Yearbook 2000 cargolux Association of European Airlines Association of European Airlines . Avenue Louise 350 B - 1050 Brussels Tel. +32 (0)2 639 89 89 Fax 639 89 99 E-mail
[email protected] July 2000 Dear Reader of the AEA Yearbook, _____ This year sees a change in the ‘look’ negotiating – or should we say non- of the AEA Yearbook. I hope it negotiating – position, in the Air meets with your approval. Much of Traffic Control debate. No change the content follows the tried and in the way we do business, they tested format: a commentary on say, or safety will be compromised. last year, and a review of the main issues which the airlines address We – the airlines – have through their Association. You will commercialised in recent years, find, however, significant ‘added embracing competition, cutting back value’ in our Airline Profiles section. ruthlessly on costs and abandoning the lifebelt of State ownership. And Here, however, I would like to touch we have continued to improve our on a subject which is not extensively safety record. It is no accident, if covered in the Yearbook: Safety. you will pardon the pun, that the Or, to be more precise, what I might areas of the world with the best call the Politics of Safety. safety records are those where liberalisation is most advanced. In 1999, AEA brokered an agreement on what will become an Air Traffic Control keeps aircraft industry standard on Working Time, apart from each other. Other to ensure occupational health and professionals keep them in the air.