Sprotbrough and Parish Council Goldsmith Centre, 259 Road, Sprotbrough, , DN5 8BP T: (01302) 788093 E: [email protected] www.sprotbroughandcusworthparishcouncil.gov.uk

14th January 2021 Dear Councillor,

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.00.p.m. on Thursday 21st January 2021. This will be a virtual meeting which can be accessed using the following link; https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/536213341 You can also dial in using your phone. : +44 20 3713 5028. Access Code: 536-213-341. Members of the public can join the meeting with this link as well.

For help joining the meeting please read the following information; https://support.goto.com/meeting/help/how-to-join- a-meeting-g2m030001

There will be a confidential section at the end of the meeting. Members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting at the end of the public session and then the meeting will be locked.

Yours sincerely,

Clerk to the Council


1. To receive any apologies. 2. To receive any declarations of personal or disclosable pecuniary interests. 3. To consider the extent, if any, to which it may be necessary for the press and public to be excluded by resolution. 4. To receive the General Schedule of Accounts and Payments due (Appendix 1) 5. To consider any matters raised by the public. 6. To confirm, or otherwise, the draft Minutes as a true record and consider any matters arising from the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th December 2020. (Appendix 2) 7. To consider Planning Matters: - a) Current Applications. (Appendix 3) b) Neighbourhood Plan update 8. To consider Recreation & General Amenity Matters: - a) Covid 19 requirements b) General recreation site/building matters: New Lane, Newlands, Goldsmith, Anchorage 9. To consider Financial Matters: - a) To consider a s137 grant applications – Sprotbrough Library c) To consider and approve Draft budget and precept for 2021/22 (Appendix 4,5 and 6) 10. To receive an update on progress towards the actions in the Action Plan 2020-21 (Appendix 7) 11. To agree Terms of Reference and members of Climate Change Working Group (Appendix 8) 12. To agree Terms of Reference for Project Working Group (Appendix 9) 13 To agree the format for the Parish Council meeting on 18th February 2021 and Performance, Review and Staffing Committee. 14. To receive a report from members from any relevant meetings or conferences attended. 15. To receive any Correspondence the Chairperson may wish to lay before the Council (Appendix 10) 16. To consider confidential items.