Easter Directory for Professional and Staff Use Only Contents

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Easter Directory for Professional and Staff Use Only Contents Helping you keep well Doncaster Information Pack 2016 Easter Directory For professional and staff use only Contents Click to the headings below to go to the relevant section Urgent care services Single Point of Access and RDaSH Director emergency Contact Useful contacts DBHFT useful contacts Social care services Other emergency service contacts Non-healthcare useful contacts GP surgery contacts Pharmacy opening times and contacts Care homes Domicilliary care providers Urgent Care Services Emergency Care Practitioners (ECP) Telephone number: 08448 706800 Open 24 hours a day 365 days a year for healthcare professionals to refer to providing care to patients who are registered with a Doncaster GP. The criteria for referrals include: • Minor injuries – Cuts, grazes, bruises, bites, bumps, lumps, swellings and sprains, strains to any part of the body • Minor illness – Headaches, ear/nose/throat problems, rashes, generally unwell, constipation, high tempera- ture, skin infections, nose bleeds • Moderate illness – Chest infections, mild difficulty breathing, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, vomiting, dizzi- ness, possible urine infections, reduced mobility, retention of urine, back pain, PEG problems, raised INR • Falls – All falls and any resulting injuries • Exacerbation of long term conditions – COPD, Asthma Doncaster Same Day Health Centre Telephone Number: 0300 123 3103 - Cavendish Court, South Parade, DN1 2DJ. Available 8am to 8pm for appointments seven days a week all year round for urgent primary care needs. Patients can contact this service direct. Doncaster Emergency GP Out of Hours Service (OOHs) Telephone Number: 01302 647609. This number is under no circumstances to be given to the general public. For all general healthcare professional queries Telephone Number: 0845 122 2120. This service covers all periods where GP Practices are closed. Patients can contact this service direct. Please Note: When signposting patients please explain that the first contact is their own GP surgery and they will be transferred to GP OOHs automatically or will be told which number to call NHS 111 Open 24 hours a day 365 days a year for immediate reassurance and advice. Patients can contact this service direct. The NHS 111 service at YAS will be re-introducing Palliative Care Nurses to the call centres with effect from Saturday 14th November and they will be in place at key times through to the end of the 2015-16, primarily on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays between the hours of 8am and 8pm. They will take cases from the clinical queues which have been identified by a call handler as requiring Palliative Care Services, (usually by means of a special patient note) and will be available to give specialist palliative care clinical advice to callers. Single Point of Access & RDaSH Community Matrons Patients can contact this service direct, via Single Point of Access – available 24 hours per day: Tel: 01302 566999 Fax: 01302 566789 District Nurses Patients can contact this service direct, via Single Point of Access – available 24 hours per day: Tel: 01302 566999 Fax: 01302 566789 Community Intermediate Care Team (CICT) Patients can contact this service direct, via Single Point of Access – available 24 hours per day: Tel: 01302 566999 Fax: 01302 566789 CICT aims to reduce hospital admissions and facilitate early hospital discharges through the provision of short term, time limited interventions for patients who have a health and/or social care need. Mental Health Services Mental Health has a stepped care approach. If an individual needs to talk to someone RETHINK run a 24 hour helpline: Telephone: 0800 519 3013 GP surgeries in Doncaster each have a Personal Wellbeing Practitioners who support in the management of mood related disorders. The PWP can be accessed by contacting the surgery directly. For Counselling, clients can be signposted to RELATE, Cruise, Doncaster Rape and Sexual Abuse, Platform 51 and Mind. For individuals with greater needs Doncaster Improving Access to Psychological Therapies offer a range of therapeutic interventions. Improving Access to Psychological Therapies referrals can be accessed through the G.P or by the individual self-referring; The Talking Shop, 63 Hallgate, Doncaster, DN1 3PB Telephone: 01302 565650 For individuals who are believed to have a serious mental health problem and for whom the PWP and IAPT have not worked for a referral can be made to the Access Team on Telephone: 01302 798400, fax number 01302 798106 For individuals who are determined to have a mental health problem and are in Crisis, the Access team has a 24 hour crisis function and can be contacted on: Telephone: 01302 798400. The Referrer should access the service they believe would meet the individuals need. All teams are availa- ble to discuss an individual’s mental health needs. Children’s Mental Health Services Telephone: 01302 304070 Health Care professionals only Hawthorn Ward & Hazel Ward Both wards will be open 24/7 throughout the bank holiday to receive step up patients. Contact Senior Professional on 07917031917 Director Emergency Contact NHS England Yorkshire and Humber on Call Directors On-call duty periods commence at 09.00 on Monday morning and end the following Monday at 09.00. The 24 hour on call team for NHS England Yorkshire and Humber is contactable on 033 012 4267 DBHFT on Call Directors Executive Director On-call Contact: To avoid confusion due to the use of different phone numbers for on-call purposes, all call to the Executive Director on call are to be directed through Switchboard Telephone Number: 01302 366666 (via switchboard) RDaSH on Call Directors Telephone Number: 01302 796000 (via switchboard) Both the Out of Hours Director and the Chief Executive’s office are contactable via the switchboard on 01302 796000. The trust’s switchboard staff are aware of the detailed arrangements for the period and are well versed in contacting Out of Hours where necessary. Yorkshire Ambulance Service on Call Directors Telephone Number: 01924 584 265 General Calls: 0845 1219992 Duty Communications Manager: 01924 584977 Regional Ops Centre (ROC): 0300 330 0299 Emergency Ops Centre (EOC): 01924 872027 Monday to Friday – Out of Hours A&E and YAS PTS If there is a problem when local PTS liaison is closed please contact YAS via the Regional Operations Centre (ROC) The caller must request ROC to contact on call PTS Manager for assistance and provide name and con- tact number for the PTS Manager to call back on DMBC on Call Directors Telephone Number: 01302 341628 The Alarm Receiving Centre will transfer calls out of hours to the appropriate department or Director. CCG on Call Directors NHS Doncaster CCG has shared with its main providers a Director-to-Director contact route outside of normal business hours for contact with the commissioner in exceptional circumstances. Useful Contacts Dental Access Centre The Dental Access Centre is available to patients by dialling 111. Healthcare Professionals can con- tact the service on 01302 565351. This number is under no circumstances to be given to the general public. Dental Emergency Out of Hours Service The Dental Access Centre is available to patients by dialling 111Healthcare Professionals can contact the service on 01302 565351. This number is under no circumstances to be given to the general pub- lic. Doncaster Community Equipment Services Telephone Number: 0300 1000 243 Open 7 days (excluding bank holidays) 8:00am till 6pm Ian Ashton – Doncaster Depot Manager NRS Healthcare Patients can contact this service direct. Out of Hours Community Equipment Services Telephone Number: 0300 1000 243 After 6pm this number is redirected to the out of hours service engineer. Please note there are no out of hours delivery, only out of hours repairs. Patients can contact this service direct. Doncaster Drug & Alcohol Services (DDAS) Telephone Number: 01302 730956 or 303900. Patients can contact this service direct. Open Monday and Thursday 9am – 7pm. Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays 9am till 5pm. Saturday and Sundays Closed. Easter Holiday opening times: Thursday 24th March 9.00am to 5.00pm Friday 25th to Monday 28th March (Inclusive) closed Tuesday 29th March 9.00am to 5.00pm Services provide drug and alcohol specialist care planning and co-ordination, mutual aid support, hep- atitis B vaccinations, specialist midwifery and Shared Care GP service. Doncaster integrated Services – Children & Young People Family Services Family Nurse Partnership Sprotbrough Clinic, Melton Road, Sprotbrough, Doncaster, DN5 7SB (01302) 782539 Health Visiting Service Mary Woollet Centre, Danum Road, Doncaster, DN4 5HF (01302) 566776 School Nursing Service Sandringham Road Health Centre, Sandringham Road, Intake, Doncaster, DN2 5JH, 0800 0199 951 Long Term Conditions & Specialist Nursing Team Cantley Health Centre, Goodison Boulevard, Cantley, Doncaster, DN4 6ED (01302) 379528, (01302) 379566 Useful Contacts Tri-Health GU Medicine site: Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster, DN2 5LT. Drop In • Monday 9am to 5:50pm • Tuesday 9am to 12:10pm • Wednesday 1pm to 5:20pm • Thursday 9am to 3:20pm • Friday 9am to 3:20pm Appointments • 9am to 6:20pm • 4:30pm to 6:20pm • 9am to 4:20pm • 9am to 4:20pm Sexual and Reproductive Health (Contraception) site: East Laith Gate House, Doncaster, DN1 1JE • Monday 9am to 6:30pm • Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 5pm • Wednesday 1pm to 6pm • Saturday 9am to 12:45pm Both sites will be closed Friday 25th and Monday 28th March (Bank Holidays). Project 3 Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Service Project 3 Young Peoples Health and Wellbeing Service offer a range of information, advice and sup- port for young people aged 18 years focusing on the following areas: • Contraception and sexual health • Drugs, alcohol and legal highs • Stop Smoking • Support for young people affected by somebody elses use of drugs or alcohol We have a drop in at East Laith Gate House, East Laith, Doncaster , DN1 1JE or can be contacted direct on 01302 640032 or via email [email protected] This service will be closed Good Friday and Easter Monday but will be open Saturday 26th March 10am to 3pm.
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