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POLITICS PAGE 6 the Georgian KIS Policy: Quick, Simple & Cheap! Issue no: 1013 • JANUARY 12 - 15, 2018 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50 In this week’s issue... Georgia’s Breakaway S.Ossetia Signs Agreements with Republika Srpska NEWS PAGE 2 Bulgaria Promises to Enhance Bilateral & Multilateral Relations with Georgia POLITICS PAGE 6 The Georgian KIS Policy: Quick, Simple & Cheap! POLITICS PAGE 9 Photo source: http://www.businesskorea.co.kr World Bank Forecasts Georgia's Economic Growth BUSINESS PAGE 10 ON EXCHANGE Russian Embassy in UK FOCUS Criticizes BBC’s New McMafi a Exclusive interview with Bulgarian EP Special Coordinator & the latest on the Roki and Psou trade corridors PAGE 6, 7 TV Series SOCIETY PAGE 11 Combating Fake News: EU Experts to Visit Georgia to Support Consumer Training Students in Media Literacy in Georgia, Ukraine, Rights Protection Moldova SOCIETY PAGE 12 BY NINO GUGUNISHVILI A Natural Producer: U experts from the United Kingdom Tornike Koplatadze and Poland are to visit Georgia on January 15-17, with a mission to assist CULTURE PAGE 15 the development of a legal framework for consumer protection and con- Esumer rights. The visit, in cooperation with the Parliament of Georgia, is being organized by the European Commission’s Technical Assistance and Informa- tion Exchange Instrument (TAIEX). The goal of the upcoming experts’ visit to Georgia is to assist the European Integration Committtee of the Georgian Parliament in drafting a new law on Consumer Rights Protection, “which transposes to the national legal system the main provisions of EU directives and regulations in the fi eld.” ern legal framework for consumer rights pro- legal issues concerning the EU-Georgia Asso- “The ultimate goal is to align Georgian legisla- tection. ciation Agreement and the transportation of tion with the EU acquis and put in place a mod- Also during the EU experts’ visit to Tbilisi, other relevant EU legislation with be discussed. GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS JANUARY 12 - 15, 2018 Prime Minister’s Comment on the Special Georgia’s Breakaway S.Ossetia Operation in Pankisi rime Minister of Georgia, Giorgi Kviri- Signs Agreements with Republika kashvili, has spoken out about the recent anti-terrorism operation in Pankisi, a region of Georgia well-known for hav- ing produced a number of radical Mus- Plims, though many citizens live out their daily lives Srpska there in peace. “I would like to comment on a very important BY THEA MORRISON issue to our country and our State: terrorism, a challenge facing the whole world. Our State, too, is doing everything to avert this threat. Of course, when you are tackling this challenge in your own he de facto delegation of Georgia’s country, especially when it involves your citizens, breakaway South Ossetia region, led it is very sensitive and calls for caution. by the self-proclaimed President Ana- Our special forces have conducted a series of toly Bibilov, is paying a visit to Repub- special operations, each aiming to preempt terror- lika Srpska, one of two constitutional ist threats. These operations claimed the life of one Tand legal entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. of our special forces offi cers and four were wounded. The so called state-led news agency of S. Ossetia, These young men risked their lives in protecting PEC, reports that Bibilov and his delegation took our citizens’ safety. part in the festivities of the Republic Day in Banja “I would like to state that, fi rst of all, it serves the Luka on January 9, after which he held a face-to- interests of the authorities that the objective and face meeting with Republika Srpska's leader, Pres- effective investigation by the Prosecutor’s Offi ce ident Milorad Dodik. answers every question existing in our society as The de facto South Ossetian Foreign Ministry Photo: Self-proclaimed S. Ossetian President Anatoly Bibilov and the President of the Republika Srpska quickly as possible. This is why, at this point, given reports the leaders discussed issues of mutual rela- Milorad Dodik. Photo source: cominf.corg the circumstances, making preliminary statements tions and prospects of deepening cooperation. or conclusions is damaging to the State’s interests. "We are very pleased to visit Republika Srpska. The later was appointed by Bibilov as South Osse- he gave gifts and learned about recent develop- “Unfortunately, the life of Temirlan Machalikash- On behalf of South Ossetia, I wish your Republic tia’s special representative to Republika Srpska. ments. vili, who was wounded during the special opera- peace and prosperity," Bibilov said. "We would like Gela Valiev to represent our Georgian opposition parties are calling on the tion, could not be saved, though the State and doc- Milorad Dodik, for his part, has noted that, "it is Republic here. He knows Republika Srpska; he has Georgian government to carry out a more effective tors did everything in their power to save him. And a great honor for Republika Srpska to receive the many friends here, and I think he can be a good foreign policy against the uncontrolled actions of no matter the outcome of the investigation, I extend President of South Ossetia." He then expressed intermediary in our relations,” Bibilov told Dodik, the de facto South Ossetian authorities, claiming my condolences to his family. readiness for the further development of friendly going on to invite him to breakaway S.Ossetia in that Bibilov and his representatives are traveling “I also offer my respect to our Kist fellow com- relations between the two states. August, when the so called state is to celebrate 10 to European countries in order to seek international patriots who, through the centuries, have repeat- The sides also discussed international issues, years since Russia recognized it as an independent recognition. edly exhibited their attitude confi rming their loy- adding that the Russian Federation is a reliable country. Irakli Koplatadze, Georgia’s Ambassador to Tur- alty to Georgia and its interests. Their resolve has “strategic partner” to both. The two sides also signed a memorandum on key, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, says never been doubted, and I assure you it is impos- The offi cial visit of Anatoly Bibilov to Republika cooperation between the “states”, as well as a Pro- that offi cial Sarajevo expressed concern over the sible to undermine it. Srpska will last until January 13. tocol on cooperation between the party "United visit of Bibilov and his so called delegation to “Our society understands well that the State is The so called President's trip is accompanied by Ossetia" and the Union of Independent Social Republika Srpska, adding they have reiterated responsible for the safety of its citizens, and our the head of his offi ce, Igor Kozaev, de facto Minis- Democrats of Republika Srpska. their support to Georgia’s sovereignty and terri- special services will spare no effort to fulfi l this ter of Foreign Affairs Dmitry Medoev, and Adviser Before arriving in Banja Luka, Bibilov also visited torial integrity within its internationally recog- paramount duty.” to the so called Foreign Minister, Gela Valiev. the Donetsk separatist republic in Ukraine, where nized borders. Abkhazia to Set Fishing Restricts says that this year’s fi gure will mostly be distrib- BY TOM DAY uted between six republican enterprises engaged in anchovy fi shing and processing it into fi shmeal and fi sh oil, whereas 15% will be left for Russian he self-proclaimed government of the enterprises as prescribed by the Abkhaz-Russian breakaway region of Abkhazia has agreement. made the decision to restrict the “When the fi shing season starts, we will see how amount of fi sh which can be caught many of the Azov anchovies will swim into our in its waters to half its previous amount, waters. The Institute of Ecology is conducting Tdue to the signifi cant reduction in fi sh off the coast. research so we use what we are provided with and This year, the catch limit will be 20,000 tons. distribute that quantity, so we can’t exceed that The decline was confi rmed by statistics collected stock and the total allowable catch,” said Gadlia. by both the Institute of Ecology of Abkhazia and The Abkhaz government added that if there is the Russian Azov Black Sea Scientifi c Research more fi sh that what was predicted then they might Institute of Fisheries. increase the limit, but only if environmentalists Because of the decline, only a quarter of the pre- consent to it. vious catch limit of 40,000 tons was met in 2017. The Institute of Ecology estimated that the cur- The head of the Fisheries Department of the rent anchovy stock off the coast of Abkhazia is Ministry of Agriculture of Abkhazia, David Gadlia, approximately 80,000 tons. FIRST BRAND HOTEL IN KUTAISI UNDER BEST WESTERN INTERNATIONAL Within the framework of the Georgian Hotels’ Regional Three mobile conference halls are available with a total Network Development Project “12 hotels in 12 regions” by capacity of about 100 persons. GHYHORSPHQWFRPSDQ\³6LPHWULD´WKH¿UVWEUDQGKRWHOKDV been opened in Kutaisi under the Best Western International (XURSHDQFXLVLQHFDQEHHQMR\HGLQWKHJURXQGÀRRUFDIp brand. and a grill-bar menu in the roof top restaurant with panoramic views over the city. The hotel accommodates 45 guest rooms, including 40 standard rooms and 5 suites. The hotel was designed taking The International Hotels Management Company “T3 into consideration special conditions and safety for guests Hospitality Management,” providing the hotel management, with disabilities. has 20 years’ experience in hotel management in different countries globally. Address: 11 Grishashvili Str., 4600, Kutaisi, Georgia TEL 219 71 00 [email protected] GEORGIA TODAY JANUARY 12 - 15, 2018 NEWS 3 Another Arrested for Allegedly Helping Terrorists Enter Georgia BY THEA MORRISON eorgia’s State Security Ser- vice (SSS) has arrested Georgian citizen Zurab Idoidze in Akhmeta Munic- ipality, Kakheti Region, on US Dep’t of State Lists Georgia Gcharges of helping IS-linked terrorist Akhmet Chatayev enter Georgia.
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