut brown or blu« spruce. Blazing The ceremony took place on Sat- PERSONALS ice! Phone 64500. their way through many a school urday in SHAPE headquarters Miss Lesley Crawford of 24 ending Wilkes College. They for- Schedules Given day: PHYLUS KING'S bright chapel at Voleteau, near Paris. Uidge road-as exhibiting her litho- merly resided at 10 Ashland road. If you'd like to buy genuine alli- blazers for teens and preteem Especially For You! Mr. Quarles, who is on an in- graph, "The Little Church Around For Bfayton PTA <$12.W and $14.95) . .. W Summit gator shoes for fast II4.W ... go Dr. C. Elson Burrough of 82 spection tour in Europe, gave his the Corner," at the Arms collec- immediately to FOOTWEAR, lac., Ave. .. . •-...... i Blackburn road has resumed his daughter in marriage. A former tion of Contemporary American Classroom Teas - ..••••' •...'• Semi-custom made bedspreads — a rainbow dental practice In orthodontia in 454. Springfield Ave.! No ordinary resident of Summit, Mr. Quarles prints at the. Metropolitan Museum The mothers of .the Brayton Hien'1 a smart gal . . . %ht'i the Bassett building after a pe- alligators, these••.-„•. they're hand- of colors,- many varied styles and starting as was a vicc-presiident of Pell Lab- of Art, New York City. School sixth grade students attend- been to S. BAIISH & SON, j riod of active duty with the Army. somely grained Anthony D'Anta- oratories. ed the first of a series of "let- tos, reg. I22J5. Fall fashion foot- Betchwood Rd. She knows sit* low as $15.* „ saves dollars but gets top

ORANGE 3-0880 CORBY'S Sit CLEANERS rtq. US iorcery-sheer» 1.45 pr. rtcj. 1.35treosneer ,1 1.10 pr. 99 SUMMIT AVE, nq. 1.3$ daytime ihetrt 1.10 pr. ABBOTT - HOG AN, Inc. • SAME DAY SERVICE req. 1.45 loektttt non-rm 30 dtnltr 1.35 pr. % FREE MINOR REPAIRS I, l.fl film fit stretth IS denier ...... 1.A5 pr* M'••• DEPENDABLE DRY CLEANING PLUS — 575 Scotland Rd. Orange

PICK UP AND DELIVERY SIR VICE TWICE A WIEK IN SUMMIT 42 IIICHWOOD ROAD SUMMIT #4409 THi SCIMMIT HtHAi6, tHufeSDAY, SEPTEMBER- ». 1955 15 Tr? Defta Tia Planned The annual Fall tea of Delta Del- There$Q Gargiulo Ehine Maffei, Dons Ahlers, a first lieutenant in Uie Medical u Delta wiU be held September C A. Pedicini, Specialist Corps at the USAF • S from 2 until 4 p. m. at tilt haste Is Married to W.CLejohn Hospital Sarasota, He received a 0{ Mrs. Ian* Lawrence, of Jior- R.LMurmWed Miss Magnuson j BS degree at Springfield College, l,ani Park. Mr?,'Jamil %. Harris j Mass, and an MA degree at the. ,f Newarjc i* co-tortew. »e will Charles DeFamo At St. Teresa's Are Married Are Engaged ! College of Physicians and Sur-. be assisted by Mrs. D. C. Manley The marriage of Mis« Ther«* Mrs. Carl Ahlers of 105 New ' The engagement has been an- goons, Columbia University. 1 f 35 Ooostantini (dace, and Mrs. The marriage of Miss Elaine ; o A, JJargiulo and Chariet A. D«- England avenue has announced nounced «f Mis» Carmen Olivia A November wedding in Sara- * jt. Paul Mitchell of 178 Oak Ridge Grace Maffei, daughter of Mr. and t Faaa took pb« at St Terwa'i the marriage of her daughter, MagnuMu;, daughter of Mr. and sota is planned. f avenue. Mrs. Joseph R. Maffei oi 101 E. Doris Marie, to William Cart Le Ouiren on Saturday. Th» eer*. Orchard street and Rocco Louis Mrs. G. C. Magnuson of Lapeer, »W was performed toy Rtw, John of New York City, son of Michigan to Cosimo Anthony Ped Mr. Kohman, Miss Harrold Play Try-Otit Tonight Mono, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mrs. Alfvilda Jacobsen of Jack- John A. Kelky and i reeepiiofi icini, son oi Mr, and Miv James ! Try-out* lor the Playhouse Asso- Murro of Morristown, took place sonviUe^ Fla. The bride is the Wed in Pittsburgh followed at the Hotel Suburb**. Pedicini, of Pine Grove avenue. ciation's forthcoming production of Saturday afternoon at St. Teresa's daughter of the late Mr. Carl Announcement has been made' • Dial M for Murder" wUl be held Tlie bride is » daughter of Mr, Church. Rev, Harrold A. Murray Abiers. The ceremony was per- Miss Magnuson attended Sul- of the wedding on Saturday, Sep- and Mrt. Louis J, Garglulo of today at S p. m. «t the Playhouse. officiated and a reception fol- formed September 7 in the Cen- lin* College, Va, and received a tember third, at Pittsburgh, Pa., Pearl street and the bridegroom Members and non-members inter lowed at the Forum Club recrea- tral Presbyterian Church, with BA from Michigan State College. of Miss Nancy Mae Harrold and' » a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. tion hall in Madison. Rev. Dr. L. V. Buschman offi- She is presently a speech correc- Wayne Elbert Kohman. The bridt^ ested in acting or backstage work Anthony DeFaiio oi Sharpsburg, are urged to attend. Given in marriage by her father, ciating. A reception for members tiunist and kindergarten* teacher is a daughter of Mr. and Mr$. the bride wore a gown of chantilly of the family and dose friends at Happiness House School for Maurice Jacob Harrold of Pitts- Mr. Gtrgbhj gave his daughter lace over nylon tulle and satin followed at the home of Mr. and Handicapped Children at Sara burgh and the bridegroom is a in marriage. She wore a walfe with back interest of alternate ruf- Mrs. C. J. Ahlers of 18 Fernvood sota, Florida. son of Mr. and Mrs. Girard T. length gown of rosepoint lace and fles of pleated tulle and lace. Her road. The prospective bridegroom is Kohman of Ashland road. an elbow kagth veil. She carried veil of silk illusion was fingertip The bride was given in mar- a prayer book with white orchids. riage by her "brother, L. P. Ahlers Miss Helen'Florence Martia Another Plymouth Mrs. Stephen Wach of South of Northport, Long Island, Dr. Mrs, Thomas G. Wellepp, Jr. SARA. JE. CRIMI Plainfleld' attended her sister as Helen Looguth of Baltimore, Md., matron of honor. Her waltr length was her only attendant. Dr. Wil- gown of aquamarine crystalette liam Longuth was best man. Miss Martin TEACHER OF PIANO was matched bv a velvet hat and Ushers included the bride's broth- she carried yellow orchids. ers, Hendrick C, Harold W., and Is Engaged to Theory — Harmony — Ensemble In the lowest-price field. Mr. Wach was best man awl Carl «J, Ahlers. Is Married in ! ushers were Frank DePatio aid The bride is a graduate of Kent VirginiaMan INTERESTING METHOD — RAPID PROGRESS William LevHsh. Place School, Wheaton College, A wedding during the Christ- Community Church] Member Music Education League Miraculous Mrs. DsFazio is a graduate of and Cooper Union. She also at! Summit High School and Stafford mas holiday season is planned The Community Church was! Teacher of Student Gold Medal Winners to League Contests tended Columbia University, and j for Miss Helen. Florence.'Martin Hall. Mr. DeFazio, a chemical is now. with -an architectural firm the scene on Saturday, Septem- I Push-Button Driving I engineer with the Celanese Cor- in New York City. Mr. Lcjojm j and Samuel Page Felton. Miss ber 10, of the wedding of Miss j STUDIO: 21 LOCUST DR. SU. 6-0521 poration, is a graduate of Du- studied' at Cooper Union, and is j Martin's engagement has been Prlscilla May Affel and Thomas ,| quesne Uriversity. Following a with H.K. Noll, Inc., of New York. I announced Jby her parents, Mr. G. Weilepp, Jr. Dr. Jacob Trapp J Coming Oct. 21. motor trip through New England Following a wedding trip to and Mrs. George B. Martin of performed the ceremony and a! 152 Maple street. . . ' and Canada, the couple will reside Cragsraoor, N. Y., the couple will reception was held in the Com- j SUMMIT ART ASSOCIATION, INC. at 23 Pearl street. j live in New York City. The 'bride-to-be is a 'graduate of munity Church House. i Miami University in Oxford, Ohio The, bride is a daughter of Mr< j Trinity College Alumnae St. Teresa's PTA and received an HA degree in Fall Classes Start Oct. 3rd drama froth. the .University of Ind Mrs. Herman A. Affel of 1*20 Entertain Freshmen Sponsors Bake Sale Washington? Seattle. She is now Woodland •jmaae. ~- The" ^>ride- j Beginners — Advanced Student* -r- Children Following all masses on Sunday, district execute lor the Seattle groom is'""arsoh'of Mr. «nd Mrs. The New Jersey chapter, Alum- • JdM Von Wickr • Kaffttrbte Grove Safftr nae Association of trinity College, a bak^d goods sale will be held' in King Couhitjr Girl;Scout Council. Weiiepp^f Upper Montclai**.. ; the auditbrhim of Sf. Teresa's " Mr. Felton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Davidson was! • Jot Jones , • Mary Bugbird Washington, D.C., entertained in- Mrs. Rocco Louis Murro ' coming freshmen at a tea at the school sponsored by the PTA, Mrs. Mrs. Samuel S. Felton of Rich- matron of honor and George Wei-; • M«uw*M Simpson • Liltlan Johmon home of Mrs. Louis Mouquin of length, and hung from a rhinestone Albert Kobylarz; president, has an- mond, Va., is a graduate of the lepp, a brother of the groom, was 141 Oak Ridge avenue before the tiara. SJie carried a prayer book nounced that foreign delicacies University of Washington and al- best man. Herman A. Affel, Jr. j ' For Folder or Information Call... will be among items offered for opening of the school year. trimmed with phalaenopsis or* so attended the College of William and John B. Turner were ushers. SU. 6-3015J or SU. 6-6698 The first aU^haptcr activity will chids, stcphanotis and variegated sale. Donors • are requested to and Mary. A biochemist, he is The couple wilt reside in Roch- be a business meeting and lunch- ivy. , • bring baked goods to the school doing research for the School of ester, N. Y. eon in honor of June graduates, cafeteria on Saturday between 2 Fisheries, University of Washing-: The bride's cousin, Miss Sandra and 5 p. m. on October 1. Mrs. Richard Mar- Sodano of- Madison was maid of ton. ' "Heel and Toe Socials" key of -25 Oak Ridge is a mem- honor. She wore a shrimp nylon To Resume at YWCA ber of the executive board. tulle ballerina length gown and Breakfast Picnic, Revel carried a crescent bouquet of ivy Scheduled for Brownies Sponsored by the Co-Ed Club, monthly social dances will resume and shaded sweatheart roses. All Summit area intermediate on October 1 with dancing from For Your Week-end Bridesmaids were Miss Joan Girl Scouts (fifth, sixth, stventh Maffei, sister of the bride; Miss and eighth grades) and any girls 8:30 p. m. until midnight. Refresh- Entertaining! Marion Papio, Miss Veenie Maino, interested in scouting will have a ments will be served and table res- of Summit and Miss Gussie breakfast picnic on Saturday, Sep- ervations may be made by calling j^Mt_y tember 24, from 9 until 11 a. m. at the YWCA (SU, «.626l). VIENNESE cotillion blue nylon tulle full length the Prospect area of Watchung gowns and carried baskets of ivy Reservation near the lookout tow- Daughter to C. P. Hays COCKTAIL and sweetheart roses. er. In case of rain the picnic will Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Hay, The three flower girls were Carol be held on October 1. Parents are Jr., of South Orange, are par- SANDWICHES Jean Alise, a cousin of the bride, welcome. ents of a daughter, Nancy Pris- who wore a shrimp nylon tulle full The Brownie revel for Summit cilia, born September S at Over- length gown, and Rosemary Del area

Ranch & Split level Homes BECOMES STEWARDESS-MIss Marjorie Ann Mixon is now a Del- ta Air Lines* stewardess based in Natutalizer's open>toe version Call SU. 6-1010 or any agent Dallas, Texas. Daughter tff Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mixon of 14 Sher- of your favorite pump j man avenue, she is a graduate of Salem College in Winston:Sajem, N. C. Miss Mjxon majored in his- All the foot •caressing tory and French and was on the dean's list. I'rior to joining the comfort features of Come ... See . . . airline she served as publicity manager for the New London Naturalized well-known Players. Miss Mixon received her Our Most Complete Assortment Of stewardess training at the Delta Sweater Pump in ft Air Lines' Sen col in Atlanta, Gr. new design that REPAIR SERVICE • Watch Repairt features an open toe. »> Dried Foliage • P«orl* Restrung Heel-hugging • Engraving You'll Be Glad You Did • Plating Wmth or WMtt for complete • Crytrclt Fitted Colt Umthtr at Immtdiatoly comfort. CARLANS MARMONS FLOWERS Your Community Jeweler 713 Morris Ave., SprteffMd At HM Switmlt Line Open Frl. Kvr*. "til 9 P. M. 441 Springfield Ave. SU. < 1441 BIG DISCOUNTS AT Youngster*! growing feet dttervo the correct styto ond proper fit built into Prwna dance footwear. Whether child or adult, you'll donct better with Primer. Rtmember, Holiday Appliances & Housewares Prima ii the only line of dance footwear bearing the 352 Sprlngfitld Ave., Summit Su. 6-1816 Parent's Magazine seal of approval I See us now for all types of dance footwear. K SURE TO SEE US FIRST SUMMIT SHOE SHOP FOR ALL fOUR SMALL «i4 sHumnuo AVINUI SUMMIT, M. J. BILT-RITE SHOES Clotd Hon., Sift. SI In OtamwtM Appliances & Houseware Needs • Introducing my New Her fiance/ who is teaching in Mrs. William M. Davit, Jr. formerly cf. Summit, as maid of In Addition T» Th. . the Chenango Valley school sys- honor and Miss Stella Hunkins of tem in Binghamton, ii a gradu- A lace cap held her illusion finger- Gcuverneur, N. Y, a"d Miss Eliz- . Dinner . Ming mode by ate cf Summit High School and tip veil and she carried a prayer abeth Rrss cf Montreal, as Ithaca 'College, where he is a book with white orchids and bridesmaids. Our Thursday member cf Kappa Gamma Psi, stephanotls. Alexander Embree, Jr. was SPECIAL! national music fraternity. The maid of honor, Miss De- best roan for his brother and The engagement cf Miss lores Robinson ot Mhecla, wore Richard B. Hawkes cf Munsey Thompson's sifter has also been a floor-length gown in flamingo Pi-rk, L. I. and George M. Lewis announced and a double wedding taffeta with a matching velvet cf Pelham, N. Y. were ushers. lfcfl'»» ^Ji^^* ceremony is planned in August of headpiece and she carried bronze A graduate cf Summit High ROAST BABY JILL-WILL. OILATIN next year. and yellow chrysanthemums. The School, Mrs. Embree attended bridesmaids, who v,ere dressed Bethany College and was gradu- CORNISH GAME in black, brown or Continues Graduate Wcrk in emerald green gowns end ated from St. Lawrence Univer- grey suede with Wesley W. Marple, Jr., son of headpieces like the maid,cf hon- sity. HEN iridescent trim. Mr. and Mrs. Marple of Tulip or, included Mrs. E. Leroy Mc- The bridegroom is also a grad- Sluff.J with Wild Ktm Available with tnjoy this street, has returned for his senior Pherson and Miss dochette El- year at Harvard School of Busi- lerson of East Orange and Mrs. uate of St. Lawrence University matching handbags. luscious ness Administration. He is a grad- Richard Amos of Summit, They and attended Vermont Academy. new treat uate of Princeton University. carried bouquets of yellow chrys- They will reside in Kingston. Our Friday an themums. The flower girl, Miss FAVORITE! tonight/ Judy Sims of Summit, was simi- larly attired in 'yellow taffetr '98.95 with a matching bonnet. David C. Gibson of East Or- BUYS A ange served as best man and the ushers were James Baxter of Mineola, Capt. Gustav Hening- WHOLE BROILED NECCHI burg am) £. Leroy McPherson of MAINE LOBSTER East Orange, Cleveland DiUing- SAFEWAY ham and Richard Amos of Sum- • ' WHh l«Htr S«uc» mit. ' 2H fogndt Mrs. Davis is a graduate of Fr*$K A.* 4h« (VMW Summit High School and Hamp- Fr»m th*!r N«*ly« S««t! ton Institute, Hampton* Virginia, Her husband is an alumnus of SEE GORHAM'S NEW Mineola High School and attend- Add I*I4 l» your Ml M'lA ed Hampton Institute. He served and •ftioy our three years as a lieutenant with DtRcieut Genaroui Coelt«lti • PAY AS YOU SEW - the Army during the Korean con- • Only $1.25 psr wesk flict. recipe lor • CONV1NIINT TERMS After a motor trip to upstate New York, the couple will live rc-MndUnQ PREFERRED OVER ALL OTHER c«n of vusi for rm D.«ontttoi;o»_ in Long Island where Mr. Davis is employed in the production a romance,,, JUBURBAM "New Jersey's Smartest Shoe Shops STERLING DESIGNS Liberal control department of Ncwsday take your wife to in Garden City, New York. Mr?. 570 SprtngFitld Av»nu« SUMMIT MORRISTOWN TRADE-IN BY TODAY'S Y0UN3 AMERICANS! Davis was employed as a dieti- •«ar j Summit, N. J. ALLOWANCE! tian it the East Orange VA Hos- pital until recently. Imbnlmn* restmmrmmt FAMOUS MAKES Hood Freshmen Honored The Hood College alumnae en- IroPORTABLEn S from XH tertained at tea for Incoming fresh- Io eeatt-KKoait previewt, raeft of this area and their mothers recently at the home of Mrs. young Americans over, George F. H; Nelson, 16 Clesrview whelmingly choie "Celeste" fURRBTS drive. Local girls entering Hood SIW1NG CENTER this fall are: Jacqueline Glfford, A* JVeawft Alrswff u their favorite sterling daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 100 SUMMIT AVENUE M by FBBD W. M001B, Jr. pattern ovei today's most H. Gilford and Joan Marsh, daugh- i popular designs. Before SU.1-02T0 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. you buy any sterling, come Marsh, both of Summit and Gay MORRISTOWN Morrish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • 'New Fall Colors •in and see "Celeste". You 7 Dm St. JE. f-2398 Edward P, Morrish of New Prov- can start your "Celeste" set idence, •.-.- .. ..:.-,.. -. with a single teaspoon. •". Ww Fall Patterns Then register your choice of this heavenly pattern m New Fall Textures with us to be sure your family and friends will always Come in and see the new fall fashions fresh from the know your preference. designing- boards of the leading manufacturers. Every- thing in carpet—in wool, in nylon, cotton, viscose and MED COnAGE the new miracle fibre blends... all at prices to suit your particular budget! Here are some of the really good Ituys the new fall season lias in store for your home at HEESE... Carpet Decor;

Cer. leeehweect M. Sturdy, dense twist $l.ff SUMMIT Mtracb Durlon, with CheK Soil Start* "C*W lwip»«t $4.» M. Ton((l« iptadtr m as this morning milk! The perennially beautiful Mohawk Chenille WM Ml* -135.00 M. Tm \ni, from l».»5 fltw Owhan Sifting lnil« tamtlt \t ! Mad* frwn • itnfli ittoitm ilbtt tvt» •nd many other valueil , - nst h*» ti»lv«i toldtrtd t«|ilf)«r. It Make Borden's Cottage Che*!* the heart of your |JO.O0 down with up fo 34 monthi •* pay.

lofr»o«lorie meate! «nd Servlcs a* • pries you cen afford." Givee you protein nourJuJimpnt of Budget Termt Arrmtwl Carptt Decor • SIS Millbum Am • Short Hills

SHeft HHII 7.2S7I Near Ch#«»icl«r if it's Th/tfat it* Oien Mendey, Wsdnsiday and Friday svtnlnfi tin »l»#. THE SUMMIT HiEAlO. THUMBAY. SIWCMWK H IMS Union County Republican party, HMMOWMTS be devoted to dis«|»«Joi».jM,tbj., >•#•]IT Dinner Freeholder Director Beaainger Cone* Brook for suit esses. A space to store stated thai Wlifi" obtained proposed new piping Nation extra leaves in the dining room IUh«arsds to Start each season. Anyone •" Y^^ ™OW SHMKHn'nIM tflnsfo] n is urged to attend the first I&. from this dinner will help to as- "Tot Doors Are Open," the table. A storage area for card tor Symphony Orchestra To Build Up GOP sure a resounding Bepublieai vic- for the Canoe Brook sanitary sew- _ tables. hearsel or contact Mrs. Max £{ tory in the November 8, elections. popular and widely hailed film er system. ' IMM The Summit Symphony Orches- Richardson at SU 8-1476-J, P-- strip on Summit and its welfare Otn«r subjects to be covered by Dream House Is The basemen* houses a, four- tra wiU hold th

find two master bedrooms with • •. * Easy G.M.A.C. Payment Plan | dressing rooms and completely appointed baths. A few more £ steps and you're on the third level, Mailing Cases s where two suites have -been pro- Our Prices Are Right... vided for the "young married" members of the Ogden family who get home only occasionally. One ARMY LOCKERS suite, a one-room and bath af- And Our Service Terrific fair, has special built-in closets designed by Jack Ogden, who is associated^ with his father, and SALZMAN who will occupy the wirjg. The OFFICIAL ARMY & NAVY two-room wing is equipped with a bath that boasts both a stall DEPARTMENT STORE | Nicola Chevrolet Inc. | shower and a tub. 201 Main Sr. Orange Every closet is cedar-lined. Double insulation makes the attic OR. 3-7494 | 315 SPRINGFIELD AVE. SU. 6-6500 | usable on the hottest days, MOB., Ihnn., |>r|,, Sat, t to I There's a special storage spart Tnet. and Wefl.. • to t


• • WE ARE PLEASED TO i i /. i < i THAT THE V," •* ^

MORAL: Switch to dependable Automatic Electric Water Heating! COLONIAL KITCHEN R GENERAL GREENE SHOPPING CENTER >( / ,With an electric water heater in the house you enjoy all the *-^' ...=3= ...1 '" SPRINGFIELD, N. J. . «

hotwater you need, whenever you need it! A 8imple,surc •7 >\ • thermostatic control keeps the water at the exact temperature 1 •you want, automatically! There's nothing to light, nothing IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ito wait for. Just a sure supply of piping hot water 24 hours a day. Add to this convenience •— the special, low electric water heater rate offered by JCP&L, and you'll see The Charm of Colonial Days is Recreated in Our Decor and The Quality why thousands of modern homemakers are switching of Codlcingis Reflected in Our Cuisine ! •to modern, dependable electric water heating. For full facts, be sure to see your Reddy Kilowatt dealer. Your Choice of Many Taste. Tempting Dishes, Featuring a Complete WIN THE ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN Menu of Sea Food Delicacies and Charcoal Broiled Favorites. Oft LAUNDRY APPLIANCES YOU WANT! See your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer for details of JCP&L uwtnumuf big JCP&L 4- McGall'B all-electric kitchen and J«r»©y Central Power * Light Enjoy the Best of Food in Pleasant Surroundings. laundry planning contest. OPEN FROM 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. DAILY FOR AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS - EASTERN FUEL CO. FREE SOUVENIRS during OPENING WEEK BROAD 8TBKET FREE PARKING "No Compromise With Qualify" OI*KN EVENING* Rllnmll MOM '•- X ..••«„! THE SUMMIT MEIUID, THURSDAY, StMtMHH ». H« Staffers Still Unknown for St. John's Sweep Held Narrcws as Keeps Team in Tennis Ctub Meet W, Roselfe Tiff This Saturday First Place Haviag passed the crucial week tremendous and still continues. Enters Seml-Rn^s • St. John's Lutheran swept their efore the sea&oa starts,,(he Sum- B»nE*eU*r (Gr^wteb. Coin However, there are a few good ! match with O»kes Memorial to The final rounds of the 1855 lit High football team looks ready bets- Summit Tea^is Club Invitation Iff™!* ; * ^A.n^ B • > Uckk its first opponent—Ko- j retain their top spot in the Sum- dtfwtett O. paiw* • Short Jackie Robinson seems likely al {• mit Inter-Church Btfwllog League, Tooraament will be contested this *-S; John A. DtBott e&e Park—here this Saturday. ' fe»t*» S. C. » one end as does Roger Faherty at The Jewish Community Center Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. The But, with * &quad of SO plus, early rounds of the annual Sum- 44. «-i. « inch Kandxat hat many prob- a guard. In all probability, Lloyd recovered from a poor start last mi ja^ mit Invitation Tennis Tourna- tau. None of the starting posi- Coleman will start at one tackle week to take all three gamea defeated T. D Kwt laumtttt ;-V taos is ccrtiiri yet. The coropeti- from First Baptist, bringing their ment sponsored by the Summit S-»; B M. Jotumm, Jr. fMaitsmi a, while Walter Meincke and Bill Tennis dub on their courts on fe*ud Dr. O, O- R^woa (SS^; w»n for these top berths has been record up to a respectable four }. C-l; B. B. Butler will rotate between center wins and two losses. In other Sunset Drive were played during and tackle. matches, the First Methodist won the weekend. All of the seeded Peg Training Classes - John Davidson and Eddie Rillo players ire ranked by the East- Stogies—SCMBMI Ma three from the Temple Sinai to Sundertand d«fe«t«4 B E To Start Neil Tuesday seem certain at fullback and half- move into second place. The First em Lawn Tennis Association. (Btoomfteld) (.3. »-0: H»mltu back respectively. Quarterback is There were several newcomers in Grayioa t-3. i-i; H»w!», ."lie Mid-Jersey Companion Dog Lutheran easily gained a three T. P«Jm«. Jr. (BtllevUUi by Yaiaing Club «i!l hold training a different subject, though. Len- point win over the Fountain Bap- this years tournament, notably Vaa R«nn*«l««j- cl<>fc«<«il V • A lasses again this year beginning ny Lombardo, Larry Lockhart, Henry C. Van Rennsalaer of 8-0. 8-3; Fleming t*tmt*4 DeH*!* tist as Vie Peterson, and Bill Mul- t-t; Werder defuled Umbwiw- "ueaday, September 27, at 8 p.m. and Ralph Fico could all play caliy sparked the victors. The Greenwich, Conn!, who reached 3-«. rcttitd: W. Lurt* (N»« Yoekv t Use Italian-American Hall, 146 there or somewhere else in the. the semi-final singles round after, feated Johasoa t-i. *-J; O B«a , Central Presbyterian p i n m e n Tork) ; W«n«art 1«. 187. 101—310: Coomba dropping the opener by eighteen 1412, IS3. IK—573. Total*: 862, 9M. 894— pins and the finale by ten. G. SRC8. ^^ - CharUnn Lynch had a 45} series for Bond MfccQuMtkm 103. 1M, 172—571; l*w- Furniture, rolling a 175 middle r«ce ISi, ai5. 1W-M3; Klrtm 134, r 178. l«ft—496; Bunt 167. IN. 243~j£; game. PwsU 188. 307. 268—«80. Tot*!»-«e7, »95. 1641—JS6J. Meta and Edwards Beauty Sa- Urrjr'i lon won the opener from Peggy TMT» 1M. 181, 171—331: Sctrlnal 190. Abbott, hut dropped the next two 334. ITS—322; O<Mr; 170. 131. 154— *75: PstnusM ISA, 1M. 188-300: Oa«4 as E, Hellqulst and G. McGeo 206. 170. 14)—309. lWafe-911, 790, 833 rolled 444 and 388 series respec- America's lowest priced —"2340, tively. Wett Pmn oil ComeU 179. 1M. 1«1—4«; Ntrdteilo 48. 13*. 183-473; Donto 18». 432. 193— Ken Johnston's Sport Shop lost M4: Cl»rk 133, 194, aia~341; Bnrttmtin the opener to the Colton Cleaners 147. ITS, 198—321, Tot*!*— 790, 848. but won the second and third • Werner. games in a rather low scoring KlUllppl 139. 155. lfl4-499: FYeytW- series. Lynn Pittmar and B. Can- «w 157. 171 189-500; MonU 1«. ai4. 195-577: Svrtck 143. HO, 178-M1; non had the best totals for the victorious Ken Johnston's, with truck... Dodge pick-up Cora Brown top bowler for the Root's KaWm 1«, 301. 189—S3J: T«vlor 170. Colton Cleaners. 132. 188-558; P»tU 151. 18J. JS»-46«: O*» ia». 144. l«-47i; itoynoMa STANDINGS WAU SATII 212. 1*7. 137-418. T(»t»l»-888, t7t, T»ara Won Lmt 798-*25IO, • . • - • J. Gorman-Summit Ptckafd a n ./ . For walb ;. CfcftH ISrttttwft W>ot« 3 -; : ; -•-• •'•-.Tr#m "" '••" DtlUM BwtH Sliopp* 2 ami Tnnseolk 188. 184. 112—3M; J»rm«v ftUT Abbott j 1M. 1»4, 178-50S; O. TwlU 1». 181, K«a Johwton Spcrt Shop 3 J6»-478: C. TwtH 1«J. m. Boa4 rurnltUNurnltUNi i Bnnt«mpt> 171. 176. 1J»—473. MH* A Edwards Beauty Salon 1 *52, K3. 80J-35O0. SATJIIMPWV0 Kam Jftliniton Colton Cl«m»r» 1 145Ffti|H ntf StltiMri l«*l Tim9, 41 Aiy, Uttti K t MMittai 189. 111. 182-314: tor- liiilt 222. J8S. 107-,»JJ; O»*TfuJl« 192. 149 IBS—MB; Koljj'larn 120. 131, 111— 382. Kallcni^f 108. 200, 194—582. Totals series for Eastern. J, KraU had for trim in —182. B18. 822-2522. a 162 opening game and closed matching colors with a fine 151 for a 423 series for Berkeley Market, Bill's Shell. The Nigro Excavat- Benjamin ing - Company and Hfarry'g: Esso Es & Bud's Lead registered two points each in their paints even split for the series. Variety Boro Girls' Loop Bake Shop and the William's Mar- Consult us about your The Berkeley Meat Market ket gained two points each for the painting question* sparked by H. Falco and N. Bink- evening's howling with Helen ley posted a three game win over Cross the top bowler for either the Done Well Cleaners with Es & club, rolling three steady games Buds also winning three from the for a 420 series. Center Stationers as the New STAND INC, 3 SUMMIT Berkeley Meat Market Providence Women's Bowling K» & Buds Kajtern Bar League opened their 1955-56 sea- Hurry'« Esso son at the Berkeley Recreation Nljro Excavating lanes last Wednesday evening. Variety Dak* shop Hardware & Paint Co. William* Market The Eastern Bar Rained • three nill'a Shell 35? SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT point win over Bill's Shell as E. Done W>ll Cl?*ni>« Marcelliano Sparkled with a 516 NOW

His li|f dependable Dodge picK-yp l_ costs less to buy, costs less ts operate! YOU-DO-IT" It's a beauty of a buy! Coats you doIlaM less than any other pick-up on the market. Offers PROTICTIOH A Scries of Practical Home Repair Demonstrations By Specialists you a multitude of time-saving, money-saving features. com NO MOM For instance, greater visibility with. th# biggeut wrap, «u»«i moTic in •round windshield of the lowest priced three. Sharpest DODGE HAND A POWIR TOOLS . MATERIALS FOR WALL REPAIRS - ROOF- turning for faster maneuvering, speedier deliveries. Job-Rated MIIIH you get 4» *%' nwtdilesi cab comfort, lower loading ING i GUTTERS * PAINTING fc DECORATING . CARPENTRY - CON ,4 PL;and Fom*rd &** »tyUng in this amazing truck TRUCKS W Thrifty power, too, from the famous Dodge engine. Coll Out Haattr CRITE R1PAIRS . SEWAGI DISPOSALS - MASONRY & IXCAVATION WITH THE rmm/u HtlmWdl 2.0144 Remember, five other Dodgt truck models are the lowent MOnlctolf 3U0O - end other sub|tcts. priced of any popular make! See your Dodge tjruck dealer 1 4 i •J OTTO SCHMIDT,JR.,INC. SINCLAIR 4 Summit r MCA, 17 MatWt Strati, ttfhtnititt 4 D ST. SU. 6-1645 SUMMIT. N. J. mmmmmmmttmmt h» 11,10. IW fwttitr litftKriHitlan rtl«phon« SU THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER tj. t955 •ft*' W*Uar« Oonunitu*. MM^UBC MM* for ioi an atwwMr on Messrs are h&r»t>y dettrmitwd. d*eU*«d, re- Dogwood Pork Grid furaUttaf BMW tt JoS 17sw»»*U* H»JU*U»U . BlaUAlfflUlff* M cited Wid e4a«*4i BotptMt from ta*. utb tt Oat. Ka, Mfabrwe li m, U Kspl* (») Tht »aM ourpoM d«*crtbefo*Kiaeut whicichh faflit* Ciidlyy »uv SUMMIT awuMsuJtaMt -and pm, tm Khail lawfully tea' or make u » tocaj troproteuuKii. STRAND ' Sweeping *•! toaua, Sub«rb«B Coaler- Ui 0UI»11SM« with th» CUrk ot tb* r>ofwood Paris (b) Tht period Of UMfUlIMM 0( Sept. 22, 23. TtU Kelly* Blue* 2:5J, e «ce caamplow last year, tl» MM 8* tit* COUMJT, «JMI vM Vwilc. »d ttw unkaovn 8Uf>.rior Court, etut* Koute Aanrx, 1:2S, t;30.^S*pt, 14. IN-te R«41ys Blues . . pt their strie* with De- bo* vtolm tot- htpplBin Ma4 f Tj*moii, In a«oor«Unc» *ith the rule* purpate, within the limiuUMi* or lVe «P*M up Us 1955 aeaswi Oils .tlt« tt «9M«Nr C6« of etrll prwtlc* and procedure. iom 40:1.34 to «:l-3« of tatd ,"' 1:45. 5:05. TsiS, «:40, Sipt, 25 Franpii /< > gain the leadership o|,the In hu a»w pcatttoa. **• on rait Bond Uwruud teoordt&g to tbt -do Th* N»»f.. 2.00 i:W. T.20, 10'*0. Saturday agabtst aWllc Park. uf wtpft rowl«r, Attaa I StftUfctMrgw, Mttb The ^jtct (4 sala a«Uo8 la to ob Ufe in The Balance, 3:2], SM, d 45. (»)—R**>luuon by OaatmMUt of ttw tain a ivAgmmi of dJvorc* h '' Ufa thereof, la forty Rt ,> Heights Women* Bowl lfct tame will b» played at Sept, 24. rr«ncli in The N«.«j. 3-40, Wholt, thMiktat OMTH WUHB, I«m- ttM uii pUlntlll tad YOU. 7:00, »:59. life Ir. Tlve Balance. 2:30, U Jtiue last Monday evening. 2 p.m. at Memorial Field. •r oortwpwdMM o( «• xmrtt •««• _. , Ann* OtfeaiMr) . IDA- filw MOOfttfitX U^ ««fcgMd|||« tA ttttam. Ralpb A. Taiwr. Attoj-uejf. for Plaintiff, 3:05, 7:35, »:40. < KeJ the victors tor the three ers, i large ton out «f adult him b«M itemtot m IIMM U4 Oo«««f and D»»W ~ ' 1} atapX* Street Ui« City Clerk Mid a eooiplet* «>«outed M m -*n* **r an H M* ««aa. IWM M tok '*e Hid with Flo Banks show- in UM (utur*. vu an toll and bit. b*r. ttotU or any of Summit; New J«***y orUrtiuI thereof hs* b»*a riled in the MORRISTOWN lass are urged to attend and mu»r l kpukud. •uoMWoni la right. tltU and 8*pt 1.1. IS. it office of the Director of th» DirUlmj "••••HIGHEST RAT1NQ" \, best advantage for the aenfl tbe team off to another HO»-l»r««iioJi»«r Htrttefe tar nwutct of IXK»1 Ooverauutut of the Sw-t* ot New Jersey, and »uch autemeot ahowa COMMUNITY | > The Richland Company CoimnlUw, rtMlvtflt tbat blU» M *« TOO AMI BHUBY 8UUMONKO AN OftDDiAVNCE a grid champfoaialp. lorVh t» n>proT«l knd ordenft IMlS, and r«oulr«l to viw th* Cpmplalat that t.'ic groM dfW of the City M de- St-pt. 22, 33. Lore h I Many Suien- i . ,*,! the odd game of their Members of the Summit WIM on roH o«U uiuuitiiioiMly tOnftiH of PitM Vlll*«« Inc., a N J. wrpora- An Ordinance ProvitUm for tat Coa- fined lu section 40; I-79 ol s*4d IMW doi«ti ThiU§, i:X). 7:00. 6.1)3. Sept. 24 . tion. Malik Is a Civil Action la the U iucr*a»#d by Uus ordluatw* by H- Love 1* a Many Splendored Thing, ,\ >vah Kossuth, Inc ai Eila M U»U ttnw, rrittbolAtt Hwileh w- •truoUou as • Looal Improvement Schools Buoiteri Atseoiation futtd » ««t«m«a* which npjMured in $0P#rloc Court ot New J*r«jr. Chan- of » 24 luch B«lUf CKorm Water 273. and Uiat the Mid obligations 3.00, 4:05. 8:10. a,!0. 10:30. Sept 25 ' *. ... and Carol Willing rolled will be at the field to assist pubile ertH m»44 t bby c«y DlvUloa. tad r«quU*4 to Mrt* cower on Bell*yu» Av*«u» Bunoiag .utharliBed by this Orttttmiwe will be Love la » Uaay Bplendored Thiiw:, of the UMea Otty Oou&ctt UJ tb«upon' Victor Samuci, Plalctiffj' At- rtUila all debt limitation* j>rfe«?rtbed 2:00, 4:10, 6:03, 8.1'B. ,«lv:C0. Sept. 28. L*j,rd 376 series for Kossuth'i. the team, relay plays |outh»ri| 430 Pe«t from to* Brook ovcr a effect ttwt Uwko s*y« i mUltoii tomer wbtwi tddrta* U 34 Commtrw Suwjing Th«wn-b th*. Property of Love U a M»ny Bpleiwiorea Tiling, , in>.nis rolled a fine 453 series public addreis lyttem aud- dodlii» |Mr year to utte» ntxd raottim Street. Ntvark 3 N J. an An*w«r to Ctnot Brook: Country Club, Aporo. (d) The followlnji Itetn*. u deUued th» CcHCpialot within 35 dart aTter Market *\ Uio»d bt. lul»l and, but this wasn't io sign up member* in the in return from UM County pruang.KSOO Thwelor. rxr*cifn« • _nd authori«e4 t>y »eotltMi 40:l-SS of -l-WM t September Mad, im. MC1U*1V» of Special Aa*esMti*ttt of rart of thea«id Uiw, ve ittid sJuUl be charged as NEWARK , < furtiMr bvuliitu* to Coat Ttunof, m4 Autiorizius; to* part of the, rost' ot »»ld purj»o»i! to fHOCTORS .. suited well by taking, the tit WOMKM, W«1 on moUott 4uly Judfn>t&> trf dtftult mty b« r»oder»d lttuance of Bond* or Motes ol thi be ftiuiucrd by the istUanc* of said m»d» *.nd seconded, Dlr*ctot Bee. atusat too tttt tba relief d»m*ndtd City for rioanctttf th* Sam*. oblUa-tioiu' U) ivot escMdlog MS on Sept. 21. 21, I«, 27, 28. 29, Oct. s. 4. • ••• .(t»o games, but dropped the ntniw iecl*red the Board •djoumad in cald Cooipi»lnt. Tou ahall file your BIS IT OHDAINBD BY TI« COW- account of the coat of is*UMice of *aid Love I* a MiM.y Bpleudored Tulug. both 'duba. The Mountain Clean- Astwer with proof ol »ervlce in du- obligation*; and (J> not exceedtnn #125 11- -» Phyllis Mondelli sparked until Thuxoday, Bepuanbtt n, 184J. UO» COWCIi Of THE CITY Or 11:00, 1.-.54; 4:48, VM. 1O.«. Hoftdhou*,. ers won the odd game of their »t ten A.M. pMcatt with Utt Clerk of the Superior SUMMIT. IN THE COUNTY Or UN-on account of englneeiliw and In-Olrl, 12:4fl, 3:40. «:?«, »:«. Sept. 23, 30. MICHAEt V. KtAtY, Court of New lenity. .State mow* ION. NEW JERSEY (not leas UMH two- *pe«Uon co*u and legal exp«n*«i: and Love U a Wany Splendored Thing, V uerkeley Bakery- salvaged series with the Berkeley Hall with Ciwk oi Ok* B As&«x, Trenton, H J. lu accord»«ite thirds of all the membw* toereof (3) not enceeduig' MS on account of j"11:09. 2:10. 3:11, 8:12, U:I7, Ho»dhou*e C. Clark rolling a 560 series for with the Bule» of Civil Practice and affUTna.UreJ» «>ncunrtBii 19 TOL-lnt«>re«t on obljlgatlom to finance Otrl. l:0i, *M\ IM. IO;Q9. Sept. 24, -m» jn their series with, the PENDING ORDINANCE Proceduj*. . ; . - • tucli cost during the period permitted' Oct. 1. Lov« I* a Umiy Splcodored Pharmacy after losing the victors. Tpp man for tbeAM ORDINANCE TO AUTHOB1ZB Tht object of iald action It to Section 1. The livproTtaiaflt de- by i*td section. • Thlnir. 12:01, 3:11 «:W, »:13, 12:12. TKX ACQUISITION OP LANDS BY tw3 as Violet Gundmon Berkeley Hall was Seigas wilh a »ettl«, determine and quiet UtU toscribed la beetlwi 3 of thif ordinance («•) As provided In Seotlon 5 of this RoadhjDVtse Olrt, 11:00, 3:03, 5:02, HO 1, 553 series. PURCHASB OR CONDEMNATION certain land* in the Borough of U hereby luthorlited as a local tm- ordinance, «1,125 will be contributed 11:04. Si-pt. 35, Oct. ?. Love I* a Many Lillian Beinun sparked the IN TBS CITY OF SUMMIT, IN THB ICountaltuidt, Count; ot Onion and pro»ement to bt mad* or acquUred by by the Clt» at lwr»e to payineivt of the Splendored Thing 2:tM, 5:0«, 8:04, COUNTY OF UNION, NEW JERSEY, Co-Fetture—Rod tmrxon r nU Bute of New Jeiwy and dwcrlbed «• the City of Summit, m •**»• CtHitMf of cost of said improvement or purpose, 11:02. Roadhouae Girl, 1;C3, 3:58. 8:58. -«nf ri. aw.*"" « FOR THE WIDENING OP THBfollowi: Union, New Jmmt for th* Mid im- and the MUniaUd' amouat. of the 9:5«. _ " •IlEADUNE HITOTBRS" Hof it SOHS NORTHERLY SIDE OP DE FOREST BKOINNINO at. a point In tb« provemont or purpote stated 111 Ml To«r. 10:35, 1:44. 4:58, 8:08, 11:20, 3 3 Fomt Avenue . 0 the Southwest corner of. lknda) of virtue of provision In a budge* or and said mnouot shall be and hereby 3 3 S3* HUMMJT:. one Ens. thence (1) North 43 #*-buogete of the City previously adopted. la contributed by the City at large to. Sept. 23. The Nlnht Ho!<)» Terror 2:41. 5:50. 11:59. Poontepa la the Fog ,IM, -,<• Product* 1 3 6.^ _ LEGAL HUVEKTISEMENT SECTION l. It u lwreby a»t«*. reea 1Z minute* 10 second* Faat Seeuon a... For the )(laaa«lng of e*ld payment of the cost. of »Ud local 0 6 tio mined that tire City of Summit ihall ?2S.03 feet to a point, thence 11) Improvement or purpose and to nflf« mprovtment. The cost of said local 4:12, 1:21." 10:30; Hlooi«tteld_Aj[»., JVejrt * NOPS'S pr aiNwies or MKETIN acquire by purchase or condemnation, North «3 decree* 14 mtuutt* 4a the part ol said K5O0 appropriation Improvement, to the .extent of the PARAMOUNT Xonight Thru Saturday OF THE UNION COUNTY BOARD at » sum not to exceed $4,000, the «econd« lust 2W.68 feet to a point, and cost of said Impsrovsment M- amount of the appropriation hereby Jack Join r Of CHOSEN rREEIIOtDERS following described laud* for th« thence (3) North 43 degrees 25 pected»to be m«t from special assess- m»4« thrrefor *\\<\ not met" by -the Sept. 21. 22. 13, 26. 37. 28. 29, 10. Hawkins Collins ilim Lead Held MELD ON SEPTEMBER i, 195S widening of the northerly tide of minutes 10 teconda Eut 542.43 feet ments on property specially bwefltea said amount >jpiitrlbuted by the City O<1, 3. 4. Hra4H:i« Ilunt^B 12:30. .1 55. tliiem»Srope ti T'color DeFor.*t Av»nue from Woodluid Av- to a point, thence (4) South 47 by «ald improvement and not pro-at large, shall be p*ld by special «s- 8:55, 9:55. You're Wcvr-t Too Yo'insr enue easterly tq the westerly tide degree* 33 minutes 35 seconds Cast vided for by application horeunder of seMm'euta which &haU be levied In 11:00, 2:00. 5:00. 8:05.. 11:03. S«pt. 24. "LAND OF THE [By Berkeley iftep:ln« of Hie Onion Coun- accordance with law on property v ty Board of Chosen Pn-eliolctcnt was line of property of W, K. Ogden, all 413.59 feet to lands of the Board 8169.00 of MJd down payment, ne«roti- Oct. 1. Hesdlln* Huntera 12:55, 3:55. PHARAOHS" • In accord* nca with the plan prepared of Education of the Borough of abie bonds of th« Cltr, e*ch to ba 'specially benefiud .thereby, as nearly, held ax th* Court House, Elhsabfth, 7:00. li):0S. You're N«v#t Too Youn« Plus Frank' I.OVPJOT in [Recreation N. J.. ttuThursday. 8ej>t*mb«r 8, 1955 by the City Engineer and now on MoumUna|de. thence (5) South 41 known as "Storm S>w«r Bond," are as may be lh proportion to"and ntrt In 11:00, 2:00; 5:05. 8:to, 11:15. finu. 25. at tea A.M. file In his office. degrees IS minutes 93 seconds East liereby autHorizftd to be Issued in the excf** of Uic peoullar benefit, • »d- Oct. 2. Headline Hunters 1:00, 4:00, "MAD AT THE The Berkeley Recreation held a SECTION t. The said land* to be along lands or*ald Board of Edu- principal amount of 13,206 pursuant mutagf, or tnoreWe fn Value. which 6:35. 10:00. You'r* Wever 'Too Young Director BmiUnger preildk»«. Roll acquired M set forth In Section 1 b« minutM , 30 secoeds Edit tlong financing of aiid linproreineivt or pur- owner of any land upon which any Richard laurrn ht> activity at the Berkeley All those certain tracts or parcels ORMONT approved, vhicb wis duly nsconded of lind. situate, lying;, and being In . Centril Avtnue 215.11 feet to a P«« and to «ne«t th» part of Midsuch RMtssmiHit ahull have been made Wldmark IUr«ll ^creation Lanes. Ttie Kecrea- ««1 un»itlm«OEjy carried. the City of Summit, County of Un- point, thence (7) it!U alonj Oen- »4,5C0 appropriation and coat of *ald may pay such BEstasmeint in the num- Sept. 21. 22. Aida 2.28. 7:46. !fl:0S. lit color ti Cinemascope Following comrnuttlc&t4twM vote rexd lon. State of New Jersey: BEGINNING tral Aveuue South 55 degree* 00 Improvement to be contributed by the ber of equal annual install mewts Pres«nt for Br'ii* 1:W. 7:19, 9:35. Sept n kcglars gaineS a clem sweep t\i0. "FRANCIS JOINS sympathy. neterljr direction North 88* 4V ea»t ties defendant becouae you claim to the City, each to be known M "Storm balance of the a»w«»nvea»t. Present fcr Brlde-5-W. 4:18, T.00, 9:07 r_*. ft-Mured by a 213 middle P«)lice Dept. of City of E.tK»b&lh, own the tame, or some part thereof, 8eis-er Bond." are hewby authorized Section 6. The full faith and credit Kept. M. 27. Aid;- *:7*. 1:.*S, 10:02. THE NAVY" for a rilstsncB of 300 fret to a point or have toine Interest therein or to •sr The Independents dropped tbuiklag Board for use of cr»ne and In the center !in« of DeForest Avenue, to b« issued In tii* principal amount of liie City arc hereby pledged to thePresent for Bride 1:59. 7:\9, «:35. CHILDREN ALWAYS FREE' »ertfe«* of ChArlca Lleb t\i eowie ai th^nw (2) still alon? the center line hold, or claim to hold. «ome lien or of 11.089 pursuant to said Irfiw. In punctual payment of the principal of •? finale of their series with hou» ©Kploaloli at 111 Slllea at encumbrance thereon. . a-nUolpation of the Issuance of said and interest on the awid obligation* of DeForest AveiHw In an easterly di- The nation's manufacturers of FREE FLAYGROUND-&E 4-M0* A Spati as R. Engleman came Elttabet-h. * rection South 88* 40' enrt for a I. GRANT SCOTT, bonds and to temporarily finance, said authorised by this ordinance. Said : iUh with a 172 game. C. Sloss Ch»lrma.n, Purchasing Cotniftlltpe, distance or 975S feet, thence f3i Cleric of the Superior Improvement or purpose, negotiable obligations shall bi> dlrcot. unlimited prefabricated housing iWgjpfidLM,*. gdvWng bide recelv«i for tn**t for in a northerly direction for a dlatance . * JCourt Of New note* of th* City l« a prinolpal anvount obligations ol Ahfi Cliy. ftj)4ihe City tds~raf'" meat" orized to be issued pursuant to andtaxes upon all the taxable property crease of more than a third from -'7 a 4?3 three fame total to established ride line of De!"ore«t Av- NOTICE TO CREDITORS for Jail lot Septt-mbOT. enue, tbenc# (4) slon* the newly es- within the limitations prescribed bv within th« City for the payment of the 1953 level. This year they ;,,k the Independents. May- 8upt, Weights & Measurts, advising tablished tide line of Deforest Avenue Law. The maximum mt* ot Interest said obligation* and interest thereon unount forwarded to 8tne. ESTATE OP ROGER* B. HIJA, De- which any of mid obligations shall without limitation of rate or amount. expect to ship 100,000 units, or ::« Luncheonette won three North 8S* 49' west fcr a distance of ceased. Carlyle Cwne, enclosing conwnunlel- 97 fe<>t, more or le»s» thence «U1 b«ir U alx percentum (6^) per Section 7. ThU ordinance shall about one lor every 14 new con- o,su'from the Summit TV Serv- Uon {pom CmmeUinan Wehrutn of along the newlv establUhed northe-lv Pursuant to the order of CHARLES annum, UKe effect tweaty (20) daya after the •c with R. Fortenljacber showing CHrwood with, r*3*rd to flood co:idl- nide line of DePOr«t Avenue, parftllel A. OTTO. JR., Surrogate of the Coun- 8ectlon 3. fat Tli« Improvement first publication thereof after final ventionally built homes. Uam Ift his Borough, was ref«red to to end 42 f*et from the exls'lnp; cen- ty of Unlon,> made on the twenty- hereby authorized aud Uie purpose nUtate, a* provided by said Local way lor MaybeH's. Harry's &nd Bfldw^ Commlttw. ter line of Deporeit Avenue Smith 88* fifth day of August A.D., 1055, upon for the financing of which said ooUxa- Boad Law. .. i won three points by taking PerUni of Bootah Plad!i». 54' vre*t for a dl»tnnce of 209 feet the application of the undersigned as tions ar* to be Issued l« the construc- Adopted: September SO," 1955 Executor of the estate of said de- I III Mli I-? rdd game from Brennan's McWJont job- by ourmore or lraa to a noint in the center tion on lands of the city in Bellevue Attest: of Roada and bis uutst&nt lln* of WncfMind Avenue. th»nce ffll ceased, notice Is hereby given to the Avenue- of a 24 inch relief storm water HARIVJ C. KATES. ;;r> av S. Moleski came through in correotLng excessive wasJilng out In creditors of Mid deceased to exhibit City Clerk. South 3*03' Went 4J feet to the point to the subscriber under oath or affir- sewer running southRrfy 420 feat from .hi fine 20* game in the wind- th» ruttera of Sfcy Top Drlvt, Sootoh and olacB of bepinnlnit th« brook running throxisth the prop- Statement COMMUNITY PlUnj, wa< refwed to Roada and mation their clnlms and demands erty of the Canoe Brook Country Cluo, The municipal bond ordinance pub- Bridges Committee. Beinst 4 portion of lot< !, 2. 3 end against the estate cf said deceased togother with all cotvnectlons, piping lUned herewith has bran finolly Boird of Managers of Joiin E. Run- * in Blo<-tc 149 on the Tax Map of the within six montlu frcm the date of and other necessary atrupturm lftcl- paused and the twenty-day period of fc uther matches, the Marzucco IM1I4 Hospttfil, €fu^o$lnj{ resolution &c- Cltv of Summit for 'he, year 1955. said order, or they will be forever denul thereto, all as shown on and llmltfltlon within whloh a suit, action SECTION 3. Th<- Common Council barred from proseci'tlug or recovering or proceeding questioning the validity a'.ers won three points from O&p&lh^ Dlfiftt^ VKSS, WSd r^fflfT6d to the same aaalnst the subscriber. in accordance with the plans and of such ordnance can be commenced Public WeJfw* Committfe, herebv au'horl»*d and directed to •pcHlpatloi™ therefor - prepared by Delicatessen as Bob Bloss woHate with th* owners far the The First Nitlcmal Bank ft Francis A. Murray. City Engineer, filed us provided In the Local Bond Law, Dcpt. of Health; of Trenton, relative Diirchr»«-e cf said land^. and uoon-frll- Trust Company of Summit,; ha» begun to run from the date of the NOW PLAYING .led a 432 series for Mazzucco, to distribution of Po4iom>-rtltis Vac- of Summit. N J. , . in the office of the City Clerk and publication o! this stntememt. cinf. H»RS rtfirrtd t» PubUc WeJlnre nre to p—lve at a nriee sstlatartcry hn.-eby npproved. Show* D*llf 2JJ0-7-9-1O Lich was topped by J. Luciano j » th* City, to Institute condeajne- - -. ' • • , • "' Executor. HARRY C. KATES, HARNESS RACING Conrimittte. ..-. .. . n-rci et!ln"s ty Townshlji of CtoK to regulate mo- T (c) The estimated maximum amount tor Tehlcle traffic In that S""CT 0V *. Fc* the numof* s+«ted o a w 4 w Pew—19 00 of money to be raised from all sources [ Tt.ra ty, was referred to Koada in SecHcn 1 of this ordinance ther» Sept. 1. 8. 15, 22. tot sild purpose is M.V7J, ih» excess '* >i*rebr appropriated the sum of Oomnuttee. SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY thereof over the aald estimated maxi- Mamthiy reports were received from 14 *"">. mum amount of bom's or notes to be p CHANCERY DIVISION lt*ued therefor being" the amotmt of •UIW KMUDI A. Spat« th« County Treasurer, Supt. of Weights UNION COUNTY k Utisnns. and the Couaty Jail, Mid nf M.Of*" 8h™'I **^ cho'Ted to and DOCKET NO. M-3108-54 the said $225 down payment foe said urere ordered filed. out of Copltal Improvement purpose. HOLOEHWHES Civil Action Seotlon 4. The following matters Report of Committee on Roads and NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANT OF Bridge*, relative tc Mix for trie Im- SECT'ON 8. TMs trdtna^ce *b»n ftt'rt. tmme('i'>tely in the man- ORDER rOR PUBLICATION BIG FREE PLAYGROUND! •:=TJ*. T. V. . provement of Hsrttea Road from K (MATRIMONIAL) point west of CMitral Ave. to a point !•' "-ovW<"'t hv lnw. Dairy T. H»'r?' C. K'*es, Cttr C!"rk of w«*t of Ruddy St.. Clark Tirp.; re- SERENA W. BAHRINO. Plaintiff LOVE IS \ oeslved by ttve &t»te Highway D*P*-. if rf •sumtntt, (•(> h»reby wat read and ordered filed. »»• th» f"re>^ln«;v- VERNE L. BARRING. Defendant. i wo-Way Tie in The following rfratutlocs were In- TO: Verne L, Bahrlng. Defendant: KOW THRU SATURDAY SPLENDORED trofluefd and moved for adoption: By virtue, of an Order of the Su- I Two Action IMcfced reatnretl (U— Freeholder Carr for Publte | John Wsyne - Maorwn O'Hara •>0, 1951?. c"d th»t. e«ld Odln»-nce will perior Court of New Jersey, Chancery CINIMASCOPE Berkeley Heights Property Committee, accepting bids Division, maije on the 25th day of "RIO GRANDE" THING for fumlfhin-g mtmt to County Jnll. *« Htbmi^tfrt fp» considerptlon Pint — B, Lancaster . V. M»yo vai on roll call unanimously tdopird. flrri ng'"\"» •*. th* next re»ulir August, 19:3, In a civil action where- •n^^tinfj f th» Ccmmon Coi'nrll to in Serena W. Bahrlng Is tbe plaintiff "SOUTH 8BA WOMAN" ' I* «w wmtm •« tmtontOMC MUM) lowling League (2»—JVefholder Carr for Public r and you ar» the defendant, you ar* WILLIAM Property Committee. »pp-ovtn?! three %1 MBXT ATTRACTION 1PJ5, f* th- City Hell at 8:30 o'cloc". hereby required to answer the com- STARTS SUNDAY ! A two way tie exists in thep»>rsoafc<»l BCUOKH In Drpt. of Tvil>l!c 1 plaint of the plaintiff on or before worta. w,i« on roil call unwflinously •* T*)rh *\Tf.' und n'si " >"v n«»^ HOLDEN Cinemascope - Color . Burt tancaater In !::Vp]ey Height* Township Bowl- who mf b» lnterer»»ri therein "w^'l b» the 2«th day of October, 1955. by adopted. t JENNIFER Doris I>sy - JIBIM Catnei "THE KENTttCKIAN" t: League with Delia's and the "lv»n «'n Drmnrti">i '- to be heard "LOVK MR OR LBAVK ME" Committee1, approving »eVen personnel Alt ConiMontd r. Lorcjoy • K. BrucU* f-& Sons bowlers unbeaten aft- -•ctlotM'ln varioua ttepertinmit \ was Dated: 8cpre~v— '"'. '95*. JONES "MAIt AT TUB WORLD" - un weeks of activity at theon roll call urranlmmHy Bdopted, HARRY C KA"™^ PAPER MILL : kelpy Recreation Lanes. Hof. (4>—TVeehoWw HlcKolc tax Ro: swept Kellers in all three personnel Mtlorw In Roiict. nrlilc;o. nud SUPERIOR COURT OP NKW JERSEY PLAYHOUSE Bnylneer"* Department*, wnn on roll CHANCFRY DIVISION Laat Time* Tonite . S. Ray and A. Volpe sparked MIIXBl-RV, N. i. MILLBURN 6-51M "HOW TO BB VERY, VWV call unanimously gdopttd. Prank CarriBfton. Dlraetor p winners. Top bowlers for Kel- U>—ft-^elioll*-.? Kickok . lor Roiids DOCKET NO. C-2332-54 SPLEHOORED .'. ••". POMJLA*" - IIB<1 fi!"M?«on with scores of 478 and 483 Invecwfts Drive near MMtlne Ave.. er, hl^ wife; Phoebe Fowler and ». Lanraitrr - V. Mayo actively. Delia's had a rather SOOUJII PlBliB. »nd »uthortrtnK final Mr. POUFIM-, husband of Phoebe COUOW by "SOUTH SEA WOMAN" naymr.rit of S5.6J1.74 after exploration Flower; Ch»r|e« Lyon; Anna E. CHESTER MORRIS oetuxe "Ao». of HaJJl Baba" JSTRANDJ =y mzU of bowling in toppling of SO days from df.t« hereof, ws on 447 Springfield Avt. Summit 6-3VO0 rttH ca.ll urmnimoujrly wtnptrd lvrKer and John B. Bhella- In HERMAN WOUK'S Clntmalcep* A color \* Korrst Avenue pinrnen In all , her husband, or Mr..ShelU» Maine *t«wart . huiband Of Anna E^ Shella- CAINE MUTINY ' 8tih. • M»»< - TfOM. NOW PLAYIN& THRU SATURDAY .bBrger, .as the. case- may bes EtSth T. Power • ». Hayward fames of 211, t«8 and s Uo'-or H*n«r.B»iy Rtvrt *Mxl Wllkln.v>n and Kir. Wilkinson, hus- of this wrk by the f tie Hl'.hw«y . "t'NTAMBD" C'teope * Color, : g same of 223. The Berkeley band of Edith Wllkltuon; Edgnr COURT MIRTIAL [ "THE BIO COMBO" C. Wild* I •His BIG NEW ROLEI Dept., Mid authortrtntt Couivty Trrav Shellabarfter, und'Mra. Zdrnr Shella- AMPt.* PARKING t Shop swept their series ,irer to (Ifpo'tr. IM.OOD with Bt»te bartter, bi» wlfe^ Irene SheUabargftr Beautiful but B*d! Highway Dft»t. a« County's »hm\ vo> .and Mr. .SheUab&rger, hiMbe>nd of SAM6M Wtm - MUtWIU NH» the Middletown Dairy with on roll oatl ttmoualrwloptermoualrwloptertt. Valemttne'for Public Irene Shellabargw; Lucille Morgan • rolling a 548 series to top mid Richard MoTgun, her: hwsbiWMl; MOW AS PETE KELU Minnie P. Huffman and Ulysses 3. &.OEWS O Huffman, her husband, or Mr AT Huffman, husband of Minnie P. COOL Huffman, as the case may be: Sam- " uel E. Young and Carrie Young, his wife, or Mrs. Samuel E. Younf, hU "~$TIW*II JEW wife, M the case may be; Anna KING GEORGE INN O'Connor and James O'Connor, hw GRANGER-SIMMONS SUBURBAN husband, or Mr, O'Connor, husband "FOOTSTEPS FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL JANET LEIGH EDM0ND A. FORNARO IN THE FOG" PE60Y LIE mmwrn- mmm 'mmmm$ TECHNICOLOR MILLINGTON 7-041O DELIVERY SERVICE • AND' HAYRIDES i "THE NIGHT HOLDS SUNDAY AND MONDAY Picks Up and Delivers Packages Madison 6-0835 TERROR" KU 521 MT. BETHEL RD, WARHEN TOWNSHIP $ Jack KELLY . Hittty PARKS Donald O'Connor Ricirdo Anywhere in the Summit Area mi> t MM ••mnniHMMt Martha Hyei Montnlban I In In Prompt — DtptndoWt — iowled G WEST INDUS AND "FRANCIS H "A tire IN THE I IN THE SOUTH AMERICA NAVY" ~ T BALANCE" SUMMIT 6-2609 S 15 Doy Cruiit from New York Stpt. 25th TUESDAY — ONE DAY ONLY — SEfT. 27* Hunting MMOO .... football... • (ilNA LOLLOBRIGIDA. VICTORIA DE 8ICA RINK largest Udo deck ofloat... 2 outdoor #••—————> l«nd«c«pe« in irUliiint color*.... INS AT THI pooli.. fintit CbnHntnfol food and J /-BAYCWIISiS j "BREAD, LOVE AND DREAMS" VALLEY INN ' ' *A uilf III I •It •«« jpte«*uret of • crisp f«H D ANCB lervice. 10 NASSAU ITALIAN FILM ENGLISH Mill TITl.FS 0CT.M.J21 — all raggett good food for healthy VISITING Nonou ...*•« Juon . , WID. THIUSAT. SIFT. 21, 2», 30. OCT. 1 RETURNING BY POPULAR DEMAND Si, flitma* . l« Outijni... €ur«<««. • • •ppctitei! The FAR HILLS INN offer. Klft«tt«n ta« • fitting «litn«* to any fall day'* fun! Dancing SatwdUy* after nine. CHUBBY MONACO TRIO INCItKS NASSAU LINE JUNE ALLYSON "Cfttwwlf Cy «f Hw Flw», T«t». * It All AN . AMBRICAN CUWM far hills inn Make four fo»«rvatlon$ thru mm fm-m *m* urn****, H, I, *|tttM,inWtlOW.flCll«

. '"•• (•ir«ondltioneil) r .. ' SrtCIAL KIDDIE SHOW SAT. MAT, AY I F.M. "•AlUNT Mil*' Wlfh »• It* fMMM PAULSEN TRAVEL BUREAU *W*HinL*f ROAP MIUIN*ION W. Snm«it, N. : fmqt THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMIEK If. 1955 V- September 12. a son, born September 14. lihriMtri Woman BIRTHS I To Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Ed- To Mr. and Mrs. John Wiege fm TipsyD To Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry j gerton 6t 34 ConstanUne place, a of 55 Butler parkway, a daughter, bora September 13. Mi«t Rutb N. Knowles of Beech Spring apart- son, born September 11. lee.w.sfi^S ments, a son, born September 12. | To Mr.'and Mrs. Edwin Clem- To Mr. ami Mrs. Je« Giamukii 1 ens of 109 Gules drive, New Prov- of 6 living place, a daughter, day by Magistrate Albert» To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huber J | idence,- a son,' born September born September 1$ . man awl her driver's uL of 27 Harvey drive, a son, born 115. • • • • . To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kuntx revoked fortw o *t*d guilty | ! To Mr. and Mrs. George Twill of 101 Woodland avenue, Murray # intoxicated. of 89 Butler? parkway, a son, born Hill, a sojn, born September II. Omamtnrd Iron Work Mi September 15. To Mr and Mrs. DomJfliek D g iWwth rtUinn. Uhttrj, »f&t«g col* I To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper Mellusi of 130 Springfield avenue, Patrolman Anthony ft*. IV tablet, fct ttrtf, dlDtlie*. a daughter, born September 12. Sergeant William •tool*, writujbl troo kn, •of 48 Weaver street, a daughter, born September 14. , To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Petter- t To Mr, and Mrs. Edward Brink- son of 215 Blackburn road, a tea, MADISON 4-3920 born September 3. had backed her car into man of 285 Kent Place boulevard, gantaod was operating i Is Your Child Musically Inclined? consecutive dividends at

Inquire About Our Save by Oct. 10 PIANO RENTAL PUN! All Rental Payments Will Go ALT9fAN*S. NEW STORED now under construction on the Morris &Soon. The pent-house provides space for Altaian's Charleston Garden HAYES Toward The Purchase Price. Essex Turnpike in Short Hills, i* shown in this photograph of a re# restaurant and a spacious meeting room which will be available lor SAVINGS and LOAN dering by the architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill of dubs and civic organizations. The project, engineered by Syska & New York City. This/site, comprises 14 acres that will be landscaped Hennessy, Inc., of New York City, is, being constructed by the Wm. L. ASSOCIATION and provide for the parking of 1,200 cars. The building of white glazed Blanchard Co., Newark. Interior designing is being done by Amos brick with colorful jfaneh of yellow bricks has five customer-entrances Panish & Co. of New York. / 95b Bru.ai St., Ntwjrk 2, N Many Fine. Pianoi To Choose which lead from /ground level directly into its two principal selling MArket 3-8683 STEINWAY - KNAIE • CHICKERING - SHONINGER - BALDWIN, etc. designed. A detailed color render- ing walls and other outdooj, ie- Aitman's Summit ing, recently completed by the na- tailing. ' ^ tionally known architects, Skid- The plans for this 130,000 square- Store to Have more, Owings & Merrill, reveals foot store, arranged in two princi- a building of great simplicity that pal selling levels, with a third- DOWE PIANO SALES Country Club look uses vivid panels of yellow glazed level penthouse whose exterior is 233 BROAD ST. SUMMIT, N. J. brick to relieve its large surfaces glass and metal-paneling, are now Altman's newest store, now un- of peppered white glazed brick. complete, and they call for SU. 6-7496 — HU. 2-0980 der construction on the If orris & The whole effect is made lively building that will be the last word Karl A. Dowe, Prop. Reputable Dealer Since 188? Essex Turnpike, will be one of and informal with gay awnings in shopping convenience for resi- the most beautiful suburban de- and a flagged terrace and the (formerly with L. Bamberger & Co.) t : dents of a great, growing area of partment stores that has yet been rural touch of Celdstone in retain- northern New Jersey. Trie building is notable lor such features as escalators connecting the two main floors, five separate entrances which give access to both floors directly from grade level, a parking area that will comfortably hold 1,200 cars, the first New Jersey branch of Alt man's well-known Charleston Gar den restaurant where shoppers will be able to enjoy luncheon or tea without leaving the air-conditioned building, and a large, carpeted club room where organizations from the surrounding communi- ties will be able to hold meetings and social events. A romantic coincidence in ton- nection with the location Alt- man's' have chosen for their new store (the third such Alt man en- for 56terprise in the New York sub- urban area in the last eight years) is the rich historical significance of the property itself. Here, opposite the intersection of the Turnpike and the River Road, stood "Summit's first shop- ping center," for in 1771 the prop- erty was occupied by a black- smith shop, a tavern, the office and store of the editor of the "New Jersey Journal," and, just across the Turnpike, Eunice Fos- ter's store, where, according to E. Robin Little's History of Sum- mit, "Summit shoppers spent their shillings for rum, tea, cof- fee and spices, or traded their butter and eggs for dry goods, IxcMnf MW fimcfeMMl ttyflng dr. or had their grist ground into ml! eye* to the finest tracks flour." And in the Revolution, on the American rood—new Forxfe! history tells, us. that on this. very site the wounded from the Battle BOXCARLOAD of Springfield were cared for in Timothy. Day's tavern, which General Washington himself visited many times during the

war.'- •••'•.' " " ; ' '"••'•'•'" The new, Alt man store, although it looks like a country club, will be modern as 1956 (opening some- Yea» if your New Jersey Railroads paid their New time early next year), but it will Jersey taxes in dollar bills, it would take a boxcar also have in abundance the in- to hold tnem all! ._..,. formal appeal of the early cross- roads store, inviting the shopper More unusual than taxes being paid by the boxcar load, ower per to visit and-enjoy its pleasant at- b the fact that thfe $19,000,000.00 tax is SI 1,000,000.00 mosphere, its excellent assort- more than the railroads, as a group, earned last year ment of fine merchandise, in- in New Jersey by moving vital necessities to New NEW1 More horsepower in every model cluding, on the main floor level, fashions and accessories for wom- Jersey residents, helping to make it possible for New ... up to 26% more! Every engine Short Stroke I No Qthmr truck gives you en and clothing for children, and, Jersey people to work. on the upper level, shops for men And add this situation to the fact thtti all ok* f/ieso '56 foo f tires and boys and Aitman's most ex- NEW! Bigger capacities! New Driverized Cabs! tensive-to-date suburban presen- • •. New Jersey railroads risk penalty faxes for any 8-ft. ^-ton Model NtW! TubekM tina run 2&* tation of furniture, rugs and F-100 Express for bulky loads. improvement they might make for customer New Lifeguard safety features! cooler, give extra mileage, re- home furnishings. Abo, popular 6 Jf ft. Pickup. silt blowouts! Standard on convenience and comfort. GVW rating 5,000 lbs. ewry Ford Truck! NEW! New styling, new "leadership look"! The Garden State Parkway in i» *. If other states adopted New Jersey's taxation MWI Deep-center lifeguard Matltr-Guxdt Power New Jersey is one of the nation's methods, thereM ho no railroad tax problem* Over 280 models, from Pickups to BIG JOBSl steering wheel helps protect Steering now available OR most unique toll roads. It has —•}!! railroads would go bankrupt-then fw driver from stowing column most conventional and Cab several toll-free sections along its government ownershlp-and pay no taxes at all. in an accident. Only Ford Forward Bio JOBS. 164-mile course, and on some toll haa it! No extra cost. ... New Jersey tax lawa keep the railroad* fro"* They're here—new Ford Trucks for '66, with a sections has only an "honor sys- doing what the public wants them to. wealth of advancements that make them the MfWf Lifeguard door latchw MtWI Sodium-cooled exhaust tem" in effect for motorists leav- valves in heavy-duty engines greatest Monty Makers ever offered to truck buyers! give added protection against ing the Parkway. At those ramp A fair solution to this unfair taxation is important nnt doom jarring open on vehicle operate m much as 226* exits, payment of the 10 or 25-cent Now—Ford given you a choice of tmn Short impact . . , another Ford cooler, last far longer! toll is made in a depository with- only to the railroads but to the welfare and future prog- Stroke Y-8'n and a Short Stroke Six. Horsepower Truck safety excltulve. out human or mechanical super- ress of every New Jersey community, increases in every model—by aa much as 2656. Full-wrap windshield vision. More power to get you rolling faster, save you NtWI 12-Yolt electrical •ys- standard on all cabs. New foil-wrap war window for time all the way! More hortr power per dollar than torn for bettor starting, better Ancient miners often heated easier backing, parking, ma- Yon can help-by being a well-Informed cIllwn <«"» New Vrimixed Cab» with full-wrap windnhieldii p Y-R engine* A full line of eight wish txehnlv* hood air scoop, "Facto on Tracks." Just writ* i Railroad Informnlifln SIMMI SMIM dbripi mtn engine cut driving strain. New Lifeguard iteming wheel Short Stroke engine*, barked friction, (*ts inofg tumble pow»r 4*baml carburetor and dutl by over /our ytar* and firt Bureau, 11 Commerce Street, Newark 2, J from every gallon of gait. Only and Lifeguard door latches give you protection you eriiMwt system ... for tstra hittim mile* of Short Stroke Ford b*M it in every engirt*, can't get In any other truck! See the new Ford poww and perfortnanotl engine •ipcrfeacet Formica Sink Tops Trucks now, at your Ford Dealer's! ] Everything In Cabinet ON DISPLAY PRIDAY-SEE YOUH NBIOHBORHOOD FORD DEALER and Furniture Making KITCHEN REMODELING KARL UNDER SUMMIT AUTO SALES, Street tvtulifa 10 F»m Ave. k33t Morrlt Am qf Springfield Am. Summit CBAHIAM 4 MM THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMiPR ?? nil Hew Dial Set Up __ ' rd »— • * *-i» • * . • ll frfrom P Pate D 83 Anitiversary Safe pr*-cutmr cftee* tad

Neweit Type Bysttss

The summit and Caatham dial ysttin is of the latest wide-reage fLect dialing type. Inat by dial- 1 , the number, mm «f WivW- 1 and two-party serriea wiB be !e to reach most telephones la w Jersey. Also, fcy first dialing i» special 14 coda these custom. i* wiU be able to dial direct to Ljephones in the fin boroughs I gf New York CWf• Four party customers will also able to dial these same areas C the same manner with tat a* Union.. [ceptinn that after dialing aa op- Lratcr will come to on the Una to renuest the number «f tin call- n in addition to New Jersey and VWb get quality merc;handis» IN( ,,- York City polats, individual and two-party customers will be |sble to dial directly to Nasaan, plus friendly, courteous service? | Vestchester and RteHand Ooan- jn New Yoric, Boston, Clave* Small-Lean-Mild Cur* jard Detroit, Chicago, PitNhnrgh, lhmt% 1$ No Wet** in Thlt fctamford, Philadelphia, Milwau- kee, Oakland and San Francisco. Vorltfyr Frttitr Buy of m Wetk In order to reach these points, three more than the usual num- ber of pulls of the. dial win be [ required . SMOKED HAMS Code Number Used A three-digit area code, the first two letters and office nu of the desired office, and SHANK line number will be needed FULL reach these long distance points. - . HALF CUT •-For example, a eall to Detroit. fitinity 7.»TO, would be made b- dialing the area code 313, follower* by TR 7-9970. WHO* HAM Area's New Dial BONELESS As facilities permit, addition r- distant points will be added t' Family Sfit—4 Mtals In On* • by Summit and Chatham Indi lv?\ and two-party customers at VEAL ROAST the time cf cutover. • . Atmmn Slir — top QtMtlty fnA Uthn Cat VARIETY PACKAGE Coin box users win dial direct- Sliced Bacon Pork Hocks Weigh* U to II Ib.. ly within the ten cent calling taw iwctnra in* rwwrwf RtUii area, and dial "Operator" for *1m M««b In Out FrtA S)k*4—C«n4*r Cut / FRYING CHICKENS. CHUCK ROAST. eutslde-poiatav. _ ; 6ROUN0 IEV mi POWC LOIN ROAST, Operators la Soalh Oraafe Lamb Fores Swordfish Steak "Operator" calls will be ban* died at the company's South Or- inge telephone center, with the exception that information calla ill be handled at Orange, and long distance calls, which cannot qed to Perfection be dialed, at the company's New* ark long distance bunding. Sharp Cheddar TEDDY'S QUICK FROZW Direct distance dialing has HEINZ KETCHUP ARMOUR TREET been given a big assist by the ib Cod Rich c^ft,fc 39 * Introduction of an intricate piece 12 ox. automata* accounting emiip- 59/ ffounder FBet . t developed by the Bell Tele- can 35 Laborstories. By perfor- a paper tape, this equip- GRAND DUCNiSS QUICK FROHN ment. registers the calling and NANCY LYNN-Braided Whole) loiwlass Raked BJRtHed numbers, date, time of CORK PRUNE JUICE * Kernel B3ay, and connect and disconnect NIBLETS TKM*.SUNSWEET 29/ times. • • •-**•• " ' . "' ' Almond Danish PEAiUT Creamy or 13ot Beef Steaks ««>!•« 49/ These tapes are later fed IUTTER Chunk Sryl. j.r Llr I till I1IXE3 or Tomato Vc*. a) cnv'«9X^ through decoding Machines which 39* UBIY'S FROZEN assemble all the Information on 20oi, PANCAKE punched cards from which the telephone company's accounting QUAKER «'««» pit* 17/ PILLSBURY aooR department prepares the monthly Broccoli Spears gdtBaaooooaoeoooooosBo HOUR 21b. DEL MONTE HECKER'S bag (Norman S. foris mmm (Continued ftom Page 1) NABISCO -SARBWICIES pkg™". JO/ JUNKET «™«™ 3^35/ r. Cliffs son, Fred, an incorpor Brussels Sprouts iaiion was effected. CAT FOOD Was Part Owner CALO 2^27 SNAPPY ••»«• 3tr25> Cut Wax Beans 2 ""^45* For many years, Mr. Garis war in charge of production later serv- AJAX Green Peas ' ss managing editor. In Marcl 1941, Mr. CUft sold his Interest in With Foaming Action Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cauliflower the Herald to J. Edwin Carter and Fred L. Palmer. Shortly after thir "ransaction, Mr. Garis gave up hir ~ SIAiROOK ntOZHI ioancial interest in the paper but o.rematned on tha editorial staff, when the paper was again sold In 1947 to Mrs. Eve Forbes and Carl HONEYDEWS Baby Lima Beans S. Hulett JOHNSON On January 1, MIT, Mr. Garir SloCoat was appointed clerk of the Board f»f Assessors! a Job he held until July 15, 1930 when he was ap- 10/ Off pointed a member of the Board. qt can each Mixed Vegetables He served on Board until July, Tasfy Sweet ^w. when.he-.resigned. Cut Cora I Mr. Garls was a member of the I Summit Rotary Club, The Method VANISH ist Church of Summit, and was Cleans A Deodorises Rich, Golden Color active in the Summit Nature Club. Toilet Bowls g Pot Pies Was Noted BaO Player Baking Potatoes us N. Barttett Pears Ravor Ff"- many years, he was known 21 ox. Chlckan, Ntf Dirset From Sotrttiern Fanm Crlip and Crunchy « ono of tiie better seml-pm base- can 21 ForCoiorfgiM ntt Of Turkty hall pitchers of the area and was a member of the Summit Red Sot AM Sweet Potatoes 3"1-T Radishes « ' 13 in the Lackawanna League. Be Crown Brooms «so wag manager of the BtuJMtiv Vrnfftl ararrV MUELLER'S Nn's Baseball Team In the In- Pineapple Juke dustrial League. * Bleach Mr. Garis is survived by tour IM a Vtla Rtownr d Plwappk Chunk ;i»Rhterj, Mrs. Harold D, flood, Nete Elbow Macaroni o Philadelphia, Mrs. Stewart Flood kit <> Swarthmore, Pa., Mrs. David J. p Miller of Prwcott, Arts., and Mrs. ORANGE J«rt Mullen, Jr. of New City, N. taMnb rVtficiirVied a son, Norman A. of Orange- Potatoes 2^33* M. Y.; two half-brot^in, M H, m*4m CREAM WAX L1 - Garis and Albert O. Owppad or Laaf Dennis both of Summit, and tight Wtndei JUKE Spinach 2^33* Mndehildren. His wife, the late I«•«'« Wells Oarts, died la MW. Gold Seal ptcan 12»re«ii PinaPIc Canoe Brook W*4f Continued from Page l) that objectors haw hid flv« Ptpsodent Pun 'N toots » to study KM tituaUon sod Cheese Bllntzes 8? lnfoPn™l discuisloii was ONE WIPE 35 \ between Council's public "rt» eomm!«w and reildinU DustCMH l >' Saturday. Ronionl AAacaroni „hbn,"P tor pvNIc heiring was wlrWWr #T1^F 7nH ft pUplV- ft ^»t«f«to|li»ffc|Maj OaUtt water Mwer «n 69 1 Orleans ; wifli tfie city aram* : Sanitary IUT US' m. It Lolllp«f» «'R 2J m ^m of cost willi tilt rV a»anlna With £m»lnder to be paid by .„ _.JBin«, Ida Miflt TouekTh" " m 3S» J>aam> 3HT43' !a.tfjiMff"*-«- ^ which i#wt| fch^ to •«OC«Y «KI(OTICtlVI AU «IHIU WD, Wt » - MWT ADO MOOUCI mCNIHW IM, KB.H the ordioaooa was It DtKRUT AVINUS, SMMMff. M. A «MM«M A» 0« «•*«• H, THE. SUMMIT HERAlOt THURSDAY. SEf»TEM»SR 22, IfSS ****** HH# WANTED FEMALE PMSAU Classified , CLOTBDta OLLXaX gUl* fuH K... - BCDROOM sat, laatiur chair, flre- PLOOM saapU aptnets. ON up; many S)alg9W*^B ajSWg6|S*SlBHB^BJBJBBaBaBBV^B^ S^ B^BgrV^p ^BV^B^BVBVv ^BSaV * Know mustres coat, at** 14. {hi. e-1 ptao* ml. tetephone taste. Boy*« 36° Oraadi. Buy or rant, S yaar guana* eaUaM. attbsi. stttHmn MttT wo A GOOD PLACE TO WORK! Advertising Rate* bTcyoU Mans ttavy «ult, dm 49. toe. Powe. Summit 6-7466. TMB ROBIN Hood Shop. 3 Taylor Su 6-MlJ-W. mtm., UUibum. Mate used UMH Mem**. ber of the family. Botu* w to i. Uoo. vartoue suss, a or more t3 l»l , PROGRESSIVE COMPANY WHICH PROVIDES MUtlkS HUli lies Mi all 4*y Wed««lty. UUlbura eacfl, ftti. 6-J»4; art« 6:30. 9u. 6- Pianos and Cta«ans Since 164T tmm. M1S ' SBTTtMBEB PIANO SALS THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: y*y w Ifgjftfg A HsU&ilO • flOstUBir T1KBB. Two £»ve from •!« to IMS «a ' OtTRA-MODERN AIB-COSDITIOSEa BtTLDESO Combined Circulation VISIT MERBY-OO-ROOMD QKaUty recaie map, 4H Lack** Royal Tractfo*) grip _ alas New sad UM« Ptwsoi FIVE-DAY, 36U-HOUR WEEK __- * Over 11,000 PI act. MUllwm f-Met, J 559 Large Sete» HP*" flp 6* TBP' *W6^B^W*M*» ^••^•^ag** *^p^w^s^**iaj^B> CONVENIENT TO ALL TRAKSPOBTATIOS WORDS or leu (IN «J4«M Su. *-80«l. ' «• Oulbrwnson Studwrt OtMaole - ttS lag. fartUMlal, also shrub work AMPLE PARlCCtO FACUJTIBS • Otilhranson SuperMo* Sptnst . 4M CompiK* \m wm««. IV** OIRL8 Imported plaid ©9*4, Sis* 11; THIS WEEK S 8INQEB USED D UcCKAT • Boutb at CAFETERIA ON PREMISES MACHUOJ SAL* ' . ' Winter Spiaeta *" MUlburB ••SI6S. » raperhauier Phoot 6u LIBERAL EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAXS ltt# new. Su. 6-8580. - •••"- Baastoa Baby Oraad 47$ Calk aMitWMJ wu*4&k...l. t*t DOMZMXOX GUmtA — Oeoaral laMI- Jacket. Siae Full roUry tlectric ttta»ole . . .»M.»S Sohme* Consoie Spiwrt 6H sWSMAJI SCHaflin You «* invited to lav«sttsa.te .the, •nM« »Jft!»*i*...|ft., Singer round bobbin «lectrto con- Kn«b* Oomole Spinet KM tcuOotMd JAMMA coauactor. PI otatlnt. fonawlf the now Summit office of leading iM»r*n*e W«'6ft IB Capital letter* ...tlMp*t One .13-14." "tic«U«>V' MJ. MJB- WuriHaar Sptn*tte OT«MW .. MO atMM w«rk. »tt. 6-10273. hioiat A burn 6-0460-R. «t.le (EMly A»«ffhs*B Cabinet) »80 •Immediate need tor experienced Blujer eteotrlc portable .:.-..-. 3».»S Stei&my Rebuilt 6'U" Qrand .. 1,700 55: : CLASSIFIED DISPUf Singw electrle portable (n«w) .. 59M BuJdwia Model V Organ and ; MOO per inea Speaker 1.W3 WANTBI>~*V>uaM to p»lat KEYPUNCH OPERATORS HTOKJtXIKE »*pl« cWi SINGER SEWING MACHINE (X). Ask About Our Piano and Organ WhlU. it * Co Paiouna a drop *ta> crib, adJiutatoW 387 BprlagfleM Aw, Summit t-BW DHutliru 5 PJU. Tuetday Su. 6-SK711. POLICY WRITERS COM*, see, Prtday-8ftlunlay u»Ul 9 ALTKHBOBO PIANO HOUSX. IKO. WILLIAAM «UaTTBO - PUatwrtaiPUai, MAHOGANY table with idau top Mi; p.m., 20 WssMofttm Av*. Boy's navy 11M feat Jersey, St. gamabeUi. N. X patchlBfl . sidewalksidlk , patiosi , rhlahl > -••~4jf*tt to ciasttfy. * 6dtt or reject ni&hogany bureau IIS; mahogany suit, Mm 14, ««): aluminum b*th- uer It firvptaotipi; ; bricr k work,, atos* TYPISTS an] advertisement U reserved by chest *I5. UvUig«lon 4-3463 After iomm. 16; octagon play-pen, new 8CH0BBtT baby grand pUnol Short work A bl4 etc. Short 801a 7-366*. Ave. S W& We wtM BO* ke retpoMtUe fat DINIKO room set, t piece*, walnut. pirBK!i. pamt^ erron unlate tbey are detected gliaa top. very good conditlec. m*%- YreWRITER, am^h-Cacona. now,, decorating 46 Mipii, aotuible. Short Hill* 7-3*01. never ueed, iMrgaia, |125, call BouU) l»» pecMa. Short WS* 7-3166. Mood line. Beautifully marked. Mua* cent Maano. MUlburn 6-4136-B after ACCOUNTANT junior lor small aub- frame on caat«r*. ExoeUeot. coawtl* , sacrifice, t40-*4S; valued at |7i up. tlon. $75. CaU 8u. 8-100W between PENCE, picket, eedar, M' hl«h. about MoatcHOr 3-1606-W. t (SUMMIT OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY AU* DAT FOR ErTWftBWBi urbin office. Opportunity excellent. 5 and 0:30 p.m. to feet ka<, comptete with pooSa, U-Ao-MANO Wwfc directly with principal. txpe- railing* and catei. Breioted l«»t year. POODtE. whit*, -female, , CARPENTRY TILING PAINTING iit-DC« not required. Write. ctatlug MODERN birch catwi cupboard (B*f- UIO10AL LABORATORY ' TECH- schooling, age, other qualification* i35. 10eo »turdy garden swing. W; AKC, ohfcmptoti. Wood Uoe, % tatmtm Repairs »nd alterations; bathroom* TBOUBLEflT Call .0 Wer.h FILE CLERK-YOUNG wood Wakefleld). 130. Su. 8-1930-R. 49 Warwick Circle, SprtagUeid, Mill- old. Sheet HlUs 7-3474-M. kU&hensL or any toslde work No piano technician and teacliei li NICIAN. Brpertoneed, 5-d*r we**, ; and previous employment, expe- Mlllbtirn Avt South Orange no call, employee bauellta. Pleasant . &-d*s\ **** 5»". *e**- Oosn- rience of auyuatur*,'-salary, re- TWIN bods, box spring* and mvU burn e-515J-J. COCKER puppies. 7 weeks, gorgeous lob UM small Summit 6-3*33 , pany paid beaeJtu; air-oosdjtiosifd 1 • - conditions, opportunity for. hd«*nee- office.. Coorr^ciVct, location. quiTed. Addrec* Box 332, Bunimlt treasee. Reasonable, Summit 6-1M71C TYPEWRITER, fton . Dktnd and black, sired . by.*famoi»« B0OP1NO, Hitter*, leaden. aldln«, ' jment Summit Medic*! Oroup, Sum- Htrald, • - after 8 p.m. " ', *25; *»tional bookoaees, bridge tamp, new ohaniplon. real quality. Shown peUKting. Kant Contracting t Co. , PIANO TUNING mit 6-4300 • MARTINDALE-HUBBELL, electric iron. Ironing board, cane by appoint meat only, abort HllU Cha.th*m 4-4763, MUlbum S-OOOT, •four piano tufted, |6, b'y'ma«i« EXCLUSIVE applicator* of John* Man- ! CUSTOM built L«w»oa type lore oeat 7-3449. • • ' • • - ---.----•---•, • erafUmaa. BeTOIKALO BELCHER EXPERIENCED aaleagirt wanted. 5 INC. nilt products, located In Summit seat «dae, ohalr. a«Uqu« upholstered HOO8B OP SXPERTS day week. Apply lg. person. B. H, with new slip oorer, $190; small «lde ohaiir. 2-bumear portable KM 3S year* piano tuner and chutes' 1 Pro«p«ct St. Seznmii MOW 32 year*, will train two young men, antique work-stand chest. $23. UU1- and oraa. Bu. t-W68. ,, BBoelletrt Some Repairs Frumkln, lac, 39 Maple Street, handy with tool*, to become insula- burn «-07l«-W. SERVICES OFFERED Pitloa: painting. Inside and ouMde: 8-5433 Summit. ' tion, roofing and siding mechanic*. patch pliaterlni. brtck poiatlng,1 crtrti*; YOUNG LADY TWO oval rutp, dbrk green, bmkted; Z3—CAKPBNTFJUI BRIGHT, capable hard worker for Apply, Home Insulation Co., 3 MAHOOANT cUntnc room table and one 13 s IS, one lit. Reasonable. plXr or spot: chimneys repaired or B«ecbwood Rd., or phone Su. 6-3820, chain*. 8u. ft-8135. cleaned; tutowailu, new or repaired general office work; In wholesale Secretarial work, general filing. 8u. 8-8327. PBEO STEM OIL. 10ST plumbing arid heating aupply com* No'jo-b^too tmill. Prtw asUnutet. Su Small office on Morris Ave., HELPES. young man to learn tile s*t- *T. MOUTON Lamb fur covt, *lse 14. ex- 30 years a«rvlc». in Springfield — fast 13" BEAQLI dog, Wyomltxg, & wt« Agsocy, UxrtsMvs. Jcf- prtferablr with photographic- knowl; Delco Bonerator, $39; dropleaf table, Pree estimate*. Call EveOlnga. Mill- 34-hour serrloe — over 90 yean la the M first"'floor apartment; light house- rdge. Part time, day or evening. ceUeot condition, fthort Hlli* 7-3810. »7; trunk*. |3; old picture frames, 35c name "Poochle," Reward. South Or. keeping. Box 341, Summit Herald. fenKm 9-5899. bum 6-0427-16 business, wk 9-3*19. Call Chat. 4-3012. and up; old kitchen cabinets. IIS. COLANTONS SHOE 8BOP TWO exquisite mink atom; one cap* Oood used furniture, olothln/ and CARPENTRT, alteration* and repairs NEAT Polish or Oamati woman for mxSt, 'breath of spring, ,,$390; on* of all types. Call Madison 6-1308-J. 24} KOTTJ* Are. BpringfleJd. N. J. BLACK wallet, Initialed P.P.B.. GIRLS •hoes. Plumbing supplies, gum and Ulnlng money, check*, papers. cleaning,- *t*»dy. Wednesday or TOOLMAKER wild mink etwtlsbrt. Btole, *W0. Ex- tools. AroMe's Resale Shot), acrcas BEES (all klodi) removed by expert. Thursday. Short Bin* 7-4005. oeU«nt condlUoa. O»U South Or»ng* S4-A ward, Murdock 8-3468. < FULL TIME : nrrt-cliM only. from grocery store la Meyerartlle. Day or night setvlc*. MUlburn 6- OENERAL HOU3EWORKER, 1*3 Open daily eaoeipt Wealneaday, 10 to 7. DRESSMAKER, alterations. Draper- 0393 or 1»T-M. JWUUnttoa 7-1M6-W. WEEKLY. SLEEP.IN KELIABLE • Apply Is peaoi J-.day week, with overtime. GOODS lat Chat, 4-2367-W, LAMP 6KADIES~tUk and rayon ow4t mum to ordtr. Pratne* expertly recovered. DOOS • CATS -r See Summit AnUnu AKD EXPERIENCED PERSON. REF- HEFRIQERATOB. Crosley Shelvador; SOLID braes fireplace set. genuine OENERAL tewing, alteration, mNiding. ERENCES REQUIRED. /SOUTH OR- CHARUNE'S DRUG STORE HARALD MACHINE & Plexscre«n; retail valne fSS. a real Handmade gift* to order. MUlburn Mnu T. H. arockob, 14 Shadyiide . Welfare Macue Duties &>», ^, perfect condition, • cu. ft. Best of- bargain a* 130..Bu. 6-J018. Ate. Su. 6-43M-R ANOE 3-0095 417 SprtagJield Are fer. Su. «-H33 between S and 7. 9-58M. 8u10; mulberry antique velvet Alwayi front Colonial, magnifloentiy landscaped plot. In t, Raoat convoalea* tooattton. ail the advantages you would expect In a prosretelre, cailaa-wide or- lounge chair with slip cover, |19; 6 PM 8u 6*3860 or aU day Suna.it ganization. 1 The interior armngement U lovely. Urge Jlvtag room wtoh buy window*, TAXI drlTer wanted. Leck&wwnm Tail, l*r*e Scotch Cooler *2; gasoUn* den. powder room, science kitchen, porch aad paiUootf llvlns; room. 4 bed- POUR 100-PT. LOTS, bcau-.ltu)^ Stimmlt 6-1100. tank for bo*t, new $3. Short HlUs Consult a Realtor room* with 2 baths, oloueta galore: a deck porch, too. PaneAlcd reorewUon wooded, on Ittgti aide of new rent Apply dally from • to 5 pis. «t any of the** office*: 7-T709. room with fireplace, and 2-car attached gmrafc Ow heat, Mr. Ewwuttre, in excluaivfr Ivanhoe Park; sultaii!» •40 Beech wood Road. .Bummtt, WJ. Summit e-10000 MA3I wanted mornings for grooery olthe you will be proud to antertaln In tJi»s home. " . ' for $30.39,000 cttat Jhonvet; toui ta. •tor*, no Saturdays. Call Su. 6-70M. ESQBOn automatic eleoUVS ' 000. Consult John P. Taylor. Ketiux, Raymond Commerce Bids. Kewark. KJ. Market S-W36 ran«e; eioealeot oondtttem. Reason- SUMMIT GLAZEBROOK-SHEPAR0 AGENCY BVmxnit 6-8003. 141 Madlaon Art. Hew tort City. VaadeTbOt «-*X» PORTER—Cle»n-up man. Four houw, able. 8u. 6-370C Siiturda.ys, for shop otoee to Sprtng- REAL ESTATE BOARD S32 Springfteld Ave. , Bummtt 6-4M0-6M1 flisld Oenter. Telephone Murdock 8- EASY washing machine, good ooodt- 2A-SH0RT HILLS tion; Baeotrks heater, brand new. Su. covering KEMPER INSURANCE »«oo. e-2188-W. SHORT HULLS, MOLXBOTN, il TTPIST — PART TIMS SUMMIT WOOD, THE ORANGES and 17 , •(Summit offloe la open all day 6»turdaj» lot interview). 1939 nuotDAIRK refrigerator, fwteot suburban re*ldmtlaj cnmmumtlM lUpdd. accurate. Mon-Pri, 1-5 p.m., working order. 130. Phone Chatham imKEEETHEIGHTS PRICED RIGHT Cnloa. If. J. O«r neoeewry. »1.» per See this older North Sid* OtflooM, a good family bome-5 bedrooms, throuihout Bawl, Onion and Mnms. hour. Wrtt» complete appiioaiUon to 4-34M-W. 3 b countle*! oMkventent to th» Ucki- Voung woman to work at inspec- NEW PROVIDENCE »*fJj«ora««-ooa*idBrabl# broadloaiii oarpMtnf, new gas beatanc YOUN© WOMEN P«n»oaneJ Manacer, Petcnwa Steeds, KELVINATOR refrticerator, reasonabJe. t^t. own«r wUl give •arty posMsakxt. Key beriTfrtocd la toe upper wanna tion of radio and television com- Ine, P.O. Bos 5S7, Unlcm, N. J. etoellent condition; expandable ROBERT E. DIETt COMPA-NY FOR CLERICAL POSITIONS ponents, dean, light work, no btfrtXSaet table with 4 ohalre. Mrs. BOARD MEMBERS Downey, Bu. 6-4*60, 6 to 6 PM. WHITMORE & JOHNSON •:••••• ' • • BBALT0R3 experience required. Apply in STEADY MAN Oood **iry, opportunity for advance- COMBINATION srtove; black ft white; Jobs-Beck-Schmldt Oo. Su. 6-1021 «B*«k8t: Realtors Su, 6-1404 830 Morn* and t*a« Turnpike that ment; pleasant irarkto* oondMow. person. excellent condition. Bu. 6-1445-J. CUmnoe D. Long & Son S386< Bills Mlllburn 6-4321 FOR Spenser Ifaben 1900 ELECTRIC exoeilent condition. Summer Air-Conditioned Apply In penon ESSEX ELECTRONICS SHIPPING-RECEIVING CLERK Walter A. McNamara 3880 HOtrSB Of A OLEN 4 John <-7M»»jr. James B. MorrU, Agaacy 8434 8pm level. S ream old. Priced In the DUPLEX Brook, trees, *put rain fence, tin THE FIRST NATIONAL WO Springfield Av«. Berkeley RBmiOKRATOR, » cu. ft,. S MM Bwood M. Obrtf 0433 middle twenties. Living room, dining near toirn. 6 room*, bath. ancOoaed mlnut* wa3k Lackawuuta, Hotaa BANK & TRUST CO. »3 Broad St. old, Kemnwtor, Short HkUs 1-vniS. The Rlohland Co. 7010 room, j bedrooms and a ttle bath*. porch each aide. Separate heaHnj School. Plrst floor, master b«lrooo. TOtnTO woman, steep-in, bdp Bummtt 9-3200 The Stafford Agency <*75O Kitchen with "aUng area. Also tin- unit*. BxoeUemt condition In and oat and bath, Uvinc room with firepia«» OF SUMMIT c»r« of tiaoaem, mmO WE3TINGHOUBE etoctrlo roaster. Robert B. ateele 00i7 lahed recreatloo room and utility Under 623,000. Appointment onty. ' dining room, modern kitchen and «• in mseiueaft for room tad board. Herer been used. »23. MDiburn Bichard T. Stromenger 4024 room. tra room. 2nd floor, two b< drxHr* Short Kils 7-3M*-R YOUN'O man to aastst in dry ctoamtng 6-O460-B. and bath. Basement bar and iml- LJOHT laundry and eurtain* done «t plaait. Opportunity to learn trade. Joan P. Taylor 800J my home. Su. *-31«2. WA8HINO maohlnes —Thar eombiaa- Whltmora A Johneoa 1404 OBRIG, Realtors W. A. McNamara shop. Immediate possession, |2?.W>; OZPTsAov requires «"d«.y week, hours • to 3. Oood sal 8400 396) mm Avenue. Any Short KllH wock. Ho ajry to atart. Apply Prompt a tlom laundry and 3433 Ml. 7^086-Rl DEPENDABLE and oapable wwnan. Rv* on* Baey Bpindry. Any reasonable Butler Agency 8152 Su. 6-O43S Kves and Sun.. Bu. 6-U7S between M-3t years of e*e, for day week, HI Union PI., Summit, 7060 phone MBIbnra «-W72: offer considered. Phone MadUoa ByattakBro*. Art for Mrs. Wyckoff DOTCH OolonlU, I room*. 3 b»th4; U>V«Lt lot. 7» x 153; convenient boueework 5 marnlng» a w*ek, or all TWO young men Utterestad in «om- Joan O. Cniyatal PBANKUN SCHOOL ZONK bear now UnaoUi School. Principal* day Thursday and Friday. Befer- struoacm work— new homes and 0417 •chooli, station. ISSOO. Bu, 6-0112-M SEAMSTRESS, dry deeatnc SUM ant Joseph P. Church 1947 Colonial, *parkUn« white wrth _ only. 8u, 6-5204. after I. ences. Su. G-Vtttt. help e« cour.6er. rul time Mejw* atterotaon work. Experience unoeoca- t—MiscnxAintous Walter B. Bdmondson 7200 gray atom* front; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Oiea.nar». M Iffitan ATWOU*. MUl sity. C«a Bu. 6-1137 after 6 pjn. Olaaebrook-Shepard Agtncy 69J0 lavatory and PANELLED DEN off thru 3-BOOkf apartnveat in Pamuey Apart- ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER bum. r ITS WO7W, TET ALMBW8; Orace A. Handwork •400 1st floor haH. raw porch overlooking mem*, 133 Summt Ave., summit. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Percales. 39c: P. F. organdy. 4te; Holma* Agency •800 *3,3W. t48.M per month, January Miniature Estate CUrt to work IS bookkoepln* depart- dotted iwtM. «c; taff***, «6c; san- grassy play yard. Now vacant; your Th** iraeioiis horn* adjoining the R« Wgh •a t t OBSOOtAL houeework and •jw. O. Houston - famity can more right in. Get fall Ut oecuptnof. Butler Agency, 7 nnt, Mt b Wh at dt H*e-la, new home, abort WCiMAIt wlahs* laundry to do In forlscd broadcloth. 4»c; satin. Me: DePowat Aw.,Bti. 6J-S183. ervatton in Short BUls I* tdeally Htu Ko preTtoue eiroertenoroertenoee required. Ap- awr. nom*. Alao curtain*. Call Summit corduroy. 61.10; nylon, gfe: eovtaet, value e.t *29,600. Consult John r. ated for th* family that enjoys ou: ply PubUe fterrk* Oeotrtc ft Oe* Co. 6-1763. SSo; foam rubber, shredded, SOe par Taylor, Realtor. StTmmk 6-8003. door living wit* aU th* adnM 341 Sprtnjrfleld Ave. Summit. 8u. 6- lb.; monk* cloth, 46-ln. Me; *4ml- COLONIAL of close proximity to ichool*, pp 7000. week. Oood wBa HOUSEWORK, 3 day* weekly; eipe- Oder house in exoeilent oandttaoo; CUSTOM BUILT 4B6MCT1WV lar savings in wool, silk, linen, ny- and transportation. A cool dip In t» lon, daeron, orlon, drspery, upool- convenient to sohooJ*, teanaportaMon, Rambling Colonial, 4 yean old. on luaclou* spring-fed pool la a >tuxt) TTPiaT-CLERK. Olrt for poaitian of SATS work, prefer Ironing, good, ref- on quiet shaded street. Pour large 124 FEET large wooded lot In Ideal suburban «yplat-cl«rk. Must be Sfh Softool DIKH HAND'S >iilnTinl Apply pexeoo- st«ry, brtda) fabrtos. "Do » Tour- run and a Jump from your bn?k ttocr nel office Orerloo* Bospttai. Sum- erences. MTJrdock 6-7387 after 5 p.m. self acceaaorle* and notion* from bedroom* and batto; cant*. Deep lot. location. Convenient to schools, shop- and slwWng atieaks can lx> prt^i-ri piduate, no previous experience r«- Priced aft 114.500. of fronts** an ntoely wooded ping and transportation. Poyer, tp*. • quired. Apply: Pubtte »ervJc* Rec mit. of laundrr dome ait borne. B»t«*, Dan Ri*«v Botany, «v*rf»*. on the flagatotw patio overlooking ttit *ypw Quadrlja. Oaley * Lard, MalUnwa tot enhance thl* 1946 Oape Ood Clous living room with fireplace and WEi„, . "ThTb e ,hou*" » itsel" "f •" **" trio and 6** Co., 341 SprtngfleM OFFICE work for boaptssl fund rsMos Ml Su. 8-S401-W. JOBS-BECK-SCHMIDT oottace located la New Provt- picture window*, dining room, kit- Ave., Summit, flu. 6-7O00. Belding-Cortlcelll, Punjab, Warn- •oUd, wtU built Snglish type and pubHc nUOoas. 5-day week. woman waznta days work. sutta, Crompton, Sehumaclier-Wav- COMPANY d«noe. 3 bedrooms, sewlcc chen, targe pin* panelled denl twin haa on th* fh*t foor. «p»cJeu«, *w- Record fcaeptog, new bkki OaQ 6 o'clock. Su. 6-1029. erly etc. Advance, Butteriek, lieOall room, tUe bath, screened poroh, staed bedroom, til* bath and powder down living room with fireplace, as- TYPIST, full or part time, pleasant Muat be rwd typist, fy Su. 6-10M Sun. & Dves.. »u. 6^)970 patio; attached garage, recrea* room on rirat floori two nice bedroom* surroundings. Su. 0-4058. Euner V: LICEKBSD mtrae would like pmtoevA and Simplicity pattoms; Vogu* and and tiled b&th on second; screened Ing room, modem kUcihen, Am. ?*• Blnhart M Co., 10 Bank street, deslrtble but not atatlil. Good s*3- Modes Royal** Pattern Sortie*. Open tlon area m bone-dry ba*e- dor room and screened porch. ?••'*' ary. Apply psnaaae to take home; male or female. Near ment. »l«,500 fieefr by ap- porch, 2-car built-in garage with per- floor, 4 bedrooms. 2 tiled &fitiw P^<• Bununtt,. look Hospital, 8umn*i «a»t*r euramtt. Box 336, Bummtt 'evenings to io PJK, Sunday to • TOP LOCATION manemt drtve^anUt rail fences,. Jtm» ; P. a(, MOrrl*town 4-1718. pointment only, through reartlon room with flreTJlace, full, wj OIRL, some Aousework and prepare Beaatlful, almcwt new l»i ator? brtck ffledl*Jtsj^.poatSBSioo, JUST REDUCEDiMuMment. Jue* toed «* •42,500.. dinner. 3 to 7 P.M. Monday through widow, farmer antique shop awl frame Oailfornl* Oodouaal on one TO 63V.JO0. Call Oeorge Strattoa for Friday. Bu. J-8118. < GIRLS wanted for Stftrt WS TAHD OOOD8 and DBO0K- of Summit's fluent streets. Nestted BUTLER AGENCY appointment. RICHLAND CO. work in modem eSeewoo&c* piaot. ©wiaer, seek* position aimUar, or gift, s COUNTER OIRL for Martlnl)!lng dry Excellent working txmdtthm. OPJKC- art. Sevoral day* weekly. Bos 335 ATOH SUPPLIES, opposite Aldsrnay amon« the tall ttmbees — almost t T DePoreat Am 8tr.'6-8lSt Realtors cleaning storeT Oood pay. Ideal tunSty for better "t&aa *v«**g« pay: WumiMt Herald. MUk Barn on Rt. 10, entrano* on of ao aore.— aasure* privacy plus a PARKINO ON PREMISES HOUSTON, REALTOR Littleton rd. (Rt, *»>. Ko. 7J but moat beautiful setting. Two large bed- Eves. Si Sun., Summit 6-1620 41 Maple St., fiummH summit •working conditions, 3» Springfield ,paUt. holiday*, paid nwskni. Wo ex- OfflTAR player waaote work weekends. room* and tile bath on first floor Summit S-6464. trt*. So. Orge. 2-3J4S Bundays.*nd Bvexings call Ave. 8u. 6-10037. perience required. Appty In person, Band or combo. MUlburn 6-1837-M stop 100 feet awny Monta Plains. H J Mr. Seymour, SUmmtt <-«56i-J or p.m. ' • ..... PLDB lovely mahogany panelled den. TOUNO lady for general office work, ESSEX ELECTS* OOW manure, weU rotted; rich black* Spacious Uvinc room with firmkace IT'S AN OLDIE! Mr. Byrne, BWmrftK «-OWl-W well known long established eon- top soil. Delivered direct from farm, watt ptotur* window. Jarge dining NO BprtngSeSd Are. Beraatey Bcagnt* EXPEKtEMCED midcae-aged woman Re«9or»t>ie, Lotus Peins, Uses 3- PART-STONE COLONIAL S-A BERKELEY HEIGHTS eern. In Bummlt. Progriwrtoii wage (lesirw work a* baby sitter by tlw 8643 after 6 p.m. room. Up to the mtnute kttoh«n, am- among many other employee bene- I MtUburn 8-1414-J. ple dining area, dishwasher, and good 1 ought to know fits. Reply by letter to P.O. Boi JSd*^JHS»..Jr»» »«T large bed- NOW VACANT BABT BlfMng. rBUab)«, mature worataa. I wu bom there HOMEINDUSTRf 38", Bummlt, •«. 3 • .... HOP WAMTID MALI tachments, 3 years old. room* cm secomdf floor with IH butibs. OWNER IN CALIF. BOT - ' n. Seen by »ppcfint SWITCHBOARD 1870-J. 43 M*pl« St. 8Cmm*t 6-0600 better materials are Arttlnf •M.SOO. Any mmwMe o Opportunity for ad Morrt*town-Bernard«rtUe Rd., Me* Nlgfata and Sundays ORange 4-43M Entrance hall. Mrtng room with fir*, available and they have OPERATOR HIGH Sobocd benr waniUi 8«turd*y lob rbitown. ptbuse, dining room, modern Mled b*«n tued. wiU be condoertd. . Pleasant vorfclnf (TfcU after S pm. 8u. 6-0.153. A wall designed contemporary In one kltohen with dlshwa*her, panelled With StenogwpWk) *«perl*»c# OUN8—New and used. 650 to a*ock. den and tiled powder room, aM on tat JOSEPjK F. CHURCH r PMACJTICAl. m»le rvunw would lllw) OxtwimtBwtT 8 AM. - » T.tt Bundsy Of our beautiful residential areas. The most modern of Apply ta penoo tome case. Loon] reference, Bu. 8- Poyer, living room with fireplace, din- floor: 3 md bedrooms. J ooiored t«e heatinK plants — Realtor B»\mT open'. A.M. Herman Trepbow, Xt Smith bath* on tad. O»« he*t, fuM Insufe. Main St., MlUtown. Mew Jersey. ing room, kltohen with wail oven. I All n«>w ab 3W1 grata'St., suntmi j FIRST NATIONAL bedrooms, 3 tiled bathe, 2-oar gvage, tlon and weativaretrlpplng, et«., Hew b*th - 382 Broad at. BANK & TRUST CO. EMftOYMENT AGENCY UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner, baby our. permanent drive. 132,900, Appoimtmeat •ornesied porch, overlooking nice fetioed and 48B-WARREN TOWNSHIP. Summit 8-5200 riage and hathlnette. SU. 6-8393-W only. yard bordering on grounds of adjoin- of SUMMIT SOOTT's Rmploymenit Agwncy, 42: to< estate. . What a kitchen I HEtr WANTID—MALI ft FEMALE Ibwn St., MUlburn, for good house KATALE'S wrought Iron raUlnge. Will Aedmoed to 639,600, open to offer inatd.ll. Su. 6-441S. Tastefully decorated 7'/i ACRES WoriHtni, cooks, day workers. Mlll- for prompt sale and Immediate occu- Afid VM» 4 )n*r old »priw1l'WJ Imirn C-09I7. W. A. McN^mara pancy. U desired. Convtntently located h RICH land top soil. «3.M per yard, SU. 6-3880.M33 Ml. 7-0086-RI horn* iM«t&*d on bhe slope of "T Minimum 5 yank Summit 8-5438-W, 3 bedroom* plus sewing Wa,tchv»ng hUU wiU provido lw« FOR SALE A. S. ANDERSON, Realtor country IIvln*; fo» your f*"^',,18.,?,!/ JOB OPPORTUNITIES FURNIBHINOS: qualHy cured ROOMY SALT BOX room — Uvtng room ir»th flreplaw, f«" <»»• hickory-framed furniture suitable Very attractive Salt Bo* Colonial hav- 44] Springfield Ave. Summit room! all electric fcltonen. 3 be 1-Aml AllCTION 8Atir«s*iinlay, Septem- for living loom, recreation room, ing eosy living room with fireplace, 8P. 6-6400. Bvw., 80. 6-6237. Bu\ 6-M1I 2 baths, att y**r porch. One of America's krg* ohedni ki enawltitg operMtow and win den, (latsed porch. Pair eryitaJ dining room, modern kitchen with D.L, A W.. good nohoolfl, soon open a new unit on Highway No, XI in SprtacftiM. Mr M. 12:30 p.m.. 386 Central AT*. MowtsinaSde. Marble top tnbd« elmtrlc chandeuers roast platter unique breakfast area, bedroom and JOAN O. CHRYSTAL opplog, Ttxe» only P83 If you oan qualify for any of th* positions Used, you a*t la ftMftohod rack. nvBtal; blue, 6x8, beautifully tiled bath, large op*n RARE! i DePonwt Avenue «rt»mt*l nigsg,, braat,, copper,ppe,, ouut anand eatton rug. Short mils 7-3M7. to write, giving details of experimee. twekfttwiud. e«e. etc mby gbugbuHH, »t*rU»t*rUn« «4]wr4]w,, ohtna screened porch. There are 3 more bed- SummH 6-8224 RICHLAND CO. We wiU give oof«rtd«r»*icm to houaew4ve» and OOHI* m***m . fttri4tur#, ]ewf*ry; nmny other Itmtm KEYS made in one minute at Mew- room* and ttledi btth upftaln. GM FIRST FLOOR BEDROOM Ask for Mm. Reave? hows cS empioyment, maralsga, atteroooae, mwoUm ••»* «w«k yri*txlly Frrxi Klakln. auotknww, berry's. Ornifiral Oreen* Shoppin* betted. Insulated and fully storm- ends* ^ •ashed. Two-car garage, asphalt drive, AND BATH Realtors 2—BICVCLK6 Cfmter, Spricfltd wonderful me ytrd for family enjoy- 41 Maple St., Summit summit rVUL 1HNINO ROOM. POOP KnCrffiTH DRUID HILL , 1 rlil FIRJEPLACR wood for sale. OaU. Bu ment. Convenient to grade, high L1VINO ROOM WITH P1REPIACE Sundays and EYPUIIW-* 1 34" Wcycl*, new tires and 9-4SO0; aft«r 6. Su. ••MM. school, ami D.L. A W. Dont delay 3 BRDROOMS AND BATH ON SHJOHO Ompkmt rw»«xw»ft*4 fr*m« cwfo- Mr. Seymour, SUtnmlit t-f^H OPENINGS FOR: i. 41S. "' _ 2." _ •ettng thta one, offered at I364M0. I CAR OARAOK, OPKN PORCH nfcrf! 3 matter bedroom, and 2 IWUM, Mr. Byrne, Stftwmtt 4.«»l-v 12-OAUdE nhotgun, double barrel. Ka- m»i(T« room and beAh; UMMI room --*- OF TOWN *r'7T3o;~»u rellent condition. 190 with ease. 1 BLOCKS TO SCHOOLS Chat. 4-3I67.W. WHITMORE & JOHNSON ™»*2S* m%mn** ptaTttSSr HOLMDKL, Comfortfcbl* 10 rwtm 6 Bank St. Realtor* Su, «-1404 To St* om Mr.. WaM ftftd pewtar mom, RwsreaMon room MAJOR APPLIANCE SALESMEN »i«lb«h McjrJe, M", 3-*p**ci PRIOIDAIRE refrigerator, excellent with (Vrepteoe amd bar. $43,000. «S, Hhort HllU 1-3t*6. condition, Blu« ntg and pad, M|i Evenings M Sun—8«. 6-0M6 STOCK ARRANGERS (Women) mttor h4», MtouMs from iti:T'« najSgh"BfHdlsh "wife, reaxonabl*. flu ft6MSM BNQLMH type all Met horn*, I Stafford Agency GLAZEBROOK-SHEPARD WRAPPERS (Young Men) for. narrtw rack, good P»RNS — (Duiuiftaedttia) 16" Mgtl, large bedrooms, 3H ttaWM. Heett*nt 0 Bh«d H4 StU $4 STOCK CLERKS (Young Men) ktUkurn 6-1634. 6-10 pm thlnmlng mine out. 10 for $1 90. Su "—"—i. H6« »|, Summit BeraM. CASHIERS (Women) lU-HOATt 6a»w 3 RADIATORS, « Mid 10 MOtfcNW, W PORTERS (Men) IS" OfrTBOA*o7"fuUr equipped with hl»h. Oood condition, ton. 6-i«7-B :ts War R*lnru motor. Traitor. PARKING LOT ATTENDANTS (Young Men) CaU MlUtrura |.«1»1-J, or Rhort HlUs a.BCTIU0 tratn*-a Mta, Tneks M«6lJ t*bi«, trawformatis, WO. M*w . transformer, »1JOO. Bu, M83I HOMES • HOMESITES effer to** M)*ri** w*tfara> RRD broadlonm rug, IS « 11; M 1 Work B»W«et We have eomplett eondltlon. Su mon. om»iHr bU£lc«_i couple or one Of two n_a. MUUagton ottered for the first time this fall. ittTHi'VROLCT, R. At X., good nw- The public affairs education V,.a condition, tood tiro. oo« FURNISHED HOOMS committee, another committee of = 1TOUNQ t>-_Qfta woman: pUitsant the adult program department, KTiAC. JM7. to »*iraow xoont —Jth pft**t« limlly. near all announced classes in Informal ,r»_r. Shorrtt BBUU - 7-TJW. education, lite first will be stock* and bonds, a practical jiDIIXAC, IMS. 4-door, nvtxM 83. LAB.UI! room, gectlenuux prrferred. CoQv*Di«Bt bus »n2830. ber of Commerce a class in su- RICHER COFFEE SINULt aad doubl* roomi o«att«- pervision and human relations WAMTID TO , mta prriftred- • r

Summit >• •.» Matal. sffilbura come from the staff of Rutgers AT WRINOFl—UD. Wtm»_ Kelt to 6-21B2-R University'. \" • ] INSTANT1Y! bm;h. CouvtnlrM Ao bus. IE BUY book* H«M» c*ll fo» Uifor- Ulltburn Members of the Summit Bar THI NOW imniaa P If Book Bi\op. nuatma SPRINOFIKLD. Otw.l«iiau preferred. A-3i0O. ./':. " Block from _1 t>iu*s. UUiHock 6- Association will cooperate once LOWEST ^E PAY.mgbwt own prtcflt (o» u;- 0*71. again this year by teaching * Deep Roasted itiing. Antlquw, eblna, «ll»«i-, brte- class, law for the layman, begin ONLY ••brac. palQtlBOS, nigt. tour attte THR£E-{umJ«hed pg room* PRICE coutenu our »p«UJty Hear canter. Adult*. Belennoe*. ning January 10. Last year's for heartier flavor •6UVUIIT AOCTIOM BOO1U) Bummtt «-»!« course dealt with contracts, wills EVER 4T-» Summit *Naw tTNCSCAi oppamiattr Summit 6-JU8 etc,. This year's outline will be Imagine! A quality instant that coanecttn^ t»th E loo*Uoo. based on the tax structure of gov- WK PAY CASH tor jour used funUtuie • parking! Su. 4MNCtl. always costs you less! Edwards ernment at different levels. antique*. «U»—. book*. brte>at>ric, ATTRACTIVE rexxn. Oostenlcai loca- is 100% coffee, made from SUMMIT RADIO THE HOME OF FAMOUS NAMES— IENDIX I pitnUnw; wnriw ot •«. «tc. tion ocar tows; Jcltciien prtrtl Another attraction appearing In GEOR0E8 AUCTION BOOItf , 8u. ».1SO3-W. ait«r «. choicest coffee beans. ..Deep U BUlfMlT AVBHtJt this year's listings is the you-do- WESTINGHOUSE — HOTPOINT — WHIRLPOOL — NORGE = Tel BummH 6-09M LAROE oomfortabl* room n**r bath Roasted to bring out the full- Wt will buy rnur: tttle obntauta. la prtv»te iuxat. OetxOemea only. it class* dealing, with practical MAYTAG 1 Su. «W3» jobs to be done around the house bodied flavor that means econ- EtNWAT or other fine pdAoo wwited b? j-ounj eompoaer. Btwte m_cer, LARGE, nlccJj deoara»ed room*. t7: by home owners. This course is omy in use. And since there's , prto». Bo« 3J8. aummrt Her-d. on« wttii 3 wl_do~i t9. Plenty of jointly sponsored by the YMCA hat wafer. ?4 Rt~r Rd. Su. 0-M70-W. no waste, you save all around! IWARDROBB ateomcr trunk. Oooct coa- and Stephens-MiHer Co. Elmer SUMMIT RADIO & APPLIANCE CO.) dlt4on. 8u. 2 N1CELT fur__a»d roonse: kitchen maA bedroom. S*ml-prlvat« bath, Furth of the Summit High School WANTED, OMMM. O«il Mr. Tryan, gas, electricity. b««ti hot —.abet, re- is assisting in the organization of Eeaturedat Cta*. 4-07M-W. {rt«e—«or tum-J—d. Near New the series. Experts from various 485 SPRINGFIELD AYE. SU. 6.1778 | OLD' dolls; will buy, cell, or exchirtf*. FrocUeaoa RaUroad 9_Uan atul bus line Buataos otyiipJe or woman. companies will present each dem " «W Wservmceg C_l aft«r"130 Or Satw*iy aid Sua- castration. Several local business &AFEWAY USED % Tiolln. BU. »-383J-W. «taar. JS Dtrt_o— A«. Summit. firms have been invited to co- lIllllltlllllllllllltlllltllllllllllllllllllllttllllltllllllllllltllltllllllllllttlllfltllllMtllllllllllllllllllllllillttiltlllllltllllllUlllli INSTRUCTIONS TWO »lcgie roon*. hjitch^-a prtvliesa; operate in these presentations. So •ner rtKV.aa»blt. Su. 6-2923-H far, Campbell Associates and the ACCORDION, HawalUn Ouitar. I sons »t your bomt. W«nMV, K I Rooms For Rent Summit Hardware have agreed |6-M» t-Umiro 8-1T89-J. J BOOMS on th."Jd fl«». all prtrtlegea: to do so. y p 3 rooms on aecoaid floor, no oookiJig. L st t»th ci BUB . t-oioetoi . saoesw Forums Also Planned jRT lottruetsoo. AduJU, oJitUren. POUB unfurnS*!)«l TOOTO*. NewJjr »- A series of community forums, f reg-ter now. clMMi ttmtorf Ruth decanted. No pe«*. Su. g-^Wl-W. discussion groups and special i Dr»y(uM, 37S MlUburn Avtnne, op- events will be presented periodi- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ite AJtP, MUiMiro. MUBnm e- ROOM AND WARD cally during the year. Meredith RINO. Ml »cbool subject*. JUlt- BOARD and rooaa —lth prlrate batb N. Stiles, Jr., announced that his RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES t Dwlfht. AJB, Prlncwon, V.«d. for eldarty Udj to lor-y borne. group was in the process of ar- Ekst 8troud»burg. Berk^«y IblghU Oood food and cseeUaoi oat*. Uadi- rfildent. nnwood 1-763J. ranging two forums to be staged soa 6-2«95. - at different times on subjects of • Carpet Cleaning • REOI5TEKKD DSCf—ted mine with ex- Antiques SCHOOLS interest to the community. Richard cellent tctommodattorut on Raiitan Eastern Fuel Company WILLIAM BERSON SILVERPLATING )NIC School. , p BlTtr. *ia tak« bed ftMmoU. Char- A. Kelley will be responsible for SIIEKFIELD RESTORED land tfteory; bftgtnfien' clui, pre> ter B-6234. > the discussion series based on the GEORGE'S BEDROSIAN'S FUEL OIL 82 Kent PI. Blvd. SUmmlt 6-9891- UNP8OA-. wnmtfe-i, for gu««t wa_l- POLISHING & LACQUERING P induction d-M. Ml*h* C1U*M. ICU- Freedom Agenda material. Special AUCTION ROOMS Attractive Values to 24 Hour Delivery burn 8-1TB9-J. Ing gm«4ow Hrtng. Befe-aa»a. Box events include a program plan- Contractor • Complete Job GOLD PLATING 408. __lburn JMsn. WILLIAMS O1L-O-MATIC CHILDREN'S PAtTHS ning conference,' collection of Antique* HUGS CUSTOM STERLING FURNISHED HOUSI TO RENT shoes (men and boys) for refugees and Oil Burners Carpenter - Mason • Painter OUMDROP THEATER • Bmight »nd SoM • Saks & Service Plainfield Plating Co. (Puppet Sl>ow) in West Germany, a report to Complet» Estates Bfiugbt Wall-to-Wall Carpeting No Job Too Small nr;jln«l ftortfii, 40 to SO mtoutw. members and friends on the Thorn-Cleaning 233-239 Broad St. SUMMIT «-0M4 Hedrich & Sons, SGtJv^Ycar 3 to 8 parUM, 110. Ob**J_m 473 Modem « bedroo—>. 2 teb YMCA centennial conference re- 83 Summit Ave. Summit C-0996 Certonlal (3 btdroo—* and baih Repairing Highway 22, Bound Brook on IlnR floor); 2-c«r attached cently concluded in Paris, a lay- Storing STEPHENS-MILLER CO Painters Rentals caraee. »n ioreir a*oUoa Just man's day breakfast, Sunday, ELliott 60370 ou'JSl* Bumndt. $300 p« Appliance Repairs Remitting FUEL OIL Vifumisfetd Aft. FOR REN1 Biostta. A»aUa«e Oet. 1 for « October. 16; observance of the UN Re-Laying EDWARD CHIOVAROU 128 Liberty St? Plainfield or 1 month*. Cm be pur- tenth anniversary in cooperation Metered Deliveries S-ROOM duplex apartment. 3 ban*. 428 Springfield Ave. Plainfield 6-4310 or 5-8272 with SCOPE, arid National Negro OIL BURNER AND SON S3' atUc featlliUng tut', prlrat* DAVID J. FLOOD SUMMIT, N. J. | entrance. ClOM to town and ioliooj*. History Week, Feb. 5-11. Sales & Service Painting Contractors 'ODt. I 117$. . BUTLEF Electrical Appliances Phone: SUmmlt 6-0500 38 Russell PI. SUMMIT 6-0029 Stationery I ROOMS. M—>n4 TOOT »pwt—~It. T D*»0r«R Ac The week of September 26 to Decorators prlTite eatr-oe*, tiled bath. Ceo* FABKINO ON Repaired Ettimate* Furnished tni loeattoa. Ofttobw l»t 1140 October 3 has been designated SIEGEL'S Obrii, Realtor, Summit Mi3S or for registration. Classes will be- Household Wiring • Coal • • Lamps & Shades • caU SUMMIT 6 3567 STATIONERY SHOP gin the week of October 3. Per- Prompt Service EASTERN 11 Union PL Summit CENTRAL. 4 room*, bfctb, heat..Call HOUSE FOR RENT sons interested in enrolling, fees Lump Shad- »a10U; after • GARAGE FOR RENT Spmmit YMCA, SU $-3330. CATALINA UMP SHOP pm. Su. 6-4S70. Auto Dealers call SUMMIT 6-0004 We board your birds while OARAOB for rent; C Pn»pect Central Ave. Weatfldd pt for r«ot, h«at 233 239 Broad Street Summit you're on vacation pud. Apply Brown'* Kardwart Summit *--93S.^ WE. 2-4223 ' «t Supply Co., _0 8pr_«n*U At*, Beacon Hill Club WERNER MOTOR CO. CHATHAM 4-8735 SUMMIT RADIO $ "STORES TO RENT 1«* MAIN ST. CHATHAM 1R0OW duplex aantan anrtneot, (Continued from Page 1) '. ^STEPHENS-MILLER, CO. • Laundries • APPLIANCE CO. D. modern siori was finally granted by' both PAUL L. WEKNEfir l*rop7.V'.' nrktBR In Rear of Balttfing o«. i. Aduitt su. i-amiT^ . wio> bodies for a club use of the Bas- BLUE COAL ' .• • off HUUId* AT*. Authoritcd Dealer n«_ parking, Chrjiler . Plymouth Dealer CORBY'S set t property. .. KOPPERS COKE _. FUEL OIL • Du Mnnt . RCA » Fhlloo SlNCB 1S99 _ • Stromberg-CarUoD The Lincoln District Taxpayers 485 Sprlngflfid Arc. SanmlC STORE for rent- Inquire Summit ( Sale*—Service BUILDING MATERIALS LAUNDRYCRAFT • Plnmbem # BELIEVE H. Association came into being short- SUMMIT 6-1778 ly after the conclusion of the hear- GUARANTEED USED CARS » Russell PI. SUMMIT 6-0029 On* Call Din* M OFFICE FOR RENT ings and filed suit to void the mu- LAUNDRY DIIYCLEANING JOS. O. CHRYSTAL CO. Modern Bod j 4k f«itit Shop Tree Surgery IT OR NOT! nicipal rulings. Originally three Dairies Rug Cleaning — Fur Storage PLOMBIKO A HEATING BR *t««on. 7 BewhwoodUBd Ideal members of the Association Car tearing .. We«Mj-Monthlx-Tt*rtf for inturane*. r*»l e*»*Wor doctor Summit Ave. Summit 11000 Tour Dealer for L G. DAPERO I 1955 CHEVROLET signed the complaint but since its . . Lou lUtet ' filing one has withdrawn and one SCHMALZ Kitchen Aid Home Dishwashers CERTIFIED Any color. lmm«dl«te dc«7ery. 1 Tear eondStUwMd. uttlitka. died suddenly. 17 SprtafflclU Ave. SU. 6 4343 SWEET -KLEEN uiit. On _• wot credit amowl. parking tot. B«aatM_b5«. • Milk ft Cream 17 Cedar St. Su. 80271 TREE EXPERT t rtHit hem* and Uk« 41 Morttu One of the signers, David Bin- [••) i compltto (Murane* eenrarafa ««t Authentic Arboriculture ludl UMlU der of 35 Woodfern road, died sud- • Auto Repairs • LAUNDRY Rentals Wanted denly in Newark this summer and For Excellent Laundry Service LeROY BALDWIN Summit 6=1301 or 0018 the other, Noel Cunningham, sold • Cettogt Cbt«M Dry Cleaning Rug Qeaning ' • PLUMBING ONLr$IODOWN • HEATING Chimney Cleaning HOUSE WANTED" his home and moved to Florida. LEN'S MOTOR 15 Industrial PL Summit $9 A WEEK Mr. Caruso said ttiat Mr. Binder's • BufNr A Igqs • ALTERATION WANTED *-7 room bo«»» for- Nor«ni- On OurGwtantettl widow, Selma, is carrying on with SALES & SERVICE SUMMIT 6-1711 • JOBBING NATALE CHIMNEY CO. 5»r St. im to »W$. Adult famUy. Delivered Freih from Built • Repaired - Cleaned •3% Bank Plan - Kennedy, ©rang* 7-UM the suit in the name of her late Auto Repairs 235 Morris Ave. Phone SU. 6 0485 husband's estate. Body & Fender Work Our Nearby Farn Uqnora • This is the Time of the Year to You Save Clean and Repair Your Chimneys Claim Mort Snw^rt „: $565 InUr.it Ch.r9.1l! Used Cars CaD ... ANTHONY FIMIA . .. also Fireplaces. Why Not Call mt ROOMS. fn»n •» W S10. The report to members, which ABE'S LIQUOR STORE coupl*. Ob»tl>wB ' *'"" Jobbing Promptly AtUndti To Now And Protect Your Family is dated September 19 and signed 84 Summit Ave. Summit C-3241 LIQUORS' OR M»l« bfdrooro apartnwnt or MILLINGTON 7.0025 PLUMBING • HEATING and Home For the Long Hard IUDOETRD TO HT TWI HOUM by Kotrmbar 1st. Cp to t«S. by the executive committee but WINGS BEER Winter. month Ineludln. Beat ,* «g> lists no names of that committee, SHEET METAL WORK WORKINftMANS POCKIT Mbool «*» «lrl*. weatfield l- WHEATON'S • Dellcatesseas • At Popular Prices 1 CHESTNUT AVENUE Summit 6 4415 AduHt. M-1- also states that other residents ov tctMi,, i|afl -1 ecu 4-ROOMS in SprbtfftfM. TEXACO SERVICE Prompt Delivery Service SUMMIT (1-9125 »v»-you, hUndrwlt el doUarai But lor Hum J-0W6-J. who heretofore have not enlisted Ltoni Mok* Appeal Per «»>' :«>HU r«i muat aet NOW. A in the fight against the club are ROAD SERVICE HILL CITY DELICATESSEN SUmmlt 144S1 "••hinnon n ccmepftfldindt t rt>««tetty Fmitkt. «r Unfenrifke* now "aroused" because of being 25 Union PI. Roofers • *"**>, "Jear of dMuwrvw boob m Ma • IGNITION-CARBURETOR, etc. FINE FOODS Blind Aid, Wdfore Work NK or two beA«oB^p»«. yw made aware during the summer Quality Cold Cuts Six thousand letters to Summit «~m ih* VOIURM at ereilt avaflabl* W marrUd otmpl# and tefwrt. for « of noises created by. small outdoor General Repairing LARRY MAY residents went out Monday, ask- [onmmar* md vata um mak* M mare mootha. Woo* 8 Jfc MARFAK Lubrication Daily Sandwich Service «*l>tBiin to borrow mm*r." family gatherings "and have Party Specialties, Canapes ROOFING ing support for the annual appeal FURHISHiD APT. WAHTED made mental calculations of what W awn iaka-fcurr/ »• •««•» Ummlt 6 4465 412 Morris, Ave. Made To Order 3alisL SIDING - GUTTERS of the Lloni Club blind, aid and fl the result would be when multi- * "lJI> Oototar (h* dawn payment m or t-BOOM apartm«mt. ntjr trana- LEADERS welfare program. m 1 Maple St. RUmmlt «-3v34 «« 1WJ CM will bt »a hUh M I7MI portatlon. for P«y^JgJjS? plied a hundred-fold." LIQUORS, WINES _ BEERS call SUMMIT fi-5152 Committee chairman James F Bicycler lOOM$ WANTED Beacon Hill Club, meanwhile, Prompt Dellverlei 24 FRANKLIN PL. Piana aaid that the letter outlines has been dormant lince a meeting Call SUMMIT § H« the aecompllshnifiitf of the club CREDIT APPROVED MATtnU! woirwn wtolMJi on* larg* or two small room* tor light home- of its membership held late lait • Servk* Stations • In assistance to glaucoma vic- BY PHONE! LARRY'S Easttrn Futl Company Road Summit CALL COLliCT— spring when officers were elected tims, providing lummer camps oml floor. MUBwm and it was voted to proceed with CYCLE & SPORT SHOP or underprivileged youngsters, EUsibwtli 4.11*1 ZOTTE'S ESSO SERVICE the purchase of the BaaSett prop- New & Used • Mason Contractor* • nnd other aid given to PAL, the 10 MIN. DELIVERY! erty. It ii understood,. however, BICYCLES City Mason Contractor Grasshopper baseball league, that another general membership Dealer €sso ight conservation programs in Irada-is in*waa«nr«l. wlUlni worker. H«fer- Three representatives of the • WaJDpapsr • arv Gideons International will pro- STEPHENS • MILLER CO. I. L FITTIRiR JOSEPH DELUCA put several years, tent a nummary of the work being Floor J« W»H Tilt HILL CITY PAINT & LOST Campfcto /Un* •/ In the y«ar IK» A.D7"the Em- 1 1 done by the (Jtdeong at the wor- Linoleum aV Aaptialt Mn»n C«ntricter lit'on * Taylw *. »*ipj WALLPAPER CO,, Inc. ptror Charlemagne iaiucd an MOTORS *mm M. »«lf« «laaaa*. Wu« «wl ship rervice of St. Luke's Re- BUILDING MATERIALS h InttaUed By Ixpertai Brick and cement work, riaster- • Dvttk »#f altt#f fram*. M«** eaaa. •hort WU* formed Episcopal Church, Mur- Hrondloom Carptti Ruga Ptati * UMrt edict which outlawed the prt»s- AV«. COAL FUEL OIL log or any kind of mason work, f^lM ray HIU, mi Sunday at 1} a.m. • '.'itl Broad St. Ing of WIM with bara feet be- *» all Mftk« eauttt it wat unsanitary, , , iiuwuol* Imav Oo, lummlt. The representative trt Robert PI. - «Ufti«tt iMM a**. Flit 34 THE SUMMIT HEUAtP. THUIBPAr. StWWttK If. IB>, i Newfoundland which features forest, meadow and pasture. found you guilty beyond exonerated them of any guilt. were made by aine persoD* in There are some l«.0W,O0O left- y birds, animaB, sanctuaries and On >Jiarch 16, George Regeu- a reasonable doubt" He imposed a $75 fine on each of eluding police, who were not in- handed person* in the United Audubon Screen Wrg of Trenton will present a The D«*eov4drt Bad: entered three charges aiainst all of ii tht aatwa'i wilderness. volved in the incident but who States, about a tenth of tbt popu- lecture-film "Mltte Known New counter-complaint* against the brothers. Gward unit ItWi On December 6, Allan D. Cruiek- 8 Jt r -(••• " This is t full color movie* three ironworker*. Judge Bier- During the testimony statement* were oo the premises or near-by. lation faed aa a militia outfit b Tours to Be thank ol New York will present jr>g iht beauty which lies « colored film which he took of **: i tiie busy highways and Resumed Oct. 14 the '•mysterious waters'1 t»f Flor- industrial areas oi the Garden 6#f ah*aJttart on day-h*Q mwrgy... shop AtP for The National Audubon Society • idaj^.j The picture Is entitled Stale. and the Summit Nature Club an- [ "River of the Crying Bird.' , nouneed this week that the Audu- m$ R/WhitUrt* of 14 Val- boii Screen Tour of 1955-56 Will be- ley View avenue, chairrain of Uie Four Brothers Get gin October !4 with a lecture b>; tuurs, announced th&t sum« iub- l>ick Bird of Reginta. Saskatche- ,scriptioi)s are ttill available and wan. The lectures are held at the may be attained by calling' her. $900 Fine for Celanese auditorium on Morris avenue. Admission is by subserij*- t'hailes Moher of Connecticut J jon only., will present one of the Auduboo 'Vengeance'Brawl Mr. Bird will show a film on Screen Tours masterpieces which. shows nature's arumal cycle com- I'tmr brother* charged with as- sault and battery after being , -tooi plete with musical scores and JIM'S sound effect tracks. It it sched- accused of starting "a vengarice HOME CLEANING SERVICE uled for January -27. brawl*' at Jersey Central Power • Floor Waltnc Alfred -<**» 'ft SMOKED HAMS i5 WWairEitltr Flounder Fillet laff-FrflCut C»p'nJ»hn'f ft. 49 Half Chang* te th« Coff** that'* Reodyto-Eat Hams 43c

FLAVOR! SIRLOm PORTERHOUSI Ib. STEAKS Juicy, Flivsrf irf 69C juicy, n«--i-i i. Tfcew't only mm mmm far Sirloin Steak, one name for Pcrter- 75« Don't miss in-the-bean premium-quality Coffee...Cus- Iwf Steak at A&P and only one price for each—as advertised! tom Ground for you. Enjoy the coffee thatV'AJive with Flavor" Tip Round Roast or Steak —'•<• «> 85* Pork Loins . for only about 2t a cup/ ^J2smA a^M stt^^kaff •*—.^1.— In •_ aBsssi m * ^ A. PorkUl_ — _ _w __ MM « Mill** Ribs ef Beef EIGHT O'CIOCK,: 79c BOMINS Veal Roatt »<••»« n> 3 1b. »ag 2.31 •owl t W/n«r Lags »f Lank Fraakhirtsn nmcmoji BOKAR IssfLifsr I Ib. B«f. Faesy Drsnwl WfcillM >—.^»t 19'' 2A9 X55 bspsiMI SUe.J

ANN s GRAND GROCERY and PACKAGED FOODS' seat—any jea«-~and enjoy this piclure front any place PAGE hi the room—with reallf to6fl*-witf(| PANORSMIC VISION? Now- yoirr receiver where it fit* best ami still give everyone VsfstsMs Bait sr CAMPBELL'S SOUPS . S~ *• • v a front row seat! Come in—see for yourself how much more viewing enjoyment RED RASPBERRY mmmmkMkk. HTMOX www-.—. you get with PANORAMIC VlSIOIST-plus the other great features that make Stromberg-Carlson performance so outstanding, on ClAW'S -SRa? 3^.25c 12^.99< FIG NEWTONS ..' HESBWES VHFawlUHF. SCOT TISSUE «.N*«M «,io« DAILY DOC FOOD JLtlai. W MM 43c Id. Crisps Fig Bars • c k• J 16 * Jar 29c The EMPtRE—-Tmo sp«tkers, itlamlnaletl Q.T. lasisst Fnstisc . r.r 2 "^ *M tuning

sfbctlv* Mm. Sst»f^r test. 14th M,rt«h Mi Stff.SMvi«t StSftS Bss«MMBsl|Fsss HSTBIBSBIFSMI Colgate ID 219 Deterjeat Colgate's Vel Oalcate's Fab

Angel Soft Palwelhre Seep STROMBERO - FaolalTltsHs Oaihmere Beiiquet Bouquei WMft Saui Sup SUMMIT RADIO & APPLIANCE 12 »• SPRINGFIELD AYE. SU. 4-1778 (11 Summit ST<