Journal of Archaeological Science (2000) 27, 915–929 doi:10.1006/jasc.1999.0506, available online at on

Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves: the Use of Minerals that Form In Situ to Assess the Completeness of the Archaeological Record

Panagiotis Karkanas

Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology, 34b Ardittou, Athens 11636, Greece

Ofer Bar-Yosef

Department of Anthropology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

Paul Goldberg

Department of Archaeology, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A.

Steve Weiner

Department of Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 76100

(Received 21 May 1999, revised manuscript accepted 29 September 1999)

An interpretation of the archaeological record, in particular that of a prehistoric cave site, is complicated by the diversity of depositional and post-depositional processes that affect the material deposited. Here we propose to use the authigenic minerals that form in situ within the cave sediments to reconstruct the ancient chemical environments in the sediments. This can be done by experimentally determining the conditions under which each of the authigenic minerals are stable. Although this information is not available to date for minerals formed in a prehistoric cave, we present calculated stability field data for the relevant minerals. The results clearly demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. This information, particularly if based on measurements of real authigenic cave minerals, will facilitate an assessment of the completeness of the cave archaeological record. This is particularly important for determining whether or not the distributions of archaeologically important materials, such as bones, teeth, plant phytoliths, charcoal and ash, reflect their original burial distributions or were altered as a result of secondary diagenetic processes.  2000 Academic Press


Introduction information for the study of human evolution during the Pleistocene is prehistoric caves in Africa and he goal of an archaeological excavation is to Eurasia. Since the early days of prehistoric research in reconstruct the comprehensive history of the Western Europe, archaeologists have paid particular site, taking into account the depositional and attention to the residues of human activities in the Tpost-depositional processes. These may be geogenic, form of fractured animal bones, lithics, ash and biogenic, anthropogenic or a combination of all three. charcoal. At the same time, Quaternary geologists, Identifying these processes is crucial if we are to working jointly with the excavators, have identified a interpret the recorded contexts of human activities suite of natural processes, which are responsible for within a precise radiometric time scale. Behavioural accumulations in caves and rock-shelters. Summaries interpretations of such well understood sites provide of these geogenic processes have been published (e.g. the building blocks for determining rates and trends of Bordes, 1972; Farrand, 1975; Davidson & Shackley, cultural changes over time. One of the major sources of 1976; Colcutt, 1979; Laville et al., 1980; Villa &

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Courtin, 1983; Lowe & Walker, 1984; Goldberg et al., & Cullingford, 1976; Ford & Williams, 1989). It is 1993 and references therein). With the advance of usually represented by calcitic deposits of travertine, or geoarchaeological research, it also became clear that a stalactites and stalagmites, as well as more horizontal better understanding of the chemical and biogenic spelaeothems or flowstones. These calcium carbonate processes occurring in the sediments is necessary, accumulations, moreover, grade laterally into detrital before proceeding with palaeoanthropological inter- sediments, which they cement, yielding what is known pretations (e.g. Eidt, 1977; Sjoberg, 1976; Schiffer, in the archaeological literature as ‘‘brecciated deposits’’ 1987; Courty et al., 1989; Dockrill et al., 1994). or just ‘‘breccia’’. As such, they represent a form of Biogenic processes occur in the form of burrows water activity that can considerably obliterate the (te´rriers), which are typically circular to elliptical details of past events. Water, especially dripping from features about 6–10 cm across. They are generally filled the ceiling, thus plays a major role in cementation with softer material than the surrounding matrix and processes, and by creating erosional features. micromorphologically are clearly characterised by a Ash was certainly a major component of the sedi- loose, aggregated fabric (Goldberg & Bar-Yosef, ments in many prehistoric caves, and if preservation 1998). Additional bioturbation processes such as the conditions are appropriate may still be a major com- activity of earthworms and insects have a more subtle ponent. The dissolution of ash is an important factor in appearance (Stein, 1983). Both are clearly responsible assessing volume changes of the sediment (Schiegl for microscale obliteration of original stratigraphic et al., 1996). The study of the microscopic structures features, such as bedding and contacts between litho- and chemical compositions of prehistoric ash is still in logical units (Wood & Johnson, 1978; Courty et al., its infancy. Several publications (reviewed by Courty 1989; Macphail et al., 1990; Goldberg & Bar-Yosef, et al., 1989) produced some of the first analyses of 1998). Carnivore contributions from hyaenas and campfires. Subsequent research in several Levantine their phosphatic coprolites are demonstrable in many caves has considerably added to our knowledge (e.g. cave-sites. The presence of hyenas is also reflected in Weiner et al., 1995; Schiegl et al., 1996). bone gnawing. Their activities in the cave are another All the processes that alter the archaeological record cause of bioturbation and a means of altering the are collectively referred to as diagenesis. Here we will sedimentary substrate (Horowitz & Goldberg, 1989). focus specifically on the post-depositional chemical Chemical transformation processes are often less changes. Interpreting the archaeological record cor- obvious to the naked eye, but in many caves are major rectly without reaching an understanding of diagenesis agents of destruction of the archaeological record. The is usually impossible. This is certainly the case in many chemical processes are driven by the water passing prehistoric caves, where the diagenetic processes are through the cave sediments, and the dissolved organic particularly aggressive, due essentially to the concen- and inorganic constituents. Chemical processes may trations of large amounts of phosphate-rich guano and result in cementation and/or dissolution, depending other organic refuse, as well as an active hydrologic upon the conditions. Of particular importance is the regime. If, therefore, we are able to determine the contribution of organic matter (guano) from bats and processes and reconstruct the original depositional birds. This breaks down as a result of oxidation, and environment in each site, we could determine the releases large quantities of phosphate into the water. original configurations of these components in the Phosphate reacts readily with carbonates, setting off archaeological record. This would also make it possible what is essentially a chain reaction (Weiner et al., to recognise environments where some of the primary 1993). Evidence of the past presence of pigeons and anthropogenic constituents are absent because they birds survives as millimeter-sized, well-rounded and were never incorporated in the archaeological record, polished gizzard stones. At Tabun Cave, for example, as opposed to being absent or partially altered, because such grains make up about 1% of the sediment by they were subject to diagenesis. weight (Hoskin et al., 1970; Goldberg, 1973, 1978). Chemical reactions can result in partial or total loss of bones, phytoliths, organic palaeobotanical remains, The Strategy and in addition may radically alter the stratigraphy due to greater reduction of sediment volume in one Here we propose to use the minerals that form within location than in another. They may also influence the the sediments (the so-called authigenic minerals) to radioactive element distributions, and consequently the determine key chemical environmental parameters that dates obtained by thermoluminescence and electron prevailed in the sediments, such as calcium, phosphate spin resonance (Mercier et al., 1995a). Understanding and aluminum concentrations, acidity/alkalinity (pH), these chemical processes and integrating them into an and oxidation conditions (Eh). These parameters can interpretation of the cave archaeological record is the in turn be used to determine whether the primary major objective of this study. anthropogenic constituents (such as bones, teeth, Chemical cementation is volumetrically not very phytoliths, pollen, plant remains and charcoal) would abundant in Levantine caves, but is more common in have been affected by diagenesis irrespective of whether temperate European or tropical Asian cave sites (Ford or not they are present in the sediments. Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves 917

This approach has previously been proposed as a Cave the isochron age is 578 ka and the measured means of assessing the ‘‘completeness of the fossil age is 603·5ka(Valladas et al., 1998). In Tabun record’’ in soils (Retallack, 1984). In soils and certainly Cave the isochron age is 28720 ka and the measured in prehistoric caves, our knowledge of the formation age is 30633 ka (Mercier et al., 1995b). In Hayonim and dissolution conditions (stability fields) of the rel- Cave the two values are indistinguishable (Mercier & evant authigenic minerals, as well as for many of the Valladas, pers. comm.). As the major radioactive primary constituents, is insufficient at present to read- elements are constituents of authigenic and primary ily apply this approach. Here we will review the current minerals in cave sediments, this supports the notion state of knowledge in this regard for prehistoric caves, that most diagenesis took place at the surface or soon list some of the more important archaeological impli- after burial. ‘‘Soon’’ can be roughly estimated from the cations of such an approach, and define some of the TL data as being within the statistical error of the key studies that need to be undertaken to make this a measurement, namely 10% or less of the time elapsed reality. since deposition. The fact that diagenesis for the most part tends to occur at or near the surface, and then slows down An Important Premise significantly after deeper burial, implies that each stratigraphic layer may take on a characteristic The use of authigenic minerals to reconstruct the diagenetic ‘‘fingerprint’’. The fingerprint reflects the chemical environmental conditions that prevailed in conditions of accumulation at the surface, rate of cave sediments is predicated on one major assumption, sedimentation, temperature and so on. This trend can namely that the authigenic minerals under study in turn explain, for example, how preservation con- formed under the same conditions that affected the ditions can improve with depth. This situation occurs primary archaeological constituents of interest. It is a in Hayonim Cave, even though the deeper layers have straightforward matter to conceive that this may not obviously been buried for a longer time than the upper be the case, especially if diagenetic reactions are layers. Another consequence of this phenomenon ongoing and reflect changing conditions. For example, is observed in Theopetra Cave in central Greece secondary calcite tends to form at locations where (Karkanas et al., 1999). Each layer has a different water drips from the cave ceiling onto the sediments, assemblage of authigenic minerals that formed in situ especially above the cave entrance. These sediments under different conditions. The diagenetic fingerprint may originally have contained primary calcite, which of each layer presumably reflects the unique conditions has since dissolved. The fact that calcite is now forming that prevailed at the surface and soon after burial for secondarily provides no information about the earlier each layer, rather than the accumulated diagenetic dissolution events. It provides some information about change that might have occurred since burial. the possible effects that calcite formation may have on the remaining primary anthropogenic components. There is, however, strong evidence to support the The Authigenic Minerals notion that many authigenic minerals do form at the same time and under the conditions that also affect Authigenic minerals form in situ within the sediments, the primary anthropogenic constituents. The evidence as opposed to those that are transported into the cave. is derived as a ‘‘by-product’’ of thermoluminescence They are known to form in many caves that were (TL) dating of burned flints in prehistoric caves. It occupied by ancient hominids, as well as caves that indirectly provides information on the progress of were not occupied (White, 1976, 1982; Martini & diagenesis over time. For our purposes, the important Kavalieris, 1978; Hill & Forti, 1997). Each mineral results are not the dates, but the comparisons of the forms under a specific set of conditions, and hence its calculated environmental radiation doses using the TL presence is indicative of the conditions that prevailed at isochron analysis (see Aitken & Valladas, 1992), and the time of formation. As many of the authigenic the measured values in the field. If the calculated and minerals are phosphates that have relatively poor order the measured values are the same, it implies that the at the atomic level, and/or very small crystal sizes, they amount of radioactivity emanating from the sediments are not easily detected by the most commonly used today is the same as the radioactivity emanating over method for mineral identification, namely X-ray dif- the whole period of time since the accumulation of the fraction. A more reliable and much more convenient sediments on the surface. If the values are different, method for identifying these minerals is infra-red then diagenesis has subsequently altered the sedi- spectroscopy, especially when it is combined, where ments in terms of the components that contain the necessary, with X-ray diffraction, back scattered radioactive elements. electron microscopy and elemental analyses using The isochron anlysis has only been performed in either a microprobe or an energy dispersive spec- four caves to date. The result from the cave of Qafzeh trometer attached to a scanning electron microscope. is that the isochron age is 889 ka and the measured Infra-red spectroscopy can also be used on-site; an age is 925ka(Aitken & Valladas, 1992). In Kebara added convenience and a great improvement in 918 P. Karkanas et al.

Table 1. The authigenic minerals noted in the text, their abbreviations, and chemical formulae

Mineral Formula

Calcite (C) CaCO3 Hydroxyapatite (HA) Ca10 (PO4)6(OH)2 Fluor-carbonated (FCA) Ca10 (PO4)5(CO)3F3 (Francolite) Dahllite (D) (carbonated apatite) Ca10(PO4,CO3)6(OH)2 Ca,Al-phosphate amorphous (N) Ca, Al, P-phase, non-stoichiometric (1) Crandallite (R) CaAl3(OH)6[PO3(O1/2(OH)1/2]2 (2) (3) Taranakite (T) H6K3Al5(PO4)8 · 18H2O or Kx[Al2-y(H3)y](OH)2[AlxP4-x-z(H3)zO10] 3+ (4) Leucophosphite (L) K2[Fe4 (OH)2(H2O)2(PO4)4] · 2H2O (5) Montgomeryite (M) Ca4Mg(H2O)12[Al4(OH)4(PO4)6]

(1)Blount (1974); (2)Smith & Brown (1959); (3)McConnell (1976); (4)Moore (1972); (5)Moore & Araki (1974).

Figure 1. (a) Photograph of the eastern section of Kebara Cave showing the presence of a large boulder (arrow) buried in the Upper Palaeolithic sediments. (b) Photograph of the boulder. The arrow spans the thickness of the reaction rim. Scale bar: 10 cm. problem-solving efficiency (Weiner et al., 1993). The was subsequently buried in sediments. A major com- current state of our knowledge therefore is that rela- ponent of these sediments is derived from wood ash, tively few prehistoric caves have been well studied in namely an aggregate of soil minerals cemented by an terms of their authigenic mineral assemblages. We note amorphous matrix rich in silicon, , aluminum and that one of the first, if not the first, study of this type potassium, so-called siliceous aggregates (Schiegl et al., was that of Goldberg & Nathan (1975) in Tabun Cave, 1994). These were derived from the wood and bark of Israel. (See Table 1 for the chemical formulae of the trees of this region, but may also be present in other authigenic minerals mentioned in the text.) plants. A second component is the clays, e.g. kaolinite The information needed to reconstruct the palaeo- and montmorillonite, that are common in the soils of environmental conditions of mineral formation is not this area (Singer & Ravikovich, 1980). Weiner et al. only the identification of the authigenic minerals, but (1993) analysed this rock reaction rim in detail (Figure also their specific associations with other mineral 2(a)) and the results are shown in Figure 2(b). The rock phases in the field and at the microscopic level, if itself is composed of dolomite, a calcium–magnesium indeed such associations exist. These associations may carbonate mineral. The fact that authigenic minerals indicate that a less stable mineral phase has dissolved on the rim of the rock developed at the expense of the and then reprecipitated in the form of a more stable outer layers of the rock indicates that dolomite was not mineral. Such transformations occur under specific stable under these conditions, and reacted with the chemical conditions. Thus knowing the mineral that is water in the sediments. The first authigenic mineral being replaced, as well as the mineral replacing it, product of this reaction was pseudomorphic dahllite allows us to also reconstruct the trends in changing (also known as carbonated apatite) which precipi- palaeoenvironmental conditions. tated in rhomb-shaped cavities formed as a result of A key observation in this regard is the suite of dolomite dissolution. Dahllite is the same calcium diagenetic minerals that developed on the surface of a phosphate mineral present in bones and teeth. The large rock that fell from the ceiling of Kebara Cave, phosphate must also have been present in the sedi- Israel, in the Upper Palaeolithic (Figure 1). The rock ment water. Its source is not known for sure, but is Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves 919

Figure 2. Photographs of a portion of the reaction rim removed from the surface of the rock in Figure 1. (a) A light micrograph. The thickness of the specimen from the rock surface to the sediments is 10 cm. (b) A scanning electron micrograph of about 4 cm of the central portion of the rim specimen shown in (a) using back scattered electrons. The major mineral phases and their locations are shown. 1: Carbonated apatite; 2: calcium aluminum phosphate (non-stoichiometric); 3: crandallite; 4: leucophosphite and montgomeryite. Scale bar: 1 mm. most likely the phosphate-rich guano of bats and birds outward from the present day dolomite rock–rim that is released upon oxidation of the organic matter boundary. In contrast the proportion of aluminum in (Martini & Kavallieris, 1978), and possibly the original the various minerals in the reaction rim increases with wood ash itself which can contain up to 24% phosphate increasing distance from the rock surface, as its source (Wattez & Courty, 1987). Dissolving bones may be is in the sediments in which the rock is buried. The another important source of phosphorous. During the cascade should also reflect the different stabilities of dissolution and reprecipitation reaction the magnesium the minerals, with the most stable minerals adjacent to present in the rock was lost, as was most of the the sediment being those that formed last. The presence carbonate. The dahllite itself was not stable with time of leucophosphite is enigmatic. It does not contain and was replaced by crystals of a calcium aluminum- calcium, but does contain potassium, aluminum and rich phosphate mineral, whose elemental composition iron. These elements are present in relatively large varied. The variability is an indication that this mineral amounts in siliceous aggregates present in wood ash, did not reach its most stable form. In its most stable as well as in many clays. We have noted in Kebara form the proportions of elements would be constant and Theopera Caves an intimate association between (the so-called ‘‘chemical formula’’ of the mineral). It leucophosphite and siliceous aggregates, raising the does reach its most stable form in a thin layer at the interesting possibility that its presence may often reflect border between this zone and the next. The mineral of an association with ash (see Discussion). this thin layer is called crandallite. The mineral phases The reaction cascade described above occurs over a of the outermost layer that today is in contact with the scale of centimetres. In Theopetra Cave, Greece, we sediments is most complex. It is an intimate mixture of have observed another reaction cascade that occurs two minerals, montgomeryite, a calcium aluminum over a distance of metres in one specific stratigraphic phosphate mineral that may or may not contain mag- horizon (Karkanas et al., 1999). Figure 3 shows the nesium (Fanfani et al., 1976), as well as leuco- distribution of the authigenic minerals in unit IIb dated phosphite, a potassium iron-rich phosphate mineral. by radiocarbon to between 25,000 and 38,000 years . These should be the most stable or least soluble of all The reaction cascade observed is calcite, dahllite, the minerals in this reaction rim. crandallite or montgomeryite, and finally the mineral The replacement features of the minerals in the called taranakite, a potassium aluminum phosphate reaction rim show that a cascade of reactions occurred mineral. The same trends of decreasing calcium and over time. The cascade reflects the fact that the rock increasing aluminum are also present here, but over itself is rich in calcium, hence the proportion of cal- much larger distances than in the reaction rim of the cium decreases in the minerals with increasing distance rock in Kebara Cave. The sequence of mineral changes 920 P. Karkanas et al.

Figure 3. Northern section of excavation squares Z10–L10 in Theopetra Cave, Greece. Note how the mineralogy changes from east to west in layers between II4 and II11. D: dahllite; CR: crandallite; M: montgomeryite; A: non-stoichiometric Ca–Al phosphates; T: taranakite. Micromorphological evidence showed that the alteration did not proceed from a single front but continued with ongoing sedimentation.

Table 2. Distribution of major authigenic minerals in caves studied to date by the authors

Qumran Ortvale Caves 24 Klde Zhoukoudian Tabun Hayonim Kebara Theopetra

Minerals None + Calcite + + + + + Dahllite Small +++++ amount Crandallite + + + Montgomeryite + + + + Leucophosphite + + + + Taranakite ++ is thus similar but not identical to that observed in state, the so-called reduced ferrous form, when oxi- the reaction rim. Taranakite was also observed in dation conditions are minimal or absent, or in a ferric Kebara Cave, but not in direct association with this state when oxidation conditions prevail. They can, specific rock. In Hayonim Cave, dahllite, crandallite, therefore, in principle, be used to reconstruct the past montgomeryite and leucophosphite have been ident- oxidation conditions. This is of great interest because ified, whereas in localities 1 and 4 at Zhoukoudian, as many of the primary constituents of the sediments that well as in Ortvale Klde Cave, Georgia, only dahllite are most important archaeologically are composed of was found (Table 2). Table 2 shows that at least with organic matter (pollen, charcoal and other botanical respect to authigenic phosphate minerals, caves in a remains) that may be destroyed under oxidising con- very wide geographic range exhibit common properties ditions. Another helpful property of one of the most that can be understood in terms of the diagenetic common groups of iron containing minerals, the iron reaction cascade. Note too that authigenic phosphate oxides, is that they are very insoluble under oxidation minerals may not form in prehistoric caves at all. This conditions, but when very little or no is present probably occurs only under exceptional circumstances. will readily dissolve. Thus observations that iron oxide In Qumran Cave 24, Israel (Table 2), which is located minerals have been redistributed is also an indica- in a very dry area adjacent to the Dead Sea, no tion (but not a proof) of past reducing or minimally authigenic phosphates were noted. This is likely due to oxidising conditions. Solubility of iron minerals also the lack of available moisture. increases with decreasing pH. The same situation exists Iron-containing authigenic minerals are of particular for manganese-containing minerals. The base of layer 4 interest, because iron can exist in the non-oxidised in locality 1 of Zhoukoudian has a very distinct red Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves 921 colour. The mineral mainly responsible for this colour determined by Nriagu (1976) based on calculations, is the iron oxide haematite. It was observed to be and not by direct measurements. Their relevance to present as coatings on quartz grains. The haematite natural cave environments needs to be verified. Our zone is found in a cultural horizon containing relatively empirical observations in eight different prehistoric abundant stone artefacts and bones, some of which caves are generally consistent with the calculated re- were burned (Weiner et al., 1998). Even though we did lationships of the stability fields produced by Nriagu not observe organic matter in this layer, it is likely that (1976). This strongly suggests that they are at least a in the past organic matter was present. The reasoning reliable first estimation for assessing preservation con- is that organic matter is generally destroyed by oxi- ditions. They therefore provide an invaluable means of dation and therefore while it is being destroyed little or determining the chemical palaeoenvironment during no oxygen is present. This in turn leads to conditions the formation of the authigenic minerals observed in under which the iron minerals became soluble and the field, of deducing information about the changes redistribute themselves for distances of centimetres to in the chemical palaeoenvironment, and for assessing decimetres from the breaking-down organic material, the completeness of the assemblage of primary anthro- where oxidation conditions prevail. We have noted a pogenic minerals that are preserved in a particular similar phenomenon in Theopetra (unpublished obser- environment. The latter is of much archaeological vation). In general little is known to date about the importance. suites of authigenic iron and manganese minerals in One particularly important environmental par- prehistoric caves. We also note that haematite and ameter is pH, as it reflects the acidity or alkalinity of other iron oxides may form directly from the break- the water in the sediments. This in turn affects the down of certain silicate minerals, such as biotite, which chemical reactions that occur during the formation and are common in many igneous rocks (Righi & Meunier, dissolution of authigenic minerals. Thus one of the 1995). variables of the stability field diagrams presented here is pH. Water entering a limestone cave contains the products of dissolved calcite and its pH is controlled by What can be Deduced from the Authigenic the dissolved CO2 content. Generally this water is Minerals? neutral to alkaline (pH 7–8·5). It is well known that the more CO2 that is dissolved, the lower is the pH In general chemical diagenetic changes reflect the (Krauskopf, 1979). The CO2 content increases when tendency of sedimentary materials to achieve chemical the water passes through an organic-rich soil cover equilibrium when new environmental conditions are above the cave, or when the temperature decreases imposed (Taylor, 1964). Thus the formation of an (Palmer, 1991). authigenic mineral can be regarded as the product When water passes through guano it becomes rich in resulting from changes of specific environmental phosphate and more acidic. The pH of bat guano is parameters. These parameters define the stability field reported to be between 2 and 3 (Martini & Kavallieris, of the authigenic mineral under consideration. The 1978). This is due to the fact that guano, particularly stability field can therefore provide information on the bird and bat guano, is particularly rich in phosphorous limits of the chemical element concentrations that are (Martini & Kavalieris, 1978), and that when the required for the formation of the mineral, the acidity organic matter reacts with the dissolved oxygen in the or alkalinity of the formation waters, and even the water, it releases CO2 which lowers the pH and liber- oxidation conditions that prevailed if the formation of ates the phosphate. This water is capable of reacting the mineral is related to changes in oxidation state. with calcite (or dolomite) and altering it to dahllite. A convenient way to display the relationships The reaction uses acid and therefore the remaining between minerals is a diagram in which the stability solution becomes more alkaline, favouring the stabilis- fields of different minerals are plotted as a function of ation of carbonates. This means that as long as calcite two variables (e.g. pH and aluminum concentration in is present in the sediments the pH is controlled by the the circulating waters). From such diagrams we can pH of the waters entering the cave. This in turn define the range of water chemical compositions in prevents the associated dahllite from being dissolved. which the mineral is stable. Lines define the equilib- Thus sediments such as loess, that can often comprise rium conditions under which two minerals can coexist up to 30% calcite (Pye, 1987), essentially prevent and they separate different mineral stability fields. We the diagenetic cascade of reactions from continuing can also use these diagrams to deduce what will happen beyond the dahllite stage. This may be the reason why if a shift in a chemical condition, such as pH, occurs. only authigenic apatite is present in Zhoukoudian and The diagrams are constructed using experimentally Ortvale Klde (Table 2), both of which contain a major estimated thermodynamic and solubility data of the component of loess in the sediments. minerals. The relevance of these data can be evaluated Fresh wood ash has a pH of 9–13 (Etiegni & and/or verified from the observed relationships of the Campbell, 1991). During combustion of wood CaO is minerals in the field. In our case most of the data formed, most probably from the oxidation of calcium for the authigenic minerals in prehistoric caves were oxalate crystals that are commonly found in wood 922 P. Karkanas et al.

101 presented below, we refer to this mineral phase as apatite (or hydroxyapatite) and not the carbonated 100 form of apatite, dahllite, found in caves (and bones). The reason is that the appropriate solubility par- –2 10 ameters of cave dahllite are not, as yet, available. The – –3 manner in which this plot, and the ones presented 10 below is calculated is shown in the Appendix. HPO4 α 10–4 Figure 5 illustrates plots of the phosphate or aluminum concentration against pH for various con- 10–5 FCA centrations of aluminum, calcium, phosphate and C potassium. The calculated stability fields are shown for 10–6 the four most common phosphate minerals found in the prehistoric caves we have examined. The 10–7 HA aluminum, calcium and potassium concentrations Soluble phosporous 10–8 C used for calculating the stability fields are ‘‘educated guesses’’ for the natural concentrations. If, for 10–9 HA example, the aluminum concentration is decreased, C then the stability field of montgomeryite increases 10–10 (compare Figure 5(a), (b)). 6 78910 These diagrams show that pH is an important pH environmental parameter in determining the stability Figure 4. Limiting conditions for the alteration of calcite (C) to of these authigenic minerals. In general, apatite is hydroxyapatite (HA) and fluor-carbonate apatite (FCA) following stable when the pH is greater than 7, montgomeryite Nriagu (1976) and Vieillard et al. (1979) , respectively. Solid lines for 3·7 and crandallite for pH values between 6 and 7, fixed activity of bicarbonates HCO3 =10 and dashed line for  2·7 2+ 4 HCO3 =10 assuming saturation with calcite for Ca =10 and taranakite for more acidic pH conditions. The and 103, respectively. aluminum concentration is clearly an import- ant environmental parameter. In Figure 5(c), the aluminum concentration is plotted against pH and the (Kennedy et al., 1968; Scurfield et al., 1973). The appropriate stability fields are depicted. Clearly, higher amount of CaO formed increases with increasing com- aluminum concentrations will result in crandallite bustion temperature. Upon cooling the CaO readily rather than montgomeryite forming at approximately reacts with water (or water vapour) to form Ca(OH)2. the same pH conditions. As calcium hydroxide is very soluble, it may be re- These diagrams provide us with interesting moved from the ash if sufficient water is available, or in insights into possible past diagenetic chemical pro- the ‘‘dry’’ state it will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere cesses that resulted in the formation of the observed and react to form CaCO3 in the form of calcite. authigenic minerals. For example, the stability field of The latter is the major mineral component of ash montgomeryite is most restricted. Its presence in the (Humphreys et al., 1987), even a few hours after sediments implies that the prevailing pH conditions cooling. When this ash is moistened by water, its pH were between 6 and 7, the aluminum concentrations ff will be bu ered to about 8·2 by the CaCO3. If the ash were low (Figure 5(c)) and the phosphate concen- contains a large proportion of K and Na, their pres- trations moderately high (Figure 5(a), (b)). The ence in the form of hydroxides may raise the pH even major likely sources of phosphate are breaking down higher. As both these compounds are very soluble, this (oxidising) bird and bat guano and wood ash, and the effect may only be transient until such time as they are major source of aluminum is from clays, and possibly washed out of the ash (Wattez & Courty, 1987; Etiegni other sources such as siliceous aggregates. We can & Campbell, 1991). conclude that montgomeryite will form when the clays The pH of the water in equilibrium with dahllite in a are relatively stable, but guano is breaking down. cave environment will remain between 7 and 8·5. The Crandallite will be preferred if a source of aluminum is reaction of calcite to dahllite is strongly related to the present and the phosphate concentration is low. concentration of in the form of phosphate Taranakite on the other hand will form in place of in the water and the carbonate concentration. From montgomeryite or crandallite under more acidic con- Figure 4 it can be seen that the concentration of ditions. However under conditions of high phosphate phosphate required for converting calcite to apatite is concentration and close to neutral pH conditions, relatively low irrespective of the pH. It can also be seen taranakite will form directly from apatite. The latter is that very low amounts of phosphorous can react with known to commonly occur in direct association with calcite to form apatite, but in order for the reaction guano in open air deposits (Hutchinson, 1950), and in to continue, dissolved phosphorous needs to be sup- caves unoccupied by humans (Sakae & Sudo, 1975; plied at concentrations above the equilibrium line in Fiore & Laviano, 1991). Taranakite also forms in Figure 4. Note that in these calculations and the ones prehistoric caves (Schiegl et al., 1996; Karkanas et al., Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves 923

(a) (b) 101 100 0 – 10 – 10–1

HPO4 –1 HPO4

α 10 α 10–2 10–2 –3 –3 TR M HA 10 10 TR M 10–4 HA 10–4 CR –5

–5 Soluble phosprous 10

Soluble phosphorous 10 CR –6 –6 10 10 5 6 789 576 8 pH pH

(c) 10–2

– –3 4 10

10–4 Al(OH) α 10–5

10–6 CR TR 10–7 HA

10–8 Soluble aluminum M 10–9 5 6 789 pH Figure 5. Stability relations for hydroxyapatite (HA), montgomeryite (M), crandallite (CR) and taranakite (TR) following Nriagu (1976). (a)  2+ + 6 4 4  2+ + The activities of Al(OH)4 ,Ca and K are fixed at 10 ,10 and 10 , respectively. (b) The activities of Al(OH)4 ,Ca and K are fixed 8 4 4  2+ + 4 at 10 ,10 and 10 , respectively. (c) The activities of HPO4 ,Ca and K are fixed at 10 . These activity values are considered normal for pore fluids in contact with soil and sediments. Variations in the activities of dissolved Al3+,Ca2+ and K+ are usually small compared to + 3 2+ the variations of H and PO4 (see Nriagu, 1976). Furthermore, the activity of dissolved Ca is limited by the carbonate equilibria of the limestone rock.

1999), and in Theopetra Cave it is clearly an end mation of taranakite (line A–A–A in Figure 6). In product of a reaction cascade (Karkanas et al., 1999). Theopetra Cave there is also another sedimentary layer in which the pathway is from apatite to crandallite to taranakite (line B–B in Figure 6), implying that the Implications for Archaeological Site environmental conditions that prevailed when these Formation Processes authigenic minerals formed included higher aluminum concentrations and lower phosphate concentrations. We now discuss the implications of the recognised The path E–E best describes the situation of the diagenetic processes. Field observations in Kebara Kebara Cave boulder (Figure 1), namely a continuous Cave and in Theopetra Cave show that the transfor- increase in phosphorous concentration and a decrease mation pathway of apatite to montgomeryite is com- in pH. These are in fact common geochemical pro- mon (Schiegl et al., 1996; unpublished observations). cesses. What is rarely observed in the prehistoric caves In Figure 6, the line A–A more or less depicts this that we have studied to date is apatite in direct situation. We can thus infer that when montgomeryite association with taranakite even at the mesoscopic formed, the prevailing pH conditions were between 6 level. This may imply that in the past very large and 7, and in general for this pathway the phosphate accumulations of guano were not buried, because concentrations are moderately high. In Theopetra only under such conditions of massive oxidation of Cave the reaction cascade continues until the for- organic matter will the high phosphate concentrations 924 P. Karkanas et al.

5000 101 0

– 10 –1 10 CC' HPO4 –2 2000 α 10 –3 AA'' 10 TR ''' A' –4 E M 1000 10 E'' –5 HA 10 E' –6 2 500 10 E B'' B 10–7 B' –8 CR

Soluble phosporous 10 200 10–9 C 10–10 34 5 6 78910 100 pH Figure 6. Diagram of Figure 5(b), with the stability field of calcite 50 with respect to hydroxyapatite from Figure 4. The paths A–A–A , ppm SiO Dissolved silica, B–B–B ,C–C and E–E–E –E illustrate the mineralogical changes in constant and changing soluble phosphorus concentrations. The path E–E represents the possible chemical changes in the case of 20 the Kebara boulder (continuous increase of soluble phosphorous and decrease of pH). The path can be extrapolated down to calcite although the starting material was dolomite. 10

5 necessary for this reaction occur. Thus the stability 2104 6 8 12 field diagram shown in Figure 6 enables us to define the pH approximate conditions that prevailed during the Figure 7. Variation of solubility of silica at 25C with pH. The solid period that the sediments initially accumulated and line is the solubility of amorphous silica (opal) as determined were buried, and when the authigenic minerals formed. experimentally. The dashed line is the calculated solubility of quartz With this information in hand, we can deduce (adapted from Krauskopf, 1979). whether or not other minerals are stable, and in particular those of archaeological interest. One import- conditions. This is known to occur in water that fills ant example is amorphous silica (opal), the mineral deep-seated cavities within limestone rocks (Palmer, that comprises phytoliths. Figure 7 shows the stability 1991). fields of silica and its common crystalline form, quartz. Bones are composed of carbonated apatite (dahllite) It can be observed that at pH 6 to 7, silica is practically (McConnell, 1952). The crystals in fresh bone are insoluble and therefore when montgomeryite is form- exceedingly small (about 50252–3 nm) and have a ing, phytoliths should be well preserved. Figure 7 also very large surface area rather similar to that of clay shows that the solubility of silica starts increasing (Weiner & Price, 1986). They are therefore expected significantly only above pH 8·5. Such alkaline con- to dissolve more readily as compared to authigenic ditions are generally rare, but when calcite is the dahllite formed in cave sediments, although to our dominant mineral component in the sediments or when knowledge the solubility of the latter has never been calcite is transforming into apatite, it is conceivable measured. Assuming this to be the case, then under that the pH could approach 8·5 or even higher. Thus conditions that authigenic dahllite forms in the sedi- given sufficient time and water throughput, silica phy- ments, bone dahllite should not be stable but will toliths may begin to etch and even dissolve. In fact we undergo recrystallisation or conceivably even dis- have observed in Kebara Cave that the phytoliths that solution. However when authigenic dahllite dissolves are present in a hearth composed today of calcite show and reprecipitates as crandallite or montgomeryite, severe signs of etching, whereas those in hearths com- bones will almost certainly dissolve. This was first posed of dahllite and montgomeryite show much less documented in Kebara Cave (Weiner et al., 1993) and indication of etching (Albert et al., 2000). The latter, of has since been observed in Hayonim (unpublished course, were originally composed of calcite. observation) and Theopetra Caves (Karkanas et al., We also note that occasionally flint artefacts par- 1999). We could also infer that at one location in tially dissolve or are replaced in part by phosphate Kebara Cave where no bones were present, but authi- minerals or oxide minerals (e.g. Kuhn et al., 1996). genic calcite and dahllite were present in the sediments, Flint is composed of microcrystalline quartz, which there were probably never any bones (Weiner et al., is more soluble than quartz from igneous rocks 1993). Observations of this type are clearly very (Sheppard & Pavlish, 1992). Apparently pH conditions important when interpreting the archaeozoological even more alkaline than 8·5 may exist under certain record. Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves 925

We have also noted several enigmatic phenomena containing minerals in Theopetra and Zhoukoudian related to bone preservation. We have seldom, if ever, with cultural horizons, probably because they were rich noted bone pseudomorphs preserved in the archaeo- in organic matter. This too could be an interesting logical record, whereas we have observed pseudo- application to certain archaeological problems. morphs of, for example, aragonitic land snail shells. Caution however is in order, as iron oxide minerals We also noted that in Kebara Cave bones that are may also form directly from certain silicate minerals apparently right on the border of the in situ stability (Righi & Meunier, 1995). field between apatite and montgomeryite transformed into an aluminum phosphate mineral called variscite. Variscite is rare in this and the other caves we have A Proposal studied, although it is relatively common in other caves (Hill & Forti, 1997). We do not understand why In Figure 4 it can be seen that different types of apatite variscite forms, apparently transiently, under these have different stability fields relative to calcite. This conditions. It is also of interest to note that the reflects the different solubilities of these phases, which solubility of dahllite increases with decreasing tempera- are actually different minerals. We have already noted ture (Vieillard & Tardy, 1984), as this might have that the appropriate solubility data of the implications on certain archaeological sites for relative found in the studied caves are lacking. Their stability bone preservation during glacial periods as opposed to fields will be different if we calculate them using the inter-glacial periods. ‘‘real’’ solubility data of the cave apatite. These differ- Leucophosphite is an authigenic mineral that is as ences may be small and will not alter our general view. common as montgomeryite in the caves we have However, accurate and reliable estimations of the studied. It contains iron in the oxidized ferric form, as chemical conditions prevailing after burial cannot be well as potassium, and is therefore not conveniently made until the appropriate solubility data of the vari- plotted in the stability field diagrams we presented. It is ous forms of apatite are known. This is also the case however often closely associated with montgomeryite, for the other authigenic cave minerals. Minerals such for example in the reaction rim of the large rock in as montgomeryite or leucophosphite can have different Kebara Cave (Figure 1). In Theopetra, Hayonim and contents of certain elements in their structure, and this Kebara Caves it is also clearly associated with ash will affect their solubilities. Even more important, some layers that have been subjected to severe chemical of the cave phosphate minerals have chemical com- diagenesis. This raises the interesting possibility that positions that are very different from any of the ideal the source of the iron and the potassium is the ash known mineralogical phases. They may also be more itself, possibly from the siliceous aggregates that are or less ordered at the atomic level, and be intimately known to contain relatively high concentrations of associated with another mineral phase. Clearly, the both these elements. For the iron to dissolve and solubilities of the actual authigenic cave minerals relocate, the conditions must exclude oxygen and be need to be experimentally determined. Although reducing, as only in the ferrous form is iron oxide measurements of the relative solubility data are diffi- soluble. Thus another reason why leucophosphite may cult and time-consuming, they are important in order be closely associated with ash is the presence in ash of to establish a reliable basis for this program. relatively large amounts of organic matter. As the Invaluable information can be gained from the study latter undergoes oxidation, reducing conditions are of the iron and manganese bearing minerals in the cave produced. If this association is indeed widespread, it environment with respect to the preservation of the could prove to be an invaluable parameter for recog- organic matter. Organic material is generally not well nizing diagenetically-altered wood ash. We do note preserved in the archaeological record and predicting however that some clays contain both potassium and localities in a cave with the best preservation con- iron, and if they break down in a phosphate-rich ditions will be very useful. The iron and manganese environment, leucophosphite may also form. Hence minerals are often only present in very small amounts, the presence of leucophosphite in a prehistoric cave and therefore difficult to characterise. In some cases may also be unrelated to ash. these minerals are insoluble in hydrofluoric acid, Iron and manganese containing minerals probably whereas silicate minerals are not. This difference can be provide the key to addressing another important aspect exploited in order to concentrate the oxides of iron and of preservation in prehistoric archaeological sites, manganese, as was done by Shahack-Gross et al. namely whether or not conditions for preserving (1997). The oxidation state of the iron and manganese organic matter prevailed. This has direct bearing on may be conveniently determined by Mo¨ssbauer spec- the preservation of pollen, wood, charcoal, seeds etc. troscopy. The data obtained may be very interesting. Some of the authigenic minerals contain iron or Except for the case of bone preservation (Weiner manganese in the oxidized or the reduced state. By et al., 1993) there are no direct field correlations identifying these minerals, we can deduce whether between preserved primary archaeological constituents organic matter was or was not breaking down. We and the distribution of related authigenic minerals. have noted above the association of red-coloured iron Field studies in different cave environments should be 926 P. Karkanas et al. continued to provide additional correlations between relatively soluble minerals in the primary sediment. In the preservation states of the primary anthropogenic the case of wood ash from trees in northern Israel constituents and the chemical conditions inferred from which on average contain about 98% volume calcite, the authigenic mineralogical studies. The ultimate goal which is relatively soluble, and 2% volume phytoliths of this approach will be to construct a diagram where and siliceous aggregates, the volume decrease if all the the stability fields of the primary constituents will be calcite is lost could be 50 times. This can be monitored plotted against the stability field of the real authigenic by measuring the coincident increase in the proportion minerals produced in prehistoric caves. of the relatively insoluble fraction. Observations of this Much information may also be obtained by the kind in Kebara Cave have documented major volume study of the surface and near-surface diagenetic pro- changes of ash volume both indirectly and by direct cesses in both prehistorically-occupied caves and non- observation of the stratigraphic section (Schiegl et al., occupied caves. Clearly this is a crucial environment 1996). Clearly sediments which contain less calcite (as that greatly influences the grade of diagenesis that compared to ash), such as airborne dust or soils, will will characterise the forming sedimentary layer, and in potentially be subject to smaller volume changes due to turn determine what proportion of the components of diagenesis. Dissolution of mineral phases may not archaeological interest will be preserved. necessarily result in a volume change, but only in an increase in porosity. In the southwest corner of Kebara Cave the sediments have an extremely high porosity. Broader Archaeological Implications of Micromorphological observations show that nodules Authigenic Mineral Analysis are etched and large void spaces occur in their immedi- ate proximity. This may be due to the dissolution of We have noted that much of the chemical diagenesis taranakite. takes place at the surface or soon after burial of the Volume changes due to diagenesis affect calculations sediments, probably within a few tens of centimetres of bone and lithic artefact densities, which are often or less of the surface. The chemical environment in used to assess ‘‘intensity’’ of occupation. Volume this zone will therefore ‘‘fingerprint’’ the sediments changes also sometimes result in serious stratigraphic diagenetically. The main factors that determine the problems, as dissolution is not likely to be uniform extent and nature of diagenesis are, we suspect, the rate over the whole sedimentary layer, and thinning occurs of water throughput, the chemical composition of that in some areas and not in others. If, as we expect, much water, the rate of sedimentation and the organic con- of this occurs when the sediment is close to the surface, tent of the sediment. This in turn raises the interesting then a depression will form on the surface and the rate possibility of whether or not the ‘‘fingerprint’’ will be of sedimentation there will be higher than on the different for sediments produced during the periods flanks. This has apparently occurred in Tautavel Cave, that the cave was occupied as compared to when it was southwestern France, as well as in Theopetra Cave not occupied. During occupation periods the rate of (Karkanas et al., 1999). Volume changes are also sedimentation is relatively high due to the large accompanied by changes in the mineral assemblages. amounts of wood ash that is produced by fires. On the The differing assemblages in turn have different con- other hand the organic content of the sediments is tents of the elements uranium, thorium and potassium, probably lower and the organic matter itself contains which are the major sources of the radiation that less phosphate, as compared to periods of non- affects dating by thermoluminescence and electron occupation when bird and bat guano accumulates. It is spin resonance (Mercier et al., 1995a). All the above premature to try to predict the implications of these factors may seriously affect the interpretation of the differences based on the theoretical calculated stability archaeological record of a prehistoric cave. field diagrams in the previous section, as these could be quite different from those of a real cave environment. Conceptually, however, this may be feasible in the Concluding Comments future. The diagenetic cascade of reactions documented in Assessing the nature of the archaeological record is the field and predicted from the stability field diagrams essential for the interpretation of the behaviour of the clearly involves volume changes. These are of two human occupants of a prehistoric cave. Here we pro- types. During the transformation of one mineral type pose that the properties of the authigenic minerals that to another the volume can increase or decrease depend- form in a prehistoric cave can be used to reconstruct ing upon the specific transformation, and the amount ancient palaeoenvironmental chemical conditions, of volume change based on theoretical calculations can From this information we can deduce whether or be up to 90%. The more important volume change is, not materials of anthropogenic origin are absent however, probably due to loss of material during the because they were never deposited, or because they dissolution stage of the transformation and prior to the were not preserved. In order to achieve this objective, a reprecipitation stage. The extent of the volume change better understanding of the properties of naturally will depend first and foremost on the proportion of formed authigenic minerals needs to be obtained. This Diagenesis in Prehistoric Caves 927 information can then be used in a predictive prehistoric caves. In (T. Akazawa, K. Aoki & O. Bar-Yosef, Eds) manner, together with knowledge of the site formation Neandertals and Modern Humans. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 107–125. processes, to better interpret the archaeology of a Goldberg, P. & Nathan, Y. (1975). The phosphate mineralogy of prehistoric cave site. et-Tabun cave, Mount Carmel, Israel. Mineralogical Magazine 40, 253–258. 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The equilibrium constant K of the reaction is 1018·12 For apatite to taranakite and  Ca5(PO4)3OH+5Al(OH)4 +   2 + 2 + logK=5log(HCO3 ) 3log(HPO4 )+pH=18·12. 3K +5 HPO4 +22H = 2+ H6K3Al5(PO4)818H2O+5Ca +3H2O For fluor-carbonate apatite (francolite) the reaction and is: 2+    logK=5log(Ca ) 5log(Al(OH)4 ) + 2 2  + 3log (K )log(HPO )+22pH=190·50. 10CaCO +5HPO +3F +4 H = 4 3 4  Ca10(PO4)5(CO)3F3+9HCO3 calcite fluor-carbonate apatite For crandallite to taranakite

CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5H2O+ and  + 2 4H2O+2Al(OH)4 +3K +6HPO4 +  + 2+  13H =H6K3Al5(PO4)818H2O+Ca logK=9log(HCO3 ) 2   5log(HPO4 ) 3log(F )+4pH=33·81. and 2+    logK=log(Ca ) 2log(Al(OH)4 ) 3log +  2 For hydroxyapatite to crandallite (K ) 6log(HPO4)+13pH=126·60.

 Ca (PO ) OH+3Al(OH) +9H+ = For montgomeryite to taranakite 5 4 3 4  CaAl (PO ) (OH) H O+4Ca2++HPO2 +7H O. 3 4 2 5 2 4 2  Ca2Al2(PO4)3(OH)7H2O+3Al(OH)4 + + 2 + 63·90 3K +5HPO4 +14H = The equilibrium constant K of this reaction is 10 H K Al (PO ) 18H O+2Ca2++2H O and 6 3 5 4 8 2 2 and 2+ 2   logK=4log(Ca )+log(HPO4) 2+    logK=2log(Ca ) 3log(Al(OH)4 ) 3log 3log(Al(OH)4 )+9pH=63·90. +  2 (K ) 5log(HPO4)+14pH=132·80.

For hydroxyapatite to montgomeryite For montgomeryite to crandallite

 +  + Ca5(PO4)3OH+2Al(OH)4 +8H = Ca2Al2(PO4)3(OH)7H2O+Al(OH)4 +H = 2+ 2+ 2 Ca2Al2(PO4)3(OH)7H2O+3Ca +H2O CaAl3(PO4)2(OH)5H2O+Ca +HPO4 +6H2O and and 2+ 2  logK=log(Ca )+log(HPO4) 2+    logK=3log(Ca ) 2log(Al(OH)4 )+8pH=57·70. log(Al(OH)4 )+pH=6·20.