Doncaster Local Plan

Heritage Impact Assessment: Methodology and Assessment of Sites

Revised July 2019 Site Selection and Heritage Impact Assessment

1. Introduction

The Local Plan is the borough’s strategy to deliver sustainable development through the planning system. It includes a strategy for the allocation of land for housing, light industry and manufacturing, distribution warehousing and minerals during the course of the plan period. The purpose of this Heritage Impact Assessment is to support the Local Plan by demonstrating how the historic environment has been considered in the site selection process and to assess the likely impact on heritage assets, both designated and undesignated; and whether or how, any harm can be mitigated.

2. Doncaster and its Heritage Assets

Archaeological evidence shows that there was human activity in the Doncaster area from prehistoric times. Doncaster’s origins as a town, though, date from Roman times as ‘Danum’, a fortified crossing point of the River Don along the important Roman road (Ermine Street) which linked London to York. The town was rebuilt by the Normans after William I took the throne. The Normans also built castles in the Saxon settlement of Conisbrough , in Tickhill, and elsewhere in the borough.

Doncaster continued to evolve as a busy market town which along with Bawtry, Thorne, Tickhill, Mexborough, and Conisbrough all provided centres for trade for the surrounding local agricultural villages. In 1248 the borough was granted a charter for Doncaster Market, which is still a thriving attraction. The town grew around the medieval St George’s church which was eventually destroyed by fire in 1853 and replaced by Sir George Gilbert Scott’s Minster in 1858, whose tower remains a distinctive landmark from many directions.

During the early 1600s the Dutch Engineer Vermuyden was employed to drain much of the low-lying marshy land that existed to the East and North of the borough on the Don flood plain, in order to free up land for agriculture and reduce the risk of flooding. The scattered homesteads and villages of clay and brick in the low lying East and North of the borough contrasts with the more concentrated settlements of the Magnesian limestone ridge in the west with their random coursed rubble limestone buildings.

The 18th Century saw the growth in the stagecoach trade which led to the growth in horse-breeding in the town and subsequently horse racing. The St Leger Stakes, first held in the 1770s, remains the oldest classic horse race still run at the Racecourse, a key visitor attraction in the borough. Doncaster was renowned for its rich landowners, characterised by large estates and stately homes such as Brodsworth Hall, Cusworth Hall, Cantley Manor, Nether Hall and Wheatley Hall. This wealth is reflected in these historic properties, and the 18th Century Mansion House located in the centre of the town. Doncaster capitalised upon its excellent communication links in the form of the Great North Road - the primary route from London to Edinburgh. Doncaster and Bawtry benefited particularly from this which has led to a legacy of Georgian buildings in both settlements. The 19th Century saw Doncaster evolve as an industrial centre. The railways and canals that were built in this period improved transport links and saw the town grow as a key location for locomotive and carriage works. In 1853 the Great Northern Railway Company opened its Locomotive Works – locally known as the ‘Plant Works’ – in Doncaster . For more than a century the Plant was a major employer in the town and the producer of some of the most famous locomotives in the world, including the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard. The huge expansion in the population during this period saw the rapid urbanisation of the central area through an extensive housing programme for workers. At the same time more spacious suburbs grew on the outskirts to house the town’s more prosperous classes.

In the early 1900s Doncaster became a national centre for coal mining, resulting in further population growth and in-migration; the industry being the most significant employer in the area. A consequence of this growth was the development of mining communities located around the borough based around the numerous pits, sunk to exploit the rich coal seams underlying the area. The legacy of this process has resulted in Doncaster having a dispersed settlement pattern of standalone settlements outside of the main urban area. Some of these, such as Woodlands, have a distinctive planned form.

Like many other parts of the country the post war period saw massive housing growth, clearance of sub-standard housing (particularly in and around the town centre) and further growth of the borough’s suburbs - including several large municipal housing estates. From the 1980s onward the mining industry declined leading to high levels of unemployment, particularly in the former mining communities, which remains today. Doncaster is now re-inventing itself in the service and tertiary industries, and capitalising upon its assets, particularly its strong communication links.

This brief sketch of Doncaster’s historic development mentions references some of the most important of its heritage assets. It also illustrates its complex, rich and varied heritage which is reflected in the breadth of the borough’s designated and undesignated heritage assets.

In all, the borough has around 800 listed buildings, designated nationally. In addition, there are 4 nationally registered Historic Parks and Gardens and 51 nationally designated scheduled monuments.

The South Sites and Monuments Record hold records of archaeological finds. In addition, the borough has a rich archaeological potential particularly of the Romano-British period and the waterlogged archaeological remains at Sutton Common, Thorne Moor, and Hatfield Moor are of national importance.

The variety of historic areas is reflected in its 46 conservation areas. The council has also identified a total 26 historic parks and gardens of local interest and there are numbers of undesignated historic buildings which may in the future be considered for designation as buildings of local architectural and historic interest.

The aspiration in the local plan is that as part of sustainable development it can reinforce local identity and play a part in increasing the appeal of the area as a place to live, work, visit and invest in. In achieving this, the challenge is to ensure that the significance of the heritage assets which makes up the historic environment is retained for the future.

3. National Planning Policy and Legislation

The rich historic landscape within the borough is described above and there is therefore the likelihood of heritage assets being affected by the sites proposed for development. Inevitably, there will be sites proposed for allocation where there is potential for conflict between development and the conservation of heritage assets.

Any decisions by a local authority relating to listed buildings and their settings, conservation areas and scheduled monuments, including allocation decisions, must address the statutory considerations and satisfy the relevant policies of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

The statutory duties stem from the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and include special regard to the desirability of preserving a listed building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. For conservation area a local planning authority must pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area.

National planning policy, set out in the NPPF (Paragraph 185) states that local planning authorities in their plans should set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats.

The NPPF requires that planning authorities deliver sustainable development by ensuring that policies and decisions concerning the historic environment; • recognise that heritage assets are a non-renewable resource; • ensure decisions are based on the nature, extent and level of significance of the affected heritage asset(s); • ensure the historic environment is integrated into planning policies, promoting place-shaping and local distinctiveness.

Planning policy guidance published to support the NPPF and planning system advises that significance should be identified at an early stage using evidence and expertise and advises identifying areas of potential non-designated heritage assets with archaeological interest.

4. Historic Guidance

Historic England advice on the initial site selection methodology was that in order to demonstrate that the sites that the local planning authority is putting forward as allocations are compatible with the requirements of the NPPF (and, where relevant, the Duties under the 1990 Act) there needed to be an assessment of the likely effect that the development of these sites might have upon the historic environment. Historic England suggested that the Council undertake a Heritage Impact Assessment of all the sites which the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal identifies as being likely to affect Doncaster’s heritage assets.

Such an assessment would need to evaluate:- • The contribution the site makes to the significance of any designated heritage assets in its vicinity. • What impact the development of the site might have upon the elements which contribute to their significance • If it is likely to result in harm, what measures will be necessary to remove or reduce that harm • If, despite the mitigation measures, the development is still likely to harm the significance of a heritage asset, what public benefits does the site provide that outweigh the harm. If there are none, or the level of harm is not outweighed by the public benefits, then the site should not be allocated. • If there is potential for an allocation to enhance or better reveal the significance of a heritage asset.

Historic England’s Guidance “The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans” (October 2015) outlines an approach to this which is the approach followed in this impact assessment.

5. Purpose and scope of the Heritage Impact Assessment

This Heritage Impact Assessment assesses how the significance of any heritage assets affected by potential allocation has been considered in the site selection process and the likely impact this would have on heritage assets, and whether any harm can be mitigated. In doing so it is intended to be both a positive strategy and significance led as required by the NPPF and recommended in Historic England guidance.

The following types of assets have been considered in this assessment: • Designated assets including statutorily listed buildings, scheduled monuments, nationally designated historic parks and gardens, and conservation areas. • Non-designated assets such as parks and gardens of local historic interest and any buildings of local interest that may be revealed during the process.

The heritage assessment of site allocations was undertaken by the council’s conservation team. The archaeological potential of sites is excluded from this assessment. In assessing the impact of any allocation on undesignated archaeological remains the council was advised that it needed to utilise specialist archaeological expertise and this was covered in a separate exercise.

All housing and employment sites and the small number of mineral sites that are being considered for allocation in the Local Plan have been assessed. The assessment score for all sites is summarised in Table 1.

The scope of the sustainability appraisal included sites put forward as Mineral Areas of Search. These have been assessed under the same methodology and the results are summarised in Table 3.

The assessment is used to highlight heritage considerations in the next stage of decision making and indicate how any impact can be mitigated. It also seeks to identify opportunities through site allocation for finding viable uses for heritage assets or whether there are other public benefits which might outweigh any harm to significance.

6. Evidence Base

The standard sources consulted consisted of the following: • List descriptions for nationally listed heritage assets ie, The National Heritage List for England (which includes listed buildings, scheduled monuments, and parks and gardens of national significance). • Conservation area appraisals and website summaries • Doncaster Local Development Framework: Evidence Base: Identification and Assessment of Parks and Gardens of Local Historic Interest • Sites and Monuments Record. • Archaeology Scoping Study of Site Allocations (2013) • South Yorkshire Historic Environment Characterisation (SYHEC)

In addition, the council’s conservation team utilised relevant additional sources of information revealed as part of the planning process (e.g. heritage statements), the local and regional Heritage Assets at Risk databases, and their own local knowledge of the sites.

7. Methodology

The methodology for the heritage impact assessment of the sites is a significance based approach which closely follows the 5 steps outlined in advice note 3 “The Historic Environment and Site Allocations in Local Plans” site selection methodology”.

These are summarised as follows;

Step 1: Identify which heritage assets are affected by the potential site allocation.

Step 2: Understand what contribution the site (in its current form) makes to the significance of the heritage asset(s)

Step 3: Identify what impact the allocation might have on that significance,

Step 4: Consider maximising enhancements and avoiding harm

Step 5: Determine whether the proposed site allocation is appropriate in light of the NPPF’s tests of soundness

A pro-forma was produced for each site to record the information and assessment of each step above (p2 of Appendix 1). The assessment was completed by focusing on the questions related to each step on the pro-forma. The written summary and recommendation for all the sites was then summarised in a table to inform the SA process. A number of sites were added during the course of the process and these were assessed as they came in. The summary tables include all sites put forward up to the time of writing.

Step 1: Identifying Heritage Assets affected. Any designated heritage assets within the site boundary were identified through GIS mapping layers. Using the data sources referred to above and local knowledge additional heritage assets outside the site whose setting could be affected or any undesignated heritage assets affected were identified at this stage. In addition, any of these heritage assets that are ‘at risk’ or ‘vulnerable’ are highlighted where relevant at this stage.

On many sites no heritage assets were affected and in these cases the assessment proceeded directly to stage 5.

Step 2: Contribution of the site to the significance of the heritage assets.

Understanding significance is essential in order to be able to assess the potential impact of any development. The Historic England document “Conservation Principles: Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment” (2008) provides a useful basis for articulating significance which is based on how a heritage asset or place is valued by this and future generations because of its heritage interest.

This may derive from an asset’s: ・Evidential value: potential to yield evidence about past human activity ・Historical value: connection with a notable person or event ・Aesthetic value: design and appearance ・Communal value: connection with any current or past community

Many of the allocations raised issues of setting rather than direct impact. The assessment of contribution considered the relationship of the site to the heritage asset and in particular the contribution of setting and contribution of any open space to the character (especially at the edges) of Conservation Areas. This was assessed in accordance with Historic England advice contained in ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning: 3’

The allocations guidance suggests that understanding significance should be ‘in a proportionate manner’. It suggests that the more complex heritage assets may require a more detailed study at this stage and that any additional information that is essential to assessing significance (eg due the complexity of the site or nature of the heritage asset) should be sought at this stage

Where, in a number of assessments, the site made very little or no contribution to the significance of any heritage asset the assessment proceeded directly to stage 5.

Step 3: Likely impact of allocation on heritage significance.

This stage required making an assessment of how the extent, location, siting, form, appearance, or other impacts might affect the significance of the heritage asset including its setting.

At this point the likely degree of harm to significance (in so far as this was possible without scheme details) was assessed. The likely harm was given weight according to the value of the asset; i.e. in line with the NPPF: No harm/some harm/substantial harm).

Step 4: Heritage Constraints and Opportunities:

Any means of avoiding harm was identified as part of this step; for example, where harm could be minimised through constraints on the site boundary, the location, density, height, form, materials, or through retaining key views depending on the nature and significance of the affected heritage asset.

This stage was also used identify opportunities for enhancement or to better reveal significance; for example, enhancement could come through opportunities for improvements to consolidate historic character and street scene or there might be an opportunity to bring into sustainable use a heritage asset at risk. Other opportunities included possibilities of improving interpretation or increased public access (to better enjoy the heritage asset).

If there is some harm to the heritage asset(s) likely as a result of the site’s development it was particularly important that means to avoid harm or opportunities for enhancement to offset harm were identified in the assessment in order to make a balanced judgement in the next step.

Step 5: Recommendation:

The final assessment involved a written summary balancing the degree of harm against constraints and opportunities (and consistent with legislative requirements). The assessment concludes with a judgement on the suitability of site for allocation as follows; + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk 0 No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate - - Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

The final assessments summarised in Table1 were then submitted to inform the next stage of site selection in the local plan. Table 1: Heritage Impact Assessment

Below is a summary table of the potential impact on above ground heritage assets of the submitted sites with the assessment score and recommendation provided for the sustainability appraisal. The individual assessments leading to the recommendation have been organised into two groups in the Appendix. The first group of sites (yellow sites) are those where there is ‘no heritage impact’ either because there are no heritage assets within or near the site or, if there are, their heritage significance would not be affected due to the nature of the asset. The second group (green/red/brown sites) are those that would likely be affected in some way and the potential impact, whether positive or negative, is considered in more detail. Where there is potential impact the map in each assessment indicate the proximity and type of heritage asset affected.

Table 1: Heritage Impact Assessment: Summary Table

Site Site Name Score Recommendation Ref

001 Junction 6 M18, Thorne North 0 No adverse impact

002 Bloomhill Road, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

003 Land adj. Playing Fields, North Common 0 No adverse impact

004 Land off Ivy Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

005 Marshland Road, North Common, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

007 Land adjacent to 21 Main Street, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

008 Wynthorpe Farm, Dunsville - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

009 Lands End, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

011 Land rear of 55 St Mary's Drive, Dunsville 0 No adverse impact

013 West Moor Park 0 No adverse impact

023 Johnsons Field, off Holmewood Lane, 0 No adverse impact Armthorpe

033 Land adj. 163 Sheffield Road, Warmsworth 0 No adverse impact

034 Opposite Golf Course, Kirton Lane, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

035 Finningley Quarry Extension 0 No adverse impact 036 Paddock to rear of Holme Croft 0 No adverse impact

037 Land to West of Ingram Road, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact

040 Land at Sheffield Road / Old Road, Hilltop, 0 No adverse impact Conisbrough

041 Askern Industrial Estate 0 No adverse impact

042 Land to rear of Skellow Hall -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

044 Paddock at South View, Austerfield 0 No adverse impact

049 Bell Butts, Bell Butts Lane, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

051 Plot 1, Land at Old Edlington 0 No adverse impact

052 Plot 2, Land at Old Edlington 0 No adverse impact

054 Plot 4, Land at Old Edlignton - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

057 Plot 7, Land at Old Edlington 0 No adverse impact

060 Land East of Wyke Gate Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

066 Land at Old Mill Field, off Epworth Road East, - Adverse Impact which may be Hatfield possible to mitigate

068 Former Coal Depot, Pastures Road, 0 No adverse impact Mexborough

071 Off St Michaels Drive, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

072 Acres Ranch, Warning Tongue Lane, Cantley -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

077 Kirk Sandall Gorse 0 No adverse impact

079 Land at Melton Road, Sprotbrough 0 No adverse impact

080 Hazel Lane Quarry, Hampole 0 No adverse impact

081 Land off Alexandra Street, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

083 Land to rear of Bloomhill Farm, Bloomhill Road, 0 No adverse impact Moorends

086 Land adj. to Parks Road, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact 087 Kearsley Brook, Sheffield Road, Conisbrough + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

089 Coulman Bungalow, Church Balk, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

090 Land to North of Moss Road, South East of 0 No adverse impact Sewage Works, Askern

091 Land adj. to Fishlake Commercial Motors, Selby 0 No adverse impact Road, Thorne

092 Balby Carr Bank, Balby 0 No adverse impact

093 Marshgate, West of North Bridge Road - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

095 Hollowgate, Barnburgh 0 No adverse impact

097 Land at Kirton Lane, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact

101 Land North of A614 / M18 Junction, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

102 Holme Hall Quarry, Stainton Lane 0 No adverse impact

105 South of Backfield Lane, Hatfield -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

108 White House Farm, Bramwith Lane, Barnby - Adverse Impact which may be Dun possible to mitigate

109 Land off Sunderland Steet, Tickhill 0 No adverse impact

111 Land at Stevens Road, Balby 0 No adverse impact

115 Alverley Lane, Balby 0 No adverse impact

116 Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun 0 No adverse impact

118 St Marys Road, Dunsville 0 No adverse impact

120 Manor Road, Hatfield -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

121 Amersall Road, Scawthorpe 0 No adverse impact

122 Challenger Drive, Sprotbrough - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 123 Torne Valley Farm, Sheep Bridge Lane, - Adverse Impact which may be Rossington possible to mitigate

125 Park Hill, Armthorpe Lane, Barnby Dun 0 No adverse impact

130 Burger Road, Burger Common, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

133 Land off St. Nicholas Road, Thorne - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

136 Land at Bawtry Road, Finningley 0 No adverse impact

139 Land North of Wath Road, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

141 Westwood Road, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

142 Land South of Sheffield Road, Conisbrough 0 No adverse impact

143 Land North of Primary School, Church Lane, -- Significant adverse impact which Barnburgh may not be possible to mitigate

145 Land at Skellow 0 No adverse impact

146 Tickhill Road, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

147 Land to North of Hatfield Lane, Barnby Dun 0 No adverse impact

148 Loversall Land, Weston Road, Balby 0 No adverse impact

149 Nutwell South, Nutwell Lane, Armthorpe 0 No adverse impact

150 Land Adj. Bloomhill Stud Farm, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

152 Land off Bank End Quarry, Blaxton (Site 1) 0 No adverse impact

154 Land to the North West of Pastures Road 0 No adverse impact

155 'Site A', Leach Lane Industrial Estate, + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Mexborough asset or re-use a historic building at risk

159 Land around Wadworth -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

160 Thorne South Urban Extension, Bradholme 0 No adverse impact Farm, Thorne

161 Mill Farm, Mill Gate, Bentley - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 164 Land East of Warning Tongue Lane (1) 0 No adverse impact

165 Land North of the A1, Skellow 0 No adverse impact

166 Land East of Warning Tongue Lane (2) 0 No adverse impact

170 Land at Doncaster Road, Hatfield 0 No adverse impact

171 Land to North Side of High Street, Hatfield -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

172 Land off Narrow Lane, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

174 Land off Main Street, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

183 (Surplus Land) Kirk Sandall Waste Water 0 No adverse impact Treatment Works

185 Land at Mill Lane and Crabgate, Skellow - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

186 Land off Crabgate Lane, Skellow 0 No adverse impact

187 Land adj. 17 Lings Lane, Hatfield 0 No adverse impact

189 Higgins Agriculture Ltd, Old Bawtry Road, - Adverse Impact which may be Finningley possible to mitigate

191 West of New Mill Field Road and adj. Back -- Significant adverse impact which Lane, Hatfield may not be possible to mitigate

192 Land off Broadway, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact

195 Askern Miners Welfare, Manor Way, Askern 0 No adverse impact

198 Land off North Ings Road, Hatfield -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

201 Poor's Land, Hurst Lane, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

202 North of Long Lands Lane, West of Roman Rig, - Adverse Impact which may be Woodlands possible to mitigate

212 Lords Head Lane, Warmsworth 0 No adverse impact

213 Mill Lane, Warmsworth - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

214 Common Lane, Warmsworth - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 215 High Road, Warmsworth -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

217 Back Lane, Cusworth -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

220 Garage off Sheffield Road / Clifton Hill, + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Conisbrough (Site A) asset or re-use a historic building at risk

221 Garage off Sheffield Road / Clifton Hill, - Adverse Impact which may be Conisbrough (Site B) possible to mitigate

223 RHADS Site 2A, Land at Hayfield Lane, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

225 RHADS Site 3, Junction of Hayfield Lane and 0 No adverse impact Gate House Lane

226 Land South of Church Field Road, Askern 0 No adverse impact

227 West Moor Park, Holme Wood Lane, 0 No adverse impact Armthorpe

228 Land at Barnby Dun 0 No adverse impact

229 Pickup Land, Dunsville 0 No adverse impact

231 Parks Farm, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact

233 Well Green Farmstead, High Street, Barnby 0 No adverse impact Dun

234 Broad Axe, Scawthorpe - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

235 Warmsworth Quarry Extension, Sheffield Road, - Adverse impact which may be Warsmworth possible to mitigate

237 Warmsworth Quarry, Sheffield Road, 0 No adverse impact Warmsworth (2)

238 Land East of Kirk Lane 0 No adverse impact

241 Land to the East of Mere Lane, - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

244 Land off Coulman Road / Broadbent Gate 0 No adverse impact Road, Thorne 245 Land at Micklethwaite's Farm, Moorends -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

247 Former Rossignton Colliery, off West End Lane, 0 No adverse impact New Rossington

248 Land at Former Thorne Colliery, Moorends - Adverse Impact which may be (Site 1) possible to mitigate

251 Hill Top Road, Denaby Main 0 No adverse impact

252 Spring Lane, Sprotbrough 0 No adverse impact

253 Former Bloodstock Sales Site, Carr House Road - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

254 Herten Triangle, Glwice Way 0 No adverse impact

255 Former Hungerhill Business Park, Thorne Road 0 No adverse impact

256 Land South of Canal, opposite Earth Centre, 0 No adverse impact Denaby

257 Marshgate, Doncaster - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

258 Plot 1 Lakeside, Potteric Carr Road 0 No adverse impact

260 Plot 4B Lakeside, Carolina Way 0 No adverse impact

261 Plot 5A, off Carolina Way / Lakeside Boulevard 0 No adverse impact

262 Plot 6, Lakeside Boulevard 0 No adverse impact

263 3 Sites in St Sepulchre Gate West - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

265 Tear Drop Site, Wilmington Drive / Stadium 0 No adverse impact Way

273 Askern Road, Carcroft 0 No adverse impact

274 The White House, 81 Wroot Road, Finningley 0 No adverse impact

276 Bloomhill Road, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

280 Tall Trees, Rear of 17 Thorne Road, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

281 Land off Worksop Road, Tickhill 0 No adverse impact 284 Formerly Carr House Allotments, Hyde Park 0 No adverse impact

299 Orchard Farm, Hurst Lane 0 No adverse impact

302 Land off Stripe Road, Rossington (1) 0 No adverse impact

303 Land off Highfield Road, Askern 0 No adverse impact

304 Land off Windgate Hill, Conisbrough 0 No adverse impact

305 Land off Stripe Road, Rossington (2) 0 No adverse impact

306 Land off Grange Lane, Rossington 0 No adverse impact

307 Land South East of Rossington, between Great - Adverse Impact which may be Nort Road and Rail Line possible to mitigate

308 Land East and West of Clay Lane West, Long -- Significant adverse impact which Sandall may not be possible to mitigate

309 Land off Westminster Drive, Dunsville 0 No adverse impact

310 Rear of Bentley Road, Doncaster 0 No adverse impact

311 Land rear of Bryson Close, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

313 Land North East of Micklethwaites Farm, -- Significant adverse impact which Moorends may not be possible to mitigate

315 Land West of Station Road, Blaxton 0 No adverse impact

317 Land East of Station Road, Blaxton 0 No adverse impact

328 Land off Tait Avenue, Edlington 0 No adverse impact

329 Off The Grove, Barnby Dun - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

330 Land off Bell Butts Lane, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

331 Land off Coulman Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

332 Land off Manor Road, Hatfield - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

343 Alexander Street / North Eastern Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

346 Robinsons, Oldfield Lane, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact

347 Margatroyds, Stainforth Lane, Barnby Dun 0 No adverse impact 348 Oldfield Lane, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact

349 Land East of Gatesbridge Park, Finningley 0 No adverse impact

350 Rose Hill, Cantley 0 No adverse impact

352 House of Play, 91 Abbey Road, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact

356 Land off Lindrick Lane, Tickhill -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

357 Land off Wong Lane, Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

367 1-29 Buttermere Close Garages, Buttermere 0 No adverse impact Close, Carcroft

368 Adwick Depot, Mill Lane, Adwick-le-Street + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

369 Alexander Street, Bentley 0 No adverse impact

371 Ashwood House, Adwick-le-Street + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

374 Avenue Road, Instoneville 0 No adverse impact

375 Barnburgh House, Edlington Lane, New 0 No adverse impact Edlington

376 Broadway, Dunscroft, H9-004 0 No adverse impact

378 Doncaster Road, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact

379 Garden Street, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

380 Goodison Boulevard (1), Cantley 0 No adverse impact

381 Harpenden Drive, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact

383 Hill Top Road, Denaby, U5-003 0 No adverse impact

384 Howbeck Drive, Edlington, U2-016 0 No adverse impact

388 Kirton Lane, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact

389 Layden Drive (Small Site), Scawsby - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 395 Weston Road / Newbolt Plots, Balby 0 No adverse impact

396 North Eastern Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

397 Orchard Street, Balby 0 No adverse impact

398 Owston Road, Carcroft 0 No adverse impact

399 Pickering Road, Bentley 0 No adverse impact

400 Rose Hill Cemetery Land, Cantley Lane, Cantley -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

401 Sandyfields View, Carcroft 0 No adverse impact

406 St Edwins Close and York Road, Dunsroft 0 No adverse impact

407 The Avenue, Cantley 0 No adverse impact

408 The Crescent, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact

411 Wilberforce Road, Garage Site, Clay Lane 0 No adverse impact

412 Willow Drive, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

414 Windhill, Whinhill Avenue, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

415 Woodland View, Edwin Road, Woodlands + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

416 Goodison Boulevard (2), Cantley 0 No adverse impact

418 The DN7 Initiative + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

420 Austerfield Quarry, Land North of Highfield 0 No adverse impact Lane

421 Tudworth Hall Farm, Tudworth Road, Hatfield 0 No adverse impact

422 Auckley 1, East of The Hollows, Auckley 0 No adverse impact

425 Land at Loversall Farm, Loversall - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 426 Land at Marshland Road, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

427 Land at Marshland Road / rear of Kingsmede, 0 No adverse impact Moorends 428 Land at Wharf Road and Whittington Street 0 No adverse impact

429 Former Torndale School Field, Gattison Lane, 0 No adverse impact Rossington

430 Land off Warning Tongue Lane 0 No adverse impact

431 Land off Thorne Road, Edenthorpe - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

432 Former Wheatley Hills Middle School, Leger 0 No adverse impact Way

435 Former Depot, Sheffield Road, Conisbrough 0 No adverse impact

436 Land at Scawsby Lane - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

438 Waterfront (East), Chappell Drive - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

439 Waterfront (West), Chappell Drive - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

440 Civic And Cultural Quarter, Waterdale - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

441 Land at Carcroft Common, Carcroft 0 No adverse impact

446 Blaxton Quarry Phase 2, Mosham Road, 0 No adverse impact Auckley

448 Land to the East of Bawtry Road, Finningley 0 No adverse impact

452 Land West of Dadsley Road, Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

457 Land off Waggons Way, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact

458 Land off Church Lane, Adwick -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

459 Land off Doncaster Lane, Adwick -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

460 Land off Lutterworth Drive, Adwick 0 No adverse impact

461 Redhouse Lane (a), North West, Adwick 0 No adverse impact

462 Land off Adwick Lane, Carcroft 0 No adverse impact 464 Willow Farm, Branton 0 No adverse impact

469 Land at Bloomhill Road, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

473 Cantley Lane, Rose Hill, Cantley -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate

474 Sunnyside Depot, Sunnyside, Edenthorpe 0 No adverse impact

475 Land South of Oakwell Drive and Coniston 0 No adverse impact Road

494 Green Lane, Scawthorpe - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

495 Rostholme, Bentley (Full Site) - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

499 Land off North Avenue, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

501 Adjacent 46 Marshlands Road, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

503 East View Farm, Marshland Road, Moorends 0 No adverse impact

505 South End Marina and adjacent Land, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

508 Land off Marshlands Road / The Avenue, - Adverse Impact which may be Moorends possible to mitigate

510 Adjacent Thorne South Station, off South End 0 No adverse impact Road, Thorne

512 Redhouse Lane (b), North East, Adwick 0 No adverse impact

513 Redhouse Lane (c), South, Adwick 0 No adverse impact

517 Safeguarded Cargo Area, Robin Hood Airport 0 No adverse impact

526 South Quay, off Lakeside Boulevard 0 No adverse impact

529 BLP Expansion, Kirk Sandall Industrial Estate 0 No adverse impact

569 Askern Saw Mills, High Street, Askern 0 No adverse impact

646 Site At Former Yorkshire Main Colliery , 0 No adverse impact Broomhouse Lane, Balby

662 Site Of Former Rossington Colliery, West End 0 No adverse impact Lane, New Rossington 687 The Embankment, Leach Lane Industrial Estate, + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Leach Lane, Mexborough asset or re-use a historic building at risk

748 Doncaster Sheffield Airport Ltd, First Avenue, 0 No adverse impact Auckley

758 Coronation Road, Crossbank, Balby 0 No adverse impact

777 'Plot 3', Harlington 0 No adverse impact

778 Land adjacent Broadacres, Doncaster Road, -- Significant adverse impact which Hatfield may not be possible to mitigate

780 Land at Thorne Road 0 No adverse impact

784 Cuckoo Lane, Hatfield - Adverse impact which may be possible to mitigate

786 South of Cockhill Close, Bawtry - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

788 Land at Sprotbrough - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

795 Land on the East Side of South End, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

818 Land off Hatfield Lane, Armthorpe 0 No adverse impact

824 Land behind Lumley Drive, Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

825 Fields off Drake Head Lane, Conisbrough 0 No adverse impact

826 Field off Clifton Hill, Conisbrough 0 No adverse impact

832 Land at Auckley - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

833 Sandy Lane, Doncaster + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

834 Pitt Street, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

835 Warmsworth Reservoir, Warmsworth 0 No adverse impact

836 Land South of Woodfield Way 0 No adverse impact

838 Kirk Street/Ramsden Road/Eden Grove - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 850 Land At Alagu Close ,Off Highwoods Road, 0 No adverse impact Mexborough

862 125A, 127, 127A, 129 AND 131A Balby Road, 0 No adverse impact Balby

872 Land at Melton Road, Sprotbrough 0 No adverse impact

873 Site A, Land at Martin Common Farm, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

874 Site B (Safeguarded), Land at Martin Common 0 No adverse impact Farm, Bawtry

875 Site A, Land to East of Doncaster Road, Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

876 Site B, Land to East of Doncaster Road, Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

877 Site C, Land to East of Doncaster Road, Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

878 Land at Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, 0 No adverse impact Rossington (Employment)

879 Land at Bankwood Lane Industrial Estate, 0 No adverse impact Rossington (Housing)

880 Land at Tickhill - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

886 Oswin Avenue Balby 0 No adverse impact

889 Land North East Of Industrial Park, King 0 No adverse impact Edward Road, Thorne

890 Land Rear Of 67 - 79 South End, Station Road, 0 No adverse impact Dunscroft

893 Land Of The Former Cinema, Edlington Lane, 0 No adverse impact Edlington

894 Former Nurses Home, Cemetery Road, 0 No adverse impact Mexborough

897 Princegate House, Princegate, Doncaster 0 No adverse impact

901 East Lane House, 60 East Lane, Stainforth 0 No adverse impact 902 Snooker Club, 21 - 27 St Sepulchre Gate, + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Doncaster asset or re-use a historic building at risk

906 Denison House, 15 South Parade, Doncaster + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

916 Belmont Works, 3 Havelock Road, Balby 0 No adverse impact

918 Barnby Dun Car Centre, Top Road, Barnby Dun 0 No adverse impact

922 Garage Site, Maple Road, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

923 Electricity Sub Station, Young Street, Doncaster + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at risk

925 Land Off Highfield Road, Askern 0 No adverse impact

929 Land North of Cadeby Road, Sprotbrough 0 No adverse impact

930 Land between Lindrick Lane and Worksop - Adverse Impact which may be Road, Tickhill possible to mitigate

931 Land at Warren Farm, High Street, Dunsville 0 No adverse impact

932 Site 1, Land at West Moor Farm, Armthorpe - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

933 Site 2, Land at West Moor Farm, Armthorpe 0 No adverse impact

934 Site 3, Land at West Moor Farm, Armthorpe 0 No adverse impact

937 West Moor Park East, Holme Wood Lane, 0 No adverse impact Armthorpe

938 Site 1, Junction 4, M18 0 No adverse impact

939 Site 2, Junction 4, M18 0 No adverse impact

940 Site 1, Land East of Poplars Farrm, Hurst Lane, - Adverse Impact which may be Auckley possible to mitigate

941 Site 2, Land East of Poplars Farrm, Hurst Lane, - Adverse Impact which may be Auckley possible to mitigate

946 Land Off Station Road, Dunscroft 0 No adverse impact 949 Land Off Site Of Former Rising Sun Public + Opportunity to enhance a heritage House, Hatfield Road, Thorne asset or re-use a historic building at risk

950 Station Hotel, 93 Station Road, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

951 Land On The North East Side Of Alexandra 0 No adverse impact Street, Thorne

952 Open Land At Corona Drive, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

955 Former Askern Selby Road Youth Club, Selby - Adverse Impact which may be Road, Askern possible to mitigate

956 Premier House, Selby Road, Askern 0 No adverse impact

958 Land Off White Lane, Thorne 0 No adverse impact

959 13 - 17 Cleveland Street, Doncaster 0 No adverse impact

960 The Highwoods, Elm Road, Mexborough 0 No adverse impact

961 Former Yorkshire Water Reservoir Site, Ridge - Adverse Impact which may be Balk Lane, Woodlands possible to mitigate

966 Bawtry Hall, South Parade, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact

970 Land Off Doncaster Road, Hatfield - Adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate

972 Land To North Of Gowdall Green, Bentley 0 No adverse impact

979 Units 1 To 3, Scawthorpe Hall, The Sycamores, 0 No adverse impact Scawthorpe

980 Doncaster Racecourse, Leger Way, Intake 0 No adverse impact

983 4 Kings Road, Wheatley 0 No adverse impact

984 Former McCormick Tractors International, 0 No adverse impact Wheatley Hall Road, Wheatley

986 170 Beckett Road, Wheatley 0 No adverse impact

990 Ivor Grove, Balby 0 No adverse impact

991 Land Adjoining 71/73 Bosworth Road, Adwick 0 No adverse impact Le Street 992 Millcroft House (Adjacent 5 Mill Croft), Mill 0 No adverse impact Croft, Stainforth

995 Menagerie Wood, Bawtry 0 No adverse impact -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate 996 Land West of Bawtry Hall, Bawtry 998 Land at Moorends Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact 999 Land at Broadbent Gate, Moorends 0 No adverse impact Land to the North of Stringers Nurseries, 0 1000 Crookhill Road, Conisbrough No adverse impact -- Significant adverse impact which Paddock adjacent to Manor Farm, Hickleton may not be possible to mitigate 1003 Road, Barnburgh -- Significant adverse impact which Field adjacent to Manor Farm, Hickleton Road, may not be possible to mitigate 1004 Barnburgh 1005 Land to the West of Repton Road, Skellow 0 No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be 1006 Land off Towngate, Bawtry possible to mitigate Land to the South East of Cuneigarth, - Adverse Impact which may be 1007 Bramwith Lane, Barnby Dun possible to mitigate 8 Acre Field, Townend Farm, Ramskir Lane, 0 1008 Stainforth No adverse impact 1010 Land off Gate House Lane, Doncaster 0 No adverse impact 0 1011 Land at Grange Farm, Finningley No adverse impact Land at Auckley Common, Common Lane, 0 1013 Auckley No adverse impact 0 1014 Land at Holme Wood, Armthorpe No adverse impact 0 1016 Land to East of Attero No adverse impact 0 1017 Land at Martin Grange Farm, Bawtry No adverse impact 0 1019 Apy Hill, Tickhill No adverse impact 0 1020 Bank End Quarry No adverse impact -- Significant adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate 1021 Stud Farm, Tickhill 1023 Sewage Works, Lands End Road, Thorne 0 No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be 1024 Wilsic Lane, Tickhill possible to mitigate Site 1 (Brownfield) Land to the East of Old 0 1025 Bawtry Road No adverse impact Site 2 (Greenfield) Land to the East of Old - Adverse Impact which may be 1026 Bawtry Road possible to mitigate - Adverse Impact which may be 1028 Sunderland Street, Tickhill possible to mitigate - Adverse Impact which may be 1030 Paper Mill Fields, Tickhill possible to mitigate 0 1031 West Moor Park, East No adverse impact 0 1032 Site A - East of Bankwood Lane, Rossington No adverse impact Site B - Northern end of Bankwood Lane, 0 1033 Rossington No adverse impact 0 1034 Land at Warren Farm, High Street, Dunsville No adverse impact 0 1035 Land off Hill Top Road, Denaby Main No adverse impact -- Significant adverse impact which 1036 Melton Road, Newton may not be possible to mitigate

- Adverse Impact which may be 1038 Woodhouse Lane, Hatfield possible to mitigate 0 1039 Stripe Road, Rossington No adverse impact 0 1040 Off Sheep Bridge Lane, Rossington No adverse impact + Opportunity to enhance a heritage asset or re-use a historic building at 1041 Balby Archives, King Edward Road, Doncaster risk

Ashworth Barracks, Former Nexus Centre, - Adverse Impact which may be 1042 Balby possible to mitigate 0 1045 Land off North Avenue, Bawtry No adverse impact 0 1046 Site A - Land at Cross Bank, Balby No adverse impact 0 1048 Schofield Street, Mexborough No adverse impact 0 1049 The Cusworth Centre, Cusworth Lane No adverse impact + Opportunity to enhance a heritage 1051 Fern Bank/Adwick Depot, Adwick asset or re-use a historic building at risk 0 1052 Stanley House and Rosemead House, Balby No adverse impact 0 1053 Don View, Thellusson Avenue, Scawsby No adverse impact 0 1054 Harpenden, Dunscroft No adverse impact 0 1055 Cook Street and Truman Street, Bentley No adverse impact 0 1056 Gattison/Tornedale, Rossington No adverse impact 1058 Land Off Westminster Drive, Dunsville 0 No adverse impact 0 1059 Cherry Grange, Pickering Road, Bentley No adverse impact Land Between Hatfield, Stainforth, Dunscroft 0 1060 And Dunsville, Doncaster, DN7 No adverse impact + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Conisbrough Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, 1062 asset or re-use a historic building at Conisbrough risk Land At The Talisman, Chestnut Grove, 0 1063 Conisbrough No adverse impact 0 1064 Land Off Howbeck Drive, Edlington No adverse impact 0 1066 1 Spa Terrace, Askern No adverse impact Land At Former The Warrenne Youth Centre, 0 1068 Broadway, Dunscroft No adverse impact Land To The Rear Of 98 North Eastern Road, 0 1069 Thorne No adverse impact + Opportunity to enhance a heritage 1070 24 Avenue Road, Wheatley asset or re-use a historic building at risk Opportunity to enhance a heritage 1071 1 Scot Lane, Doncaster asset or re-use a historic building at risk 0 1072 Spar Stores, 7 High Street, Hatfield No adverse impact 0 1074 St Peters House, Princes Street, Doncaster No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be 1075 Land At End of Layden Drive, Scawsby possible to mitigate + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Suite Express House, 39A Skellow Road, 1076 asset or re-use a historic building at Carcroft risk Units 1 To 2 Queens Court, Rowan Garth, 0 1077 Bentley No adverse impact + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Junction Of Chadwick Road, Edwin Road, 1080 asset or re-use a historic building at Quarry Lane, Woodlands risk 0 1081 Cedar Adult Centre, Warde Avenue, Balby No adverse impact Conisbrough Social Education Centre, Old 0 1082 Road, Conisbrough No adverse impact + Opportunity to enhance a heritage Prudential Chambers, 4 Silver Street, 1084 asset or re-use a historic building at Doncaster risk + Opportunity to enhance a heritage 1085 7 - 9 Scot Lane, Doncaster asset or re-use a historic building at risk Site Of Former Westminster Club, Westminster 0 1086 Crescent, Intake No adverse impact Narrow Lane, Bawtry and Bawtry Road, 0 1087 Austerfield No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be 1088 Land South West of Conisbrough possible to mitigate Land to East of New Street, Owston Lane, - Adverse Impact which may be 1089 Carcroft possible to mitigate 0 1092 Consort House, Waterdale, Doncaster No adverse impact Old Guildhall Yard Building, Old Guildhall Yard, 0 1093 Doncaster No adverse impact 0 1094 1 Thorne Road, Doncaster No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be 1096 Land At Marshgate, Doncaster possible to mitigate 0 1097 Steel Supplies Limited, Arksey Lane, Bentley No adverse impact 0 1098 Land Off Little Lane, Clay Lane, Doncaster No adverse impact 0 1099 Land South Of Holme Wood Lane, Armthorpe No adverse impact 0 1100 Blaxton Quarry, Mosham Road, Auckley No adverse impact 0 1102 Land at Balby Carr Bank, Balby No adverse impact 0 1103 Plot B3c, Water Vole Way, Balby No adverse impact CH Power Tools Ltd, Hutton Business Park, 0 1107 Hangthwaite Road, Carcroft No adverse impact Former Pyramid Printing Works, Bear Gardens, 0 1109 Great North Road, Adwick Le Street No adverse impact - Adverse Impact which may be 1110 Marshgate Depot, Friars Gate, Doncaster possible to mitigate 0 1113 Carr Hill, Balby Carr No adverse impact North Common Nurseries, Marshlands Road, 0 1121 Moorends No adverse impact Land to West of Ingram Road, Dunscroft 0 1122 (smaller site) No adverse impact

Table 2: Minerals Areas of Search

There are 18 distinct Minerals Areas of Search excluding site 47.1 which is assessed as part of site 47. Below is a summary table of potential impact of the area of search on above ground heritage assets with the assessment score given towards the sustainability appraisal. The individual assessments for each site are grouped as ‘no heritage impact’ (yellow sites) and potential adverse impact (red/brown) sites. Where there is potential impact the maps indicate the proximity and type of heritage asset. A high proportion of the sites have been assessed as having a negative impact due to the initial adverse temporary impacts of extraction. This is discussed in the text for the entry on each site. The only site where there is potential for direct harm to a heritage asset is Site 65 which covers part of an area designated as a local park and garden of historic interest and is the wider setting of a listed building.

Table 3: Mineral Areas of Search: Summary table

3 South of Rossington off B6463 - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 5 West of Bawtry 0 No impact on heritage assets 6 North of Spital Hill - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 44 Land between Edenthorpe, Kirk Sandall and - Potential temporary Armthorpe Lane adverse impact which may be possible to mitigate once extraction is completed 46 east of the A638 (Great North Road) - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 47 Land between the M18 and Gatewood Lane. 0 No impact on heritage and NB Site 47.1 is a smaller portion of site 47. assets 47.1 50 Land to the East of the M18 (near Armthorpe - Potential temporary junction 4) adverse impact which may be possible to mitigate once extraction is completed 51 Land the West of the A614 - Potential temporary adverse impact which may be possible to mitigate once extraction is completed 52 Hatfield Woodhouse - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 54 Land between Gatewood Lane and the A614 0 No impact on heritage (Brick Hill Carr) assets 55 Brierholme Carr - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 58 Land to the east of the A614 and north of the 0 No impact on heritage B1396 assets 64 Land between Barnby Dun and Dunsville - Potential temporary adverse impact which may be possible to mitigate once extraction is completed 65 Land to the south of Dunsville -- Potential adverse impact which may not be possible to mitigate 66 The Lings Dunsville - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 68 Warmsworth-Conisbrough - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 85 Skelbrooke - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate 88 Stainton and South of the M18 - Potential adverse Impact which may be possible to mitigate